#Chicken Walker
alphacomicsvol2 · 1 year
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Star Wars: X-Wing - Rogue Squadron #2 (The Rebel Opposition) Cover Art by Dave Dorman
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tide115 · 3 months
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Got to work with Metallurgent to produce a modular, isometric version of one of their existing designs. Separating up the different body parts, giving it 3 different weapon options and 2 alternate side pods while making sure everything stayed in scale+perspective
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toodamnninja · 1 year
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Lego Star Wars Advent Calendar day 19: a microscale build of an AT-ST, steppin' out for xmas... #theEmpireofsillywalks
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alienbeeusa · 2 years
Added The Black Series Imperial AT-ST Walker and Imperial AT-ST Driver to my Star Wars collection.
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alizibtheterrible · 7 months
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Small thing before I head out. I feel like the chicken (does the chicken even have a name??????) and Zane’s falcon (you know if it was STILL THERE WHERE DID IT GO) would’ve either been bitter rivals or good friends (maybe both???)
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codename-adler · 4 months
i crave. i crave andrew & renee friendship getting up to nonsensical shenanigans like 2 dumbasses sharing one braincell. give me ur hcs pls i’m dyin.
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The fact that it’s an electric chicken that scares the team as a whole is hilarious.
Even more hilarious when you realise Jay is practically almost immune (s6 when he was struck by lightning x3), so that means he’s not afraid of the only dangerous aspect of it, he’s just afraid because it’s a chicken.
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chaos-vulpix · 9 months
Nya: Did you buy eggs like I asked?
Jay: Even better!
Nya: What did you-
Jay, holding up a chicken: Her name is Fluffy.
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disease · 7 months
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"MADONNA, FEEDING HER CHICKENS" TIM WALKER | WILTSHIRE, 2005 [archival pigment print (b/w) | 25 × 31 1/2"]
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What if they rewrote the seasons post-Prime Empire where everything stays the same except Jay’s hair colour?
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skais777 · 1 year
ninjago headcanon:
the monastery has heaps of chickens not just one and the ninja all got to name one themselves. cole chose “rockwell” to differ from his usual name choice of “rocky” only for the nickname “rocco” to be applied to the chicken. kai named his chicken “blaze” thinking his chicken was a boy only to keep it saying it was a badass name. zane named his chicken “winston” — there is no explanation to that. jay named his chicken “chuck vader” and then proceeded to force nya to name her chicken “benny” so he could refer to it as “eggs benny”. lloyd picked “trixie” for whatever reason and got heavily made fun of. pixal chose “chickie” cause she’s just so cute and literal like that.
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teaofpastels · 1 year
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all I want for christmas is for him to eat a warm, home-cooked meal 😤🎄
happy birthday allen! ♡
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lightning-chicken · 9 months
i want some libber backstory as much as (probably more than) the next person, but i also love how her lack of a canon backstory means that fic/au writers have to make it up. it means there’s so much diversity in what people have come up with and i really love that!
libber’s screen time consists of one (1) episode in s7 so she can really be anyone. a good mother who was forced to leave her son and only tried her best. a bad mother who couldn’t care less about her son and never wanted him in the first place. a part of the elemental alliance and a hero. an elemental master corrupted by the potential of what her powers could do. lilly’s best friend and motormouth of the team. the possibilities are endless.
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hadrians-wall95 · 1 month
I've always wanted to do an Eldar Army. Specifically, I've always loved wraithbone and the way it calls back the souls of the dead to combat, like a more Grimbright version of Dreadnaughts. I also kinda like war walkers, but think a pilot open to the elements like that is. A little silly (and I hate painting canopies). If only there was some way to "Wraith-ify" more of this new army...
Anyway, here's the test model for the Wraithstorms, and a very dumb kitbash I'm doing.
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didiersdragon · 2 years
silly thought i got earlier today but what if an alternative universe where mystakè lives and everything's cool but the four ninja dont know that she's an oni and can shape shift
nobody remembers to tell them, they're all just relieved everyone's alive and all.
one day mystakè comes to the monastery in her rat form because she was undercover or something. lloyds on a mission, wu and nya are out, pixal is slaying her samurai duties so its just the four guys in the monastery
jay finds her first and he just. screams his head off. the others come running in and they start screaming too. like picture it, some of the greatest heroes in history but they're loosing it over a little rodent that is very much snarling at them because she has gone through it and did not have the energy to deal with this lot of all people
elements are shot, furniture and everything at hands reach is thrown, its complete chaos. jay is hyperventilating and shocking everything nearby. kai is lighting the room on fire. cole has caused two mini earthquakes. zane got his head bonked by a toaster and now he's talking Simlish.
mystakè tries to talk to them but it only makes it worse, because "WHY IS THE RAT TALKING TO ME ?" "I DONT KNOW, JAY" "I THOUGHT IT WAS IN MY HEAD, YOU GUYS HEARD THAT TOO!?" "DEPNA SPANEWASH DEPLA BLAH! SHOOFLEE!" she tries to shift back but they're not giving her a second to even breathe.
the ninja in a panic is a more dangerous ninja than the ninja who are composed (which is almost never)
mystakè hasn't fought for her life like this since she fought garmadon. she makes a mental note to gives wu some of her special teas as respect for training them.
lloyd makes it home right as they are abt to launch one final combined attack and obliterate the monastery (again)
lloyd jumps in and grabs mystakè and just goes WAIT STOP DONT HURT HER
kai: lloyd montgomery garmadon, this better not be another stray animal you found on the street and decided to bring home without TELLING US AGAIN
lloyd: yes her and she's a-guys, calm down, please don't freak out- she's an oni
lloyd: yes, but not exactly. she's good!! she helped the first spinjitzu master and she helped us after harumi, well, crushed you guys
cole: that explains the tea that saved us from being crushed
zane: om za gleb. litzergam
lloyd: say what now?
mystakè, still as a rat: you're welcome.
idk how to wrap this up but yeah, just got whacked in the head by the fact the four weren't there when lloyd and nya found out mystakè is an oni and they probably did tell them later on but it'd be funnier if they forgot to hehe
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downerette · 2 years
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I’m really excited to present to you guys a crossover between Dark Deception and Outlast, the latter I consider to be one of the scariest games I've ever played and holds a special place in my heart.
One of my favorite parts about this piece was aligning the inmates with each JJG member. I picked Trager for Lucky mostly because they call the protagonist “buddy.” I mean come on, that was just perfect! And in the comics Trager offhandedly mentions that he’s of Italian descent so that’s a bonus.
I immediately went with Gluskin for Penny as they’re both delusional about love. She turned out to be my favorite, something about the waistcoat and gloves combo just works with her.
With Hangry, it was a toss-up between Chris Walker and Frank Manera. While the latter would fit because they both wanna eat the protagonist I ultimately went with Walker since they have similar builds and Hangry’s mouth in his frenzied mode worked with his design (and Chris is more iconic, sorry, Frank).
Happy Halloween!
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