#Crowley x aziraphale fanfic
vavoomed-for-crowley · 6 months
I do feel, to my own surprise, that Chapter 4 of "Make It Right" has not got as much attention, which is a shame. (It's one of the best things I've ever written, it's sweet and flirty, it's comfort)
So let me, once again, promote my work!
You can read the story on AO3 .
Story Summary:
Not in 6.000 years Aziraphale would've thought his first kiss with Crowley would be like this. Means, if Aziraphale really ever believed in actually kissing the demon at all. But pressing their lips together forcefully, nothing left to say and going back to heaven has all not been on the list of how Aziraphale imagined it would be.
Now, he might be back on Earth and things with Crowley are sorted out. They can finally live their peaceful existence. But there's one thing that Aziraphale still has to do: He wants to kiss Crowley the right way. He'll make it right, every time.
And to show you that it's worth the read, here's another Sneak Peak at Chapter 4:
"Crowley, we had this conversation before. You agreed to this."
"'Cause I can't fucking resist you" the demon mutters but raises his voice for the more important part, lifting his index finger to underline his words. "I agreed to Maggie's party but never to wear this!"
"It'll suit you!" Aziraphale states, completely unimpressed by the demon's behavior. If anything, he would find this situation somehow amusing, watching Crowley sneaking around the shop to stay as far away from his gift as possible, his human corpse making snake-like movements. "And it will make Nina and Maggie happy!"
"They're not going to see me in this!" Crowley dares.
In response, Aziraphale stops moving and pouts, his hands now in his hips. "Crowley, we're going to be late! Will you please stop this act and get dressed?" A hint of annoyance can be heard in his voice.
Crowley raises his eyebrows as if to tell the angel to stay where he is and snaps his finger. He's dressed all in black, wearing his turtleneck and leather vest, above a black winter coat. Aziraphale gulps at the stunning view in front of him. That damn turtleneck... It looks even better with Crowley's red hair that has grown shoulder length. The demon smirks as if he is very well aware of the affect that outfit has on the angel. His eyes glare winningly.
"Crowley!" Aziraphale says more demanding to make sure he's had enough and the demon sighs. Another time he snaps and Aziraphale feels the clothing in his hands shift.
Now, Crowley wears the knitted scarf in the same red as his hair is. "That's all I'm going to wear. Take it or I'll stay."
Aziraphale smiles at him softly and places the gloves and beanie on the nearest table. It's the best of a compromise possible. He approaches the demon and adjusts the scarf for the ends to be at the same length at each side. "Well, I think you look stunning, my dear."
Crowley snakes his arms around Aziraphale's waist and smirks. "Is that so, angel?" One gentle pull and the distance between them is closed, Aziraphale's hands placed on Crowley's chest.
"Mh-hm. You might not want to hear that but I think this look suits you very well" he says and moves his face closer until the tips of their noses are almost touching.
Crowley hums in enjoyment and digs his skinny fingers into Aziraphale's sides. "You do, don't you?"
"Very much."
Read the full chapter on AO3
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popfishjr · 2 years
After Everything We've Been Through
Requested by @nerdytwat
Warnings: idk man, mentions of death by holy water?💀 angels crying lol
Note: Get high on angsty-fluffy romantic af god knows what, bitches
Argh why is this so shorttttttttatsgvfij8bbikbhi8rs7ez FORGIVE ME😭😭😭
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Even now, that moment still haunted Aziraphale. After handing the thermos of holy water to Crowley, Aziraphale had spent days wondering if he had made the right choice, did the right thing. Being an angel, the fear of making the wrong decision had always been with Aziraphale his whole life.
Afterall, he believed demons were just angels but with that very fear taken away from them. Though, something must've gone wrong when Crowley fell, because it seemed like every other fear had taken from him as well. Despite it being the main reason he worried about Crowley, it was also a part of Crowley's personality that he admired greatly.
Aziraphale was woken from his thoughts by the sound of Crowley sauntering into the room. However, the demon stopped in his tracks when he saw his angel sitting on the sofa with a worried expression on his face. Crowley instantly knew what Aziraphale was worrying about. Heck, it was the only thing he ever worried about. Crowley sat beside Aziraphale, draping his arm around the top of the sofa, as always.
"You can't still be worrying about that, can you? That was so long ago! Besides, I'm still here, am I not?" Crowley sighed. He knew damn well the Aziraphale didn't deserve to worry about one stupid moment for the rest of his life. He was determined to put an end to it.
"But what if I had made the choice? If you got discorporated by the holy water, it'll be because of me!" Aziraphale turned away. "I can't have that on my conscience, Crowley."
Crowley closed his eyes in frustration. "Why do you care if I had gotten discorporated? I'm a demon and you're an angel! I don't matter to you!"
"Yes you do, Crowley!" Aziraphale blurted out, words seeming to flow from his mouth without much of a thought. He must be drunk. "6000 years of friendship! Of course you matter to me!"
Crowley was rendered speechless. No one had ever cared about what happens to him, whether he got discorporated or not. Especially not Heaven!
"That's why it was so hard to give you the holy water, Crowley! I can't lose you! You're all I have!" A tear fell from Aziraphale's eye.
"Aziraphale, stop." Crowley said. "You did the right thing. You saved me by giving me the holy water. I wouldn't be with you right here, right now if you hadn't given it to me. I used it for self-defense, okay? And it worked. It saved me." He hesitantly placed an arm around Aziraphale's shoulder. "You saved me."
Still drunk, Aziraphale leaned into Crowley's touch, resting his head against his shoulder. Crowley stiffened but didn't move.
"Please, Crowley. Please promise me that you'll never put yourself in danger again." Aziraphale buried his face into the crook of Crowley's neck. It made Crowley wonder exactly how drunk was his angel.
"Alright, I promise." He comforted, wrapping his arm tighter around Aziraphale's shoulder. Aziraphale pulled Crowley into an embrace, which Crowley accepted, patting him soothingly on the back. Little did Aziraphale know, Crowley was also struggling to keep his tears at bay. The demon realised that someone did care, after all.
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fairyspheres · 1 year
and sail your ship through breathless waters (2/?)
“We’ve already had the Apocalypse That Wasn’t rather recently. Why are they trying again?” And this is the gold star question, isn’t it? Why is Heaven doggedly pursuing a policy of Earthly destruction when it worked out so well the last time? Crowley knows full well that between the Archangels, they don’t have a scintilla of a brain cell between them, rather a celestial harmonic version of the Wii Shop music playing on repeat in their empty, empty skulls. The Metatron, though… The Metatron is a different calibre of angel, a class unto his own. The Voice of God, he is supposed to be, the only angel with the authority to hear the All-Mighty’s Word and relay Her message to the rest of the Heavenly Host. Crowley wonders about that, as he wonders about a lot of things.
read on ao3
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plumbum-art · 5 months
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@hibyefics and @plumbum-art proudly present
Launch Sequence
a M-rated prelude to the Relationship for Beginners series by @hibyefics
"It wasn't too much, though? Really?"
"Agh," said Crowley, butterflies still a riot in his belly. "I mean - yeah. Just takes some getting used to. The - spit.
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gleafer · 8 months
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AO3 tags* spittin’ facts! (He gave Azi the mug.)
*Tags: Soft Crowley. Bottom Crowley. Crowley cries during sex.
Honorable mentions: Crowley is a sweetheart. Crowley likes spanking. Crowley is currently hiding in the bathroom and contemplating escaping through the window (I made this one up).
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bilaudad · 6 months
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"Now, you listen to me"
one of my favorite scenes from chapter 15 of @moonyinpisces' brilliant fic how do we turn on the light <3
(chapter 16 just dropped last night though, kicking off act 3, and it SLAPS go read it!!)
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They aren’t wrong
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zelpharofficial · 2 months
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Good Omens doodles coz I love em so so much <3
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foolishlovers · 6 months
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Where a Canvas Blooms by foolishlovers
It’s an Arrangement. Aziraphale knows this. He knows a lot of things, and others he doesn’t, but the most important things, he knows. He knows that the cheeky redhead in his arms smiles and purrs when he runs his fingers through his hair, knows that Crowley’s hands are rough from working outside, knows the softness of his heart. Aziraphale doesn’t know he’s in love with Crowley until he does. But it’s just an Arrangement. Is it? Part 1 of The Cuddle Arrangement
word count: 3.8k rating: T relevant tags: Human AU, Trans Aziraphale, Trans Crowley, Touch-Starved Aziraphale, Touch-Starved Crowley, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Cuddling & Snuggling, Comfort, Pining art by the wonderful @omens-for-ophelia
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goddess-of-silvers · 1 year
I know everyone’s mad at Aziraphale right now because of how the season’s ended but I don’t think we’ve talked enough about the fact that Aziraphale has been keeping a diary for centuries (based on the fact the entry we see is from volume 603) and he literally starts his entries with “dear diary, last month Crowley and I both happened to be in Edinburgh”.
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scottishmushroom · 8 months
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vavoomed-for-crowley · 6 months
Make It Right - Chapter 4: Firework Of Emotions is finally out now!
This Chapter picks up on Aziraphale's and Crowley's conversation on Christmas Evening, shows us a teasing angel and the depth of Crowley's kiss in the final 15 of S2.
Enjoy reading it and feel free to leave any kind of feedback.
Mucho Gracias ❤️
Story Summary:
Not in 6.000 years Aziraphale would've thought his first kiss with Crowley would be like this. Means, if Aziraphale really ever believed in actually kissing the demon at all. But pressing their lips together forcefully, nothing left to say and going back to heaven has all not been on the list of how Aziraphale imagined it would be.
Now, he might be back on Earth and things with Crowley are sorted out. They can finally live their peaceful existence.
But there's one thing that Aziraphale still has to do: He wants to kiss Crowley the right way. He'll make it right, every time.
And as usual, a little Sneak Peek at the chapter:
"Are you trying to tempt me?" Aziraphale asks with a low voice but still tries to act shocked.
The demon lets his hands move from Aziraphale's sides to his back, hands hidden under the long coat, one hand gently stroking every part it touches. "Does it work?"
Heaven, does it work!, Aziraphale thinks. But he knows that if he gives in to temptation now, they'll never leave the bookshop. Which would mean they do not only miss Maggie's party but they'd also disappoint her. Just the imagination of her saddened face when they don't show up is enough for the angel to feel guilty. He cups the demon's face with the right hand, thumb gently stroking his cheek before he leans in to give the demon a loving kiss. "You can be very tempting, my dear love. But we made a promise and I see it as my duty to keep it." He doesn't even wait for a reaction, which is no more than a groan from Crowley, but grabs the demon's hand to pull him outside.
"Way to ruin the moment..." the latter mumbles in disappointment. At least he tried it all to stay at home.
In Crowley's opinion, nothing about New Year's Eve makes sense. Well, except the part of celebrating. He can understand the melancholy when humans look back over the past year and think about all the experiences and events, knowing full well that not all of them, and depending on the person even very few, were really good. The concept of looking forward to the new year is not entirely illogical, including the false hope of change and good things waiting to happen. It is almost foolish for humans to hope that the universe would care about each individual's fate instead of taking their happiness into their own hands. But people's comfort has always been their greatest weakness. All they could achieve if they would just work hard enough and actually believe in themselves. But the part he doesn't get is that if the new year is so eagerly awaited, what's the reason to get drunk? Even if that's exactly Crowley's plan for tonight as well. Just that he feels like he needs it to cope with the party in general. He doesn't get why everyone dresses up as fancy as they usually never do, why woman wear high shoes that feel uncomfortable just two hours later and the worst part is all the traditions. Hell, he hopes that Maggie's party has none of it. Not knowing if he'd survive just one round of lead-pouring or sharing New Year's resolutions.
Needless to say that the demon doesn't get why on earth his angel wants to attend Maggie's party so desperately when just the thought of talking to strangers is a reason the latter never steps a foot in a pub, except the one time which has proven his point why not to do so more than just enough. But the angel hasn't left him a choice really, even if it's only because Crowley can't say no to him. At least heaven blesses him with the adorable sight of Aziraphale dressed in winter clothes, with the choice of blue and beige wool suiting his skin tone and the beanie making his cheeks look even more adorable and soft. It's a perfect mixture of modern old and something newer and in Crowley's opinion, (so the only opinion that really matters), Aziraphale looks more than just handsome, making it to the top of the list of the angel's best outfits. Not that Crowley would ever dare to admit how much he really likes it. It would only mean he'd need to wear his knitted set more often as well and he'd rather have a very long conversation with Gabriel than to do so.
Read the full story here
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plumbum-art · 7 months
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❤️‍🔥Are you ready for Valentine's Day?❤️‍🔥
@moonyinpisces , @saglaophonos and @plumbum-art proudly present:
'Wanna be with you everywhere'
a multichaptered M-rated Good Omens fanfic written by @moonyinpisces and @saglaophonos with art from me!
After the apocalypse is averted once again and everything is back to normal Aziraphale and Crowley want to spend The Perfect Valentine's Day (TM) together. But will they succeed and ✨️consumate✨️ their relationship the - eugh - human way?
》》Find out in the coming chapters of 'Wanna be with you everywhere' on Ao3!《《
The prolog is out now and comes with a comic, which you can read here on my blog. Stay tuned for more illustrations and an extra spicy final comic in the following updates 🔥🔥🔥
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gleafer · 11 months
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In between storyboarding gigs, I like to draw what brings me joy.
Right now it’s Good Omens AU comics!
Here’s a sneak peek on a personal project.
Picnic interrupted and sucked into a summoning spell!
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metalmiez · 3 months
Ineffable Sleepy Babies
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Beaming rays of sunlight, creeping their way through the gaps between the curtains, were slicing through the silent bookshop, dust dancing in the soft and simultaneously stinging light. A groan left Aziraphale’s throat as his head started to pound like a hammer that was slamming against his temple continuously. For his own confusion, he found himself hugging an empty bottle of wine. He felt that the cushion of the couch permanently embossed its crumply leather texture into his right cheek. Good Lord, he must have passed out last night. He couldn’t tell when exactly this had happened. The angel could not recall when the last time was, he was drinking that much without sobering up afterwards. As he woke up a little bit more, he froze as he felt a very unfamiliar pressure on his side and around his belly. He blinked in confusion and made a face, as he felt the warmth of another body weighting against his own. He slowly turned his head and noticed a glimpse of red hair poking out over his shoulder, a head leaned heavily against his upper arm.
He wasn’t sure why he felt so surprised about the fact that it was Crowley who was sleeping next to him – his long, slinky body draped over the shape of Aziraphale’s corporation, one of his arms wrapped around his waist, his head resting onto the angel’s arm, one leg draped over Aziraphale’s thigh.
They had been sitting next to each other last night, like they never did in the shop before. This physical closeness washed a wave of anxiety over the angel, and he sobered himself up immediately, getting rid of the hangover and the bad aftertaste of the remaining alcohol leaving his corporation. His mind cleared and thoughts were starting to race around in his head. Simultaneously, he didn’t dare to move, to not wake the demon from his slumber. Crowley’s body, in hard difference to his hands which always felt freezing when they touched Aziraphale’s in the past, was radiating a comfortable, calming warmth, seeping through the angel’s clothes like a heating blanket.
You can read further on my AO3.
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