#Concepts of strike and dip
dduane · 8 months
BTW, about this ranch dressing recipe...
...I thought I should report in on this, as I've got a longtime fondness for ranch dressing / dip in general, and the Hidden Valley brand in particular.
Being located in Ireland makes acquiring some US foodstuffs a bit of a challenge. Hidden Valley is hard to find—pretty much only in specialty / import stores—and (when you can find it) expensive.* (This nice place down in Cork, for example, though it has many other things I'm interested in, is charging €15.00 for 226 grams of the dry HVR dip mix. Which immediately raises the question "Do I really want it that much?", and provokes the answer "...Nah." I'd way sooner have three boxes of Cheez-Its.)
Anyway, making ranch dressing from scratch is a subject I've put a fair amount of study into over time, as fake-it-at-home sites have been circling the HVR recipe for many years. Most of them seem to agree on a basic concept that the most important parts of the flavor are onion powder and white pepper, along with dried parsley and various herb mixtures, normally including dill or dill weed.
The recipe above hits all the main notes I've seen elsewhere, though it goes for fresh herbs rather than dried, and these lend a slightly lighter flavor. (The only herb/seasoning missing from this recipe that I've seen mentioned more than once elsewhere is celery salt/seed.) Add buttermilk, a good sour cream (we've got nice Central European ones available now, which is good because to my continued regret Irish sour cream isn't up to much), and any old mayo you've got lying around, and this recipe produces a very nice ranch.
Is it identical to HVR? I'd say not. (Not least because there's way less salt in it, which strikes me as an improvement.) Is it close to HVR? Close enough for me. It's definitely nice on salad. I'll try some as a dip tomorrow. (I'm a little more gingerly about these things since I went lactose-intolerant.)
So there you have it. If you're a ranch fan, you might like to give this one a run.
*Interestingly, the Paul Newman ranch is a lot easier to find here. Go figure.
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Halloween Movie Marathon.
fictober masterlist || ask me anything <3
authors note - this one gives me all the feels, ngl, what i would do to have a cuddle on the sofa with harry.
word count - 3.3k
in which, it's your first halloween where your children finally understand the concept of what it is, after having taken them out trick or treating, the four of you all cuddle up on the sofa, hot coco in one hand whilst the other dips in and out of there sweet bucket, a movie marathon where the films are child friendly halloween films which both you and your husband can't wait to show your children, creating not only a family tradition but memories to last a lifetime.
trope: husband!harry
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On a crisp and moonlit Halloween night, you and your husband Harry excitedly prepared for a tradition you'd been waiting for since your children were born: taking Malachai, your four-year-old, and Winnie, your freshly turned two-year-old daughter, out for their first real trick-or-treating experience.
The excitement was palpable in your household as you helped your little ones into their carefully selected costumes.
Malachai's face lit up with joy as he twirled around in his Batman suit, a reflection of his unyielding enthusiasm for all things superhero. His deep blue cape fluttered dramatically behind him as he posed with a playful grin, ready to conquer the night.
Winnie, on the other hand, had been dressed as Wednesday Addams, a character she seemed to have an innate connection with, despite her tender age.
She didn’t really smile a lot, only when she was near her father, the two of them had an exceptionally close bond.
The tiny, sombre costume suited her perfectly, with a jet-black dress, pale makeup, and her dark hair held in two braided pigtails. She looked both adorable and eerie, a striking contrast that only added to her charm.
As you stepped out into the cool, autumn evening, the streets were alive with the flickering glow of jack-o'-lanterns and the sounds of excited children and their parents.
Your little family joined the Halloween revelry, with Malachai leading the way, exuberantly shouting, "Trick or treat!" at each house you visited.
He expertly wielded his plastic Batmobile bucket, a constant companion throughout the evening, eagerly awaiting candy from each doorstep.
Winnie, being at the tender age of two, was just starting to grasp the concept of Halloween. She clung to your hand, her big green eyes (much like her fathers) filled with curiosity and a hint of wariness, occasionally practising her very own version of "trick or treat" in the sweetest toddler lisp. Her tiny fingers couldn't quite manage the task of holding a candy bag, so you and Harry took turns collecting her treats.
The decorations adorning the houses in your neighbourhood were nothing short of breathtaking. Cobwebs, pumpkins, and eerie silhouettes of witches and ghosts adorned every porch. Your little ones were enthralled by the captivating displays, each one sparking their imaginations as you ventured from one house to the next.
As the night wore on, a gentle chill settled in, prompting you to pause at a neighbor's fire pit where families gathered, toasting marshmallows and sharing spooky stories.
Malachai and Winnie marvelled at the dancing flames, their faces illuminated with the warm glow of the fire. It was in moments like these that you cherished the closeness of your family.
After several hours of trick-or-treating, the excitement began to give way to sleepy yawns and drooping eyelids. Malachai's candy bucket had grown heavy with the spoils of the night, while Winnie's adorable little face was smeared with chocolate from her first-ever Halloween treat. You decided it was time to head back home.
Walking hand in hand, you strolled back through the now quiet streets, your hearts full of love for your little superheroes and the charmingly spooky Wednesday Addams. With Malachai's cape fluttering in the breeze and Winnie's pigtails swaying, it was a Halloween night that you would cherish for years to come,
As you step through the front door, a warmth envelops you, not just from the inviting atmosphere of your home but from the joy and contentment of your Halloween adventure with Malachai and Winnie.
Harry, with a gentle smile, looks at you and says, "M’gonna get t’kids changed into their cosy pyjamas, and y’can work y’magic on the hot cocoa. They're going t’love it."
He leans down to pick up Winnie, who snuggles into his neck with her tiny Wednesday Addams costume. She clings to his shirt, and her tired eyes still hold a glimmer of excitement from the night's adventure. Malachai, gripping his plastic Batmobile bucket, eagerly extends his hand to Harry, who takes it with a reassuring squeeze.
"Okay, y’two," Harry says as he starts to make his way up the stairs with the kids in tow. "S’time t’get into y’warm PJs and then we'll come down f’a treat with Mommy."
Winnie, in her sleepy state, mumbles something unintelligible but content into Harry's neck, and Malachai excitedly chatters about his favorite houses and the candies he collected. You can hear their footsteps gradually ascending the stairs as they disappear from view, leaving you alone in the cozy living room, already picturing the smiles on their faces when they taste the hot cocoa.
He makes his way to Winnie's bedroom with his precious Wednesday Addams in tow. The room is bathed in a soft, comforting glow from the nightlight, casting gentle shadows that dance on the walls.
He eases her out of her costume, chuckling softly as she fumbles with the little buttons and zippers.
"Y’doing great, m’sunshine," he encourages her, his deep voice filled with warmth.
Winnie's little diaper-clad bottom wiggles as she chooses her own pyjamas from her drawer. Her tiny hands reach for the set with pumpkins, as if she instinctively knows that it's Halloween. She tugs the pyjamas out and turns to her father, holding them up with a proud grin.
Harry can't help but smile at her choice.
"Pumpkins, huh? S’perfect f’tonight, m’little pumpkin," he says, bending down to scoop her up in his arms. Her small frame is light and warm against him, and he revels in the sweet scent of her baby shampoo and the feeling of her little arms wrapping around his neck.
With gentle precision, he helps her slide into her pumpkin pajamas, making sure every button is secure.
"There you go, all set," he whispers, brushing a soft kiss on her forehead. Winnie nestles into her father's arms, feeling safe and cosy in her Halloween-themed sleepwear.
With Winnie all set in her cosy pumpkin pyjamas, Harry turns his attention to his energetic four-year-old superhero, Malachai.
"Alright’, buddy," he grins, sweeping Malachai up in his arms. "S’go t’y’room."
Malachai's face lights up with excitement as he's carried off, his tiny Batmobile bucket still clutched in his hand. His little heart races with the anticipation of choosing his pajamas. Harry gently lowers him onto his lap, their faces almost level, and begins to help him out of the Batman costume.
As he peels back the cape and unzips the suit, Malachai can't help but giggle.
"Daddy, I got so many candies!" he exclaims, his eyes wide with wonder.
Harry chuckles, ruffling his son's hair. "I saw that, buddy! Y’were an amazing Batman out there."
With the costume finally off, Harry tells Malachai,
"Okay, go ahead and pick out your pyjamas." Malachai doesn't need a second invitation; he eagerly darts off to his dresser, a whirlwind of excitement and enthusiasm.
In a matter of seconds, he's back, holding up a pair of Batman-themed pajamas, complete with a little Bat-Signal on the shirt. Harry can't help but laugh at his son's choice. "Well, I should've guessed you'd pick those, m’little superhero."
Malachai grins from ear to ear as he hands over the pajamas to his dad, ready for the last transformation of the night before they both head downstairs to enjoy the hot cocoa and some Halloween treats.
As Harry is helping Malachai change into his Batman pyjamas, he suddenly hears a commotion coming from the nearby bedroom. Laughter and the sound of fabric rustling are unmistakable signs that Winnie is up to something.
He gently advises Malachai, "Almost done, buddy. Just a moment."
He heads to Winnie's room, where he finds his little Wednesday Addams in the midst of a rather energetic quilt-throwing exercise. Quilt pieces lie strewn about, and her mischievous giggles fill the room.
With an amused smile, Harry asks her, "Win, what are y’doing, sweetie?"
Winnie looks up, her big green eyes holding a glint of mischief, and she simply replies, "Bored."
Harry chuckles at her honesty, realising that she's probably looking for some excitement after the adventure of trick-or-treating.
He kneels down and gently gathers her into his arms. "Well, how about we go downstairs and have some hot cocoa? Would that be more exciting than bothering your lovely bed?"
Winnie nods, her pumpkin pyjamas crinkling with the movement.
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Fifteen minutes have passed since you and Harry managed to get the little ones settled into their cozy pajamas and had some quality bonding time. Now, the living room is a hub of activity as the two of you prepare for a movie night to round off Halloween in style.
You've both changed into your comfortable pajamas, creating an atmosphere of warmth and relaxation. Harry wears a simple t-shirt and shorts, while you've slipped into a pair of his boxers and one of his well-worn t-shirts that still carries the scent of his cologne. It's a comforting aroma that wraps around you like a familiar embrace, making you feel even closer to him.
Together, you're setting up the living room for the perfect movie night. The TV is on, casting a soft, inviting glow across the room. A cozy blanket is spread out on the couch, waiting to envelop you both in its warmth as the night progresses.
In the kitchen, you can hear the gentle hum of the microwave as the popcorn starts to pop. The tantalizing scent of buttered popcorn fills the air, promising a delectable treat for the evening's entertainment.
With the popcorn timer set, you and Harry adjust the cushions on the couch, fluffing them up for maximum comfort. The remote control rests on the coffee table, ready to transport you to the world of your chosen Halloween movie.
Harry glances at you and grins.
"M’gonna come with y’t’ get t’hot cocoa, so we don't have t’keep getting up during t’movies," he suggests, knowing that once you're all settled in on the couch, it's best to minimise interruptions.
You nod in agreement and turn toward Malachai and Winnie, who are perched on the couch, their eyes fixed on the TV.
"Alright, kiddos," you say playfully, "we'll be right back. Be good for a minute."
Malachai nods, his little Batman eyes shining with excitement, and Winnie gives you a mischievous grin.
"Behave, you two," you say, smirking at them, knowing that their idea of "being good" might be open to interpretation.
In the cosy kitchen, you and Harry stand side by side, the scent of popcorn filling the air as the microwave hums to life. The sound of kernels popping is rhythmic, a soothing backdrop to the conversation between you two.
As you prepare the popcorn, Harry can't resist leaning in and brushing a playful kiss to your cheek.
"Y’know," he says with a mischievous glint in his eye, "you wearing m’shirt does something t’me."
You chuckle and play along. "Oh, does it now? And what might that be?"
Harry's lips curl into a gentle smile as he takes a step closer.
"Well," he begins, "it makes m’want t’hold y’like this." He wraps his strong arms around your waist, pulling you into a warm embrace.
You feel your heart flutter at his touch and tilt your head toward him, resting it on his shoulder.
"What else?" you ask, curiosity dancing in your eyes.
Harry's warm breath tickles your ear as he continues, "It makes m’want t’kiss y’until we forget all about the movie night."
His words are filled with affection and desire, and you can't help but blush. The microwave dings, signalling that the popcorn is ready, and you both turn your attention to the hot cocoa.
You grab the mugs and pour the steaming chocolatey goodness, while Harry retrieves a can of whipped cream from the fridge. As you finish garnishing the cocoa, you feel his presence close behind you.
He places a soft kiss on your temple and whispers, "And y’laugh, especially in m’shirt, s’m’favorite sound."
You turn to face him, sharing a sweet, lingering kiss as you exchange mugs, ready to head back to the living room with the popcorn and hot cocoa, cherishing this tender moment and the love that surrounds you.
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The living room is now perfectly set up for a family movie night. The soft glow of the TV illuminates the room, casting a cozy atmosphere that envelops you all. Winnie's choice for the evening is "Hotel Transylvania," and it's playing on the screen. She's curled up on her father's lap, a warm blanket cocooning her tiny form.
As the movie begins, you can't help but smile at the sight. Winnie's eyes are wide with wonder as she watches the colourful characters on the screen. Harry wraps his arms protectively around her, his gentle voice whispering, "S’this y’favourite movie, sweetheart?"
Winnie nods, her sleepy eyes twinkling with delight, and she snuggles deeper into her father's embrace.
On the other side of the couch, Malachai is cuddled up against you, his little head resting on your shoulder. He clutches his favourite superhero plushie tightly in his hand, occasionally glancing at the screen with rapt attention.
The atmosphere is filled with warmth, love, and the soft sounds of the movie, punctuated by the occasional giggle from Winnie.
The movie progresses, and as the characters in "Hotel Transylvania" embark on their comical adventures, a series of shared giggles and gasps fills the room.
Winnie, with her fascination for the animated world on the screen, occasionally points at the characters, and Harry, ever the doting father, indulges her by asking, "Do y’like Dracula, sweetie?"
Winnie grins widely, her tiny face alight with excitement, and nods, "Dracula funny!"
Meanwhile, Malachai is engrossed in the movie's action, his big brown eyes wide as he follows every twist and turn. He occasionally snuggles closer to you, as if seeking comfort during the slightly spooky scenes.
As the family settles in, you reach for the bowl of popcorn and hand a piece to Malachai, who takes it eagerly and munches away, the crunch of popcorn providing a delightful background sound to the film.
With a warm, contented sigh, you nuzzle your son's hair and steal a quick glance at Harry and Winnie. You can't help but appreciate these quiet, precious moments when it's just the four of you, lost in a world of animated monsters and a shared love that binds you.
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Midway through the movie, as the animated characters face a comical conundrum, Malachai can no longer resist the allure of the candies he's collected during the night.
He sneaks a hand into his Batmobile bucket, selects a piece, and with a sly grin, he turns to you, his wide eyes shining. "Mommy, want a candy?"
You can't help but chuckle at his irresistible charm and accept the candy he offers. After taking the treat, you lean in, gently pressing a soft kiss to his button-like nose. He lets out a joyful giggle at the unexpected display of affection, his heart warmed by the simple gesture.
With the candy indulged, you both return your attention to the movie. The lively characters on the screen continue their quirky adventures, and the living room echoes with shared laughter and the occasional gasp at the on-screen antics.
Harry, from his spot across the room, watches with a fond smile. His heart swells with love as he sees the bond between you and Malachai, a mother and son sharing moments of pure joy.
He can't help but chime in, "Hey, don't forget to save some candy for me!"
Malachai grins and offers the candy bucket to his father, who selects a piece with a playful wink.
As "Hotel Transylvania" nears its conclusion, it's evident that the long and exciting day of Halloween adventures has taken its toll on the little ones.
Malachai, his eyelids growing heavier with every passing moment, has shifted from his snug spot at your side to rest his head on his father's lap.
Winnie, nestled under her blanket and clutching her favourite plush toy, is in a half-dreamy state as she gazes at the screen.
The movie's ending is met with a quiet stillness in the room, punctuated only by the gentle, even breaths of your two precious superheroes.
The soft glow of the TV paints a warm, comforting picture. Harry smiles down at Malachai, who is slowly surrendering to sleep, and he gently strokes his son's hair, a loving and protective father's touch.
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In the quiet moments of the evening, the soft lamplight casts a warm, gentle glow in the living room. The day's activities have left Winnie tired but still full of curiosity and energy. She's been trying to settle on her fathers lap like she does most nights but now she has a different kind of need.
As you sit comfortably on the couch, Winnie's inquisitive spirit takes over.
She crawls over to your lap, her bright eyes filled with a mix of innocence and desire.
She pauses in front of you, gazing up with a look that seems to convey, "Mommy, can I?"
You smile down at her, understanding her silent request. In response, you lovingly adjust your position, allowing her to crawl onto your lap. Her tiny hands, warm and soft, reach for your shirt, her fingers fumbling to lift it up.
You ask her, "Do you want some mommy milk, sweetie?"
Winnie's face lights up with a happy nod, and she whines softly as her efforts to lift your shirt all the way are met with a bit of difficulty. Her determination to satisfy her hunger is apparent, and her love for "mummy milk" is a testament to the special bond between a mother and her child.
With a gentle, motherly touch, you guide her to your breast, and she latches on with eager determination. As she begins to feed, you brush her soft hair away from her face and stroke her cheek. The connection between you two deepens, and in this intimate moment, you cherish the unique and profound love you share.
As your youngest settles into her peaceful breastfeeding session, the living room is not devoid of activity.
On the sofa, you can see Harry and your eldest still seated together.
Malachai's eyes are heavy, his little body leaning comfortably against his father. The remnants of their family movie night are visible in the traces of popcorn that litter the coffee table.
Malachai glances up at his father, his sleepy gaze meeting Harry's warm, tender eyes.
With a quiet understanding, he says, "Daddy, I love our family."
Harry's heart swells with love, and he replies, "I love our family too, buddy. And y’know what? We're all so lucky t’have Mommy, aren't we?"
Malachai smiles, his sleepy face lit up with affection. "Yeah, we're the luckiest. And Winnie's lucky too."
Harry chuckles softly. "Y’absolutely right, m’little superhero."
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The night has fallen, and the house is immersed in a comforting stillness. You and Harry have just put both Malachai and Winnie to bed, their innocent faces wrapped in the embrace of slumber.
The room is now your own, and the two of you lay side by side in the cosy intimacy of your double bed.
Harry, the moonlight gently caressing his features, turns to you with a thoughtful look.
"Do y’ever think about trying f’another baby?" he asks, his voice laced with curiosity.
Harry's question hangs in the air, you go quiet, and a small, enigmatic smile plays on your lips. Harry notices your silence and turns his head to look at you, his eyes searching for your thoughts.
“S’that smile for?" he asks with a curious, quizzical expression.
You take a deep breath, your heart beating a little faster, and with a soft chuckle, you say, "I don't think there's much 'trying' to do."
His brow furrowed in confusion for a moment, but then your hand gently guided his, placing it on your stomach. As he feels the gentle, subtle curve of your belly under his touch, realisation dawns in his eyes, and his gaze locks onto yours.
A beautiful mix of emotions washes over him, and with a joyful and surprised grin, he whispers, "Are y’saying...?"
You nod, your eyes shining with love and happiness. "Yes, H, we're going to have another baby."
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akazzzaa · 10 months
concept: if all the demons, lower & upper moon and muzan were able to cook, what would they make & bring for thanksgiving, if they celebrated with their s/o?
Sorry for being late! I'm unfamiliar with Thanksgiving day so I tried to do some research to make it accurate, Not a lot of American style food will be included cause they are from japan, but they try
A/N- I'm no chef, I had to look for a lot of recipes that would be 'demonic' and thanksgiving too ?
Characters- Muzan, Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza, Tamayo, Emnu
Summary- What they would cook for you on Thanksgiving
Genre- Fluff
Warnings- None really just a mention on blood once
Muzan knows languages and understands a lot of cultures from around the world. He is interested in how different counties have such different taste in food. All human food is gross to him but he is the only demon who can actually eat human food without throwing up. He only eats human food to blend in. A very good cook otherwise.
I think Muzan would likely choose a high-quality turkey and he might incorporate a deep red cranberry sauce that reflects his demonic side while still being suitable for a Thanksgiving table. Carrots glazed with a blood orange reduction could be a visually striking and flavourful side dish. For dessert, a dark chocolate pecan pie could be Muzan's choice for you, combining sweetness with a hint of darkness. For a drink, Muzan would craft a special cocktail with dark fruits, red wine, and a touch of something more sinister. blood
Given that Kokushibo lived during the Taisho era in Japan, he might appreciate traditional Japanese cuisine. If he were to celebrate Thanksgiving with his significant other, he might choose to prepare a special Japanese meal with a touch of elegance. He knows nothing about American cuisine and doesn't care to learn about it. He's the one cooking. You are the one eating. If you don't like it, make it yourself. He didn't cook a lot as a human but he knows his way around a kitchen.
He would cook sushi rolls with fresh fish, vegetables, and perhaps some unique ingredients to showcase his culinary skills. Light and crispy tempura made with seasonal vegetables and shrimp, served with a flavourful dipping sauce. A delicate Chawanmushi (Steamed Egg Custard)with ingredients like chicken, shrimp, and ginkgo nuts, steamed to perfection. Skewers of grilled chicken, perhaps with a teriyaki glaze, showcasing a balance of sweet and savoury flavours. For desert, a unique dessert that combines the rich flavours of matcha green tea with the creamy goodness of cheesecake.
Douma is an amazing cook, just under Muzan, he has chefs that cook for the followers but he has cooked many dishes for people during his lifetime. He's unfamiliar with American food but he will try for you.
Douma might appreciate a unique twist on the traditional Thanksgiving turkey. The glaze could be made with blood orange juice, honey, and spices, giving it a rich and flavourful coating with Truffle Mashed Potatoes. Then Douma may choose a red wine reduction sauce to enhance the flavour of the meal and tie the meal together. Douma is better at baking but doesn't think humans should eat to much sweets. But today is a one off for you both, he would create a visually striking dessert, perhaps with dark chocolate and exotic fruits.
Not a bad cook, has never cooked until he met you and he's gotten better at it. He respects you and your culture so he will want to cook a Japanese-American dish for you.
Akaza could marinate the turkey in a special teriyaki sauce infused with cherry blossom flavours, giving it a unique and sophisticated twist. Instead of traditional sweet potato dishes, Akaza might opt for sweet potatoes glazed with a miso-based sauce, adding a savoury and umami-rich element to the dish. Fresh green beans cooked to perfection and tossed with a sesame dressing, providing a crunchy and nutty complement to the meal. For dessert, Akaza might choose to make a matcha-flavored tiramisu, combining the traditional Italian dessert with a Japanese green tea twist. To accompany the meal, Akaza might select a high-quality sake, demonstrating his refined taste and appreciation for Japanese beverages.
Given her background and the fact that she is knowledgeable about herbs and medicines, she might prepare a unique and exotic dish that incorporates flavors inspired by her extensive knowledge. Perhaps she would create a dish with rare herbs and spices, combining them in a way that showcases her expertise.
Tamayo might infuse traditional Thanksgiving turkey with a Japanese twist by using a miso glaze. Miso adds a rich, savoury flavour that complements the turkey. A stuffing made with Japanese mushrooms like shiitake and maitake, along with chestnuts, could be a flavourful side dish reflecting Tamayo's expertise with herbs and ingredients. A selection of pickled vegetables, such as daikon radish and carrots, could serve as a refreshing palate cleanser between bites of the richer dishes. For dessert, a matcha-flavored treat like matcha cheesecake or matcha-flavored mochi could be a delight to the Thanksgiving feast. She has modified her body to drink human tea, so she will watch you eat all the food she cooked but the only thing you two can enjoy together is a cup of tea. And she makes a good cup of tea.
Will give you food poisoning. Do not eat his food
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dilfsonic · 2 years
Could you elaborate a bit more on how Shadow & Maria's first meeting with Sonic went? And what would be, say, the first time Shadow left Maria's side to do his own thing? (Possibly with Sonic????? 👀👀) I'd imagine that would give him lots of trouble if Gerald is still around which I doubt but I digress—
The Au is super cute and I love the concept! Also your art is just lovely and so good 💖
Hi there!!
So Sonic meets them when he sees Shadow out in public one day, and unfortunately for Shadow his back is facing a wall, so Sonic can’t read it and immediately strikes up a conversation, startling him.
He’s waiting outside a public bathroom for Maria, just has arms crossed and staring ahead and Sonic walks up and starts talking to him and he’s pulled out of his zoning out, and initially he’s immediately resistant, because distractions.
“I haven’t seen you around these parts before. I’m Sonic! What’s your—“
“You’re distracting me. Please don’t talk to me.”
“Huh? It doesn’t look like you’re doing anything.”
“I’m working. She’ll be back soon, so scram.”
And then Maria comes skipping out and looking shocked between the two bc Shadow doesn’t ever address others like “Omg who is this?”
And Shadow just scowls and grabs her hand. “Nobody. The Professor won’t appreciate tardiness.” And then, nodding at Sonic. “Sonic. This will be the last time we see each other. Come, Maria.”
And he pulls her away and Sonic is just as confused as he is charmed BDNDNSKDNFN. Maria allows Shadow to pull her along, shooting an apologetic little smile back at the strange blue hedgehog. She’s like, “Aw come on, don’t you want to make a friend?” and Shadow is just immediately like “No.”
Sonic ‘conveniently’ runs into them a second time while they’re out and about another day, and Maria has the wonderful idea to suggest Sonic joining them. Shadow is cold and standoffish at first, but only Maria can tell he’s…slightly interested. He can tell Sonic has something of an ‘otherness’ about him like himself. It helps Sonic doesn’t condescend him about his work as a service Mobian, and is kinda fascinated by them instead.
That’s how Sonic worms his way into their lives initially, and when he shows off his speed to Shadow, Shadow’s interest is Fully Piqued. He’s never gotten to test his own limits in that way, with something as superfluous and meaninglessly fun as a race. And the fact that Sonic immediately hits it off with Maria is basically brownie points from someone like Shadow.
The first time they hang out alone: Sonic and Maria convince Shadow to go just him and Sonic to an arcade; Maria is just across the street, Shadow, she’ll be fine! And it’s the first time Shadow’s ever been alone with someone besides Maria since he was a baby, so it’s very anxiety inducing, and Shadow relies on Sonic to navigate him through most social situations and cues that fly over Shadow’s head. But he’s…having fun. Sonic brings out a competitive streak in himself he never knew existed. For all intents and purposes, it’s like a date, but neither of them intend it to be, nor does Shadow have the emotional wherewithal to interpret it as a date at this point.
(Things go south when Maria’s energy unexpectedly dips and she collapses when she comes into the arcade to come fetch him. Shadow’s fun goes out the window, and he’s immediately pulling her into his arms, trying desperately not to panic. Maria hasn’t collapsed like this since she was a child, and he was a baby, and he blames himself for his negligence. There’s a brief falling out between him and Sonic after; he’s angry, but it’s mostly at himself. He allowed himself to be distracted and Maria suffered for it. It doesn’t matter that Maria reassures him it was just a freak thing, it shouldn’t stop Shadow from pursuing a friendship, and she feels terrible that it drives a wedge between the hedgehogs. It won’t last long, though. Sonic will come back around, and Shadow can’t so easily push him away again now that he’s known the warmth of Sonic’s presence.)
If you’re wondering how Gerald feels about this— they don’t tell him. Gerald would definitely NOT approve of Sonic or his involvement, for exactly the reason described above. Thankfully no more freak accidents happen like that again, and it takes a long time for Shadow to be comfortable parting from her for any amount of time. One thing does give him peace of mind however! And that’s when Maria convinces Gerald to buy Shadow his own cell phone <3 Perfect for keeping in contact with Gerald, Maria, and 1 other contact in it, heheh.
Anyway thank you so much for this ask! I have a little wip of this initial scene for you guys.
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
So taking your same reader from the homelander daddy kink fic? Would you be open to do one where we for whatever reason punish him by spanking him and then he gets really aroused by it and cums on our lap. So then we have him lick it up and then breed him?
Homelander/John Gillman x male reader
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This is the same reader as the one in my kinktober prompt, hope yall enjoy. idk if this is my best work ever, i somehow couldnt seem to get in the mood to write but wanted to finish this.
Hope yall still enjoy though.
John was a brat, that was no secret. Anyone who met him could tell you that John was used to getting his way and was easy to annoy when things didn’t go how he wanted them too. He wanted to be praised and worshipped, so when he started seeing (Y/N) he wanted the same thing from the bigger man as well.
This was the start of their relationship, and it took a long time for John to accept he liked their dynamic a little more different than he was used too. Now, just because John accepted, he wanted (Y/N) to be his daddy and take care of him, didn’t mean any of Johns bratty behaviours went away, they actually became worse in some situations.
Homelander would only show some of them when it was just the two of them, the ones that would look bad on his reputation. Normally (Y/N) would pet him and coo at John when he was feeling slighted by something in his everyday life, especially when it came to things involving being part of the seven or the attention it gave. At times Homelander was jealous of how (Y/N) had no such job, that the man was oh so powerful that even vought bent over backwards for him. It also made him very proud of course, seeing as (Y/N) wanted him and not anybody else.
(Y/N) tended to pity John when it came to outside things making him annoyed and snappy, but he would tolerate disrespect to himself from his partner when they were playing with their different dynamic. So when John broke the rules and talked back to (Y/N), punishment of course followed.
That’s what found them in the situation they were in now, John laid over the other man’s broad thighs, his hips grinding against the thick muscle as the larger mans strong hands came down on the blondes behind and thighs. John had his hands clenched in tight fists, his eyes wet with tears as flashes of pain travelled through him, the feeling mixing with pleasure as his hard cock rubbed against the fabric of his daddy’s pants.
The spanking continued as (Y/N) scolded John, voice filled with disappointment as he pointed out just what Homelander had done wrong and how it hurt (Y/N) that his boy didn’t do as he was told. Up until then John had been able to stay mostly quiet, but the knowledge that his daddy was disappointed in him made the sobs he had been supressing spill fourth.
The throbbing pain of the spanking and the humiliation of crying, an action Homelander saw as beneath him on a normal day, only made his arousal bubble even further. An extra hard strike from (Y/N)s hand caused Johns hips to grind against his thigh just right, the action pushing the blonde over the edge and making him spill against (Y/N)s leg.
John whimpered as he felt more tears of embarrassment and arousal pour down his face at what had just happened, his body completely limp when (Y/N) moved him around and pushed his face down into the streaks of white the blonde had painted all over the fabric of his daddy’s trousers.  
The blonde knew what to do, him cumming from being spanked wasn’t a new concept, so even as his vision stayed blurry with tears, he stuck out his tongue and ran it across the fabric, tiny noises leaving him as his mouth filled with the taste of himself.
(Y/N) ran his hand through John’s hair as he kept licking up the mess he had made, his other running down the dip of the blonde’s spine, coming to a stop after the tailbone to rub his fingers between the mans cheeks. The action made John whine, twisting his head so he could glance up at his daddy as he kept licking up his mess, leaving a large wet patch of spit on his wake.
John was still slightly loose from earlier that day, so after getting some lube on his fingers (Y/N) was quick to stretch him open again. At some point the blonde had finished licking up his mess and was just panting against (Y/N)s leg, mouth open and hands gripping onto the larger man as he tried to move his hips backwards in search of more pleasure.
Homelander was so out of it he didn’t even realise (Y/N) had opened up his pants, just enough so he could pull out his length, until the larger man withdrew his fingers from John’s hole and pulled him back up and into his lap again. This time Homelander was sat with his chest to (Y/N)s, the other man holding onto his hips as he held him up, the tip of his length pressing against his stretched hole.
A long whine left the blondes lips as he looked at (Y/N) with wet eyes, Johns lips wet and red from being bitten and sucked at, choked off begs leaving his lips as he tried to press his hips down so get the other man inside of him. Leaning in (Y/N) pressed a kiss to Homelanders forehead before finally pushing him down, slowly pushing inside the other man’s hole, giving him enough time to adjust to the intrusion. When he was fully inside (Y/N) gave John time to adjust, the blonde having wrapped his arms around (Y/N)s shoulders and buried his face into the mans shoulder as he panted and left wet patches against his shirt from his tears.
When he had adjusted to the stretch John started wriggling his hips, squeezing around the length as trying to move his hips in the strong grip that was holding them still. Finally, (Y/N) started moving, lifting and lowering John as if he weighed nothing, the action causing Homelander to moan and grip on tighter to the other man as he moved his hips along with the movement.
At some point (Y/N) let go of Johns hips, watching as the blonde bounced almost desperately in his lap as he chased his orgasm. The noises John made were almost sinful, loud moans and choked whines forcing their way out of his chest as his movements grew quicker and needier. Whimpers of “daddy” and “please” seemed to be the only coherent words he could muster, tears running down his face as he sought his release.
Feeling pity for the blonde, (Y/N) reached up and wrapped a hand around John’s length, moving his hand along with the movement of his hips and stroking the man’s length. The heat built in both of the men, but John was the first to finish, an almost painful keen leaving him as he spilled white streaks across the front of (Y/N)s shirt. He didn’t stop the movements of his hips, not until (Y/N) finished as well, spilling inside the blonde and pulling his hips down against his lap.
John went limp against (Y/N)s chest, trying his catch his breath as he clenched around the other mans length, his eyes fluttering as he felt full of (Y/N)s spend, Johns cock giving a small twitch at the knowledge that the other man had finished inside of him. (Y/N) pressed a kiss to the top of Johns head, pulling him close and rubbing his hand up and down the blondes back, muttering to him about what a good job he had done, and how much of a good boy he was. Feeling exhausted John cuddled closer to (Y/N) and let himself relax, falling asleep against the other mans shoulder with his length still inside him, they could clean that later.
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minnielvrr · 2 months
Ler Hyunjin thoughts~
A/N: I'm really sorry if this is crap, I'm having writers block rn and I just can't seem to write as much as I want to 😖😭
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Hyunjin sneaking these nail extensions as well as the ones everyone else wore for their concept pictures back to the dorm. He'd easily get Felix and Han to join in.... for a slightly different role.
Back in their dorm, Hyunjin would instruct them to lay on the bed, tying the sunshine twins' arms up and for a little bit of spice, blindfolding them.
The two would giggle and squirm in anticipation when Hyunjin would drum the nails on the bedside table, the sound of metal striking wood echoing through the silent room.
"I'll only let you two go once both of you correctly guesses whose nails I'm using. If one you gets it wrong or you don't know, I will tickle that person for 15 seconds on a spot of the winner's choosing. Sound fair?" Hums of agreement followed making him grin.
This was going to be fun.
He sat down between the two, and used Seungmin's nails first on their bellies, watching as the two flinched at the sensation of the cold metal touching their skin, Hannie's giddy laughs blending beautifully with Lixie's deep giggles.
"Mihihinie! Thehese are Seungmihin's nails!" Han giggled out and Hyunjin gazed in amusement at the look of horror on Lixie's face, the little fairy staring pleadingly in Han's direction as if the other could see him.
"Get his sides!" The quokka chirped with an evil grin and Hyunjin's clawed nails were on the spot in an instant. "Noo-AH! Hyuhuhune nohohohohoo!" Poor Lix twisted and turned but wherever he went, Hyunjin's nails would follow until the timer on his phone indicated the 15 second mark.
Felix slumped on to the mattress, chest heaving for breath as the two giggled fondly at him. Round two followed with Minho's nails on their armpits, the strange structure tickling them immensely but also easily giving it away.
The two giggled their pretty heads off under Hyunjin's fingers, loving every second of the game. This time Felix managed to answer just milliseconds before Han and he cheered loudly at the groan the other let out. "Jinnie, he loves being ti-tickled on his tummy!" He ratted out eagerly.
That only made Hyunjin smile fondly. "Is that so? Do you really just like this Hannie?" He teased as he dragged his nails up and down Hannie's abs. Han only threw his head back and laughed and laughed, voice turning hysteric when Hyunjin dipped one nail in his navel.
This game continued in a sort of back and forth, drawing screeches and howls of laughter when it was his and Chan's nails. They were both sharp and pointed, allowing the artist to skitter them up and down the duo's feet as they struggled, thoroughly enjoying their happy sounds.
The sunshine twins were left with bright red faces, their tears dampening the blindfolds. "Had fun?" Hyunjin asked smugly as he untied the two, both of them nodding bashfully.
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Oops All Byleths
I return with more silly designs. I liked the idea of doing four different versions of Byleth as the alternate commanders for the decks, but I thought I'd dip into a little bit of AU for them so they didn't feel too similar.
It was really hard figuring out what keywords to give them, since Double Strike (High speed so they almost always doubles enemies), Reach (Ability to counterattack regardless of range), and Lifelink (Crest of Flames activations healing them) felt so appropriate, but I ended up dividing them between the different versions, (except for reach, which the SotC grants (spoiler alert)).
Card explanations under the read more.
Byleth, Champion of Humanity (Crimson Flower)
The Crimson Flower version of Byleth was the first of two pseudo-AU Byleths. When you first play her, she is empowered by Sothis's Crest Stone and can swing in aggressively to keep your life total at a nice healthy number. When she dies, she loses her divinity and becomes fully human, but in doing so becomes a beacon of inspiration for the people of the Empire.
For this card I wanted to make a lower mana value alternate commander for the Crimson Flower deck since Edelgard was pretty expensive. I also liked the idea of representing Byleth dying and returning to life, referencing either the scene where she escapes from Zaharas or the end of Crimson Flower when Rhea is defeated and Byleth becomes human again. I will also say from a mechanical perspective there aren't many (if any) ways to give Byleth a +1/+1 counter in the Crimson Flower deck right now, so it'd be tricky to loop her.
Byleth, Guiding Light (Azure Moon)
The Azure Moon version of Byleth learns as much from his students as he teaches them, and wants to ensure that they teach each other as well. To represent this, he piles all of the keywords your creatures have onto one of your creatures, but only allows that creature to attack that turn. He has also fully adopted the culture of the Kingdom, giving him the Knight type.
I will admit that this design felt a little lazy, or at least was more mechanically motivated than some of the others. Since the Azure Moon deck had an exalted/single attacker subtheme, it seemed only natural to have a creature in the deck that let you stack all the keywords you have on one creature as well. That said, it's an effect we've seen before, and I may toy with the mana value or add another keyword to Byleth himself.
Byleth, Proven Professor (Verdant Wind)
The Verdant Wind version of Byleth follows in the footsteps of his father, and makes sure to make calculate his opponents weakness by recording information (investigating). He also allows you to get more out of your resources thanks to his knowledge of life as a mercenary, and imparts a bit of knowledge to a creature whenever you use an artifact token.
This design was another one that was fairly mechanically motivated, but I think it does fit. I mostly wanted a creature that incentivized use of the artifact tokens the Verdant Wind deck generates, while also providing a decent body to put the map token counters on. I'm also toying with the values on this one, but we'll see.
Byleth, the Goddess Reborn (Silver Snow)
This is the second of the two pseudo-AU Byleths, representing her in a future where she fully unlocked Sothis's power. Thanks to this, she is able to sustain herself/you (Lifelink), fight endlessly without tiring (Vigilance), and inspire fear into the hearts of the mortals she encounters (Menace). The devotion of her followers only increases her power, and if it reaches a certain threshold will protect her until her faithful are dealt with.
The design concept for this was based on the fact that I wanted the alternate commander for the Silver Snow deck to be something with a high mana value that could serve as a control finisher. Also, since the deck was based on the Church, it made sense for at least one card to reference devotion. Also sometimes a girl just wants to design a god card.
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thoughtsafterdark · 6 months
The world is quiet. So quiet. The silence deafens, bends backs, breaks minds. It holds its breath, waiting, biding its time. Still and poised yet tense, every pebble and grain of sand prepared to strike. Like a big cat stalking its prey, shoulders rolling so smoothly as it inches closer and closer. Like oil sliding off the skin of the water. Those moments when it crouches and becomes one with the Savanah. When the golden light of the setting sun sets the land aflame and blades of grass blend with raised heckles until they are one and the same.
It waits for you, for your conception and birth. Molecules aligning, cells dividing, flowers blooming. The water of your mother’s womb is surprisingly thin given the precious life it cushions. It is expelled from your lungs like a sacrament, like a fountain that once erupted from a desert rock millennia ago. Strong lungs as befit a firstborn son. Your first cries pierce the air and shatter the stillness into a million shimmering fragments. The diamonds spill across the inky blackness. A burst of colour from the Lord’s brush, arcing across the sky. Another promise, another new beginning. Yet Gods are foolish, lonely creatures. Their promises ring hollow and false to our suffering ears. The whips crack and our skin splits, oozes all the same. Where was God when my brothers withered and died, the cries ripped from their throats going unanswered?
And yet tell me why as I gaze upon you now, I am compelled to fall to my knees? As if every fibre of my being yearns to bow, to yield - as if your voice bursts from somewhere deep in my squirming gut and heart and not your lips?
Tell me why I itch to bury myself in the crook where your thigh meets groin and inhale the musk there as if your scent holds the Eye of the Needle, as if the grooves of your skin map Heaven’s Kingdom. Would you let me cry tears of rapture at your coming and wash your feet with them and my tongue?
I wonder if such a wonton display of devotion would anger you, frighten you. Would you toss me away in disgust, smash my face into the ground? Break my nose against rock and let me feel the warm flood of blood flow backwards down my throat, let me savour the salt and iron as I swallow devoutly. Tell me why I have never felt so alive as when your holy wrath rains down upon me like fire, like the destruction of Sodom.
I watch you now, standing proud against that same setting sun, gazing across the expanse of your new kingdom. Here as it dips low upon the dunes and the sand lashes at us. Its rays frame raven curls and fracture all around you, as if afraid to touch you and be seduced. A halo that revers yet fears you. It hardens your features as if you were hewn from granite Your jaw tightens against the onslaught, sharp enough to fell armies. Your eyes become the harsh ringing of blade against blade. Gone is the boy with the easy smile tugging at the corner of a mouth, crow’s feet wrinkling eyes. In his place is the cold pyre of divine righteousness. The commander of earth and sky, made to wield sound and air itself. I think of the icons of old, the waxy mournful faces of saints and note what a pale imitation they must be, if they had even a third of your weight.
You are a black hole - all-consuming, inescapable, inevitable - and we are all trapped in your orbit, edging ever closer to the Event Horizon that will surely destroy us. But tell me if our path is so doomed why my heart leaps at the prospect of pledging my death to you? What finer gift is there but that of my last breath, freely given?
In your face I see rivers of blood and the thrum of charging men. I hear the chants of our forefathers and the long line of prophets that came before, accumulating across the centuries into the tapestry that is your flesh.
Yet as you lie here beside me, the darkness kept at bay by the stubborn flame of a lone candle, your face serene with sleep and your sweat acrid and sharp in my nose - I see just a man plagued by a crown of thorns. I think of my hands, bathing in the blood of innocents in your name. Your name, a mantra, a hymn that ignites us all with awe and hunger. I wonder if knowing deep down you are just a man makes me more or less the fool.
Then your eyes open, lashes fluttering, and I see the light burning there and I know messiahs are not born but made in the hearth of a home, in the fierceness of a loyal heart and the beating lifeblood of a people starved of hope. I care not if you bleed red or ichor, I know only that I will follow you into hell itself, until we burn to ash and we become whispers, legends. Until we are nothing but dust floating across the dunes, the wind that stokes the flames of a thousand more rebellions.
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lottiecrabie · 1 year
Cock warming professor! Matty while he's working on some material for his next classes🥰
cockwarming professor matty while he marks papers… (had to include cockwarming, it's the lottiecrabie brand)
Can we have a lil professor Matty smut blurb…
alright alright Fine. i’ll give in for the cockwarming
matty sits at his desk, a collection of colorful highlighters and pens scattered around him. there’s a brown mug ring on one of the papers, the half-finished and growing cold cup moved just a few inches away.
you sit on his lap, snug against his body, head dipped into his neck. your vantage point offers you a peek of the papers he’s grading— striking through incoherent phrases and leaving ??? in his wake. you giggle at some sloppy attempt to explain lowbrow art, matty pinching your hip in answer. telling you to be nice.
he’s buried deep inside of you, cock hard as you drip on him, impossibly still. it doesn’t make you want to be nice at all.
he’d warned before you came over to his flat near campus that he had papers to grade. told you that he would be busy and distracted. explained he wouldn’t be able to give you the attention you wanted until late at night.
but your roommate is being a major bitch, and your vibrator has been broken after some foolhardy adventure in the bath, and matty wore your favorite shirt of his today. unbuttoned, sleeves rolled up, knowing damn well the two of you spent last wednesday night scrubbing at his collar to wash away the lipstick stain you left on it, lingering in post-orgasm glow, giggling as he kissed up your neck and bent you over the sink.
the combination was too deadly for you; you came over hot and bothered and a tiny bit bratty, begging for him to lose sight of his upcoming deadlines.
you pushed and pulled and tugged until matty finally snapped, sitting you on his cock and asking you to be quiet.
his work goes on seemingly uninterrupted: he reads the words with miraculous focus, underlining the parts he finds particularly insightful in green, your favorite color. you’d almost believe the act if he didn’t twitch inside of you, breath hitching when your hips grow sore in their positions and you shift above him. his hand digs into your skin then, clenched fingers holding himself back from the filthy things surely spinning in his mind.
his solution works nonetheless. filled so thoroughly with him, you nose his neck, kissing his pulse point, licking off his remaining cologne. most importantly, you stay quiet, a good, obedient thing sitting primly in his lap. matty mentions it a few time, whispering, ‘you’re doing so well, baby. so good for me. are you gonna keep going? gonna continue being my good girl?’ you nod in eager answer.
your cunt flutters every time he sighs, disappointed in a poor answer, the sound resonating sinfully in your head. you try rolling your hips, but he pins you in place, giving you a dark, warning look. it’s enough to make you shiver.
finally, matty gets to your copy, your name screaming on the title page in square times new roman letters. he throws a look your way, smiling. you flush at the attention, hiding in his neck as though your belly doesn’t swoop with excitement.
‘let’s read through, yeah?’ matty says.
he recites your words back to you, using that academic tone of his that has your blood running languidly in your veins. he comments on your grasp of the theory, on your insightful comparisons, on your sharp arguments. he corrects a few typos, counterattacks where he disagrees. he speaks of art to you as he lays so deeply inside of you. the two concepts mesh dizzyingly in your head; it spins with thrill trying to consolidate them.
of course, you can’t control yourself, hips rolling as matty reads your paper, praising you on your good work. it’s slow, barely there at first, until the need gets too overwhelming and you whimper in his neck, snapping up and down his cock. matty indulgently lets you, rubbing at your hip, at your back, encouraging you.
the orgasm you’re building in yourself is quick and grand. you feel it coursing through your limbs, warning its close arrival. your face wrinkles, closing your eyes as you cry out his name.
‘wait,’ matty says, using that authoritative voice that has you clenching around him. ‘i’m not even done with the conclusion yet.’
you shake your head, whining. ‘please, sir.’ you ride him quicker, chasing that finish, silently begging for it.
matty tsks. ‘i thought you wanted to be my good girl.’
‘i am,’ you nod fervently.
‘then wait.’ he pins your hips down, freezing you as he splits you apart. a shocked groan comes out of you. your head falls back, panting through the robbed end.
completely in control of himself, matty goes back to the essay, finishing the law few paragraphs staining the page. you’re restless over him, whining and pleading, practically soaking him every time he dares compliment your work. you try remaining as still as he wants you, but you can’t help the few minute movements.
matty finally finishes his spoken word of your paper. in green, he writes A on the page, circling it. he grins up at you, stroking your cheek. ‘oh, you did great.’ you pout, nodding as he rakes his hands through your hair. ‘okay, baby. you can go ahead now.’
his last word is barely out of your mouth that you rise on your knees, falling down on him with a relieved moan. you’re tired now, your hips sloppy and irregular as you chase back that delicious orgasm.
matty pets your hair, kissing your cheeks. ‘let me help. a pretty girl like you shouldn’t have to do the work.’ he holds you up, snapping his hips inside of you instead. it’s a quick, rough affair, leaving you drooling in his neck, lipstick staining the collar.
‘are you gonna come?’ you nod eagerly. ‘yeah? gonna come for me?’
‘yes, sir.’
he presses on your clit, rubbing at it. ‘do it, then. i wanna hear you.’
with a broken cry, you fall apart, stars shining behind your eyelids. matty continues fucking up into you, leaving you so sensitive you have to stop him to catch your breath. it’s a role reversal you hadn’t expected.
matty coos at you. ‘you’re perfect,’ he says, smacking your lips. you grin lazily at him, pride rolling in your head. ‘let me clean you up.’
you shake your head. ‘take me on your desk first.’
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clubdionysus · 3 months
[BAD DECISION #48] Bickering
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warnings: an everything shower!! self control? what self control? mutual masturbation, a lil mean dirty talk from jk, sex toy (f), lots of flirting, lots of banter, important info for upcoming chapters
notes: last one for today, as im gonna update the wedding chapters in a cluster! <3
wc: 10.6K
bd total wc: 540k (ongoing)
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A creature of habit, is Jeon Jeongguk . He's proven it time and time again – the gym sessions that look identical to sets done the day before, how he always goes for the French toast at his favourite café and, more recently, the way he can't keep his bloody hands off you as soon as you're naked.
It doesn't come as a surprise, how he hooks onto your waist and drags you beneath the steaming shower with him, nor how his deft palms stroke up and down your skin as he greets you with a kiss. Mumbles into your lips how much he can't stand showers without you. Pouts when you pull away and grab your shampoo – but hums in complete satisfaction when you hand it over to him.
"Please," you simper quietly, wet lashes sultry, though the request is as innocent as could be.
It's a ploy, you see. A little scheme cooked up in that sparkly little brain of yours that Jeongguk loves so much. A guaranteed free head massage- because he's a perfectionist and constantly needs to be doing something with his hands.
If he gets them lathered up with shampoo, and adds the combination of it being your hair he's washing, and his desire to be touching you, it'll equal an excellent outcome for both parties.
It will also get his hands off your body, which you don't particularly want, but being naked with him is a dangerous game. He's not hard (yet), and so this is prime time.
He does as is requested of him, and sure enough, he gets far too into it. Ends up rinsing and repeating. Is taught about shampoo brushing, and the concept of an everything shower . Decides that you should have one. That you deserve one.
"They take an absolute age," you tell him with a serene smile, toying with his hands, chin pressed to his chest. Just out of the direct line of the shower, Jeongguk looks down at you, wet hair sticking to the sides of his face, damp skin glistening in the overhead lights. The light he basks in reminds you of your favourite steps of an everything shower – candlelight .
You tell him of your ritual - how you turn all the lights off and keep your phone out of the room with only candles as a light source - and his expression doesn't change. Doesn't contort in confusion, nor question your sanity, no. He's just as enamoured as he always was.
"Well, then, what are you waiting for, B?" He simpers, pressing a kiss to your lips. Oh, how he treasures you, and the fact that he gets to do that now. Does it all the time. Does it again. And again, and again, and a- focus . "You got a lighter?"
You always tend to have them in your bags from nights out – never know when you might need one, or when you might make a new friend in the smoking area of Dionysus – but your ritual doesn't call for such sophistication.
"Use matches for this," you tell him of your personal tradition.
"Well, then have you got matches?" he smiles, not caring in the slightest that you're particular about it. Likes it, in fact. Matches him and his strict routines. When you nod, he lets you go gently. Whispers, "Go light them, baby."
Despite the sheer number of times Jeongguk has been in your bathroom, he's never noticed how many candles you have in the room. They're on the windowsill, the shelves, the countertop. There's even one by the sink – a long candle wedged into an old wine bottle.
A towel loosely drapes around your body as you strike up matches, lighting the candles one by one. Jeongguk is surprised the steam in the room isn't causing an issue, but you do also crack the window open to funnel some of it away.
"Okay," you whisper, turning to face him. "Close your eyes."
He does as he's told, with no hesitation.
Dipping out of the room quickly, you flick the lights off, then re-enter and drop the towel. Get back to the shower with him. Hold his hands, and say, "Open."
There's something quite spectacular about Jeongguk's eyes and the galaxies he holds within them. You're not sure what NASA are currently up to, but you know for a fact they'd be dumbfounded if they were to ever see Jeongguk.
The warmth of the candlelight sparkles in his dark irises, as if stars are fighting amongst themselves for you to make wishes upon them – and yet it's when he looks at you that they really begin to gleam. Magnificent in their magic, Jeongguk's eyes are impossible to look away from.
"You do this like... a lot?" he questions, a little smile on his pretty lips, not even looking at the room. Only at you.
You want to kiss him; simply, and completely.
Instead, you nod. Bite your lip. "Like, every week."
"Y'know I've always wondered how you're so..."
"So..." he struggles to find the word, but settles with, " Dreamy . Like, the way you carry yourself, B. You're just... You're a literal dream, and I always wonder how."
You know what he's getting at - that your little ritual is somehow responsible for, well, the rest of you.
It's no secret that it's not the most conventional of showers. Danbi swears you'll burn the place down one day. It's impractical and a nuisance, but it is enchanting, and that's all you really need from it.
You've never left a candle-lit shower feeling horrible. Even in the worst of your Seokjin era, they'd remedy your woes and help you feel slightly human.
While you had never believed they helped you to transcend human status, Jeongguk is certain of it.
He thinks there's no way he's made of the same stuff as you. He doesn't know fuck all about classic literature, but he knows enough to know that Emily Brontë got it all wrong (even if he doesn't remember which of the Brontës wrote Wuthering Heights).
He could consider stardust and atoms and what it really takes for a human to form, but none of it matters. He's stardust. He's atoms. He's clusters of cells.
You're ethereal. Intangible. Transcendental. A star, in its truest form.
It's a miracle you haven't blazed right through him - though the way he feels could be argued as a side effect of that very affliction.
Of all your little habits and rituals, this one is your most sacred.
And you're sharing it with him.
You're not sure why.
Cause you trust him, maybe, or potentially because you only ever want him to feel good, and know that this is a failsafe for you.
Or, most likely, it's because your candle-lit showers are yours . They've never been shared.
But with Jeongguk, it's different. You want to give him something of you that really will only ever be his. He's worthy of your ritual.
"Well, let's hope it makes you feel dreamy, too," you grin, arms wrapped around his waist as his palms cup your jaw and bring you closer to him.
He nods, a smile relaxing on his lips. "Already feels like I'm in a dream."
"Yeah," he swears, ghosting his lips against yours. His kiss, when it finally greets you, is slow. Patient. Calm. Missed, when it ends. "How did I get so lucky, hm? How is this my life?"
You could argue that you're the lucky one – and you no doubt will in the near future – but you're enjoying his display of adoration far too much to derail the conversation.
"You are a lucky boy," you tell him – 'cause he is.
Nobody sees the world quite like you; looks at him like you do. What he's found in you is special. Rare.
And he'll do well to remember it.
It's not that you love Jeongguk (even if you totally do and are just playing a game of chicken against yourself), but you've loved others before who were unworthy. Who didn't realise what they had until it was gone. Losing him doesn't bear thinking about, so you're putting worth on yourself. Making an asset of your mind, your body, your company. Making yourself too valuable to lose.
As if you ever need to worry.
"So lucky," he agrees. "What next? What's after shampoo?"
"I'm so glad you asked," you beam, before talking him through your routine.
The ritual took you a while to figure out. Had spent your early twenties as a low-maintenance girlie, quite enjoying the hot mess look, but definitely leaning more towards the mess side of the scale.
With time, you learned how to be high-maintenance for the sake of being low-maintenance, in a roundabout way.
It's still not a perfect routine – but you also still enjoy being on the hot mess scale, so it's no issue. You're more polished these days, even despite the glitter.
You'd lost yourself for a little while.
Are thankful to have found a beacon while searching for yourself. He never insisted on finding you, but helped light the way for your exploration. Now, he reaps the rewards of restoring a disco ball, as your radiance shines upon him.
He might not care for extensive shower routines (as if he doesn't have three shower gels going at all times, and designated towels), but he cares to learn yours. Knows that what you're sharing with him isn't just a little quirky thing you like to do.
This is how you unwind. How you reset yourself; your mind.
To be invited to witness such a thing, to experience it, is no small honour. It's huge. Monumental.
Trust, shared, in a way he doesn't think he's ever experienced before.
The weight of your agreement to not let things get too heated until five dates in is heavy on his shoulders. He doesn't wanna do anything to jeopardise that, but equally knows sex has been how he communicates his desperation for you. Without it, it feels like all these emotions are bubbling up inside of him, but he can do nothing about it. The pressure just builds and builds. 
It's precisely why having this time without the physical intimacy you so often hide behind is essential. It's forcing you to be honest with one another.
Like when Jeongguk lets you shampoo his hair, and finds him mumbling, "I like this. Like this so much."
His eyes are closed, skin warm in the flickering candlelight, and there's a tranquillity to such acceptance of his feelings. Not only is he content with them, happy to sit with these emotions, and make room for them, but he's happy sharing them with you."Shampooing?" You hum, lightly teasing him. "Don't you normally shampoo?"If his eyes were open, he'd be rolling them. 
Instead, he baits you on. "You're supposed to shampoo?"
"Ah, that explains why your hair always looks like shit," you smirk, rinsing his hair through.
"Fuck off, you love my hair."
"I think your hair looks like it belongs on your head," you correct (although he is right).
Jeongguk can't tell if that's a compliment or an insult, so he just laughs. Doesn't care to think too hard. You're right when you say your little ritual relaxes the brain.
While skincare is usually the step that follows your everything showers, part of you forgets tonight. 
It's the same part of you that just can't stop staring at Jeongguk.
Towel wrapped around his waist, there's an arrogance to Jeongguk in moments like these; the effect he has on you, and how he knows just the right way to tweak his brow and say, "You're staring, Byeol."
You think anyone in your position would be. A wet, naked, Jeon Jeongguk all yours for the taking. Shameless in the way his head tilts, smirk lingering on his pink lips, he doesn't care to hide himself from you. Allows the muscles of his chest to do the talking for him: hard, rigid, and oh-so eager for your touch.
It's not the only part of him that shares those... sentiments .
Hidden by his towel, there's a bulge that you know is obscuring something far larger than it appears right now.
A small trail of hair peaks from the top of his towel, an inch or so beneath his belly button, and it makes you sigh, all hearty and wanton, desperate to see where it leads.
"So?" You reply with just as much arrogance, because you're not gonna let him win, even if you're going crazy looking at him like this. "Should I stop?"
He pouts. Shrugs. Sinks his thumb beneath the waistline of his towel. "Should I stop?"
There's no subtlety to the way you're looking at him right now. None whatsoever.
It's how he knows it's a lie when you say, "I don't care what you do."
If you didn't care, you wouldn't swallow back your desire in the way that you do.
If you didn't care, your lips wouldn't part, then meet once more as you bite down on your bottom lip.
If you didn't care, you wouldn't almost fucking whine when his towel is finally relinquished.
It hits the floor with a shallow thud; an announcement of his nakedness. It's almost like he wants you to stare. Wants you obsessed.
There's a mindlessness in the way his hand drops – not to cover himself, no, but to tug on himself. Stroke the firm length of his cock. Roll his hand down his shaft. Just twice. Three times, maybe. You sort of can't comprehend it.
But then you realise he's winning – and you can't be having that.
"Cute," you smirk. Look at him with eyes that are just begging for a challenge as you drop your towel, too.
And oh, he is just so cute. Looks at you like you're a Grecian statue; as if he's witnessing a Goddess making herself known to mere mortals for the very first time. It's no secret that he loves your body. Has buried himself inside it enough times for you to be certain he'd die for it.
"Cat got your tongue?" you tease when his reaction is written all over his face, but not on the tip of his aforementioned tongue.
He smirks now, too. Shakes his head, but not in denial – in adoration. "Wish it did."
His innuendo sparks a little something inside you – and given the fact Jeongguk can light you up like the fourth of July with the most innocent of remarks, it's no surprise that you consider just saying 'fuck it.'
Would it really be so bad?
Snapping yourself out of it, you nod towards your chair. Tell him to sit. He does.
Facing your bed, his legs are spread, cock hard. He knows he's in no position to tease, 'cause his need for you is obvious.
Perching up on your bed, you sit by the pillows. Are as far from him as you possibly can be. It's the only safe way to do what you're about to – and as Jeongguk watches you spread your legs and display yourself for him, he knows that he needs the distance. It's bad enough having to look at your pretty cunt without being to touch it, but if he could smell your arousal? And couldn't lick it up? Oh, well, he'd simply die .
"You're playing with fire," he tells you as your hand dips between your legs for his viewing pleasure.
With a small sigh, letting the touch travel through you, you laugh. Simper, "No, Gguk. I'm playing with myself."
"Fuck," he groans, watching with unadulterated interruption as you refamiliarize yourself with your own body. "Tits."
The command is brief, but enough for you to know to use your spare hand on your chest. Slow circular motions are used for both, your head dipping back, the beating of your heart getting heavier and heavier. "Feels so good."
"As good as me?" He husks. You rejoin his gaze. Are pleased to see him slowly stroking up and down his shaft. Is matching his timing to yours.
"Better," you lie, desperate to have him prove you wrong – but he won't. He's a man of his word, so even if you bait him out, he won't bite. Not really. Might have a little nibble, but you'll never sink a hook into him.
"Liar," he smirks, then deepens his gaze. Adjusts his posture as he touches himself. Gently toys with his balls, letting you have the full visual pleasure of his throbbing cock. "You just want me to touch you, don't you?"
You don't deny it.
"Look at you," he smirks, unadulterated sin written all over his angelic features.
"You already are," you tease right back, because you both know you absolutely should not be doing this.
"Wanna know what I see?" He asks.
The way he tilts his head back, almost looking down at you, gets you excited. Sends a shiver down your spine all the way to your toes. He looks like he's about to be an asshole - and it's all you want.
"Depends," you bait him on. "Are you gonna be nice?"
"Do you me to be?" He bites back a laugh. Knows exactly what kind of mood you're in. Are far less heavenly than you were earlier. In fact, you're hellish in the way you want him to misbehave.
You raise a brow. Smirk. "Not particularly."
God, if there's one thing Jeongguk loves, it's a challenge; and when it's you, naked and practically begging for him, he'll play to win. Will go all in. Toss his car keys on top of the poker chips. Will call your bluff. Aim for a Royal flush.
There is a small part of him that considers packing it in. Saying something about how you shouldn't be doing this. Behaving himself.
But it's a very small part.
Naturally, his brain ignores it.
Instead, he takes on a prowess. Looks at you in such a way you almost regret giving him permission to be mean - but all that dissolves the second his pretty mouth starts saying filthy things.
"I see a needy little slut that wants me to fuck her," he grits, palming himself with far more determination now that he's vocalising what he wants to do to you, even if he is acting like you're the only one who wants it. Jeongguk is paper-thin. Hold him up to light, and the word desperate would shine through. "Correct?"
"No? So you don't want me to touch you?"
"Don't want my fingers inside you?"
"Cute," he gives you a light chuckle. Nods towards where you're playing with yourself. "Baby look at how small your hands are. You really think you can make yourself feel as good as I do?"
"Better," you assert– as if you could even compare. The second he touched you, thanks to a God damn origami bird, you knew you'd never be able to come undone from the touch of another.
"Oh yeah?" he smirks. "They fill you as well? Get your pussy squirting like mine do?"
"Anything you can do, I can do be-"
"No you can't," he interrupts. "No one fucks you like I do, B. Not even you." Jeongguk nods towards your pussy. Doesn't look at you. Only looks at the mess between your legs. Husks, "That cunt is mine, 'cause I've fuckin' earned it, B. Now spread it," he grits. "Let me see what's mine."
Manners seem to be lost on him.
"Say please."
He laughs, but bites down on his bottom lip. Nods. Gives you what you want, 'cause he thinks he'll die if you don't give him what he wants. "Please spread that pretty cunt for me, gorgeous."
And who are you to deny such a request?
The way Jeongguk groans at the sight of you is nothing short of addictive. Primal, Jeongguk wants you in the simplest, most human of ways. Doesn't care for the outside world, or expectations, or whatever stupid deal you've agreed upon. If he was put on this earth for one thing and one thing only, it was to stargaze. He'll go blind before he stops. Even then, you'd be all he thinks about. All he wants.
He has to have you.
Needs you so badly it hurts.
He stands. Walks to your dresser. You pretend not to be mesmerised by his cock. When he reaches the dresser, it's his ass you pretend not to be obsessed with. He's just so toned. So pert. The gym is working wonders for him. 
You know what he's doing. What he's getting. He's the only person who knows what hides in that drawer, after all.
Smirking when he pulls open your top drawer, you're somewhat perplexed by the fact he doesn't even ask permission. You don't mind. What's yours is his, or whatever they say.
As he turns, that black silicone rabbit of yours in his hands, you have to suppress a gasp.
"Cute," you hum, as if you're totally unphased by the sight in front of you. "You gonna fuck your ass?"
The way he looks at you is fuckin wicked. Sinful. Unholy.
The way he doesn't utter a single word as he walks to the bed, is even more so. 
There's a darkness to him when he's like this; one that so heavily contrasts the light he so often is. You think that's why you like it so much. He bares all sides of his soul for you; is vulnerable, even in his dominance.
"Gonna fuck your mouth if you don't shut up," he promises, as if that would be a bad thing.
"I can talk for days, babe," you smirk. "Don't threaten me with a good time."
There's a sweetness to his smile as he looks down at you. So sweet, in fact, that you almost don't realise what he's doing as he lines up your toy with your pouty lips. 
He tweaks a brow, and says, "open", then smirks, when you do as you're told. Curses, when your tongue flattens to accept it into your mouth. Groans, when your lips wrap around it as if it's his cock.
We shouldn't be doing this, his brain yells at him. You shouldn't be doing this.
But the way you look right now is hypnotic. He's in a trance. Can't listen to his own damn mind.
There's a hollowness to your cheeks, expert in how your mouth takes cock, even if it's a pathetic replica. It's far smaller and far less impressive than Jeongguk's, but it still gets the job done.
"Not so chatty now, are you, baby?" He teases, gentle in the way he fucks it into your mouth.
You hum something incoherent around the toy, and it makes Jeongguk's cock twitch. Hard and engorged, he wishes it was him inside you; wishes he could feel that vibration, your tongue, the back of your throat. Eyes wide as he deepens the toy, Jeongguk is careful not to outright choke you – but the way you're working your way down the shaft even without his movements confirms only one thing: you wish he was choking you.
He builds the pace. Gets you noisy. Mouth wet. Sloppy . God, he's just obsessed with everything you do, but the way you keep your eyes on his? He thinks he'll die .
It's only when your eyes get a little watery, toy repeatedly hitting the back of your throat, that Jeongguk pulls away. Leaves you panting, chest heaving, chin wet – and still, you look at him in that needy way that always begs him for more.
He drops the toy down beside you, and strokes your cheek. Is tender. Whispers, "Three more dates, baby. Three more."
"Then what?" You reply, just as quietly but infinitely more breathless.
"Then it'll be my cock," he promises. "You want that?"
Nodding, you don't even pretend to have dignity. You give yourself up for him at the drop of a hat. Now is no exception. "Want you so bad."
"I know you do, baby," he nods, then spreads your legs apart even further. Still standing by the side of the bed, Jeongguk has your body right where he wants it – and as he begins to rub the tip of your toy between your folds, he knows he can't be beside you for too long. It's just too tempting.
Slow as he sinks it into your soaked entrance, Jeongguk is almost surprised by how easily it slides in.
"Fuck," he mutters beneath his breath, your body writing from the welcome intrusion. "You're so wet. So wet, and so... Fuck. Take over from me, baby," he encourages as he begins to pump the toy into you. "Fuck yourself for me."
Shaking your head, you whine. "You do it."
"I can't."
"Why," you pout, as if it takes a genius to figure it out.
All of his willpower is being channelled into going against his human desires. You're naked. Wet. Wanting. Are practically begging for him to fuck you.
But if he fucks, he loses the inner battle he's having. Jeongguk hates losing.
Sort of hates winning, now, too.
Cursing beneath his breath, he pulls the toy from your pussy. Doesn't take his eyes off yours. Says nothing as he brings it to his lips and licks up the shaft of your dildo.
He's always been a slave to the way you taste and now is no exception. None whatsoever. 
Which is why you really shouldn't be shocked when Jeongguk takes it in his mouth. Locks his eyes on yours, then lets them close for a moment while he pushes it deeper. Takes it all. Makes you fucking gasp, cunt twinging with pleasure at the sight of it. He bobs his head up and down the shaft of the toy, and cleans it of the mess you made – then withdraws it from his mouth with a pop.
Clenching around nothing, your pussy is desperate for him – but he simply stuffs you fullonce more with the toy. A euphoric buzz takes hold of your body as he fucks it into you, shivers running all over your bare skin. Pulling one of your hands to the base of the toy, Jeongguk finally steps away. Can't keep going. Feels like he's gonna keel over with how badly he needs you.
"Keep fucking yourself," he husks, retreating to the chair. "Keep fucking that tight cunt for me."
"Gguk," you whine – both because you need him, but also because you fear you'll finish far too soon.
"Do it for me, baby," he instructs – then softens his gaze. Looks at you with soft eyes, and a tender smile. "Let me watch you cum, gorgeous. Let me."
For all of his talk of dying, Jeongguk fears it. Knows what heaven looks like. How it sounds. Tastes. Fears he'll be stuck in eternal hell without you.
And so you give him a little death of your own; a promise that where he goes, you'll go too.
Though your eyes are closed, your head is full of him; his touch, his smell, his voice.
"Look at me, B," he implores. "Look at me when you cum."
"C'mere," you nod down towards your spread legs – and while he knows he shouldn't, he can't help but move closer to you. Gets on your bed, between your legs. Sits on his heels. Doesn't dare get too close, 'cause he knows that you both want him inside of you.
Right hand tight around his cock as he jerks himself off over you, the other strokes down your thigh. There's a carefulness to Jeongguk. The desire to perform well, yes, but more so the need to keep you satisfied. 
"You're so pretty, baby," he whispers, and there's something endearing about the way he's literally looking at your pussy as he says it. "You were made for me."
Jeongguk thinks it applies to all aspects of your body – brain included – it's just that he's currently enthralled by your cunt; the way you sound, taste, feel. Can never get enough. Craves you, constantly.
"That's it, Byeol," he encourages as your body begins to writhe. He knows the signs by now. Is jealous of the toy that's inside you. Knows your walls are throbbing, desperate to milk a cock, much like his cock is begging to be milked – and the deprivation is only making you want each other so much more.
"Gguk," you whine, desperate to reach out for him.
As if he knows that you want something – anything – he presses the hand that was on your thigh down on the cute little tummy of yours he loves so much, and helps to deepen the sensations you're experiencing. 
He lets go of his cock. Doesn't care about his own orgasm. Doesn't give a shit. Knocks your hand to the side. Take's dominance over the toy that's currently keeping you full and begins to fuck it into you at a pace you wouldn't have been able to do yourself. 
The pleasure that comes with his movements is only taken to new heights when he flicks the switch at the base, and gets it vibrating inside you.
You always could have turned it on yourself – but he put it inside you. If he wanted it on, he would have turned it on, much like he just has.
Like he says, your pussy is his . You'll let him dictate the pleasure it receives in moments like these.
The pressure of his hand weighing down on your tummy and the speed he's building sends you reeling. Gets you gasping. "Gguk-"
"I know, baby. I know. It's okay. You can cum, okay? Please cum."
There's an urgency to his request; a need to watch it happen. There's no greater gift, he thinks, than watching you orgasm. Knowing that he's the reason why? Oh well, it makes it so much sweeter.
Still rubbing circles on your sensitive bud, there's an overwhelming need within you to come undone but you're holding out. Don't want it to end. Don't want it to stop – but fuck . 
It's too much. Too good . Your shoulders press down deeply into your pillows, body jolting as a familiar sensation waves over your entire being. From the very tips of your toes to the moans that get caught in your throat, you can't stop yourself from cumming for him.
"That's it, pretty," Jeongguk grunts. Doesn't relent. Sends you reeling. Your body shakes, jerking and tensing erratically from the sensation surging over you. "More, baby. Give me more ."
Time ceases to mean anything when Jeongguk is devouring your orgasms – and god, he wishes he really was. Wishes it was his mouth on your clit, not your hand. Is jealous of you. Wants to be where you are.
And so as your trembles begin to stifle, moans laboured as they escape like sobs, Jeongguk lets himself go, too. Holds his cock with a firm grip and rolls back his foreskin, jerking himself to the point of no return.
In a state of hedonistic bliss, you watch on as Jeongguk unloads. Are enamoured with how it looks. Sounds. How his brows grow taut and lips grow loose. 
God, he's a vision. Angelic. Otherworldly – and then he's painting you in all that he is. Laying claim to your body. Marking you in him . It's a mess quite frankly; all of your slickness and his cum on your tummy, dripping down your pussy. It's a waste of a shower, but an excuse to have another.
Slowly, he pulls the toy from you. Is greeted with a sight worthy of preserving; pussy soaked and swollen, still needy for him.
With the toy in one hand, Jeongguk reaches over to your bedside table. Grabs the Polaroid. Watches on with a fond smile as you giggle at his actions.
"Really?" You raise a brow, against your forehead so you can shyly cover your eyes if needs be. You don't hide your smile though.
"You're so gorgeous," he whispers, pointing the camera to the mess between your legs. Presses down on the shutter, and lets the mechanical whir echo into the room. "My pretty girl."
In classic Jeongguk fashion, he nips the Polaroid with his teeth as it prints, just so he can take another shot.
Reaching for your hand, you're not really sure what he's gonna do with it. What you are sure of is the fact that you'll let him do whatever he likes with it.
Much to your surprise, he simply holds it. Positions your linked hands on top of the ruffled duvet, and takes the shot. Says nothing. Kind of hard to, given that that other damn Polaroid is still between his teeth.
Instead, he lets you take the camera from him. There can't be more than a couple of shots left, but you don't check. Just hold your hand out. Are aiming the be touching his chest, but he takes your hand and brings it to his lips for a kiss, instead. Aiming the camera from his belly button upwards, the picture you take hides the sin that's really occurred – and yet it couldn't feel more apt.
"Such a gent," you giggle as the photo prints. You set the camera back on your bedside table, and pull Jeongguk down to meet you. A nudging of noses occurs, because you are you and Jeongguk is Jeongguk. He smiles. Giggles.
"How did I ever live without you," he simpers, kissing you softly. There's a star-like quality to him in the aftermath of your orgasm. There would have been, even if he, himself, hadn't finished. In fact, he only ever finishes these days by making sure you do.
"It's a miracle," you agree.
There's no talk of the rules that were broken. There will be, eventually, but you're both telling yourselves it didn't count. You didn't fuck . Barely even touched one another. Mutual masturbation; one of the oldest birds in the book. Revision, some may call it. Cheating, others may view it as.
"C'mon," he eventually whispers after an eternity of being curled up beside you. "Let's get cleaned up, then bed, yeah?"
"You staying?"
"Well, I hadn't planned on leaving," Jeongguk smiles. "Unless you want me to?"
"No. Stay. Please."
As he nestles his nose into the crook of your neck, the scent of your hair products lingering ever so subtly, Jeongguk finds he likes it just as much as he loves your perfume. Hums. Says nothing, just presses a soft kiss to your throat.
Stay , he thinks. Knows that he'd love to do nothing more.
"Hey," you whisper, toying with a little bit of his hair.
It's a small word. Insignificant. A greeting uttered in passing to strangers and lovers alike – yet when Jeongguk is curled up against your body, his chronic need to have you near manifesting in the way he's unable to let you go, it's entirely different. It's no longer just a greeting. It's acceptance. This is life, now.
That's what you're saying hello to. Not to him, but to how things are.
And to be welcomed with such warmth? Such tenderness?
It's like giving Jeongguk a key.
He knows you've been his home for quite some time, but there's always been a fear he could get evicted, or that someone else might move in. That the bricks and mortar could come crashing down.
With a key comes permanence. Permission to help reinforce the walls. Safeguard the house from hurricanes.
In his fantasies, fueled by your perfume, Jeongguk is home.
Trapped in his domestic delusions, Jeongguk is home .
Bare feet on cold kitchen tiles in the midst of winter, Jeongguk is home.
Coffee steeping in a pot, the sound of your record collection humming out from the next room over, Jeongguk is home.
Sash windows ajar to let in fresh air and give him permission to complain about the energy bill, Jeongguk is home .
Your simpering smile as his arms wrap around his waist, early morning sun framing you both in a glimmering brilliance, Jeongguk is home.
The sway of your bodies in time to the music, no care for a world outside of those four walls, Jeongguk is home.
You're always older in these fantasies. Him, too. Working 9-5s. Have a dog. Have everything you need. Have each other.
The echo of his voice vibrates against you; a reminder that even the smallest of interactions with Jeongguk have the power to shatter you completely.
You think of the stars that linger in the night skies, and how they disintegrate in nothingness. Know that if Jeongguk were ever to see you collapse like that, he'd use his bare hands to hold you together. Much like the grip he has on your body, he keeps you secure, no matter what.
"Tomorrow," you begin quietly. "You have work?"
Nodding, he groans a little.
"Same," you sigh. "Evening shift."
"Grab coffee before you start?" He offers. "I'll probably head off early in the morning. Need to go to the gym, considering you're not helping me out with cardio these days."
Laughing at the crassness of his remark, you find yourself comfortably smitten with the current state of affairs.
"Yeah, we can grab coffee," you confirm. "Walk me to work?"
"Was planning on it."
"Good," you smile. "Was just checking."
It's not like you expected any less. He always walks with you when you get coffee together before a shift. Makes no change now, even if the nature of what you have going on has altered ever so slightly.
Or, so you tell yourself.
See, when Jeongguk meets you the next day, everything is exactly as it was.
Laughter is shared between you, like the sips of each other's coffees that are exchanged when you go rogue and order a coconut coffee instead of your usual Americano.
"Tastes like shit," he tells you, decidedly not a fan.
"So you don't want to kiss me?" You tease.
"I do," he counters. "But I'm scared your little group of Ajummas will see us and rain hell down upon me again."
"If they do, it's cause you deserve it," you laugh. "You're not in their bad books anymore."
"Well, it's been a while since I last gave them the down-low. Truth be told, I think Minsu will have a heart attack if I tell her."
"It's the tattoos, isn't it?" He pouts, not really caring in the slightest. "I'll wear long sleeves around them."
And as a surprise to Jeongguk, you slip your fingers between his. Pull his hand up and nod towards the ink on his knuckles. Say, "Gloves, too."
"You just wanted to hold my hand," he teases, not letting go as you try to drop your grasp.
Smug, you don't give him a direct response. Just shrug. Let your hand settle comfortably, his thumb resting on top of yours.
Jeongguk uses it to his advantage, pulling you down a side street. Part of you thinks he's just after that kiss you mentioned, but he quickly says, "Wanna show you something."
The roads are familiar to you. You're not too far from work, in the downtown area. These streets look different in daylight, typically only traipsed down by you in the dark of night, often in a drunken stupor. The way Jeongguk has you feeling – all giddy and giggly – isn't too dissimilar from a star fucker heading straight into your bloodstream.
Takes you a second to realise the direction you're heading in, until it becomes far more apparent.
In the distance sits the empty unit Jeongguk has had his eye on for as long as you've known him. The FOR LET signs have changed. They're no longer yellow.
Now, they're red.
And they read FOR SALE.
Easing to a halt, Jeongguk nods towards the derelict building. Says nothing. Lets the mid-afternoon traffic on the main road a few streets over soundtrack the melancholy ache in his chest.
"Y'know, I just thought it was up for lease for so long because the economy is bad," he says softly. Purses his lips. Looks down towards you, then back up at the building.
It's easy to imagine the place bustling. Lights on, Jeongguk's laughter echoing from the rafters. The sound of sizzling meat fills your ears, and the clink of glasses being cheered creating the perfect harmony.
Truthfully, you've no idea how Jeongguk would decorate it. Just know whatever he chooses would be perfect.
"So why has it been empty for so long?" You enquire.
He takes a second to form his response. Hasn't told anyone yet. Not even Yoongi.
"The owners passed away," Jeongguk exhales. "I'd spoken with them a few times, and I, uh... Yeah, I didn't know it had happened. Anyway, their son inherited it and-" he nods to the new signage "-has no interest in keeping the place."
There's a devastation in his tone that breaks your heart. The puzzle pieces begin to fall into place, but you wish they wouldn't.
"So what does it me-"
"Means that my business proposal is void in the eyes of the bank. The loan was good to go, just had to sign a few documents," Jeongguk hangs his head down as he talks, ashamed, almost, for taking so long to get his shit together. If he'd have just been faster . More pro-active. Gone to school earlier... He could have done so many things differently. Eventually, he looks up. Shrugs. Continues, "Majority of the loan was intended to be used on the premises. Without it, the business plan and expenditure predictions all fall apart. Bank won't touch the application with a ten-foot pole, now."
"So," you say quietly, fully intending on following it up with more words, but find yourself falling short. You know exactly what this means, yet you fear speaking it into existence.
Jeongguk's come to terms with it. Sort of.
"So," he nods. "Loans gone."
And with it, so has his dream.
"But can't you-"
"Trust me, B, if you've thought of it, so have I. Been wracking my brains how to raise enough capital, but I'm in no position to buy the building outright," he tells you.
"There must be another building-"
"B, this building is the dream."
You know, in your heart of hearts, that Jeongguk is responding emotionally right now, even if he is delivering it as facts.
His dream is his restaurant.
He can build it no matter which four walls it's within.
But the whole point of a dream is to have everything you want. So yeah, he is being a little defeatist right now, but you can't blame him.
"So what are you gonna do about it?" You ask, because he's clearly not after advice right now.
And yet he shrugs. Quietly admits, "Don't know."
Accepting his answer, you choose not to press down on the wound too hard. Instead, you ask when he found out.
"Pohang," he sighs. "On the drive there."
You loosen your grip on his hand and slink an arm around his waist. Squeeze.
You're content when he drapes his arm over your shoulders and does the same thing back.
"I'm sorry," you offer, because it's all you can do right now.
"Not your fault," he says, pressing a kiss to your head. "I'll figure it out, B. I always do."
Turning your head, you stand on your tippy toes. Wait for him to turn his head a little lower. Smile as his lips press against yours for just a moment. Eyes closed as he pulls away, there's a radiance to him despite the rainfall of bad luck he's experienced.
A kiss fixes nothing, but it does make him feel so much better.
"I know you will," you agree. Don't doubt him for a second.
"C'mon," he insists, taking your hand once more, heading for the main road. "You'll be late."
You won't be. Jeongguk just doesn't wanna dwell on it any longer. Was unsure if he was even gonna tell you about what happened. Is a little embarrassed.
But if there's one thing about Jeongguk, it's that he commits.
Committed to his dream. Committed to seeing it through, regardless of the outcome.
And more recently, even if nothing has formally been declared, he committed himself to you, too.
The topic of conversation is changed to something far lighter – Yoongi and Seoyeon's wedding – with the both of you deciding that honesty is not the best policy when it comes to your friends.
"Not yet," you admit when Jeongguk asks if you want to share the change in status from 'just friends'. "Sort of want to indulge in it for a while, you know?"
Jeongguk smiles. Makes no change to life as it has been, if you choose to keep a lid on things for now. Both of you want to focus on their big day. It should be all about them.
As ring bearer, Jeongguk has a vital role to play. One of the few roles, actually.
Seoyeon elected not to have bridesmaids, opting for her older sister to be her Maid of Honour. Likewise, Yoongi's opted to have just a best man, and picked his brother for the role. Easier that way. Less people to offend, and more focus where it should be – on the couple you're all celebrating.
Jeongguk only scored the gig as keeper of the rings because Seoyeon thought he needed a purpose – something to look forward to – after the breakdown of his friendship with Hayun all those months ago. Kind of remarkable, how much has changed since then, but neither Yoongi nor Seoyeon wanted to take the privilege away from him.
Credit where it's due; they've never met a more diligent man for the role. Every few weeks, he texts Yoongi, and asks him to check if the rings are safe.
They remain where they always are: in the safe hidden under the bed in the spare room.
Jeongguk doesn't think it's a very good hiding place. Tells Yoongi so, every single time he confirms they're safe.
"Got your suit sorted?" You ask, curious about what he'll be wearing.
"Mhhm," he hums. "Got your dress sorted?"
"Mhmm," you hum right back.
"Colour?" Jeongguk checks, just so he can be prepared.
Seoyeon had sent out a colour palette which had, admittedly, helped you narrow down your choices – but sage green and deep teal weren't colours you wore too often. All options felt a little bit alien to you.
"You'll see," you simply smile, not really wanting to give anything away – after all, you've something to prove now. A man to impress (even if he is seemingly entranced, no matter what you wear).
"Tease," he pouts – but when you ask him the same question, he smirks and says, "You'll see."
When you round the corner towards your place of work, you both separate a little. It isn't discussed, nor premeditated, just a habit.
The pretence of being just friends still lingers, even if his eyes sparkle as he says goodbye, like the glitter on his skin catching in the mid-afternoon sun. He bites down on his bottom lip. Lets his ring do the thing. Keeps looking back even as he walks away.
Turns out, you are late for work, only by a couple of minutes, and not Jeongguk's fault at all.
It's all yours, and the fact you refused to stop watching him walk away until he was out of sight entirely, your hand twiddling with silver bird around your neck.
You're reminded of winter. Christmas. The gift he'd given you that wear with pride, and the chopping board that sits next to his stovetop that had been intended to live inside his restaurant.
"Hobes," you call out as you make your way into the art café, not caring for any punters who may overhear. "I need your help."
He cocks a brow. "Nice to see you, Hoseok. How are you? How's your day been?"
Rolling your eyes as you set your bag down, you counter his sarcasm with a bribe you know he won't refuse.
"I'm asking Namjoon for help, too – are you in, or not?"
He narrows his eyes, mainly so you can't see his pupils dilating at the mere mention of his terribly hidden crush.
"You're a witch," he assures you.
"And it's why you love me," you smirk. "Now are you gonna help me or not?"
Tossing his phone down onto the desk, he relents. Was always gonna help you, but was always gonna be a little tricky about it. Typical him. "Fine. Tell me your spells."
"We've got an issue."
"Hm?" You sleepily mumble into your phone, rudely awoken from an evening nap that probably would have ended up turning into sleep had it not been for the violent buzz of Jeongguk blowing up your phone.
"It's Yoongi."
"What?!" You gasp, bolting upright from your relaxed position. "What do you mean?"
Just a few hours until midnight hits, it's the day before the wedding.
"He forgot the rings-"
"Oh my god," you practically yell into the phone. "Lead with that next time, Gguk! I thought something awful had happened!"
"It has!" He whines, and you just know he's pouting. "Ring bearer is my job; without the rings, I have nothing ."
"Okay, so are you gonna do anything about it?" You groan through the telephone, far too tired for his indecisions.
"Yep. Gonna get them," he tells you.
"You mean to tell me you had that planned already?" You deadpan.
"Well, yeah."
"God, I'm gonna kill you when I see you next," you half laugh, half mumble, trying to fight a yawn. "Woke me for nothing."
"Okay, well, hurry up," he says, dismissing your threat of murder. "I'm parked outside your place-"
"You didn't answer my texts!"
"Because I was sleeping ."
"And now you're not," he says, and you just know he's got a smug little grin on his pretty face. How can you refuse?
"I'll be down in five."
In his car, Jeongguk is radiant. Has missed you over the past few days. Wanted to spend time with you, but didn't wanna have too much of a good thing.
Yoongi had called him in a panic about half an hour ago. Already at the wedding hotel with their families, neither he nor Seoyeon could leave to go and get the rings. Luckily for them, Jeongguk was quite possibly the best choice they could have made regarding their wedding. Offered to go and get the rings before Yoongi had even finished his sentence.
He'll keep them safe up until the ceremony.
The thing is, the drive to their home takes an absolute age – and he misses you. Of course he was gonna ask you to come with.
"Sorry for waking you," he offers as you pop his door open, sinking into the passenger seat. He can see your sleepiness in your eyes, and the way you carry yourself. Posture sloped, he knows you must have been cosy.
"It's okay," you reassure him with a sleepy smile, body clad in a pair of leggings and one of his shirts.
He reaches over. Holds your cheek. Reconfirms how enamoured he is when your eyes close, head leaning into his touch.
"You can sleep if you want," he says. Feels quite bad, now.
"The quicker you start driving, the quicker I can go back to bed," you smile softly, even if your words are a little snippy. You don't mean to them be, and he knows this, so he smiles back.
"Right you are."
The drive is everything you'd expect it to be: roads pretty empty, skies dark, light pollution obscuring the stars. He's got a chilled playlist humming through his speakers, encouraging you to sleep again, but you're restless. Have something on your mind that you desperately want to ignore – but if you can't share things with Jeongguk, what on earth is all this for?
You're nearly at Yoongis by the time you eventually blurt out, "Hayun messaged me."
Jeongguk is quiet for a moment. Frowns. "Saying?"
Part of you thinks her message is the reason for your grouchiness. Tiredness, too. Sleeping to avoid dealing with it.
"Some bollocks about getting off on the wrong foot," you sigh. Wasn't even that bad, even if it was total bullshit. "Reckons she doesn't want things to be awkward tomorrow, so was offering a white flag."
Hayun has presented Jeongguk with many flags in the time he's known her – and none of them have ever been anything other than red.
"Okay," he nods. Doesn't wanna say too much but fears saying too little, too. "Did you reply?"
"No," you admit.
"Are you going to?"
"Feel like I should."
"But do you want to?"
"Then don't, B," he says softly. Shrugs. "It's not like you owe her anything."
"Yeah, but if I don't reply, then I'm the one being difficult," you stew. Danbi had told you to ignore it, but you're a chronic people-pleaser. If you can ease a situation, you'll try to. "I just don't want drama. Especially not tomorrow."
"There won't be," he assures you. Genuinely thinks you needn't worry, but knows it's far easier said than done. "Look, Hayun is a lot of things, but she's not the type to ruin one of her best friends' weddings just because she's jealous of someone."
"Jealous?" You almost scoff. Of all Hayun's gripes with you, jealousy has never seemed to be one of them.
"Jealous," he nods. Thinks it's obvious. You're the artsy one – surely you realise that red hides green. Obscures it. Balances it out on the surface, but beneath it all, the green remains. "You've got something she can't have, B – and she doesn't like that."
"Are you trying to say she wants my tits?" You chirp, deliberately playing dumb, but also because you know she's gorgeous . It's the only department you think you come up trumps in. Stupidly wanna remind him of it.
"Probably," Jeongguk smirks. Reaches over. Squeezes one. Loves the way you feel. "Mhmm. Yeah, definitely ."
Laughing, you swat his hand away, pleased that he doesn't take the occasionally petty nature of your reactions too seriously. There's an ease to Jeongguk that remedies your woes. Makes everything feel a little effortless; like you aren't restricted by the gravity of this planet. With him, you're floating. Free. Orbiting around him, 'cause there's nothing that centres you more than he does.
Not letting your hand go, Jeongguk brings your knuckles to his lips. Presses a sincere kiss against them. Says, "I'm not gonna force you to be friends with her. Do what feels right to you."
And see, it's funny, 'cause Jeongguk treats you with such compassion, the only thing that feels right is telling him to pull over so you can show him exactly how thankful you are.
You won't.
But you want to.
Truthfully, you want him in the most explicit of ways. Want him to pull into a layby, not even off the main road. Want to be in his lap, lips on his. Want his hands all over your body, the sound of his stereo pale compared to the harmony of how you whine for one another.
Almost as if you've conditioned yourself, your brain tells you , 'that's not very friendly' .
The thoughts get you crossing your legs, and gently reclaiming ownership of your hand.
"Unless you want to be friends with her?" Jeongguk questions, aware of the way you're closing off.
"No," you say without any malice. "There's no point."
"If she bothers you tomorrow," he glances over to catch your expression, and is pleased to see a light smile on your face as you look towards the dark road ahead. "Just come find me."
"We not gonna be keeping a distance?" you hum, having understood that Jeongguk wasn't keen on other people knowing just yet.
And while it's true, he wants to hold on to your little affair for a while longer without the intrusion of outside opinions, it doesn't mean ignoring you entirely.
"Would we be keeping a distance normally, B?" He questions.
"Well, no."
"Exactly. Would be weirder if we were avoiding one another, wouldn't it?"
He's got a good point. You tell him so.
"What was that?" he grins, because you did not , in fact, tell him so. You grumbled an incoherent noise that was supposed to indicate that he made a good point. It also meant admitting you were being a little overdramatic and didn't want to do that.
"You heard."
"I didn't."
"Should get your ears checked."
"B," Jeongguk laughs. "Just admit I'm right."
It's the principle, more than anything, that makes you not want to give in. You also enjoy the flirt of it all, but you'll never admit to that weakness.
"I'm right," he tells you – and something about his confidence has your brain back on your desire to have him pull over.
As he knocks the indicator to turn up the road to Yoongi's home, you're thankful that you'll be out of the car soon. Know that there's no way you could have survived any longer in there with him.
"You're a right dickhead," you banter as he comes to a stop. Unbuckling your seatbelt, you don't hesitate to open the side door.
"What's gotten into you?" He laughs, softly closing his door without much fuss, following you up towards the house.
"Nothing!" you almost whine. "I mean-"
"You wanna fuck me, don't you?"
The question is so abrupt that it stops you in your tracks.
"Oh my God."
"Oh, don't play coy," he laughs, reaching for your waist.
The only reason he even knows that sex is the issue is 'cause the lack of it has been making him act all irrational, too. Finds relief that he's not the only one going insane.
You shake him off. "I'm not playing anything ."
"Yes, you are," he continues laughing, and paws out for you again. This time, there's a little less resistance, but you eventually rid yourself of him. "B, c'mon. I know you. I know your tells."
"You know nothing," you insist. "And I'm actually getting away from you, not trying to get in your pants."
"Only 'cause you don't trust yourself to be too close," he smirks, gripping your wrist. It's firmer, this time. Dominant, when he pulls you back. Turns you. Gets your chest pressed up against his. "That's it, isn't it? You want me."
"I don't want anything."
"Shame," he husks, nudging his pretty little nose against yours. "If I'd have known how insatiable you'd be tonight, I wouldn't have gotten off to videos of you earlier. "
"You did what?!"
"What?" He smirks. "The ones of us. You filmed them for a reason."
"And you-"
"Uh-huh," he nods, the position of his nestled nose deepening as his voice softens. "Came so hard."
"You should watch them," he tells you. "See how pretty you are when you're taking my cock."
"Gguk," you exhale.
"Pretty all the time," he admits. Sinks his lips into yours without objection. Keeps his lips on yours even as he talks. "But fuck, B. Should see yourself cum."
"So that's why you're with me?" You challenge, 'cause it's either that or your start babbling on about how much you like him, too. "'Cause you like my cum face?"
"Mhmm," he nods. Kisses you again. "Why else would I be with you?"
Neither of you discusses the fact that you aren't technically together, even if saying it makes you feel like your blood is on fire, scorching through your veins with unrelenting force.
"My big-"
"Brain," you correct. "Tits, too."
"I like 'em both," he tells you – and then he's kissing you again, palms to your cheeks, tongue invasive, moans vibrating. "So much, B."
The isolation of Yoongi's property provides you both with a luxury you've never had before: the chance to kiss him like you mean it out in the open. There's no hiding what's happening. No quick glances to check you're in the clear, and no need to fear getting caught. 
Your arms wrap around his neck, standing on the very tip of your toes as the sensation of what it's like to kiss Jeongguk takes hold of you once more; the roughness of his lips as they forget to be gentle, and the pressure of his metal lip ring against your skin. His hands roam. Squeeze. Sink beneath the hemline of your shirt; hold your waist but desperately fight the need to hold your tits instead.
"Gguk," you pant a little breathlessly. "We can't."
"Says who?" He whines into your mouth, pulling your lips back to his.
"Says us," you giggle, sinking back down from your elevated height, soft palms on his cheeks. There's a blushed plumpness to his lips, a little swollen from how he'd been kissing you as if it was the last chance he'd ever have.
There's a wateriness to his eyes, even in the dark. The porch lights shine in his eyes, and it's about now that you notice your glitter all over his skin. Even if you play 'friends' at the wedding, there's no mistaking whose hotel room he's gonna end up in after the reception.
"We'll stop off at a convenience store on the way home," you tell him softly. "Grab snacks. Make this date three. A mini-road trip."
"That's cheating," he pouts.
"So pull something out of your ass," you grin. "If you wanna hurry this ordeal along, then you gotta make this a date. Now c'mon. Let's get the rings."
Jeongguk relents. Lets you pull away, and drag him by the hand up to the house. Unlike your apartments in the heart of the city, Yoongi's front door operates with a good old lock and key, instead of a pin pad. There's a nostalgia to the crisp sound of metal grating against itself as Jeongguk twists the lock, opening the door.
Shoes off, you let Jeongguk lead the way up to the spare room.
You've only ever been in there once. Christmas. Part of you feels guilty, as if it will remind him of the gift and the situation with the restaurant.
If it does, he doesn't mention it. Other than a few mumbles narrating what he's doing, he doesn't say anything – "Safe's under the bed. Think I 'member the code. Hold on. Shit. Ah, wait, no. There we go."
He checks the boxes and ensures the rings sit prettily in their cushions. Custom designed, Yoongi had gotten a friend within the local craft industry to make them. The perks of his work meant that Yoongi had connections in all of the creative fields over the city, and it has proven insanely helpful when planning a wedding.
It's a get-in, get-out operation. Neither of you want a particularly late night, not with the wedding tomorrow.
There are, remarkably, some things you deem more important than your need to have Jeongguk inside you. The wedding is one of these things.
You're maybe twenty from home, when Jeongguk says, "Stay at mine tonight."
He repeats himself, a little louder. "Stay at mine tonight, B. No funny business."
You never stopped from snacks. Date three never materialised, because Jeongguk has solid plans for it. As much as he wants the dates over and done with, he also wants to spend with you. Doesn't want to hurry them along all the time. Just most of the time.
"Alright," you eventually concede. "Take us home."
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uwmspeccoll · 2 years
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Staff Pick of the Week
My name is Elizabeth Voorhorst, and I am a new writing intern for Special Collections this semester. It is a pleasure to share this space, as I am excited to delve into the vast sea of books that Special Collections makes a home for.
I am an English major, with a focus on creative writing. Because of this, my time spent in Special Collections will be focused predominantly on fairy tales and folklore, perhaps dipping into mythology when curiosity and inspiration strikes hardest.
For this week, I wanted to focus on black creators and their works for Black History Month. Because my pride and passion is folklore and fairy tales, I thought it would be fun to take a look at what we have in our collection and share it with you!
Retellings are always enjoyable, as you get to see the way writers recreate and offer their own flare and heritage to the story. One such story is The Girl Who Spun Gold, a retelling of the German classic fairy tale Rumpelstiltskin. This retelling was written by Virginia Hamilton (1932-2002) and illustrated by Leo Dillon (1933-2012) and Diane Dillon (1933- ).The book was published 1n 2000 by Blue Sky Press, an imprint of Scholastic Inc.
The story is about a West Indian girl named Quashiba, whose mother lies to Big King that she is able to spin golden thread. The King takes Quashiba as his queen, expecting her to fill whole rooms with golden fabrics and finery, which of course she would be unable to do. However, she meets a creature who offers to help, but demands that in three days she must guess his name correctly or be bound to him forever.
Quashiba is now able to fulfill the King’s continuous demands, but is unable to guess the name of her helper, until the King reveals to her that he ran across a strange creature in the woods who was dancing and singing a song that included his name, Lit’mahn Bittyun. So, on the final night, after the room is filled with fabrics and wondrous goods, Quashiba plays dumb for the first two guesses, and on the last guess she gives him his full name and he explodes into a confetti of golden specks. The King repents his greed, but only after three years and a day does Quashiba reconcile with him.
The absolutely stunning illustrations for The Girl Who Spun Gold were made using a four-color process with gold as a fifth color. The Dillons comment on the painting process, stating:
Knowing the difficulty of painting with metallic paint as well as the difficulty of reproducing gold, we still chose to use it, for the story itself revolved around the concept of gold. The art was done with acrylic paint on acetate, over-painted with gold paint. The gold borders were created using gold leaf.
The book was printed on one-hundred-pound Nymolla Matte paper, and each illustration was spot-varnished.  Color separations were made by Digicon Imaging Inc., Buffalo, New York, and the book was printed and bound by Tien Wah Press, Singapore, with production supervision by Angela Biola and Alison Forner. Along with Leo & Diane Dillon, the book was also designed with help from Kathleen Westray.
View more work by African American artists.
View more posts concerning African Americans.
View more Staff Picks.
- Elizabeth V., Special Collections Undergraduate Writing Intern
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[Synopsis]: All eight dorms trying Hot Pot/K-BBQ.
[(A/N)]: The family and I went out for Hot Pot during New Year’s Eve in which this idea popped up because I don’t think anyone else thought of this.
[TW]: Some cursing in the HCs and food.
[Edit]: There would be some changes to the writing as I realized there’s some grammatical errors needing to be fixed.
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Riddle Rosehearts
A first-timer as the concepts of cooking for yourselves at a restaurant is completely foreign to him.
Still new to everything, he probably tried to count how long the food is supposed to cook and/or what to combine which sauces unless there’s a guide to mixing up the franchise’s signature dipping sauce.
Overall he’ll definitely enjoy the experience.
Unless a certain duo ruins the moment.
Trey Clover
Obviously the “unofficial chef” of the group.
Helps orders most of the food for everyone and the other members pitch in for what they want to try.
Has to remind everyone not to forget to eat their vegetables.
He may have more than one dipping sauce from the sauce bar.
Definitely has interesting combinations of food during Hot Pot/K-BBQ.
Cater Diamond
The one who recommended trying out Hot Pot/K-BBQ.
The type who would try out the viral trends involving these kind of eateries like the Meat Strip twirling trend. (Totally did not accidentally flung his strip somewhere at somebody’s face.)
If there’s Hot Pot, he’s ordering the spiciest broth; if there’s K-BBQ, he’s ordering the spiciest marinated meat. Either spicy Bulgolgi or Samgyeopsal.
He takes many pictures and records everything for MagiCam.
Ace Trappola
Most definitely orders more meat/seafood until Trey reminded him to eat his greens.
He would be impatient waiting for the food to be safe to consume.
Would definitely attempt to take one bite of a lettuce wrap. (He almost choked-)
He would fight against Deuce for the last piece of Kobe beef.
Deuce Spade
Would try anything if he likes it or not.
Definitely would order 계란찜 [Gyeran Jjim] [Korean steamed egg] as one of the side dishes.
Planning on taking his mother and grandmother out for Hot Pot/K-BBQ next time.
Would also fight against Ace for the last Kobe beef until Riddle scolded the two.
Leona Kingscholar
We already know this motherfucker hates vegetables so he only orders from the meat section of the menu.
Probably goes to an high-end Hot Pot/K-BBQ restaurant.
Definitely has Ruggie in charge of cooking the food.
Doesn’t really order side dishes.
Ruggie Bucchi
Oh, he hit the jackpot.
He would order something expensive and new because the Savanaclaw Dorm Leader is paying for everything.
Put in charge by Leona to cook the food and also getting the dipping sauces.
If allowed, he’ll ask the waiter/waitress to pack some leftovers so they’re sent to his granny and the other kids back home.
Jack Howl
Actually enjoying the experience.
He’ll order assorted meat and vegetables moderately while also creating his own dipping sauce of his liking.
Waits patiently for the food to be ready to consume.
Would go again, but next time with the First Year gang.
Azul Ashengrotto
Absolutely coming up with new ideas for the Monstro Lounge while trying out Hot Pot/K-BBQ.
He’ll order whatever he thought would be a new idea as a upcoming concept for the menu back in his business.
If it’s Hot Pot, I can see him ordering a Miso-based broth.
He would absolutely strike up a deal with the restaurant’s owner if they can collaborate with their establishment and the Monstro Lounge.
Jade Leech
One word. Seafood. (Minus any conger eel.)
With Hot Pot, he’ll order some wood ear fungi (plus other assorted mushroom) and let me tell you, they tasted amazing while having a crunchy texture.
With K-BBQ, King Oyster mushrooms (or any available edible fungi) with everything. (Unless he somehow snuck his shrooms in.)
He has patience for the food to be ready to consume.
Floyd Leech
Orders mostly seafood, especially a ton of shrimp related items like Shrimp paste balls, prawns, etc.
Also waits impatiently for his food to be ready.
Has ordered some side dishes to munch on.
He would also try doing one bite of a lettuce wrap. (Not surprisingly, he didn’t choke.)
Kalim al Asim
Absolutely having a great time trying an experience where you cook food in front of you.
He’s the one asking if the food is ready yet.
Kalim: Is it ready? How about now? What about now?
Has to be careful not to burn himself as he’s basically cooking up close.
Very generous to paying for everything. (Staff members having a pay day.)
Jamil Viper
We already know he’s the “chef” during the experience.
He also has to taste-test the food if there’s no poison or anything lethal to harm Kalim.
Has the best dipping sauce out of everyone in the HCs.
He probably added his own spices in his broth/the meat during K-BBQ.
Vil Schöenheit
Last time he went out in public to a Hot Pot/K-BBQ, all franchises of the name were packed with his fans.
Most likely went to a high-end Hot Pot/K-BBQ restaurant like Leona.
He’ll order an herbal-based/a vegetarian broth and more on vegetables than meat.
He would shower three times as this is a downside for this type of meal, every time after you have Hot Pot/K-BBQ, you would reek of smoky barbecue and strong broth smells.
Rook Hunt
He would voluntarily be the “chef” for Vil.
Would likely to ordered something like coagulated pigs blood. (Why? Probably because it reminds him of his favorite food, Liver pâté.) [(A/N): Also don’t be weirded out from this HC because that’s what I grew up eating with whenever I have hot pot.]
He would praise everything. The food, the atmosphere, the service, and the staff members.
He also needs to shower three times because if he decides to roam around doing his “hobby”, it’s better to not let anyone know where he’s hiding.
Epel Felmier
This country boy is having a great time of his life.
Meat is his favorite so he orders a lot of it, but got scolded by Vil to not forget his veggies.
Like Ace and Floyd, he tried to one shot a whole lettuce wrap. (He barely swallowed.)
He tries to not shower as he doesn’t smell anything, but everyone else can so off to the showers he goes. No protests with Vil.
Idia Shroud
We already know this guy is extremely anxious of going outside without the sanctuary of his room, so he used the equivalent of DoorDash to order Hot Pot/K-BBQ.
He’s picky to some of the food, but gets scolded by Ortho for that.
Would have an effective built-in ventilation system to get rid of lingering smells.
Would order again for a Pre-game meal.
Ortho Shroud
He’s just analyzing the food like from the Culinary Event.
Searches interesting facts about Hot Pot and K-BBQ.
Would find recommendations of different franchises.
Scolds his Nii-san for not getting a balanced meal.
Malleus Draconia
Never had Hot Pot/K-BBQ before because…you know. Uninvited and stuff like that.
Had found out from the other Dorm Leaders during their usual meetings and chatted about their times while dining with their dorm mates.
Now he wants to join and luckily found a decent restaurant to try out with the others.
If there is an ice cream bar at the restaurant, he’s down for it.
Lilia Vanrouge
Oh my god, this old fae would have a blast.
You can imagine he’ll order the most oddest choices from the menus. (Like Coagulated pigs blood, pig brains, Gopchang, chicken hearts, etc.) [(A/N): I need to clarify that not all Hot Pot/K-BBQ places have these items I named off of and as a reminder, most of everything I mentioned is what I grew up eating. It’s part of my culture.]
He would have the most smelliest broth for Hot Pot.
Afterwards, he’ll pack some leftovers and would use them for his cooking.
Lilia: Leftovers for the next few days!
Malleus, Silver, & Sebek: *Sweating bullets*
This sleepy prince would fall asleep while waiting for the food be cooked.
Would order something for his own, even though Lilia insisted on ordering some items. (You already know what bat daddy will get.)
If there’s Hot Pot, I see him getting a something simple like mushroom broth. (Which is an option at a restaurant I went to with the fam.)
I can totally see him having a food coma after the meal.
Sebek Zigvolt
He would try Hot Pot/K-BBQ because Waka-sama also wants to try out the experience. (Fucking simp follower.)
Definitely orders salmon as a start.
Tries to stomach what Lilia offers from his plate.
Needs to shower afterwards if he doesn’t want to reek of barbecue/hot broth during his knightly duties.
Ramshackle ft. Miyeon Choi
Definitely getting their money’s worth because after all they deserve a feast from going through a ton of messed-up shit. (i.e. Overblot cases, NRC students being assholes, etc.)
Also Miyeon is treating them because variants needs to treat each other/themselves.
Just enjoying their meal from assorted meat to seafood to vegetables to interesting fish cakes. (Almost the whole necessary food groups.)
Miyeon would show them some tips and hacks when doing K-BBQ.
He was mistaken as a wild animal before entering the restaurant.
After the misunderstanding was cleared up, he’s going to gorge himself with so much food.
Also goes crazy with creating his own sauces but MC/Yuu has to stop him from creating a mess at the sauce bar.
He needs to take a bath because the smell got into his fur. (Smelly feline bastard.)
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gear-project · 7 months
Annon-Guy: I was wondering that if you played them, what are your thoughts on the XBLAZE Games?
Secondly, what do you think of it's five main protagonists? Touya Kagari, Es (Her XBLAZE self), Hinata Himezuru, Mei Amanohokosaka and Kuon Glared Stroheim?
I actually *own* both Code Embryo and Last Memories on my PS3 Digital Library, though I haven't played them in years.
Vaguely speaking, the Xblaze "games" were the first time I seriously dipped my toes in to the Visual Novel Genre (aside Guilty Gear's Story Modes which are a derivative of the concept, early on).
From a somewhat casual perspective, I understand what Xblaze was trying to achieve, though I'd argue that other VNs have had much better execution and story-telling on the whole.
Still, being "part" of the BlazBlue universe did strike me as interesting, though I never did revisit the games for that purpose.
If I had the opportunity to play a full version of Dark War, I might have taken Xblaze in to deeper consideration on the story-telling front.
For Touya (when I learned about Dark War, his character arc's importance increased immensely... for reasons I won't spoil here.)
At the same time Touya reminds me of Naoto and his "Bloodedge Experience", though in Touya's case, he's a bit more passive compared to either Ragna or Naoto, which makes him less appealing in my humble opinion.
Es has two incarnations... the Es we "see" from Touya's perspective, and the Es we "see" in Lost Memories after a certain event occurs... I think her character development is something to witness if you haven't already. I actually really enjoyed that aspect of her, including how she later interacts with the Central Fiction cast.
Hinata, while her role in the story is no less important, is something of an odd-fit for the pacing of the story. We learn her secret along the way, but the way she behaves for much of the story implies she's very passive, much like Touya.
While it's true that Peace is always better than Conflict, when it comes to telling a story with drama, you at least need a character with some form of drive... Hinata would easily be mistaken for a background character if not for one key detail I won't mention.
I'm not really sure what they were trying to do with Mei, but I get that her "role" in some parts of the story fits in a grander history, so I guess that's something... But it's very easy to compare her to Rachel Alucard in that regard, and you either like her or you hate her for that reason.
Lastly, Kuon... I feel like Kuon could've used more screen-time for her parts of the story. She was a cool character, and a cool voice actress all things considered... but she just didn't get to be part of the story as much as the other characters did (though I assume they didn't want Kuon to upstage Es, but I think Kuon would've made a great rival for Es if written differently).
All things considered, I actually spent more time in Lost Memories than I did the original Code Embryo, so I'm not all that familiar with all the hidden routes in the story... I might revisit it one day if I get the urge, we'll see.
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merlot-and-chardonnay · 9 months
A Lark Among the Wolves and Dragons: Chapter 13
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Chapter 12.5
Just so there's no confusion, when the reader and company arrive at King's Landing, Viserys is married to Alicent, and Alicent would be 5 or 6 months pregnant with Aegon at this point in time.
"I should have Caraxes burn those pointy eared bastards for their insolence," Daemon sneers once on the saddle. "Don't you dare," you scold, "the elves are already persecuted enough as it is for because of the shape of their ears. You'll only contribute to lessening their numbers."
"They had us bound, and were willing to kill a defenseless woman and her child, along with the girl. Why would you defend them?"
"Don't speak of things you know nothing of," you snap, "they have their reasons for being the way they are. Not that you would understand, you've never been in their position. You don't know what they've been through."
Daemon gave you a confused look, like this concept was completely foreign to him.
"I forget how overly kind you can be sometimes," he admits, "take care that someone doesn't take advantage of it someday." "Yeah, SOMEone," you mutter sarcastically, thinking about the irony of the situation. Daemon didn't seem to pick up on that cue.
"What did you even say to them?" the prince asks.
"...I bluffed," you decide to tell him, "I let them believe your death would be avenged should they strike you down."
Daemon chuckled a bit; knowing his brother, it would never have come to that. "A clever little Lark you are-" "Just so we're clear, I didn't do this for you," you interrupt, "I did it so they would spare Aemma and Ciri."
Daemon glared at you, but decided to accept it as he would've done anything to protect his daughter as well.
"You alright, Ciri?" you ask the girl, to which she nods; Ciri had started to wonder if some the elves of that group once lived in Cintra before her grandmother had sent soldiers to drive them out and put their heads on spikes. The guilt was gnawing at her at this point as she had lived her whole life in a castle before this, blissfully unaware of her grandmother's hatred of this race and the harm it had caused.
As the dragon took off into the skies, the elves became smaller until they disappeared from view. Although you were feeling relief that you and the girls were spared the fate of arrows through your chests and heads, you could still feel your heart race for what was to come in King's Landing.
Before long the land began to disappear and was replace by a vast expanse of water. The Continent was behind you now. The next time you saw land again would on the shores of Westeros.
--------------time skip to King's Landing-----------------
"So what is King's Landing like?" Ciri asks as they got closer to land. "Have you ever been to Novigrad Ciri?" you ask her.
"No," the girl shakes her head. "Well, we'd better off there then this den of vipers," you say to her, "just stick close to me when we get to the Red Keep. And let me do the talking."
Ciri was about to protest, but then Caraxes dipped down across Blackwater Bay and the came up over the buildings of King's Landing.
Ciri looked down in awe, as people from down below stared up at the sight before them; while it wasn't uncommon to see a dragon flying over the city, it had been a while since anyone in King's Landing had seen Caraxes flying over.
The dragon passes over the Red Keep and finally makes it to the Dragon pit.
Once Caraxes landed, Daemon dismounted, helping you down, followed by Ciri. The Dragon Keepers arrive and greet the prince, some looking at you and Ciri rather strangely, especially when they saw Aemma in your arms with her silver blonde hair being the most striking thing about her.
"Good to be back, isn't it?" Daemon says as he places a hand on your back and leads you to the keep.
"Yeah, certainly is," you mutter, keeping Aemma close you, "the stench of shit could be smelled even before we made it to Blackwater Bay. Sure prefer that to the smell of fresh snow and freshly brewed ale at Kaer Morhen."
Before Daemon could retaliate, Ser Harrold Westerling approached, two guards at each side, "His Grace awaits in the throne room," he announces, looking at you to see the babe in your arms, "gods be good," mutters before addressing the prince further, "this way."
You, Daemon, and Ciri follow, but the guards stop Ciri. "The girl is with me," you tell them. The guards look to Daemon, who nods in approval, and they lower their defenses.
"Does any of this feel familiar to you?" you whisper to Ciri.
"In some ways," Ciri admits, remembering the castle she grew up in back in Cintra, "we didn't have a dragon pit though. And it wasn't quite as warm there as it is here."
"Remember what I said before," you say to the girl, "whatever is about to be said, you can't refute it. For Aemma's sake, Ciri. Do you understand?" "I...think so," Ciri says, having a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach about what was going to happen.
Inside the Throne Room sat King Viserys on the Iron Throne; by his side was Otto and on his other side, to your surprise, was Alicent who was dressed in red. You take notice of the young Hightower woman's swollen stomach.
Next to Alicent was Rhaenyra, who seemed relieved the moment she saw you.
Accompanying were others members of the Small Council: Grand Maester Mellos, Lord Corlys, and Lord Lyonel.
You keep your gaze down, having taken notice of the rather hard and intense look you were receiving from Otto; Alicent too was looking at you rather crossly, but not to the extent that her father was giving.
Daemon was first to approach, "Your Grace," he greets with a light bow.
Viserys said nothing, but turned his gaze to you, or more specifically to Aemma, "so it is true," the king speaks, "you fathered a child with my daughter's bard."
"You sound surprised," Daemon notices.
"Not at all," Viserys refutes, seemingly out of contempt, "I had only hoped that if the day came that you were to bring your offspring to court, it would've been with your lady wife and not some..." he looks at you, slowly recanting what he was about to say, "paramour."  
Daemon scoffed a little at that, "I'm not even sure a child could grow in such hostile environs." "Have you ever even tried?" Viserys glares at his brother before turning you, "you, step forward."
You were hesitant to do as he said. "The king has given you a command," Otto states with authority and rather impatiently. "Yes, I heard him," you snap, before recanting, "I mean, of course, your Grace. I will do just that at once."
You take a few steps forward. Viserys stands up and approaches you. "Let me take a look," he says. You pulls the shawl back a bit so the king could take a good look at his niece. "The resemblance is uncanny," Viserys states, "it would be impossible to refute. Has she been given a name?"
"...her name is Aemma, your Grace," you say. Viserys' eyes widen at this, and some of the lords exchange looks as well.
"You named her after the late Queen?" "I may not have known her as well as you have," you tell him, "but her death, the way it was carried out, I must admit, left a considerable impact on me. I thought by naming my daughter thus, it would keep her memory alive."
No one had noticed, but Rhaenyra felt a tear about to slip out, but she fought it back and kept her composure.
Viserys too was internally moved by this, the guilt of losing his wife slowly coming back, but as king he too had to keep his semi-stoic composure for the sake of his image.    
Alicent approaches, standing by the king's side "It is a good name," she states, "a good name for a strong girl, especially one who's been through so much already before she was even born. The both of you in fact."
You look up expectedly at the king, "Ah yes, we all heard what happened shortly thereafter," he explains, "I can't imagine what it must have felt, being abducted against your will and forced on by a horde of lecherous sell swords. Whatever could the likes of them want with a woman with child?"
"Clearly, brother, they meant to turn my child into one of them," Daemon speaks up.
"Well then," Corlys speaks up, "we can thank the gods that the prince has brought the Lady (y/n) and her daughter back safely."
Ciri's eyes widen by this. She knew this was all a lie, that you weren't taken against your will, and the witchers certainly never forced themselves on you. Especially not Geralt, who had cared for both you and Aemma since you came to the witchers' keep all those months ago. She wanted to refute it, tell the entire council that none of those things was true, but she also knew if did, then the king and council would accuse you of lying just to gain sympathy.
So the girl had no choice but to keep her mouth shut.
"Brought back safely indeed," Otto scoffs, "that is if she even was taken against her will at all." "You dare question the integrity of Lady (y/n)'s account?" Daemon glares at the Hand. "The lady has yet to even give account at all," Otto points out.
Viserys turned to you, "what say you?" he asks, "is what my brother said about your sudden departure true?"
You look down, not wanting to lie, but knowing telling the truth would only ostracize Aemma even more so then she could possibly be, "I was taken to Kaer Morhen when Aemma was maybe five months growing in my womb," you say, "I...I remained there for the remainder of my pregnancy and after I gave birth to her. There was a sorceress there who helped me during my labors and the witchers, they....they..."
You feel the tears well up, threatening to spill, not from having to lie, but also from the fact that you were taken indeed taken against your will, just not by Geralt and his brethren.
You start to sniffle thinking about it.
"Do you believe her now," Daemon steps up, placing a comforting hand on your back, "she is clearly in distress from this whole ordeal, there is no need to put her through it any further."
"Even if this account is indeed true, how are we to know of the true father of the child that lays in her arms," Otto scoffs, "For all we know, she may not have even been with child when she was taken, and one of those...butchers could've planted their seed inside her and the child is a product of their vile acts."
"That is not likely, Lord Hand," you wipe your tears away, glaring at Otto whom you knew was well aware that Aemma is Daemon's child, "it is known on the Continent that witchers are sterile. The mutagenic alchemy that was used to create them has also taken away their ability to produce children."
"I can corroborate on such facts, your Grace," Maester Mellos interjects, "some of my followers have traveled to the Continent prior to studying in the Citadel. There are dozens of accounts on these so called witchers that span for nearly centuries. It appears there has never been one that was born, but were created by rather dark and unnatural magics. Deadly as well, as very few have appeared to survive the process."
"I've heard those tales as well during my travels to the Skellige isles," Corlys adds, "three out of ten boys, it is said. And all unable to produce offspring of their own afterwards."
"Well then, by all accounts, it would appear (y/n) and my brother have spoken the truth" Viserys speaks, "now, if there are no further disputes over my...niece's parentage, I see no reason why she and her mother should not stay here and be cared for." 
Rhaenyra approached you and the king, "I wish to meet my cousin," she announces. Viserys nods and stands aside to allow the princess to meet Aemma. Alicent gave Rhaenyra a small smile, but it seemed to only be answered by a cold shoulder on Rhaenyra's part.
"May I?" the princess asks. You lower the shawl again so she could meet Aemma.
"The blood of the dragon does indeed run in her veins," the princess states, "it's a shame she was born under such cruel circumstances."
"It's not true!" Ciri blurts out, unable to stand the lies anymore, and getting everyone's attention, "none of this is true. (y/n) was taken against her will, but not by the witchers. She was taken here by this man," she points an accusing finger at Daemon.
"Who is this girl?" Viserys asks. "Her name is Ciri, your Grace," you answer, "she's...my ward. I-" "I found the girl at the keep of the witchers," Daemon explains, "she had been staying there for some time before (y/n) was brought there. It didn't seem...right to leave her there alone."
"Sounds to me the poor girl has been through worse then what the lady troubadour has," Lyonel states.
"Those deviants," Mellos says, "they truly know no morals or character."
"No, that's not true! They're good people!" Ciri insists, "if it weren't for the White Wolf, I would've perished in Cintra or have been captured by the armies of Nilfgaard!"
Now that got the attention of everyone in the room.
Rhaenyra broke the silence when she approached Ciri, "and what would Nilfgaard want with you?" she asks.
Ciri knew the barrel of ale has been opened right now; there was no closing it at this point.
"I'm not just some girl," Ciri states, briefly glaring at Daemon before continuing,
"I'm...I am princess Cirilla of Cintra. And I am here because I had sworn to protect Aemma at all costs."
Chapter 14
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nayeonline · 1 year
my 5 favourite k-pop music videos <3
I love music videos, and in k-pop there are a lot of mildy shitty ones, but there are also some amazing ones that are just as iconic as they are aesthetically pleasing. Obviously budget will come into play here, so big 4 groups will be more prevalent on this list, but I tried to be as fair as possible, within reason. Also, I'm a girl group stan, so don't expect many boy groups. Obviously I will forget some, but maybe I'll make a part two, and you are very welcome to leave your fave mvs in the rbs or comments. This list is in no particular order, lets gaur
1. 'Feel Special' - TWICE (JYP Ent.)
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This music video inspired this list, and for good reason. 'Feel Special' is in my opinion, the epitome of Twice, as they stand today. It encapsulates their more mature concept post 'Yes Or Yes', but it doesn't alienate their debut cuter concept, it rather welcomes it with open arms and celebrates it as a part of Twice's history, something their newer releases occasionally struggle with. Visually its a feast, its decadent and lavish, and positively gorgeous. Each member has her own movie-esque set, employing various genres and aesthetics, and then the members unite in the most glittery set ever concieved, the gold contrasting their raspberry and champagne outfits magnificently, while also referencing the group's official colours, as seen on their lightstick. The whole video is cinematic and opulent, and every detail, down to Sana's dip died pink hair, and Nayeon's stunning ginger curls which I wish she would bring back, is flawless. The only gripe I have is Chaeyoung's unblended foundation in her solo scene, but hey, we aren't all be perfect. My favourite scenes in this video are the afor-mentioned glittery golden arches group scene, as well as Jihyo's rainbow vintage television scene, that was surprisingly ahead of its time in terms of its retro aesthetics. It's a must-watch music video for the history books, and it's Twice's best song too - it deserves no less.
2. 'Why Not?' - LOONA (BlockBerry Creative - ew)
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Note: If you would like to watch this m/v, please stream it from a non official yt channel, in accordance with the boycott. They will usually be marked with 'Boycott Ver.' in the title or something similar.
Loona has a lot of amazing music videos in their arsenal, but 'Why Not?' goes above and beyond. It's one of the most visually striking music videos I have ever seen, and its grasp on colour, composition, and rhythm is completely unparalleled. It's vibrancy is just gorgeous, full of neon lights and shining metallics. The video exists in a constant state of dichotomy: both cool and warm, metropolitan and pastoral, manmade and fantastical. You would assume this would ruin the video's visual message, but the contrast actually enhances it, as well as furthering the group's lore. it's unafraid to experiment with aspect ratio and camera movement, and along with the subversive editing, the final product is unique as well as timeless. Who cares that the last five scenes were neon and retro-futuristic? It's time for Heejin and Hyunjin's black and white minimalist mildly 1920s suited up dance break with a 4:3 aspect ratio of course! As the song itself says, why not? It's as playful as the song, as well as being visually stunning. My favourite scenes include Choerry's upside down mirror moment with the neon lights, as well as Kim Lip in the field with the funky glowing orbs, and of course the cult circle on the moon scene. Fucking iconic.
3. 'Ditto' (Sides A & B) - NewJeans (Ador)
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Note: I have a full review of this song, if you are interested.
Where the other videos on this list are overwhelmingly vibrant or cinematic, 'Ditto' is understated and personal. Arguably one of the most influential k-pop music videos of all time, it breaks every rule of what a music video of this genre looks and feels like, rejecting glamour and high fashion for an unromanticized schoolgirl aesthetic surrounded with melancholy. It's heartfelt and unassumingly tragic, and truly makes the viewer yearn for a time they only half remember. It is one of the most beautiful pieces of cinema I have ever seen, and I am so happy that K-pop stans loved it to death as I did, despite how starkly different it is to most everything in k-pop before it. It does however remind me of f(x)'s '4 Walls' m/v, which isn't a shock as Min Heejin (ew) was their creative director also. It also has vibes of the cult classic (?) Japanese movie 'All About Lily Chou Chou'. It has sparked many trends in the industry, including but not limited to: b-roll interspersions, the typical schoolgirl aesthetic, and the general rejection of the polished, glitzy vibe we expect of k-pop idols. Their impact on trends is notable, but in my opinion, no one has executed this aesthetic to the standard that NewJeans has. The unassuming tragic beauty of 'Ditto' is difficult to put into words, you must go and watch the two music videos for it - they are life changing.
4. 'Kill This Love' - BLACKPINK (YG Ent.)
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Say what you will about Blackpink, but they KNOW how to do a music video, and 'Kill This Love' is one of their best; it is beyond extravagant. The sets are huge and striking and insane - Jennie floats on the heads of two enormous swans and all four girls dance in the middle of a huge fucking BEAR TRAP and its ridiculously cool. The fashion and styling is amazing too - my fave looks include Jennie's Lara Croft moment with the braid, Lisa's big ass fur coat from her cereal scene, and Jennie's gorgeous eye makeup from her shopping scene with Lisa. In a word, 'Kill This Love' is extra(vagant). Even the scenes that are conceptually ordinary - Lisa's cereal aisle, Rosé crying in her car - are elevated into the extraordinary. There is no real storyline or through line between the scenes other than their saturated colour palettes and the members themselves, but who cares? The members look like fucking goddesses, the dance looks amazing, and there are MULTIPLE jaw-drop moments throughout the runtime - what more do you want? Where 'Ditto' rejects the typical k-pop visual aesthetics, 'Kill This Love' epitomizes them. If I wanted to explain to western pop stan what k-pop is about, this is the video I would show them first. My favourite scenes include: the group scene with the exploding statues and the bad bitch combat outfits, Rosé caught in the storm with beautiful lighting, and THE BEST SCENE IN A BLACKPINK MUSIC VIDEO EVERRRR... Jisoo's goddess moment with the sun and the reflections. Nobody does music videos quite like Blackpink.
5. 'What Is Love?' - TWICE (JYP Ent.)
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This music video is so unbelievably special to me. It doesn't break any boundaries with camera movement, editing, or aspect ratio like 'Why Not?', and it doesn't entirely reinvent the typical k-pop music video like 'Ditto' either, but I think it is one of the best music videos ever because it is so FUN. 'What Is Love' is a music video that is a series of references to iconic movies, most of which being about love, as the title suggests. It harkens back to 'La La Land', 'La Boum', 'Pulp Fiction', 'The Princess Diaries', and many more, with the girls playing the characters, on their fictional discovery of what love truly is. It's so special to me because it reminds me of doing exactly what the girls are doing with my best friends and my big sister - trying to learn what love is from the movies is something almost everyone has experienced, and thus the whole video feels nostalgic both for its references, and for its overall concept. It's fun and lighthearted and a memory of simpler times. Oh, to be a 12 year old obsessed with 'The Princess Diaries' again, to be a tween watching 'Pulp Fiction' with your big sister when it's probably not age appropriate, to be young teen watching 'La La Land' right when it came out. What a time to be alive. That's what 'What Is Love?' is, it's a celebration of life, of growing up, of being just a little naive and knowing it. Iconic, truly.
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
magical girl scar au (mostly) explained
this is an au based on an amalgamation of magical girl tropes! think more on the sailor moon side than madoka, although there are a lot of fairly dark elements to the story as well (which is like... perfectly in line with 'sailor moon' but some people think madoka invented 'magical girl story but it's dark' so i'm putting this here).
in it, scar accidentally lets a bunch of magical spirits out of a jar. that jar's guardian, a mysterious cat named jellie, tells him that she is going to make him a magical girl so he can find the spirits, fight them down from possessing people, and put them back in the jar, using the power of the fact the wishing star is approaching earth!
this starts out as a simple monster-of-the-week affair, but quickly grows more complicated as not only is there clearly a bit more going on than just 'spirits escaped a jar', but there's clearly some organized force conspiring against them. more than that, there's this other magical girl, calling herself backbird. for some reason, she fights against scar, and even on the side of the spirits, sometimes. scar KNOWS there has to be more to her, but...
plus, he still has his day job at the greenhouse. at least his coworkers are normal about all of this. grian hasn't even said anything about how many times scar's dipped in the middle of a shift!
and then things continue to get even more complicated from there.
so, putting this out here now, the BEST way to get the details is probably just to go through the tag, linked here in chronological order (this doesn't work on the mobile app i think sorry use the web browser). however given that its been MONTHS and there are. so many pages in this tag because every time i talk about this au i don't shut up about it... here's a really long post explaining a bunch of stuff that's in this au! under the cut so you don't have to like, deal with it being all over your dash. warning: this is long.
basic premise stuff:
scar is a very pink magical girl who. i think i never came up with a name for him. he fights with jellie's help. even transformed he has a wheelchair; that wheelchair changes into the form of various animals for mobility when he attacks. he has a magic bow that is his main weapon and is the person who can most easily de-possess someone when they're possessed by a spirit using those attacks.h early story he's a bit traditionally "pink magical girl" but he starts to come into his own more over the story. becomes a very powerful mage. later we learn he wasn't jellie's first choice, which is part of why things start spiraling out of control. she doesn't regret it.
grian is blackbird. scar does not know this, and grian does not know scar is his enemy while transformed. grian became blackbird on meeting the spirit of freedom shortly after the spirits escaped and, instead of becoming fully possessed, striking a deal, which unlocked his potential as a mage enough to become fully a magical girl. he is then found by the shadow organization, which, due to the fact that grian at the start of this fic is extremely isolated, he ALSO is forced to strike a deal with for his protection. his ultimate goal is actually full freedom for the spirits and the spread of magic, but his means to that end are... let's say "not good"... and he sees himself as a villain.
spirits are the magical representation of abstract concepts. on their own they don't have thoughts and feelings; prolonged exposure to humans, however, can give them those. (this is not a fact scar knows for at least half the story.) on their own, they seek out people who are somewhat like themselves and possess those people, turning them into monsters who have powers that are on-theme with the concept they represent. (for example, a spirit of fear would have powers based around fears, and a spirit of sleepiness would make everyone tired.) scar can fight these monsters, tire them out, and force the spirit to stop possessing a person, allowing him to capture them once more so they stop causing trouble.
the shadow organization is a cult-like organization that has existed since the time magic was common in the world; they believe that while magic should come back, it should only be harnessed in the hands of the few that would "use it correctly". there are actually several splinters of this organization, some of which are more benign than others, but most forms of the organization are scar's enemy, since they wish to use the spirits for their own illicit gain. they also have ties to parts of the government, where they often study what magic remains in the world in exchange for resources. these are the Mysterious Bad Guys, except that throughout the plot, we meet people like doc or etho or wels, who are perhaps... not as much of bad guys. let alone grian's situation...
while in the past the battle between the shadow organization and whoever jellie chooses tended to remain secret, this is one of the first times it has happened with modern technology, and ALSO scar broke the jar before jellie could choose someone, so neither side was actually prepared. as a result, a big element of this au is how these various magical conflicts interact with the public and the people in the main city setting, public opinion on our vigilante heroes, and the increasing realization that this whole magic situation is more complicated than either side makes it out to be.
the ultimate end of the au does have the spirits somewhat under control and magic free to the public after a near-apocalypse, as well as (most) of the shadow organization defeated, and the world adjusts to having magic under the wishing star anew. however the story theoretically takes a long time to get there, with it building from early-story "monster of the week" shenanigans and bringing in more plot elements over time.
here is an approximate timeline of what arcs happen when.
team scar:
scar is as above. he's the defacto leader. he becomes a celebrity in his own right. it's all very stressful.
cub is scar's longtime friend and roommate. he clocks that scar is a magical girl fairly early and insists on helping scar. for a good while, however, cub can't transform himself, and doesn't have any specific magical gifts. instead, he uses his wits and also his concealed carry permit to help scar fight. this comes to a head when he's possessed by the spirit of chaos, and afterwards manages to make a deal with the spirit himself, allowing him to transform. he has very mixed feelings about a lot of this and is protective over scar. his possession actually comes from him being very pent-up due to the fact that he cares a LOT about scar and keeps on having to be the voice of paranoid reason instead of the chaotic asshole he wants to be, so when a chaos spirit possesses him, despite the fact he knows all the warning signs very well, he just falls into it. later, cub befriending this spirit is when team scar starts to REALLY realize that there's more to everything than just "fight spirits stop evil organization".
bdubs is a civilian at first. however, as the plot progresses, civilians with great magical potential start unlocking magical gifts, and bdubs's is that he gets visions in his dreams. horribly annoyed that he can't sleep anymore, he decides to start trying to interfere with team scar, who he initially blames. however once he has a prophetic dream showing them having a terrible fate, he starts giving them anonymous tips instead, before storming in to help them as their "man in the chair" type archetype. eventually, he transforms on his own due to his magical potential and joins the team after saving their lives. idk what else to say about him, bdubs is bdubs.
jellie is something adjacent to a spirit. she got the name from scar; she thinks its silly and cute. she was created by the Last Mage long ago to keep an eye on the jar of spirits and prevent magic from escaping into the world; she's actually quite lonely, as scar is one of the first mages she's ever had who treats her like a friend and a valuable member of the team. while she definitely nags, she ultimately cares deeply for scar and the others.
so, spirits! already explained how they work; they're sort of like clow cards in cardcaptor or akuma in miraculous, though, if you need design thoughts. (clow cards and youma sailor moon were my main inspirations but the akuma comparison is not wrong.)
long ago, in the distant past, everyone had the ability to use magic as powered by the wishing star. however, due to the way mages used this power and the fact that no magic is truly free, it caused the creation of spirits. the spirits wreaked havoc on the world, so using the wishing star and his abilities, the Last Mage created jellie to guard the spirits before using his power to seal away the spirits, sacrificing himself and also locking away most magic from the world forever. however, sometimes the wishing star gets particularly close to the planet and a few spirits escape, which is why jellie has the ability to temporarily awaken a mage who is the most like the Last Mage to prevent magic from truly leaking into the land again.
a group of former mages, incensed at the loss of their power and believing the real issue with magic being in the world was that the Wrong Kinds Of People could use it, created the shadow organization, intending to use magic to take power for themselves.
spirits being freed, jellie making a new mage, and the shadow organization fighting to try to take power for themselves continued in a cycle through history. additionally, as organized governments formed, they often hired members of the shadow organization to work out the remnants of that ancient magical civilization. while the existence of this cycle/magic isn't really known anymore, it's also not NOT known. aka: there's DEFINITELY some alternate history here that i haven't worked out.
scar is NOT a mage like the first mage; he's just like, a guy. however, in the process of helping save jellie, who he saw as an innocent cat, from some jerks, while she was trying to find who she would make her next mage, he broke the jar. left with no options and an awareness that scar was her only choice, jellie picked a mage early, and she made it scar. this initial small act of breaking the cycle is a large part of why everything gets out of hand - none of the ancient powers-that-be are fully in place for another round, and the people selected for the war this time are all people who have their own agendas and are less likely to continue to perpetuate it.
as the wishing star grows near and the longer the spirits are freed, more people realize their own magical potential. most people who can do magic can only do one or two little things unassisted; oftentimes they don't have control over this. these cantrips can still be a problem. very rarely, there are people who can awaken as magical girls, but they are pretty much incapable of doing this on their own; they need a push.
however, a spirit and a human can form a pact where that spirit boosts a human's magical potential, allowing them to become a magical girl. this is ALMOST LIKE a spirit possessing someone, except the human remains in control of themselves (mostly). over time, however, a human who is in a pact like this may retain the ability to be a magical girl on their own. this is also dangerous, though, as the higher a mage's magical potential, the more disastrous the consequences should they actually become possessed, and the more destructive the resulting monster will be.
magical girls are typically hard to possess though since they're very magically realized.
the shadow organization has tools and weaponry that can affect magic and magic-users, and are studying it. this is part of what grian's role is later on; the shadow organization seeks to replace him, since literally everyone in that arrangement knows grian has his own agenda. that ends... badly... but it's part of what happens.
human weaponry CAN help but also like, sometimes you're bringing a tank to fight godzilla, you know? in order to get someone un-possessed once they go full monster, you almost always need a mage who knows what they're doing.
civilians/the public:
scar makes no effort to hide magical girl fights and this is the digital era, baby! the existence of a magical girl fighting monsters becomes public knowledge very quickly, and is also part of why scar keeps his identity secret for most of the au - it won't end well if everyone knows who he is.
attitudes towards the magical girls changes throughout the au; some people blame team scar for the fact the attacks are happening at all, some people adore team scar and treat them as celebrities, and some people, to grian's horror, even think blackbird is pretty cool, in a "well i'm gonna root for the villain now to be edgy" kind of way. depending on at what point we're at in the story, how many people are in what categories changes.
there's an early arc i'm emotionally attached to where the city is sent like, a branch of the military to help the monster problem. at first scar is really grateful for the help (cub trusts less), but they collaboration breaks down, partially because the shadow organization is involved, partially in the "the government doesn't trust these magical girls" way, and scar and cub are forced to fight their way out. it's one of the low points of their public relations and is a complete debacle.
stress is mayor and ends up deciding to throw her lot behind the magical girls even despite this later and it's a risky political move that pays off locally; typically, locals are FAR more likely to be trusting of team scar, due to being far more likely to know at least one person who wouldn't be alive if it weren't for them.
a support group exists for victims of possessions/people who know victims of possessions. this is where a number of side characters, like team zit, all meet and interact with the plot after they have been possessed. cub joins this group at one point as well. the support group in my head is the focus of most of the "civilian-centric" episodes, as is a few various reporters who interview the main gang.
some other notable civilian characters include pearl, who knew impulse online and moved into town after the monster attacks started because she heard an old friend she lost touch with after A Childhood Incident might be living nearby. she investigates despite being pretty directly told "you're going to get killed".
there's a whole Bit with mumbo where he's like, this background character who CONSTANTLY GETS POSSESSED and it's sort of like, in my head there's a running gag in the theoretical tv show that is this au where the gang starts the episode rescuing mumbo again.
team zit all originally met in online chat groups but only met each other in person through the support group, after each individually having various bad encounters with spirits.
also shoutout to the joke that hawkeye is an in-universe superhero who scar tries to name himself after that no one lets him do because Copyright.
xisuma is a very oblivious man who owns the flower shop that scar and grian work at for their day jobs; he notices scar and grian constantly taking suspicious time off but just like, assumes they're secretly superspies, which is so close and yet so far.
grian/the shadow organization:
grian's arc focuses on him STARTING OUT as a villain, but over time and also being worn down by scar, realizing he can take a different path. he is a VERY TYPICAL dark magical girl trope in this way. scar realizes who he is before grian realizes who scar is, but doesn't say anything. over time, grian changes from a villain to more of like... a rival, and then, after the king of monsters arc, in which grian is captured by the shadow organization and allows the spirit of freedom to fully possess him and has to be rescued, a very late-game ally. he's a fun one because he has like, a halo of knives and a very dark magical girl woe is me vibe, it's fun.
doc is a member of the shadow organization who, on interacting with members of the outside world like ren more, starts to realize what he's doing is wrong and attempt to protect people a little from the shadow organization's machinations. he gets in trouble for this, but grian helps him get out later, and he helps the final assault.
etho is a low-level grunt in the shadow organization who is very deliberately bad at his job. he befriends bdubs, just 'cause, and bdubs ends up having a whole arc of being paranoid on realizing etho is a member of the shadow organization and seems to KNOW and, oh god, are they all in danger? they aren't. etho is just etho.
wels is also a member of the shadow organization on a lower rank (possibly in a splinter group) and, unlike etho, his arc is a much more seriously "okay so he grew up in this organization basically brainwashing him and is slowly Getting Out but what does he do with that". that's wels's thing.
the shadow organization is meant to be an amalgamation of The Enemy in magical girl shows. a number of MEMBERS are decent but the actual leadership/top of the organization is The Shadowy Enemy. hence why they're always referred to as the shadow organization.
and for NOW those are the major details i think you need? i THINK? let me know if there's other stuff you think i should have included in this!
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