pimentadeacucar · 1 year
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working overtime? don't look it. greying too soon? don't look it. the stress and lack of sleep caused by growing cost of living in comparison with a stagnant wage getting to you? try this anti-aging organic pH balancing colour-correcting hydrating detoxifying cream for a glowing dewy glass skin of a newborn made with the blood of the people who were displaced and people whose labour was exploited to serve our profits virgins haha
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frostbite-yinny · 1 year
Come gather around for; Yinny rates man~ Episode 1
Grimsley; Dark type Unova elite four member
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Yes, this guy. He, with all due respect, looks like an evil-looking lawyer that is kind of an asshole but shines and show care once in a while. When you get closer to him, of course.
Now, I know close to nothing about this man BUT I HAVE EYES. And, boi, this guy has ✨looks✨ he looks like a cocky asshole that is actually pretty sweet and kind which I dig look at his hair it looks like some kind of bird Pokemon it looks like his hair has wings
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Also, him without blue hair dye and no concelar? Spectacular.
I love man that looks like wet littens. Dare I say, Poor little meow meows. Train wrecks. That's my type.
But this man is too good to be called any of them.
Finally verdict; 10/10 he has his life together BUT still has the poor little meow meow crustly old man charisma. I like him.
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doggieheaven2008 · 1 year
why i get an ad on tiktok for concelar or slmeyhing and yhey played Fade to grey as the music
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milcycyrus-archived · 2 years
@mileycyrus: sound check isn't the one this morning...thank fuck concelar is a thing. thank you all for coming out and celebrating last night, truly felt loved. (an early birthday treat) now on to corona festival.
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popbee · 6 years
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法國女演員兼模特 Clémence Poésy 從她的母親那裡學到了「只使用自己需要的化妝品」的道理。「她不明白為什麼要使用遮瑕膏。」Poésy 說道。「眼睛下方的黑眼圈可能是人臉上最動人的東西之一。」 Perrin Paris 創意總監 Chloé Perrin 表示,因為黑眼圈的陰影能讓輪廓突出,「我一直覺得黑眼圈看起來很浪漫,它們能讓臉孔看起來有自身獨特的味道。」Perrin 認為照顧眼睛周圍的嬌嫩肌膚比起遮蓋黑眼圈來得重要。在清潔後加入純椰子油和眼霜,在巴黎是種非常受歡迎的眼部保養法,並且真的能讓眼周肌膚變得緊緻動人。
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法國女孩認為眼睛周圍的陰影會產生淡淡的煙燻妝效果,她們會將 Smith’s Rosebud balm 塗抹在眼瞼上,再畫上一層濃密的黑色睫毛膏,眼部的妝容便完成了。就是這麼簡單!但如果你無法完全捨棄遮瑕膏,你也可以使用打亮的白色眼線筆在眼睛下面提亮,它可以柔焦黑眼圈而非完全遮蓋它。平時也需要經常在眼睛周圍進行按摩,增加血液循環。法國文化最重要的一點就是:接受你自己是誰,要愛自己和正面看待自己,擁抱自身的瑕疵,因為這些才會讓你與眾不同。
學會了這個自製 Eye Mask 方法,你還需要花錢買 Eye Cream 嗎?
以後要這支就可以了!Burberry Beauty 推出了粉底遮瑕二合一的「補妝神器」!
Follow us on Facebook: fb.com/POPBEE Follow us on Instagram: Instagram.com/POPBEE
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farmasikatalogu · 5 years
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Göz çevrenizi nötr hale getirerek daha aydınlık ve eşitlenmiş bir görünüm yaratan likit kapatıcımızı denemek isterseniz hemen bize yazın size en uygun tonu ayarlayarak kapıda ödeme ile yollayalım #farmasi #makyaj #concelar #kapatici https://www.instagram.com/farmasikatalogu/p/BwEe5SNhv4C/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1cwcwqqx85wot
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pimentadeacucar · 1 year
SHEGLAM Corretivo Full Coverage Like Magic 12HR
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glitradora · 5 years
The worst trend the internet ever created is little kids doing makeup
Ids what gender they are- little boys doing full face makeup is gonna mess them up just as much about how their face looks like
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glutenfreeharold · 5 years
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anyway why do straight cis dudes have to try so fucking hard to let Everyone know that they know Absolutely Nothing about makeup
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
Slashers doing their S/O’s makeup
I like to do makeup from time to time and I already did one for you doing slashers makeup so I thought this would be really cute. For context I like keeping my fics around the time the time the movie takes place so when I talk about styles in magazines when talking about the Sawyer brothers it’s gonna be early 70′s makeup. I hope that makes sense. I also put the sawyer brothers into one because I laugh thinking about that happening. I also might make a part two because I love this idea so much. Last thing I promise I’m gonna start writing for the lost boys too. 
Includes: Brahms Heelshire, Lester Sinclair, and the Sawyer brothers 
Brahms Heelshire
You had to agree to let Brahms do your makeup in exchange for him to take a bath the other night. 
You found a picture of a woman from the 50′s for him to reference. 
He’s seen you do your makeup plenty of times so he kinda knows how to do it. 
You have to remind him to keep blending out the foundation on your face and to make sure to go light on the blush and eye shadow. 
He’s gonna be so concentrated on doing your makeup. Don’t try to talk to him cause he won’t respond to you. 
In the end when you see it it’s not gonna be like great but better than you expected 
“Come on Brahms let me see.” You say with a smile. 
“You still need lipstick.” He says picking it up. You close your mouth and pout your lips. He pushes it up and gently grabs your chin. He carefully applies it to your lips. He sets it down and nods. “You can look now.” You turn in your chair and look in the mirror. Your face is pretty powdery, your eyeliner is very messy and your eye shadow is pretty patchy but over all it’s not to bad. You smile and turn back to Brahms. 
“You did amazing Brahms. I look so wonderful.” 
“Kiss?” He asks. You nod. He pulls up his mask and you kiss his soft lips. You pull away and see your lipstick on his lips. You chuckle. 
“You’re wearing lipstick now too.” 
“Let me put more on.” He says. You pout your lips and he goes back in and kisses you again. You two keep kissing until you lose track of time. 
Lester Sinclair
After you did his makeup he wanted to do yours for you too. He found another magazine from the 80′s and let you chose the look you wanted.
He’s smiling the whole time he does it. 
“Ya look so funny like this. I hope I don’t ruin it.” 
You’ll have to explain to him what a lot of the stuff is. To be honest, when it comes to makeup Lester is like little me. He’ll think concelar is lipstick and that you put white powder all over your face. 
He’s gonna spend a long time blending everything out. Especially the eye shadow. He’s using two colors and he really doesn’t wanna mess it up. 
he’s gonna be so nervous when he does the eyeliner. He really doesn’t wanna mess that up and he might tell you to not even breath while he does it. 
But in the end you don’t look horrible at all. It’s pretty good for his first time.  
Lester’s lightly blending out your eye shadow now. You’ve had your eyes closed for a good five minutes. “Lester I’m sure it’s fine. Just put on the lipstick and let me see.” He sighs and sets down the brush. 
“Alright fine. I just don’t wanna ruin yer pretty face is all.” You open you eyes and grab a bright pink lipstick. 
“You know how to put it on right?” You hold it out for him. 
“Course I do. I’ve seen plently people put it on before.” He takes it and opening it up, twisting the tube. You pout your lips and he applies it gently. He gets his face close to yours and once he’s done you go in to kiss him. “Hold on darlin. Look at yourself before you ruin it.” He hands you a mirror and you look over your face with a smile. Sure the blush is strong and your eyeliner is really wavy but over all you like how it looks. 
“I look dashing Lester. Thank you honey.” You put your arms around his neck and give him a big kiss. He kisses you back. 
The Sawyer brothers 
You origonally just wanted Bubba to do your makeup when the twins heard and insisted they help too. 
You found a look you like from the 70′s because it’s gonna be hard to mess up simple make up. 
Nubbins was the one who did the foundation and the powder as an eccuse to touch you face. Bubba had to help him the entire time.
Chop Top did the blush and eye shadow. The repeated motions and using a light hand was easy for him to do.
The twins made so many comments the entire time while Bubba just kinda sat there worrying over how it was gonna turn out.  
Bubba did the eyeliner and the lipstick and he did great. The eyeliner was very even and looked amazing. 
“You’re real pretty like this. I like you lookin all pretty.” Chop Top says sitting on your bed next to Bubba who’s applying your eyeliner. He’s holding your jaw and keeping you steady. You’re staying still for him. Nubbins and Chop Top spent a lot of time doing your makeup just as an excuse to be near you. 
“Y-y-y-you’re always pretty. Since I first met you in your car. I told them you’re real pretty when you first had dinner with us.” Nubbins says sitting on the floor playing with his knife.
“Thank you boys. Bubba you’re doing a great job on this I can’t wait to see how it turned out.”  He sets down the eyeliner and you open your eyes. You give a smile at the three of them. “I’m sure all of you did a great job.” 
“We did. We did a real g-g-good job. You look so good.” Nubbins says. 
“You really do Y/N. I love the way you look.” Chop Top adds. Bubba nods and adds some mascara. Chop Top turns on and fiddles with the radio. Bubba grabs the lip gloss and you pout your lips. When he finishes up you grab your mirror and look at yourself. You look good. Your smile and warm and you set the mirror down. 
“I look amazing. Thank you guys. I love this.” 
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layenacreates · 2 years
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They say all good boys go to heaven
But bad boys bring heaven to you
The familiar lyrics lulled you awake into a conscious state. Reaching over to your nightstand, you paused the alarm you had set up the night before.
6 am
Okay, on a normal day it would have been a terrible idea, but you forced yourself to pick up the sheets and expose your warm skin to the nipping cold air.
Shivering you reached for your sandals and a robe to conceal the warmth that wanted to escape your body.
Today you would be joining your friend, Draco, in the astronomy tower to watch the sunrise. When Draco first suggested the unusual activity, you had laughed it off, opting to think he was pulling your leg versus actually believing he would want to spend time with you at such an ungodly hour.
He had proved you wrong by insisting saying he had never done it before and thought it would be a good idea. Downside was, if you both got caught you would push him out of the tower and then jump out yourself because no way would your parents approve of not only breaking school rules but breaking them with a boy.
You walked to your closet quietly and located your uniform before slowly pulling it over your figure. Taking special care, you glanced the room to make sure none of your roommates had been alerted of your early awakening.
Once rest assured, you took to the bathroom to brush your teeth and comb through your hair. Your nightly tussles around your bed always made random tangles show up and had the ends sticking in different directions. If you had time, you would have styled it but you decided to leave your (hair length) (hair color) hair down.
Glancing at your phone you noticed that you had just enough time to apply a bit of makeup before you met Draco. Smearing concelar around areas you found needed some extra coverage you went to work to blend it in. Afterwards you added a bit of blush, highlight, and mascra to your face to accentuate your features.
Adding a touch of pink lip gloss, you faced yourself in the mirror. Making sure you hadn’t missed anything in your routine, you gathered your makeup before discarding it in your vanity.
Before leaving your residence you made sure to grab your phone, wand, and a special gift the one and only Harry Potter had gifted you for one morning. The invisibility cloak. With the cloak you were able to roam around the halls undetected until reaching the Astronomy Tower.
Once you reached the top of the stairs, you reached overhead to remove the cloak and folded nicely into a square. Setting it aside the cloak on one of the many benches, you were able to see familiar grey eyes watching your movements.
“Hey,” you whispered softly, as you approached the tall blonde.
A small smile graced your lips as you looked up towards him, memorized by his beautiful features. Noticing a purple hue underneath his eyes, you giggled softly.
“Why are you laughing,” came his rough voice, eyeing you carefully. His eyes were alert and trained on you, exactly what you would have expected from a Slytherin. Except… his eyes held traces of bashfulness, almost like a kid who knew his secret had been found out.
“Seems like someone didn’t get enough sleep,” you remarked as you walked past him to lean against the walls of tower, overlooking Hogwarts.
“Eh, sleeping beauty,” you added with a smirk.
“I am not,” he emphasized with a raised eyebrow, “a sleeping beauty.” Turning towards him you could see the early morning light start to reflect against his face. Softly caressing his features, you could see where light met shadow to create the perfect illumination.
“But you for sure are a beauty,” you uttered quietly, whipping your head around back to watching the clouds that hung overhead, making sure your words had slurred together.
“I said you sure are moody,” you lied. Unsure if he believed you, you quickly glanced to your side to make sure that he hadn’t heard you. Eyes narrowed and lips pursed, yup, he definitely believed your lie.
“Sorry miss early bird but we can’t all look like we have been up for hours,” he sneered quietly, resting his body over on the other wall, mirroring you.
You laughed but gave no response. Instead, you opted to look out towards the east. The ink-colored sky started to fade as the sun began to rise.
“Look,” you whispered.
Watching the sun slowly peak out of the clouds reminded you of how a small animal would introduce itself to the world. At first, weary and off balanced but once it realized who was there to greet them, they became excited and ready to show off their true colors. Black ink began to transform into gold shimmer.
Watching the sun rise, you and Draco sat in silence, not wanting to shatter the peaceful aura the morning had created.
Glancing to his side, Draco watched you for as long as he could. He wanted to soak up the way the morning light made you look ethereal. The curve of your smile. The crease in your eyes. The faintest hint of blush on your cheeks. The fanning of your hair against your neck. He wanted to hold you in this moment forever.
“Draco-,” you began but stopped when you realized you had broken not only the spell that enchanted you both to make time stop but also his gaze on your face. He quickly looked away and muttered something unintelligible.
“You were staring!”
“No, I wasn’t,” came his rapid response, “you just had something on your face.
A wave of panic came over you for half a second before you realized that you had made extra sure this morning that you were presentable.
“Nuh uh,” you nudged him, enjoying this display of embarrassment. His cheeks had grown pink against his pale skin. A rosy splash against a blank canvas.
“It’s okay,” you turned, facing the sun once more, “I know I’m pretty.”
“No one likes a narcists” he muttered, still looking way, hoping something would capture his interest to distracted him from the way his heart was swelling.
Looking back at him, you raised an eyebrow, “Except you.”
Draco whipped his head around to continue your banter, but his response fell on deaf ears. Your heart was full of emotion, your head up in the clouds. This was your happy moment. Your moment that you would think about when you were old and gray, struggling to remember mundane tasks. But you would never forget the bright eyes of your friend Draco that day as he looked at you.
Soft like satin. Grey like a wolf. Gleaming like the pearly gates of heaven themselves. Beautiful as the angels that would receive you in their perfect paradise.
Your lips turned upward.
Bad boys really do bring heaven to you.
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airsignss · 7 years
Tis me, a person you follow that is a general shit poster. BUT i am currently in the market for a new foundation and i need recomendations. I really like a nice sheer, natural, this is my skin and i fuckin GLOW coverage so like you can still see my face and ive looked into the glossier skin tint but i wanna know if there are better ones out there. If you have one let a bitch know so she can get on her glow shit. THANKS.
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pimentadeacucar · 1 year
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skzfairies · 3 years
what’s in yuri’s bag?
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“i always need this, can’t have my lips being crusty 🙄✋. Honestly thinking about gifting ateez tons of chapstick :/. sorry not sorry, your lips will thank me later.”
“I have a few in here actually, this one is just plain vanilla, this one’s cherry, and this one is mint I think. You could never have too many chapsticks.”
“sometimes, i gotta do what i gotta do yk? the boys always make fun of me when i do my makeup in the car though :/. their just jealous because i’m prettier than them 🙄✋. but i gotta get my beauty rest, yk? if doing my makeup in the car means i get 30 minutes more of sleep, then i’m sure as hell going to do my makeup in the car.”
pulls out three different types of lip gloss, god knows how old mascara, concelar, a ripped beauty blender, and a blush, contour, highlighter , eyeshadow pallette
contacts and eye drops
“you all do not know how many times my contact has fell out from me rubbing my eyes 😭😭. this is kinda embarssing, but i suck at putting eye drops in, so i have to ask my members to put them in for me :/. i swear i can never live peacefully with them.”
“6 ft away and mask up people 🤭”
*hurriedly puts it back in her bag and looks at the camera like nothing happend*
“there’s only one piece left 😟”
“these are probably stale to be honest..... but you never know when you could be desperatly needing goldfish guys. always good to have it handy.”
earbuds, charger, phone
“the day to day essentials, you know? and to any of the members watching this, no, you can’t use my charger. it’s not for sale. 😕”
when will the boys leave her alone please 😭
car keys
“omg did i tell you all i could drive? yeah i drove myself here today actually :D. seonghwa says i’m a bad driver, but he’s just old. i promise i’m an excellent driver atiny!”
“manager why are you shaking your head! i’m one of the best drivers in south korea! atiny said so!!”
mini perfume, deodrant, lotion, dry shampoo
“i gotta look fresh guys, i gotta show my best face to atiny💪”
“always gotta carry this thing, my favorite item in the whole wide world 🥰.”
“all the members always come to me for hairties when they have long hair and i’m like 😀, i don’t have any. but as soon as i started carrying them they all cut their hair 😭.”
“okayyyy, i think that’s it guys! i love you <3, rest well and take care!”
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