monstersflashlight · 2 days
Commission for @lynnistired!
A/N: Thank you so much for trusting me again! This turned out a bit more sweet than expected (but still spicy). Hope you like this one, too! <3 Part 1 can be found here.
Request: I'm here to request more werebunny boyfriend the first was was too good and now I need more🙏🏽 whatever plot you want go crazy with it!!
Date a werebunny they said… (part 2)
Were-bunny x fem!reader || oral sex, praise kink, forced orgasms, mentioned somnophilia
You blinked slowly as the world came to be around your fuzzy brain, waking up after the best and worst experience of your life: your were-rabbit boyfriend’s rut.
You didn’t know how many hours passed since it started, you didn’t even know what time it was. It was dark outside, maybe a whole day went by as you got ravished? You had no idea. You passed out a couple times during the rut. Your boyfriend didn’t stop fucking you, restlessly, even when you were asleep. Your brain was too fuzzy and your body too tired to keep up with his extreme stamina.
You woke up twice because of him. He kept forcing orgasms out of you, making you scream at the top of your lungs as tears rolled down your cheeks. The pleasure so high it was painful, but so, so, so good.
The idea that he was that turned on by you made everything a thousand times more intense, and the fact that he took everything he needed from your limp body was weirdly hot. You liked the fact that he couldn’t hold back his passion around you, that he was pretty much feral for your pussy and your pleasure. After your pussy recovered, you would probably want to explore the free use thing a bit more. That thought made you feel naughty, but a spark of arousal rose inside of you.
You didn’t even know how your body still had the energy to be turned on, you felt dehydrated after so many orgasms. Even though your soft were-rabbit made you drink water any chance he got.
Third time you woke up, there was a soft and wet tongue parting your labia and kissing your oversensitive clit. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” he repeated over and over as he licked your abused pussy.
You groaned pathetically, trying to get away from him. You wanted to tell him off, to tell him to go fuck himself or something. But you had not a single drop of energy in your body. He exhausted you so completely you couldn’t do anything but to lie there as he licked the mixture of his cum and your juices.
You were so sensitive it was almost painful, but the immense pleasure that filled you with each touch of his tongue was beyond anything you’d ever felt. He licked and sucked, making out with your pussy slowly, but with a purpose. He was trying to take everything you had and then some more. He wanted everything. But you didn’t even know if you could come anymore. It felt like an impossible quest at that point.
But he proved you wrong, licking you lazily as his fingers probed your asshole. You moaned and came again, your thighs trembling around his head, your hands holding onto his long fluffy ears. “You can’t stop coming, can you?” He asked rhetorically, looking up at you with the most tender expression you’ve ever seen on is face.
His eyes showed all his love for you, but also a spark of heat beyond it. You didn’t know if he wanted to go again, but you weren’t sure you could. Your pussy couldn’t take it. He didn’t seem to care about your tears or your whimpers, he kept playing with your pussy, eating you out like you were his new favorite snack.
He blew some hot air against your clit and you cried out. “Come on, darling, one more,” he urged. You tried to move away again, but he grabbed your legs and drew you to him again.
“I can’t. Please stop. Please. I can’t take it anymore.” Your hands pulled at his ears, trying to get him away from your abused pussy. He chuckled and kissed your clit softly, forcing a new round of whimpers out of you.
“Of course you can. One more and I promise I’ll stop.” He sucked your clit inside his mouth and you cried out his name, trembling under him.
He always wanted to make you orgasm over and over, sometimes you believed he was trying to drink your soul out of you. Sometimes you thought he liked to make you come more than coming himself. And at this point of his rut, you were 99% sure it was exactly like that. He stopped fucking you long ago, opting for making you come as he humped the mattress. In other circumstances, you would have found that hot and adorable, but at that point you felt like an exposed nerve.
“You promise?” You asked, hopeful. You didn’t know if you could take any more, you felt like floating already, like your body wasn’t yours anymore. It was his. All of you was his.
“Yes. Come for me.” You knew it was a lie, always a lie. He wouldn’t stop wanting you to come. But you couldn’t deny him, not when he was doing such a good job making out with your tender flesh. You came again, your body barely moving anymore. “Good girl, I wish you could see yourself right now. You look gorgeous all limp and drunk with pleasure. All fucked out.” He was talking to you, but looking at your pussy. You didn’t even care if he was talking about your pussy and not yourself as a person. You would gladly be just a set of holes for him to use.
You didn’t get to verbalize that idea, your eyes felt heavy as sleep claimed you once more.
He woke you up just like that at least three more times. Getting you to come and come. And after what felt like thousand orgasms later, and maybe a couple more naps in between, you woke up without a tongue inside your pussy. You sighed in relief, your voice too worn out to say anything coherent, yet.
Your pretty were-rabbit boyfriend was laying beside you, his head against the pillow, looking at you intently. “Are you okay?” He whispered. You tried to hide your blush, feeling shy for some reason. He fucked you to hell and back, and now you felt shy because he was looking at you tenderly… Sometimes you couldn’t understand your own head.
You checked your body mentally. “I think so. I don’t think I can move, though.” Your lower body felt sore all over, and your upper body pretty much the same. It felt like you went to the gym for twelve hours straight. And well... if you counted the amount of times you fucked, the gym scenario was probably a less extenuating activity.
He jumped to his feet instantly. “No worries. You don’t have to do anything. I’ll do everything for you.” He tried to fuss over you, covering you with the blanket and caressing your hair. You leaned down to his touch and sighed happily. That felt great. He offered you some water that you took gladly, helping your head up so you wouldn’t choke.
And then something inside of you went uh oh, and you felt a new urge. “I- I kinda need to pee,” you confessed.
“I take you.” He was reaching for you instantly.
The idea of him carrying your naked body to the bathroom and waiting for you to finish made you want to cringe. “What? No!” You exclaimed, trying to push your body up on the bed. And failing.
He arched an eyebrow at you. “Can you walk?” You tried to sit, and after a good three minutes you got your body to the edge of the bed, panting.
“Uh. Yes.” You tried to get up on your own, but your legs weren’t responding. Fuck. “Okay, no. I can’t walk.” He lowered his head to hide his smirk, but you saw it either way. He was proud of himself. He was happy you couldn’t walk. What a shithead. But you had to hide your own smile. “Is this my first sex injury?” You asked, jokingly. He looked at you worried, but at the sight of your smile he melted.
“Yeah, you can say it like that.” His voice was neutral, and you knew instantly that something was wrong.
You joked a bit more, trying to reduce the uncomfortable feeling setting between you. “Can’t wait to tell my friends my boyfriend injured me, sexually.”
He looked at you, his ears twitching and fluttering, embarrassed. “You… You still want to be my girlfriend?” His voice was so low you almost didn’t hear him. But, luckily, you were so close you could rise your hand and put it on his soft cheek.
“What? Of course! Why wouldn’t I?” You forced him to look at you and kissed his cute button nose, making him frown in the most adorable way. “I love you, you idiot.”
“Even if after I became a sex maniac?” The worry and self-consciousnesses behind his words made your heart hurt for him.
“Yes. I love you no matter what, you silly rabbit. You act like you didn’t make me come at least a thousand times, I enjoyed that, didn’t you realize?” You told him, smiling so big your cheeks hurt. He returned your smile and you couldn’t hold yourself back from kissing him senseless. “But no more sex for a couple days,” you added, chuckling.
“Okay, whatever you want.” He was looking at you like you held the moon, and you felt the most especial girl in the entire world.
“Now, can you get me to the bathroom or not?” You broke heartfelt the moment, as always. He laughed and moved your almost limp body across the room.
You couldn’t stop smiling, and he couldn’t either.
Don't forget you can also commission me, info here.
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sunny44 · 2 days
Bye bye binky!!
Pairing: Lando Norris x Mom!Fem! Reader
Warnings: none I guess and English is not my first language
Summary: You and Lando are trying to get rid of your daughter’s binky.
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The Norris household was in constant motion as always. Lyla, at two years old, was a curious and energetic child, always running from one side to the other, dragging her toys and, of course, her inseparable pacifier.
For Lando and me, the mission to get her to stop using the pacifier was becoming a saga.
Lando was sitting at the kitchen table, looking pensively at a list of methods we had thought of.
“What else can we try? It seems like we’ve done everything.”
I stopped washing the dishes and sighed, looking at him.
“I think we’ve tried all the possible advice. Let’s review?” Lando picked up the list and started reading.
“First, we tried the pacifier fairy approach.”
The Pacifier Fairy
One quiet night, Lyla was getting ready for bed. I sat next to her with a storybook.
“Lyla, did you know there’s a pacifier fairy?” I said excitedly as she looked at me curiously.
“A pacifier fairy?”
“Yes,” I replied. “She visits big boys and girls and takes their pacifiers to babies who need them. In return, she leaves a special gift.”
Lyla’s eyes sparkled. “A gift?”
“That’s right. How about leaving your pacifier under the pillow tonight?”
Lyla hesitated but ended up placing the pacifier under the pillow. The next morning, she found a small new toy in place of the pacifier, but the magic didn’t last. When night came, Lyla cried for the pacifier, and Lando and I ended up giving it back to her.
The Reward Calendar
The second attempt involved a colorful calendar on the fridge. Each day Lyla went without the pacifier, she would get a star sticker. After a week, she would get a big prize.
“Lyla, look how many stars you’ve already earned!” Lando said, pointing to the calendar.
Lyla smiled proudly.
“Wow, and o get a prize?”
“Yes, if you keep it up!” I replied, excited.
But halfway through the week, Lyla had a crying fit so intense that we had to give in again, giving her the pacifier.
The Substitution
Trying a new method, we decided to buy several toys and stuffed animals to offer as new comfort items for her.
“Look, Lyla, a new teddy bear!” I said, showing the brown teddy bear.
Lyla took the teddy bear but quickly dropped it and went back to the pacifier.
“I want my binky, Mommy.”
We tried various different toys, but nothing seemed to offer the same comfort as the pacifier for Lyla.
The Gradual Approach
We decided to adopt a gradual approach.
“Let’s limit the use of the pacifier to just bedtime,” suggested Lando.
“Good idea,” I agreed. “That way, she can get used to it slowly.”
During the day, we put the pacifier away and distracted Lyla with games and activities. However, each night, the separation was met with tears and whining. Once again, we found ourselves giving the pacifier to calm her down.
The Distraction Tactic
The last attempt involved constant distractions. Whenever Lyla asked for the pacifier, we offered some fun activity.
“Let’s paint a picture, Lyla?” I suggested, holding a set of watercolors.
For a while, this worked, but Lyla soon began to insist on the pacifier, even in the middle of activities.
Lando sighed as he finished reading the list.
“None of this worked.”
I approached him, placing my hand on Lando’s shoulder.
“I think it’s time to try something new. Something that will really make Lyla want to say goodbye to the pacifier on her own.”
And that’s how we came up with the balloon idea. The hope was that by turning the farewell into a celebration, Lyla would better accept the change. With a final sigh of determination, Lando and I prepared for the final attempt.
“Tomorrow morning I’ll go out to buy donuts for breakfast, which she loves, and the balloon. Then we’ll do it,” Lando said, and I agreed, finishing organizing the kitchen so we could go to bed.
The morning sun lit up our house, and the day was perfect for a celebration. Lando and I were sitting on the floor, surrounded by toys and building blocks. Lyla was beside us, firmly holding her pacifier. We had already planned everything. I arranged the donuts on a tray so that when she let go and the pacifier was gone, she would have something she loved to eat and perhaps help her forget.
“Lyla, look!” Lando said, kneeling beside our daughter. “How about we send your binky to the sky? So it can travel around and see new places.”
Lyla looked at the balloon and then at the pacifier, holding it even tighter.
“Daddy, I like my binky.”
“I know, sweetheart,” Lando replied softly, stroking Lyla’s hair. “But you’re a big girl now. And big girls don’t need a binky, right? Besides, it’ll be so much fun to watch the balloon fly!”
Lyla hesitated, but the idea of seeing the balloon rise seemed interesting. Finally, she let go of the pacifier and allowed Lando to tie it to the balloon. Lando handed the balloon to Lyla and smiled.
“Ready to let go, Lyla?” Lyla held the balloon with both hands, her eyes fixed on it.
With one last look of hesitation, she let go of the balloon. We watched as it slowly rose higher and higher into the blue sky. For a moment, everything seemed fine, but then Lyla looked like she was about to cry—we could see her lips trembling. But then Lando and I started jumping and shouting with joy.
“Woohoo! Bye-bye, binky!” shouted Lando, raising his arms.
“You did it, Lyla! How amazing!” I shouted, clapping.
Lyla looked at her parents, surprised by their reaction. Slowly, a smile began to form on her face. She stood up and started jumping too, imitating her parents.
“Woohoo! Bye-bye, binky!” she repeated, laughing.
We continued to jump and laugh together, our joy spreading to Lyla. Gradually, she forgot about the pacifier and focused on the fun of the moment.
After a few minutes, we stopped to catch our breath, still laughing. Lando picked Lyla up and hugged her.
“I’m so proud of you, Lyla. You are very brave.” I joined the hug, kissing Lyla’s forehead.
“You did something amazing today, sweetheart. We are very happy.”
Lyla smiled, feeling proud.
“Does this mean I’m a big girl now?”
“Yes, you are,” Lando agreed, stroking her head.
After a few minutes, we went inside to eat the donuts and celebrate that we had finally said goodbye to the pacifier.
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Bonus scene!
Landonorris instagram stories
“Bye Bye Lyla’s binky”
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akxmee · 7 hours
Your relationship was perfect, so why?
Satoru gojo, Toji Fushiguro, Nanami Kento.
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If someone asked Satoru who his first priority was, you would be his answer.
Because that's what sounds right, isn't it? But no, deep inside you were anything but that. Satoru never considered you his top priority even though you were his girlfriend, the world was above you. Don't get him wrong; it's not like he didn't love you, it was just that his responsability as the strongest came first.
And you knew it.
You knew he would never choose you over his work, as much as he claimed that he was bored of it or how many times he slacked out of it. It was something he was chained to and he wasn't even aware of it, but you were.
So naturally, this was the main factor you two didn't really work. That's the reason you were driving your car right now, clutching on the steering wheel while being on your phone with Satoru.
—So you're literally telling me to go back right now?
—Yeah, sorry babe. I'll make it u-
—Don't you dare say you'll make it up to me, Satoru. It's our fucking anniversary, and you're going to miss it again?
Silence filled the air, you didn't hear a reply coming from your phone. You knew you hit a nerve there, because he did miss your anniversary last year too for the same fucking reason: some stupid, dammed mission that wasn't even that important. You heard a sigh, and he talked again in a softer voice.
—Y/N, you know this is my duty as the strongest..
—This is also your duty as a boyfriend, or did you forget?
—Please babe, you know the world needs me right now the most.
—I need you too, Toru.
It came out of you in a tone needier than I should be, you were desperate at this point. You had planned everything so nice for your three years anniversary; your cute elegant outfit that matched the blue of his eyes in such a sotisficate way, the place where you two would have dinner since you wanted to make it perfect..hell, you even planned to be the one picking him up since it was all a surprise! All he had to do is put a damn suit and spend the day with you, and he wasn't able to do that because of some guard thing. He has his right to be busy, yeah, but isn't he always? You would even understand if it was something urgent like a major threat curse, but it was some casual guard around Shibuya.
—I know you do, honey. I understand, but..
—But the world is more important, isn't it?
He kept silence, and then you knew again.
It has always been, so where's the surprise? You should've known better.
—I'm so, so sorry. I'll try to make time for next week, maybe?
—We make three years tonight, not next week.
—I know, i'm sorry.
—You're always sorry, Satoru! But you never show it. You were sorry last year too, and you're just going to do It again!
At this point your whole makeup was ruined by tears, but you still kept your cool as far as you could. You even managed to park your car at some parking lot you found on your way since driving while being distracted was pretty dangerous, and your blurry vision could mess you up while being on the road.
He sighed once again.
—Y/N, let's just talk it out. I'm sure we can agree on som-
—No, Satoru. I won't humiliate myself once again trying to make it work out all by myself. This is it; me or that mission of yours. You choose me, i let it pass and pick you up from whenever you go to get to our anniversary date.
You take a deep breath before continuing.
—You choose the mission, you don't call me again expecting another date. You don't even dare to call me again because i will block you, we're just done.
An uncomfortable silence appears, you can feel the tension even if it's just by the phone.
On the other line, Satoru bites his lip thinking what he should even do. He thinks and thinks, considering wether he should choose. The world was his responsability, but so was his relationship with you too. He knew how much you suffered everytime he left for a long period of time, and he didn't wish for you to suffer because of him and his work again. However his duty was also important, being the strongest and all. This job had him tied up and he couldn't leave it for you even if he desired so.
But as hard as this decision was, he had to make it.
So he finally chose.
—Okay, princess. I'm at shibuya's station, come and pick me up please?
He smiled sweetly at his phone.
Yeah, he did the right thing. You were worth the sacrifice and he knew you would be happy to hear it.
So, why weren't you replying?
He tried to call you again, and again, and again.
You had blocked him by then.
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It all started by small mistakes, like this morning when you approached him while he was cooking. You hugged him from behind as he cooked breakfast for you and your little Megumi, who you loved as if he was your biological son.
—Hey hon. What are you making?
He looked at you over his shoulder, leaning in a bit and kissing your temple as a greeting before replying.
—Your favorite, scrambled eggs.
You paused for a second, wondering if you heard right.
—Sorry, what?
He looked at you weird as if he didn't understand where your confusion came from before repeating.
—Scrambled eggs.
—That's not mom's favorite, dad! I know it, she prefers them fried.
You hear Megumi from the kitchen table, and he inmediately smiles at you when he feels you look at him as he was proud of his answer. You nod your head at the kid.
—That's right sweetie. Mom's glad you remembered, unlike someone I know...
You joked, emphasizing the "someone" in your sentence. Megumi laughed and so did you.
However, he didn't laugh.
Instead, he simply put the scrambled eggs in his plate and put a new egg on the frying pan.
—Well, then fried eggs it is.
You thought nothing of it back then, until later on you found out a photo of toji and his ex wife having breakfast on a restaurant while you were looking for a shirt to borrow in his drawer. You looked at it closely, so close that you even looked at what they were having out of pure curiosity. Want to know what was in her plate? Scrambled eggs.
Now, the confusion had more sense.
It wasn't a mistake, he just did it again.
Once again, he reflected his wife in you.
This has happened more than once, him pretending you were his late wife just because he missed her. At first you didn't mind, he was getting used to the married life and having another wife after losing his last one was hard enough for you to understand it and let it pass.
However, as time passed by it became more frequent.
From him simply calling you nicknames like "Love" instead of "doll" or mistaking your clothes size with hers to things like confusing your hobbies, favorite movies and memories with hers. He recalled moments you didn't even spend with him that you later on figured that were with his ex wife, and Megumi was the one that usually had to correct him when he did so.
It was tiring, and it was driving you insane.
It made you insecure knowing that every time he saw you, his mind reflected the image of his deceased wife in his eyes. How many times have you thought about her while he held your hand, while he kissed you or while he held you? To him, were you Y/N or were you someone who really resembled her? He liked you because you were you, or because she was like you too? You didn't know, and you didn't want to.
So after thinking about it for what felt like an eternity and watching it happen again and again, you decided to leave. It wasn't healthy for you anymore, this lifestyle was only hurting you all over.
This had to end.
—You're going to leave dad, aren't you?
No way.
You looked behind you, finding Megumi at your door at the verge of tears. He started sobbing silently when he didn't hear a reply from you, rushing to hug your leg.
—Mom, please, d-don't go. I'll talk to daddy, I promise! We will make fried eggs tomorrow too. He will remember this time..
It sincerely broke your heart how tightly he clung to your leg. His hands were trembling and you felt the need to comfort him, so you grabbed him by his shoulders and crouched down.
Then, you spoke softly.
—It's okay, Megs. Mommy is not leaving, I'm just packing my things because i have to go on a business trip in a few days. You understand, right?
He looked at you as he sobbed, and you wiped his tears with your sleeve.
—So you won't leave me and dad?
—Yes, I won't. Mommy has a little something to do, but we can have fried eggs tomorrow.
He looked calmer, but he still looked at you worried. You could tell he was still scared.
He pulled on your tear stained sleeve.
—Yes, sweetie?
—Could you...—He looked down, shy to ask.— ..read me a book tonight?
You looked at him in awe, it has been so long since you read him a book since he claimed that he was a big boy now and didn't need it anymore. Yet, he was asking for you to do it again.
You looked at your bags and sighed.
—Yeah, why not.
And you did, you accompanied him to his room and tucked him in before grabbing a random book from the shelf to read. He struggled to stay awake throughout the story and managed to do so despite how sleepy he was, You could tell how he was still a little unsure that you weren't going to leave. So before you put the book back and kissed the boy goodnight, he asked if you could sleep with him that night. You hesitated but said yes, and he made space for you to fit in his bed while you two hugged eachother to sleep. He was calmer and happy now that you were laying with him since that meant you wouldn't leave, at least not for tonight if he stayed awake. That was his plan: staying awake the whole night to check if you were planning to leave or not. You wouldn't like it if he catched you, but he figured it was for the best. He smiled and snuggled with you, he won't let you go.
But his plan failed, he fell asleep.
And when he woke up, you where nowhere to be found.
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Nanami loved you to the core, he was so sure of it.
You were the one he wanted to marry, you were the one he wanted to have kids with and he wanted to be the one you call "husband". As simple as that, he just wanted to have a future with you in it. He wouldn't have dated you if he wasn't sure of it, he was a determined man after all.
It took you so long to make him fall in love with you, but you managed to do so. You dug into his heart and reached places in him that he didn't even know he had in such a small place. You took over his heart and became the main focus of his mind, occupying all his thoughts throughout the day until he managed to see you when he came back home. You did little things for him every day that made him fall more in love with you every day, and he loved that.
Until you stopped.
It wasn't immediate, but little by little you began to distance yourself from him and stop trying to make him fall in love with you even more as you always used to do. The funny compliments without any context stopped being present in every conversation, your handmade gifts for when you got home such as cards or matching bracelets stopped appearing and time together It began to decrease more and more.
And he noticed that.
And he missed it, missed them so much. He did because he loved you so much, and he felt like he was losing you. He thought that maybe you were going through a bad time, that maybe you were angry with him, but every time he asked you you always answered him in such a sweet and kind tone that he knew immediately it wasn't something he did. Because he knew you, and he knew that the reason was something deeper than that.
He loved you so much that even when he looked at you right now, crying in front on him, he could only think about one thing: you're beautiful.
—How did you know, Kento?
He smiled at you, holding your hand and wiping your tears away. Nanami simply shrugged.
—I just felt that tension between the two of us. We weren't in love, not anymore.
—Yeah, i felt it too. I was just...worried of hurting you, because I had this feeling that you still loved me.
His expression remained as it was before despite what he was feeling right now. If only you knew how wrong you were to think that it wasn't true, that he didn't love you. He did love you, he loves you so much he wants to keep you all by himself and force you to love him again. He loves you so much he wants to cry hearing you confess to him that you fell out of love even if he already knew it.
He loves you so much he's letting you go.
—..but I'm glad you're the one who proposed the breakup. Otherwise, we would be still stuck in a no feelings relationship.
He finished wiping your tears and slowly moved his hand away, as if he was holding back the urge to touch you again.
—If you're glad then, why do you cry?
He asks you, genuinely curious. He was the one that wanted to bawl his eyes out, seeing the love of his life reach for the door to leave him and never come back again. However, you looked back again and shrugged at him like he did to you just a moment ago.
—I'm just sad that this is how we end. After 4 years of dating I... I just felt that you were the one I was going to marry one day.—You looked back at the door, opening it.—So I guess it's just younger Y/N lamenting the end of this relationship.
—Yeah, I understand what you mean.
You gave him a sad smile.
—I.. don't regret dating you at all, Kento. Just hope you know that.
He nodded, you took that as your sign to go.
—Goodbye, Nanami.
—Goodbye, Y/N.—He took a deep breath, whispering something.—..I love you.
But you already closed the door.
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: nanami's was so short, but i swear i couldn't make this man suffer anymore he's just too good 😩 anyways, hope you enjoyed this angst! 💕
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wcbblife · 2 days
You & Me
a/n: finally finished my pazzi draft yall... hope you enjoy
Warnings: kinda nsfw at the end so read at your own risk.
Summary: Paige can't help but get a little a jealous when she sees Azzi with another man. So, she decides to talk to her.
Paige knew it wasn’t her place. It really wasn’t.
But she couldn't suppress the ugly feeling tugging at her heart as she watched Azzi double over in laughter while talking to someone—a freshman—from the men’s team. The way Azzi's fingers lightly caressed his bicep to stop the flow of jokes spilling from his lips. The way he smiled at her, letting his other hand land on top of hers.
It was only when Aubrey nudged her shoulder and whispered, "You’re staring too hard, bro," that Paige finally broke out of her trance.
She knew she shouldn’t storm up to them and separate them with a nasty shove to the guy. She knew she should just sit tight and look pretty while the cameras were likely pointed toward her or the dancers in front of her. The nails on her hands were digging into her arm, no doubt leaving marks. She just couldn't tear her eyes away, no matter how hard she tried.
“What?” Paige cleared her throat, suddenly feeling shy. Her tough exterior would only get her so far with her best friend, who knew her too well.
“I said the three-point contest is about to start.” Aubrey snickered, walking away to join the blue team.
“Shut up,” Paige murmured, following closely behind. By the time she got together with her team, Azzi was lost in the sea of white and dark blue, and Paige had no way of knowing if the man was still close to her. She didn’t get any time to sit and think about it, being whisked around to get ready for the contest.
Almost immediately, she hears the sounds of the net swishing and the basketballs hitting the rims. After a bit, her eyes land on none other than Azzi. She watches closely as Azzi makes shot after shot with little to no problem, much to the amusement of the crowd. The smile on Azzi’s face after releasing the last ball makes Paige swoon, and she glances around, hoping that it would help the blood pooling in her cheeks to dissipate.
The only problem is that she sees Azzi moving back to let the next participant go, the man steps up to her, nudging her shoulder, and leaning down due to their significant height difference to whisper something. Paige knows it's a compliment or something along the lines of “I could never do that,” as she watches Azzi’s dimples just barely show.
The feeling gnaws even harder at Paige, causing her to drum her fingers impatiently against her thighs and her jaw to tighten. She can't help but notice how Azzi never moves away, and how they seem to brush against each other every time they sway side to side while waiting for the contest to finish.
Caroline walks up to them and starts a conversation, which—much to Paige’s relief—causes him to move away a bit. Azzi’s eyes move between the two before finally locking onto Paige, who is still staring. Azzi smiles at something Caroline says, licking her lips and fixing her pants, still zeroed in on Paige. This causes Paige’s heart to thrum uncontrollably in her ribcage, even when Azzi’s eyes go back to Caroline and the guy.
It knocks what little patience and focus Paige had straight out of her body.
“Dude! Seriously, how many times do I have to call you to stop gawking?” Aubrey stands in front of her with an incredulous smile. “Make it at least a bit less obvious, will ya?”
Paige lets out a breathy laugh, scratching her head. “I need to get outta here, bro.”
“Tell me about it,” Aubrey jokes back. “Might just walk right on out.”
“Yeah, right. And let Geno scream at us next practice? No thanks.”
Aubrey chuckles. “Hey, I’m not the one desperate to get outta here for their girl—” Paige cuts her off with a light nudge, causing Aubrey to burst into laughter.
“Stop it, dude.” Paige sulks, looking around for Azzi again, feeling her stomach drop at seeing her absent from her last spot.
“Relax. We’ll be done in a bit.”
Paige knew better. She knew it was in her best interest to heed Azzi’s warning of “don’t be so obvious in public.” She knew she should be on her best behavior with so many eyes on them, acting like they were nothing more than friends.
She also knew she shouldn’t feel so stupidly useless and jealous when Azzi talked to someone else because they weren’t officially a thing. They hadn’t slapped a title on it yet.
Ugh, she thought, as she smiled prettily for the group picture, wrapping a friendly arm around her teammates. Paige made a mental note to bring it up at a better time.
“Alrighty everybody,” a woman in the middle of the court chirped, “We’ve officially ended the first night! Make sure you exit in an orderly manner and we hope to see you next year.” The crowd erupted in a mix of cheers and applause as the athletes started making their way out of the court and into the tunnels.
Paige made a beeline to her locker room, hoping to catch Azzi alone, but once she arrived, she found herself alone. One by one, her teammates trickled into the room—courtesy of Nika texting in their chat to meet there—and it wasn’t until Paige actually got up to search for Azzi that she found herself face-to-face with her.
Azzi was giggling when she entered, and Paige let out a breath of relief. Her hands fidgeted, muscles twitching under her skin to reach forward toward Azzi once she met her big brown eyes, but like she had done all night, she held herself back.
Instead, she walked wordlessly into the team huddle, her breath catching a bit as Azzi slotted herself right next to her, wrapping her hands around Paige’s waist. She tuned out the remainder of Geno’s speech as Azzi found the audacity to toy with the stretch band of her shorts, pulling on it. She slipped a finger into the edge of them, and when Paige looked over at her, she was smiling cheekily.
“Alright, now get out of here. I'm tired,” Geno ended his speech, and the girls screamed. Azzi dragged Paige into the team where they all did a short chant before finally walking out of the room.
Finally, they reached a quieter part of the complex. Azzi pulled Paige into an empty room, away from prying eyes.
As they made their way through the tunnels, Paige’s heart raced. The crowded hallways buzzed, and she tried to keep her cool.
Azzi stayed close, their fingers brushing every now and then, sending shivers down Paige’s spine.
She couldn’t wait to get a moment alone with her.
“Azzi,” Paige muttered.
“Yeah?” Azzi's eyes fluttered, looking up at Paige.
“We gotta talk.”
Azzi smirked, “We do?” she teased, stepping closer, her hand grazing Paige's arm. “What about?”
Paige's breath hitched. “You know what about.”
Azzi chuckled softly, leaning in until her lips were mere inches from Paige’s. “You always get so serious,” she whispered, her breath warm against Paige's skin. “Maybe I like seeing you like this.”
Paige's heart pounded, her resolve weakening by the second. “Azzi, please…”
“Please, what?” Azzi’s voice was low, almost a purr. She backed Paige against the wall, her hands sliding up Paige’s sides, sending shivers down her spine. “Please stop? Or please don’t stop?”
Paige swallowed hard, her mind racing. “We need to figure this out,” she managed to say, though her voice wavered.
Azzi’s eyes softened for a moment before the teasing glint returned. “Okay, let’s figure it out,” she said, her tone playful. “But maybe we start with this.”
Azzi pulled back slightly, her forehead resting against Paige’s. “We’ll talk,” she promised, her voice a soft murmur. “But right now, let’s just enjoy this.”
Before Paige could respond, Azzi closed the distance, capturing Paige’s lips in a slow, tantalizing kiss. Paige's world tilted, the kiss overwhelming her senses completely as she melted into Azzi, her hands finally finding their way to Azzi’s waist, pulling her closer.
Paige nodded, her heart racing almost painfully in her chest. “Yeah,” she whispered, a smile tugging at her lips. “Let’s enjoy this.”
Azzi grinned, her fingers trailing lightly up and down Paige’s arms, knowing the blonde liked it a little too much. “You’re so cute when you’re trying to be serious,” she teased. “I can’t help but want to mess with you a little.”
Paige felt a blush creep up her neck. “Azzi, come on…”
Azzi’s smile widened. “What? I’m just having a bit of fun. You like it, don’t you?” She leaned in, her lips brushing against Paige’s ear. “Admit it.” Her fingers slip under the hem of Paige’s shirt, tracing patterns on her skin.
Paige’s eyes fluttered shut, her head tilting back. “Maybe,” she admitted reluctantly.
Azzi’s laughter was soft and warm. “Thought so.” She moved even closer, her body pressing against Paige’s.
Paige tried to steady her breath. “I didn’t like seeing you with that freshman,” She confessed softly, looking away.
Azzi raised an eyebrow. “Oh, is that what this is about? You were jealous?”
Paige's blush deepened. “Maybe.”
Azzi chuckled, her breath warm against Paige’s neck. “You don’t have to worry about him. He’s just a kid.” Her lips brushed Paige’s ear again. “Besides, I only have eyes for you.”
Paige's heart skipped a beat. “Really?”
“Really,” Azzi whispered, her lips trailing down to Paige’s collarbone. “You’re the one I want, Paige. Always have been.”
Paige’s breath got caught as Azzi’s lips met hers again, more passionately this time. The jealousy, the confusion, it all melted away. This was what she wanted, what she needed. And finally, they were on the same page.
Azzi, feeling the effect she had over Paige, decided to push a little further. “You know,” she murmured against Paige’s lips, “seeing you all worked up was kind of a turn-on.”
Paige’s eyes widened. “Azzi…”
“What?” Azzi’s grin was wicked at this point. “I like knowing no one else can have this kind of effect on you but me.”
Paige’s breath came faster, her pulse pounding in her ears. “You’re unbelievable.”
Azzi’s hand slid lower, making Paige gasp. “Admit it. You love it when I tease you.”
She could barely form words, her thoughts were a mush of everything. “I… I do,” she finally managed, her voice barely a whisper.
"Good girl.”
Paige was helpless to resist, surrendering completely to Azzi. 
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dervngedgf · 2 days
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blindfold stays on during sex (it doesn’t)
cw: satoru gojo x fem!reader uhh, sex. little to no plot at all. it’s just sweet porn.
credit to ml @loverboyko for the scrumptious idea of gojo keeping his blindfold on during sex until u tell him u love him :3. they feed my brainworms sm *chews on them*
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gojo who keeps his blindfold on during sex because without your cunt clamping down on him everything is super overwhelming, he thinks he may actually combust if there’s no blindfold while he’s buried inside of you. gojo and you had been casually seeing each other, nothing was official- but you were falling. you fell in love with gojo satoru, the strongest.
nights spent together in the penthouse he pays for that you stay in, pampered like a fucking princess. tonight, like many other nights was ending with you being pressed into the mattress while his hips slap against your ass. the wet sounds of ur cunny and skin slapping filled the room mixed with the moans and huffs falling from both of your guys’ mouths.
“s’full ‘toru.. fuuu…” you’re a mess, and he’s eating it up. broken cries and moans only making his hips ram into you harder.
“fuckfuckfuck.. gonna cum ‘toru. pleaseplease don’t stop, fuck— i love y- s’much.” the confession came out broken, but gojo had fucked you enough times to understand exactly what you were saying, no matter how broken on high pitched.
you loved him. he couldn’t remember the last time he felt loved, let alone told that he was loved. he ripped the blindfold off of his head, all worried of being too overstimulated gone, out the window, poofed. surprisingly enough, you were his peace. all of you, that’s the only thing his six eyes were focused on. you you you.
”Look up princess, look at yourself falling apart on me.” And you do, you look up, knowing the mirror gojo had specifically added was sat against the wall the end of your bed. at first your eyes gazed at yourself, but then you saw it.
the blinding blue. his eyes were practically glowing. cutting straight through any resolve you had left, fuck everything about this man was ethereal. he wasn’t real, he couldn’t be. but the way his cock kissed your cervix was very very real.
he noticed you staring directly into his eyes through the mirror. when your eyes met each other you came with no warning, silky walls squeezing around his painfully hard cock. your cunny suffocating him, working on milking him for everything he had.
”Fuck fuck.. s’tight. Shit, I love you. I love you s’much cutie. God you and this fuckin’ cunt are gonna be the death of me.” him saying he loved you only made your orgasm last longer. gojo hissed, his hips struggling to move against the grip your pussy had on his cock. he glanced back into the mirror, tearing his eyes away from where his cock was disappearing inside of you. when he saw you mouthing the words ’love you’ he came. he came so fucking hard it knocked the air out of his lungs.
the rest of the night was spent sickly sweet. a shower where he wouldn’t stop teasing you for how you confessed.
”you’re lucky i’ve fucked you dumb enough times to be able to tell what you said!”
god, he was insufferable.
but, he’d let the world burn for you. he’d burn the world down for you. gojo satoru loved you.
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ask/requests: OPEN
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street-smarts00 · 2 days
Drabble: Superstitious
Spencer Reid x Reader
Reader gets stressed and locks herself in the bathroom. Penelope grabs Spencer to help her calm down.
Tags: reader has anxiety, fluff
Penelope rushed to grab the hotel key from her bag and unlock the door. Once the door was open she led Spencer inside and pointed towards the bathroom.
“She’s in there.”
His head turned to the closed door with the bright cool light peering out the bottom.
Penelope fidgeted with the hotel key card in her hands. “Do you want me to give you two a minute?”
“Yes please,” he answered softly under his breath. His eyes still on the bathroom door. Penelope softly smiled at Spencer’s concern for you as she walked out of the suite. She knew of all people who could calm you down, it was him.
He lightly knocked on the door twice. “Y/N? It’s Spencer. You in there?”
After a brief pause he heard two knocks from the other side. He let out a sigh of relief at your acknowledgement.
“Can I come in?”
“No!” You abruptly pleaded. “I’m sorry. I just don’t want any bad luck.”
You tended to be a very superstitious person. So he’s not surprised you would be strict with the not seeing each other before the wedding rule. But still, he so desperately wanted to walk in and comfort you.
“It’s okay sweetheart,” he comforted. “Can you tell me what’s wrong?”
“Today,” you quietly mumbled. He wouldn’t have heard you if he said wasn’t resting his head against the door.
“So many things kept going wrong this morning. I’m so anxious Spence,” you said a bit louder this time.
“And you’re scared something bad is going to happen during the wedding?” He didn’t have to have profiling skills to know you inside and out.
He heard your shaky breath before you responded. “Yeah.”
This wasn’t the first time you spoke to him about worst case scenarios. He found himself to be your anchor, he pulled you back down to earth when your mind would go against you. When you got caught in a storm of uncertainty and fear.
He knew this wasn’t just about the wedding.
“That’s not all is it?” He pondered.
You sighed as tears threatened to spill from your eyes, “No.”
“I kinda thought spiraled and started thinking about our jobs. How scary that might be once we get married,” you tried to hide the small gasp of breath that threatened to escape your throat. Spencer still heard it as small as it was.
“What happens to people in our line of work and what happens to their spouses. I- I could never forgive myself if something happened to you.”
He wanted to bust open the door and hold you as tight as he could. Melt away all your worries.
But he understood how much these superstitions meant to you. At times when your anxiety was against you, a knock on wood or throw of salt would ease your mind. So he stayed on his side of the door, and used his words instead.
“You’re right, our job can be scary. There’s gonna be bad days and there’s gonna be even worse ones. But through all the bad I will always be here with you, even when you can’t see me,” he smiles and lightly taps his knuckles on the door.
A small laugh escapes you at his actions. He loved the sound of your laugh. He could get drunk off that sound.
“I will never stop fighting for you and I will never stop loving you. I want to go through all those bad days with you as your husband.”
“We can’t let the fear of what could happen, stop us from being happy.”
A stray tear makes its way down your cheek, “If that is what you say to cheer me up, then I think your vows are going to ruin my makeup.”
Spencer chuckles with a bright smile on his face. After a moment of yours and his quiet laughter he gets an idea.
“Stand behind the door,” he calmly orders.
“I want to hold your hand but not break tradition.”
Your lips parted and eyes widened. No matter how long you knew him he could still give you butterflies from being so adorable.
Spencer heard you shuffle closer to the edge of the door and slowly turned the handle. He pushed the door open just enough to reach his hand out making sure to look away from the door.
Suddenly he felt your hand intertwine with his. The action practically made him melt. When he started rubbing his thumb against your hand, he was met with a gentle squeeze from you.
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akirathedramaqueen · 2 days
Some thoughts on the Western Energy trainwreck
Soo, I've come across that post, and... it made me thinking.
Stolas spent there the whole time, not knowing Blitzø *did*, in fact, send help. He assumed he was all alone, although still had some resemblance of hope, a fragile straw he hang on to piss off Striker, allowing to tear up only when one didn't look at him.
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And... hell, I used to see many comments about how Blitzø let him down there... But did he?
Oh course, some think he did, and he surely thinks he did, too. But, although the whole sequence with him and Loona trying to get that S.H.O.T. was a fucking circus and looked like a joke compared to suffers Stolas had to endure and barely survive...
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To be honest, these scenes being put together on surface do, in fact, make it think that the whole Stolas being on the verge of death ordeal is a joke to Blitzø and he would rather spend time running around with big needles and stuff.
If to get back to the phone convo between them at the beginning of the episode, Blitzø mentions that it took him 5 years to book that appointment, and it means a lot for him to not miss it. Missing out on that shot meant to put Loona in potential danger, his daughter, and, although we don't know what kind of shots they were talking about, we know for sure what does missing out on a vaccine schedule could mean in the real world - we tend to forget how dangerous polio, for instance, is, as most of us have access to the vaccine and don't get to experience it not even themselves, but in close vicinity as well. For us, vaccines might seem to be some kind of stupid routine, something we got comfortable with in a privileged world, something which surely could be skipped for a day, right? But in Blitzø's one they are luxury.
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Despite all of that, I also want to put your attention to the fact that he wasn't going to ignore it. He is speeding up, and I think (although it's not expressed explicitly, but not everything should be, right?), that he already made up his mind that Stolas is a priority.
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You are not thinking it's about shots, right? He wasn't that reckless in driving before *that* call.
And! He wasn't even the initiator of Millie and Moxxie going instead of him. *M&M's* were.
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And Blitzø trusts them, because why not? They are his employees, they are skilled and capable, and they are his friends as well, they know that shit is important to him (although he isn't willing to admit it himself).
We see also, how Stolas was admitted to the hospital immediately, which already gives a hint on how different their stance in the world is. I wonder sometimes how it would've turned out if Stolas proposed to Blitzø to use the royal influence to get another appointment shortly after Blitzø saves him, but we know he didn't get much time to even think about that. He wasn't even able to finish the sentence before Striker took his phone off him.
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To be honest, I don't think the outcome itself would have been much different. I don't think Blitzø would've done a better job at saving Stolas, but, maybe, only maybe, he would've felt better because he was, at least, there for him.
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Because you know that shit is going to haunt him till the day he dies. Because it only reassured him that he isn't capable of sticking around for his people.
Because, you know... happened once already.
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No wonder he left Stolas's message on "read". Knowing all things before and after, it's not a surprise that he, tending to take all of responsibility for all the wrongs on himself more than he should to, couldn't face the consequence of what he thinks he failed in. He, speaking figuratively, left Fizz on "read" for 15 years, and he kinda sorted it out only because he couldn't run anymore and had to face the trauma as circumstances didn't give him a chance to chicken out.
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I wonder what he was trying to tell Stolas. But I don't think we will ever get to learn that.
Aw, crap, I am done here, I am going to go and cry for a little bit. Thanks for coming to my ted talk, see ya in like 5 minutes to experience some Full Moon trauma again, because I can't get over these two. XD
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onlygarden · 1 day
[part my sky whenever you smile] - yang jungwon
genre: fluff : ]
description: jungwon is enamored by your laugh, and he feels grateful to know just how to pull that sound from you.
a/n: i felt so giddy while i was writing this one i hope whoever reads this smiles like i did 🫂💓
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jungwon loves to make you laugh. that’s why hes sat beside you on the couch reminding you of something funny he did a week ago (that you still laugh boisterously at).
jungwon smiles as he watches your body lurch forward and tears stream down your face from the amusement that shook your body.
there it was again; the beautiful sound of your laugh chiming gracefully through the air, and hugging his ears with rhapsody that resonated so deeply in his chest that he felt warm. he was spellbound. he was convinced it was sorcery, the way you effortlessly charmed him with an action as simple as laughter. he’s never heard a laugh as infectious as yours, and he was grateful that you laughed so often (especially at his silliness). sure, he’d heard plenty of other people laugh, but he’s never heard anyone laugh like you, with such charming timbre, inflection, and pitch. he never thought he would hold such strong feelings towards the sound of a laugh until you danced your way into his life.
he’s so grateful that you find him so funny, since he receives a constant playback of the beautiful song that is your laugh.
man you look pretty today, he thought. your beauty was already unimaginable, but it multiplied tenfold when you laughed (and if jungwon was the one responsible for your laughter, he felt a sudden sense of pride). all he has to do is look at you, and he’s suddenly inspired with so many beautiful ways to describe you.
you calm down to mini fits of chuckles and jungwon continues to smile at you, his body possessed with awe, the intensity of the feeling reflecting in his sparkly eyes.
“you look stunning when you laugh. you just take my breath away,” jungwon tells you. he couldn’t fight the urge to voice it anymore, even if you ended up feeling a bit embarrassed.
your smile falters in surprise. you stare into his eyes, even more surprised by the amount of admiration that glistened in them. jungwons smile deepens at your flustered reaction.
“well, now you’ve done it,” you begin in jest, “i can’t laugh around you anymore.” you lay your head on jungwons lap, and glance up at him to see how he reacted to your playful words.
jungwon chuckles, brushing a bit of hair out of your face so nothing obstructs your lovely features. “if i threw myself down the stairs would you laugh?” he jokes, squeezing your face.
“no, jungwon,” you giggle, turning to gaze up at him. “i’d call u a fucking idiot.”
jungwon’s dimple appears at your slight giggle and your lighthearted jab, taking the opportunity to enjoy your playful mood to the fullest.
“what if i hit myself on the head with a hammer?” jungwon continues, anticipating the laugh that he knew would erupt from you at such a bizarre question. after spending so much time around you, it’s become second nature for jungwon to make jokes that would tickle your humor.
you laugh, turning to swat at jungwon’s chest, an echo of “what’s the matter with you” blending with the pleasing sound.
jungwon laughs along with you, telling you how cute you are as your body vibrates from the laugh he was so grateful to have pulled from you.
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bbyobbyo · 1 day
content: hurt/comfort, fluff, established relationship, body insecurity, dk must be protected
wc: 665
note: idk this is what i get for watching dk make one too many tummy jokes on gose (seungkwan ur on thin ice) im sorry everyone good night
You come home to see your boyfriend in front of the mirror.
“Hey babe,” you shout from the door. “How long have you been home? Did you eat yet?”
“I just got back from the gym with Jihoon and Mingyu and they were giving me all these tips but to be honest, I could barely keep up.”
“I'm pretty sure those two are aliens and do nothing but work out and dance” you laugh from the other room as you put down your stuff. “Maybe you should try working out with Vernon next time.”
What you thought was a lighthearted joke turns into something much more serious when you find your words met with a low hum instead of the beautiful chuckle you expected.
You knew this was a point of insecurity for him, you figured as much when he insists on keeping a shirt on at the pool or on the beach. Or when he shys away from you when changing, despite you having seen him naked many many times already.
But what you didn't realize how deep it cut on the days he couldn't make a joke about it and turn himself into the fool as he often does to lift everyone's mood.
You immediately drop everything you're doing and join your boyfriend in front of the mirror, hands wrapping around his middle as you nuzzle into his side.
“Tell me what's wrong, honey.”
There's a shallow sigh before he's able to speak, and you swallow in anticipation as you stare at him through the reflection of both of you.
He briefly flashes you one of his bright smiles in the mirror, the ones he knows you love so much, but this one doesn't quite reach his eyes.
“I know I don't have rock hard abs like Jihoon or Mingyu, but I'm working on it.”
You can hear your heart breaking in your chest as your boyfriend spills out his confession.
He's so strong, you think. Stronger than anyone you know. The type of man who wears his weaknesses proudly and has no problem taking the fall for others, yet stays optimistic in every breath, uplifting those who need it regardless if his own tank is filled.
“What are you even talking about, baby? I love your tummy.”
“I- I don't know… I just thought— because,”
His gaze lowers to his fingers intertwined and fidgeting as he struggles to find the words. He lightly gnaws on his bottom lip as he shakily continues, “You really liked when I was building my arm muscles and you were complimenting me on getting stronger so I just assumed that you wanted me to—”
He's hushed by your gentle palm cupping his jaw, lifting his eyes to meet yours.
“Oh darling,” your eyes swimming with emotion, “no, I never meant it like that,” you breathe out in an almost whisper.
“Yes, I love that you were getting stronger but that doesn't mean I don't think you're absolutely perfect the way you are.”
You see his pupils widen as he stares back at you, expression unreadable as he seemingly tries to process whether or not to believe your words.
“I can't expect you to stay the same, that would be selfish of me. People change all the time, and hopefully it's for the better. But no matter what you look like I will always, always, love you for you Seokmin. Don't ever assume for a second that my love for you depends on whether or not you look like Mingyu, alright?”
You catch a tear that slips down his cheek with the pad of your thumb. Although his sparkling brown eyes threaten to open the floodgates, his widening smile that replaces his earlier tight-lipped expression assures you that his mind is much clearer than before.
“And for what it's worth, I love kissing your tummy and I will likely be devastated even if it's replaced by a six pack.”
“Alright, I'll tell Jihoon no more ab exercises then.”
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over and over, i fuck myself over, and under and under, i do it again.
morning and evening, i felt i was grieving, until i said fuck you, and never again.
daytime or nighttime, i feel i'm on my time, but time is fickle, just like a friend.
and with my departure, from the pain i harbor, i feel i am sinking, and sailing to swim...
I'm worried about Ragatha.
She'd definitely be better off not looking at mirrors for a while. Even more so if she stopped reciting random depressing songs to her ceiling, for no other reason than to dig a deeper hole, to sink further down. I can hear her singing to herself every night, the same songs she plays on all her instruments. What a beautiful voice. How beautifully she plays. But, it's always so sad.
She keeps falling. Faster. Further. Her screams can't be heard anymore. And yet she never falters. How many miles - and what kind - of shit has she been through, to think this is okay? How long did it go on for, for her to think it's normal?
It's not healthy.
But she doesn't mind. Somehow. She'd break her own arms herself if it meant Zooble would stop losing their temper at her, if it meant Jax would stop terrorizing Gangle, if it meant Kinger could just remember the little things.
She's such a wonderful person. Amazing. An unstoppable ray of sunshine for anyone willing to look at her. She's the kindest person I've ever met. Even behind all that fog, she cares, maybe more than anyone. It's so sweet.
It's so easy to see she's hurting though. She hurts so much sometimes I can see her hide her tears, I can tell she deflects all the time.
If only she knew she didn't have to hide. If only she saw it. If only she knew she's more than a toy.
If only I could get through to her.
I guess I should've listened when Kaufmo said to never fall for a girl with baggage. Seeing her like this just hurts.
I hope she can figure it out. I try so hard to make sure she's doing alright, and she always insists I don't have to worry. And I can never hide how much it devastates me that she thinks I'd drop the subject so quickly, and just act like I don't care. I do care. I care so much I think i'll fucking die if she doesn't start seeing through my eyes once in a while.
God. This is the longest entry i've ever written. My hand hurts.
Goodnight, I guess. Here's to hoping.
my plan when i find a character i like (in no particular order):
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this is how i feel about ragatha. in case you didn't notice. i love her as a character so much i just wanna put her under a damn microscope. the influence has influenced me and now i share the obsession with ragatha that mod bee from @ask-the-rag-dolly has been afflicted with.
pomni is such an observant character. and caring. and overall very smart. she can't pretend she doesn't notice all of ragatha's little lies and slip-ups.. and it eats away at her, knowing she can't do anything, knowing ragatha can't and won't accept help right now. ragatha needs to come to terms with it on her own. a therapist is what ragatha needs.
but in a video game? and in my au, in the middle of a broken world full of corporate greed and the cold, unforgiving whims of mother nature? if she found a therapist in either, it would be considered a once in a lifetime historical discovery. the school textbooks would have a chapter on it.
either way, something's up in the darkest depths of that cotton-filled brain of hers, and she's just built to think it doesn't matter. she's built to make sure everything stays nice and positive and okay. when we ALL see it's not. goddamnit ragatha i will make an oc that is a licensed therapist just so you can stop being such a sad wet dog and start practicing the art of self-partially-enjoy oh my god you sweet little door hinge
(song lyrics at the beginning are from over & over by rio romeo btw, theyre very cool pls check them out)
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maidragoste · 6 hours
hey , si only 8 days till the first episode arrives sooooooo , will we blessed with new the queen and her husband content ? ;)
Hi anon, a day late but here you have new content of the Queen and her husbands, this time Aemond is not present in this but I still hope you like it 🥰🥰
likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated 💖💖
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Prince Daeron snuggled deeper into his hiding place as he heard footsteps. He silently waited for whoever he had entered to leave. But then the long tablecloth that covered the table was lifted, revealing his parents crouching down.
“Is there a place for us?” His father asked with a smile and normally Daeron would have calmed down when he saw it but with the words of his grandmother and the maester still running through his head, he wanted to cry.
You and Aegon exchanged a worried look when you saw that your son only nodded with his lips in a straight line, nothing like your always happy baby.
The prince saw how his parents took the crown off their heads and then left them on the floor and got under the table with him. Father pulled the tablecloth again to hide the three of them from the rest of the world.
Daeron felt warm and loved with his body pressed between yours and Aegon's. He wanted to stay there forever, with father holding you two and your hands gently stroking his hair while you hummed his favorite song. But he knew that his parents couldn't stay hidden with him forever because you were king and queen and you two had many things to do and he also had to return to his lessons.
“Am I grounded?” he asked making you stop humming.
“Should we punish you?” Aegon asked instead making his son look at him confused.
“I ran away from my lessons,” the prince said, not understanding why neither you nor Aegon seemed upset or angry with him.
“We know, your grandmother and the maester told us,” you told him.
Both you and Aegon noticed how Daeron grew smaller at the mention of adults. You watched as your husband frowned and clenched his jaw. You had no idea what was going on in his head but it clearly wasn't a good thing.
“Did they do something to you?” he asked, surprising you and your son. But Aegon didn't mince words, if Alicent or that maester had dared to lay a hand on his son then his mother would return to her family home in Old Town and the maester would be Sunfyre's next meal. “. “Daeron if they did something to you you have to tell us.”
"They didn't do anything," the boy quickly said when he saw the serious look in his father's eyes. He didn't want his grandmother and the maester to get into trouble because of him. "It's just that," he fell silent, not being sure if he wanted to talk about what was distressing him. He didn't want to disappoint you two.
“You can tell us anything, little dragon,” you encouraged him when you saw that he seemed hesitant. “No one will be mad at you,” you assured him and kissed his forehead.
“They said I should do better in my lessons if I want to be a good king.”
Your heart broke as you heard your baby's trembling little voice. And Aegon felt his anger with his mother increase, it had not been enough for him to make him feel inadequate for most of his life and now he made his son feel bad too.
But any anger was forgotten with Daeron's next words.
“But I don't want to be king because if I'm king then it means mother and you aren't with me anymore!” He shouted before bursting into tears and Aegon rushed to pick him up and lift him onto his lap. Daeron's hands quickly latch onto his father's neck as he begins to rock his body from side to side like he did when Daeron was a baby.
You watch with a heavy heart and without knowing what to do. You weren't prepared for this conversation. You can't lie to your son and tell him that the two of you would never leave his side because neither of you is immortal. But you don't want to stay silent either. You want to comfort your baby and make his anguish disappear.
“My little dragon, you don't have to worry about that yet,” you began to speak while you gently wiped the tears from his cheeks. "Your father and I will live for many years, so long that we will start to bother you and you will want us to leave you alone."
“It's a lie, I'll always need you,” he said, making Aegon laugh and earning a kiss on the forehead from her.
“I'm going to tell you a secret but you have to promise not to tell anyone,” you said as you raised your little finger and your son soon intertwined his own finger with yours, looking at you with his violet eyes full of curiosity.
“Won't you make Father promise too?” He asked when he saw that you didn't extend your pinky to Aegon.
“No, because he has known for a long time and never told anyone,” you responded, making your husband smile and you leaned in to steal a short kiss, making the prince complain. “Someone’s anxious,” you scoffed.
“Mother, I want to know!”
“Do you remember your uncles Jacaerys, Lucerys, and Joffrey?” Your son nodded repeatedly, excited because you didn't usually talk about your brothers as much as Uncle Egg, and Aegon made sure to put one of his hands on Daeron's head to prevent him from hitting the table.” Well, when I miss them a lot they usually come to see me in my dreams. So when you miss us or need us you can look for us in your dreams.”
“And you are always going to come?” Daeron asked anxiously.
“We can't promise that but we'll try,” your husband answered for you when he saw that you weren't sure what to say.
“I hope you make an effort or I will get angry with you,” the prince warned, crossing his arms, but instead of intimidating you, he made you two smile.
“It seems fair to us” You kissed his cheek and Daeron smiled.
“Now stop worrying and go find your brothers to play,” your husband said as he carefully lowered Daeron off of him.
“But my lessons”
“I ran away from my lessons all the time and I'm still a good king, right?”
“Aegon, don't give him any ideas,” you patted him on the back but your husband could see that you weren't seriously reprimanding him or that you were upset by how you were holding back a smile. After all, he sometimes sneaked out of his lessons to be with you. He still remembered how Alicent scolded him when she found him in the gardens with you but he didn't care because in the end, you had made him a pretty flower crown, if it were up to him he would have worn it until the flowers had withered but he could barely use it for two days when his mother forbade him to continue wearing it because he was not acting like a prince. “Today is an exception but then you have to continue attending your lessons with the maester and pay attention,” you said, bringing your husband back to the present.
“If I have to study more then I don't want to be king” the boy complained.
“Being king sounds tough, right?” Aegon sighed dramatically. "But don't worry, your mom and I will take care of everything so when your turn comes you won't have a lot of work to do,” he assured his son as he ruffled Daeron's hair. “Now go to play.”
Daeron smiled and kissed each of them on the cheek.
“I love you,” he said before quickly leaving under the table feeling much better.
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Taglist The Queen and Her Husbands:
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onlymurphy · 1 day
Save You a Seat
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SPOILERS: Very Minor Whole Cake Island
Happy Father's Day! I adore these two but only time to write a little thing today. I hope you enjoy!
Ever since the birth of your son, Sanji has been struggling with accepting the fact that he's a good dad. His past lingers, and he's terrified he won't be everything his son needs. So, you intervene with the only person Sanji will always listen to. His dad.
Sanji x fem!reader (no y/n)
TW: Mentions of a hard labor, pregnancy
Cross-posted on A03
Request here
“Why is it taking them so long?”
You smile to yourself, continuing your scrubbing of baby bottles and pacifiers.”They’ll be here, dad. Don’t worry.”
The title still makes Zeff perk up a bit as if he’s shocked to hear you say it. It’s been three years since you married Sanji, and Zeff still seems as though he can’t believe that little girl that used to run around his restaurant is now his daughter-in-law. It forces him to look at his own little boy as a man, a husband, and a father. 
You turn the faucet off, turning to smile at the grumpy old chef at your kitchen table. You never thought you’d see Zeff on the Thousand Sunny. You had even started to question that you’d ever see him again, but when an old Marine friend of your dad offered to bring him to a meeting point to surprise Sanji for Father’s Day, you jumped at the opportunity.
He huffs again. “Doesn’t my brat know better than to keep an old man waiting?”
“I thought you told me when you made it out here that you weren’t that old” you remind him, hoping to tease him enough to take his mind off the fact that Sanji is late. “Only an old man when you gotta make Sanji do some work?”
He smiles a bit at your attitude. As much as you used to torture him as a child with your antics, he can’t deny that he’s always had a soft spot for you.
“You know, you’re just as much of a snot-nose little brat as you were when you were small” he replies. “Got a mouth on ya.”
You laugh. “Keeping you on your toes, dad. Keeping you on your toes.”
Before Zeff can respond further with what was surely going to be a bite back at you, you hear excited chatter begin on the deck.
Sanji’s back.
Zeff immediately makes a move to stand up, groaning as he rises and looks toward the door.
You know he’d never admit, but this is the most excited he’s ever been. He hasn’t seen his son in three years. He’s heard so much about your adventures -many dangerous- and hasn’t been able to check to see if his child is okay. You could practically feel the rage radiating off his voice when Sanji got to call him after the events that took place on Totto Island a few years back. Zeff was so angry with Big Mom and Vinsmoke Judge that the two of you had to talk him out of hunting them down himself.
You know it all comes from a place of love. His child was hurt, and there was nothing he could do.
The separation is hard. He missed your relationship with Sanji. He missed your wedding. He missed the birth of your child.
He’s never even met his grandson.
Of course, you’ve sent Zeff a million photos of baby Noah since the boy’s birth. He knows almost everything the baby does from Sanji’s letters, even knows the story of him being named after his uncle, Roronoa Zoro. Sanji has been treating the letters to his dad as a type of journal, telling him all about Noah’s terrifying birth in which Zoro had to deliver the baby alone on the Sunny during a storm. You were stunned at how emotional the letter was, how open Sanji was to his dad about the fear he felt when he finally got to return to the boat and found not a pregnant wife, but a wife and a son. He even admitted that he was the one to suggest the name Noah after Zoro, honoring the baby’s uncle for delivering him safely.
The door to the galley finally opens, tearing you away from your thoughts. Sanji enters with baby Noah bouncing about in his arms. The infant babbles away, drawing all of Sanji’s attention as he doesn’t even notice his own father standing before him.
For just a fleeting moment, you see Zeff staring at his grandson with something in his eyes you’ve never seen. He looks soft, at peace as he watches Noah nibble on Sanji’s fingers, the chef cooing over the mischief of his son.
“Oi” Zeff finally says after a moment of silence. “Don’t you know it’s not polite to ignore your guests?”
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t know we had-”
The sentence dies on Sanji’s lips when he sees his dad. He just stares, eyes not blinking as his brain rapidly tries to catch up to the view before him.
You make sure to scoop Noah from Sanji’s arms before he drops the little boy out of shock. He doesn’t even seem to notice when you take the baby. He’s too focused on staring at his dad, mouth slightly agape, hands beginning to shake just a bit.
Zeff smiles that gruff, sweet smile of his. “Happy Father’s Day. That’s a cute kid ya got there.”
Sanji says nothing, just stares the man down as if he’s completely forgotten how to speak. When Sanji doesn’t make a move to approach, Zeff closes the difference between them.
“Brat” the older man mumbles, wrapping his arms around Sanji and pulling your husband into his chest.
Sanji caves instantly. He falls into his dad, body collapsing as a small sob finds its way up from his chest without restriction or shame.
“Look at you” Zeff tells him, his hand coming up to ruffle his son’s hair. “What happened to you lookin’ like a string bean? You look like a man.”
Sanji doesn’t have anything to say. He just clings to the man, holding tight as if one wrong move could rip him away forever. He’s freely crying now. It makes your heart ache just a bit, but you know the tears are a release. Sanji -after all the horrors he’s been through since he left his dad at Baratie- needed something more, the love of a parent to ease some of the pain. You know he too thought he’d never see Zeff again. The relief you can virtually feel coming from the pair is enough to move you to crying yourself.
You feel tears of your own pricking at the corners of your eyes. Noah stirs in your arms, reaching for his dad and beginning to fuss.
Sanji separates himself from Zeff to look back at his own son.
“Noah” he begins, his voice a bit nasally as he recovers from the sobs that were just wracking his body. “Come meet papa.”
Papa. Finally hearing the name used with the man himself right in front of you makes a tear slide down your cheek.
Noah has a grandparent. After showing him photos, pointing to Zeff, and telling him stories, he finally gets to meet his papa.
You approach the men with Noah in your arms. The baby gets increasingly more excited the closer the gets to his dad, but when Zeff waves to him slightly, the baby goes quiet.
You rub his chunky little hand. “It’s okay, Noah. That’s papa, you’ve seen his picture.”
The baby doesn’t seem so sure. He side-eyes his grandfather with an expression that is all Sanji and snuggles against you.
Sanji reaches out to stroke his son’s back. “It’s okay, No. It’s okay.”
“I know you’re tougher than that, eh kid?” Zeff teases, reaching out for the boy. “You’re a pirate after all.”
Upon hearing his grandfather’s voice, Noah reaches for the outstretched hand and gently takes one of Zeff’s fingers in his fist. The chef lights up in a way you’ve never seen. With great care, he strokes the back of the baby’s hand.
“You’re a strong little thing” he compliments the boy. “Gonna be a damn good pirate when you’re a little bigger.”
Noah’s confidence seems to be growing as if he understands his grandpa is complimenting him. He reaches his chunky little arms out, a big smile on his face as he tries to grab at his grandfather.
“Take him” you urge Zeff. “He wants to see his papa.”
Zeff appears hesitant at first, looking to both you and Sanji. Your husband gives him a smile.
“Go ahead” he presses.
Zeff looks to you one more time before reaching for the little baby. You’re happy to hand Noah over, watching with a smile as your son immediately reaches for his grandfather’s face.
Zeff chuckles as the baby tugs and pulls at the braids of his mustache. Noah is giggling up a storm in his grandfather’s arm, swinging his little legs and bobbing about.
“He really likes you” you assure Zeff. “I think he likes your mustache.”
The chef lets out a laugh. Noah laughs right along with him.
“You’ll be big enough someday to have your own mustache, little man.”
You roll your eyes. “Stop talking about him getting big! He’s just our little guy for now.”
Zeff looks to Sanji, now rocking the baby on his hip. “Little Eggplant here sprung up like a goddamned weed. They grow up fast if you’re not watching ‘em.”
Sanji gives a soft, embarrassed smile. You can’t wait to tease him later about the softness of his dad’s words. 
As much as you don’t want to leave this adorable scene, you have to grab a bottle for Noah. You turn, heading toward the cabinet.
“You want to feed him, papa?” You ask, looking at the gentleman over your shoulder.
Your heart almost melts when you watch Zeff kiss the top of Noah’s head and nod. It’s nearly a crime that Zeff didn’t have Sanji as a baby. You know for sure that Sanji’s life would’ve started out with love and care, not the horror he was born into.
You set the baby’s bottle on the stove, letting it warm. You don’t want to let Sanji know that you’re listening, but you can’t help but eavesdrop a little on the men’s conversation.
“He’s something, huh?” Zeff tells your husband. “Good thing he looks like his mother.”
Sanji huffs a bit. “I think the same thing. He looks just like her.”
You pull the bottle from the stove, smiling a bit to yourself. It isn’t true in the slightest that Noah looks like you. He’s all Sanji from his pale hair to his sweet and delicate facial features. He is Sanji’s little boy through and through.
You head around the kitchen counter and hand Zeff the baby’s bottle. “Ever fed a baby before, dad?”
He takes the bottle from you, staring at it oddly as he shakes his head.
Sanji steps in. He grabs the bottle, reaching out to adjust his son in Zeff’s arms.
“Hold his head like this” he directs his father. “And his bottle like this. He’s a good eater, so just hold it steady for him.”
Zeff follows his boy’s directions, Noah immediately taking the bottle into his mouth and settling comfortably back into his grandpa’s arms.
Sanji is smiling ear to ear. You know what he’s thinking in this moment. He never thought in his complicated upbringing that he’d be able to have a family like this. You know from being his best friend in childhood that a wife and children never even crossed his mind. His only example of love had been his own biological parents, and that wasn’t even love. Despite being a hopeless romantic, Sanji didn’t believe in marriage in the slightest until the two of you fell in love. This is everything he’s ever wanted and thought he’d never be able to have.
You place your hands on Zeff’s shoulder, gently guiding him down into a kitchen chair beside you.
“You’re a good dad it looks like, Little Eggplant” Zeff compliments. “Little guy eats good. He’s strong. He’s tough.”
Sanji takes a seat across from his father. “I can’t wait to cook for him when he’s done with milk. I want to teach him how to cook.”
“He’ll be amazing at it” Zeff assures. “He’s my grandson after all.”
All Sanji can do is smile, and you feel the same. You’ve never quite known peace like this. Here you are, in your beautiful home with your beautiful family and your amazing crew. So much has happened to the two of you over the course of your relationship. To have this reward is more than anything you could’ve ever dreamed of.
A knock on the galley door grabs everyone’s attention. You all turn, watching as Luffy’s head pops in.
“I know you guys are having some kinda thing” he begins, only his eyes visible to you through the cracked door. “But I’m really hungry.”
Sanji cooks a special supper for the entire crew and Zeff. The dinner is beautiful. The evening is the most perfect of your life. To see Sanji and Zeff cooking together while you watch with Noah in your arms makes you feel like you’re floating. The rest of the crew is over the moon to be able to meet and see Zeff, and you can tell he’s elated to see the way that they play with Noah. He’s already insanely protective of the little boy, hovering to ensure he never bonks his head or crawls on the rough wood. You hate to think  how difficult it’s going to be when he has to part ways with his grandson.
It’s hard to even get Noah away from him to head to bed. The chef has the itty bitty baby sleeping in his arms, reading to him slowly from his travel log that Nami dug out for him. Noah looks more restful than he ever has. He drools away in his grandfather’s arms with a soft, easy look on his face.
You approach Zeff who now has Noah asleep on his chest. He looks up when reach him.
“I hate to take him, but I have to put him in his crib” you whisper. “You’re free to get him when he cries tonight.”
Zeff smiles softly down at the boy. “Go with you mama, Baby Eggplant.”
You could scream about how adorable the whole scene is, but you settle for a smile so big that it hurts the corners of your mouth.
You lift the baby into your arms, rocking him gently so that he doesn’t fuss. When you’re sure the baby is still softly sleeping, you look back down to Zeff.
“Thank you for watching him so much today” you tell him. “I got a lot done.”
The old man grunts. “Better watch the little man. I’m still looking for a new sous chef since you stole mine.”
You smile. “Will do, old man. You can take Ji back with you when you go.”
Zeff grimaces, looking over to his son who’s arguing over something with Zoro as the two lean over the railing of the ship.
“I’d rather have the baby” Zeff teases. “Won’t give as many customers concussions.”
You just give him a small laugh. “Thank you for coming all the way out here for him, dad. Happy Father’s Day.”
Zeff gives you a soft and genuine smile. “Go put that baby in his crib. His cooking lessons start tomorrow, gotta be rested.”
You turn to your husband, gesturing up toward your bedroom. He abandons his argument immediately and comes to you, stroking Noah’s back. You never thought there’d be anything in this world that could get Sanji away from an argument with his rival, but baby Noah seems to always do just that.
You say goodnight to your crew as quietly as you can manage. Everyone turns to you, smiling and waving as the three of you disappear into your bedroom.
Sanji is sure to shut the door behind you when you reach your room and set Noah down in his little crib. He barely stirs at all, safe and secure in his bed at last.
Your husband walks beside you to wrap his arm around your waist. Together, the two of you lean over the baby’s crib.
“Thank you” he whispers, turning to look at you. “For Zeff. And for Noah. You made me a father.”
You lean up to kiss his cheek. “I’m so glad you enjoyed your day. I know you’ve been kinda going through it lately. I wanted it to be special.”
His face goes sad then as he looks back down to your son. Truth be told, fatherhood has been hard for Sanji. As much as he loves his son, he struggles everyday to believe that he’s a good father. Every little move he makes has to be perfect, and if he messes something up, it bothers him for the rest of the day. You know that his biggest fear is hurting Noah in any way, shape, or form. Your difficult labor was agonizing for him to hear of. He beat himself up for days over the fact that the storm had kept him from witnessing his son being born.
“I love him so much” Sanji muses. “He’s perfect.”
“He really is” you agree with a sigh.
The two of you share a quiet moment staring down at your son, Sanji’s hand slowly rubbing up and down your side.
Eventually, he looks to you. “I’m a good dad.”
The statement takes you back a step. You know this to be fact - Sanji is every kid’s dream father. For him to just say it, however, is wildly out of character for him.
“I know” you assure him. “You’re an amazing father.”
You can tell by the look in his eyes that he so badly wants to reach into the crib and hold his son close, but in true good father fashion, he allows the boy to sleep.
“My dad called me a good dad” he breathes. “He didn’t need to be my dad. He chose to be my dad, and he still says I’m doing a good job when he gave up everything to take care of me.”
You snuggle into Sanji’s side. “He didn’t give up everything when he started taking care of you. That’s when he finally got everything, Sanji.”
You hear your husband sniff. You know the emotions have been flowing hot lately, so you just give him space. He deserves to express himself and not feel like he’s being watched.
So, instead of speaking, you just squeeze his hand and join him in gazing down at your son, his perfect father safe for now in your arms.
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oliviablancmom · 1 day
"Pedriiii - bonus part II (Euros)"
N/A: "So, yesterday these three decided to talk to me, and here it is, it's just something small. For those who read the first bonus, this part takes place during the 'six months later' period, enjoy!!"
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Pedri didn't believe in love at first sight, he believed that people had something in common, talk, become friends and then maybe get into a relationship. When he didn't have that with Isa, it made things difficult for him to understand, because all of his feelings for the woman were so intense since the first time he saw her... She gets herself in his mind she gets herself in his skin. He didn't know how to explain what he felt about her, she was a pretty woman, with a beautiful smile, and the moment he saw that smile he was sure that she had stolen something from him, he made sure to even go to a doctor appointment for an exam for his heart, to make sure that sensation he felt when saw the woman wasn't deceased. But it wasn't, he was all healthy, so now, he was sure that it was her effect. He has to deal with the weeks of his friends making fun of him, about how obsessed he was with the woman, but in his defense, it was anxiety, and now he was worried that it was something in his head, cause he looked for her at Ciutat Esportiva, and didn't find her in any place. If it weren't for Ferran being present when he saw her for the first time, he would have been certain she was just a figment of his imagination...
"Pedriiii, you're in la-la land," Pedri looked at the little boy in front of him, who was sitting on a ball, pouting at the player. The little boy had been visiting him after training sessions and at the academy since they became friends at the stadium. He seemed strangely familiar.
"Sorry, buddy. I was thinking about something," Pedri sat down next to him, messing up the hair that fell over his face. And then, it clicked for him. That child was always walking around, seeing many people, and before he could think clearly about what he was about to ask, he heard his voice speaking to the little boy.
"Hey, you're always around here. Have you seen a very beautiful woman, with long hair..." He stopped talking when he realized how stupid he was and how strange it sounded to have this conversation with the little boy. Pedri felt his face heat up.
"My mom is very beautiful," the little boy said with a shrug, looking at the player’s face curiously, which made him laugh out loud.
"I'm sure she is, buddy," Pedri said, standing up and extending his hand to pull the boy up, as one of the staff informed them they would water the field now.
"Do you want to go see her?" the little boy asked indifferently, walking beside the player. Pedri felt his face go pale, imagining the scene of him standing in front of the older woman, who would probably be looking at him furiously for having an inappropriate conversation with her son.
"Please, forget what I asked you," Pedri begged the little boy, who shrugged and he reached into his pocket, looking for something the player already knew about since it had become a routine. The little boy extended his hand to Pedri, who opened his palm so the boy could pour in a handful of M&Ms.
"I have to go now, see you soon" Axel hugged Pedri's leg and then ran down the corridor. "Bye, bye Pedriiii" the little boy screamed as he was far away in the corridor.
"What are you thinking about it? Why are you looking at me like that?" Isa asked stopping in front of him, Pedri smiled at her.
"Just remember something..." He kisses the woman and makes room for her to sit beside him on the lounge chair. They both look at Axel, who is standing at the edge of the pool, cautiously eyeing the water.
"Pedriiii, will you come in with me?" Axel runs over to Pedri.
"Buddy, I can't..." Pedri couldn't finish his sentence as his heart tightened upon seeing the little boy's tear-filled eyes. Pedri looked at Isa for help.
"Baby, you know what we talked about. Pedri came to visit us just for a bit, but he has to get back to training with the rest of the team," Isa explained patiently. Pedri always admired the way she talked to the little boy. Pedri pulled the boy into a hug to comfort him. Since his relationship with Isa became more serious, his bond with Axel had grown even closer and strengthened gradually. So, he wasn't surprised to see that Axel had felt his absence on a longer trip, even though Isa had talked to him about the time coming. He fell ill a few days after his trip but got better as the player family visited him so they could travel to Germany together.
However, the boy was still quieter and more downcast. Fer said he tried everything to cheer up the little boy... But he only got excited on the day of boarding. Yet, the reality of not seeing Pedri every day made him sick again. And Pedri only found out from his mother, as Isa didn't want to bother Pedri, insisting it wasn't his responsibility. Isa and her insecurities, but Pedri would dispel them and make her understand once and for all that they were his, and he wanted all the consequences and responsibilities. So in the morning, when he spoke with Axel on the phone and heard his tearful voice, he insisting to the coaching staff that he needed to see his family, he needed to see Axel.
"Are you going to see me at the stadium today?" Pedri pulled Axel to look at the boy, his face red from silent crying, and he nodded in confirmation as Pedri smiled.
"Are you going to score goals for me?" Axel asked with a shy smile, and Pedro tickled the little boy.
"I promise I'll give my all for that," Pedri kissed the boy's head.
"Axel, we're going to the market, do you want to come with us?" Pedri's mother appeared in the yard calling the boy.
"YESSSSS, gran gran!" Axel shouted, giving Pedri one last hug and running towards the woman as if he wasn't sad about not staying with Pedri. The player was in shock, seeing the boy call his mother "grandma" warmed his heart.
"When did this start?" Pedri asked looking at Isa who had a silly grin on her face.
"A few days ago when they went to pick up him from school," Isa sat on Pedri's lap, kissing him. "I missed you," Pedri smiled, feeling his heart race faster.
"Did you like my surprise?" He asked, referring to his shaved beard, Isabella rolled her eyes.
"You're lucky I like you... Especially when you do things just to annoy me." Pedri laughed, remembering the little argument they had because of the photo of Isabella with Bellingham at an event she attended, resulting in him taking out his beard.
"You need to go to the hotel..." Isa said, kissing the player's cheek.
"Are you going to have lunch with Ferran's family?" Pedri asked, hugging the woman and enjoying it a little more than he should.
"Yes, they were going to come here, but we're too lazy to dirty the kitchen," Isa laughed. "Oh, your fans are commenting on how you look like a proud dad with Lamine in the national team."
Pedri laughed, following the comments. The truth is he was very excited about his teammate being on the national team at just 16 years old. He wanted to be there to support him because he understood how big a deal it was.
"Well, we already have two, we can handle one more," Pedri said excitedly, and Isa stopped in her tracks, eyes narrowed at the player. He definitely needed to get rid of Isa's insecurity. "What? You don't want to give Axel and Gavira siblings?"
Pedri insisted, and the woman's eyes widened so much that he was afraid they might pop out. Isa opened her mouth a few times but nothing came out.
"Isabellaaaa," Pedri approached, kissing the woman's cheek.
"Uh... Gavi's fans were calling me a bad mother because he didn't come with us," Isa said, returning to reality and changing the subject.
"But he's coming, isn't he?" Pedri asked worriedly; his friend had been a bit down lately.
"He doesn't want to stop his recovery now, but he said he'll try," Isa shrugged.
"Pedri, we have to go," the team driver called Pedri. Isa hugged and kissed him once more.
"Good luck, have a great debut, we'll be here for you," Pedri kissed Isa's forehead and then got into the car that would take him back with the team.
Spain had an amazing game, and their 3-0 victory against Croatia left everyone ecstatic, with one of the goals assisted by Pedri.
It was amazing to start the Euro that way. And because of the team's victory, the players were given a day off with their families, so Pedri left the hotel and went to the house his family had rented. He was extremely grateful for the idea, as everyone would be more comfortable. When he arrived, he was welcomed by his father-in-law, who hugged him proudly. His parents, who were in the kitchen preparing dinner, also repeated the gesture. Fer was peacefully sleeping on the sofa, and as tempting as it was, Pedri didn't want to wake his brother.
"Where are Isa and Axel?" he asked his father-in-law, who seemed focused on fixing something on the TV.
"Upstairs," he replied, shrugging. Pedri took the stairs two at a time to get there faster, as he hadn't told them he was coming home, so he would be a surprise.
He entered the room with the light on and could hear conversations coming from the bathroom. Axel was talking nonstop while Isa listened patiently. He stopped in his tracks when he heard a topic that made his heartache.
"But then dad said I won't be able to see Pedri anymore... and I don't want that," the little boy said resentfully.
"You shouldn't listen to what he says; he's not the one who decides that," Isa said patiently. "I've told you before, it's our decision, yours and mine," Isa said firmly.
Fer had told him that a few days before their trip to Germany, Henry, Axel's father, had shown up and tried to stop the trip, claiming he wanted to stay with the boy. He even tried to bribe him with a trip to Disney, which caused unnecessary stress. Fer said he had never seen Isa as furious as that day. Pedri felt nervous and angry hearing that, but proud of Isa for standing up to him. He also felt a bit of anger about the situation. Since his relationship had gotten serious, Axel's father always harassed them when everything was peaceful. He made no effort to be constantly involved with the boy, but when he remembered he had a son, it was only to apply psychological pressure on the child and make threats to Isabella. This led to sad and irritable days for mother and son, though Pedri was always there to cheer them up.
"Shall we watch a movie?" Axel asked in a sleepy voice, and Pedri took the opportunity to enter the bathroom.
"A movie? I'm in!" Axel squealed in surprise at the player's presence, making Isabella laugh. The little boy ran to Pedri, who picked him up.
"Will you stay with us?" he asked, whining. Isa pouted, watching the scene.
"Yes, now and tomorrow. I'll only return to the team on Monday," Pedri explained.
"YAAAAY," Axel said excitedly. Pedri extended his arm to Isa, pulling her into a hug. Pedri genuinely loved those moments with them. His heart skipped a beat every time. He walked to the bed, placing Axel in the middle, while he took off his shoes and lay on one side. "Come on, mommy," Axel called.
"Yeah, come on, mommy," Pedri teased, making Isa roll her eyes and walk over to them.
"Don't you want to have dinner first?" Isa asked with a yawn.
"Nooo, I'm not hungry," Axel said simply, looking at the player to see his response.
"Me neither, buddy," Pedri looked at Isa, who just smiled and snuggled into the bed.
"That makes three of us," she kissed Axel's cheek and then leaned over to kiss Pedri.
Isa ended up falling asleep even before Pedri and Axel chose the movie to watch, and when they finally decided, Axel was showing signs that he wouldn't last much longer. He yawned countless times, his little eyes swollen and blinking slowly. Then he turned and snuggled closer to Isa, who automatically wrapped an arm around her son, and watching them warmed the player's heart.
"Night, night, Pedriiii," Axel said in a sleepy voice.
"Night, night, Axel," Pedri replied.
"I really, really, reaaaaaaly like you, and that you are with us" he said in a sleepy voice
Pedri felt a lump in his throat, an emotion he had no idea existed, filling his chest. For a moment, he stayed silent, just appreciating the feeling and feeling grateful for that moment in his life. He had recovered from an injury, was playing at a high level, was back with his national team, and had gained two extremely special and essential people in his life. Pedri was startled when Axel quickly sat up and glared at him with a sleepy yet angry expression.
"Aren't you going to say it back to me?" Axel asked angrily. Then Isabella's laughter filled the room. Pedri also laughed at the boy's reaction.
"Of course I really, really, reaaaaaaly like you too, Axel," he said, hugging the boy, who settled down again, falling asleep almost instantly.
"He's got you wrapped around his little finger," Isa commented, still amused.
"He scared me, sitting up like that," Pedri murmured, and Isa laughed again. Soon, silence filled the room once more. Pedri stayed quiet, just listening to their calm breathing, and couldn't think of a better way to end the night with his little family.
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oureuphoria · 3 days
The Battle — JJK
⟿ Note: Hiii!! I know it’s been forever since I’ve posted on this account, and I am very sorry! I’m in uni now and my writing has improved (in my opinion) drastically, so I’m very excited to return bc I love posting here. To kick off the new era, I’m sharing a small fic I’ve worked on recently. I really hope you like it.
⟿ Synopsis: Your relationship with Jungkook has been strained for far too long and you’ve decided to do something about it.
⟿ Genre: Just angst, sorry </3 but possible part two!!
⟿ Pairing: Idol!Jungkook x Reader
⟿ Word count: 1,387
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“Jungkook.” You called out to your boyfriend the second you heard the door to his apartment open. You were supposed to hang out together, you’d been waiting for him for over 40 minutes.
“Yes, babe?” From his sing-song voice, you could tell he was tipsy.
“We need to talk.” You were aiming for a serious, sobering tone, but it appeared nothing could dull his vibe when he got it going,
“‘Course, love. Not now though, I’m busy. Just getting changed and heading out with the boys.”
“But you said we’d have tonight together.”
“I know baby, but we always celebrate big wins together. You know you’re welcome to join us.” Jungkook knew very well that you were still really nervous around his bandmates. You specifically asked for some time alone.
“But we need to talk and it can’t wait.” Your voice was unwavering, but you could feel the resolve you’d spent so long building up begin to slip away.
It was hard to fight with Jungkook. It was harder when he didn’t fight with you.
“What? Are you okay?” His voice resonated throughout the apartment from your bedroom to where you were sitting in the living room.
“No, Jungkook. I’m not.” There was a moment of silence.
“What’s wrong, are you sick?” His head peaked out from the room, harbouring slight concern on his otherwise bright face.
“No, it’s about us.” You averted eye contact, unable to watch the happiness drain from his face.
“That can wait.” He went back into the room, and you could feel your frustration return.
“I’ve been waiting, but you’re always busy and I can’t wait anymore.”
“Can I not have one night? One night where you’re not on my ass about everything?”
“That’s not fair.”
“Y/N, we fight every week.”
“And I want to talk about it.” He came out of the room, fully dressed in his favourite jeans and a tight black turtleneck sweater. A month ago, this would’ve been the part where you joked about him looking like that one picture of The Rock. Now it just made you wonder how many people would throw themselves at him, and just how many he’d reject before he’d finally realise you might not be worth the trouble.
“No, see you say you want to talk and then it turns into you making me feel like shit for living my life.” Jungkook continued arguing with you while pacing around the apartment looking for his keys, his wallet, his sunglasses.
“That’s not my intention.” You stood up from your seat on the couch, but he continued to avoid looking at you.
“Your intention doesn’t matter, your actions do. And right now, I’d really love it if you didn’t start a fight.”
“Fine, if that’s what you really want.”
“Great. I’ll see you later.”
You sighed. “You won’t.”
“Stop with the dramatics, Y/N.”
“No dramatics, I’m done. We’re done.” You weren’t sure how you managed to get the words out, considering the fact that they felt like shards of glass dragging across your tongue.
“Seriously?” He looked at you, one hand on the door knob, the other by his side.
You thought about taking it back for way too long, and when you said nothing, he shook his head, letting out a sardonic chuckle.
“Alright, Y/N. We’re done.” And with those parting words, he was out the door.
You sat back down on his couch. Tears were flooding your eyes, and you could feel the pressure on your chest, affirming the end you saw coming but tried so hard to avoid.
You could have continued begging for a morsel of his time to work things out, but as he said, he viewed any and all criticism as an infringement on his right to party and celebrate his success.
You were the same age, but you lived vastly different lives and you had no idea how to reconcile the gap between the Jungkook who loved you, and the Jungkook who was in the public eye. There was only one you. You didn’t have a second life, and that was what made it so hard to relate to him.
He didn’t even want to try.
You wiped away your tears, grabbing your coat and bag from the armchair. You had one arm through the sleeves when the door opened again.
For the split second that you heard the keypad beep and the door’s hinges creak, you allowed yourself to be filled with hope. He came back, and in that moment you let yourself believe that it was for you. That he’d tell you he can’t live without you, and whatever there was going on between you two, he’d be willing to fix it.
But you and him hadn’t felt partners in so long, and the problems you used to tackle together, as an inseparable unit, began to feel like termites eating through the foundation of your trust.
“Oh, you’re still here.” His voice didn’t sound remorseful. It didn’t sound like the voice of a man who was prepared to lay the ugliest parts of your relationship bare so that you could work through them. He sounded indifferent.
“Yeah sorry, I was just leaving.” You quickly shrugged the coat on properly, grabbing your bag and hastily rushing toward the door, but Jungkook was blocking the doorway, and he didn’t move away when you approached. “Um, Jungkook, you’re kind of in the way.” You tried your absolute hardest to keep your voice level and your tears at bay, but the longer he stood there the harder it was.
“I am, aren’t I?” His tone was so hard to read, you had no idea how to respond. “I’m always in your way, Y/N. And a better man would let you go, but I can’t.”
Before you could grasp onto his words, he grasped onto you. Jungkook wrapped you into a tight hug.
“Don’t do this, Jungkook. Please.”
“I don’t know what to do, Y/N. I feel so guilty, all the time. I don’t know how it fix it, so I go out, and I get wasted and I convince myself you’re happier without me.” He sounded so vulnerable, so bare, and for a moment you saw your pain reflected in his.
How could you fix it? There was only so much turbulence a relationship could take, and the strain on your own mental health was beginning to feel like less of a side-effect and more like a direct bi-product.
Sometimes, the best way to get rid of termites is to burn it all down and pray you have the strength to rebuild.
You weren’t sure of much, but you were sure that you weren’t strong enough to rebuild.
“I’m not happier without you, Jungkook. But lately I haven’t been feeling happier with you either. I love you, you know that, but I can’t keep pretending like it doesn’t hurt me when you pretend I don’t exist. And I know the only other option is to go public, but I don’t think I could cope with that kind of attention.”
“I could say I’m in a relationship and we could keep your identity secret. I’ve seen other idols do that.”
“Idols much less famous than you, Jungkook. Its unfair of me to expect you to carry the burden of the negative attention you’d inevitably get.”
“What are you saying?”
“Sometimes love isn’t enough. And I can’t watch as we tear ourselves apart trying to make each other feel better.”
“Y/N, I don’t know how to do this without you.”
“Me neither, but I think we have a much better chance of figuring out how to live apart than together, don’t you?”
“I— I could take a break from the group until we figure this out.”
“You’d resent me for it.”
“You can’t give up on us just like that?”
“You gave up a long time ago, Jungkook.” There was no hostility in your voice, so Jungkook knew you weren’t trying to hurt him with that remark. In fact, the sincerity of what you’d said, and the tears that began to flood your eyes and his, told him you might just be right.
So, without another word, Jungkook moved out of the doorway and watched as you gave him a tight-lipped smile before walking away.
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kisses4kaia · 1 day
phone sex with tash.. yeah…… (ps. dedicated to my fav ever @hvneybuckin love you aiden💕)
you knew from the moment she breathed “hey, baby.”
your eyebrows furrowed, but you stayed quiet. “hi, tash. how ‘s your day?” she hummed. “fine, i wish i could have seen you, though. practice was as practice always is. art asked about you?” there was a sigh—slight, sultry, and quiet—but you caught it.
“yeah? how is he?” you sit back onto your bed, clicking your bedside lamp off and crossing your free arm over your sweater-clothed chest. “he’s okay. he and patrick have been arguing for a little bit, though.” you nodded to yourself, although tashi couldn’t see you. “they’ll get over it. they’re best friends, they always do,”
you seem to be able to sense her agreement through the phone, and you tell her a little bit about your day.
“and you know, it was so funny. i saw a poster of you in the hallway—from the adidas campaign, you remember—and i was just thinking ‘i need her inside of me.’ which, of course, is preposterous considering… you know—“
“don’t be so naïve. i’ve been inside of you, you know that.” you’re so grateful you decided to give her a phone call tonight rather than a facetime because your eyes are wide and your cheeks burn at the memory of tashi fucking her strap into you. “i do…” your voice is much higher than you would’ve wished, but it made tashi chuckle on the other end of the line.
at this point, your hand was already snaking down your torso, teasing the hem of your boy shorts. “you want me inside of you, do you?” she goads, and you can feel the humiliation setting in. “mhm,” you squeak meekly, and she sighs. “well, it’s too bad i’m not there to help you.” tashi speaks the words like it’s hopeless and impossible and you whine, fingers beginning to push past the elastic of your shorts. “n-no, i can… imagine,” your pitchy whine pulls a groan from your lady. “imagine? good girl, baby. such a problem solver,”
the praise sets your core ablaze and your pointer and middle finger lazily begin to circle around your clit, sliding up and down your slick slit. “do you remember the last time i touched you?” she pinged, voice ringing with a sort of early satisfaction, like this was her goal from the very start.
“n-no… not really. sorry, tashi,”
you absolutely remembered, in vivid detail how and where she touched you last, but you could do with the inflection of her voice upon reminiscing with you. “oh? do you need me to refresh your memory?”
you whined, nodding before remembering that she couldn’t see you. “mhm, please.”
she hummed. “well, i fucked you with my tongue first, you remember that?” you whined, growing more and more slick against your fingers as she spoke. “and then i had you suck on my cock, had you wrap your pretty little tongue around my dick—got it all fucking nice and wet and messy, didn’t you?” her tone was spitting, making you moan so fucking pathetically, she laughed.
“yeah, then i bent you over your shiny little vanity in your daddy paid for, made you watch your pretty face as i sunk deep, deep into you, remember? remember how many times i made you cum around this cock? you were fucking dripping onto the hardwood by the end of it, you little cockslut. all for me, right?”
“yes,” your fingers were pumping in and out of you so fast, the sounds were audible to tashi on the other end of the call. “yes, what?” her voice was mean, demanding, and nearly tear-jerking.
“yes, daddy,” the sex in your voice drew a deep groan from tashi, and it pushed you over the edge. “ngh—fuck! i’m coming, please, please please please, i need it—!” you didn’t know if you were talking to yourself or to her but her never-ending praise into your ear through the phone speaker kept you in convulsions.
coming down from your high, you drew your fingers out from your panties and thanked tashi, all before bidding her goodnight and virtual x’s and o’s.
1 Video Attachment from tashi🤍
the notification was unexpected, as you had just ended the call, but you decided to tap on it anyway.
your mouth went fucking dry as you watched tashi’s golden-complexioned hand stroke up and down the same, big, deep blue, strap-on she’d fucked you with last time she was in town. the video ended with a flash up to her face, coy smile playing on her lips.
You’re the best girl for me. Love you baby❤️
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hhughes · 11 hours
୨୧ ⋅ 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍﹙⠀LH43⠀﹚
⠀⠀╰  ꒰ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ◞ fem!reader x luke hughes
⠀⠀╰  ꒰ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 ◞ in which your bf loves giving you head. . .
⠀⠀╰  ꒰ 𝐜𝐰 ◞ oral f!receiving, overstumulation. i think that's it? lmk if there's more!
⠀⠀╰  ꒰ 𝐰𝐜 ◞ 0.6K
⠀⠀╰  ꒰ 𝐚/𝐧 ◞ my first attempt at writing a longer smut piece, it’ll get better the more I do it <3
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“luke,” his name falls from your lips on a sob, your back arching from the bed as you push at his head, fingers tugging on his curls. his arms were wrapped around your thighs, one hand gripping your hip and the other pushing on your lower stomach, trying to keep you still. Luke turns his head and runs his tongue over the purple bruise on your inner thigh. you let out a whine when he turns his attention back to your clit. “please lu, it’s too much”
you woke up this morning with the sun on your face, a light breeze trailing through the open window, and luke’s head between your thighs. you’ve lost track of how long he’s been down there. how many times he’s made you cum. It was a good thing Jack agreed to an early morning workout with Nico, you were grateful you and luke had the apartment to yourself, knowing you couldn’t keep quiet.
there were few things luke loved more than eating you out. hearing the moans spill from your lips. the way your legs closed around his head. the way you didn’t know if you wanted to pull him closer or push him away. the way you tasted. he could spend all day between your thighs. luke has no doubt that he gets more pleasure out of this than you do. it’s his favourite thing in the whole world.
he presses his tongue into you, nose bumping your clit and smirks when he feels your hands clench in his hair. “luke,” you moan again, voice hoarse and breath hitching. that was his favourite sound ever. whenever he’s on roadies, this is the moment he replays in his head over and over again. this moment. that sound. he’s obsessed with it. with you. so obsessed he just needs to hear it again. and again. and again.
“please,” you beg, pushing at his head. Luke makes a noise at the back of his throat, tongue softly flicking over your clit as he tries to build you back up again. his eyes were glassed over, staring at the mess you’ve made. focused on the task at hand. seeing that expression you knew he wasn’t going to stop until you said that magic little word.
“you’re okay baby. you’re doing so good.” he mumbles, lips brushing against your pussy and you whimper. when he lifts his head and looks up at you, your stomach clenches at the sight. the wild look in his eye. his swollen lips. your release all over his face.
“you okay?” he asks, gently rubbing your thigh and you nod.
“good, you can give me one more.” luke says, dropping his head again.
“shh baby. just one more, promise.” he mutters, already preoccupied again.
“you said that before the last one” you protest
“I know sweetheart. I just can’t get enough of you. just one more, I promise. please?” he begs. actually begging and you nod, agreeing before you could even really think about it. your head drops back against the pillow as Luke stares down at you, using his thumbs to spread you open a little more. he lets spit drop from his mouth onto your clit before bending his head and taking it into his mouth again.
after a few minutes, you reach that peak again, tears falling from the overstimulation and luke gently presses kisses on your stomach.
“think you can go again?” he asks, grinning up at you and laughs when you use your whole hand to push his face away, and snap your legs closed.
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