#Chiaki Kimura
white-cat-of-doom · 10 months
The Japanese production celebrated its 40th anniversary today, 11 November 2023, in Nagoya!
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The first photo was taken last month (judging by the cast), and the following are all from today's anniversary performance.
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In addition, the CATS Musical Instagram page posted photos from the Tokyo cast back in 1983 to celebrate.
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40th Anniversary Show Cast:
Seiji Hashimoto as Asparagus, Erika Orita as Bombalurina, Shun Kuwahara as Carbucketty, Maaya Tahara as Cassandra, Ryujiro Isshiki as Coricopat, Chihiro Harada as Demeter, Yujin Haga as Gilbert, Chiaki Kimura as Grizabella, Miki Okudaira as Jellylorum, Naho Sakai as Jemima, Miki Kasahara as Jennyanydots, Hikaru Kitani as Macavity, So Yokoi as Mistoffelees, Haruaki Tamai as Mungojerrie, Junpei Wakebe as Munkustrap, Yuki Takahashi as Old Deuteronomy, Jin Sakuma as Rum Tum Tugger, Ayano Hasegawa as Rumpleteazer, Tomoki Kawakami as Rumpus Cat, Haruna Sasaki as Sillabub, Hiromu Kuroda as Skimbleshanks, Rika Takeshita as Tantomile, Yuma Ishida as Tumblebrutus and Nanako Yoshimura as Victoria.
Promotional photo cast from October 2023:
Kohei Nakahashi as Asparagus, Haruka Yamazaki as Bombalurina, Shuichi Kawazu as Carbucketty, Eiko Kataoka as Cassandra, Ryujiro Isshiki as Coricopat, Tsukushi Maruno as Demeter, Akira Goto as Gilbert, Masae Ebata as Grizabella, Ayaka Yoshida as Jellylorum, Naho Sakai as Jemima, Sayuri Ataka as Jennyanydots, Hikaru Kitani as Chorus Macavity, Akito Iwamura as Mistoffelees, Kazuki Morita as Mungojerrie, Junpei Wakebe as Munkustrap, Kazuki Kanemoto as Old Deuteronomy, Togo Kaminaga as Rum Tum Tugger, Ayu Shimizu as Rumpleteazer, Tomoki Kawakami as Rumpus Cat, Yuzumi Shibamoto as Sillabub, Yui Kobayashi as Skimbleshanks, Rika Takeshita as Tantomile, Yuma Ishida as Tumblebrutus and Nemu Kondo as Victoria.
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spittyfishy · 6 months
I couldn’t fit all the girls in this unfortunately, but I really do wish danganronpa had treated the women better
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gladosluver · 3 months
grandma beaky is missing
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dr3 character sprite cred
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diebootzenkatzen · 9 months
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whalepxls · 4 months
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The Imposters
(Part 1)
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We can confirm definitively that Misako-san has indeed given birth before. And we can also confirm that, indeed, the person whom we met was her daughter. Kana-chan had AB blood, while Misako-san has AB.
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Please, now that we know she was my daughter, is there anything else you can confirm about us?
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Misako-san...I'm very sorry...but you need to see this. It's...well...
*Harumi hands her the photo from Hiroshima*
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...Ko...Kotetsu....Kana....a-and....that's....I recognize that face.
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It's...It's me! But then, why do I look like this...?
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...Okay, I see why you were all confused now. That girl is a dead ringer for Kana! But...how?!
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Remember when I said I'd affected four currently living people? Well, that much was true.
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Buuut, the total number was actually five.
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What...What did you do?!
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Well, to put my plan in motion, I had to...recruit some actors.
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Their real names are Eimi Misako and Eimi Kana, and we also found the remains of an adult man in a public park. They're a solid match for Eimi Kotetsu, the last member of this family.
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They went missing about 8-10 months ago, which matches up with the time frame the real Ise Kana has been out of the country.
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Shirogane had been planning the long con for this one. She hit the area they were living with her algae, and completely manufactured new identities for them.
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And for extra credibility, she tied those fake memories with ones she made up for me and Tenmei.
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You'd be amazed how much shit is available about celebrities when you go searching! I had everything I needed to create a perfect facsimile of Ise Kana! One so good that nobody on the island even realized!
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But I needed someone who had a decent resemblance to her, since I'm not a plastic surgeon. Turns out I got pretty lucky and found someone who was nearly identical.
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But of course, her backstory needed a little spicing up here and there.
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Seiyuus like Ise Kana are basically idols. There's no way someone like her would've been living in poverty or had any reason to go to that stupid island.
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Which has to mean Shirogane was in on all that too, right?!
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But...But Kana and I took a DNA test! It proved we're half-siblings!
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I don't mean to scare you, but if she didn't just fake all those tests on the island...then she may have copied your family's DNA and fed into her bone marrow. It would've made her a chimera, but good enough to fool us enough not to look too much deeper.
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And guess what? Now that I had time to sit down and check, the only copies of your DNA I could find were in her blood. Everything else matches Misako-san's DNA, and I'm willing to bet any DNA I can pull out of Kotetsu-san's bones will be the other half.
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But...But why? Why do all this?! How could I have...u-unless...
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What the hell else did you do to them?!
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Well, in addition to some new memories for her parents and some new identities for our actresses, I had to give Chiaki-chan a little...nudge. A mild adjustment, one that nobody would've noticed.
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All she really needed was some...motivation, I suppose you could call it?
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It's so easy to love and hate your parents at the same time, isn't it?
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And suddenly, boom! She has a beloved long-lost sister she can bond with! Someone with her own tragic past, someone who needs to rescued and who she can forge a lifelong bond with...only to be cut down in her prime!
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Storm was a perfect patsy, wasn't he? You were all so fixated on him, you never thought too hard about the inconsistencies in all this until you had to.
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I can assume all the couples will share a room to sleep together in.
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Um...Forgive me, but the less ancient creatures on these grounds, the better...! Th-They are valuable, after all...!
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Don't worry, we've got it.
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Sad as it is to say, while I do love the interior of this location, Gundham and I cannot afford to stay here.
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Indeed. The two of us have a kingdom we must attend to. We will visit where we can, but our people need us.
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That's alright. We'll just make sure we have a guest room for the two of you when you come to stay.
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Do the previous room arrangements work?
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Well, since Seiko is now here, we'll need to factor her in somehow. Plus, if certain pairings here want to share rooms, we'll take that into account too. Also, factoring in how Nagito, Gundham, and Sonia won't be here...
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Well, it's not like all of us'll be sharing a bed. I can room with Nekomaru in that case.
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I guess me and Ryuji can share like we have been doing.
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I...don't really need a room. As long as I can connect to the house's internet and security, I'm golden.
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Hey, Ms. Taulner? Do you think we could move a smaller bed in here for our daughter?
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I'll see what I can do.
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Well, I'll share with Mikan. So if Mahiru's staying with Izuru, Teruteru can share with Kazuichi, and Seiko can share with Hiyoko!
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What's wrong Hiyoko?
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Nothing. I'll just...I might have an idea of my own, but I'll need to get back to you on it...
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haunted-xander · 2 years
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There was no one who did not know about the Killing School Life; a killing game orchestrated by Junko Enoshima to make the former 78th class of Hope's Peak Academy kill each other. It's purpose was to broadcast the horrible murders to the world at large to further fill the people's hearts with despair. But now, the game was finally over. Thanks to the resiliance and hope shining from one Makoto Naegi, Junko had fallen by the rules of her own creation. Her execution marked the beginning of the end for this despair-infected world. Finally, hope could begin to grow inside the people's hearts, now that the one responsible for this tragedy is gone.
The six survivors of the killing school life have finally managed to open the door leading to the outside world. Now, the Future Foundation await them on the other side, ready to accept them into their ranks with open arms. The doors opened, and there they stood. Their faces all quickly shifted to surprised, clearly not expecting to have people waiting for them. Kyosuke was the first to approach the shocked 'students'.
"Greetings, survivors of the killing game. My name is Kyosuke Munakata, former Ultimate Student Council President, and currently the vice-leader of an organisation called the Future Foundation. We are here to assist you in recovering your lost memories and re-adjusting to the outside world. You have my sincerest apologies for being unable to save you from the hands of Junko Enoshima. Rest assured that we will do anything in our power to make up for our short-comings." He finished with a deep bow.
"The Future Foundation, is it? I question your competency if you couldn't even open a measly little door. And why, may I ask, is the vice-leader greeting us instead of the actual leader? Are they too ashamed to meet us personally?" The young man didn't mince his words, his displeasure at the organisation clear. "Togami-kun, that's a bit mean... They came all this way to help us, you could be a LITTLE more grateful."
"M-m-master is right! Y-you guys totally suck! C-c-couldn't you have done s-something at least!? God, t-talk about useless!" A dissheveled young woman yelled out, pointing her finger at Kyosuke accusingly. "Calm down, both of you. You can voice your displeasures all you want later. For now, let's go along with these 'Future Foundation' guys. It's in our best interest to make as many allies as possible right now." Her voice was steady. She was clearly used to dealing with these people. "I agree with Kyoko-chan! You all need calm down! They're here to help us, so don't be so rude!"
"Uuuh, but how can we be sure we can trust these guys? I mean, they just happen to be outside waiting for us? There's no way I'll trust that! How would they ever know we were about to leave?!" A much older looking man burst out, looking agitated and apprehensive at the prospect of complying with these strangers. "...Um, Hagakure-kun? You do remember that the killing game was broadcasted, right? They probably watched the broadcast and saw that we were heading out..."
"...Oh, right. I completely forgot about that."
"How in the world could you forget that...? YOU were the one to discover that fact to begin with!" They started to bicker between themselves and seemed to have forgotten all about the people around them. Chiaki decided to remind them. "...Hey hey, I'm happy to see you get along and all, but we should probably get going. There's no reason for us to just stand here all day, right? So, let's head back to base so you guys can all get some well-deserved rest... I think."
"Oh! Right, thank you. Sorry, looks like we've gotten into the habit of arguing amongst ourselves haha..." The soft-looking boy -Chiaki guessed this must be Makoto- looked sheepish at having gotten distracted. "All right, let's head off then! Honestly, I'm looking forward to seeing places that isn't the same old school all the time."
"I, personally, am looking forward to having our memories recovered. There are still mysteries regarding the situation that I am unable to solve. I'm hoping that regaining our lost memories will provide me with some more clues." The woman went to stand besides Makoto as she looked straight at Kyosuke. "Kyosuke Munakata, was it? You probably know this already, but I am Kyoko Kirigiri, the... I suppose it would be 'former' Ultimate Detective at his point. I am looking forward to working alongside you. And everyone else, of course." She crossed her arms and gave an acknowledging nod to the people.
"...Ah, and I'm Makoto Naegi! The, um, 'former' Ultimate Lucky Student. I hope we can get along, Munakata-kun!" Makoto gave an awkward salute and introduced himself. "My name is Aoi Asahina! I'm the, uh... 'former'? Ultimate Swimming pro!"
"Do I even need to introduce myself? You already know who I am, don't you?"
"Can't you just do it, Togami-kun?"
"...Fine. My name is Byakuya Togami. The 'former' Ultimate Affluent Progeny. There, happy now?"
"Yes, very!"
"I-I'm Toko Fukawa, the former Ultimate Writing Prodigy... N-not that YOU care..."
"And uh, I'm Yasuhiro Hagakure! The Ultimate Clairvoyant."
"It's 'former' Ultimate, Hagakure-kun..."
"What's the difference?"
I'm glad... They seem to be doing well. Chiaki smiled at their antics.
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problamticsideanna · 3 months
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tomaslover · 2 years
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white-cat-of-doom · 10 months
A recording of the 40th anniversary of CATS in Japan curtain call in Nagoya on 11 November 2023.
With Miki Kasahara as Jennyanydots, So Yokoi as Mistoffelees, Junpei Wakebe as Munkustrap, Chiaki Kimura as Grizabella, and Yuki Takahashi as Old Deuteronomy addressing the crowd.
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Honestly boggles my mind a bit how much people like my huge giant Talent Swap, but I did finally assign every character a talent and while I might still do some small changes, so here's the new Trigger Happy Havoc Cast
Himiko: Ultimate Clairvoyant
Himiko while still a magician-type, now specializes in telling fortunes, an act she's very good at. She insists it's all magic, and often has strange somewhat prophetic dreams, though she's kinda bad at figuring out what they're actually prophesying
Angie: Ultimate Gambler
With Atua in her ear, Angie has yet to lose a bet. With a penchant for riskier gambling and more unique kinds of bets that often have no monetary component to them. She's just having a lot of fun.
Shuichi: Ultimate Affluent Prodigy
Born into a family who to decide the heir one of the many children must solve an incredibly complicated scenario. Shuichi half lucking into it by overhearing other competitors and half his deduction skills, solves this scenario despite being too young to actually compete, not fully realizing what it meant to solve it. So now he's very stressed always and feels like he only won out of pure luck and by stealing his sibling's work and doesn't deserve this.
Seiko: Ultimate Biker Gang Leader
I still have no good reason for this one besides gay gay homosexual I'm going to be honest. Biker girl who's kinda anxious and stops fleeing from the cops to get a cat out of a tree, I love her.
Sonosuke: Ultimate Baseball Star
Once again I don't have a good reason for this one besides the fact SOMEONE had to be the baseball star, and I felt his personality and skill with weapons could translate well to a bat.
Chiaki: Ultimate Fanfic Creator
While still a huge gamer Chiaki got noticed for writing novel long fix it fics and strange crossovers that worked perfectly. She is well known for her hurt/comfort, fluff, and sprawling worldbuilding to fill in all the gaps of whatever game got her attention. Sometimes she dabbles in horror or angst, just to experiment, but they aren't her favorite genres to write.
Fuyuhiko: Ultimate Martial Artist
While still a Yakuza member, he got scouted for his immense gift at martial arts that was discovered when he was learning self defense, because Yakuza. Fuyuhiko has always had a rather strict moral code as well, which fits well with a Martial Artist. Likely specializes in using enemies momentum against them.
Ryoma: Ultimate Soldier
Ryoma got dragged into war at a young age, as there was a gang war in his town that he got pulled into after one killed his cat, thinking it was the cat of the other gang. From there, life kept pulling him along into deeper and deeper conflicts, before eventually, he got pulled into a very literal war while on a trip. From there he vanished and went off the grid, and when he was found again, he had become the stoic Ultimate Soldier
Mahiru: Ultimate Lucky Student
I see her as having a generalized bad luck aura, but when she super focuses on something its like her luck goes into bullet time and suddenly gets super precise and rather good
Kotoko: Ultimate Idol
Drama and Idol is pretty similar I feel, Kotoko is planning to use Hope's Peak to escape her idol career that she feels trapped in. Only to find herself trapped within a death game but honestly she's kinda okay with staying here that's certainly one way to destroy her career.
Gundham: The Ultimate Writing Prodigy
With a specialization of writing animal themed fantasy adventure books, Gundham has basically taken over the YA fiction scene. He got his start from roleplaying on some animal forum, where he was encouraged to write a book because he had some very good prose. Thus launching a huge literary career.
Akane: Ultimate Swimmer
A mixture of poverty and a terrible environment pushed Akane to extremes to survive. When she noticed a river known for dangerous currents by her house had fish in it, she taught herself to swim and navigate those currents to catch the fish for her family, gathering a lot of attention.
Celeste: Ultimate Fashionista
Making her own gothic outfits, Celeste burst into the fashion scene and very quickly got a lot of attention, soon being able to launch her own brand and lead the gothic lolita scene. Very demanding and terrible to work with though.
Toko: Ultimate Programmer
When no person would be her friend let alone date her, she turned to the one thing she could make be her friend, a computer program. In her determination to program the perfect boyfriend, she devoted hours and hours to it, accidentally advancing AI research by decades as she tried to figure out why even the programs she made, refused to date her.
Sakura: Ultimate Moral Compass
Sakura always had a very strong well, moral compass, so she quickly found her place helping others with school work, and staying on top of things. Very kind and considerate, and will help you whenever there's a problem
Kirigiri: Ultimate Analyst
Let's be real she kinda already was this in a way. Her eye for detail and cause and effect was legendary and overshadowed her detective career, and now she uses that eye for detail to destroy her father's career and go deep undercover. Kept from getting bored by sheer spite for her father and a deep curiosity about the world around her.
Junko: Ultimate Detective
Junko loves despair, we been knew, and I can't think of anything more despairful then fucked up crime scenes. This girl specializes in the most fucked up cases, you find a toddlers head in a freezer? You call Junko in. She revels in the gore and despair and horror, really enjoying getting to stretch her mental muscles to figure out just how a crime scene came to be. While also taking notes on what gets people caught for her own crimes she's planning.
Syo: Ultimate Cook
This is a surprise tool that will help us more next game.
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gladosluver · 3 months
sdr2 cast + future foundation play minecraft (& rlcraft)
(click for much better quality and actual readable text)
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if it was just the sdr2 cast they would NOT invite usami at all
dr3 sprite cred
(only tagging certain characters cuz i hit the tag limit...)
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yaoisex · 1 year
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Ragna Crimson + Jigokuraku / 26.3, AnimeJapan2023
Couldn’t find a video of the Ragna Crimson Stage so there are no gifs ;_; But LOOK AT THEM!! So cute!! Chiaki, thank you for another selfie <3 
Notice how he had different piercings for each Stage. A black one for the first, and a purple one for the second *_* 
Chiaki tweeted his own version of his pic with Ayu ^^
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nevermindtheweights · 4 months
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