ask-de-writer · 6 months
I would like to thank
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@man1nblack76 for READING, LIKING
MLP Fan Fiction
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firecrackerhh · 1 year
I sometimes wonder if the reason (if not at least one of many reasons) why antis are so against Hazbin Hotel as a show (besides the obvious anti viv bullshit) is because the very concept of redemption is anathema to them.
They do not believe people can change, and thus the entire premise of hazbin, (and frankly helluva too) is something they literally cannot understand. Refuse to understand at the least.
They don’t care about other people, they do not care if their actions in the name of their own twisted form of justice causes undue suffering, they simply want to be seen as a “good person” without putting in any actual effort to be good.
Sure, it’s easy to find a shitty person online and rake them over the coals for things they’ve said or done years ago. Effortless. But it takes real patience, compassion, perhaps slight firmness but certainly no undue cruelty to convince people they need to change, and even then, that’s a personal journey that others can at most try to influence, but they can’t make people change.
And even if the person they’re bitching about does, it’ll never be good enough.
There’s nothing Viv can do to change these peoples minds, nothing we can do. No matter how many apologies she gives they will never accept it. No matter what we say they will never accept that Viv is not fucking Satan incarnate.
Engaging with these people is a waste of time. Always has been. If Viv is so irredeemable to them, they likely look at us the same way.
I wonder what skeletons people like this must hide, anyone who acts holier than thou about being a “better” person while engaging in reprehensible behavior themselves is a rather irritating form of hypocrisy that boggles my mind.
I am no saint, god knows I’m no fucking saint, but I know what’s right and wrong and antis are wrong every. Single. Time. Any evidence they claim to have of Viv’s awful behavior is either nearly a decade old and thus clearly irrelevant given the people who vouch for her in the present, doctored discord messages (which even if they were real, shows no dates, so we have no idea how old those are to begin with) or the ‘evidence’ is so flimsy that if a lawyer looked at it he would say you’re wasting his time.
I think these people don’t like Viv’s shows because they are morally incompatible with it. They do not believe in redemption. They believe once you’ve fucked up in life, that’s it, no second chances.
I fear what they must think of our current prison population. I fear what they might say.
These people have no moral high ground whatsoever.
They dare to talk shit about the fandom, Viv, anyone else associated with the show, pretending that they’re saying what they’re saying in the name of justice, as if attacking people with their past when they have clearly changed and made apologies is in any way a justifiable thing to do.
They don’t have to like Viv, they really don’t, but calling her irredeemable, calling us irredeemable, is fucking bullshit.
None of us are irredeemable.
The fucking conceit. The fucking gall. The fucking balls on these people.
Everyone has the capacity to make good and bad choices in this life. Yes, many people don’t make the best choices, but that doesn’t mean that they should be stoned to death for the most minor of offenses. For shit that’s long been in the past and apologized for.
I’m not going to say I think very highly of humanity as a whole, I’m a fucking misanthrope through-and-through, but I don’t think we’re incapable of being good, or doing good things, we just…choose not to, a lot of the time.
I also do not deny that there are some crimes so horrible that redemption isn’t even on the table, nowhere near it. But I feel like antis treat every perceived fault of Viv as some most grievous sin that must be met with full penance by…doing what exactly?
Apologize? Again, they won’t accept it.
Donate to charities or causes? She gets shit on for it, say she’s “flaunting her wealth.”
Get off the internet entirely? In an anti’s wet dreams maybe.
Her very existence makes them so mad. It would be funny if it wasn’t so fucking pathetic.
These people twist her words in every way imaginable to make her look like some horrible person undeserving of her success, without realizing they make themselves look far worse than her by several measures.
They claim she’s racist and queerphobic, but if anything acting as if BIPOC and queer people shouldn’t ever be shown doing awful things because “bad queer/ BIPOC rep” or whatever I think is just as racist and queerphobic. Minorities are human beings, and as such they are just as capable of being shitty. I already made a post about this before, so I’ll keep this paragraph short.
They claim she’s abusive to her coworkers when it seems the one person bitching about it has no problem putting other past co workers under the bus for their personal gain. Antis claim she’s abusive while engaging in downright emotionally abusive behavior (I know that sounds kinda dramatic but I’m making a point) themselves as they shit on us for the stupidest reason imaginable: liking a cartoon.
They cry about ableism while ignoring their own.
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Not that I��m all that offended if I’m honest, it’s just more evidence that antis aren’t any better than the people they bitch about.
I could go on about this for a while but you get the point.
I repeat, these people have no moral high ground whatsoever.
Frankly, as much as it bothers me that they leak patreon shit and whatnot, many fans are actively warning against them, and I think the idea of someone actively choosing to give money to someone they hate just so they have more content to shit on is fucking pathetic and getting upset about it is exactly what they want.
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They want you to be just as miserable as they are. They just want to suck all the fun out of this fandom, I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again, these people are tar pits, trying to drown us in their muck. It’s pathetic and sad. No use in having sympathy, they don’t deserve any.
It’s funny how antis scream and cry about how awful we are as they ignore their own sins and mistakes, hypocrites.
If anything, their behavior is far more irredeemable than Viv’s has ever been.
I wonder when they will realize that, if they ever do. I can only hope some of them grow the fuck up and realize what the fuck they’ve done. If the ensuing guilt eats them alive, I can’t say I have pity for them.
Wonder how many of us would accept their apologies, if they chose to make one.
Alright it’s almost 7 am I gotta get to bed. Peace.
🔥🧨~Firecracker out~🧨🔥
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autisticmusings · 6 months
Lesbians and Ableism
I am a 26 year old autistic lesbian woman, and it’s made for an isolated and lonely life. I relate to very few people, and have always felt excluded from womanhood.
Which is why I knew I was a lesbians from a young age, and it was easier for me to accept my attraction to women. I’ve always felt like an outsider among women, and other lesbians have always expressed the same sentiment.
Which is why I expected more understanding and compassion from my community, but every time I’ve reached out for support or advice I’m shown nothing but deliberate misunderstandings, hostility and ableism. The last straw was recently, on a lesbian forum and a lesbian discord server, on separate occasions, I’ve looked for advice on my marriage and whether or not I should get a divorce.
And despite the fact that I am the one that got hurt, I am somehow always blamed for it- either I’m mean and shitty for daring to be angry about being hurt or I deserved to be abandoned and hurt because I’m autistic and my wife clearly has “caregiver burnout”. All of these people knew I was autistic but did not know the dynamics of our relationship or what all the details were, but automatically assumed I was in the wrong, entitled and a burden just because I have autism. When really, despite me being a level two autistic, I was the one in the caregiving role. I paid most of the bills, except for a year and a half where I worked part time, did most of the cleaning, cooked all the meals, etc. But just because im autistic then I must clearly be “wearing her out” and I’m entitled to expect her to do her part in our lives together. And I have heard other disabled lesbians have similar complaints- that just because they’re disabled no other lesbians want to have community with them, newly or temporarily disabled people are abandoned, disabled people get told we’re “too much” even if we clarify what our disability is, how it effects our reality and what we’ll need in our relationships.
Ableism, just like racism and fat phobia, is just as big of a problem in the community, and not nearly talked about enough. Lesbians, we will never have community if we don’t come together as lesbians and commit to actually being kind and loving towards each other, to be there for each other- that means even doing things that are uncomfortable, learning different communication styles and accommodating those around you who have different abilities and needs than you.
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Round 1b Match 12
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Skeleteen/Ram Man II (Masters of the Universe)
fic count: 5
"They have never met in canon. Skeleteen is the son of Skeletor and SHOULD be the new leader of the villains. But he made the terrible decision to free the Unnamed One from inter dimensional time prison and is now bound to the Unnamed One to serve him. He still wants revenge agains He-Man for killing his father and he hates He-Ro for being He-Man’s heir, but more than that he wants to be free from the Unnamed One. Ram Man II is the son of Ram Man (or his apprentice, it’s ambiguous) and is one of He-Ro’s most loyal supporters. He doesn’t have very many canon appearances so very little is known about him, but he does believe in the healing power of compassion and that even the most evil people can change if given the right kind of help."
Gundam Tanaka/Hajime Hinata (Super Danganronpa 2)
fic count: 106
"Weird emo boy falls for a guy with the personality of cardboard because he takes interest in his pet hamsters and arcane rituals. Their friendship story ends with them holding hands it’s ADORABLE."
more propaganda under the cut
"I was introduced to this ship by someone on my discord. The Classics Line is really confusing because the events shown in the comics are not consistent with the bios that come packaged with the toys. So I'm not sure how to explain this ship, it is mostly fannon. In the comics, Skeleteen is the servant of the Unnamed One and doesn't have any interactions with Ram Man II (not even in the ensemble fights). In his bio for the toy that never got made, Skeleteen started out a villain bent on revenge for Skeletor, made a series of mad decisions, became estranged from his mother (Evil-Lyn), lived with his grandfather for a while, then became a hero and joined forces with He-Ro to defeat the Unnamed One and protect Eternia. That's what's canon. Most of the fics for the ship are all AU, and they're all written by the same person too. The core basics of every AU are that EVIL-LYN is the one who wants revenge for Skeletor but Skeleteen has no memories of his father and doesn't care, Skeleteen just wants to do his own thing which is usually just rule the Dark Lands the way he wants to without his mother meddling or war mongering. By some contrive circumstances, Skeleteen meets Ram Man II and Ram Man II does not realize he is Skeleteen. They are both instantly smitten, but Ram Man II is in love with "Malkyn" and hates "Skeleteen" and Skeleteen jumps through hoops to make sure Ram Man II does not learn they are the same person. The fics are funny and angsty, with an underlying theme of the younger generation coming into their own and assert their own autonomy from the older generation that is trying to maintain their control of society (on both sides). I really like the fics and they have also sold me on the Skeleteen/Ram Man II ship."
"The same author who writes for Skeleteen/Ram Man II usually has a secondary ship in their fics that is He-Ro (Skeleteen's rival) and Trap Jaw II (Skeleteen's best friend). I am 90% sure the only reason this ship exists is because the author cannot ship He-Ro with Skeleteen because they are cousins. But this is the ship that's really compelling. He-Ro is Prince Dare, the son of He-Man | King Adam. Trap Jaw II is the adopted son of Trap Jaw, but he is the biological son of King Hiss, another villain who fought against both He-Man and Skeletor and was eventually killed by He-Man. Trap Jaw II is in an interesting position because he's Skeleteen's best friend and Skeleteen's base of operations is Snake Mountain, which is sacred land for the Sankemen. King Hiss was the leader of the Snakemen and Trap Jaw II is King Hiss' heir. TJ2 is the RIGHTFUL ruler of Snake Mountain which Skeleteen is occupying. If that doesn't already put TJ2 in an awkward position, He-Ro | Dare is the son of the man who killed his bio-father and made him an orphan in the first place. TJ2's character and conflicts are the sort of thing that should be central to a telenovela or Korean Netflix drama. I really wish the author liked the ship more. Its the real ship I want to read about. Please, check them out! https://archiveofourown.org/tags/He-Ro%20%7C%20Dare*s*Trap%20Jaw%20II/works"
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Oh, what are your headcanons/ideas for Caballeron?
Okay so it was like. A lot? A chunk of them were written before 'Daring Done?' I think but I kinda rolled with changing that episode to fit.
Caballeron and Daring first met in the archaeology department at college(both of them have a doctorate in the field). She was a year older and the two weren't really close but they were aware of each other's existence.
While Daring went straight into adventuring, Caballeron tried more usual archaeology and ended up as a professor himself.
Archaeology is a bit unpopular and underfunded due to certain things. Namely that just. A chunk of history has been rewritten. Nightmare Moon and the Elements of Harmony got the /best/ treatment of being just legend. Discord, Chrysalis and the Changelings, Sombra and the entire Crystal Empire, plus a lot of other stuff I'm adding to the Lore like other Immortals? All erased. No one's heard of any of it.
The Royal Family is aware, Celestia having lived through all that and her nieces and nephews learning family secrets. But at this point there's been so much rewritten and at the time Celestia thought it was better for the Kingdom if left forgotten, but now it's gone too far to turn back.
Except archaeologists dig that up. Because ancient artifacts would show that those things existed or mentioned them. But it goes so against the history and trying to say "hey this ancient carving indicates that there were several Immortals" when everyone /knows/ there's only Celestia and surely Celestia would've said something if she had a bunch of siblings, right?
So yeah very few Ponies have a genuine interest in archaeology and those that do usually become a bit disillusioned after a while.
This is what happened with Caballeron. He would find something on a dig, and then get it ignored. So why not do something with it and make some money for himself?
But he's not entirely disillusioned which is why he still teaches. But still.
Caballeron also doesn't.... He doesn't quite realize that some of the stuff he's selling are powerful and dangerous artifacts. Again, the Ponies have far too much faith in Celestia being able to keep track of and lock up any doomsday device. And he leaves after he gets paid for getting the thing, so he never sticks around to see Daring deal with the aftermath.
He does run into Daring again and while he offers to partner up, she thinks he's a villain and is also determined to work alone so she turns him down. They do keep up the Rivalmance though whenever they meet.
Caballeron finds out about Daring's books. A few of his students ask him about it since the character in the books match him directly. He's amused by Daring including him, even as a villain, but assumes that a majority of it is a work of fiction and Daring just used him for a few scenes. So he's like 'yeah I know the author and she put me in the book don't worry there's no doomsday artifacts haha'.
Eventually he gets roped into the rest of one of Daring's adventures and has a whole crisis of finding out the rest of the books are full real and also that he kinda had a hand in near world-destruction a few times. Daring's like 'My dude.... really??' but that does make a lot of his actions over the years make sense.
That shit kinda realigns your moral compass so he's not down for stealing in favor of random shady motherfuckers. But he does do regular stuff like Daring does now and if they happen to run into each other they actually mostly joke on the rivalry and work together more. The rivalry more comes into play at the end of 'who manages to run off with the treasure first?'.
Okay stepping away from direct archaeology for a moment:
At some point I decided that Caballeron and Filthy Rich were cousins. They're pretty close actually. Not as much as when they were kids because life got in the way, but he'll still pop around for birthdays and Hearth's Warming.
He is absolutely the 'fun uncle' to Diamond. Nice gifts and teaching the kid some badass skills behind her mom's back.
Speaking of. Caballeron definitely does not like Spoiled. He's never around often to really put his hoof on why she bothers him, plus she's nice because he brings great gifts at Hearth's Warming. But he is not surprised when Rich gets full custody in the divorce.
Since he's been to Ponyville, he's met Pinkie. And Pinkie is down to make friends with everyone so while he thinks she's a bit weird, he rolls with it. I think he's probably met AJ and Rarity in town before, but not in any capacity where they would recognize each other.
Caballeron was surprised to see her during the adventure in 'Daring Don't', but didn't really think much of it because. Well. It's. It's Pinkie. You don't question Pinkie.
This does lead to a bit of fun at some point when he's in town and Rainbow just sees him and fuckin tackles his ass.
Rainbow: "What the hell are you doing here???"
Caballeron: "Well happy Hearth's Warming to you too but what the fuck?"
Man is not the most observant when it comes to Ponies. So he totally never connected 'the rainbow-maned mare that helped Daring those few times' to 'Rainbow Dash the Wonderbolt and Element of Loyalty'. So that throws him for a fuckin loop.
But hey Daring says he's cool now and Dash has befriended worse so she's like 'okay it's chill."
He actually shows up at a great time because Twilight is actually kinda looking for an archaeologist pony to help her deal with everything in the old castle in Everfree.
She offers that and he's a little sus about it because that place is definitely full of historical things most ponies love to dismiss in his line of work. But that is exactly why Twilight wants to dig through the place. She confirms his suspicions about things being hidden purposely, and the Major Events happening have made even common ponies notice that fact. So they're gonna catalogue everything.
Caballeron actually loves the castle and its' traps. He makes part of the deal with Twilight be that he can bring his students there to practice dodging more dangerous ones in other places, because as of right now he just has a very home-alone-esque setup obstacle course but this is fantastic!
Also that one kid Petunia Paleo ends up his TA when she's older.
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24mirrorshards · 2 years
Like, it's been literal years since I went so bonkers about a ship! Locke and Celes weren't just cute together, oh no, they also had tons of friction between them from their respective psychological issues and trauma.
Locke desperately wants to protect the people he loves to make up for his mistake with Rachel. "I failed her", he says. And he pushes himself into self-destructive tendencies to "fix"' that mistake.
And poor Celes thinks herself unworthy of being loved, after spending so long being a weapon of destruction for the sake of an evil dictatorship that tortured and almost executed her for daring to have a moral compass.
So when she hears him say "I'll protect you", she's taken aback. She holds onto that at every turn.
Basically they're canon, is what I'm saying. XDDD
Sorry it took me so long to answer this!!
This is such a great analysis of their dynamic. They're a compelling couple because, no, it's not all smooth sailing with them. Both of them have pasts heavy with actions that had negative consequences, and they feel they need to make up for what they did or didn't do in the past.
If you ever want to ramble more to me about Final Fantasy or anything else, my DMs are open (though I don't use Tumblr as much as Discord, so it might be better for you to ask me for my Discord if you want to talk regularly.)
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Sketchie's Fandom Archives
Welcome to the brainrot directory/catalogue~
=== Basically a comprehensive masterlist of everything I've done. Have fun~
Headcanons: Hypnosis Microphone:
iFunny || HifuDo Headcanons!!
Ensemble Stars!!:
Class 3A || Class 3-B || Marine Bio // OCEANS || Tea Club // FLAVOR|| How the ES!! Boys Text {Starmaker Productions Edition} || Valkyrie Photoshoot || Roach Spray || Puns
Fire Emblem:
Pink hair!Inigo
The problem with Hoods || Gilgamesh Punching Booth
Twisted Wonderland:
Word Association Drabbles Pt. 1~
Incorrect Quotes:
Hypnosis Microphone:
Time can Heal a Broken Heart- || Truth or Dare || What Makes Someone Interesting || Gender
Ensemble Stars!!:
Moral Compass || 3 People, 1 Braincell || They told me I could do Anything- || I'm Outside- || Toaster || Not gay-! || Bby Girl || Allergies || Trans
Arash and Ozy || Beloved by God || Sibling Bonds || You should be addicted to shutting tf up-! || On Sight || Stella || Coffee
Fire Emblem:
Mark || Catching up || Brains
Sprite Comics:
Hypnosis Microphone:
Under Arrest || Therapy
Ensemble Stars!!:
Not gay-! [Visual edition] || Toaster [Visual Edition] || Subahokke Dump!! || Allergies [Visual Edition] || Prayer || Sometimes I still hear his voice... || Enstars {Discord} Textposts Part 1
Twisted Wonderland:
Loveable || Twisted Wonderland as Dumb Things We Say~
You should be addicted to shutting tf up [Visual Edition] || Beloved by God [Visual Edition]
Helios Rising Heroes:
I wanna plug in my bass and lay a slap riff on this!!
Genshin Impact:
Deez nuts
Hypnosis Microphone:
Playin' With Our Hearts- Perfect Combo!
Ensemble Stars!!:
Lone Wolf-! Blood-Stained Fangs on Sharp Claws
Translations: Charisma House:
Charisma Battle Anthem
Hypnosis Microphone:
Rivals! [Dice and Doppo Duet] MOVE YOUR BODY TILL YOU DIE [Rio Mason Busujima Solo] Positive is my Life [Hifumi Izanami Solo]
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cboycomics · 2 years
Gods of Creation and Evil
Infinity - a being who power has no equal, skin that look like the night sky, the staff he weilds is said to have fallen from the omni tree itselfs, he's gone by many names to many to even say, some call him Infinity God of all Creation.
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The Star Gems - after the Creation of the Universe Eight Stars fell from the Great Omni Tree each a gift to the mortal worlds Loyalty, Compassion, Courage, Heart, Emotion, Ideals, and Memories. and the finaly Star with its golden glow unites the rest with the power of Hope.
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Red - Loyalty, Brown - Heart, Violet - Emotion, Orange - Courage, Indigo - Compassion, Green - Memories, Blue - Ideals, and Yellow - Hope.
The Great Evil - The very inbodyment of Evil in the omniverse it takes many forms and bought Fear, Hatred, Greed to the mortal worlds currupting many mortals who were foolish enough to worship the terrible entity, it's name erased from history and inprisoned by Infinity after eons of battle there it will remain for Enternity only known for being the God of All of Evil. THE GREAT EVIL.
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The Star Of Discord - the ninth Star Gem and is whats left of The Great Evil's power after his defeat it's power currupts any who dare use it so the gods shattered its power and over the eons its's been forgotten by the mortal worlds...
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That's all for Today Readers back next time for more stories and legends...
from the Artist/Writer: Hope you enjoyed this little bit of lore in my world I'll release a Story with these characters on here with some art, I do enjoy how this app lets me both write and post my art I am still very new to this app so if anything seems weirdly formatted please inform me in the comments, hope you all have a good day.
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jdeck306 · 2 years
DARING DO AND THE COMPASS OF DISCORD : MLP Fan Fiction : WORK IN PROGRESS is now posted! New chapter!
Thanks ever so much for letting me know! I'll be sure to check it out as soon as possible!
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ask-de-writer · 9 months
I would like to thank Delightfully
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@furislupus​ for READING and LIKING
MLP Fan Fiction
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princeofdreamsworld · 2 years
DARING DO AND THE COMPASS OF DISCORD : MLP Fan Fiction : WORK IN PROGRESS is now posted! New chapter!
Can't wait to read it!
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plankton-in-space · 2 years
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I am successfully 32!!!!! Journal below.
I was looking at old pics of me from 2020, 2021 and you can see so much. I looked so bright in 2020 and then dimmer and dimmer. I gave too much away and did not keep enough for myself, to the point of looking like a shadow. And then…. I started taking control of my life again. Now I look a bit tired but it’s a happy, accomplished tiredness. It is hard won. My smiles are genuine and my happiness is clean.
I quit my job in July and left my horrible boss behind. I left some horrible situations behind, generally. I spent much of my 31 alone but not lonely. It was quiet and as restful as it could get with a career change and life getting in the way. I got to know myself deeply in a way I didn’t before because I didn’t have the time or the brain space, I was too occupied with other people. What does this person do? Do they need help? I should offer pieces of myself like a lamb at the butcher’s to make their life brighter, to make the world happier. This year there was none of that.
I decided to pursue a career in ceramics and I did the work for it! I met some wonderful people as a result, made new friends. My teacher is the most supportive person I know, she really helped me during those bleak months before my resignation. I am not gaining much money from it yet, and that was a stressful thought for most of the past year. But I am working on it and people love my creations and I love my art. I had missed that a lot. There is something very therapeutic about the process of digging your hands through damp-smelling clay, of creating something from scratch. Someone’s favorite mug. I don’t miss my old job at all, not even for the financial perks.
My older friendships have suffered a lot this year… It was lots of shitty situations piled on top of each other and not enough compassion on all sides. I learnt to accept my part of the blame, and also to let it go. Sometimes, the people closest to us will hurt us and not mean it and we can either cut them off or try to work with them and let it go. I cut some of them off but I also kept some and now it’s time to put in the work. It’s very cathartic and, dare I say, mature to see them as people with faults and not put myself in a victim position. It’s liberating to say “this is how relationships go, with ups and downs” and throw away my superiority complex and my need to be right and to assign blame. I am also human and I have also erred and I have also been forgiven.
I asked myself a lot “is this miserable person who you wanna be?” this year. And it wasn’t! I want to be kind and someone who will be remembered as forgiving and not an asshole. I see now the scars that other situations and people left on me, and I don’t want to be this negative bitter person. I want to tell them “I learnt nothing from you and what a lesson that was” and wave them goodbye and seek the kind, forgiving people.
I started reading a book and it changed my life. I met the most vibrant community because of it and I unraveled lots of my issues thanks to the people in it. (It’s called the Hands of the Emperor by Victoria Goddard, go read it I am SERIOUS and then come say hi on discord). I met other ace people and got to talk about romantic relationships and sex and queerplatonic relationships! That last one really resonated with me, and what a discovery that was!
And then! I got my Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis in October and it explained SO MUCH. Like…. so much. It threw me completely off balance and I am still processing it. I am reading about it and educating myself and it has been hard and fun and sad and happy. I am discovering myself like I am a new continent full of colorful birds and weird foliage. My childhood and adolescence make so much more sense now. I try to be kinder to myself and to recognize my limits and my strengths, knowing this. My therapist has been my rock through it.
I am drawing again and it is fun again! I am picking up my webcomic, first for a con in April and then for online updates, if everything goes well! I also have a merfolk comic in the works, still in the planning stages though! I am insanely thankful for taking almost 4 years off. I am back and happier and I am drawing for myself again which is something I thought I lost forever. I missed comics!
This is getting too long so… I am happy I am here. I am happy all of you are here! Surviving 2022 wasn’t an easy feat and yet here we are! Onward and upwards to 2023!
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spiritualbambi · 3 years
pick a card: love letter from your future partner
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pile 1 -> pile 2 -> pile 3
INSTRUCTIONS: breath in, breath out and choose whatever picture that draws you in the most!
NOTE: it’s completely fine if you are attracted to more than one pile - the universe probably wants you to see some other messages. this is also general reading, not everything may resonate! enjoy!
"my dear,
from the first sight of you i fell in love. i truly believed my heart is going to jump out of my chest and lay at your feet - for the first time in my life i felt that alive.
your beauty is from another realm, i can't accept the fact you are human. you are celestial, you are from a planet where only dreams exist; you are peace, love, joy and compassion.
your smile has bewitched me; it is bright, shining upon me. the second i witnessed you smiling, i knew; i knew that i won't be able to see another daylight without it.
i know you didn't notice me at first, for who i am to even dare to ask that from you. it is my fault, my fault that i haven't stepped into your life sooner. i was anxious, and i will continue to be anxious in your presence. i'm a mere servant of love, i can't control my feelings for you properly. so i hide... i hide and i regret.
but once i gathered all my courage, i changed. it surprised you for a moment, i know. but that is my true self - i am adventurous, i love to have fun. and i promise we will have so much fun together.
i love going out with you. i love those silly little picnics with you, i love visiting museums with you, i just love to do anything with you. you have become my safe place, my home.
you have changed my perception of love. in the past i didn't believe in love, i didn't believe in true relationships, i didn't think it was possible to feel so strongly for somebody. but your existence proved me wrong. gladly.
i don't want to let you go, i don't think i will ever be able. i think... i'm sorry... but i think i'd murder anyone who tried to replace me. i'm not very good at accepting losses... especially if that loss was you.
your (hopefully) forever and ever,"
i know you like when i call you by your name. i know my effect on you; but i wish you knew yours on me. i have a hard time even putting it in words.
i wish you knew how many restless nights you have caused for me. and they never stop; you keep lingering on my mind. you have infected me, you are an enjoyable incurable illness.
to me, you are a sex symbol. before we started dating, i have touched myself a lot to the thought of you. after we started dating, i still can't get enough of you. i can't get enough of you trembling and whining under me, i can't get enough of your sweet moans. i'm cursed for life to feel hunger for you. i'm damned.
you don't know how close i am to losing my cool each time i see you talking with someone else. i know they are eyeing you, i know that they see the same things i do. i know they think of you the same way i do. they drive me crazy, you drive me crazy. you have changed my life.
i show my love the best through physical touch, i know... i know you get sick of it. you get sick of my constant touch, my constant wish to hold you, hug, kiss and fuck you. but it's the only way for me to realise that you are real, you are here with me. you don't look or seem real...
i don't want you to think that i only have sexual thoughts of you. it is not like that and will never be. i have lots of sexual energy and the love for you wakes it up. i do love you, i promise. maybe even a bit too much for my own sake.
"my sweetest rose,
first, can i just appreciate the way you smell? i smell roses and heaven in your embrace. you have such an incredible taste for absolutely everything - perfume, clothes, cafes and food. your refined taste amazes me each time.
you are delicate, you are not afraid to be yourself. i love your sense of freedom; it inspires me greatly. i wish i had the talent of shakespeare - i'd write a million sonnets about you. i want the world to hear about your, your beauty and your personality. and that is why i brag about you... to my friends, to my family, to everyone i can. i know you don't fully appreciate it, but i can't help myself, forgive me.
i want to gift you the world. i want to gift you a garden of the rarest flowers, i want to bring down the sky beneath you: you could choose your favourite stars, and out of them i could make a necklace for you. or maybe you belong between the stars because you truly do resemble one.
you are absolutely stunning. if i could, i'd put you in a museum for the world to see. if scientists took a peek at you, we could prove the existence of angels. i'm a bit cheesy, i know. i'm something people would describe as "over the top", probably. but who cares? i'm madly in love, and i'm happy. you give me purpose; a purpose to be better, to care for someone wholeheartedly. i want to give you the best, since you deserve the best. i want you to believe in me. i want to feel, see and hear your validation - i must have your validation. again, other would consider this "unhealthy", but - they don't know anything. they are clueless. i don't care what they say as long as you are here with me.
i hope you see my love.
at your feet,"
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hypnoobiwan · 3 years
Well ... this is distressing
If you listened to last night’s (6/18/2021) “discussion” of the controversy surrounding MindQuake -- which I will say upfront I didn’t, because I long ago decided against going to it ever again -- then you probably picked up on a lot of things that made you uneasy about that convention and its new leader, Mr. Taqtiks.  If you didn’t, then you probably need to talk to your peer group about it, because that could mean that you need to have your moral compass checked.
I’ve heard that while he was spinning his false tales of conspiracies against himself (hmm ... kind of like that other former world leader who still maintains that an election was stolen despite the total lack of evidence outside his own fantasies), which is boring but nominally allowed.  But then, apparently to bolster his nonexistent case, he started reading verbatim from someone’s private complaint letter against him!
If you’ve never been involved in a complaint case, you may not be aware of certain very relevant things:
1) Complaints are (supposed to be) treated as extremely confidential by the organizations to which they are submitted.  The actual text of a complaint is not to be disclosed to anybody who hasn’t demonstrated an actual need to know -- that includes concoms, and it especially includes the person the complaint is against.  The very fact that Taqtiks has seen that person’s complaint against him means something went very wrong with the handling of that complaint.  And the reason the subject of a complaint should never see the written complaint was fully illustrated by Taqtiks last night: it opens up the person who wrote it to retaliations by Taqtiks and others who are sympathetic to Taqtiks.
2) Taqtiks, as a former (fired for cause) member of the Charmed! concom, has a passing familiarity with this basic principal.  He had no objection to it until there was a complaint against him (not to Charmed!, BTW, but to the local BDSM education organization); then, and only then, did it constitute a personal affront against his concept of justice.  It’s tempting to draw a conclusion just from that, but it only scratches the surface.
So knowing that complaints are confidential, and that complaints are not intended to be shared with anyone not directly involved especially the person they are about, Taqtiks proceeded to read aloud on Discord to a public audience from that person’s complaint letter.  He took a situation that was already bad, and made it 1,000 times worse by broadcasting that he had a copy of the complaint and making it public knowledge, down to specific wording.  I’m not sure what his objective was in doing that (other than to torture/punish the person who complained, obviously), but he has made a few things abundantly clear to everyone:
Taqtiks has no interest in preserving the proper handling of any consent complaints about himself, at least, and demonstrably will retaliate against anyone who complains about him in the future.
It follows that if the rules don’t apply to him, they won’t apply to anyone else that he likes or that is associated with him in some way.
Therefore, no event that Taqtiks is part of can be considered a safe environment for anyone who isn’t a personal friend of Taqtiks.
I had already reached that conclusion when I heard that Taqtiks had taken over MindQuake and was just quietly going to opt out, just as I quietly opted out in 2019 and 2020 and nobody really noticed.  But since Taqtiks has decided to broadcast publicly his disdain for the rules and attack someone for daring to expose him, all bets are off -- and anyone who was thinking about attending MindQuake would be well advised to think again, unless they are part of Taqtiks’s inner circle.  You’ve had ample warning now, from Taqtiks himself, that if anything happens to you there your complaint will mean nothing.
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ruby-whistler · 3 years
It’s funny how much the fandom fights to dehumanize c!Dream because it’s such a disservice to his character — what makes his character so impactful is how human it is.
the use of “it” in the last sentence really cracked me up considering what you’re talking about dkhfk
no but i totally agree. but it’s also just,, really difficult to notice? like, back in the dark ages (aka my pre-apologist days) i never noticed that i was biased against the character because he was the villain, but i was now that i look back at it.
a few days ago i was looking through old discord messages for some references and i found me saying “dream was manipulating sapnap and george in the dethronement scene, really scary to think if quackity hadn’t stepped in it would’ve probably worked” and i just went oh. i really thought that lmao
like that’s a scene of his friends abandoning him which has become really personal for me lately. and i had perceived it differently only because of my preconceived notions about the character, you know, “puppeteer” - because people like wilbur, tommy and quackity had called him that.
and it wasn’t like i was always like that either. just from the pogtopia era, i did a whole bunch of analysis in this one discord channel of the vassal scene because the whole wilbur “villain arc” was such a big deal back then. i characterized dream as “morally grey” there; wait, actually, let me find it.
“Dream was the hero from the beginning, but after Tommy bribed him with the discs, he gave up on helping the revolutionaries get out of Wilbur’s manipulation, and let them be. He was also pressured a lot since he was unfairly villainized. 
He knew that Wilbur did this in order to have power over others, and he wanted to stop this scheme, but people, much like Tommy, believed Wilbur had good intentions. Which was wrong, now it seems. Like this Dream became a neutral, and ended up trying to get into the peoples’ favor again by helping Wilbur- but this time, Wilbur was the villain.
Does that make sense?”
“I feel like at the end, Dream actually was one of the good guys. Tommy and Tubbo and Fundy and Eret also, because they were all doing what they believed was right for others. The true villain was Wilbur, because he did everything from a selfish intention.
Idk morality is a difficult question.”
ofc those were very bad and uninformed analyses, i was literally just theorizing in a discord channel, but you could say i had the spirit before i,, villainized dream like everyone else did because the narrative seemed to be pushing it so much.
the thing that actually made me a dream apologist (again), was three things at once. first it was dream’s “i don’t wanna come back down” and desperate shouting during the disc finale. i am very high on empathy as an infj so this literally broke me for some time as seen here:
“when dream says "i'm not coming back down" he sounds so vulnerable how dare that bastard try pull at my heartstrings??? i'm a sucker for scenes where villains are scared/helpless because it really brings out the humanity in them and this is honestly just amazing and i don't feel accomplished i just feel sad”
i lived through that, found out dream apologists exist and got very confused, and then this freaking sad-ist fanart dropped and ruby.exe has stopped responding.
then i found dr3′s threads when my techno apologist friend retweeted the “dream doesn’t break beautifully” one and,,, it went downhill from there.
what i’m getting at is, i’ve been in that position.
dehumanization isn’t something we decide to do. it’s a subconscious process, which is so incredibly subtle that the majority of the fandom are actively doing it without realising it. it’s even harder to admit it than to notice.
dehumanization is often how we mentally justify something bad happening to someone. which is how people excuse things let’s say, quackity, tommy or wilbur do to him; because they don’t want to admit that the characters they like would hurt someone on purpose. and let’s be honest; c!dream is easy to dehumanize.
he’s done bad things, and just by calling him “ab///r” or “manipulator” or “tyrant” or “murderer” - any of these titles, and our inner moral compass is soothed.
it’s not a lack of empathy. i’m too empathetic for my own good, but i fell for it!
i think the best we can do is try to analyse, explain, and especially make art. art will always be so much more powerful in shaping the public’s opinion than talking to someone directly ever could be.
when you say “you are wrong, and here is why” you are talking to the person’s logic. it is easy to ignore logic in favor of bias.
if you make art (drawings, animation, writing) and make people actually feel things? it’s impossible to ignore that and you will question your opinions.
what i mean is before we expect to see people stop dehumanizing him, we need to try humanize him first. 
are people who do it justified? no. does it make them terrible people, uncompassionate or stupid? also no! they don’t do it on purpose.
what i mean is that if dehumanization is a process, so is re-humanization.
just, you know. showcase that impact of humanity in c!dream. show them there’s a different perspective there, and let them pick for themselves - don’t force anything, just do you. if they were ever going to pick the right option, they’ll do it at some point :]
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