#Colgate Clock
hardestmartyr · 1 year
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ultralowoxygen · 2 years
Jersey City, NJ [Film] by Dan Gaken Via Flickr: Kodak Portra 400 shot on a Canon P with LTM 50mm f/1.4
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kimberw3467 · 2 years
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The Indian Summer of life should be a little sunny and a little sad, like the season, and infinite in wealth and depth of tone, but never hustled. …Henry Adams
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jcmatt · 2 years
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It's unseasonably warm here in New Jersey, but I can enjoy the nice weather anyway for now. Headed to the Colgate Clock in Paulus Hook this morning. In the background you can see the Central Railroad of NJ train terminal, which took immigrants from Ellis Island to destinations around the country. The original clock dates back to 1908 when it was on top of three Colgate-Palmolive factory in Jersey City. It is supposedly the ninth largest clock in the world. #jerseyview #nj #newjerseyisntboring #just_newjersey #yesnj #njviews #colgate #clocks #newjerseyphotography #jerseycitynj #jerseycitylocal #jerseycity #紐澤西 #旅遊 #旅遊日記 #njtravel #njtourism #njphotographer #newjersey (at Colgate Clock (Jersey City)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkrY5BIvNho/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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The Colgate clock in Jersey City
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grapementos · 1 year
aged up bakugo x reader
pt. 3 to this
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numerous panic attacks had ensued since you were discharged from the hospital, but not all of them reached their final stages like the first had.
you’d grown better at grounding yourself and having some semblance of control over your anxiousness. slowly but surely, you felt the pain ebbing away.
it would never be gone completely, you knew, and every day you questioned the possibility of things being different.
what if katsuki hadn’t quit being a hero? what if he’d proposed just as he’d planned to? would your wedding have been beautiful? your marriage successful and healthy?
there were so many what ifs that hurt your heart just to think about.
yet, all you did was think about it—in the best, healthiest way.
you set aside your pride and fears and confided not only in your friends, but in a therapist. you had sessions weekly, and every time you walked out of the office, you felt a little lighter.
for the first time, you understood that it was okay to still love katsuki, to still want to be with him. in fact, they initially expressed how they wished the two of you had tried couples therapy before everything went south.
that was another what if that hurt.
you were always the more rational, levelheaded one. why hadn’t you thought of it, encouraged it? would it have made a difference? those thoughts kept you awake at night, haunting your mind and mocking you with images of a perfect life with katsuki. the life you could've had.
those thoughts were bumps in your path to recovery. it was only through those thoughts, however, that you learned that the road wasn't linear. you had amazing days when you felt strong and independent, days when you'd feel like you were in a colgate commercial. other days, you wanted to set your apartment on fire and disappear. you wanted to scream until your voice was gone, vocal chords torn to shreds. some days, you just wanted everything to stop.
through the good and the bad, you were able to persevere through the challenging navigation of a breakup. still, you granted yourself permission to still love him. to be in love with him. that love would never just vanish, you'd realized a few months into your journey. it dulled, flickered, and faded, but never vanished.
you'd found that implementing a routine in your daily life had greatly improved your overall mental health.
this morning, you turned on the news as you made yourself breakfast--a meal you forced yourself to consume, no matter how little it was.
as you grabbed what you needed from the cupboards, a name in the news had you pausing everything.
"...following his spontaneous philanthropic streak, former hero dynamight announces that he will be hosting a tell-all session at our local library. there, he intends to, quote, 'make amends with those i might have hurt with my words, actions, or lack thereof...' well, you heard it here. don't miss a valiant display of heroic vulnerability today at noon. in other news..."
you gaped at the tv, the glass bowl slipping from your suddenly clammy fingers.
philanthropic streak? where had you been?
the sound of the glass breaking reached your ears a whole minute after it hit the ground, snapping you out of your dumbfounded stupor.
"shit," you cursed, crouching down to pick up the pieces.
no, don't even think about it.
you looked at the clock, reading 8 as the time. plenty of time for you to get dressed and go.
you could easily make it in time and sit in the back, just to see him and hear what he had to say.
you'd wear something inconspicuous and hide in the back, just being silent. and then you'd leave, after ten minutes.
every no carried a little bit of yes at the end of it, forcefully dragging you out of the kitchen and into the bathroom for a shower. it was closure, you argued to yourself, closure that you desperately needed.
it's going to be excuses, nothing but lies.
dark clothes are the best choice, you decided, anxiously changing into something you deemed inconspicuous. just ten minutes, it was all you needed.
don't throw all your progress away for ten minutes.
you stared at the mirror, trying to find a single good reason to stay home. yet, every thought in your mind convinced you that this, this is what you needed. you needed to hear him express his regret, his remorse to other people. people who once trusted and supported him in his endeavors, only to be woefully let down by his bouts of anger.
this will just make you hurt more. don't do this.
you discarded every invasive voice in the back of your brain and found yourself at the library come noon, hidden behind a bookshelf. you browsed the shelves with unseeing eyes, thoughts drowned out by the low murmur of the large crowd seated in front of the small stage in the center.
the library was home to many plays around the city, which you found ironic. would this be another display of dramatism and lies?
just as you found a book with a flattering cover, the mic whined with a little feedback.
"sorry about that."
you knew the voice, but the genuineness was foreign to you. you peeked over the row of books, your blood running cold as you saw katsuki sitting meekly on a chair on the stage.
"hello, everyone. i'm, uh, i'm bakugo katsuki, but most of you might know me as dynamight," he began, scanning the crowd, "a lot of you might not be fond of me based, um, based on my time as a hero."
many voices mumbled in agreement at that, which made him laugh, just the slightest. it made your chest swell with pride he didn't deserve.
"and i really don't blame you. i carried a lot of my immaturity from high school into adulthood. my biggest problem was that i saw heroism as a means to an end, a," he motioned with his hands, trying to find the words, "a stepping stone to being 'the best'--whatever that means. and i got lost in my obsession with my image."
you listened intently, at least half sure that you were listening to a complete stranger talk. the katsuki you knew had nowhere near this much humility.
"with that being said, my first apology goes to you, the people of this beloved city. you deserved someone who had your best interest at heart, and i'm sorry that couldn't be me. but, rest assured, i am very familiar with the current top ten and can say with confidence that they are the heroes you deserve."
you found yourself tearing up at his words, so awestruck by the complete 360 in his persona.
the crowd cheered at his words, as pleasantly surprised with his chanage as you were.
"thank you," he chuckled when the crowd quieted down, "next, i'd like to apologize to my friends and family. they definitely got some of the worst of it. for years, they suggested therapy for the anger that i just couldn't seem to control. and for years, brushed them off, over and over again. i insisted that my anger was fuel for my quirk, when in reality, it was detrimental. dangerous. so, mom, dad, all my friends, i'm sorry it took me so long to take your advice. thank you for standing by me."
you werent sure if the session was being broadcasted, but you sure hope it was. kirishima, mina, sero, and denki deserved to hear it. more than that, you were shocked to discover that he'd also been in therapy. so he really meant it..
another round of applause.
"last, and most important," he sucked in a sharp breath, "i'd like to apologize to the love of my life."
you stilled, as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over your head. no, no way.
"i spent three amazing years with the only person i could ever see myself loving. they were the most patient, the most kind person you could ever imagine. they stood by me during every slandering headline, every angry episode, every single ugly moment. they were there."
you covered your mouth and crouched down to the floor, squeezing you eyes shut. no, hell no, you refused to cry.
he exhaled shakily, rubbing a sweaty palm against his jeans, "they were devoted to me, to us. i'd be nothing without their impact on my life, and i've done the worst job at showing it. i," he stammered, scrunching his eyebrows together, "i ruined what we had, and i've never regret anything more. i know all the philanthropy and therapy and apologies in the world can never take back my insensitivity, but i will never stop being sorry, and i swear i'll grow every day."
you had to clamp your hand harder over your mouth to prevent any sniffles or sobs from escaping and alerting everyone to your presence. his words were so genuine, so wholehearted that you knew he truly had changed.
"i'll love them forever, regardless of if they hate me. with that love, i'll destroy any semblance of the douchebag-asshole-monster i used to be." he smiled out to the crowd as a final goodbye, "thank you, everyone. you don't owe me your forgiveness, but i hope you'll consider forgiving me one day."
people clapped, whistled, cheered for him as he turned off the mic.
meanwhile, your heart was racing. you didn't have a single coherent thought in your mind other than the fact that he loved you. he loves you.
he wasn't begging or crying this time, his acts weren't out of desperation. he was completely and totally vulnerable in front of a group of people that he didn't even know included you.
as people flooded out of the library, you shakily pushed yourself to your feet. what now? how could you possibly be expected to walk all the way to your car and drive home in this state of mind?
with a quick breathing technique your therapist taught you, you calmed down enough to get your hands to stop trembling.
katsuki had started helping the security guards pick up and stack the chairs, making small talk with them as they cleaned up the area.
you wiped at your cheeks, hoping they weren't too blotchy. with a quiet breath, you silently crept away from behind the bookshelf and toward the exit.
unfortunately, your far-from ninja-like skills couldn't get past the years of hero instincts engraved in every muscle fiber of katsuki's body.
you froze, shoulders tensing as you slowly turned around.
"hey, bakugo," you cleared your throat, averting your eyes, "that was, uh, that was nice of you. good job."
there was something undetectable in his face, something you couldn't put your finger on, "oh, thanks, i-" he stepped closer, but stopped when he sensed your hesitance, "i didn't expect to see you here."
"i didn't expect to be here." you said honestly, fidgeting with your fingers, "but i should, uh, probably get going."
he opened and shut his mouth a few times before he sighed and nodded, "okay. but i really meant it, you know? everything i said."
fuck, you were going to cry again. you didn't want to, not in front of him.
"i know." you nodded, "i don't.. hate you, you know? we both had issues that we chose to resolve separately."
"i just wish," he sighed, looking for the words, "i wish that was't the case."
you couldn't hold in your tears anymore, a few cascading down your cheek, but you quickly wiped them away.
"i know." you swallowed hard, trying to prevent your voice from doing that embarrassing, high-pitched crack, "i do too."
he opened his arms, offering a hug and you just couldn't say no. the space was so perfectly carved for you.
you hugged him tight, burying your face into his shoulder.
"i'm so sorry, y/n. i'm sorry for everything." he whispered into your hair, his voice wet with tears, "i never deserved you."
you just cried harder, knuckles white as you gripped onto the back of his shirt. you wanted to speak, to reassure him that it wasn't completely his fault, but you couldn't pause for a breath long enough to say a single word.
instead, the two of you dropped to the ground, arms wrapped around each other with a desperation that you only feel for each other. a once-in-a-lifetime desperation.
the two of you cried and held each other, and somehow you knew everything was going to be okay.
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and this concludes the triology! thank you for the overwhelming support on this series that wasn't even meant to be a series!
taglist: @blackout-ice-biohazard @survivorofmath @iam-thevillain-of-thisstory @odessa-is-my-queen @firesmokeandashes @valentineshiftz @sil-ver-shadow @echosfadve
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00belle00lovely00 · 3 months
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Ever wondered how The Amazing Digital Circus would look like if these DUMB FUCKING FOOLS didn't use a vr headset and INSTEAD TRIED ONE QUIRKY WIERD AAA LOOKIN' SLEEPING MASK THAT BROUGHT YOU TO A LUCID NIGHTMARISH WORLD OF IMAGINATION?!?!?!?!?
Now... you must be wondering! How does our protegonists look like?! WELL I HAVEN'T FINISHED MAKING THEIR CHARACTER DESIGNS YET.
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Host of Dream Land. Is he a manifested dream? Is he a god???.....
¯_ (ツ)_/¯
Basically Caine but basically Hipnos from greek mythology.
He adores clocks. His room is literally a room filled with clocks.
Bubble in this AU is a literal cloud with a big eye on it's center.
No joke, I drew him while listening to "A world of pure imagination"
AND LETS NOT FORGET OUR CLASSIC GIRL FAILURE WEEPING SON OF A BITCH- POMNI. OUR GAL. OUR-.... our..... I swear to god I'm hunt down r34 if they get their crusty musty hands on my girlie.
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Confused, scared, surprisngly taking it well!
She asks for an exsit, and you could say that Caine respond "keep dreaming about it" *input crowd laughing sound effect*
50% sure that she's in a coma, the other 50% makes her think she's in drugs.
.... i want them to kiss now.
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shiny-kaibernyte · 6 months
Hfhdnsmandjsms still can't get over Carmine calling Drayton 'Colgate' ngl- btw I do apologise I don't know how to structure requests,, ;-;
Could you do a Draydon x Ghost type specialist!Reader,?
As a ghost type specialist myself, I would love to do this request 💜
Halloween Movie's | Drayton x Reader (Ghost specialist)
Pokémon Scarlett and Violet Indigo Disk DLC Spoilers ahead!
No content warnings this time. Just pure fluff and curiosity, and I'm pretty sure the title explains this one itself.
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“Hurry up my treasure! I miss you!” The sound of Drayton’s voice calling out for you echoed through the rooms. A smile crossed your face as you continued loading a tray with snacks and drinks, your Mimikyu joyfully helping out with the bowls. If you could see Drayton you know he would be doing grabby hands lying down on the sofa half asleep.
“This would be going a lot faster if you helped out!” You chimed hearing a small shuffle from the living room followed by a poke ball opening. Sure enough his Dragonite came waltzing in ready to help you out. Your Phantump making a squeaking chirp, spinning around the Dragonite's head gleefully. With a deep sigh you call back out to him. “And you can’t just send out your Dragonite to help!”
“But I'm comfy and I need cuddles.” He whined, which caused you to laugh. Anytime he was tired, this man would turn into a clingy, sleepy blob. Sometimes it was the cutest thing, especially if one of yours or his Pokémon were curled up with him. Other times it's a total hindrance, and this was one of those times.
This movie night was his idea. Halloween is always quite hectic around the school as everyone is either wandering around the terrarium in larger groups than normal, or wandering gathered together by the school's entrance for the Halloween dance the Director holds every year. Plus with the amount of people running in and out of rooms dressed up, it can be an absolute nightmare getting around. So Drayton being Drayton, chose the easiest and most comfortable option he could, Horror Movie night marathon. And the odd Disney film sprinkled in.
“Well then if you are that comfortable I suppose I can just watch the movies on my phone in here” You tease knowing full well what his reaction will be. And as if like magic he appeared like a ghost right by your side pulling you away from the side almost causing you to drop everything in a fit of laughter. Drayton kissed your cheek before smiling brightly at the sound of your laughter, pleased to have you in his arms again, even though he did have to get up. The sound of your Pokémon mingling with his filling the room.
Just as he was reaching out to help you out, he is hit with a wave of light-headedness realising his fatal mistake. “Woahhhhh spinning room, spinning room!” His Dragonite helped him stay up before he went tumbling over his own feet. Your Phantump peered over the Dragonite's shoulder curiously as your Gastly and Chandelure giggled behind you.
“And that is what you get for not helping soon.” You smirked, helping him steady himself when his Dragonite let go, “try not to get up too fast next time okay, I may love teasing you but please don’t faint on me.”
“Me faint? Never” Drayton scoffed, looking away slightly red faced, with how quickly he can stand up, he does tend to black out quite often, so he tends to be more laid back and slow. “I’m simply giving my eyes a rest!”
“Sure love, sure…” Shaking your head with a smile, you pat his shoulder, his Dragonite looking smugly at the pair of you. Drayton finally helps you out with the rest of the snacks, once his brain clocks in fully. Your Phantump playing with his Dragonite's tail, much to the Dragonite's enjoyment. A bright cheerful smile on your face at your Pokémon playing. “Don’t fall over!”
“Haha, very funny!” he joked, looking over his shoulder briefly, only to almost fall over the Livingroom table.  “You didn’t see that…”
Trying to hold back your laughter as your Gastly snickered behind you, “Yeah… I saw absolutely nothing twinkle toes.”
You could hear his quiet chuckle as you walked into the room, your Chandelure settling into the ceiling when it followed behind you, creating a nice ambient light to fill the room. The moment you set the snack bowls down onto the table, Drayton yanked you form where you were standing and sat you down on his lap before laying down with you on top of him, a blanket somehow already covering you, how he managed to do all that in a matter of a second is impressive. No arguments came from you though, happily settling into his warm embrace, sharing a heartfelt smile with him. His Dragonite settling down by the side of the sofa, your Phantump nestled up with him like a happy baby. Your Mimikyu coming up to the pair of you , nestling down between your legs, as the rest of your team bobbed around the room.
“So what film have you chosen first?” You questioned
“That is for me to know and you to find out!” Drayton answered, switching the tv on.
 “You picked Halloween didn’t you?”
“I picked Halloween…”
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violetmuses · 11 months
New Life - Tommy Miller
TITLE: “New Life” - Tommy Miller
FANDOM: “The Last Of Us” (HBO Series Adaptation) 
CHARACTER: Tommy Miller
MAIN PAIRING: Tommy Miller + Female Reader (Pre-Outbreak AU)
MAIN STORYLINE: When you join the neighborhood, Tommy notices… 
Author’s Note: Hey! Feedback would be greatly appreciated and thanks so much for reading as always. - V.  💜
Main Masterlist 💜
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“Need to drop Sarah off at school before work. Still got food here. Don’t you dare burn my house down, all right?” Joel finishes coffee, pushing in his chair at the kitchen table and sits up, silently gesturing for Sarah to keep moving this morning. 
“Not much going on. I’m not five years old either, man.” Tommy casts both eyes towards the ceiling, still munching from his own plate. 
“Sure about that?” Joel then mumbles over his shoulder, still annoyed by his little brother after all this time. “Sarah, let’s go.” 
When that front door finally closes and Joel pulls his truck out of the narrow driveway, Tommy stands near bay windows, looking out towards his small but quaint hometown. 
Across that same street, a moving truck pulled in. Meanwhile, Tommy can’t even remember the last time that new folks settled here for long. 
Before long, this second vehicle rolls in behind the truck, parking soon after. 
From this particular angle, Tommy realizes that someone has been driving that sedan. As far as Tommy  knows, this person is alone, and presumably single. 
Workers carry items to the new house. Everyone there is currently instructed by a neighbor. 
Don’t step out, Joel would kick your ass. Tommy reminds his own thoughts. He needs to wait here until Joel comes back. Carpentry is hard work, especially on the clock. 
“Fuck.” Tommy whispers to himself. He can see the woman walking back and forth, calling out placement for each item or otherwise. 
Everyone in this town sweats through their clothes, but the stranger catching Tommy’s eye this morning seems ready for anything. 
Despite his niece Sarah beginning the school year, Tommy knows that summer down here doesn’t end for quite a while. 
A few minutes won’t hurt. Tommy perks up again, stepping out near the porch as a compromise. 
Clean-shaven face. Light eyes. Dark swept hair. His bright over shirt settled with a dampened tee. Blue jeans covered his legs as dusted boots creaked along that porch.
You roll both eyes. It’s Tommy Miller. Even one food mart clerk had warned you earlier. At least his brother Joel calmed down antics. 
Before you can close the car’s trunk one final time and take a much-needed shower inside, he’s already walking towards you, beaming a Colgate smile. 
“Excuse me.” His Southern accent is charming, but the humidity in this place only makes you feel irritated. 
“Yes?” You know better, staying cordial regardless. 
“Hi, uh. I’m Tommy. It’s hot out here, so I’ve got some lemonade in a pitcher if you’d like.” He points back towards the house behind him, but you quickly shake your head. 
“No, thanks.” You introduce yourself, but refuse the drink, silently wishing that this man would go away instead of flirting up a storm. You need that shower, or else handcuffs would line up in your future. “Maybe next time.” 
“Yes, Ma’am.” It’s not long before Tommy steps back, lifting up both hands in the name of surrender. There’s no other choice with you. “Have a good one.” 
“I heard. Come on.” Joel doesn’t even cut off the engine as Tommy settles into that passenger seat. 
“What’d you hear?” Tommy smirks, laughing after clicking his seatbelt. 
“Happens every time. New neighbor, more flirting.” Joel keeps grumbling with his eyes on the road. “Too old for that shit.” 
“30 ain’t old.” Tommy defends himself, thinking of you on his way to another job site. 
Boxes unpacked. Shower done. Dinner finished. You’ve stepped to relax on your new wraparound porch.  
Across from you, the Miller household is silent. Few lights. No sign of Joel, young Sarah, or Tommy, out here either. No one’s even perched near the front door. 
Before you can think of going back in tonight, one car pulls back into the Miller driveway. 
Those back lights cut off, meaning that he’s parked. Seconds later, he walks around and takes something from the backseat, piquing your interest as the heat finally cools down. 
His footsteps are moving back towards your house. 
He’s actually holding flowers, smiling this time underneath the brim of his own work cap. 
“Sorry for the rough start.” He meets at the door, genuinely happy to see you again. 
“Thank you.” You smile at him and can't refuse. Even more rejection would’ve outright deflated this moment. 
Only time would tell what the future holds. 
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minim · 1 month
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The Colgate Clock Tells Me It is Time to Sleep
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What Mouthwash is Good for Your Bad Breath in Stillwater
Maintaining optimal oral hygiene is a crucial aspect of overall health, and bad breath, scientifically known as halitosis, can be a common concern. Ensuring that you're using the right mouthwash is essential for keeping your breath fresh and your oral health in check. In this article, we'll explore some of the top mouthwash options tailored for combatting bad breath in Stillwater, with insights from local dentists in the area.
The Importance of a Dentist in Stillwater:
Before delving into mouthwash recommendations, it's vital to highlight the importance of regular dental check-ups. Visiting a reputable dentist in Stillwater, OK ensures that any underlying dental issues contributing to bad breath are identified and addressed. Professional dental care is the cornerstone of oral health, and dentists play a pivotal role in guiding patients toward effective oral hygiene practices.
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Top Mouthwash Options for Bad Breath in Stillwater:
Listerine Cool Mint Antiseptic Mouthwash: Listerine has long been a trusted name in oral care, and their Cool Mint Antiseptic Mouthwash is a popular choice for combating bad breath. The dentist often recommends this mouthwash for its powerful antiseptic properties that kill bacteria responsible for odor. Its refreshing minty flavor leaves a pleasant aftertaste, making it a favorite among many locals.
Crest Pro-Health Advanced with Extra Deep Clean Mouthwash: Crest Pro-Health Advanced mouthwash is another excellent option, highly regarded by a dentist in Stillwater. Enriched with fluoride, it fights bad breath and strengthens enamel, offering comprehensive oral protection. The extra deep clean formula reaches areas that may be missed during regular brushing, ensuring a thorough cleanse.
Therabreath Fresh Breath Oral Rinse: For those with a more sensitive palate, Stillwater dentists often recommend Therabreath Fresh Breath Oral Rinse. This alcohol-free mouthwash is gentle on the mouth while effectively neutralizing bad breath. It contains oxygenating agents that target sulfur-producing bacteria, a common culprit in halitosis, providing long-lasting freshness.
Colgate Total Advanced Pro-Shield Mouthwash: Colgate is a household name in dental care, and their Total Advanced Pro-Shield Mouthwash is a go-to for residents combating bad breath in Stillwater, OK. This mouthwash offers 12-hour protection against germs, ensuring round-the-clock freshness. It's also alcohol-free, making it suitable for those with sensitivity concerns.
Act Anticavity Fluoride Mouthwash: ACT mouthwash is often recommended by dentists for its cavity-fighting properties and effectiveness in combating bad breath. Adding fluoride strengthens teeth, and the minty flavor leaves a clean, refreshing feeling after each use.
Source: Insider Business
Expert Tips for Maximizing Mouthwash Effectiveness:
Consistent Use: Regardless of the mouthwash you choose, consistency is key. Dentists in Stillwater emphasize the importance of incorporating mouthwash into your daily oral care routine for optimal results.
Proper Technique: Ensure you follow the recommended technique for using mouthwash. Swish it around your mouth for the specified duration, allowing the active ingredients to reach all areas and effectively combat bacteria.
Avoiding Alcohol-Based Products: If you have sensitivity concerns or are prone to dry mouth, opt for alcohol-free mouthwashes. Alcohol can contribute to dryness and may exacerbate bad breath in certain individuals.
In conclusion, several excellent options when it comes to choosing a mouthwash to fix bad breath. Regular visits to a dentist in Stillwater, OK are integral to addressing underlying dental issues, and incorporating the right mouthwash into your daily routine enhances overall oral hygiene. Whether you opt for the powerful antiseptic properties of Listerine, the enamel-strengthening benefits of Crest, the gentle freshness of Therabreath, the round-the-clock protection of Colgate, or the cavity-fighting action of ACT, the key is consistency and proper use.
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thxnews · 9 months
Walmart Mexico: Affordable Healthcare and Wellness
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  Redefining "Live Better"
Walmart's Holistic Approach to Well-being At Walmart, their mission is to help people save money and live better. While this vision may be evident when you visit any of our stores in Mexico and Central America, we understand that "living better" goes beyond just saving money. It encompasses the quality of life, and we believe that convenient access to affordable healthcare plays a pivotal role in achieving this goal.  
Affordable Healthcare at Your Fingertips
Walmart's Medimart Brand and Health Membership To make quality healthcare more accessible, they are proud to introduce our Medimart brand, offering both prescription and over-the-counter medications that provide significant savings compared to commercial brands. Additionally, they offer a health membership program starting at just $2 per month. This membership includes round-the-clock access to telemedicine services, ambulance services, and discounts with specialists, among other benefits. Furthermore, their commitment to healthcare extends to the heart of our stores, where many doctors' offices are conveniently located near our pharmacies. Our expert pharmacy associates are always ready to assist our customers.  
Taking Wellness to the Community
Walmart's "Cuida tu salud, Vive Mejor" Wellness Week But their dedication to health and wellness doesn't stop at our store entrances. Recently, they concluded our inaugural "Cuida tu salud, Vive Mejor" (Take care of your health, Live Better) wellness week in Walmart de México. This 10-day community event, held at 95 stores and 79 offices around Mexico City, was aimed at providing free wellness checks and services to our valued customers and their families. From September 1st to September 10th, thousands of customers actively participated in our "Take care of your health, Live Better" week in Mexico City. During this event, a wide range of preventative care screenings was offered, including glucose tests and blood pressure checks. In a partnership with Colgate, Tesco provided 35,000 dental check-ups and fluoride applications, contributing to the overall health and well-being of our community. Tesco also collaborated with the Ilusión brand and the Breast Cancer Foundation (FUCAM) to offer 280 mammograms – all free of charge. The weekend concluded with our support for the Red Cross in the event "Todo México salvando vidas" (All Mexico saving lives), where over 50,000 people nationwide participated in a run supporting healthy living.  
Breaking Down Barriers to Healthcare
Addressing Global Healthcare Challenges While preventative and primary care are essential components of a healthy life, many individuals worldwide face barriers to accessing basic healthcare and wellness options. These barriers can include cost, geographic location, lack of a primary care provider, or limited access to preventative tests and screenings.  
Expanding Access Worldwide
Walmart's Global Initiatives for Healthcare Accessibility The collaboration between Walmart de México and Central America, Walmart Salud, and Bodega Aurrerá Salud is just one example of how we are working to create greater access to healthcare for our customers and communities worldwide. Since 2014, Walmart U.S. pharmacies have hosted Walmart Wellness Days, offering more than 5 million free health screenings to customers across America. In Canada, their recent Wellness Day had a specific focus on helping students and parents prepare for the school year. During the event, they provided valuable advice and recommendations on immunizations and offered guidance for a healthy start. Meanwhile, in the United States, the Testing and Treatment Program takes healthcare accessibility to the next level. Walmart pharmacists are equipped to test customers for strep throat, the flu, and COVID-19, offering the convenience of receiving treatment right in the store.  
A Bright Future for Health and Wellness
Walmart's Ongoing Commitment The success of our recent wellness event in Mexico City has filled us with excitement. It's clear that we understand the significant impact we can make in terms of convenience and accessibility to healthcare for the customers we serve. As a result, we eagerly anticipate bringing wellness events to Walmart locations near you, no matter where you are.   Sources: THX News & Walmart. Read the full article
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project1939 · 10 months
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The Materials 
I will roughly cram one month of 1952 into one current week- ex. January week one, February week two, etc...  
Here are the lists of all the things I will be reading, watching, or listening to: 
Films: 88 films, watched chronologically in order of the release date  
The Neighbors, The Greatest Show on Earth, Scandal Sheet, Bend of the River, Room for One More, Japanese War Bride, Phone Call From a Stranger, Lone Star, Secret People, Sailor Beware, Viva Zapata!, The Belle of New York, Rancho Notorious, Something to Live For, 5 Fingers, The Marrying Kind, Deadline-U.S.A., Island of Desire, With a Song in My Heart, Outlaw Women, My Son John, Singin’ in the Rain, Macao, The Narrow Margin, The Pride of St. Louis, Belles on Their Toes, Paula, Red Planet Mars, Kangaroo, Red Ball Express, Skirts Ahoy!, Diplomatic Courier, Pat and Mike, Clash By Night, The Girl in White, Stolen Face, Has Anybody Seen My Gal?, Flesh and Fury, Scaramouche, We’re Not Married, Son of Paleface, Don’t Bother to Knock, One Minute to Zero, High Noon, Dreamboat, Lost in Alaska, Affair in Trinidad, Ivanhoe, Sudden Fear, The Quiet Man, What Price Glory?, Penny Princess, The Crimson Pirate, It Grows on Trees, Monkey Business, Beware My Lovely, Europa 51, The Snows of Kilimanjaro, The Devil Makes Three, Because You’re Mine, The Flavor of Green Tea Over Rice, The World in His Arms, Ikiru, Captive Women, The Thief, Limelight, The Lusty Men, The Happy Time, The Prisoner of Zenda, Kansas City Confidential, The Steel Trap, Plymouth Adventure, Something for the Birds, Road to Bali, Desperate Search, The Black Castle, Above and Beyond, Hans Christian Andersen, Million Dollar Mermaid, The Star, Stars and Stripes Forever, The Importance of Being Earnest, Come Back Little Sheba, Moulin Rouge, April in Paris, My Cousin Rachel, Ruby Gentry, The Bad and the Beautiful 
Television Shows: 39 shows, around 292 episodes, watched chronologically 
My Little Margie, Hallmark Hall of Fame, Ford Theatre, The Adventures of Superman, Cisco Kid, The Colgate Comedy Hour, Dragnet, Howdy Doody, I Love Lucy, Martin Kane Private Eye, Jack Benny, What’s My Line?, The Today Show, Guiding Light, This is the Life, The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet, See it Now, Gang Busters, Life With Luigi, Your Show of Shows, Our Miss Brooks, All Star Revue, Red Skelton, It’s News to Me, CBS Election Night Coverage, Winner Take All, Tales of Tomorrow, Beat the Clock, Treasury Men in Action, This is Your Life, Celanese Theatre, The Beulah Show, Westinghouse Studio One, CBS News with Douglas Edwards, Space Patrol. Ernie Kovacs, Buick Circus Hour, Roy Rogers, Burns and Allen, World Series and Boxing coverage 
Radio Shows: 42 shows, around 626 episodes, listened to chronologically 
Lux Radio Theater, The Big Show, Gene Autry’s Melody Ranch, Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy, Suspense, People Are Funny, I Love Lucy, My Little Margie, My Friend Irma, Fibber McGee and Molly, Yours Truly Johnny Dollar, The Doris Day Show, You Bet Your Life, Father Knows Best, Meet Millie, Gunsmoke, This is Your FBI, The Great Gildersleeve, Screen Guild Theater, Voice of Firestone, Radio’s Best Plays, The Doctor’s Wife, Perry Mason, Our Miss Brooks, Bright Star, Jason and the Golden Fleece, The Chase, Hopalong Cassidy, Defense Attorney, The Mysterious Traveler, Richard Diamond Private Detective, The Martin and Lewis Show, Betty Parry, Mr and Mrs North, Bob Hope, The Adventures of Horatio Hornblower, Space Patrol, The Phil Harris and Alice Faye Show, various news broadcasts 
Magazines:  26 magazines, read chronologically 
Motion Picture and Televison Magazine (12), Cosmopolitan, Life (3), Collier’s, McCall's, Movie Teen, Farm Journal, Photoplay, Quick, Good Housekeeping, Radio Mirror, The Atlantic, The Saturday Evening Post 
Books: 5-6 books 
1. Mrs. McGinty’s Dead, Agatha Christie 
2. Kiss Me Deadly, Mickey Spillane 
3. Testimonies, Patrick O’Brien 
4. The Natural, Bernard Malamud 
5. Go, John Clellon Holmes 
6. Player Piano, Kurt Vonnegut 
Music: 354 singles and 34 classical recordings (I will list these as I listen to them.) 
One 78rpm record from 1952: 5-10-15 Hours, Ruth Brown 
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stubobnumbers · 1 year
Television History - 1950
TV History - 1950.
I'm starting the journey through TV in the year 1950. All information is from wikipedia. First up, the new shows that debuted in 1950, sorted by network. (If I don’t post years next to a show, that means it only lasted one year…or no year is listed on wiki.)
CBS: What’s My Line (1950 version) – The show ran from 1950 through 1967. Beat The Clock (1950-1961). Abe Burrows Almanac (I’ve never heard of this show.)
NBC: Your Show Of Shows (1950-1954). The Colgate Comedy Hour (1950-1955). Four Star Revue (1950-1953). Stars Over Hollywood (1950-1951). Hawkins Falls(?) (Wikipedia says it ran from 1951-1955, but it’s listed in 1950.) Your Hit Parade. September 18 – The Paul Winchell Show debuts on NBC with the title The Speidel Show.
Other shows: September 5 – The Cisco Kid, starring Duncan Renaldo and Leo Carillo, premieres (1950-1956). September 7 – The game show Truth or Consequences debuts (1950–1988). October 5 – The comedy quiz show You Bet Your Life, featuring Groucho Marx, premieres (1950–1961). (I actually watched a bunch of this on PBS.) October 12 – The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show debuts (1950–1958). October 28 – The Jack Benny Program, starring Jack Benny, premieres (1950–1965). July 11 – Andy Pandy premieres on the BBC (1950, 1970, 2002). July 3 – The Hazel Scott Show on the DuMont Television Network (1950). (I’ve never heard of the "DuMont Television Network".
Events listed for 1950. February – European Broadcasting Union (EBU) inaugurated. February 15 KENS began transmissions as KEYL. It was the second television station to sign on in the San Antonio market. WSTM-TV began transmissions as WSYR-TV. It was Syracuse’s second television station, signing on a year and three months after WHEN-TV (now WTVH). February 21 – WOI-TV signs on the air as Iowa’s second television station (following WOC-TV, now KQWC-TV), and the first in the Des Moines area. March 27 – WHAS-TV signs on the air. It was the second television station to sign on in the Louisville market and the Commonwealth of Kentucky. April 2 – WTKR began operations on channel 4 as WTAR-TV. It was Hampton Roads’ first television station and the second television station in Virginia, after WTVR (channel 6) in Richmond. May 1 – WLNS-TV began transmissions as WJIM-TV. It is Michigan’s second-oldest television station outside Detroit. June 1 – WWMT signs on the air as WKZO-TV. It was West Michigan’s second television station to debut after WLAV-TV (channel 7, now WOOD-TV channel 8 in Grand Rapids). June 17 – WAND (at this time called WTVP) goes on the air in Decatur, Illinois. July 1 – WHBF-TV signs on the air. It is the fifth-oldest surviving station in Illinois, and the oldest outside Chicago. July 26 – First television broadcast station in Mexico, XHTV, Mexico City on channel 4; Gonzalo Castellot Madrazo is the first announcer to appear. September 18 – First television network in South America launches, PRF-TV on channel 3 in São Paulo, Brazil. September 30 First BBC television broadcast from an aircraft. WSMV-TV began transmissions as WSM-TV at 1:10 pm CT. It was Nashville’s first television station and the second in Tennessee. October 10 – The U.S. Federal Communications Commission approves CBS’s color television system, effective November 20. October 25 – Cuba signs on to television as Havana’s Union Radio TV signs on for the first time, the first television station in the Caribbean.
Ok, the wikipedia page on "DuMont Television" is fascinating. The DuMont Television Network (also known as the DuMont Network, DuMont Television, simply DuMont/Du Mont, or (incorrectly) Dumont[a] /ˈduːmɒnt/) was one of America’s pioneer commercial television networks, rivaling NBC and CBS for the distinction of being first overall in the United States. It was owned by Allen B. DuMont Laboratories,1 a television equipment and set manufacturer, and began operation on June 28, 1942.
The network was hindered by the prohibitive cost of broadcasting, a freeze on new television stations in 1948 by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that restricted the network’s growth, and even the company’s partner, Paramount Pictures. Despite several innovations in broadcasting and the creation of one of television’s biggest stars of the 1950s—Jackie Gleason—the network never found itself on solid financial ground. Forced to expand on UHF channels during an era when UHF tuning was not yet a standard feature on television sets, DuMont fought an uphill battle for program clearances outside its three owned-and-operated stations in New York City, Washington, D.C., and Pittsburgh, ultimately ending network operations on August 6, 1956.
DuMont’s latter-day obscurity, caused mainly by the destruction of its extensive program archive by the 1970s, has prompted TV historian David Weinstein to refer to it as the "forgotten network". A few popular DuMont programs, such as Cavalcade of Stars and Emmy Award winner Life Is Worth Living, appear in television retrospectives or are mentioned briefly in books about U.S. television history.
This hurts me. DuMont produced more than 20,000 television episodes from 1946–1956. Because they were created prior to the launch of Ampex’s electronic videotape recorder in late 1956, they were initially broadcast live in black and white, then recorded on film kinescope for West Coast rebroadcasts and reruns. By the early 1970s, their vast library of 35mm and 16mm kinescopes eventually wound up in the hands of "a successor network," who reportedly disposed of them in New York City’s East River to make room for more recent videotapes in a warehouse.
Although films submerged for decades have been successfully recovered (see The Carpet from Bagdad as an example), there have been no salvage-diving efforts to locate or recover the DuMont archive. If it survived in that environment, most of the films have likely been damaged. Other kinescopes were put through a silver reclaiming process, because of the microscopic amounts of silver that made up the emulsion of black-and-white film during this time.
It is estimated that only about 350 complete DuMont television shows survive today, the most famous being virtually all of Jackie Gleason’s Honeymooners comedy sketches. Most of the existing episodes are believed to have come from the personal archives of DuMont’s hosts, such as Gleason and Dennis James.
Huh. TIL There were other tv rating systems besides the Nielsen's. The earliest measurements of TV audiences were performed by the C. E. Hooper company of New York. DuMont performed well in the Hooper ratings; in fact, DuMont’s talent program, The Original Amateur Hour, was the most popular series of the 1947–48 season. Two seasons later, Variety ranked DuMont’s popular variety series Cavalcade of Stars as the tenth most popular series.
In February 1950, Hooper’s competitor A. C. Nielsen bought out the Hooper ratings system. DuMont did not fare well with the change: none of its shows appeared on Nielsen’s annual top 20 lists of the most popular series. One of the DuMont Network’s biggest hits of the 1950s, Life is Worth Living, did receive Nielsen ratings of up to 11.1, meaning that they attracted more than 10 million viewers. Sheen’s one-man program – in which he discussed philosophy, psychology and other fields of thought from a Christian perspective – was the most widely viewed religious series in the history of television. 169 local television stations aired Life, and for three years the program competed successfully against NBC’s popular The Milton Berle Show. The ABC and CBS programs that aired in the same timeslot were canceled.
Life is Worth Living was not the only DuMont program to achieve double-digit ratings. In 1952, Time magazine reported that popular DuMont game show Down You Go had attracted an audience estimated at 16 million viewers. Similarly, DuMont’s summer 1954 replacement series, The Goldbergs, achieved audiences estimated at 10 million. Still, these series were only moderately popular compared to NBC’s and CBS’s highest-rated programs.
Nielsen was not the only company to report TV ratings. Companies such as Trendex, Videodex, and Arbitron had also measured TV viewership. The chart in this section comes from Videodex’s August 1950 ratings breakdown, as reported in Billboard magazine.
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Two new Downtown skyscrapers approved in Jersey City
Two new Downtown skyscrapers approved in Jersey City
A new 42-story tower (seen left) and a 58-story tower (seen right) will be built near the Goldman Sachs tower. Photo credit: ImageFiction | Chicago. The Goldman Sachs tower and the Colgate Clock will be getting some company now that plans for two new skyscrapers in Downtown Jersey City have been approved by the city’s Planning Board. The two new towers, which will be developed by New York…
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mosqitofood · 4 years
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far off
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