#Claire Novak/Kevin Tran
asbeel · 3 months
I imagine Dean is protective as shit of his pie
Like he is hissing and scratching at anyone who even attempts to poke a fork into his pie
So if he lets you to reach out and eat a bit of his pie, it's a sign of respect
If he willingly hands you a slice of pie? Youre the fucking world to him
People I think Dean would let eat a bit of his pie:
- Mary Winchester
- Jack Kline
- Garth Fitzgerald
- Ellen Harvelle
- Kevin Tran
- Jody Mills
- Lisa Braeden
- Sam
People I think Dean would give a slice of pie to:
- himself (obviously)
- Sam (but he always refuses cos he's a health nut)
- Castiel
- Bobby
- Benny
- Charlie (sister energy)
- Jo (sister energy again [wdym they kissed they're literally siblings])
- Claire
- Eileen (as like a "ur my sister in law now" vibe)
- Missouri (fr she deserves some)
- Ben Braeden
I really wanted to add Crowley to this list but it's just the sad truth that Dean wouldn't trust him to be within 90ft of pie
And yes, John Winchester isn't on here. His ass does NOT deserve pie
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take-it-on-the-run · 4 months
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ididit-allofit-foryou · 3 months
supernatural post simulator part 1
(part 2)
🚗 impala67 Follow
any1 have a good pie recipe? #hangry
😈 6669 Follow
pu$$y in bi0
🚗 impala67 Follow
fuck off crowley i know its u. i WILL report u for harassment
🐝 chassiscrack Follow
Dean…how do you know it’s him? The only post on the blog is a picture of his dick. 🤨
🚗 impala67 Follow
…how do U know its HIS dick ???
🐝 chassiscrack Follow
…dm me.
🌕 queen-of-moons Follow
trouble at the devil’s sacrament i see 👀👀
#the tea is PIPING
(6 notes)
🐺 were-inthe-pire Follow
turns out getting sucked dry by your absolute bear of a vampire husband during a full moon helps lessen the effects of the transformation!!! who woulda thought! ! (& i don’t just mean by his fangs 😉🤭)
🧛‍♂️ pire-inthe-were Follow
anything for you, darlin 🖤
🚗 impala67 Follow
get a room u 2
#(love yall)
(458 notes)
🔪 knife-lesbian-freak Follow
which weapon is best for decapitations, trying to prove a point
machete 🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦 50%
sword 🟦🟦🟦 30%
razor wire (??) 0%
saw 🟦🟦 20%
final results 247 votes
🔪 knife-lesbian-freak Follow
see @.lawboy ??? wtf were you thinking using fucking RAZOR WIRE???
💻 lawboy Follow
It was all I had available!! It was creative and resourceful!!
🔪 knife-lesbian-freak Follow
whatever. 🙄
#i will never let you live that down istg
(73 notes)
🏍️ bik3rbarbi3 Follow
are my dark circles and scars and daddy issues and mommy issues and blood stained clothes and swagless demeanor bewitching & charming you yet?
🌟 dreamscape Follow
yes <3
🏍️ bik3rbarbi3 Follow
kaia bb ily <3
🌟 dreamscape Follow
ily2 <3
#txt me when ur home from hunt #dnt 4get again pls i wry
(3 notes)
💻 lawboy Follow
Hey all! As requested, I have made a comprehensive ranking of Céline Dion’s discography, including explanations for each song’s placement! Full list below the cut. :)
—-read more—
🚗 impala67 Follow
heh finally fessing up 2 ur music tastes samantha?
🍀 luckofthe-eirish Follow
finally fessing up to wearing pink satin panties (and liking it), dean?
🚗 impala67 Follow
🍀 luckofthe-eirish Follow
#thanks for the intel cas
(17 notes)
✍️ farethewell-deactivated20201112
does anyone want to hear about my ocs 😇🙏
🚗 impala67 Follow
💻 lawboy Follow
🐝 chassiscrack Follow
no. 🖕
🍀 luckofthe-eirish Follow
fuck off
🌟 dreamscape Follow
🏍️ bik3rbarbi3 Follow
i will fucking skin you bitch
🌕 queen-of-moons Follow
👤 ap-hansolo Follow
i reactivated my account JUST to tell you to go fuck yourself @farethewell-deactivated20201119
#literally NO ONE CARES
(32 notes)
🌳 anna-conda Follow
I have a foolproof process for deconstructing cultush religious indoctrination. step 1: Be reincarnated as a different species. step 2: Remember your past life and be admitted to a psych ward. step 3: ….well. I'm still workshopping. I will get back to you on that.
(3 notes)
👁️ lobotomizer3000 Follow
🐝 chassiscrack Follow
@.staff wtf you said she was perma-banned
🚗 impala67 Follow
yeah @.staff do ur job holy shit
👁️ lobotomizer3000 Follow
(3 notes)
👼 ilikenougat Follow
hi :)
(4,849,499 notes)
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presidentbidean · 2 years
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for @billiewena‘s birthday bash → bestiesnatural
based on the comic by @pencilscratchins in their Kevin and the Wonder Twins zine!
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nimblefoxes · 6 months
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I promised more Supercatural so here it is! 🐱 I’m glad y’all are enjoying these as much as I am!
I’ve only seen up to Season 8, so I hope the choices make sense for the newer characters! I tried as good as I can without further spoiling myself (somehow) 🫢
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cha0ticlesbian · 5 months
I need fics where ALL the characters are alive and together and I mean EVERYONE
Pls give me recs🫶
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pollsnatural · 4 months
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comfycuddles · 4 months
Some more quotes of my dumbass friends that I think fit supernatural characters
Gaberiël: Zeus, make Switzerland number 1, and my life is yours!
Bobby: I don't get this whole racist/sexism thing. I mean. Black people are shit, white people are shit, men are shit, women are shit, straight people are shit, gay people are shit. Everyone is equally shit. Deal with it.
Jack: My parents took my phone, and now all my snap-streaks are ruined. Now I feel like curling up in a little ball and cry.
Sam: Hey, remember when we had hopes and dreams and shit?
Dean: No...
Garth: I'm listening to my chicken nuggets in the fryer.
Kevin: School will start at 7:55. Somebody please end my life so I can die well-rested.
Dean: So what are we going to do?
Cas: *eating a gummybear* Drugs, like the bad bitches we are.
Claire: *Looking stressed*
Jody: What's wrong?
Claire: I fucked up.
Jody: What did you fuck up?
Claire: Life.
Dean: Which chipmunk do you think fits my personality?
Crowley: Theodore.
Dean: Why?
Crowley: Because you're always stuffing your fucking face. Which one am I?
Dean: Alvin.
Crowley: Why?
Dean: Because you can't shut the fuck up.
Sam: You still sleep with stuffed animals?
Charlie: I don't want them to be lonely...
Sam: So today, my hallway crush joined our table because there were no more seats left. I didn't realize this. So the first words my hallway crush has heard me say were: "No, I'm telling you. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson are superduperfuckingmegajumbo gay for each other. Unrelated note: Who wants to set me on fire?
Meg: People who commit murders really have no brain whatsoever. Use gloves people, they can detect fingerprints now!
Charlie: Every day you find out new stuff about yourself. Today I discovered my love for Winnie The Pooh.
Kevin: Don't you have like 40 teddy's of the Winnie The Pooh gang?
Charlie: Well America was always there as well, that still doesn't mean they didn't discover it!
Charlie: No, you don't understand. I NEED a big, floppy coat so that when I run it flaps behind me like a superhero cape.
Lucifer: I hate coffee, It's too bitter.
Balthazar: So? Fits with your personality.
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This is a day late but happy fathers day to dean winchester and bobby singer and no one else ever
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cup1dkz · 11 months
My delusional spn headcanon is that no one dies, and people just keep on moving into the men of letters bunker and at some point they're just like
"????who tf are all these gay people in our home"
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luulapants · 2 years
give me an ‘everyone lives’ bunker fic but it’s a complete disaster. kevin is popping pills, dean is drunk on a porn spiral, cas is mooning over dean like a miserable muppet, jack is an unsupervised child with a book of matches and unlimited superpowers, sam is compulsively enabling everything, and charlie uses up all the hot water and keeps posting vlogs about everyone else’s issues on youtube. claire came by three weeks ago and stole the big tv. no one noticed until yesterday, and now everyone is accusing everyone else of taking it. dean has his gun out.
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The Winchester Family: A Rant
Can I just say that Sheriff Jody Mills was more of a mother to Sam and Dean Winchester more than Mary ever was, even after Amara brought her back. Like I guess no hate to Mary...? But like isn't the whole thing about the Winchesters is that family isn't just blood. They developed wayy closer bonds than the ones with Mary, and I know it isn't necessarily her fault, but she wasn't there. Like I dunno, I just wasn't in love with Mary coming back, especially since when she did come back, it seemed like she saw they were grown up and like, didn't care..? Like it felt like she went "oh my job is done these are just two grown dudes that I gave birth to once." Like I know its a weird situation, but as a person who grew up watching Once Upon a Time, where like almost the same thing happened, with Snow, David, and Emma, I can't help but compare their reactions and Mary just didn't stack up.
Snow and David were so ecstatic to see Emma and tried so hard to make up for lost time and parent her as much as they could. They kept trying even as Emma pushed them away saying she was grown and that her and her parents were technically the same age. Throughout the show they found a way to still be her parents while still acknowledging she was grown. It was really beautiful to see, but in comparison Mary did not stack up.
Yes, she is a badass, and, yes, her identity should not solely surround her being the boys' mother, but that doesn't mean she shouldn't be a mother at all. It would've been nice to see her figure out a way to strike the balance the Snow and David did, and I never got that vibe. In Supernatural, it seemed the opposite. It was Dean and Sam trying to be her sons and she pushed them away for the same reasons. I'm not saying she was a bad person, or even a bad mother, as it was a really weird situation and I can't necessarily blame her for how she dealt with it. What I AM saying, though, is that her name had no right to be carved onto that table. Point. Blank. Period.
Also, by the way, since I'm complaining, that weird episode with the pearl thing that let John Winchester come back so they could have a family dinner?????? As if that could truly be what Dean desired. Are you fucking kidding me. John sucked, made them both feel like shit, abused them, and yet that was the "family dinner" we got. It's been a while since I watched the show, so Idk a timeline, but screw the timeline for a sec. Across the entire show, a true family dinner would be Dean and Cas with their son Jack, Sam as the Uncle with Eileen, Bobby and Jody as the Dean and Sam's parents (because, unlike Mary, I very much feel like Jody struck that balance even though they weren't her actual sons) and Jody's brigade of wayward sisters trailing behind her, Donna as like the step-mother or aunt (Idk how Donna fits, I just LOVE Donna), and Charlie as Sam and Dean's little sister. Jo, Ellen, and Ash pop in with Rufus as those family members that are close, but you can't quite pinpoint how exactly you're related to them. Bonus: Kevin and Linda Tran come over like friendly neighbors because, even though they have a family of their own, the Trans are definitely close to the Winchesters, though, whether they like it or not. As much as I'd like to add Adam (to make up for him being left in the pit), I have a feeling he wouldn't want to. He seemed like a guy who refused to subscribe to the idea that because they were blood, they were family. (Maybe Sam and Dean should've learned a thing or two).
Sam and Dean had a much bigger, and better, family then just John and Mary, but it was never really acknowledged fully and in the best way.
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take-it-on-the-run · 5 months
Claire Novak Playlist
"I kill monsters. That's who the hell I am."
Claire Novak Masterlist | Supernatural Masterlist | Main Page Masterlist
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A/N: RAHH I love Claire sm. Also, I wish this was longer, so I'm probably going to add to it if I find any more songs
Francis Forever // Mitski
I don't need the world to see; that I've been the best I can be, but; I don't think I could stand to be; where you can't see me
Lost Cause // Beck
I'm tired of fightin' ; fighting for a lost cause
Make Me Wanna Die // The Pretty Reckless
And everytime I look inside your eyes (I'm burning in the light); you make me wanna die
Sister // She Wants Revenge
You better lie down cause the angels are watching
Brand New City // Mitski
I should move to a brand new city; and teach myself how to die
Carmen // Lana Del Rey
Only seventeen, but she walks the streets so mean; it's alarmin', truly how disarmin', you can be
All I Need // Radiohead
I am a moth; who just wants to share your light; I'm just an insect; trying to get out of the night
Motion Sickness // Phoebe Bridgers
I have emotional motion sickness; somebody roll the windows down; there are no words in the English language; I could scream to drown you out
Gilded Lily // Cults
Always the fool with the slowest heart
Skinny Love // Bon Iver
Come on, skinny love, just last the year; pour a little salt, we were never here
First Love/Late Spring // Mitski
And I was so young when I behaved 25; yet now, I find I've grown into a small child
Working for the Knife // Mitski
I cry at the start of every movie; I guess 'cause I wish I was making things too
Taking What's Not Yours // TV Girl
You know where to find me; and I know where to look
Cinnamon Girl // Lana Del Rey
There's things I wanna say to you; but I'll just let you live; like if you hold me without hurting me; you'll be the first who ever did
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papercute · 11 months
dean is a bi trans man cas is gay & non-binary sam is pansexual jack is aroace claire is a lesbian donna is bicurious jody is a lesbian kevin is gay. hope this helps
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redpool · 1 year
Because we are moving, I've been rewatching Supernatural while packing and I've decided i want to make a list of the episodes that i actually like (meaning that I actually like what I'm watching).
Season 1:
Episode 1 'Pilot' - Minus the intro, i usually skip that
Episode 2 'Wendigo' - That last bit, where Dean has the bandage on his throat... *insert debby ryan meme here*
Episode 3 'Dead in the Water' - Enough said, i mean come on..
Episode 5 'Bloody Mary' - I used to be terrified of this ep. But the way the boys are so soft and comforting towards the girls. (and Mary is pretty)
Episode 7 'Hook Man' - Love me some hook man. and the black shirt and brown jacket combo on Dean *chefs kiss*
Episode 12 'Faith' - Dean is just really attractive to me i this ep, he's so sick and pathetic looking and i love it... THE HOODIE
Episode 19 'Provenance' - Idk why "HOLY, BLONDE, CHEERLEADER, BATMAN" < I quote that so so much
Season 2:
Episode 2 'Everybody Loves A Clown' -
I want to say Bloodlust because of Benny but I hate that other shitbird
Episode 4 'Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things' - Its just a fun ep
Episode 5 'Simon Said' - ASH MY LOVE!!!!!
Episode 6 'No Exit' - America's first known serial killer
Episode 11 'Playthings' - "Of course, the most troubling question is: Why do these people assume we're gay?" "Well, you are kinda butch, but I just think you're overcompensating."
Episode 15 'Tall Tales' - GABE MY LOVE!!!!!!
Episode 17 'Heart' - uhhh werewolves, need I say more?
Episode 18 'Hollywood Babylon' - another idk why
Episode 19 'Folsom Prison Blues' - two words, Blue. Steel.
Season 3:
Episode 3 'Bad Day At Black Rock' - Bela *Insert debby ryan meme*
Episode 5 'Bedtime Stories' - another fun one
Episode 6 'Red Sky at Morning' - Bela, my love!'
Episode 8 'A Very Supernatural Christmas' - Protective Dean, "You fudging touch me again, I'll fudging kill ya!"
Episode 11 'Mystery Spot' - GABE MY LOVE!!!!!!
Episode 13 'Ghostfacers' - GHOST- GHOSTFACERS, I also love that we see a whole different version of the Winchesters. (sweary)
Season 4:
Episode 1 'Lazarus Rising' - The beginning of the longest queerbaiting relationship ever
Episode 4 'Monster Movie' - do I really need to explain?
Episode 6 'Yellow Fever' - "I'll man the flashlight!"
Episode 7 ' It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester' - ngl the title makes no sense, and there is a reason, i just can't think of it.
Episode 8 'Wishful Thinking' - another fun episode, this is the episode that, that kid that killed his mum and set out to take the Canadian prime minster out is in.
Episode 12 'Criss Angel Is a Douche Bag' - *shrugs*
Episode 13 'After School Special' - BABY SAM, younger Dean 😏
Episode 14 'Sex and Violence' - BI DEAD BI DEAN BI DEAN BI DEAN
Episode 18 'The Monster at the End of This Book' - also *shrug*
Episode 19 'Jump the Shark' - ADAM!!!! Adam ☹️😢
Season 5:
Episode 5 'Fallen Idols' - another fun episode
Episode 6 'I Believe the Children Are Out Future' - JESSE!!!!! There was so much potential in this kid, we could have the greatest duo with Jesse and Jack.
Episode 7 'The Curious Case of Dean Winchester' - BI DEAD BI DEAN BI DEAN BI DEAN
Episode 8 'Changing Channels' - GABE MY LOVE!!!!!!!!
Episode 9 'The Real Ghostbusters' - fair enough
Episode 11 'Sam, Interrupted' - ✨therapy✨
Episode 12 'Swap Meat' - fun episode
Episode 14 'My Bloody Valentine' - "I don't like it!" "No one likes it."
Episode 17 '99 Problems' - "Not you. Or me. Sam of course is an abomination. We'll have to find someone else." & "Well, what is she, exactly?" "The whore." "Wow, Cas, tell us what you really think."
Episode 18 'Point of No Return' - ADAM!!!! Adam... ☹️😢
Episode 19 'Hammer of the Gods' - GABE!!!!! Gabe.... ☹️😢
Episode 21 'Two Minutes to Midnight' - OH, DEATH, OH, DEATH, OH, DEATH,
Episode 22 'Swan Song' - THE BEGINNIG OF MIADAM!!!! funny story, when i had an iPhone i had "Hey, Assbutt" as my text tone and it was almost as scary as when I had Obi-Wan's "Hello there"
Season 6:
Episode 3 'The Third Man' - BALTHAZAR MY LOVE!!!!!!!!
Episode 9 'Clap Your Hands If You Believe' - Souless!Sam is a dick but I kinda love him.
Episode 17 'My Heart Will Go On' - BALTHAZAR!!!!!!!! "Sorry, you have me confused with the other angel. You know, the one in the dirty trench coat who's in love with you."
Episode 18 'Frontierland' - Why is Elias kinda hot...?
Episode 19 'Mommy Dearest' - I just like the bar scene
Season 7:
Episode 1 'Meet the New Boss' - "And who says you speak for God? You're wrong. I am utterly indifferent to sexual orientation. On the other hand, I cannot abide hypocrites like you, Reverend." "Okay, fun's over, friend" "Tell your flock where your genitals have been before you speak for Me." "And who the heck are you?" "I'm God.", basically the whole church scene
Episode 5 'Shut Up, Dr. Phil' - It's just a funny episode
Episode 9 'How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters' - "I think you pissed off my sandwich."
Episode 14 'Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie' - "Ha! I'm sorry, you look like you got attacked by some PCP-crazed strippers."
Episode 20 'The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo' -CHARLIE BABY!!!!!!
Episode 21 'Reading is Fundamental' - KEVIN MY LOVE!!!!!!
Season 8:
Episode 1 'We Need to Talk About Kevin' - That whole first scene, BENNY MY LOVE!!!!!!
Episode 2 'What's Up, Tiger Mommy?' - ALFIE!!!!!!!!! BENNY!!!!!!!
Episode 4 'Bitten' - outside perspectives are always funny
Episode 5 'Blood Brother' - BENNNY!!!! Vampirates.
Episode 6 'Southern Comfort' - GARTH!!!!!
Episode 7 'A Little Slice of Kevin' - KEVIN!!!! Dean isn't even trying to hide his gay.
Episode 8 'Hunteri Heroici' - I'll introgate the cat."
Episode 9 'Citizen Fang' - I hate this episode but yeah
Episode 11 'LARP and the Real Girl' - CHARLIE, MY LOVE!!!!!!
Episode 12 'As Time Goes By' - HENRY, MY LOVE!!!!!!
Episode 13 'Everybody Hates Hitler' - Adam Rose is in it, do i need to continue?
Episode 15 'Man's Best Friend with Benefits' - I hate witches but this ep is good.
Episode 20 'Pac-Man Fever' -
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Episode 23 'Sacrifice' - The last scene and speech that Dean says to Sam.
Season 9:
Episode 1 'I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here' - GADDY!!!!!! MY BABY!!!!!!
Episode 4 'Slumber Party' - CHARLIE!!!!! TIIO!!!!!!
Episode 5 'Dog Dean Afternoon' - just a fun one, the pigeon is the best character in this episode.
Episode 8 'Rock and a Hard Place' - "But when you get down to it, what's the big deal? Sure, there's the touching and the feeling all of each other, my hands everywhere, tracing every inch of her body. The two of us moving together, pressing, pulling, grinding, and then you hit that sweet spot and everything just builds, builds and builds until it all just... [Makes explosion noise] ...But the whole thing was just a little too sticky."
Episode 13 'The Purge' - Out of all of the creatures in this show the Pishtacos are my favourite.
Episode 15 '#thinman' - the return of the Ghostfacers, they're so gay for eachother.
Episode 16 'Blade Runners' - sexy
Episode 19 'Alex Annie Alexis Ann' - ALEX!!!!!!!
Season 10:
Episode 1 'Black' - DEMON!DEAN FOR THE WIN!!!!
Episode 2 'Reichenbach' - Demon Dean...
Episode 3 'Soul Survivor' - Demon Dean.
Episode 4 'Paper Moon' - KATE!!!!
Episode 5 'Fan Fiction' - Do I really need to explain why I like this one? 🎶"JOHN AND MARY, HUSBAND AND WIFE, BRINGING HOME A BRAND NEW LIFE, HIS NAME IS SAMMY, I'M BIG BROTHER DEAN"🎶
Episode 6 'Ask Jeeves' - the interactions are just really funny.
Episode 7 'Girls, Girls, Girls' - ROWENA!!!!!! the only witch I can stand.
Episode 8 'Hibbing 911' - JODIY AND DONNA SUPREMACY!!!!
Episode 12 'About a Boy' - Just a fun episode
Episode 13 'Halt & Catch Fire' - ghosts are always fun episodes
Episode 14 'The Executioner's Song' - the end of Cain
Episode 15 'The Things They Carried' - probably my favourite Cole episode.
Episode 16 'Paint It Black' - I just like this ep
Episode 19 'The Werther Project' - BENNY!!!!!!
Season 11:
Episode 4 'Baby' - self explained, i'd say.
Episode 5 'Thin Lizzie' - idk why
Episode 7 'Plush' - its just funny
Episode 8 'Just My Imagination' - 'She's got sparkle on her face!'
Episode 11 'Into the Mystic' -
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Episode 12 'Don't You Forget About Me' - DAD DEAN DAD DEAN DAD DEAN DAD DEAN
Season 12:
Episode 6 'Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox' - It's just funny watching people react the way they do towards the boys.
Episode 8 'LOTUS' - ARTHUR!!!!!!
Episode 11 'Regarding Dean' - Considering that he was going to die this and the Zanna episode are my all time favourites.
Season 13:
Episode 1 'Lost and Found' - JACK!!!!!!! MY BABY!!!!!!!
Episode 2 'The Rising Son' - Jack means a lot to me.
Episode 4 'The Big Empty' - ✨therapy✨
Episode 16 'Scoobynatural' - I like it when they give us a break from the on-going trauma filled story lines.
Season 14:
Episode 4 'Mint Condition' - fun episode
Episode 6 'Optimism' - fun episode
have you guys seen this yet? this is such a cool picture.
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Season 15:
Episode 1 'Back and to the Future' - BELPHEGOR!!!!! (i only like Alex's version)
Episode 2 'Raising Hell' - a trip down memory lane
Episode 3 'The Rapture' - *shrugs*
Episode 7 'Last Call' - I just think its funny how Dean faked being able to sing for all those years, I assume to make Sam laugh.
Episode 8 'Our Father, Who Aren't In Heaven' - ADAM!!!!!!! MIDAM!!!!!!! THATS A RELATIONSHIP I WANNA JOIN!!! Oh and its a win for Destial too i guess.
Episode 15 'Gimme Shelter' - Jack & Dean bonding experience.
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kjosi · 2 years
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