#Climate Change and Resilience Planning
i4technolab · 11 months
In today’s fast-paced world of logistics innovation and evolution have become the driving forces behind success. As we step into 2024, the logistics sector will undergo extensive disruptions, fueled by game-changing innovations that promise to revolutionize supply chain management as we know it.
At iFour, we take immense pride in our expertise in the logistics industry, and we are excited to share with you the trends that are currently transforming this dynamic sector in Australia. As a leading custom Logistics software development company, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities facing businesses in the Australian market.
Here are the key trends that are reshaping the logistics landscape and how our solutions can help your company stay ahead of the curve.
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reportsofagrandfuture · 11 months
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"A study released by researchers for Rebuild by Design and Ramboll, an architectural engineering firm, suggests that every dollar invested in green infrastructure ultimately yields $2 in “avoided losses” (office closures, waterlogged inventories, flooded basements) and other benefits (improved home values and public health) [...] Just days before the September storm, New York’s mayor, Eric Adams, slashed $75 million that had been slated for the city’s Parks Department to deal with a budget crunch. Disinvestment in parks is going to cost the city in the long run because parks are a first line of defense against climate change."
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Repost from @sim_bookstagrams_badly:
HOW TO SAVE THE WORLD!!! Liberals, suspend your disbelief for just a mo, challenge.
Support the Refaat Alareer camp organized by @thesameerproject, more info in bio
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Earth Overshoot Day: Facing the Future with Hope
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newspatron · 2 months
5 Ways to Combat Urban Flooding in Pune
Share your thoughts! Have you experienced urban flooding in Pune? What solutions do you think are most effective?
Hey there, urban adventurers! Ever found yourself knee-deep in unexpected waters, cursing the city planners? Well, Pune’s recent flood fiasco is a prime example of how our concrete jungles can turn into swamps overnight. In this blog, we’ll get down and dirty with the nitty-gritty of why these floods keep happening and what we can do about it. We’ll even throw in some tips for those of you…
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michaelgabrill · 3 months
NASA Releases Updated Climate Change Adaptation Resilience Plan
NASA joined more than 20 federal agencies in releasing its updated Climate Adaptation Plan Thursday, helping expand the Biden-Harris Administration’s efforts to make federal operations increasingly resilient to the impacts of climate change for the benefit of all. The updated plans advance the administration’s National Climate Resilience Framework, which helps align climate resilience investments across […] from NASA https://ift.tt/CGsySwb
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greenthestral · 1 year
Building Sustainable Cities and Communities: The Path to a Greener Future
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In today's rapidly urbanizing world, the concept of sustainability has become more important than ever. Goal 11 of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) focuses on creating sustainable cities and communities. With the global population projected to reach 9.8 billion by 2050, the need for sustainable urban planning and development is paramount. This article explores the significance of Goal 11 and highlights the key strategies and initiatives required to build greener, more resilient cities and communities.
Understanding Goal 11
Goal 11 of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has a comprehensive vision for cities and human settlements. It recognizes the importance of inclusivity, safety, resilience, and sustainability in urban areas. By addressing various aspects of urban development, Goal 11 aims to create thriving communities that prioritize the well-being of their residents and the environment.
One of the key objectives of Goal 11 is to ensure the availability of affordable housing. Access to adequate, safe, and affordable housing is a fundamental right for all individuals. However, in many urban areas, housing affordability has become a significant challenge, leading to homelessness and housing insecurity. Goal 11 emphasizes the need to implement policies and initiatives that promote affordable housing options. This can be achieved through social housing programs, rent control measures, and housing subsidies. By ensuring affordable housing, cities can address social inequality, provide stability to residents, and foster inclusive communities.
Sustainable transport systems are another crucial aspect of Goal 11. Transportation is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution in cities. To create sustainable cities and communities, it is essential to prioritize low-carbon and efficient transportation options. This includes expanding public transportation networks, encouraging cycling and walking infrastructure, and promoting the use of electric vehicles. By shifting away from private vehicles and promoting sustainable modes of transportation, cities can reduce congestion, improve air quality, and enhance mobility for all residents.
Efficient waste management is also highlighted in Goal 11. As cities grow, waste generation increases, posing significant environmental challenges. Sustainable waste management practices are crucial to minimize the environmental impact of urban areas. Goal 11 encourages the adoption of integrated waste management systems that prioritize waste reduction, recycling, and resource recovery. This can be achieved through initiatives such as waste segregation, composting, and the establishment of recycling facilities. Effective waste management not only helps reduce environmental pollution but also promotes the concept of a circular economy, where resources are used efficiently and waste is minimized.
Access to green spaces is another essential element of sustainable cities and communities. Urban areas often face challenges related to limited green areas and a lack of connection with nature. Goal 11 recognizes the importance of green infrastructure, which includes parks, urban forests, green roofs, and other natural elements integrated into the built environment. These green spaces provide numerous benefits, including improved air quality, reduced heat island effect, enhanced biodiversity, and increased recreational opportunities. By incorporating green spaces into cities, residents can have access to nature, promoting physical and mental well-being.
Preserving cultural heritage is a crucial aspect of Goal 11. Cities and communities are rich in history, culture, and traditions that contribute to their identity and uniqueness. Goal 11 emphasizes the need to safeguard cultural heritage sites, historic buildings, and traditional practices. By preserving cultural heritage, cities can maintain a sense of identity, promote cultural diversity, and attract tourism and economic opportunities. This preservation contributes to the social fabric and vibrancy of cities, making them more sustainable and livable.
By implementing the objectives of Goal 11, societies can enhance the quality of life for residents, reduce environmental impacts, and promote economic growth. Sustainable cities and communities prioritize the well-being of their residents, ensure social equity, and protect the environment. They provide affordable housing options, efficient transport systems, proper waste management, access to green spaces, and preserve cultural heritage. Ultimately, the successful implementation of Goal 11 leads to inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable urban areas that benefit present and future generations.
Sustainable Urban Planning
Sustainable urban planning is a key factor in the successful achievement of Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. It focuses on designing cities and communities that are not only visually appealing and functional but also prioritize environmental sustainability, resource efficiency, and the well-being of residents.
One of the primary principles of sustainable urban planning is the concept of compact cities. This approach encourages the development of cities that are designed to be dense and compact, rather than sprawling outward. Compact cities promote the efficient use of land, resources, and infrastructure. By concentrating development within a smaller footprint, compact cities minimize urban sprawl, preserve valuable agricultural land and natural habitats, and protect ecosystems. This approach also helps to reduce the need for long commutes, as essential services, amenities, and employment opportunities are located within close proximity to residential areas.
Well-connected cities are another crucial aspect of sustainable urban planning. The goal is to create cities and communities where different neighborhoods and areas are easily accessible to one another. This can be achieved through the design and implementation of a comprehensive transportation network that prioritizes public transportation over private vehicles. Robust public transportation systems, including buses, trains, and light rail, can reduce traffic congestion, lower carbon emissions, and enhance mobility for residents. Additionally, sustainable urban planning promotes the development of pedestrian-friendly infrastructure and encourages the use of bicycles, further reducing reliance on private vehicles and promoting active and healthy lifestyles.
Renewable energy plays a significant role in sustainable urban planning. The transition to clean and renewable energy sources is essential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. Sustainable cities and communities incorporate renewable energy technologies, such as solar panels and wind turbines, into their infrastructure. By integrating renewable energy sources, cities can reduce their dependence on fossil fuels for electricity generation, mitigate air pollution, and contribute to a greener and more sustainable energy future.
Sustainable urban planning also emphasizes mixed land-use development. This approach seeks to create neighborhoods and areas where residential, commercial, and recreational spaces coexist in close proximity. Mixed land-use development reduces the need for long-distance travel and promotes walkability. It allows residents to access essential services, educational institutions, employment opportunities, and recreational facilities without having to rely heavily on private vehicles. By integrating various land uses, sustainable urban planning fosters vibrant and diverse communities that promote social interaction and economic vitality.
Furthermore, sustainable urban planning takes into account the importance of green infrastructure. This involves incorporating green spaces, parks, and natural elements into the urban fabric. Green infrastructure provides numerous benefits, such as improved air quality, temperature regulation, stormwater management, and biodiversity conservation. Parks and green spaces offer recreational opportunities, enhance the aesthetic appeal of cities, and contribute to the overall well-being and quality of life of residents.
In conclusion, sustainable urban planning is crucial for achieving Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. By designing cities and communities that are compact, well-connected, and resource-efficient, we can minimize urban sprawl, protect ecosystems, and reduce carbon emissions. Sustainable urban planning promotes mixed land-use development, prioritizes public transportation, and encourages the use of renewable energy sources. It also recognizes the importance of green infrastructure and the integration of natural elements into urban environments. By embracing sustainable urban planning principles, cities and communities can create a more sustainable, livable, and resilient future for all.
Green Infrastructure
Green infrastructure plays a vital role in creating sustainable cities and communities. It refers to the integration of natural elements, such as parks, green roofs, urban forests, green walls, and permeable surfaces, into the built environment. By incorporating these green spaces into cities and communities, numerous benefits are realized, positively impacting both the environment and the well-being of residents.
One significant advantage of green infrastructure is the improvement of air quality. Trees, plants, and vegetation help absorb pollutants such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and particulate matter from the air. Through the process of photosynthesis, plants release oxygen and filter harmful substances, leading to cleaner and healthier air. This reduction in air pollution contributes to the overall improvement of public health, as exposure to pollutants is linked to respiratory diseases and other health issues.
Another benefit of green infrastructure is the mitigation of the urban heat island effect. Urban areas tend to have higher temperatures than surrounding rural areas due to the concentration of buildings, roads, and concrete surfaces that absorb and retain heat. By incorporating green spaces, such as parks and urban forests, cities can create pockets of vegetation that provide shade and evaporative cooling, reducing ambient temperatures. This helps create a more comfortable and livable environment, particularly during hot summer months.
Green infrastructure also enhances biodiversity within urban areas. Traditional urban development often results in the destruction of natural habitats and fragmentation of ecosystems. By incorporating green spaces, cities can create corridors and habitats that support a variety of plant and animal species. These spaces provide shelter, food sources, and nesting areas, promoting biodiversity and ecological balance within the urban environment. By fostering biodiversity, cities can create resilient ecosystems that can adapt to environmental changes and provide ecosystem services.
In addition to the environmental benefits, green infrastructure also provides social and economic advantages. Access to green spaces has been shown to have a positive impact on mental health and well-being. People living in areas with green infrastructure have increased opportunities for outdoor activities, exercise, and relaxation, which can reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance overall quality of life. Green spaces also provide opportunities for social interaction and community engagement, fostering a sense of belonging and community cohesion.
Furthermore, incorporating green infrastructure into cities and communities contributes to economic prosperity. Green spaces attract tourism and visitors, generating revenue for local businesses. Properties located near green spaces often experience increased value, leading to economic benefits for property owners. Green infrastructure also has the potential to create job opportunities, particularly in the areas of park maintenance, landscaping, and urban forestry.
To fully realize the benefits of green infrastructure, strategic planning and implementation are essential. Cities and communities need to consider factors such as appropriate land allocation, connectivity of green spaces, and community engagement in the planning process. Collaboration between urban planners, architects, landscape designers, environmental experts, and community stakeholders is crucial to ensure the successful integration of green infrastructure into the urban fabric.
Green infrastructure plays a significant role in creating sustainable cities and communities. By integrating natural elements into the built environment, cities can reap a multitude of benefits. Improved air quality, reduced urban heat island effect, enhanced biodiversity, and increased recreational opportunities are among the advantages of green infrastructure. Moreover, it fosters a healthier and more livable environment, positively impacting the physical and mental well-being of residents. By prioritizing and investing in green infrastructure, cities can create sustainable, resilient, and vibrant urban spaces for present and future generations.
Affordable Housing
The lack of affordable housing is a significant challenge faced by many urban areas around the world. It is a complex issue that affects individuals and communities, impacting their overall well-being and quality of life. Goal 11 of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals recognizes the importance of addressing this challenge and emphasizes the need to ensure access to adequate, safe, and affordable housing for all.
Affordable housing refers to housing options that are within the financial means of individuals and families, considering their income levels. It is a fundamental right that enables individuals to live in safe and decent conditions, fostering stability and security. However, in many cities, the cost of housing has escalated significantly, making it unaffordable for a significant portion of the population, particularly low-income households.
To address this issue, Goal 11 encourages the implementation of policies and initiatives that promote affordable housing options. One approach is through the establishment of social housing programs. Social housing involves the provision of housing units at below-market rates to individuals and families who are unable to afford market-rate housing. These programs are often administered by government agencies or non-profit organizations and aim to provide affordable and stable housing for those in need. Social housing plays a crucial role in addressing homelessness, reducing housing inequality, and promoting social stability.
Rent control measures are another policy tool used to promote affordable housing. Rent control laws set limits on the amount landlords can increase rents, providing stability for tenants and preventing excessive rent hikes. These measures aim to protect vulnerable populations from the risk of displacement due to rising housing costs. Rent control can help maintain affordable housing options in areas where market forces would otherwise drive up rents, allowing individuals and families to remain in their homes and communities.
In addition to social housing and rent control, the provision of housing subsidies is another strategy to promote affordable housing. Housing subsidies are financial assistance programs that help low-income individuals and families cover the cost of housing. These subsidies can come in the form of rental assistance, such as Section 8 vouchers in the United States, or direct financial assistance to support homeownership. Housing subsidies help bridge the gap between income levels and housing costs, making housing more affordable and accessible to those in need.
Promoting affordable housing not only addresses the immediate issue of homelessness and housing insecurity but also contributes to social stability and inclusive communities. Access to affordable housing allows individuals and families to establish roots, build community connections, and contribute to the local economy. It fosters a sense of stability and security, providing a foundation for individuals to pursue education, employment, and other opportunities that contribute to their overall well-being. Affordable housing also helps prevent the displacement of vulnerable populations, preserving the social fabric and diversity of communities.
However, addressing the lack of affordable housing requires a multi-faceted approach and collaboration between various stakeholders. Governments, policymakers, urban planners, and community organizations play a crucial role in implementing effective strategies and initiatives. It is essential to consider factors such as land use planning, zoning regulations, construction costs, and the availability of financing mechanisms to support affordable housing development.
Furthermore, affordable housing initiatives should prioritize sustainable and energy-efficient design and construction practices. This not only reduces the environmental impact of housing but also lowers ongoing utility costs for residents, making housing more affordable in the long run. The integration of affordable housing with transportation hubs, amenities, and employment opportunities is also important to ensure that residents have access to essential services and can minimize transportation costs.
The lack of affordable housing is a critical challenge in urban areas, impacting the well-being and quality of life of individuals and communities. Goal 11 recognizes the importance of ensuring access to adequate, safe, and affordable housing for all. Through the implementation of policies and initiatives such as social housing programs, rent control measures, and housing subsidies, affordable housing options can be promoted. Affordable housing contributes to social stability, inclusive communities, and provides individuals and families with a foundation for economic and personal development. Addressing the issue of affordable housing requires a comprehensive and collaborative approach, involving governments, policymakers, urban planners, and community organizations to create sustainable and inclusive cities and communities
Sustainable Transport Systems
Transportation plays a significant role in urban areas, connecting people to their workplaces, schools, healthcare facilities, and leisure activities. However, traditional transportation systems heavily rely on fossil fuels, resulting in substantial greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. Goal 11 of the Sustainable Development Goals recognizes the need to develop sustainable transport systems that are accessible, affordable, and low-carbon, in order to create more sustainable cities and communities.
One of the key objectives of Goal 11 is to expand public transportation networks. Public transportation, such as buses, trams, and trains, offers an efficient and environmentally-friendly alternative to private vehicles. By investing in the expansion and improvement of public transportation infrastructure, cities can provide residents with reliable and affordable transportation options. This reduces the reliance on private cars, which contribute significantly to congestion, air pollution, and carbon emissions. Accessible and well-connected public transportation systems also promote social inclusivity by ensuring that individuals of all socioeconomic backgrounds have equal access to transportation services.
Promoting cycling and walking is another crucial aspect of sustainable transportation. Encouraging these modes of transportation not only reduces reliance on fossil fuels but also promotes active and healthy lifestyles. Cities can invest in infrastructure that supports safe and convenient cycling and walking, such as dedicated bike lanes, pedestrian-friendly sidewalks, and bike-sharing programs. These initiatives not only contribute to reduced traffic congestion and improved air quality but also enhance the overall well-being of residents by encouraging physical activity and reducing sedentary lifestyles.
Furthermore, Goal 11 promotes the use of electric vehicles (EVs) as a sustainable transportation option. Electric vehicles produce zero tailpipe emissions, reducing local air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. To support the adoption of EVs, cities can establish charging infrastructure, offer incentives for purchasing EVs, and promote public transportation systems that utilize electric buses and trains. The transition to electric vehicles also contributes to reducing dependence on fossil fuels and promoting the use of renewable energy sources in the transportation sector.
In addition to reducing emissions and air pollution, sustainable transportation systems offer several other benefits. By reducing congestion through the promotion of public transportation and active modes of transportation, cities can improve traffic flow and travel times. This enhances overall mobility and accessibility for all residents, including those who cannot afford private vehicles or have mobility restrictions. Sustainable transportation systems also contribute to improved road safety by reducing the number of vehicles on the road and promoting safer infrastructure for cyclists and pedestrians.
To effectively implement sustainable transportation systems, cities need to adopt integrated and holistic approaches. This involves comprehensive urban planning that considers land use, transportation infrastructure, and public spaces. Planning should prioritize the development of compact, mixed-use neighborhoods that promote walkability and access to public transportation. It is crucial to engage with communities and stakeholders to ensure that transportation systems meet their needs and preferences.
Furthermore, the use of innovative technologies and smart transportation solutions can enhance the efficiency and sustainability of transportation systems. Intelligent transportation systems, such as real-time traffic monitoring, smart traffic signals, and integrated fare payment systems, can optimize transportation operations and improve overall system performance. These technologies can help reduce travel times, enhance user experience, and minimize environmental impacts.
In conclusion, sustainable transportation is a key component of Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. By promoting the development of accessible, affordable, and low-carbon transportation systems, cities can reduce congestion, improve air quality, and enhance mobility for all residents. Expanding public transportation networks, encouraging cycling and walking, and promoting the use of electric vehicles are important strategies in achieving sustainable transportation goals. To realize the benefits of sustainable transportation, cities should adopt integrated planning approaches, engage with communities, and leverage innovative technologies. By prioritizing sustainable modes of transportation, cities can create healthier, more livable, and environmentally-friendly urban environments.
Waste Management and Recycling
Effective waste management and recycling practices are crucial for creating sustainable cities and communities. The increasing population and urbanization have led to a significant rise in waste generation, posing environmental and health challenges. Goal 11 of the Sustainable Development Goals emphasizes the need for integrated waste management systems that prioritize waste reduction, recycling, and resource recovery.
One of the key objectives of Goal 11 is to promote waste reduction. By implementing waste reduction strategies, cities can minimize the amount of waste generated in the first place. This includes promoting the use of sustainable packaging, encouraging the adoption of reusable products, and raising awareness about the importance of minimizing waste. By reducing the amount of waste generated, cities can conserve natural resources, reduce energy consumption, and minimize the environmental impact associated with waste disposal.
Waste segregation is another essential component of effective waste management. By segregating waste at the source, cities can facilitate the recycling and proper disposal of different types of waste. Proper waste segregation involves separating recyclable materials, such as paper, plastics, glass, and metals, from non-recyclable waste. This allows for the efficient recycling and recovery of valuable resources, reducing the need for raw materials extraction and the associated environmental impact. Waste segregation can be achieved through community education and the provision of recycling bins and collection systems.
Recycling plays a critical role in sustainable waste management. It involves the conversion of waste materials into new products, reducing the demand for virgin materials and conserving natural resources. Cities can establish recycling facilities and collection programs to facilitate the recycling process. Recycling initiatives should be comprehensive and cover a wide range of materials, including paper, plastics, glass, metals, and electronic waste. By promoting recycling and creating an infrastructure to support it, cities can reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and incineration facilities, thereby minimizing the environmental pollution and greenhouse gas emissions associated with these disposal methods.
Composting is another important practice in sustainable waste management. Organic waste, such as food scraps and yard trimmings, can be composted to create nutrient-rich soil amendments. Composting not only reduces the volume of waste sent to landfills but also produces a valuable resource that can be used in gardening, landscaping, and agricultural activities. Cities can promote home composting, as well as establish community composting programs and composting facilities, to divert organic waste from the waste stream and promote the circular economy.
To ensure the effectiveness of waste management systems, it is crucial to educate and engage communities. Public awareness campaigns and educational programs can help individuals and households understand the importance of waste reduction, segregation, and recycling. Citizens can be encouraged to adopt sustainable waste management practices through incentives, such as reduced waste collection fees for households that recycle or compost effectively. Engaging communities in the waste management process fosters a sense of responsibility and ownership, leading to increased participation and compliance with waste management guidelines.
In addition to environmental benefits, efficient waste management and recycling practices also offer economic opportunities. The recycling industry can create jobs and stimulate local economies through the collection, processing, and manufacturing of recycled materials. By promoting a circular economy, where waste is viewed as a valuable resource, cities can contribute to the creation of a sustainable and resilient economy.
Furthermore, sustainable waste management practices contribute to the overall cleanliness and aesthetic appeal of cities. Proper waste collection and disposal systems help maintain cleanliness, reduce litter, and prevent the spread of diseases. A clean and well-managed waste management system enhances the livability of cities, attracting visitors and fostering a sense of pride among residents.
Effective waste management and recycling practices are essential for achieving sustainable cities and communities. Goal 11 emphasizes the adoption of integrated waste management systems that prioritize waste reduction, recycling, and resource recovery. By implementing waste reduction strategies, promoting waste segregation, establishing recycling facilities, and promoting composting, cities can minimize the environmental impact of waste, conserve resources, and promote a circular economy. Public education and community engagement play a crucial role in ensuring the success of sustainable waste management initiatives. By investing in sustainable waste management practices, cities can create cleaner, healthier, and more environmentally-friendly urban environments for present and future generations
Climate Resilience
Building climate resilience is a critical aspect of creating sustainable cities and communities. With the increasing impacts of climate change, such as rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and sea-level rise, it is crucial for cities to develop adaptation and mitigation strategies to reduce vulnerability and enhance resilience. Goal 11 of the Sustainable Development Goals recognizes the importance of incorporating climate resilience into urban planning and development.
One of the key objectives of Goal 11 is to improve infrastructure resilience. This involves designing and constructing infrastructure that can withstand the impacts of climate change. For example, in coastal areas, infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and buildings can be built to be more resistant to storm surges and sea-level rise. In areas prone to extreme heat, infrastructure can incorporate heat-resistant materials and design elements that promote natural ventilation and cooling. By integrating climate resilience into infrastructure planning and development, cities can ensure that their critical systems and services remain operational during and after climate-related events, reducing disruption and protecting the well-being of their populations.
Implementing early warning systems is another important strategy for climate resilience. Early warning systems help cities anticipate and respond to climate-related hazards, such as hurricanes, floods, and heatwaves. These systems involve monitoring weather patterns and environmental conditions, as well as disseminating timely and accurate information to residents and relevant authorities. By providing early warnings, cities can improve preparedness, facilitate timely evacuations if necessary, and minimize the potential impacts of climate-related events on human lives and infrastructure.
Creating green infrastructure is another crucial measure for climate resilience. Green infrastructure refers to the use of natural elements, such as parks, urban forests, green roofs, and permeable surfaces, to manage stormwater, reduce the urban heat island effect, and enhance biodiversity. Green infrastructure helps mitigate the impacts of climate change by absorbing and storing rainwater, reducing the risk of flooding, and providing shade and cooling effects in urban areas. By incorporating green spaces into cities and communities, not only can the negative impacts of urbanization be mitigated, but residents can also enjoy improved air quality, enhanced recreational opportunities, and a better overall quality of life.
In addition to these specific strategies, incorporating climate resilience into urban planning is crucial. Cities need to consider climate risks and vulnerabilities in their long-term development plans. This includes identifying areas at risk of flooding, landslides, or other climate-related hazards and implementing appropriate land-use planning measures. For example, zoning regulations can be updated to prevent construction in high-risk areas or require developers to implement climate adaptation measures in their projects. By integrating climate resilience into urban planning, cities can ensure that new developments are designed with climate change in mind and that existing infrastructure is retrofitted to enhance resilience.
Furthermore, collaboration and partnerships are essential for building climate resilience. Cities should work with various stakeholders, including government agencies, community organizations, businesses, and academia, to develop and implement climate adaptation and mitigation strategies. Collaboration allows for the sharing of knowledge, expertise, and resources, leading to more effective and comprehensive climate resilience measures. Engaging the community in the planning and decision-making process also fosters a sense of ownership and increases the likelihood of successful implementation.
Investing in climate resilience not only helps cities adapt to the impacts of climate change but also brings multiple co-benefits. For example, green infrastructure not only helps manage stormwater but also improves air quality, enhances urban biodiversity, and provides recreational spaces for residents. Climate-resilient infrastructure can also contribute to energy efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainability.
In conclusion, building climate resilience is a crucial component of Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. By incorporating climate resilience into urban planning, improving infrastructure resilience, implementing early warning systems, and creating green infrastructure, cities can reduce vulnerability and enhance their ability to withstand the impacts of climate change. Collaboration and community engagement are vital for the successful implementation of climate resilience measures. By investing in climate resilience, cities can protect their populations, infrastructure, and natural resources, ensuring a more sustainable and resilient future for all.
Preserving Cultural Heritage
Preserving cultural heritage is a vital aspect of sustainable development, and Goal 11 of the Sustainable Development Goals emphasizes the significance of safeguarding cultural heritage sites, historic buildings, and traditional practices. Cultural heritage encompasses a wide range of tangible and intangible elements, including monuments, archaeological sites, traditional craftsmanship, folklore, language, and social practices. By protecting and promoting cultural heritage, cities and communities can foster a sense of identity, promote social cohesion, attract tourism, and generate economic opportunities.
One of the key objectives of Goal 11 is to safeguard cultural heritage sites and historic buildings. These sites hold significant historical, architectural, and cultural value, and their preservation is crucial for maintaining a connection to the past and passing on knowledge to future generations. Historic buildings are not only physical structures but also bear witness to the stories, traditions, and identity of a place and its people. By protecting and conserving these sites, cities can maintain their unique character and cultural identity, contributing to a sense of pride and belonging among residents.
Preserving cultural heritage also has economic benefits for cities and communities. Cultural heritage tourism has gained prominence in recent years, with travelers seeking authentic experiences and a deeper understanding of local cultures. By promoting and preserving cultural heritage sites, cities can attract tourists, generate revenue, and create employment opportunities. Local businesses, such as hotels, restaurants, and handicrafts, can thrive through the promotion of cultural tourism, contributing to the local economy and livelihoods. Additionally, cultural heritage preservation can revitalize historic districts and neighborhoods, attracting investment and fostering sustainable economic growth.
Furthermore, the preservation of cultural heritage contributes to the social fabric of cities and communities. Cultural heritage is often intertwined with people's identities, traditions, and sense of belonging. By safeguarding cultural heritage, cities can strengthen social cohesion, promote intergenerational dialogue, and foster community pride. Cultural heritage preservation provides opportunities for communities to celebrate and showcase their traditions, customs, and artistic expressions. This engagement with cultural heritage enhances social inclusion and diversity, creating spaces for dialogue, mutual understanding, and appreciation of different cultures and perspectives.
In addition to tangible cultural heritage, Goal 11 also recognizes the importance of preserving intangible cultural heritage. Intangible cultural heritage refers to practices, expressions, knowledge, and skills that are passed down from generation to generation. It includes oral traditions, performing arts, rituals, traditional craftsmanship, and knowledge systems. Preserving intangible cultural heritage not only safeguards traditional practices but also promotes cultural diversity and encourages intercultural dialogue. It is through the transmission and revitalization of intangible cultural heritage that cities and communities can maintain their unique identities and contribute to a rich and vibrant cultural landscape.
To effectively preserve cultural heritage, cities and communities need to engage in comprehensive and inclusive planning and decision-making processes. This involves collaboration with local communities, cultural institutions, heritage experts, and relevant stakeholders. It is important to involve local residents in decision-making processes, ensuring that their voices are heard and their cultural heritage is respected and protected. Additionally, capacity-building initiatives and educational programs can empower local communities to actively participate in the preservation and promotion of their cultural heritage.
The preservation of cultural heritage is an integral part of sustainable development. Goal 11 highlights the importance of safeguarding cultural heritage sites, historic buildings, and traditional practices. By protecting and promoting cultural heritage, cities and communities can foster a sense of identity, social cohesion, and economic opportunities. Cultural heritage preservation contributes to the uniqueness and vibrancy of cities, attracting tourism, and enriching the lives of residents. By integrating cultural heritage into urban planning and development, cities can create sustainable, inclusive, and culturally rich environments for present and future generations.
Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities is a critical component of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. As urbanization continues to accelerate, it is crucial to prioritize sustainable urban planning, green infrastructure, affordable housing, sustainable transport systems, waste management, climate resilience, and the preservation of cultural heritage. By working towards these objectives, cities and communities can create a more sustainable, inclusive, and livable future for all. Embracing Goal 11 is not only an environmental imperative but also a pathway to economic prosperity, social equity, and a greener future for generations to come.
#How to create sustainable cities and communities#Importance of sustainable urban planning#Achieving Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities#Benefits of green infrastructure in cities#Affordable housing solutions for sustainable communities#Promoting sustainable transport systems in cities#Effective waste management for sustainable cities#Preserving cultural heritage in sustainable development#Building climate resilience in cities#The role of recycling in sustainable cities#Sustainable urban planning for resilient communities#Creating inclusive and safe cities through Goal 11#How green spaces enhance sustainable cities#Addressing the challenges of affordable housing in urban areas#Reducing carbon emissions through sustainable transport#Implementing waste reduction strategies for sustainable communities#The economic benefits of cultural heritage preservation#Enhancing infrastructure resilience in the face of climate change#Sustainable waste management practices for cities#Promoting community engagement in sustainable urban development#Integrating climate resilience into urban planning#Incorporating green infrastructure for sustainable communities#The social impact of affordable housing initiatives#Mitigating air pollution through sustainable transport systems#Circular economy approaches in waste management for cities#Preserving historic buildings for sustainable cities#Creating resilient communities through Goal 11 strategies#Promoting cultural diversity in sustainable urban environments#Building sustainable cities for future generations#Achieving sustainability goals through Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
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batboyblog · 2 months
Things the Biden-Harris Administration Did This Week #30
August 2-9 2024
The Department of Interior announced the largest investment since 1979 in outdoor recreation and conservation projects. The $325 million will go to support State, territorial, DC, and tribal governments in buying new land for parks and outdoor recreation sites. It also supports expansion and refurbishment of existing sites.
The EPA announced that Birmingham Alabama will get $171 million to update and replace its water system. The city of Birmingham is 70% black and like many black majority cities as struggled with aging water systems and lead pipes causing dangerous drinking water conditions. This investment is part of the Biden-Harris administrations plan to replace all of the nation's lead pipes.
The Department of Energy announced $2.2 billion in investments in the national power grid to help boost resiliency in the face of extreme weather. The projects will add 13 gigawatts of capacity, support 5,000 new jobs and upgrade 1,000 miles of transmission. Major projects will cut power outages in the west, drive down energy prices in New England, add off shore wind, and enable the development of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s wind resources.
The Justice Department won its massive anti-trust case against Google. A federal judge ruled that Google was an illegal monopoly. The DOJ has an ongoing antitrust suit against Apple, while the Federal Trade Commission is suing Facebook and Amazon for their monopolist practices
The US Government announced $3.9 billion in direct aid to Ukraine. The money will help the Government of Ukraine make up for massive budget short falls caused by the war with Russia. It'll help pay the salaries of teachers, emergency workers, and other public employees, as well helping displaced persons, low-income families and people with disabilities.
The Department of Energy announced $190 million to improve air quality and energy upgrades in K-12 schools. The grants to 320 schools across 25 states will impact 123,000 students, 94% of these schools service student bodies where over half the students qualify for free and reduced lunch. In the face of climate change more schools have been forced to close for extreme heat. These grants will help schools with everything from air filtration, to AC, to more robust energy systems, to replacing lighting.
USAID announced $424 million in additional humanitarian aid to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Due to ongoing conflict and food insecurity, 25 million Congolese are in need of humanitarian aid. This year alone the US has sent close to a billion dollars in aid to the DRC, making it the single largest donor to the crisis.
The Senate approved President Biden's appointment of Stacey Neumann of Maine, Meredith Vacca of New York, and Joseph Saporito Jr. of Pennsylvania to life time federal Judgeships. This brings the total of judges appointed by President Biden to 205. President Biden is the first President who's judicial nominations have not been majority white men, Judge Vacca is the first Asian American to serve in her district court. President Biden has also focused on former public defenders, like Judge Saporito, and former labor lawyers like Judge Neumann, as well as civil rights lawyers.
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reasonsforhope · 9 months
"Cody Two Bears, a member of the Sioux tribe in North Dakota, founded Indigenized Energy, a native-led energy company with a unique mission — installing solar farms for tribal nations in the United States.
This initiative arises from the historical reliance of Native Americans on the U.S. government for power, a paradigm that is gradually shifting.
The spark for Two Bears' vision ignited during the Standing Rock protests in 2016, where he witnessed the arrest of a fellow protester during efforts to prevent the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline on sacred tribal land.
Disturbed by the status quo, Two Bears decided to channel his activism into action and create tangible change.
His company, Indigenized Energy, addresses a critical issue faced by many reservations: poverty and lack of access to basic power.
Reservations are among the poorest communities in the country, and in some, like the Navajo Nation, many homes lack electricity.
Even in regions where the land has been exploited for coal and uranium, residents face obstacles to accessing power.
Renewable energy, specifically solar power, is a beacon of hope for tribes seeking to overcome these challenges.
Not only does it present an environmentally sustainable option, but it has become the most cost-effective form of energy globally, thanks in part to incentives like the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.
Tribal nations can receive tax subsidies of up to 30% for solar and wind farms, along with grants for electrification, climate resiliency, and energy generation.
And Indigenized Energy is not focused solely on installing solar farms — it also emphasizes community empowerment through education and skill development.
In collaboration with organizations like Red Cloud Renewable, efforts are underway to train Indigenous tribal members for jobs in the renewable energy sector.
The program provides free training to individuals, with a focus on solar installation skills.
Graduates, ranging from late teens to late 50s, receive pre-apprenticeship certification, and the organization is planning to launch additional programs to support graduates with career services such as resume building and interview coaching...
The adoption of solar power by Native communities signifies progress toward sustainable development, cultural preservation, and economic self-determination, contributing to a more equitable and environmentally conscious future.
These initiatives are part of a broader movement toward "energy sovereignty," wherein tribes strive to have control over their own power sources.
This movement represents not only an economic opportunity and a source of jobs for these communities but also a means of reclaiming control over their land and resources, signifying a departure from historical exploitation and an embrace of sustainable practices deeply rooted in Indigenous cultures."
-via Good Good Good, December 10, 2023
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dandelionsresilience · 2 months
Good News - July 22-28
Like these weekly compilations? Tip me at $kaybarr1735 or check out my new(ly repurposed) Patreon!
1. Four new cheetah cubs born in Saudi Arabia after 40 years of extinction
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“[T]he discovery of mummified cheetahs in caves […] which ranged in age from 4,000 to as recent as 120 years, proved that the animals […] once called [Saudi Arabia] home. The realisation kick-started the country’s Cheetah Conservation Program to bring back the cats to their historic Arabian range. […] Dr Mohammed Qurban, CEO of the NCW, said: […] “This motivates us to continue our efforts to restore and reintroduce cheetahs, guided by an integrated strategy designed in accordance with best international practices.””
2. In sub-Saharan Africa, ‘forgotten’ foods could boost climate resilience, nutrition
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“[A study published in PNAS] examined “forgotten” crops that may help make sub-Saharan food systems more resilient, and more nutritious, as climate change makes it harder to grow [current staple crops.] [… The study identified 138 indigenous] food crops that were “relatively underresearched, underutilized, or underpromoted in an African context,” but which have the nutrient content and growing stability to support healthy diets and local economies in the region. […] In Eswatini, van Zonneveld and the World Vegetable Center are working with schools to introduce hardy, underutilized vegetables to their gardens, which have typically only grown beans and maize.”
3. Here's how $4 billion in government money is being spent to reduce climate pollution
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“[New Orleans was awarded] nearly $50 million to help pay for installing solar on low to middle income homes [… and] plans to green up underserved areas with trees and build out its lackluster bike lane system to provide an alternative to cars. […] In Utah, $75 million will fund several measures from expanding electric vehicles to reducing methane emissions from oil and gas production. [… A] coalition of states led by North Carolina will look to store carbon in lands used for agriculture as well as natural places like wetlands, with more than $400 million. [… This funding is] “providing investments in communities, new jobs, cost savings for everyday Americans, improved air quality, … better health outcomes.””
4. From doom scrolling to hope scrolling: this week’s big Democratic vibe shift
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“[Democrats] have been on an emotional rollercoaster for the past few weeks: from grim determination as Biden fought to hang on to his push for a second term, to outright exuberance after he stepped aside and Harris launched her campaign. […] In less than a week, the Harris campaign raised record-breaking sums and signed up more than 100,000 new volunteers[….] This honeymoon phase will end, said Democratic strategist Guy Cecil, warning the election will be a close race, despite this newfound exuberance in his party. [… But v]oters are saying they are excited to vote for Harris and not just against Trump. That’s new.”
5. Biodegradable luminescent polymers show promise for reducing electronic waste
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“[A team of scientists discovered that a certain] chemical enables the recycling of [luminescent polymers] while maintaining high light-emitting functions. […] At the end of life, this new polymer can be degraded under either mild acidic conditions (near the pH of stomach acid) or relatively low heat treatment (> 410 F). The resulting materials can be isolated and remade into new materials for future applications. […] The researchers predict this new polymer can be applied to existing technologies, such as displays and medical imaging, and enable new applications […] such as cell phones and computer screens with continued testing.”
6. World’s Biggest Dam Removal Project to Open 420 Miles of Salmon Habitat this Fall
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“Reconnecting the river will help salmon and steelhead populations survive a warming climate and [natural disasters….] In the long term, dam removal will significantly improve water quality in the Klamath. “Algae problems in the reservoirs behind the dams were so bad that the water was dangerous for contact […] and not drinkable,” says Fluvial Geomorphologist Brian Cluer. [… The project] will begin to reverse decades of habitat degradation, allow threatened salmon species to be resilient in the face of climate change, and restore tribal connections to their traditional food source.”
7. Biden-Harris Administration Awards $45.1 Million to Expand Mental Health and Substance Use Services Across the Lifespan
““Be it fostering wellness in young people, caring for the unhoused, facilitating treatment and more, this funding directly supports the needs of our neighbors,” said HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra. [The funding also supports] recovery and reentry services to adults in the criminal justice system who have a substance use disorder[… and clinics which] serve anyone who asks for help for mental health or substance use, regardless of their ability to pay.”
8. The World’s Rarest Crow Will Soon Fly Free on Maui
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“[… In] the latest attempt to establish a wild crow population, biologists will investigate if this species can thrive on Maui, an island where it may have never lived before. Translocations outside of a species’ known historical range are rare in conservation work, but for a bird on the brink of extinction, it’s a necessary experiment: Scientists believe the crows will be safer from predators in a new locale—a main reason that past reintroduction attempts failed. […] As the release date approaches, the crows have already undergone extensive preparation for life in the wild. […] “We try to give them the respect that you would give if you were caring for someone’s elder.””
9. An optimist’s guide to the EV battery mining challenge
““Battery minerals have a tremendous benefit over oil, and that’s that you can reuse them.” [… T]he report’s authors found there’s evidence to suggest that [improvements in technology] and recycling have already helped limit demand for battery minerals in spite of this rapid growth — and that further improvements can reduce it even more. [… They] envision a scenario in which new mining for battery materials can basically stop by 2050, as battery recycling meets demand. In this fully realized circular battery economy, the world must extract a total of 125 million tons of battery minerals — a sum that, while hefty, is actually 17 times smaller than the oil currently harvested every year to fuel road transport.”
10. Peekaboo! A baby tree kangaroo debuts at the Bronx Zoo
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“The tiny Matschie’s tree kangaroo […] was the third of its kind born at the Bronx Zoo since 2008. [… A] Bronx Zoo spokesperson said that the kangaroo's birth was significant for the network of zoos that aims to preserve genetic diversity among endangered animals. "It's a small population and because of that births are not very common," said Jessica Moody, curator of primates and small mammals at the Bronx Zoo[, …] adding that baby tree kangaroos are “possibly one of the cutest animals to have ever lived. They look like stuffed animals, it's amazing.””
July 15-21 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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Degrowth basics
"The word degrowth stands for a family of political-economic approaches that, in the face of today’s accelerating planetary ecological crisis, reject unlimited, exponential economic growth as the definition of human progress."
What is Degrowth? | Caracol DSA
Why degrowth is the only responsible way forward | OpenDemocracy
Degrowth and MMT: A thought experiment
We Need A Fair Way To End Infinite Growth | Current Affairs
Degrowth: A Call for Radical Abundance | Common Dreams
Can degrowth save us and the planet? | Nottingham Trent
Defending limits is not Malthusian | Undisciplined Environments
Can We Have Prosperity Without Growth? | New Yorker
The Urgent Case for Shrinking the Economy | The New Republic
Giving Up on Economic Growth Could Make Us Cooler and Happier | The New Republic
A guide to degrowth: The movement prioritizing wellbeing in a bid to avoid climate cataclysm | CNBC
What is ‘degrowth’ and how can it fight climate change? | Popular Science
Enough for Everyone | Yes! Magazine
Toward a Post-Capitalist Future: On the Growth of “Degrowth” | Lit Hub
All we are saying is give degrowth a chance | The RSA
A pathway out of environmental collapse | newsroom
On Technology and Degrowth | Monthly Review
What is degrowth (and more importantly, what is it not)? | META
Green growth
"There is no empirical evidence that absolute decoupling from resource use can be achieved on a global scale against a background of continued economic growth."
Is Green Growth Possible? | Jason Hickel & Giorgos Kallis
The Myth of America’s Green Growth | Foreign Policy
The decoupling delusion: rethinking growth and sustainability | The Conversation
Is green growth happening? | Uneven Earth
Green Growth | Uneven Earth
The Delusion of Infinite Economic Growth | Scientific American
Degrowth is not austerity – it is actually just the opposite | Al Jazeera
A response to Paul Krugman: Growth is not as green as you might think | Timothée Parrique
Deceitful Decoupling: Misconceptions of a Persistent Myth | Alevgul H. Sorman
Degrowth isn’t the same as a recession – it’s an alternative to growing the economy forever | The Conversation
Degrowth and the left
"In the middle of an ecological emergency, should we be producing sport utility vehicles and mansions? Should we be diverting energy to support the obscene consumption and accumulation of the ruling class?"
The Left should embrace degrowth | New Internationalist
Ecosocialism is the Horizon, Degrowth is the Way | The Trouble
Degrowth: Socialism without Growth | Brave New Europe
Toward an Ecosocialist Degrowth: From the Materially Inevitable to the Socially Desirable | Monthly Review
For an Ecosocialist Degrowth | Monthly Review
Degrowth and Revolutionary Organizing | Rosa Luxemburg NYC
The necessity of ecosocialist degrowth | Rupture
Degrowth is Anti-Capitalist | Protean Mag
Degrowth Communism | PPPR (Part one | Part two | Part three)
Economic Planning and Degrowth: How Socialism Survives the 21st Century | New Socialist
Degrowth and the South
"Southern countries should be free to organize their resources and labor around meeting human needs rather than around servicing Northern growth."
Who is afraid of degrowth? A Global South economic perspective | IBON Foundation
The anti-colonial politics of degrowth | Jason Hickel
Unlearning: From Degrowth to Decolonization | Rosa Luxemburg NYC
Degrowth requires the Global South to default on its foreign debts | Resilience
Degrowth: a theory of radical abundance | Jason Hickel
A systematic review of the evidence on decoupling of GDP, resource use and GHG emissions, part II: synthesizing the insights
What does degrowth mean? A few points of clarification | Jason Hickel
Providing decent living with minimum energy: A global scenario | Global Environmental Change
Urgent need for post-growth climate mitigation scenarios | Nature Energy
Degrowth and critical agrarian studies | Julien-François Gerber
Decoupling debunked – Evidence and arguments against green growth as a sole strategy for sustainability | European Environmental Bureau
Incrementum ad Absurdum: Global Growth, Inequality and Poverty Eradication in a Carbon-Constrained World | David Woodward
Degrowth can work — here’s how science can help | Nature
A New Political Economy for a Healthy Planet | Jason Hickel
Planning beyond growth. The case for economic democracy within limits
Millionaire spending incompatible with 1.5 °C ambitions | Cleaner Production Letters
Is green growth happening? An empirical analysis of achieved versus Paris-compliant CO2–GDP decoupling in high-income countries | The Lancet
Exploring Degrowth: A Critical Guide | Pluto Press
A People's Green New Deal | Max Ajl
Less is More: How Degrowth Will Save the World | Jason Hickel
Breaking Things at Work: The Luddites Are Right About Why You Hate Your Job | Verso Books
The Future is Degrowth: A Guide to a World Beyond Capitalism | Verso Books
The Imperial Mode of Living: Everyday Life and the Ecological Crisis of Capitalism | Verso Books
Marx in the Anthropocene: Towards the Idea of Degrowth Communism | Kohei Saito
Degrowth & Strategy: how to bring about social-ecological transformation
27 Essays and Thoughts on Degrowth | Giorgos Kallis
Yes To Limits To Growth! | The Other School
How Degrowth Can Save the World | Andrewism
How We End Consumerism | Our Changing Climate
Demystifying Degrowth | Rosa Luxemburg NYC
Degrowth is not Austerity | John the Duncan
Degrowth and Ecosocialism | Planet: Critical
Degrowth in 7 minutes: Fighting for climate by living better | Think That Through
The Future is Degrowth (w/ Aaron Vansintjan) || SRSLY WRONG
"Degrowth means power to the working class!"with Jason Hickel | GND Media
Degrowth Journal
Doughnut Economics
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o-the-mts · 6 months
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quotesfrommyreading · 2 years
African countries are being forced to spend billions of dollars a year coping with the effects of the climate crisis, which is diverting potential investment from schools and hospitals and threatens to drive countries into ever deeper poverty.
Dealing with extreme weather is costing close to 6% of GDP in Ethiopia alone, equating to a spend of more than $1 repairing climate damage for every $20 of national income, according to research by the thinktank Power Shift Africa.
The warning comes just before the major new scientific report from the global authority on climate science, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. This report, the second part of the IPCC’s comprehensive summary of global climate science, will set out the consequences of climate breakdown across the world, looking at the floods, droughts, heatwaves and storms that are affecting food systems, water supplies and infrastructure. As global temperatures have risen in recent decades, and as the impact of extreme weather has become more apparent around the world, efforts to make infrastructure and communities more resilient have largely stalled.
Africa will be one of the worst-hit regions, despite having done least to cause the climate crisis. According to the Power Shift Africa study, titled Adapt or Die: An analysis of African climate adaptation strategies, African countries will spend an average of 4% of GDP on adapting to climate breakdown.
These countries include some of the world’s poorest people, whose responsibility for greenhouse gas emissions is many times less than those of people in developed countries, or in large emerging economies such as China. Sierra Leone will have to spend $90m a year on adapting to the climate crisis, though its citizens are responsible for about 0.2 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions a year each, while US citizens generate about 80 times more.
Mohamed Adow, director of Power Shift Africa, said: “This report shows the deep injustice of the climate emergency. Some of the poorest countries in the world are having to use scarce resources to adapt to a crisis not of their making. Despite only having tiny carbon footprints compared with those of the rich world, these African countries are suffering from droughts, storms and floods which are putting already stretched public finances under strain and limiting their ability to tackle other problems.”
He called for more funding from developed countries, which promised at the Cop26 UN climate summit to double the money available to help poor countries adapt to the climate crisis. Rich countries promised in 2009 to provide $100bn a year to help poor countries cut their greenhouse gas emissions and cope with the effects of climate breakdown. But so far they have fallen short of that target, and most of the funds that have been provided have gone to projects to cut emissions, such as windfarms and solar panels, rather than efforts to help countries adapt.
The study examined national adaptation plans submitted to the UN by seven African countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, Liberia, Sierra Leone, South Africa, South Sudan and Togo. South Sudan, which is the world’s second poorest country, was hit by floods last year that displaced 850,000 people, and led to outbreaks of water-borne diseases. The country is to spend $376m a year on adaptation, about 3.1% of its GDP.
Chukwumerije Okereke, director of the centre for climate change and development at the Alex Ekwueme Federal University in Nigeria, said rich countries must respond to the findings, and to the IPCC report.
“It is both irresponsible and immoral for those that are the chief cause of climate change to look on while Africa, which has contributed next to nothing to climate change, continues to bear a disproportionate share of the impact,” he said. “The time for warm words is long gone. We need urgent, scaled-up, long-term support from the world-leading climate polluters.”
  —  African countries spending billions to cope with climate crisis
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simply-ivanka · 2 months
What Kamala Harris Believes
The Vice President’s political record reveals the views of a California progressive.
Wall Street Journal
Democrats are rapidly unifying behind Kamala Harris as their party nominee, yet the Vice President remains relatively unknown to most Americans. That means it’s important to look at her record to see what she believes.
As VP she’s closely identified with the Biden agenda, for better or worse, and she embraced that record in remarks on Monday. She said President Biden’s first term has “surpassed the legacy” of most Presidents who have served two.
So mark her down as endorsing the spending blowouts that caused inflation, the Green New Deal, entitlement expansions and student loan forgiveness. Until she says otherwise, we should also assume she’s in favor of Mr. Biden’s $5 trillion tax increase in 2025.
The Vice President’s four years as a Senator from California are another window on her worldview. She sponsored a bill to create a $6,000 guaranteed income for families making up to $100,000. Another Harris proposal: A refundable tax credit that would effectively cap rents and utility payments at 30% of income. Liberal economists panned the subsidy because it would drive up rents.
She co-sponsored legislation with Bernie Sanders that would pay tuition at four-year public colleges for students from families making up to $125,000. This is more honest than the Administration’s back-end student loan cancellation. But it would cost $700 billion over a decade and encourage colleges to increase tuition.
Another Bernie mind-meld: Single-payer healthcare. Ms. Harris co-sponsored his Medicare for All legislation paid for by higher income taxes. She tweaked Bernie’s plan when running for President in 2019 by extending the phase-in to 10 years from four and exempting households making less than $100,000 from the “income-based premium.” But it would still put government in charge of all American healthcare over time.
As a San Francisco Democrat, Ms. Harris shares the state’s hostility to fossil fuels. She used her power as California Attorney General to launch an investigation into Exxon Mobil over its carbon emissions. In 2019 she endorsed a nationwide ban on oil and gas fracking, which would cost tens of thousands of jobs and cause power outages like those that often occur in her home state. Expect this to be a GOP talking point in Pennsylvania.
One question to ask is whether the Vice President wants to restructure the Supreme Court. She said in 2019 she was “open” to adding more Justices, but that idea doesn’t poll well. Does she agree with Mr. Biden’s mooted plan to endorse “reforms” to the High Court that would make the Justices subject to Congressional supervision?
Mr. Biden famously put Ms. Harris in charge of border policy, and we know how that has turned out. Rather than push for border policy changes, her first instinct was to blame the rush of migrants on “root causes” in developing countries, including corruption, violence, poverty and “lack of climate adaptation and climate resilience.”
Climate change makes the U.S. border a sieve? Apparently so. “In Honduras, in the wake of hurricanes, we must deliver food, shelter, water and sanitation to the people,” Ms. Harris declared. “And in Guatemala, as farmers endure continuous droughts, we must work with them to plant drought-resistant crops.” These “root causes” take decades to address, and in the meantime she had nothing to say about actual border security.
Ms. Harris’s foreign policy views aren’t well known, or perhaps even well formed, apart from promoting Mr. Biden’s policies. While she has backed the Administration’s military assistance to Ukraine, she has equivocated about support for Israel. In March she chastised Israel for not doing enough to ease a “humanitarian catastrophe.” Leaks to the press say officials at the National Security Council toned down her speech’s criticism of Israel.
She lambasted the Trump Administration for killing Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Gen. Qassem Soleimani, claiming it could lead to bigger war in the Mideast. The killing chastened Iran’s rulers instead, at least until the Biden Administration began to ease sanctions and tried to repeat the 2015 nuclear deal.
It will be especially important for the press to ask Ms. Harris about her national security views. If her handlers control her as much as White House advisers have Mr. Biden, we’ll know they’re afraid that the Vice President might not be able to handle the scrutiny.
A fair conclusion from all of this is that Ms. Harris is a standard California progressive on most issues, often to the left of Mr. Biden. Perhaps as she reintroduces herself to the public in the coming weeks, she will modify some of those views. She would be wise to do so if she wants to win.
Given the rush by Democrats to anoint Ms. Harris as their nominee, the press has a particular obligation to tell the public about who she is and what she really thinks. Does she believe California is a model for the country?
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Empowering Societies Through Nature-Based Solutions
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mariacallous · 4 months
The New Zealand government has been accused of waging a “war on nature” after it announced sweeping cuts to climate action projects, while making no significant new investments in environmental protection or climate crisis-related policy.
In its 2024/25 budget, handed down on Thursday, the rightwing coalition announced spending on law and order, education, health and a series of tax cuts, as the country struggles with inflation and cost-of-living pressures.
Finance minister Nicola Willis, who delivered the budget against the backdrop of a technical recession and widening government deficits, said it was a “fiscally responsible budget” that was “putting New Zealanders’ money where it can make the biggest difference”.
But absent from the budget documents was any meaningful new spending on the climate crisis. Instead, dozens of climate-related initiatives, including programmes in the Emissions Reductions Plan and funding for data and evidence specialists were subject to sweeping cuts.
In a media release, climate change minister Simon Watts said “responsible and effective climate related initiatives that support New Zealand to reduce emissions, and adapt to the future effects of climate change are a priority.”
He said the government would invest to reach those goals, including funding climate resilience projects such as stop banks and floodwalls through the Regional Infrastructure Fund, a $200m boost for the Rail Network Improvement Programme, and extending the reach of the Waste Disposal Levy to support a wider range of waste-related and environmental activities.
When asked by the Guardian if there was any significant new funding directed towards tackling climate change and environmental protection, Watts pointed to the resilience projects.
Meanwhile, the environment minister, Penny Simmonds, told the Guardian the increases to the waste levy “will mean a broader range of environmental projects can be funded”, including waste disposal in emergencies, cleaning up contaminated sites and freshwater improvement.
But critics said the government’s approach to protecting the environment and tackling climate change was backward looking, while climate resilience projects were the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff without future-facing climate mitigation plans.
Meanwhile, the rail improvement programme was understood to be focused on existing rail lines. It was unclear if it included new rail projects. Changes to the waste disposal levy involved mostly reallocating existing funds.
The Labour opposition called the budget a “catastrophe” that was “taking us backwards”.
The only new investment in the environment section of the budget was a $23m annual commitment to pushing through the government’s resource management changes, including a controversial fast-track bill that could see conservation concerns ignored and projects once rejected for environmental reasons given the green light.
The government says it has found $102m in savings and revenue per year across the environment sector through various cuts, including cutting climate change programmes, reducing spending on specialists that provide evidence and data including updates to environmental standards, monitoring and reporting and scaling back funding for the Climate Change Commission, which advises the government on climate change policy.
In conservation, another $33m a year will be cut. There is a $1m annual investment listed in the budget documents, but government officials could not explain where this money would go, citing “commercial sensitivities”.
The programmes and areas related to climate policy that are subject to cuts across government included:
Māori knowledge-based approaches to agricultural emissions reduction
Community-based renewable energy schemes
The Climate Change Commission
External and internal specialists who supply evidence and data on environmental monitoring and science
Freshwater policy initiatives
Native forest planting
Development of a circular economy, relating to recycling and reuse
Jobs for Nature, a programme creating jobs to benefit the environment
Reducing biosecurity monitoring
New Zealand is still rebuilding from massive destruction caused by 2023’s deadly Auckland floods and Cyclone Gabrielle, which killed 11 people and laid waste to large swathes of the North Island’s east coast.
Among the spending promises in the budget was $1bn to rebuild the regions hit by these disasters.
Human-caused climate breakdown has increased the occurrence of the most intense and destructive tropical cyclones (though the overall number a year has not changed globally). This is because warming oceans provide more energy, producing stronger storms.
‘Head in the coal’
Green party co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick described the government as a “coalition of cowards” that was allowing the climate crisis to “rage on unchallenged” and whose attack on the climate would ripple through future generations.
“The other day, government parties said, ‘drill, baby, drill,’ and today, they may as well have said, ‘burn, baby, burn’,” Swarbrick said, adding that the budget had seen funding from almost every major programme in the Emissions Reduction Plan gutted.
The government was “choosing to bury its head in the coal,” she said. “It has made the choice to put cynical politics ahead of people and planet, serving the short-term interests of wealthy donors over the wellbeing of all of us.”
The first budget from the rightwing coalition – made up of the centre-right National party, libertarian ACT party and populist NZ First – is a sharp departure from the previous Labour government’s commitments to protecting the environment. In 2017, Labour prime minister Jacinda Ardern said climate change was her generation’s nuclear-free moment and put climate policies high on her agenda.
In 2022, her government unveiled the most significant announcement on climate change action in the country’s history – $4.5bn for a climate emergency response fund (CERF) to try to drive a low-emissions economy and prepare the country for the effects of climate collapse.
On Thursday, the government said $2.6bn of climate change initiatives previously funded by CERF would continue, including a public network of electric vehicle charging infrastructure, decarbonising public transport, and public transport concessions for community service card holders.
But the climate change minister also said the government would discontinue the practice of ring-fencing money raised through emissions trading for that climate fund, meaning the previous government’s ambitious fund would be absorbed into the usual budget process.
Environmental group Forest and Bird said the budget signalled another blow in the government’s “war on nature”, and singled out its funding of the fast track bill.
“The government’s biggest new investment in the environment is to implement reforms that are going to cause untold environmental harm through the fast track,” said Richard Capie, the organisation’s general manager for conservation.
“In the middle of a climate emergency, you don’t walk away from investing in climate action – this isn’t business as usual, and to call it such is head-in-the-sand stuff.”
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