#Claudia Grande
downtobaker · 1 year
La disgustosa narrazione da fotoromanzo della cronaca nera in Italia
di Claudia Grande Giulia Tramontano, incinta di sette mesi, l’ennesima vittima di femminicidio in Italia Oggi La Stampa titola: “Uomini che uccidono le donne: al Paese serve un’opera di educazione profonda”. Ieri titolava: “Al Paese serve un’opera di educazione profonda: dobbiamo insegnare alle donne a salvarsi”. Correzione raffazzonata che non ha inciso sul contenuto dell’articolo: la…
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freckleslikestars · 1 year
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Claudia Black as Aeryn Sun in every episode of FARSCAPE
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claudiadpdl · 3 months
do yall think madeleine is going to feel guilty when she and claudia are sentenced to death/about to be killed because she was the one that suggested they go see louis one last time, or do you think they were always doomed to die because armand was going to have them killed regardless of whether or not they went to see louis again. im flinging myself off a building btw.
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courferrevevo · 17 days
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Bon Appetit, Lestat
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Me, in my main fic: writes some of the most heartbreaking lesdaughter and armand feels that destroy people emotionally.
Me, in my dessert loustat fic: lestat getting cuckolded in a club while daniel does drugs off some kids thigh
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fuckyeahclaudiablack · 6 months
I knew Hope Mikaelson looked familiar for a reason.
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wheresbenni · 1 year
my first ever very amateur loumand edit lmao
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kotomeanieart · 2 years
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"...Something pure and beautiful that stays in your heart no matter what. Like colorful hydrangeas blooming in the rain."
aka this line absolutely murdered me and i’m making them happy in chaldea, goodbye
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wookieejamcrew · 9 months
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beldaroot · 3 months
i didn't like the finale lol 🧍🏾
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courferrevevo · 17 days
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my musings on claudia and louis via lestat…. coming soon
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grand-army-radio · 4 months
This song goes out to President Claudia Sheinbaum.
Also to Chancellor Mon Mothma.
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dingostrash · 2 years
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Maybe we'll get her one day(unlikely)
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its4-town4eva · 2 years
Soren: This week it's disabled people next week it's people who are BLT
Claudia: That's a sandwich.
Soren: Oh what is it I mean?
Viren: You mean LGBT?
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cluethegirl · 2 years
weed when you're autistic is no longer just like the happy little thing you get to make you dizzy and think things sometimes it's cathartic as fuck I am in a really good rock like a little baby and i have no judgement over my thoughts so i can just let them go and even still i act more neurotypical with the people around me so i don't even get followed around as much by people in stores. Like i litterally went to Saks while high for a *really expensive but cheap sample of * fragrance and the ladies were so nice to me???? and helped me out??? I felt like I was in a world full of love and even though i didn't even buy the rollarball i wanted to get because i didn't like it they were so nice about it and i was like " omg this is why were all addicts if we weren't diagnosed and put into therapy before kindergarden" this is the only way i can feel safe and well fitting into society. Anyways so you know how Armani just released their new line and they
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kotomeanieart · 2 years
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goddess of spring claudia real and ready to cover grumpy husband in flowers
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