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It has long been assumed that dinosaurs probably laid hard-shelled eggs, but the discovery of Qianlong has challenged this idea. Qianlong is a basal sauropodomorph dinosaur from the Early Jurassic of China, known from three adult specimens and five clutches of elliptical eggs. These eggs appear to have been leathery and flexible in structure, and they represent the oldest leathery eggs currently known. The preserved embryos suggest that in Qianlong juveniles, the skull and arms are proportionally larger than the adults, implying that Qianlong was bipedal as an adult, but likely quadrupedal as a young juvenile.
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hodgepocalypse · 9 months
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and we end or cyber dinosaurs on the spinojet. or what happens when you take a Spinosaurus and give it jets. :D
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violetrose-art · 2 years
Manny: Guys don't talk to guys about guy problems. We just... punch each other on the shoulders.
Ellie: That's stupid.
Manny: To a girl. To a guy, that's like six months of therapy.
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animationstoryz · 2 months
Clash of The Titans : T Rex vs Indominus Rex | Dino's Hilarious Scratch ...
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fat-animalss · 2 months
T Rex Fun Adventure | Crazy Dinosaur Comedy Cartoon - Jurassic Dinos
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dueldinos · 3 months
Jurassic Comedy : Brontosaurus vs. Dinosaurs in a Hilarious Food Fight (...
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cockroachmancomic · 10 months
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ceramicorn · 8 months
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Fruit dinosaurs, anyone? The ones in the photo are not fired and glazed yet, so the colors will be darker later, but I like these lighter colors too. Next time I'll try to make the end result look like this :)  I will have mini dinosur shop drop with them soon, so stay tuned!
My Etsy
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Poll: the Taffy Train vs the Dinosur Train
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(IDs in alt text)
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knizuu · 4 months
I think u like the gays from jurassic park maybe
YES…you see, class decided to watch Jurassic Park and I forgot how much I loved the designs/clothing/characters/dinosurs/effects/plot-
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hodgepocalypse · 9 months
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Dedicated to the most sidelined of the dinobots.
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basmathgirl · 5 months
In your opinion, which are the most ridiculous episodes of New Who?
Hello kind Anon
Oooh, the first episode that sprang to mind was the Christmas special: The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe -S7
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It started off well, with the Eleventh Doctor meeting young Cyril but quickly slipped into "I wanna be in Narnia" territory; with boring aliens (who seemed to have escaped from their giant chessboard for the night), and a hugely sentimental ending with the figther pilot dad (I'm guessing Moffat was playing with his childhood fantasies of being an RAF WWII pilot with this one).
It was so awful, my eldest son (my official watch-buddy) got up and stormed out the room, refusing to see any more of it.
How awful was it? Let's just say that it didn't manage to match any of the war-based dramas we have watched over the years. A decent cast absolutely wasted.
The problem is that, generally after this, I lost all interest in watching Doctor Who. And I wasn't desperate to see it until the Twelfth Doctor appeared. Not that I was avid to watch S6, please note; and I often missed the beginning of episodes so had no idea what was going on.
Let me see what else I can think of.
I wasn't keen on "Fear Her" - S2. It was a mistake to force a child to carry that much of the acting; and the storyline would have fit The Sarah Jane Adventures a lot more. There's also the much hated episode "Love & Monsters" - S2. Again, an excellent cast give a dubious script (unless you like the idea of a man having a romantic relationship with a paving slab) some life. Blue Peter may have helped choose the design of the Abzorbaloff but it was RTD who came up with the story. BUT Elton's loss of his mother did make me cry in sympathy AND it introduced my sons to the music of ELO, so I can't hate it.
Another epidsode I won't rush to watch again is "It Takes You Away" - S11. Nothing wrong with the premise, but I found the pace a bit boring.
Although, looking through the list of episodes on Wikipedia, I must admit that it made me think that I ought to rewatch a lot of them, because I hardly remember anything that happened without a lot of mental prodding. For instance, I've still no idea why there were dinosurs on a spaceship, or how the Doctor survived the Pandorica purely because he did.
As you can tell, there's an awful lot of stuff I missed from the end of S5 up to the end of S7. So I'm going to end with the episode "The Name of the Doctor" - S7. It all just seemed so stupid; what with Clara becoming Supercompanion by jumping into the time stream, to become the Doctor's one-man-band-survival-motivation-trainer. I'll admit that this is the main reason why I liked Chibnall's 'Timeless Child' theory; because Clara begging the Time Lords to extend the Doctor's life would then mean f*ck all. Yes, I really hated that bit by the crack in the wall.
Was it Moffat's intention to turn Clara into a manic pixie fairy godmother? Because that's what we ended up with. As you can tell, I'm not a fan of this.
I suppose I should state at this point that I have seen many ridiculous storylines in Doctor Who over the past 60 years. The actors involved have, on the whole, been the best quality you can find. Most of the time it hasn't mattered about the cardboard scenery, the repeated running down the same corridor, the dodgy made-up science, or them finding yet another quarry. If the acting is watchable, I'll keep with it.
As you can tell, I just won't necessarily watch it again.
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books-in-a-storm · 8 months
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Currently Reading 💛
The Call Of Monsters, Dinosurs, Dilemmas & Albert Einswine & A Cupid Bet
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backinthejurassic · 1 year
Back in the Jurassic LORE FACT #1 - Another Time, Another Place
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Back in the Jurassic takes place in a world much different from the real world. However, the specific science facts we explain in our comics are true for both!
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Some of the major differences in the BITJ canon include
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Archosaurs happened to evolve very advanced syrinxes (avian vocal organs) and intelligence at the start of the triassic
Major reptiles that lived in the mesozoic era (including mosasaurs, ichthyosaurs, plesiosaurs, etc) developed their own intelligence and vocal organs as well in a case of convergent evolution
Animals were very brightly colored back in the mesozoic and happened to follow a color scheme depending on their time period
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Modern avian descendants of the mesozoic dinosurs have actually retained their intelligence and have a secret society in the mammal dominant era. Human conspiracy theorists have caught onto what they're hiding, but the general public remains unaware
Modern human paleontologists are puzzled by ancient relics of what appears to be a mesozoic civilization
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penname-artist · 2 years
The Wall of Quotes, by members of Volo Pro Veritas (2021-2022)
This pile of sayings is the culmination of many people's typos, mispronunciations, and just damn funny memorable moments. There is absolutely ZERO CONTEXT to these but rest assured that stories exist, or used to exist, and have grown to become inside jokes over the long year at VPV.
Without further ado...madness.
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"Now I remember why I don't remember!"
"Dusty was a child all throughout his childhood"
"like how Pen and I are the same popcorn."
"Death is inedible"
"I didn't think you could traumatize trauma!"
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"Syphilis McWing"
"Groundcar Gay"
"Garlic phone? Generic phone?"
"I'm questioning my entire wife."
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"tomato tomato"
"Caffie (Coffee + Cabbie)"
"Dinosoure; Dinosore; Dinosure"
"Buzz, buzz, motherfucker"
"The gallbladder - the organ that helps you pee!"
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"Amberham Lincon"
"Trowing a tratrum!"
"Trowing a tramtrum!"
"Valow pro versetas"
"It ain't my fault they decided not to live."
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[Several odd variations of spelling of the word "Flysenhower"]
"Apollo Valetenas"
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"You're a bed boy!"
"A monopoly zoo lion"
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"What do that vag do?"
"ONYOB (onion)"
"There is a very obvious difference between a butt and an ass"
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"Your horse is dying of thirst!" "Then drink him!"
"Sir, go play with your own balls."
"I have drawn a baseball bat on my wine glass so I can drink my wine and hit my haters."
"What's your favorite thing?" "Wh- poker? Wait-"
"Certified holy asshole"
*Mineral and citrus body wash* "I wanna smell like ROCKS!"
"Are we DEAD?...or is this Ohio?"
"Screw prosthetic arms, I wanna be on fire!"
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*to a realistic diecast* "He lost his eyes in the ear...war..."
*me playing Papa's Donuteria* "you gotta fill before you frost" "you gotta come before you cream"
"Just tell us about orgasms"
"What Loki meant to say: Coffee is not breakfast I'm still hungry" "What Loki said: Soffeee is not breast, I'm still Hindu"
"Well adoption is one option, but then there's also, um...well, that's all I can think of actually."
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"Because you're the youngest child, you're automatically the older child"
"I thought only the appendix can throw up!"
"The pasta doesn't define the further" [note: this is the one that started it all]
"Firefighters by night, assassins...also by night!"
"Elevators have gills"
Contributions by: @ask-dusty-boy ; @ask-shu-todoroki ; @yaboymacaroni ; @jackalsprey ; @askmiguelcamino ; & yours truly
Adding to this hellish book every other day! Dusty finally convinced me to post it here. Much thanks to contributors and more contributors are welcome to make their marks in the book of quotes XD
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c0tards--s0luti0n · 2 years
jurassic park is as much of a story about capitalism as it is a story about heheeh dinosur as it is a story about autistic nerds being in awe over dinosaurs over and over and over again as it is a story about "youre no better than the people that built this place" as it is a story about queer people as it is a story about "i rescued your hat" as it is a story about doo doo dODOWE do do DODOWEE DOdoDOO as it is a story about a t-rex getting sent to san diego as it is a story about finding familiar things in the extremely unfamiliar as it is a story about "your scientists were to busy thinking about if they could, and not if they should" as it is a story about KILLER effects oh my god did you see the first movie (forever thinkning about the springtrap t-rex robot) as it is a story about family as it is a story about redemption as it is a story abou989487tehrfnsjfnjfksmdkfndgdgjsd
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