#Children stories
janessamakesart · 6 months
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A mom and her daughter taking a stroll through their yard in the fall, after it rained. I can’t wait for winter to be over and to experience the amazing smell of wet earth after a fresh rainfall!
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cottagecore-raccoon · 7 months
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vollogo · 1 year
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El Zorro y El Sabueso ¡Feliz día del niño! 🧡 Celebrándolo con esta querida historia que de niña era de mis favoritas, significa mucho para mi 🧡🤎 El Zorro y el Sabueso originalmente es una novela publicada en el 67, escrita por Daniel P. Mannix e ilustrada por John Schoenherr. La adaptación que la mayoría conocemos es la del 81 hecha por Disney, y es a la que hago homenaje en esta serie de ilustraciones que cuentan dicha historia, utilizando también los diseños de la película adaptada. Resumir una historia en pocas páginas es difícil, no lo negaré jajaja pero se logró, este trabajo originalmente ha sido un proyecto de la universidad, me gustó tanto el resultado que lo comparto con ustedes :) muchas gracias por el apoyo 🔆🌠
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dreamylilyalice · 9 months
🍓 "I love strawberries and toasts, they are healthy and graceful foods. I like the tanned edges and the light core, imagine how pretty it would look with a pink blush? If the slice of bread was alive, what would it say? "Oh! I feel so beautiful! Normally I would wait for someone to spread strawberry jam with a spatula on my little tummy, but I could use a surprise."
Text by me on Samsung Notes (Translated from Portuguese) 💝
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I think most of the time adventure time is underrated and misinterpreted by the people who are not part of the fandom. They see it as a bizzare cartoon full of fart jokes and nonsense shit, and i get why would you get that image of the show if you watch a random episode one time without having any context of the rest of the series and its universe, BUT this is a big misunderstanding, and im tired of people not seeing the beauty that this show has to offer.
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I cant stress enought how heart touching adventure time can be and how unique the whole "vibe" of the show is.
I think the best way i could describe it is that adventure time is a multi-faceted show that matures as the episodes and seasons goes by. It is a flawed,changing show,and sometimes things are straight up stupid (specialy in the first seasons) but it has the heart and spirit of these amazing stories from children books such as alice in the wonderland, where the wild things are and the little prince, stories that captivates both kids and adults by their originality, the feeling of meeting a new brand universe so unknown, so unexpected and with so much to explore, whose narratives are so full of (not so little) messages that go straight to the public's heart no matter the age.
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Its a show setted in an amazing, bizarre universe that comes right from these weird dreams that leaves you with a mixed sensation of "what the fuck was that" and "i wish i could have that dream again". It comes right from a child-like imagination, a world where nothing makes sense in the eyes of adults who looks for links to the real world but where everything makes sense under the terms of that dream-like world itself.
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I could talk for hours about why i love adventure time so much and why i think is so special and different to the rest of the media i have consumed, but i will just say that with all that heart touching imagination, mixed with elements of "freak"/"nerd" culture, good characters, and a very comical side, Adventure time is a must watch if you are a fan of animation, or fairy tale like stories such as alice in the wonderland, where the wild things are and the little prince.
So if you havent seen it (and im talking about the whole thing, following the plot season by season and not just a few random episodes) i recommend to do it SO MUCH. Especially if you have always thought about adventure time as that "nonsense gross show about a stupid kid and a stupid dog"
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bonfires-n-hares · 2 years
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The Wind in the Willows, art by Inga Moore (source)
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maki-makis · 1 year
Anyone who's had the honor to read original German fairytales, particularly those by the Grimm brothers, knows the absolute terror those stories induced on a child, yet they had little me in a chokehold.
I had a whole book of over 300 pages that I read religiously almost every night. My mother bought it for me without ever reading it herself; we're not German and she just assumed those were regular fun little fairytales for children.
The other day, I've stumbled upon it and went through some of the stories, laughing at absolute insanity of it all. I've read some parts to my mom and she asked who the hell would read those stories to their children. I had to remind her she bought the book and that I've read all of it multiple times when I were a kid. She noted that it's nice I've enjoyed them at least.
I did enjoy them, out of morbid curiosity. You'd never know what would happen in these stories. I was really looking forward to reading Cinderella since that's the story I've already known. Interestingly, Disney never mentioned the part where the stepsisters cut parts of their feet, blood streaming down the glass shoe, or when the birds (did I mention that there's no fairy godmother, but magical birds instead) took stepsisters' eyes out as a punishment for the way they've treated Cinderella.
There were often vivid gruesome details, like the one where a woman cooks her stepson and serves him to his father, but it's okay, because in the end, the boy comes back to life through a magical tree and throws a huge rock on stepmother's head, so it's a happy story.
Not all of them had happy endings though. There's a fairytale called Mother Trudy, which is about one page long and talks about a curious little girl who wanted to meet the weird lady next door. Her parents were firmly against it and told her she won't be their daughter anymore if she goes there. Well, they were right, since Trudy straight up murders her. She throws the girl in a fire pit and the last sentence of the tale is: "Ah, it (the fire pit) glows so brightly."
I don't think there are many stories here without at least one gruesome death, and if there's no death, there's certainly some other fucked up shit.
These stories were supposed to be "lessons" for children, and, although I must admit I've never entered neighbours' homes alone as a child, I doubt it's because of good ol' Trudy.
Most of the fairytale books I see nowadays are edited to be child-friendly and filled with colorful pictures. There were no pictures here, 8-year-old me simply had to imagine the hunter from Snow White ripping a wild boar's lungs and liver out of its dead body to present it to the Evil Queen as Snow White's with nothing but my own imagination.
Perhaps these...unusual stories left long lasting effects on my brain, but my nostalgia will never let me see this book as anything short of a masterpiece that filled my childhood days with joy (and a bit of a fucked up imagination).
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The Princesses of the Day and Night
Once upon a time, far up above us all, there were once two young princesses. One ruled the night; She would dance with the stars and sing with the moon in the darkness of dusk, and she would watch the streetlights glow against the dark canvas of the streets below. The other ruled during the day; She would laugh with the children in the fields, glide along the white clouds, and bask in the morning sun. But eventually, the sisters grew tired of their lives, and the next sunrise, they began to complain.
"It's not fair." The girl of the night began. "It's not fair that you get to watch all the children play. They're all asleep when I'm around."
"Well, it's not fair that you get to see all the pretty stars at night. The sun is always shielding then from me." The lady of the day replied.
They continued for a very long time.
"It's not fair that you get to see all the animals, they hide away at night!"
"It's not fair that you get to see all the nocturnal creatures!"
"It's not fair that you get to see all the butterflies!"
"It's not fair that you get to see all the moths!"
They argued for a very, very long time. And that sunrise didn't move on without them. The people down below found the new phenomenon amazing and beautiful. Everybody loves a golden sunrise.
But soon, the people grew tired of it. They wanted their bright summer days when the sun beat down upon them. And they miss their dark nights when people were at peace in their slumber
"That all gets boring after a short while! Its not fun when you see them all the time!" The princesses eventually yelled in unison.
And with that, they realised. They began to notice that the people were unhappy, just like them. They finally realised that everybody gets bored of what they have, even if it seems special in the short term. The sisters decided that they shouldn't argue anymore because even if they could switch places, they'd get bored eventually and want to switch back.
And so they returned to their normal schedule. One would enjoy the peaceful nights, and the other the lively day.
But with one addition.
Each sunrise, the princess of the night would teach the other about constellations, owls and the moon's phases, and every sunset, the princess of the day would teach her about flowers, sports and cute critters.
And they enjoyed their time just a little bit more.
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xx-angelfreak-xx · 7 months
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 ⎚⎚⎚⎚⎚⎚⎚⎚⎚⎚⎚⎚⎚⎚⎚⎚          для нашей   французской   интриганки-цыганки
клуб хейтеров ксенон 2022   ⎚⎚⎚⎚⎚⎚⎚⎚⎚⎚⎚⎚⎚⎚⎚⎚
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Fairy tales/children stories set in World War II must be one of my favorites genres.
There's something so strange and appealing between juxtapositing the fairy tale fantasy of these stories with the real world horrors of the time period.
I have a list of productions that deal with that
Matthew Bourne's staging of the Cinderella ballet moves the story to the Blitz. The mixture of the Midnight piece with the sound of the sirens is haunting
Alice by Heart, a musical from the same creators of Spring Awakening, is set in a bunker during the Blitz.
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Pan is an awful movie, and a bad origin story for Peter Pan, but the scene of the battle between the pirate ship and the planes must be the coolest thing about this crap
There's The Chronicles of Narnia that expands on the London evacuation that is only mentioned in the original book
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And there's Del Toro, with both Pinocchio and Pan's Labyrinth, which is the reason I started to think about this
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thamilsmallstories1 · 9 months
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Moodboard inspired by Rumple Buttercup by Matthew Gray Gubler because I adore this book!!! <333
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silverdragon129 · 2 years
I made a children story called the shy beetle and you can read it over at wattpad or here on my tumblr. Here’s the like to the story at wattpad if you want to read it there. I hope you all like it.
If you want, you can donate at wattpad if you like the story a lot and want to show your appreciation and support me. I’ll really appreciate it.
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thedwarventradesman · 2 years
Didn’t know that knowing about ‘Goldilocks & The Three Bears’ made me an oldhead but here we are 💀 Love that kids think I’m about to book my nursing home 🙃 (I’m 24, about to turn 25)
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inbabylontheywept · 1 month
my grandpa was a good man. and it really wasnt his fault - recreationally lying to kids is a proud family tradition - but he told me, once, that cutting a worm in half resulted in two worms.
i think he said it so i'd be more morally okay with fishing? i actually dont remember the context.
point was, he told me this, and he understimated (by a very large margin) how much i liked worms. i was a worm boy. very wormy. and after hearing that, i went home, and i dug through the garden, flipped over every rock, did everything i could to gather as many worms as i could, and then i uh.
i cut them all in half. every worm i could find. all of them. with scissors.
i then took this pile of split worms, and i put them in a box with a bit of lettuce and some water and stuff and went to bed expecting to double my worms overnight. i have math autism, so i had a vague understanding that if i did this just a few times in a row, i would eventually have a completely unreasonable amount of worms.
i was very excited to become this plane's worm emperor.
(i think i was...six?)
anyway, i did not become the inheritor of the worm crown. i instead woke up to a box of dead worms and cried. a lot. i got diagnosed with panic attacks as a teenager, but i think i had them as a kid, i just had no idea what they were. i was kind of processing that a.) i had killed what i had assumed was every single worm in my yard, and thus would have no more worms, and b). i was going to like, worm hell.
(six year babylon spent a lot of time worrying about god.)
so i kind of freaked out, and i climbed a tree, because god can only smite you if you're touching the ground (?) and i sat up there mostly inconsolable until my mom came out and asked, hey, what's up? what happened?
so i explained to her that i had killed all of the worms, forever, and was also Damned, and she took me to the compost pile, and we dug for all of five seconds and found like twenty more worms.
the compost pile was full of worms.
she then told me that a). there were more worms, and we could put them back under rocks and stuff and recolonize our yard and b). that one day, i would die, and go to heaven, and be able to talk to the worms face to face. that i'd be able to tell them all that i was very sorry, and that i killed them on accident, driven only by excessive Love, and that she was positive they would forgive me because worms have six hearts and no malice.
at that point, i think i was sixty percent tear-snot by weight, and i had no choice but to gather enough worms that i could hug them. which my mom helped with. and then after that she helped me put some worms back under each rock.
and for my epilogue: i spent a significant portion of my childhood in trees. and for many years after, even when my mom didnt know i was watching, i would catch her giving the space under the rocks a light spritz with the hose. not because she loved worms.
but because she loved me.
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lesbxdyke · 4 months
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I could think of no better way to share the news than this!
So when I was 17, my cat went missing and I'd given up hope of ever seeing him again.
Until on Monday, 27th of May, 2024, my friend sent me a FB post asking 'isn't that your mother?' about the person named on the microchip.
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Here he is! 16 years old, and found safe, twelve whole years after he went missing!
Yesterday (Tuesday the 28th of May, 2024) I went to the rescue that had him, and I reclaimed my boy, renaming him Artie! (He'd originally been called 'Cat' because my mother and I couldn't decide on a name)
He's home safe with me now, currently inhabiting my bathroom and purring up a storm every time someone goes in there!
I'll be doing slow introductions between him and my current cat to give them the best possible chance of living in harmony!
Here's some pictures of Artie once we let him out of the carrier:
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