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Sorry for not being very active on here
Just wanted to give an update because a lot has been going on with me and I haven’t even had the time or energy to think about writing or being on this blog because of everything lol.
So, I recently got into a car wreck on the 14th on my way to work. Some guy was trying to make a left turn into the neighborhood I live in on the highway and his engine stalled and (even though he saw me coming and knew that his 20+ year old car had engine problems) he pulled out in front of me to cross but because his engine stalled he didn’t make it and I crashed into him. I’m okay btw!!! Luckily and thankfully I only made it out with a bruised leg, but my car is in bad shape and is most likely totaled because the engine went out after the crash and I couldn’t move my car out of the road nor could I even get out of my car from the driver’s side, I had to escape from the passenger side.
So…yeah, there’s that and I’ve been dealing with a lot of mental health issues because my work has been overworking me and pushing me to my limit and I’m honestly getting really tired of giving my all and breaking my back for this store and getting nothing out of it, like not even a raise (when I asked for one they said it was “being processed by corporate” and apparently this raise has been in the works for me since December so…I don’t think I’ll be getting a raise any time soon tbh and even if I did get a raise it probably wouldn’t be enough to keep me there). Like, just last Wednesday I had a stressed induced illness because I was so burnt out from work and worried about stuff that it made me physically ill so (for the first time ever in 1 year of working at that store) I called out sick (and then that same week I got into the wreck so that was great).
I’m currently working on finding a new job because what I’m dealing with now is getting ridiculous and I honestly really want to be on here and talk to you guys and make posts like I used to, but I feel like I can’t anymore because of life and that sucks. Legit, my boss is making me work 35 hours this week (AFTER MY CAR WRECK 😑) even though she knows what I’m dealing with right now and knows how overworked I am. She had the nerve to say “I don’t want to overwork you” as she adjusted my schedule for the 3rd time because someone who is CONSTANTLY calling out in the store (and they refuse to fire her for some reason AND there’s another employee that’s going to be out all month) can’t come to work for the rest of this week so I have to cover for her. Oh yeah…and you know what else??? I have to train a new employee on top of all of that. I’m not a manager. I’m not even full time. I don’t get vacation time or sick days or paid holidays (even though we literally only get 2 holidays off and that’s Christmas Day and Thanksgiving Day, so not that it even matters anyways) or any kind of benefits. And I don’t get paid extra for training new hires. It’s ridiculous. My boss even asked if I felt comfortable training a new employee after what I’ve gone through with the wreck and how stressed I am (which I respect) and I told her no because I really am dealing with a lot and don’t need the stress of training someone on top of that, yet here I am so…I’m just tired of being a doormat for this company and letting them treat me like a workhorse. It was fine at first because I needed the money (and I still do), but the lack of sympathy after the wreck and being so overworked and stressed that I became physically ill is concerning and I think it’s a sign that I need to move on and find something else.
So yeah, sorry for the rant there but I just wanted to share what I’m dealing with and what I’m going through. Like, I still have stuff at home I have to deal with too and financial issues (and getting in a car wreck certainly doesn’t help that at all), so yeah. I have an interview tomorrow for a job that would really be beneficial to me and would be a perfect fit for me and I’m really hoping and praying I get the job because it’s would just help me so much and it’s such a good job!
Anyways, I know I share updates a lot, but I realized I haven’t really been active on here and I just wanted to share why and kinda release some tension because I’m really going through it lol.
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weepingfromacedartree · 11 months
Ten Milestones (Interlude): Voicemails
Hi friends!
Another interlude chapter is ready for ya. It's quite different than our standard chapters, so... enjoy :)
Two quick notes:
1. This interlude spans the first five-ish years of Colin’s travels abroad. It starts after the events of Chapter 5 and will lead directly into next chapter.
2. Anytime “…” appears between paragraphs, it’s to indicate that the speaker is pausing for a few seconds.
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June 9th, 2015 - 3:23 PM
To: colin ✈️
From: pen ✨✨
Hey! I wanted to call and make sure you landed safely. But I, uh —
I think I got the timing wrong. I think you’re still in the air. So just call me back whenever you do land.
I still can’t believe you’re really doing this. I mean —
[Nervous laughter.]
Obviously, I can believe it. I just — I can’t wait to hear all about it. 
Bye, Colin. 
June 29th, 2015 - 7:07 AM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. I just emailed you a few pictures, but um —
Did you know there are like a million stray cats roaming around Athens? I swear, there’s at least one on every corner, popping his head out looking for food or attention. But I was just going for a run and — I swear to god — I saw the reincarnation of Mr. Whiskers pissing on an olive tree. This tiny grey fur ball looked up at me and —
Wait. Is Mr. Whiskers dead? He would be like twelve now, right? I —
Well… In the case that he’s still alive, I think I just saw his long lost Greek cousin. Professor Whiskers, maybe.
Alright, Pen. Talk soon. 
August 27th, 2015 - 2:13 PM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. Just saw your text. Yes, I landed safely. Yes, Madrid is beautiful. No, I have yet to try the paella — but I promise you’ll be the first to receive my review. 
I’ll call you later once I get a bit more settled. Bye Pen. 
October 18th, 2015 - 9:20 PM
To: colin ✈️
From: pen ✨✨
Hey. I just finished reading over the Italy piece. It was good. Like, really good… But perhaps one too many cheese puns? 
Anyway… Call me back when you have the chance. You still haven’t told me about Caffè Florian. [Laughter.] Do they even stock enough sugar for your tea? 
Okay, well… Goodnight Colin. 
November 23rd, 2015 - 7:39 AM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. 
Sorry. I know it’s early. But I also know today is gonna be shit so, uh…
Call me later, if you can. 
December 16th, 2015 - 10:01 PM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. I’m calling from Paris and —
I don’t know why I said that. [Laughter.] Obviously you know I’m in Paris. But, I — I was just watching the tower light up and I had a sudden memory of you telling me you wanted to come here once and I…
I could be misremembering. [Faint laughter.] It was a while ago, I think. But I think you’d like it here. I’ll tell you all about it at that surprise Welcome Home/Birthday/Christmas Eve Party that I know absolutely nothing about. 
Night, Pen. See you soon.
February 14th, 2016 - 9:27 PM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. I hate to admit it, but I am only just now realising that time zones exist and that if it’s 9:30 in New York, it’s…
Shit. 2:30 in London.
I apologise for ringing you in the middle of the night —
Actually — no I don’t. If I recall correctly, you’re up writing or reading or procrastinating until at least 3 AM every night anyway. Please call me back ASAP with your own apology for dodging this very important phone call. 
April 7th, 2016 - 8:08 PM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. I’m on the train heading into Chicago. My computer just died, so I apologise in advance for the stream of consciousness bullshit I’m about to leave for you in this message. But, um…
There’s something about being on this train that has me thinking about travel and distance and —
Good god, this already sounds corny. Sorry. Bear with me a moment. 
It wasn’t until I landed in New York that I realised just how far away from home I was. I looked it up, and the city was about five and a half thousand kilometres away from London. I mean — god. I remember being at Eton and thinking 35 kilometres was an insane distance. 
In January, New York was the furthest place I had ever been from home. Then I went to Toronto, and that became the furthest place I had ever been from home. Now I’m heading into Chicago and —
I don’t know. There’s something about being on a train that’s making me hyper-aware of just how fast I’m hurdling forward. How, every second, I’m travelling even further and further away from the pinpoint where I’ll always measure my distances from. I —
[Tired laughter.]
I’m not sure where I’m going with this, honestly. Nonetheless, thank you for lending me your future ear — assuming you actually made it this far. I —
Oh — I see the city up ahead. Once I get to my hotel, perhaps I can try to turn this bullshit into something a bit less corny. 
I’ll call you tomorrow. Night, Pen. 
June 6th, 2016 - 6:15 PM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. 
Guess who’s flight just took off without him? I know — shocking, coming from such an experienced traveller such as myself. But my connecting flight was delayed so I really can’t take any of the blame.
Anyway… I’m stuck in Terminal E of Logan International, where I’ll likely be spending the next several hours dying from boredom and eating as many bags of crisps as I can get my hands on. If you aren’t too busy, maybe you can call me back and help with the boredom bit. 
Talk soon. 
August 7th, 2016 - 12:49 PM
To: colin ✈️
From: pen ✨✨
Hi! I was just looking at your pictures from Cyprus and I —
[Distant clap of thunder.]
Oh. [Laughter.] I was wondering what it’s like to be in beautiful, sunny weather in the middle of the summer. Must be devastating. 
September 21st, 2016 - 8:30 AM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. I was just reading back your notes on my piece and I’m a little confused about the last one. 
What the fuck does “too many food puns” mean? The only reason I came to Hungary was to capitalise on its pun potential. 
Please call me back ASAP so we can get this sorted.
December 24th, 2016 - 12:02 AM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. 
Sorry, I know it’s late. But I’m also waiting around doing absolutely nothing, so I thought I would check in. 
I’m still in Sweden. But we’ll, uh — we’ll probably take off in the morning once the snow lets up. I —
I can’t believe it’s been six months since I’ve seen you. Since I’ve seen anyone at home. I’m a little worried that I’ll get home tomorrow and find that Greg now towers over me. Hyacinth called me last week just to complain about his latest growth spurt, so…
Oh shit. Sorry — I knew it was late, but I didn’t realise it's already midnight. 
Merry Christmas Eve, then. I suppose it’s still technically the 23rd in London — but I suppose that doesn’t matter much when it comes to voicemails. 
I feel like there’s another commemoration on this date that I’m forgetting. It’s on the tip of my tongue, but it’s so late and I’m just so bloody tired…
Oh well. It’ll come back to me. 
Night, Pen. See you soon.  
May 3rd, 2017 - 11:50 PM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. Sorry. I didn’t realise how late it was. I —
Did you know that you can’t sink in the Dead Sea? The water is so dense with salt that your body will just pop up if you try to go under. You could try your absolute hardest to sink to the bottom, and it just wouldn’t let you. 
I think there’s a metaphor in there somewhere. But it’s also very late and I just spent half the night staring at a Word doc and I’m starting to lose my ability to process complex thought. 
Fuck it. I’m sending you the first draft now. It’s shit, but if you’re not too busy tomorrow, maybe you can send me your thoughts. And prayers.
Alright. Night Pen. 
August 24th, 2017 - 10:17 PM
To: colin ✈️
From: pen ✨✨
Hey! Um… 
Daphne wanted me to call and remind you all not to get the groom too drunk the night before his wedding. Fair warning: if you don’t call me back within five minutes to confirm that Simon is still standing upright, she’s prepared to send Eloise in to break up the party. 
October 10th, 2017 - 7:54 PM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. Just calling ‘cause I wanted to ask if you’ve ever tried pickle soup. It sounds kind of strange but —
Good god. It’s bloody delicious. Absolutely recommend. 
Talk soon. 
December 31st, 2017 - 10:58 PM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. At the risk of sounding extremely needy… 
You’re still coming tonight, right? God knows who invited her, but Cressida Cowper is here and she keeps handing me tequila shots and I really don’t —
Oh shit! There you a—
January 19th, 2018 - 2:30 PM
To: colin ✈️
From: pen ✨✨
Hi! Just wanted to call and see how Sydney’s treating you so far. Is it weird to be experiencing summer in the middle of January? 
Anyway… Call me back when you have the chance. 
April 20th, 2018 - 5:58 PM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey! Good news — the baby’s here! In worse, but also extremely funny news…
Apparently El walked in while Daphne was pushing. Mum said her face literally went white before doubling over onto the floor. I —
Actually, I should probably go and check on her. I think they’re treating her for a concussion as we speak. 
See you soon. 
May 24th, 2018 - 4:44 PM
To: colin ✈️
From: pen ✨✨
Hey! Sorry — can you call me back when you have the chance? I know we’re supposed to get lunch tomorrow, but Danbury just called and asked if I could come in tomorrow about the columnist position and I know we already had to postpone, but I’m worried I —
[Nervous laughter.] 
I’m rambling. Call me back so we can discuss.
June 25th, 2018 - 6:21 PM
To: pen 💛 
From: colin 🤡
Hey, Pen. Just wanted to call and see how your first day on the job was. And, of course, to complain about having to travel by myself again. I almost forgot how bloody boring these layovers can be without someone there to complain about them with. 
[Faint laughter.] 
In person, I mean. 
Anyway, call me when you’re free. I can’t wait to, uh — 
To hear about your day. Talk soon. 
August 22nd, 2018 - 9:09 PM
To: pen 💛 
From: colin 🤡
Hey, Pen. Just calling because, uh — 
Because I wanted to say hi, really. 
Venice is good. It’s quite nice, this time of year. The weather’s starting to cool a bit. The water is calm. The food is the best in the world — but that’s not really time sensitive. 
I really cannot stress this enough. I believe it to be a great tragedy that you have yet to eat real Italian pasta. I know you’re extremely busy with work, but if you happen to have a free weekend over the next few weeks, the door is always open. 
Alright. Night, Pen.
September 21st, 2018 - 11:51 PM
To: pen 💛 
From: colin 🤡
Hey, Pen. Sorry for the late call. But I, uh —
[Faint laughter.]
I forgot how warm it is in Greece this time of year. I’m currently sitting by a river at midnight and it’s actually quite pleasant. Disturbingly so, if you ask me. 
There are a few dozen other people here enjoying the weather — smoking and talking and wearing sandals, or all things. I can’t imagine anyone wearing sandals in London tonight. 
There’s a lot I’ve forgotten about Greece. Like the cats. It’s insane, Pen. I can see three right now without even having to turn my head. I —
It’s just strange. I stayed here for nearly three months. That was three years ago, but still… Nothing fundamental has changed during that time. And yet…
And yet it feels unfamiliar to me now. But I suppose that has more to do with me — and perhaps time — than the country itself. 
God. I sound like somebody’s grandfather. I think that’s my cue to head back to my hotel.
Night, Pen. Talk soon. 
December 19th, 2018 - 11:12 PM
To: pen 💛 
From: colin 🤡
Hey, Pen. Sorry — I know it’s late. 
I just sent you the first draft of my piece and…
I don’t know. There’s something I’ve been thinking about a lot. I tried to weave it into the story, but my readers don’t come to me for Bridgerton family history lessons, so —
Suffice to say, I left it out. 
But I don’t know. I just — I keep thinking about it.
Did you know my grandfather was stationed here at the end of World War II? He came here in ‘44, about a year before it all went shit for the Germans. And when it did, he was given the option to leave Vienna and immediately return to London. At the time, he hadn’t been home — hadn’t seen my gran — in over three years. They wrote hundreds of letters to each other during that time — all of which are stashed in a box at Aubrey Hall, in case you were wondering. But anyway…
When the war ended, as much as my grandfather wanted to go home and see my gran’s face again, he wrote to her and asked if she would be willing to wait a little while longer. If she could stand it if he stayed here. If he remained in Vienna while the allied forces first occupied the city — to continue carrying out his duty. 
She said yes. He stayed here another two years. He arrived back on English shores on April 6th, 1947. Two days later, they got married. They did at a courthouse, just the two of them together. Like they were the last two people in the world. 
I, uh — I didn’t piece this all together through the letters alone. My dad actually told me about it a few weeks before he died. I remember asking him why granddad stayed in Vienna for so long after the war technically ended. How he could stand to stay away from the woman he seemed so desperate to return to.
I remember my dad telling me: “There are times when duty surmounts passion.” Which I didn’t understand. Mainly because I was eight and had no fucking clue what the word “surmounts” meant, but…
Now, I understand what he was trying to say. That duty and passion are separate. That my grandfather’s duty lied in war, while his passion lied with his love. That his duty went beyond his required deployment period. That he stayed in Vienna those extra two years because that’s what he felt was right, even if he would have preferred to go home and be with the love of his life. 
Now, I —
I think my dad was wrong. He described my grandfather’s duty to his country as passionless — as if it was something he had to do when he wanted to be elsewhere. But I’ve read my grandfather’s journals from that time, and he never wrote about his life like he was carrying the weight of the world on his back. He may have been homesick and distressed at times — it was a bloody war, for god’s sake. But he — he was also proud of what he was doing. He was fulfilled. He was not drowning in a lack of passion. 
I think we —
I think some people, at least, have multiple passions. Passions that are at war with one another. That make it impossible to achieve everything we want all at once. Some that beg us to go home, some that beg us to stay. 
I think my grandfather made a choice. I think he chose one passion for a while, and one forever. I think he knew that once they married, he wouldn’t be able to bear living without my nan ever again. 
[Awkward laughter.]
I guess he was lucky that she was willing to wait for him.
Well… I believe I’ve taken up enough of your time. If you somehow managed to listen all the way to the end, I sincerely apologise for the rambling. I promise I’ll wait until Sunday to share the rest of my travel epiphanies with you. 
Take care, Pen.
December 20th, 2018 - 12:11 AM
To: colin 🤡 
From: pen 💛
I always listen until the end. 
I’ll see you on Sunday. Goodnight, Colin. 
January 31st, 2019 - 3:45 PM
To: pen 💛 
From: colin 🤡
You know, Pen, I’m starting to suspect that you purposely ‘miss’ my calls just so you can listen back to these wonderful voice messages whenever it pleases you. And while I can understand your desire to have these recordings stashed away forever, I would selfishly prefer some actual back-and-forth between us. 
I’m currently sitting outside one of the seven wonders of the world. Call me back and I’ll tell you all about it.
March 21st, 2019 - 5:17 PM
To: colin 🤡 
From: pen 💛
Hey! Thank you so much for your insights on my story. Danbury loved it. 
Call me back when you have the chance. Thanks again!
April 29th, 2019 - 7:57 PM
To: pen 💛 
From: colin 🤡
Hey, Pen. Just wanted to give you a head’s up that I just sent you a draft and it’s absolute bollocks. If you can manage to turn it into something vaguely readable, I will literally fly you out here just to say thanks. And I know how much you love Thai food. 
June 29th, 2019 - 10:20 PM
To: colin 🤡 
From: pen 💛
Hey! Sorry, I just saw that you called! And I am now remembering that you’re in Dubai and probably — hopefully — fast asleep by now so…
[Indecipherable noise.]
We’re, uh — We’re still out for Kate’s birthday. We’re on our way to karaoke, actually.
Thank god El is here, or else I would be worried about being the worst singer in the pub. I —
[Indecipherable noise.]
Sorry! I have to go. Call me when we’re both awake. 
Um… Goodnight!
October 18th, 2019 - 8:08 PM
To: colin 🤡 
From: pen 💛
Did you really just send me an SOS text from Los Angeles? I admire your creativity, but this is not how you convince someone to drop everything and take an impromptu holiday with you. 
In the event that you are in an actual emergency, please contact the proper authorities. I appreciate your commitment to the bit, but I ask that you please not sacrifice your life for it. 
December 9th, 2019 - 8:30 AM
To: pen 💛 
From: colin 🤡
Hey, Pen.
I just finished reading your new column. Phenomenal, as always… But how the hell did you manage to sneak a pun in there? I thought Danbury had a strict policy against “superfluous literary devices.”
However you managed it… Congratulations. I couldn’t be prouder. 
December 19th, 2019 - 4:41 PM
To: colin 🤡 
From: pen 💛
Hey! I had a work thing tonight but it just got cancelled. Any chance you want to meet at Mondrich’s? 
Let me know. I’ll, um, hopefully see you soon. 
January 29th, 2020 - 9:22 PM
To: pen 💛 
From: colin 🤡
Hey, Pen. 
You’re the closest thing I have to a manager, right? In your professional opinion…
Would it be crazy to bail on this trip early? Give myself, uh… 48 hours to go home and grab some proper fish and chips. See Auggie and Blair. See mum. See you — obviously. London isn’t the most logical pit stop between Berlin and Prague but…
Yeah — you know what? It was a dumb idea. I’ve got plenty of those, so… 
Call me back when you’re not too busy. Maybe I can share some more. 
February 14th, 2020 - 10:00 AM
To: colin 🤡 
From: pen 💛
Good morning!
Is it still morning in Prague? I —
[Faint laughter.]
I suppose that doesn’t matter much when it comes to voicemails. I, um — 
I’m doing some research on old churches. Which — don’t ask. But I’m currently sitting on the steps outside St. Bride’s Church. I don’t know if you’d recognise it, but it’s the one downtown that, um —
The one that looks like a wedding cake. 
I think you’d like it. And not just because of its food-shaped exterior. 
It’s actually considered a church for writers. And for publishers. It got that reputation back in the 17th century, when the publishing industry was booming here on Fleet Street. But, regardless of all that…
It’s really quite an interesting building. I can see why it’s attracted and inspired so many great writers over the years. 
Maybe we can check it out the next time you’re in town. Which is…
God. June, I think? 
Anyway… I’m still at the very beginning stages of my research, so I barely know what it is I want to write about yet. But one thing that’s stuck out to me so far is how old these buildings feel. How the architecture, the acoustics, the artwork, the — 
Honestly? I’m not sure exactly what does it, but something makes these buildings feel as though they’ve stood here forever. This particular church has only been here about 350 years. But still… You feel all that time when you walk through its halls. 
It’s a good reminder, I think. To know how long things last. 
Wow. So this is how it feels to be on the other side of these long, rambling, stream of consciousness voicemails. 
[Faint laughter.]
Bye, Colin. Thank you for lending me your future ear. 
March 11th, 2020 - 5:55 PM
To: colin 🤡 
From: pen 💛
Hi! I just got off my train. I assume you’re still in the air, so just text me whenever you land. 
Hopefully the airport wasn’t too chaotic, but um…
I’ll meet you at the hotel. I — 
I can’t wait to see you. 
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sc0tters · 9 months
Don’t Tell | Sidney Crosby
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summary: sidney isn't so bad to have around when your mom leaves town.
kinkmas: day twelve (stepcest)
warnings: sexual themes, p in v, oral (fem receiving!), fingering, choking, swearing, cheating, legal age gap (reader is in college and envisioned to be 20-23!)
word count: 8.81k
authors note: so I'm gonna start by saying that I don't actually know if this fits the stepcest category because it is Sidney with his fiances' daughter. still, if you are not comfortable with this pairing then here is your heads up to not read the piece! this is the longest fic that I have ever written so it is only fair that it comes at the end of kinkmas. to those of you who stayed through it all thank you and to those of you who do read this one to the end I love you endlessly!
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This winter break was meant to be peaceful.
You had come back to Pittsburgh as your dad was in the Bahamas on his honeymoon and your mom wanted you to be with her and her fiancé for Christmas. On paper that didn’t sound bad, truly it didn’t. But you clashed with him at every opportunity that seemed to arise.
Whilst everyone loved him you wished now more than ever that your mom had a different taste in guys. Maybe one day if you tried hard enough you would wake up and Sidney fucking Crosby would no longer be your soon to be stepfather. Even the idea of him holding that title had you recoiling in disgust.
Usually you could just avoid him as you’d be home in the summers and your mom had only been with him for three years, all of which you would spend your time soaking up the sun and declining any and all invitations from your mom that had you joining Sid on his boat. Christmas had been a holiday your mom and you were so fond of, especially with her having you as a teen the month of December was one she tried to make sure you never knew she was working two jobs to make ends meet.
But fast forwarding through three husbands and more boyfriends than you could have ever counted as your parents never stayed together past your first birthday, you were now twenty one and swore that this partner wouldn’t stick. Thus you truly didn’t see the point in getting to know them. That was a desire that would have worked out really well if things went the way you wanted them to.
Your mom called you down to the kitchen the moment you woke up at whatever late hour of the morning that it was “can’t we send her to her father?” Sidney complained in a low tone, it didn’t bother you as he felt the exact same way about you as you did about him.
She frowned as she shook her head “it’ll be good for you both to actually spend some one on one time together.” She proposed choosing to ignore the vivid memory of how you refused to acknowledge Sidney for a week after he dragged you back to the lake house at 9:00PM because you hadn’t told your mom that you were at a party.
In that moment Sidney swore he could hear his mother’s voice urging him to fight the battles he could win “but if it’s that important I’ll cancel my trip.” You mom could have sensed his hesitancy from a mile away and she didn’t want to force a kid on Sidney, even if you were of legal age already “no babe we will play nice for the week.” Sidney shook his head leaning down to peck your mother’s lips.
It made you gag “ew.” You pretended to gag as you rubbed the sleep out of your eye “nice to see you’ve rolled out of bed princess.” Most girls would have died hearing Sid use that nickname on them, in fact some of your friends still brought up how Sid dropped the simple doll when he decided to interrupt your FaceTime calls with them.
There was a silent moment that you each had letting your eyes sharpen in the direction of each other “y/n love I am heading to Colorado tomorrow!” Your mom blurted out as she clasped her hands together making your eyes go wide “oh hel-” you went to complain and throw a protest in her direction but as she slammed her hands on the table you went quiet.
It made Sidney feel proud as he wanted to smirk as how you finally went quiet “just stay out of my way when she is gone.” You grumbled turning to head back to your room as you refused to believe that this was happening.
Now more than ever, you wished your life was a nightmare that could have ended the moment you woke up.
Unfortunately for you the moment your mom left was quickly upon you as she stood at the front door with her suitcase in one hand and her phone in the other with the Uber app loaded on. Patiently waiting for her driver to arrive “are you sure I can’t drive you?” Sidney hated the idea of seeing your mom leave, mainly because it meant that he was going to be left with you.
She shook her head “you’d be late to game prep and besides I think it would be good for you two.” The last part was more so directed at you as your hand clung to the banister of the staircase where you refused to leave “have a good flight mom.” You mumbled looking at the ground.
Sidney let out a harsh sigh that you were sure even the neighbours heard “hug your mom y/n.” It was clear that he wasn’t asking, Sidney was ordering you to do it “Sid it’s-” your mom placed her hand on his chest trying to stop him “no she can act like a brat most days of the year but today I expect her to behave.” The words that left his lips made your blood run cold.
A laugh left your lips “you think I’ve been bratty?” You finally let go of the staircase stepping down as you had every intention of giving him a piece of your mind “I’ll show you bratty!” You threatened him only snapping your gaze away from Sidney as your mom’s arms went around your body “have a nice flight.” You repeated those words as you felt him glare at you.
The gesture made you childishly stick your tongue out at him before you stepped away from your mom only to flash her your signature smile. Sidney help back his scoff as he crossed his arms helping her take her suitcase outside where he would have his final goodbye. Not only to her but also to his sanity, with you gone he was now expected to make an effort with you.
Years of living the out of sight out of mind mindset were no longer available to him as you were now his responsibility whether you wanted to accept it or not. You made Sidney go mad without ever knowing it as everyone seemed to adore you, his teammates and their partners thought you were a great person for him to know. Nobody knew if he’d ever understand it but they all swore that the negative traits your mother had, you picked up the positive opposite versions of it.
She preferred to be seen, you preferred to be watched. She preferred her group whereas you were making friends with nearly everyone in Pittsburgh, including the equipment managers who made sure to constantly ask Sidney about your life.
You had made it big in high school, you worked your ass off and got into each university that you applied to. So when you got the opportunity to leave the city you called home you went about as far away from Sidney as you possibly could have, LA.
He grew tired of the whole speech your mom would make each time you went back to university, she wouldn’t even be home yet before she would bring up how much she missed you. Sidney’s sunglasses could barely hold his eye rolls anymore but after Geno called Sid out because he wasn’t a father it meant Sidney had to keep his irritated thoughts to himself.
So as he made his way upstairs to see your bedroom door open and what looked like a bomb had exploded in your suitcase that hit your room Sidney tried to bite his tongue. As the last thing that he needed was you going and complaining to your mom.
Your mom leaving you together and unattended for the first time meant that the way you would each react to the situation was uncharted territory. Before when arguments arose she would step in, yet now the boundaries were nonexistent. It seemed the universe though was finding this all amusing in some twisted way. Somehow the idea of making the other persons life a living hell within the walls of the house whilst acting like you were both happy to be there when others were around. Was an idea that found its way into each of your minds, so now it was just a matter of waiting to see who would break first.
Sidney didn’t bother knocking as he walked right in her room to see her sat on her bed with her AirPods in “y/n?” The hockey player snapped his fingers trying to get your attention nothing “y/n?” He repeated waving his hand around to see if that would do anything, still nothing “y/n!” Sidney finally yelled tapping your foot with his hand.
It gave you a fright as you saw him tower over you “what?” You complained pulling your left AirPod from your ear as you paused your music “here is your jersey for tonight.” Your mom had shown him your whole sports jersey collection as you always went to sports games in a jersey.
You mentally rolled your eyes at his pathetic attempt to fuck with you “thanks.” You huffed without a single desire in the world to actually go through on wearing that jersey. It was nothing against Pittsburgh, but you would set on burning whatever merchandise that had his last name on it before it ever got the chance to touch your skin.
Sure he found that weird that you didn’t have any kind of rebuttal but Sidney wasn’t going to question it. With little desire to dig further as he feared he would awaken the devils he swore lived in you, all Sidney did was nodded before he turned to your door. His strides were long to get him out of there quickly, but not quick enough as it seemed that his eyes caught onto the bra and thong that were draped over your chair. The dark red lace that carried through both pieces knocked the wind out of Sidney “oh and clean this room up.” He grumbled pointing to your floor as it made you look up.
Your response was simple though, this time you hadn’t even looked up from your phone as you flipped him off. It meant that you had heard him whilst he was stood over you the entire time, you little shit. Sidney rolled his eyes as he hand his hand around the handle of the door “oh and y/n.” You subtly paused your music, still not looking at him “do not be late tonight.” He pleaded fully aware of how you had the time management skills of a college kid, you were always late.
The first game had gone down a success, Sidney had scored a glorious goal which of course impressed the fans of Pittsburgh. And as the team had completed an overtime win against the Canes leaving the energy around the arena electric. You followed the WAGs through the arena to where the players were meant to meet them. You kept quiet as you watched them all embrace each other as the players poured out one by one. Up until Sidney left too locking eyes with you the moment he stepped out of the locker room.
A harsh breath left your lips as you saw his facial expressions harden “you ready to go?” He refused to bring up the fact that you were only wearing a penguins scarf and a black shirt. The moment he left the house you put his jersey right back onto his bed as you attempted to send him a message “yep.” You nodded following him out of the arena.
Silence drowned the car ride home as Sidney gripped at the wheel “you can drop me here.” You announced reaching to undo your seatbelt “excuse me?” Sidney raised his eyebrows as he shook his head. You were meant to go out with friends from the city that night and the bar was a mere three minute walk away.
You crossed your arms “I don’t remember letting you be in charge of me.” You grumbled growing irritated “your mom did.” The lie came from his lips as he laughed. Your mom had indeed asked him to keep you in check but that was simply because she knew that you would have taken the time to push Sidney’s boundaries. As a result you fell silent as you could have believed the truth behind it.
Two days had passed and you had decided that you would only bring out your elaborate plan on Christmas Eve. Sidney had told you he was bringing you along to the team Christmas party and he hoped you’d behave. With him going to Ottawa for a one game roadtrip before the break it meant you had the house to yourself. You hated to admit it but you were growing to understand why Sidney was loved by so many. You were dragged along to the team shopping spree at target for less fortunate kids.
The effort to spread Christmas cheer amongst the team was refreshing for Sidney as he began to understand why you were loved by his teammates and their partners. At every aisle you were batting your eyes at Sidney silently begging him to add just about every present you could find into the cart as you were certain to make this the best Christmas that these kids could have ever gotten.
Sidney also found himself cooking most nights your mom was gone as you seemed to be more obligated to staying in that way. After the argument in the car Sidney said he didn’t mind if you went out as long as you told him where you were and you had dinner at home.
But every good thing eventually had to come to an end and the true testament would be if you were able to keep up what the two of you had built upon his return. Only time would tell, for Sidney but little did he know that his return was when you were finally going to come out.
It was five a.m when Sidney arrived home to hear the sound of NHL replays echoing through the house. He was prepared to reprimand you for leaving the tv on as you went to bed but instead when he walked into the living room Sidney instead found you fast asleep on the couch. The sight was weirdly amusing to him as he smiled seeing your death grip on the remote. He was careful to lightly pull it from your hand “you win?” You yawned stirring in your sleep as you blinked up at him “we lost in the overtime.” The pout that formed on your lips made him laugh.
The blanket came over your body “I’m sorry.” You apologised mumbling a string of incoherent words “get some sleep princess.” Sidney tapped your shoulder tucking the blanket over you. It didn’t take you long to listen as you nuzzled your face into the pillow as you fell asleep again.
Fresh pancakes and the smell of maple syrup traveled through the house reminding the captain of his times as a kid but instead this time he was the one cooking “good to see you finally awake.” Sidney teased watching you come through with your monkey slippers on your feet “what time did you get in?” You yawned slipping into the seat at the kitchen island.
Sidney wanted to tease you as he smiled “did our conversation mean nothing to you last night?” He faked a hurt expression as his hand pressed against his chest as your cheeks turned red “we spoke?” You blinked hearing his words “yeah princess how do you think you got the blanket?” Sidney smirked seeing it wrapped around your shoulders “I thought that it was a dream!” You gasped making him laugh.
It was a genuine laugh that made your heart feel weirdly warm, like the same warmth that encapsulates you when you get a medal that’s more than just a participation one. A smile formed on your face “is that a smile on the y/n l/n’s face before ten in the morning?” The captain joked letting his jaw drop as it made you pick up the bag of chocolate chips to hit him with it.
Amusement flushed your your system as it hit him square in the face “Sid!” You laughed almost falling over as you clutched your stomach “what happened to being a hockey player?” You teased letting out a snort. In that moment Sidney realised that you actually had a really childish side that was kind of funny.
He found himself smiling as he finally took the chocolate chips so that he could throw them back at you “you dare and I won’t come tonight!” You warned as you shook your head knowing that his hit would hurt “oh don’t be-” Sidney was cut off as he heard his phone begin to ring.
You quickly picked up on the fact that it was your mom as Sidney brought up questions about how Colorado was. As his face dropped it made your eyebrows furrow “okay I’ll tell her now.” Sidney sighed looking at you “love you too.” He hung up as you waited for him to put you out of your misery and tell you what on earth the five minute phone call was about “what was that?” You asked making him smile by your eagerness.
Sidney pressed his hands against the counter as he sucked at his teeth “your mom got stuck in Colorado cause of the snow.” He tried to read your expression as you listened to his answer “oh no.” You let your lips form a pout “she said she will try to get on the next flight out.” Sidney explained as he pushed his hand through his hair as you nodded.
It was quiet as you shrugged “you not mad?” Sidney didn’t know how to read you and it terrified him “gives me a few more hours to piss you off.” You joked letting out a giggle “so you’re seriously fine that we’re probably spending Christmas alone?” He was surprised to see that you were so okay “think I should be asking you the same thing cause you keep pushing it.” You pointed out as he wiped his hands on a cloth.
The captain shook his head “glad to be spending it with you princess.” You felt your heart throb with his words “I should go get ready.” You looked at the ground clutching at your blanket “it’s nine thirty!” Sidney called out watching you practically run to the staircase “it’ll take me a while to pick a dress!” You shot back getting really confused by how you felt.
Quickly turning into night once more Sidney pressed his hand against your back as he ushered you into the venue “now remember-” as Sidney went to lower his voice you cut him off “be on my best behaviour and don’t embarrass you or anyone else on this team.” You rolled your eyes at how you had gotten the same speech when he left you to go to the family box.
It made Sidney smile as he crossed his arms “well I was going to say that I’d like you to just have fun tonight but those work too.” He nodded taking you by surprise “it’s Christmas Eve y/n and everyone deserve to have a little bit of fun.” Sidney shrugged as the last few days had been really good for the both of you as your relationship was at its strongest.
You nodded repeating those words to yourself as you wondered if he would feel that way by the end of the night “y/n!” Valterri smiled as he waved you over to where the younger players on the team where stood “have fun.” Sidney repeated his words as he saw the genuine smile from this morning reappear on your face.
Geno and Kris watched Sidney watch you leave and they couldn’t help but tease him “they grow up so fast.” Kris faked a cry as Geno placed his hand on his chest “just yesterday she was buying herself a beer and today she is talking to boys!” Geno added letting out a snicker as Sidney rolled his eyes.
The group you joined remained blissfully unaware of what the trio spoke about “shut up.” Sidney grumbled noticing how Valterri wrapped his hands around your shoulders “the fiancé have a change of heart this Christmas?” Kris’ question made Sidney cringe as he was reminded of your mom. Sure he had thought about her it seemed that right now you were being held on a pedestal you didn’t even know was there.
Sid blew a raspberry with his lips as he tried to recover to a more comfortable look based on the raised eyebrows he was currently getting from Geno “got stuck in Colorado with the snow storm.” The captain explained making both boys nod “hey well at least y/n is easy.” Kris tapped Sidney’s shoulder as the sound of your laughter erupted in his ears.
It was a sweet sound that reminded him of watching honey drip from a spoon “I’m gonna go get a drink.” Geno announced disbanded the trio leaving Sid to now only pay attention to what you were doing “there you are Crosby!” Seemed to be what was going to be a long night for him. The universe wanted to punish Sidney for something tonight it seemed, not only did he never get a second to talk to you as you were stuck to Valterri’s side the entire night but on top of that it seemed everyone wanted to talk to Sidney tonight. Little did he know you had forgotten to cause chaos amongst his teammates. So you thought that you weren’t even going to get in trouble, oh how that thought came too soon.
There you were walking with Valterri over to one of the doors where it was quieter. Sidney knew he had to stop you from whatever it was that you were about to do “excuse me.” The captain didn’t wait for a response before he left his space clutching the edges of his suit coat as he straightened them. He swore that the angels were singing when he saw you, a mere handful of steps away from the elevator “y/n!”
That voice made you and Valterri both freeze, the boy dropped your hand as he took a step away from you “yes?” By the time you spun around Sidney was already towering over you “you’re going home.” His hand wrapped around your wrist as he shook his head “we were going to go look at the top of the building Sid!” You groaned trying to pull back from him.
It made Sidney laugh at how naive you sounded in that moment. Surely you didn’t just think that Valterri wanted to look at a skyline with you? It infuriated you as the younger player remained silent “I am not going to fight you but we are going home.” Sidney repeated his words before he finally looked back at his the teammate ignoring your protests “you better get back in there before I give you so many extra laps that you no longer have time to live your life.” Sidney’s threat had you swearing that Valtteri whimpered as he scurried away listening to his captains requests.
You scoffed as your feet were planted in the ground “you are such an ass!” You complained shaking your head “you can bitch all you want in the car.” Sidney watched as you remained stoic rolling your eyes “I. Am. Not. Going.” You snapped poking your finger into his chest as your voice was cold.
Sidney could have felt steam coming out of his ears in that moment. He was so enraged that no single coherent thought went through his mind picking you up as he wrapped his arms around your legs hoisting you over his shoulder “Sidney!” You screamed banging your fists against his back.
Geno and Kris watched in amusement as your legs kicked in the air “put me down!” You complained letting out a huff as the boy continued to ignore you “that wasn’t so hard now was it?” The boy found a smirk form on his lips as you went silent “don’t go too easy on him y/n!” Geno teased watching you huff blowing the hair out of your face for a split second.
It made Sidney glare at his teammate “fuck off G.” You grumbled as Sidney began walking back outside. The Pittsburgh air was cool on your skin he pushed the doors open “you ready to finally behave?” Sidney asked feeling you but his ass with your fists “you can still go fuck yourself Sid.” You pointed out wanting to punch his face in that moment.
He laughed like this was some game to him carrying you to the car like you were nothing “get in here.” Sidney didn’t give you a few moments on solid ground before his hand was on your shoulder ushering you into the passenger seat before he pulled your seatbelt over you “stay.” You wanted to protest at the way he talked to you like a dog quickly going to the other side so he could get in.
You gulped replaying how irritated he looked at you before Sidney threw you over his shoulder “glad to see you know how to listen still.” You couldn’t blame alcohol for Sidney tonight, he only had one beer that he nursed throughout the night. For a girl who disliked him so much you truly did seem to notice how much the captain did. You scoffed pushing the thoughts out of your mind “you were out of line tonight Crosby.” You truly didn’t realise how Valterri was probably never going to talk to you ever again.
And part of you didn’t even blame him as you were fully on his side “he wanted to get into your pants!” Sidney almost wondered if he hit your head then maybe he could have knocked the sense you needed to see it too. You tried to stare up at the sky not wanting to look at him “why do you even care what I do?” Your voice was barely louder than the hymn of the engine.
Sidney scoffed not believing that you still couldn’t pick up on it after the last couple of days “I’m marrying your mom.” He reminded you as he tapped his fingers against the steering wheel “you’ve never cared about who I fucked before that.” Your words made him cringe as he had the image of you riding a drunken college boy. He hated it as it made his body shake in disgust “yeah but when you start going for my teammates like a fucking sl-” his words had you slamming your hands on the dashboard “like you’re any better as a playboy hockey player!” You snapped back as you watched the car begin to speed.
It made him scoff as he rolled his eye “better than anyone you could have gotten laid by.” Sidney knew it was a low blow but with the level of anger that went through the car he didn’t care “I wouldn’t fuck you if you were the last man on earth.” You grumbled looking to the road as you shook your head “wish she didn’t meet you.” The comment had Sidney feeling like his world was crumbling around him.
Maybe it was the fact that everything was now starting to work between you both. The fact that a relationship had been built yet now you were delivering the same blow to his gut that you used to deliver on a daily basis but now it wasn’t something he could have dreamed of. Maybe he was hurt, but the way you two used to be shouldn’t have surprised him. But deep down Sidney had begun to feel doubts about his pending marriage and all of those started the moment he had to pick you up at the airport.
Silence finally fell over the car as Sidney began to plan his response, he honestly needed the time to process what you said more than anything else. So as the car finally slowed down to a stop when you pulled up to the house “wait y/n.” Sidney reached out but as he watched you head for the house running up the staircase.
You were irritated wishing that you had never gone along to the party as you pursed your lips together rubbing your temples. You threw your coat on the ground not caring that Sidney was going to throw a fight with you about that too “we are not done here!” Sidney yelled watching you attempt to go upstairs as you didn’t want to have to see anymore of him “well I am Sid!” You shot back continuing your walk upstairs refusing to dare look back at him.
Tears formed in your eyes as you grew so frustrated not even the idea of pulling your hair out brought you any comfort. You let the door to your bedroom shut closed as you tugged at your dress pulling it off of you as the cool air hit your skin. The slip your wore was white against your reddening skin. Sidney found himself stammering over his words before they even left his lips as he caught himself staring at the sight of you.
In that moment Sid didn't find himself feeling like the successful hockey player and captain of an NHL team. No, in that moment he was transported back to his middle schooler days. Terrified to mutter even a few syllables to a pretty girl "you come to carry on your fucking pride speech, eh?" You spat watching him remain frozen as it was though his brain was no longer connected to the rest of his body “do you want to fuck me or something?” The vulgar words left your mouth as you walked over to him “I’m engaged to your mother.” He mumbled clenching his jaw as he scoffed.
Your arms crossed unintentionally pushing your breasts closer together “then you tell me the logical explanation for what your issue was with Val taking me upstairs?” Anger painted your expression as your lips pressed into a find line “got a nickname for him now?” Sidney ran his tongue over his teeth as he made the mental note to give the younger player extra laps after the next training session “just fuck off you coward.” The new nickname left your lips and sounded like nails against a chalk board as you pressed your hand against the captains shoulder in an attempt to push him out of your room.
As he processed what happened in a quick turn of events his hand wrapped around your wrist pulling it off of him as he held your skin "sometimes you should really learn to keep your mouth shut." He grumbled looking up at you with a glare as his dropped your hand. The look he sent you had shivers going down your spine "you need to know that you are not the goddamn boss of-" you pressed your finger against his chest with each other finally being cut off as his lips hit yours.
It was now your turn to freeze as your ass hit your table, thoughts went through your mind at a million miles per hour. As his hands went to your waist you finally lulled yourself into his trance as his lips were sickeningly rough against yours, scratching a part of your brain that you were desperate for him to reach. When the soft sounds of carolers came from outside travelling up the walls of the house it caused your eyes to snap open "we shouldn't-" you couldn't help but bring your fingers to your lips still feeling his on them.
Sidney could have laughed at the way that your morals finally decided to step in tonight "tell me to leave and I will." His lips ghosted over your ear as his breath fanned against your skin "Sid.” You whimpered as his hands fisted at your satin slip “you are insufferable.” You clicked your tongue as you stared up at him. Sidney smirked as he waited for your answer “words princess, different words.” Just like that the nickname that was once used to tease you in such a way was now making your knees wobble.
You nodded trying to push your hips against his “I need you Sid.” You groaned pressing your head against your cabinet behind you “like hearing you beg.” He pinched the skin on your chin tilting your head up “do something about it before I leave you here.” You warned making him laugh “you’re too fucking desperate to do that.” Sidney mumbled pecking your lips as he lifted you onto your vanity table.
His lips were like a drug to you as your arms wrapped around his neck keeping him close “only proving my point baby.” Sidney watched you roll your eyes “most guys usually get a girl going by now.” You pointed out as you were usually on your knees at this point “you are seriously going to get yourself in trouble.” The captain warned making you grin.
It was devilish the way his hand went down your chest as his fingers danced over the lace that lined the top of your slip “don’t believe it.” You stammered shaking your head as he stared at you “think it’s about time that I shut that fucking mouth up.” Sidney grumbled helping you off of the vanity as his cock throbbed between his legs aching against his suit pants.
You weren’t surprised that he wanted it and you were close to dropping to your knees but your ego stopped you as you smirked palming him through his pants as you undid his belt “that’s one way to make sure I don’t see how shit you are at-” your words were cut off as his hand wrapped around your waist “finish that sentence.” Sidney warned pressing your body against his.
A warm air travelled through your room as your cheeks turned flushed “pretty sure you don’t know how to get a girl off.” Your confession had you crashing onto your bed as your eyes went wide “don’t act like you didn’t know your words would get you here.” Sidney chuckled tugging the tie from his collar “maybe this was your plan all along.” He crawled up your bed watching as your slip began to fall down your knees revealing your checkered panties that clung to your cunt “cute.” The hockey player smiled leaning forward to kiss you so you couldn’t argue back to him.
His slender fingers were rough against your skin as he pulled your panties down your legs making sure to slip them into his pants pocket before he continued “you been thinking about this?” Sidney teased seeing how your core was soaked “n-no.” You lied as his lips kissed your thighs. He wanted to draw it out teasing you as it served as a reminder that you were at the power of him.
You gasped as his lips traveled up your thigh before he watched you whimper “don’t lie to me princess.” The hockey player clicked his tongue as he blew a breath of air against your cunt “please Sid just.” Your jaw went slack as you gripped at your bedsheets beneath you “good girls get fucked properly.” Sidney shook his head kissing your thigh “and good girls don’t lie.” His moved his face to hover over your cunt as he stared down at it.
It frustrated you as your body grew warm drowning in anticipation “if you don’t want to fuck me then I’m sure Val-” the captain didn’t give you the chance to finish your sentence as his tongue lay flat against your slit “fuck!” You yelled almost having the air knocked let of you “you still want to go to him?” Sidney needed to hear you say it yourself, you were done with the idea of his teammates.
Sidney smirked as you shook your head “wanna stay here with you.” Your voice was soft as you nodded “where was this behaviour all those months ago?” The hockey player scoffed as he mimicked your head movements before he dropped his tongue back down “such a pretty pussy.” He mumbled latching his lips onto your clit.
His tongue swirled around your sensitive bud like he was a starved man “don’t stop Sid.” You begged watching him drop his tongue down your slit settling for your core. Your hands were lost without a clue of where to go eventually going to his hair as you tugged at it. Sidney quickly realised that you had probably never had a guy fuck you properly “you’re so good.” You whimpered feeling his nose brush over your clit “such a pretty pretty girl.” Sidney cooed replacing his tongue with his fingers. The girth of his fingers as your cunt stretched out made you writhe against him.
It made you shiver “didn’t think I could get you speechless this early.” He confessed watching as you rolled your eyes “don’t think it’s not too soon for me to leave you.” Sidney added as his fingers formed a come here motion “don’t Sidney.” You pleaded wrapping your hand around his wrist as your felt him try to move away from you in a teasing manner.
He watched as you sat up going eye level with him as he brushed his thumb over your clit “let me see your breasts.” Sidney’s vulgar words had you turning into putty in his hands as you nodded lifting the cream slip off of your body as you threw it off to the side “you really did know you were gonna be fucked tonight didn’t you?” Your cunt clenched around him in response making him groan “desperate to show these pretty tits off to one of those pathetic kids?” Sidney let his voice ooze in jealousy as you bit your lip. It was a red bra with a lace skirting that went along the front only to be met at the valley between your breasts with a little shiny bead that tied the look together.
You looked at him with heavy eyes as you began to drive your hips against his fingers “answer me princess.” He snarled watching as you were too focused on yourself to care about him behind you “like my bra.” You explained letting out a whimper as his thrusts quickened “glad you were smart enough to know you come home with me.” Sidney’s confession installed some weird warmth within you.
As your back went to the mattress craving the release that was coming as your stomach grew tight he followed your lead “you gonna be a good girl and come for me?” The captain pecked your lips pressing his bulge against your thigh as your eyes rolled back with your waterline growing cloudy “please cap.” You cried out clutching the pads of your bra as your body shook.
Sidney didn’t stop as he found your words unlocking a part of him that he didn’t know was there “shit!” You groaned practically collapsing into yourself as your orgasm hit you like cold water in the morning “you enjoyed that?” He teased finally slowing his fingers not wanting to tire you out whilst the night was still young.
Your head bopped as you nodded watching him sit up straight “you want this to continue baby?” The minor change from princess to baby had you pressing your thighs together in an attempt to wean the pressure that was building up between your legs “want to hear you say it.” He smirked as you sat up “want you to fuck me Sid.” The vulgar words that rolled off your tongue hue like butter had Sidney feeling like an excited teenage boy again “that’s not what you called me three minutes ago.” The hockey player shook his head wanting more from you.
You leaned forward to kiss him again as his tongue danced over your lip you pulled away inhaling his scent with your eyes shut before you stared up at his hazel orbs “I want you cap.” With that you couldn’t help but feel offended as Sidney got up and left your room. Not a mumble left his lips as he walked away opting to ignore you before all else. What you didn’t know was that Sidney was sliding his shoes off in his room as he dug through his messy beside table searching for the box of condoms that last saw the light of day when your mom got drunk right before you came home for the summer.
When he finally found them he swore angels were singing in delight “what are you doing?” Sidney walked back into your room to see you pulling your robe onto your body “you made it pretty clear that you don’t want this by leaving Sid.” You grumbled wondering if that was the universe telling him to stop “tell me what’s in my pocket princess.” The hockey player walked over to you settling his feet in front of you.
“Sid I’m not in the-” You shook your head as you went to move past him “humour me would you?” His voice was soft making you roll your eyes as you nodded. The fabric of his suit pocket was soft against your fingertips “what-” you wanted to complain as you couldn’t find anything “deeper.” Sidney grunted watching as you finally gripped at it.
The silver packet crinkled at your touch “oh.” You felt guilty seeing the condom wrapper as it lay in your hands “I still want this but if you don’t then say the words and I’ll go.” His hand went over yours as he wanted you to know that you had a choice with him “pull this string f’me.” You smirked motioning to the bow on your robe.
Sidney nodded tugging at the fabric as he watched your surprise reveal itself. In the time he had run off you had taken your bra off adding to the pile of clothes that formed on your floor “wow.” The hockey player blurted out seeing how your left nipple was accessorised with a titanium bar. You had gotten it over the fall when you and your roommate got drunk “now it’s a little bit unfair that I’m in nothing and you’re still in everything.” You pointed out noting how he even still had his socks on.
It made him laugh as he began undoing his shirt at a painfully slow pace “oh my god stop it!” You complained hitting his hand away as you took control practically ripping his shirt at your pace “someone’s needy.” Sidney teased with a smirk as you scoffed “most boys start stripping before they touch me.” It seemed that even after all of the events tonight you still found yourself running your mouth “you’re making it really hard to behave tonight.” The hockey player pointed out as he tapped his finger on your lips before he pulled his shirt off adding to the pile on your floor.
You sat on your bed taking in the sight as you swore your mouth watered “plenty more of that down here.” Sidney joked as he began undoing his belt letting his pants drop to the floor revealing the bulge in his boxers “can I?” You asked as he kicked his pants off nodding as your cold fingers brushed the waistband of his boxers “don’t you fucking dare.” Sidney warned feeling like you wanted to tease him.
But of course you were far too desperate for that so you bit your lip as you tugged at his boxers watching in awe as his boner hit his torso “wow.” You repeated his words from earlier as you saw his size. You knew it was stupid but you were actually surprised that he was packing and that much too “want to be a good girl and put it on f’me?” Sidney motioned to the condom that was next to you.
The gesture was small but you nodded as you ripped the packaging letting a small string of saliva drop from your lips as it landed on his cock. But Sidney didn’t get to process that as you wrapped your hand around him beginning to pump it as you looked to him with a smirk “fuck.” The hockey player let out a grunt as he stared at you through heavy lashes “I need to fuck you.” When you heard that you gulped finally pushed the condom onto his cock as he saw the latex material stretch to his skin.
Sidney was gentle as he helped you move up your bed so he could be there with you. Being situated between your legs the captain couldn’t help but smile down to you “let me know how much longer you need for that blue pill of yours to kick in.” That moment truly did it for Sidney as he flicked his covered cock over your clit twice before he bottomed you out.
Your face contorted as you drove your head into your pillow “not so strong now are ya?” The captain sat his hands on either side of your face “move please.” You begged tapping his arm as you stretched to his size “god.” You groaned bringing your hips against him “it’s just me princess.” Sidney shifted his weight as he brought his hand to cup your face giving him the chance to kiss you.
His lips were sweet as he caught your lip between his “you’re so big.” You whined as your eyes screwed shut “like stroking my ego baby?” The hockey player joked grunting as your cunt clenched around him “should have done this so long ago.” Sidney groaned as he lifted your legs over his shoulders wanting to get a better angle for his thrusts.
Your breasts bounced each time his hips hit yours “fuck Sid.” You whimpered reaching to hold your breasts as his hand hit yours away “want to taste these baby.” Moans left both of your lips when you nodded “fucking do it then.” You complained honestly surprised when he dropped his head.
Sidney let his nose brush over your neck running down to your breasts “lucky I do this for you.” The hockey player grumbled latching his lips onto your nipple with his tongue swirling around the bud “you’re so fucking hot.” You groaned as the feeling of his tongue tugging at your pierced nipple had you ready to come.
The hockey players laugh went through your body “you gonna let me ruin you for those college boys you’ll go back to?” Sidney asked letting his lips travel up your skin nipping at your neck “don’t like them.” You shook your head as your legs pressed against your sides making your cunt clench as he looked up to you “you gonna be all mine then?” Your eyes screwed shut feeling him suck at the skin of your neck when his fingers ran between your bodies as it latched onto your clit rubbing at the sensitive bud.
You nodded not caring at his possessive words as you felt his cock hit parts of your core that not even your toys had found “don’t stop Sid.” You pleaded kissing his lips as your legs began to close “you close princess?” Sidney smirked as you tugged at your nipples writhing your body against him and your sheets “then fucking apologise for how you were tonight.” He spat bringing his free hand around your neck “you want to cum tonight then say you’re fucking sorry.” The hockey player was serious as not even your whimpers could deter him.
Sidney almost began to slow down his movements “I’m so fucking sorry Sid.” You cried as you could feel him smirk even with your eyes shut “shouldn’t have done that to you.” You shook your head wanting to cry “promise to be a good girl for you.” You babbled on as your body shook again “then go milk my cock f’me.” His voice was tender as he pressed his fingers on your neck making your head heavy.
You weren’t going to question or oppose his words as his fingers sped up against your clit and your orgasm hit you like a truck “fuck fuck fu-” you chanted driving your head further into your pillow as your eyes rolled back when your body writhed against his “there you go baby don’t stop.” Sidney let out a grunt as your cunt clenched around his cock spurring on his orgasm “holy cow.” You gasped for air almost struggling to breath when he slid his cock out of your cunt.
He watched as your cum oozed out of your cunt “holy cow indeed.” He muttered in agreement as he rolled the condom off of his cock tying the end off before he threw it into the trash can “where are you going?” You yawned as he got up “just to get you a washcloth.” Sidney smiled pecking your lips before he sped into the bathroom watching your eyes grow heavy.
But even the sheer speed he used was no match for the slumber that took over you. By the time he was back in your room there were soft snores that left your lips that you would still refuse admit came from you. It made Sidney smile as he shook his head fulfilling his obligations to clean you up before he repeated his actions from the previous morning when he pulled your blanket over you “night princess.” He mumbled pressing a kiss against your forehead before he switched off your light letting you sleep through the night.
Christmas had always been a time you had a tough relationship with. It was the one time in the year your parents used to spend together as they couldn’t bear the thought of not having you open their presents in front of them on Christmas morning. Only when you got me acknowledged the competition they had did you ask that they stopped it. This year Christmas was finally a time you were looking forward to.
Even a week ago you would have sworn this year was going to be like all of the others. But after last night you were looking forward to just a little more time with Sidney alone “mom!” Your eyes went wide as you saw her sat on the arm of the lazyboy that Sidney made his home today, he never sat on that chair “hi honey!” She smiled getting up about to see you “see what you mean by she had a good night.” Her voice was cold as she scowled noting how your neck was marked in hickies.
It was clear that she directed her words towards Sidney who was quick to grow defensive “I said she was home late.” It was a quick lie to let you sleep for a few more hours, rather than being woken up by your mother who just got home “I’m going to go get your gifts.” Her voice was disappointed and you couldn’t understand why it made you feel so small “maybe you should have worn something a little less revealing.” The comment was under her breath as she left the room.
Sidney didn’t even give you a chance to complain as he got up “y/n I’m so fucking sorry.” He went quiet as you raised your hand to shut him up “look Sid yesterday was fun but it can’t happen again.” You ran your fingers through your hair hearing how your mom spoke to herself upstairs “so let’s act like it didn’t.” The proposal went down rough for both of you.
Yet it was harder for him “you saying it was a mistake.” Sidney felt like he had been slapped in the face “exactly that!” You nodded just in time for your mom to come back in as you two jump away from each other.
No matter how hard Sidney was going to try, he could never even consider calling the events of less than twenty four hours ago a mistake.
And if someone looked hard enough they would see through the way you avoided his gaze that you felt the exact same was as him.
In fact wasn’t a mistake no, instead, it was two people who realised they were suited together. Yet in life, things come at a sacrifice, and it was their happiness on the chopping block that day. Because the hands of cards they were dealt simply weren’t in the same suite.
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harrison-abbott · 1 year
scary flowers
“Come through here!” she summoned. I was quick to get to her because she was already flustered, nippy, nipped up. The in laws were coming around tonight and she was keen to make a good impression … and she was also a woman with almost zilch social understanding and despised having foreigners in her house or any guests of any kind and what made it all worse was that she hated group situations and was convinced that the in laws already disliked her. So she’d been drinking wine to curb her emotions. I suppose it worked, for her. It certainly did not work for me. I hated her. Especially when she was drunk because it usually meant a thrashing. Clouts across the scalp. Sometimes worse. (I was still too small to defend myself. But, hey: she was sure sowing psychological seeds for utter revenge that I would unleash when I was older. Those are whole other stories, though. Let’s stick to childhood for just now.)
“I need you to get some sunflowers,” she said. And she thrust a big twenty pound note in my hand. I was not used to holding this amount of cash. “You know what sunflowers look like, right?” I nodded. “They’ll be down at the supermarket. Or if you can’t find them there then there’s a florist on the main street. Okay?” I hovered there. She poured some further wine. Then glared at me as she drank – which was the cue for me to bounce. So I did.
All the way to the supermarket I was terrified that I’d lose the money. It was like carrying a thin slice of dynamite. I saw some of my friends. Well – some of the kids from the block, playing with a bouncy ball. They hailed me and waved and I really wanted to go and play with them (go and be with them forever and never have to go back to mother) but I just told them I had to go to the shop and then I moved on.
It was a hot afternoon. My forehead was shiny when I went through the store doors and I felt their air whoosh across my skin. I’d been to the store on my own before; but not armed with this much money. And I knew nothing about flowers. The last time there had been flowers in the house was after Mum had fallen down the steps outside and cracked her ankle. That was back in December near Christmas. The steps were icy and she’d come home from the town and slipped and she screamed. And the lady next door neighbour heard her terror and came out and called an ambulance. And then she bought these Get Well Soon bouquet of roses, for mother. Which I thought was odd, because it was mother who should have been giving her a present and not the other way around.
I found some sunflowers in the flowery section. They’ve always scared me, these flowers. And not just because of this story I’m telling now; I felt creeped out by them before that/this. They have big black faces with ragged yellow ears and a hairy stem … I just don’t find them pretty.
There was a bouquet of them for 10 pound. Four of them for 10 pound. Would four be enough? I hoped so. Mother might get mad if I spent the whole 20 … Yeah, after five minutes of worrying I went to the checkout and bought them and the girl at the counter smiled at me. That’s something I’ve never been able to do, with people. Smile at them – as if it’s a common courtesy type thing. I dunno; maybe I’ve got little sunshine in me. Whereas most normal folks seem to have plenty.
Whilst walking back home with the sunflowers I felt a combination of pride, power, and the paranoid sensation that I was gonna get mugged any second … have the flowers and money robbed all at once, as well as my face caved in. I quickened my step. Keen to get home again. Hoping she’d be in better form when I returned.
0 notes
coreytravelogue · 2 years
Well here I am still in Vancouver, I technically should have been in Calgary by now but when it woke up at 2am so I would be able to make my 6am flight in time I discovered that the flight was delayed 5 hours.
Can’t really complain with that only that I wish my body would have let me sleep in but me and my body have been at odds with each other in regards to sleeping.
The original plan was to wake up at 2am, shower, shave, leave at 3am Uber to YVR and be in Calgary at 8:30am. Jayne hat through the morning till 3 and check in at my Airbnb then check out the Calgary evening life.
With this delay by the time I get to Calgary I will probably have just enough time to get to where I need to be and check in then find a bar to watch the flames game amongst flames fans. Maybe get some writing done and chill before heading to the Airbnb to sleep and sleep in. Friday will be the day I will Jayne hat in the morning and see where things go. I may even go see a few movies who knows.
However I shouldn’t get ahead of myself, I don’t even know what gate I am supposed to be leaving from. This is the first time I have ever flown with flair air. I am testing them out because if I am to fly affordable it will have to be through flair or lynx whom I am trying getting to Toronto then flair back. Woo
This will be the first time I have ever really been to Calgary, by been to I mean actually explored Calgary. If you are a frequent visitor to my travelogue you will know that I have passed through Calgary many times over the years. Either to get to Calaway Park, one night just to pass through or passing through in the airport. I know the airport better than I know Calgary proper.
But I am sure you are asking like the few who have asked me…..but why Calgary?
Well outside of never full experiencing Calgary I have had the privilege of being just about everywhere in Alberta at some point. Born in Edmonton not counting been there more times than anywhere else in the planet, raised in Fort McMurray and lived there for the first 20 years of my life, dropped off my cousin in Grand Prairie, been to a wedding in Red Deer, spent a night or 2 in Athabasca, Sylvan Lake, been to the Dinosaur Park near Medicine Hat and been to Canmore for the Big Valley Jamboree.I have seen Alberta from top to bottom so it seems rather odd that I have never really explored Alberta’s biggest city…..Calgary.
As I am sure I have mentioned before the biggest reason I never been to or seen much of Calgary is because well the distance. Fort McMurray is almost as North as you can go in Alberta. Driving to Edmonton is a five hour drive, if one drove to Calgary you are adding another 2 hours to that drive and for what? Edmonton always had everything our family needed. All the concerts/shows ran through it, it has one of the biggest malls in the world and it is closer. Calgary had nothing we could care to see through my childhood.
One could say it still doesn’t but I want to see places I have never been to on the cheap and a flight to Calgary don’t get any cheaper from here.
Outside of Jayne hatting and being a flames fan fan I just plan on exploring the city and the vibe of the Conservative capitol of Canada. April will be Toronto and probably Edmonton sometime later in the year either in July or sometime before or after.
I am currently trying to figure out if I can swing a vacation in September. I will of course go to Newfoundland in December but I have a lot of leave time stocked up from not traveling in 2021 and not doing much in 2021 or 2022. I also know my workplace probably won’t let me use it all at once and also as much as I would love to do a full month of travel then Newfoundland I don’t feel like I would best utilize my leave and where I am at that way.
I still living in Vancouver, nothing is going to change that any time soon, traveling to Australia and Japan won’t get cheaper or be closer than it could be now.
If I allocate everything properly I would take 2 weeks in Australia, typical 3 in NFLD. By 2024 I will still have enough for 3 weeks in Newfoundland and 2 weeks to turn 40 in Japan as I imagine I will still be in Vancouver in 2024.
Would it be expensive? Yes but I am at that point in my life where I am starting not to care about costs. I have spent my entire life playing safe and it has only depressed me. With so many people my age around me fighting all sorts of bad shit I feel like sooner or later my body will start to fight me and I much rather face that knowing I at least had a shit tone of fun before it happens. There will always be regrets but I much rather live life with the right regrets.
If I move to Newfoundland going to either Japan or Australia would be a hellacious trip. 9 hours cross country followed by 13 hours cross the pacific not counting losing 2-3 days in time difference.I have to strike while the iron is hot. Life is sort
Anyways time to figure out where my gate is, that is if I am even going to leave Vancouver today.
Here we go, shazbot nanu nanu.
0 notes
hellfireslut · 2 years
What a Prude!
Learn to pronounce
noun: prude; plural noun: prudes
a person who is or claims to be easily shocked by matters relating to sex or nudity.
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paring : eddie munson x shy!fem!oc
characters : eddie munson, nancy wheeler, robin buckley, steve harrington
warnings : mentions of sex, the whole squad high out their asses, mentions of marijuana, a bit of angst, a cute ending
word count : 1k
summary: Eddie and Valerie have been together for 9 months. The pressure of sex is weighing on her shoulders. She gains reassurance from her best friends Robin, Steve, and Nancy. Along with her boyfriend, Eddie Munson. The group finds that the pair are more alike than they knew.
a/n : this is the most fun i’ve ever had writing. reblogs are greatly appreciated <3
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December 15th, 1986, Valarie’s Basement
The cold and crisp December air wisped around snow outside of Valarie’s home. In the basement of her childhood home sat: Steve Harrington, the charming and quick-witted pretty boy. Nancy Wheeler, the brains of the group. Robin Buckley, the “Chatty Cathy”. Eddie Munson, Hawkins local “freak”. And Valarie Boyd, the mouse.
The group sat as the musical tellings of “Queen” sang in the environment of their conversation. Snickers and laughs spread throughout the concrete walls, as the topic of sex was at hand. The smell of marijuana wafted the noses of the squad. High out of his mind, Steve laughed as he said,
“Anyone who’s past the age of 20 and a virgin, is staying that way! I’m glad I got out of that club as soon as I could.” He threw his head back as Nancy looked at him snorting in laughter. Nancy took a puff from the blunt, passing it towards Valarie. Valarie shook her hand, denying a hit.
Her eyes closed as she spoke. “I’ve had enough for tonight. When I close my eyes I can’t see!” The whole group erupted into laughter at her sentence.
“Well of course you can’t see idiot, your eyes are closed.” Eddie pulled her hands away from her face, softly kissing her forehead, falling into her lap. She softly pet the top of his head, scratching it softly.
“Gosh, can you two get a room. I can smell your pheromones from here. Some of us are single.” Robin said, leaning forward to high-five Steve from across the couch.
“You guys make me miss Jonathan. Ugh I wish I was in California. Riding a vespa!” Nancy giggled.
The group had many insufferable moods during their sessions. Depressive, giddy, and horny. The bunch was currently in the horny “stage” of their highs.
“You’d be riding more than a vespa if you’re with him Nance,” The group looked at Robin as the dirty words left her innocent lips. “What! I know you were all thinking it! Especially Eddie!”
Eddie’s head lifted off Valarie’s lap, throwing up a thumbs up, as he plopped back on her thighs.
“I’m going to get drinks, what do you guys want?” Steve said, rising from the sofa.
“Iced tea.”
“Malt liquor.”
The group all turned their heads to Eddie, who was laughing at his own response.
“Alright then, water for Eddie.” Steve began walking up the wooden stairs of the basement, making his way to the kitchen.
Robin followed up the stairs after a couple minutes, helping Steve carry all the drinks down the stairs of the basement.
Eddie lifted his head off Valarie’s lap, leaning up against her shoulder.
“You look so cute when you’re high babe, your eyes are really red though.” Valarie rubbed her eyes, only making the ruby color shine brighter.
Robin and Steve came down the stairs, all of their drinks in hand. They handed each cup to everyone. Steve sat back down, next to Valarie and Eddie this time. He was burnt out, turning to Eddie.
“How long have you two been together again? You act like a married couple.”
“Nine months, Steve. It’s felt like forever though and I can’t get enough of him.” Valarie kissed Eddie’s temple, he let out a soft groan.
“And she’s still a virgin, and almost 20, take that Stevie-boy.” Eddie said chuckling harder than how funny the remark was.
“Eddie! Don’t go telling everyone my business!” Valarie got up, walking to the other side of the couch, sitting by Nancy instead.
“Woah! Someone’s a prude!” Robin stated loudly. Nancy hit her on her shoulder. “Not cool Rob!”
“Hey, I’m sorry. I was joking when I said that Val, I think it’s kinda cool how you don’t let your relationship pressure you into anything.” Steve’s apology sounded genuine, causing Valarie to mouth “It’s fine” to him.
“Yeah, I wish I was more like that, I mean Jonathan and I did it before we even started dating.” Nancy stated, matter-of-factly.
“Wait, you’re not a virgin? What did I miss?” Robin looked at Nancy, betrayed.
“Robin, hun, you’re the only one that’s still really high. We’ve all mostly,” he said looking at Steve “sobered up.” Steve punched Eddie’s arm, causing him to hit him back harder. Valarie laughed, letting out a snort.
“Man, I’m going to sit by the fan, I need fresh air.”
“That’s not fresh- you know what, nevermind go ahead Robin.” Nancy watched as she flopped on the recliner closest to the fan plugged into the corner.
Valarie sat quiet rethinking Robin’s comments. “Prude!” rang through her mind and it spit out evil nothings causing her to pout. She leaned over to Eddie and whispered in his ear,
“Babe, does it bother you that we haven’t done anything sexual at all? I mean 9 months seems like more than enough time. I guess I’m just not ready.”
“Sweetheart, you’re acting like I’m not also a virgin.” Eddie said the last words a little too loudly, causing the rest of the group to turn their heads once again at his words, simultaneously.
“YOU’RE BOTH VIRGINS?” Robin, Nancy, and Steve all said at once, shouting too loudly for the couples ears. Eddie flapped his hands around, signaling them to quiet down.
“Yes, look at me. Do you expect me not to be?” The whole group spit out their shares of “Well, I guess you’re right”
Valarie’s face was suddenly bright, appreciating her boyfriend standing up for her.
“What are you guys waiting for then? Rip your clothes off!” Robin said, still clearly the highest out of the crowd. Steve threw a pillow at her, causing a yelp from Robin across the room, as she giggled tackling him down to the ground.
“Get him Rob!”
“Mess up his hair! That’ll show him!”
“NO NOT THE HAIR! ANYTHING BUT THE HAIR!” Steve said, letting out a loud laugh from across the room.
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pyrite · 3 years
howdy everyone! i’m excited to share my gift for @smushystrawbabies for the @rdrevents winter exchange! i hope you enjoy it, and happy holidays, cowpokes!
pairing: none / gen summary: pre-canon; while dutch and hosea are hard at work, a young john bullies arthur into finding a little christmas cheer. words: ~1.7k
December 20, 1885
Dutch and Hosea have decided to go on with the usual heist this year, in spite of the recent changes to our gang, as Dutch now calls us. It seems the four of us were no gang at all until little Johnny Marston came along. I do not pretend to know why John changes things, small and scrawny as he is, but supposedly, we are a proper gang now. John seems awful excited about this. “Like Jack Hall,” he says, except Dutch says we are nothing like that gang of degenerate something or others. Perhaps that is why he and Hosea have headed into town to rob some rich old fools at a holiday party while I am stuck here playing warden to the kid.
“C’mon, Arthur! We’re as much a part of this gang as Dutch and Hosea!”
Not for the first time this evening, and certainly not the last, John has attached himself to Arthur’s side to pester him about this and that. Joining Dutch and Hosea on the night’s job was his first angle, until Arthur shut him down by pointing out that the kind of job they’re running — robbing high society folk at some fancy party, dressed to the nines and speaking as eloquently as any of them — weren’t the kind with room for a twelve-year-old.
“You ask me,” Arthur told him, with the air of a man sharing a long-held secret, “missing out on this job’s its own kind of gift. You ever wear a tie, kid?” And of course John hadn’t, having been a street urchin since he was — well, a younger child than he is. “Like wearing a noose made of silk. And I know you ain’t forgotten that one.”
John’s eyes widened at that, but it only kept him at bay for an hour or so more. He approached next with some idea of robbing a train, ‘til Arthur pointed out there weren’t any trains coming through this town today, nor any time soon. They could rob a stagecoach, John supposed, but he’d had no idea where to find one when Arthur asked. A store, then, or someone leaving one, or —
John skitters out of Arthur’s tent with all the grace and twice the speed of a newborn deer, nearly careening into one of the wagons in his hurry to put some distance between them. If it weren’t for the fear in those dark eyes of his, Arthur might even laugh — but he remembers too late how little Johnny reacts in the face of a man’s anger.
He softens his voice, though it still reeks of irritation.
“Why are you fixin’ to rob someone, kid? You owe someone money?” He scoffs at his own joke in the hope that a bit of levity might beckon John back into camp from the edge of it. “If you’re in some kind of trouble, you just let me know and I’ll take care of it.”
It isn’t the levity, but the accusation that draws the kid in. “I don’t owe nothin’,” he objects with all the indignation his prepubescent voice can muster. “‘Cept Dutch and Hosea.”
And ain’t that an interesting thought. Looking back, Arthur reckons he might’ve pulled twice his weight around camp in that first year, operating under the same thought. Hell, he’s pulling twice his weight now, except it’s John’s weight he’s pulling instead of some invisible man’s.
Still, Arthur quirks a brow at him. “And you reckon the best way to pay ‘em back for all they’ve done for your sorry ass is to get yourself tossed in jail.”
John opens his mouth to object, but Arthur doesn’t give him the chance.
“Or shot.”
His mouth clamps shut, allowing Arthur a few peaceful moments while he sulks in silence. He’s almost sure it worked before the kid opens his damn mouth again, this time with a melancholic tone that only a kid can muster.
“I just figured… We oughta do something nice for ‘em, since it’s Christmas and all. But I ain’t got any money, and Dutch says I can’t rob nobody ‘til he’s sure I ain’t gonna get caught again.” He shifts a bit as he talks, clearly uncomfortable with the memory hanging around his neck like a goddamn albatross.
Hell if it doesn’t break Arthur’s heart to realize it, just a little bit.
That’s that, then. Always a sucker for a sob story, at least when it comes to kids. Still, he heaves a world-weary sigh as he gets to his feet, rubbing his brow as he struggles to figure out just how this kid managed to work his way under the floorboards of his heart.
“Get your coat, then. Can’t have you freezin’ on our way into town, or Hosea’ll have my head.”
That’s all it takes to spark a new fire in John’s eyes as he scrambles toward their shared tent in search of his coat and the old satchel Arthur handed down to him a week or so ago.
The ride into the nearest town — and not the one Dutch and Hosea are working, thankfully — takes just under an hour, and John spends damn near all of it talking. He asks about the job they’re gonna pull, what they’ll do with the money, what Dutch and Hosea might like as far as gifts go. When he’s all out of questions, he tells Arthur a few stories about St. Nick that he’s heard plenty of times before, and a few about Christmas at the orphanage, which he surely hasn’t. Hearing those, it’s no wonder he’s excited to do something nice for a change. Surely ladies of the Lord would be a bit kinder than John says, but something in his voice tells him every word is the truth.
All the more reason to make this a decent Christmas, he supposes. Shouldn’t be hard, seeing as he’s never had a good one.
In his eagerness to get started on their heist, John slides right off the saddle and into the dirt as soon as Arthur stops to hitch up. It doesn’t faze him none, as he’s back on his feet in a second and asking questions a little too loudly for such a busy street.
“What’s next, huh? We robbin’ the store? Want me to distract someone while you—”
It takes a hand over his mouth to shut him up, and Arthur’s glad not to feel John’s instinctive bite through his winter gloves. “Next… is shuttin’ the hell up while we’re right in front of the damn store, you fool.” Once John realizes he’s meant to nod his understanding, Arthur lets go of him. “After that… We pick out something nice. Nothing too nice, mind. We ain’t made of money, and neither’s the poor bastard on the other side of the counter.” John nods, miraculously quiet as he awaits the next set of instructions, but none come.
“Go on, then,” Arthur urges. “When you find something, you let me know.”
They spend the better part of a half hour in the store, Arthur casually perusing while John ricochets from one shelf to the next, trying and failing to remain quiet as he hems and haws over his decision. In the interest of keeping the shopkeep at ease about their extended visit, Arthur sets a couple of nice lures on the counter — for Dutch and Hosea, naturally — and a few candies beside them, mostly for John unless he’s inclined to share in the name of holiday spirit or some such. Faced with a treat like that, all his own if he wants it, Arthur imagines the generosity he’s found now won’t last.
The shopkeep seems about ready to ask after the kid when John tugs on Arthur’s sleeve, gesturing him to lean down so he can tell him what he’s found in a way that ain’t half as discreet as he seems to think it is.
“I ain’t breaking my back to bend down to your level, Johnny. Best you just show me what you’ve picked out.”
He rolls his eyes at the shopkeep as John leads him toward some corner display, wordlessly gesturing as if it’s some big secret. There’s a book there that Arthur hasn’t seen in Dutch’s collection, though the author’s name rings a bell. Behind the display, John’s hidden a decent-looking pocket watch — no doubt for Hosea, though he won’t tell him he stole a nicer one off some Jack Hall imposter last week.
Still. The kid has taste, surprisingly enough.
As soon as he opens his mouth, no doubt to ask what the next part of their plan is, Arthur makes no small show of taking both items to the counter and paying for them along with his candies and lures. It’s nothing short of a Christmas miracle that John waits until they’re outside to object to the legality of it all.
“What was all that sneakin’ around for if we weren’t robbin’ him?” He demands as Arthur lifts him onto Hippolyta’s back. “You ain’t gonna turn around and hold him up soon as you send me off, are you? ‘Cause I’ll turn right around, I’ll—”
Goddamn, if the kid can’t talk himself into a tizzy. “First off, you can’t hardly turn a horse any direction but straight. Forget about turning all the way around.”
John pouts, which effectively shuts him up long enough for Arthur to make his point.
“Far as I’m concerned, we’ve done our business here. Ain’t no reason to rob a man who’s just trying to make a living, seeing as it’s Christmastime and all that.” Before John can say anything, Arthur preemptively interrupts him. “What Dutch and Hosea are doing is different. Them’s high society folk, throwing fancy parties just to show off all the money they got in their pockets. Way we see it, if they got enough money to feed half the damn town as well as they do for a night, they can spare a little cash to feed the homeless for a week. Don’t take half as much, neither. People in need just want something to fill their stomachs; they ain’t askin’ for oysters.”
They’re both quiet after that. Arthur because he’s said all he needs to say, and John because he’s thinking on what was said, he hopes. It’d be nice if some of that got through that thick skull of his…
But the first thing he says, about twenty minutes out, is:
“What’s an oyster?”
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emmyhem · 3 years
right where you left me (l.r.h)
a/n: hi everybody! so this is a bit of a longer one that is inspired by the song “right where you left me” by taylor swift on evermore. it’s one of my favorites by her because i love the writing and the concept. whether you’re a taylor fan or not i suggest reading and then listening to the song with the fic in mind, it makes the song hit extremely hard. also expect more taylor inspired stuff in the future because she’s one of my all time favorite artists. this one is sad but i live for the angst so what’re you gonna do? my calum piece, “everything you’re missing” should be up by the end of the week and i’m working hard on my very first michael and ashton pieces as well, which is really exciting. anyway i hope you all enjoy and are being safe (get vaccinated if you can!) once again my messages are always open and feedback/criticism is always appreciated. hugs and kisses to all, thanks - emmy <33
pairing: luke hemmings x fem!reader 
summary: you met 20 year old luke hemmings in a coffee shop eight years ago and were sure your life had been decided. you once told him you’d wait for him until you were sure he was happier without you. you never thought that day would actually come.
warning(s): angst, cursing, alludes to possible infidelity, it’s a sad one so buckle in. 
word count: 6.2k
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Current time - December 14th 
The familiar ring of the entrance bell pulled your attention from the worn book beneath your fingers to take a routine glance at the patrons rushing in from the early December chill. Mitten covered hands, and icy cold flushed cheeks entered one after the other. Your typical seat in the corner of the small cafe was shielded from the penetrating winds that accompanied each person in their entrance but you still shivered in sympathy at each new arrival. 
Your steaming earl grey had faded into a tepid puddle at the bottom of your mug as the hours passed on the analog clock that adorned the brick wall in the front. Olive, a barista you had become friendly with over the years approached your table with the cafe’s winter speciality, an orange cranberry muffin in hand. 
“Last one.” she said, sitting it on a pine green napkin in front of you. 
You reached into your purse for a few spare bills to cover the cost when she stopped you by placing a hand on your forearm. 
“On the house for our favorite customer.” her eyes were filled with pity as she nodded down to you, and you were too tired to feel embarrassed. 
“Thanks, Liv.” you sighed. 
“It’s my pleasure, besides I always feel like we’re robbing you when you pay full price, you only ever eat half anyway.” she added as she walked away. 
You picked at the baked good, memories flooding your brain with each bite. 
Eight years ago - December 14th 
As you clutched your books with a death grip you cursed yourself for forgetting your gloves in your dorm. The wind was picking up and it wouldn’t be long until they were numb completely, and your sweater paws were less than effective in warming your frozen fingers. 
A flickering red light glowed just a bit down the street and a sugary citrus aroma was pulling your stiff limbs towards it against the wind. The closer you got the more mouthwatering the smell became and soon enough you had reached the door, bracing yourself for the chill of the copper handle as you pulled it open. 
Sweet, warm air enveloped you as you stepped inside. The red brick walls were chipped in more than a few places, red and green christmas lights twinkle from a tree in the corner, and the crackling of the fireplace was like music to your ears. You wondered how you had never noticed the quaint cafe before as you took your place in line behind a tall man wearing only a thin black hoodie and beanie for protection from the cold weather. As you got closer to him a piney scent cut through the sweet smell of pastries and you caught yourself leaning in to get a better whiff of its freshness. 
Your eyes scanned over the menu that hung behind the cash register while he ordered and did your best to ignore the chill that ran up your spine when his soft aussie accent invaded your ears. 
Once he finished and stepped off to the side to wait for his order you moved forward and placed your books on the counter. 
“Hi, how can I help you today?” a young ginger barista with an abundance of freckles said. 
“Hi,” you paused and located her name tag. “Olive, I’ve never been here before but there's this smell that-” 
“Our orange cranberry muffins.” she interrupted pointing to a chalkboard in front of her that read, “Warm up with a wintery treat, try our famous orange cranberry muffin today!” 
Your stomach growled quietly at the thought as you nodded. 
“I would love one of those and...a medium early grey, please.” you replied, pulling a 10 dollar bill from your pocket. 
“Sadly, we have just sold our last one to the customer in front of you.” she nodded to the enticing blonde man that had caught your attention earlier, who was now staring down at his black vans as he shifted his weight from one leg to the other. 
You narrowed your eyes at the muffin thief when he glanced up at you innocently while accepting his coffee from another worker. 
“We do still have our gingerbread and pumpkin muffins if you’d be interested in one of those instead.” Olive continued motioning a hand to the glass display of tasty treats to your right. 
You let out a disappointed huff, “That’s okay, just the tea please.” 
You paid for your order making sure to leave a few extra dollars in the tip jar before taking a seat on a worn burgundy couch near the fire to wait for your drink. 
Leaning your head against your hand for support you allowed your eyes to drift closed and listen to the pops and crackles of the fire meshing with the soft holiday music echoing through the place. You only opened your eyes back up at the feeling of the couch dipping beside you. 
Sitting too close to not acknowledge, was the boy from earlier who was now alternating sips of what smelled like a strong latte with bites of the muffin that could’ve been yours. 
“Are you doing this on purpose?” 
His head snapped in your direction at the sound of your voice, and he finished chewing before responding.
“Doing what?” 
“Taunting me with your stupid muffin.” you were aware of how childish you sounded but hunger had always brought out the irrational side of you. 
“It’s actually quite delicious.” he smirked, ignoring your frustration. 
You groaned in jealousy, “Don’t rub it in.” 
Realization sparked in his eyes. 
“Got the last one didn’t I?” 
You nodded. 
“M’happy to share.” he grinned, breaking off half and holding it out to you. 
“No, really it’s fine. I’m just being annoying.” you waved him off. 
“I’m not annoyed. Really, take it. I’d have to throw it away otherwise.”
Your eyebrows raised at his comment. 
“I’m stuffed.” he explained, patting his stomach twice. 
“I don’t believe you, but I’m starving and this smells incredible.” you responded, accepting the baked good. 
You closed your eyes and let out a satisfied hum after biting into it. 
“Holy shit, this is like the best thing I’ve ever eaten.” 
The boy watched you and laughed at every pleased noise that you released. 
Once you had finished your half you turned back to see him still watching you, he had scooted even closer to you and your knees knocked together at your movement. 
“Thank you, that was amazing. Although it was pretty rich I don’t think I could eat a whole one either.” 
“Your welcome,” when he paused you realized you hadn’t even introduced yourself but still stole half of this guy’s muffin. 
“I’m y/n.” you filled in. 
“Luke.” he returned. 
You nodded and repeated it, testing how it felt on your tongue. 
“Thank you again, Luke.” 
The two of you began talking about, school, work, music, your favorite movies, astrology, anything really. By the time you glanced up from the conversation the cafe was nearly empty and the fire in front of you had burnt out leaving a smoky debris hanging in the air. 
“I think they’re closing.” you said while checking the time on your phone. 
“Fuck, I’ve got a paper due tomorrow.” 
“Sorry, I kept you back.” you apologized, both of you gathering your things as you talked. 
“No, s’not your fault.” he dismissed as you both began to walk to the door.
Standing a few feet away from the exit you could already feel the nip that was permeating through the glass, it sent a chill through your spine making you wiggle your shoulders. As you stared at the floor over the books in your arms, trying to decide what the best way to ensure you would see Luke again was, you heard the buzz of a zipper. You lifted your head to see your new acquaintance removing his arms from the sleeves of his black hoodie. 
“Are you crazy? It’s freezing out there.” 
“I know, you’re shivering.” he answered, swinging the fabric behind your back until it dropped and wrapped around your shoulders. He pulled on the sleeves till they were hanging in place and you watched through your lashes, completely in awe of his concentrated expression. 
“Luke, I can’t wear this you’ll freeze and I can’t just take your clothes.” 
“C’mon of course y’can. I’m warm blooded. I'll be fine and you aren’t taking it. I’m gonna want to come in for one of those muffins tomorrow and you know I can’t eat the whole thing, so you’ll just have to be here to share with me. We meet, we eat, I retrieve my jacket, all is right in the world.” He smiled through his words, attempting to warm you up by rubbing his hands up and down your shoulders quickly. “Think you can do that?” 
“I’m sure.” 
“Excellent. Meet me here at 9:00 tomorrow.” 
You nodded as he pushed the door open and despite him trying to act unaffected you could tell from his rigid stance he was freezing. 
“I’m counting on you alright? Stay warm, y/n.” he reiterated through chattering teeth before exiting the shop. 
Current Time - December 14th 
When they talk about one moment defining your life it seems silly, and unrealistic. One day of your life is hardly even a blip so one minute defining everything seems completely ludacris. You would have never bought into it eight years ago, right up until Luke muttered those three words to you before braving the cold. 
“Stay warm, y/n.”
He said it and you had one of those moments. One of those, “and then everything changed.” moments. 
You had always been sure that your purpose would come to you later in life, maybe you’d have a spiritual awakening while in some foreign country. Maybe you’d read a book that would change your view on everything, or god forbid you’d have a close encounter with death and the epiphany would come then. You would’ve never guessed that a nearly missed encounter with the world’s best muffin and a lanky Australian guy would do it. 
But here you were eight years after the encounter, your hair was longer, the crinkles that appear by your eyes when you smile now linger, and Luke was nowhere to be seen, but some things haven’t changed at all. A half eaten muffin, the comforting cafe, and your unwavering certainty that your life’s purpose was to love and to be loved by Luke Hemmings all remained. 
Seven years ago - March 27th 
The door swung open to a positively beaming Luke, he leaned in to press a swift kiss on your cheek before hurriedly pulling you inside. 
“I have a surprise for you.” 
“You do?” you questioned, taking notice of the subtle burnt smell in the air and the smoky atmosphere of his apartment. 
He nodded excitedly pulling you by the hand into the kitchen where you were met with messy countertops packed full of lumpy and slightly charred muffins. Your mouth fell open and you turned to face your boyfriend who was smiling timidly at you, eyes scanning over your face. 
“I made you our muffins.” he smiled, proudly looking at his work. 
“Wha- how? How did you even get the recipe?” 
“Olive helped me out.” He responded, taking a seat on one of the bar stools by the island. 
“Lu, this is incredible. Thank you.” you praised, moving to stand between his legs. 
“I hope they turned out good. Y’know baking is a lot harder than it looks.” he tutted while unwrapping one for you. “Open up.” he instructed, tapping your chin. 
Your teeth struggled to bite through the dense baked good, and while your taste buds fought with the bitter crumbly substance you questioned whether Luke had actually followed any recipe at all because what you were eating tasted nothing like the warm, gooey, and tart treat that the two of you had come to love. 
You chewed slowly to avoid swallowing and kept your face as neutral as possible. 
“How is it? Good?” he spoke nervously and the little glint of hope in his eyes forced you to swallow it down and paint on a pleased smile. 
“Mmm” you moaned “It's delicious, Luke.” 
“Yeah?” he beamed. 
“Really good.” you nodded, your eyes drifting longingly to the sink. In that moment you would’ve killed for a glass of water. 
“Wow, I mean I thought they’d be alright but this is great. Lemme try.” he brought your muffin up to his mouth and in a panic you snatched it from his hands, squeaking out a small “No!” before shoving the rest of it in your mouth. 
“Babe, there’s plenty, no need to be greedy.” he laughed while unwrapping another. And you really should’ve thought this through because with puffed out cheeks full of possibly the worst muffin in history you took a step back and watched him bite into one. His face twisted in disgust and he quickly spit what he had taken back into the wrapper. 
When he looked back up to you, you were standing there with a full mouth and wide eyes. He cocked his head to the side in confusion, “You enjoyed that?” 
The second you shrugged your shoulders, feigning innocence Luke burst into a sharp cackle, his legs kicking up into the air from the force of his laughter. You took that as an opportunity to run to the trash and rid yourself of the awful taste in your mouth. 
Luke was still struggling to catch his breath while you finished pouring yourself a glass of water. 
“It’s not funny, Lu.” you argued between sips.
“Why didn’t you just spit it out?” he chortled, beckoning you closer with grabby hands. 
“Because, it was so sweet.” you reasoned. 
“Really? I would argue it was more rancid than sweet.” 
“Not the muffin you goon, the gesture.” you elaborated, smacking his shoulder. 
“I can’t believe you ate the whole thing.” 
“Shut up. I was trying to be nice.” you pouted. 
“Hey,” he said, standing and opening his arms. “M’sorry I know.” 
You waddled into his embrace, wrapping your arms around his back. 
“I love you for that.” he sighed, before kissing the top of your head. 
You froze in his hold, those three unexpected words echoing through your head. 
“You what?” 
His chest shook lightly as a laugh fell from his mouth. 
“I love you.” he repeated. It was so nonchalant, as if he’d said it to you a hundred times before. “You alright with that?” 
You nodded before pulling back just enough that you could see his face. 
“I love you.” you returned. 
Luke’s hands cupped your cheeks, a groan passing his lips before he pressed a soft kiss to your now pouty mouth.
“Say it again.” he pleaded into your mouth. 
“I love you.” you sighed, chasing his lips with your own. 
“And again, and again, and again…” he continued, rewarding you with one lingering peck for each declaration. 
“Mmm” he hummed in content when he decided he was satisfied. “Never stop saying it.” 
Current Time - December 14th 
A whirlwind romance like the one that the two of you had shared was never meant to be sad. It was the kind of love that constantly feels like a cheesy montage full of sweet moments that happens at the end of a rom-com. Unsuccessful baking attempts, cozy study dates, spontaneous weekend trips, hundreds of shared muffins, piggy back rides home from the bar, that’s what made you Luke and y/n. 
The two of you didn’t do well with the hard stuff and it worked because there just wasn’t any. Everything was easy and it felt good. It felt right. 
It had never even occurred to you that the hard stuff was part of any great love, that inevitably one day things would get hard. It really hadn’t occurred to you that pushing through the hard stuff was something that Luke may not be up for. Because you were and you always had been, all in. 
Six years ago - February 17th 
You had gotten home late after a long shift at the library you worked at part time . Luke was sitting on the couch scribbling something in a notebook and taking tiny sips of his steaming cup of tea, too impatient to wait for it to cool properly. 
You’d been listening to an audiobook while organizing the shelves that day and the somber tone of it had seriously dampened your mood. It also made you extremely grateful that you had Luke to cuddle away all your sorrows. 
He had noticed your sad expression the second he saw you and was quick to pull you into his arms and press you for information. 
“What happened baby?” he cooed as you nestled as close into him as physically possible. 
“Sad book.” you mumbled into his chest. 
“Aw, love you shouldn’t let that stuff get to you. S’not real, there’s no need to get upset.” This was something you had heard plenty of times before, seeing as you were an extremely emotional person and felt things strongly. 
“It was so sad though, bubs.” You reasoned that talking through it with someone else might dull the ache that it had left on your taut heartstrings. You explained the whole plot, how the couple had met on a plane and spent their two separate vacations together and along the way fallen in love. Luke would hum or nod every so often indicating he was listening but you knew most of his focus was on the fact that you were tearing up through your explanation. He let his lips rest along your hairline as you got to the climax of the story, speaking through cracks in your voice to tell him that they had lost each other’s numbers on their way back and while the woman was able to move on and find love later in life, the man waited at the airport for years hoping that one day he would see her again. 
Luke’s hand ran through your hair while your head rested on his chest. 
“I don’t think there’s anything romantic about it. It’s just sad.” he concluded. 
“I disagree.” 
“I’d wait for you.” you confirmed, running your fingers over the fabric of his shirt. 
“Not forever though,” he added. 
“I’d wait until I knew you were happier without me.” 
“Yea, me too.” he agreed. 
“I’d never be happier without you.” 
Current Time - December 14th 
One thing that you never doubted in your relationship was whether or not Luke loved you. You knew he did. It was something that had always been casual between the two of you, it was as much a greeting as it was anything else. 
As the sun rose and broke through your curtains the words to break the silence that lingered from the night before wasn’t “Good morning” it was “I love you.” Before leaving for work instead of an impersonal “Bye!” you shouted “Love you!” through the closing door of your apartment. It was a phrase that had been repeated millions of times, and despite the casualness of it all, it never lost its meaning. 
Even now, five years since you’d last seen him you knew with every bone in your body that no matter where he was right now, half the world away or two blocks downtown, he still loved you. 
Luke always kept his promises, a million times he had promised that he would always love you. And a million times you had promised it right back. 
A hundred years apart wouldn’t change that, let alone five. 
Five years ago - December 13th 
You watched the snow fall from the living room window, what you would normally find peaceful was making you go insane. It had been perpetually silent around your apartment for the past couple of weeks. Luke was hardly ever home, when asked he would tell you that he had a big project at work and needed to teach the new intern how things were done in the office. You hadn’t thought much of it, there were times when you were busy and had to put things with him on the back burner to focus on the uncertainty of work. It had never been an issue because as far as you were concerned things were set between you and Luke. There was the unspoken promise of forever. 
Of course, that didn’t stop you from missing him tons. On this specific occasion the cold weather had left you with clogged sinuses and a bad headache, one that you would typically soothe with a cup of  earl grey from the cafe and an abundance of snuggling. Since Luke wasn’t around to fulfill your touch deprivation you decided that wearing one of his favorite sweatshirts would have to do for now. 
You blindly reached into his drawer to search for it but stopped when your hand caught on a folded piece of paper. You pulled it out and walked to the bed, flicking on the lamp as you sat. Once the light turned on you were able to see it clear as day, two airline tickets to Sydney departing on the 20th and returning  on January 3rd. The two of you had briefly discussed travelling to Australia at some point so you could finally meet his family but nothing had ever been confirmed. 
The naivety that had always been a part of who you were began to connect non-existent dots with hopeful lines. Luke was planning on surprising you with Christmas in Australia with his family. It explained why he was never home, it also explained the secretive phone calls you had started picking up on after he scurried out of bed in the middle of the night a while ago to speak to someone in hushed tones just outside the bedroom door.
That night when he finally got home at nearly eleven you had made sure to leave half a muffin with a note that read, “Miss you, stud muffin. You work too hard. Love you -y/n” on the kitchen counter. From where you laid in bed, you could hear him laugh as he read it aloud. You quickly sat up in bed when the laughs you were reveling in started to sound like sobs. 
The dim lighting in the kitchen didn’t stop you from seeing the tears on Luke’s face as he looked up to where you stood, stunned in the hallway. 
“What’s wrong?” you hurried to him. 
He made a sniffing sound before gathering you in his arms. He held you so tight that if it wasn’t so sincere it might’ve hurt. 
“Lu, what’s going on.” you squeaked out. 
He tightened his arms around you and nuzzled his face into your hair, emitting soft cries every so often. 
“I love you, y/n.” 
“I know. I love you too.” 
“I swear I’ll always love you. I swear.” 
“I know. Hey, Lu I know.” you soothed as his breaths became more labored. 
At some point you had managed to calm him down and coax him into bed, you reasoned that he was just so tired that his feelings got the best of him, something that had happened to you many times before. And honestly you were just happy to be back in his arms once again, so when he was wrapped around you in bed, his hands playing with your hair like they always did when he got anxious, you didn’t think twice about it when he said,
“We need to talk tomorrow, over breakfast. We can go to the café if you want?” 
You nodded against his chest as sleep overtook you, the last thing you heard being “I promise I’ll always love you.”  
Current Time - December 14th 
Your reminiscing was interrupted by a high pitched screech from the front of the cafe. When you followed the sound your eyes landed upon a distressed toddler, about three years old if you to guess, who was pouting up at a tall, gorgeous woman that was apologizing profusely to Olive for her son’s outbreak. You wouldn’t have looked twice at the scene if  it wasn’t for the way Olive’s troubled expression and wide eyes were directed precisely on you. 
The child was screaming through his cries “I want daddy’s muffin!” His face was red and blotchy from tears and the cold weather but didn’t completely overtake his creamy skin tone that complimented his familiar blue eyes. He was an adorable kid, a full head of blonde ringlets and chubby cheeks that you were sure turned a light pink when he smiled. 
He kind of reminded you of Luke. When the thought entered your head you were quick to dismiss it though, because if you were being honest most things reminded you of Luke. 
“I’m so sorry about this. He isn’t normally so loud, it’s just that my husband loves these muffins and he promised Sammy one.” you heard the gorgeous woman say. 
“It’s fine, the cranberry orange muffin is a big hit around here. They sell out almost everyday.” Olive responded, her eyes unbreaking from yours. 
“Yea that’s what Luke always tells me.” 
Five years ago - December 14th 
The walk to the café felt longer than it typically did and you had no idea why, for some reason you didn’t notice that Luke was dragging his feet. Maybe it was because you were sure that this impromptu breakfast date was to tell you of the surprise Christmas trip to Australia. Maybe it was because any amount of extra time you got to spend holding Luke’s hand in your own you considered a gift. 
When you finally arrived you were quick to usher him to your favorite table, one that was secluded in the corner, enough to have a bit of privacy but also allowed you to people watch on slow days and have telepathic conversations with Olive from across the room. 
You noticed that Luke wasn’t eating after a few minutes, his muffin half sat untouched in front of him and his nervous demeanor was driving you crazy. 
“I have to admit something.” you finally said, tired of the silence. 
Luke nodded for you to continue but refused to meet your eyes as you spoke. 
“I know about Australia, I found the tickets in your drawer so if that’s what you're so nervous about, there’s no need. Of course I’ll go with you, you have no idea how excited I am to meet your mom, she can finally show me all those baby pictures that she’s always telling me about.” you were so busy picturing your potential trip to Luke’s hometown that you didn’t notice Luke’s teared up eyes and anxious tapping. 
“Y/n, the tickets aren’t for-” he cut himself off before the approaching crack in his voice could prevail. “I met someone.” 
You didn’t even know what that meant, he met someone? You met people all the time, what does that have to do with the trip?  You lifted your mug to take a sip while you waited for him to continue.
“I mean I-I have feelings for someone, uh someone else.” 
You didn’t even feel your grip release, you didn’t hear the shattering noise, you didn’t feel the scorching liquid seep through your top onto your skin. 
Luke was leaving you. He fell in love with someone else. It was serious enough that he was bringing her home. Luke was leaving you. Luke was leaving you. Luke was leaving you.
“I don’t understand.” The crying had already begun, and although it didn’t surprise Luke he couldn’t bear to watch it. He stared at the spilled tea and shards of glass. The entire cafe’s eyes were on you and you didn’t even notice all you could see was that Luke’s weren’t. 
“Look at me.” you pleaded. There was a time when he would’ve seen your face, seen how distressed you were and gone back on everything solely because it hurt him too much to see you hurt. 
When did that stop? Why hadn’t you noticed? 
“I love you y/n, really I do. But I love her too.” 
“You love her more.” you didn’t even try to phrase it as a question, there was no point, you already knew the answer. He must’ve loved her more because he was leaving you for her. Luke was leaving you. 
Your acknowledgement of his feelings didn’t make it hurt any less when he didn’t deny it. Luke was leaving you. 
You sat in silence for at least five minutes, it felt like years. Luke watched you cry, fighting the urge to wrap you in his arms, and sway you back and forth until you stopped. He wouldn’t do that because it was selfish, it would ease his troubles more than yours, he deserved to see how his hurtful actions affected the one he swore to shield from any and all pain. 
“I’ll have everything out of the apartment by the end of the week.” 
The end of the week? You had planned on spending the rest of your life with him and he was telling you that he would essentially be out of your life by the end of the week. Luke was leaving you. None of it felt real. 
“I can’t tell you how sorry I am. I love you.” 
Watching him leave felt surreal, you couldn’t hear anything but your blood pumping, you hardly took any notice when Olive rushed to your table and pulled you into her embrace. 
Luke left you. 
Current time - December 14th 
You could feel his presence as soon as he stumbled out of the bathroom.
How could you have missed him coming in?
You dragged your eyes up his body from his feet, and when they fell upon his face it was like someone had pressed play after fast forwarding through the years that had been taken from you. You weren’t 23 anymore, and Luke certainly wasn’t either. He’d always had a strong build, but he held himself differently now. He was confident and collected, very sure of himself. He had a bit of scruff lining his jaw but you could tell it was well kept and intentional and a pair of black rimmed glasses sat on the bridge of his nose. You reacquainted yourself with his appearance from your spot in the corner. 
With each subtle change you catalogued in your brain, vivid images danced through your head, like a kaleidoscope of what could’ve been. You saw lazy Sunday mornings on the couch leisurely sipping coffee, the open windows next to you bringing in a sweet breeze making the house smell like fresh grass after it rains. You saw yourself pushing a stroller through a park, Luke chasing behind one of your little ones just a few feet ahead. You saw roadtrips, vacations, theme parks, crowded family dinners, trick or treating, white gowns, and wedding cakes. You saw binkies, and bottles, tangled sheets, ruffled hair, pecks on the forehead, lunch boxes, and I love you notes. 
The last scene you saw, one that felt so real you could’ve sworn you were really there, started with Luke sitting on the floor surrounded in wrapping paper a toddler curled up in his lap. He wore flannel pajama pants and a ratty shirt he had purchased at the concert you went to for your third date. He took sips from his mug of lukewarm coffee every so often, and you were sure if you got close enough you’d be able to smell it on his breath, not that you would mind. His curls were grown out more than he typically liked them, they were messy from sleep and obstructing his vision slightly. Just as you reached out to brush them from his forehead, it was like you had been thrown backwards by a force strong enough to make your stomach drop. 
You could still see Luke from where you stood but he was so far away now. You reached your hand out again, gasping in shock when it hit a sheet of glass, you knocked against it firmly but nothing happened. It was like a window where you watched the scene unfold. A woman you had been in the same position as not seconds ago stood up and revealed her face. It was his wife, she handed Luke a small gift bag and waited patiently as he opened it. He acknowledged the gift, a framed photo of the two of them and leaned forward to press a thank you kiss to her lips. 
“Stop!” you called.
No one can hear you. 
“Luke, I’m right here.” you yelled, slamming an open hand to the glass. 
Hot tears fell from your cheeks as you continued to knock and shout. 
“Lu, please.”
As he pulled away from the kiss a grin plastered his face. And it hit you, he was happy. He really was happy. 
Realization of the thing you dreaded the most in the world happened quickly, but not painlessly. Luke’s eyes flicked to your own, he saw you through the window. He saw you calling for him, crying for him, begging for him. He saw you and then he looked away. 
And reality snapped you back yet again, right into the present moment. You were in your café, staring at your empty mug, your face felt hot and wet. When had you started to cry? You reached a shaky hand out for a napkin to wipe your tears, but ended up knocking the mini poinsettia pot in front of you over instead. A crash echoed through the café and everyone turned their attention to you and your frantic demeanor. Everyone, even Luke. 
You forced your eyes up from the glass that sat shattered on the white tablecloth with slow movements and shallow breaths until they finally found the culprit, the reason for your pain. You could see right through the light blue of his eyes, shock and bittersweet nostalgia pooled in the cerulean waves. 
Just like you were suddenly 29 and hurt when you saw Luke. He was suddenly 20 and enamored when he saw you. 
He physically winced while taking notice of the black streaks that cascaded down your cheeks. It reminded him of leaving you. It was all his fault. 
He met your gaze with a desperate one of his own, silently praying that you could still read him well enough to understand. 
His eyes released unspoken declarations with every slow blink. 
I can’t believe I’m seeing you. I miss you. I still love you. I’ll always love you. 
You can’t be here right now. I’m with my family. I’m happy now. I’m happy without you. 
Every silent, stabbing confession all summed up into one that you had been afraid of for the entire eight years that Luke Hemmings had stolen from you. 
I love you, but somehow that stopped being enough.
The place was silent. All eyes on you. 
“I’m so sorry.” 
You weren’t quite sure who you were apologizing to or what for,  it could’ve been to Olive for making yet another mess that she would end up cleaning. It could’ve been to all the customers you disrupted when you broke the flower pot. Or Luke’s son who you had stolen a muffin from. Or maybe his wife, that you had been demonizing in your head for years, seeing her only as the woman who stole the love of your life. It could’ve been to Luke, you were sorry you hadn’t taken him seriously, he was in love and he had a family and you were still waiting around for the day he decided to come back for you. The day that would never come. 
Deep down though, you knew you were saying it to yourself. Eight years is a long time, you had stopped living for yourself a long time ago. You did miss Luke, of course you did but maybe part of the hole in your chest that you had been so desperately trying to fill, was yourself. You really missed you. You without Luke. How could you have forgotten about her? 
“I have to go.” this time you knew exactly who you were talking to and as your feet carried you to the door you didn’t even contemplate turning around when Luke’s voice broke through the silence of the café to say,         
 “Y/n, wait!” 
You kept walking, past the stunned patrons, past Olive, past Luke. You kept walking until you were sure that no one would catch up. You just kept walking because after all this time you were so done waiting.
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absolutebl · 3 years
This Week In BL
April 2021 Part 5
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Close Friend Ep 2 (JaFirst) - First is a cat. No actually a cat. It was WEIRD. Cute, but creeping towards beastiality. It reminded me of that strange series out of China (@heretherebedork says Youth in the Breeze). The most amusing thing to me was that the cat used Thai formal linguistic register when of course cats would use informal rude guu mueng with EVERYONE. No cat would use pom. Don’t be ridiculous, Thailand. 
Second Chance Ep 5 - still invested, things progressed for all 3 couples, in one direction or another. They cuties. I love them. Carry on. 
Y-Destiny Ep 5 - the “virgin scoreboard” is gonna make the seme real hard to redeem with this pairing. If they bother. This might be a life lesson episode. What does it remind me of? Oh yes. Kids. *SHUDDER* Point of interest: did you notice Team uses ha with Mon? What a pushy flirt. 
Lovely Writer Ep 10 - honestly I just love it when Poppy shows up in anything, why is he such a delightful screen presence? (Gene’s brother) Sorry, distracted. What happened in this one? Oh, ya know, stuff and things. Family drama. (It is just me or have they been giving us some long ass episodes lately?) Obligatory beach trip activated. (Result = dumb probability mathematics jokes.) Next week it looks like we have Keeping Actor’s Closeted 101. You know the Casting Couch? This is the Casting Closet. 
Fish Upon The Sky Ep 4 - early stage confession, how fun. It’s not unprecedented it just usually means we are in 4 act structure, not 3, which means Fish might go more serious than I thought. Honestly? I’m losing interest mostly because I’ve gone from mild annoyance to active dislike of Pi. Happened to me with Tine too. They better redeem this obtuse tsundere uke soon or he’s not tsundere at all he’s just a jackwit. 
Brothers Ep 13 fin - a kiss and the family finds out about the not-so-brotherly brothers, drama, graduation, THE END. My side-dish happy heart made thumps over Q + delivery boy, I’m sad they got so little screen time. My babies KhunKaow did get a tiny coming out sequence as such. I’m seriously considering doing myself a bootleg of just the KhunKaow plot, but that means I’d have to rewatch the whole darn series and I can’t STAND the idea. Which should give you insight into how not good this show it. Very NOT good. Must we get a season 2? Please stop now, Line. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
HIStory 4: Close To You (Taiwan) Ep 7 - Muren is the cutest peanut and anyone who says otherwise can fight me, although they probably have to go through Licheng first. I was NOT invested in these two at the beginning, but as a couple? They own my soul. The other storyline is still the dumpster fire that I can’t decide to roast marshmallows over (knowing they’ll get tinged with eu de trash) or flee from in horror clutching my pearls and my nose. H4 continues to provide the quality psyche torture I’ve come to expect from this franchise. *sarcastic thumbs up*  *** A word on seeing Boxiang show up (side dish from H3:MODC). It was an unexpected pleasure, I loved his pairing (May/December is a winner for me *glares at Method*) but I do think it was a bone from the franchise telling us that we are never getting that spin-off or reboot that people yearn for. However, how AWESOME that Licheng has someone to go to and ask about topping properly. Otherwise he’s sure to have screwed it up. (Pun intended.) 
Papa & Daddy (Tailwan) Ep 1-2 - this came out of nowhere and is ADORABLE. Applies a ton of BL tropes (cheek kiss, his closet, B&W stripes, drag baby around, boop) but what IS it? More slice of gay domesticity than romance. Like 2019′s Kinou Nani Tabeta? or currently airing Close Friend. I enjoy this style, very wholesome, but I’m not sure what to call it. (Bonus points for cutie lesbians.) A bit weird to have a kid with your partner and STILL not be out to your parents. I hope they aren’t going to throw in a break up for dramatic effect. 
My Lascivious Boss (Vietnam) Ep 4 - I’m really enjoying this series. It’s unabashedly queer, although there’s some problematic stuff lurking under the wig. How it ends is gonna dictate if they handled this stylishly. But hot damn the leads ZING on screen together and their crackling prank-flirting is a joy to watch. 
Word of Honor (China) Ep 31-33 - moving into the home stretch. Big rescue and the band is back together (presumably for the final slaughter). Then a death! *this is my shocked face* Did I tear up? Of course I did. 4 act structure is designed for maximum pathos during the final 1/4. Did we all faint from the symbolism of the love token hair stick being gently thrust into Ah Xu’s bun? Sure we did. All that and sill I’m flagging. This is a long-arse show. Save me, Korea, with your iItsy bitsy teenie weenie...
Nobleman Ryu’s Wedding (Korea) Ep 5-6 - I am getting such strong 12th Night vibes from this. Tae Hyung is now brigadier of BL’s historical himbo brigade. (To be deployed whenever you are in need of poetry or a cut sleeve.) This show is all ridiculous charm and I LOVE it. Although, five seconds of Lee Sang is not enough Lee Sang. I had to immediately rewatch Wish You. 
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Nitiman gave us an actor intro BTS teaser. 
Kang In Soo (AKA Kyang Insoo) posted a cute behind the photo shoot of Nobleman Ryu’s Wedding plus a silly interview with Jang Eui Soo on his YouTube channel (you should subscribe, it’s a fun channel, his fitness regime is both insane and inspiring). 
My Engineer 2 dropped a couch interview with the boys but it feels like one that was filmed a while ago (oh and no subs).  
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STARTING SOON: Nitiman, Love Area, Top Secret Together, Be Loved in House, & I Promised You The Moon  
Nitiman (Thai) May 7, One 31. University set, moons, engineering students, enemies to lovers, adapted. - Looks to be a solid 2 Moons knock off, I’m in.
Love Area (Thai) May 8, AIS Play, 10 eps total. Restaurant set, stars Pak Chavitpong (the only good thing about Cupid Coach) and the OST is sung by Jeff Satur (Ingredients). - It’s boys in love revolving around food = my kryptonite, try to stop me from watching this probable trash. 
Top Secret Together (Thai) May 14, Line TV. 5 couples, one IRL (Newyear from I Am Your King), story arcs revolve around secrets.  - I’m getting fatigued by these multi-couple sampler pack dramas, but I’ll try it for Newyear’s sake.  
Be Loved in House: I Do (Taiwan YES!) May 20, Viki. Office set, relationships prohibited at work by a new boss, one of the employees is determined to figure out why. Grumpy/tsundere pairing so loads of drama. - I am so flipping excited for this one. A 4th BL series from Taiwan in less than a year? That’s unprecedented. GO BABY ISLAND GO! 
I Promised You the Moon (Thai) May 27, Line TV. Follow up to I Told Sunset About You with the boys now at university. - I won’t be watching this as I have yet to finish season 1. 
Possibly Gameboys season 2.  - Rumors are all over the place right now on this. 
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Next Week Looks Like This: 
Some shows may be listed later than actual air date for International accessibility reasons. 
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Upcoming 2021 BL master post here.
Links to watch are provided when possible, ask in a comment if I missed something.
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violets-andhoney · 2 years
- update -
hi!! so i’ve been inactive for over four months now (probably close to five) and i just wanted to explain some things before i return
the main reason i haven’t been posting is because tumblr decided to lock me out of my blog - i chose to take a break for a few weeks around november/december due to life stuff and after logging out from this blog, i couldn’t access it until about a week ago. i contacted tumblr multiple times but i didn’t get a response and i’ve never heard of this happening to anyone else - at first i thought my blog had been deleted but i was able to view it from my personal blog so yeah i’m still.. really confused lmao.
alongside that, while i was locked out of this blog all the asks i received were deleted. i had around 20 before logging out so i have absolutely no idea how many i missed, and again neither tumblr or google gave me any answers as to why this happened.
so, i’m finally able to access this blog again (and i won’t be logging out anytime soon so hopefully this can’t happen again 🙃) but before i start posting i just wanna ask if anyone knows anything about the blocked tags situation? i saw a couple of months ago on my personal blog that certain tags had been blocked (including ones that i use a lot here) but idk if that’s still a thing? i really don’t want this blog to be deleted if i use certain tags/post nsfw content so if anyone knows anything about the situation pls let me know!!
other than that whole issue, i just want to clarify that although i will be posting semi-regularly from now on i am not always able to post consistently. i’m usually pretty busy with university and work etc so if i don’t reply straight away/post for a few days i want you to know why!
final note: please, and i cannot stress this enough, do not follow me or interact with this blog in any way if you are a man or a minor (yes, that includes people without an age in their bio - if i can’t see that you’re over 18, you will be automatically blocked). i’ve had to spend multiple hours purging my followers list because i, one, want to make sure this blog is a safe place for lesbians (and women in general) to explore their sexuality in a way that is free from the cis male gaze, and two, because i do not and will never consent to minors viewing my nsfw content. i’ve said it multiple times before but please put your age in your bio and do not follow me if you are a man or you will be automatically blocked.
now that’s out of the way, i want to let you all know that i’m so so excited to be back!! i’ve genuinely missed being here so much, so thank you for sticking around while i was gone and reading this long ass post 😅
i’m looking forward to talking to all of you again - love ya 😘💗
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brockadoodles · 4 years
Snow doesn’t fall in scottsdale - a. matthews
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AN: Uhh just ignore the text in the gif since it’s obviously not relevant to the story. (even though Ema is the best) But here’s what might be the last Christmas fic in my eight weeks of Christmas series. I’ve been finding myself inspired for other stuff, and there’s so much wonderful Christmas content out there that I’m sure you don’t need 47837584 more from me. So enjoy this one, a nice anon requested more Auston content, so that’s why I wrote it. But, I really liked it and hope you do too. 
This is also for @broadstbroskis​ who I love to send things at absolutely inappropriate times for her so, I hope this hits you at a bad time ;) 
Word Count: 4628
Warnings: None, it’s floofy. 
Auston felt himself sigh as he looked at you. You were sitting out on the roof and holding an old mug of tea. He noticed the way you held the mug close to your chest and looked out at the skyline. The sun was just beginning to set, the deep orange and purple hues and the hot dry air  were some of his favorite things about where he was from and lived during the offseason. But as he carefully looked at the somber expression coming from his limited view of your face, he could tell that you missed Toronto.
You were the type of person who had a firm belief that Christmas wasn’t really Christmas without the snow, and Scottsdale, Arizona might have felt cold at 20 degrees celsius to those that lived there, but to you all it was, was a dry desert with fake Christmas trees and a painful lack of snow covering the ground. Your favorite memories included carrying a small sled down the street while holding your mom’s hand, or sitting on your dad’s shoulders at the Christmas market every year, snow piling onto your beanie as you stuck your tongue out hoping to catch flakes. Those were your favorite memories of the holiday and even if the view was stunning, the palm trees simply didn’t hold a match to the thick, evergreens covered in snow. But you were thankful to have Auston, and his family, who had been nothing but accommodating to you. So you kept your homesickness away from them, plastering on a smile that faded as soon as you came out to the roof to take a moment to yourself. 
You didn’t want to complain, because you were genuinely grateful that Auston had invited you to spend the holiday with him. Before you could contemplate the weight of the question, or think about how spending Christmas with your friend who always felt like something more would only entangle your heart further into the mess of feelings that it was already nestled in, you said yes. The decision didn’t phase you until you were waiting for a flight, your thigh brushing his and his head resting on your shoulder, that maybe this was only going to end up hurting you in the long run because of your own harbored feelings for one of your closest friends.
You’d liked Auston for almost as long as you’ve known him, having met in a chance run in when he bumped into you on a night out with your friends, spilling your drink all down your dress. He offered you a new one, and soon you found yourself tumbling into a dangerous friendship with him that your heart always wanted to pull more out of. It was a bad idea, going home with him. It was something that was debatably far too intimate for two people who were supposed to be just friends. But you didn’t know that Auston harbored feelings of his own, and you didn’t know just how much he’d do to make your Christmas special. 
Auston watched carefully as you set the mug down and snapped a picture, one that would later end up on Instagram for the world to see, captioned “there’s no snow but the view is great.” You flipped your phone back over, presumably hiding any potential interruptions from your time up on the roof. He took your pause as his moment to make his presence known, and he carefully opened the tall glass sliding door and stepped out onto the roof. You looked over at him before curling your feet underneath your legs to make space for him to sit. 
“Are you okay?” He tentatively asked. You simply nodded and leaned your head on his shoulder, causing him to instinctively pull you closer into his body. It was almost terrifying how well he knew your mannerisms, each breath you took or movement gave away everything about how you were feeling. It scared him how well he could read you, but he paid attention because he cared. Auston knew this was about Christmas, and while didn’t know how to pull any of it off, he'd drive to Colorado and back if it meant bringing you a dusting of snow to the desert in December.
The following afternoon, your mood had improved and the melancholic moment shared between you was nearly forgotten as you sat across from him at the small coffee shop. Auston had this ability to know your every emotion. He knew when you wanted to talk about what was bothering you and when you didn’t, and you appreciated that when you woke up the next day, he offered nothing other than a soft smile and asked if you’d like to check out this new small coffee place with him. 
“I can’t believe you managed to get this much time off this season, normally you don’t even go home.” You hummed as you sipped on your drink. Auston held the door open for you as you walked out, the heat hitting your skin almost instantly as the loss of air conditioning from the shop became more apparent. 
“I know, but it’s good.” He shrugged, offering no indication that there was any deeper meaning to that statement as he followed you out of the shop. The truth was that the extra time was much needed, as it gave him the perfect opportunity for an impulsive trip out of town that just might lift the mood you were so desperately trying to conceal. 
You handed Auston your iced coffee for a moment so that you could toss up your hair. The sun was starting to beat down, heating up your skin and causing a light sweat. 
“It’s too hot, how can you even be wearing that?” You gestured to his outfit, which in contrast to some of the clothes he normally wore, was relatively relaxed and normal. He was wearing black joggers and a dark t-shirt, with a light flannel on top. You were sweating just looking at it in comparison to the oversized Nike t-shirt you had stolen from him that morning, and your soft shorts. You couldn’t deny that it looked good on him though, and if it wasn’t so hot and you lived in a reality where you could act on your feelings, you wouldn’t mind tucking yourself right into his chest.   
“Ah well, that’s because we’re not staying here.” He shrugged, shaking you out of your daydream and tugging you back toward his car. He laced his fingers in yours and it sent fluttering right to your chest. The simple display of affection was something that you were likely reading entirely too much into. But you didn’t care, because your brain was communicating chemicals of fondness that were being sent straight to your heart with the simple gesture, and you were going to let yourself enjoy it even if it ultimately didn’t actually mean anything substantial. 
“What? Where are we going?” You asked. Auston just smiled nervously at you as he unlocked the car. He untangled his fingers from yours and walked to the driver’s side door, a sensation that you subtly frowned at. 
“Uh, well I hope you don’t mind but…” His voice was muffled as he got into the driver's seat. 
“But what, Auston?” You pressed. 
“We may be going on a road trip.” He bit his lip slightly as your eyes went wide. He knew this was spontaneous, and maybe too much. But all he wanted was to see a smile on your face and if he had to spend all night looking up weather reports and finding a town that had a substantial amount of snow and drive you there, that was a task he was more than willing to do. 
“To where? And why?” You laughed. Auston smirked at you as he started the car.
“This small town in the mountains in Colorado. We have a cabin, we’re bringing Felix, and there’s a ton of snow right now.” He smiled at you, watching out of the corner of his eye to see your reaction as you took in what he was saying. Your eyes widened and your heart rate quickened. You reached over the center console and grabbed his hand and slid your fingers through his once more.
“Thank you.” You whispered, hoping that the simple words could accurately depict just how appreciative you were of him. He pulled your hand up to his mouth, pressing a light kiss to the back of it and smiling at you once again. The adoration in his eyes was more than what a friend should show, but this entire trip was more than friendly, and you didn’t really care that you were setting your heart up for the inevitable disappointment you might face by the end of it, because you at least somewhat had Auston. He may have not been your boyfriend, you couldn’t kiss him whenever you wanted, or hold him beyond small gestures but he cared about you, probably more than he cared about most of his friends, and that was enough. So you packed a bag, loaded Felix into the car, and drove just over eight hours with him to spend a few days in the snow before Christmas.
The first night you got there, the two of you were exhausted. You were so tired that you couldn’t even register the lines you were crossing as you climbed into bed next to him, Felix tucked securely under your feet. You were so tired that you didn’t question it when his arm came around your waist and slid just underneath the waist of the sweatshirt you were wearing. He was warm, and you felt safe, so you let yourself drift off to sleep without thinking of the emotional consequences of the romanticization of all of this. 
The second night, Auston had insisted on another surprise for you. One that he was tight lipped about, but swore that you would love. All he told you was that you needed to dress warm and be ready to walk around. So, you threw on more layers than was probably necessary and let him lead you into town. 
You grabbed onto his arm to not lose him. The crowd was larger than you’d expect for the small mountain town he had brought you to. Auston just pulled you in closer, wrapping an arm around you to tuck you safe and secure into his side. It was another simple gesture, adding to the annoying list in the back of your mind of things that Auston Matthews could do that caused a flutter in your stomach and slight heartache in your chest. But it was cold, and the gesture was one that made you feel calm and content as he led you further into the town. 
The small town was quant, and reminded you of some picturesque stereotypical German town that went all out for the holidays. The Bavarian style cottages and buildings were all decorated with lights, and the snow on the roofs was a sight that made you smile even more as you kept walking. You were about to ask Auston where you were headed when suddenly the lights came into view. Your eyes went wide as you looked at the giant tree in the center of the town square, it was lit up with white lights and shiny, multicolored ornaments. Snow was settled into the branches and littered on the ground. You nearly cried when you realized where he had brought you. 
“I can’t make it snow in Arizona, I can’t replicate the tree, but I found this place and thought it was pretty close.” He looked down as you with a subtle smile on his lips. You reached a hand up to his cheek, running your thumb along the stubble from where his beard was growing in, feeling his cheeks shift into a larger smile. He wrapped an arm further around your waist and pulled you into his chest. Auston looked at you like you were his entire world and his heart lurched in his chest at yet another grip you were securing on it. He wanted to lean down and kiss you. He wanted to walk through the door to your soul that he had been waiting behind for so long because for the first time, standing there with your hand on his cheek and you looking at him the way that you were, it felt like it was finally opening for him. 
But the moment was fleeting and as your eyes scattered away from his and you stepped back, his heart dropped. Because in that moment he could almost see the intricate parts of your mind racing, probably regretting getting so close to him in the first place. He didn’t get to kiss you that night, but as you threw on his sweatshirt and crawled into bed next to him, letting your head fall onto his chest, he let himself wander back to the idea of your feelings being reciprocated. It was that feeling that left him softly smiling as he fell asleep. 
“I have one last surprise for this trip.” Auston came out into the kitchen. He stood behind you and reached an arm around to grab a mug, resting his other hand on your waist as he did so. You were growing almost too accustomed to the subtle touches shared on this trip, to falling asleep in his arms. You were in your own almost blissful world, and there was a part of you that had been thinking about taking the leap and kissing him. Because in this blissful world, reality didn’t exist. You weren’t going back to Arizona tomorrow, and you weren’t ultimately going back to Toronto to your separate apartments. In this reality, you could stay with Auston forever, without the pressures of everything that real life brought both of you. 
“Do enlighten me on the latest Auston Matthews surprise experience, because I must say that I am enjoying it.” You teased, passing him the coffee pot that was in front of you. You spun around to face him and his smile grew. There was a soft glow to his smile and his eyes that had your heart racing even faster than it already was previously, and you bit your lip as you waited for a response. 
“We’re going skating.” He grinned, a satisfactory laugh coming from him as he watched your eyes go wide and mouth hang open just slightly. You had only skated once in your life, and it was when you were seven. Your older brother had shoved you onto the ice and you tumbled, breaking your arm in the process. Ever since then, skating was the one fear you had, which was slightly ironic considering the person you were essentially in love with did it for a living. 
“Auston… you know I don’t know how to skate.” You glanced over at him, his hand reassuringly came to rest on your hip, a soft squeeze that sent shivers running through your body at the contact. He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead and you nearly fell over. The line that the two of you were balancing on felt like it had been crossed with the intimacy of the kiss. It was a simple, quick, but tender kiss to the forehead, and it was rushing into your heart, causing it to react and demand more from him. 
“Time to learn, babe.” He patted your hip and walked out of the kitchen. The disconnect from his body no longer pressed almost against yours was almost excruciating. You stood there in the kitchen for what felt like hours just replaying the moment in your mind. You were so focussed on how badly you wanted him that you didn’t even register the fear that you normally felt when it came to the idea of skating. 
Later that afternoon, after resolving yourself to the fact that you were definitely not getting out of this surprise, and realizing that he even bought new skates for you, Auston led you through a snow-covered pathway on your way to the frozen lake. The walk was quiet, the only sounds coming from your feet crunching in the snow. As you got closer and the lake came into view, you were regretting leaving Felix at the cabin because he could have been a great excuse to use to get out of this. 
Auston spotted a small bench and instructed you to sit down on it. He sat down beside you and lifted a leg into your lap, sliding the skate on and beginning to tie it securely for you. You watched as his hands moved, tightening the laces. When he was done with both skates, his hand slid up your shin, a soft reassuring smile on his face as he tapped your leg indicating that you needed to move so he could put on his own skates. You were starting to get more and more nervous as he finished lacing his up and grabbed your hands, helping you stand on the edge of the lake. Auston took a few steps backwards, guiding you to the very edge of the frozen lake. Your stomach dropped when he stepped out, the sound of skates hitting the ice shocking you back into the reality of what you were doing. 
“No railing baby, you’ve got to hold onto me or accept that you might fall.” Auston teased as you stood at the edge of the lake. This felt like a disaster waiting to happen, a tragic ending to what would have been the cute cheesy skating scene in one of those terrible lifetime Christmas movies. You felt slightly ridiculous out there, but Auston didn’t see it that way. He saw this as another opportunity to help you have the best possible Christmas even if you were away from your family. 
“You know.. what if I just sit here and watch you?” You offered, biting your lip as he skated to the edge of the lake. He positioned himself right in front of you and took your gloves hands in his, guiding you slowly onto the ice. 
“I’ve got you, I won’t let you fall, okay?” He reassured you. If only he knew that falling on the ice was the least of your concerns when it came to the meaning of that word. Auston reached for your hand, silently lacing his fingers with yours as he guided you into taking your first step. You crashed into him, hands flailing into his chest as he laughed softly at you. 
“It’s not funny!” You whined, grasping onto him as tightly as you could. Auston didn’t mind the contact, he wanted to be with you all the time, his heart carefully locked in your possession to keep, whether you knew it or not. If anyone told him that he’d have gone through all of this for a person who he wasn’t even dating, he would have laughed in their face. But you were different, and no matter how hard he tried to pretend you were just a friend, he knew he was potentially setting himself up for a shattered soul if you didn’t feel the same way that he did. 
You let Auston guide you around the ice, his hands secure on your body to prevent you from falling. When he guided you off the ice, you sat straight down onto the same bench you had previously. Auston leaned in front of you, grabbing the back of the bench with his hands on either side of you. For a moment you let your mind drift, thinking about what it would be like to reach out and grab the strings tauntingly hanging from his sweatshirt and pulling him into you from where he was standing. You thought about how you could press your lips softly to his, reaching your hand through his hair to pull him closer into you. You felt your stomach in knots as you thought about kissing him, something you’d been wanting to do for a while, but never had the courage to, and it wasn’t until he waved a hand in front of your face that you realized you weren’t kissing him, it was just an image projected from your imagination as you sat there, wishing your feelings away so that you wouldn’t constantly be rejected in your own head. 
The two of you set off on the drive back to Scottsdale the next day, leaving behind the bliss of being unplugged and away from everyone for just a few days. The whole experience almost felt like a melatonin induced dream, the last three days spent with him. But as you settled back into the guest room in his Arizona house on Christmas Eve, your bed felt cold and empty without him. 
Christmas day had come and was nearly over, and you smiled more than you thought that you would. It was weird how the short trip had changed your perspective over the whole holiday. You weren’t nearly as homesick as you had been. You were genuinely enjoying yourself, and felt like you belonged right where you were as you helped Ema in the kitchen with Christmas dinner. You felt a sense of ease finally about Auston, clarity slowly drifting from your heart to your brain about how you felt about him. 
You had excused yourself after dinner to go up to the roof once more, just taking some time to let all of your feelings settle. The reality of going back to Toronto was starting to creep back in. Soon you would be home and back in the routine of the second half of the hockey season. Auston would go back to being gone all of the time, and you would go back to work, the fleeting feelings you were experiencing would pass, and you’d get back to the place that you had been before where you were content with him just being your friend. 
Auston however, had different hopes for the last few hours of this short escape from Toronto. He loved his job, he loved his teammates and the city, but he’d be lying to everyone and himself if he didn’t admit that you were one of his favorite parts of the whole thing. He lit up whenever he’d see you in the crowd, the same old Maple Leafs beanie you had since your high school days adorned on your head. You fit seamlessly into his life in every single way except for the most important one, and he had enough of it. This week spent with you had shown him that he needed to be honest. He needed to release his heart from the weight of his own growing feelings for you, and there were moments where he truly thought that you were going to catch it. He needed to take the chance, he might explode if he didn’t. 
The gift was entirely too much, it was too sentimental, too heartfelt, too every other adjective in the dictionary for the word much, and Auston knew that. He knew that this gift sealed any chance at keeping his feelings opaque, the transparency of the glass felt like a metaphor for a window into his own heart. But he didn’t care. He didn’t care that it was too much, all he wanted was for the horribly wrapped confession to somehow be enough for you. Auston took a deep breath as he held the box, the one that Bre had helped him wrap just the night previously. You were up on the roof, sitting peacefully as you watched the sunset over the skyline. The palm trees and dry terrain are vastly different than what you were used to in December. It was almost like you had a sixth sense he was behind you because he swore he felt his heart drop into his stomach when you turned your head just enough, showing a warm and soft smile as he tentatively stepped toward you. 
You were in one of his sweatshirts and your hair was up, a look that in all your years of knowing each other he never got tired of. You were everything to him, and he had been so sure about how he felt about you right from the beginning. But, you weren’t ready. At the time you had just had a bad breakup, your heart was tucked in a locked box in your chest, no hope of it being unlocked by anyone else for a long time. But, a long time had been coming, and now that you were here, in Arizona, in his sweatshirt, smiling at him, he could only hope that you would at least consider giving your heart to him. 
Auston stepped out onto the roof again, a familiar feeling settling into his chest from just a few days prior. You lifted your eyes up to meet his, this time a genuine smile adorning your lips as the moon and small patio light lit up your face. He sat down next to you once again, handing you the small, wrapped gift that he had been holding.
“I have one last surprise for you.” He quietly spoke. 
You took the box in your hands and you slowly unwrapped the gift.  You set the paper down under your thigh and pulled out the small snow globe, letting it feel heavy in your hands. Your fingers traced over the details, the fetched mountains in the glass and the hint of green pointing through the white snow. It was a simple gift, something plucked straight out of a bad holiday movie, but you didn’t care because it came from him, and the thought behind it was better than any tangible gift he could have bought for you.
“Turns out, snow is very hard to come by around here.” He smiled down at you. You looked at Auston with a new perspective filling your mind, you noticed all of the things about him that you were blissfully ignoring before for the sake of guarding your own heart and hiding your own feelings. You knew his eyes softened when he looked at you, you just chose not to see it until now. 
“Auston-“ you started, but his eyes shifted as he spoke. His entire speech was tossed off the side of the roof, he was going with his gut here. He was going to tell you how he felt, because he simply couldn’t hold it in any longer. 
“This is probably the worst time for this. And you deserve better than some shitty rooftop confession on Christmas. But, I like you. I like you so much, I have probably since shortly after we met, and I know I didn’t make snow fall like I promised, but that doesn’t change how I feel about you. How badly I want to kiss you, how badly I want to just say that I love you all the time.”
“Auston, you talk too much.” You smiled at him. Everything felt warm, and it wasn’t just because of the slight heat in the air, or his body closely hovering above yours. You were warm because you loved him, a concept that you weren’t expecting yet somehow ended up prepared for. 
“Well, I’ll shut up and kiss you, then.” He teased, smiling into a soft kiss. Your hand tangled in his hair, and your eyes fluttered closed as you melted into him. 
“Oh, and I love you too.” You smiled as you leaned in to kiss him once more. Sure it wasn’t Toronto. It wasn’t that blissful three days in the mountains. There weren’t lights or trees or snow or anything that you’d traditionally associate with December 25th, but you had Auston in exactly the way that you had wanted him for a long time, and somehow that was better than all of it combined. 
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writesailingdreams · 3 years
A (little) breakdown of Anne’s return & birthday dates
What do we know:
It’s been 5 months. (I am calculating this as 145 days: 29d. X 5, mostly because my conclusions thst she was gone around 5m. at the maximum was derived from recording and counting the phases of the moon shown in Season 1 and 2)
Anne has been back 1 week in Adventures in Catsitting
Anne has been back an indefinite number of weeks in Olivia and Yunan
Froggy Little Christmas likely takes place on 24 December (I’m basing this on gift-giving)
There’s more referential details; I’m too tired to list everything (I’m not here for super intense analytics)
@inktog Here’s my rough claucatuons & dates.
Reference notes: month = m. | days = d. | weeks = w.
Based on what I saw of the moons, S3a likely covers 2m., 1w., 3d.
This is based on a half moon (🌗) being roughly a week after a full moon (🌕 ) and Froggy Xmas has a definite waning crescent (🌘), meaning it’s a week+ after the third full moon since Anne’s been back. This rests in the assumption she returned on a full moon, hence why it’s 2m. — full moon#1 to full moon#2 = 1st “m.” & full moon#2 to full moon#3 = 2nd “m.”
Because this is so moon focused my numbers are moon based. That is 2m.1w.3d. = 68d. OR 29d + 29d. + 10(7+3)d.
68d. prior to 24 December = 17 October OR 17 Oct. + 14d. + 30d. (Nov.) + 24d. = 24 Dec.
145d. prior to 17 October = 25 May OR 25 May + 6d. + 30 (June) + 31 (July) + 31 (Aug.) + 30 (Sept.) + 17 = 17 Oct.
Sprig’s bday occurs soon after a half moon and it looks like a fat waning crescent (🌗🌘 << b/w that) which means it happens just over a month before 24 December OR 29d.2d. OR 31d., enough time for the waning crescent to actually thin out.
25 May = Anne’s bday (25 May + 6d. + 30 + 31 + 31 + 30 + 17 = 17 Oct. || 06+30+31+31+30+17=145d.)
17 Oct. = return
24 Oct. = Catsitting
23 Nov. = Sprig’s bday (23 Nov + 7d. + 24d. = 24 Dec || 24+7=31d.)
It is very probable these are not as exact as someone else could make them. But it’s adequate for me.
Under the cut are old, old draft calculations before I actually checked Season 3a’s moon.
Now where it gets hazy is calculating just how many weeks Anne and the Plantars have been gone on Olivia and Yunan. It’s clearly been some time. My instinct is, at minimum, it’s been 5 weeks, more probable 6 weeks. (5 1/2 weeks or 39 days??)
Adventures in Catsitting is 3x03b and Olivia and Yunan is 3x07b, which puts 7 episodes (11 min.) or 3 episodes (22 min.) between them. I can’t imagine each 11 min. episode is a week apart but calculating 1 week between 2 min. episodes might make sense. (Not in a literal way, but ep. 3 occurs 1 week after the return. This is followed by ep. 4 (2 weeks after return), ep. 5 (3 weeks after return), ep. 6 (4 weeks after return). This ends on ep. 7 (5 weeks since return). All which falls roughly into my instinct of how much time has passed.
Should probably check and see what moon phrases have been visible in Season 3
So anyway, if we continue this cacluative method... we get Little Froggy Christmas at 7 weeks since return
25 Dec. minus 7 weeks = 6 Nov. as return date | 6 Nov. minus 145 days = 14 June birthday
Or if that, as I feel seems like too big of a gap than, Little Froggy Christmas at 6 weeks since return
25 Dec. minus 6 weeks = 13 Nov. as return date | 13 Nov. minus 145 days = 21 June birthday
Unlikely? Little Froggy Christmas at 5 weeks since return
25 Dec. minus 5 weeks = 20 Nov. as return date | 20 Nov. minus 145 days = 28 June birthday
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ask-rp-devra · 4 years
The night was short, the pair were able to sleep a good 8 hours before getting ready the next morning to set off towards the train station. The pair decided to come back through to pick up the Pokemon to bring back to the island before heading home, but for now they could stay behind with Devra’s mom, just for a little while longer. The only team members that went with them were coal, the little hybrid houndoomxarcanine pup, and Aliza, who had taken a shine to the ponyta gifted to Peach, they seemed to play well together, even Dreepy liked her. With bags gathered, goodbyes said, and tickets bought, the pair stepped onto the train, waving off Olivia who came to see her daughter go, and off they went, towards the new Galarian island, the Crown Tundra.
Devra settled into her seat, waving goodbye to her mom as Coal jumped up in the seat next to her. He was small enough to be on the train, but Aliza had to stay in her pokeball for the time being. She looked over at her friend and smiled. “I hope you slept alright. I always thought the guest room bed was too hard.”
“‘you saw me right? I was asleep in an aeroplane chair sitting up right, the bed was just fine. Much better than most of the places I sleep while away from the lab.” She recalled a few occasions being able to just about catch an hours rest while being trapped in a tree by aggressive Pokemon. “it was a warm, dry bed, with actual sheets and a roof over me haha. It was great.” She mindlessly petted Val, ordering a good coffee off the trolley that passed by, a sweet little wigglytuff in the train companies uniform asking for payment. She got her wallet out...or so she thought? Her hand reached into her bag, and hit something very cold and very smooth, reeling from the weird texture. Val sniggered to herself, shifting to the empty seat the bag sat on, to peer inside.
“I think we have a stow away.” Peach murmured, carefully opening the bag much wider than needed to get a good look. “‘Dreepy?” Inside was the little ghost type, she swore while waving to Devra’s mother at the station when they left, she had also spotted this Pokemon amongst others that had come to see the trainers off. He was wrapped up in one of Peach’s shirts, and seemed a little nervous about being caught in her stuff.
Devra looked over at Peach from her camera, having been looking th right some pictures. “Dreepy? He’s here? But I saw him with my mom. Here, I took a picture of the group when we left.” She held the camera so they could both look. “Oh....well. I thought he was in the picture.” She looked at the little Pokémon and sighed. “I guess he really wanted to come with you.”
“well, it’s fine with me, if he wants to come then I guess we’ve got a new team member.” She smiled a little at the Pokemon and let him and Val go and pick some snacks off the trolley before paying. She gave eyes at her steadfast fire type while Dreepy’s back was turned, asking without words for her to tone her usual disinterest down by like 20%, and she began chattering to the ghost Pokemon as she selected a strawberry filled dumpling thing in a wrapper. With the stern silence broken between the two, peach could relax a little, perhaps they two would be fine together for the trip.
“You’re right though, I swear I saw him on the platform too.” She glanced at the screen on the camera, seeing no signs of him. “‘how strange. You’re faster than you look hey bud?” Dreepy seemed quite proud of the compliment, and finally chose a chocolate-orange flavoured pastry twist before returning to the open bag to snack. “I’m buying, you and your team want anything?”
Devra nodded to Coal, who bounced over and happily started sniffing around until he found a pumpkin muffin. She then grabbed an apple cake and raspberry pastry for her other two team members before sitting back down. “I don’t need anything. Mom made sure I left full.” She laughed and opened Coal’s treat for him. “Tell Peach thank you young man.” The little pup barked happily as me bounced over to her for pets.
“she’s a good mom that one, I bet she’d enjoy a little holiday in johto, lots to see, I can hook you both up with some fun things to do for sure.” There was plenty of art galleries, heritage sites, and excellent restaurants throughout the region, not to mention live music, public gardens of great beauty, and a butt load of areas to sightsee in. Peach paid up and petted Coal, she was very glad to see him in capable hands, he took to Devra like a Ducklett to water, and she was confident he’d grow fast now he was out exploring with her. The Dreepy seemed to peep its eyes out at the hybrid Pokemon, still nibbling away on its snack.
Coal bounced back up next to Devra and started to munch on his treat. “I’m sure she’ll love the trip.” She looked out the window, watching the countryside roll by. “What’s the first thing you want to do once we get to the tundra?”
The professor sipped her hot drink, also enjoying the windows view. “hm, that’s a good question. I suppose I’d really like to find a place to stay, I’d normally not mind camping but I see the name ‘Crown TUNDRA’ and feel like I wouldn’t want to stay over night outside as much. What about you? You’ll be knees deep in herd Pokemon in no time I bet, anything else you’d want to check out?” The little Dreepy had snuck closer to the window to look out, still nibbling.
“Well, there is this big ruin building with a massive old dead tree that’s I’d love to see. But it’s at the top of one of the mountains here. So it might be tricky getting to.” She mindlessly pet Coal as she slowly started seeing snow. “And I think there’s a small town that we could ask about lodging at. Day trips to the tundra and back by dark?”
“‘oh I do love a tree, that sounds interesting, you could always try to find a Pokemon who could get you up that mountain a bit easier?” Peach had planned to do just that, the cold sneaking in, she could feel her bad knee aching ever so slightly already, and almost exactly after that thought crossed her mind, Val crept over to radiate heat, sitting in her lap, easing the dull pain.
“perhaps we can camp out some of the time, it’d be nice to see what happens at night, what Pokemon come out, just perhaps not in any heavy weather if it can be avoided. I did take a look online, the village there is usually pretty open to travellers, think I noticed a B&B or two with vacancies posted, I’m sure we’ll find somewhere to stay.” By this point, the views had turned pure white, in the fields you could see grazing Pokemon, a herd of wooloo who almost blending in with the surroundings.
Devra spotter the wooloo right away, fawning over one of her favorite Pokémon. Coal picked up on his trainer’s excitement, his tail wagging happily as she told him what snow was like. “Oh I can’t wait to see Aliza’s face when she sees her first snow!”
“thats right, she’s not even seen a December yet, or a snowy route. Good thing you got your camera then isn’t it, I’m sure mom and pop would like to see her first experience with it, you know Cole hasn’t seen snow either before. Bet he’s real excited about now.” The pup must have felt something, seeing all this white for the first time. “‘what about you Dreepy, you seen snow before?” The little ghost type looked back, didn’t turn its body at all, but bent it’s neck fully back to look at the Professor upside down, giving no clear answer, which to her seemed like a big fat no, but perhaps he was a little shy about answering right away. “no matter, we’ll soon be in the thick of it.”
She giggled at the sight of the little dreepy. “He’s seen some light snow before. I caught him in the wild area. The weather there is always so weird. But he hasn’t seen this much before. This is going to be a big busy day.” She snapped a quiet picture of dreepy being cute, then one of Coal barking at the snow through the window.
The train began to turn a final corner, the tannoy alerting passengers to the upcoming station, the only stop on the journey coming up very soon.
“looks like we’re nearly there, ready to get going?” The trip had been only short, but outside it looked like a completely different region, so much snow and ice everywhere, nothing but pine trees. The woman grabbed her bags, not before waiting for the little Dreepy to return to the inside where it wrapped up in the spare clothes to keep warm. Val took to her shoulder as she usually did.
Devra nodded, standing up to gather her things. She then picked up Coal, holding his stout body in her arms to keep him from running of into the snow. “We’re ready. I’m so excited to see this area. I’ve read about it but they took forever to get it safe enough for more visitors.”
Safe enough wasn’t always entirely foolproof, and Peach was quietly happy she packed a first aid kit. She had heard some murmurs it was a little risky here, a lot of tough Pokemon roamed about.
“I hope you’re right, I’m sure the locals wouldn’t put people at risk.” The pair stepped off the train once the doors pinged open, the brisk cold air swept past, pulling them all out onto the platform. People came and went, and before long they became aware of the exits and where to head to next.
Devra took a slight lead of the two, following signs towards the little town. “Well, they did give all of us coming here a safety talk too. I just hope trainers actually listen. You gotta be smart about this place.” She then set Coal down and let the little guy run circles around the two humans. “I think I’ll wait to let Aliza our until we’re settled.”
With the pup thoroughly enjoying the snow, the trainers paused to check their phones, a map was needed for a moment, before they began to hear some loud ruckus just outside to the right of the station, sounded like a man and a young woman, peach didn’t even register it much, turning her back to the noise almost instinctually, trying to figure out which way to go. Val however was being nosey and sat on her shoulder judging the people making all the noise pretty hard from the look on her face.
“I think you’re right, we should find somewhere to stay before we really go out on a wild adventure.”
She nodded, looking at her own map on her Rotom phone, thanking the Pokémon inside for his help. “It looks like we head on that way.” She pointed to the road as it took a slight left turn. “Shouldn’t be more than a 20 minute walk.”
“‘sounds good to me, wonder what Pokemon we might see on the way?” Pocketing the phone and hoisting her bag up a bit, Peach began to take a few steps, noticing the pair who were making such noise earlier, avoiding them entirely, they seemed to be having a dad-daughter tiff that was no ones business. Onward, to the first route of the Crown Tundra!
Devra took a glance at the arguing people and sighed, hoping the wouldn’t bother her or the Professor. Coal bounded ahead as they walked, but kept in his trainer’s sight. “It’s really pretty here. Just look at all the ice on these pine needles!” She crunched her way to a tree and found an angle to catch light in the ice.
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puckbuddies · 4 years
4 times Mat was caught simping by his friends and 1 time you caught him.
Mat Barzal x reader 
4375 words 
Thank you to @smiley-svechnikov for helping me with it :)
September 30th
When Anthony walked into Mat’s apartment, he expected to find his teammate on the sofa. What he didn’t expect however, was to find Mat laying on the sofa reading a book. He’d never in their however many years of knowing each other seen Mat read a book for fun. Tito had come over to see if Mat wanted to grab some lunch together on their day off but now his interests had changed.
Mat still hadn’t noticed the presence of his friend, being too concentrated on what he was reading to pay attention to his surroundings. Hearing a cough broke him out of his trance and made him let out a startled noise. Shooting up from his position on his couch, he came eye to eye with the blue eyes of his favorite teammate. If he hadn’t been so caught if guard, he would have noticed the impressed look in them.
“You scared the shit out of me.” was the only thing Mat could think of to say at that moment.
Tito let out a laugh at his reaction.
“How about you scaring me? I come over here to find you reading. Like an actual book, are you okay Barzy?”
Mat knew that Tito was just teasing him but he still rolled his eyes in over dramatic Barzal fashion. He’d read books in the past. Granted they were about hockey, but they were books nonetheless.
“Y/n just finished this one and she’s been talking about it all week. I figured I could just read it so I actually knew what she’s talking about next time. It’s longer than I expected it to be so it’s taking more time that I planned.”
Tito’s eyes widened slightly. Mat said it so casually, as if that was a normal thing to do for someone who was supposedly ‘just a friend’.
Obviously he didn’t believe it when Mat told him that. There was no way you and Mat were just friends. But Anthony wasn’t someone who meddles in others people’s business. Besides, he didn’t want to put any pressure on yours and Mat’s friendship in case the two of you hadn’t figured it out yet. However at this moment he couldn’t help himself.
His scoff confused Mat who didn’t feel like he’d said something strange.  His look of confusing forced Anthony to explain.
“Oh come on, you’re reading a book for her. Don’t act like everything is normal. I can ignore you paying for all her drinks and you giving her your sweatshirts when she’s cold but I can’t ignore this. You have to see it.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
And he really didn’t. Mat was clueless as to what Tito was hinting at.
“You don’t have to tell me anything but just think about it. You are reading a book she likes and she hasn’t even asked you to read it, surely that means something. I came here to ask you if you wanted to get lunch but from the Taco Bell on the table I see you’ve already eaten so I’ll just leave you to it.”
All Mat did was let out a noise of agreement before his teammate was out the door. He stared at his book with a vacant look for a while trying to process what Tito meant with what he said. Suddenly he didn’t feel like reading anymore. Leaving the book on the table next to his empty wrappings from before, he took off to take a shower.
Mat Barzal was simping before he even realized he was.
December 12th
Mat didn’t really think about Tito’s words much longer. They were out of his head as soon as he was out of the shower. That was a couple of weeks ago and nothing had changed in the way he thought about you. He still called you after every game to let out his happiness about winning or to discuss the things he could’ve done better.
Tomorrow however he wouldn’t have to do that anymore seeing as you were flying out to stay in New York for a week. And Mat was fucking excited about it. He hadn’t seen you in person since September when his training camp started and you had college to attend, and that was almost three months ago.
September was always the hardest month to go through. After spending practically the entire off season in Vancouver together, being in different countries was a big change.
Mat could barely contain his excitement driving to the airport. Messages were just not enough anymore when he got to talk to the real you in approximately 20 minutes. Seeing you standing at the airport with your bags waiting for him to pick you up, all he could think about was how it was all worth it.
His feelings of excitement continued all throughout the next day as well. He’d never had as much trouble taking his pregame nap as that day.
But getting ready to leave for the arena, he felt good. On the one hand he was nervous because he wanted to play well, but on the other hand having you there calmed him down like nothing else could. He was feeling confident in himself and the team and was sure they were going to pull out a win.
You on the other hand, were shitting it. It had been a while since you had seen Mat play in real life and you really wanted him to win. More than that you wanted him to enjoy himself and winning was a lot more fun than losing. On top of that Mat had insisted you sit with the Wags who you didn’t really know all that well. He’d assured you they were all great and while you believed that, you still felt like you’d be an outsider. It might look like you were his girlfriend -you were wearing his jersey after all- but you certainly weren’t and you weren’t sure if you could handle any questions about your relationship.
You decided you should tell him how you felt in an attempt to calm yourself down. So when you got into the car to drive to the arena the first words out of your mouth were: “Mat I’m nervous.”. You knew you were overreacting and felt a bit silly for being this nervous when Mat was the one who actually had to get on the ice and do something.
Mat however never made you feel stupid about anything, not even something as small as this.
“Why? You just have to go meet some new people and absolutely amaze them with your personality, which by the way comes naturally and takes you no effort because you are amazing, and then I’ll spend the rest of the season answering questions about when I’ll bring you around again.”
His words were teasing but you knew he meant them and it still helped you feel more at ease about the situation you were about to find yourself in.
“How about this, I’ll walk you up to the box so you don’t have to go in there alone.” He continued still sensing your anxiety.
Your heart swelled up at the suggestion. Mat just kept amazing you with what he was willing to do for you.
“Would you not be late if you do that?”
“Nah it’ll be fine, I’ll just have to get dressed a bit faster.” He hesitated after that and turned to you with a smirk on his face. “Or I could just drive a little faster.”
This caused you to panic and slap his arm closest to you. “No you can’t do that! We won’t even make it to the arena.”
Mat let you his typical laugh at that and the last of your worries flooded to the back of your mind.
When you arrived, Mat kept his promise and went with you to meet the Wags for the first time. You might have not noticed the smile on his face after he hugged you and once again whispered in your ear that it would all be fine, but they sure did.
 December 13th
When you woke up the next day, you felt a little bit of a headache coming up. The Isles did manage to pull out a win the night before and Tito practically forced you and Mat to go out and celebrate with the rest of the team. While you really liked the other Wags, you were still a bit uncomfortable holding a conversation with them so you had decided to drink just enough to take the edge off.
You thanked your past self for being responsible and for not trying to keep up with Mat, who drank a lot more than you did. You still didn’t understand how that boy could drink so much and still be able to walk. Thinking back to last night, you felt it was a good idea to go check up on him and see how he was doing. Making the short trip to the other side of the hallway didn’t take much time even if you did stop at the bathroom to check your reflection. When you reached your destination, you were surprised to not see Mats face staring back at you from his bed.
Checking up on the kitchen and living room, you still couldn’t find Mat and you were starting to get a little worried. He hadn’t left the apartment after you went to sleep had he? Pulling your phone out to send a quick message to Tito asking if he’d seen Mat, an unread message from the boy in question caught your attention.
“Getting breakfast, be back in 20.”
received 18 minutes ago
Okay, so you were worried for no reason. At least you knew where he was now.
You settled down at the kitchen island and entertained yourself with your phone until Mat came back about ten minutes later.
“You’re about six minutes late Barzal. Any excuses?” was what you opened with once you saw him come into the kitchen.
“You know, funny story because you said that to mock me but I do actually have an excuse.”
You looked at him expectantly and he looked back with a playful expression on his face. When he doesn’t say anything else for a few moments you notice he has his hands behind his back. Looking back up at him, you raise an eyebrow to signal for him to continue.
Your whole face lit up when he pulls breakfast from behind his back along with a small bouquet of flowers.
“Oh my god you got me flowers? Why would you do that?”
“Apparently there’s a new flower shop next to the place I always get my breakfast and these were in the windowsill. I know they’re your favorite so I couldn’t not buy them.”
The last of his words were muffled as you jumped up to give him the biggest hug possible, thank yous coming out of your mouth for the next minute. As you finally settled down to eat together after a while, you couldn’t stop smiling. You still couldn’t believe Mat got you flowers.
After cleaning up the dishes you took to Instagram to post the beautiful bouquet on your story. And when Mat got a phone call from one of your mutual friends that night to taunt him about the flowers, he began to understand why people always called him out on his actions.
 June 2nd
You knew going out the day before was a bad idea. Mat had invited you to the lake with him and a couple of his friends and because you couldn’t say no to him, you went. And you got sunburned. It wasn’t your fault really, you had applied sunscreen at least three times but it happened to be exceptionally hot that day. Besides that, being out on the water for four hours didn’t make the situation any better.
It was mostly your back that was hurting and it prevented you from finding a comfortable position in your bed. After another painful turn you decided that you needed to go find a bottle of after-sun asap. Turning on the bathroom light you came into contact with your reflection for the first time that day. Your face and arms were slightly red but your back somehow looked even worse than it felt. Silently cursing Mat for convincing you to go out and yourself for not putting up more of a fight you opened the cabinet door in search of the bottle that would relieve you of your pain.
Except you couldn’t find it, neither in that cabinet or the next. It occurred to you that you might’ve left it at your friend’s house when you last went swimming. Concluding that you weren’t going to find it in your room, you went to your parents bathroom. Alas, the universe had apparently decided that today wasn’t your day as you couldn’t find anything. Your luck got even better as you remembered your parents were out with friends and had taken the car so that you couldn’t even go to the store to buy a new bottle.
Going back to your room to find your phone, you saw that it was only half past eight. Part of you felt guilty having to call Mat at such an early time to help you out somehow. The other part of you felt like it was at least a little justified as it was him you asked you to stay out in the sun. You sent him a text anyway asking if he was awake yet. It took a while for Mat to reply but when he did you took no time to call him figuring it would be easier to beg him that way.
His voice wasn’t as deep as it usually was in the mornings. It even sounded like he was a little out of breath. Deciding to not waste any more time you got straight to the point.
“What are you doing right now?”
The reason why Mat was out of breath was because he was training with Tyson that morning. Looking back it hadn’t been his smartest decision to agree to an early morning workout after not having slept a lot the night before.
“I’m training with Tys today. Why? Is something wrong?”
“Oh no I’m fine, I’m just dying a slow and painful death at this moment.”
Mat’s first instinct was to panic at your words until he realized that you had to be fine if you had the option to be that over dramatic. Before he could respond though, Tyson called for his attention.
“Are we running or what?”
Waving him off with his hand Mat turned to speak to you again.
“I’m kind of busy right now but I’ll call you back after if you want me to?”
“No please I actually need your help.” Your response came very quickly and it peaked his interest.  “I am really fucking sunburned and I’ve searched my entire house but I can’t find any after-sun. On top of that my parent apparently enjoy to see me suffer because they’ve taken the car so I can’t go to the store. I guess my question is if you would maybe perhaps please go to the store and pick up a bottle for me?”
Your voice had gotten higher as you came to the end of your little speech clearly indicating that you needed something from him. Even though Mat couldn’t see your face, he knew that you were putting on your best puppy eyes.
“ I’ll go to the store after I’m done here.”
“But that’s still so long.” You whined dragging out your last word. “I’m actually in a lot of pain and you are my only hope right now. Please Mat.”
He could argue all he wanted, but deep down Mat knew that he’d made his decision already. He couldn’t say no to you even if he tried. He sighed and at that moment you knew you’d won.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” you sang happily through the phone.
“Yeah yeah only this one time though.”
His words had no truth behind them. And now he had to explain to Tyson why he had to quit their workout after only forty minutes.
When Mat turned around, he found Tyson already looking at him with a smirk that Mat had become quite familiar with in the last year or so and it was reserved specifically for these types of situations.
“So I actually have to go right now, y/n needs my help.”
This caused Tyson to burst out laughing.
“Barzy you are so incredibly whipped.”
Mat only rolled his eyes in response knowing it was useless to try and change Tyson’s mind. He packed up his things and made an effort to avoid eye contact as he left the field.
 + 1.  Driving past the city lights made all the tension in your shoulders disappear. This has been just what you needed, only now realizing the stress of trying to find a job was really getting to you. The two-month break after finishing university was a well needed rest after four years of hard work but you were well aware that it couldn’t last forever. You had to start living your life now. Getting an apartment in Vancouver was far from cheap and finding a job was proving to be harder that you’d thought.
Sighing contently and resting your head on the window you turn to Mat. He looks ridiculously good driving his car under streetlights. If it wasn’t for the fact that you were so deep in the friendzone you could stare at him forever. But Mat being Mat had to ruin the peaceful atmosphere by belting out the lyrics to whatever song had just come on the radio.  
“Jesus Christ Mat, if I wanted to listen to off key singing I would just record myself.”
“Oh don’t do me like that y/n, you know I have the voice of an angel.”
“One that’s getting his wings ripped out maybe.”
Mat gave you an offended look.
‘Okay rude. Don’t forget who’s driving an hour to bring you to go stargazing in the fricking middle of the night. Don’t be ungrateful”
It was your turn to be offended now.
“Which was your idea must I remind you. But you are right, I appreciate it very much.”
He looked happy with your response as he went back to quietly singing along to the radio. It wouldn’t take too long for you to arrive at your destination. You recognized the signs by the side of the road.
Excitement filled your stomach. You hadn’t been at the lookout in a couple of months and while you knew Mat was joking about you needing to thank him, you were really grateful for him taking you. This specific lookout had been your happy place ever since you first discovered it when you were fifteen. And now being twenty-two, it still had an effect on you. Mats voice broke you out of your thoughts once again.
“So, you can tell me how much you love me when we get out of the car and under the sky. Unless your plan is to just sit in the car and look out the window.”
“Yeah no that is actually what I wanted to do, I’m so glad we’re on the same wavelength.”
Your statement was followed by a challenging smile that you regretted as soon as he sent you one of his own in return. You knew Mat was stubborn, annoyingly so. And now your stupid comment meant that he would not be getting out of his car until you took it back. In a different situation you would have sat like this for hours but on this specific night you really needed to see the stars to calm the doubts that seemed to follow you around.
“Just get out of the car.” You sighed while opening up the door on your side.
Walking to the picnic bench in the middle of the grass you could hear his laughter even before he got out of the car.
“How do you always know exactly how to get on my nerves Barzal?”
You didn’t have to wait long on his response.
“Because I know you. I have known you. For about ten years now. You might think you’re mysterious but you’re far from it.”
You chuckle at that, choosing to close your eyes and lay your head down on the bench. A moment of silence comes over both of you. Turning to face Mat you see he’s already looking at you.
“Tell me.”
Your reaction draws a small smile from him and you feel the sudden urge to run your fingers over his cheeks to try and capture it in your hands.
“I know that you did not want to come say hello when you moved into the house next to mine. I know that your dad forced you to and that you thanked him for it a year later because you met me.”
You almost pushed him off the bench for that but the smile on your face told Mat that you weren’t really annoyed at him. He stopped talking for a while after he heard it. Crazy how you could make him lose his train of thought by doing something so easy. He realized after a while that he should probably continue talking, more for his sake than yours.
“I know that your least favorite color is purple but that you don’t like saying that because it makes you feel bad. I know that you don’t like to put your hair in a ponytail because it gives you a headache. I know that your favorite book is the song of Achilles and that you get sunburned by being in the sun for like thirty minutes and that despite that you’re always out of after-sun.”  
His face turned serious after that.
“I know that coming here and watching the stars is your favorite way to calm down but that you’ve not asked me to bring you because you don’t want to bother me. I know that you’ve been extremely stressed thinking now that you’ve finished school you have a deadline to do all the adult things you feel like you’ve missed out on until now. I know that thinking about the future freaks you out and that all you want to do right now is just lay here and not go back home.”
You don’t speak after Mat finished his little monologue, trying to process what he had just said.
“But I know that you’ll be fine.”
This causes you to scoff. The fact that he was trying to reassure you was sweet really, but you knew that he couldn’t possibly be sure of that. Mat was great at pretty much everything he did, but no one could predict the future.
“Y/n I know that you don’t believe me but everything will turn out alright.”
“And how do you know that Mat? I appreciate you being here for me but the things I’m dealing with are slightly out of your field of expertise. I’m terrified that I’ve spend my entire life studying for something that I’m completely unprepared for. I have no idea what direction I want to go in with my professional career and I don’t have time to think about it because I need to find an apartment in like three months unless I want to live with my parents for the rest of my young adulthood. I can’t afford to wait much longer.”
“Move in with me then.”
Everything paused for a second. You almost asked him to repeat himself but the look in his eyes told you that you’d heard him right the first time. You took the time that it took you to slowly sit up from your position on the bench to collect your thoughts. Still you couldn’t come up with much more than “You don’t mean that.”
“I get that you’re stressed about everything right now, but you don’t have to be. I can help you figure it out.”
“Mat you’re not serious” you interrupted him. “I can’t ask you to babysit me, you have your own things to deal with.”
“You’re not asking me to. And I’m not babysitting you, I want you in New York with me as much you need an apartment.”
Your head was spinning even more than at the start of the evening. Moving in with Mat. It would be everything you’ve ever wanted. But it wasn’t like that. He wanted you there to take care of you as a friend. As much as it hurt you to say no to him, you knew that you couldn’t do it like that.
“Mat I can’t ask you to put your life on pause for me. I-”
“Y/n I love you. I have no idea how you haven’t figured it out by now because my friends have reassured me that I’ve been very obvious, but I. Love. You. I’ve wanted to ask you to move with me for an entire year now. I want you with me not to take care of you but to hold you and kiss you and reassure you. I want to give you the future you want. And I can give it to you.”
At this point Mat was furiously running his fingers through his hair and you were staring at him open-mouthed.
“I’ve probably fucked everything up by saying this but I can’t let you believe that you don’t deserve everything good the world had to offer.”
You couldn’t think. It was like your body was moving on auto-pilot. So it surprised you just as much as it did Mat when you jumped up to press your lips against his. You pulled back quickly though to start your own rant.
“Mat I want that. I want you, in Vancouver and in New York and everywhere you’ll take me.”
You didn’t need a reply. The way he kissed you told you that he was on board with anything you said. And you were so exited about it.
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I’ve Got My Love To Keep Me Warm
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Fem!Reader
Prompt: Christmas Wedding
The First Dance song: https://youtu.be/0M__6YXsgIQ
Walk down the Aisle Song: https://youtu.be/8cx0Hvn2WxM
Rating: PG-13, but mostly fluffy (unbeta’d, all pictures featured below on found on pinterest, i claim no ownership)
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You chewed at the inside of your lip as you watched the snow pick up outside. You heart sinks as the radio announces a winter storm warning. You blink back the tears as you realize that your wedding won’t happen after all. You knew that it couldn’t be helped due to the surprise blizzard that had been nowhere in the news.
              You sigh and turn to Marianne. “Are Henry and his brothers going to be able to make it back from the venue?”
She gives you a soft smile and pats your arm. “Niki texted me about 20 minutes ago and told me that they were on their ways but that the roads were bad so it was pretty slow going.”
You nod, then looked down at your wedding dress. “Everything is ruined, I should’ve known better than to have my wedding in December and on Christmas no less.”
              “Darling, we can still make this work.”
You look up at your future mother-in-law, tears starting to well in your eyes. “How?”
              “Well, we’ll all be here together and the boys are on their way. I’m sure that we can figure something out. A little bad weather shouldn’t be the reason that you don’t get to marry my Henry today.”
You give her a weak smile, “I appreciate your optimism, Marianne, but I just don’t see how we would pull this off.”
              She gives you a soft smile, “You leave that to me, just stop your crying. You don’t want to mess up your makeup now do you.”
You maid of honor hands you a handkerchief and henry’s mom smiles, “There now dry your pretty eyes while I go check on a few things.”
              You nod and dab at your eyes, careful not to mess up your mascara. You sister in law to be takes a seat beside you and wraps an arm around your shoulder. “We’ll figure something out, okay? Don’t worry,” she says, rubbing your arm soothingly.
“I hope so,” you murmur, hearing the front door open. You perk up, “Is that Henry?”
              Your maid of honor stands, “I’ll go check.”
You stand up and start to pace, slightly. Shortly, there is a knock on the door.
              “Darling? It’s me,” Henry says through the door.
“Are you okay? What’s going on?” you ask, heading over to the door and leaning against it.
              “Yes, love, we even managed to bring the cake.”
You cover your mouth, your heart swelling at your fiancés thoughtfulness. “What are we gonna do, Hen, our big day is ruined.” The door knob wiggles and you screech, “Hen, you can’t see me! It’s bad luck.”
              The door opens enough for him to push his hand in. “Darling, take my hand and take a deep breath.”
You take his hand and he laces your fingers together.
“My sweet girl, we’re going to rescue this day and you are going to be my wife tonight. I promise you,” he says, rubbing his thumb across the back of your hand.
“But what about the minister? Who will marry us?”
              Henry chuckles, “Niki found a 15 minutes minister website, he’s getting ordained right now.”
You chuckle, “Really?”
              “Really. It’s all gonna work out. I know we won’t have our guests, but your best friends are here and my family is here. It’ll be small but good. I spoke with the manager of the venue and they have another opening next month. We can hold a big reception for everyone that didn’t get to come, but I don’t wanna wait to marry you any longer.”
You swallow thickly. “That sounds amazing, Hen. Thank you for everything.”
              You can hear the smile in his voice. “It’s my absolute pleasure, darling.”
You lean down and press a kiss to his hand. “I love you.”
              “I love you too, my love,” he replies, voice low and smooth.
You shiver and then lean back against the door.
              “Meet me downstairs in 20 minutes, I’ll be the one in the tux.”
“I’ll be the one in white.”
              “I know you look beautiful, my love.”
You smile, “Thank you, I can only imagine that you look as handsome as ever.”
              He smiles, “I’ll see you soon.”
He lets go of your hand and the door closes behind him as removes his hand. You sigh, faith renewed as you move across the room. You touch up your makeup and hair once more before affixing your veil, before grabbing your bouquet. 20 minutes later,  you open the door and you can hear instrumental music playing through a Bluetooth speaker. You and your bridesmaids get into position as start to come down the stairs. The music is soft and peaceful filling the air as you walk down the staircase to the foyer behind your friends, family and family to be. You smile as you catch a glimpse at Henry standing next his other his father and brothers, looking as dashing as ever. He beams at you and you smile back, your veil trailing down the stairs behind you. In the corner, Marianne holds the phone and smiles at you sweetly as she pauses the music once you reach Henry.
You hand off your bouquet and smile at him as he takes your cold hands in his warm ones.
              “So we are gathered here today to join my little brother and his beautiful fiancé in marriage and while this is what they’d planned, the most important thing is that we are here because of love. The love that (y/n) and Henry have for each other is a strong as anything that I’ve ever seen. It can weather long distance and literal blizzards.”
You laugh a little and Henry squeezes your hands, before Niki continues.
              “When everything got turned upside down, I jumped at the chance to be the one to perform this ceremony because I wanted to make sure that my brother gets hitched tonight.”
You look up at Henry who rolls his eyes slightly, still smiling down at you affectionately.
              “On the drive over here, Henry told me that both he and (y/n) wrote their own vows. So why don’t we stand with (Y/N),” Niki murmurs, turning towards you.
You take a deep breath. “Henry Cavill, the night that you asked me to marry you. I told you that I would marry you anywhere and while I had other plans, that statements stands true. I’m so blessed to have you as a partner in life. I’m so lucky that you love me as much as I love you and that you are such a kind and thoughtful man. I’ll cherish you forever and promise to strive my best to be the best wife that I can.”
              Henry smiles as he brothers nods at him to take his turn. “My darling, (y/n/n), you are truly the most amazing person, I have ever met. From the moment I laid my eyes on you, I was infatuated and over the years that we’ve known each other, that initial infatuation has turned into a true and steady that I wouldn’t trade for anything.  You are my other half, my twin flame and I love you so very much. I promise to be someone you can lean on when you need strength, someone who will protect you when you need it and someone who will love you until their dying day. I promise to be the husband that you deserve and to cherish you always.”
You blink back hot tears as he finishes the his speech.
              Niki smiles at you two. “It’s time for the rings, yah?”
You turn to your maid of honor and she hands you a beautiful gold band to you as Henry retrives a beautiful matching gold band inlaid with little diamonds from his father. As you repeat the traditional words after Niki, you slip the wedding bands on each other. You hands shaking with excitement.
              “Finally, with the power vested in me by the Interwebs, I know pronounce husband and wife! Hen, kiss your beautiful bride!”
              Henry did not need to be told twice, lurching forward to pull you into a bold and passionate kiss as your family cheered.
 Hours later, you’d tucked into a Chinese takeaway sitting around table, an apron tied around you to protect your gown before your sister in law, clinking her glass and announced that it was time to have your first dance. Shedding the apron and taking Henry’s outstretched hand in yours you, follow him into the living where he and has brothers had pushed aside the furniture to create a makeshift dance floor. The opening notes of I’ve got my love to keep me warm song by the mellow vocals of Doris Day drift from the small Bluetooth speaker in the corner as Henry gathers you into his strong arms and begins to sway with you, spinning you in slow, small circles. He pressed his forehead to yours as he held you. You smile, sighing happily.
              “What is it, my love?” he asks, voice just above a whisper.
“Nothing, I’m just thinking about how this day turned out pretty perfect inspite of everything.”
              He smiles, “I couldn’t agree more.”
You pull back and press a short kiss his lips. As you pull away you smile at him. “I love you, Mr. Cavill.”
              He smiles and dips you, “I love you more, Mrs. Cavill.”
 Tagging:  @persephone-is-here-omg @salimahbicharara-comun @foodieforthoughts @feralrunaway @henrythickcavill @madbaddic7ed @inlovewithhisblueeyes @poledancingdinos @oddsnendsfanfics @hoeforhenry @hope-to-hell @angryschnauzer @summersong69 @cavillryarchive @cavilladdict @killjoy-assbutt-1112 @littlefreya​ @iloveyouyen​ @dancingwendigo​ @viking-raider​ @connieisland​ @soldatsaleannan​ @asylummara​ @littlewrenofrivia​ @geralt-of-baevia​ @gearhead66​ @inthenameofcavill​
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