#Claudia Galán
stuff-diary · 1 year
Cerdita (Piggy)
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Movies watched in 2023
Cerdita (Piggy) (2022, Spain)
Director & Writer: Carlota Pereda
I loved this way more than I thought I would. The representation probably isn't perfect, but it portrays fatphobia in a really harsh and unflinching light. Some people might find it too much, but I think Carlota Pereda made the right choice, showing how bullying and abuse can affect a person's psyche. Oh, and it was a fantastic move to show that fatphobia can happen at home as much as it happens outside. While there are strong doses of dark humor here and there, the movie is a pretty hard watch at times, so be warned.
All that being said, the movie's true power rests entirely on Laura Galán's bravura performance. She perfectly conveys her character's anxiety, confusion and terror. I couldn't help but relate to her, even as her situation escalates into something pretty crazy. Also, Carmen Machi's acting is as excellent as always, but I already expected that. Finally, I wanted to mention the cinematography and the sound design. The movie flawlessly captures the vibes of summer life in a small, rural-ish Spanish town, from the light to the background noises. So yeah, I will definitely keep an eye out for Pereda and Galán's future work.
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cinemacentral666 · 1 year
Piggy (2022)
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Movie #1,038 • TWO FOR TUESDAY
Today's two-for-Tuesday theme is "recent movies from Spain made by female directors," eschewing the typical "the titles have a word in common" thing. After I watched this, I kept thinking of podcasting riffs forgetting that I'm no longer doing a podcast. But the thing about that is whenever I would do this — verbalize in my mind what I might like to say about a movie — I rarely ever recorded soon enough thereafter to make whatever point was on my mind. Horrible flawed system/brain I got here, folks.
There was something interesting here with the running of the bulls/her being called "Piggy" (one of the young bulls gets loose... pig vs. bull? something?? IDK) but I couldn't flush it out. As I wrote on me Letterboxd: "Turned out to be as gruesome as the movie poster but it took its time getting here. Left me feeling blank but I enjoyed it in spurts. Bullying is bad! Yes yes etc…" I think that 'bout sums it up. Slightly more than a 'meh' for me—narrowly avoiding the dreaded Lucy Line.
SCORE: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️¼
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saturdaynightmatinee · 9 months
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Título Original: Cerdita
Año: 2022
Duración: 99 min
País: España
Dirección: Carlota Pereda
Guion: Carlota Pereda
Música: Olivier Arson
Fotografía: Rita Noriega
Reparto: Laura Galán, Carmen Machi, Julián Valcárcel, Richard Holmes, Pilar Castro, Claudia Salas, Camille Aguilar, José Pastor, Chema del Barco, Irene Ferreiro
Productora: Coproducción España-Francia; Morena Films, La Banque Postale Image, Indéfilms
Género: Horror; Drama; Thriller
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docpiplup · 1 year
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Antena 3 presented this Tuesday, October 10, in the first edition of the South Festival, Beguinas, a series inspired by the beguinages, communities of women who, since the 13th century, defended an alternative way of life independent of marriage and Church. The new fiction bet will be available sooner for Atresplayer premium users.
Beguinas, which has ten 50-minute episodes, is produced by Atresmedia TV in collaboration with Buendía Estudios. The Beguines dedicated themselves to contemplation, but also to action, through crafts, teaching, or caring for the sick, which provided benefits to society while allowing them to be. This new series takes as reference the history of these women, which has remained hidden throughout the centuries.
The actors Amaia Aberasturi and Yon González star in the fiction. They play, respectively, Lucía de Avellaneda and Telmo Medina, two young people who will overcome the social impositions of the time and risk everything for love in a context that is not conducive to them. Beatriz Segura, Melani Olivares, Jaime Olías, Ella Kweku, Lucía Caraballo, Javier Beltrán, Meritxell Calvo, Silma López, Laura Galán, Elisabeth Gelabert, Ignacio Montes, Antonio Durán 'Morris', Jonás Berami, Jorge Kent and Cristina Plazas, among others , complete the cast of the series.
Beguinas is a production of Atresmedia TV in collaboration with Buendía Estudios. Montse García, Sonia Martínez and Amparo Miralles are the executive producers of this fiction, which will be directed by Rómulo Aguillaume and Claudia Pinto. The script will be written by Irene Rodríguez, Esther Morales and Silvia Arribas.
Marta de Miguel signs the Production direction, Iván Caso and Álex García the Photography direction and Jorge de Soto the Art direction. Bubi Escobar will be in charge of Wardrobe, while Makeup and Hairstyling will be directed respectively by Mariló Serrano and Fermín Galán. Juan León is the Casting Director.
Segovia, 1559. Lucía de Avellaneda celebrates her engagement party with the Marquis of Peñarrosa, a nobleman chosen by her brother. This marriage promises to reinforce the financial and social status of the family, but, in the middle of the celebration, the fiancée receives an unexpected letter from a woman who claims to be her mother and who claims her on her deathbed.
Lucía shows up at the beguinage, where her mother has summoned her. In this place she lives with other women independently and outside the Church. The young woman opens up to a new world that will make her question everything she has known until now. And, furthermore, he will know love through a pure and uncontrollable, but forbidden, passion. He will risk everything for Telmo, a Jewish man who must hide his beliefs and his past.
Main cast and characters
Lucía de Avellaneda (Amaia Aberasturi) Intelligent, curious and combative. Educated and innocent, until her mother's call disrupts her life. In the beguinage she discovers an environment of sorority and critical thinking that revolutionizes her idea of ​​the world and breaks down the walls that her status as a Christian noble woman has imposed on her. When she meets Telmo she feels for the first time an attraction that she has never experienced, but his commitment and loyalty will stop her impulses, determined to fight for what really matters to her.
Telmo Medina (Yon González): Telmo is an attractive, lucid and mysterious young man who hides his Jewish origins. He works in a bakery and supplies the beguinage with what it needs from outside. He doesn't want problems, but he doesn't avoid them either. Loyal, sincere and honest, he cannot help but risk everything for a Christian noble woman.
Marie Anne (Beatriz Segura) Beguine and the successor of The Great Lady, she is wise, strong and enigmatic. Its mission is to protect the beguinage from certain ecclesiastical authorities who fear its independence. Guiding Lucía through the truth, she will help her connect with her mother's spirit and live in the beguinage with other women who, like her, long for a freedom that they cannot find outside. In her past, she loved intensely and had to overcome a traumatic breakup, but that passion is unleashed again, although this time she does not want to repress herself despite the danger of remaining in love with a clandestine and sinful love.
Sibila García (Melani Olivares): A distrustful, surviving and sensitive woman, who grew up in misery and prostitution. Pregnant, she decided to escape and found her place in the beguinage. Her biggest concern is her daughter and, even though she reproaches her for it, she will do everything possible to try to protect her. The succession of Lucrecia is disputed and she competes with Marie Anne for the position of Great Lady.
Guiomar Ruy (Ella Kweku): Nigua, an Antillean slave, was sold to a doctor from Seville who gave her her new name and educated her when he noticed the maid's innate curiosity. She learned the trade of midwife from her mother and cultivated her interest in the human body and botany. She obtained his letter of freedom and decided to move to the beguinage of Valladolid where he can develop his concerns and care for the sick. She has judgment, instinct and knowledge. She gets upset with ignorance, prejudice and evil. Shee feels a deep complicity with Gonzalo, the clergyman, a harmony that sooner or later, she will have to give a name to.
Beatriz García (Lucía Caraballo): Daughter of Sibila and one of the youngest of the beguinage. Innocent, happy and lively. Her sexuality is awakening and she enjoys her body with curiosity and without fear until life outside the walls pushes her to hide her most intimate impulses. Her freedom of thought and work contrasts with that of Lucía. She has a relationship with her mother that has ups and downs, but the love they have for each other is above all. Each has a lot to learn from the other.
Juana Aranda (Silma López): Daughter of Sancho, the owner of the workshop, and sister of Lebrín. She enjoys an independence that was uncommon at that time. She has chosen to enter the beguinage to avoid a bad marriage or ending up dependent on his brother. Intelligent, prudent and thorough. She is in love with Telmo, but wants to be reciprocated. He has such a noble heart that his love does not prevent him from empathizing with Lucía and helping Telmo when things go wrong.
Lebrín Aranda (Jonás Berami): Close friend of Telmo, son of Sancho, the owner of the bakery and the only brother of Juana, the beguine. Rogue, generous and lively, he knows how to live avoiding laws, rules and sins. He enjoys carnal pleasures and lets himself be carried away by Jimena's lust until he discovers her danger and her evil ways. He will use his best resources to try to save the Beguines from the Inquisition.
Rodrigo de Guzmán, Marquis of Peñarrosa (Javier Beltrán): He is Lucía's fiancé. Castilian nobleman, of ancient ancestry and fortune. He is very well connected and has negotiated with his future brother-in-law to settle his debts and open the doors to him in Court in exchange for this marriage. He loves Lucía, she seems to him the right woman to fulfill her role as marchioness. He is dutiful, splendid and traditional, but he does not hesitate to bring out his most sinister side when his commitment is threatened.
Munio de Avellaneda, Count of Vellaví (Jaime Olías): Lucía's brother and heir to the County, but also to the debts left by his father. He needs to recover privileges and fortune, and his sister's marriage is the perfect deal. Arrogant, irascible and proud. He is willing to do anything to save his lineage and keep up appearances.
Jimena Suárez de Córdoba (Meritxell Calvo): Munio's wife. Intelligent, frivolous and capricious. He hoped to live up to his condition, but the Avellanedas' fortune is in debt and the only thing that can solve it is his sister-in-law's wedding. She will do everything possible to help her husband achieve it. She likes to seduce, get the most out of life and cleverly circumvent the rigid rules that her lineage demands. She won't hesitate to play with fire when she meets Lebrín, a hummingbird who, like her, doesn't want to miss out on the pleasures that life offers.
Catalina (Laura Galán): Lucía's faithful maid. Affectionate, smiling, devout and superstitious, she is torn between loyalty to Lucía and fear of Munio. Lucía, her mistress, and the beguines, who will pay dearly for her ignorance. She will do everything possible to correct her mistakes and ease her conscience.
Lucrecia de Avellaneda (Elisabeth Gelabert): The Great Lady of the Beguinage. Daughter of its founder, Leonor Labrit and heir to her legacy for which she had to sacrifice her children, distancing them from her side. Married to Pedro de Avellaneda, who called her crazy, she took refuge in the beguinage where she served as Great Lady. Cultured and mystical, her life and death are surrounded by mystery.
Gabriela Grijalvo (Cristina Plazas): Widow of a renowned printer and mother of Gonzalo. Cultured and respected lady from Valladolid renounced her true love for fear of facing her son's rejection.
Gonzalo de Grijalvo (Ignacio Montes): Clergyman related to the beguinate. Intelligent, attractive and empathetic. She admires the Beguines for their devotion and devotion to those in need, but above all Guiomar, with whom he has great complicity.
Father Lasarte (Antonio Durán 'Morris'): A priest with pretensions, whose greatest ambition is to end the privileges of the beguinages and become part of the Court of the Inquisition. Cunning and scheming, he uses fear and ignorance to manipulate the people and get them to demonize these women, inventing falsehoods about them. His main objective is Marie Anne, the Great Lady, whom he cannot defeat.
Commissioner Utrera (Jorge Kent) The executing arm of the Inquisition in Valladolid. Pursue crimes that threaten the power of the Church. He has the beguines in his sights, but knows the risks of attacking them because they enjoy important social support. Shrewd, arrogant and libidinous, he exercises his power with the arrogance that his position gives him.
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neowitcher · 2 years
Piggy (2022) ★★★★
Horror/Thriller, 1h 30m
Dir. Carlota Pereda
Cast: Laura Galán, Adrian Grösser, Carmen Machi, Julián Valcárcel, José Pastor, Irene Ferreiro, Camille Aguilar, Claudia Salas & others
A bullied overweight teenager sees a glimpse of hope when her tormentors are brutally abducted by a mesmerizing stranger. (Letterboxd)
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My review:
Horror and I still aren’t always the best of friends but when this finally got on my radar, I knew I had to check it out. I was ready to see an overweight person be the main character and not some awkward joke, and I was not disappointed.
I liked how the film dealt with Sara (Galán) being fat. As mentioned above, she wasn’t overweight to be some kind of joke for the audience to laugh at. There’s a whole lot of fatphobia present but it’s always the other characters laughing at Sara and never an invite for the audience to laugh along (and if they do, it feels incredibly misplaced). Instead, the audience can feel for Sara and get behind the pent-up anger in her. Despite the bullying, we get to see her be a person who is just going through her every day life, hips swinging to music and going for a swim on a hot day, and as a plus-sized person myself, it felt refreshing to see this kind of representation, and it’s crazy how rare it is for a bigger character to be displayed as merely human.
Naturally, that’s not all the films deals with, though it is a central topic. Piggy doesn’t shy away from being quick with murder and plenty with blood and gore. It’s never over-the-top (though content warning for vegetarians: a lot of it takes place in a butchery) but just uses enough to keep the audience on its toes. What I especially liked was how a lot of the time, the audience is left clueless as what is about to happen or has happened. We’re often being mislead and the story takes sudden turns you don’t fully expect. It tends to give the audience an idea of what might be going on through Sara’s mind only to then completely turn it around.
That can, however, also be its weakness, depending on what you want the ending to be. Every viewer can have a different feeling with who should die and what should happen but personally, I think the ending was just right. I definitely believes the majority of the characters were horrible but asking the constant “but did I want them to die?” question actually gets exhausting by the end. On top of that is the main villain not very easy to figure out, leaving quite a bit to the audience’s interpretation. Nevertheless, a great horror movie that takes the “pig” insult to a whole other level.
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Transmilenio por la 68 que dejó Claudia López, con retrasos y sobrecostos de medio billón de pesos
Las obras de Transmilenio por la Avenida 68 tienen retrasos y sobrecostos de acuerdo con el último informe que presentó el alcalde de Bogotá, Carlos Fernando Galán. Es decir, las obras de este corredor vial se entregarían en el año 2027.  Continue reading Transmilenio por la 68 que dejó Claudia López, con retrasos y sobrecostos de medio billón de pesos
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acapulcopress · 5 months
Logro de la 4T que jóvenes se interesen en la política | Félix
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CHILPANCINGO, Gro. * Mayo 8, 2024. ) Especial El candidato de Morena a senador de la República, Félix Salgado Macedonio, destacó que uno de los logros de la Cuarta Transformación es que los jóvenes ahora están más
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interesados en la política, y los llamó a que no se vayan con la “finta mediática”. Este miércoles Salgado Macedonio estuvo en la plazoleta del Barrio de San Francisco, acompañado por el candidato a senador suplente Arturo Pérez Pérez, en donde resaltó que el presidente de la República, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, “no es una canción, no es un caso mediático”, sino contenido, transformación e historia. Dijo que existe convicción de que se logrará el triunfo con la candidata a presidenta de la coalición Sigamos Haciendo Historia (Morena-PT-PVEM), Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, y que se consolidará el cambio en México; celebró el resultado contundente en el Simulacro Electoral Universitario, en donde arrasó, mientras la candidata de la derecha se desplomó
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al tercer lugar. De acuerdo con los resultados del simulacro Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo obtuvo 65 por ciento de las preferencias, seguida, muy abajo, por el candidato de MC, con 22.2 por ciento y hasta el fondo, la candidata del PRI, PAN y PRD, con 7.7 por ciento. En este ejercicio participaron más de 400 planteles de educación superior y media superior, como la UNAM, la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, el IPN, UAM, la UPN, la UdG, la BUAP, la UANL, la Uaemex, la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, así como institutos tecnológicos. Félix Salgado Macedonio mencionó que el candidato de MC ha subido porque tiene un
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aparato de propaganda basado en canciones, por lo que ese partido debería “promover artistas” en lugar de aspirantes a un cargo, porque “no traen propuestas, Claudia trae las propuestas”. Salgado Macedonio llamó a respaldar a Morena, a la Cuarta Transformación y a Claudia Sheinbaum, que continuará con el segundo piso y tiene propuestas humanistas. En su discurso Félix Salgado convocó a razonar el voto y recordó cuando el electorado decidió votar por el expresidente priísta Enrique Peña Nieto, porque “era galán, está bonito, y miren cómo nos dejó el bonito: nos dejó bien jodidos, vean los que nos costó por andar votando por el bonito”. El senador pidió que a pesar de que Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo encabeza las preferencias, “no hay que confiarnos”, y que es probable que la candidata a la Presidencia de la República venga de nuevo a Guerrero. ) acapulcopress.com Read the full article
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prensabolivariana · 11 months
Alcaldía de Bogotá Carlos Fernando Galán Pachón se consolidó como el nuevo alcalde de Bogotá y quien reemplazó a Claudia López en el Palacio Liévano, para el periodo 2024-2027.A la hora, el candidato del Nuevo Liberalismo se convierte en el mandatario más votado de la historia de la capital. Continue reading Untitled
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simplylove101 · 1 year
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2023 Horror Challenge: [24/?]
↳“They call me 'Piggy' and you do nothing!“ Piggy (2022) dir. Carlota Pereda
Plot: An overweight teen is bullied by a clique of cool girls poolside while holidaying in her village. The long walk home will change the rest of her life.
Starring: Laura Galán, Richard Holmes, Carmen Machi, Irene Ferreiro, Camille Aguilar, Claudia Salas & Pilar Castro
I had no idea what to think before going into this except that title and poster, which has the mind reeling how this could go down. The bullying aspect was very unpleasant to watch tbh but it was needed to understand the motivations behind things. I truly felt for Sara's character because they were just awful. Did not realize beforehand that it wasn't going to be her that was a serial killer. They chose a interesting narrative route because it puts her character in a situation that is a dilemma. Do you save the people who were terrible to you? But also, those being the targets make you a suspect as well so that really doesn't help either. All in all, it was a good enough movie for a watch. I think Laura Galán did a nice job as the lead. She made it engaging. Not exactly a new fave or anything but I was glued to the screen. It gets suspenseful at parts.
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padmaddean · 3 years
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Adriana & Julia
Fuimos canciones (Sounds Like Love) (2021)
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docpiplup · 1 year
@asongofstarkandtargaryen Another upcoming period drama:
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'Beguinas', which will have ten episodes of 50 minutes each, is inspired by the beguinates, communities of women who defended an alternative way of life independent of marriage and the Church. The beguines dedicated themselves to contemplation, but also to action, through artisan work, teaching or caring for the sick that brought benefits to society while allowing them to be self-sufficient. The beguinates were spaces for relationships and freedom that, despite having popular support, were highly questioned by those in power.
The first beguinates were founded in 1170 in Belgium and later spread throughout Europe. Its actions did not force its members to belong to any ecclesiastical order or comply with monastic laws.
The series takes as a reference the history of these women, which has remained hidden throughout centuries.
The actors Amaia Aberasturi (Akelarre: Coven of sisters) and Yon González (Los Herederos de la tierra, Gran Hotel, Las chicas del cable) will star in the fiction. They will play, respectively, Lucía de Avellaneda and Telmo Medina, two young people who will overcome the social impositions of the time and risk everything for love in a context that is not favorable for them.
'Beguinas' is an Atresmedia TV production in collaboration with Buendía Estudios (Cardo, La pasión turca, Las noches de Tefía, Heridas). Montse García, Sonia Martínez and Amparo Miralles are the executive producers of this fiction from the Series Atresmedia label, which will be directed by Rómulo Aguillaume and Claudia Pinto.
The script will be written by Irene Rodríguez, Esther Morales, Silvia Arribas and Virginia Llera. Marta de Miguel signs the direction of Production, Iván Caso the direction of Photography and Jorge de Soto the direction of Art. Bubi Escobar will be in charge of the Wardrobe, while Makeup and Hairdressing will be directed respectively by Mariló Serrano and Fermín Galán. Juan León is the casting director.
'Beguinas' will begin recording over the next few weeks at locations in Madrid and Segovia.
Segovia, 1559. Lucía de Avellaneda celebrates her engagement party with the Marquis of Peñarrosa, a nobleman chosen by her brother. This marriage promises to reinforce the financial and social status of the family, but, in the midst of the celebration, she receives an unexpected letter from a woman who claims to be her mother and who claims her on her deathbed. Lucía appears at the beguinate, where her mother has summoned her. In this place she lives with other women independently and outside the Church.
The young woman opens up to a new world that will make her question everything she has known up to now. And, furthermore, she will know love through a pure and irrepressible passion, but prohibited. She will risk everything for Telmo, a Jewish man who must hide his beliefs and his past.
Amaia Aberasturi will be Lucía de Avellaneda:
Intelligent, curious and combative. Polite and innocent, until her mother's call turns her world upside down. In the Beguinate, she discovers an environment of sisterhood and critical thinking that revolutionizes her idea of ​​the world and breaks down the walls that her status as a Christian and noble woman have imposed on her. When she meets Telmo for the first time, she feels an attraction that she has never experienced, but his commitment and loyalty will curb her impulses, determined to fight for what really matters to her.
Yon González will be Telmo Medina:
Telmo is an attractive, lucid and mysterious young man who hides his Jewish origins. He works in a bakery and supplies the Beguinate with what it needs from abroad. He doesn't want problems, but he doesn't dodge them either. When he meets Lucía and remembers her from his childhood, he decides to keep it quiet and avoid the danger of being recognized. Loyal, sincere and thorough, he cannot avoid rejecting the marriage that his friend proposes and risking everything for a woman who, in addition to being a Christian, belongs to a noble family, owner of lands that were taken from his ancestors.
He dreams of a future somewhere called the New World, where he can live out his love and his faith in freedom.
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ramascreen · 3 years
Official Trailer For SOUNDS LIKE LOVE
Official Trailer For SOUNDS LIKE LOVE
Netflix has released this official trailer for Sounds Like Love (Fuimos Canciones). Fashion assistant Maca has just about got her life together after a devastating breakup, when Leo, the man who broke her heart returns. Seeking support from best friends, Adriana and Jime, all three will learn love can be complicated. Release Date: September 29, 2021 Directed by: Juana Macías Screenplay by: Laura…
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gebo4482 · 2 years
Piggy - Official Trailer
Dir: Carlota Pereda Star: Laura Galán / Claudia Salas / Carmen Machi
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fathersonholygore · 2 years
[Fantasia 2022] A Complicated Web of Societal Violence in PIGGY
[Fantasia 2022] A Complicated Web of Societal Violence in PIGGY
Piggy (2022) Directed & Written by Carlota Pereda Starring Laura Galán, Claudia Salas, Carmen Machi, Pilar Castro, Camille Aguilar, Mabel del Pozo, Richard Holmes, & José Pastor. Drama / Horror / Thriller ★★★★1/2 (out of ★★★★★) DISCLAIMER: The following essay contains significant spoilers. Turn back, lest ye be spoiled! Bullying is a difficult topic to tackle in fiction because it usually either…
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profeminist · 5 years
“A lesbian who describes herself as “incorruptible” has been elected as mayor of Bogotá in Colombia.
Claudia Lopez – who is a member of Colombia’s Green Alliance party – was elected with around 35 percent of the vote, BBC News reports.
She beat liberal rival Carlos Fernando Galán, who received 32.5 percent of the votes. Her election makes her Bogotá’s first female and gay mayor.
Writing on Twitter after her victory, Lopez said: “Today was the day of girls, young people, women, families like yours and mine!”
She also thanked her competitors in the race, saying the city will rely on them as “extraordinary citizens and leaders”.
Read the full piece here
Awesome! Gay and Green and Politically Incorruptible?
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fictionfromafar · 4 years
The Fragility Of Bodies, by Sergio Olguín, translated by Miranda France, Bitter Lemon Press
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Could the next trend in Crime Fiction be Latin Noir? With writers like Leonardo Padura, Jorge Galán and fellow Argentinian K. Ferrari as well as Olguín challenging for the CWA Crime in Translation award, plus other contemporary writers such as Claudia Piñeiro, Santiago Gamboa, Rolo Diez, Jorge Franco it seems that perhaps the focus may be shifting slightly to Latin America from the more usual crime locations of Scandinavia, Japan and France.
Olguín is a former journalist and experienced writer who has turned to crime fiction for a triology of books featuring pratagonist Verónica Rosenthal that have been televised in South America. In her early thirties Rosenthal is the one still unmarried daughter who bypassed her father's desire for her to follow him into law to become an investigative journalist. The Fragility Of Bodies finds herself exploring the story behind the high profile suicide of a train driver.
There are several factors that make this such a compelling novel. The first is the very strong presence of Rosenthal as a formidable but flawed key driver, with a strong moral compass which she doesn't always apply to herself.
There is an assortment of interesting characters from former cocaine addict Rafael, the forever troubled Lucio and a couple of shanty town children who love playing football and wish for nothing more that the chance to gain a few pesos to buy cola. The book's other key strengths are the setting and plot which are so far away from the predictable stories of serial woman killers and clichéd detectives. In fact the police barely feature in the novel at all.
Set in Buenos Aires, the story feels very contemporary and once you settle into the book, the setting starts to feel quite familiar, even if you'll never know the whereabouts of all the mentioned street names! You'll soon find yourself routing for the principle themes against child exploitation, the unjust power of the wealthy and for the desire for exposure. It's exciting in parts, moving in others. Mixed with all this is a desparate love story which features some quite steamy erotic scenes (by consenting adults). It's a potent combination which makes this one of the best books I have read this year.
The pace really starts to build when the separate intertwined stories start to come together and it comes together with some strong action scenes which will ensure that you can hardly put the book down. The conclusion resolves some of the key themes but leave others open for the subsequent novels, with some strong hints for the direction of the series. With the follow up The Foreign Girls due in February 2021, I would strongly recommend that you read this one soon.
In the meantime I'll be returning to Argentina very soon with some more crime fiction in my TBR collection by K. Ferrari and Claudia Piñeiro.
Also here as a taster, here is the trailer for the Argentine television series La Fagilodad De Los Ceurpos. Its only a spoiler if you speak Spanish!
Who knows maybe following the success of La Casa de Papel (Money Heist) Netflix might pick it up one day!
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