#Clan History (WC)
plush0fairy · 2 months
- Fashion of the clans -
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blimbo-buddy · 10 months
It's so funny to me to see the lengths people would go to as to insist that you're not a good person or are questionable if you wished ShadowSight had died in ALITM instead
"But it implies that you can't heal from your trauma and it'd just be sad". A: How does it imply that, B: I dunno I think ShadowSight gaining his autonomy back and killing his abuser feels narratively satisfying C: ShadowSight isn't real D: Throwing yourself into evil death water to destroy the antichrist and save your world isn't a thing that happens
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warriors-ideas · 11 months
inspired by anon's starclan confession:
an eclipse/long shadows au where shadowclan's like "yeah starclan sucks" but they still remain a clan. like. let them be critical but don't let it break them, y'know? bc the clans deserve better than the shit starclan has given them over the years
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shummthechumm · 1 year
im kind of torn between keeping skyclan disbanded like canon FQ does, and firestar goes to help rebuild them--or have skyclan still exist (even loosely), and they actually have been functioning as their own little thing for decades now.
like the latter could really cement in firestars mind that the code is not a universally beneficial thing (which he was already question HEAVILY once bluestar reveals that starclan had been lying to everyone about the 4 clans bullshit).
a firestar that feels disconnected from starclan and instead finds strength through his own judgement is always a treat. his desire to lead and protect his clanmates + helping those outside of his clan exists outside of whatever predetermined BS starclan thought they had planned for him. in summary, firestar spends the book unravelling the programming that the clans put him through since he joined.
on the other hand though...i do like that firestar gave starclan the biggest middle finger and actively spends a few months or whatever rebuilding skyclan with his own two paws. reformed skyclan can still be unique and eventually lean more towards the whole "outside of the main clans/code thing", instead of instantly becoming xenophobic like they do in canon. i want them to have automany in their own decisions, but the only way i can see that happening is if firestar didnt try to hammer in the code and whatnot as much as he does in the actual book. bleh
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
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world's worst throuple
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crossed-paws · 1 month
Crossed Paws, Book 1: Rising
The Clan Lore of Crossed Paws
In my universe, unlike in canon, StarClan can interfere with the world of the living but also functions much closer to our concept of the afterlife. It is a spiritual and supernatural place that cannot be observed but there are occasions when cats with "special" abilities can communicate with StarClan under certain conditions.
Cats with these abilities can communicate with StarClan at Three Trees, the burial site of the Fang Trio, and can receive prophecies and messages. These cats act as messengers between the Clans and the cats of StarClan.
The Warrior Code is a concept that doesn't strictly exist, however, there is an unspoken set of rules that the Clans and Clan cats follow in their daily lives to ensure a peaceful existence alongside each other. There are a handful of rules which are universal, such as protecting the young and elderly, though the stances on other rules can vary from leader to leader.
The clans were founded in the early 1900s, though how they actually came to be is unknown to the current generation of Clan cats, however, many legends and stories surround the founders of the original three clans. Of these legends and stories, only one has ever been believed by Clan cats to be truthful, though some cats are even doubtful of this since these stories all come from the elders.
Due to the introduction of herbs and plants into the Clans and the training of Herbalists, the Clans are a lot larger than they were in the past and this has made survival more important than ever, especially due to the current famines that are occurring.
Though the Clans were originally created to be a unification of cats under the Fang Trio, eventually there were periods of infighting and conflict which led to separation into four clans rather than the original three.
Currently, the political state of the Clans is complicated. Some moons, they are living peacefully, though other moons are wrought with conflict and violence. Right now, they are somewhere between the two, with WoodClan still recovering from the reign of their previous leader, Woodstar, who had led the Clan to the brink of starvation.
The ranks within the Clans are much different in my universe than they are in Warriors canon. There are many more ranks, as well as titles that the most prestigious and honoured cats may receive. Other cats may also receive significant titles based on achievements, and a special ceremony is held in order for a title to be bestowed. Among the Clans, this is known as the Honouring Ritual.
A Sentinel is a highly respected and crucial role within the Clan, typically filled by the most vigilant and experienced Warriors. These seasoned Warriors are entrusted with the vital task of guarding the Clan's territory and ensuring the safety of their fellow Clanmates. Their duties include conducting border patrols to detect and respond to potential threats, such as intruding predators or rival Clans, as well as performing nightly vigils at the camp entrance. Sentinels must remain alert and observant, ready to act swiftly to protect the Clan and maintain its security.
Beyond physical demands, the role of a Sentinel is mentally challenging, requiring not only combat skills but also the wisdom and experience to anticipate and address dangers. Their presence as the first line of defense is a key factor in the Clan's survival, and their unwavering dedication symbolizes the strength, loyalty, and protective values of the Clan. As such, Sentinels are held in high regard, their commitment and vigilance serving as a cornerstone of the Clan's security and peace of mind.
A Mentor in the Clans is a prestigious role given to experienced Warriors who are responsible for training young Apprentices, preparing them to become full-fledged Warriors. This involves not only teaching combat techniques but also instructing in stealth, hunting, and other essential skills for survival. A key part of a Mentor's role is to instill in their Apprentices the Warrior Code, ensuring they understand the values of loyalty, honour, and respect that are central to Clan life.
The bond between Mentor and Apprentice is significant and often extends beyond the Apprentice's training period. Mentors serve as role models, shaping their Apprentice's character and guiding them in understanding their responsibilities within the Clan. The effectiveness of a Mentor is seen in the growth and maturity of their Apprentice, making mentorship a vital aspect of the Clan's continuity and strength.
In the Clans, the rank of Fighter is a prestigious title bestowed upon the most ferocious and formidable Warriors, those whose exceptional combat skills and fierce demeanor have earned them high regard within their Clan. Fighters are often seen as the ultimate defenders of their Clan, possessing not only raw strength but also a deep understanding of battle tactics and an unyielding spirit. Their prowess in combat sets them apart from other warriors, marking them as individuals who can be relied upon in the most perilous situations.
The duties of a Fighter are extensive and vary from Clan to Clan, reflecting the unique challenges and threats faced by each group. However, common responsibilities include fending off predators that pose a danger to the Clan, such as large predators or rival animals, as well as engaging in combat with Fighters from other Clans during territorial disputes or wars. Fighters are often called upon during times of conflict, their skills pivotal in ensuring the Clan's survival and dominance. Due to their exceptional abilities and the critical nature of their role, Fighters are frequently honoured in special ceremonies, such as the Honouring Ritual, where they are often bestowed with significant titles that recognize their contributions and valor. This recognition not only solidifies their status within the Clan but also serves as an inspiration to other Warriors, highlighting the importance of strength, bravery, and dedication to the Clan's cause.
The rank of Hunter is a specialized and respected position reserved for members who exhibit exceptional skill in the essential tasks of hunting, foraging, and scavenging. Hunters are the lifeblood of the Clan, responsible for ensuring a steady supply of food and resources that sustain their fellow Clanmates. This rank is typically awarded to younger and more agile cats, whose speed, sharp reflexes, and keen senses make them particularly adept at these critical tasks.
While most Hunters focus on honing their hunting skills, mastering the art of stalking prey and making swift, precise kills, they are also required to possess a basic knowledge of both foraging and scavenging. This versatility is crucial, as the availability of prey can fluctuate with the seasons, and the Clan must rely on other sources of sustenance during lean times. Foraging involves gathering edible plants, herbs, and other natural resources, while scavenging may require locating and retrieving carrion or other usable materials from the environment. The rank of Hunter is therefore not just about physical prowess but also about adaptability, resourcefulness, and a deep understanding of the environment, making these cats indispensable to the Clan’s survival.
The rank of Protector holds a critical role within the Clan, embodying the essence of loyalty, vigilance, and strength. Protectors are the backbone of the Clan's defense, ensuring the safety and stability of both the leadership and the broader community. Their primary function is to safeguard the Clan's leaders, such as the High Saint or Ambassadors, who rely on Protectors to shield them from any potential threats, both external and internal. These Protectors are typically the most experienced and battle-hardened members of the Clan, trusted for their unwavering dedication and exceptional combat skills. They serve as a personal guard unit, constantly by the side of the leadership, ready to act at a moment's notice to preserve the well-being and authority of those in power.
Meanwhile, the younger and less experienced Protectors take on a slightly different, yet equally important, role within the Clan. These Protectors are assigned to patrol groups, where they learn the intricacies of their duties under the guidance of a Sentinel. These patrol groups are responsible for scouting the Clan's territory and ensuring that it remains free from threats such as predators, rival Clans, or other dangers. Patrols are meticulously scheduled to take place at Sun Rise, Sun High, and Sun Fall, ensuring that the Clan’s borders are consistently monitored throughout the day. These patrols are not only vital for maintaining the security of the Clan’s territory but also serve as a rigorous training ground for young Protectors, helping them to develop the skills, instincts, and discipline required to eventually ascend to the ranks of those who guard the leadership. Through this structured and tiered approach, Protectors play an indispensable role in maintaining the integrity, safety, and continuity of the Clan.
Within the Clans, the role of Prophet is a revered and mystical position, reserved for those who have been blessed with the extraordinary ability to communicate directly with StarClan, the ancestral spirits who guide and watch over the living. Prophets are not merely Healers; they are considered the spiritual leaders of the Clan, serving as the voice of StarClan and interpreting the will of their ancestors. These cats are chosen based on their ability to establish a strong connection with StarClan, a gift that is both rare and sacred. The depth and clarity of this connection determine a prophet's standing within the Clan’s spiritual hierarchy.
The internal ranking system of Prophets reflects the varying degrees of their connection to StarClan, with the highest rank being a Cassiopeian Prophet and the lowest an Orion Prophet. A Cassiopeian Prophet, akin to a cardinal in human religious systems, holds the greatest spiritual authority and is often seen as the chief interpreter of StarClan's will. This Prophet guides not only their own Clan but also provides spiritual counsel to other Clans, making them a figure of immense influence and respect.
On the other end of the spectrum, an Orion Prophet, comparable to a deacon, may have a less direct connection with StarClan but still plays a crucial role in the spiritual life of the Clan. These Prophets may assist in rituals, offer guidance to younger cats, and support the higher-ranking Prophets in their duties. Together, Prophets at all levels work to ensure that the will of StarClan is understood and followed, maintaining the spiritual health and unity of the Clan.
The Shaman within a Clan holds a deeply sacred and mystical role, standing apart from other Healers due to their unique and extraordinary abilities. Unlike typical Healers who focus on the physical well-being of their Clanmates, a Shaman serves as a crucial link between the visible world and the spirit world. This cat possesses the rare and revered gift of being able to leave their physical body and travel into the spirit realm, a skill that is both awe-inspiring and vital to the spiritual health of the Clan. The Shaman’s role is not only to heal physical wounds but also to navigate the complex spiritual landscape, ensuring harmony between the living and the spirits of their ancestors.
One of the Shaman's most important duties is to assist Cassiopeian Prophets during burial rites. In this capacity, the Shaman plays a key role in ensuring that a Warrior’s spirit is properly guided into StarClan, the revered afterlife where the Clan’s ancestors reside. This sacred responsibility involves intricate rituals and deep spiritual knowledge, as the Shaman helps to secure the safe passage of the deceased, ensuring they join the ranks of StarClan.
Beyond this, the Shaman possesses a unique and formidable ability unmatched by any other Clan member: the power to communicate with the spirits of both the Dark Forest and the Unnamed Residence — realms associated with the more malevolent or lost souls. This ability to interact with these darker aspects of the spirit world makes the Shaman an essential figure in protecting the Clan from potential spiritual dangers, as well as offering a chance for redemption or understanding for those spirits that dwell outside of StarClan's light. The successor of the Shaman is chosen explicitly by StarClan once the previous Shaman has passed on.
Within a Clan, the rank of Herbalist is a fundamental and highly valued position, despite being the most common among Healers. These cats are the medical experts of the Clan, possessing extensive knowledge of the various herbs and plants that grow within their territory and beyond. Their expertise lies in the identification, properties, and applications of these natural remedies, which they skillfully employ to treat a wide range of ailments. From soothing minor wounds to combating serious infections and illnesses, Herbalists are the primary caregivers who ensure the Clan remains healthy and strong.
Although their role might seem ordinary compared to the more mystical ranks like Shamans or Prophets, Herbalists are actually among the most crucial members of the Clan. They are the first line of defense against the physical ailments that can threaten the well-being of their fellow Clanmates. Whether tending to a Fighter injured in battle, curing an Apprentice of an illness, or easing the suffering of an Elder with chronic pain, Herbalists are constantly at work, applying their deep understanding of nature’s medicine. Their steady, reliable presence is vital for the Clan’s daily survival, making them indispensable in maintaining the health and resilience of the community. The Herbalist's knowledge is often passed down through generations, ensuring that each new Herbalist is as skilled and prepared as those who came before, safeguarding the Clan's future through their healing paws.
A Seer is a unique and highly revered type of Prophet within the Clan, distinguished by their ability to receive and interpret visions directly from StarClan. Unlike standard Prophets, who primarily serve as interpreters of the ancestral messages and guidance, Seers are granted a more profound connection to the spiritual realm. They experience vivid, often prophetic visions that provide insights into what StarClan is currently doing or revealing. These visions can encompass a wide range of spiritual and temporal insights, including omens, glimpses of future events, or messages meant to influence the Clan's decisions.
The role of a Seer extends beyond mere interpretation of spiritual messages; they are instrumental in advising the leadership on how to navigate upcoming challenges and opportunities based on the divine omens they receive. Their visions often come as dreams or sudden flashes of insight, and they require careful contemplation and analysis to decode their full meaning. Seers are expected to provide the Clan's leaders with guidance that aligns with the will of StarClan, helping them to make informed decisions that will shape the future of the Clan. This direct line to the divine and the foresight offered by their visions make seers invaluable assets, as they help the Clan anticipate and prepare for what lies ahead, ensuring that their strategies and actions are in harmony with the broader spiritual direction provided by their ancestors.
The rank of Trainee is a fundamental stage in a young cat's development within the Clan, marking the transition from a carefree Sacred to a disciplined and skilled member of the Warrior ranks. Unlike other Apprenticeships that might be geared toward a specific role within the Clan, Trainees are given a broad and comprehensive education that prepares them for any potential path under the rank of a Warrior. This phase of training is designed to equip them with a well-rounded set of skills, ensuring they are versatile and adaptable, ready to serve the Clan in whatever capacity is needed when they reach maturity.
Each Trainee is assigned to a Mentor, an experienced Warrior who takes on the responsibility of guiding their development. Mentors usually oversee groups of three or four Trainees, creating a collaborative learning environment where young cats can learn from both their Mentor and each other. The training they receive is extensive and covers a wide range of essential Warrior skills. This includes combat techniques to prepare them for battles, hunting strategies to ensure the Clan is well-fed, as well as specialized abilities such as climbing and swimming — vital for navigating the varied terrains within and beyond their territory. Mentors tailor their instruction to suit the needs and strengths of their Trainees, often incorporating additional skills they deem valuable, depending on the specific challenges the Clan may face. This period of rigorous training is crucial, as it lays the foundation for the Trainees to grow into capable and resourceful Warriors, ready to uphold the honor and security of the Clan. The Trainee training period typically lasts until the Trainee reaches the age of twelve moons.
Junior Herbalist
The rank of Junior Herbalist is a specialized apprenticeship within the Clan, dedicated to training young cats to become full-fledged Herbalists, the primary Healers. This apprenticeship lasts as long as a general Trainee's, but its focus is exclusively on the medicinal arts. Each Junior Herbalist is paired with a seasoned Herbalist Mentor who teaches them to identify various plants, understand their medicinal properties, and apply them correctly. This hands-on training covers everything from treating wounds and infections to curing illnesses, ensuring a thorough understanding of herbal medicine.
In addition to their theoretical education, Junior Herbalists accompany Hunters on foraging patrols. These patrols provide practical field training in identifying and harvesting the necessary herbs in their natural habitats. This dual approach ensures Junior Herbalists are well-versed in both the knowledge and practical skills required for their role. By the end of their apprenticeship, they are fully prepared to transition into the rank of a full Herbalist, ready to maintain the health and well-being of their Clan.
The rank of Disciple is a specialized branch of Apprentice within the Clan, distinguished by their unique connection to StarClan and their innate spiritual abilities. Unlike regular Apprentices who are trained for various Warrior roles, Disciples are carefully chosen by Prophets and Seers due to their remarkable potential to communicate with StarClan. Often, these young cats have already begun receiving messages or visions from their ancestors, though they typically struggle to understand or interpret the spiritual guidance they receive. This natural but unrefined connection to the divine sets them apart, marking them as future spiritual leaders or guides within the Clan.
Disciple training is an open-ended process with no fixed completion date. Unlike other forms of apprenticeship, which have a clear timeline, the training of a Disciple continues until they demonstrate sufficient proficiency in their spiritual abilities. This training is deeply immersive and involves learning how to interpret visions, understand divine omens, and accurately receive messages from StarClan. The Cassiopeian Prophet, one of the highest spiritual authorities within the Clan, plays a crucial role in this process, assessing each Disciple's progress. Only when the Cassiopeian Prophet is confident in a Disciple's ability to reliably connect with and interpret StarClan's will do they declare their training complete. This rigorous and deeply spiritual journey prepares Disciples for their future roles as spiritual conduits within the Clan, ensuring that they are ready to guide their Clanmates with wisdom and divine insight.
Apprentice Mentor
The rank of Apprentice Mentor is a distinguished position within the Clan, separate from the general Apprentice rank, and is reserved for those young cats who have shown a particular talent for assisting their fellow Apprentices during their own training. This role is not automatically assigned but is instead offered to those Apprentices who have demonstrated a natural inclination towards leadership, guidance, and teaching. Typically, a Mentor may recommend a cat for this role after observing their helpfulness, patience, and ability to effectively support and instruct others in their group.
Becoming an Apprentice Mentor is unique within the Clan because it is one of the few ranks that a cat can pursue by request rather than being assigned based on necessity or ability alone. Once an Apprentice expresses interest and is deemed suitable, they undergo a specialized training period that is notably shorter than that of regular apprenticeship, lasting only six moons. Despite its brevity, this training is intense and requires a great deal of patience and dedication. Apprentice Mentors are taught how to refine their teaching techniques, learn more advanced skills, and develop the qualities necessary to guide younger Apprentices through their training. The goal is to prepare them not only to excel in their own warrior duties but also to take on the responsibility of mentoring future generations of Clan members, ensuring the continued strength and unity of the Clan.
The rank of Mediator is a specialized Apprentice role within the Clan, designed for those destined to become Ambassadors — cats who play a crucial role in mediating and overseeing negotiations between various parties, whether within the Clan or between the Clan and external groups. Unlike other apprenticeships, the path to becoming a Mediator begins only after a cat has completed twelve moons of foundational Warrior training under the guidance of a Mentor. This ensures that aspiring Mediators possess a solid understanding of the Clan's culture, values, and warrior skills before embarking on their specialized training.
Once the initial Warrior training is complete, Mediator training focuses intensely on the development of negotiation and diplomacy skills. This period of training is relatively brief, lasting only four to six moons, but it is highly concentrated and tailored to the specific abilities and previous experiences of the Apprentice. During this time, the Mediator Apprentice hones their ability to navigate complex discussions, mediate disputes, and foster understanding between conflicting parties. The training emphasizes the importance of neutrality, empathy, and strategic thinking, all essential qualities for an effective Ambassador. Upon completion, the Mediator is well-prepared to take on the vital role of ensuring peaceful and fair resolutions to conflicts, safeguarding the interests of the Clan while maintaining harmonious relationships both within and beyond their borders.
The Herald of a Clan holds a position equivalent in rank to that of a Deputy in traditional Warriors canon, serving as a key advisor and right hand to the High Saint, the Clan's leader. This prestigious role involves a wide range of responsibilities that are crucial to the smooth functioning of the Clan. One of the primary duties of the Herald is to assist the High Saint in overseeing various ceremonial aspects of Clan life, such as Naming Ceremonies where young cats receive their official names and ranks, and Honouring Rituals that celebrate significant achievements or transitions within the Clan.
In addition to their ceremonial duties, the Herald plays a vital role in maintaining communication and diplomacy between Clans. They are entrusted with the responsibility of carrying official messages and representing the Clan during crucial gatherings. Every full moon, the Herald is tasked with attending the Gathering, an important meeting where representatives from all Clans come together to discuss matters of mutual concern, resolve disputes, and share news. During these Gatherings, the Herald serves as the voice of their Clan, delivering messages and negotiating on behalf of the High Saint, ensuring that the Clan's interests are well-represented and that relations with other Clans remain stable and constructive. The role of the Herald is, therefore, integral to both the internal harmony of the Clan and its external diplomatic relations.
The Ambassadors of a Clan are esteemed diplomats who hold the crucial responsibility of managing negotiations, trade agreements, and other diplomatic engagements on behalf of their Clan. These cats are more than just negotiators; they are the official representatives of their Clan's values, culture, and interests, ensuring that their Clan's voice is heard and respected in all external interactions. Ambassadors are carefully chosen for their keen understanding of diplomacy, their ability to navigate complex situations, and their skill in fostering positive relations with other Clans and outside groups. Their work often involves delicate discussions where they must balance the needs and desires of their own Clan with the expectations and demands of others, making their role essential for maintaining peace and securing beneficial alliances.
In addition to their individual duties, Ambassadors play a vital role during significant Clan events, particularly at Gatherings where Ambassadors accompany the Herald and High Saint, providing strategic support and advice in any negotiations that arise between Clans. Their presence strengthens the Clan's position in these discussions, as they bring a deep understanding of diplomatic nuances and are adept at guiding conversations toward favorable outcomes. Whether it's securing trade deals, mediating conflicts, or representing their Clan's stance on important issues, Ambassadors are instrumental in shaping the external relationships of their Clan and safeguarding its future.
High Saint
The High Saint is the revered leader of a Clan, a position of immense power and responsibility, chosen by the divine will of StarClan with the crucial assistance of the Shaman. Typically, the cat elevated to this esteemed role has already proven themselves as a Herald or an Ambassador, demonstrating the leadership qualities and diplomatic acumen necessary to guide the Clan. Once selected, the High Saint undergoes the sacred Leadership Rite, a profound ceremony where StarClan bestows upon them the extraordinary gift of nine lives.
Each of these lives is tied to a distinct personality trait, such as courage, wisdom, or compassion, which the High Saint must nurture and embody throughout their leadership. This unique blessing not only extends their physical lifespan but also deepens their spiritual connection to StarClan, enhancing their ability to lead with a multifaceted perspective.
Despite their elevated status and the divine blessing of nine lives, the High Saint's ability to communicate with StarClan is not without its challenges. While they are capable of receiving messages from the ancestral spirits, their interpretation of these messages is often limited without the guidance of a Prophet or Seer. The Shaman aids in this communication, acting as a bridge between the High Saint and the spiritual realm, but it is the Prophets and Seers who provide the crucial insights needed to correctly understand and act upon StarClan's will. This dynamic makes the High Saint both a powerful and a dependent figure, as their leadership is intertwined with the spiritual counsel of their Clan's Prophets and Seers. As the embodiment of StarClan's chosen leader, the High Saint carries the weight of their Clan's future on their shoulders, guiding them through both prosperity and peril with the divine support of their ancestors.
The Elders of the Clan are esteemed senior members who, due to age, injury, loss of sight, or illness, are no longer able to fulfill the physical demands of hunting or fighting. These cats, who have dedicated much of their lives to the service of the Clan, are held in high regard and treated with deep respect. Their advanced years and accumulated wisdom make them valuable sources of knowledge and experience, though their contributions are now more often in the form of guidance and counsel rather than direct action.
In their retirement, Elders receive dedicated care from younger Clan members, particularly the Apprentices. The Apprentices are responsible for bringing fresh-kill to the Elders, ensuring their dietary needs are met, and performing tasks such as picking out fleas and changing their bedding to maintain their comfort and health. Most Elders are retired Warriors or Healers, who have served the Clan in various capacities before stepping down from their active roles. However, Shamans are an exception; they often continue to practice their spiritual duties until the end of their lives, contributing to the Clan’s spiritual guidance.
Despite their retired status, many Elders are viewed as repositories of invaluable Clan history and tradition, offering insights and wisdom that continue to shape the Clan's values and decisions. Their presence is a reminder of the continuity and depth of the Clan's heritage, providing a bridge between the past and the present.
A Scholar is a revered position held by an Elder within the Clan who undertakes the crucial role of documenting and preserving the Clan's history. This role, while not officially recognized as a formal rank within the Clan's hierarchy, is highly valued for its importance in maintaining the Clan's collective memory. The Scholar meticulously records significant events such as births, deaths, and other key occurrences that shape the Clan's legacy. This record-keeping is essential for ensuring that future generations of Clan cats have access to a detailed account of their history, including the achievements, struggles, and milestones of their predecessors.
Although the role of Scholar is not formalized with specific duties or rank, it is considered integral by the Clan due to its impact on cultural continuity and historical preservation. Scholars often possess a deep understanding of the Clan’s traditions, legends, and lineage, making them vital custodians of the Clan's heritage. They work to ensure that the knowledge and experiences of past generations are not lost but are passed down to younger members. By documenting the Clan’s history, Scholars play a significant role in shaping the identity and values of the Clan, fostering a sense of continuity and connection among its members. Their efforts help to ensure that the Clan's legacy endures, providing future generations with a rich tapestry of their shared past.
The rank of Blessed is a revered status within the Clans, conferred upon she-cats who are either expecting kits or are actively caring for their own. This rank is not merely a functional role but is imbued with deep spiritual significance. A she-cat who becomes a Blessed is often viewed as having received a divine favour from StarClan, as it is believed that only by the will of StarClan are these she-cats blessed with the gift of motherhood. Consequently, Blesseds are highly esteemed by the Clan, embodying the Clan’s reverence for the sacred cycle of life and the belief that StarClan’s will is directly intertwined with their role in nurturing the next generation.
In addition to those who are pregnant or nursing, the rank of Blessed can also extend to she-cats who, while not bearing kits of their own, choose to assist and support other Blesseds in the nursery. This selfless dedication to helping raise and care for the Clan’s young reinforces the communal aspect of Clan life, where the well-being of the young is a shared responsibility.
Regardless of their personal situation, Blesseds are honored for their role in ensuring the future of the Clan, and their position is seen as a testament to StarClan’s blessing and the importance of fertility and nurturing within the Clan’s spiritual and social structure. The respect afforded to Blesseds underscores the Clan’s deep connection to their ancestors and the spiritual significance they place on the roles that ensure the continuity and growth of their community.
The rank of Sacred refers to kits or kittens who are younger than six moons old within the Clan. These young ones hold a special status and are deeply revered by all Clan members, who regard them as divine gifts from StarClan. The reverence for Sacreds stems from the belief that their arrival is a direct blessing from the ancestors, and as such, they are afforded protection and care by every member of the Clan. Their presence is seen as a symbol of StarClan's favor and the continuation of the Clan's lineage and traditions.
Despite their significant status, Sacreds are typically unaware of the weight of their importance in Clan life due to their young age. The Clan places a great emphasis on ensuring their safety and well-being, viewing their nurturing as both a duty and an honor.
The loss of a Sacred, whether through stillbirth or miscarriage, is considered a profound tragedy and a serious omen from StarClan. Such events are deeply mourned, and although the occurrence is often interpreted as a sign or message from the spiritual realm, no Seer, Prophet, or Shaman has ever formally sought to clarify the meaning of these omens with StarClan. The interpretations surrounding these losses are left to the Clan’s collective beliefs and emotional responses, reflecting their deep spiritual connection and the significance they place on the lives of their youngest members.
Being the Warrior equivalent to months, I prefer to use this concept of aging to refer to cats under a year, twelve moons, old. It makes aging a lot simpler to understand once the cats get older, as surely counting the seasons that pass is easier than counting every moon that passes.
Using the number of a specific season passing to count a cat's age is done to simplify the work of a Scholar when noting a cat's age at time of death or some other important aspect of the cat's life. It also makes aging relatively easier for me to work out, as well. The season chosen to age a specific cat against is done so by choosing whichever season they were born in, for example: a cat who was born in winter would age 1 winter every time winter passes. It is the same for every season. This version of aging is only used once a cat has passed twelve moons old.
The Blessing Ceremony
The Blessing Ceremony is a significant and intimate rite performed by the Shaman and the High Saint when a Blessed she-cat gives birth to her kits. This ceremony marks a momentous occasion, celebrating the arrival of new life and affirming the sacred bond between the Clan, StarClan, and the newborns. The ceremony is held with great reverence, underscoring the importance of the Blessed’s role in continuing the Clan’s lineage and fulfilling what is believed to be a divine will.
During the Blessing Ceremony, the Shaman and High Saint conduct a series of rituals designed to honor the newborn Sacreds and ensure their well-being. The Shaman may perform prayers or chants to invoke the protection and guidance of StarClan, while the High Saint, as the Clan's leader, blesses the Sacreds with a special ceremony that often includes ceremonial markings or offerings to symbolize the Clan’s acceptance and hopes for the new lives. The ceremony is attended by key Clan members, including other Blesseds, who gather to witness and celebrate the event. This rite not only serves to bless the new kits but also reinforces the Clan's spiritual and communal values, highlighting the interconnectedness of life and the divine favor believed to be bestowed upon the Clan.
The Naming Ceremony
The Naming Ceremony is a significant rite in Clan tradition with two distinct versions, each marking important milestones in the lives of Clan members.
The first version of the Naming Ceremony occurs when an Apprentice reaches the end of their training and is ready to assume their role as a full-fledged member of the Clan. This ceremony represents the culmination of the Apprentice's journey from youth to maturity and their readiness to take on the responsibilities of a Warrior or other designated role within the Clan. During this ceremony, the Apprentice is formally given their adult name, signifying their transition from an Apprentice to a recognized and respected member of the Clan. The ceremony is often a communal event, celebrated with the presence of other Clan members who witness and honor the new name, marking the Apprentice's official acceptance into the Clan's ranks.
The second version of the Naming Ceremony takes place in conjunction with the Blessing Ceremony, celebrating the birth of new kits by a Blessed she-cat. In this version, the ceremony is dedicated to the naming of the newborn kits. The Blessed has the honour of choosing the names for her kits, which are then presented in the ceremony. The Shaman plays a crucial role in this version, ensuring that the chosen names are recognized and blessed by StarClan. This dual ceremony serves to both celebrate the arrival of new life and integrate these new members into the spiritual and social fabric of the Clan. It symbolizes the Clan's commitment to honoring the divine connection and continuity of their lineage, with the Shaman’s role reinforcing the belief that the names are spiritually significant and protected by StarClan.
The Honouring Ritual
The Honouring Ritual is a significant ceremony led by the High Saint before the entire Clan to recognize and celebrate the exceptional achievements of individual members. This ritual acknowledges various accomplishments, from reaching notable ages and completing challenging tasks to receiving scars in combat. It is a formal event where the High Saint highlights the contributions and milestones of the honoured cats, emphasizing their impact on the Clan.
The ceremony serves to publicly honour and celebrate these achievements, reinforcing the values of courage, dedication, and service within the Clan. By recognizing the efforts of its members, the Honouring Ritual fosters a sense of pride and unity, reinforcing communal bonds and upholding the Clan’s traditions.
The Leadership Rite
The Leadership Rite is a sacred and pivotal ceremony that marks the elevation of a cat to the position of High Saint, the leader of the Clan, who is chosen by StarClan. This important rite is conducted during a full moon, symbolizing the alignment of the Clan's spiritual and temporal realms. The ceremony is overseen by the Shaman, who guides the chosen cat through this profound transition, ensuring that the sacred aspects of the rite are honored.
During the Leadership Rite, the cat receiving this prestigious role is bestowed with nine lives, each representing a distinct personality trait. These traits are intended to shape and influence the High Saint's leadership, guiding their actions and decisions throughout their time in office. The nine lives symbolize not only a divine favor but also the diverse qualities that the High Saint must embody and cultivate to effectively lead and inspire the Clan.
The new High Saint also receives a new name with the suffix -star, signifying their elevated status and connection to the Clan's spiritual heritage. This ceremony is not only a formal transition but also a spiritual reaffirmation of the High Saint’s role as the Clan’s leader and the embodiment of its values and traditions.
The Burial Ritual
Before the Burial Ceremony takes place, the deceased Clan cat’s body is carefully transported to the center of the camp, where it is laid out for the Clan to pay their respects. Family members, close friends, and the cat’s Mentor or Apprentice gather around the body, keeping vigil through the night. This period of reflection and mourning allows Clanmates to share final words, offer comfort, and honor the life of their fallen companion. This communal gathering provides a time for personal farewells and emotional closure before the formal burial rituals begin.
The Burial Ceremony itself is a solemn and sacred event. The Shaman, with the assistance of the deceased’s loved ones, prepares the resting place for the body by encircling it with a row of carefully placed stones. This arrangement includes two symbolic gates: one for the living to pass through and another for the departed’s soul, signifying the transition between the mortal world and the afterlife. As the final ritual, the Shaman speaks words of blessing and guidance, invoking the favor of StarClan to ensure the departed’s soul is gently guided towards its eternal resting place in the spiritual realm. The ceremony serves both as a final act of respect and as a spiritual send-off, aiming to honor the deceased and facilitate their journey to StarClan.
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lemnnshark · 1 year
"Cloudstar is a small, lithe, pale gray tom with very pale water-blue eyes. He has white patches that resemble clouds, and broad shoulders."
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brightblueflare · 8 months
1850's - early 1900's - The Clans are formed, and the warrior code is created and expanded.
Summer, 1914 - Flystar's Reign starts.
Spring, 1919 - The destruction of SkyClan's forest begins.
Early Fall, 1919 - The Law of the Wild is added to the warrior code.
Late Fall, 1919 - Flystar dies, and Cloudstar succeeds him.
Early Winter, 1919 - SkyClan attempts to retake a patch of the forest that now belongs to ThunderClan. War breaks out, and the starving SkyClan cats, despite their persistence, are no match for well-fed, healthy ThunderClan warriors. In the future, this event is known as Cloudstar's Last Stand.
Mid Winter, 1919 - SkyClan has now lost most of their territory, and Cloudstar opts for the diplomatic route and asks the other leaders for help during the Gathering. However, none of them are willing to help. SkyClan leaves the forest. Only Birdflight, Cloudstar's mate, and their kittens Spottedkit and Gorsekit remain behind, taken in by ShadowClan. SkyClan swears to never look to the stars again.
Late Winter, early 1920 - Larkstripe (WC), Molepelt (ShC) and the other seers protest SkyClan's exile. Larkstripe, fully supported by Molepelt, goes on strike.
Early Spring, 1920 - Swiftstar's (WC) successor, Dalestar, separates Larkstripe from her kitten, Ripplekit, in an attempt to break the strike and discredit her for having a kitten, frowned upon but not yet forbidden by the law. This is the codification of the Seer's Vow. Birdflight nurses and raises Ripplekit in ShadowClan.
Mid Spring, 1920 - SkyClan reaches the gorge.
Fall, 1927 - Dawnstar passes, and her new deputy Ripplemoon becomes Ripplestar. On his first Gathering as leader, he stated that something had to be done about SkyClan. Either the Clans would give up their territory willingly or Ripplestar would make room. Start of Ripplestar's Riot.
Late Summer, 1928 - Gorseclaw betrays Ripplestar, and the Battle of the Full Moon takes place. Clanmates fight each other, littermates shed each other's blood, Gorseclaw kills Spottedpelt, and ultimately, StarClan themselves made the fifth oak, the symbol of SkyClan, fall on Ripplestar. The fall of the tree killed him, and put and end to his rebellion. Three laws are added to the warrior code, to ensure a riot like his never happens again. Gorseclaw joins ThunderClan.
Summer, 1932 - SkyClan disbands. Only a small number of cats remained in the gorge. A network was created to maintain the former Clan connected. This is called Spiderstar's Plan.
Spring, 1935 - Late Fall, 1940 - Redstar's and Cloudstar's descendants and their allies face each other in the ThunderClan Civil War for their Clan's leadership. The result is the death of many warriors, and Flarestar's, granddaughter of Redstar, victory.
Spring, 1942 - The cats of the gorge start receiving outside influence from towncats and travelers. The seer role is split in two.
Late Summer, 1942 - Formation of the Skybloods within ThunderClan.
Winter, 1950 - Amberheart, descendant of Cloudstar, is chosen as Flarestar's third deputy. Her descendants (Oakstar, Pinestar and Tigerstar) would rule ThunderClan for many seasons to come.
Summer, 1953 - Amberstar becomes the first Skyblood leader of ThunderClan.
Spring, 1963 - Froststar of ThunderClan takes Sunningrocks. Applestar of RiverClan fights her on it.
Winter, 1975 - Mapleshade's Vengeance takes place. Furious at Mapleshade's kittens exile, Darkstar of RiverClan suggests a new law: Queen's Rights, or the Kitten Protection Law.
"Mapleshade may have brought them to the river, but it was your foolishness, your short-sightedness and your cruelty that put them in that situation in the first place, Oakstar. No kitten should die for the crime of being born."
Early Spring, 1976 - Oakstar launches Crusades and attacks the towncats. Houndstar from ShadowClan joins in.
Winter, 1980 - BloodClan is formed in response to the Crusades. Towncats start fighting back against the Forest Clans.
Early Spring, 1981 - Houndstar falls back, and agrees to codify Darkstar's proposed law. Three kittens dead is, after all, a great loss.
Fall, 1982 - Heatherstar from WindClan ends tunneling and starts the WindClan-ShadowClan War.
Summer, 1984 - Pinestar's Choice begins.
Summer, 1986 - The Great Hunger in ThunderClan takes place.
Fall, 1989 - Yellowfang's Secret and Tallstar's Revenge begin.
Winter, 1991 - Pinestar becomes leader and ends the Crusades.
Spring, 1994 - Bluestar's Prophecy and Crookedstar's Promise begin.
Winter, 1996 - BloodClan's leader is killed, and Pinestar leaves both to find the peace of being a housecat and to aid BloodClan during their political crisis. Sunstar becomes leader of ThunderClan.
Spring, 1997 - Tallstar becomes leader of WindClan.
Summer, 2001 - Bluestar becomes ThunderClan's leader, and Crookedstar RiverClan's.
Fall, 2001 - Raggedstar dies, and Brokenstar becomes leader of ShadowClan.
Early Spring, 2003 - Into the Gorge begins.
And that's the timeline before the AU kicks in. Rusty/Firestar starting his journey on 2003 sounds about right.
Birdflight and her kittens take shelter in ShadowClan, not ThunderClan, after Molepelt, ShadowClan's seer, offers them a place in the Clan. Dawnstar is the least adamant that SkyClan leaves the forest, and considering Redstar's attitude and the previous battles (which in this AU is total war) with SkyClan, it seems unlikely for him to take Birdflight and her kittens in. Plus, ThunderClan can't be the "good guys" Clan like in canon, and MisunderstoodClan deserves good things from time to time.
The Law of the Wild (the "warriors reject the soft life of kittypets" rule) wasn't created because of Pinestar's defection, but because Flystar was tired of his warriors leaving the Clan to live comfortably while the rest of them starved.
The Seer's Vow is made maliciously. Dalestar (prev. Darkstar, CotC) argues that Larkstripe (prev. Larkwing) is breaking her vow by having a kitten. However, back then, while taboo, it wasn't forbidden by the law. This was made to discredit and hurt her, and to control the seers.
Ripplestar (CotC) isn't fighting for power, but to free territory for SkyClan to come back to. He's also Birdflight's adopted son.
The three laws that were added were the Leader's Rights (to not be questioned), the First Tasks (visiting the Moonstone as an apprentice at least once, and sitting vigil after obtaining a warrior name), which were tradition but not codified yet, and the Full Moon Truce (no fighting at Gatherings)
Time was added between Cloudstar's Journey (and Ripplestar's Riot) and Mapleshade's Vengeance. This was done simply to add more drama related to SkyClan's exile and the descendants that stayed in the forest.
The "a queen can choose not to name her kittens' father" rule that was forgotten after the first arc in canon is made into a consistent law. Done in response to Mapleshade's kittens being exiled because of their parentage, and hotly debated even decades after its creation. Watch out for those that argue against it.
Heatherstar starts a war with ShadowClan to conquer a part of their territory she was interested in, and ended tunneling (a harmless/defensive tradition) so her Clan could focus more on fighting on the offensive.
BloodClan is formed earlier, in response to the Clans' raids. They're also a neutral entity, not pure evil.
SkyClan hasn't been forgotten by the Forest Four, but their exile is treated as justified and deserved.
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morsobaby · 7 months
Back to me having extremely frightening to experience, batshit wild dreams with major surreal and horror streaks
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Named for the redwood forest the clan lives in
A circle of hollowed-out redwood trees surrounding a fallen trunk that the leader sleeps in and gives their announcements from. The leader’s den itself is under the tree trunk, dug out by Lark himself, and the entrance is covered by vines and hanging lichen.
A ginger and white tom named Lark was the first leader of Redclan. Alongside Rowan, he brought his cats to the forest and settled down, and was generally regarded as a friendly, open-minded tom.
Combat Prowess
Generally the most militaristic clan, Redclan is the largest (physically and population-wise) clan in the wild.
They put a lot of focus and weight on fighting in training and expect their cats to be able to defend themselves both with claws and with words.
Redclan has a “Keep moving forward” mentality, and when a cat dies they don’t put a lot of focus on grief and mourning. Apart from the remembrance day they have for the recently deceased, and the funeral itself, the clan doesn’t put a lot of focus on grief.
The clan is typically a little emotionally mute, and while not cruel to cats with mental illness and grief, they aren’t the most educated on how to help (they’re uneducated and unsure but most cats still try to understand.)
The clan also has an interesting way of handling relationships/kittens. Queens are given their privacy and are never forced to reveal the father of their offspring, and it’s not too often that fathers are involved in their kittens’ lives (though there are some families where the father is. It just depends on the family.)
Despite their traditional outlook on clan life, they are one of the clans most open to outsiders. To them, blood isn’t the biggest thing, as long as you can hunt and hold your own in a fight.
Male queens are also welcome in the clan’s nursery as guards and also to help raise the kits.
Redclan believes in Starclan, but their idea of Starclan is a little different than the other clans. Redclan believes in the star-path, the broad and winding trail of stars in the sky over their territory, that they believe their ancestors get to walk after they die. The belief stems from their founder, Lark, who was a wandering soul at heart and whose dream afterlife was to travel forever.
Redclan in the past has held a lot of tournaments within their clan, both as a way for the leader to assess all their warriors and as a for-fun competition for the cats themselves.
They’re tested in hunting, climbing, stealth, fighting, tracking, and their teamwork skills, and games like capture the flag and hide and seek have been played to assess the clan’s reflexes and general abilities.
A tournament hasn’t been held in a while, however, not since Dovestar’s reign.
Redclan doesn’t have a typical vigil-and-burial like you’d expect. Instead, Redclan burns their dead by the river and sends the ashes down the river in makeshift boats made from leaves. What they do is they take bundles of leaves and sticks from the moor near their woods and lay it all under the body to help it light. As the fire burns, the oracle recites prayers and well wishes over the cat’s body, sometimes with the witnesses to the funeral pyre joining in.
After they send the cat’s ashes down the river, they return to camp for their mourning period, and dedicate the day to rest, grooming, and keeping the dead’s memory alive. In this clan, the deceased’s kits are the first to be offered to carry the funeral torch (assuming they have kits). If not, the offer is then made to the cat’s mate, then their siblings or parents if they are still alive, and then if not the torch is handed to a close clan mate or friend. If none are possible, the torch is carried by the clan’s oracle.
Redclan is typically the most interested in larger cats, whether that be cats who are well-muscled or cats who are just round. They find tabbies the most attractive, alongside cats who are red, ginger, and brown.
In Redclan, courtships are private but sweet, with lots of flowers and small gestures to show affection. When a cat wishes to begin courting another cat, they typically make their feelings known by presenting a bouquet of Alyssum flowers. Their territory is bountiful of them, and it’s a common date area to take the cat you like to hang out by the Alyssum bushes due to their sweet scent.
Proposals are rather simple too, with the courting pair going out separately to find the cat’s favorite flowers to weave into a bouquet or wreath for their partner to wear.
The council is how Redclan makes most of its decisions.
It consists of:
The Leader The Oracle The Medic The Queens/Kings The Elders:
The clan has in recent times adopted a more democratic system. Instead of the Leader calling all the shots, the council must make the decisions on what to do. They decide on the next leader after the previous leader dies, ceremonies/apprentice names, whether they should attack another clan and other things of that aspect. This was established after cats in Redclan’s history like Thunderstar and Dovestar almost led the clan to ruin because of their greed and pride. It’s hoped to be a system that will keep them from repeating history.
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risuola · 6 months
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ENTRY #1 ♡ F. READER X GOJO SATORU // I lay my dreams upon your feet, please be careful taking your steps.
contents: arranged marriage!au, angst-ish, slight age gap (reader's around 22, Satoru is 28), loveless marriage, brief mentions of blood and toxicity — wc. 1975
a/n: starting a new series while two other are hanging in the air and hundreds of wips are waiting for being written? yeah, that's me, but hey, I needed to start something new to get my creative juices flowin'. this one's gonna be a series of entries, a diary if you will.
series masterlist
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When you were younger, a girl innocent and little, blissfully unaware of the world around you, you wished to marry a prince. Influenced by tales told by your mother and tv shows you watched with big and curious eyes, you had a vision of the ceremony straight out of a dream. A magical display of love and the path of rose petals and feathers through which you were meant to stride in a dress made of satin and lace – white and elegant. You also saw him, the man that your heart would choose and desire. A prince handsome and kind, who would love and protect you even if by doing so, his life would be on the line. You were too little to be aware of the naivety of the dreamy pictures in your head.
Sometimes you wished to turn back time and once again step into the shoes of the innocent you who never got to know sadness and fear. Sometimes you think of it with a bittersweet smile, reminiscing the way you used to go about your days without care about the world around. With mild regret you reminiscence the moment you learned that everything around you was–
“I’m talking to you. God damn it, are you deaf?”
“I heard you.”
–a lie.
You were a late bloomer but besides the judgmental looks you were receiving left and right from the elders of your clan, you also owe it the beauty of your prolonged childhood. Few years of freedom that you lost the memory of how it tasted and yet, you like to go back to it and drown in the pictures it left in your mind. Whilst all of your siblings were training and learning, fighting and risking their lives against the cursed spirits, you brought shame to your family. There was no place for someone without a cursed technique in a world of sorcery and you were made painfully aware of it at the day of your tenth birthday. That was also the end of your childhood and the day you wish to forget. You remember how the smiles of your parents turned into frowns and the soft, melodic tone of your mother became harsh and never got back to how it used to be. The tales and cookies vanished and what was left was nothing but suffering and degradation.
“Oh, did you?”
It took you six years of training to awaken the technique that later on was called the most powerful in the history of your clan. Six years of days and nights filled with sweat and tears, six years of bloody knuckles and bruises but also, it took six years of your determination to prove all of them wrong. Despite being the youngest of four siblings, you were able to stand against the worst of curses with nothing but a sword and raw power when everyone else relied heavily on the cursed techniques. You were strong and skilled, you were trained and fearless but still, you were looked down. A shame. To your family you were nothing but a shame.
And then, suddenly, you became a pride. You were on everyone’s mouths; you were talked about as if you were the most expensive and rare diamond. Years of harsh treatment you received suddenly became forgotten because once your technique awakened, you became the strongest in your clan, surpassing your siblings, your parents and everyone else who bore the same name as you. Suddenly other clans were talking about you too, with curiosity and fear. Suddenly, you became someone. But somehow, it didn’t make you happy. Once you realized that the world you were born into wasn’t a tale you always thought it is, you lost the ability to enjoy it. Maybe the pain of what you had given to become a true sorcerer rendered you unable to fully appreciate the adulthood, but you found it hard to see the light, when the darkness seemed to embed itself into your soul.
“You know what? Fuck that. I’m leaving.”
Ah yes, the marriage. With years that had passed since you were young and naïve, you stripped yourself of the dreams of sharing a life with a prince, but a part of you still hoped for love and calm. A part of your heart wished to settle with someone you’ll trust and care for. Someone who will ground you in the world of constant danger and for years you thought that you will find a man with whom the stressful life of sorcery will be a little kinder, a little less scary, a little more bearable. It was a child in you, a faint spark of juvenile carelessness that never died down, even in the darkest of days you endured.
You let out a deep sigh and allowed your lids to close. Your head leaned forward, forehead restless against the cold doors of the kitchen cabinet. The loud thud of doors snapping shut echoed in your ears for few moments and then it became silent. An earie cacophony of nothing but your own breath and soft ticking of the clock on the wall next to you. For a moment you thought about how many times you relived this very same situation already. The cold detachment, harsh exchange of words and then he’s gone. A salve of ruthless stabs that never seem to hurt less and the sound of your own voice forming sentences you wouldn’t think of if the circumstances were different.
First time you saw Satoru Gojo was many years before you truly knew who he is. It was a picture that you noticed by accident, somewhere in the papers your parents had spread out on the coffee table. He was a young boy back then. You remember the impression he made on you. He looked cold, intimidating, unapproachable. He looked like someone you’d never think of becoming friends with. You were young, just barely nine years old and he was already fifteen. He was already the strongest and even though you weren’t actively involved in the world of sorcery, you knew his name.
And then, many years later you sat in front of him. While the elders of your clans discussed the importance of the arrangement that was planned within the sorcerer’s society, Satoru was resting on a couch unamused, with his legs crossed and eyes covered by a layer of white bandages. You watched him, analyzed his lack of interest and the veil of cold arrogance with realization that everything you wished for was never on the table for you. During the two long hours of conversations that were about you and yet no one asked for your opinion, you and Satoru didn’t exchange one word.
You heard his voice actively directed at you for the first time during the wedding ceremony. It was small, very private and filled with people that you mostly didn’t know. It was far from perfect, though pretty in a way. Under the cautious watch of the most important figures of sorcery, you said the vows that made you feel nothing and yet meant so much. The words of promise, that for anyone else meant love and safe future, to you meant status and the name. You became Gojo. You became a wife to the strongest man in the world.
Now it’s seven months after the wedding and the day you and him moved together. The apartment you shared was filled with both yours and his belongings and yet it didn’t feel like home. It lacked the atmosphere of love and understanding and on days like this, you were losing hope it will ever feel different than miserable.
That day was nothing out of ordinary when it came to your marriage. Yet another fight, yet another beeline he made to leave you alone in the empty house. You always argue. There was no warmth between the walls of the apartment, there was no care and respect. Instead, there were snaps and insults, there was silence and avoidance. The large bed in what was meant to be a shared bedroom was occupied only by you, while Satoru preferred to sleep on a couch even though his tall frame was way too big for it. Besides one very brief and formal kiss you shared during the wedding day, you never kissed again. There was no holding hands, no incidental touches, no nothing that would convey any sort of feeling and only times your bodies made contact was when he grabbed your wrists in anger or when your shoulder hit his arm while you were passing by.
Truth is, you had no idea what Satoru was talking about that morning before he left. You were lost in thoughts, but you could only imagine he was mentioning the meeting he needed to attempt in the evening. He probably won’t be home until late and once he’ll come back, he’ll be annoyed by elders and for that, you couldn’t blame him. Whenever you face the elders of jujutsu community, your blood pressure raises as well and you’re quite calm by nature. That being said, if unlucky, you’ll be the one to take the hit of his anger.
Your fingers run across the golden band that adorned your finger. It was an absentminded motion that became a habit of sorts, helping you gather the thoughts, calming your mind. The cold feel of metal allowed you to let go of the stress and forced you to suck it up yet again.
Two hours after the morning fight, you found yourself surrounded by the familiar buildings in the Jujutsu tech area, watching your husband from afar. Satoru was in the middle of teaching students, if whatever the hell he was doing could be called teaching. Megumi was resting next to him as some other kids were fighting on the training field. The sound of wooden swords colliding echoed between the woods that surrounded the expanse of the school zones. Gojo was looking as careless as ever, calm and smiling – a sight that you almost never see unless he’s facing someone else. He was chatting with his almost-son, shouting some advice to the sparing students and going about his day as he usually does, but one thing was different.
 “Satoru,” you called his name as you went down the stairs to reach the spot where he was standing. He noticed you, you knew that. He most likely knew about your appearance way before you even got to see him, but now he chose to actively ignore your presence as his light blue eyes stayed focused on the field instead of landing on you.
“What brings you here?” He asked and you could tell how the tone of his voice changed from the friendly sensei to your husband’s rough approach. He wasn’t happy with your visit; you weren’t welcome near him and everyone knew that. The fact of your marriage being arranged wasn’t a secret and it also wasn’t a secret that it was Gojo’s clan decision, not his own. Satoru felt some sort of humiliation that despite him being the strongest, he was stripped of a choice who to spend his life with and you, as his wife, were paying for his resentment.
“I brought you this,” you replied, reaching your hand towards him. His eyes landed on your palm and you noticed a ghost of relief that washed over his features when he took the band of black fabric from your hold. His blindfold, that you realized was ripped – he left at home in the morning. That was most likely what he was talking to you about because once you cleaned up after the breakfast, you noticed the band and his broken glasses left on the coffee table.
“So you were listening,” Satoru said quietly and securely covered his eyes.
“I wasn’t.”
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goteique · 21 days
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+cw. — female!wife!reader x clan-head!husband!(sub)!gojo satoru, arrange marriage, hurt, angst, canon typical elements, smut, f!masturbation + m!masturbation & orgasm interruption.
+wc. — 2.3k
+syn.— satoru comes home from a bunch of missions only to find his wife in their shared bedroom not wanting him, or waiting for him but busy seeking pleasure that was his share to pour into you.
+notes. — special thanks to @gojoest for hyping me up with this idea. & thanks to @sugurouge for beta reading otherwise this never get posted lol | redirect to blog navigation.
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The current head of the clan you belong to, your father stands facing his back to you. He is now the housemaster, not your father. “You’re going to be married,” said he, as his palms remained tightly clasped at his back while he looked out through the window. What you once called home became a distant memory in an instant. “You’re going to be married—” as his face turned towards you, “to Gojo Satoru.” you could figure out why he was looking away. “That monster!” he screams tears streaming down his face as his lips tremble in rage and disbelief; how of all people did the marriage broker who has been his friend for a long time have even agreed with such a decision? The thought of him suggesting the idea to the council does not even cross your father’s mind. How utterly naive! a low grunt followed as your father swatted away his chair knocking it down to the ground before killing every bit of hope you had despite the rumors. “This marriage. . . it is nothing but a hopeless dream. ”
Yes! You knew that already. The housemaids and staff just love to gossip about the doom of their sole source of bread and butter. The moment your father summoned you into his study room and told you the news while staring at the greenery of the garden of this mansion you knew your life was going to turn upside down and it did, just like you expected yet you were still disappointed, frustrated even when you came back to your room. 
Satoru Gojo is the strongest jujutsu sorcerer in history ever known since Sukuna Ryomen was sealed. No other name has ever made it to the pages of jujutsu history. He is at the top of the jujutsu society regarding status, power, fame, and money. So, what do you do with the strongest of all? worship them out of devotion? subdue them with offerings lest it might lash out? swearing loyalty out of fear? Those were the thoughts that stemmed at the back of your mind when you first came to know about the fact that you were going to be the wife of the Gojo Satoru from a maid whose life never even crossed the threshold of your home. Her world was limited to the mossy parts of the mansion you resided in. Still, she could tell what kind of marriage you would be walking into.
Nothing shocking happened even on the night of your wedding. It was just as you anticipated. Two different futons were kept side by side. There was no sharing of words, glances, or kakebuton . Just both of your backs faced each other. At dawn, you woke up with your wedding kimono intact, a stainless white futon, and an empty room without Gojo. 
The maids here knew better than to talk about it, even behind your back. They were aware of the power and status you held and that made everything a lot worse than you expected it to be. You had access to a lot of things, the family history archives, the financial sources, his previous missions— everything tied to him. Your husband, Gojo Satoru, was the clan head as well as the master of this mansion so there were no elderly people pushing responsibilities onto your shoulders like back at home. There was a sense of serenity in the air but how could you breathe it in for the rest of your life? 
Satoru Gojo was the kind of man whom one could easily desire. Despite being his wife and the future mother of his children, trying to love him felt like a cyanide for you. You wanted your husband, not some Satoru Gojo oozing with knowledge and power. You wanted to look him in the eye, not just his back which you barely get a glimpse of at the crack of dawn as he occupies the sad side of the bed under a separate duvet. In earlier stages of this marriage, there was no curtain separating you and your husband’s side of the bed but after a month of utter silence and stealing glances, the first thing he installed was a curtain in the shared canopy bed. If he needed some privacy he could easily ask you to shift into another room but he bothered to talk one of those clan servants to install a fucking curtain as if the silence was not enough of a gulf in between you two. 
Sometimes you thought that he was cheating on you but you always pushed it under the rug telling yourself, “You’re the wife of Satoru Gojo. No one can take that from you unless you walk out of this marriage. Not your father. Not that marriage broker —”
— Not even Gojo Satoru himself because he only married you to silence those nosy elders of his clan who pretend to be oh-so-worried for him. You were not foreign to that concept, after all, you are wrapped in the same shroud for all your life.
“You’re the wife of Gojo Satoru . . .No one . . .” 
“You’re the wife of Gojo Satoru . . .” 
“You’re the wife . . .”
“You’re . . .”
But the thought of getting his dick sucked by some other woman or man, or him putting his dick into someone — it filled you with too much anger to sleep in bed that night. For the first time, you miss home because there you are free to go anywhere even at night. 
Satoru came home early that night, which was odd for his schedule, and was greeted with an empty bed after a long while. The sky is yet to be cracked open by sunlight. It is still too dark to be wandering around. Where could his wife have been gone to at this hour? He takes a spoonful of strawberry ice cream from the giant tub he held in his other hand before starting to look for you. But where should he look first? He does not know anything except the fact that he had put veils in different places of his house just to keep this house free of low-energy cursed spirits. Those veils sure did their job well but sometimes they would keep out non-sorcerers, people like you. His heart rejoices at the thought that he has to look for you in places only he is aware of, which means this is going to take a little less time, and he will find you much faster. Come to think of it, he has not been in the library section for a while but it is still as spotless as the first day he came here. Have you been visiting? Man! That sure worries him.
The pink layer of the tub has come down to half along with its skin being wet while the spoon is still experiencing the fierce appetite that Satoru had for anything sweet. He stands at the entrance of a long hallway before checking, thinking that this is the last place he has to look for but could it be possible that you were embarrassed enough to go back to your home?
The spoon hits the wooden floor with a dull clatter as a wretched realization comes crashing down through his veins. Have you been cheating on him all this time? In his house? With some lowly servant ? Well, that sure makes it easier to end this sham of a marriage. He opens the door of a certain archive room as swiftly as possible trying to minimize the sound of his presence, making sure he does not shock you awake from your rendezvous. He is determined to catch you red-handed but when he opens the door he witnesses something that could have knocked the lights off his brain if he were not one of the greatest sorcerers of his time. The sight was not something of a fair appetite for ordinary people yet you sat by the marble slab of the giant window, with one of your arms nuked under your sapphire jinbei in between your legs as your skin glowed under that pale moonlight as if diamonds and pearls were embedded on your skin. 
You were sweating, arching your body, moaning and all your husband could do was watch in awe. Your free hand travels from the bottom of your cleavage and up to the apex of your nape as you turn your head opening your eyes for a brief moment. You see the world so blurred that it spikes your approaching high, but as you open your eyes for the second time your high is gone like it never existed. Your husband, Gojo Satoru stood before you like an ivory statue of certain abandoned ruined cathedrals. The dress covers most of your body so a wave of relief washes over him despite realizing how dangerous the spot you chose . . .to . . .umh. . . pleasure yourself . 
How long? How long was he watching you ? You shift your body to face him, and your hand slowly emerges from the warmth between your thighs. Satoru tries to ignore but traces of your arousal and his yearning are flourishing like fluorescence on your fingers as it rests on your thigh. You watch him gulp. Suddenly, Gojo Satoru is out of words. Teacher to his students of Jujutsu High, the strongest sorcerer, Nanami’s certified yapper is suddenly out of words. The slight slice of your boobs visible through your robe does not help either in the coherency of his thoughts. He had plans. He had plans to walk out of this marriage without being tainted as a “cheater” because the jujutsu society is so fucked up that they will not stop until they found this particular person that had made this marriage impossible to work on so that you, the wife, had to walk out it and dear God, they certainly are not fond of obstructions.
“What a nice place you chose to—” he finally looks away to keep the tub of semi-molten room-temperature strawberry ice cream on some bookshelf but before he could shift back his gaze on you again you were gone like a storm. The sound of your footsteps echoed in his ear till it stopped before he heard the click of a door. He does not understand if you are just too dumb or too brave to act the way you are acting right now. He follows you as a grunt of dismissal escapes from his chest. As he stands in front of the bathroom door he drowns yet again in utmost disbelief. He can still hear your shrill gasp of pleasure and he is not liking how his cock is responsive to it. At first, he hesitates to touch himself but the faint sound of your moans, the wet squelching sounds of your fingers moving in and out of your damp folds despite the door of the bathroom being locked buzzes in his ears like bees out in the hunt of honey. 
Satoru gave up . You hear a thud as you continue to finger yourself knowing full well that your husband must have followed you all the way here after witnessing you in such a state. Indeed, you could have been accused of cheating on him without him checking the door and it would have been much worse. He sits against the bathroom door unfurling the black ribbon with a swish to take his cock out of his baggy white pants. The tip is already leaking. His cock is throbbing in his palm as he encapsulates his fingers around it, moving his fingers up and down slowly. On the other side of the door, as you could finally feel the pinnacle of your high you heard a soft groan; a pain, that seemed familiar, was palpable underneath that shrill cry of pleasure. Still when your fingers touched the part inside you that almost felt like unknotting something from inside you, at the basal of your navel Satoru’s hand moved faster to chase the similar high that had started to bubble in his body under the influence of your ripples of pleasure. You heard your husband moan as tears rolled down your cheeks when you closed your eyes feeling the knot finally unwinding.
Perhaps, both of you came simultaneously. Perhaps not, because you immediately opened the door after you had calmed from your high, only to be greeted with Satoru sitting right at the opposite wall of the bathroom door, legs folded in L-manner so that he could keep his hand over his knee. His cock is still visible through his white pants and it is still so hard. One of your eyebrows raises in silent reply . Satoru notices that. He looks at you and then looks away. You extend your hand towards his face, gaining his stern azure pair of eyes shining against whatever dim light the crack of the bathroom door could allow. There was no sign of resistance in him so as your palm touched his cheeks, you waited and gave him time to protest. yet none ever followed,  instead, he surrendered to your touch, and your fingers curled under his chin as you ran your thumb over his lips. Satoru coiled against your touch imbibing as much as he could like a tide being high enough to touch the moon . . .a familiar voice shocked both of you awake.
“Lady Gojo. . .” 
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songsofadelaide · 3 months
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Radiant Point
cw/tw: Vice Captain Hoshina Soshiro x Platoon Leader (f) reader, childhood friends to [one-sided sworn rivalry] to lovers, no use of yn and instead follows my usual naming convention (I use Otome as a placeholder for yn since it means maiden, which pretty much means yn too), time skips, Kendo and Fencing references, arranged marriages and family traditions and breaking said family traditions - requited unrequited love. ✦ based on my other Soshiro piece, Raging Tempest wc: 8.2k
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"It was said that the gods tie a crimson string around the pinky fingers of those predestined to be together."
You recall the quiet night when your mother first said those words to you, as though reading you a fairy tale of old. Years ago, you were but a child who believed in such things. And perhaps your mother would weep at how realistic you've grown, rather than remaining a dreamy-eyed girl with her head in the clouds. 
As a daughter of the esteemed Koganei Family, whose extensive roots ran deep back into the Muromachi Era, you were expected to uphold your clan's sterling heritage and reputation by marrying a man of equally exceptional status. There was but one family that your clan had close ties to, for your ancestors fought for the same masters of old, defeated the same ancient monstrosities, and won the same battles of the past alongside each other— brothers in arms, as they were in the past, and even until now…
That is how you came to be the bride of the eldest son of the Hoshina Family.
Soshiro knows that. He knows that you were the bride-to-be of the esteemed first son of their house. He knows that fact well enough as though it was etched in the back of his hand, and yet…
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"You have changed me already. I am a fireball That is hurtling towards the sky to where you are You can choose not to look up but I am a giant orange ball That is throwing sparks upon your face Oh look at them shake Upon you like a great planet that has been murdered by change— —And when you come upon me I won't look back at you You will feel a hand upon your heart while I place your voice back Into the heart from where it came from And I will not cry also Although you will expect me to I was wiser too than you had expected For I knew all along you were mine." — Poem To An Unnameable Man, Dorothea Lasky
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"It was said that the gods tie a crimson string around the pinky fingers of those predestined to be together."
You recall the quiet night when your mother first said those words to you, as though reading you a fairy tale of old. Years ago, you were but a child who believed in such things. And perhaps your mother would weep at how realistic you've grown, rather than remaining a dreamy-eyed girl with her head in the clouds. 
As a daughter of the esteemed Koganei Family, whose extensive roots ran deep back into the Muromachi Era, you were expected to uphold your clan's sterling heritage and reputation by marrying a man of equally exceptional status. There was but one family that your clan had close ties to, for your ancestors fought for the same masters of old, defeated the same ancient monstrosities, and won the same battles of the past alongside each other— brothers in arms, as they were in the past, and even until now…
That is how you came to be the bride of the eldest son of the Hoshina Family. 
Your families said it was an auspicious union— and a rare one, too, for, despite your clan's aged and storied history with this fellow clan of swordsmen, the possibilities of marriages between the two were always slim at best. There would always be extraordinary rivalries born out of their sons' mutual respect, but seldom would there be any engagements between them and their daughters. 
There was a time you believed in the red string of fate— and how it made sense to you that you would marry one of the Hoshina sons… But only because you've been told that all your life. And maybe you would have fallen in love with the son that was ordained to be your husband in the future had he acknowledged you, or made himself known to you. 
Tough luck getting that to happen. Soichiro didn't even acknowledge his own younger brother. 
You first met Soichiro when you were children at the Hoshina Estate, his back facing you, not a care in the world whether or not you were able to follow his steps. His haori and hakama were mottled with dirt, evidence of his long hours of sword training. The older boy's dismissal of your presence made you question how exactly your match became an auspicious one, given his… carelessness. To think that your mother and the rest of your house's ladies spent all morning dressing you up, only to be ignored by your betrothed the moment you arrived. 
You couldn't fault him for his reaction. Soichiro was a boy, after all, and heir to his esteemed house in the future. He had much to prove if he were to stand at the helm of everything, while you…
What exactly did you have to do? Just sit pretty? Or perhaps squeeze out an equally exceptional heir? That won't happen until later in your life and your marriage. Then again, will that marriage ever come to pass if he doesn't even pay any attention to you? 
Were you not… pretty enough for him? Now that you thought about it, his silver hair was, in fact, much prettier than yours, but your annoyance at the situation made you want to pull his braid to maybe knock some sense into him…? You were deep in thought when you realised you lost sight of him as he vanished into one of their family's houses. 
From across the estate, you could hear the sound of wooden swords clashing, a testament to this family's continued commitment to the way of the swordsman. It made you wonder if your family was in the wrong for wrapping you up like a present for a boy who held no passion for fanciful romances… Or if he was ever told about your arrival— who you were and what your presence meant for him.
You were told that the sons of the Hoshina Family were considerate and good-natured, but the way your betrothed refused to greet you or even meet your eyes earlier said otherwise. And to think that you were so nervous about this visit… The loneliness was stifling. The excitement that coursed through you this morning when your mother dressed you in your new kimono had finally died down. You didn't want to cry, but the tears welled in the corners of your eyes, hot and blurring your vision. 
If this kind of life awaited me, then I don't want it. 
You hurriedly wiped away your tears when you heard footsteps approaching you, though it was too late, for a boy your age caught your hand before you could even run off. 
"You must be the girl my brother's going to marry in the future."
So this was the second son of the Hoshina Family. 
"If you aren't doing anything, why don'tcha swing a sword at me instead?"
Soshiro had the same dirt of the land speckled all over his training clothes. In his hands were two shinai, the other stretched out to you.
"I don't really know how to—"
"What?! I was told the Koganei were great swordsmen! Ah, but then again, you're a girl, so I guess ya don't count." 
His evident surprise made your brows furrow in frustration. What did he mean by that? 
"On second thought, give me that. I'll take a swing at you. How hard could it be?"
Swinging a sword at a more experienced person was indeed hard. Coupled with his speed and footwork, albeit a little slap-dashed, your opponent wasn't someone you could land a hit on as easily as you expected. 
"Fix yer stance if you're gonna swing!" 
You lost track of how many times you've swung the bamboo sword at him, nary a care at how your pretty hair accessories and kimono nearly came undone at your sharp and sudden movements. All that mattered to you was landing a hit at your opponent, the dirt of the land that reached your face not at all bothering you.
"Yaaah! Ack!"
Your lunge was cut short when the master of the house wedged himself between you and his younger son. You unceremoniously bounced off the older man's legs, falling to the ground with a dull thud in complete and total surprise. Yet all you could think of was retrieving your shinai and rising to your feet. 
"Your father is here to take you home, ojou-san," the older man stated as he helped you to your feet, his other hand reaching out to gently pry away the sword in your smaller hand. It was only when you saw your father's silhouette approach from behind that your exhilaration turned into indignation. 
"Otou-san, you—!" You exclaimed, charging at your father with the same sword in hand. "You need to teach me swordsmanship! I can't believe you didn't teach me in the first place…! I must study it now!"
Your fathers exchanged confused glances before yours decided to speak up. "Otome, you—"
Only for him to be cut off by your voice slicing through the silence of the training ground. 
"Until then, you need to keep getting better, too, Soshiro-kun!" You declared to your opponent, who had a knowing smile on his face. "I will catch up to you!"
When you returned to the Hoshina Estate months later, you were no longer decked out in a beautiful silk kimono, but rather in training garb similar to what the two brothers wore. Emblazoned on the back of your haori was your family's mon, and strapped to your side was a weathered shinai you've obviously swung around a hundred times since your last visit there.
"Soshiro-kun, I've been practising! My father taught me Shomen-Uchi, too! I can take you on now!"  
As he thought, the look of delight on your face suited you better than tears. Soshiro watched in awe as you were able to hold your own against Soichiro, only for his older brother to topple you over with his sheer strength and advantage in skill. 
"You're leavin' yourself wide open in other areas, but other than that, your stance is perfect."
The older son finally acknowledged you, but you had no need of it anymore since it was the company of the younger son you looked forward to even more whenever you visited their home. 
For Soshiro, the sound of your voice calling his name and all of his attention so you could spar was like melodious music to him. It was the two of you who grew closer, and the two of you were often on the receiving end of Soichiro's disparaging remarks whenever you both lost to him while sparring. 
"When Otome-chan marries your older brother, she will become your sister-in-law," his father once told him ahead of your next visit to their estate. "You focus on training on your own. Soichiro will train with her this time around."
Soshiro knows that. He knows that you were the bride-to-be of the esteemed first son of their house. He knows that fact well enough as though it was etched in the back of his hand, and yet… 
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There was an image in the back of Soshiro's mind that he couldn't forget, no matter how much he tried. A girl in a gold-coloured kimono sewn with the finest thread, a floral kanzashi in her hair as she tried to fight tears in one of the corners of his family's estate. Moments later, she was swinging a shinai at him, her eyes kindled with a fiery passion and a smile on her face as she tried to catch up to him. 
Something changed when you went your separate ways to different high schools. When you were both sixteen, you decided to abandon the ways of Kendo for another form of swordcraft— Fencing. It was such a sharp turn that surprised even your family, but they could hardly stop your meteoric rise to prominence in the sport. 
Something else always came to mind whenever Soshiro thought about you. He remembered your prostrated figure before his father in their family home, your forehead reaching the tatami as you uttered, "I thank you and your family for your kindness to me, and I apologise, oji-san, but I don't want to marry Soichiro-san."
When you met again not long after that incident, you laughed as you told him how you got a really bad walloping from your father. You shocked him with the bruises on your torso, all from the blunt end of your father's favourite bokken, but he was more pleased to see your spirit remained unbroken as you wheezed in breathless merriment, telling him, "you should see my father". 
With your engagement to Soichiro unceremoniously broken off and the Hoshina Family accepting your dismissal of their eldest son, your family held very little resistance to whatever it is you wanted to do with your life now. They permitted you to go to France when you said you wanted to perfect your fencing form because there was no other way you could disobey them more. Your family told you that, "brilliant women rarely made good wives, but good wives can learn to become brilliant women", or something along those lines, and it seems as though they've given up on finding marriage matches for you. 
Soshiro was unable to accompany you to the airport ahead of your trip to France. You didn't mind, though you were a little upset. Neutralization College wasn't something you could leave whenever you wanted if you were truly serious about entering the Defense Force. He was still the first one you messaged when you touched down in France, counting the time difference in your head as you opened WhatsApp on your mobile phone. 
[ YN: 🗼-> Eiffel Tower ]
[ H. Soshiro-さん: 😂😂😂 Glad you made it there in one piece! ]
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"To Hoshina Soshiro-隊員,
How are you? Paris is unsurprisingly beige. I miss Tokyo every once in a while, but not having to hear my father's nitpicking is more pleasant than I thought. 
I know we can always just message each other on WhatsApp, but letters are pretty ingenious again this time around. 
As I thought, there are many skilled sabreuses here in Paris. The club that I joined is called ASA Maisons-Alfort Escrime, somewhere along the south of the city. This town is famous for its veterinary school. Should I ever want a career change, I think I'll know what to do next! ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
Congratulations on passing the Defense Force Selection Exam! I know for a fact that you are going to do an excellent job just like your father and your brother. From what I've been hearing from my father, though, it seems the force is slowly moving away from the primary use of swords and blades. Still, I hope you aren't discouraged. You've always wanted to be an officer, so I'm proud of you for reaching the first of your many more goals!
I hope you're always taking care of yourself, too."
"The wine here is good, too, but you know I'd rather be drinking beer back at home with you. If anything, I like the wine because it reminds me so much of your eyes. And perhaps how I wish I could swim in them and maybe read your thoughts while I'm at it."
"I miss you, Soshiro."
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Soshiro sometimes thinks it may be his fault that you changed. But then again, you were already a brilliant girl in your own right, and perhaps too smart for your own good. Men of old clans always wanted docile, unassuming women for themselves so their decisions would never be questioned, but you were neither, thus never fitting into your society's mould of how women should be. He wasn't aware of his older brother's preferences, but it was safe to say that he was consistent in never really caring that much about you. 
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"Dear Koganei Otome-選手,
I hope you're well! Just as you have no lack of fine opponents in France, there's no lack of Kaiju attacks here at home. There's never a dull moment here in Japan as long as we're always at the centre of monster sightings. 
Remember when I last told you that swordsmanship is slowly losing its foothold in the Defense Force? Something amazing just happened. The Captain of the Third Division asked me to join her force. She did so herself! It feels almost unreal how the whole thing happened, but here I am. 
…I never got to write about how I almost died that time, too, because I know for sure that you'd get worried and start calling. I'm fine now, so don't you worry your pretty little head about me. ദ്ദി ( ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ )
Are you taking care of yourself? I hope you're always eating well. And doing proper cooldown exercises after training. Whether it be Kendo or Fencing, taking care of yourself and your sword arm is paramount for us swordsmen.
Just the other day, I went out drinking with my men. The beer here at home is exceptional, as always, and it tastes even better as the cherry on top after a long day of exterminating Kaiju. I feel a little bad for you for only having wine to drink there. They say it's sweeter but stronger. Strange enough, it kind of reminds me of you, too."
"I miss you a lot."
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At one point, your letters stopped arriving. Your Line and WhatsApp exchanges were less frequent, too. And though you did your best to stay on top of what's been going on with Soshiro, your growth in your sport was something you prioritised more than waiting for his sparse replies. 
He had just been promoted to Vice Captain of the Third Division when he saw your name on the top of the list of Japanese athletes on the International Fencing Federation's website. His promotion meant he'd be much busier, but like you, he did his best to check up on what you've been up to, especially for the last few years. 
There was no stopping your meteoric ascent to the ranks, and you stood onstage amongst the best swordsmen and swordswomen in the world. Though not in the way he expected, it was still an extraordinary achievement for him. 
That's no surprise, he thought to himself, only for the rest to be drowned out by the pounding, resounding blare of the Third Division Base's alarm, which could only signify yet another Kaiju attack they had to get on top of. 
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As the Vice Captain of the prominent Third Division, Soshiro was tasked with overseeing the second part of the yearly Selection Exam. Each hopeful that passed and came in became their little fledgelings, some more promising than others.
This year was a little strange, though, since even the top brass were muttering something about an elite athlete taking the exams. Athletes usually scored high on the physical tests but tend to flip-flop on the aptitude tests, depending on what it was. It was only after receiving this year's list of candidates that the whispers finally made sense to him. 
Mixed in between the fresh graduates and the more experienced examinees was your application form, bookmarked with a recommendation by the Japan Fencing Federation. And all the whispers were right about one thing, too— You would have to carve a space into this new era of the Defense Force, which has slowly stepped away from blade work as a primary form of combat. 
Soshiro wasn't surprised. Even though he was at the receiving end of many discouraging comments due to his poor marksmanship, Captain Ashiro Mina herself saw his potential and value in his skill. He's heard it before, and the officers will not be kind to you just because you brought home some medals for the country. For everyone else, whatever skill with a sabre you have would prove useless, seeing the force's growing preference for automatic firearms.
As he expected, you scored well in your physical tests, but he was faintly holding his breath for the aptitude test, which involved Kaiju disposal this time around. As the hopefuls suited up into the provided combat suits, the systems and machines lit up in anticipation of a surge of power from each present. 
Soshiro had the same knowing smile on his face as your preliminary combat power was announced out loud. Most examinees would reach a maximum of 5% to 15%, so for someone to score that high on their first try was worth noting. 
You were slightly older than most of your fellow examinees, so you had no problem taking on a leadership role— you helped maintain an organised field, ensured everyone had the proper precautionary gear equipped, and coordinated with everyone willing to cooperate with you. 
From where he stood inside the base's Operations Control Room, he tried his darndest to stifle his laughter whenever he heard a French swear word slip out from one of the examinees. And even until the end of the test, you took no credit for your class's effort. Some have taken a shine to you while others considered you a goody-two-shoes trying to worm her way into the Defense Force with clerical expertise. 
It was no surprise that you even caught the eyes of the Third Division's existing Platoon Leaders. They took your athletic and leadership experience into account when they deliberated your application. Your marksmanship was mediocre at best, but it was nothing continuous training can't improve. The other thing they couldn't ignore was the fact that you received a commendation from the Captain of the Sixth Division. 
A curious thing, if they were being honest. Division Captains rarely get involved in the exams and deliberations, so for someone like you to receive such a prestigious recommendation meant you were someone worth investing in. 
Soshiro eyed the document from the Sixth Division before eventually tucking it away in the rest of his files. They didn't need that commendation to know that you were skilled, and you had all the time in the world to sharpen those even further.
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[ H. Soshiro-副隊長: Your uniform looks good on you. ]
[ YN: Not even an hour in the job and you're already flirting with me, Vice Captain? 😂 ] 
[ YN: Also, it's the other way around. I look in the uniform. Though I'm sure that's what you meant to say. ]
[ H. Soshiro-副隊長: What if I made you run laps after the ceremony? You wouldn't be laughing then, would you? ]
[ YN: I'm going to report you to the Captain. ]
[ H. Soshiro-副隊長: And you think she'd take a rookie's word over her own Vice Captain's? 😂 ]
[ H. Soshiro-副隊長: You're lucky you're so, so pretty today. I'll go easy on you. For now, my li'l fledgeling. 😂 ]
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In every mission, you endeavoured to accomplish every task as swiftly and efficiently as possible— without breaking ranks, of course. Your tenacity was rewarded in the form of a promotion to Platoon Leader, an unexpected but welcomed opportunity. Soshiro seemed to agree with the Captain that other officers could stand to learn a thing or two from you.
They say a radiant point is the track of light in the sky from which meteors appear to come from. 
Your leadership has been compared to that. Many say your commands are always easy to follow, and your team members are easily filled with the same courage whenever you take to the field yourself. 
It didn't take long for your history with the Vice Captain to come to light, too, all because you slipped up and drunkenly called him by his name during a night of drinking with your squad. Soshiro was the one who explained everything to your teams while you were fast asleep with your head on the table. It happened again when you thought it was just the two of you in the training hall. By the third time, he had you run laps as a consequence of your carelessness. 
"Y'know your carelessness is gonna get ya in deeper trouble if this keeps happening in the long run," he told you as he watched you finish your 23rd lap around the training grounds. "Seven more. I know 30's such a measly number fer a seasoned athlete like you, but I suppose I'm being a little lenient since you are my dear childhood friend."
"Childhood friend my a—" You scoffed as you ran past him. You heard him chuckle to himself, followed by a thinly veiled threat. 
"Do you want another 30, then? Looks like ya still have a lotta fight in you."
You picked up the pace even faster, his silly laughter rang in your ears as you shouted back your breathy reply. "N-No, sir! I'll…! Be more mindful of… myself! Vice Captain!" 
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XX August XXXX
"To Hoshina Soshiro-隊員,
I wonder how different things would have been if you were the one betrothed to me instead. Or would you have acted like your brother back then, too? 
Clubs are on recess this time of the year. I don't feel too comfortable having this too much time on my hands and not being able to fence. Good thing my lodging has this wide backyard I can   
Just the other day, I received a package from my family. It was just some snacks, but imagine my surprise when I saw my father's bokken in the box, too. I wonder how that got through French Immigration. 
A wooden sword is so different from a sabre, but holding it made me feel… I dunno, kinda like I'm home or something. Do you remember when you first handed me your sword when we were children? That's when I realised what was missing from my life. 
The Koganei are no longer like the Kaiju exterminators of old. I think it has to do with the lack of talented sons being born in our family. We've always had a lot of pride in our history as slayers alongside the Hoshina Family, but I think… I think that's all our family has now.
When I asked him before, my father said he didn't bother teaching me swordsmanship because he feared I would get so many 'ideas' in my head. Like joining the Defense Force. He laments my disobedience, but there's nothing he can do that will make me return to my old ways. 
I feel sorry for him that he doesn't have talented sons like you and your brother, just a stubborn daughter with a skill for a sport that's more like art than action. Would he have been happier if I stayed obedient? If I hadn't broken off my engagement to your brother? 
My father would have been happy seeing me become Soichiro's wife, but not me. Though I would have agreed to marry into your family if it were you. I like you so much, after all.
I want to say thank you for handing me your sword back then. For introducing me to the sword. And if you'll let me say this, too— for giving me purpose."
"I like you a lot, Soshiro."
"Some idiot here thought I was single. I mean I AM, but that doesn't mean I want to be all chummy with guys here!" 
"If you ever ask for my hand in marriage, I'm going to depart from this earth and ascend to the heavens out of sheer happiness—"
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"To Hoshina Soshiro-副隊長,
I'm going home in a few months. My father said that my grandfather is refusing treatment. He even said your family visited our estate to pay your respects to the old man. I love my gramps, but when I found out that he was the one who told my father not to teach me swordsmanship, the shine on him kinda dulled. 
Izumo Tech sent me an email saying I would receive a 'hero's welcome' once I get back. I'll have to make a courtesy call to them, too. Not every athlete is blessed to have such a generous sponsor. (Not to mention that they've been closely watching my progress ever since they signed me on…)
I've been thinking of retiring from fencing. But I wouldn't know what to do with myself—
I'll see you soon."
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— Present Time.
With your father summoning you back home to your family estate, you had no choice but to file for leave and miss this year's Selection Exam. It was a pity you couldn't watch the potential recruits take to the field, too, since Izumo Tech's heir was part of this year's crop. 
When your grandfather's death anniversary memorial concluded, you retreated to your room. It was left untouched for the most part. When you arrived back home a few years ago, it was only to unload your excess belongings. The clan hardly had time to give you a proper welcome home since you had to secure the documents you needed for your Defense Force application. 
In a pocket of your old carrying case for your sabre was a bundle of unsent letters addressed to Soshiro, along with a bunch of unused French stamps and a pack of envelopes. You haven't practised your sabre sword arm for quite some time now, so you thought of bringing it back to base with you. Kendo was one of the primary forms of training at the force, so you did a lot of digging back into your roots whenever there were training sessions. 
The exams will have been done by the time you return to base, so you may as well sleep while you can. 
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"It was said that the gods tie a crimson string around the pinky fingers of those predestined to be together."
You never really paid much thought to your mother's story back then, but you could faintly recall the chilly evening breeze that blew through the shoji of your bedroom. Her yukata was the colour of ginkgo leaves, her embrace kind and warm. 
"But what if you… don't like the person on the other end of the string, okaa-san?" 
Hmm. What a profound question for someone so young. Did you really ask that yourself? Even so, your mother smiled at your query, brushing away the hair over your forehead with a cool hand before pressing a tender kiss on it. 
"If that day ever comes, my little heart, I know for certain that there is one who will defy fate for you, but you will have to be courageous, too…" 
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There was no helping your curiosity when you caught wind that this year's recruits were an exceptional bunch— and that one happened to share a tremendously intimate history with the Captain. It was a sizzling hot press release you couldn't help but sink your teeth into when Tae started talking your ears off about it.
You tried not to make that much noise as you both made your way back to your personal quarters that evening, but your topic was far too interesting to just stop and drop— it was about your usually pensive Captain…
"Do you think the Captain will start softening up?" You couldn't help but muse out loud.
"Doubt it! This is Captain Ashiro we're talking about," your fellow Platoon Leader remarked. "Then again, she's still a woman..."
Pretty much, you thought to yourself. Woman or not, a person's relationships shape the way others view them. Officer Hibino's revelations about his shared childhood memories with Captain Ashiro painted her in a new light, unveiling her as a tender girl in her youth— more human than machine like everyone else thought her to be…
"I heard something interesting about you, too," Tae said, a glint of mischief in her eyes. "One of the rookies said they already knew you from before. When you were still a professional fencer."
There's only one, you sighed to yourself this time. "It must be Haruichi-kun. If you must know, Tae-chan, Izumo Tech sponsored my fencing journey, especially when I was just starting out."
"That's not all, too," she chuckled at your slight change of tone. "Last I heard, the kid might even have a crush on you."
"That is not true at all," you elbowed her and laughed at her statement. "That's probably the most absurd thing I've heard in my entire life. Haruichi-kun is—"
"Why do you think it's absurd? I think it's ridiculously truthful," came the voice of a man from behind you.
"Vice Captain! G-Good evening!" You squeaked and managed a salute as Soshiro made his approach. He didn't look like he was ready to retire for the night just yet but was just hanging around.
"Kafka's tales have made the rounds, huh?"
"It's hard not to get roped into the gossip when it's so interesting," Tae said with a grin. "And with a Captain like ours who's so well-loved and well-respected, it's pretty tempting to hear what kind of person she was when she was just a kid."
"Yeah, she really went for her goals and succeeded," you nodded in agreement. "She's awe-inspiring."
"We're all aware of how amazing our Captain is," Soshiro stated with the same recognisable cheer in his voice. "But what's that thing about you and one of the rookies again?"
"Y-You mean about me and Haruichi-kun, Vice Captain? I-I mean Officer Izumo—"
The redhead standing right next to you could only purse her lips to prevent herself from laughing out loud, because by the gods, only she and a handful of other superior officers were aware of their Vice Captain's long-time infatuation with you. Not that he's ever confirmed it, but you two were childhood friends, after all. And this was their Vice Captain getting all jealous and territorial with you.
"I'm just gonna go ahead and turn in for the night," Tae said as she nudged you before breaking out into a salute directed at Soshiro. "Good night, Vice Captain!"
"T-Tae-chan?!" You could only call out to your fellow Platoon Leader as she disappeared into the darkened hallway leading to your quarters.  A little whimper of defeat left your lips as you turned back in the direction of your Vice Captain. "Vice Captain—"
"Are you two close?"
"You and the rookie."
Close wasn't exactly the right word for you two. Haruichi was your main sponsor's son. You've met a lot of times before and have nothing but great respect for each other. A silly crush doesn't do him any justice. That rumour was made in poor taste and faith.
You shook your head at your superior. "We're familiar with each other, but not really as close as everyone thinks."
"Is that so?" Soshiro said, not at all sounding convinced. "If I ask him, will he say the same thing?"
"I suppose," you replied to him with another small sigh of resignation. "I'm sorry, Vice Captain. It's not a nice rumour if you ask me… I feel sorry for… the rookie for being embroiled in this mess."
"Don't apologise because of that," he said as he reached out for your hand. "If you're going to apologise, at least say sorry because I heard it and believed it."
You can confirm now that he wasn't there to reprimand you at all since his hold on you was both tender and solid. There was a storm in his wine-dark gaze— languid but brewing and the way he looked at you made you want to dive right into the depths of his eyes.
"If you want to apologise to me properly, let's do it somewhere more comfortable," he told you as you caught the twinkle of expectation in his eyes. You were likely playing into his hands now, so what else could you do but dance to his rhythm?
"Yes, of course. My personal quarters are nearby," you said, pointing in the direction of the dimly lit hallway that Tae disappeared into moments ago. "If… If it's all right with you…"
"You know, if my family ever finds out I've been alone with a man in my room, no one would ever want me anymore," you said to him in jest. He paused in his tracks the moment you opened your door for him, and you did not expect his reply to your silly joke.  
"Whaddya mean? I want you. I've always wanted you. From the moment I saw ya crying in our family's garden, I—"
Oh, he's done it now. His words slipped out so easily because talking to you always felt so natural to him. 
"V-Vice Captain?!"
"Yer calling me 'Vice Captain' now, of all times?!"
"I-I don't wanna run laps after hearing t-that! I-I'm just being careful!" You squeaked at him. It was only when you heard the shuffling of footsteps from next door that you managed to take him by the hand and hurriedly pull him into your room. 
You didn't think you'd slip and fall on your back in the process. And since you held him by his hand, Soshiro toppled over you with his surprisingly heavy frame. He was quick to cup your head in his hand to brace your fall. 
"H-Hey, are you okay?" Came his concerned query as he lifted himself off of you, but he was taken aback by the shine of tears in your eyes. 
"Soshiro… Did you mean what you just told me?"
For a moment, you feel like you're back in France, sipping sweet wine on your bedroom windowsill, the colour reminding you so much of your first love's eyes. 
The very same eyes staring right back at you at this very moment. 
"I do. And if ya don't like it, then let me know. Let me know so I can take it back. And we can pretend this never happened—"
You tenderly coiled your arms around his neck, as though returning his half embrace. With your chest so closely pressed to his, you could hardly tell apart whose heart was beating so incredibly hard. 
"Don't take it back," you murmured into the crook of his neck. "Not when I've waited this long to hear it."
And though you said you wanted to talk to him— to clear the air and rid yourself of this trepidation and hesitation that you felt— very few and far between words were exchanged that night.
You liked him too, after all. Now all those times you looked forward to seeing him and he was always just as excited… He's had eyes for you ever since. 
You drank deep into his wine-coloured eyes while he helped himself to your warmth, the radiance that you were now in his arms as a single beam of sunlight he wanted to keep all to himself. 
And keep you he did.
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Soshiro couldn't help his curiosity when he saw the carrying case for your sabre in your quarters. He quietly walked over to it as he dressed himself, careful not to make any noise that may wake you from your deep, deep sleep. 
It was no surprise to him that you always kept your weapons in immaculate condition, but what piqued his attention even more was the bundle of unsent letters addressed to him, all of which he stealthily pocketed in his uniform. Some of the envelopes addressed him as 'Officer' and not 'Vice Captain', which could only mean those go way, way back. 
"Time for some morning readin', then." 
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When word got out that the female rookies caught Vice Captain Hoshina leaving your room early the following morning, you already expected to be summoned to the Captain's office that very day.
But instead of being vexed about the situation and her Vice Captain's unusually poor judgement, Mina had a rather amused expression on her otherwise normally calm face as she sat across from you two.
"What happened to not breaking rules, Hoshina?"
"Hey, it's not like I wanted to get caught!" Soshiro shot back at her, though there was very little he could do in the face of his Captain's evident thrill at his predicament.
"I can turn a blind eye to this, but the rumours are already out there," she continued. "I suppose I'll have to mete out some form of 'punishment' for you both. Just to make an example out of you."
"I-I'll accept whatever punishment you have in mind, C-Captain!" You exclaimed with a stiff and deep bow. You've never been reprimanded by the Captain ever since you first started out in the Third Division. For you to be sanctioned for the very first time... I've really done it this time!
"On second thought, I'll just have you two file this instead," Mina stated as she handed you a single sheet of paper with a header in bold letters that read Workplace Relationship Disclosure Form. "As a formality. It's also a written promise that you won't let your relationship get in the way of your jobs."
"That's it? Piece of cake!" Soshiro said with a smile as he read out the form. "We'll file it now and—"
"You'll file it at headquarters yourselves," she said with a small smile as she stood up from her desk. "Other than that, I hope you two managed to talk things out. You're dismissed."
"Headquarters?! Captain Ashiro! We'll do anything! Just don't make us go there! It's such a pain to get there!" He pleaded with the Captain this time. "We'll tell everyone if we have to! I mean that's not a bad idea, too, so they'll know that we're together! But we're just going to be normal about things, we swear!"
"Just how normal are you two going to be?" The Captain said with a small laugh, just like the one you heard from the rumours. "Just promise me you won't let this affect your work. I have great faith in you both, after all."
"Roger!" You exclaimed in unison, followed by your shared tender laughter.
"Good. Now do 30 laps each before training starts again this afternoon," Mina replied to your enthusiasm with another small smile. "I'm really not letting you guys off the hook that easily."
"Th-That's fine, Captain! We-We'll make a start now!" You stammered before she could change her mind about your choice of consequence, throwing her a salute before eventually jogging out of her office.
"Don't make her run your laps, Hoshina. She'll do it for you without you even asking."
"Wouldn't dream of it, Captain. As if I'd let her do all the heavy lifting herself," he replied with a salute and his usual cheer. 
"What do you plan on doing about the rumours?"
"Let them talk. It's even better for us. At least they know now who she belongs to."
"It's so strange hearing something like that come from you," Mina said to him, the same hint of amusement in her voice before eventually asking him, "Is there… anything else you wish to discuss with me, Hoshina?"
"While we're here, Captain. I was wondering if you could hear my request for time off," Soshiro started. As he thought, his Captain was keenly perceptive. "There's someone I gotta talk to." 
"It must be important, then, if you're requesting time off."
"Guess you could say that! I gotta make my intentions clear, after all."
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You were summoned back home to your family estate on one of your days off. It was rare for your father to call on you given your busy schedule, but on the phone, it sounded like he had something important to discuss with you. When you arrived, your servants promptly brought you over to the estate garden, where your father stood smack in the middle. He wore his favourite hakama, your family mon embroidered on it with fine gold thread. 
"Ah, there you are," he welcomed you with an uncharacteristic smile on his face. He looked a little tired, but also somewhat pleased. "Walk with me, daughter. I have something I wish to tell you."
He offered you his elbow as you walked over to him, and you took it, though you were evidently confused. "Soshiro-kun was here the other day."
"Really?" You asked, your confusion compounding even further. "What business did he have with you?"
Your pace was restful and leisurely, an afternoon breeze blowing overhead. You tried to match your father's steps, only realising now how short his strides were. 
"You should have known from the start that the Hoshina Family only permitted your presence in their home out of pity. It was no surprise for us that their heir didn't think much of you. He must have known that the Koganei owe a great deal to the Hoshina and your grandfather was so hell-bent on having you marry into that family for reparations."
So that's what it was. "Huh. I suppose that makes sense…"
"Your marriage wasn't really for prestige. We've long lost that, after all… If anything, it would have secured you a home in the future. They would take care of you, at least…"
"Was it a large sum?"
"A debt that can only be paid by a life."
Someone from the Hoshina Family died for yours. How long ago it was, you will never know. 
You couldn't help but think back to your childhood, that very day your family brought you to the Hoshina Estate, and how Soichiro looked over you as though you were an ostentatious doll on display. That was why your family tried so hard—
"The Hoshina… wanted us to excel at swordsmanship so there would be no more needless deaths like of past. But all I had was a daughter. They thought the marriage was a good idea at first, but then the brothers started fighting over you."
"That's new, otou-san. I know for a fact that Soichiro-san hates me and my guts."
Your father chuckled at your statement, even though he knew you were right. "He only hated the fact that he could not make a rival out of you. But his clever younger brother did."
His fingers were cold from the breeze, the hardened calluses across his palm tenderly squeezing your smaller hand in his.  
"I know it was Soshiro-kun who gave you that very thing we deprived you of," he told you, holding your gaze for you to understand the gravity of this conversation. "Purpose." 
Time was still for you all of a sudden, the weight of your father's tired eyes rested on you before he spoke once more. "He came to ask for your hand. In the future, he amended. He said the two of you are far too busy and far too valuable to the Defense Force to even consider marriage at present." 
It was your mother who related the events of Soshiro's visit to your family estate the other day. 
The blockhead second son of the Hoshina Family came to your home and prostrated himself before your father, his forehead reaching the tatami as he beseeched the patriarch with a crack in his voice that pulled at the older man's heart. 
"I don't care about your family's debt to mine. I promise to be good to her, so please…"
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"What's this I heard about the Sixth Division Captain reachin' out to ya the other day?" 
You were conducting drills with your platoon when Soshiro arrived at the training ground. His arrival prompted your team members to pause their exercises to throw him a snappy salute that matched your own. "Vice Captain, sir!"
"We'll resume in five. Take a break, fellas," you gestured to your team, who could only watch with bated breath how your commanding officer pulled you aside. 
"Now, of all times?" You asked him, a hint of annoyance in your voice. "You do know everyone's watching us… Vice Captain, sir."
"I was just… curious. Why's he callin' you now—"
"Captain Hoshina simply wished to… congratulate us on our…" You replied to him, though every word you said made you more embarrassed and self-conscious because your members were still in their respective positions, only pretending not to hear your conversation. "30 laps around the block! You all better pick up the pace when I catch up! Go! Go! Go!"
Your team was quick on their feet when you clapped and motioned for them to start running. The mischief makers smiled as they passed by you, shouting their congratulations on your engagement. 
"Good grief…" You sighed in defeat. "I thought we were keeping things under the wraps."
"Hard to do that when everyone in the Third Division's so nosy," he chuckled. By the time all your members disappeared into a block, he gently took your hand in his and gave it a tender squeeze. 
"You know, Vice Captain, your brother did say something interesting earlier. I thought I'd let you know about it," you started. "Soichiro-san said you always challenged him to improve yourself, but there was one time you actually scored a point over him. Because you two were fighting over something."
"Really, now? I wonder what it was…" He replied with a playfulness in his tone. "It probably didn't matter to him much since he was a genius and all."
"He said he only let you win because you'd never stop bugging him about it," you told him, followed by a small pfft when you saw his expression change. "But you're right. It didn't matter to him much, but he saw how much it meant to you…"
It was supposed to be a petty argument between brothers, but it meant so little to him now since you were the one who broke off your engagement with his older brother. 
"There was a time when I thought I'd end up being Soichiro-san's wife because he was the one on the other end of the string… or so my family said," you stated with a scoff this time. "But if you must know, Soshiro, I considered myself yours the moment you asked me to swing a sword at you."
You squeezed his hand right back. "Thank you for defying fate for me. And for giving me the courage…"
Soshiro smiled at you— his same, knowing Cheshire Cat smile you've liked from the start. "Are ya kiddin' me? It was you who defied fate. Probably not for me, but good enough to think that it is. And our ancestors got what they wanted too, so there's that."
"Our ancestors didn't want a marriage," you retorted with a laugh. "They wanted a life for a life." 
"They got that, too. Yours is mine and mine is yours. Y'know, I think that red string just got tangled in the midst of everything. You're meant to be part of my family one way or another."
You returned his warm smile as you raised his hand to your cheek. "This is the only way I'd have it. The only way I want."
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✦ x x
451 notes · View notes
neoplatinum · 5 months
in sickness and in health - the finale | minatozaki sana
summary: it's time to face the two demons that lurk in the shadows
pairing: heiress!sana x reader
themes: blood, murder, gore, knives, kidnapping, assassins, katanas, arranged marriage au, fluff, angst, tension, lots of elitism, conglomerate power-hungry side characters, implied sex, misamo!
wc: 7.2k
(series masterlist)
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index finger tracing along the scarred name, you stare into the open garden. the sound of a bamboo fountain trickling water, light sounds of wind passing by, hitting the wind chimes in the distance. 
the warm air making your forehead sweat, there’s an unsettling feeling in your chest. a feeling you haven’t been able to put at ease for months. waking up from dreams of the abe brother’s killing your family. 
after the abe ball, you took it upon yourself to do intensive research on their family clan. the history and intertwining of the two families like twin snakes. every generation there’s been an increasing tension between the minatozakis and the abes.
sana’s mother was married into the minatozaki family, much like you. a woman with a strong vision for the family, taking the power in stride. increasing the stretch of the power across industries, a move in which made the abes unhappy. there’s always been territory boundaries, unmoving and untouched for decades, no one crosses it.
sana’s mother crossed it. 
taking over minor territories of the abe clan in japan: a means of expansion. one that the abe’s didn’t take lightly too. the abes took it upon themselves to kill momo and mina’s father. 
a clear sign of distaste for the minatozakis, nearly sparking war between the two conglomerate powers.
which was why sana was set to marry kaito abe. a negotiation of peace and a possible united front against the smaller clans who were itching to take over whichever was killed off. 
sometimes you stare at her, eyes just capturing her, wondering about the woman that you now devoted your every breath to. 
there’s a shift, ever since the ball, she’s gone out less. more need to be around haruto and hanako. even spending days with you in office. she delivered an armchair into your office, to be placed near you while you work.
“it’s getting windy, let’s head back inside.” sana taps you, you take one final look over the garden before picking up a giggling hanako. grabbing at your ears and pulling at it. 
haruto runs ahead, feet taking off ever since he found his own speed. running down bridges of the minatozaki estate.
his little feet lead him in front of sana’s mother. her eyes warm and inviting as she crouches down to pick him up. his grabby hands picking at the flower tucked in her breast pocket. 
she looks so different like this. a woman who can kill as easily as she breathes. 
but she’s so gentle with haruto and hanako, a real grandmother at times. the way she often visits, dropping everything to babysit them. 
but she also comes to talk to you. sometimes you feel like she’s been watching you, the way you now try to take in her footsteps. to take over the family name, one that you didn’t want to bear in the first place. 
that’s all this was supposed to be, a convenient enough marriage that was backed by the minatozaki power. you get to expand your business and lead your father’s, but now you stand, as a pawn. 
likely the next leader of the clan.
hushed conversations in your office, her plans for the clan, molding you into another her. a vision she has long wanted, one that she didn’t want to force upon sana. but seeing your ambitious streak with your business, she knows you have the strength.
you just wonder if you can live up to the expectations.
“what do you make of the abe clan?”
“kaito and kenji. vicious, brutal, psychotic, narcissistic.” “right, what else?” she continues to take light sips of her sencha. you bought her favorite kind. 
“birds, sana told me about killer birds.” and she nods. the abe’s are like crows, hiding amongst the shadows, swarming together for the kill. it’s so obvious why they chose killer crows. 
those glossy beady black eyes, always monitoring. 
like a 24/7 surveillance system.
“what about their vulnerabilities?”
you sit and think about the brothers, both so obsessed with murder and blood. hands probably holding the blood of ten of thousands of cronies. 
you learnt of the aftermath of the watanabe, being dissolved like they never existed. their territories and power being absorbed by smaller groups clans. the whole family house being burnt to the ground. 
it was a horrifying sight on the news, covered up under the guise of an electrical fire. 
“i’m not sure.” sana’s mother stares at you, an eyebrow raised.
“who’s at the top?” she asks. setting down the cup of tea.
there’s no one at the top, that seat has been vacant for years. following the sudden death of their father, both brothers have been leading the clan.
some underground bosses have speculated that the brothers killed their own father. sent him to early retirement for the top seat. 
you can’t tell if it’s true, or worse, who did it.
“it’s just the two brothers.” you comment.
“two leaders, as brothers. a clan of that size and prestige is unheard of, i think they’ll kill each other before this year ends.” she sits backwards, leaning against the cushion.
“likely, they’re both too greedy.” you also sit back, thinking about the two brothers. the horrors that happened that night, their eyes filled with pleasure at the killings. 
delight flowing through them at the attention.
that night you returned from the abe ball, you had to hold sana, her just sobbing into your chest. making you bring haruto and hanako into the bedroom. 
her hands shaking as she held haruto and hanako. giving them little kisses as she hugged them close.
you hope to never see her so distraught again.
“do you know why you were chosen, to marry sana?” sana’s mother stands up, grabbing a folder from her drawing. unraveling the string, and taking out the contents.
“no, i don't.”
“you and sana grew up around each other. i had always known your father, he used to be an associate of the minatozakis. he was too greedy and unstable, and i always assumed that he would never amount to much. but you, you were different.” 
she starts showing you photos of you by your father’s side. small and young, without a clue in the world, just anger. 
anger for something that was truly yours, one that wasn’t from your father.
“attended the same law school as sana, but you took your work seriously. devoting years to your business, i always kept tabs on you.” 
she says, showing pictures of you during law school, in the background of sana’s photos. always there in the frame, just barely noticeable. 
“all the heirs were power hungry, but they didn’t have a driving force. nothing to prove, all handed luxuries on a golden spoon.”
“you worked for your place in the world, and that i can admire. you remind me of my young self. when i married sana’s father, i acted much like you did. dismissive towards the minatozakis, until i had sana. she was the most precious thing to me, someone i had to protect.” 
she says, handing you photos of a young sana, in her pretty dress and fake tiara. you smile at the sight, you remember often seeing her dressed up as a princess.
“i knew when i chose you, that you’d be loyal to sana, you have honor and duty in you, you can’t learn that. but this family and the clan, all of that you can learn.” 
she says pointing around the room, and you think of how much you’ve changed. taking the leading stance on propelling the power of the clan.
“i understand.” you say, taking a look at all the photos laid out, you at different points of your life. a whole different you that wanted nothing to do with the minatozakis or any clan for the matter.
“when kazuki abe murdered mamoru, we assumed that they were going to kill off the rest of the minatozakis. but then we negotiated that sana would marry kaito.” she says pointing to a marriage contract. you stare at it, the wild lines of kaito’s signature.
“but then kazuki died suddenly, of a heart attack, they said. kaito was scrambling for the marriage. wanted to marry sana immediately, move up the marriage.” 
“i told them that sana was set to marry someone else, this was a chance to change her fate.” she says, thinking back to when you were delivered a marriage contract.
“they lost their minds, swearing up and down that they were going to kill us for breaking the negotiations. but they had no leader, their father was dead, and they didn’t know how to wield the abe power. foolish little boys in dressed up suits.” 
you nod.
“but now, i see kazuki in them both, ruthless and killer minded. that’s all they care about, killing those that stand in their way. i don’t even think kaito cared about marrying sana, was more concerned that she defied the negotiation.” 
of course that’s where their priorities lied.
“do you understand now?”
“yes, mrs. minatozaki.”
“none of that, call me mom, you’re as much of my child as sana is.” she says, standing up, grabbing her cup of tea with her. you stand up as well.
“oh also, sana chose you because she thought you were captivating. her words, not mine.” and then she leaves with a grin.
“go go go!” little haruto points at the kite in your hand, the wind blowing your hair back. he jumps and claps as you run around the field, letting the koinobori kite fly into the sky. 
the orange and red fish flying in the sky. 
his laughs filling the air as the fish continues to weave through the sky. moving across the field as more string unravels from your kite.
“you having fun?” sana shouts as she walks up to you, hanako in her arms as she reaches out towards you. pulling your daughter into your arms.
“mhm, haruto is really happy.” he continues to run across the field, chasing the kite closely.
“she’s getting bigger.” you comment, bouncing hanako on your hip. handing the kite to sana. the fish flying up high. she stares at the fish in amazement, whining to reach out for it, trying to get out of your arms.
“isn't she? she might have my eyes.” sana comments, moving the kite to the other side, haruto cheering as he runs towards the other end of the field. you think they look like sana's too. ones that you used to look at as kids.
“what did you and my mom talk about.”
“talking about the abes. i learned why she chose me to marry you.” you say, trying your best to keep hanako in your arms. “didn’t know you had the hots for me even then.” you smirk.
“oh you wish!” she says, a light pink dusting on her cheeks.
“i think you said i was ‘captivating’ or am i wrong?” you laugh as sana refuses to look at you. too busy trying to wipe the smile off her face.
“you’ve gotten so cheeky lately.” you just smile at her, giving her a kiss. and you’re back to watching haruto running across the field.
you continue to sink into the water, letting the water move you around a bit. taking deep breaths as you dump more water across your arms. the large stones forming a barrier from the outside. lately you’ve been finding yourself more lost in your thoughts, thinking about how to best move forward.
what is your purpose now as a minatozaki?
without a doubt, you want to raise haruto and hanako properly, not letting them see the dark side of this family. they deserved a healthy childhood, one in which you and sana will foster their future. no matter what they decide.
but what about the other threats, smaller clans all itching to get a piece of the empire. you think about sana’s mother, how strong willed that woman is. wielding the entire empire in her hands, and expanding it to what it is now. 
“what are you thinking about?” sana walks across the wooden boards, just to the edge of the spring. holding out her hand, you hold yours up as she takes a dip, her feet hitting the water and sitting next to you. you give her hand a kiss, before sitting closer to her.
“how lucky i am to marry you.” you say earnestly. days of the past before sana were filled with work and sleep. you rarely enjoyed yourself then. head down in paperwork after paperwork. now you get to experience life with the most beautiful woman in your life, along with two lovely kids.
“i feel the same.” she says, grabbing your hand again, tracing along the knuckles. she stills for a second before continuing, “you know how i was supposed to marry kaito?”
you nod, feeling a sharp distaste just at the name. 
“i never loved him, and i knew i couldn’t be his wife. he would have killed me at some point, i think after mother dies.” his willingness to usurp the minatozakis is obvious, he would’ve killed the entire family if it meant being able to absorb the power that the minatozakis had.
“so i’m glad that you agreed to marry me.” she says, leaving feather-light touches across your palm. you kiss her forehead. letting her lean across your shoulder.
“me too darling.” 
she gets up, pulling her hair off to the side. exposing her back. a long winding gorgeous blue and gold dragon across it. the tail winding down her spine and the tail ending near her tailbone. a full back piece, coloring her back in vibrancy. red clouds surrounding the dragon, wrapping in the curve of her back.
you trail your finger down the body of the dragon, feeling her shudder at the sensation. it’s a beautiful piece, adorning her back. with her gorgeous figure, you can’t help but admire her. everything that sana is and will be, you love every aspect.
“you’ve always liked this piece so much.” she comments, as you lift your finger. she turns around, pulling herself onto your lap. legs laid against yours. 
“because you are gorgeous sana.” grabbing her lightly by the neck and pulling her in for a kiss. naturally, she lays her arms on your shoulder. “my gorgeous gorgeous girl.”
- -
“repeat that for me.” you stand up, watching sana’s mother continue to sit at her desk. pacing a bit as she continues to read down from the reports.
“the abe’s are trying to stage a coup.” she comments, reading the written report. “sent assassins to kill momo and mina, ‘finishing what they started’ they said.” you begin to bite your nail, they’re making moves now. “sent over a hundred of their foot soldiers to their sleeping quarters. momo and mina tore them all apart, but they’re recovering now, heavy injuries.”
you look at the pictures, bruised ribs, cuts along their arms and torsos. momo looks more bandaged from the sight of the photos. both of them sleeping in the minatozaki private hospital.
“you think they’ll come for us next?” you take a step away from the desk, thinking about sana. this is the last thing she needs, bad dreams of the abe brothers plaguing both your minds. now this threat is far more present, they intend to finish off killing off momo and mina, after the abe’s killed their father: mamoru minatozaki.
“yes.” she says, continuing to examine the report, reading down the lines. attacks made dead in the night, but momo and mina’s alert senses pulled them out of their sleep early enough for them to grab weapons to defend themselves. “likely soon.”
you let out a sigh, it seems the darkness is looming closer. some days when you’re outside you spot crows along tree branches, those same beady eyes from the abe manor. all ready to dive and kill at a moments notice. perhaps the abe’s have been monitoring your behavior as well.
“be prepared, the next line of minatozakis all depends on you.” sana’s mother stands up, eyes a little harder than usual as she exits her office. you look back at the photos of momo’s injuries. the bruises, the black eye, the gash along her forehead. mina got off a little easier, she’s more evasive than momo, but she looks pretty beat up too, leg in a cast.
“you look like shit momo.” you stare at her body, the bruising has faded a bit, leaving a yellow-ish green color along her ribs. the low sound of the machines running in the background. mina gave you a weak wave as she continues to read her book.
“i still look better than you, dipshit.” you grin, momo having enough energy to still insult you means she’s still herself. and for that you are grateful. you place the fruit basket onto her bedside table. 
“you still doing the exercises i taught you?” she says, pushing herself up with some difficulty. you pull the pillow up to support her back as she leans against the wall. 
you nod, that’s all you’ve been doing lately. training for hours, that you completely lose track of time. sometimes sana scolds you for not picking up her calls, walking into the weight room herself to take off your headphones. training for what, you aren’t even sure. maybe the looming threat of the abe’s has made you paranoid.
“momo, i came to ask you about the abe’s.” mina puts her book down gently, tabbing it before closing it. and momo crosses her arms. both of them staring at you.
“what do you want to know?”
“what happened that night? i want to know from the source.” you explain.
momo lets out a sigh while mina stares outside the window.
“they sent assassins, it was an open-contract just for that night, whoever takes blood gets the pool of money. meaning any assassin could take on the job, they wanted us both dead. didn’t matter how. so roughly 100 assassins or so, all swarming our house, they all came.” she explains.
“many of these assassin we both know personally, i think the abe’s weren’t serious about wanting us dead. i think this was just a warning to sana’s mother. that they’re coming for her.” momo says, and mina nods lightly. 
“the abe’s are killers, they would never send assassins as proxies if they actually wanted us dead.” mina explains. the abe brothers are known for keeping a public record of every person they have killed, a competition to see which brother has a higher kill count.
“doesn’t mean that this was any easier though.” momo says as she tries to rotate her shoulders. you nod, the abe’s are psychotic killers and calculating while at it.
“the abe’s only kill with their knives, it’s like an extension for their bodies. it’s how they were trained, one blade for the rest of their lives. all the abe’s have to use that same knife to take their own life, or else their death is considered shameful. they won’t get an abe burial if they let anything else kill them.” mina says with finality.
sana has been pacing like crazy the past few days, her uneasiness continuing to spread through to you. she’s been so anxious since momo and mina nearly got killed. 
some days she’ll stay in the nursery for hours, just spending time with haruto and hanako. or if they’re asleep, she’ll visit momo and mina in the private hospital. you can see how she’s losing sleep over this, eyes wide as she explains how scared she is that everyone will die in front of her eyes. much like what happened to the watanabes.
you don’t even know how to console her at times, just letting her tears continue to stain your clothes as she cries. often coming back from the hospital with hollow eyes.
you’ve stepped up security, placing more security measures around the manor, cameras, guards, even sensors. anything that’ll give you the upperhand against these vicious brothers.
but there’s been radio-silence, nothing to report.
and that makes you antsy, you feel like they’re plotting their next attack against your family but like a lost detective, there’s no conclusive evidence. forced to feel like this threat is a phantom, that it doesn’t actually exist at all.
sana’s mother has taken it upon herself to visit often for her grandkids, a second set of eyes that’ll be ready to jump at the scene. there’s still this trained calmness in her, one that won’t act rashly when provoked. she’s been through hell and back for this clan, and she won’t let these brothers provoke her.
“so they stopped sending you sunflowers?” sana asks as you stare at yesterday’s flowers. it’s a bit strange, for the past month, the flowers always arrive exactly at noon, no earlier, and no later. 
it’s also a strange flower to gift. 
“yeah, just today.” there’s never a post card or anything, but with how work has been booming you’re sure it’s just a pleased shareholder expressing their happiness. sana continues to examine the flowers, eyeing them closely, checking the vase for anything special.
“do you even like sunflowers?” she asks.
“no, not really, which is why i’m confused.” you explain, also examining the flower. the yellow petals bloomed around the disk florets. you’ve been asking shoko to figure out who the sender is, but the flower delivery is always anonymous.
sana nods, as she sits down near you, pulling out a magazine. you continue to thumb through the financial report you’ve been sent. great projections for the third quarter.
then shoko runs into the room.
“emi just called, they took haruto and hanako.” shoko shoves the phone forward, you take it out of your hand, putting it against your ear.
“emi, emi, can you hear me?” you shout into the phone, your blood pressure rising.
“they took them!” emi’s anxious voice squeaks through the speakers, her frantic voice as you hear footsteps all in the back. sana’s by your side, staring at the phone as her eyes go dark.
“who’s they?” you ask, grabbing your stuff, as shoko keeps the door open. you and sana take off, running down the hallway towards the elevator. background noise continuing to playthrough the speakerphone. you and sana keep sharing looks of panic, you can feel her shaking. 
“the abe’s, the abe’s took them. both the brothers are here.” emi continues to speak, her voice getting quieter and quieter. you grab sana’s hand as you both race down the stairwell. rushing into the parking lot, handing sana the phone as you both take off. 
“emi, do you know where they took them?” sana’s voice is on the verge of sobbing, tears flowing down her face. she continues to shake in the passenger seat, you offer your hand, as you speed out of the garage, and take the shortest road towards the manor.
“i-i don’t know miss sana.” emi’s voice cuts off and then you hear a scream, nearly stopping the car. your ears listening to the scream of emi, and then it goes silent. sana’s gripping on your hand the tightest she ever has.
then there’s a crackle before a voice comes through.
“hello darling, missed me?” the voice of kaito abe, directly reverberating around the car. sana squeezes your hand. you focus on driving as fast as you can, weaving through cars and traffic, all aimed at reaching towards your kids.
“kaito, you took my kids!” she shouts into the phone.
“oh don’t be like that darling, you know i would never actually kill them. such precious little things.” his laughter ringing out, him placing the phone directly at your kids’ mouths. their wails and cries coming through the phone.
“now, let’s get to the fun part!” his laughter coming back, you’re nearing the house. “come to us! we’ll be waiting.”
sana’s crying, her tears rolling off the phone screen, and you stop hearing anything, the ringing sound in your ears. your blood running through you like a waterfall. the thumping of your chest clambering out of your body, a desperate need to calm down. 
the adrenaline that rushes through you, you press the gas pedal harder, the thought of losing your kids killing any other thought that dares to sprout within your mind.
“before i forget! i left little gifts for you! sunflowers, very fitting, since hanako means flower child and haruto means sun. i thought you would figure it out!” his voice comes back, the ringing continuing to play with his voice.
that fucker is getting what’s coming to him.
then the line hangs up. 
you speed into the manor. outside in the lawns are lifeless bodies, all their blood staining the grass red. a massacre of minatozaki mercenaries taken out by the hands of the abes. tire marks against the ground. 
you hastily put the car in park, throwing the door open as you race to the door, it’s all ransacked. the house, nearly flipped over. deep gashes on the family portrait hung on the wall. both your and sana’s face cut from the painting. sana chases after you, her body still shaking as she examines the room around her. running straight for the nursery. 
you stop when you get inside, it’s not flipped over like the rest of the house, but both children are missing. where haruto usually sits to draw, his chair is flipped over. and hanako who likes to stand in her crib is nowhere to be seen. sana hasn’t noticed, but emi’s been murdered. her blood staining the carpet. you cover her eyes, as you lead her outside.
the absolute anger and venom coursing through your body, you reach the door. 
you get a ring from your phone. 
his voice through your ears, “if you’d like your kids back, come to the abe house alone, let’s talk.” it’s oddly normal, not his usual humored voice. almost like a friend calling. you shudder at how quick he can change himself.
you speed away from the manor.
you roll your car into the abe mansion, seeing the same red walls and dark red crest across the main entrance. a sigh leaving your lips. you weren’t really thinking when he called, and now you’re here, at the doorsteps of the abes. they could kill you right here and that would be it for you.
but your conviction to save your kids is stronger, the need to kill kaito and kenji for messing with your kids. 
parking your car in the garage, there’s no guards around. it’s too quiet, almost like something’s wrong here. you can even hear the garden running in the background.
you step into the same tunnel where you once walked through with sana. there’s no line of birds up top, also strange. like a chill up your spine, and soon you arrive inside the main hall. the same hall that was the death place of the watanabes. it’s completely empty, the decorations are still around. but without the guests, it’s just a giant room filled with war artifacts/
you keep walking through the hallways, until you reach a smaller room, much smaller. with it’s door open. and inside you can hear some light music playing. the sight of kaito and kenji abe sitting in two chairs, no guards around either. 
just them two and behind them your kids. little haruto and hanako hugging each other in the corner. haruto’s fearful eyes as he sees you, running towards you with tears in his eyes.
you rush to pick him up, while the two brothers eye you. unmoving as you grab hanako as well. placing them behind you. staring at them two. their hands spinning their twin tantos in their hands. you don’t say anything, rubbing hanako’s hair lightly as you set her down behind you. 
“take a seat.” you sit down across from the brothers. both of them adorning their family crest, kaito’s lips are curled into a smile, while kenji has a bored look on his face.
“why did you take my kids?” you ask, continuing to keep hanako in your arms. rocking her slightly, while haruto peers from behind the chair. still scared out of his mind.
“just for fun!” kaito says as he offers a lollipop to hanako, you push it away. watching the way he laughs out in amusement.
“you minatozakis are always so stuck up.” he says, placing the lollipop down on his desk. kenji continues to flip the tanto in his hand. you can feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. it’s still too quiet, where is everyone.
“i wanted to meet my replacement in person.” kaito explains. “needed to see sana’s plaything in person.”
kenji rolls his eyes. you continue to let your eyes drift to and from the two brothers, attune to each subtle movement. “well i’m here now, what do you want from me?”
“i want you to beg, beg for your life.” he says, knife pointed at your head. you look around you, any sign of escape. the door’s still open for some reason. you stare at him, body unmoving in the chair. hands cupped around hanako’s ears. she sinks her head into your chest, completely unmoving.
“beg?” you ask.
“yes, beg for your life! you minatozakis always just take what you want. took away from my father’s empire, that silly old lady. so my father killed one of yours.” he says, pointing to a plaque. 
engraved towards the middle is ‘mamoru minatozaki’, a list on names stretching down the plaque. all of them kills by the abes, when and who.
it’s sickening to see.
“so beg, beg for forgiveness, beg for salvation, beg for escape. because you just walked into the abe mansion like a fool.” kaito stands up, his knife back towards you, you place hanako into haruto’s arms. 
his eyes filled with tears as he begs for you to hold him. you give them both forehead kisses as he cries with his sister in his arms. 
you beg that they don’t see what you do.
you stand back up, slipping the tanto from your waistband. unsheathing it and rolling it in your hands. taking off the blazer you had on, and rolling your sleeves up.
“oh a branded one too!” kaito laughs out pointing at your forearm, you pay him no mind as he continues to laugh. “you’ve got some fight in you?”
you just nod, getting into a defensive stance, keeping your left fist leveled. as he advances forward. kenji’s still sat playing with the knife in his hand. marveling the sharp edge, while kaito’s got bloodlust painted all over his face.
he advances forward, faking a stab at your left side, the feint doesn’t bother you one bit, using the leverage to stab at his left side as well. letting your power move with your body, nearly cutting into his jacket. to which he claps at the sight, a strange man he is.
“keep going, keep going!” he exclaims, clearly getting excitement from the taunts that you are exhibiting. you begin circling him, clearly he’s excited, letting the stabs continue. you continue to flip the dagger in your hand, he lands a slash against your cheek and against your shoulder. 
kenji hasn’t even moved an inch, his finger still grazing along the edge. you feel your blood pump faster, clenching your jaw as you grip the blade harder. letting a charged attack aiming for his neck, and at the last second letting the blade slice down his body.
he cheers unexpectedly, clapping with his hands. you continue to let your eyes move from him and his brother. confused with the lack of action from kenji.
“you know how to fight! i like when my prey fight back, it’s more fun that way.” he says, changing his smile from amusement to pleasure-filled. his stance getting lower, you feel yourself getting nervous. you don’t know what he’s trained in before.
he nearly lunges at you, an unexpected speed, you dodge the attack with your arms, his knife digging into your skin. and then he pulls it back out. eyes ablaze as he continues to try and aim for your head. you narrowly dodge each attack, and with each attack, he gets faster and faster. 
you let him stab his knife into your shoulder, as you stab the knife deep into his stomach. staring at him centimeters away. the way his eyes roll at the pain, he’s a masochist. entertained by his own pain, and others. you let the knife continue to sink into him being pulling it back out. 
the blood pooling from his shirt, dripping onto the ground. his knife stuck into your shoulder. he grabs a longer blade off a shelf, you stumble backwards a bit. the pain of the shoulder making you hold onto his blade. better to keep it in, than to let it bleed out. 
his eyes gleaming with joy as he wields a katana now in hand, you stare at it, watching the way he moves his grip, adjusting it. all the while kenji steps near him, eyes squinted as he watches his brother wield a katana.
you heave a bit, your left shoulder feeling weak from the knife lodged within. you back up a bit as they both share a look, both their eyes wild, but for different reason.
you put your right arm up, readying yourself for an attack from them both, 
but then it turns into a bloodfest.
kenji, in a quick rotating turn, grabs the katana straight from kaito’s hands and stabs the long katana into his brother. cutting through him in the chest. his brother’s eyes go wide. 
“you, you, you!” kaito’s hands fly towards the katana trying to pull it out, kenji only stabs it into his body further.
“any last words brother?” kenji lets out a little smile, as kaito falls backward his hand outreached towards kenji, blood gurgling in his mouth. his body going limp on the floor.
kenji then he turns to you. 
“thank you for that, let’s let the real fun begin.” he says, pulling the katana out of his brother’s now lifeless body. all the while you’re trying to make sure that none of your kids are seeing this brutal scene, you can hear their small cries.
he crosses the room in a few steps, trying with all his force to slam the katana over your head, you hold with everything in you against it, fighting it with ever muscle fibers in your body. being brought abruptly with the downwards force of his slash. 
knees nearly buckling under the force. he continues to drive the katana deeper, you barely hold on, begging for something to hold.
letting the sweat continue to bead across your forehead, calves and thighs straining in pressure, and at last he lets go. a short knife sent straight at his heart. his eyes nearly bulging out as he grasps onto his shirt, his heart bleeding out. and you collapse onto the ground. 
the adrenaline pumping through your body, and all the pain of the fight coming back to feeling. you stare at the ceiling as people start piling in. you roll your head over, the sight of the minatozaki crest upon the back of the people. 
one in particular sticks out, sana’s mother. taking the knife from his heart and stabbing into it once more. “i pity you abe boys, killing one of your own.” she says before taking the knife out once more.
“take the kids away.” you put your hand up, and immediately the guards back up. you roll your head the other way, beckoning the kids forward. haruto wailing as he falls atop your body, and little hanako staring straight at you, before joining her brother.
you smile at them both, caressing their faces, giving them kisses as tears fall down your face. they’re okay, they’re safe.
you can feel the exhaustion finally seeping in, continuing to brush their hair out their face. as your eyes roll back, and then you’re out.
your eyes open to the bright light of the hospital room, one that you previously were in for momo and mina. the windows are open, a slight wind blowing against the curtains. a bunch of fruit baskets laying at the table near your feet. clearly you’ve had some visitors.
mouth drier than a desert as you try and grab a glass of water nearby. your whole body hurts, every part of it hurts. you grunt a bit reaching the full glass, getting some needed hydration.
and this searing headache that you can feel isn’t making it any better. you try your best to look around, vision still a bit blurry. then they refocus on a figure in the chair near you.
sana’s here.
you blink a few more times, eyes getting sharper, until you can see her features clearly. it’s a gorgeous sight after nearly being killed. although she looks mad at you, her eyes in fury. the same fury you saw when she found out you had her tailed.
she stares at you, getting up when she notices you’re awake, towering over you.
“you idiot!” she shouts at you. tears in her eyes already, you try your best to move but everything hurts so much.
“sana. please.” you raise your hand, outreached towards her. she storms out of the room, the door slamming open as she rushes outside. 
then sana’s mother enters the room. a limping momo trailing behind her. both women rounding the side of the bed that sana was in seconds ago. sana’s mother doesn’t display much emotion, but momo seems rather amused.
“sana’s furious, swore she would kill you if you died to the brothers.” she explains, her hands folded behind her as she stares at your patient monitor, a small smile on her hand. “you did well kid.”
“doesn’t seem like it.” you say, feeling the pain of your left shoulder still burning. a searing pain even as you try and relax. she shakes her head no, momo’s staring at your bandaged body. your injuries much like hers, minus the bruised ribs. to which you have to be thankful for. you think back to the room, how dark it was in their study. the sight of your kids cowering in fear deep in the back corner of the room, their small eyes staring at you in relief when they saw you enter.
you hope they never remember this event, and most of all that they didn’t see anything.
you know that you’ll forever live with this memory, the scars, the bloodshed, the pain. all of it will live through you and hopefully only you. a reason that you went straight for the abe brothers, without giving sana a chance to even follow. you don’t want her to deal with the repercussions of the deaths that were bound to happen. to put ease into her mind, you would shoulder the world for her.
a true testimony of your devotion to sana.
“you did it for sana, didn’t you?” 
momo’s words bring you out of your thoughts, and you nod, because it’s true. sana is everything and more, someone that you find yourself leaning on when things get rough. you want her to never experience the sights of the killings. those night terrors were enough to snap you awake, you feel protective of her. wanting her peace to remain for however long she lives.
“she called me and mina up, begging us with her snotty voice to save you.” momo says, a little too serious for your taste. “she begged, sana is not one to beg. she loves you as much as you love her.” 
“i know.” 
momo rolls her eyes.
“what i’m trying to say is, despite how mad she may be at you, she loves you, even this part of you that wants to shoulder all her burdens.” momo explains. and you listen intently. 
“when she told me that you were going to marry her, i always wondered why. but now i know, you mean every word you say. there’s no games with you. in this world, all there is are games, everyone has their motives, their greed, their lust. but you speak from the heart, and that’s all sana wants, someone genuine. their love as obvious as their words.”
you nearly choke up at the words, it’s a feeling that you’ve been thinking about lately. ever since sana’s mother explained why she chose you (sana as well). 
“thank you momo.” and with a small nod she leaves the hospital room.
you feel like you haven’t deserved the love that sana gives you, as much as you want to. just not understanding why, but it’s clear, even in this dark and cruel world that you’ve been married into.
you sob openly, just letting the tears of everything that’s been building up in you fall like flowing feelings. all the pain and suffering of being married into this family, the strange stares from outsiders. enduring the rigorous training from momo and mina all in order to become someone strong enough for this family, all those nights you had to hold a crying sana.
“you are an absolute idiot.” you get wheeled outside, sitting in your hospital gown as you get placed next to sana’s bench. there’s tears still in her eyes, and she refuses to look at you.
“i know, i’m sorry.” you respond.
“what if you died? what if they killed you and the kids? what am i supposed to do then?” she exclaims, tears gushing from her eyes. tissues in her hands as she stares at them.
“i, i don’t know. i didn’t think that far. i just knew i had to save them.” you explain, trying your best to not pick at the IV needle. 
“i should kill you myself, sending yourself on a suicide mission.” she bites out, an anger you haven’t heard in months. you just nod letting her continue to talk. “i stayed outside, momo holding me back. and then i saw haruto running towards me, tears in his eyes.”
you nod, feeling a deep shame running through your body, hoping that he didn’t see anything.
“he just kept saying you saved him and hanako, i thought you died in there. but you didn’t. you didn’t die in there, and you saved them too.”
“i did what i needed to do.” sana continues to speak over you.
“and i’m frustrated, because it should’ve been us saving them together, but you shouldered all my burdens once again. you took on this marriage which saved me from marrying kaito, and you continue to shoulder my burdens even now.”
“because i love you sana.” you declare. “it isn’t a burden to me because i love you. and i always will sana, until death do us part, i promised to love you forevermore, and i choose you as my partner.” you pull yourself in front of her. 
“i want everything with you, even in sickness and in health, all these vows i said during our wedding, i didn’t know it then, but i know it now. i mean every single word!” you cry out.
you stare at her, and her eyes lift up at yours, you wipe the tears off her face. a small smile on her face as she kisses you, even with salty tears rolling down.
a/n: the series is finished! hehehee, i left an easter egg!! message me if u figure it out :P, also thank you to the lovely @d3viant0n3 for helping me move this series forward, forever thankful <3 as well as my moots for listening to my troubles w this fic (forgot to mention!! dragon back tattoo is @cry4mina's idea) LOL and as always, stay safe and stay healthy everyone!
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naomikozura · 2 months
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Love of My Life: Part 1
Heian Era! Sukuna Ryomen x Sorcerer!Fem!Reader
A/N: Although the first part of this story only mentions the ending of the story, this will be a MULTIPLE part story. The first part does not contain as heavy content but OTHER PARTS WILL. ALL parts are dark themes and have heavy topics. The second part of this story will contain more DARK THEMES and is a work of FICTION. I will post the exact warnings and details when the second part gets published but this is your warning for what to expect. Again it is a DARK THEME story so 18+ ONLY MDNI
Warnings: strong language, violence, mention of mass murder, angst, generational trauma, complicated family dynamics, family abuse, murder, motional turmoil and abuse, manipulation, sadistic tendencies (slight), corruption of power, dark themes (slight)
WC: 8.6K
Summary: The story of the infamous King of Curses has been around for hundreds of years, proving him to be the most feared sorcerer in the entire jujutsu realm. But the truth of what happened that led to the ultimate annihilation of his humanity has been concealed, almost erased. There was a time back in the Heian era when Ryomen Sukuna did have a shred of humanity left… but the loss of it resulted in the creation of the destructive monster he would later become.
Series Masterlist
Prologue || Part 2
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Heian Era, 6 Months Before the Burning of Aurora
The deep rumble that came from your father led you to the brink, pushing you further into a pit of exhaustion. You’d already been out here for 8 hours, your father’s relentlessness wearing you down but by bit. 
“Y/n! I need you to focus!”, he yelled. 
You knew your father was level-headed, smart, but since your birth he’d done nothing but train you to be strong and gifted when it came to your ability. Your clan relied on you just like every heir before you, to bring your family honor and grace. You had spent the better years of your adolescence learning about the history of your bloodline, the history of jujutsu, and learning basic technique but now as an adult there was more room for you to be pushed to the brink to train for your special ability. 
“Okay, I think that’s enough for today.”, your father walked over to you, your arm swiping the sweat off your forehead. “Get home and into a bath, we have dinner with the Zen’in clan tonight.” 
A pang of hurt spread through your chest. Among all the training, all the history lessons, all your talent and power, your life was still forced into the hands of your father. You hadn’t only spent the better years of your adolescence learning about jujutsu and your technique, but also the fundamentals of what it meant to be a bride. You knew it was traditionally passed through generations for two families to join together through marriage but a part of you still felt hurt that your father had lined up 3 suitors for your hand. Never once considering your own feelings on the matter. 
The Zen’in clan was just one of the three families who produced male heirs around the time you were born. Almost like it was predetermined, the arrangement for your betrothal to one of the main family’s sons was set in stone for you the day your mother held you for the first time. You hated the idea that your life wouldn’t be your own if you married into any of the Three Families, but you knew your duty deep down even into the marrow of your bones. 
Once you’d arrived home you soaked in the bath, the maids helped you wash your body of the dirt and grime and helped wash your hair as they massaged a cleansing type of gel into it. You felt the tension in your muscles dissipate with each pass of the sponge and each massage they did in your hair. 
Getting dressed for these types of occasions was tiring, feeling the pull of your hair being done in an elegant manner to showcase the beauty of your natural features, your complexion barely needed any powder to make it more presentable. You were beautiful, every sorcerer within the lands knew you were the most coveted and eligible bride due to your family bloodline, your ability, and your beauty. Unfortunately for many, your life was already selected to be given away within the families, not outside of them. 
You pulled on your traditional gown, wearing your family's seal colors as you put on a red headpiece that brought out your features beautifully. Red adorned your family home, your sigil painting in the bright crimson to signify strength, sacrifice, protection, and hope. You always felt proud to wear the seal colors yet you couldn’t help but feel like there was no hope for you. 
Your family sat in the common area, the Zen’in members sitting properly around the table while the heads talked amongst themselves. You looked over at the eldest son, his dark hair and deep brown eyes striking as he looked at you. He was handsome no doubt, probably a suitable husband but you couldn’t bring yourself to envision a future with him. Despite your wishes, you’d probably marry into the Zen’in family. It was the most logical, beneficial and strategic marriage that your father would have picked for you. 
The dinner was simple, quick, a formality to get you and the Zen’in son, Zetsubou Zen’in, introduced. You knew who he was, but never met him in person until now. He was charming, smart, powerful but there was a darkness to him. Something he hid all too well, you wondered if his family knew about his dark tendencies that he kept hidden from the rest of his clan. You knew a marriage to him would be selling your life away, you’d be a shell of a human being with him. He would only bring you hate and despair. 
Once the night had ended and you started to unwind, you fell onto your bed and stared at the ceiling, taking in the moonlight that bled through the cracks before turning and looking out the window at all the stars that illuminated the village. Where could the endless reach of the sky take you? Would you go far enough away that you disappear and never come back? 
You didn't let your mind wander too much before you fell into a slumber, your mind numbing from the evening's events. 
~ ~ ~ ~ 
“Another village raid.” you heard your father’s voice ring out of his meeting room. You had a bad habit of eavesdropping on his meetings, but you knew he’d keep you sheltered from the jujutsu world until you mastered your domain. You knew it wasn’t protective but strategic. Keep you out of the way until you are strong enough to master your domain and keep low risk of his heir dying. 
“He killed every single person there, tortured them, stole the energy they possessed. He’s getting stronger with each village he destroys.”, a second voice spoke out, a third muttering in agreement and the fourth person silent as he slammed his drink on the table. 
The Four Families rarely met unless it was important, though with the jujutsu realm slowly establishing itself, every meeting was important. 
“We need to get our men, the strongest to train and immobilize him otherwise he’ll only continue to get stronger and more power hungry.”, you recognized the Zen’in clan’s leader, his voice prominent due to the countless visits him, his wife, and son had made to your home in the past few weeks. You and Zetsubou were both being groomed to be each other's marital partner, regardless of how much you wish you weren’t. 
“I have 20 men who have been training, many of them have sons who are also starting to get their cursed energy under control and starting with the warriors in the coming weeks. We can expedite that training and have them ready in a month's time.”
“The Kamo clan also have a number of men that are willing to fight for the cause. This is the fifth raid in a month, it seems they’re getting more frequent. How much longer until he targets our territories and steals our energies?”, the Kamo clan leader spoke up, his voice much softer than the rest but held his resolve. “We must act as soon as we can” 
“Agreed. Until then, we must keep the heirs focused and trained, we can’t have any loose ends”. 
He meant you. 
You always knew they meant you. From the beginning theyd always second guessed your ability, you were the first woman to inherit your family’s special technique so they had obvious doubts. You’d grown powerful in your ability over the past few years but the one thing you still couldn’t do was create a domain, something the other three heirs had already mastered a year ago. 
You left then, heading to the stables in order to prepare for your training this morning. You slid  the door open, making your way down to the final stall and seeing your white, brown eyed mare. She was beautiful, a gift from the Zen’in clan as an interest for your hand in marriage. 
You tan a hand over her soft coat, the shine illuminated under the morning sun. It wasn’t too late, only an hour or two before midday so you knew she was well fed and hydrated thanks to the stable hands. 
Strapping in the saddle on your mare, you ensured you had everything you needed to go into the open fields. They were several miles away and consisted of open fields perfect for training. You really wanted to indulge in your ability, bring yourself to the fullest potential so you went out to the fields to train often. Your father often hated when you would go alone but you’ve managed to convince him that solo practice was important in order to gain control of your ability. Eventually after much consideration and eagerness, he agreed to let you go on your own. You finished packing your food and water for the day, knowing that most of your sessions often lasted the entire morning and led into the evening, and set out early in order to start your training. 
You rode through the forest in silence, letting the sound of the animals in the birds around you fill in the empty space, giving you a sense of serenity, knowing that everything was at peace. We often wondered how much it would take to be as free as the birds who flew the skies or the deer grazed in the fields. You thought much of what it would be like to leave, but your path would never allow you to get away from what was set in stone. 
Once you arrive at the training grounds, you let your horses graze in the woods, off in the shaded area while tied to a tree with a long rope to ensure it wouldn’t wander off. 
You focused, closing your eyes and feeling the wind around you, your body using every one of its senses to connect to the earth and energy within you. You let yourself feel the wind and taste the freshness of the air, the humidity and feeling of water still present from the storm a few days ago. You listened to every chirping bird and snapping branch from the small creatures in the woods, the smell of fresh dew on the grass bringing you to a calming place and filling you with ease. 
You channeled the energy into your hands, the small iridescent light glowing as it grew bigger and stronger. Your eyes remained closed as you focused on getting the technique just right. You wanted to show you could master your inherited technique, that your potential wasn’t going to be wasted on a stupid marriage. 
You were still the daughter of the L/n Clan and the heir to the familial bloodline. You were more than just someone to be married for political gain. 
You swirled the energy in your hands, growing it with each passing second before it reached its brim yet you forced it to get bigger to expand your capacity. 
The wind moved around you and started to swirl into the ball of cursed energy you manifested, pushing yourself before you released and let the energy target some of the trees, exploding on impact and causing a ripple effect that made the birds fly out of the trees and some of the animals run away. 
You let out a shaky breath before repeating the steps, this time trying to focus on using your technique on the cursed dummy you had in front of you. You’d often get other sorcerers to cast cursed energy into props in order to help practice your Aurora, each time more precise than the last. 
You closed your eyes, blinking them slowly as they glowed in a bright, iridescent green color, focusing all your energy on the prop. You raised a hand to manipulate the individual building blocks, watching as the prop contorted and turning into a deformed figure before a screech released from the inside. It was a cursed spirit  inside the prop screaming for mercy. You narrowed your eyes and continued to rip apart the existence of the cursed spirit, pulling its atoms apart piece by piece as the screams intensified before they stopped completely due to the implosion of its figure. 
You let out a breath, wiping the sweat off your forehead before starting from square one. You continued for hours, using more of the cursed objects and using them to strengthen your ability. 
Once evening arrived, you packed everything, walking to the mare and swinging your leg over her back and shifted to get comfortable. As you were getting ready to leave you heard a crack in the woods, but this time the energy felt different. Your head turned to look at the opposing side of the woods, narrowing your eyes and trying to feel if there were any cursed spirits out. Confused, you turned, nudging your mare towards the direction of L/n House. 
The unknown energy slowly growing after you’d left the field. 
You had spent the next few days training out in the field, slowly growing in your strength and technique as each session passed. Your father was still weary of your being alone in the fields but with everyday passing and you coming home safely, he began to trust your routine. You still followed a training regiment with him every other day and did your history studies on the weekends. You were all around intelligent, strong, gifted, and resilient. 
You pushed yourself back, dodging the hit from the cursed dummy you had made to pose as a fighter with you. It wasn’t strong but it wasn’t weak. A good mid tier practice dummy to help build your endurance. The dummy charged at you as you jumped over it, spinning your body in a flawless way that made you seem like the village dancers during any major celebration. 
In the final blow, you swung your foot around, kicking it perfectly in the head before pushing your hand forward, knocking it down before using your ability to disfigure the dumb thing and make it implode in itself, the shrill of pain ringing out before it fell silent. It felt no real pain. Your father said listening to their cries often helped take away their effect. it was the way your enemies guilt tripped sorcerers into submitting to empathy. You knew when you needed to be empathetic and needed to be heartless, even if you didn’t like it. 
The sound of snapping made you turn, your hair sticking to your forehead as you met the dark gaze of crimson eyes. You felt your chest jump slightly in surprise but quickly relaxed once you’d let yourself calm with the wind. 
Your hair was tied in a high ponytail, your skin glossy from the evening sun as you trained in the field in the outskirts of your home. You looked him over, taking in his menacing appearance which, for you, had no effect in the way you saw him. His skin was tan with dark marks embedded into his skin, the tattoos moving in a swirl of different directions but added to his edge. He wore a robe that showed his muscular chest, his hair messy and weighed down by his sweat. There was no question that the strongest sorcerer would be huge in comparison to the daughter of one of the Four Clan’s leaders, yet the size difference still gave him a swirl of emotion. 
You looked at him in a way he hadn’t been looked at before. Your eyes staring at him, almost like calculating his every move as he slowly walked towards you. Ryomen hid the shock in his body when he reached you, pushing down his need to physically express his taken aback reaction. Many people in the world would be in shock, fear, buckle under the weight of his possessive hold over any room or space he occupied. Many people bowed at his feet, begged for mercy from his ruthlessness, he was feared. The story people told their children to keep them well mannered. 
And yet, you stood a foot away from him and met his gaze in relaxed confidence. Your eyes held curiosity, not fear. Your body was laid back, not shaking or trembling at his presence. You didn’t buckle at the overwhelming pull of his presence instead you embraced it and met him with your own confidence. You were secure in yourself enough that you held no fear towards him. 
His eyes scanned your features, taking in every inch of you in your mutual silence. Your eyes were bright, with the sun making them dark, he could see how they lit up with curiosity and wonder. Your lips and nose were perfectly fitted to your face, making the balance of your features appear more heavenly than anything. It made you attractive, beautiful to everyone who came in contact with you. Your (h/c) hair complemented the tone of your skin and left him wanting to run his fingers through it. He recoiled internally at the thought. When would he ever think such a way towards someone lesser than him? 
Were you lesser than him? 
He stared at you in observation, an overwhelming sense consuming him. He could kill you easily, snap your neck and make your death seem like one of the families did it and start an all out war. You were so fragile despite your toned body from the obvious years of training. He could just reach over and make you implode from just one touch. 
So why didn’t he?
In this moment, against all his beliefs, he considered you his equal. He never considered anyone even remotely close to his realm of power and yet you existed. You showed no fear, you felt secure in yourself, and even being face to face with a morally flawed man, you looked at him with gentle eyes. 
He couldn’t bring himself to say anything, the silence falling over the both of you in a comforting blanket. 
In that moment he knew you held power over him, especially when you broke the silence first. 
“Is there something you need?”, your voice was soft, relaxed. Had you been anyone else, someone questioning his being in any location would have annoyed him but you asked in such a way that left him soaking in the echoes of your words.  
“I’m just passing by.”, he replied, wondering when did he ever answer anyone else’s questions when they’d ask? 
“Oh, I hope my training doesn’t stop you from getting where you need to be.”
His curiosity overcame him, making him wonder more about your family. He knew about the L/n clan's heir, young and beautiful, strong and intelligent, soft and gentle. It made her the perfect face for their house and a suitable bride. He’d heard of the Gojo, Zenin, and Kamo clans grooming their first sons to be suitable men to ask for her hand in marriage. 
A piece of him churned with an irritation at the thought of you being primed and groomed into marrying someone in an arranged marriage. 
“Not at all.”, he replied, his deep voice ringing in your ears. You've heard a lot of Ryomen Sukuna. Your clan elders mention his lack of empathy, his overwhelming power and how he easily could reach an unbeatable level of cursed energy that would make anyone think twice about crossing his path. Yet, you couldn’t bring yourself to think of him as scary or evil. There was curiosity in the way he held himself and how he had yet to retaliate against your question when everyone knew he hated being questioned. 
“You’re far from your clan lands”, he said flatly, his eyes focused on your form. 
“I can use my full potential here.”, you blinked. “It’s hard to push myself to the brink if I don’t have open space. At least here I can unleash everything and learn from my mistakes”, you clenched your hand, looking at the small burst of energy in your hand. 
The silence filled the air, once again leaving you in a strange tension you couldn’t quite place. His eyes stayed focused on you before he began to walk past you. His silence leaving you confused, unsure of why stop to talk to you then leave without another word. Then again, he wasn’t going to extend himself to something so minuscule, so mundane. 
He was far above that.  
Far above you. 
“Help me.”, you spoke, watching as he stopped in his tracks. 
What were you doing? Requesting someone like him to help someone as insignificant as you. 
You’d heard the stories, been told the horrors of his actions and wrath. Ryomen Sukuna was a selfish, greedy, immoral and sadistic man, he brought any competent sorcerer to their knees by simply occupying the space. He believed himself above absolutely everyone in every way and you knew that undeniable truth. You were risking your life speaking to him like he owed you something, asking for help from the devil was brainless even for you. 
He stared at you in indifference, taken by your confidence yet he couldn’t bring himself to be bothered by it. A part of him was intrigued by you, even though he hated helping others, he wasn’t necessarily a charitable man. No, he was far from it. The complete opposite of it in fact. He should blow your head off, snap your neck, make you kneel and beg for your life. 
Yet, he indulged. 
Just this once. 
You watched as he removed his robe, leaving him in a loose fitting shirt that showed his arms perfectly. They were muscular and defined, wielding such power that could easily kill someone in one touch. You wondered if he’d killed anyone with his bare hands without his abilities or cursed energy before. 
The small flicker of energy that manifested in his hand caught your attention, the manifestation growing in size at an alarming rate but took no toll on his psyche. The years of being gifted with such power and training laid off for him, though you knew he’d always been powerful in his own right. 
You watched intently, observing the cursed energy in his hand as you tried to copy the leisure in which he created his. The creation of energy was easy, it was making it compact with force that was difficult for you. You had great mental resilience and capacity for difficult challenges, yet when it came to finding the switch that could make your power compact you struggled slightly. 
In every other sense of your ability and cursed energy, you were gifted, it was creating a domain where you lacked. The long days and tumultuous nights of training and reading through scribed records only helped you make sense of a partial reason why you couldn’t manifest a domain, you just needed to actually focus on executing it flawlessly. 
“Domain Expansions aren’t easy to manifest.”, you narrowed your eyes slightly at his comment. Why was he trying to dumb it down for you when you knew he was known for manifesting energy at record breaking levels. 
“They’re easy enough for you.”, you muttered as his eyes slowly moved to look at you. 
“Do you want my help or not?”
“Right”, you focused on his words, listening to the instruction he gave, slowly manifesting the energy into your palms. 
He watched as you focused, eyes closed as you concentrated on his voice. It was interesting. Seeing as your energy formed in your hands, wondering how you had inherited such a powerful technique and you still struggled with your domain. He couldn’t help wondering why. It was difficult for most sorcerers to manifest a complete domain, but someone with an inherited ability like Eye of Aurora should have some level of giftedness that would allow you to start creating one. He watched your jaw clench as the energy dispersed in your hand, evaporating into nothing. 
You released a defeated sigh, letting your shoulders droop as you opened your eyes and staring at the ground in a defeated glare. 
“I don’t get it.”, you breathed. “I have this… special ability, a technique that so many sorcerers wish they could use and I can’t even create a damned domain.”
“You’re holding back”, his voice rumbled in his throat, the deep tone sending chills down your spine. Not of fear but of something unknown to you, a sensation that left your heart beating a bit faster than normal. 
“Okay”, you muttered. “So show me how to not hold back”
The temperature around you slowly grew, watching as he released an immense amount of energy, causing the trees in front of him to fall from the attack. Your eyes widened at the gaping emptiness he had just created. 
You let out a shaky breath as you stared at him in a way you could only describe as a mix of shock and awe. The adrenaline burst through you as you channeled your energy, creating a mass in your hands before releasing it, causing a number of trees to fall from the impact. It wasn’t near the caliber of his release but it was still a good conjuring of cursed energy. You knew you’d never reach his level of power, but you felt proud that you could release something at that caliber. 
“Let go of that fear of being too unhinged. It’s what holds you back from mastering your domain.”, his voice was deep, your eyes glowing with pride as you felt the after effects of his release. “You can’t master your domain if you care too much about being perfect.”
“I’m not you.”, you answered.
“No one will ever be me.”, you rolled your eyes. You knew that, but you still wanted his help anyway. 
A small part of him grew irritated with your slight attitude at his words, but another part found it humorous. It wasn’t very often that a sorcerer at your level could make him find anything humorous. He cared very little, not at all actually, about something as irrelevant as humor or wittiness but coming from you, it made him think he could possibly entertain you for the time being. 
He wondered where you got such confidence to not only speak to him freely, but to assume he’d be willing to help you despite his power that was worlds above yours. It wasn’t often there were many humans or sorcerers who didn’t bow to his feet immediately after he became present. He was used to seeing people beg for mercy, used to the people who cried hysterically for him to spare them. He enjoyed the mental torture of never giving away if someone would be spared or not. 
So, when you called after him so boldly, against all logic, it intrigued him. He hasn’t been intrigued in a long time, not by a sorcerer in any way especially because he knew he was far above them in every regard. Though he still indulged in your boldness, your lack of fear, by the  motivation in your eyes and the drive in your stance. 
Before he could even stop himself, he made contact to engage and he believed it to be his biggest mistake. He should have never let you reel him in, never should have let you make him give his time when it was valuable, never should have found you worth the effort.
Then when he didn’t think he could find anything more appealing about you, you smiled at him. It was a warm, full smile. How could you give him a warm welcome when he’s done nothing deserving of it?
“Thanks for the help.”, you laughed, almost in disbelief. “I have to go.” 
He watched as you walked over to the mare grazing in the woods, removing the rope from the tree and petting her nose gently. He wondered then how you showed him the same gentleness as the creatures you cared for. His eyes darted away from you, letting himself sit with the realization that you didn’t see him as some godforsaken being.
“Come back tomorrow.”, he called as your head swiveled towards him, your bright eyes meeting his dark ones. “Before the sun reaches its peak.” 
With that he turned, leaving you in shock at his demand. 
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The next day, you did as he had asked, you showed back up to the field ready to train with him. You sat in the grass watching your mare eat while you waited for him. It wasn’t too hot yet but again, it was too early for it to even be warm. 
The sound of cracking branches sounded behind you, making you turn slowly as you watched Sukuna’s form emerge from the trees. He stood tall in all his glory, wearing clothes that hung off his body in a way that almost made your face heat up. Even in his dark aura and the intensity of his energy, you couldn’t deny that Ryomen Sukuna was also an attractive man. If your father could hear the thoughts you were having, he’d surely punish you with more physical training. 
“Good morning.”, you said softly, his deep red eyes meeting yours but not saying anything as he walked closer to you. You either were too naive for your own good, or you genuinely didn’t realize just how out of turn you were being. Sukuna was known for not liking when people spoke to him out of turn, he hated small talk. He believed it to be useless, a waste of time, and of no benefit. You didn’t need to start with pleasantries but you did so anyway. 
“Show me your energy.”, he spoke deeply, his eyes boring into yours as you snapped to attention. You needed to focus, needed to take the most of this time while you could. Sukuna never offered any time of his to a regular person, let alone sorcerers beneath him, this was the only chance you had to gain real insight on how to create strong energy and create your domain. 
You manifested a ball of energy into your hands, its vibrant glow pulsing with your heartbeat. The energy crackled and shifted, reflecting your concentration and intent. Sukuna's gaze remained intense, unblinking, as he observed your creation with a mixture of interest and impatience.
"Is this all you can muster?" His voice was a low growl, almost mocking. "You think that will impress me?"
You felt a surge of determination, pushing deeper into your focus. The ball of energy began to expand, growing larger and more intense. You could feel the strain as you struggled to maintain control, your palms growing warm as the energy surged.
"Energy is more than just a display," Sukuna said, his tone suddenly softer, almost contemplative. "It’s about precision, purpose. Show me not just what you can create, but how well you can wield it."
You tightened your grip, trying to focus. The energy swirled and shifted, forming intricate patterns that mirrored your intent. The ball began to take shape, its structure becoming more complex, more refined. You could almost feel the boundaries of your energy beginning to take form, the energy coalescing into a stronger, more cohesive entity.
Sukuna’s eyes flickered with something akin to approval, though his expression remained impassive. "Better. But don’t think for a moment that you’ve reached the limit of what you can achieve. This is merely the beginning."
He moved towards you, his energy radiating off of him as you felt him consume yours, his body close as he looked at you. The obvious height difference made it seem like he was pitying you, but he seemed more interested in helping than anything else. His head lowered, meeting your eye line as he looked straight ahead, looking at the trees ahead of you. 
You took a deep breath, feeling the pressure of Sukuna’s proximity. His face was so close to yours that you could feel the warmth of his breath, mingling with the charged air around you. The energy you had summoned pulsed violently in response to the tension, making you sweat and your heart race.
Sukuna’s eyes bore into yours with a fierce intensity. “Let the energy reflect your resolve,” he demanded, his voice a commanding rumble. 
You focused on the ball of energy, feeling its weight and power. The intensity of Sukuna’s presence only made it harder to concentrate, as if the very air around you was charged with his overwhelming aura. You grit your teeth as you tried to calm your heart rate down, focusing on keeping the energy stable as you manifested it into something bigger.
“Are you letting your concentration waver?” Sukuna’s voice was almost a whisper now, his breath hot against your cheek. “You think you can achieve mastery with such weakness?”
Your fingers ached as you fought to maintain control. The ball of energy fluctuated, its glow flickering with your wavering focus. Sukuna’s proximity made it even harder to maintain your composure; the heat radiating from his presence was almost unbearable.
“Feel the energy,” he instructed, his tone full of challenge. “Channel your emotions, your fear, your determination. Let it all flow into your control.”
The heat from the energy was now almost unbearable, merging with the heat of Sukuna’s presence. Your hands were on fire, and the energy sphere seemed to pulse with a life of its own. With every breath you took, the tension grew, making your entire body quiver.
“You can do better,” Sukuna said, his voice dropping to a low murmur. “But you must push through the discomfort. It’s not just about controlling the energy—it’s about mastering your own limits.”
Your breath came in shallow, uneven gasps, but you forced yourself to focus. The energy within your hands began to stabilize, the chaotic flickers giving way to a steady, powerful glow. The sphere grew larger, its form more defined, as you channeled every ounce of your willpower into it.
Sukuna’s face remained close, his eyes never leaving yours. “You’re almost there,” he said deeply. “Show me that you’re more than just a fleeting display of power.”
The strain was immense, but you felt a surge of determination. With one final push, you stabilized the energy, making it surge with newfound strength and clarity. The heat from both the energy and Sukuna’s presence reached a peak before slowly subsiding, leaving you gasping but triumphant.
Sukuna stepped back, his gaze finally breaking from yours. “Not bad,” he conceded, a smirk playing on his lips. 
Sukuna’s gaze lingered on you with a cool, detached scrutiny. The intensity of his presence remained, but his demeanor was notably indifferent. The air between you was charged, the energy still crackling faintly as it dissipated, but Sukuna’s expression betrayed little of the effort you’d put forth.
“It’s enough for tonight,” Sukuna said flatly, his voice carrying an authoritative finality. He took a step back and broke the close proximity though his presence still loomed large. His tone was almost dismissive, as if your efforts were merely a minor inconvenience to him. “You’ve put in your time. Come back tomorrow if you think you can do better.”
You exhaled slowly, your body trembling slightly from the exertion and the intense atmosphere. The heat that had enveloped you gradually cooled, leaving a satisfying ache in its wake. The weight of his indifference stung more than any overt criticism. You felt a pang of frustration mixed with weariness. Despite the effort you’d expended, Sukuna’s gaze remained aloof, as if your struggle was inconsequential.
You nodded, feeling a mixture of relief and anticipation. “I’ll be here,” you said, your voice steady despite the exhaustion. 
Sukuna merely inclined his head in acknowledgment, his face expressionless. “Good,” he replied. Without another word, he turned on his heel and walked away, his footsteps echoing with a finality that left little room for interpretation. As he walked away, his imposing figure gradually disappearing into the shadows, you remained in place for a moment longer, your thoughts racing. 
You stood there for a moment, the weight of his detached dismissal settling over you. The path ahead was clear, but it felt colder and more daunting in the face of Sukuna’s lack of concern. Still, you gathered your resolve and made your way out, determined to return and prove yourself despite his apparent lack of interest.With a final glance at the space where Sukuna had been, you turned and made your way out of the training grounds, the weight of his words and the promise of future trials hanging heavily in the air. 
Tomorrow, you would return, ready to push your limits once again.
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Two weeks later 
You went out into the woods, riding your mare as you tried to reach the field for your training with Sukuna. He’d helped you the past few weeks, showing you how to manifest your energy and create your domain. You’d been close to creating a full domain several times, he said you just needed to not hold back. You both figured out the reason you couldn’t create a domain was because a subconscious part of you made you hesitate, you wouldn’t allow yourself to reach your full potential. He’d slowly been showing you to let go and embrace your cursed energy fully. 
You hummed as you made your way down the small hill on the embedded path that led to the other side of the woods. Almost like a shot to the chest, you felt a chill run down your spine, an immense amount of cursed energy being aimed at you. Before you could react, you felt the sheer force collide into you and your mare, the loud groan escaping her as she collided with a tree. You were thrown completely off, your body slamming into the boulders on the ground, the feeling of blood running down the side of your head making you queasy. Your vision blurred slightly, you were disoriented. 
What the hell?
You saw the grueling sight of a disfigured wolf, its body three times the size of a normal one and it had six eyes, its mouth jagged and its teeth rotten as it laughed as it ate your mare. Your eyes widened at the sight, but you couldn’t focus on your now dead companion. You needed to exorcize it and get back home. You were still a mile from the fields, but you couldn’t get there in time, you needed to end this now. 
You forced yourself to your feet, the blood running over your eye as you tried to focus on the cursed spirit. You let yourself manifest your cursed energy quickly, focusing on the cursed wolf before aiming at its head, a loud cry escaping its monstrous mouth. The snarl escaped its throat as it ran at you, your body releasing more cursed energy at it and watching as you blew a hole into its shoulder. 
There needed to be a way to do this quickly, your body faltering at the dizziness in your head. You were losing too much blood but if you passed out you were as good as dead. You tried to focus, you couldn’t die here. You couldn’t die at the jaws of some mid grade curse. You were a L/n. You were above these types of curses. You were the gifted one, the heir of the L/n clan. The disgrace you’d bring onto your family if you were to die at this moment. 
Just then, the cursed wolf ran at you, channeling your energy and sending it full force, watching as it jumped over your attack and lunged at you. Your eyes widened as you jumped off to the side, your body rolling down the hill as it hit the bushes and shrubbery, surely gaining cuts and bruises from the foliage. 
You tried getting to your feet, pushing yourself up only to be tackled by the damned thing, your body collapsing and continuing to roll down the drop of the hill, reaching for some sort of branch to keep you from falling further down. 
The pain in your body overcame you, letting you slip into unconsciousness for a split second as you tried to regain your thoughts. The blurriness wouldn’t allow you to see your surroundings until the jaws of death snapped in your face, the momentum pushing you back. 
“Get off!”, you forced the creature off of you with a surge of energy, struggling to get to your feet as you sucked in a deep breath. You were in fight or flight, and right now flight did not seem like a viable option. 
The wicked snarl rang out again as the cursed wolf seemed to radiate unbelievable negative energy. It lunged at you, its teeth ready to rip you apart but before it could you felt a surge of power overwhelm the space, a loud high pitched cry escaping the throat of the creature. You let out a breath of air, turning to look at the blurry figure next to you, your breath uneven as another light manifested in a white, blinding power before completely evaporating into nothing.
Your breath was uneven, trying to calm yourself, but just as the spirit disappeared, your body collapsed to the ground as you slipped into unconsciousness. 
The warm blankets around your body helped with the soreness that overcame you, your eyes still hazy from the slumber you were in. You moved your head slightly, your hair splayed around you in a halo as you tried to move your arms. You felt a presence next to you, trying to focus your sight as you blinked, taking in the comfort you felt from the figure. 
“Don’t get up.”, his voice was deep, careful yet with command in its tone. 
“W..what happened?”, you whispered, your head turned in his direction as you met his gaze, the feeling of his fingers brushing your hair back bringing a warmth into your chest. “Where am I?”
“You’re in my home.”, he turned, motioning for a white haired woman to bring more water. “You lost some blood trying to fight that cursed spirit. I killed it.”
“Oh..”, the white haired woman came back with a small bowl and towel, bowing before leaving. You relaxed in his touch as he placed the wet towel on your head, helping clean the remains of the blood on your skin. 
“You need to rest.”, he said firmly.
“I need to get back home”, you looked at him with pleading eyes, not wanting your family to have a reason not to trust you being out on your own. You needed to get home soon, and fast. 
“You’ll pass out before you even reach your territory.”, Sukuna’s red eyes had a darkness to them, but you chose to ignore it, your mind everywhere and without a care of the extent of your injuries. You felt his hand wrap around your wrist, gentle to not burn your skin with the energy he had conjured up due to his irritation with your injuries. 
“Sukuna, my father will send scouts looking for me.”
“Fuck them.”, his tone was sharp, his energy slowly growing in size. Your pleading e/c eyes looking deep into his, a sharp sting of sympathy flooded his veins before he released the negative cursed energy. The crack in his armor miniscule yet it created waves of confusion in him. How could you make him slip in his position with just one look? 
He ignored the thought, narrowing his eyes before standing and walking to the small wooden dresser, picking up your clothes and placing them on the table next to his bed. You watched as he turned towards the door to give you privacy, his body dressed in his usual robe but you could still see the outline of his muscles and the massive power his body held. You couldn’t help but take a moment and admire his body. Your mind took in every inch of his being, allowing yourself to forget about his crimes and cruelty in order to study him. Were you fucked in the head? 
You snapped out of the hold his presence had on you, reaching for your clothes only to realize he’d had them cleaned. Was it that woman who cleaned them for you?
You changed, carefully and stood out of the bed, touching your head as you felt the fresh bandages wrapped around your forehead and temples. Pushing the sliding door open, you revealed him waiting for you, his tall statue leaning against the wall as his eyes skimmed over your body before pushing the glint in his eyes away. You both didn’t say a word, you just followed him as he walked out of his home.
He led you through the woods, ensuring you’d arrive to L/n House in one piece and conscious. When you were within range you turned to him, looking up to meet his gaze due to the obvious height difference. 
“Thank you.”, was all you said before turning, walking the last half mile home, feeling his eyes on your back as you followed the path. It was only when you reached the entrance of your home did you feel his energy disappear and your shoulders slumped in disappointment. 
You slowly pushed the door open, closing it softly behind you when the echo of your father’s voice rang through the room.
“Y/n, it’s late, where have you been?”, your father called from the other room, your mother rushing towards you before a loud gasp escaped her mouth. 
“Y/n! What happened to your head?”, her question made your father rush into the room, his eyes filled with shock and disbelief.
“Where have you been? How did this happen?!”, his tone was heavy, it wasn’t worry but anger and you knew he was more annoyed by your injury than worried about it. “You can’t possibly be getting this from your special ability?”
You could read in between the lines of his words. He wasn’t worried you were hurt, he was annoyed by you being injured at the effects of your domain and special technique. He was annoyed that he would have to face scrutiny for not being able to master your ability and domain, thus leaving him with a weaker claim to the family honor than he originally thought. He already hated that you were what the gods had given him to carry the family name, you being weak was just another hit at his pride. Regardless of how the realm saw you, regardless of how you were loved and respected, to him you’d always be the reason he didn’t have a high claim like the other families of the Four did. 
“Do you really believe I’m so weak I can’t control my own technique?”, you stared at him in disbelief, in hurt. “Do you think so little of me?”
“You are the heir to our family name! If you can’t control your technique then what have I spent the past 20 years of my life doing?!”, his voice was filled with conviction, the anger bursting through each word. “We already have a weaker claim to our position in the realm because you were born as a daughter instead of a son and now you show up like this? We need you to be strong, intelligent, and better than those other boys, and you still show me more reasons why you should have never inherited the Eye of Aurora.”
You felt your lips quiver slightly, the lump in your throat growing as you tried to stop yourself from cursing your father. You knew he’d always hated that you weren’t born his son, but you believed if you proved him wrong he’d have no choice but to find pride in you and your power to succeed the L/n name. You couldn’t take his unrealistic standard of you anymore, you just couldn’t. 
“I am not here to fix your broken ego or make your insecurities better.”, you growled at him. “I am your only heir, I am the inheritor of the Eye of Aurora, and I am the reason our family has a place in the Four families! Me! I’m the one who’s loved and adored by the other families and villages. I am the one they seek to protect, the one they seek to continue in this time of peace without war. When I was born, so was our legacy. You have done nothing to solidify our claim to the realm but I have!”
The anger boiling inside your father was overwhelming, your frustration with him was a disgrace but you couldn’t take it anymore. You were tired of being seen as some weak woman by him, as some sort of disappointment when you were the greatest thing that had happened to the realm in decades. The Eye of Aurora was seen as one of the highest of abilities, that of nobility. Your insolent father was too obsessed with power and reputation to care that you were the successor of a noble jujutsu bloodline. 
“You are nothing without our family name. You need to get your technique under control or so help me. I'll have the old sorcerers from the Zen’in clan exorcize it out of you and let your body rot without your ancestors to guide you!!”, his voice echoed through the halls. 
You sensed an overwhelming power, sucking in a breath before releasing your own. A pang of shock at its sudden appearance before relaxing. The energy had disappeared. 
“It wasn’t even my ability that did this! I got attacked by a cursed wolf in the woods!”, you spat back at him. 
“And you didn’t think to send a signal for help or try to use your technique?!”
“I was getting attacked from every blind spot I had! It killed my mare, it jumped me from behind, I didn't even sense the energy before it was too late!”
“Great so now you can’t sense cursed energy. You really are just a sorry excuse of an heir, a defective worthless waste of potential!”
The dagger twisted deeper into your chest at his words. Why couldn’t he understand? Why was he so selfish, insolent, and greedy? 
“You’re the heir to our family bloodline and you almost get killed. It would be better off that way.”, he turned to walk out of the room, with your mother closely behind him. You pitied her lack of backbone, lack of support towards you.
“I was fine!”, you snapped. “Sukuna helped me exorcize it, I didn’t need help from anyone else!”
A cold sensation filled the room, realizing your words as you said them. Your eyes meeting your father’s as he turned towards you. His eyes filled with a shock and disgust that left you feeling sick to your stomach. 
“What…. Did you just say?” his voice sent a chill down your spine. “Did you say… Ryomen Sukuna… helped you?”
“I-“, a loud slap echoed through the air, your head snapping to the side from the impact. Your eyes wide in disbelief as the burning in your cheek exploded through your face. It felt like time stopped, the whiplash of the hit burning a hole in your chest. 
“You were with that monster?!”, his booming voice filled the house, his cursed energy radiating off of him in waves. “What do you think you’re doing with that thing? He could have killed you! He’s a sadistic monster!” 
You remained silent as you felt the anger fill the room, hearing your mothers gasp at your father’s words. The trembling of your lip almost broke you, your chest burning in anger, hurt, and sadness. 
“You are not to go out to the fields again. You stay within L/n house and your training will be overseen by the elders.”, your face stayed angled down to the ground, your heart racing in your chest as your father made the final blow. 
“Now you sympathize with a monster. You really are a defective disgrace.” 
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myonos · 1 year
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IN WHICH you are a princess betrothed to the vampire prince of the most feared kingdom in the world.
lee heeseung x f!reader
genre: fluff, small amount of angst, one sided enemies to lovers
warnings! cursing, slightly suggestive, mentions of blood
wc: 6k (6088)
This is your destiny.
You cannot change your destiny.
It chose you for a reason.
  These are things you’ve been hearing since the ripe age of 5.
What is your destiny? To become a bloodsucker's personal blood bag.
From the day you were born, you’ve been betrothed to Lee Heeseung. 
The Lee family is a long line of powerful vampires. They strike fear into every kingdom, every man, every woman, every child.
No one dares to disobey the wishes of the Lees.
  So how did you, a mere mortal, become betrothed to him?
Since the birth of the Lee clan, there has been a prophecy. It foresees the entire history of the Lee clan.
According to them, it has never been wrong.
  One fateful day 21 years ago, the Lee prophecy told Mira and Seungheon Lee that their first and only child would be betrothed to the first child of the current reigning king and queen of the Desira clan.
  That child would be you.
And oh, you’ve dreaded the day.
You remember being seven and asking your parents why you had to marry a stinky boy.
“Because it’s your destiny.” They would tell you.
You got sick of hearing that.
  By now, you've accepted it, although the bitterness in your heart still beats.
Today is the day you are moving to Lee Castle.
You should mention you've never even met the Lees.
So moving into their home? The whole arrangement isn't exciting for you. 
  You’re sad to leave your parents and your people. They've reassured you that you'll be fine, but you still fear the Lees will isolate you and never let you leave. 
  You don’t know what Lee Heeseung is like, but you don’t care. You'll marry him for the safety of your kingdom, but you will not show him any kindness.
  As you arrive in Lee’s kingdom, you're amazed.
You expected gloom and doom, weary, sad, fearful people, but it's the opposite.
Children are laughing and playing about. 
Markets galore of anything you can think of, clothing, fabrics, food, trinkets.
  Men are coming out of the woods, carrying stalks of wood on their backs.
As you stare out the window, a child catches your attention. She’s playing in the grass beside a booth; you assume her mother runs.
She looks up, and your eyes meet.
Waving, her smile gleams in the sun.
You wave back, your smile matching hers. 
“Can we stop for a moment?” You ask the coachman. 
As you step out, whispers surround you.
You walk to the woman's booth. “Hello.”
As she looks up, she gasps. 
She scrambles for a moment, and you can't help but giggle.
 “Your Majesty, I knew you were coming, but I didn't expect to see you. Can I be of assistance?”
You look at the array of jewelry decorating her booth.
Your eyes stop on a beautiful necklace. 
An emerald sits in the middle of a circular frame—the emerald glistens in the sunlight. 
You pick it up cautiously. “How much for this?”
The woman's eyes widened, “For you, Your Majesty, it costs nothing.”
You shake your head softly, “Nonsense. Is this enough?”
You hand her several bills out of your pouch, and she gapes.
“I can't accept this, Your Majesty!”
“You can and you will, please?” You beg, clasping your hands together.
  She contemplates for a second before putting the money into her bag.
“Your Majesty, how can I thank you?”
“No need, keep doing what you're doing.”
  You feel a slight tug on your dress, and the little girl from before is at your side.
You bend down to her size, “Hello, what's your name?”
“I'm Ara, Your Majesty!”
What an adorable child, “Ara is a beautiful name. You can call me Y/N.”
 “Thank you, you have a beautiful name, too, Y/N.”
She smiles that blinding smile before presenting a flower in her tiny hands. 
“I picked this for you.”
You take it from her, “Thank you so much, Ara. Now I have two beautiful gifts.” You gesture to the necklace.
She takes the flower and puts it in your hair by your ear. 
“Now you're even more beautiful!”
 “Your majesty,” the coachman calls, “we should be going.”
  You nod, sad that you have to leave.
“I hope to see you again, Ara.”
She nods before hugging you tightly. Everyone around you awes as you hug her back.
Then it's back into the carriage, and you continue your ascent to the castle.
When you reach the entrance, the large doors are agape, and a carpet greets you.
As you step out, loud footsteps come from inside until three people appear.
The king and queen are smiling, unexpected to you.
“Y/N, my dear, so great to meet you at last,” the King says. 
You do a long curtsy, bowing your head, “Your Majesties.”
The queen takes your hand into her own, “What a beautiful girl you are. I hope you'll enjoy being here.”
“You're too kind.”
“This is our son, Heeseung.”
They part to reveal him, and oh. 
You weren't expecting him to be so handsome.
 He offers a sweet smile.
“Y/N,” he says, taking your hand and planting a kiss on it. “It's a pleasure.”
You bow to him, “To you as well.”
His parents waste no time, shouting at the guards surrounding the entrance to bring your things inside.
They give you an extensive tour of their castle, introducing every room. Their foyer is beautiful and decorated with multiple styles of paintings.
  They eventually lead you to your room. 
It’s huge, even bigger than your room at home.
The bed sits in the middle of the far right wall. It’s king-sized with red silk sheets and a comforter.
Heeseung bends down and whispers in your ear, “More than big enough for the 2 of us.”
  Face filled with confusion, you turn to look at him, but all he does is wink at you.
What happened to Mr. Respectful?
  “You’ll meet us for dinner when you’ve unpacked your things, yes?” The queen says, not noticing the scowl on your face.
You nod, watching them leave.
Heeseung does not leave; he closes the door behind his parents, leaving you two alone.
  “I’ve been waiting every day of my life to meet you, and now I have you.” He saunters towards you, close enough until your chests are pressed against each other lightly.
  “First, you don’t have me. I’m not happy about this marriage. I’m only doing it for my kingdom.”
Your arms cross in anger, putting just the smallest space between you and him.
He laughs, “You’re cute. However you view this marriage doesn’t matter. You and I will be one soon enough.”
  Whatever that means. 
  “I’d appreciate it if you left my room now. Don’t you have to prepare for dinner too?” Heeseung puts his hands up in defense, not saying another word before leaving your room.
  So not only are you stuck marrying him, but he’s also a weird dickhead? Great. 
  You sigh in defeat and grab your bags to unpack.
There are no drawers, so there must be a closet.
There are two large mahogany doors on the left side of the room.
You open the first but do not find a closet, instead; you find an enormous bathroom. There’s a large, deep-set tub in the back of the room with three large shower heads attached. To the left of the tub is the toilet and double sinks, with more than enough space for your hair and skin care products.
  You close that door and then move to the other.
It is the closet, and it is vast. It has enough room for your many clothes, so you begin to place and hang them to your desire.
Once you’ve finished, you hear a bell chime within the castle. You look at the clock above your bed and see it’s 8 o’clock. 
  You can’t be late for dinner. You exit your room, bowing to the guards outside your door.
You almost fear you’ve forgotten where the dining room is, but your feet seem to remember, moving and not stopping.
  The large double doors of the dining room greet you, and as you put your hands on the handles, you pray you’re not the last to arrive.
You take a deep breath, fanning your face quickly before opening the doors.
  The king, queen, and Heeseung are already seated.
You bow, apologizing profusely for your tardiness.
The king waves his hand, “Don’t apologize, dear. A minute will not kill anyone.”
  You sit in your reserved seat, of course, next to Heeseung while his parents sit at the other end of the table.
Heeseung wastes no time in putting his hand on your thigh.
You want to push it off but don’t want to upset his parents.
  Now you’re wondering why exactly you are meeting for dinner? You’re the only human here. Don’t they drink blood to quench their hunger?
“We can still eat regular food, sweetheart. Blood is just our preference.” 
Did you say that out loud, or can the queen read minds?
“Yes, I can read minds,” she says, smiling.
  You try to stop thinking, knowing it’s futile.
“Y/N, now that you’re here, you must tell us all about yourself. It’s only right that we get to know our future daughter-in-law.” The king holds up his drink, which you assume is wine…or blood.
  You clear your throat, “There’s not much to tell. I enjoy art and paintings, and I’d love to admire the ones in your foyer during my free time. I’m a straightforward person. I pride myself on being kind to all and being open-minded.”
As the king and queen take in your words, you can feel Heeseung’s grip on your thigh getting tighter.
It’s almost to where it hurts, so you put your hand on top of his, making him relax.
  Within a few minutes, dinner arrives. It's a beautifully done steak (extra rare for them) with potatoes, asparagus, and a beautiful au jus.
You have to say it was pretty delicious, and you devoured your plate within minutes.
You almost feel embarrassed as the Lees stare at you, but the king smiles. “Nice to see someone who truly enjoys well-prepared food.”
  You laugh with them, blushing as you wipe your mouth with your napkin.
By 9:30, you find yourself getting tired, eyes fluttering every few seconds.
“Heeseung, be a dear and bring Y/N up to bed.” The queen requests.
Heeseung immediately gets out of his chair, deciding to be a gentleman and pulling yours out.
You take his hand and leave the dining room, wishing the king and queen goodnight.
  As you walk the long halls, Heeseung takes the chance to wrap his arm around your waist.
You grab his hand, about to pull him off, but he suddenly twirls you around to face him.
You try to step back, “What are you doing?”
  “You’re too tired to keep walking.” Without another word, he tucks his left hand under your knees and the other around your waist and lifts you into his arms. 
You squeal, “Put me down! I can walk just fine.” 
He shakes his head, “What kind of future husband would I be if I let my lady walk when she’s tired?” 
You go to protest again, but Heeseung shushes you. Giving up, you let him carry you until you’ve arrived at your bedroom door. “May I come in?” He asks.
Your confused stare has him chuckling, “To wish you goodnight.” 
You’re about to ask why he can’t do it right here, but he’s already entering your room. 
You head to your bathroom to wash up, glaring at him as you go. 
“I’m not gonna do anything!”
After you’ve washed up, you head back into your room, expecting Heeseung to be gone, but he’s not. 
You yelp, putting your hands in front of yourself, even though you have a robe on. 
“Relax, I can’t see anything.”
  You go into your closet, closing the door behind you to change. 
Heeseung is now sitting on your bed. As he looks up, he smirks, “Cute pj’s.”
You huff, taking his hand and dragging him off your bed, “Nice having you, goodnight!”
Before you can push him out the door, he puts his hands out, stopping himself. 
“What, no goodnight kiss?”
You laugh mockingly, “In your dreams, goodnight Heeseung.”
  He finally leaves, giving you peace. 
You practically launch yourself into bed, snuggling into the warm sheets. 
So little happened today, yet you feel exhausted as it ends. 
You don’t know what’s in store for you, but you hope Heeseung doesn’t piss you off to death.
As your eyes flutter, you think about your family and the friends you’ve left behind. This is your life now. 
Maybe it’s best to accept it. Perhaps you should try to make the most of it. 
When the Lees gave their extravagant castle tour, they told you about a garden in the back of the castle. If you desire, you may enter the garden. 
You recall the king's words, “This is your home now. There is no place you can’t go.” 
So here you find yourself in the garden. It’s home to a multitude of fresh flowers. 
Orchids, carnations, roses, peonies, lilies, you name it, they’re here. You can’t help but go around smelling every flower, the scent sweet to your nose. 
Soon you find yourself in the garden's center, where a sleek steel bench sits. 
You sit down, admiring the surrounding scenery.
  “I see you’ve found my favorite spot.”
There’s that aggravating voice, the last thing you wanted to hear this morning. 
“Is it?” You ask. “I wouldn’t expect you to be the type to like flowers.”
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me, pretty girl. I’d love to change that.” Heeseung says, sitting next to you on the bench. 
“I don’t desire to know anything about you.” 
You turn your face away from him, but his swift fingers reach for your chin, pulling you to face him. 
“But I desire to know everything about you.”
His hand is icy, to where a chill runs down your spine. 
You refuse to let him influence you. 
“What? Are you obsessed with me or something?”
  Heeseung chuckles, and his fangs, long and sharp, make their presence known. You think about those things biting you. Would it hurt? Would it leave a bruise? You fear you’ll be finding out the answer to that soon enough. 
“You could say that. Or you could say I’m fascinated with you. I have been since the day I knew we were betrothed.”
  You’re confused, “We only met yesterday. How could you be fascinated with someone you didn’t know?”
  “Because I can feel it, the connection we have. I’ve been able to feel it since day one. You may not know this, but vampires can remember every day of our lives, even our birth. As I’ve grown older, the feeling has grown stronger. It feels as if it’s going to burst out of my chest. You and I are meant for each other. The universe decided that for us. Who am I to disobey it?”
  You take Heeseung’s hand and pull it away from your face, “If you think for one second I’m going to believe this universe bullshit, you’re dead wrong!” 
  Heeseung frowns, “Why don’t you understand? The prophecy—”
“Forget the prophecy, Heeseung!” You shout, standing abruptly. “You can believe in that all you want, but that doesn’t mean I have to. I’m not doing this because the prophecy said so. I’m certainly not doing it because I love you. It’s solely for relations.” 
  For the first time, you see a flash of hurt graze Heeseung’s dark eyes. After a long, quiet minute, Heeseung leaves the garden. 
You’re relieved he’s finally gone, yet you can’t help but think you’ve gone too far. 
Insulting their prophecy probably wasn’t a good idea. 
You go inside, hoping to find Heeseung and apologize, but he’s nowhere to be found. 
You sigh in defeat. Hopefully, he’s not too angry. As much as he’s bothersome, you’re scared to think about him being angry. 
  Making your way to Heeseung’s room, you’re curious. You haven’t seen it and don’t know what to expect. You knock hesitantly but receive no answer. Taking a deep breath, you open the door. It squeals as it opens, and the darkness of his room greets you. 
It’s as if there's no one living in it.
You take small steps inside, leaving the door open to allow some light to shine in. 
“Heeseung,” you call. No answer. 
“What are you doing?”
The scream that leaves your mouth could wake the dead. You turn around to Heeseung standing over you. Your hand grabs your chest, trying to calm your racing heart. 
“I came… to apologize for earlier. I shouldn’t have insulted your prophecy. It’s important to you and your family, and I shouldn’t disrespect it. I’m sorry.”
  In the darkness, you can barely make out Heeseung's silhouette, and yet you can feel the smirk slowly rise on his face. “I knew you couldn’t resist me, pretty girl.”
You scoff, “And now you ruined it, goodbye.”
  “Wait!” He grabs your arm, preventing you from leaving, and suddenly, the room is flooded with light. Your eyes squint at the brightness, then widen in shock. “How did you do that?”
“I have telekinesis,” Heeseung shrugs like it’s so casual. Well, it is, for him, at least. 
Heeseung grabs your attention by placing his arm around your waist, the other hand coming up to gently cup your face. 
“What are you doing?”
“I’m trying to convince you to give me a chance. Let me show you how good I can be, how good we could be. I’ll beg on my knees if I have to.”
Then, he’s on his knees, holding your hands in his. 
“Please,” he pleads. “Give me a chance.”
  You feel a tug at your heartstrings. The way he’s pleading makes your legs feel weak. 
“Fine, I’ll give you a chance.”
A smile erupts on Heeseung’s face, and he stands before pulling you in for a tight hug. 
His embrace is warm, despite usually being cold. 
You slowly wrap your arms around his waist, prolonging the hug.
Heeseung finally lets you go, “You won’t regret this, I promise.” 
  You don’t hear from Heeseung for the rest of the day. You have no idea what he’s up to, but you hope you haven’t made a mistake.
The next day, you’re awoken by a gentle knocking on your door. 
You tell them to come in, and it’s Heeseung. 
“Good morning, pretty girl. I have something planned for today, so wash up and meet me downstairs by the entrance.”
He exits, leaving you wondering. 
You don’t want to keep him waiting, so you get out of bed and run to the bathroom. 
After washing up, you pick out one of your favorite dresses to wear. 
  You rush downstairs but compose yourself before you reach the entrance. 
Heeseung is there waiting for you. 
He offers you his hand, and you take it. 
“So what are we doing?” You ask.
“You’ll see,” he smirks but doesn’t reveal the plan. 
  Once outside, you see a horse standing with some guards. 
Its coat is a pristine, long mane flowing in the wind. 
“Beautiful,” you whisper, carefully approaching it. 
Reaching a handout, the horse sniffs you before letting out a loud whine. 
“He likes you,” Heeseung says, petting his mane.
“What’s his name?”
Heeseung suddenly mounts Casper, holding his hand out for you.
Your eyes widen, “Wait, what?”
“Come on!” Heeseung urges you. 
You have to admit, you’ve only mounted a horse once before in your life. 
You take Heeseung’s hand, put your foot in the stirrup, and he pulls you up. 
“Hold on to me.”
You oblige, putting your arms around his waist and resting your head on his back. 
Heeseung smiles as he feels you. He doesn’t know how he’s gotten so lucky to have such a beautiful bride. He has to impress you.
  At Heeseung’s command, Casper trots.
You make your way out of the castle gates and begin your descent. 
The townspeople greet you both as you come through.
Heeseung leads you deep into the woods, far away from any people. 
After about 10 minutes, you finally stop. 
In front of you is a rock wall with vines hanging on it. 
“What are we doing in front of a wall?”
Heeseung chuckles at your cuteness before pulling back the vines, revealing an opening in the wall.
You walk through it and are amazed.
Inside is a small field surrounded by beautiful trees and flowers.
There’s a creek with crystal clear water running through it and a blanket in the middle.
  “Heeseung, it's beautiful,” you gasp.
He leads you to the blanket, and you both sit down.
“I figured if we’re going to get to know each other better, it should be somewhere special.”
“This place is special,” you say, looking above you. The sky is visible, and the clouds are big and beautiful. “Tell me about you, not just what you said at dinner last night. I want to know everything about you. Your childhood, what you like, what you dislike, everything.” Heeseung doesn't take his eyes off you.
If you're genuinely going to give him a chance, you feel he deserves the truth. Not lies or uncertainty. 
So you spill your guts.
  Heeseung pays close attention, eyes never leaving yours. He gives the occasional hum or nod, but other than that is silent.
“You’re so beautiful,” he says.
You can feel the heat rising to your cheeks.
“You’re not so bad yourself.”
  You turn to face Heeseung, “So, it’s your turn. Tell me all about you.”
“Well, I love music. It's something I've enjoyed since I was young. I play the guitar and piano, and if I'm not in my room, I'm usually in our music room.”
  “You’ll have to play for me sometime,” you say, lying on the blanket.
Heeseung follows and lies down beside you.
As you stare at the sky above you, you think, maybe this arrangement isn't so bad.
The next day Heeseung took you on a picnic. Sure, it was in the garden, but it was still romantic.
What you didn’t know before is how funny he is.
He had you laughing so hard, your stomach hurt.
You told him if he wasn’t a prince, he could make a living as a comedian.
He showed you his musical skills.
He’s like a prodigy. Not only is he a master at guitar and piano, but he can also sing.
  When he sang for you, your ears nearly melted.
His voice is like honey, caressing you from the inside out.
Your praises made his cheeks flush, a shy smile gracing his lips.
Later that same day, he took you to a festival in the kingdom.
Everyone was amazed by how good you two looked together.
They cheered for you, their future princess.
  Today, you and Heeseung find yourselves in your room. You're both lying on your bed, and you're reading to him.
It’s a fantasy book about a maiden who falls in love with someone forbidden from being with her.
“I'd hate to be forbidden from you. It’s only been a few days, but I can’t live without you.”
Heeseung’s words make your heart flutter.
“I've gotten used to you too. You're not what I expected. Your kingdom isn't what I expected, but I’m glad I was wrong.” 
  Heeseung doesn’t say anything else, so you continue reading. By the end of the book, the maiden and her lover can be together, and their people rejoice in harmony.
“That was a nice ending,” Heeseung slurs beside you. Looking at him, his eyes are closed, and he’s breathing slowly.
He must have been tired, you think to yourself.
Putting the book time, you figure you could take a nap yourself.
You lay beside him and close your eyes.
  When you awaken, Heeseung is gone, but there’s a sticky note on your forehead.
I had a nice nap. Thanks for keeping me warm - Heeseung.
You chuckle as he runs through your mind.
You went from hating him to taking naps with him within two days.
Maybe you’re weak, but this has been the best couple of days of your life.
You never realized how lonely you were until you started spending all this time with Heeseung.
  You admit you didn’t have many friends growing up. Kids stayed away from you because of your status, or they were only your “friend” to get something from you.
You never had a real friend or more than that. 
Now you have a real friend, or rather fiancé, who seems to be in love with you, although you haven’t done anything to deserve it.
  You regret how you initially treated Heeseung, but you’re looking forward to your future together; however that may look.
  The next day, you wake up to a wonderful smell.
Opening your eyes, in front of you is a whole breakfast platter: pancakes, bacon, eggs, and orange juice.
Heeseung sits at the edge of your bed, watching your reaction.
“Good morning, beautiful.”
“Good morning,” you say as you start digging in.
“I love watching you eat,” Heeseung says, coming to sit next to you.
You offer him some pancake on your fork, and he accepts it eagerly.
“I have to compliment your chef, seriously.”
  After your astounding breakfast, you and Heeseung decide to walk in the field behind the castle.
Heeseung takes the opportunity to slip his hand into yours. You don't hesitate to intertwine your fingers.
  Later, during dinner, the queen asks you how you and Heeseung are progressing. 
“We’re getting along great. Heeseung is a pleasure.”
This time when Heeseung places his hand on your thigh, you put yours on top to hold his hand.
  Throughout the next couple of days, you and Heessung spend every minute together.
You find yourself falling harder for him every day.
Quickly your wedding day approaches, and your nerves are starting to get to you.
  Heeseung has never mentioned biting you. But one day, in the library, you read a book about vampires and their betrothed. It was tradition for a vampire to bite their betrothed on their wedding day as a sign of bonding the souls together.
You didn't know if that tradition still held, but you’ll find out eventually.
You wonder what a bite feels like. Will it hurt? Are you going to feel weakness from it? The thought almost excites you. Heeseung biting you would symbolize you as his. 
  You want to ask him, but you fear it will be awkward.
Still, you feel like you have to know. To at least prepare yourself beforehand.
You and Heeseung are in the music room, and he's singing to you.
Suddenly, he stops.
“What's wrong?” He asks.
“Are you going to bite me at any point? I read about tradition in the library and wanted to know if it still applies.”
Heeseung’s eyes widened for a second before returning to normal.
He coughed awkwardly before answering, “Yes, it's tradition. But we don't have to if you're not comfortable.”
  “Can you bite me now?”
Heeseung freezes in his seat. You can hear how heavily he starts breathing.
He clears his throat, “Why?”
“Because,” you say, coming to sit next to him. “I wanna know what it feels like. And I trust you. But if you can't, it’s okay.”
“I can,” he stutters. “I just don't want to hurt you.”
“I trust you, Heeseung. I know you won't hurt me.”
  Heeseuny nods, taking your hand into his. He leads you to his room, where you're entirely alone.
“Are you sure about this? It'll probably sting, but it shouldn't hurt that much.” 
You nod, moving your hair away from your neck.
Heeseung moves his head down right in front of your neck.
You hear him breathing in and out.
“You smell good. Always have.”
  He takes your hands in his. “I'm gonna do it.”
Then he bites down. 
There's a searing pain that only lasts for a second before a calming feeling replaces it.
You can hear your blood flowing from your neck into Heeseung’s mouth. 
Then it starts to feel good. 
You feel as if you're in a trance.
The room starts to spin, and you feel Heeseung stop.
“Are you okay?”
You nod, coming back to your senses. “It felt nice.”
  You lead Heeseung to his bed, sitting on the edge.
“Thank you, now I know what to expect.”
“It'll be different on our wedding day. You have probably already read about it. We must perform a ritual. If you're okay with that.”
“I know,” you answer.
  “Heeseung, it feels like so much has changed in my life so quickly. But you're at the base of that, and I feel like everything is right. Like everything is going the way it should. It changed quickly from how it was my first day here, but I don't regret anything.” 
  You put your arm around his neck, playing with the hair on the back of his neck.
You can feel his shiver.
“Is this you admitting you have feelings for me?”
The smug look on his face makes you want to slap it off him.
Maybe your past mean side is still alive a little bit. 
“And if it was?”
Before he knows it, you're pulling Heeseung towards you and planting a fat kiss on his cheek. 
His face turns bright red, hand brushing where your lips just were.
  “You can't do that,” he whines. “I'm sensitive.”
“Well, I did.”
Heeseung lunges forward abruptly, planting his lips on yours. 
When he pulls back, it's your turn to blush.
“Do it again, properly this time.” You say.
  Heeseung leans forward, as do you.
When your lips meet, it tingles.
The kiss is soft and passionate. 
It feels as if you’re on cloud nine.
You can smell Heeseung’s cologne as he pulls you closer.
You place your other arm around his neck, smiling into the kiss.
As you both pull away, breathing heavily, you place one last peck on his lips.
“That was amazing.” He says, pushing a strand of your hair back.
You hum in agreement.
“It’s late. We should both go to sleep.” 
  Heeseung agrees, and you wish each other good night.
Back in your room, you feel butterflies in your stomach.
You grab the closest pillow and shove it in your face, squealing and kicking your feet.
  The next few days leading up to the wedding are spent with last-minute preparations.
The day of, your heart feels like it will beat out of your chest. 
A custom, handmade dress crafted from the finest fabrics cascades down your body.
Your mother is in the room with you, your father outside, ready to walk you down the aisle. 
Once you step out, everyone's eyes turn to you.
You see your family members on one side and Heeseung’s family and friends on the other.
You see his friends from other kingdoms, six nice boys you consider your friends now.
They're all smiling at you, and you smile back brightly.
  You finally look at Heeseung, and his eyes are trained on you. They don't leave yours for a second.
You smile shyly, and his serious face dissipates. 
You make it down the aisle, and your face goes to sit down.
“We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Lee Heeseung and Y/L/N Y/N.
These two have been betrothed to one another since birth, and today we finally see them become one.
If anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
“Good. Now we will hear the vows prepared by both parties. Heeseung, you shall go first.”
  Heeseung clears his throat, “Y/N, from a young age, I felt our connection. Not just because of the prophecy but because of our hearts. I am honored to be your husband. To protect you, to serve you, to give my life to make you happy. I will never hurt you, betray you or disrespect you. I promise to love you and give you the life you deserve.”
  You can feel tears prick your eyes as he finishes.
“Now, Y/N, it's your turn.”
“Heeseung, when I first came here, I resented you. I thought my life was being taken from me, but I was wrong. In the past two weeks, you have shown me nothing but love, caring, and what a wonderful life I will have here with you. I promise to give you all my love, respect, and care. I will never let you feel neglected or unimportant. You will always be my priority.”
  “Now, for the bonding ritual.” The officiant holds a large blade, one that was handcrafted thousands of years ago by the first king.
He then holds up the ancient prophecy, where the Lee symbol appears prominent.
The mingling of blood is a sacred part of the Lee clan and tradition.
Heeseung puts his hands around your neck, and you anticipate the bite.
It feels just as it did the first time, a sting, then bliss.
When Heeseung retreats, you palm the blood dripping down your neck.
Heeseung slices his palm with the blade, and you bring your hands together to mix the blood. 
Then, on the prophecy, you both mark it with your handprints, sealing your fate and bonding your souls together.
Heeseung takes a towel to clean your neck while you wrap his hand.
“You souls are now bonded and forever one. To the new generation of Lee!” The officiant concludes.
Standing up, everyone cheers. 
Heeseung pulls your face towards his, kissing you slowly. 
The cheers become louder as you part.
  Everyone comes up to congratulate you.
You hug your parents tightly while Heeseung hugs his.
Your friends come up, hugging you individually, and then run to Heeseung and give him multiple pats on the back. 
The ceremony afterward is full of love and laughter. Your favorite music plays as you and Heeseung cut the cake.
It's delicious red velvet with cream cheese frosting.
You can't help but smother Heeseung’s cheek in frosting as he looks at you offended.
You scream as he does it back to both your cheeks.
Once cleaned up, you head outside to the palace balcony, where the kingdom is gathered.
  They cheer as you both walk out, chanting your names.
You give them all your biggest smile and wave eagerly.
You hear someone calling you, and as you look down, you spot Ara. 
You wave at her diligently before making your way down.
She runs to you as the kingdom coos.
You pick her up and swing her around, settling her in your arms.
“You look so beautiful, Y/N,” she says.
“Thank you, Ara.”
She looks to Heeseung. “Take good care of her, please.”
You both laugh, “I will, Ara.” Heeseung replies.
  You're being handed gifts left and right by the people who you thank diligently.
The rest of your evening is spent with your friends, family, and the kingdom.
When everyone has left, it's just you and Heeseung.
“You're my wife…pinch me.”
So you do, pinching his butt.
He yelps before sighing, “I didn't mean it literally.”
Before you can react, he's attacking you with tickles, pokes, and prodding. 
You try not to scream as it's late but can't help the squeals that leave your mouth. 
  You both arrive at your door and as Heeseung goes to kiss you goodnight, you stop him.
“Why don't you get some pajamas and spend the night with me?”
You've never seen Heeseung move so quickly.
He's back within record time, and you spend the rest of the night together.
  Waking up next to Heeseung is blissful. 
You watch his handsome face as he sleeps. This man is your husband. 
You stroke his face gently, stirring him awake.
“Good morning,” his raspy voice says. 
“Morning, husband.”
He smiles, “Say it again.”
“Good morning, husband.”
  He wraps his arms around you, “I'll never get tired of hearing that.”
“Good, 'cause I’ll never stop saying it.”
“You're mine, and I’m yours. I couldn't ask for anything more.” Heeseung pecks your lips once, twice, thrice.
You take his hand in yours, “Now we get to spend the rest of our lives together.”
“I can't wait. Let the fun begin.”
and that’s it! this is the longest thing i’ve ever written (so far) so here’s to more in the future!
taglist: @chiiiiiiiiis @seungjiseyo @yohanabanana @yenqa @woongkification @lovekyr @autumn-lv @urszn
perm taglist: @escapetheash @vatterie
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