#Connect The Dots Dummy
aloharyda · 9 months
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been struggling to draw lately so I put Joey and Tati (and her twin brother) in the sims. It's funny that Tati got a crush on Joey even in the game.
lemme know if y'all wanna see more cause.... I gots more teehee
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Even though it wasn't asked for, I had the urge to draw Tati matching Joey :^) It also gives me the perfect opportunity to talk about them!
They both work at the local gym together (owned by Tati's parents.) Tati absolutely makes Joey match with her both inside and out of the gym. And she does no question because she's a dutiful soon to be boyfriend
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lesbianyaomo · 2 years
the bomb devil arc isn’t about denji it’s about reze. hope this helps!!
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waaayoutofline · 6 months
PROMPTS: “This is just pointless” and “Fine, I’ll just do it myself then.”
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x F!Reader
Tags: Grumpy x Sunshine, fluff, awkward Nat, resident sunshine reader, christmas fun! (yes, I’m aware is actually eastern but idc).
Summary —> Natasha has feelings for you. Feelings that make her feel grumpy whenever you are near. Unfortunately, she has no opportunity to avoid you as she is assigned to a holidays mission with you.
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“Miss Y/L/N, you are being requested in the conference room,” Friday announced through the speakers, causing you to halt in your tracks, the dummy of practice finally getting a break. Wiping the sweat off your forehead, you stretched your limbs before grabbing a towel. It’s only been three days since you returned from your last mission, so it catches you off guard to be called in already.
After quickly hitting the showers, you head to the lift, pressing the button while humming. But just as the mechanical doors are about to shut, a hand slips in between. “Hey, sorr-…Oh, it’s you,” a rather dry voice comments.
A smile spreads across your lips in a matter of seconds, your eyes following the figure of Natasha Romanoff slipping almost in resignation. “Good morning, Nat!” you greet her cheerfully.
“Morning,” she grumbles. “Where are you going?”
“Conference room,” her eyes widened, enough for you to connect the dots. “Oh, you too? That’s great! Perhaps they assigned us a new mission.”
Natasha, usually a morning person, grumbled. “Oh, yeah… joy,” she says, her tone lacking enthusiasm.
You might think that the red-headed spy isn’t too fond of you. Most would believe she really didn’t like you. She’s always scoffing, complaining, and even whining when forced to be in the same space as you.
But quite the contrary. She is fond of you. That’s the problem.
These fuzzy feelings did nothing but anger her. She has always been in control. She’s supposed to be. She’s a trained assassin, cold and ruthless. And yet, there’s something about you that makes her nerves betray her.
It’s her secret. Well, she is convinced that it’s a secret. The truth is that the whole team is aware. They know how Natasha Romanoff has a soft spot for the resident sunshine. Tony even has a pool going around for when she is going to actually do something about it.
Not that either two of you are aware of this fact.
You seem to be clueless. Unaware of the way Natasha’s ears turn pink whenever you smile at her. Of how her heart aches when you do as little as laugh, the sound so clear and joyful. Of the way she silently but deadly threatens anyone who dares to even tease you. Once, the team, except Wanda and Natasha, devoured your stash of sweets, not aware that they belonged to you. Unfortunately, that day you were particularly sensitive and a few tears slipped away before you could mutter, “It’s fine, don’t worry.”
And unfortunately for the boys, Natasha’s darkened eyes watched silently as the tears caressed your cheeks. The following events that happened are not to be mentioned. Just know that the next day, they all bought bags and bags of your favorite goods, besides apologizing like crazy. Confused, you accepted everything with a “Thanks?”
You aren’t aware of any of that.
She just disconnects as you happily chat away, talking about how excited you were about the incoming Christmas festivities. Plans about decorating the whole tower and baking cookies and brownies and watching Christmas movies with the team and….The ding sound in the air as Natasha practically throws herself out of the lift. You giggle softly, “Where’s the fire at, Nat?” You tease, walking calmly in different ways to her wide, fast-paced steps. Natasha curses to herself, cheeks blazing. It should be illegal to be this cute at such hours.
“I just don’t want to be late,” she snaps. You shrug, not affected by her harshness. That’s another thing that baffled her. Usually, she intimidates even the senior agents with her direct personality and ironic comments and yet, you never seem to be hesitant or scared at all to approach her. It’s like you are immune to it.
Is she losing her touch? She feels like she is losing her touch.
Her hands go to the handle, opening it before doing a painfully awkward gesture for you to go in first. You smile in gratitude when passing next to her, the familiar scent of vanilla making her hold her breath.
“Y/L/N, Romanoff,” Nick greets, dramatically turning around. You say a cheery hello, Natasha just nods. Let’s get this over with. “I know you both just been on a mission, but we need your assistance on this.”
Natasha feels her stomach drop. Taking a seat, the director gives you both two copies of a report. Skimming through it, Natasha’s eyes widen. “Oh no, absolutely not.”
“I knew she was going to say that,” Tony chimes in.
“Don’t give her more reason to not do it, Tony,” Steve sighs.
“Are we sure it’s them?” You ask dubiously, eyes still on the paper. Fury nods.
“Yes. We have had surveillance on them for the last month, all points that they have they must have their next exchange somewhere in this mall. They are using the upcoming festivities to go more unnoticed.”
Natasha sighs. “So what, are we supposed to go and possibly catch them in broad daylight?” Fury shakes his head.
“Not exactly. We need you two to go undercover, keep a low profile and watch out for more suspicious activity. A few boxes of cargo isn’t enough to take the entire operation down. While we know they maybe are dealers on the area we don’t exactly know if it’s a full on operation. ”
The Russian’s eyebrows furrow. “Why not send an agent then? Have them confirm.”
“This is too delicate. A couple of rookies are less likely to draw attention. I need your eyes, subtlety, and Y/N’s enhanced hearing,” Fury explained.
Natasha sighed in frustration, pushing the folder away. “So, you want us to go into a mall full of late Christmas shoppers and look for suspicious drug trade that you’re not even sure is happening there?” she summarized.
Fury nodded. “Aren’t you perceptive, Agent Romanoff.”
Natasha opened her mouth to protest further, but Fury beat her to it. “Now, how do you two feel about Santa?”
“Oh no, absolutely not,” Natasha huffs indignantly. The sounds of the rushing people are muffled by the door, the lights already making Natasha dizzy. You turn your head to look at her over the shoulder.
”Oh. Do you want to be the elf, then? I don’t mind-“ She cuts you off with a grunt.
”No, I don’t want to be anything. This is absolutely ridiculous. Just wait until we return to the tower, Fury is going to hear it.” A laugh escapes you at the scowl on her face. She sends you the mean look, but you don’t even flinch.
“It’s not that bad. Think of it as a Christmas spirit operation.” You try to cheer up, not really finding the zipper of the disguise. A scoff.
“We’ve been following this narcotic clan for months now, all leading us into dead ends. Perhaps we should start to consider the fact that they aren’t even in America anymore. This is just pointless.”
You shrugged your shoulders, putting the green suit on your shoulder and going to the changing room. “Fine, I’ll just do it myself then.” The spy’s arms, which were crossed, almost get out of their place as she grabs your arm. Gentle enough to not hurt, but firm enough to stop you.
You look up at her and she feels like she is about to faint. “What- no. What if they are here—…”
“You just said they may not even be here, so there’s nothing to worry about.” The reassurance doesn’t seem to calm her, but you keep walking away. Your legs are barely out of the storage room when she calls you to stop.
“Oh, for heaven’s sake, fine! Fine. Just…” She stops you, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Let’s get this over with.” You clap in excitement and face lighting like a christmas tree, spinning happily. A satisfied grin on your face that she doesn’t get to see. “Great! See you in five minutes, Mrs. Claus!” You sing as you finally exit. Natasha almost hits her head on the wall at how easily she just gave in.
She has definitely lost her touch.
“Mommy, why is Mrs. Claus looking so grumpy?” a little kid asks her mom as they pass by, the woman giving you two a disapproving look. You nudge Natasha’s side with your elbow.
“Yeah, Mrs. Claus… light it up a little, will you?” You mutter with a tight smile. “And also, don’t sit like that.” Natasha huffs, but changes position on the tall, red velvet-covered chair.
“Shut it, elf, or I’ll have you sent to the North Pole in no time,” she answers snarkily, but you were too distracted relocating the wall of fake gift boxes to have a better view.
Still, you look at her with an eyebrow raised. “What was that?”
A gulp. “Nothing.”
For as sweet as you were, you did know how to throw a mean glare. Was Natasha into it? Absolutely not.
“That’s what I thought.” The cheers of children echo, Natasha’s face paling as they all line up. Before she can say something about it, you put a hand on her shoulder. “Now, smile bright and be nice to the kids.”
”Bet you wouldn’t be so happy about having small people sit on your lap.” Faking a pout, you bend slightly to look her in the eyes.
”Aw, does that mean I won’t have a turn later?” You tease. And suddenly, all the remarks that the redhead had disappeared into thin air, never to be found again. You giggle. “Careful, your face is matching with your disguise.”
She is still sputtering indignantly by the time you redirect your attention to the crowd, a big bright grin on your face. The fact that she finds you cute even in the ridiculous elf suit you’re wearing speaks volumes.
“Merry Christmas everyone!” You greet happily, dramatically doing a reverence. “See, Santa has got a bit too many sweets before going to sleep situation.” Everyone cheers sadly. “But lucky for us, someone came all the way here all the way form the North Pole to save the day, give a big applause everyone for…Mrs.Claus!” Everyone claps excitedly as Natasha does a big, strained smile and salutes everyone to the public. The children (and even the parents) cheer loudly.
“Marry christmas. Who is ready to sit on my lap?” Natasha asks in exaggerated happiness, flushing some more when you give her a sneaky wink. What did she do to deserve this?
Ten or so children go by, all asking for their gifts. You want to think that everything is going well so far, no sign of any undercover trafficking, and everyone seems to be having a great time. Even Natasha.
“What do you want, kiddo?” The little boy grins toothlessly.
“I want a pink pony with fire breath and Pegasus wings!” The redhead hesitates.
“Well, those are rare… Anything else that you want?” The kid stops and thinks for a bit.
“Mmm, oh yeah! I want for mom and dad to bring their adult friends home instead of hiding them from each other. That way we can have a party!” Natasha’s eyes widened, choking on air. Your hand flies to your mouth in surprise as Natasha looks at you in panic. You send her a look that screams “You better fix this.”
“A pink flying, fire-breathing pony it is then!”
Besides that one, of course.
As fewer and fewer kids are in the waiting line, you feel yourself relax. If anything were to happen, at least there won’t be people who will get hurt. Natasha stretches lightly on the chair. When looking at the next kid, a little smile appears on her face. “Would you look at that? You look exactly like a smaller version of someone I know,” she mentions as she pulls the kid onto her lap.
The girl smiles, and you get an idea of who she reminded her of. “Really? From the North Pole? Is she magical?” Natasha makes an exaggerated thinking face while you scoff lightly.
“Well, she is a little bit of a troublemaker at times…” Natasha says dramatically, making the girl laugh. “But yeah… you could very well say she is magical.” Her voice is soft, sincere. You can’t help but blush a little.
“Ugh, I’m sweating. Why is this thing so hot?” Natasha complained as you two walked side by side, finally being able to catch a break. You nodded absentmindedly, your eyes wandering until you suddenly froze. Still wrestling with the disguise, Natasha didn’t notice. “I’m suffocating. This can’t be legal…”
“Natasha,” a couple of men scurried into a door next to the bathroom stalls. You recognized the characteristic tattoo of a crossed couple of spears on their necks until they both disappeared.
“It has way too many zippers and—” You hit her with your elbow, startling her.
“Stop it! Give me some room to complain, woman. I’ve already accepted plenty of your side eyes this morning.”
Rolling your eyes, you pulled her along by her hand. Her eyes stuck where you two were touching. “What are you…” As you opened the door, you followed down the hallway, being careful not to be spotted. Shushing her and slightly pulling her against the wall to cover with the shadows, you pointed to the now visible men, who were around the corner in a small operation room. There were gift-themed boxes scattered everywhere, alongside bags of bright purple powder. Still, for anyone, it could be said this was a normal management room.
“Pretty sure there aren’t any Barbie houses in those boxes,” Natasha muttered. You nodded, counting the number of guys. “So that’s how they do it. They benefit from the holidays to smuggle the drugs…” She trailed off.
“…and because there is so much activity and shipment movement it goes easily under the radar.” You finished happily, looking up at her with a grin, only to notice that she was already watching you. Her eyes locked on your hand, which still rests softly on her upper chest, the space between the two of you being almost nonexistent. In your excitement, you didn’t notice how close you were.
For a second, you didn’t say anything. No happy comments or quick remarks. She didn’t say anything either, no sarcastic retort or reproach. The only sounds were your breaths and the faint pulse of a frantic heart.
Even if it felt like it was frozen, there was this notion that one of the two was moving slightly closer. If not both of you. But as it turns out, time didn’t actually freeze, and it didn’t take much for someone to spot you.
“Hey, what are yo-… Oh shit.” Someone exclaimed, making both of you jump away from each other. You caught the movement of Natasha reaching for the taser that (you didn’t approve of) was strapped on her back. However, a quick analysis of the man’s face told you enough to make her stop. She looked at you in confusion before reading the spark in your eyes. A nod.
“Oh, sorry, we thought this was an empty closet…” You giggled, dramatically grabbing Natasha’s arm and putting your face on Natasha’s shoulder, nuzzling her neck. You felt her tense before her arms wrapped around your waist, tugging you closer. You were pretty sure that extra beat wasn’t because of the adrenaline.
“This place is restricted to the public,” he muttered, flustered.
“Sure. How about we try the changing room, sweetheart?” Natasha muttered, loud (and suggestive) enough for the man’s awkwardness to grow tenfold and leave.
“What was that, man?”
“Nothing, just Mrs. Claus and her helper making out.”
It wasn’t long until you both returned to the first level of the mall. “Alright, this should be enough distance…” Natasha mutters, looking for any more tattooed men. Suddenly, an unusually soft, warm sensation process on her mind, looking down she can still see both your hands enterwined. You are looking to, but don't make any attempt to “fix” the situation.
“C’mon, let’s go inform Fury to bring in the team.” Immediately after that, you are pulling her along, Natasha’s face now fully complementing the same shade of her Mrs.Claus dress. If it was because of embarrassment or another feeling entirely she will not tell.
One thing she can say for sure. Perhaps this whole “christmassy operation” wasn’t bad after all.
”Great job, agents. I appreciate your work.” Fury hangs the calls, turning to the rest of the team. “Apparently, they found out actual activity of the smuggling. Have plenty of high ranked operators and shipment cargo.”
“Why the surprise?” Bruce questions, while Tony laughs.
”Shit, they actually did?” Everyone looks at him confused. “What? You guys don’t know?”
The room fills with puzzled looks as Steve exhales audibly in his chair. “This operation was merely a facade to orchestrate a charming little rendezvous between Natasha and Y/N. It’s rather remarkable they stumbled upon anything, considering the slim odds,” he elucidates nonchalantly.
”And Fury greenlit this?”
“I did. I’ve grown weary of witnessing Agent Romanoff’s infatuation with Y/N—it’s proving distracting. Even the junior agents are indulging in speculation about their eventual…get together. Sooner rather than later, I say,” Fury explains, shrugging indifferently.
“You did what?!” Natasha growled, practically kicking the door down.
Most people have never seen a single emotion on the director's face. But the ones who were there that day would forever remember the flash of fright that flashed in Nick Fury's good eye.
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pholla-jm · 9 months
What's A Mistletoe?
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You decide to help Nami decorate the ship for the holidays- Christmas to be more exact. 
While Nami was putting up little decorations around the room, you decide to hang up plants, like wreaths, poinsettia, mistletoe. 
Small talk was made here and there. Until your captain rushed into the room. 
“(Y/n), there you are!” He shouts while observing the plants that surrounded you. “What are these?” He asks. “Just some plants.” “What for?” 
“For Christmas, dummy.” Nami says and you just giggle. “Yeah, they’re for Christmas. These plants are usually known to be around during this time.” 
Luffy nods at your words. He then picks up a small green plant with a bundle of red berries. “What’s this one? Can it be eaten?” 
You grab the plant from him, worried that he would try to eat it before you could answer. “Yeah, definitely not. It could poison you.” Luffy laughs, “then what’s it for?” 
“Well it said that when two people are under the mistletoe, you are supposed to kiss. It’s just an old myth. Don’t worry about it.” 
Luffy just blankly stares at you, not a single thought behind his eyes. You could tell that your words went through one ear and out the other. 
You sigh, “okay Luffy. Go do something else and once I’m done, I’ll play a game with you.” 
A large smile paints his face, “okay!” He shouts before running off. 
“You have a lot of patience for him.” You just chuckle, “yeah. I don’t know how I do it most of the time.” “Well you’re a saint.” You laugh, “Thanks. I’m going to hurry up so Luffy doesn’t come barging in again.” “Good idea.” 
You quickly finish up the decorating and went to go find Luffy. While walking around the ship, you saw some mistletoe hanging around. They were in the most random places, which left you confused. 
You don’t remember placing them there, so who would’ve hung it up? 
“Who did this…” You question yourself as you look up at a mistletoe. 
“(y/n)!” You hear Luffy shout. You look away from the small plant to see your captain running up to you. “Hey.” You were still a bit distracted from all the mistletoe around you to notice that the both of you were standing underneath one. Together. 
“Aren’t we supposed to kiss now?” Luffy speaks up. “Huh?” “You said that if two people are under it, then they have to kiss.” 
You blinked, a bit surprised that Luffy was actually listening to what you said. “Yeah, I did say that.” 
Luffy grabs your cheeks, pulling you into a messy kiss. The softness of his lips took you aback. He pulls back before you could even process what happened. Your brain had short circuited, and you wondered if this was the actual Luffy. 
“That was fun!” He laughs because of the dumb look you had on your face. 
“Wait…” You whisper finally connecting the dots, “are you the one that hung up the mistletoes?” He nods, “Yup!” “Why? I already hung one up.” 
“The more mistletoe there is, the more chances I get to kiss you.” 
Your cheeks burned a bright red from his words. Your heart was beating like crazy and your thoughts were all jumbled. 
Luffy burst out laughing, “you look funny all red!” “You’re too much sometimes…” You whisper to yourself. 
Luffy steps back, “I’ll see you later.” He says. 
He didn’t have to say it, but you knew what he meant. 
He was definitely going to catch you underneath a mistletoe again.
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merowkittie · 1 year
This includes x reader and character x character (not in a ship way)
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Miguel: Do we have any orange juice left?
Hobie: *pours the remaining juice into their cup*
Hobie: Sorry, we’re all out.
You: *sees someone doing something stupid*
You: What an idiot.
You: *realizes it's Miles*
You: Wait, that's MY idiot!
You: Pavitr ... Why did you draw a pentagram on the floor?
Pavitr: Your text told me to satanize the house before you returned.
You: …
You: I wrote sanitize, Pav.
You: My life is a mess.
Miguel: You relax, go get a beer.
You: I don’t want a beer.
Miguel: Who said it was for you?
Peter B Parker: I've connected the two dots.
Miguel: You didn't connect shit.
Peter B Parker: I've connected them.
*The gang is learning CPR on a test dummy.*
Gwen: So, assessing the situation. Are they breathing?
Hobie: No, Gwendy. They are not breathing. And they have no arms or legs.
Gwen: No, that’s not part of it—
Hobie: Where are they? You know what.. If we come across somebody with no arms or legs do we bother resuscitating them? I mean, what kind of quality of life do we have there?
Miles: I would want to live with no legs.
Hobie: How about no arms? No arms or legs is basically how you exist right now, Miles. You don’t do anything.
Gwen: All right, well, lets get back to it. ‘Cause you’re losing him.
Hobie: *pumps frantically*
Gwen: Okay, too fast. Everyone, we need to pump at a pace of a 100 beats per minute.
Hobie: Okay, that’s uh, hard to keep track. How many is that per hour?
Pavitr: How’s that gonna help you?
Hobie: I will divide and then count to it.
Pavitr: Right.
Gwen: Okay. Well, a good trick is to pump to the tune of ‘Staying Alive’ by the Bee Gees. Do you know that song?
Hobie: Yes, yes I do. I love that song. *clears throat, begins to sing* First I was afraid, I was petrified.
Pavitr: I told Hobie to grab snacks for everyone.
Gwen , looking through the options: Why did you grab fruit snacks? Are you five? Who even likes Fruit Snacks?
*Pavitr, Hobie, and Miles raise their hands*
*In a horror movie situation*
Hobie: I've got no service in my phone here.
Pavitr: Shoot, my battery just died.
Gwen : Sorry guys, I just broke my phone with a hammer.
Miles: Guys, my phone is a book.
You, to Gwen : We had a date!
You: *aggressively points to Hello Kitty Coloring Book*
Hobie: Valentine’s day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos-
You: I wrote you a poem.
Hobie, already crying: You did?
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Smth simple until I post an actual fic <3 im sorry for keeping you guys waiting sm I have terrible time management 😭
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inbabylontheywept · 1 year
"The reaper had a scythe. I have a combine harvester."
Arlach tapped his fingers nervously. He’d have gladly given up his life for the liberation of his people. A combine harvester (even a deluxe AI driven model) was a pittance compared to that. Still, he didn’t really understand what he was hearing.
“I uh… heard you’re hooking up my strawberry picker to an air defense cannon?”
The human technician assembling the gun held up a hand, finishing up some last tweaking of the wire harness. He touched two wires together carefully and swore when a shower of sparks shot out of the contact.
Set back, but not defeated, the man paused his task to answer the farmer’s question.
“See, you’re looking at this wrong. It’s an AI harvester, and it works great for strawberries, but machines don’t really see ‘strawberries’. They rate strawberry-ness. There’s a lot of ways to manage that, but it looks for a generally pointed shape, some seeds, and that nice red color. So your run of the mill strawberry generally receives an almost perfect strawberry-ness score, but something like this-”
His hands dug through all the pockets of his work suit before they finally found their target. He fished out what had been a standard ferroslug before it was painted bright red and smattered with a handful of black dots. He took a moment to admire it himself before tossing it to the farmer and continuing.
“Well, it’s not a strawberry, but it scores as one. Well enough that the machine gets positive feedback from its alignment unit every time it puts one of these babies where it's supposed to go.”
Arlach stared at him blankly.
“So what, you’re convincing it to fill a cargo container up with painted bullets?”
The technician grinned.
“There's no a limit to how fast it's allowed to fill that container up. At no point did the alignment protocol even consider that it'd be capable of throwing a 'strawberry' at mach nine. And the cargohold is important, but the rocket its attached to is more so. You know what looks a lot like a surface to orbit rocket?"
Arlach’s brain clicked.
“The hypersonic missiles they've been throwing at us.”
The grin widened. Arlach himself felt slightly awed to have found the connection.
“Will it work?”
The human nodded.
“It’s damn near the only thing that can. To shoot down something going that fast, that low, you either need a dummy missile that can brute force outrun it, or enough computing power to hack a station. The alliance is too chickenshit to send over their actual military AI's, but these myopic-type digibrains are supposed to be safe for civilian use because the idea of convincing your tractor that a bullet is a strawberry and a WMD is a cargo loader was a little too creative for the morons over at John Deere Galactic. And if that digibrain just so happens to function near the exoflop level, they're going to have a hard time sneaking anything larger than a bee through this airspace.”
The alien’s hands went over its crest as its mind reeled.
“They're not the only ones who would never think of this. It's brilliant. I never would've considered it.”
The tech shrugged good naturedly and went back to retrieve the two ends of wire that he’d dropped earlier.
“Eh, it's not coming from nowhere. There’s something of a human tradition about using farm equipment for war. I'm just lucky to be part of the next evolution in this. The reaper himself only used a scythe. Now I get to use a combine harvester.”
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sctigthesecond · 2 months
WAKE UP, I MADE A TUSKER ONESHOT!!! (with a lil bit of Dozyspirit)
Caffeinated Tusker
Tusker was standing in the kitchen, a calendar on hand. He stared at the circled day that had ‘Date w/ Flashy’ written on it. It was tomorrow. He didn’t show it but he was a bit excited for it, he even added small hearts around Flashy like a corny buffoon.
But in a rare case of Tusker actually using his head, he started thinking about the possibilities of how the date would go. Most of it was pretty imaginative and he knew those wouldn’t happen. There was one that he knew would happen though.
Tusker has always had the habit of sleeping at random cases on the day, he never liked sleeping at night, it always brought forth nightmares. So he started napping at the day where the sun shined.
Due to this habit, he was worried he would sleep at the date and end up upsetting Flashy, he was full of energy and wanted to do a lot of things after all. If Tusker just sleeps through that then he’d think he doesn’t care about him, and that’s what Tusker wants the least to happen.
He started pondering a way to keep himself awake when his eyes landed on his sister’s coffee machine. She was gifted that by Souffle and Kitchew. Boss always had a lot to do as the leader after all, so she always needed to keep herself energized.
Tusker stared at the coffee machine with hesitation, he remembered the last time he drank coffee. It went awful. His entire body shut down, he was a jittery mess, he cried about his head and stomach hurting before he threw up on the floor. It was a disaster, it was agreed he shouldn’t try caffeine again.
But that was years ago, he had no other way to stay awake, he could try sleeping before the date but he can’t control how long he sleeps. Desperate times call for desperate measures. He’s a grown elephant, he can handle this much… Right?
“Jeez where is it?” Boss looked around her entire room, yet she didn’t find a single trace of her scarf anywhere. “… I swear I put it around here” she sighed and tried to think back to where she last left it. She came out empty.
Maybe Tusker knew where it was, he’s always had an oddly good memory, after all. She walks out of her room.
“Tusker!” she called out for the elephant as she made her way to where she thought he might be. She walks into the kitchen “Hey Tusker are you—“ she cuts herself off the moment her eyes laid on the scene.
Tusker laid on the floor, clutching his stomach and shaking terribly while curled up on the floor.
“Tusker!?” she immediately ran up to him in a panic as she tried to question how it led to this. “Tusker, are you okay!? What happened!? Is it your stomach!?? What—!?!” she notices that her coffee machine was much closer than she remembered, and on closer inspection there was Tusker’s spilled mug sitting beside it.
It didn’t take long for Boss to realize what happened.
“… YOU DRANK COFFEE!?!?” she grabbed Tusker’s shoulders and shook him in an angrily concerned way. “… i thought… i could handle it… this time…” he said slowly as usual but this time it sounded like he was doing his best to resist throwing up.
“TUSKER YOU BIG IDIOT, WE AGREED YOU WOULDN’T TOUCH EVEN AN OUNCE OF CAFFEINE, WHY IN THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT!?!?” she scolded him as Tusker covered his ears, still trembling “… i didn’t… wanna… fall asleep… at the date…” he said softly with his eyes closed, still desperately holding back his puke.
“Date?” she was confused for a second before she sees the calendar near them, she saw Flash’s name and immediately connected the dots.
She slowly turned back to Tusker before flicking him lightly on the forehead “You big dummy. You know Flash doesn’t care if you’re awake or not, right?”
He had to take a moment to collect himself before he replied “… yeah but… i wanna… stay awake… to actually do something with him— hurk—…” he covered his mouth and Boss immediately helped him up to the bathroom.
In the end, Boss helped Tusker find some other way to kinda stay awake with the help of Savvy.
He and Flashy had a wonderful date.
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 9 months
So, for the very sexy anon that sent me this
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I hope you see this ❤️ Because I agree, whole heartedly Thembo under the cut
CW: Small drabble, NSFW, light hearted dub-con with thembo!Reader
Poor little barbarian, completely unaware that they were having sex until Xyleth was about to cum.
Being carried to his tent was the most exciting moment of the young warrior's life. They struggled against the children of the monstrous clan, so to have a chance to take on Xyleth, the most physically intimidating of the village, was an opportunity that filled (Reader) with both pride and adrenaline.
Within the tent, (Reader) was set on their feet, and they began stretching, smiling giddily.
"Ah, I shall not go easy on you, despite our difference in species.." The giant smirked down at his human, admiring the defined muscles of their exposed arms. "You should remove your clothing beforehand, so we do not ruin your outfit.."
"Oh!" The beautiful dummy gasped. "That's smart!"
In their naivety, (Reader) undressed in front of their mate the leader of the tribe without a second thought, unaware of the meaning behind the subtle thumping of his tail.
Xyleth was pleased to watch as they stripped down completely to the nude, having anticipated that they would have stopped at their undergarments.
'My little mate knows how to tease me in such a lovely way!'
As Xyleth became uncontrollably aroused, the naked human before him marveled at the cultural differences between the two species. However, wrestling nude made complete sense, and (Reader) wondered why none of the others suggested it earlier.
The two squared off, feet spread and hunched. An oddly flat tongue ran across Xyleth's teeth as he was given a perfect view of his exposed love.
(Reader) made the first move, smiling maniacally as they launched themselves forward towards the hulking beast towering above them. As their hands collided, the human slid back from the force of their struggle against Xyleth, who didn't flinch in the slightest.
Every move (Reader) made was wrong.
Every action they took against the leader made it harder for him to keep the "foreplay" (as he thought it to be) going. Their actions displayed their strength in the most attractive of ways, they pushed themselves against his claws to the point of sweating, filling the tent with their scent, and worse of all, they kept complimenting him.
Genuine comments such as "Man, I'm lucky to get this chance!", and "Damn, I knew you were strong, but this is impressive!", caused the chuckling man to nearly cry with the amount of love he felt for his mate, physically feeling his adoration for (Reader) in his chest.
Unable to contain his lust, he grappled (Reader) and spun them to the ground, wrapping the struggling warrior in his arms and legs, pinning them onto the previously strategically placed mats.
Sex education was a thing taught in (Reader's) community, but when they felt something painfully large enter their body, they didn't instantly connect the dots; being so focused on the fight that they laughed through the pain, still battling with all their might to release themselves from Xyleth's grip, wondering what kind of fighting style this was.
"Ah, fuck! That hurts.. You're really good at this!" The panting, dark red barbarian praised the victor, which for some reason made the pain harder and faster as whatever it was that Xyleth inserted began ramming into them.
Xyleth was grunting on top of (Reader), fucking the clueless human like an animal. In his mind, he was marking them as his mate, ready to bond the two of them as life partners. However, the wet mess getting railed under the monster was slowly becoming more and more embarrassed. (Reader) felt an orgasm building inside their tight body, and was scared to ask Xyleth to stop. How shameful it would be, to get turned on by a friendly sparring match!
"Xyleth, you- you win!" They stuttered out, barely able to speak while holding in their moans as pleasure assaulted their nerves. "Tapping out, buddy!"
"Why?" He chuckled while licking the shell of (Reader's) ear. "You're so close to cumming.."
The sensation of thick cum painting their insides brought about (Reader's) own climax, forcing it out of them as Xyleth continued thrusting into them, filling them to the point where it was spilling out, smacking loudly and wetly between their connecting hips as it leaked out of (Reader's) twitching hole and dripped down their thighs.
"What a good little mate you are.." was purred as the monster planted soft kisses across their jaw and earlobe, keeping himself deep inside of his new mate as he collapsed.
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pretending-ican-write · 6 months
Cowboy Up - Pt.4
A/n: I think there will be another part after this before the show starts and they will be getting together! I'm currently going through episode by episode and pulling out all the scenes I want to be a part of this. No promises that this won't get abandoned or take forever to write but I do have a mental endgame for it in s5!
Pairing: Ryan (Yellowstone) x Dutton!reader
WC: 871
Previous part - Next part
The peace of a still sleeping bunkhouse was disturbed by Rip rushing in and the loud bang of the door against the wall.  
“Lloyd, have you seen y/n?  She didn’t answer the door and the trailer’s locked,” he asked hurriedly scanning the bunkhouse, “Ryan why the fuck are you on the couch?”
Rip looked at the hand under the blankets and connected dots as Lloyd stirred from his own bunk to ask what was going on.  The foreman stormed into the other room to find exactly what he expected, y/n just waking up in Ryan’s bunk.  She rolled over and looked over up at him confused.
Y/n pulled herself up in the bed, “why are you shouting at 4 in the fuckin’ morning Rip?”
In lieu of an answer, he turned back around to where Ryan was waking up and hauled him to his feet to shove against the wall.  Suddenly everyone in the bunkhouse was awake and aware of what was going on.  They all surrounded the pair but nobody was about to get in the middle of whatever was going on, except y/n who was being kept from getting in between them by Jake.
“What the fuck is she doing in your bunk,” he growled.
Y/n shook Jake off her, “the hell Rip!  There’s no heat in the trailer and I was freezing my ass off in the barn so he insisted I come in here.  Stop being such an overprotective asshole!”
“If you even think about laying a finger on her in any capacity I’ll have them,” Rip threatened before releasing him and turned to the rest of them, “that goes for every one of you fuckers.  She’s off limits.”
He didn’t wait for an answer and headed out of the bunkhouse leaving the crew speechless.  Y/n turned to Ryan and checked that he was okay before storming after the foreman.
“What the actual fuck do you think you’re doing Rip!” She yelled at him, “you have no right to do that.”
Rip turned to glare at her, “he’s taking advantage of you.”
“Oh give me a break.  He was being a gentlemen which is more than can be said for most people in there.  I’m not a little girl that needs your protection anymore.  I can make my own decisions and I’m big enough to own my mistakes and Ryan certainly wouldn’t be one.  But I don’t think you need to worry, I’m hardly his first pick,” she finished bitterly.
Y/n went back to the bunkhouse in search of coffee, leaving Rip to wonder what on earth she had meant.
A few years later (like 6 months before the show starts)
After a long day of working the cattle for the spring gather, everyone from the valley was settled around the corral enjoying Gator’s cooking and each other’s company.  Y/n was sat to the side of the crowd having finished her food, just taking in the atmosphere of her favourite day of the year.  Gentle country music filled the air from a speaker Jamie had set up by the grill and some of the hands were showing kids how to rope on the dummy steer.  A smile graced her face as she watched Ryan and one of the newer hands, Colby who had become fast friends with him, helping a young girl swing the lasso above her head.
John watched his daughter from his seat next to Lee and how at peace she seemed with her life back on the ranch.  He picked up his beer and went to join her on the straw bale she’d claimed.  Y/n smiled at her father sat next to her before turning her attention back to the scene in front of her.  They sat in a comfortable silence for a little while, a significant improvement on how they’d been when she returned years ago.
“I think it’s time that we have our annual conversation,” John started, “even if nothing has changed.”
She took her eyes off the wranglers to look at her dad, “everything and nothing has changed dad.  I belong here again.  I finally feel like I’m part of it again.  But Kayce still isn’t here and I don’t see that ever changing.  I love you but you’re a stubborn man and lord knows my brother is too.”
“You set the terms but being back under the roof is where you belong,” he pushed.
Y/n allowed the silence to envelop them again as she thought through what was being put in front of her.  The sun was just beginning to set, casting a golden glow over the valley.  The wranglers had left the kids to the roping in favour of beers by the fence and Ryan winked when they made eye contact.  
“I’ll come back,” she relented, “but you don’t get a say over what I do and when I’m there.  I’m still gonna spend time at the bunkhouse because at the end of the day I’m a wrangler and those are my friends.  It took long enough for them to see me as more than just your daughter and I don’t want them to see me differently again.”
John smiled at her, “I’m just happy you’ll be truly home.”
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abyssruler · 2 years
cyno x gn!reader
“You’ll like him, I promise!”
“If he’s anything like you, I suppose.”
“Well…” You trail off, imagining you and your brother growing up and constantly being told how different the two of you are, from your personalities down to your looks. “Anyway! He can be a bit of a dummy, but he means well.”
Cyno nods, a thoughtful frown on his lips as he crosses his arms and waits for your brother to arrive at your meeting spot.
You spy the eye-catching ahoge from a mile away. You beam, raising your hand in a wave and turning to your partner beside you—only to blink as you realize that he left without your notice.
The sound of steel against steel in the distance blares an alarm in your head. Frantic, you whip your head to the direction of the sound and find two very familiar individuals duking it out.
Oh no.
“Big brother Haitham, stop!”
They both freeze at the sound of your voice for two completely different reasons.
Al-Haitham pulls you behind him and points his sword at your very confused partner, uncharacteristically slow to connect the dots. “Choose your next actions carefully, Cyno.”
Cyno completely lowers his weapon as he switches his gaze between the two of you as if in disbelief that Al-Haitham, the so-called Akademiya lunatic who he’s barely spoken two words to, is your older brother. You, the light of his life—but also an Akademiya drop out who only managed to get in through sheer luck after your random answers on the entrance examination turned out to be right—were related to him?
…Or so he would have thought a minute ago before his world was turned upside down and his partner’s brother wasn’t the most suspicious person in Cyno’s eyes.
My brother is really smart like you! He’s really nice and he used to help me study for my tests back when I still went to the Akademiya. A little, um, mean—but he’s actually a good person!
Hah, mean. A large understatement. It would equate to a scholar calling the General Mahamatra benign.
He suppose he should have expected it from you. You do have the tendency to think the best of people, even when they don’t deserve it.
“Brother.” You tug on Al-Haitham’s arm to bring his sword down, but he refuses to do so, unwilling to take his eyes off Cyno. Huffing in annoyance, you stomp on his feet and feel immense satisfaction when he turns his head to glare at you.
“This isn’t the time—”
“He’s Cynie!”
There’s a joke to be made about a pin dropping in the silence after your words and your brother’s dawning look of realization and the skepticism that follows.
He whirls his head to Cyno and points, “That’s Cynie?”
You nod with a growing smile, delighted that your brother finally lowered his sword so you can come up to Cyno and drag him close by the arm. “Cynie, meet my brother, Haitham!”
“…I told you not to call me that in front of others.”
“But it’s cute!”
“Only when we’re alone.” To this, he sends a baleful glare to Al-Haitham that your brother returns with a glare of his own.
“Oh, please. My sibling has told me everything that’s happened in your relationship,” then, as if to add salt to the wound, he strictly emphasizes, “Cynie.”
A muscle in your partner’s brow twitches.
“It’s great that you two are getting along!” You exclaim with a smile that could rival the sun.
They can’t say no to that face. They both have no choice but to reluctantly grumble a hesitant ‘yes…’ that has your eyes shining bright.
“I have our outing planned for today! I saw a promo in a restaurant that said if you can finish some kind of large meal in under an hour, you don’t have to pay for it! Not too sure how big it is, but I know I can eat it all. I also passed by this really cool place yesterday…”
They let you drag them by the arm across the city, shooting glares at each other and throwing subtle barbs when they think you aren’t looking.
You called that day the ‘brothers-in-law bonding day’. They hated every second of it and vowed to never talk to the other again.
Unless you asked them to, of course.
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aloharyda · 2 months
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you know that i know that Tati only bought this so she could see that butch's fat bewbs.
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If you're thinking "wow didn't she upload this before?" Then you'd be right! Because I did, but I deleted it cause I wanted to fix up some things I found wonky. Tati's face
I'm much happier with the way it looks now !! Joey is definitely boyfriend (butch) material, She holds all your stuff (and carry you), let you dress her up, AND doesn't complain if you're taking too long to shop 🫰🏽😘
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strawhatkia · 1 year
golden hour.
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INCLUDES ! katsuki bakugou, shota aizawa, mirio togata, tamaki keigo
GENRE ! fluff
SYNOPSIS ! they catch you at golden hour
WARNINGS ! a lil bird tom foolery, let me know if i missed anything, edited!
A/N ! another repost for mha ! it was originally requested ->  “hcs of Mirio, Bakugo, Aizawa, and Hawks reacting to their black gf’s skin glowing in golden hour? She doesn’t even notice it, she’s reading or scrolling on her phone but she so damn fine”
reblogs and comments are welcomed and loved, so leave some please ! i will respond ! 🤍
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— ☾⋆⁺₊🧨💢✧ KATSUKI BAKUGO !
he couldn’t believe his fucking eyes 
there you were, sitting like an actual goddess before him, all cuddled up under the sun readin’ yo favorite book
mans has neva felt more blessed in his life nigga crying and shit
he originally came in to bother you cuz he was bored but now all he worried about is getting a damn camera-
“hey, angelface!-….” “yes, kats?” “….” “..kats? baby?" *he stomps off into the distance* "katsuki! is something wrong, why are you stomping away!?” “WHERE IN THE FUCK IS THE CAMERA DAMN IT?!”
my mans said he needed a polaroid so he can keep that shit in his wallet cause that's exactly where that picture is going
tbh, he already has a different pictures for both his lockscreen and homescreen on both his phone and laptop but rested assured, he gon get that picture ! 
once he got the picture, he couldn’t stop looking at it (believe this: he flashes his wallet to show off that picture to girls who hit on him with the biggest smirk, "im already taken! now piss off.") 
“you know the real thing is over here, baby” *cue the blush* “shut up, dummy”
— ☾⋆⁺₊🌟🫨✧ MIRIO TOGATA !
it went something like this
he walked in with a “hey, sunshine!”, looked up, saw you in bed in yo bonnet and his big shirt, scrolling on yo phone under the sun and froze
your skin just glistening and shining- he could have sworn that one of the angels came down to visit him in the form of you
problem is…he hasn’t moved in the last 2 minutes 
“mirio…mirio…mirio, baby, BLINK!!” “huh?” “damn boy, did you meet Jesus while you was gone?” “why would I do that when I have a goddess right in front of me?”
being as black as you are, you could have SWORE that yo cheeks started to heat up from that comment and he is so proud for his quick thinking
“shut up, cheese ball” “but sunshine~ you love me and my cheesiness” “…unfortunately” 
he eventually joined you in bed and just laid in your lap, looked up at you with a goofy look on his face
he spends the rest of his time admiring you, even after the sun went down
goofy ass nigga- i love him so much
— ☾⋆⁺₊🪶🪽✧ KEIGO TAMAKI / HAWKS !
i’m gon clown him a little 
aight, birds like glittery things…he’s a bird man…your melanin looks like jewels under the sun…i have connected the dots
no but seriously, he just saw you sitting there and was instantly pulled in 
you were laying on his couch trying to take a nap under the sun cause let’s be honest, the sun is soothing as fuck on melanated skin
he had just out the shower and was in sweatpants gray and no shirt YUM
he just really loved how relaxed you were that i gave him a sense of pride to know you felt safe enough in his home
i can imagine him being a lil paranoid that you deem his house safe enough to hang out with so you spending your time just visiting or staying over night made him feel really happy
“comfortable there, dove? you know there’s a bed, right?” “i like the sun, keigo. It feels nice.” “if you say so, baby.”
ain’t no more room on the couch for him and his humongous ass wings to join you, so he settles for taking a seat on the coffee table and taking a couple of pictures of you looking so peaceful
"stop snapping pictures of me, creep." "aw, you'll hurt my feelings, baby" "im tryna sleep and your phone is distracting with that loud ass clicking sound" "sorry but i need a new background picture to switch out the old one" "yea yea whatever" "just go back to sleep" "stop taking pictures of me" "no ❤"
he put it as his computer background and the lock screen on his phone
bonus: he took a of video of him stroking your face in your sleep and you leaned in to it. in the background if you listen closely, you can hear him say “my baby is so beautiful🥺” "kei, baby, lemme sleep" "alright, love ❤" 
i will fucking CRY
i don’t think he would be up enough to catch you at golden hour 
but after the one time he did, he took a mental note to do it more often
you looked so ethereal- he didn't even know he could feel so relaxed just by looking at something 
you were sitting in the corner of bed where the suns rays come, reading something on yo phone and just looking completely relaxed in life
he just stopped at the doorway, where you couldn’t really see him and leaned against the door frame, softly smiling at your relaxed figure
“she looks so peaceful…how did I get so lucky?” this was the moment he felt like he hit the lottery
however when you did notice him, you nearly jumped out yo skin
“OH SHIT!! AIZAWA?!?!” “yes?” “HOW LONG YOU BEEN STANDING THERE!?!- WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY SOMETHING!?!” “sorry-”, he chuckles, “-you just looked so peaceful, i didn’t want to interrupt.” “that’s sweet, honey…but don’t you eva scare me like that again.” “yes ma’am”
y’all ended up taking a nap together
after that he just always seem to find you at this time or somehow put you in sun’s rays just so he could admire you 
bonus: he took polaroid pictures of you sleeping at golden hour and carries them with him. class 1-A found out about it and teased him about for weeks (which lead to brutally training for weeks on end, them stubborn ass kids would nawt let it go.)
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©STRAWHATKIA ━ all rights reserved. all content published on this blog belongs to starsoir. please refrain from copying, stealing, profiting off my works, or using my works for asmr related work. i don’t allow my works to be used or adapted in any way without my permission.
reblogs and comments are welcomed and loved, so leave some please ! i will respond ! 🤍
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boyfriend. | f. | katsuki bakugo
lip gloss, lil mama. | f. | multiple characters
taglist: @mypimpademia @cosmiles @megurulvr @dreampurpledreams
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luvymelody · 1 year
sunny day by wave to earth
“tsukki.. isn’t that kageyama??”
“huh? that king- where?”
tsukishima and yamaguchi were currently walking around the city, a popular place for anyone to hangout for fun. they were going to find a cafe and eat since the hot weather was insufferable. but yamaguchi managed to catch a blue eyed black haired boy.
tsukishima finally spotted kageyama, walking side by side with a girl that was laughing next to him, him smiling and looking at her with a certain expression on his face.
“is that y/n?”
“shit they’re totally dating!”
tsukishima chuckled, pulling out his phone and snapping of photo of the two of them, not even noticing them holding hands until it came into the frame of the phone, it made tsukishima laugh even more.
“she’s doing charity work!”
yamaguchi laughed, tsukishima tucked his phone away, smirking and thinking about what he could do with this.
the next day, everyone was stretching getting ready for the practice match that they were going to play as a team after school, 6v6. but there ended up being a knock on the door of the gym door, everyone looked towards the sound to find a y/n l/n, already waving.
kageyama blushed red, the tomato colour travelling all over his body.
“oh hi y/n!”
tanaka yelled out, waving and running at her with open arms. y/n dodged him as he fell outside, falling on the dirt outside the gym door steps.
“where’s hitoka and kiyoko??”
“they couldn’t stay back, said they were busy with something.”
“ohh, alright.”
kageyama kept looking at the girl, admiring her with his eyes until she also looked at him, winking at him which made him turn an even darker shade of red. of course, tsukishima noticed, holding his hand above his mouth to contain a laugh that was about to erupt.
“alright! let’s start this match!”
the 2nd set had just finished, everyone was exhausted and walking up to y/n for bottles of water, she was handing them out on a tray for everyone to enjoy. 
“y/n! do i do good!?”
“so good!”
nishinoya called out to y/n, jumping up and down at her reply, and yelling something out like ‘you suck tanaka!’. y/n was walking up to kageyama, who sat on the bench, tired and holding his ankle with one hand and bending his body over, his other hand on the bench to hold him steady.
during the match he had landed funny when setting tanaka, but it was only a few points from the set ended so he kept playing. she looked at him with pity, placing a bottle next to him and patting his cheek with her hand, it made him look up at her, but she just walked away towards coach ukai. he watched as she walked, memorised with her every step.
tsukishima witnessed the action again, finding it absolutely boring now, just a couple doting on each other, gross. y/n ended up talking to ukai about letting kageyama take a break, explaining his ankle and whatnot.
as the 3rd set played on, kageyama and y/n walked sitting next to each other, tape now being rolled around his ankle and silence between them, but it wasn’t uncomfortable it was, peaceful.
“are you okay? i saw how you fell.”
“you ask me that now?”
“what! it was awkward but like not that awkward but like still..”
“you know tsukishima knows.”
“about what?”
“us, you dummy.”
“oh, really? how’d you know.”
“he was looking at you, then he looked at me, and then remember the city yesterday? he probably connected the dots.”
“i didn’t know you were that smart tobio.”
“hey! i’m very smart!”
kageyama was silenced, aswell as y/n as she traced her finger tips along his hand, he looked down at her hand, grabbing ahold her hand and intertwining their hands together. 
“y’know, i’ve been setting alot they hurt so bad, could you hold it for awhile?”
“since when have you been so bold around everyone?”
everyone was focused on the match, not experiencing the couple that was literally in their vicinity. suddenly y/n stood up, still holding onto y/n’s hand,
“wanna help me fill up the bottles?”
the two of them went outside, walking close together due to the cold weather and wanting to stay warm. they were suppose to get the bottles and fill them up but most of the time they ended up just kissing and talking, sitting on the bench and sitting so close together.
“tobio! we have to fill them up they gonna be finished soon!”
“hmmm, i don’t care-”
kageyama kissed y/n all over her face, aiming for her lips but she kept trying to dodge. 
kageyama and y/n froze like deer in headlights, their heads turning at the sight of the entire team standing at the gym doors, watching the two of them be all lovey dovey. tsukishima smirked, as usual, tanaka and nishinoya were about to rage.
kageyama jumped up and ran over, running around the gym to avoid tanaka and noya running at him full speed. y/n sat in the same place, frozen like an ice cube but literally burning like fire, she covered her face with her hands as hinata, sugawara and some others ran up to her.
“why are you dating kageyama?! he’s so moody all the time and no one likes him!”
“i like him! he’s cute..”
“you guys are so gross, you’re not secretive about it either.”
Tsukishima commented, pulling out his phone and showing his photo that he took 
“y/n-san you’re too pretty to be dating kageyama!”
hinata ran away laughing, as kageyama ran after hinata with tanaka and noya still running behind him, yelling ‘you’ll pay for this!’.
wc : 1013 words
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otp-shipping-industry · 6 months
So uhh my fellow Rings of Power fans, please tell me I wasn't the only one who didn't pick this up earlier? Or was I the only dummy who didn't connect the dots?
And by this, I'm referring to Galadriel's dialogue from episode 5.
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"There is no peace to be found for you here. And nor for me." "No lasting peace in any path, but that which lies across the sea"
Galadriel of course means across the sea, in Middle-earth.
Wasn't Sauron ordered to return to Valinor?
Relevant point:
Valinor is also across the sea from Númenor.
So Galadriel's words here are true even though she doesn't know the real direction in which he could have found his peace.
After all, if Sauron had honestly repented and had the courage to face his verdict, he might have found lasting peace in Valinor. If only he had done his penance there and been forgiven.
We know how the story ends.
Sauron doesn't do that. Instead he remains in Middle-earth and finds no peace in the end. Galadriel was wise enough to glimpse one part of the puzzle. It just wasn't enough to see the full truth.
There's more.
Aren't Galadriel's words applicable for herself as well?
Just like she says, in the end isn't her lasting peace found in Aman, the Blessed Realm? Where she travels after Sauron is defeated? Where her daughter had previously gone, where Galadriel's kin awaits? Doesn't she find her lasting peace there?
So, had they both journed back to the Blessed Realm, to Valinor, they could have found their lasting peace.
Across the sea, just like Galadriel says.
The difference between them is that Sauron never returns to Aman or Valinor, but Galadriel does. And so in the end their fates become complete opposites of each other.
She leaves, he stays.
She finds her lasting peace, he doesn't.
Thanks for the sad feels, brain. Great job there, buddy.
And figuring this out after rewatching season 1 so many times, I'm left wondering how many rewatches it'll take to catch all these things? Here I was, happily rewatching Rings of Power for the nth time, as one does, and not once did I realize this before. Guess I'll have to do a few more rewatches to figure out what else I've missed. And then do it again for season 2 when it airs...
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