#Claire Hooper
newsatsix1986 · 11 months
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Geez, I wonder why Erin dresses the way she does?
(Looks at Claire Hooper on Good News Week and Helen Norville on The Newsreader)
Oh, *that’s* why! 😉 My biggest teenage celebrity influence and my current celebrity muse! 💜
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I think I have said this before, but Claire Hooper looks like Tim Minchin. In some universe they would be siblings.
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grahamstoney · 9 years
My Highlights Of The 2015 Melbourne International Comedy Festival
New Post has been published on https://grahamstoney.com/shows/highlights-the-2015-melbourne-international-comedy-festival
My Highlights Of The 2015 Melbourne International Comedy Festival
I totally smashed the 2015 Melbourne International Comedy Festival, going to over 30 shows during the 3 weeks I camped out in the Melbourne Central Youth Hostel, and then Nomads All Nations after the YHA kicked me out for overstaying my visa welcome.
Tickets From Some Of The Shows I Saw
I take my hat off to all the comedians who showed up and strutted their stuff for my amusement. It’s hard to rank all the shows I saw, or compare them on any sensible basis as there was so much variety and talent on show and they were almost all highly entertaining.
But nevertheless, here’s my best attempt starting with my most favourites:
Rich Hall
Measured by sheer quantity of my own laughter, Rich Hall was my highlight of the festival. I laughed so much, I lost it completely many times. At one point I thought the rather conservative-looking woman next to me was going to have a go at me for enjoying myself too much. Rich’s acerbic wit, cynicism and rapid-fire delivery made me laugh so hard that muscles in my head which I didn’t even know I had went into spasm. It was just extraordinary. And if I thought his bit about Target was hilarious, that was nothing compared to his song about Bob Dylan which was just hysterical.
Thank you, thank you, thank you Rich, you are an inspiration.
Arj Barker
Arj Barker is one of my all-time comedy heroes. Not only did I love his character Dave in the Flight Of The Conchords HBO series, I think his music video The Sickest Buddhist is hilarious, and he never fails to deliver live.
This festival I had a bonus treat when I bumped into him on the street corner outside Town Hall. I was a little star-struck and the conversation went something like this:
“Hey Arj!”, I said suddenly upon noticing my comedy idol right in front of me while crossing the street.
“Oh, Hi”, said Arj, appearing slightly startled.
“I’m Graham. I saw your show last week. Love your work.”, as I extended my hand.
“Hello Graham”, replied Arj as we shook hands.
Quick Graham, think of something intelligent to say: “I really like how you weave spiritual themes into your stand-up routine.”
“Well you’ve got to talk about something”, Arj replied.
“I’m a comedian too; but I’ve only just got into it. Where do you find your inspiration?”
“Just everyday things, you know”, my spiritual comedy leader opined.
“Like, personal experience hey”, I agreed naively.
“Yeah… At first, everything that happens to you, you’re like ‘how can I make a joke out of this’? Then after a while it gets a bit more difficult.”
“Right… like first album syndrome!”, I empathised misguidedly.
“Mmm… more like fourth or fifth album syndrome.”, he replied.
“Well great to meet you Arj!”
“Thanks Graham… nice to meet you too”
Top bloke; even remembered my name.
Dave Callan
Where to begin with this one? Well, the title A Little Less Conversation 2: A Little More Less Conversation made me laugh even before I turned up. It was an extension of Dave’s previous show titled A Little Less Conversation, where much of the talking was replaced with contemporary dancing. Not the dicky interpretive style, but the music video type. Then after explaining that there would be no silly dancing in this show, Dave Callan and four hot young dancers led us through a hilarious music video dance journey backwards through the alphabet.
The weird thing is Dave is actually remarkably flexible and despite what you’d guess from his appearance, he can dance. Beat It took on a new meaning, his pole routine was extraordinary, there was an awkwardly funny male wardrobe malfunction, and I’ll never be able to listen to Taylor Swift’s Shake It Off again without just hearing that the bakers are gonna bake, bake, bake, bake, bake.
Puddles Pity Party
I first heard about Puddles Pity Party when an excited group of people got on the tram while on my way home on night, and kept raving about what a great night they’d had at some show they’d just seen. I couldn’t help but ask “What have you been up to?”, and they replied: “Puddles Pity Party… you’ve got to go see it!”
And so I did. Puddles is called “The Sad Clown With The Golden Voice”, and rightly so. It’s hard to put into words just how entertaining he is, from the way he sings to the way he interacts with the audience; the whole thing is just magic, especially considering that he never really speaks during the whole show. I’ll never hear Dancing Queen the same way again, nor the hostile audience refrain from Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again? Just amazing.
Ronny Chieng
Even just the publicity photo and title of the Ronny Chieng‘s show You Don’t Know What You’re Talking About made me laugh, and that was before I’d even booked the tickets. I can just imagine him leaning back on that seat telling me off for speaking before my brain was engaged. His acerbic wit is hilarious live and he seems to have risen to prominence quite quickly; although I have a hunch it might not have seemed quite so quick to him.
Aside from his comedy, Ronny had by far the best neon sign of the festival. I also bumped into (that’s a synonym for accosted) him crossing the street in Melbourne, and said a quick “Hi”. Seemed like a decent guy who appeared to be going somewhere that didn’t involve hanging around chatting to a random stranger like me for too long.
Steen Raskopoulos
Earmarked as one of the leading emerging comedy talents of the country, I think I’ll claim Steen Raskopoulos as a friend of mine since I’ve been to several Improv classes taught by him, and I reckon by now he probably even knows my name. I saw Steen’s preview show back in Sydney when he was road-testing material for this festival, and it was a real treat to see the final work on stage in Character Assassin.
Steen really takes his audience on an emotional journey which includes involving audience members with no Improv background up on stage. He has a way of making you feel safe. I did laugh though when he said “I wouldn’t ask you to do anything that I wouldn’t do myself”. I know he’s sincere, but as a seasoned Improv guru, I’m pretty sure the scope of what he would be prepared to do himself is probably broader than most of his audience.
Nevertheless I’m sure his participants went away grateful for the experience. He also ties the various themes, characters and stories in his show together brilliantly. The whole set-up, execution and finale to the Old Man And The Ducks story was a work of art. Pure genius.
Another highlight for me was Steen and Susie Youssef’s Bus Stop Romance at the Festival Club mime night. Funny thing is, I think I’d seen it before, yet it still works. Or are they just such likable performers that it feels familiar even first time around?
Stephen K Amos
Another one of my favourite comedians is Stephen K Amos, whose voice and persona just make me laugh right from the word “go”. I got the feeling he’d only just stepped off the plane when I saw his preview show. He just hilarious though and the fun he’s clearly having on stage is infectious. I was particularly impressed with the way he handled a heckler about 40 minutes into the show, when a guy down the back yelled out:
“First one mate!”, implying that he’d only just found something funny.
Mr Amos smiled broadly and said proudly, “I know how to handle this”… and then proceeded to demolish the guy. Can’t remember what he said, but it was awesome to witness. I wish I’d videoed it… but I get the feeling Stephen really hates that.
Sammy J & Randy
Everyone’s favourite wildly successful man-puppet musical comedy duo (we’ve all been there!), An Evening With Sammy J & Randy is always entertaining, with their bizarre absurdist musical comedy storytelling.
I got laid after the last time I saw their show, so I had high hopes this year. That’s all I’ll say about that.
I passed up a unique opportunity during the Upstaging bit in their show, when Randy lept from the stage in a full-body puppet outfit and clamoured all over me in the audience in an attempt to upstage Sammy J, who was delivering a monologue from his drama studies thesis about the perils of upstaging. It suddenly occurred to me to pull Randy’s mask off, thus upstaging them both. Who is the guy playing the purple puppet anyway? Sadly, I chose to let them have their moment and watch passively instead. I’ll endeavour to be more pro-active next time.
Randy’s lip-sync battle at The Festival Club was also had me seeing double for a while. #YOUJUSTHADTOBETHERE.
Nina Conti
Nina Conti has perfected the art of externalising the monkey-mind of her inner critic for our amusement, and she does it brilliantly. Then she takes ventriloquism to a whole new level when she gets members of the audience up on stage, straps a remote-controlled mask with huge lips on them, and says “Don’t worry, I’ll do the talking for you.” All they have to do is stand there for the most part, and the result is hilarious. She either knows intuitively what they’re really thinking, or lives in a fantasy world that’s even funnier.
In one part of the show, Nina’s alter-ego monkey put her in a hypnotic trance, took control of the show and then proceeded to ask for questions from the audience. Feeling like a smart-arse, I yelled out: “What’s the meaning of life?” This led to a fun, engaging and somewhat nihilistic dialogue, which worked even better given that I was down the back of the room where Nina, being in a hypnotic trance, clearly couldn’t see where I was and had to ask which direction to point the puppet in. Surreal and hilarious. Monkey asked “Are you a seeker?” and “What do you do?”, to which I replied “I’m a comedian”. Judging by its curtly cynical and amusing answer, pursuing comedy won’t lead me to enlightenment… but I’m still willing to fail trying.
Akmal Saleh
Whenever I see a show by Akmal Saleh, I never really know what it is about. I don’t think he knows what it’s about either. But hey, the guy is funny so who’s complaining? Rockhampton, apparently.
Miles Allen
I was a late bloomer: I got into Breaking Bad late in life, when season 5 had just come out on DVD. Thanks to my local library’s phenomenal DVD collection, I had a month-long Breaking Bad festival where I barely left the house except to hunt for food, and the next instalment. It was rather heavy-going. So imagine my delight to find Miles Allen had packed all 5 seasons into a single hour of One Man Breaking Bad. This was a really fun way to revisit the show without having to spend another month, nor wind up with a crystal meth addiction. Bitches!
Sara Pascoe
What a welcome treat to have a comedian including vital lessons on evolutionary psychology, sociology and human sexuality in her act. I’ve also read Sperm Wars (or perhaps it was Sex At Dawn, which covers similar ground), and appreciated the in-depth analysis of why modern relationships don’t work as well as we expect, as much as the comedy. Apparently Sara Pascoe‘s partner is also a comedian, and they use each other in their respective routines. If that’s not symbiosis, I don’t know what is.
Kitty Flanagan
Kitty Flanagan is funny, sexy, sassy… and single? How can this be, or is it just a comedy ruse so that she can do routines about her ex-partner? Well, it was funny. I can’t help noticing that the audience was about 90% female, which improved my odds of hooking up significantly. I’d say more, but I’m afraid that she’ll see it as use the material against me in a future show.
Tom Gleeson
One of the funniest things I’ve ever seen on TV was Tom Gleeson‘s iPhone rant from Good News Week. The great thing about seeing him live is that you get the adult version, not the PG-rated one that we usually see on TV. With years of experience making people laugh, he can even make stories about his kids entertaining to other people. As he said in his act: “I nail this, every time”. Cocky, yes; but also engaging and funny.
Genevieve Fricker
What do you get when you take a musical comedienne with a strained arm and put her on-stage with a piano and a busted electric guitar? No, it’s not a joke; it was the plight of Gen Fricker the evening I saw her at the festival. An unfortunate incident helping her father move furniture (you’ll know not to do that again) had left her arm in a sling, and although the guitar issue turned out to be a problem with the speakers, she only found that out later. Ms Fricker handled the situation like a pro, using it all for comic value. Definitely one of the most likeable performers at the festival, she’s also great value when you run into her off-stage.
Jeff Green
What are you to do on a quiet Monday night at the festival, when most other comedians are recovering from their weekend hangovers? Check out Jeff Green, that’s what. What is it with UK comedians coming to Australia to steal our women though? Surely it’s not just for residency in Australia, is it?
Susie Youssef
Another recently-claimed friend of mine from Sydney, it was great to see Susie Youssef doing her own show at the festival. I’ve seen Susie do Improv before many times, but not stand-up… so what a treat!
Ray Badran
My mate Ray Badran was Dazed & Confused after pulling the PR coup of the festival with a brilliantly mis-executed audience interaction during a pre-festival show that got his name into papers as far away as the U.K. All publicity is good publicity, Ray. Nothing like a little controversy to get the word out there.
Joel Ozborn
Took a random punt on Joel Ozborn, who I’d never heard of before. He was funny, and he did it without putting anybody else down. My head was pretty much spinning by this point in the festival so I can’t recall much else about his show except that it included a little guitar, a little less keyboard, a shoe, and that it was held in the kitchen.
Luke Heggie
Luke Heggie has finely honed cynicism into an art form. If I ever have another BBQ, he’s invited. His bit about gentleman’s clubs had me falling off my seat, and although he says he isn’t special, I’m not so sure. He has a show at the Melbourne International Comedy festival, and that’s pretty special. I also chatted to him after the show and he seemed pretty cool.
Stuart Daulman
I took a punt on Stuart Daulman because the title of his show Stuart Daulman Is An Absolute Credit reminded me of the hilarious (to me, anyway) airline food reference from The Castle. I really wasn’t quite sure what was going on during most of this show, but by the end I reckon I almost got it. It’s a performance, not just a dude telling stories. I also learned how to use for dead birds for the art of seduction. I hope the beautiful Haaaaannah gets to see his show one day.
Rob Lloyd
I was stunned by Rob Lloyd‘s show Rob Lloyd vs The Monsters, based on his childhood anxieties. I was hoping for some helpful insights into my adult anxieties, which I suspect go back to my own childhood. But mainly I was just stunned. You can take that however you like. It was, nevertheless, an impressive performance piece; if you’re into that sort of thing.
The Festival Club
After realising that returning to my hostel to sleep any time before about 1 or 2 am was completely pointless given the two trams and a suburban train line right outside the window, I abandoned the idea of getting a decent nights sleep altogether and ended almost every night late at The Festival Club. Some of these nights were recorded by the ABC for Comedy Up Late, which was cool because it meant I got to relive them on iview after getting home.
Acts I remember include:
Mark Watson had my favourite line from the festival: “I would do that religiously. And by religiously I mean: without really thinking it through in detail”.
John Kearns had impressive teeth.
Kano Mami was hard to describe, but fun to watch.
Djuki Mala got their dance moves on.
Rhys Nicholson reminded me why I’m straight.
Lawrence Mooney made me laugh.
DeAnne Smith had a sweet song with helpful pick-up lines in it.
Die Roten Punkte at Haus Party were either a really silly duo of German musicians, or taking the piss.
It was nice for Mike Wilmot to be here.
So You Think You Can Mime. I think they can.
The guy who won the Lip Sync Battle with an unforgettable rendition of What A Feeling from Flashdance.
Set List
Let’s face it: we like seeing other people suffer. It’s funny, because we know the pain is happening to someone else. And comedians are funny for a living… So what could be funnier than a comedian suffering on stage? That’s the dark side of Set List. The light side is that it can inspire comic genius by assisting with the free flow of streams of consciousness as topics that the comedian has never seen before appear on the screen.
The highlight here for me was Sara Pascoe’s improvised four walls to the prison of the mind; and the guy who literally ran off-stage mid-way through the “set” after freaking out. He made me feel a lot better about myself.
Shaggers, the show where comics talk about sex, became a regular feature of my festival calendar after first seeing it 2 years ago on the suggestion of my mate Peter. On that night, one of the comedians went totally ballistic riffing on the audience, and it was absolutely hilarious.
This time around, most of the comics talked about how they hadn’t been laid in ages; so it was more of a show about not shagging. Desperation isn’t attractive; and maybe it was a bad omen because I totally failed to hook up with any of the cute girls in the audience that night too.
Other Randoms
A few other random highlights were:
Seeing Simon Taylor totally own a room full of screaming drunk idiots in a pub.
I’m the kind of person who sees Bob Downe in Big Top Bob.
If I wasn’t in a bad mood, Greg Fleet was probably funny.
Rebecca De Unamuno did some remarkable improvised characters.
Reliving Becky Lucas‘s bestest childhood best friendship.
59 Free Comedy inspired a pleasant tram ride to Richmond.
Outdoor Performers
I also saw plenty of outdoor performers in Federation Square and just across the road from the Town Hall. The most memorable ones were:
Mr Moriyasu: I’m still not clear if he’s actually Japanese, or taking the piss. But he’s funny, and he really does go inside that balloon. I’m hungry!
Trash Test Dummies: Who knew wheelie bins could be such fun?
Jessica Arpin nicked some girl’s boyfriend on a Swiss bicycle.
Sharon from Canada’s voice really grated on me.
Random Meetings
Another fun highlight of the festival was bumping into or seeing famous people from TV. They’re a little different in person; for one thing, you can talk back to them:
Julia Zemiro was friendly, engaging, and even helped me with my social skills.
Andrew Hansen was also really friendly and even gave me a helpful response to my silly question: “How can I get on TV?”
Lawrence Leung was busy filming something outside the town hall when I saw him, so I didn’t interrupt.
Claire Hooper looks pretty much the same in real life as she does on TV. Fancy that.
David Collins questioned my judgement for seeing Bob Downe’s show Big Top Bob, asking “What kind of person goes to see that?”, which I thought was a bit mean… so I decided not to mention him here.
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fazcinatingblog · 8 months
My boss is giving me a pay rise and I've already blown it all on five comedy shows in April and my best friend's moving overseas forever at the end of March so I need comedy to fill the Biancyes Fasolo pizza hole in my life and
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bccksmarts · 1 year
Powerful female characters just seem to be my whole shtick huh...
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plantiish · 1 year
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↳ claire hooper for @wildmelon's cas challenge
special thanks to @remussirion @crilender @madlensims @daylifesims @northernsiberiawinds @ts4eve (for their sm patreon) @poyopoyosim @nesurii @saruin @simandy @asansan3 @imadako @serenity-cc @sammi-xox @dream-girl @joliebean @pralinesims @crypticsim @wistfulpoltergeist @obscurus-sims @mossylane @luumia @miikocc @vibrantpixels @eunosims @marsosims @jius-sims
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horrorgirlspoll · 1 year
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all match-ups were randomly generated this time around. because i couldn't fit full names in, characters and sources are under the cut! polls will start on the 20th and follow the same format as last time (round 1 is one week, 2 and 3 are one day, 4 and 5 are one week)
Maxine & Pearl (X Trilogy) vs. Sam Carpenter and Tara Carpenter (Scream)
Jennifer Check & Needy Lesnicki (Jennifer's Body) vs. Cindy Campbell & Brenda Meeks (Scary Movie)
Kirsty Cotton & Tiffany (Hellraiser) vs. Carmilla & Laura (Le Fanu's Carmilla)
Amanda Young & Lynn Denlon (Saw) vs. Juno Kaplan and Sarah Carter (The Descent)
Claire Redfield & Sherry Birkin (Resident Evil) vs. Ginger Fitzgerald and Brigitte Fitzgerald (Ginger Snaps)
Sadako Yamamura & Kayako Saeki (Ringu/The Grudge/Sayako vs. Kayako) vs. Lilly & Carley (The Walking Dead)
Nancy Thompson & Kristen Parker (A Nightmare on Elm Street) vs. Lucie Jurin & Anna Assaou (Martyrs)
Melanie King & Georgie Barker (The Magnus Archives) vs. Heather/Cheryl Mason & Alessa Gillespie (Silent Hill)
Jennifer & Fiona Belli (Rule of Rose/Haunting Ground) vs. Pamela Voorhees & Nancy Loomis (Friday the 13th/Scream)
Laurie Strode & Annie Brackett (Halloween 1978 + RZ) vs. Baby Jane Hudson & Blanche Hudson (What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?)
SCP-105/Iris Thompson & SCP-166/Meri (SCP Foundation) vs. Gale Weathers & Sidney Prescott (Scream)
Nina Sayers & Lily (Black Swan) vs. Mandy & Regina (12 Hour Shift)
Sadie Cunningham & McKayla Hooper (Tragedy Girls) vs. Hélène Delambre & Veronica Quaife (The Fly 1958 + 1986)
Christiane Génessier & Louise (Les Yeux Sans Visage) vs. Tiffany Valentine & Nica Pierce (Child's Play/Chucky)
Zoe Benson & Madison Montgomery (AHS: Coven) vs. Lucy Westenra & Mina Harker (Bram Stoker's Dracula)
Sharon & Janice (Possibly in Michigan) vs. Eleanor Vance & Theodora (Shirley Jackson's The Haunting of Hill House)
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deadguydeathmatch · 1 year
The Dead Guy Death Match Bracket Is Here!
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Round 1 will be split into 4 waves of 16 24 hour polls and each wave will be posted 24 hours after the previous. The first wave will start on Tuesday the 18th of April at 3pm BST
The matchups are listed under the readmore and will be hyperlinked to the polls when they go up.
The matchups were all randomised although I did make minor adjustments if I thought one was much too unfair.
Also tagging @tournamentdirectory as I haven't already
Wave 1:
Charles Foster Kane (Citizen Kane) Vs Gavroche Thenardier (Les Miserables)
Leif (Bug Fables) Vs Queen Serenity (Sailor Moon)
L (Death Note) Vs Jonny D'Ville (The Mechanisms)
Noah Czerny (The Raven Cycle) Vs Lee Everett (The Walking Dead)
Pat Butcher (BBC Ghosts) Vs Xerxes Break (Pandora Hearts)
Captain Orimar Vale (Skyjacks Campaign Podcast) Vs Laura Palmer (Twin Peaks)
Diallos Hoslow (Elden Ring) Vs Rachel Amber (Life Is Strange)
Andrei Grandier (Rose Of Versailles) Vs Constance Blackwood (Ride The Cyclone)
Spock (Star Trek) Vs Maria Robotnik (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Kravitz (The Adventure Zone) Vs Sal Fisher (Sally Face)
Mari (Omori) Vs Ianto Jones (Torchwood)
Nate (Leverage) Vs Max (Sam and Max)
Owen Carvour (Spies Are Forever) Vs Vylad Ro'Meave (Minecraft Diaries)
Neil Perry (Dead Poet's Society) Vs Sayaka Miki (Madoka Magica)
Flapjack (The Owl House) Vs Maes Hughes (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Loki (Marvel) Vs Adam Faulkner Stanheight (Saw)
Wave 2:
Obi Wan Kenobi (Star Wars) Vs Diggory Graves (Hello From The Hallowoods)
Hugo Oak (Kipo And The Age Of Wonderbeasts) Vs Leonardo Hamato (Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie)
Chara (Undertale) Vs Magnus Chase (Magnus Chase)
River Song (Doctor Who) Vs Micheal Afton (Five Nights At Freddy's)
Catherine Earnshaw (Wurthering Heights) Vs Tara Maclay (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)
Laudna (Critical Role) Vs Aerith Gainsborough (Final Fantasy)
Mia Fey (Ace Attorney) Vs Jay Gatsby (The Great Gatsby)
Meiko 'Menma' Honma (The Flower We Saw That Day) Vs Claire Foley (Professor Layton)
Grelle Sutcliff (Black Butler) Vs Skelly (Hades)
Ethan Winters (Resident Evil) Vs Portgas D Ace (One Piece)
Polly Geist (Monster Prom) Vs Hua Cheng (Heaven's Official Blessing)
Avatar Kyoshi (Avatar The Last Airbender) Vs Galivar Kholin (Stormlight Archive)
Pink/Orchid (Animation Vs Animator/Minecraft) Vs Lewis Pepper (Mystery Skulls Animated)
Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb) Vs Stoick The Vast (How To Train Your Dragon)
Evelyn Hooper (Less is Morgue) Vs Manny Calavera (Grim Fandango)
Kokichi Oma (Danganronpa) Vs Silco (Arcane)
Wave 3:
Eurydice (Greek Mythology) Vs Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead)
Jack Twist (Brokeback Mountain) Vs Charles Vane (Black Sails)
Howard Hamlin (Better Call Saul) Vs Jason Grace (Riordanverse)
Nora Hildegard (The Vampire Diaries) Vs Gerard Keay (The Magnus Archives)
Manny (Swiss Army Man) Vs Matoro (Bionicle)
Wen Ning (Mo Dao Zu Shi) Vs Kikyo (Inuyasha)
Yuri Nakamura (Angel Beats) Vs Simon Kain (Pathologic)
Deep Throat (The X Files) Vs La Signora (Genshin Impact)
Esmeralda (The Hunchback Of Notre Dame Novel) Vs Ursula Zandt/Silhouette (Watchmen Comics)
Nageki Fujishiro (Hatoful Boyfriend) Vs Tuba (Infinity Train)
Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice) Vs Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption)
Oda Sakunoske (Bungou Stray Dogs) Vs Rose Quartz (Steven Universe)
Duncan (Dragon Age) Vs Junpei Yoshino (Jujitsu Kaisen)
Quincey Morris (Dracula) Vs Connor Murphy (Dear Evan Hansen)
Deadman (DC Comics) Vs Breakdown (Transformers)
Draal The Deadly (Troll Hunters) Vs Castiel (Supernatural)
Wave 4:
Matsuri Kanroji (Demon Slayer) Vs Midori (Your Turn To Die)
Kelsier (Mistborn) Vs Peter 'Parker' Yang (Malevolent Podcast)
Tadashi Hamada (Big Hero 6) Vs Noriaki Kakyoin (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Erik (The Phantom Of The Opera) Vs Matthias Helvar (Six Of Crows)
Tigerstar (Warrior Cats) Vs Boromir (The Lord Of The Rings)
Joel Miller (The Last Of Us) Vs Pedro Madrigal (Encanto)
Rufus Emeterio (They Both Die At The End) Vs King Arthur (King Arthur)
Bunny Corcoran (The Secret History) Vs Lenore (Nevermore Webtoon)
Sliver Of Straw (Rain World) Vs Bow (Inanimate Insanity)
Chidi Anagonye (The Good Place) Vs Nicholas D Wolfwood (Trigun)
Tiso (Hollow Knight) Vs Okudera (Yakuza 5)
Koki Kariya (The World Ends With You) Vs Horst Cabal (Johannes Cabal)
Mr Boddy (Clue) Vs Garret Jacob Hobbs (Hannibal)
Eddie Kaspbrak (IT) Vs Emily (Corpse Bride)
Ash Lynx (Banana Fish) Vs Ophelia (Hamlet)
Eddie Munson (Stranger Things) Vs Kili (The Hobbit)
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pollicinor · 2 years
Psyco (1960) Alfred Hitchcock Il mago di Oz (1939) Victor Fleming Il padrino (1972) Francis Ford Coppola Quarto potere (1941) Orson Welles Pulp Fiction (1994) Quentin Tarantino I sette samurai (1954) Akira Kurosawa 2001: Odissea nello spazio (1968) Stanley Kubrick La vita è meravigliosa (1946) Frank Capra Eva contro Eva (1951) Joseph L. Mankiewicz Salvate il soldato Ryan (1998) Steven Spielberg Cantando sotto la pioggia (1952) Stanley Donen e Gene Kelly Quei bravi ragazzi (1990) Martin Scorsese La regola del gioco (1939) Jean Renoir Fa' la cosa giusta (1989) Spike Lee Aurora (1927) Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau Casablanca (1942) Michael Curtiz Nashville (1975) Robert Altman Persona (1966) Ingmar Bergman Il padrino - Parte II (1974) Francis Ford Coppola Velluto Blu (1986) David Lynch Via col vento (1939) Victor Fleming Chinatown (1974) Roman Polanski L'appartamento (1960) Billy Wilder Tokyo Story (1953) Yasujirō Ozu Susanna! (1938) Howard Hawks I 400 colpi (1959) François Truffaut Gangster Story (1967) Arthur Penn Luci della città (1931) Charlie Chaplin La fiamma del peccato (1944) Billy Wilder L'impero colpisce ancora (1980) Irvin Kershner Quinto potere (1976) Sidney Lumet La donna che visse due volte (1958) Alfred Hitchcock 8 1/2 (1963) Federico Fellini Ombre rosse (1939) John Ford Il silenzio degli innocenti (1991) Jonathan Demme Fronte del porto (1954) Elia Kazan Io e Annie (1977) Woody Allen Lawrence d'Arabia (1962) David Lean A qualcuno piace caldo (1959) Billy Wilder Fargo (1996) Joel e Ethan Coen Il mucchio selvaggio (1969) Sam Peckinpah Moonlight (2016) Barry Jenkins Shoah (1985) Claude Lanzmann L’avventura (1960) Michelangelo Antonioni Titanic (1997) James Cameron Notorious - L'amante perduta (1946) Alfred Hitchcock Mean Streets (1973) Martin Scorsese Lezioni di Piano (1993) Jane Campion Non aprite quella porta (1974) Tobe Hooper Fino all'ultimo respiro (1960) Jean-Luc Godard Apocalypse Now (1979) Francis Ford Coppola Come vinsi la guerra (1926) Buster Keaton In the Mood for Love (2000) Wong Kar-wai Interceptor - Il guerriero della strada (1981) George Miller Il lamento sul sentiero (1955) Satyajit Ray Rosemary's Baby (1968) Roman Polanski I segreti di Brokeback Mountain (2005) Ang Lee E.T. - L'extraterrestre (1982) Steven Spielberg Senza tetto né legge (1985) Agnès Varda Moulin Rouge! (2001) Buz Luhrmann La passione di Giovanna D'Arco (1928) Carl Theodor Dreyer La vita è un sogno (1993) Richard Linklater Bambi (1942) David Hand Carrie - Lo sguardo di Satana (1976) Brian De Palma Un condannato a morte è fuggito (1956) Robert Bresson Parigi brucia (1990) Jennie Livingston Ladri di biciclette (1948) Vittorio De Sica King Kong (1933) Merian C. Cooper e Ernest B. Schoedsack Beau Travail (1999) Claire Denis 12 anni schiavo (2013) Steve McQueen Il matrimonio del mio migliore amico (1997) P. J. Hogan Le onde del destino (1996) Lars von Trier Intolerance (1916) D.W. Griffith Il mio vicino Totoro (1988) Hayao Miyazaki Boogie Nights (1997) Paul Thomas Anderson The Tree of Life (2011) Terrence Malick Agente 007 - Missione Goldfinger (1964) Guy Hamilton Jeanne Dielman (1975) Chantal Akerman Sognando Broadway (1966) Christopher Guest Pixote - La legge del più debole (1981) Héctor Babenco Il cavaliere oscuro (2008) Christopher Nolan Parasite (2019) Bong Joon-ho Kramer contro Kramer (1979) Robert Benton Il labirinto del fauno (2006) Guillermo del Toro Assassini nati - Natural Born Killers (1994) Oliver Stone Close Up (1990) Abbas Kiarostami Tutti insieme appassionatamente (1965) Robert Wise Malcolm X (1992) Spike Lee Bella di giorno (1967) Luis Buñuel The Shining (1980) Stanley Kubrick Scene da un matrimonio (1974) Ingmar Bergman Pink Flamingos (1972) John Waters Frank Costello faccia d'angelo (1967) Jean-Pierre Melville Le amiche della sposa (2011) Paul Feig Toy Story (1995) John Lasseter Tutti per uno (1964) Richard Lester Alien (1979) Ridley Scott Donne sull'orlo di una crisi di nervi (1988) Pedro Almodóvar La parola ai giurati (1957) Sidney Lumet Il laureato (1967) Mike Nichols
Dall’articolo "I 100 migliori film della Storia del Cinema secondo Variety: 1° Psyco, 5° Pulp Fiction, 33° 8 1/2, 45° Titanic" di Antonio Bracco
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thesludgeofbabylon · 1 year
Top 100 Films
Just wanted to put this somewhere for the sake of documentation, might do this once a year to see how much the overall list changes.
Not ranked, but the list is done by release date, earliest to most recent. Includes short and feature length films (plus one TV series, and two serials, if you want to be specific):
• The Musketeers of Pig Alley (1912), dir. D.W. Griffith
• Fantômas (1913), dir. Louis Feuillade
• Les Vampires (1915), dir. Louis Feuillade
• The Doll (1919), dir. Ernst Lubitsch
• Foolish Wives (1922), dir. Erich von Stroheim
• Sherlock, Jr. (1924), dir. Buster Keaton
• Die Nibelungen: Kriemhild’s Revenge (1924), dir. Fritz Lang
• Greed (1924), dir. Erich von Stroheim
• The Last Laugh (1924), dir. F. W. Murnau
• The Gold Rush (1925), dir. Charlie Chaplin
• The General (1926), dir. Buster Keaton, Clyde Bruckman
• Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927), dir. F. W. Murnau
• The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928), dir. Carl Theodor Dreyer
• The Docks of New York (1928), dir. Josef von Sternberg
• The Wedding March (1928), dir. Erich von Stroheim
• Man with a Movie Camera (1929), Dziga Vertov
• M (1931), dir. Fritz Lang
• Vampyr (1932), dir. Carl Theodor Dreyer
• I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang (1932), dir. Mervyn LeRoy
• Gold Diggers of 1933 (1933), dir. Mervyn LeRoy, Bubsy Berkeley
• L’Atalante (1934), dir. Jean Vigo
• The Scarlet Empress (1934), dir. Josef von Sternberg
• The Thin Man (1934), dir. W.S. Van Dyke
• The Only Son (1936), dir. Yasujirō Ozu 
• Citizen Kane (1941), dir. Orson Welles
• Now, Voyager (1942), dir. Irving Rapper
• Meshes of the Afternoon (1943), dir. Maya Deren
• Day of Wrath (1943), dir. Carl Theodor Dreyer
• At Land (1944), dir. Maya Deren
• Ivan the Terrible, Part I (1944), dir. Sergei Eisenstein
• Notorious (1946), dir. Alfred Hitchcock
• Sunset Boulevard (1950), dir. Billy Wilder
• Monsieur Hulot’s Holiday (1953), dir. Jacques Tati
• The Wages of Fear (1953), dir. Henri-Georges Clouzot
• The Big Heat (1953), dir. Fritz Lang
• The Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome (1954), dir. Kenneth Anger
• Rear Window (1954), dir. Alfred Hitchcock
• Ordet (1955), dir. Carl Theodor Dreyer
• A Man Escaped (1956), dir. Robert Bresson
• Ivan the Terrible, Part II: The Boyars’ Plot (1958), dir. Sergei Eisenstein
• La Dolce Vita (1960), dir. Federico Fellini
• L’Avventura (1960), dir. Michelangelo Antonioni
• La Notte (1961), dir. Michelangelo Antonioni
• L’Eclisse (1962), dir. Michelangelo Antonioni
• The Exterminating Angel (1962), dir. Luis Buñuel
• Mothlight (1963), dir. Stan Brakhage
• Red Desert (1964), dir. Michelangelo Antonioni
• Gertrud (1964), dir. Carl Theodor Dreyer
• The War Game (1966), dir. Peter Watkins
• Au Hasard Balthazar (1966), dir. Robert Bresson
• Daisies (1966), dir. Věra Chytilová
• Lemon (1969), dir. Hollis Frampton
• The Conformist (1970), dir. Bernardo Bertolucci 
• The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (1972), dir. Luis Buñuel
• F for Fake (1973), dir. Orson Welles
• Lancelot of the Lake (1974), dir. Robert Bresson
• A Woman Under the Influence (1974), dir. John Cassavetes
• The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974). dir. Tobe Hooper
• House (1977), dir. Nobuhiko Obayashi 
• Stalker (1979), dir. Andrei Tarkovsky
• Nostalgia (1983), dir. Andrei Tarkovsky
• L’Argent (1983), dir. Robert Bresson 
• Blue Velvet (1986), dir. David Lynch
• Heathers (1989), dir. Michael Lehmann
• Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989), dir. Hayao Miyazaki
• Baraka (1992), dir. Ron Fricke
• Satantango (1994), dir. Béla Tarr
• A Confucian Confusion (1994), dir. Edward Yang
• Chungking Express (1994), dir. Wong Kar-Wai
• Ed Wood (1994), dir. Tim Burton
• Whisper of the Heart (1995), dir. Yoshifumi Kondo
• Showgirls (1995), dir. Paul Verhoeven 
• Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion (1997), dir. Hideaki Anno, Kazuya Tsurumaki
• Gummo (1997), dir. Harmony Korine
• The Big Lebowski (1998), dir. Joel Coen, Ethan Coen 
• Outer Space (1999), dir. Peter Tscherkassky
• Beau Travail (1999), dir. Claire Denis
• Julien Donkey-Boy (1999), dir. Harmony Korine
• Yi Yi (2000), dir. Edward Yang
• Dancer in the Dark (2000), dir. Lars von Trier
• The Piano Teacher (2001), dir. Michael Haneke
• Mulholland Drive (2001), dir. David Lynch
• What Time Is It There? (2001), dir. Tsai Ming-liang
• Memories of Murder (2003), dir. Bong Joon-ho
• The Matrix Reloaded (2003), dir. Lily Wachowski, Lana Wachowski  
• The Village (2004), dir. M. Night Shyamalan
• Caché (2005), dir. Michael Haneke
• Southland Tales (2006), dir. Richard Kelly
• Inland Empire (2006), dir. David Lynch
• Zodiac (2007), dir. David Fincher
• The White Ribbon (2009), dir. Michael Haneke
• The Turin Horse (2011), dir. Béla Tarr
• Five Broken Cameras (2012), dir. Emad Burnat, Guy Davidi
• The Master (2012), dir. Paul Thomas Anderson
• Spring Breakers (2012), dir. Harmony Korine
• Song to Song (2017), dir. Terrence Malick
• Twin Peaks: The Return (2017), dir. David Lynch
• The Favourite (2018), dir. Yorgos Lanthimos
• Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019), dir. Céline Sciamma
• We’re All Going to the World’s Fair (2021), dir. Jane Schoenbrun
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newsatsix1986 · 11 months
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During my teenage years, the Australian and New Zealand comedy scene pretty much helped raise me. I especially adored Good News Week with all my teenage heart. It was already off air by the time I came to it but I fell in love with all of these colourful personalities who showed me who I could be. This Tumblr of mine used to be dedicated to Good News Week many years ago.
Cal Wilson was one of those extraordinary creative souls who inspired me. Her colour, her sweetness, her cheekiness and her energy took my heart and I have been eagerly checking her career out since 2014. I reckon I am now the eclectic soul I am today because of her influence (and Claire Hooper's too). I remember being enamoured with both ladies' wardrobes and their sparkly joy and fun insights and I wished that I could be more like them. They were so super duper cool to me.
It was my birthday on Wednesday 11th October this year (2023), and I opened my Facebook to respond to a birthday message, only to be greeted with the announcement of her death. My heart sunk in a way it has never for any celebrity death, and every time I see her face I feel both so much warmth and simultaneously want to scream that this is entirely unfair. She was only 53, my parents' exact age right now. How can such a vibrant beautiful soul be gone?
This should demonstrate how this lady's vibrance has touched so many lives, even ones that never got to physically meet her like myself. I know I am how I am today because of having had her art in my life. It is so hard to believe she is gone, and my heart goes out to her little boy and husband and all her friends and extended family. To quote her affirmative argument at the end of a Melbourne International Comedy Festival Great Debate, she had to go, there's a kangaroo doing a drum solo waiting.
Rest In Peace to the beautiful Queen of Caicos 💖🌟💐
5th October 1970 - 11th October 2023
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Claire Hooper looks like Tim Minchin.
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ramandjafari · 1 year
Ashnikko - Worms from Raman Djafari on Vimeo.
Ashnikko in a monstertruck and a squad of develish beasts ride towards the sunset to battle the angelic overlord robots.
Credits: director - raman djafari // @ramandjafari executive producer - josef byrne head of production- Alex halley production company: blinkink @blink_ink
producer - jake river parker // @jakeriverparkerfilms animation producer - molly turner // @molly___turner production manager - rowan mackintosh king // @rowanmackintosh production assistant - maddy williams // @melodramaddy
commissioner- sam seager // @seagez
creative director - vasso vu @vassovu manager - george shepherd // @shepherdgeorge day to day manager - hannah browne // @hannahbr0wne
storyboards - raman djafari storyboards - mysie pereira // @mysiepereira animatic editor - Isabel gomez concept artist - Camille perrin
cg character design - raman djafari cg background design - raman djafari cg lighting, camera & layout - raman djafari cg character animation & rigging - dominic lutz // @domolutz cg character animation & rigging - harry bhalerao // @harrybhal cg character animation & rigging - barney abrahams // @_yenrab cg character animation & rigging - nate die // @spish.tv cg artist - sandrine gimenez // @sandrine_gimenez cg artist - klaas harm deboer cg artist - michael marczewski additional lighting - balasz simon // @notbalasz
vfx lead - john malcolm moore // @johnmalcolmmoore compositor - andrew khosravani // @andrew_khosravani compositor - vladislav enshin compositor - caroline terrago
1st ad - julia pavliuk // @ula__la dop - hunter daly // @hunterdalydp 1st ac - rupert hornstein // @ruperthornstein1966 2nd ac - nicola braid ac (prep day) - Joe mcdonald cam operator - tanmoye khan // @tanmoyekhan_dop dit - rosie taylor // @rosie_taylor_
gaffer - laurent arnaud // @sparkswars spark - johnjoe besagni // @jayjaybuzz spark - kieran brown // @k_brown_gaffer desk op - hudson daly // @hudson_daly led tech - pavel stici
vfx supervisor - john malcolm moore // @johnmalcolmmoore
production runner - leda contopanagos // @leda.echo production runner - krishita desai // @krishitadesai production runner - tom gonzalez // @mr_tamborine_man_ production runner - tom willows // @tomwillows_mash
art director - laura little // @laulit art assistant - jaclyn pappalardo // @jaclynpappalardo art assistant - chris dent art assistant (prep day) - jack boston oswald // @jackbostonoswald art assistant (prep day) - joshua douglas-warne art assistant (prep day) - Alexander king art assistant (prep day) - thabet kimili
stylist - holly wood // @hollyblowslightly stylist assistant - izzy frost // @iz_designz_
hair designer claire moore @clmorhair hair stylist mee kyung kim porter // @mee.hair.makeup mua - georgia olive // @georgiaolive mua assistant - carly roberts // @carlyroberts_ nails - imarni // @imarninails
bts content - eve mahoney // @evebelieve
edit - rich woolway edit assist - chris hutchings edit producer - Maggie mcdermott grade - coffee & tvt colourist - George neave colour producer - Kathryn tallis sound design - absolute post sound designer - rich Martin additional sound design - Daniel panayi additional sound design - paminos kyriazis sound design producer - Peter winslett
a special thanks to will hooper
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I am convinced that the RE film series (2002-2016) had- to date- the best cast choices ever made for Wesker, Alice, Chris, Claire, and Ada. But maybe I'm biased af bc I grew up with og RE players for parents and also grew up with those Paul W. S. Anderson film series
The film series leon was pretty good, but I won't even lie- i prefer the WTRC Leon for some reason and them casting Tom Hooper as Wesker was a damn fine choice, too
idk, i just think those particular casting choices were brilliant and i've never seen a better chris or wesker! to be fair, we haven't had TOO many chances for many different people to play these characters in live action films or shows, but i still have some preferences, yk?
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fazcinatingblog · 8 months
Yes I did spend all day on the toilet after drinking a $7 iced chocolate, I've let a pay rise go to my head even though it's still way under the HECS-paying-off threshold, plus I bought another MICF ticket during one of these toilet sessions I think I need help
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ulkaralakbarova · 7 months
Both dumped by their girlfriends, two best friends seek refuge in the local mall. Eventually, they decide to try and win back their significant others and take care of their respective nemeses. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Rene: Shannen Doherty T.S. Quint: Jeremy London Brodie: Jason Lee Brandi: Claire Forlani Shannon: Ben Affleck Gwen: Joey Lauren Adams Tricia: Renée Humphrey Silent Bob: Kevin Smith Jay: Jason Mewes Willam: Ethan Suplee Stan Lee: Stan Lee Ivannah: Priscilla Barnes Svenning: Michael Rooker La Fours: Sven-Ole Thorsen Security Guard: Carol Banker Arresting Cop #2: Steven Blackwell Pull Toy Kid: Kyle Boe TV Executive #1: David Brinkley Fan Boy: Walt Flanagan Guy Contestant #1: Ethan Flower Girl with Easter Bunny: Chelsea Frye TV Executive #2 – Bentley Garrison: Jeff Gadbois Guy Contestant #2: Ed Hapstak Cop #1: Terry Hempleman Game Show Host: Art James Steve Dave: Bryan Johnson Child at Kiosk #2: Mikey Kovar Fan at Comic Store: David Klein Roddy: Scott Mosier Saleslady at Lingerie Store: Crystal Muirhead-Manik Kid at Poster Kiosk: Tyson Nassauer Gill: Brian O’Halloran Passerby in Parking Lot: Aaron Preusse Child at Kiosk #1: Britt Swenson Teacher: Mary Woolever Team La Fours: Brad Fox Team La Fours: Gino Gori Team La Fours: Zach Perkins Team La Fours: Brad Giddings Team La Fours: Bryce Mack Team La Fours: Christopher O’Larkin Audience Member (uncredited): Earl R. Burt Shopper (uncredited): Tammara Melloy Screaming Girl in Audience (uncredited): Rachel Oliva Shoobie Shake Girl (uncredited): Jessica Sibinski Comic Book Fan (uncredited): Joel Thingvall Film Crew: Supervising Sound Editor: Richard LeGrand Jr. Producer: Sean Daniel Producer: James Jacks Thanks: John Hughes Supervising Music Editor: J.J. George Casting: Don Phillips Writer: Kevin Smith Stunts: Phil Chong Producer: Scott Mosier Stunts: Sven-Ole Thorsen Stunt Coordinator: Robert Apisa Director of Photography: David Klein Original Music Composer: Ira Newborn Editor: Paul Dixon Production Design: Dina Lipton Executive Producer: Caldecot Chubb ADR Mixer: Alan Holly Set Decoration: Diana Stoughton Line Producer: Laura Greenlee Stunts: Chuck Zito Production Supervisor: Beth DePatie Post Production Supervisor: Terra Abroms Foley Artist: Joan Rowe Stunts: Carl Ciarfalio Sound Effects Editor: Charles Maynes ADR Editor: Bob McNabb Makeup Artist: Toni G Main Title Designer: Mike Allred Executive In Charge Of Production: Donna Smith First Assistant Director: Fernando Altschul Stunts: Eric D. Howell Casting Assistant: Ethan Flower Script Supervisor: Carol Banker Second Assistant Director: Louis Shaw Milito Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Michael C. Casper Set Costumer: Roseanne Fiedler Costume Supervisor: Dana Kay Hart Foley Artist: Diane Marshall Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Daniel J. Leahy Location Manager: Ralph B. Meyer Sound Designer: Harry E. Snodgrass Key Makeup Artist: Brigette A. Myre Foley Mixer: James Bolt Sound Editor: William Hooper Sound Recordist: Charlie Ajar Jr. Sound Editor: William Jacobs Costume Design: Dana Allyson Music Supervisor: Kathy Nelson Color Timer: Dennis McNeill Title Designer: Dan Perri Orchestrator: Don Nemitz Stunts: Jake Crawford Prosthetic Makeup Artist: Crist Ballas Supervising ADR Editor: Norval D. Crutcher III Assistant Sound Editor: Samuel Webb Negative Cutter: Gary Burritt Assistant Sound Editor: Michelle Pleis Boom Operator: Anton Herbert Production Coordinator: Lisa Bradley Music Supervisor: Jeff Saltzman First Assistant Editor: Richard J. Rossi Location Manager: Bob Medcraft Art Direction: Sue Savage Cableman: Matthew Magrattan Second Second Assistant Director: Shari Nicotero Assistant Editor: Paul Kieran Hairstylist: Sherry Heart Sound Mixer: Jose Araujo Casting Associate: Dee Dee Wehle Assistant Editor: Elisa Cohen Hair Assistant: Kristin Mosier Movie Reviews: JPV852: Only the second time seeing this (last was probably in the early 2000s on DVD) and thought it was okay but guess like others, this has grown on me. Laughed throughout even when the dialogue wasn’t the greatest, but I have an appreciation...
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