#Chosen Few DJs
melagnes · 3 months
Truth or Dare
Synopsis: The Abbott crew gathered for a night at Melissa’s place; of course, Janine and Jacob convinced everyone to play truth or dare. The game unveiled some deep truths and with a few too many drinks, leads to you and Melissa getting even closer.
Pairing: Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Word Count: 4.6K
Warnings: smut
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The evening had unfolded lazily, each passing moment steeped in the warm glow of soft lighting that Melissa had meticulously arranged to create a cosy ambiance. The air was filled with the gentle hum of shared laughter and the unmistakable comfort of close friends finding solace from the relentless pace of everyday life. Melissa's home, with its inviting atmosphere and welcoming decor, had transformed into a sanctuary for the group.
Among them were you, Melissa, Janine, Jacob, Ava, Gregory, and Barbara–a group who had known each other for years. As the night progressed, you all settled comfortably into the familiar rhythm of friendship that required no pretense or formality. Glasses clinked as toasts were exchanged, and conversations ebbed and flowed effortlessly, fueled by the easy camaraderie that only longtime friends could share.
Janine and Jacob, always the instigators of fun, decided to inject a spark of excitement into the gathering. “Hey, guys, how about we spice things up with a game of truth or dare?” Janine's voice rang out eagerly, her eyes bright with anticipation.
Jacob was quick to jump on board. “Ah, Janine, you beacon of mischief! Count me in.”
“Sure, why not,” you chimed in, intrigued by the prospect of the game. You followed Janine and Jacob as they led the way to rearrange the furniture in Melissa's living room, forming a circle that accommodated everyone comfortably.
Ava, Barbara, and Gregory joined the circle, their expressions signalling interest as they sat down. 
Melissa chuckled good-naturedly as she shook her head. “Come on, guys, we're adults now. Isn't this a bit juvenile?” She teased, her tone laced with mock seriousness as she glanced around at the group. Finding a comfortable spot on the couch next to you, she sat close enough that your thighs lightly pressed together, sending a jolt of electricity through your body.
Jacob, undeterred by Melissa's scepticism, leaned over to nudge her side. “Oh, Melissa, you're not afraid of a little fun, are you?”
Melissa rolled her eyes, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “Fine, fine. Let's do it, but don't expect me to play along if your dares turn out to be ridiculous.”
With a collective agreement, the game began. Janine, always eager, wasted no time in setting the tone. She turned to Jacob, excitement evident on her face. “Jacob, I dare you to perform an impromptu dance to a song chosen by Ava,” she declared, her voice filled with enthusiasm.
Ava, known for her impeccable taste in music, quickly selected “WAP” by Cardi B. Ava took pride in being the resident DJ, and Jacob, never one to shy away from a challenge, sprang to his feet with exaggerated flair. He went from the top and made it drop.
Melissa choked on laughter, a soft sound that barely escaped her lips, as she sat beside you. Her hand, warm and comforting, rested casually on your thigh, a touch that sent a sudden surge of awareness through your body. You couldn't help but be distracted from Jacob's masterful dance moves, your mind wandering to the tantalising possibilities her touch evoked–what it would feel like if her hand moved higher, tracing a path towards your core, exploring the sensitive skin beneath your clothes.
“Hey, are you okay?” Melissa whispered, her voice low and intimate, her breath tickling your earlobe as she leaned in closer.
Your heartbeat quickened at her proximity, at the hint of sultry in her tone. “Yeah, I’m fine,” you replied softly, trying to suppress the flutter of anticipation in your voice. “I was just daydreaming.”
“What were you daydreaming about?” Melissa whispered again, her lips grazing your ear with each word, sending a shiver down your spine. Her touch was electrifying, igniting a slow burn of desire that flickered in the depths of your being.
You hesitated, unsure whether to reveal the provocative fantasy that had momentarily consumed your mind. “Oh, you know,” you deflected, offering a half-smile as you gently moved her hand away from your thigh. “Just random stuff.”
Melissa arched an eyebrow, her playful demeanour hinting at an underlying curiosity. “Random stuff, huh?” she teased, her gaze lingering on yours with an intensity that made your pulse quicken.
“Yeah,” you replied, your voice steadier now as you met her gaze, a mixture of attraction and uncertainty swirling in your eyes. “Just silly daydreams.”
Her laughter, tinged with amusement and something more, filled the space between you. “Well, now I'm curious,” Melissa admitted, her fingers lightly tracing patterns on your upper arm. “But it’s fine if you'd rather keep your thoughts to yourself.”
“Thanks,” you replied, grateful for her tact, yet inwardly conflicted by the desire to delve deeper into the moment. The air between you felt charged with potential, a crossroads where friendship could evolve into something deeper, something more profound.
As the night wore on and inhibitions loosened with each sip of wine, the atmosphere in the room subtly shifted. Conversations flowed more freely and laughter came easier. Amidst this convivial setting, the air between Janine and Gregory grew thick with unspoken tension, their stolen glances and nervous smiles betraying emotions they both tried to hide.
From across the room, Melissa noticed the palpable tension and decided to stir the pot further. “Janine, truth or dare?” she asked, her tone challenging.
“Dare, of course!” Janine responded with feigned confidence, though her nerves fluttered beneath the surface.
Melissa's smirk turned devilish, her eyes sparkling with expectancy. “I dare you to confess who you’d wanna sleep with most in this room.”
Barbara gasped at her friend's forwardness, “Melissa Ann Schemmenti!” 
All eyes turned to Janine, who suddenly found herself the centre of attention. Her cheeks flushed pink as she hesitated, her gaze flickering nervously towards Gregory. The room seemed to hold its breath, waiting for her response.
Sensing Janine's discomfort and eager to protect her from potential embarrassment, Gregory attempted to intervene diplomatically. “Um, I think we should stick to something less... revealing,” he suggested, his voice gentle but firm.
But Ava, ever the keen observer, couldn't resist adding fuel to the fire. “What's the matter, Gregory? Could it be that you want to sleep with someone in this room?” Her tone was teasing, yet it carried a hint of genuine curiosity.
“Absolutely not,” Gregory stammered, his voice faltering slightly under the weight of the group's scrutiny. His cheeks matched Janine's in hue as he desperately tried to steer the conversation away from dangerous waters. 
The tension in the room was immense. Janine, emboldened by a mix of wine and the support of her friends, took a deep breath. “Alright, fine. I'll answer.” Her eyes met Gregory's, and for a moment, the world outside their circle ceased to exist. “If I had to choose... it would be Gregory.”
Everyone went silent, except for Jacob, who practically squealed at the top of his lungs before quickly covering his mouth with his palm to silence himself. 
Gregory's eyes widened, but a small, pleased smile tugged at the corners of his lips. Trying to regain some semblance of normalcy, he chuckled nervously. “Well, I suppose that's flattering,” he said, his voice light despite the redness in his cheeks.
Melissa, satisfied with the stir she had caused, leaned back with a grin. “See? That wasn't so bad, was it?” she quipped, winking at Janine, thereafter exchanging a knowing glance with you.
As the game of truth or dare continued to unfold around the group, Janine turned her attention to you. “Truth or dare?” she asked, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.
“Hmm, let's go with truth,” you respond.
Janine leaned forward, her expression turning serious for a moment as she formulated her question. “What’s your type? For dating and stuff,” she asked, her curiosity evident as if she were mentally preparing to take notes for a future blind date setup.
“I guess I would say I like women who are older than me, who are direct and forward with what they want,” you replied. “Red hair would be a bonus,” you added boldly, feeling Melissa's eyes staring a hole into the side of your head.
“Good to know,” Janine replied, nodding thoughtfully.
After a few moments of jovial discussion, it was your turn to ask the next question. You turned to Gregory, catching his eye. “Gregory, truth or dare?” you inquired, a hint of slyness in your tone.
“Dare,” he replied slowly, hesitancy evident in his voice as if he were unsure if he had chosen wisely.
You took this as an opportunity to push your friends into making a move. “I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with Janine,” you said, mirth in your eyes. “In the closet over there,” you added, glancing meaningfully towards the hallway closet.
Gregory just stared at you, clearly caught off guard, but before he could fully process the dare, Janine jumped up from her seat, a determined look on her face. She grabbed his arm and, with a mix of eagerness and nerves, wordlessly dragged him towards the closet. “See you all in seven minutes,” she called back over her shoulder, her voice carrying a note of awkward excitement as she closed the closet door a little louder than necessary.
The room buzzed with suspense as the closet door clicked shut. The minutes began to tick by, each one stretching longer than the last. What was supposed to be a brief interlude felt like an eternity, their prolonged absence not going unnoticed.
After some time had passed, Ava glanced at her phone, which had been set to time the dare. The seven minutes were up, but there was no sign of Janine and Gregory emerging from the closet. “So, uh, should we go check on them?” Ava suggested, her tone betraying a hint of jealousy towards Janine.
“Leave the kids alone, Ava,” Barbara replied with a chuckle, her voice laced with a touch of affectionate exasperation.
Jacob, unable to contain his excitement, practically floated out of the loveseat he was sitting on. “Yeah, Ava, we’ve been waiting for this moment since the first day Gregory walked into Abbott.”
Melissa raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips. “The first day they met, Jacob? That sounds a little exaggerated, don’t ya think?”
“Nope, Mel, he’s actually been their number-one shipper since Gregory started as a sub. It seems like he manifested this one,” you chuckled, remembering all the times Jacob had subtly tried to push Janine and Gregory together.
“Damn, impressive,” Melissa laughed, glancing at the closet with a mixture of intrigue and curiosity.
Suddenly, a loud bang echoed from the closet, startling everyone. Barbara, always the voice of dramatic humour, rose from her seat, raising both hands in the air. “Praise Jesus!” she exclaimed, her tone exasperated as she imagined the origin of the sound.
Melissa, still chuckling, added, “No but seriously, if they take any longer, we might have to send a search party.”
Just then, the closet door slowly creaked open, and Janine and Gregory emerged, their faces flushed and their gaze avoidant. Janine’s hair was tousled, and her buttons were done up haphazardly, one conspicuously lower than the others. You noticed but kept quiet, already plotting to share the details with Melissa later, once Janine and Gregory had left the room.
The atmosphere turned tense, and an awkward silence settled over the room. Janine, attempting to maintain composure, offered a sheepish grin. “Well, I can confirm there are definitely enough coats in there,” she joked, eliciting a wave of relieved laughter.
“and we made sure they were all in order,” Gregory added in an attempt to back up Janine. 
Jacob, unable to resist, let out a loud whistle, “It’s about time!” His comment was met with another round of laughter, while Janine and Gregory ducked their heads, trying to hide their embarrassment.
As the game died down and the group hung out for a bit, Barbara eventually announced, “It’s time I head back for the night. My dear Gerald is waiting for me,” Rising from her seat, she began to tidy up, gathering rubbish and ensuring it was all tossed into the trash before turning back to the group. 
“Same here. I’m heading to a club after this—gotta run,” Ava chimed in, standing up with a sense of urgency. She walked over to the closet to grab her coat but hesitated, her hand hovering over the doorknob. Memories of the evening’s earlier events seemed to give her pause. Jacob, however, was quick and confident. He opened the door, grabbed his coat, and turned back to the group.
“See ya, folks!” Jacob called out cheerfully. As Gregory looked away to put his shoes on, Jacob leaned towards Janine and mouthed, “I’m so proud of you! You need to tell me everything,” his voice barely above a whisper. Jacob had perfected the art of whisper yelling, and though Gregory pretended not to notice, he couldn’t help but smile to himself.
As the others began to file out the door, you felt a pang of sadness in your chest—you didn’t want this night to end. Melissa’s presence had a way of making you feel whole; you never wanted to leave. Summoning a bit of courage, you turned to Melissa and asked, “Hey Mel, need some help cleaning up?” You glanced at her, hoping she would say yes. “I can stay for a bit,” you added, trying to sound casual.
“I won’t force ya, but since you’re offerin’...” Melissa replied with a warm smile.
As everyone departed, Barbara, the final one to leave, extended her gratitude. “It was a delightful evening, Melissa. Thank you.”
Just before closing the door behind her, she turned and winked at you, a knowing look in her eyes. 
And alas, as the game came to an end, the house quieted, leaving you and Melissa alone in the aftermath. Empty glasses and scattered snacks littered the coffee table, remnants of a night well-enjoyed.
“Whew, what a night! Thanks for hosting, Mel,” you said, breaking the silence as you began to help her tidy up.
Melissa grinned warmly, her eyes twinkling with residual amusement. “No problem. As much as I hate to admit it, I enjoy when this crew gets together.”
“I may have had a little fun setting up Janine and Gregory with you,” Melissa confessed, a knowing smirk on her lips.
You chuckled, “I noticed that. Hopefully, it works out for them.”
“Yeah, that would be nice,” Melissa replied. She turned to her liquor cabinet and asked, “Want another drink?” as she pulled out a bottle of whiskey.
“I can’t say no to that,” you replied, crossing the room to join her. Melissa poured the drink into two glasses and extended one to you. Balancing the broom in your other hand, you accepted it graciously. As you took the glass, your fingers lightly brushed against hers, sending a warm sensation up your arm.
“Thanks, Mel,” you said appreciatively.
“No problem, Tesoro,” Melissa responded, the pet name rolling off her tongue. Oh, what Melissa calling you ‘Tesoro’ does to you—you could die in peace.
The continued gentle rustle of cleaning up punctuated the comfortable silence between you, a silence that spoke volumes of the easy familiarity and unspoken bond you shared.
“You know,” you began with a chuckle, breaking the quiet that had settled between you, “I've gotta admit, that game was way more fun than I expected.”
Melissa nodded in agreement, “I can't argue with that. It was quite the night.”
Melissa chuckled, shaking her head. “So, what do you think happened in the closet?”
You playfully smacked Melissa in the arm with the back of your hand. “I don't want to know.”
Melissa laughed at your reaction, the sound warm and infectious. “Oh, come on, you can't tell me you're not at least a little curious,” she teased, her eyes dancing with mischief.
You shrugged, trying to maintain a serious expression but failing miserably. “Maybe a tiny bit,” you admitted, your lips twitching into a smile. “But I also value my peace of mind.”
Melissa shook her head, still chuckling. “Fair enough.”
Once the living room was back in order, Melissa glanced around, a satisfied smile on her face. “I think we did a pretty good job,” she said, turning to you.
“Definitely,” you replied.
“Hey, can I ask you somethin'?” Melissa's voice broke the quiet, her tone softer now, tinged with curiosity.
“Sure thing. What's on your mind?” you replied, genuine interest in your voice as you turned your body to give her your full attention.
Melissa hesitated for a heartbeat, her gaze holding yours with a mix of whimsy and something deeper. “Have you ever kissed a woman?”
Your laughter caught in your throat. “I thought we were done with truth or dare,” you teased lightly, a smirk quirking on your lips. “But uh, yeah I have, why do you ask?”
“Just curious,” Melissa replied casually, her gaze dropping and lingering on your lips for a moment longer than strictly necessary. “Nothin' wrong with a little curiosity, right?…” Her eyes met yours again, a new intensity in her gaze. “Now, truth or dare?”
You played along, your curiosity piqued and a sense of expectation settling in. “Dare.”
“Kiss me,” Melissa challenged, her voice dropping to a whisper, a roguish spark in her eye.
As Melissa's challenge hung in the air, a charged silence enveloped the room—you couldn't help but play along.
“Mel… Are you sure you could handle it?” you teased, your voice laced with mock incredulity. The corner of your lips twitched upward in a half-smile.
“Oh, you'd be surprised, sweetheart,” Meissa replied, her voice dropping to a husky whisper. With a confident smirk, she leaned in closer to you, her movements slow and deliberate, drawing out the tension. You glanced down at her lips before your eyes flicked closed. Melissa's fingertips traced a delicate path along your jawline, her touch feather-light yet electrifying. A gentle caress lingered on your cheek, her thumb brushing against your skin in a silent promise of intimacy.
As your noses brushed, your own hands found their way naturally, one sliding around her waist to pull her closer, while the other tangled in the soft waves of her auburn hair. The strands were silken beneath your touch, inviting a deeper connection as you threaded your fingers through them, savouring the sensation.
As Melissa's lips finally met yours, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the heat of the moment and the taste of her on your tongue. The kiss was tender yet fervent, a meeting of souls that spoke of years of friendship blossoming into something more. When you parted your lips to allow Melissa better access; she took this opportunity to deepen the kiss, her tongue gently exploring yours. A suppressed moan escaped the back of your throat, which edged Melissa on even further. Her hands mirrored your own, her touch exploring the contours of your back, drawing you nearer in a silent plea for closeness.
Entwined in each other's embrace, the kiss deepened, fueled by a mutual hunger that transcended words. Melissa's fingers trailed down your spine, leaving a tingling trail of sensation in their wake, while your grip tightened in her hair, pulling her impossibly closer.
As you both began to run out of breath, you attempted to pull back, but Melissa held you close with a gentle bite on your lip. A breathless moan escaped your lips as she finally released your lip. “Mel…” her name escaped her lips as you attempted to catch your breath. “Truth or dare?” you state.
Melissa raised a brow at you as if challenging you. “Dare,” she stated confidently.
“I dare you to take me to your bedroom,” you said, your tone serious. At that moment, you didn’t care that she was your coworker–you only cared about her.
Melissa stared at you with dilated pupils, wordlessly accepting the challenge. She let out a breathy laugh and grabbed your wrist, leading you swiftly to her bedroom. Once inside, she pushed you against the door, causing you to gasp in surprise as it slammed shut.
“You're quite the eager one, aren't you?” she teased, her voice low.
Your stomach fluttered as you chuckled nervously. “Is that really such a bad thing?” you managed to ask.
“No, hun. Definitely not,” she replied, her thigh pressing between your legs as she leaned in to kiss your neck. You tilted your head back, offering her better access, and tangled your fingers in her auburn hair, urging her closer. She left a trail of wet kisses along your neck before nibbling on your earlobe, eliciting a suppressed moan from your lips.
“Now, truth or dare?” Melissa whispered huskily.
“Dare,” you responded, your voice shaky with desire.
“Take off your shirt for me,” Melissa demanded, her eyes fixed on you with admiration.
With shaking hands, you slowly unbuttoned your shirt, Melissa watching you closely. With trembling hands, you continued, aware of her intense gaze roaming over your exposed skin. “Good girl,” she murmured, her knuckles trailing lightly down your arm. Her compliment sent a thrill through you, validating your vulnerability
“You're so beautiful,” she added softly.
“Thank you,” you managed to reply, your emotions swirling as you stood half-naked before her.
“M-Mel, truth or dare?” you asked her, your voice coming out stuttered as you were falling apart in front of her.
“Dare,” she replied, her own voice husky with desire.
“Fuck me,” you blurted out, your need for her overriding any hesitation.
Melissa's eyes darkened with desire as she closed the distance between you, her lips capturing yours in a passionate kiss. Her hands roamed your body, exploring every inch with a deliberate slowness that drove you wild. The intensity of her touch ignited a fire within you, and you responded eagerly, your hands tugging her closer.
Melissa's lips pressed firmly against yours, the kiss deepening as her tongue teased your mouth open, tangling with yours in a dance of raw desire. You moaned into her mouth, your body arching into her touch, craving more.
She pulled back slightly, her breath hot against your lips. “You’re so perfect,” she murmured, her eyes drinking in every inch of your exposed skin. Her hands moved to your bra, deftly unhooking it and tossing it aside. She cupped your breasts, her thumbs brushing over your nipples, sending jolts of pleasure through you.
She guided you to the bed, pushing you gently onto the soft mattress. Hovering above you, she looked into your eyes, her gaze filled with a mixture of passion and tenderness. “Are you sure about this?” she asked, her voice a seductive whisper.
“Yes,” you breathed out, the word barely audible as your heart pounded in your chest.
She undid your pants and slid them down your legs. 
Her touch was electric, each caress and squeeze making you gasp and writhe beneath her. Melissa’s eyes never left yours, the intensity of her gaze adding to the thrill of the moment. She leaned down, her lips closing around one nipple, sucking and nibbling gently. You cried out, your hands tangling in her hair, urging her closer.
Melissa’s smile was both reassuring and wicked as she began to undress, her movements deliberate and tantalising. You watched in awe as she revealed her body, each piece of clothing discarded with purpose. When she was finally as bare as you, she climbed onto the bed, straddling your hips. 
“F-fuck, you're so beautiful,” you let out, your voice tinged with admiration and desire.
Melissa's grin widened at your words, her eyes revealing her arousal. She leaned down, brushing her lips against yours in a soft, teasing kiss. “Glad you think so,” she murmured huskily, her breath warm against your ear.
Her hands continued their exploration, caressing your skin and sending shivers down your spine. Her lips followed, leaving a trail of kisses along your collarbone and down your chest. You moaned softly, your body arching into her touch, craving more of her.
“Tell me what you want,” Melissa commanded, her voice low and commanding.
“I want you,” you replied, your voice trembling with desire. “I want to feel you inside me.”
Melissa slid off your underwear, her fingers caressing the skin of your thighs. She lowered her face near your core, her tongue flicking out to taste you. She looked up at you, her eyes burning with desire. “You’re so wet for me,” she murmured, her breath hot against your sensitive skin. She pressed a kiss to your inner thigh, her tongue flitting over your folds, teasing you with each movement.
“Melissa, please…” you whimpered, your body tensing in anticipation.
“Please what?” Melissa teased, her voice a seductive whisper as her breath ghosted over your skin. She knew what you wanted but wanted to hear you beg for it.
You were writhing beneath her, your hips bucking involuntarily. “Melissa, please, I need you inside me… right now.”
Melissa did not hesitate. Her mouth found your clit, and she began to suck gently at first, then more urgently. “Oh fuck,” you gasped, gripping the sheets of Melissa’s bed. Her fingers began pumping inside you in a slow, steady rhythm. You moaned loudly, your hips grinding against her mouth, the pleasure building with each thrust of her fingers, each flick of her tongue.
“God, you feel so good,” Melissa murmured against your clit, her voice husky with satisfaction. Her breath hitting your most sensitive area caused you to arch your back. Her movements grew more urgent, her fingers pumping faster, her mouth working you closer and closer to the edge.
The world around you blurred as you lost yourself in the moment, your senses consumed by the pleasure she was giving you. The tension built higher and higher until, with a final, powerful thrust, you shattered, a scream of ecstasy tearing from your throat as you climaxed. “Oh, God!” you cried out. Your breathing quickened and grew uneven, your abdomen and thighs tightening as pleasure washed over you.
“You're doing so good,” Melissa stated, her voice filled with a mixture of pride and affection.
As the waves of your climax subsided, Melissa gently pulled back, her fingers sliding out of you with a tenderness that made your heart swell. She then brought her fingers to her lips, sucking them clean with a slow, deliberate motion. Afterward, she lay down beside you, her body enveloping yours in a protective embrace. You nestled into her, feeling the warmth of her skin against yours, both of you breathing heavily. For a moment, there was only silence, the aftermath of your shared passion hanging in the air. 
“You okay?” Melissa asked softly, her hand brushing your hair back from your forehead.
“Yeah,” you replied, your voice still a little shaky. “That was… amazing.”
Melissa grinned and kissed your temple. “You were incredible,” she murmured. “So beautiful and responsive. I'm really proud of you.”
You felt a rush of warmth at her words, a mix of pride and contentment. “Thanks,” you whispered, snuggling closer to her.
Melissa pulled a soft blanket over both of you, tucking you in snugly. She rubbed soothing circles on your back, her touch gentle and reassuring. “Just relax,” she said calmly. “Let me take care of you.”
You sighed contentedly, your body relaxing into the mattress. “I feel so safe with you,” you admitted softly.
“And I with you,” Melissa replied warmly.
Melissa chuckled softly. “You've got me,” she reassured you. “Always.”
The two of you lay there in a comfortable silence, the intimacy of the moment wrapping around you like a cocoon. Melissa's fingers continued their gentle caress, her touch a reminder of the connection you shared.
The room was filled with a sense of peace and contentment as you both drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other's arms, the afterglow of your shared passion and the comfort of your mutual care creating a perfect moment of closeness and love.
It’s safe to say that truth or dare had been long forgotten.
336 notes · View notes
storgicdealer · 2 months
a few notes from the new avg commentary!
1. alan said that tco's and second's roles are similar, but he won't say anything about their relation to each other — and agreed when dj said it will probably be later explored in the story.
2. second and green are reconfirmed to be the closest to each other!
3. dj referred to dark & chosen fight as "these guys were always destined to go at it", on which alan replied "yup, it's in their code"
4. alan believes red was the best at fighting back in the day of ava4!
5. alan suggested that "maybe only the chosen one can have a mouth"
221 notes · View notes
alisonsfics · 1 year
off limits - part one
pairing: brother’s best friend!henry cavill x reader
summary: henry was best friends with your brother, theo, which meant despite the clear chemistry between you two, you both had chosen to not date
part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 coming soon
word count: 2.8k
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You and Henry had a very complicated relationship. One that could not be explained without a bit of backstory. So, let’s start there…
Henry was best friends with Theo, your brother. You and Henry weren’t friends, but you were pretty friendly with each other. You had spent plenty of time together, but only with your brother around.
Henry and Theo had met in college and remained very close even as Henry started acting and gaining more fame, which brings the story to the night of Theo’s birthday party.
Theo always loved to go all out for his birthday. This year, he had rented out a rooftop lounge, which was the perfect location for all the people he invited.
You were currently waiting in the elevator, as it took up to the roof. You smoothed out your dress that you had picked for the occasion. It was a short little black dress that made you feel super confident.
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t a little attracted to Henry. He was a very handsome man, but it was just a little crush that you never intended to act upon. He was your brother’s best friend, which made it so much more complicated.
The elevator dinged as you reached the top floor. The doors slowly opened, and as if your life was a movie, Henry was standing in front of the doors.
You felt a shiver run down your spine as you looked at him. He had a white button up shirt on, with some basic black dress pants. He had no reason to look so good in such a simple outfit, but his shirt perfectly outlined his muscles. Let’s just say, you definitely noticed.
“Oh hey, you look great.” He said, lighting up as he saw you. You smiled shyly, “thank you, so do you.”
You stepped out of the elevator, and he stuck his hand out to hold it open. “I have to run down to my car for something, but I’ll be back.” He told you, smiling. You nodded your head. “Okay, I’ll see you up here.” You told him, walking away.
The elevator brought you to a little lobby room that had a few benches and the bathrooms. You looked around and spotted the door to the rooftop.
As you walked out the door, your ears were met by the loud sound of the dj. You took a second to look around and admire all the decorations. There was a dj, a dance floor, a buffet, a bar, and even a photo booth.
The whole place was decorated with silver and gold decorations. You suspected your brothers fiancé, Sarah, had helped him with the decorations.
You surveyed for a second, trying to find somebody that you knew. You spotted Sarah standing a table eating some food. You walked over towards her, smiling and waving once she spotted you.
“Oh, you look so beautiful,” she complimented, pulling you into a hug. You thanked her and then returned the compliment. “The party looks amazing by the way, I assume you helped with the planning.” You told her.
She laughed and nodded her head. “Yep. I love your brother to death, but he doesn’t have a single planning bone in his body.” She told you, causing you both to laugh.
“So, where is the birthday boy?” You asked her. She scanned behind you for a second, and then let out a giggle. “I honestly don’t even have a clue. He went off to say hi to some people and he’s been gone for a while.” She said.
Your brother was not a planner, but he was definitely a people person and also the live of the party. “I’m sure he’ll turn up somewhere. I mean, we know he can’t resist a buffet.” You joked.
“That’s true. Oh, actually, I think I see him over there. I’ll be right back.” She said, excusing herself and walking over to your brother. As you expected, he was chatting with a bunch of his high school friends.
“There you are,” you heard someone say behind you, causing you turn around. You saw Henry standing there with two drinks in his hand. “A tequila sunrise is still your drink of choice, right?” He asked, handing you a glass.
You felt your heart melt over the fact that somehow over the years he had memorized your drink order.
“Yes, it is, but Henry, you didn’t have to buy me a drink. I feel bad,” you told him. He shook his head as he took a sip of his drink. “Don’t even worry about it, it’s fine,” he assured you.
You frowned at him, but he expected it. He knew you had always been stubborn, but it never stopped him. “You sure I can’t pay you back?” You double checked, already knowing the answer. He shook his head again.
“Fine, but I’m buying the next round.” You told him. He knew not to push his luck any further and agreed. “So, how have you been? I haven’t seen you in a while. Didn’t you just finish filming that movie?” You asked him.
He nodded his head. “Yep, we just finished shooting last week. I’m gonna miss it, but it’s nice to just relax for a little bit.” He explained.
“Well, I can’t wait to see it. I’m sure it will be amazing.” You complimented him. He raised an eyebrow and looked at you like you were speaking another language. “What?” You asked, giggling at the perplexed look on his face.
“You actually watch my movies?” He asked you, still looking stunned. You let out a laugh. “What’s that supposed to mean? Am I not allowed to watch them?” You asked, still amused.
He quickly shook his head. “No no, I’m just flattered is all.” He explained. You could feel your cheeks heat up. THE Henry Cavill was flattered because you watched his movies.
“Well don’t go and get an ego now, we don’t need you getting a big head.” You teased him. He let out a soft chuckle. “I promise.” He assured you.
You couldn’t get the smile off of your face, and you felt like a giddy teenager.
Then, you felt two hands grab your shoulders, causing you to jump. You turned around to see Theo standing behind you. “Happy birthday,” you said, smiling and pulling your brother into a hug.
Then, he moved to Henry and gave him a hug as well. “So, you keeping my baby sister entertained?” Theo teased. You jokingly rolled your eyes. “Oh shush, I’m two years younger than you.” You said, playfully nudging Theo with your arm.
You both may have been full grown adults, but you could never get rid of your big brother, little sister dynamic.
“She’s been keeping me company.” Henry said, smiling as he looked at you.
“Yeah, we were just talking about how your birthday parties have gotten so much better since Sarah started helping you plan them.” You teased. Theo jokingly scoffed, pretending to be offended. “You’re lucky I’m in a really good mood,” he told you.
“And why’s that?” You asked, cautious of his answer. “Well, mom may have let it slip to grandma that you broke up with Andrew.” He told you, holding back a laugh. Your jaw dropped as you felt the panic set in.
“Oh god, now I’m gonna get the when I was your age, I was married and had three children already talk.” You said, sighing. This earned a laugh from both Theo and Henry. “Yep, good luck with that. Love you,” Theo said, walking away to go mingle with more people.
You turned back to face Henry. “Andrew was the guy who wore too much plaid, right?” Henry asked. You couldn’t help but giggle as you nodded your head. “Yeah, he was the one at that barbecue my mom had. I think you met him.” You told him.
“Are you doing okay?” He asked, referencing the breakup. You nodded your head. “Yeah, I’m doing okay. I mean, I really liked him, up until he started flirting with a bunch of women in front of me.” You explained.
Henry nodded his head, understanding. “Well, it sounds like you dodged a bullet. You can do better than some douchebag.” He told you, placing his hand on your forearm and rubbing his thumb back and forth. You weren’t ashamed to admit that you got butterflies as he comforted you.
Then, to perfectly interrupt the sweet moment, Henry’s phone started ringing. “Excuse me, it’s my mom. I need to take this.” He politely excused himself.
You spotted some people across the party that you knew through Theo and started to walk towards them. Then, you made eye contact with your grandmother. She made a beeline straight for you.
“Hi, grandma. It’s so nice to see you,” you said, giving her hug as you prepared for the oncoming speech. “Hello there, sweetie. Your mother mentioned that you broke up with your boyfriend.” She said, wasting no time.
“Yes, I did.” You admitted, taking a deep breath before her lecture began. She began rambling and covered all the topics: how you had no boyfriend, how your brother was getting married and you weren’t, and even prodding you to get busy and have kids.
You sat there, silently nodding as continued rambling, barely taking a breath. Over her shoulder, you noticed Henry talking to a friend. You both locked eyes.
Your facial expression must have made it clear you were miserable because you saw him chuckle to himself. You focused back on your grandmother, but you had started to zone out the words she was saying.
You snapped back into reality when you felt a hand on your arm. You realized Henry was standing next to you. “Excuse me, can I borrow her for a moment?” Henry said, looking at your grandmother. Her eyes lit up as her mind ran wild, thinking there was something romantic going on between the two of you.
“Yes, of course.” She said, smiling. Henry continued to hold onto your arm as he led you over to the bar. You both reached the bar, and you turned to face him. “Thank you so much, you are my savior. I swore she was going to keep talking forever.” You said, holding onto both of his hands.
He chuckled. “You’re welcome. I’ve become pretty familiar with the family interrogation about your love life.” He told you. You furrowed your eyebrows as you looked at him. “You expect me to believe that you’re single?” You asked, shocked.
A smile slipped onto his face. “And the flattery continues, you might be a little too dangerous for my ego.” He told you. Just like that, the butterflies returned to your stomach. You lightly hit his arm. “You know what I mean. You just never think that movie stars have a hard time finding a girlfriend.” You explained.
Henry wasn’t done teasing you yet though. “I know it’s hard to believe that we’re just regular people,” he joked, in his most dramatic voice. You rolled your eyes as you giggled to yourself.
You waved down the bartender and ordered drinks for you and Henry. As you waited, you caught Henry staring at you. “What?” You asked, almost worried you had something on your face.
“I just realized that this is the first time we’ve ever spent time together, just the two of us.” He told you. You thought about it and realized he was right. “So, are you realizing you picked the wrong sibling to be best friends with and that I’m way more interesting than my brother?” You joked.
He chuckled and looked down at his feet. “You do make pretty good company. The two of us should hang out more.” He told you, honestly.
The bartender placed down your two drinks. Before Henry could attempt it, you handed the bartender some cash. You held up your finger, stopping Henry from protesting.
“I owe you for saving me back there.” You told him. He thanked you and held up his glass. You clinked your glass against his own. “To new beginnings,” you said, smiling.
You both took a sip from your drinks, maintaining eye contact the whole time.
You had always been attracted to Henry, but this was the first time you were realizing how fun he was to just spend time with.
Henry caught a glimpse of your grandmother walking towards you both. He quickly grabbed your wrist and led you around to the side of the bar where you both couldn’t be seen.
“Was she coming back?” You asked, knowing exactly why he had done what he did. He nodded his head. “I swear, that woman is 80 years old, but her vision is still good enough to find the one person avoiding her from across a party.” You said, laughing. Henry laughed at your joke, almost choking on his drink.
Nothing made you feel more confident than making Henry laugh. It made you feel invincible.
You noticed a gate that let you go to the backside of the bar. You grabbed Henry’s hand and pulled him behind you as you lightly pushed the gate open.
It revealed a whole back private part of the rooftop. There was one of those electric fire pits surrounded by chairs and some other places to sit scattered around. The area was completely empty of people.
You kept Henry’s hand in yours as you walked over to one of the loveseats that was next to the fire pit. You took a seat and Henry kneeled down to flip the switch on as the flames quickly appeared.
He stood up and then sat down next to you. You felt like your heart was beating out of your chest. The fire provided a soft warmth that made you feel cozy.
You felt like your body was moving without your control as you leaned your head onto Henry’s shoulder. You didn’t know that Henry’s heart skipped a beat as you did it. He thought you looked absolutely gorgeous with the light from the fire reflecting on your face.
He moved his arm to rest it along the back of the seat. “It’s a really beautiful night.” You told him, admiring some of the stars in the sky.
“It is,” he agreed, “I’m glad I got to spend some time with you.” He let his arm move to wrap around your shoulders.
You were almost overwhelmed by the feeling of his arm wrapped around you and the smell of his cologne.
“Can I ask you something?” He asked, cautiously. You picked your head up from his shoulder to look him in the eyes. He moved his hand to rest on your thigh, sending goosebumps over your whole body.
Before he could even ask his question, you cupped his face and pulled him into a kiss. He wasted no time kissing you back. Within seconds, your hands were in his hair and his arms were wrapped around your waist.
His lips felt like heaven on yours. You hummed contently against the kiss, only encouraging Henry more. He grabbed your waist and pulled you into his lap, so you were straddling him.
You heard him groan against the kiss, running his tongue along your bottom lip.
You both seemed to have the same thought cross your minds at the same time, as you both pulled out of the kiss. You put your hands on his chest, keeping him from kissing you again.
“We shouldn’t,” you said, using all your effort to stop yourself. “I know.” He replied, simply.
You quickly got off his lap and stood up. “I should get going anyway. I have a flight to catch in the morning.” You said, trying to leave as soon as possible.
He stood up and grabbed your hand. “Wait, can I at least walk you to your car?” He asked you. You slowly nodded your head. He let go of your hand. Both of you knew exactly how complicated this was.
You both walked towards the elevators in silence. Neither of you said a word, until you got to your car.
You went to reach for your car door, but Henry stopped you. “Hey, I don’t want this to make things awkward between us.” He told you, honestly.
“What are we supposed to do? We both clearly like each other, but it would make things way too complicated with Theo.” You told him. He nodded his head. “I know that. Trust me, I wish you weren’t his sister. This would be so much easier. Can we at least just be friends?” He asked you.
You shrugged your shoulders, not knowing how to respond. “I don’t know, Henry. I don’t know if I can ignore the way I feel about you. We can’t let anything romantic happen between us, so it might be easier to not spend anytime together.” You told him.
He shook his head. “Neither of us want to avoid each other. We both get along really well, can we just try being friends?” He asked you. You thought about it for a second and eventually nodded your head.
“Have a safe flight tomorrow then,” he said, opening your door for you.
“Goodbye, Henry.” You said, smiling at him as you got in your car.
taglist: @laurakirsten0502 @miraclesoflove @nathaliabakes @millipop18 @azghedaheda @shyinadarkplace @vanteguccir @missroro @guacam011y @sw33t-cupid @ice-dtae @leyannrae @sia2raw @nyx2021 @just-a-littlebit-of-everything @shyconversationalbookworm @shadowhuntyi @visenyaverse @ruzannetheseahorse @superdeath @wandaswifeyforlifey @spookyqueen @mcuswhore @bookwormchick91 @princess-evans-addict @n3ssm0nique @peakascum @cjand10 @namsey1987 @multitargaryen @stephv213
Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist for all my imagines or for a specific character/fandom!!
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vivisols · 5 months
what’s the fizzyfaz theory
in fnaf security breach there are cans of fizzyfaz that you can collect right? theres also this message that goes along with them!
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interestingly enough, this message mentions grape, lemonade, and cherry fizzyfaz. however, while you can get grape fizzyfaz in game, you cant actually get plain lemonade or cherry. there's only orange, sour lime, pink lemonade, as well as grape, which is strange. theyre mentioned in the message, so where did normal lemonade and cherry go? well before we get to that, lets take a look at the fizzyfaz flavors that we can actually get in game!
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quite obviously glamrock branded! for freddy, we have orange, for monty, we have sour lime, for chica, we have pink lemonade, and for roxy we have grape.
considering what we know about the glamrocks, we can start to deduce what each flavor might mean about each bandmate personality wise, as its obvious that theres some tie in with their marketed personalities.
(the rest of it is under the cut for everyones sanity)
freddy makes sense as orange because he's sweet and mellow. monty makes sense as sour lime because he's more of a rebellious cool guy. chica makes sense as pink lemonade because she's also sweet, though she's even moreso than freddy is. and roxy makes sense as grape because she's cool and different like monty, though she is be shown to be sweet at times (as in with Cassie in ruin)
these four flavors seem pretty normal right? theyre obviously color/flavor coded to each member of the glamrocks. however the actual flavors that were chosen in game have always stuck out to me for one reason.
THEYRE ALL CITRUS EXCEPT FOR GRAPE. lemon, lime, and orange are all citrus fruits. strange, right?
now you could always argue that it is fazbear is making these things, and that it's cheapest to produce like idk. a base citrus flavor and then add the additional flavors accordingly. but then why is roxy's and ONLY Roxy's grape flavored instead of being another citrus? grape is a pretty weird flavor to pair with 3 citrus flavors. hold on to that for now.
plus, roxy has another connection with distinct and stand-out fizzyfaz flavors. she specifically has an advertisement for her own type of limited edition cola flavor.
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no other animatronic has advertising in game for any limited edition flavors. just roxy which really peaked my interest! wouldn't they do a promo with every glamrock? ok well, maybe since its limited edition the other glamrocks' special flavor runs have already ended and hers just wrapped up/is about to.
but wait, theres even more to do with roxy and fizzyfaz.
in help wanted 2 in the staff bot food prep mini games for el chips and the kitchen, you can serve four flavors of soda. orange, sour lime, pink lemonade, and.... sodaroni. aka not grape fizzyfaz.
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ISNT THAT WEIRD??? not to mention how specifically in the theater version of food prep, theres no fizzyfaz at all. instead, we can serve exotic beverage, dj music man's techno-cooler, chicachug, and.... sodaroni again.
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isn't that weird? the theater is also an interesting choice for the final food prep level to take place in considering that it's clearly not the most popular attraction, as well as the fact that we're in a whole mall with multiple food stands. you can argue that it's also one of the few places with a kitchen, but i believe that this choice was made on purpose for a different reason.
after all, who is tied to the theater as well as the only character to actually talk about fizzyfaz in game?
thats right.
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I mean i was gonna tie them to this somehow! the connection is obvious!!
like… theres a soda dispenser in the ACTUAL DAYCARE ITSELF.
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theres also numerous ones outside and in the theater lobby. interesting, right? so much soda promo in the daycare area, yet they dont even serve the main soda brand of fizzyfaz in the theater food prep level... how interesting.
and now for something ive seen literally no one talk about. in the theater basement theres a room with the purple stars painted on the walls outside. inside that room, sitting on a filing cabinet under gold balloons that spell out ‘5TAR’ as well as a sundrop poster, theres ANOTHER soda dispenser. yet instead of one of the fancy digital ones, it's just a simple soda dispenser like we see in the kitchen above.
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interesting choice for a soda dispenser location, right? there aren’t any others in the theater basement. just this one.
let’s take a look at this room. specifically the vanity.
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there’s a flower pot, a trophy, some makeup brushes, and interestingly enough, a whole nail polish stand with a variety of colors. the uniqueness of this whole room makes me think that it’s meant to stand out. not to mention the fact that there’s a connected bathroom with two stalls in it. after all, the other rooms are just standard dressing rooms.
maybe i’m just reaching here, but i think that this was a theater staff break room, as well as some kind of animatronic prep room for sun and moon’s performances. they used to be the theater bot, after all.
so sun and moon have obviously been around for a while, as evident by all the wear and tear they have. plus in the tales from the pizzaplex books the daycare is mentioned to be an attraction that was built later on. it wasn’t there when the pizzaplex first opened.
but the theater was.
and since the out of place soda dispenser was in a room in the theater basement, there’s a chance that it served fizzyfaz.
cherry fizzyfaz.
i may just be grasping at straws here, but cherry… kind of fits the DCA really well. i mean, it isn’t a citrus fruit like the glamrocks (minus Roxy) have. sun has red and yellow pants, moon has red eyes, and they both have red ribbons with two bells around their wrists. the overall theater is pretty red too.
besides the overall red coloring of the theater and the red on the DCA, the cherry flavoring would fit sun and moon pretty well too! cherries can be either sweet or sour, and are often a balanced mix of both, which would be a nice tie in to sun and moon’s good and evil double act in the theater!
so when the daycare got built and sun and moon were transferred over from the theater, the cherry flavor likely got pulled or discontinued. probably because the theater wasn't as popular as fazbear wanted it to be. and thus in help wanted 2 in their food prep minigame, there was no fizzyfaz. they lost fizzyfaz privileges from management when they were moved to the daycare LMAO
and there we have it. sun and moon are the probable answer for who the cherry fizzyfaz flavor belonged to.
but what about lemonade fizzyfaz?
well, lemonade has a much easier answer. it’s a citrus flavor too, of course. and every bowling alley i’ve ever been to has served an abundance of lemonade lmao
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so YEAHHH it’s probably Glamrock Bonnie’s flavor. i mean, he's got a yellow star on his chest, a yellow bass, and yellow sunglasses. plus blue is the opposite of yellow...
though... personality wise, we know basically nothing about the guy other than he was maybe probably laid back considering how bonnie is in fazbear and friends. and lemonade is a pretty chill drink. i mean glamrock bonnie also died and was possessing all the wet floor bots or stuff in ruin and like theyre yellow too or something idk....
with this lineup the band would still have 3/4 citrus flavors, with... two lemonades. interestingly. and tbh i think that the majority of citrus is potentially the most important factor in this theory.
i mean freddy, chica, and bonnie are the OGs. the MAIN THREE from fnaf 1 days. so ofc they'd all be similar flavors (even if there are two lemonades... no idea what fazbear would have been cooking with that one lol) and yeah, foxy is an OG too, but he wasn't actually part of the main band until later on lol
yet in security breach, we don't get a glamrock foxy. we get roxanne wolf, who is an entirely new character, so it makes sense for her to not have a similarly citrus flavor.
grape is the only one mentioned in the message that you can actually get in game. and if the lemonade and cherry have been discontinued since bonnie was decommissioned and sun and moon were moved from the daycare to the theater, then...
it's clearly been a while. and if it's been a while and there's still grape fizzyfaz, which would make no sense for foxy to have (as the statue of him in kids cove is nowhere near purple) then roxy has been around for a while. and if she's been around since the dca was in the theater, then she never replaced foxy!!!! wild and crazy am I right
and yes! you could also argue the opposite and that bonnie's flavor was cherry while the dca's flavor was lemonade, which likely makes more sense.
the DCA has yellow as both sun and moon, with sun's overall coloring and his pants and stuff, and the stars on moon's pants and the bells on both of their wrists. and lemonade can be sweet or sour. like their act. and fazbear pulled it because nobody really cared about the theater or just plain lemonade fizzyfaz as opposed to the cool pink lemonade chica had.
plus bonnie is more red than yellow, with his reddish-pink jumpsuit and his red eyes. and cherry could maybe work for him? again, we barely know anything about his personality... then when he got decommissioned, they replaced his unique cherry flavor with another citrus to cut costs.
though we really have no way of telling which was the real flavors for each of them or if they even were flavors that were produced at all!! after all, the message says 'COPY FOR APPROVAL', so lemonade and cherry might have been scrapped all together....
this is all just speculation from yours truly, since im such a big flavored drink fan and i really want more people to talk about the fizzyfaz... ,:3c
and now onto my next theory, which is that the DCA is the real one have to killed glamrock bonnie...
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sangyeonsmuse · 1 month
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PAIRING Wooyoung x reader
GENRE none
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT ‼️ vulgar language, sexual innuendos
SUMMARY Wooyoung meets you by chance and things you make a great addition to him and Sans band.
MORE | Day 12 of the Groupie Love Series
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It was 15 past midnights and you and your friends had just had the time of your life at the annual end of summer rave. Opposite to your sister you were a complete problem child. While your sister had chosen to settle down and go off to school you were content living the fast life. Drugs, sex and music were the only things you care for, of course you loved money too, but that had never been an issue for you. Despite being your parents hell baby you were spoiled rotten, you saw no point in working or doing anything unnecessary with your life when you were born into wealth. That was exactly why your parents felt that it was about time they cut you off.
“You know i’m pretty sure the dj was checking me out the whole night, damn i should have got his number.’’ your friend groans out of disappointment.
“Too bad your little girlfriend came early this month.’’ You tease her, sitting up onto the coffee counter of the convenience store and popping a sucker into your mouth as she rummages the shelves for tampons.
“You know just because you decided to get birth control so you can sleep around doesn’t mean you can torture us girls that decide against it.’’ your best friend responds sarcastically making you scoff before you both burst into laughter.
“Would you two mind hurrying up so that we can close, you’re the only two wasting my time right now.’’ the cashier complains from the front of the store, having heard the two of you laughing and giggling only made him further lose his patience from the time two of you walked in.
“Listen if i wanted to i could buy this entire store, hold your damn horses.’’
“Listen I don’t give a shit how much money you got or what it gets you, pay for your shit and go home.’’ rolling your eyes, you hop down from the counter and make your way to the cash counter. After placing the wrapper from your candy down along with a few other things you silently waited for him to ring it all up and tell you the total.
“He’s kinda cute.’’ your best friend whispers to you from behind you making you roll your eyes.
“Your cards been declined.’’
“Excuse me? Either your card reader is absolute shit or you're just incompetent at swiping.’’
“Listen sweetheart i don’t know if you need me to dumb this down for you any further, but unless you have another card or something you won’t be leaving the store with any of this.’’
“Are you serious? It’s just a pack of tampons.’’ despite your efforts at convincing him to give them to you he still refused. The moment you exit the convenience store you make a call to your bank, something had to have gone wrong for him to say your card declined, you of all people. On the way out of the store you brushed shoulders with some stranger, someone you had been to caught up in your money problems to even give the light of day for having bumped into you.
“Yeonjunn jagiyaa~’’ the handsome stranger makes his way into the convenience store with a smile on his face.
“How do you always manage to come in here the exact moment i’m ready to close and get the fuck out of here Jung Wooyoung.’’ Yeonjun complains as he goes to put back everything you and your friend had taken off the shelves.
“Damn my full name? Who pissed in your cereal this morning?’’
“I’m so sick of these rich trust fund babies acting like they own the entire town.’’
“Oh this should be good, who was it this time?’’ Wooyoung laughs as he opens up a bag of chips and watches his friend restock before having to lock up.
“Some girl and her friend, i’m pretty sure she's Nzeka Parks little sister (alternate universe kiome, if you read my series lip gloss & secrets of summer)”
“Wait like thee Park family? As in the owns that own Park records?’’
“Pretty sure it was her, yeah, though I don't know if her parents went bankrupt or what but she was acting like she’d buy out the whole lot only for her damn card to decline. How the fuck do you get mad at someone else because your ass doesn’t have any money. I swear i don’t get paid enough for this.’’ While his friend continued to ramble on while stocking shelves Wooyoung's eyes shot to you outside the window who was still outside from the looks of it completely tearing into someone over the phone.
“Hey Jun go ahead and give me everything that she was gonna buy when you’re done.’’ Meanwhile on the other side of the glass you were completely pissed after having gotten off the phone with your bank. Now you were angrily dialing up your fathers number only to be met with a cheery “hello dear” on the other line.
“Dad i just called the bank and they’re refusing to unfreeze my account, which i didn’t tell them to in the first place.’’
“You didn’t but we did dear.’’ you could hear your mother say from the other line.
“What? What the hell?”
“Your father and I have had about enough of you taking advantage of the fact that we work hard to ensure your sister and you can live comfortably. We have been trying to let you live your life as expressly as you would like , but lately you’ve gone too far. So until further notice, until we feel like you deserve to have your account unfrozen you will find a way to make your own money.’’ It was clear from the tone of your mothers voice that there was no debating this. Pissed off at both your mom and dad, you hang up the phone.
“Well from the looks of your face that was not an i love you mom and dad type of conversion.’’
“They cut me off! Something about me going too far and now they want me to get a fucking job or something and make my own money.’’
“Don’t mean to interrupt ladies, but i believe these are yours.’’ A tall guy with blue and black hair held out a bag in front of him, you gave him a look of confusion as your best friend took the bag and peeked in.
“Oh my god I don’t know who you are but you’re a lifesaver.’’ Your best friend ran back inside at the speed of light leaving you along with the stranger, earning an annoyed “Oh come on!’’ from the cashier inside.
“Um thanks for that, but i could have gotten those myself…who exactly are you anyways.’’
“Jung Wooyoung, and from what I heard of you and your best friends conversation, you couldn’t buy anything in there with your card frozen.’’
“So you were listening to our conversation?’’
“Actually i just happened to hear when i was leaving out, and from what i heard seems like you need to find a job right?’’
“Why is this any of your business?’’
“Well my band and I just lost our lead singer and we’ve had no luck with auditions thus far, and you look like someone that knows how to blow (definitely no sexual undertones there) so if you’re up for it you come audition tomorrow and if they like you you’ll be touring with us from now on, money isn’t something you have to worry about when you’re one of us.’’
“Holy shit Yn tell me you said yes hello? Did you see how fine that man was?’’
“Obviously i said yes, all i have to do is make them like me it won’t be hard considering who my parents are, and this face is definitely not made to be in someone's grocery store or kitchen.’’ You and your best friend had finally made it back to your place and you were now telling her all the details from your conversation with Wooyoung.
“I still can’t believe your parents just cut you off like that.Do you think they cut off Nzeka too?’’
“I doubt it, everything she does is perfect in their eyes. I doubt she would even care though not like she uses their money anyways.”
“Well I guess that doesn’t matter, let’s just give you something sexy to wear tomorrow for your meeting with that fine ass man and the rest of his band.”
The next morning you showed up to the exact address Wooyoung gave you and were shocked to say the least when you stood outside of a gated mansion. As the gate opened and you entered the parking lot your eyes scanned over all the different cars in the driveway which now had you wondering exactly who this van was and how you hadn’t heard of them. As you arrive at the door Wooyoung opens the door with a smile on his face. Sleeves of his shirt rolled up and his hair pushed back on his head. He looked absolutely devourable in that moment as he stood in front of you with his pic between his teeth. You also didn't like the way he took in your entire appearance from head to toe. Last night after having spent an hour looking through your clothes you and your best friend ended up choosing your custom made fanni club outfit to wear with your meeting today. A nice black set, short black cropped skirt with your botani mesh top. Adorned with man accessories and black leather boots of course.
“Well you definitely look the part.” You could hear him say as he stepped aside to let you enter the house.
“Don’t tell me you hired her just because she looks the part, can she sing?” You could hear someone say from behind him making you roll your eyes.
‘Can I sing? Is he being serious? Do none of them know who I am?’ You thought to yourself.
You scoff making the other guys eyebrows raise at the sound.
“Is there a problem princess? Am I annoying asking my band members simple questions here?”
“San. enough, let her show us what she can do before you start getting all fussy.”
“Whatever.” The man you now knew to be San just rolls his eyes as he goes to sit on the couch with two others.
Wooyoung then turns to you.
“Yn these are the guys, guys this is yn.” He continues on with the introduction, going down the line and ending with San who made you roll your eyes immediately upon hearing his name. You could tell he was about to make this job a lot harder for you. When Wooyoung finally finished with introductions and gave you the floor to show off your talents, let's just say you didn’t disappoint. To their suprise you were really fucking good; though Wooyoung knew that already, having seemed to be the only one in the room aside from yourself to know who you parents were. By the end of this little meeting there was no debate between the band on where or not they were having you join them. You could sing, play guitar, drums, keyboard, compose and on top of that you had the power to get them to the top with your parents being so well known in the music industry.
“Looks like you’re one of us sweetcheeks.” Wooyoung says playfully after the others have left the room leaving just you and him.
“Welcome to the band”
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cindersnows · 2 months
short essay thing i wrote in avf about plural tsc that i feel like people should see bc its so interesting to me
just to preface i highly highly doubt this is all intentional on alan+teams part due to the fact that plurality is just ,, not that well known. also im not too knowledgable on non traumagenic systems and all the stuff surrounding that so i will just be speaking from what i know from my own experience + research
so anyways. from the start of sec's life she has been kind of in a high stress situation. from the getgo she had to hide her existence from alan due to likely knowing the fate of the other living sticks he has made + the fact that she very much isnt supposed to be alive. she lets her guard down, makes friends, and then almost instantly theyre all deleted. although did and osdd1 form from long-term trauma (often accompanied by cptsd) and all of this only happened in a few minutes, at the very least this provides the basis for some sort of dissociation
theres a moment where she glitches and changes to black for a second. obviously back then this was intended to be an allusion to the fact that she's the chosen one's return, since alan+team hadn't planned ava s2 yet and tco was just regular dead atp, but its interesting to consider the sudden change in her personality. shes not even shown to be overly angry like she usually is, just a. Calm?? specifically the same calm that preceeds her beating up tdl in ava s2.
notably that moment in s2 where she unlocks her powers is like. sudden change in personality and demeanor, suddenly gaining the powers, and memory loss afterwards. even though she only really switches between two "modes" it's reminiscent of switching between two alters (while its uncommon for a system to have only two alters it's not unheard of, especially in cases of osdd-1a where theres not much distinction between personality states).
i said ava/e specifically because the aveducation videos in particular provide a very interesting insight into tsc's psyche. while alan said in his avg avma video that the series isn't canon, a few things about the series have already been retconned. avphys was originally supposed to be the last entry in the series, but with avma+avphys+avgeo's massive success and the lead animator's interest in these sort of topics i wouldn't be surprised if they continued to make more, especially considering that they're now interconnected via avgeo. phi, who appeared at the end of avma, is the protagonist of avgeo, and there's that scene at the end that teases avphys that i'll also get into in a sec because it's very interesting.
about why i think it represents tsc's psyche specifically and not just some math dimensions that tsc happens to stumble upon: in the avg avma video dj proposes the dream theory, that this is all happening in a dream during ava s3. noncanon of course but considering alan himself knows about it and ave seems to be gaining some kind of overarching arc, as well as the fact that its releasing between ava s3 episodes (which is going to focus on tsc's powers) i wouldn't be surprised if the episodes slowly grow more and more representative of her mental state as she works towards properly unlocking her powers
anyways speculation aside. avphys introduces a second second (haha). this is explained through the mechanics of time loops and whatnot, but at the same time, the hat tsc seems to know a lot more than regular tsc, having.. basically created the universe. even if our tsc can then explain this to the next tsc, hat tsc is shown to literally create the entire universe avphys takes place in (again tying back to her powers of creation) and also act much calmer and composed compared to our tsc. it seems like hat tsc is somewhat representative of the state tsc gets into when she unlocks her powers, shown both times in ava s1 and 2. shes cool and mysterious and all knowing i want her so bad
the scene at the end of avgeo is the most compelling thing for this idea (and the push that made me go "ohhhh my god multiplies her). hat tsc appears once more, this time seemingly wanting to communicate more with our tsc, but being cut short by tsc getting surprised and falling. the most interesting part to me is the imagery in this part— there's tons and tons of tsc's, all reflected, and being reflections makes them slightly different from what we see (of course light refraction will always make things appear slightly different; discolored, blurred, flipped etc). hat tsc is framed as Also a reflection despite being shown as different person/personality state.
i just got back from dinner and lost my train of thought. im not sure if this is enough for other people to consider her plural but at the very least i feel like interpreting her as such does enhance one's reading and understanding of her, as well as how you write her (for those who do).
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fp-am · 8 months
who’s down for
gravity falls ava au
I only have a few characters down so far but ehhhghfhv
Dipper : Chosen
Mabel : Second
DJ : Stan
Alan : Ford
Might do more, depending if I can come up w more characters
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kennysboxergf · 1 year
Can you please write a smutty imagine with Niko. You and Niko are exes and you happen to be at the same party, and you’re dancing with other guys (could be sharky idm) to make him jealous and then you guys end up arguing and doing it 🤪
Better than him ~ Niko Omilana
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You said Sharky but I went with Kenny hope u don’t mind girlie 😘 and sorry for the wait I hope it’s worth it 🫶🫶 this did end up being 2.5k I think
⚠️smut warning⚠️
You adjusted the strap of your black skin-tight dress. You had chosen this one specifically to fuck with one person at this party. Niko.
Damn bastard flirted with you, called you his girlfriend and fucked you good and then broke the relationship off 4 months in? Without giving you a single reason?
The worst part in all of this was that you were still friends with his friends so when Kenny extended an invitation to come party with him and the Beta Squad + extended team you accepted. You liked them all well enough, all of them except him.
You walked through the gates and heard the party was already in full roar, you had arrived 45 minutes-ish late, to keep the man guessing. You had figured he already knew you were coming, so it didn’t really matter when you showed up the night would go the same way. You would talk to and maybe dance with a few of his friends while he talked and danced with a few of his and the two of you stayed out of each other's ways.
So that’s what you did. 
Upon entering you walked straight up Darkest and asked him where you could get drinks. He smiled at you and led you to the makeshift bar. You poured yourself a quick soda and stood there, drinking and analysing the scene looking for a familiar face.
You noticed Chunkz and Sharky off to one side talking to Filly who was over exaggerating something or the other. You found AJ and Kenny in the middle of the room dancing their asses off to some random pop song and you noticed him with George on the sofas talking about something.
He hadn’t seemed to notice you yet, so you decided to make him. You chugged the rest of your drink and took a breath before walking up to the dance floor to join AJ and Kenny. AJ’s head was pointed to the floor as he did some rendition of an Irish jog or something similar but Kenny’s head popped up as he saw you approaching.
You extended a hand in his direction and he gladly grabbed onto it. You thought somewhere in the back of your mind that Kenny had always had something for you but you pushed it away as he pulled you in.
You tread carefully so as to not stumble over your own heels as you got closer to him. He said something along the lines of “Y/n! You’re here!” So you grinned and nodded in response.
The music was pumping loud so you had to get real close to the man to hear anything he was saying, and you might as well, because of course there was no one here who would get jealous right?
As his memory flooded into your mind you looked over in his direction to see him still chatting to George. You huffed in annoyance before putting your hand up and yelling, “DJ! Put on something sexy!” 
You rolled your hips as you said the last word and saw Kenny’s eyes trail down your body. This dress really did do wonders for your curves. 
You cheered as “Pillowtalk” by Zayn floated over the room. You sneaked a glance at Niko to see him finally looking back at you. Perfect.
You grabbed onto Kenny’s shoulders and leant in, “dance with me” you whisper yelled into his ear. You had never seen a man nod back so vigorously as his hands travelled onto your hips.
The two of you moved in sync with the beat. The innocent dancing quickly morphed into more and his hips came up to meet yours. You relented and at this point the two of you were borderline grinding on each other in the middle of this party. 
You looked over at Niko once more and saw him sitting there, clutching the sofa. His knuckles were turning white with the pressure and his face was set in a glare of jealousy. You caught his eye and winked and that ended up being the final straw.
You watched as he pushed himself off the chair and into the dance floor. You felt his hands on your arm and felt the chill as Kenny’s fell off your hips. You heard some shouts and threats but the anger boiling inside you was enough to muffle them.
This absolute scumbag! How dare he break up with you and then try to claim you like you were still his? You felt his hands burning into your wrist and pushed him off. While you had been too immersed in your thoughts he had dragged the two of you up the stairs and into his room.
The familiarity of the room only served to raise your anger and you yelled, “what the fuck?” at him. 
He huffed and you could see the same fire you felt flow through you burning behind his eyes. “You come here.” He starts, taking a step towards you, “and you decide you’re going to start acting like you’re some kind of-“
He trails off mid sentence but you’re not going to let him go with that. You take a step towards him now.
“Some kind of what?” You ask, pointing a finger in anger, “I’m a what, Niko?” 
He turned away from you, “nothing” he murmured.
You lean forward to grab his arm and turn him back around. His head was bent down to look at the floor. 
“Complete your fucking sentence, Omilana” you threaten as you bent over to meet his eyes.
As you entered his line of vision he popped his head back up. Avoiding any eye contacts
“Nothing, ok, y/n! It was a slip up, let it go!” He yelled, throwing his hands in the air and walking forward so he was behind you and didn’t have to look at your face anymore.
“I am not letting this just go” you say, emphasising your point with your hands, “first you drag me from the party, which by the way I was enjoying, and then you come up here and call me names?” 
“Yeah, I saw the way you were ‘enjoying’ the party” he muttered, his back still turned towards you.
You reached one arm up to grip at his shoulder and turn him around. He resisted your efforts so you went around him. The only space in front of him was on the bed so you climbed on. At this point you were on your knees on the bed to face him.
“Excuse you?” You say once you’re settled.
He turned his head to meet your eyes, “I saw the way Kenny was enjoying his night too” he spoke.
You gasped in offence, he really thought he had some sort of claim over you after your break up?
“I’m allowed to dance with people, Mr. possessive” 
“But like that?” He practically whined.
You narrowed your eyes in his direction. “You don’t own me.” 
“Look, yeah, I know that but-“ he trailed off.
“But what Niko?”
By now you had seen the elephant in the room. He wasn’t trying to get you to stop dancing with Kenny, he was trying to get you to dance with him again. And maybe, you were kind of into that idea but he wasn't earning that right back by just pulling you aside and starting an argument.
You adjusted yourself so you were leaning back on your hands on the bed, chest in full display in this already revealing dress.
You saw and heard him gulp as you did. His hands come up to meet each other as he starts fidgeting with his fingers. 
“But. What.” You repeat to get it through his horny mind right now.
You eyed his crotch and saw his dick already hardening in his pants.
“Fuck, you’re such a slut” he whispers, looking up at the ceiling.
“Excuse me?” You ask, that was not the answer you expected to come out of his mouth.
He pounced onto the bed, taking you down as his weight crashed down. The breath was pulled out of your lungs as you landed on your back with him on top of you, his hands on either side of your head.
He leaned down to kiss you, and you reciprocated begrudgingly. When he pulls away for breath you push your body up to get next to his ear.
“Better fuck me out like a slut to prove your point” you whisper into his ear.
Niko was never one to bow down from a challenge. 
He lets out a gasp at the words and pulls you into a sitting position to tug at your dress straps.
You raise an eyebrow, “why don’t you just lift it up?” 
He looks into your eyes with lust blown pupils, “wanna see you, all of you” 
You smile at his need but relented, reaching down to grab the end of your dress and pull it over your head. You watched as Niko’s eyes darted over your body, his mouth open in awe. The decision to skip the bra today was really pulling through for you.
“Are you gonna fuck me today or do I need to go to Kenny for that too?” You tease when he doesn’t move for a minute.
You see his eyes darken at the mention and he springs forward, knocking you back onto the bed (for the second time this night). You laugh at how easy it was to rile him up, the laughter only contributed to his anger as his hands worked double time at his belt.
Just as soon as you heard the whip of the belt as it flew off of him, his pants were down along with his boxers. You felt his hands grab onto your arms as he raised you up to the bed frame.
He holds up his belt in an unasked question but just as quickly discards it when you shake your head. You weren’t about to just let him have all the control after the shit he pulled today.
His hands grabbed onto the outsides of your thighs and made their way up to where the waist of your underwear lay. He slips two fingers into the waistband and tugs them down your legs, his movements are more gentle now as he slides them all the way off.
You watch as he leans towards your core but veers off towards your left knee. He leaves kisses up the inside of your thigh, skipping over the main event as he continues down your right thigh. You groan which eggs him on to continue. He repeats the same process once more.
The third time he starts at your left knee you’re prepared, as he’s passing over your cunt you reach forward to push his head down. He’s shocked at the action but stops himself before you get any more satisfaction.
You look down at him to see him grinning up at you from his position. The two of you hold eye contact for a minute before he goes back in between your legs. Your head falls back as he licks between your folds. Your back arches up to meet him as he licks at your pussy.
You feel the tip of his tongue at your clit and as he starts to kitten lick an overwhelming dose of pleasure to surges through your body. You moan Niko's name to which he chuckles adding extra sensation into you.
He pulls away when the chuckles evolve into laughter. 
You pout at the loss of sensation but mostly at whatever you did to send Niko into hysterics in the middle of eating you out.
When his laughter stops you ask, “why are you laughing?”
The smile is still present on his face but he leans in to kiss you, “just the noises you were making”
You look at him with furrowed brows.
He stumbled over his words to correct himself, “just the fact that I gotta be kinda good at this to get you moaning my name like that” 
You narrowed your eyes and leaned in to kiss him, “I could make you moan my name like that”
“I’d like to see you try” came the reply.
It was on.
You pointed towards the headboard and he held his hands up and moved there. Once he was situated with his back up against the headboard you climbed up and onto his lap.
With a hand on his chest you started to kiss him, his hands coming up around your waist. The two of you kissed on the bed for a good few minutes. When you felt he had somewhat let his guard down you made your move. 
Moving quickly, you positioned your hips over his dick. The man barely had time to process what was going on before you were sinking in. He let out a loud grunt at the movement and his hands tightened around your waist, you gasped at the pressure but continued until you were flush with his skin.
You build up slowly, starting with small hip circles and building up to almost bouncing off his cock with every move. The slow building of your rhythm mimicked the slow building of Niko’s noise level.
He was also increasingly more and more distraught as you bounced on his dick. His head was thrown back and his hands were clutching on tight to the bedsheets. You could tell that he was close to his climax which was just as well as you felt the pressure build in you.
He still hadn’t moaned your name the way you said he would and you wouldn’t stand for that.
You slowed your pace slightly, earning a whine from your ex as he pulled his head back to face you. You cupped his cheek and leaned into his ears to whisper “fuck me.” 
His whine turned into a moan of your name as he got the message. In urgency, he lifted you up and threw you down onto the bed, with you on your back he crawled over your wasting no time to slip himself back in.
It was less jarring this time around but you still gasped as his length filled you up. He continued the same pace you had set when you were riding him as he pounded you into the mattress. Your legs were pulled up to grant him better access.
He was ruthless as he chased both of your climaxes. You felt your walls tighten around him as you got closer and closer, a fact that drew deep grunts out of him. You came first with a loud moan which was the melody that ended it for him.
He pulled out of you and quickly jerked himself to the end onto your torso. You lay there recovering your breath and you felt the bed dip as he fell next to you. Sweat glistened on both of your bodies and you felt the warmth of his cum drying on your stomach but neither of you were in the mood to get up and clean just this instant.
“Got you to moan my name” you whispered through deep breaths.
“Fucked you better than Kenny ever could” he whispered back.
The two of you erupted into breathy laughter as the tension from earlier tonight dissipated into the darkness.
And if Kenny got a few bruises or a black eye or if the guys had noticed that the two of you got closer again you never heard about it.
as always requests are open and please come by and say hi <3
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nanoa1foryou · 7 months
Helsingin Sanomat did an interview with Windows95Man. Here are some of the main points, translated and summarized for you who don't have access to it since it's paywalled.
Note, There is a section talking about his stance on Israel's paryicipation in esc as well as his own.
He is currently waiting for a chance to get to therapy, after everything that has happened recently
He has not really had the chance to eat or sleep properly since the victory
The win was very much a surprise to him. he didn't think they had a chance until he had the trophy in hand
He is a big fan of Sara's song (it has been stuck in his head)
The topic of Israel was brought up and I'll translate that part fully here, because I think it is important to get in his words:
"Even though Keisteri said on Saturday, before the UMK win that he would be ready to represent Finland at Eurovision regardless of Israel partisipating, he also siad he wishes that Israel wasn't allowed to. The matter is not so simple now that he has actually won UMK.
'I'm not in this alone but with Henri. We got on this project to spread joy. That's what we want to do at Eurovision too,' keisteri says seriously.
'Everyone who's in this has to be comfortable.'"
And later in the text:
"At the moment Keisteri doesn't want to take a stance on wether his and Piispanen's trip to Malmö is certain. There is no date on teh calendar when they must have an answer.
'Were stalling it now. We want to have a few rest days, so that we can think in peace.'
You can see from Keisteri that he has ended up as the target of a rough social media beatdown as the result of the Israel situation.
Keisteri has already formed one clear opinion. He wishes that every artist chosen for Eurovision could sign a petition, that demands Israel's removal.
'I'm gladly furthering something like this.'"
Back to the other things in the article:
He has always intentionally gone against the current and against the rules. He has for years carried the "No Rules!" attitude towards life. He got it from his parents.
He was actually already a big name in underground art following circles due to his illustrations.
Particularly his 2008 designed character, Ukkeli, has gotten decent notoriety.
The denim look started from a joke video he made for a friend.
The windows95 outfit was inspired by said video and became his Flow-outfit (I'm guessing referencing Flow festival, but it is not specified.)
Windows95Man developed from there for his first ever gig, and the artist name was chosen because Dj Windows95 already existed
The artist picture taken for his first show (the one of him lying on the bed in the get up with super bright flash) has made some wild rounds on the internet as a meme completely unrelated to him
He eventually got hired for a mini gig at a bar at Flow festival. The pay seemed unreasonably bad so he intentionally played bad music like Crazy Frog. The place became totally packed. This then resulted in a huge amount of small gig offers .
He recently watched the final performance with his wife and son. His son laughed and him and his wife cried. He apparently hadn't realized the affect that their performance had had on the crowd.'
He had wanted to perform naked, in a Kalevala creation story type of performance.
Once he gets a break from all this madness, he wants to sit down with Käärijä. Apparently Jere reached out to him after the victory.
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horsegamergirl · 20 days
From SSO's instagram:
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"We're conjuring up something wickedly fun in Jorvik — our annual Halloween Festival! But beware, there's more brewing! DJ Kai will be bringing Halloween music to the Fort Pinta disco to get you in the spooky mood. And we want you to be part of the musical magic! 🎃 Do you have an original song (made by you!) that will put everyone under a spell? Send us your chilling music submissions for a chance to be featured at the disco alongside DJ Kai's ghostly grooves! 🎵 And that's not the end of our tricks and treats! Selected tracks will be credited to the talented creators, and we'll craft a playlist with the music on our Spotify account. To keep the vibes fresh, we'll accept submissions on an ongoing basis. But the deadline is September 20th if you wish to be a part of the Halloween disco...if you dare! 🕸️ Drop your submissions by emailing [email protected]. We'll process your personal data to communicate with you about your music submission. The legal basis for processing is legitimate interest—check out our privacy policy* to learn more about how Star Stable handles personal data and your rights. We can't choose everyone, but we'll reach out to the lucky few! Terms and conditions apply, including a 50/50 split of any revenue generated from streams of the chosen songs between the talented artist and the Star Stable Music label! Let's create some ghoulishly good memories on the dance floor together! 🧛‍♀️🎶 *https://www.starstable.com/privacy"
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prozac-shaped-urn · 4 months
Deborah Vance meta analysis (again)
Alright, it's time to read too much into shit but considering that JPL straight up said the whole opening sequence of season 3 with the Ceasar statue was foreshadowing... I feel like I can be forgiven for what's about to come out of my fingertips.
Anyway. I am once again putting my psych degree to use in dissecting fictional characters and story arcs. Enjoy x
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So! We have the Margesson family with Fred, Martha, Deborah and Kathy. Fred and Martha were five years apart in age, as are Deborah and Kathy (considering there's a reference to Deb's age in 301 as being 70 – which was Jean's age at the time of filming – I can safely assume JPL are using J and Jean's real ages here). That's just enough of an age difference in siblings for there to be a firm power imbalance and hooboy. Hooooooo boyyyyyyyy that's an entirely different can of worms I analyzed a few years ago and turned into 98k... But before I get too into the weeds here, I should introduce my thesis:
Deborah Vance is a survivor, a provider, a mother, and an icon. She was forced to be the first three thanks to her childhood family dynamic and built an empire as a result.
What we've been given in terms of parental backstory is minimal. Deborah mentions her dad being a drinker (304). Based on DJ's addiction storyline, I can reasonably assume JPL are educated on addiction patterns and family trauma cycles. Kathy says their mom wouldn't have wanted there to be animosity between her and Deborah (307), and based on Deborah's isolation and decision to go no-contact with Kathy, I think JPL are leaning towards Deborah needing to distance herself in order to make sure she doesn't explode and cause bodily harm... more than she ends up inflicting.
There are elements of classical narcissism in Deborah's behavior – mainly the need to have zero contact with the narcissist in order to heal. While I don't think Kathy is a narcissist, I firmly believe Frank was. He was jealous, histrionic, selfish, and cunningly manipulative. These are all traits of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and yeah, Deborah possesses these qualities too. The difference between her and Frank, though, is that Deborah is using these tools to ensure she succeeds. She doesn't use them to take someone else down. She lets Ava go so she won't get in the way of Ava's success. She doesn't want to take up all the space in the room. She wants Ava to learn from her and apply the lessons so she can also succeed. It would be very easy for someone to take a single look at Deborah and assume she's hollow – and I think the pilot did a very good job of showing just that! The only glimpse we get behind the curtain is when Deborah sees that Frank died. She doesn't react except to say, “I can't believe they used that photo,” which is classic avoidance and emotional detachment. It's a coping mechanism she developed in her childhood.
I have to interject here and mention Deborah's desire to keep DJ close when she was a child. When a narcissist has their hooks into someone, they don't let go. They will use every tactic known to mankind to ensure the safety blanket they have chosen doesn't leave. So when Frank blew everything up, Deborah left, and Frank went after Kathy because she was 19 and easily manipulated. I think Deborah witnessed what Frank was doing to her and Kathy and decided to protect DJ by pulling her onto the road in a tour bus so Frank couldn't get to her. Obviously this backfired and resulted in DJ having a healthy(ish) relationship with Kathy because Frank was a master manipulator. Deborah saw that toxic father/daughter bond and went, Nope, not trying to fix this one – I'll only make it worse. Not to mention Frank's smear campaign! I mean Jesus Christ, the guy just couldn't wait to sign divorce papers. He had to destroy everything so Deborah wouldn't get somewhere without his help. So she wouldn't succeed on her own. So he would get all the credit, much like Ira did (“He gets to take credit for me? Put my photo up on his fucking wall?” 108).
In terms of why Deborah is the way she is, that's layered and difficult to summarize. A lot of her behavior stems from childhood trauma and her early adulthood. I think if Deborah had never met Frank, things would have been very, very different between her and Kathy. I think they would have continued to support each other and openly communicate, and despite there being a power imbalance between them, as Kathy matured and Deborah witnessed her growth, I think that Deborah would have been proud of the woman Kathy turned out to be. I think she's still proud of the woman Kathy turned out to be, even if she “hates” her or whatever. The dynamic of older sister/younger sister is very fraught with a mix of caretaking and jealousy. It's a super complex relationship, which is only usurped by the mother/daughter dynamic. Judging by how deeply bonded Deborah and Kathy were before 1976, it's very clear why Deborah feels so extremely betrayed by Kathy for what Frank did to them both. And it's also very clear why Kathy's appearance triggers Deborah so harshly she vomits.
Kathy embodies all the trauma from Frank, and keeping her distanced for so long let Deborah fall into a false sense of security and assumption that she had healed from all the shit that happened (which is debunked in 206 – “I got over my husband, but I never got over [losing a late night show].”) She never did. And knowing how Deborah reacts to the possibility of failing, which is to say that she doesn't react well – insomnia, anxiety, obsessive behaviors, defensiveness, blackmail – for her to not only not be healed after 50 years but to also be so overcome by emotion that she has a physical reaction? That's unconscionable. Unacceptable. A weakness. A secret shame. She's failed and it's the end of the world. And in most cases in her childhood and marriage to Frank, it kinda was...
*big deep exhale*
Here's where the rubber meets the road when it comes to Deborah Vance's relationships. Any kind, any shape, any depth, anything. She's afraid to let someone down. She's afraid that she won't be good enough. She's afraid that she won't be strong enough. She's afraid that she won't have all the answers. She's afraid to not be able to provide the way she wants to and has been able to in the past. And it's all due to a number of factors:
Her mother died first
Her mother died when Deborah was 15 and Kathy was 10
Her father died when Deborah was 17 and Kathy was 12
Her father was an alcoholic
Her household wasn't big on rules
As I mentioned, the mother/daughter relationship is the most complicated relationship dynamic. Regardless of what gendered roles are, biologically speaking, the mother/child bond is unique in that the mother's womb is where the child literally grows. Mother and child are connected by blood and tissue for almost a whole year. There are certain things that are established at the time of conception which can never be established by the father and child. It's just that simple. Mother/child bonds are more intense as a result. Being the eldest daughter meant Deborah and Martha had that bond and it was uninterrupted for five years. As childhood psychology analysis can and will predict, having an only child status for any length of time will make the bond between mother and child more intense than that of succeeding siblings. Having multiple siblings doesn't detract from the mother/child bond, but the eldest will always have a little extra special bond with the mother. So Deborah losing that bond first was the biggest blow to her developing psyche. That was a loss she felt more acutely than Kathy.
Deborah became a mother at 15. When a parent dies, it's the eldest siblings – but specifically the eldest sisters – who immediately start parenting whoever is left, including anyone in the family unit – parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, whoever. From what we know of Boomer culture and Greatest Generation morals, there's a very good chance Fred just delegated his parental duties to Deborah and checked the fuck out entirely after Martha died. From what I see Deborah doing when it comes to parenting, I wouldn't be surprised if this is a family pattern and learned behavior based in the fear of not measuring up.
Losing both parents before the age of 18 steals away any remaining childhood. Orphaned children are immediately thrust into survival mode and will stoop to what seem like unwarranted extremes like manipulation, blackmail, histrionic behavior, and bullying simply because they have to survive. There is no real way for orphaned children to support and protect themselves unless there's also a built-in safety net of siblings. Eldest siblings obviously support and protect more than the younger siblings, but the reward of there being kind of a quid-pro-quo or IOU or something along those lines is usually enough motivation to take on the responsibility of caretaking. As supported by the text, Deborah did her job as big sister. She protected Kathy from bullies (206) and she kept Kathy close until Frank got in the way (104). She continued these patterns in other areas of her life: “I would love nothing more than to bury you in more debt than medical school ever could” (106), “I helped a lot of people. I wasn't perfect but I did what I could” (108), “You have no fucking idea how much I do for you” (104). The behavior orphaned children usually develop as a result of being thrust into survival mode looks exactly like narcissistic traits. But as is seen throughout the series, Deborah doesn't use these tactics to tear someone else down. She uses them to survive.
Having an alcoholic parent (and therefore an unreliable parent) leaves the job of parenting to the eldest children, and in Deborah's case, this most likely had the biggest effect on her choice not to parent DJ. (Yes, there could be family pattern/learned behaviors at play here, too, and it might be a mix of both.) Not only does Deborah hesitate to develop a relationship with DJ, she flat out runs away from the responsibilities on more than one occasion. She avoids supporting DJ at the trade show, she offers small comforts of hand-me-down clothes rather than healthy communication, she chides DJ for going to therapy, and she jokes about DJ's sobriety. DJ confronts her numerous times and asks for a relationship but it's all in vain. There will never be a healthy, communicative, supportive, guilt-free relationship there unless Deborah has extensive therapy. Addressing the alcoholism and addiction that runs in her family might be too painful, so she may never do it. I would like to think JPL will at least have Deborah try, because they're crafting a redemption arc with her. This is one area I would like to see developed and explored more.
Having no structure during childhood and adolescent years is very detrimental to the developing psyches of children. There is definitely a thing as too much regimen, but having no structure at all is like giving a child the keys to a car and saying, “Good fucking luck!” It's beyond the realm of unhealthy; it's destructive. The child will learn to adapt, though. Some resulting adaptive behaviors are adrenaline seeking, dangerous hobbies like extreme sports, attachment issues, Borderline Personality Disorder, and attention seeking behaviors. It seems counter-intuitive to develop traits that fit into a structure-free home, but the child is using these adaptations as a way to normalize a very destructive environment. They aren't running hog wild because they want to. They're running hog wild because there is no other way for them to get the attention and care they need. These learned behaviors continue into adulthood in the form of attachment issues, cluster B personality disorders (Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Histrionic Personality Disorder, and Anti-social Personality Disorder), commitment issues, detachment, emotional abuse and neglect.
Based on these five factors, if Deborah didn't take care of herself and Kathy when Martha died, if she didn't take care of her dad when he was drunk, if she didn't coddle to the needs of Frank's narcissism, if she didn't get a perfect score on being the strongest person in the room, then she was a failure and there were extensive repercussions resulting in her, DJ's and Kathy's safety and survival being threatened. The result of this constant need to always be right so she will survive extends into her adulthood, resulting in perfectionism, obsession, tunnel vision, stringent morals, and a lack of flexibility.
Again, I have to stress, the traits of classical narcissism that Deborah exhibits are a result of her need to survive as: the only child of an alcoholic, then the eldest daughter, then the mother figure to Kathy, then the caretaker of her father, then the sole supporter of Kathy, then the wife of a narcissist, then the rejected wife, then the emotionally wounded woman she is known as today. She's exhausted, and it's no wonder why. She's been the strongest person in the room since she was 15. She's had to be. There was no choice. She either stepped up and took initiative or she died. There was no in-between.
For Deborah, the holy grail of success is getting a late night show. It not only symbolizes an happy, intact family unit (because her dad only laughed during Johnny Carson – 304), but it also realistically equips Deborah to be able to provide for herself and her family. It gives her a tangible reward for surviving all the shit that's been thrown her way. It's a tenured career, it's status, it's reliable, it's sustainable (inasmuch as anything in the entertainment industry is). It's all the things her childhood never was. She's worked her whole life to keep her head above water, and even when she could take a day off she doesn't because she's afraid someone else will come along and take her spot – “You have to scratch and claw and it never fucking ends, and it doesn't get better; it just gets harder.” (102)
So... This is why Deborah is the way she is, and this is why I love her. I see myself in her and knowing that she and I share so many things in common is part of the reason why this show means so much to me. Yeah, it's just a fucking TV show. It's fake and all that junk, but to me it's representation. And that means the world.
I can't thank JPL enough for giving me the gift of Deborah Margesson Vance. I also wanna know when they snuck into my childhood bedroom because holy shit...
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holdmytesseract · 10 months
The Baby Fever Wedding...
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moodboard by @mochie85 divider by @fictive-sl0th
Baby Fever Crew and fellow readers... It's time to assemble, because I'm searching for some helpers, who are interested in becoming my fellow wedding planner!
Huge thanks to @muddyorbsblr ! She helps me coordinate all this a lil' bit and is my right-hand woman. 💖 Also, kudos to @lokisgoodgirl , who gave me the idea to do little tasks. (I know, it's been months ago since we talked about this, but nevertheless... Thank you, friend!) 🩵
And this is how it works...
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How to participate...
If you are interested and want to sign up to this, just leave a comment on this post. That's all!
How do I choose my helpers?
That depends. I have 14 tasks. If just enough people sign up for this (not more or less than 14), you'll definitely be chosen. If more people want to participate, I'm going to put all names in a pot and randomly draw 14 names, so a bit of luck is needed.
What awaits you if you get chosen...
I'm going to give you a little task, in order to help me organize Y/N's and Loki's wedding. For example: Design the wedding rings or choose the flowers. You have enough time to think about it and tell me what you want. I am going to write it.
Rules & Other information...
Please only comment once. Makes things easier for me.
Please be patient. This is a huge project for me and I never did something like this before, so...
You are allowed to name two tasks in your comments, which you'd like to be assigned with. I can't promise that it's going to work out for you, but I'll try to have consideration for it!
Example: @ holdmytesseract Wedding rings & flowers
You have three days to sign up, so no pressure!
If you have questions, please send me an ask or a DM! Don't be shy!
And these are the tasks...
Design the wedding rings!
Choose Y/N's wedding dress, shoes and jewelry!
How should Loki's suit look like?
And how his armour?
Their hairstyle. (Do they need a new hairstyle or even a haircut?)
Y/N's bridesmaids (Natasha, Wanda, Pepper & Jane) are in need of dresses, too!
Loki's best man (Thor, of course.) needs a suit and armour, too.
Since the wedding takes place on Asgard, we need a few Midgardian pre-wedding/wedding traditions, too!
Flowers are a must have!
Create the invitations for the wedding!
A cake will be needed as well!
Where on Asgard takes the ceremony place and where the festives? We also need some decoration, right? (I feel like this is a two-man task!)
One of the most important things... Music! Do we have a DJ perhaps?
I'm in need of a entertainment department as well! Do they play party/wedding games? Karaoke? Are there Asgardian wedding games? Something entirely else? (I think this is a two-man task as well!)
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I think that's it. I hope I didn't forget anything... Well, with that being said... Let's start this! I'm beyond excited!
Tagging the Crew: @lady-rose-moon @muddyorbsblr @chennqingg @smolvenger @alexakeyloveloki @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @jennyggggrrr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @eleniblue @loz-3 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @fictive-sl0th @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @lovingchoices14 @glitchquake @lokidbadguy @icytrickster17 @mandywholock1980 @november-rayne @xthatpottahfanx @simping-for-marvel @lou12346789 @aagn360 @anukulee @multifandom-worlds @hisredheadedgoddess28 @vbecker10 @jaidenhawke @km-ffluv @lokiforever @crimson25 @kimanne723 @cakesandtom @buttercupcookies-blog @salvinaa @javagirl328 @noideakitten @zombiesnips-blog @dustychinchilla74 @frzntrx @lokisgoodgirl @princess-ofthe-pages @coldnique @asgards-princess-of-mischief @lokisrealpurpous
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green-alm0nd · 6 months
Hi, me again! Can I suggest an Anakin or Fives (your choice) fic, where the reader is a singer and DJ at 79’s and their latest song is about him?
If you need a song for this, I got you:
(Ignore DaBaby’s rap for this fic, you can use Camila’s verses instead)
Hello again!
Of course I can! (I love the song btw)
[Anakin Skywalker x gn!reader]: If you kiss me, I might let it happen
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Anakin is forced by his battalion (Fives mainly) to join in for a drink at 79's. As he talks to the clones, he spots you, singing a song he feels connected to.
WARNINGS: Drinking, alcohol, swearing, flirty reader, flirty Anakin, Anakin being a mess, suggestive if you squint, and just a little bit of tension. I don't know what I'm doing, it's 1 am and I want to sleep. I'll edit it tomorrow :p
Requested by: @kombatkid
I'm having a bad time learning how to write Anakin so please forgive me if it's a bit ooc :/
"It's literally 79's, not a Council meeting, sir." Fives implied.
Anakin leaned on the wall, thoughtful as he wondered if he should join his squad on a night at the bar, 79's, or not.
"I don't know, Fives. I already got reprimanded last time by the Council." He responded.
The clone rolled his eyes, and Jesse came in to try convince him.
"Come on, General. I heard from other clones that the singer you met last time is coming." The other clone chimed, smiling.
Anakin sighed, defeated. Yes, when he went for the first time to 79's, you had caught his eye. Quite literally as he had been mesmerized by your voice.
Eventually, he agreed. Just because he was feeling tired (and absolutely didn't want to hear you again-).
Upon arriving at 79's, Anakin realised how crowded it was. He sat down on a table with Rex, Fives and Echo.
"Are you sure you got the date right?" Echo asked.
Fives scoffed. "Of course I do."
The other clone rolled his eyes.
While the two clones fought, Anakin searched for your presence. You were definitely inside the bar, and he figured you'd be changing or practicing or just relaxing before a performance.
"Will you two stop it?" Rex asked, sighing.
"Not until I convince Echo that I didn't get the date wrong!" Fives complained.
"It's not the first time you've gotten a date wrong." Echo implied.
Anakin rolled his eyes. He started to regret that he agreed to go to 79's, yet he grabbed himself a drink and stared at nothing as other clones started entering the bar.
He did not realise a melody had started playing and someone had showed up in the small stage.
"They say he likes a good time
My, oh my
He comes alive at midnight
Every night"
He snapped out of his thoughts when Echo gently nudged his shoulder.
"They're on stage." He whispered.
The Chosen one's head instantly turned, and gazed at you.
"My mama doesn't trust him
My, oh my
He's only here for one thing, but
So am I"
He felt his cheeks go red as your eyes locked on his for a split second, before you walked out of the scenario to sway towards each desk.
He heard Fives ask the bartender for another drink, while the Jedi just stared at you longingly. You seemed to leave his desk for last, as you had started from the other side.
"A little bit older
A black leather jacket
A bad reputation
Insatiable habits"
Anakin gulped, as his eyes followed your every move. What was happening to him? It was wrong for the Jedi Code to feel the sensation he was feeling.
That feeling, however, the feeling of anticipation, the feeling of a shiver running down his spine as your voice filled his eardrums was like no other. And it was the same feelings as the ones he felt when he agreed to show up at 79's a few weeks prior.
The Jedi's heart was about to exit his chest as you approached closer.
"He was onto me,
one look and I couldn't breathe
Yeah, I said, "If you kiss me
I might let it happen" "
A nervous sigh left his lips, as Fives nudged him.
"It was worth it, eh?" He implied.
"Yeah, sure." He replied, dismissively. Even though he knew it had been absolutely worth it.
However, one side of him wanted to talk to you after the 'show'. The other side of him begged for Anakin to leave and return to the Temple and forget about all of this. Because he would be in trouble.
His eyes locked on yours again, and you smirked.
"I swear on my life that I've been a good girl
Tonight, I don't wanna be her"
You winked an eye at him, and went back to the stage.
"He says he likes a good time
My, oh my
He comes alive at midnight
Every night"
He muttered something between the words of 'I need some air.' to Echo before he got up and headed towards the door of 79's. It was too much for the young Jedi.
"My mama doesn't trust him
My, oh my
He's only here for one thing, but
So am I"
Anakin's hand rested on the doorknob, as he felt your words being directed at him. He knew it, and he felt it. And when claps and screams filled the bar, he knew it was his cue to get some air.
He had not noticed, however, that your eyes followed his every move.
Once outside, the Jedi leaned on a wall and sighed. He wouldn't call it sensory overload, but he did get a bit sensitive with all the noises. He crossed his arms, thinking.
He didn't notice that you were behind him, and startled him.
"Holy- stars! What- are you doing here?!" He asked, still very much surprised.
You laughed at his reaction.
"Sorry. I saw you leaving so I sneaked out of the crowd to try find you." You replied, with a small smile.
At this, Anakin was dumbfounded.
"Why would you be looking for me?"
You smirked, amused at his reaction.
"I know you were here last time, and you're here today. We don't know eachother, but you've caught my eye." You replied.
For some reason, a wave of confidence and adrenaline ran through Anakin's veins.
"Have I?" He asked, in a more flirtatious tone.
You nodded. "You have."
To this, he responded with a light chuckle.
"I don't think we've been properly introduced. I'm Anakin Skywalker." He said, with a playful reverence. "Pleasure to meet you."
You extended your hand.
"Pleasure to meet you too."
You leaned on the wall.
"I must say, that was a great performance." He chimed, staring at you.
"It was just a performance." You shrugged.
Anakin chuckled. "You really can't accept a compliment, can you?" He said, shooting closer as he raised an eyebrow.
"Coming from you, I don't think I will." You teased, placing your hands on your hips.
He let out a huff.
"Playing hard to get, are we?"
You hummed in response, leaning closer. Your hands rested at the sides of the wall, his body between your arms. "Maybe I am."
Ignoring his blushing face, he licked his lips once he realised you were dangerously close to him, and more than you already were.
His body acted on his own, and his fingers wrapped around your chin, lifting it up.
"The first time I came here, I was captivated by your voice. And I'm going to be transparent here, I really want to hear you sing again. It was beautiful." He said.
This time, you were the one to blush. You had also been captivated by the young, mysterious man. It was the first time you had ever felt like this, and you were willing to give in to the feeling.
"I'll sing. I'll sing for you." You told him, in a whisper.
Maybe it was the spotchka he had drank, maybe it was the heat of the moment that wasn't letting him think straight, but his lips crashed with yours in a very much passionate and long-awaited kiss.
You gladly kissed back, closing your eyes and placing your hands on his hips.
"So, uh- what are we doing about them?" Echo asked, as him and Fives waited for a cab, staring at both of you.
Fives hummed.
"Not tell the Jedi Council about it?" He replied.
"Yeah, that's probably a good idea." Echo said.
I'm going to sleep :p
Reblogs and shares are highly appreciated <3
My requests are still open!
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creative-creatures · 10 months
"Once Upon A Time...
Where summer seemed to never end and raindrops kissed the sky. Twenty two teens lived a dangerous life where many were left behind. Many a story were shown for their truth no matter how hard they tried. Oh sweet young children they were who just couldn't hide. Since one by one a story was spun and the teenagers lost their lives.``
-The Narrators
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YO! New AU! well not really. I decided to redo The Acharya Curse and ended up changing the entire story... haha? anyway! I present to you something I will be working on while I work on the Circus AU!
Total Drama: Ever After!
What you need to know/Warnings:
 Everyone from the Total Drama OG cast will be in this AU (other seasons might be added later).
They aren't contestants in this, instead they are labeled Travelers or Story Folk.
Total Drama as a whole never happened in this AU as well. 
Chris Mclean, Chef Hatchet and Blaineley are all evil in this AU.
All fairytales followed will be off of their original written versions or the Brothers Grimm versions (Which for most cases are the original).
Only a select few will be simular to the more modern tellings.
There will be death, gore, and loss in this AU.
There will be ships.
Basic premise: 
8 of the 24 original contestants find themselves transported to a fairytale world where they are tasked to find a way back home or risk getting stuck. 
Not knowing why or how they got transported the 8 travelers set upon their mission. Thankfully, the only thing that changed about the travelers themselves in their teleportation was their clothing to better fit the fairytale vibe. 
The 8 travelers will run into multiple fairytales being played out by those they meet along the way. Sometimes the stories don't go as originally written, and sometimes they go brutally familiar to the original text. Due to this the travelers find themselves forced to witness the stories play out. They soon learn they can change the classic stories.
This story will continue and play out in future posts! 
some interesting facts for the Travelers:
They can follow fairytales depending on who and when they interact with different Story Folk… though unlike the Story Folk they aren't forced to follow the stories unless cursed.
A Traveler can be cursed to follow a fairytale by a Story Folk. When a Story folk does this they will switch places with the Traveler. Often it is done so they can free themselves from their designed fate.
To curse a traveler the Story Folk has to find the Fables Storybook and write the travelers name into their selected story.
Once a Traveler is turned they can get themselves turned back if they stab the Story folk who cursed them with a Devils Shard.
Travelers can only follow fairytales of where their chosen character is a human. (EX Cody becomes Jack from Jack and the Giant peach or something)
Katie & Sadie
Story Folk:
Owen ( Mad Hatter )
Courtney (Cinderella) 
Heather (The Snow Queen) 
Izzy (Cheshire Cat) 
Eva (Queen of Hearts) 
Noah (Sleeping Beauty with small mix of Kaj) 
DJ (Winnie the Pooh)
Lindsey (Rapunzel) 
Duncan (Aladdin) 
Beth (Thumbelina) 
Justin (Prince Charming) 
Harold (Pinocchio) 
Bridgette (Ariel) 
Ezekiel (Rumpelstiltskin) 
Gwen (one of the twelve dancing princesses) 
Blaineley (Maleficent/Evil Queen)
Chris + Chef (Narrators)
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I dont own the images in this post... they are stock images I found that I just personally liked... also the chosen fairytales may change! Nothing is set 100% in stone yet.
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eagna-eilis · 1 year
Star Wars Characters at a Family Wedding in Ireland
ANAKIN - Gets extremely nostalgic about his own wedding and makes his adult twin children groan in embarrassment. Is in such a good mood that he isn't even mad when Leia calls him a fascist for voting Fine Gael, and manages to give his grandson an effective pep talk.
PADMÉ - So resplendent that the bride is almost jealous but honestly how could you be upset with her she's just so nice. Gets giggly tipsy over dinner and waltzes with C3P0 afterwards. Touches up literally everyone's makeup for them throughout the night and does a better job than the actual makeup artist.
OBI-WAN - Waits til the night is winding down then magically locates a squeezebox, fiddle, a guitar, and a tin whistle and hands them out to start a sessiún. The sing-song goes on until 5am and it's all his fault. His signature song is 'The Lass of Aughrim' because it makes him feel all literary.
R2D2 - Has at least four too many double Jamesons and literally starts arguing with the wall. Shmii finds him passed out under a table the next morning, wherein he swears he's not drinking until Christmas.
C3P0 - Wrecks the heads of the hotel staff over dinner with all his requests, to the point of embarrassing the other people at his table. Conducts impromptu ballroom dancing lessons while the band plays and charms the pants off everyone with his patient explanations of how to foxtrot.
LANDO - Pulls out a deck of cards and starts a game of 21s in the corner. Absolutely swindles everyone. It's okay though because he puts his winnings behind the bar so nobody has to pay for their drinks after that.
AHSOKA - Brings enough weed to share with a chosen few, like an absolute queen. Ends up hanging out in the loo for ages rolling for herself, Sabine, Maz, Kanan, and eventually Ben. Despite her relative stillness and quiet, she enjoys the music more than basically anybody else and people will quote her fondly slagging Anakin over dinner for the next 20 years.
SABINE - Camera queen who tries to look like she isn't enjoying herself. Fools nobody because she keeps grinning and snort-laughing. Her photos are a thousand times better than the photographer's and are the ones that the couple use for their album.
HERA - Helps Leia gang up on Anakin about politics because goddamn it, Leia isn't wrong. Hands out isotonic powder sachets and paracetamols to everyone before they go up to bed. They're gonna need it.
EZRA - Gets so hyper after consuming so much 7up that Hera has to send him to bed before the DJ takes over from the band. Sneaks down later for the cocktail sausages.
DIN DJARIN - Couldn't get a babysitter so he's tucked up at home watching The Late Late and hate-tweeting it.
GROGU - fell asleep in front of The Late Late. Delighted when somebody brings wedding cake to the house the following day.
KANAN - Literally will not be at peace until the DJ plays Kenny Rodgers' 'The Gambler' because it's not a wedding without it. Once that's done he insists on 'Come On Eileen'. Somebody's gotta be the keeper of the flame of tradition, after all.
CHEWBACCA - Requests all the group dances. Rock the Boat, The Siege of Ennis, The Macarena, The Walls of Limerick, Chain Reaction. Bullies everyone into joining in, except Ben who is the absolute antithesis of craic.
LUKE - Every wedding requires at least one merrily drunk uncle and Luke does not disappoint. Suit jacket? Gone. Top buttons? Open. Tie? It's now around his head while he stands on a chair playing air guitar to 'Hotel California'. Ends up puking in a flower pot. Iconic.
LEIA - Would have been okay if she stuck to wine all night but a single gin and tonic on top of the shitty hotel merlot and suddenly she's having an hour-and-a-half political argument with Anakin. Embarrasses the hell out of her parents, brother, and son by smooching Han repeatedly while dancing.
HAN - Organises the pre-ceremony pints. His sotto-voce asides are funnier than anything in the speeches. Quietly sings along to 'Brown Eyed Girl' by Van Morrison in Leia's ear while they dance, prompting all that smooching.
FINN - Sneaks into the hotel's public bar to check the hurling scores on the telly then reports them back to all the lads. Keeps his wits about him regards alcohol so he can take care of Poe later but eats so much cake he feels sick.
POE - Holds court in the bar, telling long anecdotes about his life that are only 75% true. Dances and flirts with all the aunties and nanas and makes them feel great about themselves. It doesn't convince Ahsoka to give him a spliff, though, because she is immune to his charms.
ROSE - The boomers yell at her for getting the DJ to play 'Celtic Symphony' by the Wolfe Tones, but she calls them hypocrites who are oozing postcolonial shame. Anakin offers to adopt her because now she's the centre of the politics argument. Knocks it out of the park at the sing-song because she knows all the words to at least 20 rebel songs.
MAZ - The first to place her handbag down on the dancefloor so as to coax the other nanas onto the floor. Jovially flirts with every man over 18 and under 60 that isn't her blood relation. Asks Poe to marry her.
REY - Finishes at least three other people's dinners. Sings along very loudly to every song that the band AND the DJ plays. Can't dance at all but it doesn't stop her. Should probably check on Ben because she knows what he's like but decides that tonight he's his family's responsibility. Loses her entire shit when ABBA plays.
BEN - Zero craic, God help the poor craytur. Drinks brandy as an affectation and starts quoting James Joyce after four of them. Gets extremely mopey after brandy number six and ends up having a long heart to heart with his Grandda Ani. Cries then throws up. Auntie 'Soka gives him a joint to settle his tummy. Subsequently feels better and then knocks everyone's socks off singing 'Raglan Road'.
SHMII - Begs off the party at 10pm because she's 97 years old. Still makes sure that everybody takes their hangover down to breakfast the following morning for a Big Feed of rasher-sausage-and-pudding, and maybe hair of the dog if they're desperate.
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eventually27 · 2 years
One of the Evans [or evan himself] seducing you into cheating 🫣🤭💜
Cheeky! Wouldn't take me much seducing, mwahahah. Boyfriend byeeee 🫠
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*warnings: infidelity, swearing, smuttyness*
You are at your best friends wedding, you've attended alone because your boyfriend would prefer to go out with his boys instead of accompanying you. The ceremony was beautiful and now it is party time!!
You order another drink from the bar, "Come and dance," you hear, your girlfriends, including the bride say, they were demanding your presence on the dance floor, and you did love to dance after all. You take a small sip from your drink and make your way to the floor. The dj was playing great songs, chosen by the bride of course. You didn't really know the groom too well. He was often working, but you had spent some time with him, birthday parties, dinner parties, that kind of thing, you were really happy that they had got married though, all you wanted was for your friend to be happy, even if you were slightly jealous, you should of been here dancing with your boyfriend, but he had other ideas, he was such a jerk sometimes, but you were determined to have fun and let your hair down tonight, it wasnt everyday your best friend got married after all!
You loved to let loose and were enjoying dancing, your eyes scanned across the clan of dancing bodies, your eyes met with strangers, he had dark eyes, dark and inviting, he was wearing a crisp white shirt and wearing a necklace, the same as the best man's necklace, the same as the others you had noticed so he must of been a friend of the grooms, he smiled at you and you let slip a small smile in return but looked away fast, you knew you had starred for too long already. You decided it was time to go and freshen up so you left your friends to dance. You looked in the mirror, put on some fresh lipgloss, checked your dress, checked your phone and still no text, your boyfriend was obviously having too much fun with his friends, you made your way back to the bar and returned to your drink, you picked it up and downed it in one, you called out for the barman to get you another. "You look like you needed that." You turned around to see the handsome stranger from the dance floor laughing, (i mean, he wasn't completely a stranger, you had heard of him and see him in a few things, but to you personally he was a stranger), " yeah you could say that " you replied smirking.." Well, let me get you another then! I'm Evan. Nice to meet you. " You couldn't help but be sucked in by his smile, " I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you as well." You were interrupted by the barman giving you the drink you had just ordered. " Ah, I guess you really did need it. On to the next already, he laughed, 2 shots, please barman, " Evan called out while shooting you a wink. You felt your heart start to beat faster, your temperature was rising, and you were surprised he had this effect on you. It wasn't something you were used to.
" So you're here for the bride. I take it," Evan broke the silence, yeah shes been my best friend for years. You must be here with the groom?" You moved forward and touched the dangling necklace that was around his neck, " What's the story with these? " You looked up and caught his gaze, you realised you were still holding the necklace. You released your grasp while your cheeks flashed red. Maybe you were feeling the effects of the alcohol already. " We have all been friends since high school, we have all gone about our own lives and had our own things going on, but we always come back together when it's important. We all wore these to simbalize that, I guess, " he clasped the necklace where you had just held in his hand. "Shots for you," said the barman, as he plonked 4 shots onto the bar. I'm in front of you both. "Oh no, I'm glad I don't have far to walk to get to my hotel room, I can just fall into the lift at the end of the night," you laughed, "ill be heading the same way, looks like the lift will be pretty packed tonight" Evan replied, you felt butterflies in your stomach at the thought of your rooms potentially being close together. You knew you shouldn't even be thinking about that or even thinking about him. " Let's do these shots then, shall we," you said, wanting to distract yourself from your own thoughts, you lifted the shot up and smelt it and nearly gagged "what the heck is that?!" You couldn't help but laugh along with Evan, who is currently laughing at the face you had just pulled, "hold you nose while you swallow it, it's meant to take away the taste" he grins and downs his shot with a smirk, he didn't think you could do it, but you would do it just to prove him wrong, you held your nose and downed both one after the other, "like that? Come on, Evan, you're behind, You've still got one left, " you joked. Your throat was burning. It tasted like shit but you hid it well. As he lifted his shot to his mouth, you couldn't help but notice how big his hands were, how well his white shirt fitted him, you knew it wouldn't be a good idea.for you to spend anymore time along with him and thats when you were intruppted.
"Y/N, I thought you had gone back to your room. You've been hiding so long, " your friend, without knowing, had come to your rescue. She grabbed your hands and began to drag you away to the dance floor once more, "it was nice talking to you, Evan. See you around," you shouted. You were secretly disappointed that your time with him had come to an end, but you knew it was for the best. You thought he looked slightly disappointed, too. For the rest of the night, you couldn't help but take mental notes of his where abouts, who he was talking to, where he was dancing, you shared many secret smiles through the groups of people, your eyes kept meeting.
The night was coming to an end. You were slightly dizzy and definitely took too many shots. It was slow dance time, and everyone was finding their partners or looking for someone hot to dance with. You knew this was your time to make an exit, so you walked through the doors, down the hallway, and pressed the button to the elevator. You entered and waited as the doors were about to close, but someone had pressed the button, and the doors began opening again, "going so soon? Is everything OK? It was Evan, you couldn't believe it was him, you were here leaving to avoid the urge to dance with him, you couldn't even look in his eyes but you managed to say " yeah everything's OK, it felt weird to watch everyone slow dance, the nights nearly over anyway", "Ah your boyfriend wouldn't like it if you danced with someone else right?" You were struck by shock. How did he even know you had one? "If you were my girlfriend, I wouldn't have let you come here alone, especially looking as beautiful as you do", you could feel your heart about to beat out of your chest, you didn't expect these words, even if you had secretly hoped for them, " you were who I wanted to dance with" you managed to say, you wasn't sure why you said this outloud, but you did want him to know. " Well, I won't tell if you don't, your secrets safe with me," he said this standing in the doorway to stop the doors closing. He held his hands out for you to take them. You really tried not to, but it was as if your hands had a mind of their own because in no time, they were entwined in Evans. He pulled you out of the elevator, and he spun you around like a princess. You couldn't help but smile. He placed his hands around your waist, you placed your arms around him in return, you couldnt help but laugh at the fact you were both dancing in a hallway, you giggled like school children, dancing around, forgetting you were slightly intoxicated you misstepped and wobbled on your heel, you both fell into eachother against the wall, you both laughed but realised how close together you had become, you feel eachothers hearts beating, your bodys were pressed hard against eachother, you couldnt take it any longer and your lips pressed against his, you felt in ecstasy but you had to pull away, it took everything you had to do so. " I can't do this. This is wrong. I shouldn't," you whispered. You felt Evans' thumb stroke down your cheek while he said, "Nobody has to know, it felt right to me, didn't it feel right to you?" These words made your body weak. He wanted you as much as you wanted him. You couldn't deny your feelings any longer and pressed your lips onto his once more. This time, it was more passionate. You both knew how badly you wanted eachother, you both loved the danger and wrongness but loved the feel of eachothers bodies more, your tounges wrestled tasting eachother, Evan removed one of his hands from your waist and pressed the elevator button, before you knew it you were pressed against the elevator wall with his hand between your legs, you pressed the emergancy stop button, you knew you wouldn't have long until it started moving again.
He hovered his thumb over your clit but made sure to ask "is this okay?" You couldn't speak so just let out a pleasured moan, you felt down to his groin and felt how hard he was over his trousers, you caressed him and searched for his button to undo his trousers, you released him from his boxers, hebwas so hard, you played with him using your hand, his moans only made you go faster, he slipped his fingers inside you, moaning at how wet you wete for him, he felt amazing, you tilted your thighs up to feel his knuckles against your clit as he pleasured you, this was the final straw for him, "let me show you how id treat you if you were MY girlfriend" he lifted up one of your legs so you were exposed more, you guided his cock to were it needed to be and he thrusted in, you both harmonize in moans. He began building up speed, slipping in and out of you with ease. Ever Stoke was one step closer to climax, " I'm going to cum soon Evan" you moaned, "cum for me baby, I'm so close", he spend up but slowed back down and he felt you tighten around his cock, you moaned and felt as if you were in euphoria, you suddenly felt Evan empty himself into you, it felt amazing, you ran your fingers through his hair, he looked to pretty while he is experiencing pleasure, even with sweat glistening from his forhead, he placed a gentle kiss on your lips and you both laughed, suddenly the elevator came back to life and the doors were about to open..
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