#Cherise Gautier
You know what?
*Yassifies your CoN characters*
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therelignedstars · 5 months
"I don't trust that thing especially cause it looks innocent, and most things that act innocent aren't. I learned that from my high-school years. Cherise Gautier is the only exception to that rule of mine."
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i just realized my username could be interpreted to be a reference to Sylvain Jose Gautier. While I also like that guy (*has only read fanfic about him*) my username is referencing Nick Gautier and Cherise Gautier from the Dark-Hunter/CON series. but i guess he can be included bc from what i know his dad and brother suck.
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Caleb: Can Nick come study with us?
Cherise: Sure! But keep in mind, if anything happens to my baby, you better pray that your mythical goddess can bring back the dead because NOTHING will stop me from killing you.
Caleb: -nervous laughter-
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huntersbrotherhood · 6 years
La Historia de Adarian & Cherise (Desde el punto de vista de Adarian)
Adarian había estado siguiendo la pista de un demonio que quería matar y absorber, pero el deseo había huido en el momento en que su dulce aroma lo golpeó. Ella se había ido de compras con sus amigas, cuyos rostros no podía recordar, no tenían importancia. Su atención se había centrado solamente en ella. Su pelo rubio había sido el color de la luz del sol y sus grandes ojos azules, al igual que un cielo perfecto, pero había sido su preciosa risa la que había roto el hielo de su interior, tan llena de vida, tan dulce. Ella lo había capturado en un instante y lo dejó indefenso, había estado tan enamorado de ella que incluso se había matriculado en su escuela y se hizo pasar por un estudiante. Todo por verla, aunque fuera de lejos, durante más de un año era todo lo que había hecho. Sentado en soporíferas clases sólo para poder estar en la misma habitación que ella, como una flor desesperada para llegar a la luz del sol a través de las grietas irregulares de una fracturada pared. Él ni siquiera había intentado conversar con ella, no había valido la pena. Y entonces, un día, milagrosamente, se había fijado en él mientras se sentaba detrás de ella en una clase de historia. Todos los días después de eso, ella torpemente entraba en la habitación a hablar con él antes de la campana como si fuera un chico normal. Por primera vez en su existencia, había anhelado una amistad. De modo que la buscó sin ninguna otra razón, que solo para reír con ella. No le habría hecho ningún daño. Jamás. Pero debido a su falta de contacto con los humanos y la ignorancia de su mundo y sus costumbres, no se había dado cuenta aún apenas, lo joven que era ella en ese momento, casi una niña. Era su inocencia ingenua lo que lo atrajo, cuando él en realidad debería haberla dejado marchar. Incluso entonces, él nunca habría tocado su inocencia si ella no lo hubiera besado. Había sido la primera vez en todos sus siglos de vida que alguien le había mostrado tanta ternura. O cualquier atención. Había abierto las emociones de lo que nunca había conocido antes. Y Que él no podía entender. Nacido para matar y destruir, un Malachai era una criatura básica. No sentía absolutamente nada excepto odio total. No sentía ninguna otra cosa. Sólo un vacío. Y ese maravilloso, hermoso beso... Ella era la única que le había enseñado su pesar y tristeza. Miseria. A día de hoy, él daría cualquier cosa si pudiera recuperar esa tarde y dejarla tan pura como la había encontrado.
  Sherrilyn Kenyon Spain
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fangirl-overload13 · 7 years
Snack time
(I don’t think I’ve actually posted this on here yet so here you guys go!)
Cherise really enjoyed having a cat around the house for extra company so to show how much she appreciated having Mr. Fuzzy boots as Nick so affectionately referred to the new addition to their small family, she splurged and got a bag of cat treats for him and he seemed to take to them right away.
Xev wasn’t sure what was in these little pieces of food that Cherise kept giving him but he really enjoyed them, though after spending an eternity in a hell realm anything tasted good, but he really liked these so he had convinced Nick to bring him more.
Much to Nicks dismay Xev would eat them even in his human form and he really didn’t need to draw any more attention to himself so Nick always made sure to disguise the bag as something else before people started asking questions like why the giant anime reject was eating cat food.
Best not to tick off a cursed god with social issues and extreme PTSD, even with only a fraction of his powers things would not go well for the local Neanderthals that passed as his classmates or random jerks on the street, so what they saw was a bag of trail mix or granola because why not?
Nick is walking with Xev to sanctuary to pick up his mom from work for the night, Xev had insisted on accompanying them because well let’s face it they were both magnets for trouble.
Nick didn’t mind having him along and his mom being the saintly soul that she is loved having him around and thought it was very sweet of him to offer to walk them home at night.
Nick just wished Xev would leave the cat treats at home for once. Please gods and other entities couldn’t he leave the freaking bag at home just once? But maybe that was too much to ask.
They arrived at the famed bar and grill and the bear of a man watching the door was Nick’s good friend Dev.
“Hey Dev, my mom ready?”
Dev smiled at them when he noticed them.
“She’ll be out soon I’m sure, you know your mama is always happy when you come to walk her home, she’s always bragging about you to the rest of the staff, though if you keep this up you’ll make the rest of us look bad.”
Nick laughed knowing his mom had a bad habit of doing that.
”Well you know my mama would ground me till the end of time if I so much as have wicked thoughts so I need to be on my best behaviour as much as I can be.”
Dev nodded his understanding.
“Some nights I wonder if I should switch jobs with her, for such a little thing your mom can be truly terrifying.”
Nick grinned.
“Yeah she’s small but she’s fierce.”
Xev hangs back while he listens to their conversation. It still amazed him that Nick could stand so close to shape shifters like those who ran this bar and other non-human entities and none of them had a clue what he really was, though it made his job a whole lot easier.
Dev looked up and greeted Xev as well.
“Hey, you on guard duty again?”
The staff at sanctuary had grown accustomed to seeing Xev by now hanging out with Nick and picking up Cherise when Nick was running late. Since Nick was friends with people like Acheron, Simi, Eric, and Tabitha, one more Goth type wasn’t very surprising and he seemed like a decent person so everyone treated him well.
Everyone knew that Nick had bad luck when it came to trouble so they had taken to referring to Xev as the body guard (they didn’t know just how right they were).
“Yeah, you can never be too careful.”
Dev nodded.
“Too true. If you weren’t here I’m sure one of us would have had to take up the job of Nick-sitting.”
“Hey! I’m right here you know!” Nick huffed crossing his arms over his chest.
“We know.” Dev grins at him.
The door opened and Cherise came out with a big smile on her face at the sight of them.
“Hello boys, you’re here on time I see.” she turned to Dev, “I hope they weren’t bothering you while you were working Dev.”
Dev smiled and shook his head though.
“No bother at all cher, it’s kind of slow right now so a little conversation really helps kill the boredom, you have a good night now.”
She smiled and patted his arm.
“Thanks, you too.” And with that the three of them were on their way back to the condo.
As they walked Xev had pulled the bag of kitty treats out of his pocket again and started eating them as they walked.
Cherise saw it and was curious.
“What do you have there?”
Nick had to glance at the bag to remember what he transformed it into this time to come up with something fast.
“It’s granola ma, he’s become addicted to it recently, he’s on a special diet right now so he takes some with him where ever he goes.” that last part was more directed at Xev to let him know that he really had a problem going, but Xev just rolled his eyes and continued eating.
“Is that so? Well maybe I should try some.”
Nick began to panic, there was no way he was going to let his mom eat cat treats thinking it was granola, luckily Xev stepped in with one of those creative truths that kept Nick from being grounded until he met Saint Peter at the gates.
“It’s a very specific diet, so it’s probably not a good idea to share, but if you like I can bring you some granola the next time I stop by Cherise.”
Wow why couldn’t Nick be able to bend the truth like that so convincingly? Points to Xev on working the special diet thing so well.
His mom seemed to except this well enough.
“Alright, I’ll look forward to it then. Would you like to join us for a late dinner Xev? it wouldn’t be any trouble.”
Xev glanced at Nick.
“Thanks for the offer but I should be going. Have a good night.” he turned and walked away after they had reached the front door of the building. But Nick knew that once he was out of sight Xev would flash himself into the condo in cat form so that his mom doesn’t find out that their cat was ever missing.
“He’s such a nice boy, I’m happy that you have such well-mannered friends boo, you’re a good judge of character, I know most people would look at some of your friends and judge them harshly but they are all down right decent.”
Bless his saintly mom who could see past what was on the outside of people or in the case of much of their friends, almost people. But even she might find it hard to look past the friend with the cat treat addiction; though she seemed to handle Simi’s weird tastes such as BBQ sauce and ice-cream pretty well.
Now the only thing left was to Keep replacing the bags of cat treats so his mom never finds out just how many Mr. Fuzzy boots really eats. He was beginning to be the local pet shops favorite costumer.
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calebsmalphas · 7 years
@belamanaxkolasi honestly I think there's a lot of people who don't like Cherise. I have mixed feelings myself. On one hand she was a child herself when she had Nick and had to grow up real damn fast and she's done a pretty good job except for the fact she jumps to conclusions so fast it's as if she doesn't know her own son which leads to her letting him down when he needs her support the most. Which breaks my heart because Nick doesn't deserve that judgement from his own mother when everyone else already thinks badly of him. I don't trust Cherise to pull through when Nick needs her most.
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aneverydaypenguin · 6 years
CoN characters as “_ in Spanish” memes
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becauselu-ge · 8 years
Rockabye baby is Cherise Gautier's theme song
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therelignedstars · 5 months
//Cherise Gautier, the one character that can make me cry. Goddammit I wish I had a mom like her. She so gosh darn sweet.
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Nick: Mom, I refuse to go back to school after what my principal just said to me.
Cherise: What did he say?
Nick: "You're expelled," like how dare you
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trickrydomain · 3 years
not to be anime on main but 
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booksandwords · 3 years
Intensity by Sherrilyn McQueen
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Series: Chronicles of Nick, #8 Read time: 1 Day Rating: 5/5
The quote: Let no one take you down. You stand and you fight until the end! Not for fanfare, or for applause or laurels, but because you know what’s right and what’s wrong. Never fight because you have an audience or to gain esteem or notoriety. You fight for what matters—for the right things in life. Truth. Honesty. Dignity. Let no one steal, lie or cheat. You keep what you earn and never allow anyone to run over you because of the lies they tell others. And the lies others are so willing to believe about you. — Cherise Gautier
I am not tagging this with a spoiler warning but read on at your own risk. Intensity (and this review) contain spoilers for the Dark-Hunter verse.
We ended Invision with Simi in danger and being framed for murder. The murders of Tyree and Alan were actually committed by Cyprian Malachai, Nick's son with Laguerre. Cyprian is exactly as dangerous as he sounds given he is the son of a Malachai and War. Cyprian and Laguerre are the ones that Grim was sensing in Instinct and possibly the ones that bought out the Zeitjägers. The very first chapter of Intensity before the prologue, kinda like an introduction but not is called The Meaning of Time. It is about the Zeitjägers, about how they were born and why they were needed. It indicates they will be important to the story in some way.
Interestingly the end of Invision is not addressed until about halfway through the book. Simi isn't addressed at all. There is an awful lot of emotional punches in Intensity. Jared is completely unaware of Xevikan's existence. He knows Myone is his mother but thinks that Jaden is his father not his grandfather. Something I've suspected for a while is that Jared and Jaden are in a self-sacrificial protection loop. Hearing more of the story confirms it for me. Add Xev to the mix, who sacrificed his happiness allowing his father to raise his son and the whole thing is just tragic. We get to meet the beautiful Myone, that was just one of the time I cried in this book. Crying for what might have been and her happiness at meeting her great-grandson. There was a shock for me in that section, it is so easy to see why Xev fell fo Myone why he risked so much for his love of her.
Intensity is a good name for it. Not only is Nick's world ramping up but there is a lot packed in plot-wise. It is an intense read. But I did read it in a single sitting. The ending is effective, if unexpected. It explains a lot. Why Caleb isn't known, why Adrian is gone. Yes, I cried. But it wraps up the series well. If Sherri had decided to leave it there I would have been okay with that. There was true happiness in seeing Xev and Caleb just watching content and talking. Xev openly thinking that Nick is now his and Myone's legacy. But yet again Sheer throw information that we are almost expected to know but didn't. Like Braith and Apollymi being one and the same? Since when? Aside from that, there are a few implications that never lead anywhere like were the swords were saved by Jaden? What happened with Simi? They don't detract per see. Especially because it gives the next series somewhere to go immediately. With questions to answer.
Have a dump of thoughts from my reading.
Of course, Nathen is Cyprian. His pure power is why Kody and Caleb can't sense him. But I'm surprised it isn't having an impact on Caleb having two masters in one place. Though Nathen’s identity is not confirmed explcitly.
Takeshi and Nashira are brilliant together. I did not expect Takeshi at all. He's wonderful. But a trickster demon and a time guard (aka a yōkai and a Zeitjäger) feel like an odd combination, I'd love to know that story.
I like Shadow. I swear I've read a book with him in him before. But I would have noted him in my reviews and I didn't (though I have read the Deadmen series multiple times).
Takara is a surprise. I did not expect to see her. SHe's not in her humanoid form but she is there. Good lord she belonged to Kissare, the father of the first Malachai. She was only ever wielded by two. Kissare and Jared.
Have I ever mentioned how much I love the mighty chihuahua as a nickname for Cherise?
Something it's taken me an embarrassingly long time to pick up about Vawn. He's coded trans. Yes here it is by magical means but he is still trans he is a man living in a woman's body.
I really like the Celtic triplets, Arswyd Gan Drindod, the Terror by a Trinity. Rhyvawn Ddu (usually called Vawn), Kaziel and Aeron.  They are terrifying yes but man oh man they are fantastic.
Is it Neria or Nyria? I'm wondering if it is a term of endearment. Her name is Nekoda Kennedy or Belam.
"And not all that far in the future. It would all start when Julian and Grace reunited with Kyrian" (Kody, p.222) — And that would be Night Pleasures. (Julian's story, Julian of Macedon is a prequel)
Damn, I was off on Simi's husband. It's Savitar. It makes sense. Between them, they can broaden the scope of the Omergrion Council. And there aren't too many beings that Acheron would trust Simi with.
So here we are the last book in the Chronicles of Nick series. While I had spoilers for some aspects of the series mostly who characters are and parentage I had no idea for the series ended. I somehow managed to avoid those spoilers. I looked up what happens after this. There is a four-part series called Shadows of Fire, focused on Cyprian Malachai then a trilogy for adults to finish everything off.  Sherri confirms in the bio for Shadows of Fire that CoN & SoF are Nick from Dark-Hunters real and true past. That said due to the dramas with he-who-shall-not-be named we are looking are 6+ years before Heart of Venom (book one in the SoF series). I'm not going to look at the series overall as I sometimes do in the last book od a series because as Nick says “Take my word for it. The end is just beginning.” (Nick p. 280). But what I will say is the series does stand alone if Sherri never gets to Shadows of Fire.
I put in my review for Invision that I felt I needed a family tree to keep up with the familial connections in the Chronicles of Nick. I chose not to add it to that review after reading this before finishing that review (yes I read this in a single sitting the next day). So I'm adding a family tree to this review. It's a family tree such as I read it from the books. There is likely to be errors in here but this is my interpretation of the information we were given. Including the piece where Braith is Apollymi. I know the Dark-Hunter verse a bit, if she is Braith no one knows it. Braith is missing, she's off wandering as far as I understood. But then again most people have no clue who Jaden and Menyara are. CoN gives a dangerous amount of information if you know how to interpret it. Razer is in play though not in CoN, he goes by the Egyptian name Set (I think). If I'm right Razer is tied into Kody's line. So my family tree has some indications of where there is heavy speculation. I did use Sherri's website for some of my workings.
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Aimee: I'm glad you were able to move into a new house!
Cherise: Thanks! It was built in the 20s but was flipped in 2014.
Nick: Which means it's haunted but it has a lovely kitchen backsplash.
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ryves · 7 years
anyway i can’t believe @alienpepes added cherise gautier, the ultimate mom
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