#Cloud Maan
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mehilaiselokuva · 1 year
Finnish weather/meteorology vocabulary
Some common words under this! I didn't include compass directions, but they're very important to learn to understand weather broadcasts, as Finnish weather reports are usually told with them instead of region names.
Sää - weather Säätyyppi - weather type Säärintama - weather front Matalapaine - depression (weather) Korkeapaine - anticyclone (weather) Ilmamassa - air mass Havaintoasema - observatory Paikoin - locally Monin paikoin - in many places Koko maassa - in the whole country Maan (ilmansuunta)osassa - in the (direction) part of the country Alueella - in a certain area Päivän mittaan - during the day Laajalti - largely, widely Osin - partly Sade - rain Sateinen - rainy Sataa vettä - to rain Sadekuuro - rain showers Sadenauha - a rope/line of rain Kuurosade - shower-type rain Sadekertymä - amount of rain Vettä tulee runsaasti - A lot of rain will come Ukkonen - thunder Ukkoskuuro - thunder showers Kuuropilvi - cumulonimbus cloud Salama, salamointi - lightnings Pouta, poutainen - dry weather Aurinkoinen - sunny Aurinko paistaa - the sun is shining Helle - hot weather (over +25 °C) Selkeä - clear Pilvinen - cloudy Tuuli - wind Tuulinen - windy Puuska - gust Puuskainen - gusty Lumi- snow Sataa lunta - to snow Lumikuuro - snow shower Jää - ice Jäinen - icy Loska - slush Hankiainen, hankikanto - snow cover so hard you can walk on it Kinos - snowbank Puuteri - powder snow Räntä - watery snow, sleet (falling) Loska - sleet (on ground) Pyry - snowstorm Lämpötila - Temperature Lämpötila on 1 ja 2 asteen välillä. - The temperature is between 1 and 2. Lukema - reading Pakkanen - freezing (under 0 °C) Viileä - cool Lämmin - warm Epävakainen (sää) - unstable (weather) Paikallinen - local Voimakas - strong Laaja - broad Vaihteleva - varying Ajoittainen - intermittent Ennustaa - to forecast, predict Painottua - to be emphasized, to occur more in (area) Esiintyä - to appear Käväistä (jonkun) puolella - to go slightly over (something), to visit slightly Pyyhkäistä - to sweep over Väistyä - to yield Kohota - to rise Laskea - to drop Levitä - to spread Kertyä - to accumulate Sulaa - to melt
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verses-n-moon · 8 months
Dil sirf muhabbat mein nhi tout'ta, dil tab bhe tout'ta hay jab ap apni tamam tar muhabbat nichawar kar ke, apna waqt barbaad kar ke, izzat aur maan dene ke bawajood bhe logo ki zindagi mein, dill mein jagha na bana payen, khud ko haar kar bhe kisi ko jeet na payen, apna na bana payen. akhir mein tanha reh jain. [via - Hazel Clouds]
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don-dake · 7 months
《天涯孤客》 (Lonely Traveller to the Ends of the World)
《子連れ狼》 主題曲翻唱 (Cover of 《Lone Wolf & Cub》)
主唱:鄭少秋,合唱:珍珍 & 佩佩
(Lead: Adam Cheng,Backing: Zan Zan & Pui Pui)
亞洲電視台 《殭屍道長》 [1995] 主題曲
(Theme for ATV's 《Vampire Expert》 [1995])
作詞:蘇翁,作曲:𠮷田 正
(Lyrics:So Yung,Music:Yoshida Tadashi)
#[女:夜靜更深對朗月 朗月清輝亮
je⁶ zing⁶ gaang¹ sam¹ deoi² long⁵ jyut⁶,long⁵ jyut⁶ cing¹ fai¹ loeng⁶
Facing the clear moon in the deep stillness of the night, it shines especially bright.
haang⁴ pin³ tin¹ ngaai⁴ lei⁴ hoi⁴ gaa¹ jyun⁴ cam⁴ tung³ hon¹ jyut⁶ loeng⁶
Since leaving home to wander to the ends of the world, looking at the moon has filled me with a sense of deep pain.
  何堪天涯回首家鄉 夜夜暗盼望
ho⁴ ham¹ tin¹ ngaai⁴ wui⁴ sau² gaa¹ hoeng¹,je⁶ je⁶ am³ paan³ mong⁶
How can I carry on in the world when I long for home, long secretly for it every night?
  笑對朗月 月光光照地塘上
siu³ deoi² long⁵ jyut⁶,jyut⁶ gwong¹ gwong¹ ziu³ dei⁶ tong⁴ soeng⁵
I can only smile at the luminescent moon, as its moonlight shines brightly upon the embankment,
  照著歡暢團敘愉快 溫暖處樂也洋洋]
ziu³ zoek⁶ fun¹ coeng³ tyun⁴ zeoi⁶ jyu⁶ faai³,wan¹ nyun⁵ cyu³ lok⁶ jaa⁵ joeng⁴ joeng⁴
casting out a delightful recollection, filled with warm and joyful scenes.
jyun⁵ cyu³ leoi³ gaak³ zo² cin¹ lei⁵ baak⁶ wan⁴ maan⁵ mong⁶
In the far off distance, separated by white clouds and late-night longings,
  想 想 想 別離後寸心怎會不思鄉
soeng² soeng² soeng²,bit⁶ lei⁴ hau⁶ cyun³ sam¹ zam² wui⁶ bat¹ si¹ hoeng¹
longing, longing, longing, how could one not long for home intensely after bidding it adieu?
  每夜每朝抱愁眠 悲痛流浪
mui⁵ je⁶ mui⁵ ziu¹ pou⁵ sau⁴ min⁴,bei¹ tung³ lau⁴ long⁶
Wrecked with restless sleep day and night, I can only wander sorrowfully,
  故地故苑最是難忘 空盼望
gu³ dei⁶ gu³ jyun² zeoi³ si⁶ naan⁴ mong⁴,hung¹ paan³ mong⁶
old haunts are hardest to forget, just a futile hope in the end.
  啊… 深秋滿地風霜最斷腸]
aa³… sam¹ cau¹ mun⁵ dei⁶ fung¹ soeng¹ zeoi³ dyun⁶ coeng⁴
Ah…late autumn is the worst, the most gut-wrenching time!
女:月亮光光 月亮光光
jyut⁶ loeng⁶ gwong¹ gwong¹,jyut⁶ loeng⁶ gwong¹ gwong¹
The moon shines bright, the moon shines bright!
  月亮光光 月亮光光
jyut⁶ loeng⁶ gwong¹ gwong¹,jyut⁶ loeng⁶ gwong¹ gwong¹
The moon shines bright, the moon shines bright!
  陣陣秋風送柳浪 朗月光且亮
zan⁶ zan⁶ cau¹ fung¹ sung³ lau⁵ long⁴,long⁵ jyut⁶ gwong¹ ce² loeng⁶
Sporadic autumn wind brings with it a wave of pleasure, as the moon shines ever brightly.
jan⁴ heoi³ tin¹ ngaai⁴ ping⁴ zung¹ piu¹ lau⁴ ho⁴ cyu³ jau⁵ ngon⁶
Those who wander to the ends of the world seeking where there is land,
  離開妻兒懷想家鄉 異地兩處望
lei⁴ hoi¹ cai¹ ji⁴ waai⁴ soeng² gaa¹ hoeng¹,ji⁶ dei⁶ loeng⁵ cyu³ mong⁶
who have left their wives, children and home, only long for them from a strange place.
  笑對朗月 月光光照地塘上
siu³ deoi² long⁵ jyut⁶,jyut⁶ gwong¹ gwong¹ ziu³ dei⁶ tong⁴ soeng⁵
I can only smile at the luminescent moon, as its moonlight shines brightly upon the embankment,
  照著歡暢孩兒父母 溫暖處樂也洋洋
ziu³ zoek⁶ fun¹ coeng³ haai⁴ ji⁴ fu⁶ mou⁵,wan¹ nyun⁵ cyu³ lok⁶ jaa⁵ joeng⁴ joeng⁴
casting out a delightful recollection, of children and parents, filled with warm and joyful scenes.
男:去 去 去 去家千里夢迴故鄉上
heoi³ heoi³ heoi³ heoi³ gaa¹ cin¹ lei⁵ mung⁶ wui⁴ gu³ hoeng¹ soeng⁵
Go, go, go, to go home in my distant dreams,
bei¹ cau¹ fung¹ duk⁶ lau⁴ long⁶ naa⁵ ham¹ piu¹ bok⁶ ze¹ fung¹ soeng¹
as the melancholic autumn winds makes the journey that much harder to bear,
laang⁵ lok⁶ tung³ sam¹ seoi³ jyut⁶ mou⁴ cing⁴ piu¹ bok⁶ lau⁴ long⁶
as time coldly and ruthlessly crashes on by.
  哪日哪朝鳥倦還巢 春柳岸
naa⁴ jat⁶ naa⁴ ziu¹ niu⁵ gyun⁶ waan⁴ caau⁴,ceon¹ lau⁵ ngon⁶
When will the birds return wearily to their nests? Can't wait for the arrival of Spring!
  啊… 秋深倍念家鄉最斷腸
aa³…cau¹ sam¹ pui⁵ nim⁶ gaa¹ hoeng¹ zeoi³ dyun⁶ coeng⁴
Ah…autumn intensifies my longing for home even more, the most gut-wrenching time!
女:月亮光光 月亮光光 月亮光光
jyut⁶ loeng⁶ gwong¹ gwong¹,jyut⁶ loeng⁶ gwong¹ gwong¹,jyut⁶ loeng⁶ gwong¹ gwong¹
The moon shines bright! (×3)
  [重複 #,★ Repeat #,★]
女:月亮光光 月亮光光
jyut⁶ loeng⁶ gwong¹ gwong¹,jyut⁶ loeng⁶ gwong¹ gwong¹
The moon shines bright, the moon shines bright!
  月亮光光 月亮光光
jyut⁶ loeng⁶ gwong¹ gwong¹,jyut⁶ loeng⁶ gwong¹ gwong¹
The moon shines bright, the moon shines bright!
Translator's rambles: An oldie but a goodie! Watching “ancient” HK TV series recently has brought this classic to the forefront of my memories again.
I actually love this cover more than the original Japanese, and as someone who first learned of this song watching 《殭屍道長》 (1995) as a kid, I cannot not hear this song now without thinking of 殭屍 (Chinese hopping vampires)! Heh!
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justruler · 1 year
The Eternal Dream
I walked through the fields I had cultivated, the wheat brushing against my skin with the softness of a fresh rug. Moving my hands out from my sides as I walk make me feel similar to that of a man going through clouds. The calm winds complimenting the landscape, bringing up the euphoric scent of fresh barley to the already crisp clean air. Looking towards the fields of tan grass further something interesting, moving further to investigate I discover it to be a small cabin. The brick exterior complimented by wood outlines on both the walls and windows, with a chimney puffing out tiny clouds. Taking in a deep inhale I also noticed the fresh scent of blueberries and salted meats cooked to the perfect temperature as to begin wafting out the open windows. 
Peering around to the front door of the quiet cottage greets me to an oak fence and gravel walkway. The feeling of the rocks on my bare feet remind me of the times I used to go out playing near the river or out at the park. 
Opening the door, I see the interior is a calm color of orange similar to the setting sun. I smile as my younger brother runs up to me and I greet him with a chuckle. "Heya there lil bro!" I say hoisting him up, "So how was school?".
"It was AWESOME!" he said with the joyful expression of youth.
"Oh yea? Did you read about the knights?" I said
"Yeaa! Ms. Floura let us read this awesome story about this group of knights who went on this quest and they got on this magic boat and then and then!" He trailed off as mom walked up to calm him down.
"That's all fun and good, but you'll need to stop with the knights and help your set the table. Your father's almost home." She said in a calm tone as she lifted him up and directed him to the table before walking up to me with a smile as warm as the sun.
"Still falling asleep out in the field huh?" she said with a soft chuckle as she wiped the dirt off my cheek.
"Heh, yea" I said with slight embarrassment. 
"Guess I overworked myself again.." 
She sighed "You know you shouldn't work yourself too hard. Your father already worked tirelessly enough for you to have a comfortable life and it breaks his heart to see you work harder almost to try and repay him." She says as she cups my face.
"I know, but who else is gonna help keep the farm together when you and dad are gone?" I say as I cup her hand in return. 
I turn my head to face my younger brother as he's setting the table, his boyish face shaded by the old knight helmet he got for Halloween three years ago. 
Before I know it I hear a floorboard creek, my mom looks over my shoulder and lights up with her signature warm smile. 
"Welcome home honey" she says.
Going to turn around I begin to feel dizzy as my vision begins to go foggy. The last thing I hear before waking up being "Maan whatever that is smells delicious" in a hearty country accent. 
Opening my eyes bleerily, I find myself where I remember last being, at my workstation. Now with the acidic black drool pooling into the specific part of the blueprints I had been resting my head on. Looking around I notice the stone gray facility with all my inventions dotting their own separate tables. 
I sigh as the automatic lights come back on, thrumming to life like the pulse of a heart. With the dream already fading from my memory as I look at a note on my desk, along with noticing a small blanket had been wrapped around me during my slumber. 
Panning over the note I smiled.
"Quit fucking overworking yourself asshole, the service AI has to keep cleaning up your acid spit. Also made sure one of the servitors put a blanket around you so you wouldn't freeze to death. 
Sincerest fuck you,
Ps: Made some coffee in the break room"
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chowpatty-ka-icebear · 8 months
Shimaz/شمز (Beloved) by SubbRee
Log kehte hai ki pyaar vyaar kuch nhi hota but Aisa true nahi... Pyaar mein na bohot taakat hoti hai yaar kuch v kaho... Harr lamhe ko jeene mein ek alag si khushiyaan milti hai... Yeh sach baat hai ki pyaar he sab kuch nhi hota, Family Friends Career Hobbies yeh sab v mayne rakhti hai magar koi ek cheez Jo inn sabse v zyaada sukoon deti hai woh kahin na kahin mohabbat hoti hai... Pyaar na woh nhi hota jisme khawahishen hoti hai, woh materialism waala pyaar, pyaar nahi zaroorat hoti hai... Pyaar toh woh hota hai jisme ek insaan dusre insaan se sirf uska saath maangta hai Bina kisi aur cheez ki parwah kiye... Chalo main apne baare btata hoon, haan Maine v pyaar Kiya hai... Zabardast kiya hai... Aur mujhe Khushi hai iss baat ki jissa kiya tha na usse sacchi waali mohabbat thi... Aisa pyaar mein samne waale ko aapki saath ke alawa kisi aur cheez ki zarurat nahi hoti hai... Bas aapka saath he unke liye kaafi hota hai... Log kehte hai ki aashiq pyaar ko yunhi overrated kar diye hai, aisa bilkul nahi h meri jaan... Yaar yeh jo mohabbat/pyaar/aashiqui cheez he aisi hai iska ehsaas harr dusri cheez ko underrated kar deti hai... Main yeh baat ko beshaq Manta hoon ki pyaar duniya nahin hai, magar main yeh v jaanta hoon ki pyaar ki Nazar se duniya ko dekho toh kitni khoobsurat lagti hai... Harr chhoti chhoti cheez ko acchai ki Nazar se dekhoge... Yeh pyaar he hai Jo ek insaan ko bana bhi sakta hai aur tabah nhi kar sakta hai... Jaane kitne log iske ghulaam ho gye aur najane kitne log iske karazdaar ho gye... Sacchi aur Pakki mohabbat kisi insaan se ho jaaye na toh poori kayenaat v uski Khushi ke aaghe chhoti lagti hai Kasam se... Woh log hawa mein baatein nahi karte hai Jo kehte hai "Tumhare liye chaand-taare todd laaunga" Jab kisi insaan ko pyaar hota hai tab toh "Cloud Nine" mein pahuch jaata hai... Kisi v cheez/duniya ki fikr nahi hoti hai sirfff fikr hoti hai uski jisse iski mohabbat hoti hai... Yaar iss sacchi mohabbat ke baare jitni baatein karun utni kam hai... Kisi ne sach he kaha hai "Naseeb waale hote hai woh log jinhe sacchi mohabbat milti hai" Iss aajkal ke Tinder/Bumble waale jamane mein maanta hoon "Sacchi Mohabbat " dhudna mushqil hai, Aree tumko kya dilasa hoon mujhse zyaada iss baat se kaun vaaqif hoga... Mere Aisa maan na hai ki Humlog na sacchi mohabbat pehchaan nahi paate hai kabhi kabhi, Hum usse sacchi mohabbat samjh baith te hai jo shayad mohabbat bhi na ho... Aur janab isme humari galti bhi nahi, aaye din jab movies/videos mein hum Fairytale Love Stories dekhte hai humme v dimaag mein "Fake Scenarios" create karne ki adat ho jaati hai... Aur end toh sab jaante he hai, woh rista kabhi muqammal nahi hota hai aur aap back to "Square One". Mujhe pta hai isi daar se mere kitne doston ne dating karna he chord Diya hai... Woh kehte hai mujhse ki "Dekho SubbRee jab Jeb mein aapke aayegi 'Money' tabhi milegi aapko 'Honey' samjhe" magar mujhe aisa nahi lagta hai... Kyunki Materialistic Pyaar toh aajkal harr baazar mein milta hai iske liye main itni mehnaat kyun karron... Agar paison se he insaan ko khareedte hai toh Mukesh Ambani ki 100 biwi hoti 😂 Magar Aisa nahi hai na yaar, Sacchi Mohabaat ki yehi baat toh mujhe sabse zyada pasand hai ki yeh Ameer/Garib, Uch/Neech, Lamba/Mota, Kaala/Gora, Lulha/Lagda kuch nahi dekhti hai yeh sirf insaan ke Dil se hoti hai... Aur I kid you not yeh sacchi mohabbat ko khojna paise kamane se v zyaada mushkil hai (Believe me I've Tried it several times) toh fir sawaal aata hai ke insaan kare toh kare kya ab... Well, agar meri maano toh intezaar ke alawa hum kuch nahi kar sakte hai, Aadho ki tarah galat logo ke saath rishte banane se accha hai ki sacche ka intezar he kar le... Aur jo log sochte hai ki paiso se he sab kuch hota hai woh apna dimaag doctor ko dikhla de, Kyunki "Paisa Materialistic Khushiyan khareed sakta hai, Zindagi ka Sukoon nahi" aur insaan duniya mein Khali haath aata hai aur khaali haath jaata hai magar bohot Kam he log hote hai Jo jab iss duniya se jaate hai woh unke haathon mein kisi apne ka haath hota hai... Aur yehi mere dost "Pyaar" hota hai...
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shiroi---kumo · 1 year
@snugglyporos [ X ]
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⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ "Moikka, pikkuinen." He sounds as he moves in closer to the pack of them. Would you call them a pack? He doesn't even know what they are but the Misterican is bringing himself down to the ground so he is closer to their level as he continues to stare in awe.
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They are all so ... fluffy and he would very much like to snuggle with one of them, so the swordsman is leaning to lift one from the ground as gently as he can to bring it into his lap so he may pet it. His lips instantly stretch out into a smile as he does so. He ... he can feel a wave of positivity washing over him as he does so and he almost wonders for a moment if these small maan pilviä are simply made of it.
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"Olet niin pehmeä." He smiles as he continues to stroke his hand through it's fur. Small clouds even sentient life. Perhaps they weren't so different....
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ghostblazewrites · 1 year
violent sounds
hey! maybe it's because it's almost midnight and i feel like i'm going insane so i'm showing you a snippet of a wip i'm working on which focuses on different perspectives of teenagers and their stories :) i just wrote a bunch of different short chapters throughout the months when i was going through shit or had inspiration. anyways, enjoy this sleep-deprived 1k word chapter and feel free to give feedback or tell me if you want more from the wip!
tw: physical abuse, domestic abuse, violence
It was a Tuesday when he was arrested. 
A normal day, where the coffee machine whirred and spat out flaky grounds without permission, and the birds smacked their fluttery bodies into the large window beside the sofa, faltering slightly before flying off their pattern a cute zigzag. It was a Tuesday like any other, but somehow a life-altering event had occurred moments before dinner.
Harlow's mother was making rolls, and cooking some fresh chicken on the pan, the sizzling sound overtaking the house. Their sister was singing along to Frozen karaoke in the living room, following along with the words on the television screen. Her dark pigtails were swinging as she jumped up and down, holding an imaginary microphone. Their stepfather was in the basement. 
Harlow had their headphones on, blasting some rock music to counter the squeaky rendition of Let It Go. They stretched themself across the bed, patting Stardust on the head before kicking their feet to the beat. Their cat rolled over, lazily tapping her tail. The sounds of the Li family were familiar- chaotic, yes- but it was home. When they slipped their headphones around their neck to give their ears a little rest, Harlow smiled at the sounds of their mom yelling at some character in the game show she was watching in Mandarin, and Lily holding an impressive high note. Sounds were just neat, weren't they?  
Then, he appeared. Like some dark rain cloud that no one wanted, Maan thundered up the stairs, his voice barking at Lily to 'quiet the hell down' and Harlow groaned, raising their pillow to slap over their ears. The sound of singing and joy faded out in an instant. The sounds of the Li household were dimmed to nothingness. Oh, how Harlow hated their stepfather. Every night, they would hug Stardust a bit closer, switch on a song or bury their head under the covers to drown out their mom's screams. Harlow would wake up and bandage her bruises or cuts, frustration and sadness washing over them. 
They prayed that they wouldn't have to bandage Lily too, one day. 
Harlow's mother called them to dinner, and they walked outside reluctantly, avoiding eye contact with Maan. The house was quiet again, with the exception of his grumbling. The scent of chicken and rolls was replaced with cigarettes and the stench of beer. Harlow bit onto their hoodie string- a nervous habit- and helped Lily turn off the TV, who was fiddling with the remote with a determined face. 
"Lily, it's the red button." Harlow pointed to the Off button, and she crossed her arms. 
"I knew that." 
Harlow fondly flicked her on the forehead and she kicked them in the shin. After laughing, they looked at the kitchen, to find their mom, but their jovial expression faded when they saw Maan all over her, whispering something in her ear that made her lips purse uncomfortably. She nodded, flipping a chicken strip over on the burning grill. He slapped the counter, making the unwashed pots jump. His fist was clenched, and his flannel shirt was stained with alcohol. 
"Mom? You need any help?" Harlow asked hesitantly, and she smiled gratefully. 
"Sure, just set the table." She said, ignoring Maan's words. He was in a bad mood today. His words were vile, aggressive, and there were a lot of very enunciated swears directed toward her in his rant. Harlow felt their heart skitter nervously and took Lily's hand. 
"Go wait in your room until the rolls are ready." They whispered, and her lower lip jutted out, quivering as if she was going to cry. She kept darting a look at their mom and their stepfather. They both became used to the frequent arguments, the walls cracking and the sounds of screaming. She hated it every time. Harlow felt their heart clench like usual, but they shoved her away. 
They took the rolls and placed them on the table. They avoided eye contact with Maan and spread out a tablecloth, some cutlery, and glasses for all of them. One perfect family. Harlow made the mistake of going the wrong way when they went to get the lemonade jug and bumped into Maan. They flinched. 
"I am going to kill this one, do you hear me?" He yelled in their mother's face, before grabbing onto their messy black hair, yanking at it until Harlow cried out. "Do you understand? You can't fucking get me a bottle of fucking beer? I have done everything for you, whore!" He slapped Mom across the face, and she still stayed stone-faced, her cheeks red. 
"This whole house, run by a bitch like you!" He roared, kicking the garbage cans over, and spilling old food over the tiled floor. His eyes were cruel. His hair was sticking up on end as he punched her in the nose, her head lolling back. Harlow backed away from Maan's grip, rushing to stand in front of their mom and their face burned.
"Why don't you just fucking go away!" They screamed, their voice raw. They knew the consequences of that outburst, but they didn't care, clenching their fists. Harlow's mom always told them to go out being brave. 
Maan turned around, shaking furiously. "What did you say to me?"
He grabbed onto Harlow's shoulders, shaking them and slamming them against the counter, spitting out countless insults and slurs. Pain rocked through their body, but it didn't stop them from landing a few hits in his stupid mustache and biting into his meaty arm. When he screamed, their mom started talking in Mandarin, pulling Maan off of them with fervour. He released Harlow and charged after their mom.
There was so much sound, but now it was horrible sounds. Violent sounds that made their heart cry and their hands shake. They heard beeping. Harlow spotted their mom clutching her limp wrist, blood streaming from her nose. He pummeled into her, picking up the steaming hot pan and raising it to her face. 
Harlow screamed, fear and horror and rage pulsing through them. He swung. 
She ducked. 
The pan went through the wall, cracking the plaster open and causing a horrible noise. Harlow was crying. They saw blue light, and they heard an ear-splitting blare.
"Fuck you." Their mom spat in his face, standing tall. "You're not welcome in this house anymore."
Maan laughed spitefully, the pan dripping ashes and paint. "Who's going to stop me?"
Harlow heard faraway yelling, saw flashing lights, and then...they finally realized what the sound was. Sirens.
"The police are here." Lily stood at the edge of the hallway, eyes filled with tears, her hand clutching an old phone and Stardust in the other. Her flowery dress sagged on her little body, and when she saw the scene set out before her, she began crying more. She screamed when Maan charged at her, cursing words like 'little bitch' and 'disgusting' at her.
"Sir, put the weapon down. You have the right to remain silent." Three police officers charged in the door, barking orders on megaphones and multiple guns in the air.
Harlow closed their eyes, knees buckling as they fell to the ground. Someone scooped up Mom on a cot and wrapped up her hand. Several men forced Maan to his knees, as he struggled and bit at the handcuffs. Lily ran to Harlow, and they buried her in their arms, the fluffy head of Stardust popping up on their shoulders. 
"We're safe Lily. We're okay." They closed their eyes. 
It was a Tuesday when Maan Acharya was arrested. It was a Tuesday when Harlow Li’s life changed.
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snugglyporos · 1 year
( @shiroi---kumo ).
There are wide jade eyes staring at the small creatures filled with wonder. Oh they look so soft. Like small maan pilviä that he could cuddle.
And he would very much like to snuggle with at least one of them. Are these the small creatures Black Wind was talking about?
("maan pilviä" is Misterican for "ground clouds")
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Well, snuggles are always available! Happy chitters! And snuggles! Have no idea what those other words mean, but know that ground clouds is probably a good way to describe poros.
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market-news-24 · 4 months
Today's Current Affairs: Indians Shine on Forbes 30 Under 30 List Forbes recently unveiled its 30 Under 30 Asia list, highlighting young entrepreneurs making waves across various industries in the Asia-Pacific region. The list features several talented Indian individuals excelling in sectors like entertainment, consumer technology, enterprise technology, finance, healthcare, and more. From singers and rappers to tech innovators and finance wizards, these young Indians have shown exceptional dedication and talent in their respective fields. Their achievements serve as inspiration for the next generation of leaders and innovators in the country. [ad_2] Download Latest Movies in HD Quality Downloading In 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Downloading In $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); [ad_1] 1. Who co-founded ORama AI to help visually impaired learn Braille? - Arth Chowdhary, Deyvant Bhardwaj and Oshi Kumari - Pranav Manpuria - Kush Jain - Arun Sreyas and Gautham Maheswaran Answer: Kush Jain 2. Which startup offers cloud gaming without needing expensive hardware? - Credflow - Fello - OnePlay - RACE Energy Answer: OnePlay 3. Who co-founded a finance company specialising in providing loans for motorcycles? - Aniket Damle - Yashvardhan Kanoi - Aalesh Avlani (CWC) - Manish Maryada Answer: Aalesh Avlani (CWC) 4. Who co-founded Zivov to help with diabetes treatment? - Karan Ahuja - Aryan Chauhan - Akshit Bansal - Kavan Antani Answer: Aryan Chauhan [ad_2] Forbes released its 9th edition of the "30 Under 30 Asia" list, featuring young entrepreneurs, leaders, and trailblazers under 30. Several Indian entrepreneurs from various sectors made the prestigious list. **Indians on Forbes 30 under 30 list** **ENTERTAINMENT** - Pavithra Chari is a trained singer-composer known for her work with Shadow and Light and the Anirudh Varma Collective. - Arpan Kumar Chandel, also known as King, gained fame with his hit song 'Maan Meri Jaan' remixed by Nick Jonas. **CONSUMER TECHNOLOGY** - Kush Jain co-founded ORama AI to help visually impaired people learn Braille using a smart glove. - Arth Chowdhary, Deyvant Bhardwaj, and Oshi Kumari started InsideFPV, an Indian drone startup. - Pranav Manpuria founded Flux Auto, an autonomous driving startup. **ENTERPRISE TECHNOLOGY** - Kunal Aggarwal launched Credflow providing cashflow management software for SMEs. - Gaurav Piyush, Mayank Varshney, and Yash Sharma started Blitz, a logistics startup. - Aditya Dadia founded AIwrite, offering digital software for India's insurance sector. **FINANCE AND VENTURE CAPITAL** - Aalesh Avlani co-founded Credit Wise Capital (CWC), a finance company specializing in loans for motorcycles. - Srinivas Sarkar and Kushagra Manglik established Coupl, India's bank for couples. - Aniket Damle works with Blackstone's private equity investment team focusing on India's healthcare, consumer, and industrial sectors. - Yashvardhan Kanoi heads investments at Alter Global, a venture capital firm linking Silicon Valley with startups in emerging markets. - Manish Maryada co-founded Fello, a fintech startup in India. - Anuj Srivastava and Priyesh Srivastava co-founded OnFinance AI, a Bengaluru-based startup. **HEALTHCARE AND SCIENCE** - Karan Ahuja, a Google
research scientist, will be an assistant professor at Northwestern University, focusing on computer science. - Aryan Chauhan co-founded Zivov to help with diabetes treatment. **INDUSTRY, MANUFACTURING AND ENERGY** - Akshit Bansal and Raghav Arora started Statiq, an electric vehicles charging station network. - Ankit Jain and Narayan Lal Gurjar founded EF Polymer, an agriculture startup. - Chirag Jain and Rama Krishna Mendu created EndureAir Systems, a drone startup. - Rahil Gupta co-founded Hop Electric Mobility, an electric motorbike startup. **MEDIA, Marketing AND ADVERTISING** - Kavan Antani co-founded IndieFolio, an on-demand talent marketplace for creative professionals. [ad_1] Download Movies Now Searching for Latest movies 20 seconds Sorry There is No Latest movies link found due to technical error. Please Try Again Later. function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0) clearInterval(countdownInterval); document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000); [ad_2] Today's current affairs bring us the exciting news of Forbes releasing its 30 Under 30 Asia list, highlighting young entrepreneurs making waves in various industries across the Asia-Pacific region. The list includes several talented Indian entrepreneurs, such as singer-composer Pavithra Chari, rapper Arpan Kumar Chandel (King), and technology innovator Kush Jain. These young achievers are revolutionizing their respective fields, from entertainment to finance and venture capital. The Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia list showcases the incredible talents and achievements of these inspiring individuals from India and beyond. [ad_1]
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hetgeroezemoes · 2 years
2023 to the future and beyond...
Volgens mij komt het doordat het volle maan was aan het begin van het nieuwe jaar. Het verstoord het ritme. Een aanrijding op de snelweg, slecht nieuws uit het ziekenhuis, covid-19 in huis, uitstel van grote projecten, kennis brak haar pols... en bff is ziek... en het is nog maar 11 dagen in januari. Snap je.
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Photo by JV  Buenconcejo: https://www.pexels.com/photo/pink-clouds-during-nighttime-2719301/
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ichigokeks · 2 years
New information on the KP World Tour [Source: BOC insta live 5th July]
There will be a livestream of the World Tour on the 25th July 7 PM (Thai time). There will be live subtitles available so you can understand everything!
Ticket sale is on 8th July on https://www.thaiticketmajor.com (price: 888 baht, which is around 25$US).
Please do not re-sell tickets at a higher price, it is not necessary!! There are unlimited tickets for this live, you don't have to worry about not getting one!
If the live is at an inconvenient time, you can buy tickets for the re-run (26th July). The re-run tickets are valid for one week! But once you use the ticket to watch, it cannot be used again.
ALL 16 actors will perform. Bible confirmed that Build will be taking part and he is currently working really hard to prepare. He is doing fine.
Tour dates and places for other countries will be released with time. The concert will be different for every place but the opening concert which you can watch live (25 July) will be the biggest as they have the most resources there.
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breslicht · 7 years
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300mm Moon
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sitting-on-me-bum · 3 years
Sometimes.... by Lato-Pictures Via Flickr: ...changes look negative at first. But soon you will realise that they only make room in your life for something new something new can arise on the east coast of Scotland in the moonlight Good light to you always Manchmal.... ...sehen Veränderungen zuerst negativ aus. Doch bald wirst du feststellen dass sie nur Platz schaffen in deinem Leben, damit etwas neues entstehen kann an der Ostküste Schottlands im Mondschein Euch allzeit gutes Licht
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cloud-maan-og-blog · 7 years
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                                                          TEX                    [ORIGINAL POST - 8/14/2017] My name is Todd and I'm a night shift security guard at Ashland Town Center Mall in Northern Kentucky, or at least I was. I've spent many an hour walking the long, dark, corridors lined with stores and garnished with kiosks, soda machines, and cheap amusements. Most nights are quite peaceful, nothing really happens to warrant the shotgun hidden in the back office. All of the doors are locked so no one really comes in after the lady who waxes the floor leaves and I am left alone with my thoughts until the next shift comes at 5:00AM. Thankfully Joe likes to come in a half hour early to goof off and eat breakfast in the food court while no one else is around. He's a talkative one, though. After he eats he walks with me through the halls going on and on about whatever happened that day, occasionally listening to my thoughts. I can't say that I don't welcome the company, but at that time of night I usually just like being alone. Even so, we are best friends. You can have a bestie in your late twenties, right? Late in 2016 we got a little merry-go-round. The kind that's made of thick plastic with a glazed look to the paint. When I first saw it I actually mistook it for porcelain. It was a sight to behold, that much is true. It had a 'finer' look to it than most of the kiddie ride machines next to the play area. Our machines are nice, but this was on a whole other level. It was like putting a fine china plate in a cabinet full of plastic cups. The difference was that drastic. It's also worth noting that is was a noticeably bigger than most similar attractions that I've seen, roughly ten feet wide. It had a cowboy theme, sporting four ornately detailed horses, just the right size for a child, with shiny brass rods connecting to the ceiling, which was a standard tent-like structure like you would see on any other merry-go-round, but with beautifully painted scenes of cowboys riding their stallions through the Mesa Verde and lassoing bulls, cowboy stuff. The thing that really made this machine unique was a five(ish) foot tall figure of a cowboy, molded from the same material as the horses with the same glazed look and just as detailed. His face resembled John Wayne and he was waving his hat as if he were at a rodeo cheering on a bull rider from the stands, a shiny sheriff's badge almost glistening on his chest. Whoever painted this guy did a really good job. He seemed like a happy, upstanding kind of guy, so I named him Tex. Sometimes I would talk to Tex at night, mostly for catharsis sake, greeting him with a tip of my baseball cap and a gruff sounding "howdy, Tex." Sort of a cowboy salute. Of course he never greeted me back. There's something nice about opening up to something that doesn't talk back. They can't really go out with you to Buffalo Wild Wings and tell your crush about your foot fetish then leave you to pick up the tab while he takes her home for a roll in the haystack. Needless to say, we didn't speak for a while. Joe, if you're reading this; dick move. I guess I'm being a little too passive aggressive about this. It's too late in the game to be upset about that all things considered. Of course I told Tex about it the next day and it really helped me put things into perspective and before I knew it, me and Joe were friends again, though we began avoiding alcohol after that. After that I began unloading other emotional baggage onto Tex; how I finally got off of heroine, how I used to fantasize about marrying Cher (I had a poster of her over my bed as a teenager), and many dark and embarrassing things that I'm not too keen on recounting. I even showed off some sick baton trick that I had been working on. By the time that fidget spinners were the official big fad of 2017, Tex knew most of my secrets that even Joe didn't know. He was my silent Psychiatrist, my fortress of solitude. His big, cartoonish John Wayne face was my solace in a sea of consciousness. This was therapy for me. One night, after being contacted about my upcoming 10 year High School Reunion, I started looking back on that time; a time that I had long ago pushed out of my mind. Thoughts swam through my head of something that I had done. Something really really bad. I had never forgotten, but had just ignored it until it was no longer seemed to be an issue in my mind. But it was an issue now, and I just had to get it off of my chest. Thankfully, I knew someone that would hear me out. So I trudged over to the food court, bought a Mellow Yellow from the vending machine, and pulled up a chair next to Tex where I recounted my most detestable crime. I stood and tipped my hat and said, "hey, Tex." His face was the same as ever. Still unsure of whether or not I wanted to say this out loud, to vocally state that I had actually done what I did, I sat down and began drinking my Mellow Yellow, playing the events of that day over and over in my head. I felt a tear rolling down my cheek and decided that I had best say my piece and get it over with. I told him about when I was seventeen, how I partied day in and day our for years and woke up in a corn field somewhere in Iowa with a car full of contraband, how I partook of said contraband all alone and tried to drive all the way home higher than an kite, and how I ran over a kid that was waiting at a street corner for the school bus with her friends and mother, and how I did the worst thing that I ever could have done; I kept driving. I remember seeing the girl's mother running out into the street to her child. The sound of her friends screaming in terror. I found out that she actually lived with only a few scrapes and bruises but that doesn't make it any better. I ran from my problems, from my crime, instead of dealing with them directly and facing the consequences for my actions. I never came clean. That is something that I'll regret for the rest of my life. I sat in relative darkness next to Tex for what felt like hours, the stench of guilt wafting out of my every pore, draining from my tear ducts almost unceasingly. A polluted river of sorrow, salty with regret. I had never told anyone that story, not even Joe. Saying it out loud seemed to put everything in perspective. Finally I stood, thanked Tex for listening, and finished my rounds before heading back to the office to watch some Youtube videos and get my mind off of all this, at least for a while. I had a couple of days free and decided to get away; I needed some alone time and some private fishing would do nicely. So I went to my family's old lake-house in Ohio where I spent my time quietly casting my line and contemplating my life. It didn't feel good looking at myself that critically, neglectful person I was deep down reflected back so clearly in the sky-blue water. My dreams were just repeats of that day playing back over and over and every waking moment was stifled by guilt. I knew what I had to do, but I just wasn't ready yet. I didn't want to go to prison. So I returned home, got some rest, and went to work the next day as usual. I stepped into the mall just before closing, the last shoppers filtering out the front door with their bags. As I made my way to the back office I passed by the merry-go-round and found Tex gone. The merry-go-round was there, but he wasn't. The molded place where his over-sized feet were once bolted down was vacant, revealing a tiny plaque reading "Voodoo Attractions." The bolts were neatly placed on the floor nearby. I figured that Tex had been taken to a workshop to be refurbished and went on with my life. I spent an hour or so watching Youtube on my phone, occasionally glancing up at the video feed from the security cameras before finally going on my first rounds, which were pretty uneventful, the only notable thing being a large, plastic trash can that I had found overturned in the food court. The janitor must have missed one. Earl is getting pretty old now that I thought about it. I sighed and picked up the trash, placing it in the can, carefully balancing it so it wouldn't fall over again before returning to my business and wondering what had knocked it over in the first place. It was probably Joe for all I knew, I thought I had heard him slip in earlier. At about 3:30AM I went on my last rounds for the night. All was peaceful; the light of the full moon was shining in through the windows in the ceiling and I felt as if I was falling back into my old groove. Then I heard it. KERKLUNK! The sound was loud like a gunshot. I turned around, standing in the moonlight, shining my flashlight frantically into the darkness. Panic gripped me for a moment, then I stopped and chuckled. It must have been that trash can falling over again. I was just being silly. It's been four years since I started this job and never once had I come so close to leaping out of my skin. I broke into a full laugh, allowing it to echo through the dark corridors. KERKLUNK! All laughter ceased and I listened... KERKLUNK! It was closer this time. KERKLUNK! Closer. KERKLUNK! Faster. KERKLUNK! KERKLUNK! KERKLUNK! KERKLUNK! The noises were steady now, rhythmic like... footsteps. I readied myself for a fight, flicking my baton open with my right hand and wielding my solid, metal flashlight like a club with my left. KERKLUNK! KERKLUNK! KERKLUNK! KERKLUNK! The steps were in a full run now and coming fast. KERKLUNK! KERKLUNK! As they approached I could hear a creaking noise between each step, like creaky floorboards and old. CREAKERKLUNK!CREAKERKLUNK! I could see it's shadow rounding the dark corner and come right for me. CREAKERKLUNK! CREAKERKLUNK! It was just outside my circle of moonlight. CREAKERKLUNK! CREAKERKLUNK! It came into view, charging at me with all the ferocity of an angry bull. It was Tex. Before I could do anything, he knocked me to the floor. It was like nothing I had ever seen before. His hard plastic exterior expanding and contracting, bending almost organically and producing a loud CREAK! with every movement. Suddenly he was on top of me. I instinctively covered my face before Tex unleashed a barrage of punches, breaking my left wrist and my nose in one massive swing. I recoiled in pain, leaving my face wide open to attacks. Every punch felt like being beaten with a wooden baseball bat landing with the force of a meteor. His plasticine face was stretched into a wicked grin. There was magic in this thing, dark magic. I managed to dodge one of his attacks and scrambled out from under the plastic behemoth, but to no avail. He grabbed me by the ankle, dragging me back before continuing his assault. My vision began to go dark. Was this it for me? Was my last memory going to be this thing punching me to death? I was fading away and there wasn't much that I could do except resign to my fate. I closed my eyes, preparing for death's kiss. BANG! A gunshot! The onslaught ceased. My eyes snapped open to see Tex looming above me, a rain of thick plastic shards from his back clattering over me. The grin that once adorned his painted face was now a wide-eyed visage of surprise and anger. A rush of adrenaline brought me back to full consciousness just as Tex stood up and charged at his assailant. It was Joe! Joe and that beautiful shotgun from the back office! I've never been so happy to see that man in my life. He fired again. BANG! Tex's left arm exploded! He turned, visibly angry, and charged at Joe, knocking him to the ground with a powerful right hook to the face before disappearing into the darkness. Joe quickly stood, shotgun in hand, and helped me up. "You okay, man?" I nodded as he forcefully patted my face, still processing what had just happened to me. Joe took me outside where we called the police and sipped a much deserved Mellow Yellow in the parking lot as far away from the mall as possible without leaving the premises. I explained everything that had happened the last few days, only leaving out the daring confession I had made to what I previously thought was an inanimate object with no capacity for intelligence. He was upset to find out that I had opened up to a statue instead of him, but forgave me all the same. We would start fresh from here. But I would never forget that sound, the inhuman creaking that came from that statue. I looked at Joe in light of the rising sun; a massive, dark bruise over the right side of his face becoming suddenly apparent. I smiled. "You should see your face, man," I said with a chuckle, "that bruise isn't going away anytime soon." "Wait till you see your's," replied Joe, taking out his cellphone and setting it to the mirror function. I beheld my image in all of it's glory, my entire face puffed up like giant, purple cauliflower. I laughed, Joe laughed, everything hurt from head to toe, and we were both on the same page for the first time in months. Finally the police arrived and Joe and I gave our version of the events. Of course we were laughed at. In hindsight I shouldn't have expected anything less. The story was preposterous. Two men attacked by a living statue? It's unbelievable, right? Things got even more unbelievable when we all went inside and found Tex once again bolted to the merry-go-round as he was when I first saw him, his left arm and back missing sizable chunks of plastic. We were arrested for destruction of property and disorderly conduct. We spent the next week in jail before a court date was decided and when our day in court came we found ourselves not against the mall personnel, as we and our attorney had previously expected, but four tall men in dark suits. The kind of men that had secrets and preferred to keep them under wraps. I very clearly remember one of them looking directly at me and smirking; it felt... scary. They claimed to be from Voodoo Attractions, the company that had rented Tex to the mall. They accused us of vandalizing their property, using fake security footage showing me and Joe getting drunk before shooting Tex with the shotgun, getting into a fist fight, and going outside to "prank call the cops." The 911 dispatcher gave a similar claim. This was backed up by audio of Joe calling in to report a murder and ending it with a lame refrigerator joke. None of this had actually happened; I knew this, Joe knew this. But their evidence was solid in the eyes of the jury. We were sentenced to six months in jail, two months probation, and a hefty fee, not to mention court costs. It was unjust, it was wrong, but it happened and, to be honest; I'm starting to think that we got off easy. The two police officers that had arrested us never appeared in court to testify and Joe told me that the 911 dispatcher that he had spoken to on the phone was a man. There's nothing about this that isn't fishy. So we spent the next six months in jail and now I'm back at home, sitting on my living room couch with an electronic monitor strapped to my ankle, typing my story in hopes that some of you might heed this warning to watch out for any products from Voodoo Attractions and never interact with them. I know I have. In my mind I can still hear the creaking and kerklanking sounds that Tex made when he moved. I've been hearing them for months and will probably be hearing them for the rest of my life. But since I've gotten out of jail, I've been questioning whether the sounds are actually in my head or if he's somewhere nearby, watching me, waiting for another opportunity to strike. [UPDATE - 8/16/2017] I've been tracking down the girl that I ran over with my car when I was in High School. I've talked to her mother and we're scheduled to meet this weekend. This is going to be really hard, but if I can tell a sentient, plastic cowboy about my misdoings, I think I can tell a person. Wish me luck. [USER 1 COMMENT] I may be wrong, but isn't the baseline jail time for hit and run 6 months?  Maybe Tex was helping you pay for your crime, in a very scary and strange way [RESPONSE FROM TODD] I never thought of it like that. It puts a moralistic spin on things. [USER 2 COMMENT] Depending on jurisdiction a hit and run involving personal injury to a minor is considered an egregious act. It can be called anything from a traffic offense to attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon namely an automobile, and  God forbid the police know OP was under the influence.Congrats for facing your demons OP. Takes balls. Hope all goes well. [UPDATE - 8/21/2017]Hello. Todd here. Things went well with the girl and her mom, but it looks like I might be spending some time in prison. My trial is Friday. I'll be sure to tell you the verdict when it's over and you probably won't hear from me after that. Thanks for sending your words of encouragement and for understanding. UPDATE 8-27-17 Hey, guys. It's me, Joe, Todd's best friend. You probably read about me at some point. Just got back from Iowa. What a trip. Todd gave me the password and told me to tell both of you what happened to him or whatever. He won't be getting back here for quite a while, with him going to prison and all. Court stuff is complicated and brain-numbinly stupid, so I'm going to make it quick. There was a trial, the miracle girl forgave him, it was touching, but he had a ten year sentence on the table. So Todd took a plea bargain that reduced the sentence to three years. On the bright side, until he gets out, I get to live in his house. At least as long as I can keep up rent, this place is a little pricier than I'm used to. Shouldn't be, though. The door was off the hinges when I got here. It was just laying out in the yard for the whole neighborhood to see. The property value should have plummeted to nothing by now, but hey, whatever, I'll live. Now if you don't mind, I'm gonna get offa here and be a handy man for some dandy ladies. Peace. [LINK TO ORIGINAL POST - https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/6u95r1/tex/]
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