#Chinese vocab list
chinesekoreanandmore · 9 months
Vocabulary List #58
夕 [xī] - evening
名 [míng] - name
千 [qiān] - a thousand
舌 [shé] - tongue
不 [bù] - no; not
的 [de] - belonging to
大 [dà] - big
又 [yòu] - again
粥 [zhōu] - congee
茶 [chá] - tea
橙子 [chéngzi] - orange (the fruit)
子 [zi] - child; noun suffix
了 [le] - completed action marker
错了 [cuòle] - wrong
对了 [duìle] - correct; oh, by the way...
土 [tŭ] - earth; dust
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linghxr · 1 year
50+ fundamental crime, suspense, & mystery Cdrama vocab words
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I'm currently watching 《模仿犯》, so I was inspired to put together this list of essential vocab for 犯罪剧/悬疑剧/推理剧. I tend to gravitate towards dramas that fall into these genres.
I've sorted the words into categories. These were determined by vibes only. Definitions are adapted from MDBG, my loyal companion for nearly 10 years.
The Case
案子 ànzi - case / law case / legal case / judicial case
案件 ànjiàn - case / instance
办案 bàn'àn - to handle a case
破案 pò'àn - to solve a case
报案 bào'àn - to report a case to the authorities
命案 mìng'àn - homicide case / murder case
作案 zuò'àn - to commit a crime
现场 xiànchǎng - the scene (of a crime, accident etc) / (on) the spot / (at) the site
证据 zhèngjù - evidence / proof / testimony
真相 zhēnxiàng - the truth about sth / the actual facts
The Investigation
厘清 líqīng - to clarify (the facts) / clarification
线索 xiànsuǒ - trail / clues / thread (of a story)
细节 xìjié - details / particulars
痕迹 hénjì - vestige / mark / trace
追踪 zhuīzōng - to follow a trail / to trace / to pursue
追问 zhuīwèn - to question closely / to investigate in detail / to examine minutely / to get to the heart of the matter
排除 páichú - to eliminate / to remove / to exclude / to rule out
嫌疑 xiányí - suspicion / to have suspicions
怀疑 huáiyí - to doubt (sth) / to be skeptical of / to have one's doubts / to harbor suspicions / to suspect that
跟踪 gēnzōng - to follow sb's tracks / to tail / to shadow / tracking
不对劲 búduìjìn - fishy / wrong / not right
隐瞒 yǐnmán - to conceal / to hide (a taboo subject) / to cover up the truth
The Victim
被害者 bèihàizhě - victim (of a wounding or murder)
受害者 shòuhàizhě - casualty / victim / those injured and wounded
幸存者 xìngcúnzhě - survivor
失踪 shīzōng - to be missing / to disappear / unaccounted for
消失 xiāoshī - to disappear / to fade away
绑架 bǎngjià - to kidnap / to abduct / to hijack / a kidnapping abduction / staking
遗体 yítǐ - remains (of a dead person)
尸体 shītǐ - dead body / corpse / carcass
拯救 zhěngjiù - to save / to rescue
寻人启事 xúnrénqǐshì - missing persons notice
The Perpetrator
嫌疑犯 xiányífàn - a suspect
嫌疑人 xiányírén - a suspect
歹徒 dǎitú - evildoer / malefactor / gangster / hoodlum
凶手 xiōngshǒu - murderer / assassin
一伙儿的 yìhuǒrde - in on it together
开枪 kāiqiāng - to open fire / to shoot a gun
鬼鬼祟祟 guǐguǐsuìsuì - sneaky / secretive / furtive
可疑 kěyí - suspicious / dubious
认罪 rènzuì - to admit guilt / to plead guilty
自首 zìshǒu - to give oneself up / to surrender (to the authorities)
下落 xiàluò - whereabouts / to drop / to fall
动机 dòngjī - motive / motivation
犯罪 fànzuì - to commit a crime / crime / offense
The Police
报警 bàojǐng - to sound an alarm / to report sth to the police
警察 jǐngchá - police / police officer
警方 jǐngfāng - police
警官 jǐngguān - constable / police officer
刑警 xíngjǐng - criminal police (abbr. for 刑事警察)
被捕 bèibǔ - to be arrested / under arrest
包围 bāowéi - to surround / to encircle / to hem in
监控 jiānkòng - to monitor
检查 jiǎnchá - inspection / to examine / to inspect
调查 diàochá - investigation / inquiry / to investigate
排查 páichá - to inspect / to investigate one by one
质问 zhìwèn - to question / to ask questions / to inquire / to bring to account / to interrogate
前科 qiánkē - criminal record / previous convictions
Bonus: Here's a list of dramas I have seen/am watching in these categories:
《想见你》 Someday or One Day
《开端》 Reset
《消失的孩子》 The Disappearing Child
《她和她的她》 Shards of Her
《镇魂》 Guardian
《模仿犯》 Copycat Killer
《不良执念清除师》 Oh No! Here Comes Trouble
Now go forth and enjoy some more dramas! I'm a slow watcher, so I add new shows to my watch list faster than I can finish them.
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R-Verbs in Chinese
Most commonly used verbs starting with R in Chinese!
Race - 竞赛 - jìngsài
Rage - 发怒 - fānù
Rain - 下雨 - xiàyǔ
Raise - 提高 - tígāo
Rank - 排名 - páimíng
Reach - 到达 - dàodá
Read - 读 - dú
Realize - 实现 - shíxiàn
Rebuild - 重建 - chóngjiàn
Recall - 回忆 - huíyì
Receive - 接受 - jiēshòu
Recognize - 认识 - rènshi
Recommend - 推荐 - tuījiàn
Recycle - 回收 - huíshōu
Redeem - 赎回 - shúhuí
Reduce - 减少 - jiǎnshǎo
Refer - 参考 - cānkǎo
Reflect - 反映 - fǎnyìng
Refuse - 拒绝 - jùjué
Regret - 后悔 - hòuhuǐ
Regulate - 调节 - tiáojié
Reinforce - 加强 - jiāqiáng
Rejoice - 庆幸 - qìngxìng
Relax - 放松 - fàngsōng
Rely - 依靠 - yīkào
Remember - 记得 - jìde
Remind - 提醒 - tíxǐng
Repair - 修理 - xiūlǐ
Repeat - 重复 - chóngfù
Replace - 替换 - tìhuàn
Reply - 回复 - huífù
Report - 报告 - bàogào
Request - 请求 - qǐngqiú
Require - 需要 - xūyào
Retire - 退休 - tuìxiū
Learning material (revise) - 复习 - fùxí
A book - 评介 - píngjiè
Ride - 骑 - qí
Ring - 响 - xiǎng
Rise - 上升 - shàngshēng
Rotate - 旋转 - xuánzhuǎn
Ruin - 毁 - huǐ
Rule - 统治 - tǒngzhì
Run - 跑 - pǎo
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liliran · 5 months
在银行 At the bank
some vocabulary i taught my student the other day
银行 yínháng, bank
取款机 qǔkuǎnjī, ATM
汇率 huìlǜ ,兑换率 duìhuànlǜ, exchange rate
柜台 guìtái, counter
出纳员 chūnàyuán, teller
换钱 huàn qián, to exchange money
收到钱 shōudàoqián, to receive money
提款 tí kuǎn ,取钱 qǔqián, to withdraw money
存款 cúnkuǎn, to deposit money
账户 zhànghù, bank account
开户 kāi hù, open a bank account
货币 huòbì, currency
外汇 wàihuì, foreign currency
硬币 yìngbì, coin
纸币 zhǐbì, note
找零 zhǎolíng, change
零钱 língqián, small change
现金 xiànjīn, cash
支票 zhīpiào, check
信用卡 xìnyòngkǎ, credit card
借记卡 jièjìkǎ, debit card
刷卡 shuā kǎ,划卡 huákǎ, to swipe card
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lingpaopao · 4 months
⊹˚ 💒 𝘞𝘦𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘝𝘰𝘤𝘢𝘣𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘳𝘺 🍾 ₊˚
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结婚典礼 ~ wedding ceremony (jiéhūn diǎnlǐ) 婚宴 ~ wedding reception (hūnyàn) 结婚登记处 ~ marriage registry (jiéhūn dēngjì chù) 立下婚誓 ~ say wedding vows (lìxià hūnshì) 举行婚礼 ~ hold a wedding (jǔxíng hūnlǐ) 结婚纪念日 ~ (wedding) anniversary (jiéhūn jìniànrì) 新娘 ~ bride (xīnniáng) 新郎 ~ groom (xīnláng) 主婚人 ~ marriage commissioner (zhǔhūn rén) 牧师 ~ priest (mùshī) 伴郎 ~ groomsman (bànláng) 伴娘 ~ bridesmaid (bànniáng) 蜜月 ~ honeymoon (mìyuè) 婚纱 ~ wedding veil (hūnshā) 结婚证 ~ marriage certificate (jiéhūn zhèng) 登记结婚 ~ marriage registration (dēngjì jiéhūn) 来宾 ~ wedding guest (láibīn) 再婚 ~ to remarry (zàihūn) 结婚执照 ~ marriage license (jiéhūn zhízhào) 结婚礼服 ~ wedding dress (jiéhūn lǐfú) 祭坛 ~ altar (jìtán) 单身女派对 ~ bachelorette party (dānshēn nǚ pàiduì) 告别单身派对 ~ bachelor party (gàobié dānshēn pàiduì) 婚戒 ~ wedding band (hūnjiè) 订婚 ~ engagement (dìnghūn) 他娶了她 ~ he married her (tā qǔle tā) 她嫁给了他 ~ she married him (tā jiàgěi le tā) Note: ^^ they are not interchangeable... 订婚戒指 ~ engagement ring (dìnghūn jièzhǐ) 未婚妻 ~ fiancée (wèihūnqī) 未婚夫 ~ fiancé (wèihūnfū) 证人 ~ witness (zhèngrén) 花束 ~ bouquet (huāshù) 西装 ~ suit (xīzhuāng) 婚礼策划师 ~ wedding planner (hūnlǐ cèhuà shī) 私奔 ~ elope (sībēn)
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libai-yyds · 5 months
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so... i was bored and wanted to find some vocab list about stranger things in chinese but i couldn't find any... so I finally decided to go look for it myself on diverse chinese speaking websites who were talking about the show. I also used pleco for some more generic words usefull to speak about the show.
I hope some other people will also fit on my venn diagram of hyperfixation and find this list useful ^^
怪奇物語(guài qí wù yǔ)stranger things
颠倒世界(diān dǎo shì jiè)the upside down
夺心魔 (duó xīn mó)the mind flayer
魔狗 (mó gǒu) demodog
魔王 (mó wáng) demogorgon
魔蝙蝠 (mó biān fú) demobat
藤蔓 (téng wàn) the vines
怪兽 (guài shòu) the monster
维克那 (wéi kè nà) vecna
集体意识 (jí tǐ yì shí) the hive mind
火俱乐部 ( huǒ jù lè bù) the hellfire club
龙与地下城 (lóng yǔ dì xià chéng) dungeons and dragons
棒球棒 (bàng qiú bàng) baseball bat
圣诞灯 (shèng dàn dēng) christmas lights
纹身 (wén shēn) tattoo
失踪 (shī zōng) disappearance
杀 (shā) to kill
心灵感应 (xīn líng gǎn yīng) telekinesis
读心术 (dú xīn shù) telepathy
打电话 (dǎ diàn huà) to make a phone call
摩尔斯电码 (mó ěr sī diàn mǎ) morse code
对讲机 (duì jiǎng jī) walkie-talkie
俄国间谍 (é guó jiān dié) russian spy
实验品 (shí yàn pǐn) human experiment
星庭商场 (xīng tíng shāng cháng) starcourt mall
霍金斯实验室 ( huò jīn sī shí yàn shì) hawkins lab
门 (mén) the gate
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5-cz · 1 year
Word of Honor Vocab - Episode 2
after much too long, here we go
若 (ruò) - as if; like
诚意 (chéng'yì) - good faith/sincerity
变数 (biàn'shù) - variable
步法 (bù'fǎ) - footwork
偏偏 (piān'piān) - lightly/airily; unrestrained
蝴蝶在花丛中偏偏飞舞 翩翩少年
仙 (xiān) - celestial being; immortal
眼疾 (yǎn'ji2) - eye trouble/ eye disease
飘飘 (piāo'piāo) - to float about/to flutter
流风 (liú'fēng) - customs handed down from past generations
仿佛 (fáng'fú) - seemingly/as if
轻 (qīng) - light (weight)
所谓 (suǒ'wèi) - what is called/what is known as; so-called
所谓团结,并非一团和气 他所谓的朋友都背弃了他
壶 (hú) - kettle/pot
独酌 (dú'zhuó) - to drink alone
尾随 (wěi'suí) - to tag along after
究竟 (jīu'jìng) - outcome/what actually happened
妨 (fáng) - hinder/hamper; harm
你试一试也无妨 会妨大事
明示 (míng'shì) - to explicitly instruct
傻 (shǎ) - stupid/muddleheaded
剑 (jiàn) - sword
剑柄 拔剑
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meichenxi · 3 months
Vocab from first ep of 大明王朝1566:
(aka my new salt tax and budget heavy politics imperial drama!)
1. 同舟共济 - tong2 zhou1 gong4 ji4- to cross a river in the same boat / to pull together in times of trouble - 天大之事,咱们可得同舟共济
2. 议事 – yi4 shi4 – to discuss official business - 议事的时辰快到了
3. 户部 – hu4 bu4 - the Ministry of Revenue, 六部之一。 finally gonna actually learn them after years of them floating around vaguely in my NiF-brain,一共包括:
吏部 Li4 bu4 – Ministry of Personnel
户部 – hu4 bu4 – Ministry of Revenue
礼部 – Li3 bu4 – Ministry of Rites
兵部 – bing1 bu4 – Ministry of War
刑部 – xing2 bu4 – Ministry of Justine
工部 – gong1 bu4 – Ministry of Works
4. 拟 – ni3 - to draw up, devise, draft - 拟定 (to draw up),拟议 (proposal),拟作 (imitative work done in the style of a certain author,拟声 (onomatopoeia)
5. 仰赖 – yang3lai4 – to rely on (literary) - 仰赖皇上如天之德
6. 凑巧 – cou4 qiao3 – luckily, as chance would have it -凑巧 , 去年腊月又没下雪,有些人就借着这些诽谤朝廷
7. 腊月 – la4 yue4 – one of the many (many. Ye gods there are Many) names for the last month of the lunar calendar / 岁末十二月的别称
8. 祈 – qi2 – to pray for
9. 祥瑞 – xiang2 rui4 – a good omen - 虽然降了祥瑞,可是皇上他的心情也不准好到哪去
10. 亏空 – kui1kong1 – deficit (budget)-亏空上的事,能过去我们就尽量过去
11. 开支 – kai1zhi1 (expenditure) - 内阁把去年的各项开支按各部和两京一十三省的实际用度报上来
12. 宗 – zong1 – here, a measure word for sums of money - 今年有哪几宗大的开支,各部提出来,户部综算一下
14. 实心 – shi1 xin1 – sincere, honest -和大家实心用事
15. 用事 – yong4 shi4 – (literary) to act, to be in power
16. 斋戒 – zhai1 jie4 – to abstain for meat and wine when offering sacrifices to the gods/ancestors -皇上就一个人在这里斋戒敬天
Individual difficult/unfamiliar characters:
1) 济 – ji4 – to aid, assist, cross a river
2) 议 – yi4 – 议论 (comment/remark),议会 (parliament),议题 (subject under discussion),议事日程 (agenda, order of the day)
3) 吏 – li4 – government official, petty clerk – NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH 史 shi3 – history/annals
4) 拟 – ni3 - to draw up, device, draft
5) 仰 – yang3 – to rely on > 仰头 (raise one’s head),仰面 (to face upward),仰天 (to look up to heaven)
6) 赖 – lai4 – to rely, depend / to blame someone wrongly – 赖以 (to depend on)
7) 凑 – cou4 – to gather together, take advantage of a chance situation, move closer – 凑近 (to get closer),凑足 (to scrape together enough people, money etc)
8) 祈 – qi2 – to pray for – 祈福 (to pray for good fortune),祈年 (to pray for a good harvest),祈雨 (to pray for rain)
9)斋 – zhai1 – a vegetarian diet for religious purposes, to adopt said diet / to give alms to a monk – 斋月(Ramadan), 斋堂 (dining hall in a Buddhist temple), 斋期 (days/period of fasting)
as ever, any corrections or pointing out of typos welcome!
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malaidarling · 5 months
22.4.24 //
here’s a random list of words i learned today through reading 月宫里的嫦娥 with a tutor — will perhaps make a better post about it later.
渐渐地 - jiàn jiàn de - gradually, little by little
偷偷地 - tōu tōu de - stealthily, secretly
趁 - chèn - take advantage of
后悔 -hòu huǐ - to regret
呆 - dāi - stay
望 - wàng - stare, gaze into the distance
轻 - qīng - light (as opposed to heavy)
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baejax-the-great · 7 months
Greek is a beautiful language
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sinni-ok-sessi · 1 year
the Nirvana in Fire manhua: brought to you by expressions of deep sadness and ways to call someone (Mei Changsu, it's always Mei Changsu) elegant and refined
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zhuzhudushu · 2 years
i'm trying to find a langblr vocab post that i swear i saw... it was about labels on food that says if it was vegan, vegan but with eggs, vegan with eggs and milk and then a bunch of other labels??? have you seen it around? i thought maybe you made it, but i havent been able to track it down again T_T thank you so much!!
Hmm off the top of my head I can't think of a post that's exactly like that?
I know have this post on vegetarian dishes but that doesn't fit exactly your description.
If anyone who sees this knows of this post please link it below!!
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linghxr · 1 year
75 essential single-character verbs (单字动词)
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When I started consuming more native Chinese content, I quickly discovered an area in which my knowledge was lacking: single-character verbs. In my experience, it’s very easy to focus on learning words consisting of two or more characters and overlook single-character words.
Driven by curiosity, I went through my Anki deck (and also wracked my brain) to generate a list of characters/words that I have learned over the past couple years (roughly). Then I selected 75 verbs that are fairly common and important to know. They skew towards intermediate and advanced vocabulary.
Definitions are from MDBG. For characters with additional meanings that I am not yet familiar with, I have bolded the meanings I want to share.
(1) 抢 qiǎng - to fight over / to rush / to scramble / to grab / to rob / to snatch
(2) 救 jiù - to save / to assist / to rescue
(3) 扶 fú - to support with the hand / to help sb up / to support oneself by holding onto something / to help
(4) 催 cuī - to urge / to press / to prompt / to rush sb / to hasten sth / to expedite
(5) 夹 jiā - to press from either side / to place in between / to sandwich / to carry sth under armpit / wedged between / between / to intersperse / to mix / to mingle / clip / folder / Taiwan pr. [jia2]
(6) 咬 yǎo - to bite / to nip
(7) 砸 zá - to smash / to pound / to fail / to muck up / to bungle
(8) 毁 huǐ - to destroy / to ruin / to defame / to slander
(9) 嚷 rǎng - to shout / to bellow / to make a big deal of sth / to make a fuss about sth
(10) 塞 sāi - to stop up / to squeeze in / to stuff / cork / stopper
(11) 贪 tān - to have a voracious desire for / to covet / greedy / corrupt
(12) 拆 chāi - to tear open / to tear down / to tear apart / to open
(13) 掏 tāo - to fish out (from pocket) / to scoop
(14) 跪 guì - to kneel
(15) 摘 zhāi - to take / to borrow / to pick (flowers, fruit etc) / to pluck / to select / to remove / to take off (glasses, hat etc)
(16) 拎 līn - to lift up / to carry in one's hand / Taiwan pr. [ling1]
(17) 扛 káng - to carry on one's shoulder / (fig.) to take on (a burden, duty etc)
(18) 拽 zhuài - to pull / to tug at (sth)
(19) 愣 lèng - to look distracted / to stare blankly / distracted / blank / (coll.) unexpectedly / rash / rashly
(20) 搂 lǒu - to hug / to embrace / to hold in one's arms
(21) 垮 kuǎ - to collapse (lit. or fig.)
(22) 撑 chēng - to support / to prop up / to push or move with a pole / to maintain / to open or unfurl / to fill to bursting point / brace / stay / support
(23) 甩 shuǎi - to throw / to fling / to swing / to leave behind / to throw off / to dump (sb)
(24) 围 wéi - to encircle / to surround / all around / to wear by wrapping around (scarf, shawl)
(25) 愁 chóu - to worry about
(26) 插 chā - to insert / stick in / pierce / to take part in / to interfere / to interpose
(27) 漏 lòu - to leak / to divulge / to leave out by mistake / waterclock or hourglass (old)
(28) 披 pī - to drape over one's shoulders / to open / to unroll / to split open / to spread out
(29) 歇 xiē - to rest / to take a break / to stop / to halt / (dialect) to sleep / a moment / a short while
(30) 抄 chāo - to make a copy / to plagiarize / to search and seize / to raid / to grab / to go off with / to take a shortcut / to make a turning move / to fold one's arms
(31) 哼 hēng - to groan / to snort / to hum / to croon / humph!
(32) 哄 hǒng - to deceive / to coax / to amuse (a child)
(33) 啃 kěn - to gnaw / to nibble / to bite
(34) 眯 mī - to narrow one's eyes / to squint / (dialect) to take a nap
(35) 趴 pā - to lie on one's stomach / to lean forward, resting one's upper body (on a desktop etc) / (Tw) percent
(36) 揍 zòu - to hit / to beat (sb) / (coll.) to smash (sth)
(37) 蹭 cèng - to rub against / to walk slowly / (coll.) to freeload
(38) 凑 còu - to gather together, pool or collect / to happen by chance / to move close to / to exploit an opportunity
(39) 敲 qiāo - to hit / to strike / to tap / to rap / to knock / to rip sb off / to overcharge
(40) 滑 huá - to slip / to slide / slippery / smooth / sly / slippery / not to be trusted
(41) 碎 suì - to break down / to break into pieces / fragmentary
(42) 盯 dīng - to watch attentively / to fix one's attention on / to stare at / to gaze at
(43) 塌 tā - to collapse / to droop / to settle down
(44) 背 bēi - to be burdened / to carry on the back or shoulder 背 bèi - the back of a body or object / to turn one's back / to hide something from / to learn by heart / to recite from memory / unlucky (slang) / hard of hearing
(45) 数 shǔ - to count / to count as / to regard as / to enumerate (sb's shortcomings)
(46) 按 àn - to press / to push / to leave aside or shelve / to control / to restrain / to keep one's hand on / to check or refer to / according to / in the light of / (of an editor or author) to make a comment
(47) 压 yā - to press / to push down / to keep under (control) / pressure
(48) 亲 qīn - parent / one's own (flesh and blood) / relative / related / marriage / bride / close / intimate / in person / first-hand / in favor of / pro- / to kiss / (Internet slang) dear
(49) 补 bǔ - to repair / to patch / to mend / to make up for / to fill (a vacancy) / to supplement
(50) 舔 tiǎn - to lick / to lap
(51) 拼 pīn - to piece together / to join together / to stake all / adventurous / at the risk of one's life / to spell
(52) 埋 mái - to bury
(53) 抖 dǒu - to tremble / to shake out / to reveal / to make it in the world
(54) 涂 tú - to apply (paint etc) / to smear / to daub / to blot out / to scribble / to scrawl / (literary) mud / street
(55) 抹 mǒ - to smear / to wipe / to erase / classifier for wisps of cloud, light-beams etc
(56) 吞 tūn - to swallow / to take
(57) 拦 lán - to block sb's path / to obstruct / to flag down (a taxi)
(58) 露 lòu - to show / to reveal / to betray / to expose 露 lù - dew / syrup / nectar / outdoors (not under cover) / to show / to reveal / to betray / to expose
(59) 滚 gǔn - to boil / to roll / to take a hike / Get lost!
(60) 扣 kòu - to fasten / to button / button / buckle / knot / to arrest / to confiscate / to deduct (money) / discount / to knock / to smash, spike or dunk (a ball) / to cover (with a bowl etc) / (fig.) to tag a label on sb / (Tw) (loanword) code
(61) 夸 kuā - to boast / to exaggerate / to praise
(62) 挥 huī - to wave / to brandish / to command / to conduct / to scatter / to disperse
(63) 求 qiú - to seek / to look for / to request / to demand / to beseech
(64) 吸 xī - to breathe / to suck in / to absorb / to inhale
(65) 响 xiǎng - echo / sound / noise / to make a sound / to sound / to ring / loud / classifier for noises
(66) 擦 cā - to wipe / to erase / rubbing (brush stroke in painting) / to clean / to polish
(67) 踩 cǎi - to step on / to tread / to stamp / to press a pedal / to pedal (a bike) / (online) to downvote
(68) 撕 sī - to tear
(69) 扫 sǎo - to sweep
(70) 锁 suǒ - to lock / to lock up / a lock (CL:把)
(71) 扎 zhā - to prick / to run or stick (a needle etc) into / mug or jug used for serving beer (loanword from "jar")
(72) 撞 zhuàng - to knock against / to bump into / to run into / to meet by accident
(73) 追 zhuī - to chase / to pursue / to look into / to investigate / to reminisce / to recall / to court (one's beloved) / to binge-watch (a TV drama) / retroactively / posthumously
(74) 抽 chōu - to draw out / to pull out from in between / to remove part of the whole / (of certain plants) to sprout or bud / to whip or thrash
(75) 删 shān - to delete
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P-Verbs in Chinese
Most commonly used verbs starting with P in Chinese!
Participate - 参加 - cānjiā
Perform - 表演 - biǎoyǎn
Persuade - 劝说 - quànshuō
Plan - 计划 - jìhuà
Play - 玩 - wán
Point out - 指出 - zhǐchū
Prepare - 准备 - zhǔnbèi
Present - 展示 - zhǎnshì
Prevent - 防止 - fángzhǐ
Produce - 生产 - shēngchǎn
Promise - 承诺 - chéngnuò
Protect - 保护 - bǎohù
Provide - 提供 - tígōng
Publish - 发布 - fābù
Pull - 拉 - lā
Push - 推 - tuī
Put down - 放下 - fàngxià
Pay - 付款 - fùkuǎn
Practice - 练习 - liànxí
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liliran · 1 year
vocabulary i learned while trying to get my students to study Geography
地球 dìqiú, Earth
阳光(陽光)yángguāng, sunrays
大气层(大氣層)dàqìcéng, atmospheric layer
臭氧层(臭氧層)chòuyǎngcéng, ozone layer
氧气 (氧氣)yàngqì, oxygen
氮气 (氮氣)dànqì, nitrogen
碳 tàn, carbon
呼吸 hūxī, to breathe
呼 hū, to breathe out, exhale
吸 xī, to breathe in, inhale
反射 fǎnshè, to reflect
过滤(過濾)guòlǜ, to filter
通过(通過)tōngguò, to pass through
温室效应 (溫室效應)wēnshì xiàoyìng, greenhouse effect
光合作用 guānghé zuòyòng, photosynthesis
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lingpaopao · 5 months
. ݁₊ ⊹ 🍭🍨 𝘋𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘵 𝘝𝘰𝘤𝘢𝘣𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘳𝘺 🍧🍰 . ݁˖
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// Candy // Cotton candy ~ 棉花糖 (miánhuātáng) Note: 'marshmallow' has the same name as cotton candy in Chinese Gummy ~ 软糖 (ruǎntáng) Lollipop ~ 棒棒糖 (bàngbàngtáng) Fudge ~ 乳脂软糖 (rǔzhī ruǎntáng) Caramel ~ 焦糖 (jiāotáng) Jellybean ~ 果冻豆 (guǒdòng dòu) Toffee ~ 太妃糖 (tàifēi táng) Liquorice ~ 甘草 (gāncǎo) // Baked Sweets // Cupcake ~ 杯子蛋糕 (bēizi dàngāo) Brownie ~ ��朗尼 (bùlǎngní) Sponge cake ~ 海绵蛋糕 (hǎimián dàngāo) Lava cake ~ 熔岩蛋糕 (Róngyán dàngāo) Black forest cake ~ 黑森林蛋糕 (hēisēnlín dàngāo) Cheesecake ~ 乳酪蛋糕 (rǔlào dàngāo) Tiramisu ~ 提拉米苏 (tílāmǐsū) Scone ~ 司康 (sīkāng) Macaron ~ 马卡龙 (mǎkǎlóng) Waffle ~ 华夫饼 (huáfū bǐng) Tart ~ 塔 (tǎ) Crepe ~ 可丽饼 (kělì bǐng) Pie ~ 派 (pài) Chocolate chip cookie ~ 巧克力碎片饼干 (qiǎokèlì suìpiàn bǐnggān) Donut ~ 甜甜圈 (tiántiánquān) Brulee ~ 烤布蕾 (kǎo bùlěi) Creampie ~ 奶油派 (nǎiyóu pài) Cinnamon bun ~ 肉桂卷 (ròuguì juǎn) Gingerbread ~ 姜饼 (jiāngbǐng) Red velvet cake ~ 红色天鹅绒蛋糕 (hóngsè tiān'é'rónghuá dàngāo) // Frozen Desserts // Sherbet ~ 雪葩 (xuěpā) Gelato ~ 吉拉朵 (jílāduǒ) Sundae ~ 圣代 (shèngdài) Shaved ice ~ 刨冰 (bàobīng) Ice cream ~ 冰激凌 (bīngjīlíng) Note: another common name is 冰淇淋 (bīngqílín). Popsicle ~ 冰棍儿 (bīnggùn'er) // Misc. // Custard ~ 奶黄 (nǎihuáng) Puff ~ 泡芙 (pàofú) Popcorn ~ 爆米花 (bàomǐhuā) Milkshake ~ 奶昔 (nǎixī) Jello ~ 果冻 (guǒdòng) Oreo ~ 奥利奥 (àolì'ào) // Common Asian Desserts // Mochi ~ 麻糬 (máshǔ) Tanghulu ~ 糖葫芦 (tánghúlu) Black sesame soup ~ 黑芝麻糊 (hēi zhīma hú) Swallow's nest ~ 燕窝 (yànwō) Sago pudding ~ 西米布丁 (xīmǐ bùdīng) Snow fungus soup ~ 雪耳糖水 (xuě'ěr tángshuǐ) Osmanthus Jelly ~ 桂花糕 (guìhuā gāo) Grass jelly ~ 仙草 (xiāncǎo) // Example Text // https://www.sohu.com/a/443013219_120949919
口味最“奇怪”的4种糖果 -> the four candies with the strangest flavours.
1、星空棒棒糖 -> planet lollipops
星空棒棒糖有名的高颜值糖果,大部分的女生都有买过,或是男生情人节买来送女朋友都有了解过。-> Planet lollipops are popular for their appearance, lots of women have already purchased them before, or men who, on Valentine's day gifted it to their girlfriends, have understood. 它的味道你尝过后就会觉得“这是什么沙雕玩意儿,我吃了塑料吗?”,有这种感觉并不奇怪,星空棒棒糖大部分都是甜苦甜苦的味道,有些还带着塑料的气味,吃完就怀疑人生,估计这个糖果也就只能当做摆设。-> After tasting its flavour, you will think: "what is this sand sculpture-like thing, am I eating plastic?" Having this kind of feeling isn't exactly strange, planetary lollipop largely have a bittersweet flavour, some lollipops even have a plastic odour, after eating it, you'll question your life, seems like this kind of candy is only used for decoration.
2、榴莲糖 -> durian candy
...打开包装就是浓浓的榴莲味,吃到嘴里就感觉是三里往外都是这个榴莲味 -> upon opening the package are the dense/strong durian smells, eating them makes you feel that the durian smell is everywhere within a 3 mile radius.
3、姜汁糖 -> ginger candy
姜汁糖里面就是有大量的姜味,吃的第一口还是上面糖味,含一会后姜味就显露出来了,你会有一种姜辣的感觉,一直猛吸气想要减少这个辣味,没想到后面越吃越辣,让人有点受不了,吃到一半就吐了,这种一般都是家里的老人才会买,老人很喜欢这种甜辣的感觉,甚至吃起来还想喝一两口小酒。-> Within ginger candy is a considerable amount of ginger flavour, after eating the first bite, the first taste is sweet, after sucking on it for a bit, the ginger flavour will come out and you get have a spicy ginger feeling. Keep inhaling sharply, wanting to reduce this spiciness, not knowing that more and more spiciness will follow, intolerable, spat it out halfway through, this kind of candy will typically be bought by a family's older individuals, elders really like this kind of spicy-sweet feel, to the point of also wanting to drink a couple gulps of liquor.
世界上最好吃的十种甜点,吃过六种,算我服!-> 10 of the world's most delicious desserts, eaten 6 types, count me in!
1、布朗尼蛋糕--美国 -> Brownie--America
布朗尼蛋糕属于重油蛋糕的一种,但它和一般重油蛋糕的区别在于通常较薄且较结实,不像普通蛋糕那样松松的, 而且一定是巧克力口味 -> Brownies are considered a type of pound cakes, but they are different from regular pound cakes in that they are usually on the thinner and sturdier side, unlike the regular cakes which are fluffier, and brownies need a chocolate flavour.
2、提拉米苏--意大利 -> Tiramisu--Italy
提拉米苏是一种带咖啡酒味儿的意大利甜点 -> tiramisu is a type of coffee-flavour containing Italian dessert.
10、乳酪蛋糕--阿拉伯 -> Cheesecake--Arabic
这类蛋糕介于蛋糕和甜点之间,因而越来越受人关注 -> this type of cake is a cross between cakes and desserts, and because of this, more and more people have given it attention.
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