#Covid Hair Loss Treatment
worldoffitness · 2 years
Kera Health
The biggest beauty misconception is thinking you can just slap on some hair tonic or face cream and expect miracles to happen.
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hairline91 · 2 years
Hair loss rampant after Covid, say Bengaluru trichologists
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BENGALURU: Bengalureans are tearing their hair over their receding hairlines. Covid-19 is to blame for their loss of hair, according to city trichologists' observations over the past two years.
A trichologist and dermatologist set out to learn the link between contracting Covid and its effects on hair. She found that 80% of her 2,525 patients over the past two years, mostly below 40 years of age, were infected by Covid and losing their hair in various forms. Thinning of ponytails and receding hairlines were seen in three months of catching the virus.
Upon investigation, the researcher, Dr Kala Vimal, trichologist & dermatologist, Hairline International Hair & Skin Research & Treatment Centre, inferred that post Covid, many people suffered acute hair loss and shedding. The reason could be the disturbance of the hair cycle.
Dr Vimal explained that a hair cycle is a growing phase of three years, transition phase of three days and resting phase of 30 days. She told STOI this cycle was disturbed during the stressful Covid viral fever. Hair went prematurely into the resting phase, leading to shedding.
Dr Sunil Kumar Prabhu, consultant dermatologist and aesthetic physician, Aster RV Hospitals, who saw 450 patients in the last year, agreed that just like any infection that is accompanied by fever for a week to 10 days, hairfall takes place after Covid too.
He also pointed out that after two to three months of the event (Covid), people visit with hairfall incidence as the hair growth cycle would be arrested till then. Once hairfall starts, it stops in 6-8 weeks, he added.
However, if the treatment for hair loss has to be continued after that, it could be due to other underlying problems too, the doctor said.
Vax also caused hairfall: Doc
Dr Shruthi Chikkaiah, dermatologist and director of Skin and Recon, said she too witnessed quite a few patients coming in with hairfall in the past two years. She said not only Covid, but vaccination for it also caused stress-induced hairfall. She said patients came to her with balls of hair they were losing anywhere between three weeks and four months after the infection.
She said the hairfall was a self-limiting condition and once the body is supplied with enough rest, diet and nutrition, it was arrested.
According to Dr Vimal, patients went through various treatments to reverse this reduction of hair due to the disturbed hair cycle, a process which is known to take about nine months. They were administered topical serums, oral antioxidants, low-level laser therapy, platelet-rich plasma treatments, among others. These patients continued to be treated for hair loss even up to a year since they were affected by Covid.
Dr Vimal believes that the number of patients with hair loss she saw would have been more if it had not been for mobility issues during the pandemic years.
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wheelie-sick · 6 months
What is immunocompromisation?
Being immunocompromised means you have a weaker immune system than most people. There are two main ways people become immunocompromised
1. Medical Conditions
Certain medical conditions cause your immune system to be weaker. Some examples include:
Immunodeficiencies- A category of conditions causing a lower number of or lower efficacy of immune cells. This category is divided into two subcategories: primary immunodeficiency and secondary immunodeficiency. Primary immunodeficiency is a subcategory consisting of hundreds of different conditions all causing a lower number of immune cells. Secondary immunodeficiency is a smaller category consisting of conditions where a person lacks immune cells due to other causes such as malnutrition.
Some cancers
2. Medications
There are two main types of medications that result in being immunocompromised: Immunosuppressants and chemotherapy
Immunosuppressive medications- Immunosuppressive medications are medications designed to suppress your immune response. These can work in many different ways with some targeting a broad range of immune cells and others being highly specific. These medications are often used for organ transplant recipients and people with moderate-severe autoimmune diseases. Some medications in this category include: organ transplant medications, biologics, and high dose corticosteroids
Chemotherapy- Chemotherapy often comes with the effect of preventing new fast-dividing cells from being produced. This is why hair loss is such a common side effect of chemotherapy. Immune cells are fast dividing and therefore frequently are unable to be produced while on chemotherapy
The effects of immunocompromisation
Immunocompromisation has a large range of effects depending on the reason someone is immunocompromised. The most common effects are an increased susceptibility to illness and cancers. Increased susceptibility to illness can look like:
Frequent illnesses
Illnesses that are more severe than they would be for other people
Recurrent infections
Infections that don't respond to medication
Delayed response to infection
Infections that last longer than usual
Some people are more susceptible to certain types of infections. For example anifrolumab, a biologic used for lupus, makes people more susceptible to herpes zoster and respiratory tract infections while prednisone, a corticosteroid, increases risk of infection across the board. This occurs due to different causes of immunocompromisation affecting different immune cells with different roles in preventing and responding to infection.
Grades of severity
Recently the term "moderately and severely immunocompromised" has been used in covid-19 resources. Certain factors are considered to make someone moderately or severely immunocompromised, these include:
Advanced or untreated HIV infection
Moderate or severe primary immunodeficiencies
Hematologic malignancies
Active treatment for solid tumors or hematologic malignancies
Immunosuppressant medications used for solid organ or islet transplants
CAR-T cell therapy or hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Treatment with alkylating agents, antimetabolites, high-dose corticosteroids, chemotherapeutic agents, TNF blockers, and other biologic agents that are immunosuppressive or immunomodulatory
What immunocompromisation is not
It's worth noting that getting sick frequently or getting seriously sick from illnesses that are usually mild is a warning sign for being immunocompromised but does not inherently make you immunocompromised. Some people are just more susceptible to illness without being immunocompromised.
Having minimal response to an infection that is usually more serious is a sign of a strong immune system, not a weak one.
Being immunocompromised is also not the same as being high risk for serious infection. All immunocompromised people are high risk but not all high risk people are immunocompromised. Immunocompromisation is specifically when someone is high risk because their immune system is weak. Particularly in regards to covid, there are many conditions that make you higher risk that do not involve a weak immune system.
Autoimmune diseases do not automatically make you immunocompromised. Something being a disorder of the immune system does not mean that you are immunocompromised because immunocompromised means a weaker immune system not a malfunctioning immune system.
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apolloendymion · 1 month
so op of this post blocked me, but this is incredibly misleading!
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here's an article explaining the recommendations for lice, which came from multiple sources (not just the cdc). it basically boils down to lice being far less transmissible or dangerous than people assume.
"Children with head lice should not be sent home from school early. Students with head lice should receive treatment at home after school and may return to class after the first treatment has begun.
Head lice may be a nuisance to the people who have it, but there is no research that shows the parasite spreads any disease, the CDC said on its website. The parasites can cause itching and loss of sleep, but they shouldn't be considered a medical or public health hazard.
Lice cannot jump or fly, and can only transfer from person to person by crawling from one host to the next. Lice spread by contact with inanimate objects and personal belongings is possible, but it is very uncommon since lice feet are specifically adapted to hold onto human hair and not for smooth or slippery surfaces."
they also say kids don't have to be nit-free to return to school, because "research shows that nits are very unlikely to hatch, are not commonly transferred to other people, and nits are often misdiagnosed by nonmedical personnel."
as for the diarrhea, here are the cdc's recommendations:
children should be sent home if they have "diarrhea that causes ‘accidents’, is bloody, or results in greater than two bowel movements above what the child normally experiences in a 24-hour period."
children may return to school if "diarrhea has improved, the child is no longer having accidents or is having bowel movements no more than 2 above normal per 24-hour period for the child. Bloody diarrhea should be evaluated by a healthcare provider prior to return."
kids are prone to the occasional loose stools due to changes in diet. unless it meets the above criteria, it does not warrant missing school.
I'm not saying you should trust the government at face value, and i agree that the cdc grossly mishandled and continues to mishandle covid-19. you have every reason to side-eye their decisions! but side-eyeing a headline without getting the full story only causes further harm.
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opinated-user · 1 year
So for any future scumbags reading this … if you want to fake an illness never fake having cancer as that’s the easiest disease to debunk and disprove as you’d have to explain why you don’t show any signs of cancer treatment like Cemo giving you hair loss
fake something like a bad case of covid or the flu or bad food poisoning as those symptoms are easier to fak
like Jesus Christ Lily I was taught not to go overboard on fake illnesses when I watched Ferris Buellar did you miss the part where Ferris specifically tells the audience not to go overboard like faking a fever
LO already faked having covid three times before... while the rest of the world was rightfully very anxious and scared over the actual pandemic and danger of covid. i remember that LO would even use her supposed diagnosis (that wasn't such, i think she herself said that she never needed to get diagnosed either) to dismiss the illness altogether, insisting "it's just a cold" and then go on to complain about the government still treating a pandemic as a real threat. why do i believe that she faked that? because in one stream (it might have been a squadpost episode even), while talking to Ginger, who talked about actually having covid and needing a long time to recover, LO said "i think i had covid because i had a lot of gas and i read that covid can be a sympton of that."
at that point LO claimed to have had covid more than one time. more than one time, keep in mind. and yet she didn't know what it felt like or what the symptoms were? suddenly she wasn't sure what having covid is like? after already using her own experience as a reason why people shouldn't worry so much about it?
that was the moment i knew LO absolutely had no integrity and no care at all about the health of anyone following her. taking out of the way the lack of tactfulness to bring out gas when someone is talking about very severe symptoms they did experienced and left them bedridden, i have never met a single person who had covid talking like that about it. i had covid once and you can believe me, i read extensively about all the possible symptoms as soon i found out because even if i couldn't do anything about it, i liked to know. i read about them too when i lost family to the disease and much wasn't known. the only people who never did any research, not even by chance, were the people denying that the virus even exists. of course there could be exceptions, but on LO's case? it just seemed another case of her lying to try to be more interesting/give her bad takes more legitimacy and then forgetting she lied about it before, only to talk about whatever gas she was having. after that, why wouldn't she also lie about cancer?
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moonygryffin · 7 months
I just read about the Lyme disease. I knew that tick bites were bad, but not that bad! I saw many ticks in my village, but I never got bitten luckily. I hope you recover from this disease. Take care of yourself!
Thanks for your words and sorry if you don’t want a long explanation of Lyme disease, but I really like talking about it/my experience with it to help spread awareness! So uh, stop here if you don’t wanna read all that lol
Lyme is actually one of the least bad tick-borne diseases, in my opinion! Which is why ticks are so scary to me. They’re very important to the ecosystem, I would never wish them to be eradicated, but I do hate them and don’t want them anywhere near me lol
There’s basically two versions of Lyme. If your doctor catches it early and you don’t have other major health issues, it can be cured relatively easily with a month or so of strong antibiotics. A lot of people barely have any symptoms at all when its caught this early, usually just muscle and/or joint pain, some fatigue, maybe a fever. My mom actually got bit and caught Lyme somewhat recently and, even tho her immune system is still not 100% from her chemotherapy a few years ago, she completely recovered with only some mild fatigue that went away during treatment. One thing of note is that Lyme’s famous “bull’s eye rash” is not nearly as common as people say it is. You can absolutely still have Lyme disease even if you never developed the distinctive rash. I didn’t, my mom didn’t, and my doctor (who has had Lyme multiple times) has only had it once.
The other ‘version’ of Lyme is way more painful, dangerous, and stubborn. Basically, if your Lyme isn’t caught fast enough, not only can you develop way more symptoms, but it becomes much harder to cure. When I was finally getting diagnosed, I was given this huge like 10 page packet of some of (not all) the symptoms of Lyme disease. It’s very similar to the early days of Covid when it could seemingly cause thousands of different health issues. The most common are still joint and muscle pain, major fatigue, and other flu-like symptoms, but it can also cause sudden hair loss, random numb patches around your spine, burning skin, etc. I had to go to a specific psychologist to get diagnosed with autism, adhd, and ocd because Lyme can mimic adhd lol. Hell, IT GAVE ME OCD! Very crazy stuff. I’ve also heard it can induce way more deadly stuff with certain organs but I won’t go into depth with that here in case anyone has triggers related to that sort of thing.
I’ve gone way further into this than I planned but I think it’s important to put out there because Lyme is really not a well known or understood by both the public OR doctors, in my experience at least. I caught Lyme when I was around 7-ish? I was sick so often throughout elementary and middle school that I’ve been to basically ever doctor in the area and almost every time they said I just had some virus and that was it. It was only during high school, about 8 years later, that I finally went to a doctor (my current one) that even knew enough about Lyme disease to test me. And the only reason he knew was because he’d had it himself! The Lyme was deeply in my central nervous system that it took years of very large, very bad tasting antibiotics to cure. And, as I learned 2(?) years ago now, it’s made a resurgence. And I consider myself lucky because I truly believe if I didn’t get diagnosed for it when I did, I’d be dead by now with how it was attacking my cns
So, yeah, I think it’s important for people to learn at least the basics of Lyme disease just in case because it’s a very annoying and sometimes deadly disease that, at least in my experience, not many doctors actually know anything about
Also fun fact: Ötzi the Iceman, one of the oldest mummies in the world, had Lyme disease!
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myhealingera · 6 months
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Two weeks after this photo was taken, I received a phone call that nobody ever wants to receive.
I was dealing with a slew of health issues: an inability to lose weight, hair loss, swollen lymph nodes, fatigue so intense that getting out of bed felt like a miracle, and severe brain fog. My joints were in so much pain that I found myself using a heating pad for most of the day.
I consulted my aunt, who is a pediatrician, and she reviewed my recent blood work. She observed that my TSH levels were consistently borderline high, often surpassing the normal threshold. Encouraged by her insight, I visited my OBGYN and shared my symptoms. She ordered hormone testing and referred me to a rheumatologist, given that lupus runs in my family. The results indicated elevated TSH, DHEA, and C-reactive protein levels.
I then saw a remarkable rheumatologist who conducted over 120 tests. All came back normal except for my thyroid antibodies, and I was diagnosed with arthritis in my hands. Around this time, my neck began to swell, feeling as though something was stuck in my throat. My primary care physician scheduled an ultrasound, which revealed swelling in my neck and a lymph node, and identified a nodule or "ectopic" tissue.
Returning to my primary care doctor, I was told my lab results were normal and advised to follow up in a year, despite continuing to experience swollen lymph nodes and being told that the neck nodule was unrelated to the swelling. At this point had been to urgent care 3 times, completed 3 rounds of steroids, a z-pack, and tested negative for mono, Covid, and strep.
Despite my tendency to avoid conflict, something felt off, and I knew I wasn't okay.
I requested a referral to an endocrinologist, which I received, but they couldn't see me until after Christmas. Not wanting to wait, I found another endocrinologist who could see me on Halloween. At my first appointment, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and hypothyroidism. She ordered a biopsy "to be safe," emphasizing that a finding warrants investigation. Even at the hospital for my biopsy, the PA questioned its necessity given my primary care's advice to wait a year.
On 12/22, my endocrinologist informed me that the biopsy results were suspicious for thyroid carcinoma. I returned on 1/5 to discuss the findings.
They had sent my sample for Afirma testing, a genetic test for medullary thyroid cancer, due to the unusual results and the aggressive nature of the potential cancer.
I was then referred to an ENT, who suspected the nodule might actually be a lymph node. A CT scan confirmed this suspicion, revealing a lymph node suspicious for thyroid cancer, yet with no nodules on my thyroid itself.
The decision was made to remove the lymph node, with intraoperative pathology consultation to decide whether to also remove the thyroid.
On 2/24, the lymph node was removed, but pathology was indeterminate, leading to the decision not to remove the thyroid.
The following week, I was informed that my results had been sent to a larger university hospital for further analysis and a second opinion, an ominous sign according to my ENT.
Ultimately, it was confirmed as papillary thyroid cancer that had begun to metastasize to the lymph nodes, indicating occult thyroid cancer, typically undetected until it spreads to the lymph nodes. Likely, there are microcarcinomas on my thyroid undetectable by imaging. Thus, another surgery is required.
My complete thyroidectomy is scheduled for 4/24.
Honestly, none of this truly sank in until I received a call from the hospital's oncology department to schedule a radiation consultation for post-surgery RAI treatment.
It’s been an incredibly tough start to the year, to say the least.
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What is Cancer, Actually?
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Ever since covid there has obviously been a huge spike in people distrusting the medical community- with everything. I've started to hear the argument, "oh, they don't want to cure cancer because they make so much money treating it!", which is stupid, but it's a lot easier to refute when you actually know what happens in your body when you have cancer. So what is cancer, actually?
In short, cancer is what happens when some of your cells mutate in a way that makes them grow uncontrollably. Normally, your cells receive signals telling them to grow and divide. The more times they divide, the greater the chance that they'll pick up mutations along the way. If the cells get too old or too damaged, however, they are equipped with a "kill switch" that triggers apoptosis, or programmed cell death. This does a pretty good job at removing damaged cells from your body. However, sometimes a cell will mutate in a way that it keeps growing regardless of what the signals are telling it, and loses its ability for apoptosis. When this happens, the cells will divide rapidly to form lumps of tissue called tumors. These can be benign in some cases, but in others they can be deadly. All that the cancer cells in the tumor care about is multiplying, no matter the cost. They may destroy healthy cells that get in their way, block the supply of nutrients or oxygen, or allow waste products to build up. They may even spread to other parts of the body, where they can continue to cause damage.
So if we know how cancer works, why haven't we cured it yet?
Cancer is not a single disease- it's an umbrella term for over 200 different conditions. And even though they all stem from the uncontrolled growth of cells, they are incredibly diverse, and often respond differently to different sorts of treatment.
In order to get rid of the cancer we need to kill the cancer cells. But since the cancer cells are just normal cells that got mutated, most ways of doing so will also damage the rest of your cells. Chemotherapy often works because it kills the fast-dividing cancer cells faster than it kills the rest of you (side note: common chemo side effects such as hair loss and nausea are due to the fact that the cells that your hair grows from and the cells of your stomach lining are also very fast-dividing, meaning that they often get harmed by the radiation as well). This doesn't work for all cancers, however, and for those we would need a way to kill the cancer cells that is either less harmful to the normal cells or targets only the cancerous cells. But that is very difficult to do, because...
There is not one single mutation that turns a normal cell into a cancer cell. the pathways that a cell can take into becoming cancer are endless, so treatments that work for cancer cells with a certain set of mutation might be entirely ineffective for others.
Because cancer cells divide so quickly and don't undergo apoptosis when they are damaged, the rate at which they can pick up new mutations dramatically increases. This means that they can change in a number of unpredictable ways, such as becoming resistant to treatments or learning to survive in different areas of the body.
So while these factors make it unlikely that cancer will be "cured" in the near future, people are constantly researching to discover new and more effective methods of treatment such as CAR T therapies. No doubt we will continue to see more and more progress as time goes on.
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cozy-convalescence · 17 days
Post COVID hair loss
I've noticed more hair fall than usual. Last night I took a pic to confirm that my hair is indeed thinning out. Perhaps this means that this was the first time I actually had covid. Because I've been sick before, never confirmed, but my hair was fine.
Besides the supplements and added protein, I'm not sure if there's much else I can do. I did buy scalp boosters earlier this year, but I haven't been consistent. Since I'm sure my hair looks even worse blown out, I need to rethink my fall hair plans.
I've read this can last 6 to 9 months post infection. So there's no point in straightening my hair every week when the temps drop. The easiest way to keep my hair moisturized, maintain access to my scalp for treatments, and not have to restyle my hair post workout, is to install mini twists. I considered using the braiding hair I still have, but I worry that the extra weight and manipulation will cause more harm than good.
6 months post infection puts me at the end of December. Maybe I'll straighten my hair then for a beginning of the year reveal.
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medicineforcare · 19 days
Alphalan 5mg
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Alphalan 5mg (melphalan) can treat various types of cancer as it is a chemotherapy drug, including ovarian cancer, multiple myeloma, and melanoma. Alphalan can interfere with the development and reproduction of cancer cells.
Alphalan 5mg is a high-dose version of Alphalan 2mg which means that it is used to treat high-level and severe problems, The dosage amount also depends on the age and type of disease being treated.
The 5mg dose of Alphalan is a common starting dose for adults, but the dosage may be adjusted based on many problems like weight, overall health, and the type and stage of the cancer being treated. It is significant to follow the dosage directions given by your doctor or any sort of specialist and to take Alphalan exactly as prescribed.
Alphalan 5mg can cause side effects like fatigue, vomiting, nausea, hair loss, and a decrease in blood cell counts. If you feel any side effects or have any concerns about taking Alphalan, talk to your doctor or healthcare provider.
Alphalan 5mg is typically taken orally as a tablet, although it can also be given as an injection in a hospital or clinic setting.
The drug works by the damage the DNA in cancer cells, which can lead to cell death. However, it can also affect healthy cells in the body, which could show and cause side effects.
In addition to the communal side effects mentioned earlier, Alphalan can also cause more severe effects such as infections, allergic reactions, liver problems, and lung problems.
Why You Must Consider Alphalan 5mg?
Alphalan 5mg is effective in treating many types of cancer, such as numerous myeloma and ovarian cancer. For some patients, it may be the best available treatment option. Alphalan can be taken orally as a tablet, which may be more convenient and less invasive than other types of chemotherapy that require injections or infusions.
Alphalan works in a mixture with other cancer treatments, such as immunotherapy or radiation therapy, to improve outcomes. Alphalan can be a very useful part of a treatment plan that includes surgery, especially for cancers that have spread to different parts of the body.
Some Interesting Insights About Alphalan 5mg:
Alphalan 5mg was first synthesized in the 1950s and was initially used as a treatment for Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Alphalan is used as a cancer treatment, Alphalan has also been studied for its potential use in treating other diseases, such as autoimmune disorders and multiple sclerosis. Alphalan comes from alkylating agents as a part of it, which works by damaging the DNA in cancer cells.
Other drugs in this class include cyclophosphamide and busulfan. Alphalan is primarily eliminated from the body through the kidneys, so patients with kidney problems may need to have their dosage adjusted or be monitored more closely during the treatment.
In addition to its chemotherapy effects, Alphalan has also been shown to have immunomodulatory effects, meaning it can help the immune system to fight cancer cells. Some research has suggested that Alphalan may be more effective in treating multiple myeloma when combined with other drugs, such as bortezomib or dexamethasone.
If you are taking Covid-19 medicines than take care about it and Alphalan 2mg lower does also available. We are also providing medicines like Avana 50mg, Cenforce D, Antreol, Atavir Capsule and Entavir 0.5mg.
How does Alphalan 5mg work?
Alphalan 5mg (melphalan) is a type of alkylating agent chemotherapy drug. Alphalan works to damage the DNA in cancer cells, which can prevent them from growing and dividing. Specifically, Alphalan attaches to the DNA in cancer cells and forms cross-links between the strands of the DNA molecule.
These cross-links prevent the DNA from being able to replicate properly, which can ultimately lead to cell death. Cancer cells are more susceptible to the effects of Alphalan than normal cells because they divide more rapidly and have a higher rate of DNA replication.
However, because Alphalan 5mg can also affect healthy cells in the body, Alphalan can do a range of effects, such as vomiting, nausea, and hair loss. Alphalan can help to treat certain types of cancer, such as ovarian cancer and multiple myeloma, but it can have many potential applications in the healing of other diseases, like autoimmune disorders and multiple sclerosis.
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worldoffitness · 2 years
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tamanna31 · 2 months
Hair Thinning Industry Overview
The global hair thinning market size was estimated at USD 1.40 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 10.50% from 2024 to 2030.
The increasing awareness about hair wellness, the growing risk of alopecia & other hair-related problems, and innovation in hair growth treatment & supplement products are among the major factors anticipated to fuel the market growth over the forecast period. According to National Alopecia Areata Foundation August 2023 statistics, nearly 160 million people suffer from alopecia, including 6.7 million people in the U.S. Furthermore, the introduction of advanced technologies & innovative formulations in the hair care industry has encouraged consumers to choose cutting-edge solutions for their hair problems. This has fueled the development of a wide range of hair growth products, from multivitamins & supplements to hair fiber, which is contributing to market expansion.
The COVID-19 pandemic had a notable impact on the hair-thinning market and presented several growth opportunities for the market. As individuals became increasingly conscious of their health, the desire to maintain healthy hair while salons were closed led to a surge in interest in at-home hair care solutions, including supplements & hair fibers. This heightened interest prompted companies to focus on marketing their products as convenient & effective options for maintaining hair health in the absence of salon visits. The pandemic accelerated trends toward eCommerce and online shopping. With physical retail spaces restricted or closed during lockdowns, consumers turned to online platforms to purchase hair growth supplements & hair fibers. This shift in buying behavior prompted companies to strengthen their online presence, optimize eCommerce experiences, and explore direct-to-consumer channels.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Hair Thinning Market
The market is likely to witness a significant boost due to the increasing prevalence of hair loss disorders, driving the demand for innovative hair treatments. Genetics, hormonal imbalances, stress, poor nutrition, and environmental pollutants contribute to hair problems, making them widespread & persistent. Moreover, the increasing prevalence of hair loss disorders is not limited to a specific age group or gender; it affects men & women across various age brackets, making it a global concern. According to the National Library of Medicine, androgenetic alopecia impacts approximately 50 million men and 30 million women across the U.S. This condition can commence as early as an individual’s teenage years, and the likelihood of experiencing it increases with age.
The National Library of Medicine's statistics show that over 50% of men aged 50 years & above exhibit some level of hair loss. Among women, the likelihood of hair loss tends to increase post-menopause. This broad demographic reach has made the market highly lucrative and diverse, catering to a wide range of customer needs. As a result, the market is expected to witness substantial growth shortly.
Furthermore, the increasing prevalence of hair loss has also led several customers to seek natural, science-based, and advanced solutions to address hair-related issues. This has prompted companies to develop & market hair growth supplements & treatments that promise efficacy and safety. Advancements in research and technology have enabled the development of innovative hair growth supplements. Companies are investing heavily in R&D to create novel & innovative products. For instance, in January 2023, Curallux, LLC launched the Nurish products line made from Cynatine HNS (Hair, Nails, and Skin), a cosmeceutical component sourced from proteins naturally occurring in the human body.
Browse through Grand View Research's Pharmaceuticals IndustryResearch Reports.
The global drug and gene delivery devices market size was valued at USD 670.0 million in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 9.0% from 2024 to 2030.
The global multiple myeloma therapeutics market size was valued at USD 20.87 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 5.5% from 2024 to 2030.
Key Hair Thinning Company Insights
The market players operating in the market are adopting product approval to increase the reach of their products in the market and improve the availability of their products, along with expansion as a strategy to enhance production/research activities. In addition, several market players are acquiring smaller players to strengthen their market position. This strategy enables companies to increase their capabilities, expand their product portfolios, and improve their competencies.
Key Hair Thinning Companies:
The following are the leading companies in the hair thinning market. These companies collectively hold the largest market share and dictate industry trends.
Church & Dwight Co, Inc
Unilever (Nutraceutical Wellness, Inc.)
Lexington International, LLC (Hairmax)
Help Hair, Inc.
Vitabiotics, Ltd.
Nestlé Health Science (Nature’s Bounty)
GNC Holdings, Inc. (Harbin Pharmaceutical Group)
Recent Development
In December 2023, Hairmax announced a long-term partnership with Pattern Inc., an e-commerce accelerator, which will help Hairmax drive brand sales on the Amazon platform.
In November 2023, Hairmax announced its expansion into the European Union (EU), with a strategic alliance with Johnbeerens.com, which helped Hairmax deliver its products to customers in the EU.
In April 2023, Nutrafol, a leading recommended hair growth supplement brand, partnered with Sid Lee, a creative agency, to create a campaign named Grow on.
In August 2021, Nestlé Health Science acquired the core brands of The Bountiful Company, including Solgar, Osteo Bi-Flex, Ester-C, Puritan’s Pride, and Nature's Bounty. This acquisition strengthened the company's existing product portfolio.
Order a free sample PDF of the Hair Thinning Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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wellnessweb · 4 months
Insights & Trends: Deciphering the Booming Hair Transplant Market Size
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The Hair Transplant Market size is expected to reach USD 31.89 Bn by 2031 and was valued at USD 7.12 Bn in 2023, the market will be growing at a CAGR of 20.6% during the forecast period of 2024-2031The global hair transplant market is experiencing a transformative surge, fueled by technological advancements and shifting beauty standards. With an increasing number of individuals seeking solutions for hair loss, the market has witnessed a remarkable expansion in both demand and innovation. Cutting-edge techniques such as follicular unit extraction (FUE) and robotic hair restoration have revolutionized the industry, offering patients more precise and minimally invasive options. Moreover, the growing acceptance of hair transplants as a viable aesthetic procedure, coupled with a rise in disposable income in emerging economies, has further propelled market growth. Beyond traditional surgical methods, non-invasive treatments like platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy are gaining traction, catering to a broader spectrum of consumers. As the industry continues to evolve, driven by advancements in regenerative medicine and personalized treatment approaches, the hair transplant market stands poised for unprecedented expansion and diversification, reshaping the landscape of cosmetic procedures globally.
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Market Scope & Overview
The market research report is an ideal source of information, and market studies are crucial for global businesses. In order to give a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the development of the global economy, Hair Transplant Market research examines a wide range of nations. The market research study analyses historical information and forecasts to estimate the size of the global market. The global business overview includes tables and figures with key industry statistics, market data and analysis for organizations and consumers.
The primary and secondary methodologies, well-known research techniques, and services are all examined in the Hair Transplant Market research study. In a market study, the principal market characteristics and prospects, as well as its boundaries and key rivals, corporate profiles, and general positioning strategy for both local and international markets, are all researched.
Market Segmentation Analysis
By Procedure
Follicular Unit Transplantation
Follicular Unit Extraction
Combination of FUT & FUE
By Gender
By Service Provider
Dermatology Clinics
COVID-19 Pandemic Impact Analysis
The research goes into great depth about how these pandemics affected various regions of the world. The COVID-19 epidemic's global spread has had a significant influence on the Hair Transplant Market in a number of ways. The report also offers advice on how market participants might continue to make money in such challenging circumstances.
Regional Outlook
The Hair Transplant Market research report explains current developments in significant regional marketplaces and the various choices service providers throughout the world have. This research report covers all of Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia Pacific, and the rest of the world. A competitive market analysis ranks the top rivals based on corporate strengths and product offerings.
Competitive Analysis
The research examines the significance of the field, in addition to its many elements and anticipated repercussions. Discussions of expert perspectives, environmental facts, and marketing strategies are included. The Hair Transplant Market research covers upstream sector differences, market segmentation, business environment, demand development, cost and pricing structure, and business climate.
Key Reasons to Purchase Hair Transplant Market Report
The market report evaluates the findings of in-depth secondary research, primary interviews with subject matter experts, and internal expert interviews.
Financial analytics, fundamental data, regional engagement, sales effectiveness, product quality, and sector contribution are all used to rank the top businesses in the market.
The size of the market, the successful business practices of the major organizations, and the exposure of regional firms are some of the factors taken into account by Hair Transplant Market research. For the development of market-dominating methods, these insights are crucial.
About Us
SNS Insider is a market research and insights firm that has won several awards and earned a solid reputation for service and strategy. We are a strategic partner who can assist you in reframing issues and generating answers to the trickiest business difficulties. For greater consumer insight and client experiences, we leverage the power of experience and people.
When you employ our services, you will collaborate with qualified and experienced staff. We believe it is crucial to collaborate with our clients to ensure that each project is customized to meet their demands. Nobody knows your customers or community better than you do. Therefore, our team needs to ask the correct questions that appeal to your audience in order to collect the best information.
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The U.S. Beauty Devices Market: An In-Depth Analysis
The beauty industry has been experiencing rapid growth over the past decade, and the beauty devices segment is no exception. The U.S. beauty devices market, in particular, has seen a remarkable transformation driven by technological advancements, rising consumer awareness, and increasing disposable incomes. This article delves into the various factors propelling the growth of the U.S. beauty devices market, its current trends, challenges, and future prospects.
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Market Overview
The U.S. beauty devices market encompasses a wide range of products designed to address various skin, hair, and body care needs. These devices include facial cleansing brushes, hair removal devices, anti-aging and rejuvenation devices, acne treatment devices, and more. The market has seen significant growth due to the rising prevalence of skin disorders, the desire for youthful appearances, and the convenience of at-home treatments.
Key Drivers of Market Growth
1. Technological Advancements:
   Technological innovation is at the heart of the beauty devices market's expansion. Advanced features such as LED light therapy, microcurrent technology, and ultrasonic waves have enhanced the efficacy and appeal of beauty devices. These technologies offer non-invasive solutions to common skin and hair problems, making them highly attractive to consumers.
2. Increasing Consumer Awareness:
   As consumers become more knowledgeable about skincare and the benefits of various treatments, there is a growing demand for high-quality beauty devices. Social media platforms and beauty influencers play a significant role in educating consumers and driving the popularity of these devices.
3. Rising Disposable Income:
   Higher disposable incomes have allowed more consumers to invest in beauty devices. The willingness to spend on premium and technologically advanced products has further fueled market growth.
4. Convenience of At-Home Treatments:
   The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the trend of at-home beauty treatments as consumers sought alternatives to in-person salon visits. The convenience, safety, and privacy of using beauty devices at home have contributed to their sustained popularity.
For a comprehensive analysis of the market drivers, visit https://univdatos.com/report/us-beauty-devices-market/
Current Trends
There is a growing trend towards personalized beauty devices. Companies are developing products that can be tailored to individual skin types and concerns, offering customized skincare solutions. This personalization enhances the user experience and efficacy of the treatments.
2. Sustainability:
   Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in the beauty industry. Consumers are more conscious of the environmental impact of their purchases, leading to a demand for eco-friendly beauty devices. Brands are responding by using sustainable materials and creating recyclable or reusable products.
3. Integration with Mobile Apps:
   Many modern beauty devices now come with companion mobile apps that provide users with usage tips, treatment progress tracking, and personalized skincare routines. This integration of technology enhances user engagement and satisfaction.
4. Expansion of Male Grooming Market:
   The male grooming segment is expanding rapidly, with an increasing number of men investing in beauty devices. Products specifically designed for men, such as beard trimmers and skincare devices, are gaining traction.
Despite the robust growth, the U.S. beauty devices market faces several challenges. High product costs can be a barrier to widespread adoption, particularly among price-sensitive consumers. Additionally, the market is highly competitive, with numerous brands vying for market share. Ensuring product efficacy and safety is also critical, as any adverse effects can lead to loss of consumer trust.
For a sample report, visit https://univdatos.com/get-a-free-sample-form-php/?product_id=22392
Future Prospects
The future of the U.S. beauty devices market looks promising, with several factors poised to drive continued growth:
1. Innovation and R&D:
   Continuous research and development will lead to the introduction of more advanced and effective beauty devices. Innovations such as AI-driven personalization and smart beauty devices are likely to shape the future of the market.
2. Expansion into New Demographics:
   Companies are increasingly targeting new demographics, including older adults and teenagers, who have specific skincare and beauty needs. This expansion will broaden the market's consumer base.
3. Global Expansion:
   While this article focuses on the U.S. market, there is significant potential for American brands to expand globally. International markets with growing middle-class populations present lucrative opportunities for growth.
In conclusion, the U.S. beauty devices market is thriving, driven by technological advancements, increasing consumer awareness, and the convenience of at-home treatments. While challenges exist, the market's future remains bright, with continuous innovation and expanding consumer bases paving the way for sustained growth.
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meditating-dog-lover · 5 months
In real life and as portrayed in my blogposts, I tend to make a lot of progress goals. I want to succeed in life and be happy, healthy, vibrant, secure, and free. And I get closer to that each year, and it really kicked off 2 years ago when I started working full time. I do have these elements in my life, but I'm still working towards making even more improvements.
However, that doesn't mean I'm not in pain. I've experienced pain since I was a child. From my parents, my family, school bullies, teachers, doctors, my old therapist, politicians and terrorists who want my family's community dead, weird men, etc... It's so much built up pain from a bunch of people. It's overwhelming. Not only when I was younger, but a lot of these events happened recently after COVID. It's like the pain never leaves me.
I don't want to fall apart in the pain and I see success, self-sufficiency and happiness as a form of "revenge". It doesn't mean I don't struggle with painful feelings and don't feel like crying sometimes. At the same time I don't want to crumble just because people were awful to me. I still deal with the pain of school memories, where I was bullied and heavily excluded to the point where I'm afraid of dating and social rejection and the pain that comes with it as an adult (I've never been in a serious relationship), and the pain from doctors who lie and want us sick and insult our intelligence when we want to take care of ourselves and who gave me severe body dysmorphia, the pain from my old therapist who victim blamed me, the pain of political issues and violence/genocide affecting my family's community, the pain of having to go to work and pretend like everything's okay and my performance declining and being embarrassed for that, the pain coming from creepy men, even my mom can be a pain. I sometimes want to cry and pull my hair out.
The pain will always be there, as long as it can be balanced with some positivity. Thankfully I'm secured career-wise and financially, and definitely academically. I am thankful to be in good health and to have access to good quality doctors and the ambition to improve my health (I now have a treatment plan for my eczema, found a new multivitamin that can help me sort some deficiencies out, a digestive enzyme supplement that can further assist with nutrient absorption, and unfortunately I might have PCOS and insulin resistance and I want to get checked for that, but I am scared and worried because I don't need a new health scare, though IF and continuous fat loss can help a lot with this). Regarding socializing and dating, I am to scared of being shamed and even rejection. I've been hurt and rejected so many time before, I would hate for it to happen again. But I am working on shame with my therapist. Regarding personal confidence (inside and out) I'm still working on this. I feel like my physical appearance improved a lot and I look fine, I'm just working on my eczema so my hands look better and healthier (I have a treatment plan now and I'm going to follow it) as well as continuous fat loss through IF/walking and I'll become thinner and healthier (I already lost a lot of weight since Dec). Thankfully I can stay in shape in a sustainable and manageable way, IF/walking has become such an easy way of life at this point. I know I will feel better when I'm thinner (psychologically because I will feel better about myself, and healthwise because reaching a healthy BMI is good in improving elevated androgens and insulin resistance). Then I can look into nice clothes. Last week I wore 2 nice shirts I did not have the confidence to wear in the past (I bought them 2 years ago and barely wore them because of my body dysmorphia). And they looked very nice on me. My new therapist is great and is helpful, skilled, compassionate and professional. I have high hopes in the younger generation (I've seen the college protests) who will raise awareness of what's happening to my family's community and the brutality will soon end because thankfully at least people appear to care and speak out now.
So yes, I do want to find some form of accomplishment in each area of my life where I felt someone or a group of people tried to take that privilege away from me. However it doesn't mean it doesn't come without pain.
So for now my finances and job are secured and am doing well, I just need to continue the progress. I will work on my eczema treatment plan (which involves a good amount of gut supplements) and then I will continue with this new multivitamin that I know will fix my deficiencies, as well as a gut health supplement with digestive enzymes as I do need a digestive boost. I will then meet with my women's health doctor to ask about a PCOS diagnosis and addressing my insulin and androgen imbalances. I will work on my style (like I said I look better, I'm just working on my hands/nails for when my eczema improves with my treatment plan and my body as I continue to drop weight and stay within a healthy BMI longterm). Then I can look for nice clothes and gain more confidence in general. Makeup is something I can consider, but I don't love wearing makeup and I don't work a job where I have to look very dolled up. I do have to keep my nails short and hair tied and cannot wear long jewelry of course. But at least for the time being I'm going to get my hair cut, colored, and styled in a few weeks. I will definitely get to my hands/nails and body/clothes as well.
Things will get better, but unfortunately the pain will always stay.
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Reasons to Consider Non-Surgical Hair Replacement in 2024
Non-Surgical Hair Replacement presents a groundbreaking solution for individuals experiencing hair loss. Whether it’s due to genetics, aging, medical conditions, or other factors, non-surgical options provide a viable path to restoring your hair and confidence. By opting for this approach, individuals can bypass the limitations and risks associated with surgical procedures, enjoying a natural-looking result without the downtime.
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If you’re experiencing hair loss from any following reasons:
Radiation: Non-surgical hair replacement provides a non-invasive way to restore lost hair due to radiation therapy, offering hope and confidence to individuals undergoing cancer treatment.
Thinning Hair: For those troubled by thinning hair, non-surgical solutions offer a seamless way to regain a fuller, more voluminous look without the need for surgery.
Chemotherapy: Coping with hair loss due to chemotherapy can be emotionally challenging, but non-surgical hair replacement offers a lifeline, allowing individuals to maintain their appearance during treatment.
Alopecia Areata: Non-surgical hair replacement provides a viable option for individuals with alopecia areata, offering a natural-looking solution to restore confidence and self-esteem.
Trichotillomania: Non-surgical hair replacement offers a discreet solution for those affected by trichotillomania, helping to conceal hair loss and reduce the urge to pull out hair.
Covid: Hair loss triggered by Covid-related stress can be distressing, but non-surgical hair replacement offers a practical solution to restore a full head of hair and boost self-confidence.
Benefits of Non-Surgical Hair Replacement:
Non-Surgical: With non-surgical hair replacement, there’s no need for invasive procedures, making it a convenient and hassle-free option for achieving fabulous hair.
Natural Looking: Non-surgical hair replacement solutions are designed to look, feel, and behave just like real hair, ensuring a seamless and natural appearance.
Custom Made: From color and style to length and material, non-surgical hair replacement offers complete customization, allowing individuals to tailor their hair replacement to suit their unique preferences and lifestyles.
How much does nonsurgical hair replacement cost?
The cost of nonsurgical hair replacement can vary based on factors such as the type of treatment, the extent of hair loss, and the provider’s expertise. The cost of nonsurgical hair replacement can vary based on factors such as the type of treatment, the extent of hair loss, and the provider’s expertise. Typically, prices per session range from several hundred to a few thousand dollars. While initial costs may seem high, many individuals find it to be a worthwhile investment in restoring their confidence and appearance. It’s essential to consult with a qualified professional to determine the best option for your needs and budget, prices range from several hundred to a few thousand dollars per session. While initial costs may seem high, many individuals find it to be a worthwhile investment in restoring their confidence and appearance. It’s essential to consult with a qualified professional to determine the best option for your needs and budget.
Consider contacting with your near by non surgical hair specialist to discuss your options and receive a personalized cost estimate tailored to your specific needs and budget. With their expertise, you can make an informed decision and embark on your journey to restoring confidence and achieving a natural-looking appearance.
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