#Christmas starters
promptfairy · 10 months
change gendered language   &   add context to your needs . happy roleplaying !!  ♡
“   last christmas ,   i gave you my heart .   ” “   i kept my distance ,   but you still caught my eye .   ” “   tell me ,   do you recognize me ??   ” “   now i know what a fool i’ve been .   ” “   if you kissed me now ,   i know you’d fool me again .   ” “   i was hiding from you   &   your soul of ice .  ” “   my god ,   i thought you were someone to rely on .   ” “   i guess i was just a shoulder to cry on .   ” “   now i’ve found a real love ;   you’ll never fool me again .  ” “   i thought you were here to stay .   ” “   how could you love me for only a day ??   ” “   i thought you were someone special .   ” “   i don’t want a lot for christmas .   ” “   i don’t care about the presents underneath the christmas tree .   ” “   i just want you for my own ,   more than you could ever know .   ” “   make my wish come true .   ” “   all i want for christmas is you .   ” “   i won’t even wish for snow .   ”
“   i’m just gonna keep on waiting underneath the mistletoe .   ” “   i’m feeling christmas all around .   ” “   it’s hard to focus when i see him walking across the room .   ” “   i’m avoiding every mistletoe until i know it’s true love .   ” “   i want to let you unwrap me .   ” “   this year ,   i’ve got to be smart .   ” “   later ,   we’ll have some pumpkin pie   &   do some caroling .   ” “   in the meadow ,   we can build a snowman .   ” “   it’s the most wonderful time of the year .   ” “   you are my home for all seasons .   ” “   please don’t cry ,   it’s christmas .   ” “   i only want you under my mistletoe .   ” “   i might change your contact to   ‘  has a huge north pole .  ’   ” “   i’ve been a bad girl ,   i guess i’m getting coal .   ” “   let me come warm you up ,   you’ve been out in the snow .   ” “   you’re my wishlist .   ” “   looking at you’s got me thinking christmas .   ” “   it’s been a long ,   hard year .   ”
“   let’s hope the snow will make christmas right .   ” “   sure it’s madness ,   but it’s magic .   ” “   i just want a cozy little christmas here with you .   ” “   you’re the only one i’m wishing for .   ” “   we were dreamers not so long ago .   ” “   there’s no time to waste ;   there’s so much to celebrate .   ” “   tell me what’s on your wishlist ,   i wanna make it come true .   ” “   i don’t think i’m gonna make it through the winter ,   babe .   ” “   santa won’t bring you somebody who loves you more than me .   ” “   you’re gonna leave me all alone ??   on christmas ??   ” “   can’t we just snuggle underneath the tree by the fireplace ??   ” “   you know i make those cookies you like .   ” “   maybe this christmastime ,   you’ll finally realize that i could be the one to give you everything you want .   ” “   greeting cards have all been sent .   ” “   i still have one wish to make .   ” “   in my dreams ,   i’m christmasing with you .   ” “   every day is a holiday when i’m near to you .   ” “   if there is love in your heart   &   your mind ,   you will feel like christmas all the time .   ” “   merry christmas ,   darling .   ”
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dodgerrpmemes · 2 years
Christmas Related Starters
“Are you not simply having a wonderful Christmas time?”
“It’s snowing!”
“Is that mistletoe?”
“I got you the biggest present.”
“Hot cocoa with marshmallows coming right up.”
“I’m going to demolish this entire gingerbread house.”
“Cosy pyjamas are my favourite.”
“Wanna snuggle up and watch Christmas movies together?”
“How is Rudolph the most famous reindeer if you have to ask if you recall him?”
“Can we go and look at Christmas lights?”
“I’m putting the star on the tree!”
“Have you left the cookies out?”
“I heard the Christmas market is in town.”
“I booked us a sleigh ride.”
“I hear sleigh bells!”
“Penguins are Christmassy, fuck you.”
“This is my favourite time of year.”
“That snow globe is beautiful.”
“The lights are all tangled!”
“Did you eat all the chocolates on the tree?”
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medjedrpresources · 9 months
Mock The Week: "Unlikely Things To Hear at Christmas Time" RP Starters
content warning; profanity, dark humour, sexual references
Feel free to adjust gendered terms as needed
"I went to Africa last year. They do know it's Christmas."
"Last year, for Christmas, to help my grandfather give up smoking, I bought him a petrol-infused cigarette. His face lit up."
"I've burnt the turkey and I'm shagging your brother! I'm joking, the turkey's fine!"
"I'm not saying you haven't made an effort, I'm just saying I didn't realize Pot Noodle did a turkey flavour."
"Awww, I knew they cared, they've sent me an eCard."
"This Christmas, why don't you spice up your festive sex life and give your partner a surprise. Put the fairy up yourself."
"D'yknow, I think this is the best stuffing I've ever had. Shall we put our clothes back on before your parents arrive?"
"It's Christmas? Today? Are you sure? The shops have kept that very quiet."
"We always have a goose here at Christmas. I don't know why really, its conversation's terrible and it shits all over the floor."
"A good tip for sprouts is to slice them very thinly, drizzle them in olive oil, throw them in the bin and drink a bottle of red wine."
"Aww, I just wish that Monopoly lasted longer…"
"What the fuck is eggnog?"
"Is that a candy cane in your pocket, or have you just got a really weird shaped penis?"
"I um… I know you didn't want diamonds and things, but you deserve something really expensive so… I've bought you some gas."
"Bit of oil, bit of salt, and finally you put a lemon up the bottom. Strangely, I quite enjoy it."
"Well, it's soaked in brandy, let's get it lit and we can pretend she fell asleep watching telly."
"Oh, we're under the mistletoe. I think you know what that means… I've locked us outside again, haven't I?"
"I'm afraid Santa wasn't able to bring you a toy train, so he's brought you a toy replacement bus service."
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spookmemepls · 10 months
☠ ― 𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑚𝑎𝑠 𝑊𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐾𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘𝑠 𝑆𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠. (𝑆𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑠 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝟸𝟶𝟶𝟺 𝑚𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑒, "𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑚𝑎𝑠 𝑊𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐾𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘𝑠".)
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"You could use an umbrella!"
"We spent six-thousand-one-hundred dollars on Christmas last year."
"It will be so different this Christmas, won't it, ___...?"
"It's YOU I'm not finished with."
"There's a lot of depression at Christmas, you know?"
"I am simply skipping Christmas."
"No Christmas Eve party...?!"
"Christmas carolers are not trespassers."
"Yeah, well now you're an idiot."
"I need a band-aid...!"
"I'm Christmas shopping."
"Oh, dear GOD, this should be outlawed..."
"I'm coming home for Christmas!"
"I might have to lose a little weight."
"We're/I'm not gonna... do Christmas this year."
"...Why are you looking at me like that?"
"I have an idea. A BRILLIANT idea."
"Sixty-three dollars for ornament repair? You gotta be kidding me."
"Ten days, luxury cruise. Just you and me."
"We skip Christmas, save money, and spend it on us for a change!"
"How do you simply not do Christmas?"
"This tree's a real beauty. Almost ten feet tall!"
"Frosty is dead."
"Why are you whispering, ___? This is our house!"
"I am the one TRAPPED here, I am the one DEALING with this!"
"I'm sorry you gotta work on Christmas Eve."
"There is no way we are wearing these on our cruise."
"We made the front page. Check it out."
"How DARE they?! What a bunch of LOSERS!"
"You know what? I don't think I'm coming back from this cruise."
"You... are having the party, aren't you, ___?"
"NEVER say the words "hickory honey ham" AGAIN."
"We're not doing this for ___. We're doing this for ___."
"We're going to have a party here!"
"Grab a change of clothes, grab all the food you can, and get over here in half an hour."
"Thank you for making me feel so welcome."
"Can I come in for a minute?"
"This... this means... a lot. Thank you."
"You're missing your party."
"Hey, does this mean we have to start being nice to each other?"
"I can't pass up this kind of weather, it's always good for business."
"Thank you for the party!"
"Skipping Christmas... what a stupid idea."
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carpememes · 9 months
KLAUS starters
feel free to change pronouns
“Stop, don’t tell me. Let me guess…. I give up. Who are you?”
“Can I get your something to drink? Espresso, cappuccino?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be in equestrian training?”
“No worries, I’ve got someone covering for me.”
“I’m gonna take one last look around the old place so I can forget it.”
“There you have it! But, hey, we gave it the old college try didn’t we?”
“Guess I’ll just go pack up and head home then. Too bad! Darn, oh darn!”
“You’re right! When will I grow up? When will I stop squandering these opportunities- that you so kindly forced me into- and become my own man?”
“I guess I must really hanker down and rethink my priorities.”
“You think I’m just going to watch you purposely fail and then let you waltz right back to a privileged life void of any purpose or meaning?”
“You can’t cheat, bribe or squirm your way out of this one.”
“Thank you, Dad! This is really wonderful, father, thank you so much!”
“I love this terrible coach ride. Thank you so much.”
“Nice boat. Any chance we might actually get on it today?”
“I thought there would be some sort of a reception.”
“This is no way to treat a person. Certainly not THIS person.”
“Come to the counter, I’ll be right out!”
“What kind of town has a Battle Bell?”
“Welcome to _, home ot the world’s finest feuds.”
“Are you gonna buy something, or are you just here to chit-chat?”
“Holy moley, that’s you?! What happened?”
“Mingling with their sworn enemy spawn? Can’t have that!”
“So now I’m reduced to doing this so I can get some money and start fresh far, far away from here.”
“Are. You going. To buy something?!”
“C’mon, sport! I saved the best for last.”
“Go home, you loser!”
“Oh, I get it. Did my father put you up to this?”
“Show me where I’m really staying. I’d like a hot bath and a look at the dinner menu.”
“That’s it! This place is the worst! I’m going home!”
“I hate it here! It’s so cold and icky and the people are mean to me!”
“Nice guy. Loves visitors.
“Hello? I’m in your house.”
“Better alive in the gutter than hacked into pieces! No thank you!”
“Please don’t chop me up and scatter my parts in the woods!”
“In there? What? No way. You must be kidding.”
“Please! Open this! Why are you doing this to me?”
“These better sound sad. Do they sound sad?”
“Probably not an axe murderer. Though, still is a possibility but, most likely, no.”
“Remember me from the nice breaking and entering the other night?”
“That is… totally normal!”
“Centuries of glorious hatred passed down through generations!”
“Now, I just know you didn’t mean to disrespect all of that heritage. Right?”
“Telling children to go to school to learn to write? What is wrong with you?!”
“I’m so close to getting out. I am not about to let you mess it all up.”
“Whatever you’re doing, leave me OUT OF IT.”
“Not a word. You just sit there and be all magical and awesome.”
“Are we going to learn something today?”
“Look, if you have to be here, at least be quiet.”
“Let’s make a deal- If I teach you something will you get out of here? Please?”
“Friends of yours, I take it?… They seemed nice.”
“A flying sleigh… pulled by magical reindeer?”
“Oh look. It CAN laugh.”
“What are you doing at our ambush?”
“So we must band together in peace… To help stop this peace?”
“Back home I’ve got pretty much everything.”
“Back home I’ve got pretty much everything. But here I’m just another irrelevant,pointless… nobody.”“
Hey. You’re a pretty good listener, y’know?”
“How many nights do you lie awake, in the darkest place?”
“If happy lives a mile away, a couple steps is all it takes.”
“If kindness lives in everyone, then all it takes is standing up.”
“Can’t touch it, see it- but you can always feel it.”
“The greatest things you’ll ever know are invisible.”
“How have we never defeated you?”
“We wanted children. Lots of them.”
“We kept waiting, but they never came.”
“Even now, sometimes, it almost like she’s still...”
“After she was gone, I guess I got lost.”
“Yknow what? No homework! Am I the best teacher ever or what?”
“I just thought I’d give the place an update.”
“Check it out, I think it looks pretty good.”
“Someone would have to be pretty stupid to want to leave this place now.”
“Oh, wow. You have no idea what you’ve done, do you?”
“Not quite the same place is it?”
“A true act of good will always sparks another.”
“Everybody’s out to get something, right?”
“Oh, well. Best leave it alone, I say. I’m sure it’s nothing that could fester and eventually become a source of regret.”
“He said he’d never been more proud of me... And he hugged me. Can you believe that?”
“This town was built on resentment and spite.”
“Let’s go. We’re done here.”
“Kids talk. And if kids happen to talk about their parents forming an angry mob then, y’know, teachers listen.”
“Then you showed up and made it complicated, as usual.”
“So all this was for nothing?”
“Shall we then?”
“What did you expect of course she loved me.”
“I’m coming, Love.”
“It was as if he had just... faded away.”
“What happened to him after that... How, why... I can’t even begin to comprehend.”
“I stopped trying to make sense of it a long time ago.”
“What I do know is that, once a year, I get to see my friend.”
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stelacole · 2 years
christmas songs sentence starters
﹡ ❝ last christmas, i gave you my heart﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ jingle all the way. ❞ ﹡ ❝ you better watch out. you better not cry. ❞ ﹡ ❝ christmas tree has been built﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ all i want for christmas is you﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ i'll be home for christmas. ❞ ﹡ ❝ i'll have a blue christmas without you. ❞ ﹡ ❝ have yourself a merry little christmas. ❞ ﹡ ❝ what a bright time, it's the right time﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ frosty the snowman, was a jolly happy soul. ❞ ﹡ ❝ have a happy holiday. ❞ ﹡ ❝ christmas land is the human mind's empire where peace reigns. ❞ ﹡ ❝ let it snow﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ santa claus is coming to town. ❞ ﹡ ❝ he's gonna find out who's naughty or nice. ❞
﹡ ❝ he knows if you've been bad or good﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ out of all the reindeers you know you are the mastermind. ❞ ﹡ ❝ run rudolph. run﹗ ❞
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emmasaviorswan · 2 years
Open starter: Ruby Xmas tree 🎄
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"What do you think about...this one?" Ruby asked her companion, the smell of pine pulling her in with the comfort of home.
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bassettmemes · 2 years
IT’S THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR! a collection of sentence starters and prompts to inspire holiday/wintery interactions. trigger warnings for mentions of food and drink. 
❝ are you really playing christmas music already? it’s barely november! ❞
❝ come on, get in the spirit! dance with me. ❞ 
❝ if we’re having turkey for thanksgiving dinner, i’m not eating. the bird always looks at me funny and i’m not eating stuffing that’s been stuffed up a butt. ❞ 
❝ are you going to come sledding with us? it’ll be fun! ❞
❝ we can put up the christmas lights tonight! ❞
❝ i don’t want to be a grinch, but untangling lights isn’t exactly my favorite pastime. ❞
❝ let’s wear matching ugly christmas sweaters to the party! ❞ 
❝ do you think this eggnog is spiked? ❞ 
❝ don’t tell anyone, but, i spiked the eggnog. ❞ 
❝ you’re who i want to kiss at midnight on new year’s eve. ❞
❝ pucker up! you got caught under the mistletoe. ❞
❝ i didn’t know what to get you. i hope you like it. ❞ 
❝ you got me [insert gift here]? i love it. ❞
❝ please tell me that’s not a puppy yipping from the box... ❞
❝ isn’t it a little cliche to get engaged on christmas? ❞ 
❝ we always watch grandma got run over by a reindeer. it’s tradition! ❞
❝ i was sucking on this candy cane and accidentally made a weapon... ❞
❝ did you remember to get carrots to leave out for the reindeer? ❞
❝ i loved christmas as a kid, but i haven’t felt the magic in a long time... ❞
❝ do you want to bake cookies with me? ❞
SEND A WORD FOR A PROMPT. add + REVERSE to switch up who does what.
[ SKATES ] for sender and receiver to go ice skating.
[ COCOA ] for sender and receiver to get hot chocolate at a winter festival.
[ FESTIVAL ] for sender and receiver to go to a winter carnival. 
[ ICE ] for receiver to slip on some ice while walking with sender. 
[ FROSTY ] for sender and receiver to build a snowman.
[ ANGEL ] for sender and receiver to make snow angels.
[ MISTLETOE ] for sender and receiver to find themselves under the mistletoe.
[ TREE ] for sender and receiver to decorate the christmas tree. 
[ PRESENTS ] for receiver to open a present from sender. (bonus points for saying what the present is.) 
[ GRINCH ] for receiver’s reaction to sender not being in the holiday spirit. 
[ KITCHEN ] for sender and receiver to make a mess in the kitchen while cooking the holiday feast.
[ MIDNIGHT ] for sender to kiss receiver at midnight on new year’s eve. 
[ TIMES SQUARE ] for sender and receiver to watch the ball drop.
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Roleplay Starter: Halloween Wonders
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*It’s the time of the spooks, scares, horror movies and games, costumes and more! It is the month of October, also known as Spooky Month! Which mean, people are putting spooky decorations outside their houses, scary movies are popping up everywhere and tricks made to scare are more common then ever.*
*To say Ames wasn’t a fan of this month would be an understatement, this was one of her least favorite months. Everything was so scary and all the decorations looked so real and like they could just come to life at any moment and get her, she didn’t understand what was so fun about an entire month where all everyone did was scare each other and be big meanie heads. Though, she did like that she could wear big, comfy sweaters, and being able to get spooky new plushies, those were two, if not, the only two positive thing about this month she had.*
*Perhaps Ames needs to see just what makes October so special, maybe show her all the new treats that she could get, or maybe tell her about Halloween and how fun that is! There’s so many things you can tell me! And maybe, just maybe. Her thoughts on this month will change*
@ask-the-kitty-crew @ask-paradox-and-friends @ariaacrossthemultiverse @mikado-sannoji @boba-bae-cafe-su-au @hoshi-neko-hikari @ravensroleplays @julieisasimp @craftyjellyfishcatrplog @sun-and-moon-sb @floxy-offical @minusgangtime @the-arcade-doctor @enlightened-darkened-flames @mrcookiesir @rxnowned-vxmpire-hxnter @thecloudsofficalreborn @polygonsblog @anyone else
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astroprompts · 10 months
[ send +reverse for the roles to be swapped, when applicable ]
🌲: for our muses to go out and buy/cut down a Christmas tree
🎄: for our muses to decorate a Christmas tree together
🎁: for my muse to receive a gift from your muse
🛒: for our muses to go holiday shopping together
⛸️: for our muses to go out ice skating together
🔔: for our muses to deck the halls
🎵: for our muses to go caroling
🎅: for our muses to write letters to Santa Claus
✒️: for my muse to write a holiday letter to your muse
☕: for my muse to offer your muse a cup of hot chocolate
📺: for our muses to watch a holiday movie together
🥂: for my muse to offer yours some spiked eggnog (or other alcoholic beverage)
🍪: for our muses to bake holiday cookies together
🍽️: for our muses to cook/eat a holiday meal together
🌟: for our muses to wish upon a shooting star
❄️: for our muses to get stuck inside during a snow storm
⛄: for our muses to build a snowman together
🎀: for my muse to help your muse wrap gifts
⚡: for our muses to lose power in the middle of a snow storm
💋: for our muses to share a kiss under the mistletoe
🛷: for our muses to go on a sleigh ride
🔥: for our muses to cozy up in front of the fireplace
🧣: for my muse to give yours their scarf/jacket to keep warm
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memesofthevale · 10 months
holidays can be hard
❝hey, wanna spend the holiday along together?❞ ❝i wasn't really planning on doing anything this year...❞ ❝can't we just get along? just for today?❞ ❝i love you. please come home.❞ ❝fuck your family. let's party like its Y2K.❞ ❝your mom's a bitch, and her mash potatoes are always thick like paste.❞ ❝yeah, my mom kicked me out, but look a white christmas!❞ ❝i just don't want to spend the day alone this year.❞ ❝my family was never big on celebrating.❞ ❝go away, i don't like [holiday]❞ ❝did you really call my dad a cuck and throw a roll at him?❞ ❝i guess i should've known better than to trust you could be civil.❞ ❝please don't leave. you haven't opened your present yet.❞
[giving] sender shows up without warning to receiver's home to deliver a present knowing receiver has no one to celebrate with.
[taking] sender takes all the gifts from under receiver's tree and burns them.
[coal] sender gives receiver the cold shoulder, refusing to spend the holiday with them.
[blood] sender stands up for receiver when receiver's family is cruel.
[forget] sender forgets to come over to receiver's to spend time together on the holiday.
[unconditional] sender picks up receiver to take them to out as a distraction from old wounds left by family/friend/etc.
[jolly] receiver tries to cheer up sender after sender breaks down on the holiday.
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softeneddancer · 2 years
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! All I want for Christmas is a belly like Santa 🫃🏼😏🎅🏼
Check out the rest on my Patreon page and please consider supporting my gains and my journey!
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jolteon-rph · 2 years
A bundle of seasonal starters for winter, unrelated to any particular holiday.
Feel free to change the prompts and/or sentences as you see fit, or combine them to make a new prompt.
TW: Swearing/cussing.
Emoji prompts:
❄️: Our muses are caught out in the snow together.
⛸️: Our muses go ice-skating together (at an ice rink or frozen body of water).
🔥: Our muses make a bonfire together.
🏔️: Our muses take a winter hike together.
🛒: Our muses go winter shopping together.
🥾: Our muses go camping together in the snow.
✨: Our muses go stargazing together.
☃️: Our muses make a snow sculpture together.
🧥: My muse offers your muse their coat to keep them warm (add a ‘+’ for the reverse).
✋: My muse puts their cold hands onto your muses back to surprise them (add a ‘+’ for the reverse).
🌨️: My muse throws a snowball at your muse (add a ‘+’ for the reverse).
♨️: My muse offers your muse a warm beverage (add ‘+’ for the reverse).
🧤: My muse catches your muse as they’re about to slip on some ice (add ‘+’ for the reverse).
🧣: My muse gives your muse their scarf (add ‘+’ for the reverse).
Sentence prompts:
“It’s colder than a witches tit out here. Should’ve brought a coat.”
“Your face is all red from the cold...”
“Feel how cold my hands are! Feel them.”
“Aren’t you cold in just that? I’m freezing in my coat!”
“Maybe it’s time we head back inside... I think I’m going to catch a cold if we sit out here all night.”
“The snow is so pretty when its freshly fallen. Shame it gets ruined by the time everyone’s trodden in it.”
“It’s a bit nippy. You’re gonna need a scarf, at least.”
“I don’t feel the cold. I just power through it.”
“Maybe we could get some hot chocolate from that cafe, over there?”
“Are you looking forward to the new year?”
“I have a... slush on you. Or does ‘I glove you’ sound better?”
“Quit playing in the snow. We’re not kids.”
“The star’s are so pretty in the winter. I love it when the sky is so clear.”
“You know what? There’s... snow way out of winter... hehe.”
“What if I pelted you with a snowball. Would you cheer up then?”
“I think you need to get some better shoes. You’re gonna slip and slide all over the place in those things, with all the ice around.”
“I can’t stand how dark it gets, so early, this time of year!”
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fanficforge · 9 months
The Season of Giving 🎁
Holiday Prompt - Fluff
Kakashi x Reader
"You know you didn't have to get me anything." Kakashi said. Before him, was the sight of a very beautiful woman backlight by the warm lighting of a fireplace in a cabin in the mountains.
It was a yearly retreat for many shinobi who often didn't have families to go to for the holidays.
"I know." She said with a soft smile as she held the gift covered in shiny red paper that matched her dress. "I just thought it'd be nice. Especially since you've been so kind to me."
"But I... uh..." Kakashi looked around at the others exchanging presents. "I didn't... get you anything."
She tilted her head. "And that matters because...?"
His already usual blasé expression deadpanned. "_____."
"Yeah yeah." She waved off the issue and pushed the present towards him.
He was now staring at the shiny silver bow like it was tempting him to open the pretty box.
"Alright, well... thank you." He said politely and took the gift, unwrapping it somewhat methodically until... "This.... this isn't-"
"Mmhm! A pre-release copy of the new Icha Icha book." She said proudly.
"Wow, this is..." His eye glimmered, containing the excitement practically vibrating off of him. He cleared his throat to calm down. "Great."
"You know what?"
"Hm?" He was already reading the back.
"I think a good gift would be if you let me read it with you." She said with a sly smile.
He chuckled nervously. "Uh... read it with me? You... know what kind of book this is, right?"
"We're both adults. I think we can handle it." She winked then smiled. "I'm glad you like it."
He moved his gaze from the book to her instead and wrapped his arms around her in a rare hug from the man. "Thank you."
"You're more than worth it." She said with a gentle squeeze as she held him back.
Nothing made her happier than seeing that glimmer in his eye. Even that alone was more than enough of a gift for her.
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untitledmemes · 9 months
Untitled Christmas Prompts
'Tis the season to be jolly! An assortment of prompts and starters for a variety of Christmas related situations. You decide who is Muse A and who is Muse B. In case of Multimuse, don't forget to specify which one/s. Adjust as necessary to fit pronoun and/or descriptor. Reblog, please do not repost or add.
[ Work ] Muse A found out that they have to work on Christmas day. Muse B shows up to spend the day with them.
[ Single ] It's Muse A's first Christmas alone. With Muse B around, it's not going to stay that way for long.
[ Lap ] Muse A gets home after a long Christmas day, only to find Muse B dressed as Santa in their living room. They motion for them to sit on their lap.
[ Expectation ] Muse A turns around, only to find Muse B waiting right behind them, holding a mistletoe over their heads and an expecting grin on their faces.
[ Taste ] Muse A can't go home for Christmas, so Muse B surprises them by making their favorite Christmas dish for dinner—the one that reminds Muse A home the most.
[ Double ] Muse A wears the proudest smile as they give their gift to Muse B, sure that they made the best, most original choice. It was only they opened their gifts together that Muse A found out Muse B got them the exact same gift!
[ Tease ] Muse A dons a brand new holiday themed lingerie, having planned out an very sexy Christmas eve for themselves and Muse B. They sit in the living room, expectedly waiting for Muse B to return home.
[ Warm ] Muse A and Muse B sit in front of the fireplace, drinking a hot beverage and getting to know each other better in this cozy setting.
[ Cold ] Muse A, the more experienced of the two, takes Muse B to go ice skating.
[ Dare ] Muse A and Muse B buy each other the ugliest, most bizzare Christmas sweaters they can find, daring each other to wear it for the entirety of Christmas day in public.
[ Celebrate ] Muse A throws a Christmas party! Why? Because all they wanted to get to see Muse B again.
[ Tree ] Muse A arrived late and all the trees are sold out! When they tell that to Muse B, they do everything in their power to get them one in time for Christmas.
[ Snow ] Muse A and Muse B got into a friendly competition: Who can build the best Christmas snowman this year?
[ Crumbs ] After baking too many cookies for their volunteer work on Christmas, Muse A decides to make a personal delivery of what's left to Muse B's house.
[ Ouch ] Muse A and Muse B find themselves meeting in the last place they'd expected on Christmas eve: The hospital.
[ Watch ] Muse A and Muse B decide to watch a Christmas movie marathon together.
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mimis-memes · 2 years
🍎  。:*• ─ CHRISTMAS PICK-UP LINES SENTENCE STARTERS.      ›    ( a compilation of various christmas/holiday-themed pick-up lines taken from various sources, for muses who are feeling flirty this holiday season !  feel free to adjust them to better fit your muses.   note: numbers 21 to 40 can be nsfɯ, so please read at your own risk ! )
nice & funny : 1.    ❝ There’s snow one like you ! ❞ 2.    ❝ When we met, it was love at frost sight ! ❞ 3.    ❝ I must be a snowflake because I’ve fallen for you. ❞ 4.    ❝ Hi, Santa said you wished for me. Good choice ! ❞ 5.    ❝ Are you Christmas ?  Because I want to merry you. ❞ 6.    ❝ There's snow place like your arms this Christmas ! ❞ 7.    ❝ Do you live in an igloo ?  Because you're pretty cool ! ❞ 8.    ❝ I didn’t think I was a snowman, but you just made me melt. ❞ 9.    ❝ If I was the Grinch, I wouldn’t steal Christmas. I’d steal you. ❞ 10.  ❝ I’ll be home for Christmas — and I want you to come with me. ❞ 11.  ❝ You make me more excited than gifts under a Christmas tree ! ❞ 12.  ❝ I don’t need Christmas lights, you’re already shining so bright ! ❞ 13.  ❝ The Grinch may have stolen Christmas, but you stole my heart. ❞ 14.  ��� Let’s drink some hot tea in the snow. After all, ‘Teas the Season ! ❞ 15.  ❝ I don’t have a Christmas list, because you’re already the best gift. ❞ 16.  ❝ It’s the season of giving, so you should give me your phone number. ❞ 17.  ❝ Aren’t you supposed to be on top of that tree ?  Because you’re a star ! ❞ 18.  ❝ Let me take you on a first date in the snow. I promise I’m not going to flake ! ❞ 19.  ❝ Can I take a picture of you so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas ? ❞ 20.  ❝ If you were a tree, you’d be an evergreen, because I bet you look this good all year round. ❞ naughty & sexy : 21.  ❝ Let’s make this a not-so-silent night. ❞ 22.  ❝ Let me help you out of that ugly sweater... ❞ 23.  ❝ I want to fill you up with my... holiday spirit. ❞ 24.  ❝ How about I shimmy down your chimney tonight ? ❞ 25.  ❝ The only package I want this Christmas is yours. ❞ 26.  ❝ We don’t need a sleigh, you can ride me instead. ❞ 27.  ❝ Santa’s lap isn’t the only place wishes come true. ❞ 28.  ❝ Let’s both be naughty and save Santa the trip tonight. ❞ 29.  ❝ Is your name Winter ?  Because you’ll be coming soon. ❞ 30.  ❝ Let’s pretend to be presents and get laid under the tree. ❞ 31.  ❝ Your stocking isn’t the only thing I’ll be filling up tonight. ❞ 32.  ❝ Are you ornaments ?  Because I want you all over my tree. ❞ 33.  ❝ You're the first gift I want to unwrap on Christmas morning. ❞ 34.  ❝ Call me your Christmas tree, because you’re turning me on. ❞ 35.  ❝ Is that a candy cane in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me ? ❞ 36.  ❝ I was going to warm my hands by the fireplace, but you’re much hotter ! ❞ 37.  ❝ Do you like the song “Jingle Bells” ?  Because we could go all the way... ❞ 38.  ❝ Are you looking for a tree topper ?  Because I’ve been told I’m a star on top. ❞ 39.  ❝ I just got some mistletoe. How about we go back to my place and try it out ? ❞ 40.  ❝ I’m not Santa, but do you want to sit on my lap and tell me what you want this Christmas ? ❞
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Sources: [ 1 ]  [ 2 ]  [ 3 ]
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