melodythebunny · 28 days
“Carrie…not this again.”
“He's got a decent job as he mentioned…just give him a chance, Papa.”
Felix knew exactly who his daughter was referring to.
Steven Boxleitner. 
And frankly, Mr. Catswell did not approve of him.
The conversation had escalated into an argument. They've been having more and more lately as Carrie grew to be more independent. None however was as bad as this one.
“You are not going out with him Caroline!” Felix said, putting his foot down on the matter. His tone was on the line of not wanting to hear anything of the matter. He truly thought she would listen to his decision. She wasn't backing down, proving to be stubborn if not equally as him.
“YES I AM!” Carrie screamed with all her might. In an instant Felix had found himself slammed into the wall. Knocking down a few photos. His lungs burned as he tried to regain the oxygen he lost when he was flying backwards.
The worst part of it was that she hadn't even laid a finger on him. His anger turned into one of horror and realization. 
There was a moment of silence. The tension in the air was thicker than butter. Neither father, nor daughter broke eye contact. Carrie's breathing was harsh, almost like a rabid animal. If there was one thing Carrie shared with her mother, it was her fury.
Felix struggled to stand up on his bruised legs. He had been a fool. An absolute fool. How could he ever assume any of his kids had been normal? They were just like him. They had shared part of his DNA after all. His expression was still one of shock as he stared at his daughter.
Carrie's rage melted into a broken sob. Seeing she had harmed her father and  the fear in his eyes snapped her out of anger that was clawing at her soul. Regret filled her.
“Carrie.”  He stepped forward. His tone neutral, no longer holding the angry tone he had before. 
“Carrie….come here.”
She shook her head. Hesitant to be near him. Not after she had flung him to the wall. A small trail of blood dripped from her nose joining her tears on the floor. She stood in her former room crying.
“Is everything alright up there? I heard shouting.” 
Felix quickly spoke up after hearing his wife call from downstairs. “Uh yea. I just dropped a box of old antiques.” He fibbed. Carrie glanced at him puzzled. His response seemed to quell his wife's inquiry for the time being. No doubt, Catherine was ready to return to her afternoon nap. Silence returned back to the room as Felix faced Carrie.
“How long…?” He asked. He was referring to the earlier outburst of her telekinesis.
Carrie sniffed, wiping the blood away from her nose. Her eyes looked at the floor silent for a bit. “Sometime during junior high…” 
She was in her early twenties now…nearly a decade had gone by and Felix had been none the wiser. He had assumed she hadn't gotten the gene. He had hoped she didn't. She hadn't displayed any signs like Clayde had as a baby. It really wasn't fair. She didn't deserve this horrible fate.
Carrie looked cautiously at her father, taking note of his out of character silence. “Are…are you upset…?” The ginger wasn't a foreigner to her parents' dislikes of mutants and the like. She was not sure if she could face getting disowned. But they were parents…her family. The people she's known and loved the longest. 
Felix shook his head and embraced his daughter. He had kept hushed about his past to everyone. Even Catherine, the love of his life. There was no way he would send another of his kids away. Mr. Catswell would have to keep this incident a secret. Carrie knew she could never tell her mother about the damaged wall.
He just hoped she would stay away from that no good Boxleitner.
@blueweirdness @lartmacabre @dualnaturedscientist @ninjastormhawkkat @spaaceeboyy @liloskull343
Clayde belongs to @spaaceeboyy
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ninjastormhawkkat · 8 months
xD now I'm picturing Carrie and Clayde as heroes int hat au
ooo yeah your old hero Carrie au where she talked to animals and used a frying pan.
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sneaky-eel · 6 months
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Desmond let this man murder for you!
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clayd · 4 months
bbgs yall finally convinced me to watch this show (i scrolled in the tag 15 mns) but its not available in my country, going brain rot
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clayykaczmarek · 8 months
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teecupangel · 1 year
Got any Clay/Desmond post flare time travel shenanigans in mind?
Taking some notes from this post, have some unorganized notes/idea for Clay/Desmond post-flare time travel. (I am going to assume Clay/Desmond means "Clay x Desmond" and not "Clay or Desmond")
Unorganized Notes:
Clay wants to cause chaos to screw with the Calculations, Desmond wants to save the people he cares about.
Clay’s pretty much following Desmond’s plans but he has backup plans that pretty much boils down to: “if shit goes down hard, grab Desmond and run”.
The Bleeding Effect really screwed up Clay’s psyche and sometimes, Desmond is the only thing that he thinks as real because time traveling does not help alleviate his current situation.
Renaissance Italy would be the hardest for Clay because he did relive Ezio’s life.
Clay is jealous of Desmond and Desmond’s ancestors. He’s jealous of Desmond for not being as fucked up as he is. He’s jealous of Desmond’s ancestors because he believes that Desmond cares for them more than he cares for Clay.
They started out as friends, maybe even friends with benefits. Their relationship only grew romantic as they continue to try and change the past.
It would be funny if the main plot of a Clay/Desmond time travel shenanigans is if they accidentally adopted a kid and that screws up the plot?
In the 3rd Crusades, they accidentally adopted Altaïr after Clay kidnapped him after Umar’s death and Desmond doesn’t have the heart to return him to Al Mualim.
Renaissance Italy wouldn’t be them adopting the Auditore siblings, nah, for some reason, Clay adopts Leonardo and Desmond doesn’t realize it until he realized that ‘Leo’ is short for Leonardo.
Instead of adopting Ratonhnhaké:ton, Clay and Desmond becomes coparents/uncles of Ratonhnhaké:ton after a tense talk with the Clan Mother who let them stay in the village (although they were being watched the entire time but that’s cool with them)
Desmond being the idiot who accidentally kidnaps Haytham after watching Tessa calling him a monster.
Clay adopting Arno after his father’s death because he had been in Versailles as a tourist and thinking that a traumatized child would be a good souvenir for Desmond. (That’s what he would tell Desmond anyway but Desmond knows that Charles Dorian was helping Clay with finding an Isu related thing in France and he feels responsible for his death)
Desmond and Clay not adopting the Frye twins until they get to London and, no matter how many times the twins remind them that they weren’t children, Desmond and Clay just wave it off and still call them their chaotic children.
It ends with sorta found family setup and their adopted child(ren) saying “Yeah, those are my dads. They’re weird but I love them anyway”
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killergirlfuria · 4 months
Hi. I wrote a desclay piece for protocreed server fic exchange, and now I'm shamelessly self-promoting it on tummler.
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spaaceeboyy · 10 months
so i saw Barbie
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wesslesprout · 7 months
Thinking back on it tonight and I'm honestly so fucking sad I deleted my old tumblr blog way back when because I wrote a prompt every day of December near enough a few years back for desmond/shaun and desmond/clay and some other assassins creed things and I'm now just realising I don't have it archived on my Google docs so all of that stuff is just gone :(
I do however have a few small pieces I'm going to read through and perhaps rework and republish them so small victories I guess
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neroposting · 7 months
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Ner0byte will see shit like this and be like “hell yeah”
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melodythebunny · 5 months
is carrie in the Professor Two brais au?
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she does. tho mostly stays in Fair City to care for her younger brother Clayde, who often gets into trouble. and no she and Steven/two brains have not met yet clayde/longshot - @spaaceeboyy
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ninjastormhawkkat · 1 year
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Catswells Family photo :3
ooh. I am getting fnaf vibes here.
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sneaky-eel · 2 months
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Desmond gave him food one time and now he begs at every meal.
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clayd · 4 months
so this is esteban, inspired in a style of someone but turned out wrong so still liked tho
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hes smiling wide and then little but still counts
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seventhstrife · 1 year
I reread that one cross our ❤️S prompt where Alex finds Desmond on the edge of the roof, and now I really want to know how his other love interests would react in that scenario (Delsin, Clay, Daniel, etc)
also when I read the update 4 step by step I legit hugged my iPad.
would fucking PANIC oh my god, it would really fuck him up to see des like that...he's already lost reggie, he literally can't watch anyone else fall 😭😭😭
he'd understand more than anyone how it feels to barely cling to your sanity, so he'd be sad, but not surprised, especially since he knows how using the animus so aggressively takes something fundamental out of you. he'd be able to coax des from the edge just with words because he just Gets It, and he'd kidnap des for some real peace of mind in his own way
I imagine daniel likes to act aloof and uncaring, but catching des in that headspace, so close to the edge of a roof would terrify him! he doesn't do well with feeling helpless and is definitely the type to tackle first, ask questions later. lots of furious, desperate yelling, shaking, what the fuck was that?! and after they'd both calmed down, he'd drag des to get some REAL sleep (under his watch) and tell William to go fuck himself and put himself in charge of des from that point on. he understands the stakes, but he can't imagine des losing his mind or offing himself is part of some Grand Plan
AAAAAAAA and thank you for the step by step feedback! <333 I'm hoping to post more, obviously, since we have SO FAR to go in the fic, but we'll see how this year treats me!
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hlorka0 · 2 years
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