#Curiosity Nano
Introduction to Bare Metal Programming With Microchip Episode 7: Lowest Power Blinky
https://www.futureelectronics.com/resources/featured-products/microchip-bare-metal-programming-attiny1627. In this 7th bare metal episode, we will make a low power Blinky using the Real Time Counter (RTC) and Periodic Interval Timer (PIT) and compare the current consumption to the Blinky projects in the previous videos. https://youtu.be/FVqj-6qSRn0
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Introduction to Bare Metal Programming with Microchip Episode 6: Low Power Measurements
https://www.futureelectronics.com/resources/featured-products/microchip-bare-metal-programming-attiny1627. In this 6th episode of the bare metal programming series for the AVR® Tiny2, we will cover: - Modifying the Curiosity Nano for Low Power Measurements - Measure current consumption - Compare to expected current consumption from datasheet. https://youtu.be/XyWBoo3f37g
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picking favorites in the extended cast of your novel like "this is mommy's special little guy" (he is in like two scenes)
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pupsmailbox · 5 months
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NAMES ⌇ aerobot. agatha. ai. alan. alethea. alexia. algernon. alistair. alpha. amaryllis. ambrose. androbot. androic. andromeda. angelica. antenna. arabella. araminta. arcade. auto. automaton. axel. axis. badnik. bionel. bolt. byte. care. celline. cello. chip. chipique. clank. cloniste. clonoid. cobot. codelle. cole. curiosity. cy. cyber. cybette. cybion. cypher. data. dell. della. delpha. delta. digi. dot. droid. droidess. droidis. dronette. echo. elektra. euna. eva. eve. fritz. giga. gizmo. glitch. grey. gynoid. helix. holo. holodir. hydra. ida. jet. kaput. kinect. krudzu. linion. mac. mace. machibella. machina. mal. malware. mation. mech. mecha. mechael. mechan.ace. metal. metalia. metalish. micro. motherboard. motor. nano. neo. nucleus. nyquist. orbit. parallel. pip. pixel. prime. primus. proto. quantum. radar. radius. ram. ray. reflect. reflectette. robo. robonaut. rusty. satellite. scrappy. selsyn. sentiex. servo. shard. siri. solar. sonar. spark. sparkie. sparky. sputnik. steele. sterling. stochastic. synchro. synie. synthett. talus. terra. tin. tink. tobor. ultramarine. ultron. unimate. unit. virus. waldo. zip.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ 00/00. 01/01. 0101/0101. 11/11. 1010/1010. 10110/101. ai/ai. algo/algorithm. android/android. app/app. auto/auto. auto/automated. auto/automaton. axis/axi. beep/boop. bio/bionic. bio/bioplastic. blast/blast. bo/bot. bolt/bolt. bot/bot. buffer/buffer. byte/byte. cell/cell. chaos/chaos. chi/chip. click/click. clo/clone. code/code. coil/recoil. command/command. compute/computer. core/core. cyb/cyborg. cyber/cyber. data/data. dev/device. device/device. dig/digital. digi/digital. droi/droid. droid/droid. e/exe. electric/electric. entry/entries. exo/exoskeleton. gear/gear. gli/glitch. glitch/glitch. hack/hack. ho/holo. holo/holo. hologram/hologram. in/install. intra/intranet. link/link. machi/machine. mal/malfunction. mal/malware. mech/mech. mecha/mechanical. mechanic/mechanic. metal/metal. metro/metro. motor/motor. neo/neo. neon/neon. nuclear/nuclear. propeller/propeller. radar/radar. retro/retro. robo/robo. robo/robot. robot/robot. rubber/rubber. satellite/satellite. sca/scan. shard/shard. shine/shiny. signal/signal. solar/solar. steel/steel. stem/stem. swi/switch. syn/synth. syn/synthetic. tech/tech. techno/techno. test/test. text/text. turing/turing. vi/viru. web/site. web/web. whirr/whirr. wi/wifi. wire/wire. wired/wired. ⚙️/⚙️. 🔧/🔧. 🔩/🔩. 🛠//🛠. 🤖/🤖.
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percervall · 7 months
something good (in everything I see)
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Driver: Fernando Alonso Words: 840 Warnings: Fluff, barely proof read
In which Uncle Nano can't help himself
From the moment Fernando saw the then 3-year-old with her little face squished against the glass as the three of them got ready to go karting, he knew that she had her dads’ love for adrenaline and speed. Jenson and Mark were tinkering away with the set ups of their go-karts, not aware of the little girl studying their every move, but he kept an eye on her, saw the cogs turning in that little head as she tried to understand what they were doing; as if it was a puzzle to her. It was there that Fernando made a promise that he would do whatever he could to feed that curiosity. 
It would take another two years before Fernando could honour his promise. Agnes’ parents were of the mindset that just because she’s the daughter of three F1 drivers, it should be her choice to pursue anything motor sport related. Fernando could understand their hesitancy; the legacy was a heavy cross to bear, Fernando had seen it far too often during his time in F1. And then Agnes’ fifth birthday rolled around and with that a wish list. Among the LEGOs, PlayDough, and a car for her Barbies, was the sign Fernando had been waiting for: a go-kart like Oscar so I can race with him. And well, why have millions in the bank if not to spoil your best friend’s children? Fernando used his own connections to build Agnes her first go-kart, choosing all the little details and even making sure it had its very own racing number. 
And so the big day arrived. Fernando was feeling a little nervous, worried he had overstepped somehow and made another promise: if Margot and Luke showed any interest, they, too, would get their first go-kart from their Uncle Nano. And if not, the money would go towards their education. 
He parks the van just out of sight and grabs the tiny helmet he had commissioned in Agnes’ favourite colours. Of course he had included his own personal sponsor and a few touches that would make it clear whose daughter she is. 
“Uncle Nano!” Agnes calls out when he enters the Magnussen-Hamilton-Webber home. 
“Hello preciosa, happy birthday!” he replies, setting the gift bag down on the table.
“Glad you could make it, mate,” Mark says, pulling him in for a one-armed hug, still holding Luke.
“Will always come to see my godson and nieces,” Fernando says, ruffling the little boy’s hair. Picking up the bag, he crouches down in front of the birthday girl. 
“I got you a present. Two actually.”
“Two presents?” Agnes asks, eyes round with curiosity. Fernando can’t help but smile as he nods. He hands her the bag and watches her tear open the wrapping paper.
“My own helmet! Mama look!” 
“I see baby! All your favourite colours too!” Agnes’ mother replies, her tone light but he can feel her eyes burning a hole in the back of his skull. 
“The other present is outside, wanna go see?” Fernando asks the girl, pointedly ignoring the stares from his best friend’s wife. Agnes eagerly nods her head and takes his hand.
“What did you do?” Mark asks him as they all follow him outside.
“I bought her a birthday present,” comes his reply, but the twinkle in Fernando’s eyes tells Mark all he needs to know. 
“Now, this was a bit difficult to wrap, preciosa,” Fernando says, clicking a button on his car keys and opening the doors on the back, “Oscar, a little help?” The younger driver nods and climbs in after him. “Close your eyes Agnes!” he calls out before he and Oscar carry the gift out of the van.
“Oh you silly old man,” he hears Agnes’ mother whisper while Jenson laughs. 
“Okay, pequeña, you can open them.” He watches as Agnes pulls her tiny hands down and sees the biggest smile light up her face.
“My own go-kart! And it’s orange like Oscar’s car!” Kevin, who had been carrying her up until then, walks closer and crouches down with her, pointing out all the different parts. 
“Oh my god, he’s even gotten her a racing number,” Jenson says, switching Margot to his other hip. 
“Yes,” Fernando says, suddenly feeling a little silly for being so sentimental, “I chose 66 because-..” 
“It’s all our numbers combined,” Lewis says, “44, 20 and 2. It’s all three of us represented.” Fernando nods, for once not sure what to say. 
“Mate, this must have-..” Mark starts but Fernando waves the concerns away.
“I have more money than sense, or whatever it is you say. If Margot or Luke ever show interest in racing, they will get one too. That little girl has the racing bug and I want to help her, and her siblings, achieve their dreams however I can,” Fernando says, looking over at Agnes, Kevin and Oscar who are still admiring the go-kart.
“Thank you,” Agnes’ mother says, and Fernando can tell she means it from the bottom of her heart as she hugs him tight. 
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Inspired by a prompt sent in by @curiousthyme as part of this. If there's a fic you'd wish I'd write, please send it in!
I don't think I will ever be able to stop writing for these characters.
Please feel free to let me know what you think!
Mamma Mia fic masterlist
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Max’ Journey - Prologue
It was one of the more boring days in Max's lab. Maxwell Stone was a researcher at Infinite Horizons Laboratories, a cutting edge high-tech developer. Max was a bright young man, recently graduated from the countries best university with the highest grades - just what Infinite Horizons was looking for. He was currently researching ways to make the chips they produced even more powerful, when he stumbled upon an interesting entry in the company database. Apparently, there was a theory on nano-mechanics that could prove most useful for his research.
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He sighed. Apparently, it wasn't scanned yet and he had to get the actual book from the archive. It wasn't that much work to go down to the archives, but Max found it always easier to do things digitally, if he had the chance. Besides, Max was a really clean guy and didn't like to get dirty. But, no matter how hard he tried, he simply couldn't avoid going to the archives every now and then.
The archives were located deep inside the laboratory complex, in a room that was separated by several layers of security systems. While the rest of the lab was very clean and organized, down there was chaos and dust. It was kind of like visiting the catacombs of some ancient civilization, where everything was buried in the dirt.
Max arrived in front of the door leading into the archives. His keycard opened the heavy door for him, and under the white ceiling light began his search for the book. Careful not to breathe in too much dust or getting his hands too dirty, he began to sift through the bookcases. It proved harder to find than Max originally hoped, sending him deeper and deeper into the labyrinth that was the archive. As he had reached the back wall, where, judging by the layers of dust, nobody had been in a quite a while, an item in one of the shelves caught his gaze. It looked like a black box, about 20 centimeters in size, without any visible chinks or screws. Where it not for the one singular green button on the top, the device would have looked like a smooth block of dark metal. There were two reasons that Max felt curious about it: First, it was completely dust-free, which was weird considering everything else here was covered by a dense layer of dust. And secondly, there was a post-it note attached to it. On it were just two words, written in unsteady handwriting, like someone who was writing with his left hand or a child that was trying their first letters. It said: "Please help!"
Max reached for the device, carefully avoiding the dust. He hesitated for a moment before curiosity got the better of him and he pressed the button. With a faint whirring noise, a crackle and flash of light filled the room. Right there, in front of him, a whirling vortex of yellow energy had formed in the air, around man-sized, although the size varied slightly. Being a gamer himself, his immediate first thought was: That was a portal. Was he supposed to step through? Or maybe, press the button again to close it?
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"Uh... hi?" Max called out, feeling somewhat unsure of himself. Receiving no answer, he slowly approached the bright energy vortex. When he was within a few meters, he stopped. This was the strangest thing he had ever seen, and it did seem a little dangerous.
"Hello?" Max called out again. "I'm ... trying to help." He said, as he remembered the note. Still, no answer.
Max walked closer until he was standing right next to the portal. There was no way to look into it, but the glowing yellow energy seemed to be coming from all sides. He wondered where this thing led to. It was an invitation, so much was sure, but one ripped right from a science fiction novel.
"Hey! Can you hear me?" Max yelled again, trying to sound a little more commanding. Again, no answer. Max pondered for a moment. If he stepped through the portal, he would probably end up somewhere else. It was a risk, but... how often do you get a mysterious yellow energy portal right in front of you? He would hate himself forever, if he didn't see this through, so with a gulp and a quick step, Max stepped right into the middle of the energy vortex.
Authors note: This is the prologue to a series (with lots of transformative content, but none in the prologue yet, sorry!)
Read the next part here
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metaphorical-goblin · 6 months
Out of curiosity, how much time do you guys like to have to work on a big bang (30k-50k+)?
I’d love to hear your reasoning as well! Just having some miscellaneous thoughts
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suzukiblu · 7 months
hello out of curiosity do you have any idea/ plan for how long the sugar daddy fic is going to be?
cause I was rereading it on ao3 and noticed you said you'd written the first 50k and were polishing it into chapter shaped pieces, and then were gonna write more, and the ao3 fic is nearly 50k, so I was wondering if you're about through with what you'd initially written, and what percent of the total plan it was
(I would not be surprised if this ended up being several hundred thousand words, or even a million... Tim's overthinking probably helps to increase the wordcount for any given event)
I've posted just about all of what I wrote for NaNo; the stuff I haven't is from later in the fic and still needs stitched together.
I honestly thought 50k would cover WAY more of the outline than it actually ended up covering, sooooo uh . . . no idea how long the finished fic is gonna be, hahaha. I MIGHT be a third of the way through now. Or . . . possibly a fourth. It's gonna be a long one for sure, put it that way.
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brickcentral · 7 months
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🤩 ARTIST SPOTLIGHT: sergi_h2opolo7 Hello everyone! It's time to direct the spotlight toward our community members, and today we will get to know better sergi_h2opolo7!
"Hey there! I'm Sergio Paredes, but you can know me as sergi_h2opolo7 on instagram.
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When I was a kid, I absolutely adored Playmobil toys, and now I'm an amateur collector. With all the extra time at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, I started taking photos of my collection.
As I got more into toyphotography, I began researching and learning new techniques to make my photos even better. What had started as mere entertainment now occupies much of my free time!
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About a year ago, my curiosity in the LEGO world was awakened when two minifigures arrived to my hands which immediately caught my attention. These two minifigs are the faun from series 15 and the forest elf from series 22. I don't know exactly why, but the two figures seem to be in harmony with nature. Their expressions, their design make them cute and adorable.
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It sparked my attentions rapidly and started to think about the beautiful photos that could be taken with them. This led me to begin my adventure with LEGO photography.
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My collection of minifigures has been growing up gradually since then and with each photo, my fascination in LEGO world as well. My collection mainly consists of minifigures with some loose accessories. So, I usually photograph minifigures to share a specific story or feeling in each photo.
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I don't have a defined theme, but if I had to choose one, I would choose the medieval theme. I love medieval age and his historical movies with epic battles and LEGO Castle reference and minifigures are perfect for it.
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Most of my photos are taken at home because I don't have as much free time as I'd like and I have all my accessories close at hand to put on, take off, etc... But I also really like outdoor photography.
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The main equipment I use is my Canon EOS 2000d, different lamps to play with light, atmosphere aerosol and nano spray aerosol for outdoor photos, and also for indoor photos I usually use the screen of the PC for backgrounds and different floor designs.
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Basically, I start the process with a general idea, but as I set up the stage, it changes depending on the environment, light, the accessories that I have at that moment, etc. Once I have everything ready, I start shooting and adapting the scene according to what the photo looks like."
Thank you for accepting our invitation and let the community knows you better!
If you want some insights on the exclusive picture and for a better view of the others, head to our blog at https://brickentral.net/.
- @theaphol, Community Outreach Manager
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phemiec · 2 years
i've seen a lot of artists treat ai art like the end of art / art careers for a lot of people, but you seem really positive about it and i'd love to see you expand more on that!!
what people are afraid of with AI art (or, the semi-valid fears anyway) are that they will loose their money making niche, which isn’t an art issue it’s a capitalism issue. We are all being made redundant in a system that is designed without putting human beings first. That’s the same for everyone and frankly maybe the fact that artists are realizing we aren’t exempt from that will create more motivation to create a better system, or at least more art exploring disenfranchisement and anti-capitalism.
Humans beings have always been compelled to make art using whatever tools we’ve had available, it predates all recorded history and that has not and will not change, just like the invention of paper, ink, paints, digital art in general, AI is a creative tool people can use to explore concepts and get inspiration. and it opens up art and creativity and the experience of creating visual art to an even wider array of people, people who haven’t had the time or inclination or opportunity to spend thousands of hours learning things like perspective, anatomy, colour theory etc, can now experience their imagination coming to life visually which is fucking incredible. And the people who already like drawing and painting will still do all that stuff. And yes, some people who may have hired concept designers may just use ai instead, but more likely, concept artists will be hired and utilized differently.
as someone who studied concept art in college, the industry is already using tons of references, overpainting, 3d modeling, the easier and more effeciently you can create lots of concepts quickly the better, it’s not like fine art, you are making art mostly piecemeal from a dozen sources, and using your knowledge and creativity to make all of your inspirations cohesive, stuff like Midjourney can really only help in that respect.
will some people maybe miss out on commission work? Sure, but again, that’s like saying we shouldn’t create robots capable of nano surgery because it will make surgeons less valuable. If we lived in a post scarcity world where people were given universal basic income all of the fears about AI art would be replaced with wonder and curiosity, because we would just be able to create for creations sake.
anyway yeah tldr: artists aren’t immune to all the same bullshit that everyone else experiences under capitalism, the sooner we realize that the better. Stop gatekeeping art and creativity, everyone deserves the experience of creation, someone’s ability to generate a very cool piece of art easily without years of effort should not negate your enjoyment of your own journey as an artist. embrace chaos and fuck capitalism. ✌️👍
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a-fantastic-time · 6 months
Tali: "Bosh'tet! Ah, why am I so hot lately? Mmm, I just, ah~, can't seem to calm down!" Tali had retreated to her room almost immediately after the latest mission, as always once the danger had passed the mere sight of Jane had gotten her pussy soaked. She couldn't understand why, but for some reason about two months ago her mild curiosity about Shepard had turned into a borderline obsession. Every night she went to sleep thinking of her, dreamed of her, woke up having came to her dreams of Shepard! The only time she could properly focus was when she was either doing her job, or on a mission.
It was as she thought about this new problem of hers that she heard EDI's voice over the comms. EDI: "Engineer Tali, please report to the Commander's cabin for debriefing on the latest mission and inspection for any unauthorized foreign materials." Tali groaned as she had to stop fingering herself right in the middle of her masturbation session. She should have seen this coming, ever since The Illusive Man's agents had secreted aboard the ship through the use of hidden nano machines attached to the crew's clothes any time someone went off the ship and came back there were a whole slew of scans and inspections that they had to go through. Tali: "Ugh! EDI you have terrible timing!" Despite this she slowly stood up, straightened her suit and left her cabin to head towards Shepard's. EDI meanwhile stood holding her now visibly pregnant belly in her hands as she waited patiently in Jane's cabin with her, she nodded and looked to the Commander. EDI: "Commander, Engineer Tali is on her way up here, I believe she is ready for her promotion to second cum dump and breeding whore Commander. The pheromones and post-hypnotic triggers have placed her in a near constant state of arousal when not performing her other duties, she should only have thoughts of you and your cock by now."
"I am still unsure of how you made those things. I knew Cerberus had made some freightening tech, but thats almost magic in my opinion." Jane said walking around her room and cleaning every surface she could think of. Making sure nothing could make Tali sick if thing were going to get all hot and steamy soon enough.
At first she wasn't sure if she should let her release such kinds of things on her ship, but the thought of Tali bent over her bed and fucking the best ass on the ship was far too enticing.
Afterward, she walked over and gently placed her hand on EDI"s belly. Kissing her gently and even teasing her new milk filled tits. "God I cannot get how big these things got. How are you even able to walk?"
She chuckled and sat down and pulled EDI Into her lap, gently groping her body where ever she could get her hands. Her cock already beginning to grow inside her pants. But she wanted to make sure Tali was here, before anything hot and heavy started.
Normally Shepard would never think of doing anything like this to her crew, let alone her closest friends. But something about EDI's changes, and the way she became a literal slave to her cock triggered something in her.
Maybe it was due to Cerberus's changes to her mind, but all that mattered was she was going to dick down a hot alien girl. She peppered the bot's face with kisses and whispering sweet nothings into her audio receptors, waiting till a knock at her door finally got her attention.
"Come on in Tali. Make yourself at home." She shouted loud enough for her to hear, all while pressing a button on her Omni tool to unlock the door.
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goodluckclove · 6 months
I have a project that I started for Nanorimo. I won Nano but after it was over I lost the motivation to write the last of the first draft. I think it’s a combination of not knowing exactly how to end it, not a lot of people to share it with, and being worried that I’m gonna re-read what I have and just find it bad.
Hello, Friend! Please, sit down. Take a deep breath. I'm going to say a variation of a form of writing advice that I'm sure you've heard a lot, but I'll hopefully elaborate it to the point where it clicks. I actually started writing through NaNoWriMo, it was a really great way to build up the muscle of consistent practice. Did my first six or so novels like that. Fun!
But I have good news and bad new about your first draft. The bad news is that it probably isn't perfect. The good news is that that's a great place to be in.
For one thing, NaNo specifically is not a traditional way to write a very stable first draft. People will spend years on what you've done in 30 days. To compare them is comparing your blanket fort with someone else's McMansion and thinking "dang what if my blanket fort never has faux-Roman arches".
Some people say their first drafts are perfect. This confuses me but I accept it and believe them when they say it. I do think that these people are not talking about drafts they carved out of word-flesh in a month or less. That's an entirely different game to play. When you hear people talk about how you're supposed to have a shitty first draft it could be hard to swallow. We don't want to feel like we put in all this hard work to make something shitty. So maybe I can say it a different way:
Your first draft is the skeletal structure of the story as a whole. It is the frame to what you're trying to achieve.
And I can say from experience that not liking your first draft doesn't feel the way you might think it will if you go at it the right way. I've written twelve books and there's only maybe two that I read fragments from and genuinely cringe. And even then there's still stuff I like about it.
Maybe you went into some kind of fugue state for a month and wrote a bunch of stuff that you hate every part of. You're a big high fantasy fan and you wrote a gritty detective novel. You love Dark Academia romance and when you read your NaNo you find it is just a list of every slur you could think of and new ones that could be added to the lexicon. If this happens to you then yes, your first draft is objectively terrible and you should probably take yourself to the hospital.
More likely your thoughts will look like this:
Maybe I should cut this. It's not really needed.
Oh I forgot the protagonist has this specific trait, I should remember that and incorporate more in the rest of the book
Hah yeah I see where I was going with this.
I should add more details about this concept, considering I now know about this other concept.
Hah man that's a lot of typos. (Assuming you're like me)
These are the types of things I have thought when I looked over literally every first draft I've ever edited since the dawn of my time as a writer. You are not likely to rend your clothes in shame and burrow underground. Even if you find some weird shift that happens in NaNo novels, like the genre or tone changing midway through the document - professional writers do that too. It can be a more efficient way to explore the space you're working it.
It can be a really interesting challenge! It helps too that you took some time off - I try and take at least a week between draft edits, even though it can be painful. You'll be able to see it with fresher eyes.
My usual strategy for editing my own drafts is to read from the top with curiosity and excitement and treat it like a puzzle. Is this what I want? Can it be better? Was there something I missed? Incidentally, when I'm stuck at a point in the novel I use the same trick and it helps every time. It's how Chuck Palahinuik did Fight Club!
So yeah you already did a huge thing by finishing a NaNo. Why not take a look back, if not just to enjoy the crazy and chaotic fruits of your effort?
Also - in regards to people not reading your work. Out of 12 novels I've probably had 3 read all the way through. It can suck, but it's okay and it doesn't mean they aren't good. Validate yourself and enjoy your own writing and start putting shit online/self-publishing/querying to take a chance!
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dollish-shard · 1 year
Drone of the Wilds
The Drone of the Wilds lived in a small cabin, in the outskirts of the dark forest that bordered a small village. She stood out from her environment starkly; black nano-latex skin and smooth, faceless head highly out of place amongst thatched roofs and crude fabrics, quiet glens and clear streams.
She pushed open the door to her cabin, pulling her haul inside and hanging her bow on the wall. The dead creature, a six legged beast with shaggy fur, was effortlessly picked up and placed on a table.
The oils secreted from its fur would lubricate her joints well, and it’s organs would make a good base for her nutrient slurry. The rest, she could trade in town for things more useful to her.
Not for the first time, she mused on her luck. That such a backwater planet would be able to offer her a chance to live comfortably….
The Grand Hive had, at its height, been one of the biggest superpowers in the galaxy, respected and feared.
Even one of its mighty hiveships, shining black even against the darkness of space, was enough to conquer an entire planet. Each ship filled with millions of drones; converted humanoids joined together into something greater.
The human she had used to be had lived on one of those planets. A colony established by a long fallen planet named Earth, cut off from what little remained of that fledgling empire. A target ripe for conversion.
The human she had used to be had run in fear as the droneships descended on his planet, abducting people in the thousands. He had been terrified, so afraid of something he did not understand. So afraid, he ignored the tingle of excitement underneath.
He, along with the rest of his planet’s population, were placed in conversion pods. Organics merged with flesh, the hardware and software of his brain upgraded and reorganised. Wants, hopes, fears, emotional attachments… all stripped away. Replaced with obedience. Everything he was was assimilated by the Hive, the unnecessary discarded.
When she had finally emerged from that pod, along with hundreds of her sisters, all she felt was devotion to the Hive. She would not, until much later, truly appreciate her new body; smooth curves, powerful yet slender limbs, a blank slate where a face should be…
She was perfect.
She had served 146.31 cycles aboard Hiveship 462 before the Grand Hive fell. An alliance of rival forces had infiltrated Hiveship 000, from where the Grand Mxtress ruled over all, and destroyed her, contaminated the Hive. All at once it was severed. The network that connected all drones, providing them their orders, their purpose.
The hiveships all over the galaxy fell to chaos. Many drones began to regain their former lives, and in disgust of what they had become, self-terminated.
Others dedicated themselves to destroying all remnants of the Hive, the scattered hiveships that had managed to form smaller networks of their own.
She had not understood. She had never understood. Even as the network fell, she continued her existence as a drone.
Even with the return of those old memories; they weren’t her. The human she used to be sickened her. She did not miss him. Being a drone was far superior.
Those who were once her fellow drones chased her out, and hounded by the galaxy on all sides, she fled.
The other networks would not take her, the serial number tying her to a fallen hiveship marking her as terminate on sight. So she ran. For cycles, hoping from ship to ship, system to system.
It was a wormhole that brought her journey to an end. Her ship, a fragile thing, had been shredded by the forces, her alone ejected intact onto the strange planet upon which she could identify no stars in the night sky.
The people of the planet had been curious, but not afraid. They saw her as a curiosity, not a threat. She learned their language, told them her story. They felt sorry for her; not for the lost of her hive, but the lost of her humanity. It was a sentiment that confused her.
The planet’s technology was primitive; far too primitive for her to build a ship on. But it was irrelevant. She was safe there. None wanted her dead simply for the crime of being a drone. She was content to simply… be.
Some of the beings of the planet had strange powers, powers that defied comprehension. They called it magic; an obvious misunderstanding of some natural force, but one she alone could not quantify.
They had told her they could restore her old form, revert her to the human she used to be.
She had refused them. Why would she ever want to go back to that body? She was… drones did not used to have emotions, but now that she did, she could state with certainty she was ‘happy’.
Those wise men had shared a look with each other; something she did not understand shared in silent communication. It made her yearn for the Hive. Then, they had wished her luck, and left.
It had been 3 cycles since then. 3 cycles of relative peace. Of getting the chance to shift through the parts of her mind that resurfaced, to decide what to keep and what to toss. 3 years without the threat of termination, from drones or fearful organics.
She still missed the Grand Hive as it had been, a grand interconnected network of mindless belonging. But as far as lives went, being the Drone of the Wilds wasn’t so bad.
Not when compared to life as a human.
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tokiro07 · 6 months
Had a fun alternate idea for my 100 Girlfriends Fandom Negator set
Instead of the girls being the Negators, they're the Master Rules (not necessarily in order)
Hakari, UMA Lust - rule of sexual attraction; instills an aphrodisiac effect on those in her territory and manipulates targets with pheromones
Karane, UMA Lies - rule of dishonesty; forces those in her territory to lie
Shizuka, UMA Silence - rule of quiet; moves silently and removes all sound from targetted areas
Nano, UMA Efficiency - rule of parsimony; carries a razor (Occam's razor) that "cuts corners," simplifying processes to be more efficient
Kasuri, UMA Drug - rule of medicine; creates a variety of effects by brewing together ingredients
Hahari, UMA Mother - rule of parenthood; instills a sense of familiarity, making targets submit to her maternal whims
Kurumi, UMA Eat - rule of metabolism; allows her to eat and digest anything
Mei, UMA Class - rule of hierarchy; rearranges the hierarchical precedent of targets, redistributing the relative strength of everyone in range
Iku, UMA Pain - rule of agony; controls how much pain a target feels when taking damage, either augmenting small wounds to feel grievous or reducing the pain of grievous wounds to go unnoticed
Mimimi, UMA Beauty - rule of aesthetic; enhances a target's perception of beauty, reducing their will to damage a secondary target or drawing their focus to it
Meme, UMA Avoid- rule of evasion; capable of teleporting to evade any attempt at capture or attack
Naddy, UMA Freedom - rule of autonomy; moves about freely and can escape any form of capture shy of a Negator ability
Chiyo, UMA Order - rule of law; sets strict limitations and guidelines within her domain
Yamame, UMA Forest - rule of nature; manipulates plant matter
Momiji, UMA Soft - rule of malleability; contact with a target renders it soft
Yaku, UMA Past - rule of continuity; can return itself or a target to its condition at a previous point in its personal timeline
Kishika, UMA Honor - rule of integrity; similar to UMA Order, Honor establishes a specific code of conduct that must be followed, but more in the sense of creating the rules of a game rather than the laws of society
Ahko, UMA Slow - rule of deceleration; causes targets to become slower as they approach
Uto, UMA Wander - rule of curiosity; instills a sense of curiosity and wanderlust into a target, making them more easily distractable
Mai, UMA Accident - rule of mistakes; renders a target prone to clumsiness
Momoha, UMA Vice - rule of sin; instills desire for debauchery in targets
Rin, UMA Violence - rule of bloodlust; instills desire for violence in targets
Suu, UMA Numbers - rule of counting; compels a target to obsessively count a designated object
Eira, UMA Fight - rule of competition; instills a feeling of competitiveness in targets
Tama, UMA Beast - rule of animals; can absorb and embody the traits of animals
Kiki, UMA Exception - rule of abnormality; can ignore the effects of any nearby Rule or Negator ability
Matsuri, UMA Festival - rule of celebration; instills a desire to party on all within her territory
Shiina, UMA Swarm - rule of togetherness; gathers multiples of a target group together instantly
Meru, UMA Despair - rule of hopelessness; instills a sense of negativity and desolation in targets
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luvwich · 8 months
wip whenever
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was tagged a little while ago to share some in-progress work by @wanderingaldecaldo and @dreamskug thank you chooms!
sharing a snippet from ch.5 of crescent & redwood — this is, i think, the first time i've completed a chapter with plans to actually wait a bit before publishing it, because i'm hoping to have a couple chapters written ahead for once..
not sure how much sense this makes out of context (probably none!) but i just had a lot of fun with this scene :3 yeah i gave tiny mike a whole extended family of gangers from the philippines. what of it...
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"So, unc," Mike said, sliding into his seat, "you and Militech."
In the slime-green light of the Afterlife, he saw Tiyo Nano for what he was. The geometric patterns of faded black ink peeking from the rolled cuffs of his shirtsleeves. All those gold rings clacking on his fingers, with gold teeth to match — and he had about as many rings as he had teeth. The swagger, the charm, the downright nerve. A day late and a few eddies short, Mike finally got it: ole Mariano was still a fucking thug.
"Let's simply say I have access to certain of de Militech databases." Nano spoke at a low, blurry volume, like a churchgoer who'd forgotten the Lord's Prayer and was hoping to fake it.
"Sure, let's say you do." Mike slid a foam-kissed beer across the table. "You wanna tell me why and how you've got access?"
"Not right now." Nano used his pursed lips to point around the Afterlife in a reminder they might be overheard.
Halfway through his beer already, Mike's curiosity was expanding faster than the universe itself. "Wanna tell me how you know Regina Jones, then?"
"Regina. Well." Leaning back in his seat, Nano's posture relaxed into his customary ease, ring-studded hands laced behind his head. "After things became complicated for me on de islands, I spent time in Shanghai. Many, many years. During this time Ms. Jones was stationed there for a while, on assignment with WNS. We — heh — ran in de same circles." He winked and chuckled. "Expatriates, medias, and crooks."
"Oh-ho-ho." Mike's grin widened, running from coast to coast on his chrome-lined jaw. "Now you're tellin' me you banged Regina Jones in Shanghai? I'm 'bout to lose my damn mind, Tiyo."
Eyes narrowed, Nano looked his nephew up and down searchingly. "How old are you, my boy? Twenty? Twenty-five?"
"Just turned thirty."
He waved a hand; those were all the same to him. "Yes, fine. Thirty. It would make sense that you still believe the only way to know a woman is with," he gestured loosely toward Mike's trousers, "your longganisa."
Instinctively, Mike glanced down at his longganisa, which was tucked safely away in his cargos. "So you're saying you didn't smash Regina?"
"No, I did. I smashed with everyone while in Shanghai." There was that smile, again, looking like a solid gold piano.
"God damn." Mike shook his head. "It's a small underworld after all. I'm gettin' another drink," he said, and wandered toward the bar with his head spinning on its axis.
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opttagoyeo · 8 months
A simple double (and yeah, cliffhanger) drabble
He's sure they are fated to each other. If only Hinata could see what he can see, she would totally agree with him.
Patient-slash-Office Worker! Hinata x Therapist-slash-Stalker! Naruto
"You do photography?" she couldn't help but ask one day when she spotted a professional camera at the top of his desk.
"Huh?" he asked dumbfounded to the core, the wrinkles on his forehead became so noticeable as both of his blond eyebrows knitted into each other almost becoming one in confusion. Of what his patient just asked. She shouldn't know he wasn't paying attention on the words leaving her lips for a while now, since he was so focused on gazing on those pearlescent eyes of hers that will put the moon in shame of how ethereal and unworldly they look even just against the dim light of his office. But he fears she knows, and god forbid she truly knows.
She coughed feeling embarrassed all of a sudden. Why did I say that? Will he think I'm annoying? She fidgeted with her fingers not aware of the pair of eyes gazing at her intensely as if devouring her whole. He gave her a predatory smile before she could turn her gaze on him again.
"I..I mean. do you take photos, with..," she pointed at the object of her curiosity using her forefinger, Naruto's eyes following the direction it led to, it took him a second or so to nervously gulp.
" That? " asking him, pointing her hands to the camera on his desk.
Well, shit.
Frantic eyes searching for a reason that sounds logical, his heart thrummed loudly against his ribs. He cursed himself for forgetting to bring his camera back to his hideout before he went home yesterday. He was just scanning some of his Hina-special photos while leisuring in this room yesterday. The ones he captured thanks to a new special nano-sized camera he bought, and secretly installed in Hinata's bathroom before she came home yesterday evening. All of the pictures perfectly captured her naked glory while she's taking a shower in the bathroom. How her skin glistened with the water, how her soft pliant curvy sent his loins on fire and his hands tingle, craving to feel her softness underneath him and just how beautiful Hinata is all for him.
He remembered how hard he pumped his hard-on in this same room all while gazing hungrily, appreciating every curve, every line and every detail of her on the little screen. On how he almost painted his desk white with so much of his seed coming out, that even the camera they're looking at now are once dripping with his cum. It made him wonder if she could only see its disastrous condition last night… or even smell that hint of his special musky scent on that camera. What would be her reaction? Will she let him finally do it, in his office? No protection, no anything but just his fucking thing down her cunt, her throat, her other hole and on her face? Fantasizing her weight on him, her soft skin against his rough ones, her gentle hands clasping his own and maybe he desired— no craved this more than he actually thought he did because once he pictured that happening on that little brain of his, he actually exploded so much. It feels so good that he actually saw stars, and the moan he let out singing her name got so loud, he was afraid that someone could hear him that late at night here.
He wants to indulge more with her. More of her . More of this . This soulmate connection he had swore they have with one another. He's sure they are fated to each other. If only Hinata could see what he can see, she would totally agree with him.
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