#story making
temis-de-leon · 6 months
Writing tip:
If you have an idea but not the inspiration to describe the characters or the plot, make a map.
Close your eyes, draw a blob, then open your eyes and draw lines. Blob for the country/realm; lines for rivers. Do you want lakes? Great, more blobs. (Using different colors is great for this).
Unless you already decided the name, don't try to make one up. That'll just make things more difficult.
Where's the capital? Why? If it's in the coast, is it because there are threats across the sea? If situated on top of a mountain, does it have caves or mines? Are they profitable? Deep forests usually bring mountains and cold weather. Living in the coast means living with humidity.
Still don't think of names.
Are there any more cities? Same as the capital, where and why? Civilization starts where people thrive: water, fertile soil, precious metals, etc. The better the land, the richer the people (unless there's a third party involved, which would help with the plot, even indirectly).
Now to the characters: what are the vibes? Are they farmers or hunters? Do they belong in nobility? When you think of them do you picture them wearing furs or open chested silk shirts? Are they able to survive extreme heat or cold?
Do they feel incomplete? Did something recently happen in their life? Would a journey help? Which would they prefer, a similar land to their homeland or something different?
Of course, here's where the plot takes place. If the land where your story takes place is invaded, you have to take the enemies in consideration because they're probably stealing from the poor and collecting innecesary tolls or persecuting the original rulers. If, however, your land is at peace, there's probably something about to happen.
Context (where).
Background (why).
Plot (what).
In the end, if you're lost, give your characters and your story a reason to exist.
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random-xpressions · 11 months
There's always so many versions of a story. Something which you tell yourself inside your head. Something which you tell others. Something which others understand or misunderstand from you. Something which others make up of you - the good, the bad, the ugly. Something which isn't any of the above. Make sure none of them matters as much as the stories you keep telling yourself - be brutally honest there, rest all are insignificant folklores...
Random Xpressions
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adiaryofnonsense · 5 months
I wish everyone making a fantasy story a very happy obligatory winter festival
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namelessbenji · 1 month
How do people get attached to the stories they create I abandon mine after like a few months at best genuinely curious I need to stop doing that if I wanna make anything my own
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dillwonder · 23 days
Hello, calling any and all artists and writers and people into the 80’s and the zombie apocalypse :)
I have had this idea of these two people having to flea in fancy 80s garb, in the 80s, obviously, from a zombie apocalypse. While I probably could manage a story on my own, I definitely would love to give other artists and writers an opportunity to join in on a little something fun. I am not intending for this to be published or be anything crazy, just a fun collaborative story! I don’t have anything planned out other than the setting and some inspiration I want to take, but other than that shoot me a PM if you’re interested! :0
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mirnsey · 30 days
Wanting to make even just oneshots about a culture you have to make up that culture to then unite it with another culture, another you made up, and the work that builds up to it is so crazy.
You mean i have to do research for 3 days just to figure out the perfect way to whittle a whistle or figurine from some random branch, but not just a random branch, a branch that has gone through a tedious line of preparation and selection to be chosen, A PROCESS YOU ALSO HAVE TO MAKE UP.
You mean I’m gonna be doing hours of research on the different cultures I’m basing mine of, of their intricate dances of celebration to the way the colors of their clothes accent their people so beautifully..
Maybe that’s the fun of it..
Maybe the fun of it is the build up along the way of learning the ins and outs of other cultures and learning about diversity to just make one of your own. If imagining different myths and legends, and even just sayings told to the children to keep them from trouble.
… maybe it is worth it.
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pageofthemicocee · 4 months
So I just came up with a new Kirby sorta AU, sorta original Story??
Idk but like I have a base idea of how it goes and it also uses the twins in this one as it relates to them in a way
This is what Ideally is the start of the story in a play by play
So basically yah have kirby and Elfilin hanging out with friends in the evening some playing some chatting away with another, night slowly falls and it's time for everyone to get back home however things get weird as they're returning home a really really strong gust picks up and something peculiar rides the wind fuzzy light orbs they look like the head of a fully grown bout to be blown away dandelion but when they touch them it effects them almost all of them gets effected by these things what happens is that it's sorta like imagine a big bubble and you get scooped up and taken away by it, yeah that happens to them, and Kirby runs after them trying to get them back and when he does find them he finds a HUGE ASS TREE the tree is a willow tree and that's where's the lil orbs like things come from there's a variation of white colored to yellowish cream colored
Also it has a mirror effect wrrrr there's a reason ‼️
This is all I have for now :)
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ohfischlaya · 4 months
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I have so many stories in my head...
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knolkovu · 6 months
I sometimes believe that I exchanged my ability to dream random nonsense every night for the ability to dream an abstract plot with narrative, lore and development, but strictly on a bimonthly basis.
I'm not saying my dreams aren't unhinged, but I do always know what's going on and is interesting.
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mintaikk · 9 months
Bro, I might just start rambling to the void about my OCs
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asraralmajid · 11 months
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قصة: حلم ليلى
نبذة القصة : تتمحور القصة حول فتاة صغيرة تدعى ليلى نشأت في أسرة فقيرة تدير متجراً صغيراً للخياطة.
نشأت ليلى وهي تعشق الموضة لأنها من صغرها كانت تراقب والدتها، وهي تصنع املابس للناس.
مع ازدياد شغفها بصانعة الملابس بمرور الوقت، قررت ممارسة مهنتها كمصممة أزياء، ولكن نظراً لوضعها المالي الصعب، واجهت تحديات لتحقيق حلمها.
ما هي التحديات التي واجهت ليلى، وما الذي ستفعله لتخطيها؟
نص وتصميم: أسرار حسن إبراهيم
تصور الطفلتين: ليان دين / ندى حسن
إشراف وتحرير: د. سماء الهاشيمي
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theramusen · 3 months
Long time no see my loves! I got some really gross comments last time I posted the cat brothers. But I will give this another chance! Here are the latest updates in Scratch and Bite!
Long post ahead! Plenty of art though!
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Another fight…
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Updated height/appearance charts!
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Our new protagonist, “Girl”! (When I mean romantic relationship I mean SOLEY EMOTIONAL. Girl did not and does not have a physically intimate relationship with either brother beyond cuddling.)
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The VILLAIN of our story! Necrosis! He’s a real bad guy who likes Girl a bit TOO much.
An animation meme!
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VERY rudimentary concept art for future scenes!
And last but not least…
A playlist for each of the main 4 characters!
These are not songs they would listen to. These are songs that provided me inspiration while designing these characters!
Scratch - playlist
Bite - playlist
Girl - playlist
Necrosis - playlist
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luna-vixen-art · 3 months
I hate it when I’m trying to write a script for my dragon comic (which has no name but I’m working on it) and I literally come up with a new bit of the story, but then I realize it’s a cool bit but it wouldn’t work in the story… so far the best part of coming up with the story is probably the designing and the villain lol…
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bexisanidiot · 9 months
I've decided to draw put the cover first (making it rn)
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comfy-pink-666 · 1 year
Welcome to me and you
A make a choice story. Where you get to choose what the character will do depending on what the situation is. In some situations you will be given choices. And others you will just have to choose yourself. If this keeps up it will eventually become a full series thing on this account. And remember your decisions matter. And depending on your decision, things will change. So I hope you're ready for this 1st Choice
A lonely stickman. What will he do?
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[Either send an ask, reblog, or comment what the stickman should do]
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saphirafoxgirlspost1 · 9 months
I wanted to think of something to make a great story for y'all to RP with, I'm just really stressed and trying to think one am I going to do to make another story so I decided that it's up to you if you decided to to the what I'm going to do to make a good one.. and PS sunny day Jack has one the Battle of being worthy for saphira's hand.. so vote for it and send a message why, Anonymous or not, and you'll have a nice day
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