#Cristina Martínez
jujuygrafico · 2 years
Presentaron documental de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe
#Jujuy #Educación | Presentaron documental de #EducaciónInterculturalBilingüe
El Ministerio de Educación presentó el documental “La Educación Intercultural Bilingüe y sus trazos en la historia: una mirada desde Jujuy”.El documental desarrollada en el marco del proyecto “Proceso de construcción de la Educación Intercultural Bilingüe en la Provincia de Jujuy: desde sus orígenes hasta la actualidad”, estuvo a cargo de la Coordinación de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe (EIB)…
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genevieveetguy · 2 years
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You must learn how to manage your problems with men better.
High Heels (Tacones lejanos), Pedro Almodóvar (1991)
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Pájaros de verano, 2018
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gregor-samsung · 2 years
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Pájaros de verano [Birds of Passage] (Cristina Gallego, Ciro Guerra - 2018)
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elmartillosinmetre · 11 days
Mi crítica del concierto de Dolci Affetti anoche en el Alcázar.
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12endigital · 10 months
La Entrada Mora y Cristiana del 6 de diciembre la abrirán 200 cartagineses y romanos de la Federación de Cartagena
La 17ª Entrada Mora y Cristiana, programada para el miércoles 6 de diciembre en honor a San Nicolás, patrón de Alicante, la abrirán 200 festeros integrados en la Federación de Tropas y Legiones de Cartagena. Éste es un acuerdo al que se llegó el pasado mes de septiembre durante las Jornadas de Convivencia de la Federación de Moros y Cristianos de Alicante (FMYCA), que preside Juan de Dios…
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prensauniversitaria · 2 years
Huertos familiares conservan la biodiversidad en el campo
Investigadoras de la UAEMéx analizaron las relaciones y condiciones sociales de 14 huertos en Malinalco y cómo estas dinámicas se transformaron a causa de la pandemia por el virus SARS-CoV-2.
Los huertos familiares son una alternativa de producción sustentable en el campo, ya que contribuyen a la conservación de la biodiversidad y complementan la alimentación y los ingresos familiares, consideraron Noemi Guadarrama Martínez y María Cristina Chávez Mejía, investigadoras del Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Rurales (ICAR) de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEMéx). A…
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ttimekeepsrollingby · 2 years
La mano de obra
La mano de obra
Con papel activo de los jueces macristas para encubrir a la mafia criminal igual continúan apareciendo vínculos de ex funcionarios con el atentado. Los nazis de Caputo procesados. Procesan a los terroristas de Caputo Sin presentarse y sin entregar el teléfono Imagen: Reuters – BBC.
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charlotte-of-wales · 6 months
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King Juan Carlos, Infanta Elena, Infanta Cristina, Juan Urdangarin, Victoria Federica de Marichalar y Borbón and Froilán de Marichalar y Borbón attend the wedding of Madrid's mayor José Luis Martínez-Almeida | April 6, 2024
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docpiplup · 1 year
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Antena 3 presented this Tuesday, October 10, in the first edition of the South Festival, Beguinas, a series inspired by the beguinages, communities of women who, since the 13th century, defended an alternative way of life independent of marriage and Church. The new fiction bet will be available sooner for Atresplayer premium users.
Beguinas, which has ten 50-minute episodes, is produced by Atresmedia TV in collaboration with Buendía Estudios. The Beguines dedicated themselves to contemplation, but also to action, through crafts, teaching, or caring for the sick, which provided benefits to society while allowing them to be. This new series takes as reference the history of these women, which has remained hidden throughout the centuries.
The actors Amaia Aberasturi and Yon González star in the fiction. They play, respectively, Lucía de Avellaneda and Telmo Medina, two young people who will overcome the social impositions of the time and risk everything for love in a context that is not conducive to them. Beatriz Segura, Melani Olivares, Jaime Olías, Ella Kweku, Lucía Caraballo, Javier Beltrán, Meritxell Calvo, Silma López, Laura Galán, Elisabeth Gelabert, Ignacio Montes, Antonio Durán 'Morris', Jonás Berami, Jorge Kent and Cristina Plazas, among others , complete the cast of the series.
Beguinas is a production of Atresmedia TV in collaboration with Buendía Estudios. Montse García, Sonia Martínez and Amparo Miralles are the executive producers of this fiction, which will be directed by Rómulo Aguillaume and Claudia Pinto. The script will be written by Irene Rodríguez, Esther Morales and Silvia Arribas.
Marta de Miguel signs the Production direction, Iván Caso and Álex García the Photography direction and Jorge de Soto the Art direction. Bubi Escobar will be in charge of Wardrobe, while Makeup and Hairstyling will be directed respectively by Mariló Serrano and Fermín Galán. Juan León is the Casting Director.
Segovia, 1559. Lucía de Avellaneda celebrates her engagement party with the Marquis of Peñarrosa, a nobleman chosen by her brother. This marriage promises to reinforce the financial and social status of the family, but, in the middle of the celebration, the fiancée receives an unexpected letter from a woman who claims to be her mother and who claims her on her deathbed.
Lucía shows up at the beguinage, where her mother has summoned her. In this place she lives with other women independently and outside the Church. The young woman opens up to a new world that will make her question everything she has known until now. And, furthermore, he will know love through a pure and uncontrollable, but forbidden, passion. He will risk everything for Telmo, a Jewish man who must hide his beliefs and his past.
Main cast and characters
Lucía de Avellaneda (Amaia Aberasturi) Intelligent, curious and combative. Educated and innocent, until her mother's call disrupts her life. In the beguinage she discovers an environment of sorority and critical thinking that revolutionizes her idea of ​​the world and breaks down the walls that her status as a Christian noble woman has imposed on her. When she meets Telmo she feels for the first time an attraction that she has never experienced, but his commitment and loyalty will stop her impulses, determined to fight for what really matters to her.
Telmo Medina (Yon González): Telmo is an attractive, lucid and mysterious young man who hides his Jewish origins. He works in a bakery and supplies the beguinage with what it needs from outside. He doesn't want problems, but he doesn't avoid them either. Loyal, sincere and honest, he cannot help but risk everything for a Christian noble woman.
Marie Anne (Beatriz Segura) Beguine and the successor of The Great Lady, she is wise, strong and enigmatic. Its mission is to protect the beguinage from certain ecclesiastical authorities who fear its independence. Guiding Lucía through the truth, she will help her connect with her mother's spirit and live in the beguinage with other women who, like her, long for a freedom that they cannot find outside. In her past, she loved intensely and had to overcome a traumatic breakup, but that passion is unleashed again, although this time she does not want to repress herself despite the danger of remaining in love with a clandestine and sinful love.
Sibila García (Melani Olivares): A distrustful, surviving and sensitive woman, who grew up in misery and prostitution. Pregnant, she decided to escape and found her place in the beguinage. Her biggest concern is her daughter and, even though she reproaches her for it, she will do everything possible to try to protect her. The succession of Lucrecia is disputed and she competes with Marie Anne for the position of Great Lady.
Guiomar Ruy (Ella Kweku): Nigua, an Antillean slave, was sold to a doctor from Seville who gave her her new name and educated her when he noticed the maid's innate curiosity. She learned the trade of midwife from her mother and cultivated her interest in the human body and botany. She obtained his letter of freedom and decided to move to the beguinage of Valladolid where he can develop his concerns and care for the sick. She has judgment, instinct and knowledge. She gets upset with ignorance, prejudice and evil. Shee feels a deep complicity with Gonzalo, the clergyman, a harmony that sooner or later, she will have to give a name to.
Beatriz García (Lucía Caraballo): Daughter of Sibila and one of the youngest of the beguinage. Innocent, happy and lively. Her sexuality is awakening and she enjoys her body with curiosity and without fear until life outside the walls pushes her to hide her most intimate impulses. Her freedom of thought and work contrasts with that of Lucía. She has a relationship with her mother that has ups and downs, but the love they have for each other is above all. Each has a lot to learn from the other.
Juana Aranda (Silma López): Daughter of Sancho, the owner of the workshop, and sister of Lebrín. She enjoys an independence that was uncommon at that time. She has chosen to enter the beguinage to avoid a bad marriage or ending up dependent on his brother. Intelligent, prudent and thorough. She is in love with Telmo, but wants to be reciprocated. He has such a noble heart that his love does not prevent him from empathizing with Lucía and helping Telmo when things go wrong.
Lebrín Aranda (Jonás Berami): Close friend of Telmo, son of Sancho, the owner of the bakery and the only brother of Juana, the beguine. Rogue, generous and lively, he knows how to live avoiding laws, rules and sins. He enjoys carnal pleasures and lets himself be carried away by Jimena's lust until he discovers her danger and her evil ways. He will use his best resources to try to save the Beguines from the Inquisition.
Rodrigo de Guzmán, Marquis of Peñarrosa (Javier Beltrán): He is Lucía's fiancé. Castilian nobleman, of ancient ancestry and fortune. He is very well connected and has negotiated with his future brother-in-law to settle his debts and open the doors to him in Court in exchange for this marriage. He loves Lucía, she seems to him the right woman to fulfill her role as marchioness. He is dutiful, splendid and traditional, but he does not hesitate to bring out his most sinister side when his commitment is threatened.
Munio de Avellaneda, Count of Vellaví (Jaime Olías): Lucía's brother and heir to the County, but also to the debts left by his father. He needs to recover privileges and fortune, and his sister's marriage is the perfect deal. Arrogant, irascible and proud. He is willing to do anything to save his lineage and keep up appearances.
Jimena Suárez de Córdoba (Meritxell Calvo): Munio's wife. Intelligent, frivolous and capricious. He hoped to live up to his condition, but the Avellanedas' fortune is in debt and the only thing that can solve it is his sister-in-law's wedding. She will do everything possible to help her husband achieve it. She likes to seduce, get the most out of life and cleverly circumvent the rigid rules that her lineage demands. She won't hesitate to play with fire when she meets Lebrín, a hummingbird who, like her, doesn't want to miss out on the pleasures that life offers.
Catalina (Laura Galán): Lucía's faithful maid. Affectionate, smiling, devout and superstitious, she is torn between loyalty to Lucía and fear of Munio. Lucía, her mistress, and the beguines, who will pay dearly for her ignorance. She will do everything possible to correct her mistakes and ease her conscience.
Lucrecia de Avellaneda (Elisabeth Gelabert): The Great Lady of the Beguinage. Daughter of its founder, Leonor Labrit and heir to her legacy for which she had to sacrifice her children, distancing them from her side. Married to Pedro de Avellaneda, who called her crazy, she took refuge in the beguinage where she served as Great Lady. Cultured and mystical, her life and death are surrounded by mystery.
Gabriela Grijalvo (Cristina Plazas): Widow of a renowned printer and mother of Gonzalo. Cultured and respected lady from Valladolid renounced her true love for fear of facing her son's rejection.
Gonzalo de Grijalvo (Ignacio Montes): Clergyman related to the beguinate. Intelligent, attractive and empathetic. She admires the Beguines for their devotion and devotion to those in need, but above all Guiomar, with whom he has great complicity.
Father Lasarte (Antonio Durán 'Morris'): A priest with pretensions, whose greatest ambition is to end the privileges of the beguinages and become part of the Court of the Inquisition. Cunning and scheming, he uses fear and ignorance to manipulate the people and get them to demonize these women, inventing falsehoods about them. His main objective is Marie Anne, the Great Lady, whom he cannot defeat.
Commissioner Utrera (Jorge Kent) The executing arm of the Inquisition in Valladolid. Pursue crimes that threaten the power of the Church. He has the beguines in his sights, but knows the risks of attacking them because they enjoy important social support. Shrewd, arrogant and libidinous, he exercises his power with the arrogance that his position gives him.
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gaussmultimedia · 13 days
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Máster Diseño Visual 2022-23. Diseño de cubiertas para revista Pepitoria. Trabajo de Cristina Torres Martínez.
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jujuygrafico · 2 years
Morales entregó los premios de la Copa Jujuy Energía Viva 2022
#Jujuy #Deportes #Institucionales | #GerardoMorales entregó los premios de la #CopaJujuy #EnergíaViva 2022
El gobernador de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales encabezó la premiación de la Copa Jujuy Energía Viva “Héroes de Malvinas” en su 4ta edición, que se desarrolló en instalaciones del Club Deportivo Luján.En la ocasión junto a la ministra de Desarrollo Humano, Alejandra Martínez, se entregaron los respectivos premios a los ganadores de las distintas disciplinas y también subsidios a entidades deportivas. El…
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goalhofer · 2 months
2024 olympics Argentina roster
Mario Jajarabilla (Buenos Aires)
Elián Larregina (Suipacha)
Nazareno Sasia (Cerrito)
Joaquín Gómez (Avallaneda)
Belén Casetta (Mar Del Plata)
Florencia Borelli (Mar Del Plata)
Daiana Ocampo (Buenos Aires)
Agustín Vernice (Bahia Blanca)
Brenda Rojas (San Martín De Los Andes)
José Torres (Córdoba)
Eduardo Sepúlveda; Jr. (Rawson)
Gonzalo Molina (San Juan)
José Larocca; Jr. (Buenos Aires)
Pascual Di Tella (Brooklyn, New York)
Field Hockey
Tomás Santiago (Córdoba)
Juan Catán (Buenos Aires)
Maico Casella (Buenos Aires)
Lucas Toscani (Buenos Aires)
Nicolás Della Torre (Buenos Aires)
Santiago Tarazona (Buenos Aires)
Federico Monja (Vicente López)
Tomas Domene (Córdoba)
Matías Rey (Buenos Aires)
Lucas Martínez (Buenos Aires)
Agustín Mazzilli (Lanús)
Tadeo Marcucci (Buenos Aires)
Thomas Habif (Buenos Aires)
Agustín Bugallo (San Juan)
Bautista Capurro (Buenos Aires)
Iñaki Minadeo (Buenos Aires)
Sofía Toccalino (Buenos Aires)
Agustina Gorzelany (Buenos Aires)
Valentina Raposo (Salta)
Agostino Alonso (Buenos Aires)
Agustina Albertarrio (Adrogué)
María Granatto (La Plata)
Cristina Cosentino (Buenos Aires)
Rocío Sánchez-Moccia (Buenos Aires)
Victoria Sauze (Buenos Aires)
Sofía Cairo (Buenos Aires)
María Trinchinetti (Victoria)
Lara Casas (Buenos Aires)
Juana Castellaro (Buenos Aires)
Pilar Campoy (Vicente López)
Julieta Jankunas (Córdoba)
Zoe Díaz (Buenos Aires)
Fabricio Iacovich (La Plata)
Leandro Brey (Lomas De Zamora)
Rocco Ríos-Novo (Los Angeles, California)
Marco Di Cesare (Mendoza)
Valentín Barco (Veinticinco De Mayo)
Roberto García (Liniers)
Nicolás Valentini (Junín)
Aaron Quirós (Monte Grande)
Gonzalo Luján (Buenos Aires)
Lucas Esquivel (Santa Fe De La Vera Cruz)
Federico Redondo (Adrogué)
Cristian Medina (Moreno)
Thiago Almada (Ciudadela)
Claudio Echeverri (Resistencia)
Juan Sforza (Rosario)
Juan Nardoni (Nelson)
Ignacio Fernández (Buenos Aires)
Pablo Solari (Arizona)
Luciano Gondou (Rufino)
Abiel Osorio (Buenos Aires)
Francisco González (Ordóñez)
Santiago Castro (Ciudad Del Liberator General Don José De San Martín)
Emiliano Grillo (San Diego, California)
Alejandro Tosti (Gainesville, Florida)
Andrés Moyano (Mendoza)
Nicolás Bono (Buenos Aires)
Federico Fernández (Buenos Aires)
Federico Pizarro (Buenos Aires)
Pablo Vainstein (Buenos Aires)
Diego Simonet (Vicente López)
Pablo Simonet (Vicente López)
Ignacio Pizarro (Lanús)
Santiago Baronetto (Buenos Aires)
Lucas Moscariello (Buenos Aires)
Guillermo Fischer (Buenos Aires)
Pedro Martínez (Buenos Aires)
Gastón Mouriño (Buenos Aires)
James Parker; Jr. (Ciudad San Luis)
Leonel Maciel (Morón)
Nicolás Bonanno (Marcos Paz)
Juan Bar (Vicente López)
Sofia Fiora (Buenos Aires)
Franco Serrano (Buenos Aires)
Alejandro Colomino (Buenos Aires)
Pedro Dickson (Buenos Aires)
Sonia Baluzzo (Buenos Aires)
Evelyn Silvestro (Zárate)
Tomás Elizalde (Buenos Aires)
Agustín Fraga (Buenos Aires)
Matteo Graziano (Buenos Aires)
Alejo Lavayén (Buenos Aires)
Joaquín Pellandini (Buenos Aires)
Tobías Wade (Buenos Aires)
Santiago Álvarez (Bahía Blanca)
Luciano González (La Rioja)
Santiago Mare (Buenos Aires)
Marcos Moneta (Buenos Aires)
Matías Osadczuk (Buenos Aires)
Germán Schulz (Córdoba)
Gastón Revol (Córdoba)
Francisco Saubidet (Buenos Aires)
Mateo Majdalani (Buenos Aires)
Francisco Guaragna (Rufino)
Chiara Ferretti (Buenos Aires)
Catalina Turienzo (Buenos Aires)
Eugenia Bosco (Buenos Aires)
Lucía Falasca (Buenos Aires)
Marcelo Gutiérrez (Buenos Aires)
Federico Gil (Buenos Aires)
Fernanda Russo (Córdoba)
Matias Dell Olio (Mar Del Plata)
Mauro Iglesias (Buenos Aires)
Ulises Saravia (Buenos Aires)
Agostina Hein (Buenos Aires)
Macarena Ceballos (Río Cuarto)
Table tennis
Santiago Lorenzo (Buenos Aires)
Lucas Guzmán (Merlo)
Sebastián Báez (Buenos Aires)
Francisco Cerúndolo (Buenos Aires)
Tomás Etcheverry (La Plata)
Mariano Navone (Nueve De Julio)
Máximo González (Tandil)
Andrés Malteni (Buenos Aires)
María Carlé (Tandil)
Nadia Podoroska (Alicante, Spain)
Romina Biagioli (Córdoba)
Pablo Kukartsev (Buenos Aires)
Matías Sánchez (San Juan)
Jan Martínez-Franchi (Vicente López)
Facundo Conte (Vicente López)
Agustín Loser (General Alvear)
Santiago Danani (Buenos Aires)
Bruno Lima (San Juan)
Luciano De Cecco (Santa Fe De La Vera Cruz)
Luciano Vicentín (Paraná)
Martín Ramos (Buenos Aires)
Luciano Palonsky (Buenos Aires)
Nicolás Zerba (Buenos Aires)
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Pájaros de verano, 2018
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thewarmestplacetohide · 8 months
Dread by the Decade: El fantasma del convento
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Plot: A couple and their friend take shelter in a strange monastery after getting lost in the countryside.
Review: Strong performances, cinematography, and atmospheric scares outweigh some pacing issues and predictability.
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English Title: The Phantom of the Monastery Year: 1934 Genre: Ghosts, Occult Country: Mexico Language: Spanish Runtime: 1 hour 25 minutes
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Director: Fernando de Fuentes Writers: Fernando de Fuentes, Jorge Pezet, Juan Bustillo Oro Cinematographer: Ross Fisher Editor: Fernando de Fuentes Composer: Max Urban Cast: Enrique del Campo, Marta Roel, Carlos Villatoro, Paco Martínez, Victorio Blanco
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Story: 3/5 - Though it's rather cliche with an obvious twist, the interesting characters and eeriness of the narrative make it worthwhile.
Performances: 4/5 - Roel is compelling as the selfish and almost sinister Cristina, and Martínez tells an ominous story well.
Cinematography: 3/5 - The framing and use of shadows are great, but some camera movements are unsteady/stilted.
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Editing: 4/5
Music: 2.5/5 - Overly dramatic and loud at points.
Effects: 4/5
Sets: 3/5 - Mostly striking Catholic monastery sets with a good sense of scale, though the occasional room looks cheap.
Costumes, Hair, & Make-Up: 3.5/5
Trigger Warnings:
Graphic depictions of corpses/mummies
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agendaculturaldelima · 3 months
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💥 En su XXXVI edición se cuenta con la participación de ocho espectáculos seleccionados mediante convocatoria nacional, en los que la danza contemporánea y otros estilos dancísticos, así como diferentes expresiones artísticas se fusionan para dar como resultado creaciones escénicas únicas, diversas y dialogantes con nuestra realidad social. Esta edición dedicada a la más reciente e innovadora producción dancística peruana, con una treintena de artistas nacionales que se unen para ofrecer una experiencia única. La programación incluye clases maestras y conversatorios con los artistas.
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🗯 Se inicia el 02 y 03 de julio con PosTacto, obra creada y dirigida por Ana Brito, Cory Cruz y Pachi Valle Riestra,con la participación de Andrea Pereda, Joselyn Ortiz, Lui Vizcarra.Continúa el 05 y 06 de julio con Albagané, propuesta de La Trenza Colectivo y Tumbes_204, bajo la dirección e interpretación de Luz Gutiérrez Privat y Joelle Gruenberg, creación escénica contemporánea, inspirada en la ritualidad festiva del Señor de la Soledad en Huaraz de la Región Ancash.
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👁 Desde Cusco, llega la compañía Transdisciplinar Escénicas con Amazonasdelcuerpo, amazonasdelalma, obra de danza teatro y video programada para el 09 y 10 de julio, dirigida e interpretada por Marisol Zumaeta, acompañada por la cantante Gladys Conde. Luego de la función del 10 de julio se propone un conversatorio con las artistas. El 13 y 14 de julio se presenta el Ballet de San Marcos con Ello sensible,  coreografía de Arturo Vela, Luis Valdivia, Marlon Cabellos y la participación de Leila León, Karol Martínez, Naysha Meneses, María Elena Riera, Vanessa Rivera, Ana María Tarazona, Rudy Quispe, Juan Salas Ariza, Raúl Trujillo y Luis Valdivia.
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🤩 El 16 y 17 de julio se aprecia AYACÁN, dirigida porPável Paniagua, interpretada por Pável Paniagua y Alonso Núñez. Inspirado en el contacto con la noche, propone irrumpir la lógica racional del día presentando la oscuridad como un espacio-tiempo para el redescubrimiento de la existencia personal a partir de la magia, la ternura, el juego, el placer, la violencia y el riesgo. El 17 de julio se realiza un conversatorio con los artistas, inmediatamente después de la presentación
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👸 Ojalá que al ocaso tengas compañía, se presenta el 19 y 20 de julio, obra de la Compañía Médula Danza, con coreografía y dirección de Carla Picón, está interpretada por Andrea Zamora, Andreína Dueñas, Fabián Henostroza, Héctor Quispe, Melisa Luna, Pierina Bullón, Sebastián Cornejo y Taty Correa. La pieza explora la paleta de colores de la vida, desde el amor hasta el dolor, y cómo estas experiencias nos enriquecen.
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🎯 El humor y el sarcasmo están presentes en El presidente más feliz, que va el 23 y 24 de julio, bajo el concepto y la dirección de Cristina Velarde. Participan, Cristina Velarde, Mariel Tamayo, Fer Escudero, Miguel Campana, Lui Vizcarra, Paul Lazo. La obra plantea una nueva lectura del ejercicio de autoridad y de la percepción de desamparo que sentimos como ciudadanos.
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👀 La función de cierre, el 26 y 27 de julio con la presentación de Dejar ir / Orquídea azul de Hevia Dance Company, con la dirección y coreografía de Pepe Hevia. Participan: Ariam León, Valentina Hidalgo, Jesús Paiva, Alejandro Cabel, Diago Borda, Naidubys Ferrer, Sofía Murrugarra y André Tempo.La obra cuestiona la belleza y la pureza en toda regla, toma como metáfora a la orquídea azul y su extrema plasticidad y perfección, haciéndonos valorar lo hermoso que vive en el paisaje que habitamos y diseñamos, asumiendo el dolor del destierro, el olvido y la ofrenda que generamos al dejar ir, intuyendo a lo lejos una nueva vida.
▶️ Video Promocional: https://bit.ly/45Do6Hp
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📆 Del 02 al 27 de Julio
🕗 8:00pm.
🏪 Auditorio del ICPNA (av. Angamos Oeste 160 – Miraflores).
🏷️ Entradas:
🎫 Adultos: S/.40
🎟️Jubilados: S/.35
🎟 Estudiantes S/.30
🖱 Reservas en Joinnus: https://bit.ly/3crtXYZ
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