#Cipher Answers
cipher-the-sidhe · 9 months
Hi! I just went through your entire WtTK AU and I have a (potentially sad) question :D
Has baby Eclipse ever accidentally hurt Y/N? Cause I noticed he's got some pretty big claws, and kids (especially young ones!) don't tend to have very good control of their strength and coordination when they're little
*grabbing you and shaking you*
Thank you for liking my au and for engaging! I love these fish a normal amount!!!!! As for your question~
The first time it happens, Eclipse is too young to realize what he’s done. Tiny baby teeth are still sharp enough to pierce and tear, and when he mindlessly mouths at you a little too hard Moon is the first to notice the blood at your shoulder where your baby nestles his face. Sun is a mess of anxiety over the realization that your little guppy has teeth and claws sharp enough to hurt his mama now, and no will yet to prevent it. The bites don’t leave a visible scar, but the boys never forget.
It happens again, of course. Many times. Little nicks of careless baby claws and eager baby teeth. Nothing serious, and your mers are diligent in teaching Eclipse to be careful with his mama and her delicate body. Sun maybe goes to far with it really, and for a while your little boy handles you like you’re made of glass. Eventually you ease the anxiety he develops over hurting you into a more reasonable level of caution, but he’s always very careful.
But even the most careful, cautious people slip sometimes, and Eclipse is just a boy after all…
He hadn’t meant to. He swore up and down around hiccuping sobs over and over again how he hadn’t meant to and how he’s so so sorry. You coo and shush him, one hand pressed down firmly to stem the bleeding from your calf, and the other holding onto his hand (so much bigger than yours already, and covered in your blood) even as he tries to pull away.
“Clip, sweetie, look at me. I’m ok. It’s going to be ok. It was an accident. I’m not mad. It’s ok.” You talk to him as gently as you can, holding him as close as he‘ll let you. For a moment you resent how big he’s gotten so fast. Eleven years old and he’s already taller than you.
Moon doesn’t take it well, of course. Sun takes it worse. They get your injuries cleaned and stitched up, and they end up healing into four pale pink scars just a few inches above the first scratches Moon gave you on your ankle years and years ago. Eclipse doesn’t speak almost at all for weeks. He stays with Moon most of the time, and his nocturnal father uses the time to share whatever wisdom he earned from his own time as a sharp and dangerous creature on how to be gentle. Your son keeps his hands entirely to himself for that time, accepting hugs but not returning them. Your heart hurts far worse than your leg. Sun stays by your side while the other two are away, and his son won’t meet his eyes for days either.
Things get better. They heal, they scar, the marks fade and leave behind lessons for all four of you. Eclipse grows into a frighteningly deliberate predator, and those claws and teeth never do any harm that they don’t fully mean to do by the time he’s mature. Certainly after that, though he causes his fair share of carnage, he never hurts you.
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cipher-zoo · 1 year
I feel like if the Roger pirates ever celebrated birthdays they would forget buggy's at least once.
Hey Anon? Why???
This was the first thing I read upon waking up, and I did not need a broken heart this early in the morning. Damn!
Okay, but in all honesty, thank you so much for this. I always get so excited when people chose to share their thoughts with me 💙 Even if they break my heart! (Also, to be fair, I am a sucker for sad headcanons like this, so you don't have to hesitate when you want to share more of them!)
But now back to the subject of your message.
Firstly, yes!, I do believe that something like this could have happened. And it probably was under very unlucky circumstances. Buggy strikes me as the person who (at least as a child) would excitedly remind everyone that his birthday is coming up. But maybe that year something kept him from doing so. Maybe that year, the Roger Pirates found themselves in one bad situation after the other during the days leading up to the 8th of August. They got into multiple storms, were attacked by other pirates, hunted by marines etc. So truly there wasn't any time for Buggy to remind everyone (not that it should be a child's responsibility to remind their caretakers that it's their birthday) and with everything happening it slipped peoples minds.
Now the question, how can we make this even worse? The answer, let's include Shanks. So, the day of his birthday, Buggy wakes up and even he himself needs a few moments to recognize what day it is. But when he does, he gets super excited because he loves birthdays. Shanks doesn't say anything, which is weird, because Shanks is always almost as excited about Buggy's birthday as about his own.
But then Rayleigh doesn't say anything about it, and neither does Roger or anyone else on the crew. Buggy doesn't want to believe that they have forgotten, so he keeps asking subtle questions to random crew members about the significance of the day. And some of them are acting super weird and dodgy. So Buggy figures, all right, they are throwing him a surprise party. Which almost makes up for the crappy start to the day he had.
When night falls, Buggy ends up being right. There is a surprise party. Except, it's not for him. Turns out, during the fight the day before, Shanks finally managed to control his Haki and Roger has decided that that was an occasion that needed to be celebrated.
Buggy can't believe it and runs from the room, because he doesn't want to have a breakdown in front of all of them. The rest of the crew thinks that Buggy is jealous, because Shanks get recognition for his fighting, so for most of the night they let him hide wherever he ran off to.
Buggy spends the last few hours of his birthday curled up in the farthest corner of the storage room, behind some crates, sobbing his tiny heart out. Until, a few minutes to midnight, Rayleigh finally shows up. He asks if Buggy is truly this jealous, that he doesn't even want to spend a few moments up with the celebrating crew. And at first Buggy doesn't want to tell him, because he hates being seen as a little kid (even though he is) and surely nobody else would through a fit just because the crew forgot which day it was. But finally he breaks, and he just mutters that it's the 8th of August, and it still takes a few second for Rayleigh to understand what he means by that. But when he does, he feels incredibly bad. Because he just knows that this wouldn't have happened if it was Shanks in Buggy's place. Of course, he apologizes and he and the rest of the crew try to make up for it the next day, but you know … what's done is done. Ah yes! Pain in the morning. Don't we just love it??
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As a generally-not-very-smart-and-very-sleepy college student, do you think you could post the answer to the cipher this week at some point? I wanna let people figure it out for themselves but I honest to God can't 😭😭😭
(As an also very sleepy being, I understand that! Some folks have solved it and put it in the replies of the post, but since you asked, I can post them here for you! (Under cut in case anyone still wants to work it out!)
The cipher is 5 to the right
Htsywfhy = Contract
Bfssf rfpj f IJFQ? = Wanna make a DEAL?
Xnls Mjwj = Sign Here
Mjqqt, gjfzynkzq = Hello, beautiful
Bjqhtrj yt ymj* btwqi = Welcome to the world
N mtuj dtz qnpj ny = I hope you like it
Stb ljy* xtrj wjxy = Now get some rest
*these ones I miswrote the 'j's as 'i's on the post bc I am squirrel brain
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cephalob0nesss · 2 months
whas yor fav coroika char
Headphones on rank 1 on my fav coroika characters forever
for the rest is Ocho, Halfrimz, 8bit, Jetflame, Gloves, Afro, Pony and etc
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goddesstrolls · 10 months
Cypher, why are you so cute? stop that!
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"- Wh. )"
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"- Nh- Who just walks up and says that to someone? Weirdo. )"
>> Turn away, hovering your hands over your face. You'd scrub at your burning cheeks if you weren't wearing makeup.
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dark-cipher · 1 year
Knowledge of the day: RTGame is Jerma Lite
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clarisimart · 1 month
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be careful what you wish for, Fordsy
commission info here
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beartitled · 1 month
I bet Mabel would totally gush over baby Bill
Yep absolutely
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This is not part of the evil cipher parent AU necessary
Because I still have no idea, who exactly raised Bill in that AU
But it’s fun to imagine Mabel playing with the bebe (she would totally forget about his actions in canon as soon as she sees him, Mabel is a forgiving person, especially when it come to small silly triangle children)
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trianglecats · 2 months
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Based off that one meme
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splynter · 1 month
I like the implications of Bill apparently not drawing any yellow triangles in his therapy pictures. Whether it means anything or not, when kids draw family pictures, they want to draw themselves too, they are the part of the family, right? But he draws just Red and Blue. As if a happy picture of them is one where he never existed. I am overthinking it it course.
What if like. Okay so we know he and his family were from a 2 Dimensional world, Euclydia. He only draws red and blue triangles, who are likely his parents. Yellow triangles are nowhere to be seen. Maybe it’s supposed to be a happy picture without him
But. But he’s the yellow triangle. He’s still from Euclydia. In most respects, he’s still 2D
So maybe. Maybe instead he’s trying to recreate the environment. Maybe he’s putting himself back with them in the only way he can.
He only draws red and blue triangles… because the yellow triangle is already there
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donniipao · 2 months
We need more bill suffering from fumbling THE ford frfr <3
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Does this count BSJBSHDBD
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cipher-the-sidhe · 5 months
Hey! Sorry if you already answered this, but do you have your 'What The Tide Keeps' au publicly written somewhere? I can't find it and the brainrot is rotting :(
Yes, the fic is up on AO3, and should be found in my WtTK tag here on tumblr. Here is a link though :>
currently working on Chapter 3 and hoping to have it out this month!
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cipher-zoo · 1 year
Cough cough Buggy slowly detaches himself from the Roger pirates cause he thinks that he's just a burden cough cough.
-forgotten birthday anon
Forgotten Birthday anon! I need you to come off anon and face me! I just want to talk!
Okay, but seriously, I haven‘t answered my sad Buggy headcanon asks in a while, because I actually love the Roger Pirates and constantly writing bad things about them was saddening. But it has been a while, so I can clearly come back to them now.
And you send me this! On the day I finally got to watch OPLA! Unacceptable (in all seriousness tho, I love this, but I get to that later)
I almost made a joke about how this message was probably what sent me to the hospital, but I would feel too bad about making a joke like that, so instead I assure you, that despite your apparent cruelty, my hospitalisation has nothing to do with this message (It sure would be weird if it did 😂)
Okay, but all this aside, let‘s get to the ask! 💙
It would definitely be an interesting idea and it certainly explains why Buggy never feels the need to catch up with anyone from his old crew.
After all, the only people we hear him mention in canon are Shanks, Roger and Rayleigh (the people he had actual strong connections to). So eve there it would make sense. Of course, there is also the added fact that he and Shanks got abandoned by the rest of the crew - which, I am still mad about! Like seriously, there was no need to dump the two of them on a random island! Someone should have definitely taken them with him, even if all he members of the crew went their separate ways.
But also, in this headcanon world, Buggy’s feeling, that he is nothing but a burden, only intensives after he accidentally eats the devil fruit, thus essentially robbing the crew of quite a lot of Berrys.
Especially (and I think I mentioned this before, but honestly I can‘t find it), since I can totally see Shanks making jokes about how they have to sell Buggy now, that they can‘t sell the fruit anymore. And even if it is all in good fun, Buggy with his lacking self-esteem would not take that well.
This is definitely something I will have to think about for a while!
But I thank you very much for this ask!
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void-dude · 1 month
Did Tad suffer any violence from Bill after their dimension was destroyed? Especially when Strange came to our dimension
That’s funny because I actually got that written down and you made me draw all of this in one sitting (I will explode now)
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And thus, I’ve given you all the setup for the comic I’m working on. It ties directly to this. This is where the Shapes and Pines AU really starts! This was fun! I’m tired! Hahaaaaa I really like Tad
FYI: Tad was Bills babysitter for years, he saw him like a little cousin or bother. They are not related by blood but they shared a family like bond.
Edit: He's free!
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cephalob0nesss · 1 month
Thank you so much 🍉🍉for being generous and supporting for my family that is now undergoing to all forms of pain, torture 😞😞and hardship. Please don't hesitate to help the miserable, hopeless and jobless 😢😢people of Gaza in such hard and dire time We need your kind help 😍😍through donating whatever you can to enable us to cover some of our daily basic necessities or through sharing my posts to other. Your contribution will be highly valued.  ❤❤
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goddesstrolls · 1 year
Strip Cipher
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"- Now that my life hopefully isn't at risk, the fun and games can begin, I see how it is. )"
>> You remove your lab coat.
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