#Cristina x Meredith
thestarlightforge · 5 months
Grey’s season 8 going well so far
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bestqprshipbracket · 2 months
Best QPR Ship Group 4 Round 1
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platypusnoise · 6 months
what if i told you cristina/meredith is the destiel of shondaland
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beeesworld · 1 year
Cristina: I hate her.
Meredith: Who?
Cristina: My intern..... why aren't you in your skills lab?
Meredith: Oh, because the baby kicked. Wouldn't stop kicking, actually.
Cristina: Jerk.
Meredith: No, it's good. It's great. Kicking is a good thing.
Cristina: Maybe I should kick my intern.
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laureala · 1 year
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GREY'S ANATOMY 1.03 — Winning a Battle, Losing the War
C: Kick them out! M: I can't kick them out, they just moved in.
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slvt4em1lyprenti2s · 7 months
Hi hi ! I was wondering if you would do Amelia Shepherd x fem reader fic where R is the third twisted sister to Cristina and Mer, Amelia and reader have been in a relationship in secret for a while because they afraid of Mer’s reaction. They finally tell her and she gets protective of R but at the end she is very supportive and protects them against a patient’s hate comment? Xoxo
You’re dating my sister?
Summary: see req above!
Pairings: Amelia Shepherd x fem!reader
fluff, slight angst, homophobia, use of a homophobic slur
Word Count: 1.04k
Reader pov:
One year. One whole year me and Amelia have been dating for. It’s crazy how fast time feels when you’re in love, I do t know what I’d do without her. The only issue is my best friends, Cristina and Metrdith. Not that I’m afraid of their answer, well. I’m not staid if Cristina’s answer.
Meredith’s husband happens to be my girlfriend brother. It’s a minor detail, and you know, Meredith isn’t the biggest fan of said sister. Me and ames have talked it over and we’re going to tell people soon, but leave Mer till last, what could go wrong right?
Cristina went wrong.
“Hey! Cristina!” I whisper yelled across the nurses station.
“If you have another twisted-sisters-almost-died-or-had-a-traumatic-event drama to tell me save it for after my surgery. Please.” She sighed out.
“No it’s not that I have to tell you something. But you can not, and I mean can not, tell mer.“ I insist
“Dann what did you do screw her sister or something?”
I stay silent at this and her eyes go wide. “Oh. My. God. No you did not.”
I nod my head profusely and respond “We’ve been dating for a year Cristina. Me and Amelia, what am I supposed to tell her?!” I start to panic just thinking about all the different ways this could go wrong.
“Ohh I have no idea! Good luck, you’re gunna need it, oh and tell me when you’re telling her so I can watch.” I rolled my eyes as she walked away from me towards the OR to scrub in.
I walk to my patients room pondering ways to tell mer about me and Amelia, it was going to be a long day.
Amelia pov:
“Derek! Come here!” I call out to him across the neuro floor.
“What do you need I’ve got a surgery with Yang in like, 2 minutes?” He says looking bored before I even start talking.
“Hey you could at least act interest in what I’m about to say, oh and don’t tell mer yet. Please.” His interest was piqued at this so he gave me a look as if to say ‘keep going you’ve got me hooked’ so I continued “Me and y/n have been dating for a year, and we are o my just telling people ad were scared how mer will react because she’s not exactly my biggest fan as of right now and her and y/n/n, and Cristina obviously, are like twisted sisters or whatever.” I took a breather after sayibg all that and my brother just looked like he wanted to laugh in my face.
“Well, good luck!” He smiled and walked off to the OR.
Well shit.
Reader pov:
I walk into my patients room still deep in thought when he speaks up, he’s fairly old, around 70-ish and was in for a broken hip. “You seemed pretty serious with whatever you were talking about back there and now I don’t even get a hello? Something’s gotta be on your mind Doctor.” He gave me a knowing smirk as I open my mouth yet no words come out and let out and exasperated sigh.
“Ah you know, trouble in paradise, well, paradise’s surroundings at least.” I say trying to be as brief as possible.
“Happens to the best of us kid.” He seemed like a genuinely nice guy and to be honest I needed a break so instead of getting a nurse to check his vitals I decided I was going to do them, although it seemed someone else had the same idea.
“Hey y/n/n what are you doing here?” I hear a voice I know all too well say from behind me.
“Hi Ames, just doing Mr Davison’s vitals, are you okay?” I say giving her a smile.
“Funny I was just coming to do the same thing.” she walked beside me and trailed her hand lightly over my lower back which didn’t go unnoticed by Mr Davison.
“Your ‘paradise’ is a she? Ugh just another dyke, exactly what we need!” I stare at him shocked, as does Amelia. His sudden outburst seemed to pull some attention from outside and the one person that I didn’t want to walked in, walked in.
“Is everything okay in here?” Meredith asked.
“No get these people away from me! Horrible people you lgqbt whatever people!” He flailed his arms about like a toddler as he was ranting and raving. Immediately Meredith jumped to our defence.
“Excuse you? Who do you think you’re talking to? I have you know you’ve just made and enemy out of the best neuro, general and ortho (sorry callie) in the state. It’s 2024 in the USA for gods sake, get a grip man!” With this she ushered us out of the room and then into an in call room so she could talk to us.
“YOURE WHAT?!” mer practically yelled
“Keep your voice down, yes we’re dating.” Amelia said to mer try help her keep her head on.
“Look Amelia, I love y/n with my whole heart she’s my sister okay? So, if you hurt her, break her heart or do anything to even slightly harm her, I will hurt you twice as much. She’s the best thing that’ll ever happened to you, so don’t screw it up okay?” My heart warmed after hearing just how much mer cared about me and that she would protect me but also slightly concerned she just threatened my girlfriend.
“Yes ma’am.” Amelia murmured clearly slightly intimidated by mer.
“Okay, now that that’s out the way, I’m so happy for you guys!” Me and Ames say thanks and mer’s oager goes off so she has to run so me and amy are left alone in the in-call room.
“I love you Amelia.” I say as I peck her lips and wrap my arms around her neck.
“I love you too y/n/n.” At this she pulled me into a passionate kiss and lowered us both down onto a bed.
When in an unoccupied on-call room…
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augustvandyne · 7 months
Five times you and Addison Montgomery almost kiss, and the one time you do, please?
i love addie so much she’s so cute! also, i wasn’t sure if you preferred this to take place during greys or private practice, so i went with greys!
tw: mentions of vomiting
a story for the grandkids
It was in the crossing of early morning, late night.
You’d been at the hospital for over forty-eight hours. And only about ten of that had been small naps.
Being on Addison’s service was kicking your ass, but you wanted to be an OBGYN with your whole heart and soul, and you would give up anything for that. Even a little sleep.
You were currently watching over a baby whose mother had just left her.
This world was messed up, and you hated people for it. Sometimes you thought you were too empathetic for this world, but that’s what made you a great doctor.
Or at least that’s what Addison told you.
You’re drifting to sleep as you feel a tug on your pointer finger. You spent most of the night just watching the tiny humans chest thump with heartbeats.
But now you were getting restless, and there hadn’t been any response from the baby at all until now.
You sat up excitedly at the small on and off pressure being added to your finger.
“Hi, sweet girl,” You run your thumb over her small knuckles. “That’s it. You’re so strong.”
Your eyes are sparkling and your lips are wide with a large smile plastering your face.
Addison watches the interaction from across the NICU, and she thinks it’s the cutest thing she’s ever witnessed. She’s worked with a lot of aspiring interns interested in neonatal work, but she’s never met someone like you.
“Everything okay?” Addison is watching you more than the baby.
“Yes!” You are bouncing in your seat. “She— she’s responsive. I’ll admit, I was falling asleep for a second— but I felt a tug on my finger, and— she’s so strong, Dr. Montgomery.”
“Please, call me Addison,” She smiles at you, grabbing a pen from her lab coat to mark the newfound information on the chart. “And thank you for being honest with me. This is amazing news.”
“If I have to call you Addison, you should call me Y/n,” You try to convince her.
Addison chuckles, “We’ll see.”
You lower your head so your level with the incubator, your eyes closing slightly.
Addison looks up from the chart, her lips tilting up from hearing your small snores.
“Dr. Y/l/n,” Addison clears her throat, and you jump awake.
“Huh?” You rub your eyes, letting go of the babies hand for the first time in hours.
“You should go home. Get some sleep,” Addison nods.
“But— I still have a few more hours—“
“I’m telling you to go home,” Addison places her pen back in the pocket she retrieved it. “You came in early yesterday, therefore, I’m cutting you off for today.”
“Okay,” You chuckle. You stand and come closer to her, moving to stand between the incubator and her. “I’ll see you..”
“Whenever I please,” Addison gives you a breathtaking smile, only now realizing the two of you are very close.
She thinks about it for a split second, her eyes closing in on your lips. But she clenches her jaw and takes a tiny step back.
She’s grateful you’re too tired to remember this tomorrow.
“Go on, Dr. Y/l/n,” Addison nods towards the door to the NICU.
You huff for what had to be the hundredth time in the past hour.
There was nothing you hated more than plastics. It wasn’t the treatments, per se.. actually, that was part of it. You hated seeing them in pain as you dressed their burns and their cries.
But you also hated Mark Sloan. You could feel his stares on you as you worked on what he’d asked. He treated you like an object, and you were over it.
You also hated him because of the way he treated Addison.
Yes, you know, she was definitely in the wrong, but she’s apologized and everyone is over it. At least everyone except Mark.
“Y/l/n. If you huff one more time you’ll be on dry cleaner and coffee duty,” Mark threatens.
Although it wasn’t really a threat to you. It was better than wondering when he was going to pounce on you.
“It’s better than being here,” You mumble, finishing a dressing on a mans hand. He was a champ.
“What? Wanna share with the class?”
“I said it’s better than being here,” You finally snapped. “I will happily get your coffee and dry cleaning.”
“Perfect,” Mark flashed you a smile without even telling you where to go and what to get. You’d just ask Alex.
You somehow managed to stumble into the NICU, in search for Alex, but you didn’t find him.
You only found Addison.
“Oh, thank god. Someone sane,” Addison comes towards you and puts her hands on your shoulders.
“I don’t know about that,” You laugh. “But I do know I might kill Mark Sloan tonight.”
“Ugh, you got Mark? Out of everyone?” Addison grimaces. “I’m sorry. I’ll help you plan.”
“Amazing,” You smiled blissfully— just being in the NICU and near Addison is what you needed to calm yourself.
You lean your forehead on Addison’s shoulder, and you feel Addison’s hand make its way to the back of your head.
When you lift your head, your mouth is awfully to the side of Addison’s face.
She locks eyes with you but moves her head to the side, away from your face. She notices Alex towards the back of the room, flirting with a nurse.
“Karev, show Y/l/n where Dr. Sloan gets his coffee and his dry cleaning.”
Nothing could have prepared you for what went wrong on that table today.
You knew this was a possibility going into neonatal, and fetal, but even that couldn’t have prepared you for the first death of a mother.
You didn’t even know what went wrong, really.
The mother was fine— you were delivering her baby by C-section and then all of the sudden she started crashing.
Addison had to lead you to the side before she tried to save the patient. You just stood there. Painless, numb, frozen.
It was like you couldn’t breathe.
And when Addison called time of death you all but ran out of the operating room and towards an on-call room.
You were sitting on the edge of the bed, your scrub cap in your hands as you leaned your head back in hopes to get the tears to go away.
“Y/l/n,” Addison crouches down in front of you, her hand finding a comforting spot on your knee.
You try to ignore the burning sensation of her hand through your scrubs.
“I don’t—“ Your voice cracks and you move your hands to your face, crying into the scrub cap.
“Shh,” Addison shushes you, running another comforting hand up and down the side of your thigh. “We had no idea that was going to happen. It’s not your fault.”
“But her poor husband,” Your words are muffled through the cap. “And the baby..”
“I know,” Addison removes her hand from the side of your leg and moves your hand from your face. “It’s okay.”
Addison lifts herself from the floor and to the bed beside you.
She looks at you with sympathy, because she remembers the first mother she lost. It tore her apart just as it was doing to you.
“It will get better,” Addison promises.
“It’s not fair,” You blow out a breath. “She was fine.”
“Stop. You’re getting yourself worked up,” Addison frowns, pulling you into her side.
You melt into her side, your left leg moving on top of her own. You vigorously wipe at your tears, but they just keep coming.
You sob into her shoulder for a few minutes, soaking her dark blue scrubs to a darker blue.
Addison lifts your head to see your face.
It’s mostly dark in the room, only a small lamp sat on the desk in the back corner. You could barely see her face, but she could see yours perfectly.
She wipes the tears from your face and pushes the damp hair away that sticks onto your face.
Your eyelashes stick together as you look down at her lips slightly, and back up towards her eyes.
“You okay?” Addison’s eyes make their way down to your lips.
She leans forward, and she almost thinks she’s going to, but she pulls you in for a hug.
“Yeah,” You sigh.
“It’d be nice if I could breathe right now,” You joked, although it wasn’t really a joke. It felt like the air had been swept from your lungs.
How did you get stuck with your hand on the bomb?, was a very good question.
One you definitely didn’t have the answer to.
All you knew was the second the paramedics hand was out of there, yours was right inside the body.
Your hand was growing tired, but you really didn’t want to die today. You haven’t even really fell in love yet, not really, and that’s something you’d like to experience before dying.
The next few minutes fly by in a blur. Meredith and Cristina come up with a plan to safely take care of the bomb, and the next second your out the door. Praying to any Gods above that you make it out of this alive.
“Breathe, Y/n,” Meredith reminds you.
“I can’t,” You let out a shaky gust of air. “I really c— can’t.”
“Come on, now is not the time to have an asthma attack,” Cristina curses. “I don’t have her extra inhaler, do you?”
“No.. she gave it to..”
“Addison,” The two say together.
“Crap,” You gasp for air.
“Okay, here’s what we’re going to do,” Burke looks between the two - Meredith and Cristina - as a sheen of sweet forms on his forehead. “One of you are going to have to take over for her and the other needs to take her to Dr. Montgomery now. Before things get out of hand and we all die.”
“You’re right,” Meredith nods. “Okay, I’ve got it. A count of three, Y/n, got it?”
“Yes,” You’re trying to inhale anything at this point, but you can’t seem to grab anything.
You successfully make the trade off with Meredith, and your anxiety skyrockets as you are forced to leave her behind.
“I know,” You share a silent understanding with your best friend.
Tell him.
I know.
“Come on, let’s go,” Cristina tugs on your arm and takes you right towards the redhead.
“Oh, y/n,” Addison dives right into your arms, unaware of the fact that you can’t breathe at all. “Thank god you’re alright. You are okay, right? I don’t see any bruises.”
“Dr. Montgomery,” Cristina breaks the moment. “You have her inhaler?”
“Oh!” Addison sees the paleness in your face and begins reaching for your inhaler, finding it in her back pocket. “Here.”
Addison doesn’t care about the blood coating your hand as she holds your hand to help you with your inhaler.
Addison leans her face forward to make sure you’re doing it right, and when you remove your hand her lips are awfully close to your face.
You take a sharp inhale of breath you didn’t have a second ago, and you actually think she’s gonna go through with it for a second.
But you had an audience, and she didn’t want your first kiss to be in front of her ex-husband and your subordinates.
“You’re okay?” Addison checks over you.
“You called me by my name,” Is the first thing you say when you’re fully back.
Addison laughs, “I did.”
You giggle to yourself as you sit at the bar in Joes.
You were all supposed to originally go there so you could drink and do trauma dumps for the week, but everyone got called in for their respective specialties, except you.
A familiar fragrance hits your nose, and you rest back, almost falling out of the stool at the bar.
“Woah there,” Addison catches you quickly before you fall.
“Addie,” You sigh in content, laying your arm across the table, your head resting in the crook of your arm.
“Hm?” Addison presses her lips together. “Meredith told me I might find you here.”
“She did?” You ask with a little too much excitement.
“Yeah,” Addison laughs at you. “What happened? Are you upset? Is that why you’re like this?”
“Nooooo,” You poke her on the nose.
You begin to stand, putting your coat on due to the frigid weather.
“Where are you off to?” Addison stands quickly, following you right out the door.
“The hospital!” You gasp. “To save more babies. I like babies. I want babies. I want them with this one person, but I don’t think they want them with me. Which is okay! I’m.. I think I’m gonna throw up.”
Addison follows you to the grass, holding your hair back as you empty your stomach onto the ground.
She pushes down the jealousy as she rubs your back soothingly.
You lean up fast, looking her in the eyes with the most adorable expression (in her opinion).
You give a wide smile, leaning forward the slightest bit.
She does think about it, but your first kiss shouldn’t be this way. You wouldn’t even be able to remember it in the morning. And your mouth tasted awful.
“Come on,” Addison steers you away from the grass and back into the bar. “Let’s get you a coffee. Maybe some fries. How does that sound?”
You groan in response.
Weddings really just irked you. And you didn’t know what it was about them.
Maybe the fact that you spend so much money for a stupid party you won’t even remember in two years, but Addison seemed to love it.
That’s the only reason you were going - was for Addison.
You’d noticed over the past few weeks how close Addison has come to kissing you. You were really hoping today might be it.
You were a bridesmaid, due to you being one of Cristina’s very best friends.
Although right now you were really regretting even agreeing in the first place.
First off, you hated the dress. Brown? Out of any color? Second, (again on the dress) it didn’t fit your body type well at all. And lastly, you were beginning to think there wouldn’t even be a wedding.
Cristina kept freaking out. All day. And now you could hear someone approaching the door. You had a feeling it was Burke.
Meredith calls for you and when you come to the door it’s not Burke.
It’s Addison.
“Addison,” You slip out of the room. “What’s wrong? Is everything okay with Burke?”
“Everything’s okay for now,” Addison keeps a stoic expression on her face. “But is she almost ready? He’s getting antsy, and he might not go through with it.”
You clench your jaw, shaking your head.
“I’m not even the maid of honor and I’m running around fixing everything?” You whisper-shout.
“Don’t get mad at me,” Addison lifts her brows.
“I’m just— this whole wedding is a disaster. First these stupid dresses, second the bachelorette party? I mean, what the hell kind of party was that?! And now Cristina can’t remember her vows, and there may as well—“
You’re cut off by Addison’s lips smashing onto yours.
“Finally,” You sigh, leaning into her.
Her hands find your hips, grabbing onto them as she pushes you against the wall. Your arms wrap around her neck.
“And for the record,” She says between kisses. “I love this dress on you.”
This was a story for the grandkids.
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forbescaroline · 1 year
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favorite platonic relationships: meredith grey and cristina yang “She’s my person. This is not about getting her approval. It’s about telling her… if I murdered someone, she’s the person I’d call to help me drag the corpse across the living room floor. She’s my person.”
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lillefrknorge · 1 year
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You never think that the last time is the last time. You think there will be more. You think you have forever, but you don’t. - Meredith Grey
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yourcatras · 1 year
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You can do this, right?
Become a piece of chattel? Sure. Looking forward to it.
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slf-cntrl · 1 year
i would give anything to be able to watch grey’s anatomy for the first time again.
first time watchers y'all better savory it.
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sireditsalot4 · 1 year
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Summary: You have a hard time controlling your emotions and feelings around Cristina. The gang tries to help you but deep down you know you have to do this yourself.
Pairing: Reader x Cristina Yang
You sat down at the table where the gang is and let out a sigh of relief. Due to an illegal race accident, Dr. Shepard had you everyone, testing, doing surgery’s left and right. You were exhausted.
“Woah. What’s the matter with you?” Alex asks.
“I’m not in the mood for you right now.” You warn, pointing your fork at him at the last part. Alex doesn’t light up. “Come on, what is it? I’m your friend. You can tell me anything.” He reassures with that voice that makes your jaw tighten.
“I’m not going to be able to enjoy my meal, am I?” Alex shakes his head. Meredith rolls her eyes. “Leave them alone. They’re going through something right now, something personal,” Meredith adds. You shake your head knowing that won’t be enough. “How come you told them and not me?” Alex says, sounding slightly hurt.
“I didn’t know.” George says looking around the table. A sigh escapes you and you could careless. Any control you had went out the window.
Your beeper goes off and you quickly check it to see it’s Dr. Shepard again. “Come on!” You drop your fork with a piece of lettuce you just stabbed and get up.
Slipping your arm through the white coat, you stop In front of Dr. Shepherd. You see he has a chart full of names unchecked and you can feel yourself collapsing on the inside. “You needed me?” You ask, making eye contact.
“There you are, I need you to check on some patients and then do a rectal exam.” Disgust plasters on your face but you quickly dismiss it. “Yes Doctor.” He hands over a chart and you take it, turning and leaving to begin your new quest.
“I have a hot patient to attend to, so if you’ll excuse me.” Alex gets up. George waits for Alex to be completely gone before asking. “What’s really going on with Y/N?” Meredith and Izzie both look at each other. “You can’t tell him or anyone tho. She made us promise not to tell anyone so you have to not tell, pinky swear.” Izzie holds out her pinky. “I promise. Now what’s going on?”
“Y/N likes Cristina.”
George’s mouth opens in shock. “Wow. I mean, who wouldn’t. Does Cristina know?” Meredith shakes her head. “She’s too scared. Stuff like this is rough, especially for someone young.” All three of them nod.“Remember when I had a crush on you,” Meredith nods. “I remember. It was the cutest I’ve seen you.”
You snap your gloves off and rubs your hands on your coat. “Why is this happening to me?” You whisper to yourself. Looking ahead, you see Cristina talking with Doctor Burke and duck behind a corner. This is so sad. Peaking your head out, you see they are both gone and fully come out and running into Cristina who has a look on her face. You silently scream and place a hand over your chest. “You scared me.”
“You scared me. Who are you hiding from?” Cristina asks, looking around. You freeze looking at her, your mouth opens and close but nothing comes out. “From Dr. Shepherd. He has me every where right now so I’m just hiding,” You take a second to gather yourself, hoping she doesn’t notice.
Cristina eyes you before nodding. “I haven’t seen him down here so he’s probably upstairs. See you.” She says before leaving. You let out a deep breath before heading upstairs for Dr. Shepherd. Way to go.
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Hearts and Choices
Pairing: Amelia Shepherd x Reader
Summary: You were offered by Yang a position that will help further your career in Cardiothoracic instead of your old specialty Plastic Surgery. However, this could mean leaving Amelia behind. 
Warning: Abandonment issues (?), (idk if there’s more, but if you think so just tell me so I can add them)
Words: 1.4k
When I was offered to be the Director of Cardiothoracic Surgery in Switzerland, as Yang would be the next Klausmann’s Director of Surgery and Head of Surgical Research, she needed my expertise and helped her manage the load. I wanted to accept it immediately, knowing this would be a big step in my career in Cardiothoracic. However, I need to talk to Amelia. I don’t want to leave her after Meredith is gone, and just last month, Maggie did too. I know how she is when the people close to her are leaving.
I met her when Addie brought me to Seattle Grace. I was with her in Seaside moonlighting. They said she did work at the seaside before, but I hadn’t caught her as she was leaving and going to Seattle to stay with her brother. We weren’t together then, just shameless flirting and almost kissing ‘til Addison interrupted us. We reconnected when Cormac and I transferred with Cristina’s arrangement for him to be Head of Peds and I Head of Cardio but become Head of Plastics instead, as apparently Maggie and Winston are in Cardio now, so I have to find a job. Thankfully, I’m triple certified in plastics before transferring my speciality to become a surgeon in Cardiothoracic. Anyway, before I bore you with my achievements from a young age. Let’s return to my big problem about telling the woman I love about my job offer.
I had just finished my surgery when I saw her about to berate Yasuda as I heard the Kid may have dropped an instrument. I know that intern has been sleeping in on-call rooms, and I wonder what her story is about, but I don’t think the kid needs a lecture. So I had to interrupt.
“Hey, Dr Yasuda and Dr Shepherd. Can I talk to you for a minute?” I said to her and pushed her to a supply room before she could reply. I gave Yasuda a look, and she nodded in appreciation. “Okay, what’s going on, babe? I saw you about to embarrass the intern in front of many nurses and probably her patients.” I asked. She was just looking at the floor and exhausted for the day. “Hey, Amy. Talk to me, babe.” I approached her and raised her head so she could look at me. “I know about the offer,” she said, trying not to look and maintain eye contact. “Oh, okay. Well, first off, why did you look at my emails? That's kinda shitty as my privacy is – “ “I didn't mean to. It was just there in front of me when I asked to use your laptop when you were in the shower,” she interrupted. “Well, you should have just showered with me, you know, and we wouldn’t have this problem,” I said, and I could see that she was hiding a smile. I held her hands and kissed them to get her to calm down. I spoke, “I was going to tell you about it later when we get home, as I don’t want to keep this a secret from you. I love you, Amelia and I want your opinion about it as it would be a huge step for my career.” “Do you want it? Are you planning to take it?” she asked. “Truthfully, it is a very tempting offer and a huge one for me, babe. I was supposed to be here for the head of Cardio, but because Maggie and Winston happened, I had to give that up and become head of Plastics.” I said. “So you are taking it,” she said as she let go of my hand and sat on the floor, trying to settle her feeling and not wanting her tears to fall. I sighed. I followed and sat near her, taking her in my arms and letting her feel me. 
“I love you, Amelia. I have never loved someone so unique and complex that each waking moment I have with you is never dull and always unpredictable. When I came back here, you were with Link and also very pregnant, and I know you were happy, so I never disturbed you even when my feelings for you grew so much in the years that I finally know you. Then did you know how much it was killing me to see you being proposed to by Link on that beach? God, I thought my heart would stop, and that’s coming from a world-class cardiothoracic surgeon who knows it is a rare feat, so I left for three months. I went to see Yang and told her my predicament. I helped her in Klausmann, and I tried and tried to forget about my feelings for you, but I can’t. I told her that I had to go home. Home, even though I’m not sure where that was until I saw you performing that flawless operation on David. You were my home even if I wasn’t yours. It was always the wrong timing for us. I didn’t realise that you met Kai and, I guess, gotten to know them, and maybe you love them, but I just let it be.” “Uhmm, excuse me, but you weren’t so available yourself. You were hooking up with the new Plastics surgeon. I thought you didn’t want to do with me. I never expected that you also have feelings for me.” she said. “I know I wasn’t a saint, Amy. I am human too, and I needed people, and I hooked up with people, but you, on the other hand, were always in a relationship, so I didn’t do anything not until after a few months when I saw you in the backyard when Kai left you. I consoled you but kept my distance because I didn’t want to be your rebound.” “You are not my rebound. How many times do I have to tell you that.” “I know, Amy. I know. I just want to tell you that these past few months of being with you are never enough, Babe. I love you so much a-” “But you’re leaving. That’s what people say before they abandon me.” she interrupted again. “God, woman, let me finish.” I held her closer as if she’d run away and said,” I love you so much, and I love my job too. However, after many relationships on your part and flings from mine, I realised that I want it just to be you, and so I told Cristina that I have to talk to you about this, and here we are.” “You’re going to leave me, aren’t you? Just tell me already. Stop my suffering.” she said and hugged me tight. 
“You don’t listen, huh? I love you, and I will always choose you, Amy. I’m accepting the Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery but not in Zurich. I’ll be accepting it here. I will tell Yang she can offer it to Ndugu even though he shouldn’t leave the hospital. That guy is amazing with his techniques, and Maggie taught him well.” I said. “You're not leaving. You are not leaving?” she said, surprised. “I’m not leaving, baby, but I want to explore the options of having Klausmann and Grey Sloan partner, especially with Cardiothoracic research. Cristina owes me some favours. Maybe she and I can talk about it as well as Teddy. Though I have to talk to Winston and maybe persuade him not to leave and instead be my co-chief.” I said out loud. “Thank you, and I love you. I do.” She said, kissing me passionately as if we didn’t need air to breathe.
We got interrupted when someone walked in, “seriously, you two? Not again.” Addison said. Amelia and I laughed, and I said, amused, “Why is it always you, Addie?” “I don’t know, and I hate you two.” She said and left the room. I got up carrying Amelia with me. I settled her down and said, “We’ll be okay, love. I love you, and I’m staying.”
After the missed opportunities of being with the woman I love, I don’t think I’ll ever leave now that I have the taste of it. I love her and Scout and my profession, so I guess I made the right choice.
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Grey's Anatomy Text Posts Part 2
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kenzirr · 4 months
I never really got to intoduce myself, HI!! Im Kenzirr and i love to write. if you would like to request something here is where you can do it!!
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i write about a whole bunch of stuff so dont be shy to request!!
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ninus9607 · 10 days
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Falling for her - Amelia Shepherd
Hey loves
This is my first story, so I'm pretty nervous also I'm sorry about my grammar, English isn't my first language
This story takes place during the second season but there are small changes, like Derek and Addison divorced before Derek came to Seattle so Addison won't be coming to Seattle for Derek because Richard asked her to (it will be important for the plot), lexie. The storyline in my story doesn't match Grey's one.
Amelia will work as an attending with Derek, also she's not the youngest shepherd and she is younger than Derek by only a few years. Derek and Meredith are not dating because of the rule (nobody cared about that but ok
1. New start
There was a voice on the plane telling us to buckle up because we were landing, finally, I thought to myself. Flying more than 6000 km is exhausting. After the plane landed successfully, I put on my backpack and collected my baggage. When I got out of the airport, a cold wind greeted me, it's chilly here, I should take a taxi. There were many taxis on the other side of the road, I took my suitcase and slowly walked to the other side, there were about 5 taxis parked there, which one should I choose? Never mind, I chose the first one I stood by.
"Could you take me to Queen Anne at 303 Comstock Street?"
The taxi driver just nodded, is every American so grumpy? All the way there was silence in the car, but I didn't mind, I was looking out the window and admiring the world around me the whole time. I can't believe it, I'm truly here, Seattle was gorgeous, and there were people all over the place, which was a big difference from my home. When the car stopped on my street, the driver turned to me and in a cold voice said, "It would be $40." I pulled my wallet out of my pocket, full of US dollars, to make sure I had enough money. I must have grabbed a little more than I needed since I could barely close my wallet.
I handed him a $50 bill. "You can ke-" He didn't even let me finish and grabbed it from my hand, then pointed to the door. At that moment, I felt like hitting him. I grabbed my stuff, and as soon as I reached for the door, his car quickly started and sped off.
I looked around to see where I was, and after taking stock of my situation I realized I was lost, fuck, I should have seen what the house looked like before. I mean, what normal person wouldn't look at the house they're buying, yeah, I didn't look. I only have his address. So I'll try to ask someone. The street was quiet, with hardly any people to be seen outside. It was probably because everyone was still at work. However, a woman was walking on the sidewalk. She looked tired, but it seemed like she was my only option.
"Sorry to bother you, miss, but can you tell me where house number 302 is located?"
She looked at me with a surprised smile. "Oh, that's the house right next to mine. You must be my new neighbor. I'm Meredith Grey" She offered me her hand in greeting. Okay, it looks like Americans aren't so bad after all. I shook her hand. "Lena Anderson, nice to meet you" My accent was a bit stronger, I still have to get used to it.
"You're not from here, are you?" I shook my head "No, I just moved here." She looked at me with an even bigger smile. "Cool, come with me. I'll show you where you live."  And with that, she takes my hand. Are Americans always this friendly? We walked for a while and then stopped in front of a pretty big house. Wow, I think I made a good purchase.
"Thank you Meredith for helping me, you saved my life."
"It's okay, I'm glad I met you. Maybe we could hang out sometime, perhaps go to a bar or something?"
"Deal," I said and waved her off, picked up my keys, and opened my new home. Wow, this house is huge!  Large kitchen, beautiful living room, 3 bedrooms, and 2 bathrooms. This place is amazing! After unpacking and enjoying a warm shower, I settled into the beautifully modern living room, complete with a large TV and a PS5. Since I was a child, I have always enjoyed playing video games. I brought my PS5 here, and it provides great fun while helping me relax from reality. I prepared my favorite fruit tea and turned on the music on the TV. I grabbed my laptop and opened my email to check for any important updates. I was eagerly waiting for news about my job and had also applied for internship programs at hospitals in Seattle. My school grades are excellent, and I have valuable work experience back home in Europe. However, I understand that this may not guarantee anything.
I've got about 30 emails popping up, mostly some ads I should clean up, I started to slowly delete them one by one so I wouldn't accidentally delete something important. until I get an e-mail from Seattle Grace Hospital. I opened it and started reading.
 "You have been accepted into our residency program"
I screamed at the top of my lungs, I couldn't believe it, it's like a miracle, I love my life. In the email, there was additional information, such as salary, hours, and more. I am supposed to start in two days, so I might as well inform Meredith. She could at least assist me in getting oriented here. I changed into something more social, grabbed my keys, and went to see my neighbor.
knock, knock
After a while, some guy opened the door. "Oh, hi? Is Meredith there?" He was a little confused, but he called out to Meredith, who came to the door.
"Hey Meredith, sorry to bother you again, but as you said we could meet sometime. If you don't have plans for tonight, maybe we could hang out?"
"Hey, Len, I was just thinking about you, join us, I'll introduce you to my friends" She led me to her living room, where I saw two other people. They looked nice.
"Everybody, this is Lena, my new neighbor. Lena, these are my friends and roommates. George and Izzie"
"Nice to meet you all." I was a little nervous, but after two hours of talking and drinking, I felt like I had made new friends. Meredith and Izzie were great, funny and George was George. Such a nice guy. But I get the feeling he's secretly in love with Meredith, he looks at her like she's a god. It is very easy to make fun of him but in a good way.
"Where do you work? Your house is huge but it must have cost a lot." George asks me
"Well, actually I bought it before I had a job"
"WHAT? ARE YOU RICH?" Izzie and Meredith shouted at the same time
"Well kind of, but now I got a job in a hospital in their program an-"
"Are you a doctor? and in seattle grace?" George quickly cut me off
"Yeah? What's the problem??"
"We work there too! me, mer, izzie and our other friends like cristina and alex"
"So, Are we colleagues?"
"YES!" Everyone in the room screamed.
"Wow, that's really impressive. Is there a bar where we can celebrate?" I asked
"Let's meet at Joe's Bar tomorrow as we always do after work." Meredith said
"If you show me where it is, we can definitely..."
I stayed at Meredith's place for about an hour and then left to go home. I changed into comfortable pajamas, sat on my bed, and picked up the book. I decided on something a little more interesting: "Haunting Adeline." (😏) I was reading for about two hours before my eyes started to close, so I put the book down, turned off the light, and closed my eyes.
AN: Wow, that was my first chapter. I apologize for every mistake, but I'm trying yk...I'm happy for every response and comment also if you have any questions, just ask. I'd be happy to answer them.
PS: By the way, if you want to read more, you can check out my Wattpad or Ao3, where my story is already uploaded.
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