roses-n-rads · 1 month
J? 👀
Jaliyah Ryder - pathfinder and absolute silly fool who I ship with Liam because their energy matched lol, also in my notes app I give my ocs and alignment like lawful good or true neutral and Jaliyah's in my notes as chaotic stupid lol
Jaime Busch - a homesteader who lives 2 farms away from the Greens and joins the group after their farm is over run bc soon enough hers is too :( hates how short term the prison ends up and digs herself into Alexandria because first of all thats about when she finds out she's pregnant and second she has some seeds saved from her farm and shes got a planting schedule that not even the saviors are gonna interrupt her god damn amen
Juniper 'Jun' Bassett - a timid reclaimer who left the vault with her twin Nia and ended up separated and 'initiated' into the black ash gang which caused her to become hard and mean until she snapped and killed her abusers. she travels appalachia for a while, wary of people in general until she finds out her sister is still alive and lives with her for a while but has a hard time adjusting to living with civilians, ended up joining the brotherhood for the stability and structure
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florbelles · 3 months
For Sile from the BG3 Companion General questions - 4, 7, and 11?
tysm lovely!! great to have you back <3
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Síle approves of Machiavellian diplomacy; passing persuasion, intimidation and deception checks will win her over nearly every time regardless of circumstances. She's ambivalent morally and will neither approve nor disapprove of acts like slaughtering the grove or goblin camp, but will approve of subterfuge (lying to Minthara about the location of the grove) or reactionary violence towards figures she finds aggravating. In dialogue, flirting and teasing her will get her approval. She also approves of banter and rudeness, both to everyone else and herself.
She will generally disapprove of lawful-aligned decisions (agreeing to be arrested under any circumstances will get disapproval; initiating combat will get approval). She dislikes feeling talked at and will clash with overly literal or serious personalities in dialogue, so while may critiques will be taken in what-about-it.gif stride and she enjoys being challenged to a good debate, a refusal to engage with her or hear her out will net disapproval quickly. She will also react negatively to dialogue choices in conversation with herself or others that disparage prioritizing survival over principle, advocate respect for authority, etc.
Will disapprove of most decisions that work against self-interest (including unnecessarily alienating allies or a lack of pragmatism) or deference (receiving the absolute brand). She can be persuaded out of instances of substantial disapproval if told that the behavior is strategic as long as that's viably the case (i.e. infiltration) and dislikes reinforcing the power of any institution she is not part of.
This answer would probably look a bit different if the game had allowed you to access the upper city as planned (she lived in the Manorborn district while in the city, though her family primarily lived outside the city proper at Randal's summer estate, where the massacre occurred). Alas.
While Síle won’t disclose her full identity to you (though she’ll acknowledge she’s the daughter of a patriar family of which she is the last living member), she’ll tell you who she is before you reach the city, since it will be a potential issue. If successful history checks were passed in previous dialogue, the player will have the chance to ask her flat-out (as she does give her true first name, these are easy passive checks for Baldurians).
The first quest-relevant NPC you’ll meet is Nessa, who has made enough of a nuisance of herself in this universe that she’s been imprisoned along with Florrick. Síle will insist upon breaking her out; she will leave the party if you refuse to do so. If Nessa is killed by the player character, Síle will turn hostile; if she dies in the escape attempt, she can be looted for the information Síle needs for her quest to progress. (This can also be pickpocketed from Nessa, but it won’t be pertinent to Síle’s quest in that event since she’ll have left the party.)
Nessa will reveal she’s the one who summoned Síle to Baldur’s Gate before she was taken and that Nessa suspects her brother is a mind slayer. The player character can choose whether or not to pursue this; neither Síle nor Nessa will turn hostile over it, but Nessa will not join you at camp or as an ally. (She can later be found dead where the mindflayer who was formerly Malo has killed her; Síle will be devastated. This is the one and only time in the game she will cry.)
Regardless of the route taken with Malo, Nessa will reveal that Lander is living in the old Cosantoir summer manor outside the city; he is believed to be mad and thinks himself & his line cursed by Mireene, Síle’s mother, the third Rhindaun daughter who planned to put Síle on the throne of Tethyr, and, most pertinently, an eldritch-pact warlock who fell on her own blade when the manor was stormed. After, Síle can be asked about it and will reveal that while Lander was the one who ordered the plot against them (unable to dissuade Randal from the Tethyr plot), Síle was the one who killed them in part of a death pact the family made, meant to kill herself last, but realizing she wanted to fight to live at the last moment.
She will request you pay a visit to her uncle (or near-uncle; he is in actuality Randal’s cousin, though he was raised as his foster brother). This is necessary to progress her plot and romance, though she will not leave the party if you do not get to it. Much like others, assassins will appear in camp, purportedly hired by Randal, who heard of her return; the player can choose to attack, defend Síle, or hand her over. If given the chance to speak, it’s revealed they were already contacted by Síle before she left Luskan and have changed alliances, but she wanted to see how the player would react. (If they choose to hand her over, she & the assassins will turn hostile.) Otherwise, they’ll deliver her the keys to the back passage of the manor and say they look forward to greeting the true lady of the house once more.
Should the player choose to assist her, her family estate can be accessed via boat from the docks of Rivington. The player can adhere to the assassins’ advice or enter through the front door; in the case of the latter, the party will not be expected, and combat will be initiated (this has no effect on Síle’s quest progression; all of the servants she knew died in the massacre, by her hand or by taking her infamous poison). Otherwise, the top floor is occupied by extremely begrudging Fists who believe Lander is paranoid and mad, but are there to arrest Síle should she appear; the player can again choose to hand Síle over to them, in which case she will turn hostile (if no members of the staff have yet been killed, the other servants will turn hostile with her). Otherwise, combat is initiated.
Upon reaching Lander, the player can influence how things progress; they can persuade Síle to kill him (which she considers the merciful option), or let her proceed as she planned. She can also be persuaded to let him live in exile—this is a very high check and can only be done if Nessa is still alive. Otherwise, she will either behead him as her father was beheaded (easy persuasion check to kill him) or will instead enter a prolonged dialogue and ask to drink with him, which she will share to prove its harmlessness. The player character can pass a check and see that she has administered a paralyzing poison with sufficient medical skill or as a fellow rogue; she is also drinking it herself, but a perception check reveals she has also administered the antidote to her own glass. The player can warn Lander, to which Síle will announce you are no fun at all and will mildly disapprove but will otherwise have no impact. She will attack him in that instance and request the player use non-lethal combat (this can be ignored and the scene will proceed as if she had killed him in the first dialogue option with some mild grumbling from her). Otherwise, she will take him to the passage in the wall and chain him up (consider him Cask of Amontilladoed). Her last words to him will be “I did love you, you know. I loved you all.” You can then leave or walk around the manor and speak with her about it. Her romance conclusion will be available afterwards regardless of outcomes (except those resulting in her death, obviously).
Outside of quest-related incidents, not many; much like Wyll, once you reach the city, she'll have some stray anecdotes and comments on what's changed or stayed the same in her decade-long absence. She'll comment in Sharess' Caress that she knows Amira and will comment on how she's "worked out of brothels;" any pressing on this will reveal she means she would use a room to meet informants or conduct unsavory business exchanges because of the discreet nature of the establishments and their patrons. Will also want to talk to you after meeting Volo—she's already intimately familiar with being fodder for bards. Similarly has plenty to say about the Gazette in its present form, which she finds dull.
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hyperbali · 3 months
For the DA Veilguard Asks: 4, 8, and 11?
4. What does your worldstate look like going into DAV?
Well, it sounds like they're not using the Keep anymore, and I'm not sure what questions are going to be asked for the worldstate setup at the start, buuuut...
DAO: Jeanne Amell, of course. Jeanne doesn't have a ~canon romance (though I could be persuaded if someone makes a good argument). King Alistair and Queen Anora. Werewolves cured, Circle mages were saved, Ashes untouched, Redcliffe saved with the whole family alive (though Jeanne took the demon's deal and then killed it), King Bhelen with a destroyed Anvil. Loghain survived. Morrigan got preggo with Kieran. Architect was killed. Both Amaranthine and the Keep protected. All companions alive.
DA2: I'm having a hard time deciding if I'm going to go with Adnan or Amelie, but they pretty much have the same story beats. Humorous Mage Hawke. Romanced Fenris (OT3 Isabela). Carver is a Grey Warden. Anders is alive, but unhappily so. Merrill kept the Eluvian. Aveline is married and stayed Guard-Captain. Varric didn't keep the idol, and Bartrand is alive. Sebastian's causing Kirkwall a lot of headaches. Helped Tallis. Sided with the mages. Sided with Larius.
DAI: Proserpina (Panini!) Lavellan. Artificer Rogue. Technically romanced Iron Bull, but given Solas is in love with her, I'm wondering if I should mark the Solas romance. Dorian is besties, but headed back to Tevinter. Blackwall is back to being Thom Rainier. Chargers are alive, Bull is Tal-Vashoth. Harmond pressed into service, Sera stayed. Solas helped his spirit friend. Cole made more human. Varric dealt with Bianca. Helped Vivienne try to save the Duke. Josephine helped the Du Paraquettes and the Montilyets regained their status. Cullen stopped using lyrium. Leliana was softened and eventually made Divine. Helped the mages in Redcliffe, who joined the Inquisition. Strong-armed Celene, Gaspard, and Briala into working together. Loghain stayed in the Fade, Grey Wardens were exiled. Pina drank from the Well. Exposed the truth about Ameridan and became respected by the Avvar. Found out the truth about lyrium. The Inquisition stayed together as a peacekeeping organization. Pina vowed to stop Solas no matter the cost.
8. What faction are you excited to learn the most about?
All of them, barring the Grey Wardens?? Though I might start with a Lord of Fortune.
11. What's one thing you'd really like to see in this next game?
Varric not being killed
Hard to say... I'm mostly trying to keep my expectations low, given just how long the dev cycle has been and the massive layoffs last year. I'm definitely not pre-ordering. I guess I'm kind of just hoping to be pleasantly surprised, lol.
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statichvm · 10 months
Happy birthday, Macy! 🎂I hope you don't mind this silly little doodle, and I hope you've been able to have an absolutely amazing day too! Seeing Lil on my dash is always a treat, and I hope to catch up on more of her adventures and your edits soon!
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CHY 💜😭 oh my goodness this is adorable. i’ve missed seeing you around! i hope you’re doing well and i also hope we can catch up soon!
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shellibisshe · 2 years
Happy birthday! I hope you got to have an absolutely amazing day today too! 🎂
thank you!!
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chichiricatsan · 10 months
For the Writer Asks Game: 4, 5, 21, and 23?
Oh! Thank you so much for the ask! ^_^
4. How many times have you been thrown off plot for a particular WIP?
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Only the first question and I already feel attacked (lmao jk but at the same time...hngghghghg). The bottom line answer is TOO MANY. It's to a fault, unfortunately... It's why I'm so slow to update and write at all really... :(
5. How would you describe your writing style? Does your writing style change for different WIPs? If yes, describe all or maybe just a few.
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Hm...I honestly don't think it changes much. I have a hard enough time sticking with whatever style I have tbh. It's a mix between descriptive and narrative, I think, but sometimes I bog down my work too much with repetition and other things that have been pointed out over the years. It stems from my problems with needing to explain everything and overexplaining from being misunderstood or purposefully ignored (mostly in the past). I enjoy describing things, though, but I find I really enjoy writing dialogue/banter and feel like I have a strong foothold with that. I'm not even sure this answered the question...gah.
21. Have you thrown any writing rules that everybody follows out of the window?
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I end sentences with prepositions, I start sentences with Ands and Buts and Because-es, I adverb things the F*CK up because idc how "unecessary" they are they can really add to the emotion/situation imo, I still use the Oxford comma with lists and will die on this hill, I keep run-on sentences for fun sometimes (especially if it suits the emotion/situation), semicolons and en/em dashes are friends of mine in this house, as are ellipses (my true love affair).
23. Tell me about your newest WIP idea. Even if you haven't written it down. Even if it will die in a matter of days.
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Oh, dear. There are many that live in my head rent free the freeloading bastards that they are, but aside from my long fic I'm trying to focus on at present, there's an outline I'm working on with a friend to co-write a Dragon Age fic that involves one of her OC Inquisitors (Flyn Lavellan) and one of my OC Wardens (Cerys Surana). I've drawn a few (conceptual) things for them on my art blog as well. Like this || and this || and this! ^_^ ~I'm also trying to refresh an outline for a Detroit Become Human fic with a Connor/Fem!OC I had from a while ago that I just kinda gave up on until recently that takes place post-"Best End". Action/Mystery/Romance kind of thing with that one. ~Then I have one that's a shorter piece in my head (not on paper/typed atm like the others) for a Ryan Lucan/Fem!OC for the Life is Strange: True Colors universe that's pure romance with an underlying focus on mental health issues and struggles. ~THEEEN I have been pecking away at a re-telling of the Dragon Age Origins world state I've made with my OC, Selph Surana, and her romance with Alistair in the game. Been typing that a bit as well as drawing things for them, too. Like this || and this || and this comic page!
There are others, but those are the big ones. Goodness gracious me.
-> If anyone wants to reblog the original post or ask me questions, here's the link to the OG
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shellibocs · 1 month
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take me back oh, drunken gods of slaughter. you know I've always been your favourite daughter
absolutely blown away by this amazingly piece of my girl venera by @red-nightskies !!! Emma thank you so much for bringing my other head brainworm to life, she looks amazing in your style!! I’m STILL zooming in finding details I didn’t see before! if you ever wanted to commission emma, do it!!
tag list (opt in/out) @queennymeria @chyrstis @derelictheretic @tommyarashikage @benwishaw @boldly-ho @raresvtm @devil-kindred @florbelles @roofgeese @ruvviks @strangefable @confidentandgood @leviiackrman @carrionsflower @simplegenius042 @thedeadthree @loriane-elmuerto @socially-awkward-skeleton @imogenkol @malefiquinn @risingsh0t @neonshrike @a-treides @captastra @gothimp @statichvm @calenhads @poetikat @nonfunctioning-queer @ghostfvcker @dickytwister @inafieldofdaisies
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sofrosine · 3 months
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i commissioned the loveliest @delicateweapon for a portrait of my beloved isabel, and well — you can see for yourself just how hard she knocked it out of the park. nika — thank you for being you and for always managing to bring my characters to life in just the way i see them in my head. you are amazing! if anyone is thinking about commissioning nika, please please do! she is a joy to work with and amazingly talented. look at my awful little lady! look how lovely she looks!
tag list: @statichvm @a-treides @risingsh0t @adelaidedrubman @firstaidspray @faarkas @queennymeria @florbelles @shallow-gravy @socially-awkward-skeleton @imogenkol @henbased @belorage @roofgeese @strangefable @unholymilf @loriane-elmuerto @shellibisshe @cptcassian @delicateweapon @tommyarashikage @thedeadthree @inafieldofdaisies @chyrstis @cloudofbutterflies92 @confidentandgood
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aceghosts · 2 months
OC Smash or Pass
Hey Everybody! I was tagged by @fereldanwench, @theviridianbunny, @derelictheretic, @simplegenius042, @imogenkol,
@carlosoliveiraa, @theelderhazelnut, @inafieldofdaisies, and @direwombat to do this. Thank you for tagging me!
rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
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Full Name: Rooney Shepard
Alias: Goes by their last name, Shepard, with the exception of a few people.
Age: 35
Height: 5'10
Eyes: Blue
Gender: Agender
Pronouns: They/Them
Sexuality: Rooney doesn't have a specific label that they think fits them perfectly, but demisexual might be the closest.
Rooney is very supportive and empathetic. They'll be your biggest cheerleader.
They are very reliable. You can always count on Rooney no matter what.
Rooney also has a very stable/grounding aura when you get to know them. They tend to make people feel safe (when not kicking their ass) and give dope hugs.
VERY LOYAL. Their loyalty is difficult to gain, but very hard to lose. You've got a partner for life in Rooney.
Kicks major ass.
Rooney is a huge nerd. They love model ships and motorcycles, and can infodump about those two subjects for hours if you want.
In a relationship, Rooney can be a playful flirt. They're also very sentimental and devoted, letting you know how much they care.
EXTREMELY STUBBORN. If Rooney has decided on something, good luck getting them to change their mind.
Your chance for dying probably goes up like a 100%. Rooney is a magnet for trouble, and if you're there when trouble comes around, uh oh.
Rooney does have trust issues and can be guarded. They're not very open about the details of their past, especially regarding the Unification War and their family.
They hold themself to an insanely high standard. Rooney is their own worst critic and a perfectionist.
Rooney will refuse to acknowledge that they might need to take a break. Doesn't matter if they are on death's door, Rooney will keep going, no matter what anyone says.
They are freakishly quiet, meaning there is a good chance they'll sneak up on you by accident frequently.
Can't drive for shit, except motorcycles. Rooney is a terrible driver, like 'you should not have a license' level of terrible. Once attempted to drive a car up a cliff and succeeded.
A big tea drinker. Their favorite flavor is cinnamon.
Lover of Hot Sauce. (If you want to share food, you'll need to take some before Rooney dumps it all over their food.)
Has a bad case of RBF and can seem intimidating at first.
Willing to teach you how to drive a motorcycle.
Also willing to teach you how to fight and use a variety of weapons.
Has a hamster named Shepard Jr.
Character playlist!
Tagging (Opt In/Out): @bbrocklesnar, @alexxmason, @sergeiravenov, @voidika, @chyrstis,
@tommyarashikage, @clicheantagonist, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @strangefable, @cassietrn,
@katsigian, @captastra, @cloudofbutterflies92, @confidentandgood, @roofgeese,
@wanderingaldecaldo, @g0dspeeed
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strafethesesinners · 3 months
Which of the 16 Main Archetypes is your OC?
Browsing uquiz and decided to take this quiz for my boys and start a tag chain!
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The Outlaw
You're fiercely independent with a sense of self that keeps you from bending to societal constraints. Okay, so you don't make a lot of friends, but the ones you do have are loyal and have similar values. Other characters do resent you, but they have a secret jealously of your freedom and absolute disregard for their hierarchies. For example, the Sheriff of Nottingham (from Robin Hood) expresses his hidden envy of a life that he could never have. Other outlaws in literature are Roux from Chocolat by Joanne Harris, and Maurice Leblanc’s Arsène Lupin.
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The Damsel
You don't necessarily have to be female to get this result. You are one of the rarer types on this website, representing innocence, naivety, inexperience, and trust. You know there's bad in the world. but you've never given up on the good and cling to this even when bad things around you threaten to rip it away. Your positivity is unstoppable and you know there is always hope and wonder to be found in the world. You are in the company of Alice from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Tiny Tim from Dickens’ A Christmas Carol.
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The Trickster
No legends will be written about you, but you deserve a place in them anyway. Although most think of the hero, villain, or mentor archetypes, you may be even more iconic or liked. Before storytellers were repeating tales of Beowulf and King Arthur, they were gathering around the fire listening to stories about Coyote, Raven, and the spider god Anansi. You don't classify as necessarily good nor evil, you follow your own agenda and do whatever you need to accomplish that free of black/white morals. You probably stan antiheroes and antivillains. You are in the company of Puck from A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Loki from Norse mythology.
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The Hero
You think you're strong. Well, you have to be strong. You're some flavor of goodness, you're a defender and an avenger and an attacker all at once. The world isn't a kind place and some part of you cries at that. The others don't. You're tested, every day, every week, and you keep picking the morally right choices, yet it feels like you never get rewarded for that. People think you're flawless, but you don't think you are. You have too many regrets, and you always think you could've done more. You are in the company of Wonder Woman, Harry Potter, Luke Skywalker, and many more heroes.
Tagging: @deputyash @stannussy @unleashed111 @unholymilf @adelaidedrubman @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @henbased @josephslittledeputy @lulu2992 @raresvtm @orionlancasterr @amistrio @chyrstis @isobel-thorm @teamhawkeye @cassietrn @blissfulalchemist @florbelles @belorage @purplehairsecretlair @g0dspeeed @voidbuggg @katsigian @rindemption @inafieldofdaisies @nonfunctioning-queer @titiagls @derelictheretic @aceghosts @simplegenius042 @strangefable
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scorpiosleeps · 2 months
OC Inspiration
Tagged by: @g0dspeeed
Rules: Share your OC and pick characters from other media that influenced them the most!
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Evelyn 'Evie' Rook
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Sarah / Zoe / Kate (art by @g0dspeeed )
@la-grosse-patate @josephseedismyfather @noire610 @gaeadene
@redreart @chyrstis @strafethesesinners @doubledeputy
@derelictheretic @bigbywlf @chazz-anova @i-am-the-balancing-point
If I tagged you that means YES I would love to see your ship traits and YES please tag me in stuff about your ocs!
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florbelles · 3 months
tagged by @strafethesesinners, @simplegenius042 & @voidika to take this uquiz for the babes, ty lovelies!! very slowly trying to catch up on tags <3
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no legends will be written about you, but you deserve a place in them anyway. although most think of the hero, villain, or mentor archetypes, you may be even more iconic or liked. before storytellers were repeating tales of beowulf and king arthur, they were gathering around the fire listening to stories about coyote, raven, and the spider god anansi. you don't classify as necessarily good nor evil, you follow your own agenda and do whatever you need to accomplish that free of black/white morals. you probably stan antiheroes and antivillains.
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you aren't really old, but some days you feel so. there are so many children, so many young adolescents. you don't want kids, but you always play with them or eek out basic decency to them. you have a skill set and know it. you used to think you were the main character, but now you're okay with settling for training one.
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you should be happy you're getting this. instead, you just nod and stare at your device blankly before clicking off to another quiz. the person who said all villains are created by villains was correct. you were innocent once. the world spit in your face, then was offended when you spit right back. your only (initial) crime was having an objective in conflict to the hero's.
— it's been forever so i'm so sorry if i missed someone, feel free to yell at me and/or use this as your tag <3 otherwise attempting to tag the usual suspects :'')
@adelaidedrubman, @lordundying, @henbased, @belorage, @poetikat
@rhettsabbott, @jacobseed, @sofrosine, @carrionsflower, @queennymeria
@chyrstis, @imogenkol, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @raresvtm, @leviiackrman
@ruvviks, @jamessunderlandgf, @playstationmademe, @risingsh0t, @a-treides
@8bitpizzacoupons, @playstationmademe, @yourlove-is-sunlight, @confidentandgood, @shallow-gravy & anyone else can @ me xx
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blissfulalchemist · 1 month
2 Truths and a Lie Tag Game
Tagged by @adelaidedrubman @florbelles and @rhettsabbott to partake in this classic game. I have bad times picking only one so I made multiple and you get to vote on what you want for the next 24hrs!
Azatae (bg3) Tia Caro (Bloodlines) Chance (FC5)
Carly (ffxiv) Aria Dawson (Uncharted) Hayat Khademi (TWC)
Sahar Mahin (M*rv*l) Clídna (ffxvi)
Sending no pressure tags out to: @jackiesarch @belorage @strafethesesinners @unholymilf @shellibisshe
@shallow-gravy @chyrstis @leviiackrman @confidentandgood and uh anyone else that wants too just @ me!
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roses-n-rads · 3 months
Got tagged by @voidika thanks love!
No pressure tags @mars-colony @ruvviks @teamhawkeye @lukemoonwalkr @ulchabhangorm @chyrstis @unholymilf @wholelottagin @minilev @radiojamming @persephotea @tommyarashikage @statichvm @huntressheather @socially-awkward-skeleton @jackiesarch @deputyash
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belorage · 3 months
I was tagged by @florbelles to complete this quiz for clownery purposes. Let's hear it for the D&D kids, because I am not late for the session in any way whatsoever right now! Honest! Avenir ("Ava") Garin
The Herald: You spread word of great change, usually near the beginning of the story. You probably love sharing news or talking to others, and after you've had your say, things are not quite the same as they were before (dropping figurative bombshells in your wake). You are more often than not a harbinger of something to come. Jharon Fallglade
The Outlaw: You're fiercely independent with a sense of self that keeps you from bending to societal constraints. Okay, so you don't make a lot of friends, but the ones you do have are loyal and have similar values. Other characters do resent you, but they have a secret jealousy of your freedom and absolute disregard for their hierarchies. My apologies if you have already done this and are an unfortunate casualty of the tagging crossfire. Just gonna throw the tags and run, which is not at all in relation to any aforementioned lateness. @adelaidedrubman @henbased @rhettsabbott @jackiesarch @blissfulalchemist
@quantum-lover @roofgeese @confidentandgood @shallow-gravy @risingsh0t
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shellibocs · 1 month
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AMARA CELESTE OWENS — nature conduit. former d.u.p. researcher. future ph.d candidate
I commissioned the amazing @leviiackrman to draw my girlie and amara and yall I am. truly at a loss for words at how amazing this looks. JESS THE DETAILS…her freckles and her hair and the vines it’s all just so pretty!! if you were ever thinking about commissioning jess take this as your sign and DO IT!!
tag list (opt in/out) @queennymeria @chyrstis @derelictheretic @tommyarashikage @benwishaw @boldly-ho @raresvtm @devil-kindred @florbelles @roofgeese @ruvviks @strangefable @confidentandgood @carrionsflower @simplegenius042 @thedeadthree @loriane-elmuerto @socially-awkward-skeleton @imogenkol @malefiquinn @risingsh0t @neonshrike @a-treides @captastra @statichvm @gothimp @calenhads @poetikat @nonfunctioning-queer @ghostfvcker @dickytwister @inafieldofdaisies
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