#Coffeee photo
floridakilo · 2 years
how did u lose so much weight between ur recent selfies and ur photos w long hair? srry if too intrusive
idk probably stress and lack of set meal schedule i usually weigh 125 when eating normal meals but its easy for me to lose like 10 pounds in a week of having nothing but ice coffeee and candy daily for breakfast and lunch
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kate-m-art · 2 years
Tag people you'd like to get to know better ~
Thanks for the tag @heroineoftwilight ^^ this was fun
Relationship status: single, don't have much time for anything else rn tbh
Favorite color(s): pink <3
Song stuck in my head: Uhhh just found the song 'happier?' by Berlue and like it's a bop and lots of feels TvT
Last thing you Googled: uhh "dog eye" apparently, was looking for ref photos lol
Time: too early to be up TT
Dream trip: Ah gosh idk, always wanted to see the UK though ^^'
Last thing you read: depends on what counts, Arin shares drabbles in our server that I love reading and rereading, but if we're talking published books then it was Irish Fairy and Folk Tales by James Stephens
Last book you enjoyed reading: Ahh gosh I've *really* struggled w reading for fun the past few years which kills me a little inside cause I used to be reading *constantly.* My mind is blanking a bit but uhh well i mean the folk tale book I mentioned was for fun so I guess that was the last one ^^
Favorite thing to bake/cook: Hmm, chocolate chip cookies and monkey bread come to mind, always enjoyed making both. My mom usually recruits me to help with lasagna too when I'm home.
Favorite craft to do in your free time: Mean I'm drawing most of the time for either fun or school, but when I have time I like sewing, usually either doll clothes or stuffed animals.
Most Niche dislike: The feeling of anything dry and powdery on my hands: chalk, garden dirt, flour, anything like that it drives me crazy and I need to wash it off asap.
Opinion on Circuses: I uh,, don't think I have a strong one either way. I like "The Greatest Showman" tho
Do you have a sense of direction: heck no I'm just trying to take things one day at a time rn and hoping the future will work itself out TvT
Uhh I guess @bitter-coffeee and @waywardvagabonds if you guys want to, no pressure at all tho (Also since now you'll most likely see this, love you both and sending so many hugs <333)
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sunnisurrealism · 2 months
Hi Timmy Baby and MB,
WOWO! What a wonderful morning checking the accounts feeling so so … excited hehe! I have so much to say!
-what do you mean “of course I have footage.” ? don tell me it. don tell me it. I’ve been already wondering and I thought you liked a comment at some point about the staged “pap” but oh baby sweet darlin if y’all doin this shit just fo ME. ME?!? VRAIMENT?! “backs…tage?” 😭 can’t. Can not. Simply can’t the not. So sweet!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭Timmy you work dat ball like a King, it’s just watcha DO and u DOING IT😭🥵😎🤭🫣😱😱😱😍😍😍hehe ps last night I dreamt you were training in your backyard but it was tennis. Wish we could play I’m actually quite good a ping pong. I’ll tell u more later.
-BABYYYYY IM OBSESSED IM OBSESSED IM OBSESSED! na na na na that’s how I do do that’s how I do you wait sorry do do. This post is soooooo cute 🥰🥰🥰 screenshots by me, Sunnï would like Félix in a cuddly green sweater like a cuddle bug hehe. I’m jus gunna assume you like my Disney character dress hehe I know the antennas are cute. ps don worry I got that stain out 🤣
-OCEAN! OCEAN AND LIGHTNING! VERY MYSTERIOUS! VERY GOOD! Timmy I am taking this, along with your cosmic outfit posts, that you are feeling connected to the book ideas. I’m really hella excited about it too. It seems like classic fairytale shit, the merfolk who are wiser and live off away from the landfolk but eventually they all reconcile/the merfolk share their immense über level wisdom like damn this shit is so deep, deep like the ocean! Hehe. I still am hoping you making merman cudi the chosen one tbh just cuz ya know that would be so so fucking sick but it’s up to you. And also it’s up to you if y’all play flutes together hehe. But yeah tbh yesterday when I was writing the post about the book I was coming up with ideas on the fly, like the narwhals connecting with the last unicorn with a rainbow. Idk man that shit magic fire af I like it hella.
-okay wondering what you’re making the post about Lily-Rose today? Was it because I posted about my ex yesterday and you’re also being like girl we chill we over all the exes. OBVIOUSLY🤣🤣well tbh the very first thought that entered my mind seeing you like Uber sexy level merman (this is prolly the really secret seductive reason you posted this pic and it is workanggggg LOL) is that I know, and this ain’t some delusional psychotic projection shit, that we will have pda pics WAY WORSE but it will be gross cuz we’ll be in our forties 🤣 troll. Tbh we are all embarrassed for bad photos we deem bad for different reasons trust me this will be the story of me lyfe but idk if it does give you security I actually love these photos, because I imagine it with myself with my phat ass out 🤣 Yesterday was the first time I noticed your squeeze of the Kylie’s bum at the Beyoncé show for some reason don’t blame me I just didn’t see that part before or I forgot but either way I was like…. Bro is gunna be FUCKED (literally) when we meet cuz my butt hella only getting bigger cuz I workout and am becoming a curvy woman! Yay hehe.
-what else um yeah no sweet tooth Mediterranean mermaid diet for dayssss but I love me chocolate flavored coffeee. Oh and trust me me LAV trust me I’ve already fantasized immensely about being your personal hair man and tbh I’ve been wondering if when I kiss you I’ll accidentally tossle it too much and it’ll pull and hurt 😳😬🫣 also, I like to imagine you squeezing my butt instead but oh well 😢 again I know you been going thru that dark jaded Capricorn shit bro I’m telling ya channel dat Capricorn focus and perseverance into becoming a Sexi Norty Marty (so fucking cool) and into… the book! Nothing else matters but me, the book, your work, your family and friends, music, and being healthy. Block out all haters immediately. IMMEDIATELAYYY. idk how you deal or if it bothers you 😭😖 but I’m tell ya me boi IIII am all that matters, ultimately 😌😌😌😌😌😌 god is testing you. God testing all us constantlay. You got your gorl ya completed ya goal time to celebrate cuz IM CELEBRATING YOUUUU!!!! Bless God’s Plan 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍😘😘😛😘😘 MB viel Danke für heute. Ich fühle wonderbar! 🥲
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confusedagedcheese · 2 years
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Day 2 27th Feb. left the room at about 11am. First stop was the harbour bridge. For some reason I felt very light headed, so the morning was not good. The walk on the bridge was not enjoyable cos I wasn’t feeling welling. Once I got off I immediately looked for a place to eat. Not before I went to rock market to walk around! I saw stickies and got Leonard a boomerang (regretted thoigh cos later I found cheaper ones) I had lunch at this Italian place ($30 for pasta!!!) there were so many pretty cafes but I was just too hungry to eat there. After I was done I was too full (haha) I took a walk to circular quay, that’s where I tried the selfie stick, failed so badly. Luckily I found nice people who helped me take really nice photos. After the opera house I stopped at this chocolate cafe for a coffeee. I then went to strand arcade (CBD) their shopping district. It was nice to walk around, saw a lot of familiar brands but too expensive. This uniqlo dress I wanted was $20 more expensive. Oooo speaking of that,near where I had lunch, there was a sale on Rip Curl, and there’s a sweater I like (might go back for it). Anyways , after shopping around I went to Chinatown. I helped this nice Dutch old lady out and proceeded to find dinner. I choose this dumpling place and ordered siu mai but instead received that (refer to photo) it was not good. After that I was pretty much drained, my feel were killing me. So I just took a bus back, bought some groceries and called it a day. There were points throughout the day when I was okay, and felt proud that I’m actually doing it, but other points where I just kept counting down to going home. Plus my room isn’t very comforting:( so I don’t find joy in going back to my room. This feels different from exchange, I haven’t quit adjusted yet :(. Hopefully soon, till tmr!
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wwweirdworld · 4 years
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just a normal ordinary girl :)
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warm-nook · 4 years
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My new semester just started and im looking forward to it! I decided to do the 100 days of productivity challenge. As per usual I forgot to post yesterday so i will be making 2 posts today.🌚
Productivity challenge 1/100 🤍
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*it snowed again yesterday*
*yes i know these are not typical aesthethic studyblr photos but i forgot to take one yesterday so enjoy the snow and my little tree 🌲 that is peeking out the window 🥺 (what can i say, you can't just expect me to take responsibility for my own actions )*
ft today's coffeee bop ☕🪐☄️:
Yours truly,
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xjefferxx · 5 years
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↳ INSTAGRAM: @tinydancerjeff uploaded a new photo.
hmm coffeee #coffeealldaylong
❤ 131 LIKES ✐ 20 COMMENTS.
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maealbert · 6 years
The Liaison // P2
AU/MPF Characters: Team x OC (Lucy De Luca) A/N: I feel like the team needs a new Communications Liaison anyways so here part 2 for ya’ll. Part 1 Master List
taglist: @idkbutspencer @literallyprentissstwin @rawritsmolly @illegalcerebral @ultrarebelheart @chocok22 @etp666 @captainreid @tippy06 @cynbx @tenaciousarcadeexpert
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"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." Friedrich Nietzsche
The elevators opened and out stepped an exhausted group of agents eager to get home to their own beds and to their families. “Let the ladies’ night begin!” Garcia exclaims throwing her hands in the air as she rests her arms on JJ’s desk.
“And that’s our que.” Matt says as he and Luke turn on their heels and head back for the elevator.
“Wait for me.” Spencer says as he quickly grabs his things off his desk and runs after the guys.
The following morning as the sun began to rise, JJ was the first to wake up. Head pounding and stomach churning. “Oh god..” She mutters she jumps up from the couch and makes a run for the bathroom. Being awakened by JJ’s hurling, Emily groans and turns over onto her stomach covering her ears with the pillows. Lucy turns over to look at the clock seeing that it was only hitting eight o’clock. Dragging herself out of bed, she goes to the kitchen and fills a cup for water and staggers back to the bedroom. She steps into the bathroom and sets the glass on the sink counter before rummaging through the closet for Advil. She bent down to her knees and tied JJ’s hair back before standing back up to wet a washcloth to press to her forehead. “Sorry..” JJ groans as she sits back against the wall. “I should’ve listened to Emily when she said not to mix drinks, but I couldn’t help it. They all tasted so good, I couldn’t stop myself. You picked out such great selections of booze, it was hard to just stick with just one.”
Lucy giggles before seeing Garcia stagger into the bathroom reaching for her toothbrush. “I totally forgot that Kevin and I made plans for brunch. I need to get ready.”
“We’ll leave you to it.” Lucy says as she helps JJ back up off the floor and back to the couch.
“Emily’s still not awake?” Garcia says as she bounces into the kitchen grabbing her purse off the counter. Lucy shakes her head before pouring some coffee.
“I’m gonna try to summon her awake with some coffee.”
“Well good luck, here’s my key just make sure to lock up when you all decide to leave if I’m not back. And if I’m not back, just leave the key under the mat.”
“I don’t think that’s a-”
“Trust me, no one is stupid enough to break into my apartment. Besides you can’t get inside without a code or being buzzed in.”
“Alright, whatever you say.” Lucy says before she heads to the bedroom. She slowly climbs onto the bed and wafts the steam of the coffee over to Emily’s face. “Emilyyy...” She softly sings. “It’s time to get uuuup.. I made coffeee..” Emily groans scrunching her face up and turning over once again. Lucy groans and climbs off the bed. “Come on, Em. Time to get up.”
“Just a few more minutes....” She says waving Lucy away.
“You said that three hours ago.” Lucy says sitting the coffee on the nightstand. “Come on.” She says pulling Emily up in a sitting position. “Up and at ‘em. JJ’s getting breakfast made.”
“She’s eating after she upchucked everything from last night?”
“She slept it off. Now let’s go. You need to shower.”
“You’re acting like my mother.”
“One of us has to.” Lucy says pulling Emily off of the bed and pushed her into the bathroom. “Be out in ten minutes for breakfast.” She adds before shutting the bathroom door and going back to the kitchen.
“Next time we have ladies’ night, make sure to just call me a cab so I can go home. I can’t sleep on the wood flooring again.” Tara says rubbing her back as she walks over to the kitchen island. “Where’d Garcia go?”
“Brunch with Kevin.” Lucy says as she pours herself some coffee. Suddenly a text comes in to Lucy’s phone from the Section Chief. She groans and sets her cup down. “Cruz just got a call from the Philadelphia Police. He wants me to come in and review the case.”
“Don’t make us take it. We just closed a case, I’m not ready to go back out there.” JJ says leaning on the counter top.
“I’ll do what I can, ladies. In the meantime, fill Emily in on the situation. I’ll let ya’ll know what goes on.” Lucy goes back to the bedroom just as Emily comes out of the bathroom.
“Where are you going?” She asks.
“Cruz just sent me a text. Philly’s trying to get us on a case but he wants me to review it first before there’s any decisions made.”
Emily groans and falls onto the bed. “I just want a free weekend, is it that hard to ask?”
“I’ll do what I can, but I’m not making any promises.” Lucy says as she leaves the bedroom.
Once the elevator opened she stepped out and went straight to her office to find Cruz pacing back and forth in front of the door. “Sir, I came as soon as I got your text.”
“I apologize from causing any hindrance to your recovery, but once I got the call there was no time to wait.” He says as Lucy unlocks her office door and lets him inside.
“What do you mean by recovery?” Lucy says as she sits down at her desk and motioning him to one across from her.
“I know about the ladies’ nights, Agent De Luca.” He says raising an eyebrow. “That and I could still smell the alcohol on your breath. Make sure you and the others brush their teeth before going out in the field. We don’t need people to think that this team is a bunch of alcoholics.”
“Duly noted, sir.” Lucy says with a nod of her head. “So what do we got?”
“I want you to take a look at these files and tell me what you think.”
Lucy takes the files from Cruz and opens the first one. Upon seeing the first photo in the file she immediately knew what case this was. “Copy cat.” She says looking up at Cruz.
“Yes, exactly. But Foyet is dead.” Cruz says. “Agent Hotchner beat him to death in 2009,” A story that Lucy wanted to forget. “Which is why I called you in to review this case with me. I need this team to go catch this killer.”
“And Hotchner? Have you contacted him yet? If this “copy cat” really is recreating Foyet’s murders, he’ll go after him.” Lucy says closing the file.
“After you review this case with the team, I’m ordering Agents Rossi and Prentiss to find Aaron and bring him and his son back here until the case is closed.”
“And if it doesn’t close?”
“We’ll figure something out when the time comes.” Cruz says before he stands up. “Call the team in. Catch this unsub.” He adds before leaving her office. Opening the file once more, Lucy goes over it thoroughly before sending a mass text to the team. Sticking her phone in her pocket she leaves her office to make copies for everyone.
“This better be a good one.” Rossi says as he walks in, still dressed a pair of jeans and a button up. One by one, each member filed in and gathered around the table. Garcia passes out the files while Lucy gets the screen ready.
“Before you open the files, I just want to show you what you’ll be investigating.” Lucy says as she pulls up the red eye. Spencer closes his eyes, Emily clenches her fists, and Rossi buries his face in his hands.
“What is this?” Luke asked.
“Oh newbie, seems someone wasn’t ever told.” Garcia says as she pats Luke’s shoulder.
“The Reaper.” Tara says. “I remember seeing it all over the news.”
“We have a winner.” Lucy says pulling up photos on the screen as  the team looked through their files. “But instead of going to Boston, we are headed to Philly.”
“Philly?” Rossi says furrowing his eyebrows.
Lucy nods her head. “Philly Police are just as confused. Which is why Cruz is having me consult with Boston PD while we work this case. They have case loads on him that they think could be helpful for us and-”
“And Philly has a witness.” Garcia says.
“What she said..” Lucy says sitting down at the table.
“Well that’s his first mistake. Foyet never left a witness..”
“And portraying himself as the victim doesn’t count.” Emily says before standing up from the table. “If he really is trying to be exactly like Foyet than we can’t waste anymore time. We should get going now.”
“Hey uh, Emily.” Lucy says standing up from the table. “Can I talk to you and Rossi real quick?”
“Let’s go.” Emily says as she leaves the briefing room.
“So what’s up?” Rossi says as he closes Emily’s office door. Emily leans against her desk folding her arms over her chest.
“When I was going over the case with Cruz earlier, I guess we were both thinking the same thing.” Lucy says.
“Like what?” Emily says leaning towards Lucy.
Emily and Rossi both look at each other before looking back at Lucy. “And?” Rossi says stepping closer to Lucy.
“Cruz wants the two of you to bring in Hotch and Jack. Like here.. To the BAU.”
“I was thinking about letting him tag along with us to Philly.” Rossi jokes earning a glare from Lucy.
“I’m being serious here.” Lucy says rolling her eyes. “Cruz thinks that if he sticks to Foyet’s pattern than Hotch will be part of that.”
“So he wants us to get him?” Emily says.
“I’m just the messenger.” Lucy says heading towards the door. “We’ll keep ya updated.” She adds before slipping out of the office. Meeting the others at the elevators, you already see Spencer looking at you, his eyebrows furrowed.
“Emily and Rossi isn’t coming?” He asks.
Lucy shakes her head. “Cruz ordered the two of them to bring in Hotch and keep him and Jack here in protective custody until we close this case.”
“He thinks whoever this is will go after Hotch?” JJ says.
Lucy nods her head. “He wants us to still go to Philly to help with the case while the two of them stay here with Hotch.”
“Then we should head out.” JJ says as she hits the elevator button.
Two days later
“We need answers!”
“Is this really a copy cat of The Reaper?”
Lucy stops in her tracks. JJ turns to face her trying to keep her from losing her cool. Lucy takes in a deep breath and turns to face the press. All of the reporters stop talking and lean in closer to listen to what she has to say. “Agent De Luca, could the FBI be covering the tracks of George Foyet? Is he still alive?”
“I am going to say this once, and once only so listen carefully. If you miss what I say, tough, I’m not repeating myself.” Lucy clears her throat before speaking again. “George Foyet, famously known as The Reaper, is dead. This is a copy cat and we are warning all citizens state wide of this unsub. He is following every thing that Foyet did, which includes the same victimology and the same patterns. That is all.” She turns to leave as the reporters start to shout again hoping to get more answers than what they were given.
As the doors close behind her, JJ pats her back giving her a nod. “You did good handling that.” She says.
“Yes well, I was this close to wanting to explode.”
“Mmm.” JJ says with a chuckle. “I’ve been there one too many times.”
Spencer rushes up to the two ladies, clutching his phone in his hands. “Prentiss just texted everybody. She wants a conference call, now.”
Lucy pulls out of her phone seeing the group chat lighting up her phone.
Emily: Phone call now!
Rossi: Urgent call us now!
Garcia: What is going on? Everything okay?
Emily: We’ll discuss everything once we’re in the call.
Putting your phone away you follow behind JJ and Spencer into the conference room where the others were already calling Emily and Rossi. Seated at the table, everyone was waiting for Rossi or Emily to speak. But the voice that came through the speaker was one that no one on the team expected to hear.
Had to end it there. Pretty sure that you can figure out who would be the one talking. Part 3 coming soon.
If you liked this part, then please leave it some love!
Thank you! :)
Continue to Part 3
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kaitlyn-writes · 6 years
I was tagged by my gorgeous friend @gayy-vegan keep shining hon, love ya!
 Name: Kaitlyn
Zodiac sign: Aries ♈
Height: 5’0
Languages spoken: English
Nationality: Caucasian
Favorite fruit: bananas and strawberries 🍓
Favorite scent: coffee, popcorn, clean laundry
Favorite color: teal
Favorite fictional characters: Tracer from Overwatch, Pearl from Steven Universe, Princess Bubblegum and Marceline from Adventure Time, Mae from Night in the Woods, Connor from Detroit: Become Human, Chloe from Life Is Strange, Jack from Nightmare Before Christmas
(I’ve got so many more geez. I’ve never listed them all before!)
Favorite animal: cat 😺 (specifically cheetahs!)
Coffee, Tea, or Hot chocolate: coffeee ☕️
When was your blog created: I wish I knew! Maybe 2/3 years ago??
Last movie seen: I re-watched Mulan last night
Songs you’ve had on repeat: Let’s Only Think About Love from Steven Universe, Talia cover by Ally Hills, Hair by Little Mix, When I Met You by Ethan Nestor
Favorite candy: Kazoozles!! I think they’re called Sweet and Chewy Ropes now? But they’re the best candy I’ve ever tasted!!! And I don’t usually even like candy!
I tag: @awkward-photos-of-pearl @son-0f-a-snitch @hxppily-ever-ara @cainyoutube @anxiouscoffeebean
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wormpfs · 6 years
Hii, I would love to know 🍓 and 💋. Thank you !!
hiii of course!!
💋 ; dream getaway location & what you’d do there?🍓 ; five items that make up the core of your aesthetic
💋 oof im not much of a travellerr but i have always wanted to go to Bonn, Germany basically because i’ve seen photos of the prettiest trees and plants, im also very fascinated with Russia/Germany. i dont know what it issss ;__;(edit) i’d probably just take photos and try the coffeee maybe alcohol too oof
🍓 im unsure if this ask is in general or with the specific blogskfnfnnfidj but 5 items that make up this b l o g id say would be { cats, pastel, love, anime, Nintendo } idkkk oof s:
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muimbasheer · 4 years
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This nextt cafe is Colababa which located at city square, near Timesquare. They already have 3 branches in Brunei, one in Qiulap and another at TheMall. To get straight to the point, they’re drinks are mostly focused on fruits, but they also serve bubble teas and coffeee whic i alsolove both and yess ofcourse i tried them already hehe. About the food, i have only tried the sandwhich which was also heaven hahah, my friend made sure t make it extra special for me. They were all friendly for me, i like the service.
For the interior, the place was okay for me. The seat and tables were a bit shakey, yes most of them are shakey, only one table was sturdy. But what i like about Colababa is the wifi, for me the wifi was quite fast so its a good place if we wanted to do some research there. They also have a platform with beanbags there, i missed my chance to take a photo of it..i hope you get the idea though. Whats interesting for me is that they have a space for childrens to play, a corner for them to play. I’m guessing its for parentss to let loose of their wild kidss when they want to chill a bit.
I’ll rate Colababa with a 7/10. If only if they have a more comfortable furniture, i would rate it maybe 9? But i will still go there since itss close to my school hehe
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kbellouu · 5 years
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Monday & Coffeee~ perfect match. °• ☕ ☕ ☕ ☕ ☕ ☕ ☕ #vintage #photoshooting #photography #photoshoot #photo #instaphotography #coffee #coffeefirst #photooftheday #retro #thessaloniki #skg #greece #instagramersgallery #tea #coffeetime #minimalism #minimal #cozy #smoke #milk #porcelain #clouds #blackandwhitephotography #white #saturday https://www.instagram.com/p/B88nDkmlmLp/?igshid=tf5lllon231f
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warm-nook · 4 years
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blhissfully · 8 years
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best.brunch.everrrrrrr in Williamsburg by coffeee-and-vogue.tumblr.com (my own photo so pls don’t take or change xx)
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randreed · 7 years
"Urban vibes, great coffeee, and a very sweet...
"Urban vibes, great coffeee, and a very sweet ride." #MakeLifeaRide #RelaxationDay Photo: stephancv
"Urban vibes, great coffeee, and a very sweet...
"Urban vibes, great coffeee, and a very sweet ride." #MakeLifeaRide #RelaxationDay Photo: stephancv
BMW Group Insiders
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