titsthedamnseason · 25 days
it’s finally time for paris n1 YIPEEEEEE!!! it’s our first eras tour date after a mini break AND since the release of the tortured poets department 😱 anything could happen…..so please leave your guesses for surprise songs in the tags / replies and i will be giving all of our winners a shoutout 😊 and psssssst as always if you have any guesses about things she might change up for this leg of tour those guesses are always welcome too
i’m going to guess that she adds a ttpd set to the setlist and that the surprise songs will be paris / so high school mashup and clara bow (??? feels like a mistake to not pull a guess from the anthology but this is what my gut is saying. or fresh out the slammer)
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stem-sister-scuffle · 1 month
Ema Skye (Ace Attorney) vs Ms Frizzle (The Magic School Bus)
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Ema Skye is a Forensic Scientist!
Ms. Frizzle is a Science Teacher!
Why you should vote for each contestant:
Ema Skye:
"I love her a lot and she's very important to me. We get to see her story from being a high school student who's really into science, to becoming a detective, to then finally passing her forensics exam and becoming a forensic scientist like she always wanted. I cosplayed her before"
"Ema has been interested in forensics ever since she was a kid. She's extremely passionate about it. She works very hard and despite bumps along the way she does manage to achieve her dreams/career goal and get into forensic science. She is amazing and I love her enthusiasm and I love her :D When she was like 16 she personally had her own spray bottle(s) of luminol testing fluid, what a dork (in the best way!). Forensic science is practically her whole life. What an inspiration. The first thing on her wiki page is the quote "Yes! Isn't it amazing? Ah, the power of science. It's my life." Bless."
"this girl is so silly. Her favorite thing is luminol. You have an ace attorney pfp you know her. She is my favorite ever. She calls Klavier Gavin a "glimmerous fop" (accurate description). She wears a lab coat over her school uniform. She brings snacks to crime scenes.i love her your honor"
"shes like every enthusiastic autism girl with a science special interest who then gors to college and gets a job and is tired and a mean lesbian but still is a freak about forensics. i love her"
"SHE WORKED SO HARD TO GO INTO FORENSICS. SHE HELPS EVERYONE DO FORENSICS. SHE THEN FAILS WHEN IT COUNTS AND BECOMES BITTER BUT GETS OUT OF THOSE FEELINGS LATER ON. I love her dearly she's so silly and fun when she needs to be, and I think her failure is fascinating but I'm SOOOOO GLAD she was able to become a forensic scientist in the end :)"
"Showed up and gave Apollo random forensics supplies at just the right time. Not sure if this was authorized. Does not Mayte though she can do anything she wants. C’mon man you know her you know why she’s the best you get me right"
"She's fun and good at science and has pink lenses in her glasses and I like her a lot"
"She is so excited to be using her fun little toys to solve crimes."
"She’s a gosh darn professional in a house of fops. Is passionate about her work and was inspired partially by a murder case she was involved in as a witness. She’s really cute and really quirky, and ya girl knows how to snack. She accessorizes really well. I cosplayed as her once and found myself more and more impressed with her style choices as I was putting it together. We stan a fashionable yet practical STEM queen."
"she is literally everythingggg to me. she has wanted to be a forensic scientist since she was 16 y/o and introduces forensic investigation mechanics to the series like luminol and dusting for fingerprints. when she does not get her dream job, she becomes depressed and bitter, only cheering up when she talks about forensic science. later on, when she attains the job, she is much happier! science is her entire life and her career and she is tremendously autistic about it. also she's such a girlboss i love her <3 ema must go through btw. she is the ultimate woman in stem"
"Ema Skye has been interested in forensics for many years due to case that occurred when she was younger. Even though she didn't pass the test to become one at first she had still continued trying till she made it. She always lights up at the mention of anything revolving sciene. She gets so happy when she's able to work with her forensic tools and investigate the crime scene <33"
"Teaches Phoenix wright about forensics"
"she wears a cool lab coat and I don't really know what else to put here but she's neat"
"she is so autistic about forensic science. she goes against the police rules to take fingerprints. she infodumps to anyone who will listen about forensic science. ema is so special to me and I love her very much"
"Ema is a girlboss! She started using forensics and scientific investigation to help solve murders when she was just 15 years old. she autistic and bisexual bc I say so :)"
"Literally the only character in universe that uses hard evidence in trials."
"The skyentific detective…."
"Its literally her personality ok. Just listen to her theme(s). I just love her"
"She is literally me <33 I love her. I need to see her grow up happy and healthy and i need to tell my friends and family about her."
"Wants to be a scientific investigator and solve crimes scientifically, forced to be a cop. Goes from teen with a weird hobby to reluctant cop to everything she ever wanted and I am so proud"
"She’s just a little weirdo. And she keeps trying to be a forensic scientist, but she has to finish high school first. She solved the murder her sister was accused of "
"Forensic science fascinates her. She sure is a woman jn stem. I am sorry I am very tired i dn what to write"
"I need to actually finish AA but it’s her. You probably have more submissions with better reasoning but I like her vibes from what I did play."
"She's got all sorts of cool gadgets which utilize the DS touchscreen"
Ms. Frizzle:
"*gestures at entire magic school bus series*"
"Embodies the true spirit of scientific discovery: barely-contained chaos."
"She is very knowledgeable about a wide variety of sciences, and uses that knowledge to further the educations of many people. Teachers deserve the world; they do so much for so little in return. (shout out to Mrs. Goates)"
"She loves science and loves teaching kids about science. I love her. Idk I saw she only had one submission and that made me sad so now im here submitting her"
"She is an icon and has cool earrings"
"SHE'S SO COOL!!! She's so smart and so fun and genuinely just an icon. ALSO she has a little lizard on her shoulder. I saw an ask abt the submissions for Ms. Frizzle and the sender was the only person who submitted her.. I couldn't let this go. ALSO one of my professors irl called herself the irl Frizzle and she's a doctor of biology so make of that what you will"
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givehimthemedicine · 8 months
some of the footage the lab is feeding El in NINA is of a MIRRORED Rainbow Room.
continuing off my recent post about why NINA has 4 cameras inside of it watching El. some more realizations:
those six screens around the sides are actually just the same three video feeds doubled. the only unique feed is the center one.
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which gives us a total of FOUR feeds in NINA even though there are seven screens.
and one of them is backwards.
in reality, if you're standing at the mirror, the benches-and-drawing-tables side of the RR is on your right - as it appears, correctly, in the red feed and green feed. their footage makes sense coming from the cameras I've circled here (not the events within, I'm just talking about the angles these cameras see)
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but the yellow feed has been flipped horizontally:
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if we are SEEING the drawing/chess corner of the room in the yellow feed, that means it was filmed by the camera in the other corner - over by the plinko/puzzle table. that is the camera circled in this shot of El playing plinko. except we're seeing the wrong side of the room behind her.
"oh Nat, that's all so normal. I wish this was harder to understand." I GOTCHU
we get another shot where the yellow feed IS oriented correctly! like, in the shot where you see all the NINA screens at once, the yellow is wrong. but in the subsequent shots where El is looking woozy at individual screens, that version of the yellow is correct. that is what this camera should see.
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and both are the same footage flipped horizontally.
well. the same footage except one of them is a wider angle where you see a lot more of the plinko board on the right but shh I'm too tired to think about that
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anyway maybe this helps explain the moving bodies/blood locations, specifically the cases where I swear the sides of the room keep getting conflated.
the live massacre scene is unreliable because it's poor El's brain's mashup of the doctored / contradictory footage she's being shown. El doesn't know which way the RR really was. she doesn't remember it at all. so all footage is given equal weight, rather than her brain autocorrecting the wrong ones.
the RR is so hard to mentally map because it's a mind-numbingly-almost-symmetrical room, and we're frequently shown it via its mirror reflection, which confuses our perception further. El is canonically just as confused.
(I need to dive deeper on the details of this idea when I get more time. @aemiron-main iirc you're the lead investigator on the changing bodies/blood thing so you'd know better off the top of your head - would you say a room mirroring accounts for many more of the discrepancies? certainly not all)
finally, back to the center feed -
I believe this is correctly oriented (you can see a sliver of the mirror on the extreme left, which tracks with where the plinko game is situated, and Little El(?) is operating it right-handed which is consistent with Big El.)
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BUT, don't worry, there's still a weird problem with this footage!
this is a close-up low shot behind El(?) which was not filmed from any of the corner-mounted RR surveillance cameras like the other feeds. it would've had to be filmed from one of those tripod ones.
and they do keep a tripod camera in that area of the RR, but it's visibly not where it would've had to be in order to film this footage which causes El to "remember" One in the plinko scene.
btw, why is this the only footage filmed in portrait mode? if it was landscape, we could have seen One sit next to her. as it is, he wouldn't be visible in it at all. maybe that's why.
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so why are they flipping just that one feed?
well, since they showed right and wrong versions of the yellow feed, I suspect they sometimes flip the other feeds too. I just only caught them once. they only seldom give us glimpses of what's going on inside NINA.
is the center feed important because it's unique?
the lab hasn't made sure El is watching that one right-side-up. you can see in the reflection in her eye that she's watching the center screen landscape.
which means the one and only of seven screens El is actually watching right-side-up is this one:
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why wasn't NINA designed like this, with all the screens the same way, if you just want the viewer to watch and comprehend all the footage?
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because NINA isn't for remembering or comprehending.
having all the screens side by side and right-side-up makes it easy to compare footage and spot discrepancies between them (is that why Brenner is watching multiple screens of the same event?).
the NINA weird screen angles is exactly what stopped me from spotting the mirrored RR problem until right now, and I've been scrutinizing this, and I'm not drugged like El is. with a bunch of screens of boring, redundant-looking footage at random angles, your brain tends to just kinda be like "eh, I don't feel like mentally righting that, I'll take your word for it. seems legit."
what's on the center screen when El banishes One?
they don't want me to know. I wish I did.
every time we see El in NINA, her body breaks the water surface in such a way that prevents us seeing a reflection of the center screen. which apparently tends to display the only unique feed.
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is it fair to call this footage-flipping onscreen proof of NINA being not merely a memory-viewing machine but a memory-altering / memory-implantation / machine? so, a brainwashing machine?
which has major implications for the Henry and Victor Creel contradictory memories situation, as long suspected by folks smarter than I.
so the "memories" we experience live with El are actually a meshing of either: A) real events and doctored / fabricated elements B) real events but from 4 different timelines C) por qué no los dos?
not sure whether this "creates" a new timeline in any way besides in El's mind, but even if it were just that, that is valuable enough - to make arguably the strongest superpowered person on the planet remember whatever events you want them to.
but just that doesn't explain the 4 cameras inside NINA, does it?
El using her current mind in past memories
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don't forget we have a whole scene of Big El, while immersed in a NINA memory, conversing with current Brenner about the events she's experiencing being a memory and not real.
which means Big El is talking while floating in the tank, or else current Brenner wouldn't know to respond by microphone.
and if she can access her current mind/knowledge and apply that inside of past (real or fake) events.... doesn't that mean she can also use her current powers in past events?
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El very very rarely bleeds from both nostrils. two-nostril jobs are very strenuous in relation to her current power level (killing the cat guards and closing the gate are the only other times I remember).
which indicates she's doing something HUGE even in relation to her newly HIGHER THAN EVER power level.
I just find it funny that she also bled from both nostrils in the exact event she was remembering while bleeding from both nostrils.......
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also Brenner and Owens see her EEG spiking at that moment, which they've shown us repeatedly throughout the show reflects power use. she's DOING SOMETHING.
so.... Iots I need to chew on.
did the massacre go down wrong and the lab needs to trick El into remembering it differently, and using her current powers inside of the "memory" to somehow actually either change the past, or switch/unswitch timelines, or merge timelines, or something?
is there a timeline where One kicked Little El's ass, or killed her, and the lab needs her to go back and win in that one instead? did little El banish the wrong guy and the lab wants them switched? something like that?
there's something more time machiney going on with NINA even beyond just brainwashing, I swear.
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yintsukareta · 2 years
A Reunion Never Imagined
note: thoma brainrot since i absolutely love tnbee's thoma x yoimiya mashup for their themes (youtube video)
Series Navigation ↚ You're on Part 1 →
notes for the fic: made up some characters for the fic to be kinda complete and lively. Ms. Christina is your mother btw!! and please excuse me i dont know some gn terms. takes place when its the irodori fest because it was kinda fun PURELY PLATONIC, NO ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS IN ANY WAY
Thoma x Sibling!Reader (Part 1)
A few days after the Sakoku Decree was announced to be abolished, (name) rushed to the port, holding their mother's hand.
"(name), I know you're excited to see Thoma again, but please be patient." She said.
"It's been years since we seen him! Barbatos knows what might have happened!" (name) cried. "I do wonder if he found Dad."
"I do think he would find him." She reaffirmed.
"Ah, Ms. Christina! It's been awhile since we last met!" A woman called.
"Ah, Monika!" Christina called back, approaching her.
"How have you been?" Monika asked. "Oh, and is this your [daughter/son]?"
"Yes, They're going to meet their brother, Thoma." Christina replied, smiling warmly at Monika.
"You're not going? But I thought you missed Thoma too!" (name) asked, clearly surprised by what their mother said.
"Yes, I still have some errands to do at the church." Christina said, carressing (name)'s cheek slightly. "Do take care of Thoma for me."
"And maybe bring him back to Mond. I do want to see him personally." She chuckled. Her words also making (name) chuckle.
"Going to Inazuma, please board the southwest ship, managed by yours truly, Captain Stefan!" A man shouted. "Departing in 15 minutes!"
"Alright Honey, you have to board the ship, or else you won't be able to meet Thoma." Christina said. "Take care."
Christina pulled them into a hug and kissed their forehead before (name) boarded the ship. It didn't look very impressive, although, it was the cargo ship which has gone from Inazuma to Mondstadt many a time.
The man who shouted was actually Captain Stefan, greeting the few guests who joined along, also helping them onto the ship. The crew were packing food and extra supplies for the journey. Inazuma was far from Mondstadt, and they never know what they'll need, so they must pack a lot.
After a few minutes of packing, the ship was ready to be sailed to Inazuma. There were bards and two Knights of Favonious. Although, the two were very unfamiliar to (name). One looked very knowledgeable and strong, while the other looked sweet and harmless. Barbatos knows why Master Jean allowed a child into the Knights of Favonious.
The ship sailed to Inazuma. Though a storm hit, it wasn't very strong. Aside from the storm along the way, they were able to go to Inazuma smoothly. Food being catered to all passengers and supplies when they needed it. If (name) had to rate the journey out of 10, they would probably say a 10.
Captain Stefan was very friendly and talked with the crew a lot, especially the little girl, who (name) came to know as Klee. They had to spend a day or two together, so they might as well come to know each other. Albedo, the other knight of Favonious, didn't seem inclined to talking. Prefering to continue with some research.
Once the ship docked, Klee ran out, followed by Albedo, then the bards. (name) spent some time, looking around, then getting out. They had to stay here for awhile, so might as well savor each scenery they come across.
Klee was talking to a blonde man excitedly, who was accompanied by some... weird floating white-haired child? Inazuma truly has some strange things..
(name) took awhile to really get used to it. I'm in in Inazuma, not Mondstadt. They thought. But the change of surroundings was so strange, especially when all they had to do was do household chores.
Would I be able to even find Thoma? (name) wondered. All the questions suddenly rushing to them, making them utterly confused.
"Hey, you alright?" The blonde-haired man asked. "I noticed you were zoned out."
"Yeah, I'm... I'm good." (name) replied, shooting them a smile.
"Paimon doesn't believe that! What's with the long face anyways? The last time Paimon saw someone that grim, it was the vision hunt decree!" The white-haired child? exclaimed.
"Ah, well.." (name) scrached the back of their neck. "Hey wait! We haven't even introduced ourselves yet!"
"I'm Aether." The blonde-haired man smiled.
"Paimon's Paimon!" The white-haired child?? said.
"I'm (name)." They said. "I've heard of you before... Wait! Aren't you the Honorary Knight?!"
"Yep, that's me." Aether said.
"My mother always talked about you! How you've helped Mond from Stormterror!" (name) said. "She would be overjoyed to hear I met you!" Paimon looked proud while Aether looked slightly embarrassed at the praise.
"Speaking of my mother being overjoyed.." (name) sighed, remembering the main reason of their visit. "Would I really be able to find him?"
"Find who? Paimon wants to know! Maybe we can help!" Paimon shouted.
"Well, I don't know if you know him.." (name) started. "But I have an older brother. His name is Thoma, he has bright blonde hair, bright green eyes.. Oh I wonder how he looks like now.."
"Thoma has a younger sibling?!?" Paimon shouted. "Paimon barely heard about you!"
"Ah, I do know Thoma. He's probably working at the Kamisato Estate right now." Aether said. "Although, I'll take you there in awhile, I have a few people I need to talk to."
Albedo and Klee were waiting for the two at the center of Ritou. (name) nodded in understanding, and followed Aether into Ritou.
Ritou was of a decent size, if (name) didn't know better, they would have assumed Ritou was Inazuma's main city. A stroll around the area, and they noticed the small stalls being set up by people. Crates filled with books beside them as they worked.
After awhile, (name) got to familiarlize themselves with Ritou, forgetting that they had to accompany Aether to the Kamisato Estate.
The breeze filling their thoughts about Thoma, but the worry leaves as they look at the sea, shimmering against the sunlight. A few islands seen in the distance, if (name) had a Kamera with them, they would take a picture and send it to their mother. Sadly, they didn't sell the Kameras often in Mond, and when they do, they are sold easily by other people. Usually parents eager to take photos of their children or people wanting to take photos of something memorable.
"I haven't seen you here before! Are you one of the guests of the Irodori Festival?" A familiar voice asks. (name) turns to face them and is met with familiar eyes.
"Huh, you seem very familiar.." Thoma mutters. "Well, I'm Thoma, ple- Hey!"
(name) pulled Thoma in for a tight hug. Thoma almost falling backwards a bit from the sudden attack.
"What's with y-"
"I missed you, big brother."
"Hehe, did you miss me?"
Thoma returned the hug. "Of course I did, last time I saw you, you were... 11?"
"Mhm. I was worried I wouldn't find you."
"Well, at least we found each other now." Thoma chuckled. "Say, how are you? You've grown since we last were together."
"I'm good, you? I do hope Inazuma hasn't changed you much, Thoma." You chuckled.
"Well, hard to say that it didn't change me much, but I'm still Thoma so, I can't really say if I did or didn't. And yes, I'm good."
"Have you adjusted well? Inazuma seems difficult to adjust to."
Questions galore was asked from both sides. Clearly missing one another. Once it was dark, was when Thoma insisted on going to the Kamisato Estate, it was far, although excitement couldn't stop flowing through Thoma as he thought about introducing his little sibling to the Kamisato siblings.
Do NOT repost my work without permission.
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negasonicimagines · 5 years
Hello / Wonderwall
good fucking night I haven’t posted in like a bajillion years I’m so sorry jdklfldkfjs “anyways here’s wonderwall” (lol anyone remember that meme) anyways this is inspired by two things 
1) this request:  i just listened to adele and my heart is shattered and my angsty soul loves it so could i ask you to write ellie x reader where they're not dating but reader has a crush on ellie and she finds out but neither of them want to be in a relationship because 'feeling things sucks and i dont wanna' something like that because they're both really closed off tough people. and they love eachother and dont want to and its complicated and ugh ANGSTY. im really sorry i hope you're having a great day!!😀💞💞 [btw sorry if i didn’t fill this properly i did my best but my writers’ block is literally THE WORST and has been for a really long time(duh)]
2) This really cool mashup of Adele’s “Hello” and everyone’s favorite Oasis song, “Wonderwall.” It fucking slaps and TOTALLY suits this imagine. If there’s any way you could listen to it and read this at the same time, I recommend it. It’s what I listening to when I was writing it (that and Adele’s “Chasing Pavements.”)
Anyways, enjoy! Who knows when the next one’ll be out, amiright?
Ellie didn’t like love. Even platonic or familial love was shrugged off. It just… Wasn’t her thing. It was too dangerous for mutants, the world. Forget emotions.
You’re new here, at the school. Wade’s forced you to quit your previous line of work, saying that “you’re too damn young to be killin’ people for a living!” You’d rolled your eyes, but agreed that a break would be nice. So, now, you’re being shown around by a charmingly bitchy girl that’s around your age, maybe a smidge older.
“This is the art room, and, um, that about covers it. So, uh, just go away now.”
“Are you not going to show me where my room is?” You ask, letting your eyebrows arch skeptically.
“And how would I know where your room is?” She inquires in response. Where she was the rude kind of standoffish, you were the polite, distant type.
“It’s the same as yours, Negasonic,” you carefully inform her, gauging her reaction.
“It’s- It’s what?”
“Did no one tell you?” you wonder. “That’s weird.”
“Very. Whatever, come on. At least you’re not extra annoying,” she sighs, and you follow her down to the dorms, your suitcase rolling behind you.
“Thanks,” you chuckle a little, and she twitches, her eyes flickering to yours for a moment. The ghost of a smile phases across her lips, disappearing just as subtly as it appeared.
“Alright, now…” She looks at her phone. “Yeah, now, it’s time for training. Depending on your mentor, you’ll have different times. Who’s your mentor?”
“Oh, uh, Emma Frost?” You tell her looking at your schedule.
“You’ll be with me, then. Training with me. Piotr and Ms. Frost’s students train together, I guess because they both have weird skin. Emma’s is temporary, but still. Let’s move.”
“Okay,” you respond, walking with her to the gym.
“If you need any sort of protective gear, it’ll be in the closet by the entrance.”
“I think I’ll be alright,” you say, taking what she said more as a challenge than a helpful tip. She scoffs, rolling her eyes.
But when you catch a glimpse of the light smirk she’s wearing, electricity sparks through you. (Not literally, don’t worry. Your mutation is different and not embarrassing in that way.)
Two weeks later, you and Ellie are fast friends...And maybe more.
“Gaga okay?” she asks.
“Duh!” you respond, scrolling through your twitter feed. “So, whose stans are we trolling tonight?”
“What’s your mutation, anyway? You never did say.”
“Ah, it’s lame,” you brush her off.
“Wade doesn’t think it’s lame… But that’s not really saying much, is it? Damn, sorry,” Ellie chuckles. She smiles more around you than anyone else, but you’re not sure why. Not yet.
“I just… People tend to think less of me when they hear. It’s a bit destructive.”
“You did not just say that to me,” Ellie delivers a surprisingly good rebuttal.
“Well, uh… Basically, by coming into direct contact with it through touch, I can temporarily gain access to their abilities and sometimes even their knowledge. If I consume it, it lasts longer or can even be permanent. Kinda perfect for a kill-for-hire. Not so much for a normal high school girl, though,” you admit shyly. Ellie’s dead silent.
You look to your crush, nervously, and she looks awe-struck.
“That’s so fucking cool. I wish I could become stronger by giving someone a bloody nose. I’d do it all the time. No wonder you killed people for a living.”
“If only everyone saw it that way,” you tell her with a relieved smile. “I can’t believe the stoic Ellie Phimister just called me cool.” Don’t blush, Y/N, don’t blush, you beg yourself.
“Don’t let it get to your head. I once called Wilson cool.”
“He’s not so bad. He’s the reason I’m here.”
“He is?” Remind me to thank him, she thinks. “Hey, listen. I know we didn’t get off to the best start, and uh… I just wanted to say that… I think you’re really awesome.”
“Well, thank-”
“No, that’s not what I wanted to say. What I wanted to say is that, uh… I’m not really much of a romantic or anything, but I really like you. And I normally wouldn’t ever tell a girl that I liked I like her, because then she would stop talking to me and also hate me forever, I think. But you seem…  Different.”
Oh shit. You’re glad your crush likes you back, but...I know what I have to do. I just fucking hate it. “Listen, I’m sorry for giving you the wrong impression, but I don’t like you that way. At all. You’re just my roommate that I really like as a friend. We probably wouldn’t even be friends if we weren’t roommates.”
“But we are roommates.”
“Then I should probably change rooms.”
“Wow. I never thought I’d be the asshole who turns into a, well, a fucking asshole when I get rejected, but I guess I am that kind of asshole. Maybe it’s because I know you’re full of shit. Fuck you, Y/N.”
You sigh, and she turns the music off as you leave the room, making your way to the offices. It’s the early evening, so it’s likely either Jean Grey or Professor Xavier is still in their office.
An hour later, you return. Your efforts were fruitless.
*Guess it’s likely time to make with the apologies, see if she’ll at least treat me with civility after the stunt I pulled.*
“I tried to get a room change. It looks like there isn’t anywhere else for me to go.”
“Then just get out of the school, you murderous scum,” Ellie fires.
*Guess not.*
“Oh shit,” you say, trying not to let the hurt show. She knew how insecure you were, how you just knew that’s what everyone here really thought about you. You’d told her that. Foolishly opened up to her, knowing it’d end like this, or worse.
But in the end, you knew you deserved it for pushing her away. Shattering her blackened heart.
“You’re right. I’ll start packing my things now.”
*Wait,* Ellie thought, but her pride had its hand over her mouth. Don’t go. Don’t be like everyone else.
But, faster than she thought possible, you’re out the door. Guess you hadn’t taken root in this place as deeply as she’d fooled herself.
There’s a knock on the door about ten minutes later.
“Go away!” Ellie yells, throwing a random textbook at the door.
“Why did Y/N leave?” Wade asks through said door.
“Because she’s a stupid fucking liar! Go away!”
“Oh yeah? Well, that stupid fucking liar is gonna get us both in trouble if she we don’t retrieve her, so get the hell up, Negasonic Punkass Mean Teen Queen!”
Ellie begrudgingly gets off her ass and opens the door, hoping that Wade doesn’t notice the eyeliner that’s lightly stained her cheeks, or, at least, that he doesn’t point it out. He seems to have enough courtesy to do at least the latter.
“Tracked her phone to here,” He says, looking at his own phone and walking towards a door. Ellie follows, but stands off to the side when he opens the door.
“Go away.”
“That’s funny, that’s exactly what your little girlfriend said when I knocked on her door.”
“She’s not my girlfriend,” you disagree.
“Then why are you running away? You only run away when you like someone, you’re always willing to stick around for a fight. It used to be a good quality, when you were doing a job no kid should be doing. I really should’ve pulled you outta that life sooner, but I knew you wouldn’t’ve listened to me,” Wade admits, unintentionally explaining a *lot* about you.
“She’s not like you, Wade. She can die. I’m not risking that for some cheesy teen romance that’ll probably last around two dates and then fizzle off into us being acquaintances,” you argue, peeking out the window to notice you ex-friend, ex-something, at least, outside. Shit. But you know the truth:
“If you really felt that way, kid, you wouldn’t bother running away.” He continues in a grave, lowered tone: “You wouldn’t have bothered hurting her. If you were anyone else, I’d’ve kicked your stupid ass. You’re lucky.”
“I wouldn’t consider myself lucky.”
“Ellie fucking Phimister told you that she liked you. Like, as a person. You’re luckier than anyone else I’ve ever met.”
You roll your eyes. “Just go away. And take Ellie fucking Phimister with you.”
“Can’t say I didn’t try, kid.”
“I wouldn’t bother telling anyone about this. Go,” you say, slamming the door in his face and sliding down it to the ground, hiding your face in your hands. Your life was so unbelievably fucked.
You let yourself cry, thinking no one’s there to listen. And then there’s a knock on the window. You look to find Ellie there.
“Let me in, asshole,” she says, her voice muffled by the glass. You open the door, too tired to say no. You were so tired, you realized. Tired of running. Tired of fighting. Tired of being so fucking alone.
“You fucking idiot,” she says, pulling you in for a hug, her head buried in your chest. “You fucking idiot.” She pulls away, telling you: “You keep forgetting that I’m just as tough as you are. What am I gonna have to, arm wrestle you?”
You laugh harder than you should, the laughter dissolving into tears.
“I’m so sorry,” you tell her.”I just- I’m not used to people being safe around me. I’m so used to being the most dangerous person in the room, I- I’m sorry for forgetting that you’re- You’re a fucking force of nature, E. I’ll do anything for you to forgive me for being such a fucking scumbag.”
“Just shut up with the apologies, okay? You- Make it up to me by paying for our first date, yeah?”
“I really don’t think it’s a good idea-”
“Well, I do. And, listen: I’m sorry, too. I should’ve realized that just throwing my feelings on you wasn’t the best course of action. I’m not the only person in the world with people issues, and I seem to forget that sometimes. So, let’s have people issues together, okay?”
She fixes you with an impatient stare.
“Okay,” you sigh, smiling. “I paid for a night here, do you just want to stay?”
“Yeah. I’d like that, actually. I…”She hesitates, searching your expression for something. “I call big spoon.”
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eerythingisshaka · 6 years
Wakanda Got Y’all Pt. 6
[Black Panther x Insecure Mashup]
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: Some smut pops off.  This a Molly chapter, btw!
Molly sits in her office typing up a deposition for a case she is working on.  She sits back rubbing her eyes out of exhaustion from all of the meetings and paperwork she has had to thumb through this week, her vacation could not come soon enough.  Molly reaches for her phone to check her messages for the umpteenth time.  Erik hadn’t hit her back since she followed Issa’s basic advice of texting him first to make plans.  Molly knew Issa had no clue what she was talking about.  The only message she got was from Issa asking about some girls night get-together with the crew, date tbd.  That was definitely a big mood for Molly at the moment:  bougie wine and apps for half price happy hours.  
When Molly headed home that evening, she stopped by the doggy babysitter to pick up Flavor Flav.
“Hey, man!  You have a good time with your homies and girlfriends today?”  Molly smiles, petting him lovingly.
The doggysitter looks at her wearily.  “Mr. Flav is definitely a casanova to say the least.”
Molly shrugs.  “Thankfully he is neutered cuz bitches be crazy, right?”  Molly cackles to herself as the doggysitter walks away stone faced.
Molly rolls her eyes as she walks out, talking to Flavor Flav.  “Snooty ass.  Your little self lucky I get a discount here, or you’d be in the hood where the real ones at.”
As Molly walks towards her car, a person catches her peripheral across the street.  She does a double take before recognizing the gentleman.  Erik in the plain daylight with a little Boxer puppy dog in his arm walking up the street, looking too good in his classic distressed jean jacket and shades.   Molly ducks on one side of her car to avoid being spotted.  She curses under her breath as she looks through windows to track his path.   Erik looks behind him for traffic before starting to cross the street, causing Molly to unlock her doors and fly in the backseat of her car to out Flavor Flav in his carrier.   Instead of going around the car to get into the passenger door, she tries climbing over the front seats to make for a smooth getaway.  Unfortunately, her elbow landed on the horn, causing a loud honk.
“Shit!”  Molly says with her eyes closed before peeking to see Erik peering at her in her car.
“Aye, Molly!”  Erik says, flipping his shades off, grinning like they were old friends seeing each other for the first time.
Molly straightens herself up in her seat and lets the window down.  “Hey, wassup?”  she asks.
Erik leans in with his puppy.  “Nothing much right now.  I didn’t know you had a dog.”  
Molly nods, bucking her eyes.  “Yup.  He’s pretty quiet, so I can see how you may have ignored him….”  Molly lets her statement linger, hoping the underlying message is louder.
Erik peers at Molly biting his lips to fight back a smile.  “I see.  Look, I got your text but I didn’t hit you back cuz I didn’t want to come off too...thirsty.  I mean, we had fun at the diner spot and your apartment, but I couldn’t gage your signals either.”
Molly thinks back on the vodka tonics she drank with the blunt she had via Erik’s stash and it may have messed with her judgment a little.  “No, it was fun...for me.  I didn’t want it to end but you pulled some psychology shit on me that had me second guessing.”
Erik’s puppy fights his hands to get to Molly, but Erik holds it close.  “Uh huh.  And I mean that shit.  I don’t wanna fuck you up with a good time cuz you timid acting all of a sudden.”
“That’s why I texted you soooo…I’m making an appointment...”  Molly says.
Erik looks at Molly a moment too long before looking away smiling.  “Aight.  That’s what I wanna hear.  For future reference ‘hey big head’ isn’t something I respond to so...”
Molly clutches her pearls looking fake hurt.  “J’accuse me of these things?  What is the meaning of this?”
Erik reaches for his pocket.  “I can give you physical evidence if that’s necessary.  Read receipt and all.”
Molly puts her hands up to block his phone.  “Nah, nah, nah.  It ain’t gotta be like that.  You good on any MLK boulevard out here.”
“Uh huh, that’s what I thought.  So, where to Moll?”  Erik puts his puppy down on the seat as it still bucks to fly towards Molly.
Molly shrugs, petting the dog a little as it licks her hand.  “I don’t know, you puttin me on the spot.  What’s his name by the way?”
“HER name is Missy, and she my main bitch, just so you know.  And there you go pussy-footin around.  You let me pick, it might be Waffle House with Kelli and Baku again if you playin.”
“No!  Hell no, anything but that!  Kelli is a damn mess, and with him they are walking porn flick waiting to happen.
“Oh, you know what, if you ain’t got no ideas, I actually just thought of something you might like.”  Erik says, picking Missy up.
Molly perks up in curiosity.  “Whatchu thinkin?”
Erik wags a finger.  “That ain’t the deal!  You wanna know where you goin, you pick.  Otherwise, I’ll tell you when we pullin up.”
Molly rolls her eyes.  “Now, you know you can’t pull that shit today.  I still don’t know you from shit else, so you gotta at least give me some hints.”
Erik thinks about it.  “I mean I promise I won’t kill you?  But if that ain’t enough, I’ll give you three guesses.  Use em wisely.”
Molly plays with her keys in thought.  “Is it a place of business?”
Erik half nods.  “Yeah, yeah it is.”
“Ok, is it a crowded place?”
Erik bites his lip, shaking his head.
“Oh my God, Erik, if you playing me with some innuendo shit-”
Now Erik was clutching his pearls, laughing.  “Come on!  I don’t always joke about sex with you!  Chill!  Now was that a question, cuz you got one left.”
“No, uh uh!  Ummm, should I eat before?  Oh, is it like casual or formal?”
Erik looks at her disapprovingly.  “Moll, that was like three questions, you better pick one with your indecisive ass.”
“Fine!  Should I eat before?”  Molly asks.
Erik chuckles.   “Hungry ass...you could, but not heavy I’d say, just in case.”
Molly squints at him before putting her keys in the ignition.  “Ok, Erik.  When you tryna do this?”
Erik backs up off the car.  “We doin this at 8pm tomorrow night.  Don’t need your heels either, dress comfy.”
“Ha!  You answered one of my other questions, bloop!  I’m working on this project for work though, so no overnight shit unfortunately.”
Erik and Missy start down the sidewalk.  “We’ll see.  You might enjoy it that much.”
Next day Molly gets dressed for another night with Erik.  She took a half day from work just because she could, and to get her entire body reupholstered for the evening.  As she put her face and wig together, Molly talks to Issa on speaker.
“Awww, so you and Flavor Flav and his dog could go on playdates!”  Issa squeals excitedly.
Molly clicks at Issa.  “You know Flavor Flav is like middle aged right?  He don’t wanna be associated with no high energy child.”
“Oh! Speaking of playdates, you down for the girls night right?”
Molly sets her face.  “Yes, it’s been a minute since we all been together for a tea time, and we all got little situations and shit.”  Molly cackles as she whips her wig on.
“We still whores in Tiffany’s eyes, just to keep up humble.  But I’m not ready to call T’Challa a situation.  We just made out and watched some shows until we started yawning.  Plus now his ex is dropping hints and I don’t want that smoke.”
Molly’s eyes widen.  “Oh shit, is she threatening you or something?”
“I mean, a little bit.  She said it in riddles, but it as pretty clear she want T’Challa to stay single.”  Issa mumbles.
Molly looks herself over in the mirror.  Some cute pastel pink cuffed short shorts, a breezy blouse with a nice mid-plunge back and a long necklace with a simple circle/triangle charm.  “Listen, I know they puttin money into We Got Y’all, but there is no reason for her to dig into your personal life.  She don’t even know you like that.”
Issa snaps her fingers.  “Yo, that’s right!  She don’t know me!  I should invite her to our girls night!”
Molly looks back at her phone in shock.  “Excuse me?”
“It would be perfect!  I haven’t gotten to know her yet, this way I could show her the real me and maybe even some more details on T’Challa.”
“You lookin to have a Real Housewives reunion is what you wanna do.  I don’t want alcohol soaked bundles bitch, quit playin.”  Molly says picking her phone up to make sure Issa heard it.
Issa shushes Molly.  “No!  We are co-workers, ain’t none of that goin down, we’ll be braiding each other hair by the end.  You just worry about where dude is taking you out.  I didn’t take you for the adventurous type.”
“Pssh, I’m not, trust me.  But that’s what I’m tryna do, live a little.  I keep my head in the books too much, I ain’t let loose in a minute.  He just better act right.”
“Watch him pull you up to McDonalds for the dollar menu, haha!”  Issa cackles.
“Tsk, bada ba ba BYE BITCH!”  Molly hangs up on Issa with love in her heart for her friend.  She was thinking the same thing, but she held faith this will at least be a good dick night if anything.
A few moments later, Erik texts her that he has arrived at her place.  Molly tries to hold back her approval of his wheels as she gets in.  “Hey, you’re on time.  I didn’t know if you were gonna test me again like ‘do you really want me to come over?’ type shit or not.”
Erik scratches behind his neck flexing.  “Hell nah, I got reservations girl!”
Pulling off, Molly looks over at Erik goofily.  “Ahh, reservations huh?  Good, I’m hungry as hell!”
Erik looks Molly down.  “Shit, where the hell it all go.  You always lookin for your next meal.”
Molly puts up a finger.  “I will suppress that shade you just thrown so we are clear!  My metabolism will not be shamed tonight, kind sir.  Continue your route, this will be considered in your review.”
“Oh, so now I’m Driving Miss Daisy?”  Erik smiles, light catching his gold fronts.
Molly stifles a laugh.  “If you wanna dig into old aunty references, yeah.  Let’s go Morgan!” she says with a handclap.
The drive out was so long that Molly almost fell asleep with the lull of the ride.  She stirs when she feels Erik’s hand on her leg.  “Aye, get up, we here.”
ERik undoes his seatbelt getting out.  Molly checks her mouth for drool real quick, smoothing her hair before he opens her door.  Taking his hand she looks around the airfield.
“Nigga, is this a airport?”  Molly asks confused.
Erik chuckles looking out in the distance.  “In a way.  It’s private, so you ain’t seeing no flights come through any time soon.”
Molly chokes back a gasp, pointing at something in the distance.  “Did you really set up a table over there?  With the candles and shit?”
Erik shrugs sneakily, as he walks her over to the spot.  Rose petals covered the tablecloth with shutes of champagne surround some chocolate covered strawberries.  “I told you I had a reservation.  The maintenance crew woulda lapped these up if I had been even a minute late.”
Erik takes a glass handing it over to Molly.  
Molly sips, picking up a strawberry.  “I mean, this just isn’t what I had in mind though.  You got me speechless with this.”
Erik bites his lip, gazing into Molly’s face.  “That’s fine, we ain’t gotta talk at all honestly.”
Molly almost chokes on her berry, sipping some more champagne.  “Slow down, I mean this is nice, but did you really bring me out here to just talk and eat fruit?”  Erik makes an O face, stepping back from Molly.  “It’s nice I said!  I’m just sayin though-”
“Ok, Ms. Annalise Keating!  You need somethin to shock your system, you ain’t said nothin but a word.  Let’s get high then.”  Erik takes Molly’s drink and sets it on the table.  
Molly shakes her head.  “Uh uh, I told you I got work, Erik!”  He wraps his arm around her waist as they walk, pointing ahead of them.  “You see that bird over there?”
Molly can’t help but notice the single engine plane in the middle of the tarmac.  “Oh shit…”
Erik starts laughing.  “You remember I told you I’m a pilot, right?  You bored and everything, let me show you the city from the sky, huh?”
Molly stutters feeling herself combust with sweat.  “Erik, I’m not too good with heights.”
Erik goes to open a door, unfolding a set of stairs.  “Once you get up in the sky, you won’t even be worried about it.  You been on a plane right?  Business meetings and alldat?”
“Yeah but-”
Erik reaches a hand out to Molly.  “I’m tryna bring a little more excitement in your damn life.  I don’t know what you been goin through, but I ain’t seen that air of confidence from when I first met you.  Trust me on this, I ain’t gonna let us down, I got you.”  Erik’s voice we barely above a whispers towards the end of his sentence, but Molly took a deep breath to hype herself up before walking towards him, placing her hand in his.
Getting into the second seat behind him, Erik helped to buckle her in properly, giving her knee a pat of reassurance as he closed the door.  Getting into the front, Molly watched Erik as he buckled himself in, flipping switches and pushing buttons.
Molly starts to get nervous again.  “How long have you been flying?”
“A little over ten years now.  Started when I was at the Academy, did a little in the Navy.”  Erik says, looking over his panel as the engine starts up.
Molly grips her seat, her voice quivering.  “Oh yeah, military, that’s great.  Land of the free, home of the brave.”
Erik looks over his shoulder.  “You gonna be alright, breathe for me.”
Molly breathes out roughly and erratically.  Looking at the tarmac illuminated by little lights gave her more anxiety as the plane began to move, circling the lanes.
“Ohhh my God, oh my God!”  Molly yells out.
“Yeah, we on our way, just a while longer, you can take it.”  Erik encourages her calmly.
“Wooo, no I canNOT!  It’s too tight in here, I need air!”  Molly exclaims.  
Erik pushes the acceleration, getting ready for lift off.  “You mess with any damn latches back there, I’m throwin your ass out myself.  Don’t fuck with my shit!”  Erik says authoritatively as they achieve lift off.  Molly still woots and hollers as her stomach dips between her legs.  Locking her thighs together, she sings praises to the Lord and Savior.
“See?  Ain’t so bad.  Look at the window, Moll.”  Erik says.
Molly exhales as her head stops spinning.  “We ain’t out the woods yet, nigga.  But damn…”  Molly’s voice is taken when she sees the city lights below her.  “Damn, it’s like the stars are under our feet….oh shit, my head spinning again.”  Molly takes a break closing her eyes.  
Erik laughs.  “We ain’t that high, you good.  It’s beautiful though, right?”
“Uh huh.  It really is.”  Molly says peaking cautiously.
“This my favorite place to be.  Up in the air, it’s the best view you can ever have.  And it’s peaceful and quiet….usually.”  Erik quips.
“Ok, you gotta give me credit for even getting in this thing.  I didn’t promise to be cute and silent about it.”
“No, you didn’t.  Got me there Ms. Keating, but I wouldn’t take it back for nothin.  I finally got some realness outta you, no primpin or posh actin shit.”
Molly chuckles, wiping her brow as the high of adrenaline courses through her, stimulating her senses.  “I ain’t never been a punk, remember that.  Now I am ready to get down.  Too much excitement and champagne.”
“Oh, you ready for the ground?”  Erik starts to descend too sharply, making Molly feel it in her stomach again.  
“Shit!  Easy!”  Molly screams out.  Erik had full control of the reactions of her body with the mess he kept trying to pull from the cockpit.
“Yeah, you felt that one, huh?”  Erik does an evil laugh as he descends properly onto the tarmac.  Once they land, Erik lets Molly out of the plane down the little set of steps, looking frazzled as expected.  
“Damn!  Look at you!  Lookin like you just went 12 rounds, girl!”  Erik takes his finger, swiping it across Molly’s collarbone to dramatically measure who sweat before wiping it on his pants.  Molly was so glad to finally be on the ground she practically lept into Erik’s arms, pulling him in for a tongue heavy kiss.  Erik groaned in surprise, but quickly went with the flow as his hands traveled her back, tripping back on the set of stairs behind him.  
Molly’s hands find his belt, unfastening it and his fly to gain access to his joystick.  “Damn, you that hard al-fuckin-ready?”  Molly has breathlessly as she undoes her shorts, pulling them down.  Erik looks at her entranced, pulling his pants down further, stroking himself as she gets undressed.  “Cuz I fuckin like you?  Damn, just bring yo ass.”
Molly straddles him on the stairs, stretching herself over him as she clutches his shoulder and one side of the plane for stability.  Erik grips Molly’s ass, willing her over him completely as he begins to work a rhythm with her.  Molly shrieks with pleasure.  “That’s it, gimme that big dick daddy long stroke!!”
Erik bites his lip as works his hips towards her, pummeling her walls in response.  “Don’t fuck up my tempo, ride this shit out til I’m done!”
Molly could barely take it but did her best as she began to slouch weakly from the pleasurable contractions breaking her down to squeeze around him.  Erik pulls Molly up by her neck to look him in his face as she came.  Molly finds some residual strength to work her hips with his, licking on his mouth pleading for him to cum.  Erik smacks her ass in retaliation, snarling and straining as his end drew near.  Erik popped out of Molly, pulling Molly up to him as he jacked himself off, spilling his seed over her ass cheeks, grunting viscerally as he finished.
Erik looks up at Molly, letting out a deep breath, looking very relaxed.  “Now that’s what the fuck I’m talkin bout Molly, shit!”
Molly felt all her walls coming down as her state of arousal hangs heavy like a fog.  In a haze of bliss, Molly plays in his locs.  “I know what you mean.  You fucked the brokeness out my pussy real quick.”
Erik screws his face up.  “The hell you talkin bout?  Pussy broke?”
Molly shakes her head, trying not to ruin the moment with her and Issa’s inside joke.  “I mean, you broke this pussy up, baby!  Damn!”
Erik laughs, stroking her face.  “You still hungry?”
Part 7
@hbicprettyprincess @theunsweetenedtruth
@kimianostalgia @airis-paris14
@allhailnjadaka @cutewylie @bidibidibombaclaat @muse-of-mbaku
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whoacanada · 6 years
I don’t know if you’ve received a lot of prompt requests, but if it strikes your fancy: zimbits soulmate au + 24 hours to live for the mashup thing? The royalty au is amazing btw!
Zimbits + Soulmate AU + 24 Hours to Live
(First: thank you! Second: lol, this is 100% probably not what you were expecting. It’s an implied ‘24 hours until the world ends’ AU, so heavy warnings for discussions about death and suicide.)
Jack pushes open the cafe door and finds a half dozen people scattered around the seating area, paired off, quietly reading while sirens blare outside.
For some reason, Jack actually had an opinion on what society might look like when the world ended. Stashed away alongside ideas about what his life would be like if he was born during World War 1, what it would be like to be a woman, what is the meaning of life, what if you could talk to animals, etc..
In other words, questions he didn’t think he’d ever actually get an answer to. He’s not surprised in the slightest his vague assumption was wrong.
“Hey, Karen,” he greets, pulling out a reusable bag and stepping over a pile of clothing on his way to the counter, finding a woman with a joint in one hand and spatula in the other, cutting into a tray of brownies.
“Jack,” she acknowledges around an exhale of fragrant smoke.
“Did you happen to make any danishes this morning before the announcement?”
“I burned the blueberry, was a little distracted,” she says shortly. “But I have a peach or two left in the back. Grabbing something for Eric?”
“Yeah, trying to collect a few things for a party-slash-last meal,” Jack leans back to eye the display case when Karen laughs.
“Just come back here and take what you want,” she passes him the joint and Jack can’t think of a good reason not to take a hit. “People are too busy fucking or fighting to get dessert; you want a brownie or two? Cooked down like two pounds of medical grade Indica, raided a pharmacy down the road and mixed in a little something-something extra, guaranteed to knock you out before — ” she makes an explosion gesture with her hands. “You know, if you want to go quietly or whatever.”
“How quietly?” Jack questions, looking up from the cookie tray.
She gives him an assessing look and takes another hit.
“Quiet enough you won’t feel guilty,” she says.
Jack thinks he shouldn’t be talking about poison and suicide with his local baker but he woke up this morning to chaos and the news that the entire human population would be wiped from the Earth in twenty-four hours. His morals have shifted just a bit since.
Jack isn’t in a position to turn down anything, not today.
“Yeah, I’ll take a few. We’re having some people over. Might be a nice way to end things.”
“Now, where’s Eric? I’m guessing he’s your partner, right? Tell me you were lucky on that one.”
“Small mercy, right?” Jack affirms and slips behind her to raid the display case. He pops a macaroon into his mouth and takes the entire plate of chocolate cake. “Something good came out of today. Practically guaranteed a higher power sanctions same-sex couples.”
“Same-sex couples and an afterlife,” Karen mutters, “just a shame it has to murder us all first.”
Jack motions for the joint again.
“Hey, a cop buddy of mine dropped off like a pound of cocaine, too, if you need any.”
Jack snags another macaroon and thinks over the handful of people who have confirmed for Bitty’s ‘End of Days’ Kegster.
“Might take you up on that.”
Karen jerks a thumb to the kitchen.
“Next to the icing, babe. Have at it.”
The ride home is a little tense, having to weave past car accidents and wailing pedestrians, but he makes it home alright. Jack’s glad the doorman is gone, he deserves to be with his family, but without someone to buzz him in he ends up having to ram a trashcan through one of the foyer’s glass window-walls to get to the elevator.  
“I got a cake, some danishes,” Jack offers, brushing glass off his shoulder while Eric pull a ziploc of white powder from the shopping bag. “Oh, and a shit load of cocaine.”
“Seriously? Where?”
“Karen’s got the hookup,” Jack shrugs, handing Bitty the brownies. “These are for us.”
Bitty lifts them and sniffs, wincing.
“Good lord, pot brownies?”
“They’re laced, she didn’t specify with what, but they’re for the end.”
Bitty’s eyes widen in understanding.
“Ah, well, better put these somewhere safe then. Don’t want to kill our guests before the apocalypse does. Oh, your dad called, says they’re flying down to say goodbye. Then he mentioned something about making a run for Bermuda, asked if we’d like to see if we survive off the ground?”
“I think I’m done fighting,” Jack snags a broken cookie. “I’m also not keen on spending my final hours worried about my parents seeing us have sex.”
“That’s fair,” Bitty puts the brownie above the stove and Jack moves to sidle up behind, pressing himself against Eric’s back. “I’d rather not worry about that, either.”
“You talk to your parents?”
“Said my goodbyes this morning. Told them they should spend the time left with each other. Thankfully they paired off; can’t imagine having to console my mother on a day like this.”
“We still have a few hours before anyone shows up. If anyone shows,” Jack drops his chin to rest on the crown of Bitty’s head. “Let’s go to the arena. I want to skate with you one last time.”
Bitty leans back into his hold and says, “Honey, I don’t want to die.”
“Maybe it won’t be so bad,” Jack counters gently, not for the first time today.
There are already people on the ice. Fans, from the looks of it — a lot of them wearing Falcs jerseys — having sex on blankets, towels, some right on top of the ice.
“Good lord, well, so much for a quiet skate together,” Bitty sighs.
“We can skate around them?” Jack offers, trying to find some solution because it’s the end of the world he’ll be damned if they can’t have one last skate together. 
Jack whistles sharply and yells, “Hey! North half of the ice is for fucking! South end’s for skating!”
“Holy shit, is that Jack Zimmermann?”
“Yeah, it is, and he wants to skate with his soulmate!” Bitty shouts back. “So vamoose!”
Shockingly, the couples all look around and some actually listen, packing up and shuffling across the ice, leaving enough space for Jack and Bitty.
“Thank you!” Jack yells, only to get a few scattered replies of ‘You’re welcome’.
They only manage a few laps, holding hands, before Bitty’s laughing too hard at the loud moans and sex noises to continue.
“It’s okay, honey, we knocked off one bucket list item.”
Jack steps off the ice and looks back at the fans, doing a double take when he recognizes someone.
“Poots is out there.”
“What? No, he isn’t.”
“Hey, Bits, do you want to — ?”
“Oh, lord, honey, no, we can have sex at home, thank you.”
“You promise?” Jack teases, checking his watch. “We only have four hours until the party.”
“They can serve themselves. You and I will be in bed before the night even starts.”
“Some host,” Jack chirps.
“I promised a safe space and a good time. I didn’t promise my attention or presence.”
Bitty holds up his hand to display the glowing blue spot on his palm that matches Jack’s.
“If I have half a day left with my soulmate, I’m gonna abuse that time to the fullest. You’re the only one I really care about anymore.”
Jack looks down at the spot on his hand and worries his lip.
Jack looks up to see Bitty watching him with a fond expression.
“If the locker room is empty, we can do Bucket List Item #27.”
Jack swallows, most of the blood in his body rushing to his dick. 
“A-and if it’s full?” 
“Hmm…” Bitty steps off the ice and taps his finger against his chin. “Well, then I guess we’ll have to try #4 instead.”
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rememberthemonster · 7 years
Twitch Plaze Blazed Glazed 33: Just Go With The Flo
When we last left our honey of a heroine, she just came back from another dimension, where she met Luke, one of Luke’s friends, and a shiba that was definitely not an Uxie. 
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But don’t worry -- she’s back in the REAL world again.
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Will the Poke Mart be her first stop?
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Apparently not, as she’s headed over to “Soheal’s Strait.” I’m not sure if that’s supposed to mean something or if it’s a corruption of “Spheal’s Strait”, but either way, it doesn’t look like the kind of place a Spheal would hang out, so it still doesn’t make sense.
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Okay, THIS looks more like Spheal territory. But not knowing Surf, we head back and checkpoint at the Pokemon Center.
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“...are delicious...”
Yes, it’s weird that an entire region’s name is donut backwards.
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As we head in the direction of the Seaspray Dam to presumably finally deliver that package, Honey gets roped into a double battle.
It’s against Beauty Gabrielle and Youngster Joey. Notably, Joey is trying to impress Gabrielle so she’ll go out with him. The chat didn’t seem to notice at the time, but now that I’ve written it down, I can already hear the TPP headcanon triggers going off.
And yes, this Joey has a Rattata. Sorry, no loophole. He also has a Taillow, btw, and Gabriella has a Pidgeotto and Clefairy.
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After the fight, Gabriella informs us that the Seaspray Dam provides renewable energy to the entire Tunod region. Hmm... if I were an evil electric rodent seeking to do bad things and stop the plans of anyone trying to stop me, I’d probably make a stop there. 
Just saying.
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Yeah, I’d say things aren’t looking real great for AJ.
After wandering into some tall grass, Honey does some badge farming.
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This Houndour has no name, and isn’t the same as the one Honey eventually adds to her team... but shh, spoilers.
There’s also Growlithe, Pikachu, Marill, and Mareep in this tall grass. 
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Quite frankly, my dear, I... think the joke is just too obvious. 
He thinks otherwise, though, claiming that the dam fills him with glee.
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Welcome to Seaspray Dam. Who wants to bet that some sort of hostile takeover is going to happen here?
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See? The nice man is giving us a warning. Or maybe he just doesn’t want our sticky fingers on all the machinery. Or maybe he and the other guy are going to challenge Honey to a Double Battle. 
Which they do. She wins.
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This guy informs us that nobody is allowed on the upper floor. Given how much effort Honey went to to try to get the elevator into the Penthouse despite not having the key, I don’t think she’ll listen.
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She doesn’t. Either despite her dad’s advice, or because of it. I guess she thinks this is the time and place for breaking rules.
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It seems like the flow of the electricity determines where Honey can walk and where she can’t. It also seems like the water is flowing straight off the edge of the endless void of the fourth wall.
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“And now is not the time or place to electrocute yourself.”
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Aha! I knew something was up here! Even if that something is merely supply and demand, and thus simple economic problems...
Although when said demand is for regionwide electricity, and said supply is in finite numbers, I guess it’s pretty serious. Still simple, but serious.
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And this is where the lag bites us, and Honey spaces out again.
What is this person saying? “Evening”? “Every”? By the time the Stream picks back up, this is what Honey hears:
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“...needs of Tunod...”
Yep, it’s economics. Simple, potentially devastating economics.
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Seems safe enough for you, uh... sir? Madam? 
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The lag returns, and Honey’s ability to completely blank out to what people are saying strikes again. This next scene goes by pretty quickly, but I managed to capture the split second:
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“...need, kid, I’m busy.”
Honey, who by now is used to snappy women being rude to her, hands Flo the sensor that Professor Willow gave her.
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Whatever Flo says next, Honey appears to tune her out. Possibly the talk got way too technical for her. By the time the stream picks back up, Flo’s at this point of talking:
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Honey affirms this.
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Sure, Honey is used to doing favors for rude people.
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And Honey phases out again. Her mind’s elsewhere. Possibly the human world, the one without Pokemon... possibly just thinking about Luke, and wondering if that ‘friend’ of his is his girlfriend, and if not, if he’s available.
Eventually Flo commands her attention back.
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Say, Tongo’s sort of a greenish-blue Gem... 
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OOC: Bill here is referring to Tongo the Lil’ Monster, who was born from the Nail Gem during the pre-Chatty Yellow intermission game “Lil’ Monster”. In some TPP canons, notably those of N8, Pioxys, Emoji_Master, and the author, Lil’ Monsters are the children of the fossil deities of the TPP universe, and as such are sort of deities themselves. 
Tongo was considered to be the child of Sail (Connections) and Plume (Technology, Cheating/Hacks), and the author considers him as the fossil of dreams, imagination, reality paradoxes, and pirated ROMs, and as largely (or at least partially) responsible for all the dimension-hopping that Monster Rancher host Aya did during the pre-Chatty Yellow intemission. This dimension-hopping broke the universe to the point in which the Voices and Emotes were literally everywhere all over Kanto by the beginning of Chatty Yellow, and even the major trainers were transformed into Emote-headed abominations.
But to be fair, Tongo had been pretty much kidnapped by a guy named  '666fR that he couldn’t stand, so maybe it wasn’t his fault. Maybe.
ahem But, anyway, back to Honey:
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She tells us to take the card to pass through the corridor that the guards are blocking, and to “HURRY UP!”
Yeesh. Rude, lady, rude. Yelling at people isn’t cool. Yelling at disabled people is less cool. Yelling at disabled people with hidden reality-warping superpowers is likely to get you in all sorts of troubles later on, especially when and if you have to fight them for a gym challenge.
But in the meantime, Honey has a job.
To be continued...
OOC: I now imagine this song mashup to be Honey’s theme. Funny how her greatest asset -- her dimensional powers -- seem to be hindering her ability to function as a normal person, because she’s always halfway in another world. As a woman with invisible illnesses and oversensitivity issues, I feel I can relate to that. Honey, so far, seems to be very much like me IRL.
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