#Claymore Roleplay
findroleplay · 1 year
Gonna shorten this a little. Basic info about me: 20, NB, love medieval, dark fantasy settings (as you'll see in the listed fandoms, I can somewhat go outside of my comfort zone), semi-lit (5 lines +), 3rd person, open to any sort of NSFW, but we'll need to discuss that previously, you need to be at least 18, but I still prefer someone who's 20 or older (MUST have your age listed in your bio, otherwise I'm not contacting you). I won't do anything NSFW, not even implied, with any minors (shoosh, leave me alone). I live in Eastern Europe, English isn't my first language and I already got enough to write as it is, so... let's keep it light and entertaining, I will definitely not ask paragraphs of you, but please keep it 5 lines or more.
As a queer person I lean towards queer ships: MxM, MxNB, NBxNB, NBxF, FxF
Fandoms (?)
• Vampire hunter D bloodlust: OCxOC, OCxcanon, maybe (plot can be discussed in the DMs)
• Claymore: Canon x Canon, OCx Canon, OCxOC. obviously here I'd mainly look for some FxF ships 💅
• Trinity Blood: OCxOC, OCx Canon (world has a lot of potential, we can come up with a plot together)
• Sk8 the infinity: Canon x Canon (alright, let me list at least one more... popular anime? As I am an adult, I won't RP Langa x Reki unless it's fluff and it's just them being wholesome and cute. Kojiro x Kaoru tho... 👀)
• Promare: Canon x Canon (for sure, Galo x Lio, love 'em 😌)
• Nanbaka: OCxCanon, Canon x Canon (this one has SO MANY boundaries set, but eh, maybe we can find some sort of ship in the end. I'm mainly going for Ruka x Enki but beware- I'd prefer if we stuck to the anime, because the manga is SO HARD to come across)
That being said, I'm 10000% in favor of actually changing the world and story of a certain anime, I actually encourage that. Let's come up with something new, something different, something better- We can have a world as the base and do whatever the f we want with it afterwards, why not? Let's chat here and switch to Discord of things evolve. Interact and I'll reach out.
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denouementrpg · 2 years
New Faces of Denny: Issue #1
Hello and welcome to the first iteration of what we hope can be a continuous, fun new way of interacting with our memberbase and showing off the newest additions to their rosters!
New Faces will be a weekly spotlight showing off the characters that have been newly-welcomed to the world of Denouement, the fandom they come from, and the initial path that has been chosen for them! We hope you enjoy this new feature and get excited to see all the new faces that are brought to our world!
Today, we celebrate the new faces of the week of September 27th-October 3rd:
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Clare, from the world of Claymore, has been chosen to walk the Summer Path . . .
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Fox Mulder, from the world of X-Files, has been chosen to walk the Summer Path . . .
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Guillermo de la Cruz, from the world of What We Do In The Shadows, has been chosen to walk the Autumn Path . . .
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Inay Doshi, from the world of Yuppie Psycho, has been chosen to walk the Winter Path . . .
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Nebula, from the world of Marvel, has been chosen to walk the Autumn Path . . .
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Ruby Rose, from the world of RWBY, has been chosen to walk the Spring Path . . .
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Siobhan Roy, from the world of Succession, has been chosen to walk the Autumn Path . . .
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Xiao Xingchen, from the world of Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, has been chosen to walk the Autumn Path . . .
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mortemamarehq · 19 days
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Her love is pure. Her love is cruel. Her love will be all that you know from now on.
Any girls!
Diluc Ragnvindr
Kamisato Ayaka
Black Swan
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Roleplay session: @floofgryph
A tall woman with golden copper blonde hair and ruddy blue eyes was wandering through an open meadow in Scotland. She's mounted on her bluish-black unicorn steed with a lavender mane and tail, and golden eyes. The meadow is a luscious green with the gorgeous Scottish flowers. However, the sky has been affected by a volcanic winter, making the world around her seem eerie.
The woman has numerous freckles and a jarring scar of hers has its own horrid story to tell. Her cuirass depicts the Ellén Trechend and she has a gilt-brass gorget. Her pauldrons show a human-faced sun on the left and the right is designed like the head of a tarasque without the lower jaw. Her vambraces and greaves mimic serpentine scales, and her sabatons have four draconic claws. Her armour has managed to keep a clean, vibrant reddish-black hue with a blue-green sheen for many years despite it being slightly battle-worn.
She's carrying a blood-letting serpentine dagger, a two engrailed top shield, and a claymore of unknowable metal. Her shield depicts a one-horned dragon with a lance piercing its heart. Her 7 ft (213.36 cm) claymore has three closed eye-like markings in a vertical row above the hilt.
*Meanwhile, in her bedroom at an orphanage, Ames was playing with her life like plushies, unaware of the woman approaching the area*
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floofgryph · 5 months
Hirmenogaldus and Heldril
Roleplay session with @heldril-sigyndottir
An elegant, battle-strong knight sits on a mound covered in wildflowers that are native to Scotland. Her golden copper blonde hair shimmers beneath the morning sunlight. She seems to be admiring the clouds that populate the vast blue sky. She's cleaning her angelic claymore with a linen towel soaked in water from a wooden bucket, trying to get all of the blood off. A travelling merchant and two majestic, unorthodox horses are nearby. They all seem to be taking a break from their arduous journey.
"I wonder what kind of beast I'll encounter next?" the lady knight thinks to herself. "I sincerely hope they aren't a total pushover. Those kinds of bastards make my nerves boil."
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weirdqueenofadlen · 2 months
Roleplay session with @floofgryph
A tall woman with golden copper blonde hair and ruddy blue eyes was wandering through an open meadow. The meadow is a luscious green with the gorgeous wildflowers. She's all by herself, minding her own business and keeping a close eye out for danger.
The woman has numerous freckles and a jarring scar that has its own horrid story to tell. Her cuirass depicts the Ellén Trechend and she has a gilt-brass gorget. Her pauldrons show a human-faced sun on the left and the right is designed like the head of a tarasque without the lower jaw. Her vambraces and greaves mimic serpentine scales, and her sabatons have four draconic claws. Her armour has managed to keep a clean, vibrant reddish-black hue with a blue-green sheen for many years despite it being slightly battle-worn.
She's carrying a blood-letting serpentine dagger, a two engrailed top shield, and a claymore of unknowable metal. Her shield depicts a one-horned dragon with a lance piercing its heart. Her 7 ft (213.36 cm) claymore has three closed eye-like markings in a vertical row above the hilt.
*a human child approached her* Salutations, Miss! *she greeted her with a smile*
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Is there a ttrpg about collecting curses?
I's a somewhat common trope that charcters are given a curse, that also gives them cool/horifying powers, so I wander if anyone has made a ttrpg about that.
THEME: Curses
This is a series of recommendations that explore the idea of characters getting worse or weirder as they play. Most, if not all of these games fall in the horror genre, which should never be played without some form of safety tool in place.
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Something is Wrong with the Chickens, by Elliot Davis.
Bryson Foods, Inc has taken everything from us.
We are Chickens.
We are Eldritch Horrors.
Make. Bryson. Pay.
Something Is Wrong With The Chickens is a one-page, rules-lite TTRPG of Chickens, Eldritch Horror, and Revenge for 2+ players, including 1 Chicken Master (CM).
This game is a light-hearted eldritch horror game about Chickens that might either slowly accumulate Eldritch Traits and eventually transcend this mortal coil, or lose all of their Traits and become captured for human consumption. Random roll tables determine where you start, what you’re trying to accomplish, and who you’ll meet along the way.This game is hilarious and easy to run, so I suggest you check it out!
Fears and Fathoms, by curatrix-ribston.
It's not safe out there.
But for some reason, you and your friends have chosen to go. You have made the conscious decision to go and see the things that go bump in the dark. You know it will change you. Perhaps it already has. After all, would you have gone there before? Were you the kind of person who let their friends drag them into such madness? Or perhaps you were. Perhaps you have led them here. Perhaps, in time, you will forgive yourself for what you have all become.
This simple, story-driven system puts players in control of their narrative and how the Strange changes them. Perhaps you will push out the Strange. Perhaps, instead, you will let it brand you, forever barring you from a normal life. This is a game about taking risks and hard bargains in order to get to the truth of a mystery.
Fears and Fathoms is a game about people exploring something that is likely too strange and dangerous to leave them entirely untouched. Throughout the game, you are at risk of gaining Curses and Traumas, which will fundamentally change how your character treats the world around them, and how they react to stress. Keepers are encouraged to think about the Strange and how it affects the world around it - but also what kinds of curses make play interesting for the players, rather than impossible. 
Red Giant, by Rookie Jet Studio.
No one knows how the came to be: some people believe it was an act of god, some believe it was due to ancient technology, but no matter how this planet became cursed, it is clear that YOU CANNOT SAVE THIS WORLD.
Red Giant is a Tabletop Role Playing Game influenced by, but not limited to, anime and manga such as Vampire Hunter D, Berserk, and Claymore. Red Giant aims to recreate the various themes, dynamics, and scenarios seen in these types of media.
This game has a character element called Exchanges, which give characters special abilities, but at a great cost. A character must have at least one Exchange at character creation, but no more than 3. Over the course of the game, your character may have opportunities to make more exchanges - more power, for a greater price. If you want to check out the game before you buy, the studio has a Quickstart version that’s available to download. For fans who like gothic, cursed settings, this is worth checking out.
Locus, by CobblePath Games.
What if the world was really against you? What if you couldn't escape? Struggle against the stress and pressure of the world - of your own guilt - bearing down upon you. There are no heroes here.
Locus is a bespoke, mystery/horror roleplay game with unique mechanics crafted entirely around horror.  It is a game about flawed character, about exploring consequence and morality against a backdrop of very real, supernatural and monstrous danger.  
This game uses playing cards to represent the way the world around them is affecting each character’s mind. It is easy to add cards to your hand, and difficult to discard them. Throughout the game, players will have to monitor their Stress levels in order to ensure they’re not burning through their resources too quickly. If you want a game where you have to struggle against your own Vices in order to survive, I recommend you check out this game.
44: A Game of Automatic Fear, by Stories You Play.
"Someone you know was just replaced by a machine. No one else knows. You are next."
44: A Game of Automatic Fear is a suspense RPG. You portray people who know a robot conspiracy called Section 44 is replacing humanity. Can you survive before the conspiracy replaces you with a machine? Set in the backdrop of the early 1950s, a time of high paranoia, 44 works like an Alfred Hitchcock movie with sci-fi elements. You can easily insert other settings.
While this game isn’t explicitly about a curse, it does have the consistent threat that your character will eventually be replaced. If you were to re-work the setting, you might be able to turn the disappearances into a magical curse, rather than a robot revolution. The game has a supply of currency called Resistance and Menace that deplete and restock throughout the game, in the hopes of beating out the opposition. Meanwhile, characters have to hope their Anxieties don’t take away their best chances at outsmarting Section 44. 
Since the game is free to download, it’s at least worth checking out!
The Curse of the House of Rookwood, by Nerdy Pup Games.
The Curse of the House of Rookwood is a gothic horror tabletop roleplaying game where you create a cursed family with supernatural powers and troubled relationships, and take them on strange adventures in an alternate history haunted by mythical monsters and dark magic. Will you work together to bury your skeletons, or will family drama bring your house to ruin?
Rookwood is a supernatural adventure where your family must survive together against a world of secret societies, terrifying spirits and monsters, and ancient evils lurking in the hidden corners of the earth.
As players, you get to decide what time period you start playing the game, and for how long the Curse lasts. Each family member who is related by blood has the same Curse, and the table decides at the beginning of the game how that curse manifests. You can use the Curse to your advantage, but doing so will make you more and more monstrous - become Marked too much, and you are Lost. There are also options for late bloomers, who will manifest the curse partway through the game, as well as members imported into the family: you might not have a Curse, but you don’t have a Gift either. 
If you want a game where a family tears itself apart while trying to keep it’s growing pile of skeletons firmly inside the closet, I recommend you check out this game.
Finally, I’ve talked in the past about External Containment Bureau, and Congregation, which both contain the conceit of weird powers that accumulate as you play, although this is not a core mechanic of the game.
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agentgrange · 9 months
I tried to ask this in the Delta Green Reddit but it was extremely unhelpful! What do you think is the difference gameplay wise between Delta Green 2017 and Fall of Delta Green. Besides being different systems do you think there is a different style of play? What is stopping someone using Gumshoe for a modern day game and 2017 for a game set in 1969? Thanks!
I love this question, I'd actually love to do a full breakdown of these two editions someday the same way AlfaBusa broke down the different editions of World of Darkness. I actually wrote *so much* the first time I got this question my phone died while I was editing it down and I lost all of it. So here's my second attempt. Bare with me:
I prefer GUMSHOE, regardless of time period. A lot of my players though like the classic D100 system. I think that mostly comes down to chance and progression. Classic Delta Green actually rewards you for fucking around and testing fate by granting you one or two percentage points every time you fail a role. I can understand why it feels like it encourages you to take more risks and play outside your characters comfort zone, and unlike GUMSHOEs point spends there's no reason not to try something you're bad at every time. You aren't going to run out of spends, and baring an alien parasite feasting on your brain your skills can only go up. Sure, you might fumble so bad that you blew yourself up with a claymore but... at least it'll be funny, right?
To most people GUMSHOE / Fall of Delta Green is the much more grounded hardboiled version of the two. You aren't a bunch of cowboy murderhobos, you're professional murderers. Your character knows their strengths and weakness, and they're one of the best in the world at what they do. Skills aren't so much how probable a character is to succeed at a task but "what skill does your character use to succeed." They have a tool belt of experience to fall back on, and they really are that good. But while most investigations will never leave your character at zero spends left, I can understand why people don't like the idea that your character can theoretically just run out ideas and use up that tool belt or point progression being something given out by the Handler in between sessions rather than something that can be earned in the moment to moment gameplay. Broadly though, on the surface Fall of Delta Green agents seem much more buttoned up (and, dare I say, flat) than their roudy D100 siblings who act like they just fell ass-over-teakettle into a Mi Go hive. And for some people thats not as fun.
The best addition to Fall of Delta Green is actually Nights Black Agents. Here's four things from Nights Black Agents you can add to FoDG to COMPLETELY change how you play the game, give it a tier one operator high speed low drag coat of paint for any era, and WELL OUTWEIGH the perceived benefits of d100 DG:
Preparedness and Bureaucracy Rework-- Preparedness alone in Fall of Delta Green is a game changer by answering the dilemma of "man every time I need a new gun I need to roleplay going to the Gun-Carry, Gun-Ross army-navy surplus store and counting out our petty cash fund to determine exactly how many bullets I have. What if I just had an Uzi under my jacket with enough ammo to wipe out this entire bowling alley?"... or you know boring shit like "man I wish I had a crowbar RIGHT NOW, hey DM do I have one?" NBA has optional rules to take the same rules that govern Preparedness and apply them to Bureaucracy. Instead of a numerical value of "how good am I at arguing with my parent agency about the collateral I need to requisition the communal AC130" you can instead skip the arguing and treat it like an elevated preparedness role. Your character works within the system offscreen to retroactively get access to privileges only afforded to members of your organization. Simply think "boy I wish we had gunship cover right now" and with an appropriate Bureaucracy roll your character already filed the mission paperwork three weeks ago. Your patron organization is only going to stick their neck out for you so many times though, so unlike other stats Bureaucracy doesn't replenish at the end of a mission. Your character will have to invest progression points into Bureaucracy if they want to keep dipping into it, and can expect to get shit-canned if it hits zero.
Network-- What if you need something done off the books? What if you really wish you had a guy who knows a guy who's willing to move an ungodly amount of Crank no questions asked, and you need them right now without having to consult your character's tragic backstory? Wonder no more, by letting Agents put points into Network they can create Brampton the Hells Angel Biker on the spot for all their black budget needs. Like Beurocracy, Network doesn't replenish on its own but players are allowed to keep the contacts they spend points on between missions to create a web of off-the-books contacts, informants, and assets.
Cover-- Did one of your Agents get caught in a C O M P R O M I S I N G position? No they didn't! With Cover, that State Trooper didn't stop Agent Yancy Grange. They stopped Rusty Sheckleford, beloved member of the Galveston Texas community with the IDs and paper trail to prove it! There's no limit to the amount of aliases you have, but like Bureaucracy and Network Cover doesn't replenish on its own. Once you hit zero your covers blown-- someone somewhere put the pieces together and any future attempts at using your alias will get you recognized.
Roleplay based skill feats like TECHNOTHRILLER MONOLOGUE-- NBA is filled with a ton of these and I encourage handlers to pick and chose which ones to offer to their players to dial in the exact level of pulp they want in their campaign setting, and Technothriller Monologue is my favorite. With a sufficiently high Firearms skill Agents can get the equivalent of an Action Surge by describing in Tom Clancy-esque detail exactly how they squeezed the trigger before canoe-ing a cultist so badly they blow out their brains through the back of their neck.
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liketheinferno2 · 2 years
Sid has one of my favourite dialogue quirks in the game which is "not at all religious but swears to the god of the priests he's killing just to have more creative ways to say fuck"
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And also he roleplay <sighs> in the middle of speech LMAO
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"fuck me gently with a claymore"
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findroleplay · 1 year
Gonna add this here because why not. Basic info about me: 20, NB, love medieval, dark fantasy settings, semi-lit (5 lines +), 3rd person, open to any sort of NSFW, but we'll need to discuss that previously, you need to be at least 18, but I still prefer someone who's 20 or older (MUST have your age listed in your bio). I won't do anything NSFW, not even implied, with any minors (shoosh, leave me alone). I live in Eastern Europe, English isn't my first language and I already got enough to write as it is, so... let's keep it light and entertaining, I will definitely not ask paragraphs of you, but please keep it 5 lines or more.
Bonus: as I am queer myself, I lean towards queer ships, but IG I can do a heterosexual one too, if it's interesting.
Fandoms (?)
• Vampire hunter D bloodlust: OCxOC, OCxcanon, maybe (the plot I'm thinking of revolves more around the "bad guys" so to speak, if you watched the movie you'll be aware of the Barbaroi. While I love D, having strictly vampires/ damphires in a RP is kinda boring to me, let's try out different stuff- And luckily, we actually have content for that, we know the Barbaroi have SO MUCH DIVERSITY - You got your regular vampires, werewolves, gargoyles, nagas, the list goes on- Anyways, this is an OCxOC driven plot, in which our OCs basically get tired of being either bought for missions or hunted down because they're demons. It's time for revenge ✨ Who doesn't love a bloodthirsty duo who would burn down the world for each other? Of course, their attempt at conquering the world won't be THAT easy, they have to worry about D, the Marcus brothers, etc etc)
• Claymore: Canon x Canon, OCx Canon, OCxOC (this one's self implied, we got sooo many characters to choose from- And imagine all the possible angst- obviously here I'd mainly look for some FxF ships 💅)
• Trinity Blood: OCxOC, OCx Canon (aaah back at it again with the vampires- I have no idea where to find the manga for this one so obviously it would be based on the anime strictly, we all know how that anime ended but hear me out, the world has so much potential!)
• Sk8 the infinity: Canon x Canon (alright, let me list at least one more... popular anime? As I am an adult, I won't RP Langa x Reki. Kojiro x Kaoru tho... 👀)
That being said, I'm 10000% in favor of actually changing the world and story of a certain anime, I actually encourage that. Let's come up with something new, something different, something better- We can have a world as the base and do whatever the f we want with it afterwards, why not? Let's chat here and switch to Discord of things evolve. Interact and I'll reach out.
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watermelonships · 5 months
*blinks at u with my wide autistic eyes* idk what space rocks is but id love to hear about it :3
Okay, so, Space Rocks is a story that follows four strangers, who randomly wake up on an alien spaceship and are told that they are the Chosen Ones & they have to save the Universe from the Big Bad. They are also given these specialized rocks that allow them to have Abilities. And despite being strangers, the Chosen Ones are forced to work together in order to save the Universe.
And it takes place in Space and there's Aliens and Stuff :]
The concept and some story plots points come from a really old Discord Text Roleplay I participated in with a few friends in 2020.
Some key characters of Space Rocks.
Of course, you have the Chosen Ones
—Mia Knight Moreno - she/her. Aroace. 16 at the beginning of the story. She is the holder for the Yellow Star (Rock), which gives her the ability to tell when someone is lying. And when she gets a strong enough connection with the Yellow Star, then she'll be able force people to tell the truth. Mia is the leader of the Chosen Ones Team as well as the tank, using a claymore when she's in battle.
—Sid "Harvest" - he/him. Unlabeled. 16 at the beginning of the story. He is the holder of the Orange Square (Rock), which gives him the ability to influence the emotions of those around him. And when Harvest gets a strong enough connection with the Orange Square, he'll be able to influence people's actions. Harvest is the ranger of the Chosen Ones Team and his primary weapon is the slingshot.
—Angel del Roserio - he/him, she/her, xy/xyr. Genderflux, nblm. 17 at the beginning of the story. Xy is the holder of the Purple Heart (Rock), which gives xyr the ability hallucinate their greatest fear. And when Angel gains a strong enough connection with the Purple Heart, xy will be able to give people Nightmares that will last for about two or three days. Angel is the damager of the Chosen Ones Team and uses a battle axe when xy is in battle
—Donnie "Don" Choi - he/him, any neopronouns. Transmasculine, achilean, demisexual. 17 at the beginning of the story Don is the holder of the Green Tear (Rock), which will allow him heal others. And when he gains a strong enough connection with the Green Tear, he will be able to grow/control plants. Don is the healer of the Chosen Ones Team and his weapon for choice is a bill.
Also, all of the Chosen Ones are autistic. And none of them were told about the Space Rocks had abilities.
And then you have the supporting and recurring characters
—(Not So Human) Leader - any pronouns but people default to he/him. Genderless, trixic. Ageless, have been awake for 60~ years but have been around for 100+ years (NSH) Leader, as their name suggests, they are the leader of the (Not So Human) Species. The (Not So Human) People Species and the Space Rocks was created by the Galaxies to keep the Universe from being destroyed. When the Universe is at Peace, the (Not So Human) Species are in a deep, dreamless sleep & the Space Rocks are depowered and when the Galaxies feel the Universe is in danger the (Not So Human) Species are awake & the Space Rocks are powered. That being said, the (Not So Human) People do have free will and some of them will just go off and do their own thing, and not get involved with Universe Stuff. The Space Rocks can also be used for not good reasons as well.
—(Not So Human) Second-In-Command - he/him. Straight. Ageless, have been awake for 90~ years, but have been around for 150+ years. As his name suggests, he is the second-in-command of the (Not So Human) People Species.
—Mækœ - she/her. Lesbian, Girlbug. 18 when the Chosen Ones Team meet her Mæall (a planet that just has one huge, giant mall one it) Mækœ is one of the allies of the Chosen Ones. Occasionally joining the Chosen Ones on missions and stuff. She is an alien that has aquatic bug-like and angler fish-like features. Mækœ is dating Lœvessa.
—Lœvessa - she/her. Bisexual. 18 when the Chosen Ones Team meet her at Mæall. Lœvessa is one of the allies of the Chosen Ones. Like, Mækœ, she occasionally joins the Chosen Ones on missions and stuff. She is an alien that has bug-like features. She and Mækœ are girlfriends :]
And then you have the Big Bad and the people that work for her.
—The Big Bad - she/her. Sapphic. 200 years old. The main villain of the story. She's evil and cunning, and she is certainly not above murder.
—Wicked Scientist - she/her, they/them. Sapphic. 38 years old. The Big Bad's personal scientist. She's a fairly recent addition, she's only really been working for the Big Bad for about five years. That being said, she willing joined The Big Bad's side and has no morals. The Big Bad and Wicked Scientist have some sort of cannibalistic love story going on in the background.
—Kókei Aun - he/him. Bisexual. 17 years old when he introduced to the story. Head Commander of Mission Section 65-X. Mission Section 65-X is a decently large group of people going after the Chosen Ones. And Kókei had recently been appointed as the Head Commander of it by the Big Bad herself. Not a Chosen One, but does own the Brown Reverse Teardrop (Rock), which gives him the ability to see in infrared. And if Kókei manages gets a strong enough connection with the Brown Reverse Teardrop, he'll gain the ability of directly tracking people (as long as he and the person he's looking for are on the same planet or spaceship)
The story is kinda all over the place and under developed at the moment? Just know at some point the Chosen Ones will get a pet alien hamster thing.
If I were to ever manage to create the Space Rocks comic, then I'll be primarily tackling the themes of Found Family, Good vs Evil, Trust, and Purpose. As well as themes of Queerness.
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meme-crusader-rps · 2 months
Roleplay session with @floofgryph
A tall woman with golden copper blonde hair and ruddy blue eyes was wandering through an open meadow. She's all alone, keeping a very keen eye for potential threats. The meadow is a luscious green with the gorgeous wildflowers.
The woman has numerous freckles and a jarring scar of hers has its own horrid story to tell. Her cuirass depicts the Ellén Trechend and she has a gilt-brass gorget. Her pauldrons show a human-faced sun on the left and the right is designed like the head of a tarasque without the lower jaw. Her vambraces and greaves mimic serpentine scales, and her sabatons have four draconic claws. Her armour has managed to keep a clean, vibrant reddish-black hue with a blue-green sheen for many years despite it being slightly battle-worn.
She's carrying a blood-letting serpentine dagger, a two engrailed top shield, and a claymore of unknowable metal. Her shield depicts a one-horned dragon with a lance piercing its heart. Her 7 ft (213.36 cm) claymore has three closed eye-like markings in a vertical row above the hilt.
Crusader materializes beside her, his chain, plate, and scale armor freshly polished and its holy markings glowing despite the thousands of battles.
Beneath the surface of his helmet lies his shadowy face with brightly glowing green eyes.
Hail. I mean no harm.
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The Love that Travels and Lives on in the Wind - Chapter 2: Journey’s End
Story Masterlist
A/N: Chapter 2 is up! I hope you enjoy it. As always, comments and critiques are welcome :)
Summary: Reconnaissance of an unknown world leads to a confrontation that neither Aether nor Lumine were prepared for.
Update: Just rewritten a small part and minor spelling and wording fixes.
Word Count: 1885
The night passed by as quickly as it came and both the siblings and cats were eating a hearty breakfast before the siblings go out for another adventure across the universes.
“Mmm~ What a meal. Thanks, Lumine,” Aether sighed in content.
“Glad you enjoyed yourself,” Lumine smiled as she took a sip of tea.
“I’ll take care of the dishes.”
“Okay, just don’t break anything.”
“That was only one time and I wanted to try to speed up the process with my Hydro abilities.”
“Uh huh.”
“It’s called efficiency sis.”
“Well, I’ll leave you to it then. I’ll start getting the stuff ready.”
Lumine got up from the table and walked out of the kitchen to their rooms. Viatrix following suit.
Aether cleaned the dishes without incident, while jamming to a popular song they got from one of their travels.
“Whew, that’s done. Come on Viator let’s-”
Something caught his eye on the counter near the jukebox. A photo to be exact. The one that was taken yesterday with Lumine calling him a chipmunk. He picked it up and stared at it for a while before chuckling.
“I guess I do look like a chipmunk. Hehehe. Being with you Lumine never gets old,” he whispered under his breath, setting down the photo. “Come Viator, let's go see Lumine and your sister.”
They walked through the hall as Aether admired the resonance stones of each element that was displayed.
Anemo: Roving Gales
Geo: Immovable Crystals
Electro: Violet Flash
Dendro: Flourishing Green
Hydro: Running Stream
Pyro: Warm Touch
A holographic map sat in the middle of the collection showing the stones’ locations as well as the universes that the siblings have explored and ones that aren’t explored. Four dots, gold, white, brown, and blue, blinked at one location on the map.
Aether navigated the map as he picked up his cat. “Viator, that’s where we will be heading,” Aether said, making a path from the four dots to the large red dot on the map compared to the other red dots. “There’s some kind of unknown, dark energy signature we picked up and it could be a threat to the surrounding galaxies. And as travelers, we are made to explore such things.”
Aether began to make a spyglass with the hand not holding Viator as if searching the endless galaxies atop a ship.
“Okay, pirate. That’s enough roleplay for you in one day,” Lumine smirked, leaning against the wall at the end of the hallway.
“AAH!” Aether jumped about five feet in the air, holding Viator close to his chest. “Lumine! Don’t scare me like that! I could have dropped Viator. Besides, how long were you watching?”
“Since you picked Viator up. I already packed everything but our weapons. That’s why I went into the hallway. What a remarkable sight if I have to say so myself.”
Viator’s purring against Aether sounded like laughter making Aether flush with embarrassment. To add insult to injury, Viatrix walked beside Lumine and looked like she held the same smug look Lumine had.
“You traitors,” Aether muttered.
Everyone laughed at that as Viatrix and Lumine walked over to Viator and Aether.
“Back to the point,” Lumine started, “What kind of weapons should we bring?”
Aether hummed thoughtfully glancing over their choice of weapons stored on a rack. All their weapons were molded out of material in a universe they explored at the start of their traveling days. Their names are engraved on each weapon and connect with their energy, glowing a vibrant gold when in use.
Sword - Aetherius Gladius
Bow - Velox Arcus
Claymore - Gladius Magnus
Catalyst - Ignitor Arcanorum
Polearm - Hasta Radiatus
After some thought, Aether spoke, “I say we should just take the swords. We don’t know what we will face over there. If something were to happen out there and something could manipulate us to use our weapon for harm, at least it is only one and not all of them. The last thing we want is to let the enemy win and use our strength to destroy this universe. Let’s just survey the area before we go all in. Sounds like a plan?”
“Yup, works for me. Swords it is then.”
Both grabbed their swords, and they glowed as they connected with the siblings.
“Alright,” Aether said after a moment. “Let’s start heading out. Cats, we’ll have to leave you here. It should be a quick reconnaissance and we’ll be back here in no time. Just like previous times.” Aether ruffled their fur, Lumine doing the same.
“Before we head out, let’s do the checks.”
“Blank maps?”
“Security measures in place?”
“Faucets and oven off?
“Check, but let’s make sure.”
They checked and everything was good.
“Okay, how about food for the cats and us when we get back?”
“Fridge is full, snack jars are filled, pantry is stocked, and cat food can last a millennium.
“Wait, a millennium? Why?”
“The galaxy nearby had the best sale for cat food since we set foot there. And, the food doesn’t expire, though the flavor will disappear over time, but it will keep Viator and Viatrix filled. Besides, we can use our skills to enhance the flavor to their liking.”
“Lumine, I told you not to buy the whole store, even if the sale is so good.”
“But the food doesn’t expire, and we had space so…”
“Yeah, but we will run out of space eventually and our money too. We still have our emergency funds, right?”
“Fine, okay I get it. And yes, we got enough funds for an emergency.”
“Where did you even find the space?”
“Mostly in the kitchen and pantry, but also throughout the whole house in jars for easy access.”
Aether stared at her with a dumbfounded expression on his face, but quickly shook it off.
“I guess that’s fine. We haven’t had any problems with Viator and Viatrix, so yeah. Back to the checklist.” He scanned the list up and down, “Hmm, okay. Seems like we checked everything off. Oh, one more thing.”
“Oh, here we go again,” Lumine rolled her eyes knowing what was coming.
“Come on. Don’t tell me you don’t enjoy this.”
“Whatever. Do your thing.”
Aether grinned in delight, “An impressive and loving brother that does what needs to be done.”
“A courageous and smart sister that knows what to do when times are tough.”
“Huh, I really thought-”
“Who’s also very ticklish.”
“Okaayy. You are the most ticklish.”
She emphasized her point by tasing his side with her finger.
“But check.”
They both grinned at each other as they walked into the hallway.
“Now, let’s go. I will open a wormhole close enough to the location and we’ll fly the rest of the way there to avoid detection.”
Aether tapped a few buttons by the holographic map. A few seconds later a wormhole appeared emitting a rumbling sound as well as a green dotted line on the map from their world to the large ominous red dot.
“Okay, all set.”
They bent down to pick up their cats and kissed them goodbye.
“We will see you both soon okay. Do what you need to do while we are gone.”
With their final goodbyes, the siblings opened the door and their wings appeared behind them, glimmering a shimmering gold as they reflected the sun’s rays. With one last look behind them, they went through the wormhole as it closed behind them.
The world of whatever laid there before them once they arrived. It was encased in some sort of blurred cloud hiding whatever lies beneath it. The only structures were pillars and a platform that led to a closed gate.
“That’s quite eerie,” Aether remarked, handing the binoculars they got from a universe to Lumine.
“Yeah. Not what we have experienced before, that’s for sure,” she said, handing the binoculars back.
Armed with their swords, they cautiously flew down to the platform. Once they touched down, three large red and black stars appeared and a woman emerged walking on air with a threatening aura. 
“Outlanders,” the figure said. “Your journey ends here.”
“Who are you?” Lumine formed a battle stance, Aether following suit.
“The sustainer of heavenly principles,” the Unknown God replied, wielding a red and black block with yellow stars. “The arrogation of mankind ends now.”
“Jump!” Aether yelled, as a block spawned beneath them. 
Their fight response kicked in as their natural jump boost launched them to the sky and their wings appeared. 
Wasting no time, the sustainer launched veins of blocks toward them. 
The blocks were fast. Chasing the siblings, leaving them no room to attack. 
Crap. We can’t shake these things.
Come on. Think. Think! 
They both tried to think of something when they made eye contact. Lumine twirled her sword and rushed towards the Unknown God. Aether followed after her, doing the same.
What’s the plan, Lumine?
Aether was watching Lumine, the distance shrinking between her and the Unknown God. She was spinning her sword, gathering energy from around her. 
That’s what she is doing. Using the blocks against the sustainer. Bring it ohhh craapp! 
Aether suddenly swerved to avoid hitting a pillar 
That was close. Gotta keep up with Lumine. 
The siblings closed in on the Unknown God, gathering energy for the devastating blow. 
The sustainer’s eyes widened and she scowled. In the last second, she reinforced her shield, discarding the blocks. 
An explosion rocked the heavenly plane, leaving a cloud of ash in its wake. 
This isn’t good for my lungs. Is she- What!? How?!
The ash cleared and the sustainer was still there, untouched as she held her hands outward. The glow of her hands, showing the edge of the shield. 
Both siblings glowered at her, but she stared back with a cold, unfazed look on her face. With a look at Aether’s direction and a flick of her finger, the blocks from before rushed towards him. Lumine gasped and looked towards him as he let go of his prized blade. With another flick of her finger, blocks rushed towards Lumine. 
“Lumine!” Aether cried out. 
Lumine tried to let go of her blade, but it was too late. The blocks have already engulfed the hilt and her hands. 
She made eye contact with him and he saw a burning rage hidden behind those striking yellow eyes. But mostly a love for him that nothing can break. 
I love you, Aether, her eyes said. 
“Aether, kill this-,” she spoke before the blocks completely encased her and the Unknown God stored her in a small glowing yellow block. 
“You know I will, Lumine,” Aether glared daggers at the other before going behind her in lightning speed. He summoned up a ball of crackling energy and slammed it towards her. A large explosion followed as Aether breathed hard. 
Two in one day. That’s definitely going to do something to my lungs. Wait, what is that?!
Aether tried to pull his hands away, but they wouldn’t budge. The explosion was coming back inwards towards his hands as small blocks and then they suddenly surrounded him. 
“Wait, don’t go!” Aether yelled out. “Give my sister back!” 
Her figure was the last thing he saw of the outside world before red and black blocks clouded his vision and his world faded to black.
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tenebriism · 1 year
Diluc Fighting Thoughts : Part 1 ;;
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Thoughts on Diluc, his strength, and those who stand an actual chance at taking him down in a fight ( because there aren't too many, standalone. If he's pitted against multiple adversaries, that's a different story ).
The ones that come to mind are Jean and Kaeya, first and foremost. I'd say Diluc, physically, is the strongest. He swings around that claymore like it's a pool noodle, so, realistically, I'd say he bests them when it comes to pure, muscular strength. He's a borderline immovable force, and being caught within range of ANY of his attacks, even without that added touch of pyro goodness, is bound to hurt a LOT.
He's one of the strongest DPS characters in the game for a reason, and should NOT be underestimated. Pair that with how aggressive and unrelenting he is, and, well . . . good luck.
Where they best him, however, is their speed and agility, which is, arguably, just as important as that raw strength.
Claymore users are known to be slower, and have to exert far more energy to make full use of their oversized, bulky weapons. Though Diluc's stamina is above average, he's at a disadvantage against Jean and Kaeya, who are experts at their own, individual fighting styles that are known to be fast, flashy, and aggressive. Would it be easy to take him down ? Absolutely not, and any friendly sparring matches they've had, I'm sure Diluc has his own tally of victories, but then . . . so do they.
The fact they've all gone through the same, if not, similar Knights of Favonius training regimens makes it even more interesting, because we've got to consider how they've taken those techniques and made them their own, especially with that added touch of their very different Visions.
I'd love to see a sparring match with Diluc vs. Jean, or Diluc vs. Kaeya, or even Jean vs. Kaeya. I'm complete shit at writing fights, roleplay wise, but . . . best believe, if I ever see a thread going on like this, I would be HEAVILY invested.
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THEME: Fangs, Fangs, Fangs
This week's themed recommendations all have to do with those blood-hungry creatures of the night - vampires!
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Vampires & Claymores, by Torthevic.
Vampires & Claymores is a pamphlet Tabletop RPG about recently turned vampires discovering more about themselves while avoiding losing their minds to the everlasting hunger. 
This game is played as a traditional RPG, in which one of the players takes the role of the Game Master (GM) while the others make their in-game characters to inhabit this world. 
This game is ideal for short campaigns or one-shots, with a dwindling availability of a resource called Insight, which Vampires will use to both flesh out their character backstory and learn Blood Spells. The dice system uses d6s, which represent both the vampires’ advantages as well as the challenges they will face. In this game your characters can’t die - however, if they lose enough Blood, they’ll go Feral, which is the first step to losing salvation. If you like the idea of a game where your character deteriorates at the same time as they advance, this might be the game for you.
Vamp Camp, by Sebastian Yue.
You’re a new vampire and it’s not quite as straightforward as you imagined. Maybe you’re struggling to accept your new form, or maybe your feeding habits are testing your roommates’ patience—it’s not your fault that you have to keep a bag of blood in the freezer! Perhaps you’ve tried to talk to your living friends about it; while they’re kind and sympathetic, there are some things they just don’t get.In your search for help, you’ve stumbled across VAMP CAMP, a local support group for vampires and the only one in your area. In this game for 2-6 players, you’re going to attend your first VAMP CAMP meeting. You’re not sure what to expect but at this point, you’ve got nothing to lose.
This game is GM-less by default, though there are alternate rules included if you prefer to play with a facilitator. Players take turns reading and responding to prompts about their experience as vampires. If you don't have your own ideas, you can use the roll tables provided to choose or randomly determine them. 
Character creation starts with a single fact about your character; as you continue playing, you will fill out more information about yourself, such as what about your body changed, and what you do to feel alive. This is a game that encourages players to dive into topics that may not be comfortable for everyone, so it is important to establish safety tools before you start play. If you have a group that is heavily interested in role-play and enjoys getting into the meat of the character, this is a game you should absolutely check out.
The Vampire Next Door, by Cat Elm.
It's the late 2000s, school's out for summer, and you're headed out of town to stay with your grandparents in the idyllic Yorkshire village of Wymton-on-Tee. Your summer plans include exploring the countryside, and most importantly enjoying Grampy's famous chocolate chip cookies.... except that you're pretty sure that Vladimir Alucard, Grommy and Grampy's new neighbour is an evil bloodsucking vampire.
And none of the adults will believe you.
The Vampire Next Door is a roleplaying game for 3-7 players, intended for single-session or short form play. It's an homage to classic shows like Scooby Doo, Mona the Vampire, and Gravity Falls, where it's down to the kids to be smarter than the adults and save the day.
Similar to Kids on Bikes, this game assigns a different-sided dice to each stat, but kids in this game only have four stats: Creativity, Physicality, Luckiness and Sociability. This means that the target numbers that you're trying to hit won't be as varied, although there will still be definite strengths and weaknesses. There’s also a Push Your Luck mechanic that players can use to attempt to re-roll a failed roll - with the caveat that a second failed roll has an especially bad consequence attached to it. It’s a great game for a first-time GM, as well as for a game group that doesn’t mind being a little bit silly.
The Vamp is Dust, by Alyssa / @adisasterqueer.
You rose – alone, confused, and hungry. The vampire found you, explained what you were, and promised to help shepherd you into this new phase of (un)life. But when you went to visit them, all you found was a pile of dust and a departing Vampire Slayer.  
Maybe you want to guarantee your safety. Maybe you’re looking for revenge. Maybe you just need to prove that you didn’t end the vampire yourself. Whatever the reason, you’re now hunting the Vampire Slayer. They’ve retreated to their Hideout; get them.
This game is a hack of Grant Howitt's The Witch is Dead. It's easy to play and run, with (optional) rollable tables for generating PCs, plot, adversaries, and setting. Characters will roll for strengths and weaknesses, assign numbers to stats, and then, with a d10, you’re ready to go!
This is a game in which the vampire is a sympathetic character, rather than a threat - and all of you are trying to wrestle with feelings of loss, grief, and revenge. The game itself is only two pages, but it’s beautifully laid out and contains the tools you need to get the game rolling. If you like minimal setting details and just enough information to start creating the story for yourself, this is a game for you.
Bloodbeam Badlands, by Viditya Voleti.
You have survived the apocalypse, and your worst nightmare has come true. The sun burns redder, brighter, and hotter, never setting - the Forever Dawn. The land has been irradiated and kissed by its strange sanguine rays, warping the world into a carnival for the strange and the supernatural.
Bloodbeam Badlands is a game for at least 2 players, including a Game Master (GM). It’s a game about vampires stuck surviving a post-apocalyptic world where the sun never sets, what it means to keep moving when the deck is stacked against you, the immortal facing mortality with every step. It’s also a game about being really cool vampires with cool vampire powers and cool magic guns going on rad adventures in a rad world filled with rad things. 
Characters in Bloodbeam Badlands have 3 Stats: Guts, Guile, and Guise that determine your capabilities and how many dice you roll, and 3 Sources: Blood, Bullets, and Burn which determine your state of being and what value you need to roll under. Managing your Sources as they fluctuate and playing to your strengths allows for a dynamic yet simple system!If you like games about survival and dread, if you like your vampires weak and vulnerable, and if you like the rough-and-tumble of a wild wasteland, you should check out this game.
Clown Helsing, by Planarian.
Dying is Easy. Comedy is Hard. 
Clowns. We've all seen them... riding their unicycles, blowing up balloons at parties, piling in garish hordes from tiny cars, waddling around in bulbous red shoes, passed out in a dumpster stinking of booze and regret. For what do these martyrs of mirth sacrifice themselves? The answer is they do it for us. Not just to fill our need for laughter and merriment, but because they defy the doom of mankind! Clowns are man's only salvation against… Vampires.
Clown Helsing is a goofy, silly game, rife with humorous imagery and a series of stellar instructions that demonstrate just how seriously you should take this game - which is, not at all. All conflict (called Throwing Hands) is solved using Rock-Paper-Scissors. Any ties are solved by whoever has the best Shtick, which is selected during character creation. If you are looking for a quick pick-up game, or if you like vampires but aren’t a fan of horror games, you might want to check out Clown Helsing!
Brinkwood, Blood of Tyrants, by Far Horizons Co-op.
The world is not as it should be. The rich feed, literally, upon the poor, as blood-sucking vampires who barely bother to conceal their horrific, parasitic nature. The downtrodden peoples of the world struggle under the burdens of rent, payable through the sweat of their labor or the blood of their veins. Evil has triumphed. Many have given in to despair. But all is not lost.
Mask up. Spill blood. Drink the Rich.
In Brinkwood, you take on the role of renegades, thieves, and rebels struggling for freedom and liberation in a castylpunk world controlled by vampires. Radicalized by tragedy, you have taken up arms and fled into the forests, where you were taken in by unlikely allies - the fae, forgotten creatures of myth - who offered a different path and the means to fight back against your oppressors.
Brinkwood runs on Forged in the Dark rules, and requires a significant amount of involvement from the players. As a group, you will create the Fae that took you in, as well as the Vampire Lord that is serving up the country of Cardenfell on a platter. An interesting phenomenon in Brinkwood is that some character sheets are shared by the group. A series of masks, with different powers, are passed around by the brigands, with penalties incurred if a brigand holds onto one specific mask for too long. Make sure to check out some of the supplements for Brinkwood as well! Once you have a list of favourite factions to ally with and a first location to hit, you’ll be ready to go!
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oc-menagerie-archived · 11 months
Roleplay Starter Call for Genshin Impact OC Yueliang!
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A Genshin Impact oc from Inazuma but living in Liyue! Her parents managed to escape as the Vision hunt was going on and start a new life on Liyue. An Electro Claymore user who is an adventurer working for the adventurer’s guild but is also a dancer on the side, performing for festivals held usually in Morax’s honor.
Confident in her skills as an adventurer and her dancing, she works hard day and night. Though with Morax’s sudden demise, she worries about the state of her home, wondering what she can do to help keep it stable.
Like or reblog (if side blog) to be tagged in a roleplay starter with Yuèliàng! Crossovers accepted!
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