yoonyia · 5 months
I need to draw Lau and lutangalo sitting on the floor peeling oranges and just roasting eachother, first being passive aggressive then it evolving into a screamfest
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alpaca-clouds · 1 month
Why Black Panther Is In All The Solarpunk Lists
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If you google for "Solarpunk movies", you will quickly find out one thing: There is no actual Solarpunk movie out there, just a list of a couple of movies that people generally will consider to have some Solarpunk themes. Usually you will find some Studio Ghibli movies there, you will find some movies there that will leave you with more questions than answers, and then you will find the two Black Panther MCU movies there.
If you investigate this further, you will also find a long winded discussion on whether or not Black Panther really can be Solarpunk, because Wakanda has a king and that is very much against the idea of Solarpunk, right?
Which is of course very ironic. Because this usually will come from white people who will be very willing to compromise on almost any other aspect of Solarpunk... Unless it is about Black people.
So, let's look at the Black Panther movies - especially the movies - and see how much Solarpunk there is.
Now, Black Panther is first and foremost Afrofuturism. This is very much about the idea of an Africa that never was colonized and hence had not their development halted by exploitation. And in the story of Black Panther they then got access to Vibranium and in this time that at least Wakanda could develop figured out all the things they could then do with Vibranium. Giving them not only clean energy, but also all sorts of other nifty gadgets. This allows them to become a fairly equal society.
Sure, there is a king, but in general the movie does imply that the inhabitants of Wakanda do all live in fairly equally good conditions, not to say fairly luxorious compared to how other people live. They have the same access to technology, apparently just get their food, and are also living in a society where men and women are equal at the very least.
Now, we do not know a ton about the internal politica of Wakanda. Apparently the country gets mostly run by the king and the chieftons, but we do not know how they get into the position. It mostly seems to be inherited as a position. But is there any other government? Is there any form of democracy? Do people get to vote? Are we assuming just the typical "benevolent king" narrative? How many people even live in Wakanda? That is all the stuff that is never really answered, because the movies are actually not that interested in the specifics of Wakanda - rather than the idea that it represents, and the moral connundrum that comes with it.
Because that connundrum of Wakanda is of course never about Wakanda's internal politics. Wakanda basically says: "Hey, we totally do have a benevolent king and everyone in this country is in fact super happy!" Because that is all the story needs. The moral connundrum is this: Wakanda is rich and safe because when the colonialism of Africa happened, they did not intervene and just held themsevles back, made themselves appear poor and like this did never suffer too much from it - but also allowed others to be enslaved and exploited.
Wakanda's wealth is very much build on them ignoring the plight of all other Black people. And this is the moral that the movie is interested in exploring.
And this is the real question in terms of: "Is this Solarpunk?" And I would argue yes. Because the point is that the movie very much lands on the side of: "Yeah, actually we should do something about this. We should change stuff." And more than anything about the worldbuilding I would argue that this in theory is what makes this movie Solarpunk.
... ... ... That is looking at the movie on its own, because it still has the misery of existing within the MCU, that does not really want to change the status quo of the world too much. So it does not want to change the world into a state that is too different from our real world right now. So, whatever characters might want to change about the world... They won't. Because MCU.
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Just some writing musings
Around the end of last year, I made the choice to stop posting most of my WIPs. I was starting to get more and more of the "When are you going to update" type of comments. and that was really cancelling out the joy i'd get from other comments.
It's been good in some ways...
I no longer feel like a content vending machine.
I'm not as stressed about whether or not readers will like where im going with a story.
I no longer feel guilty about irl getting in the way
For the WIPs I am still posting on ( the huge Sailor Moon series sequel and the SM / HP crossover... theyre so niche that I feel like people have been reading it so long that theres not as many update requests. the folks reading that have been with me through grad school. they know i'll finish it... and they do get mammoth sized chapters so I guess that balances out...)
But I have noticed that for the wips im not posting... Out of Reach, Unbroken, Universe to Bend, the rest of the Voyager rewrites... not posting as I go hasnt changed my excitement for them but dear god, It has tanked my writing pace.
Doing monthly writeathons with other writing folks has helped me fill in that motivation gap.
So do betas when i have them, to an extent (but betaing for me is a lot of work. i hate asking that of people).
Collabs have gone really really well - it's easy to get inspired when someone else is there going back and forth feeding your creativity.
But I seriously miss the inspiration / motivation boost that came from meaty comments. fangirling-comments, analysis-comments, questioning-what-would-happen-next comments, things-that-surprised-people comments, how-emotional-a-scene-made-them-in-public comments. I loved those discussions. and they really helped spark my inspiration for whatever the next scene had to be.
I didn't receive those comments very often though. so i do have to acknowledge that when they did help me write when life was busy, it was also not something i could rely on.
Writing is fun. Finishing long stories is hard. theyre a project. theyre work. theyre time and brain power intensive. Is feels ridiculous to say my hobby is hard and i still love the hobby, but it is true.
So back to the connundrum i've been at for a while. When I am low on time/energy to be creative: how do i make writing logistically easier, lacking outside inspiration or motivation boost? (will a physical journal help? phone reminders? scheduling writing blocks has been hit or miss) Or if i cant make writing logistically easier - how do i gain that motivator / inspiration to make it worthwhile? (writeathons help. betas when i dont feel guilty for how much effort that is. do i just make a private ao3 collection for WIPs and only invite readers who like to give meaty comments. that seems silly but thats a bit where im at with this)
For other writers (fanfic or otherwise) who struggle to write when theyre busy with irl. im curious what kind of solutions you have. bc i dont see life getting less busy or brain-power-consuming...
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Limbus Company Canto 7 theorizing
With Don´t canto being close, but still pretty good distance away, I have some things to propose. Not touching on possible events of the Canto, just the possible worldbuilding around it. Most of information stems from the events of Murder on the WARP express, so if you are not caught up, there will most definitely be spoilers below cut.
So, from the MotWe, we know that the canto will take place in P corp. We don´t get to see much of P corp, just the train station, HOWEVER, it is stated in the Intervallo itself that the WARP stations embody the cultural nature of the District, with T corp´s station being very Victorian with steampunk elements, as is the rest of the District.
So, what does the architecture of P corp show ?
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kind of a lot, while not so much. The architecture has a lot of curved arches, narrow windows and a LOT of small detailing. That alone fits it neatly into possible gothic influences, though futurized for the setting of the City. One thing that immediately stands out to me is the curved, almost bat-wing shaped overhangs/roofs and the small archway structure connecting two buildings in the background, slightly to the left.
The former specifically reminds me A LOT of Leonardo da Vinci´s flying machine, the Great Kite, especially with those supporting curved beams.
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Leonardo da Vinci specifically, couple with the wide range of curvatures, overhangs, etc. would set P corp somewhere in Italy. My educated guess is Venice in particular, for multiple reasons.
First off, Leonardo spent much of his life in Venice, specifically working as an engineer. If he is referenced as an illustrious fixer/inventor, I would not be surprised. Agatha Christie is already an in-universe character.
Secondly, the most recent railway is literally named Masquarade, which could just be reference to the Envy Peccatula, or Don´s true nature OR also reference the Carnival of Venice (considering that Midnight Carnival exists and I have seen early theories connecting it to Don´s Canto, there is a chance they will come up again and Italy District would make perfect sense).
Speaking of Don, while theorizing on Carmen being a Bloodfiend (more crack-theory than theory, but there are some details that fit oddly well), I did note that Don, being a title, has two meanings.
First is the meaning of a simple honorific, the other has particular ties to mafia/crime families. Notably, Don Lastname is American custom. This is pretty important, given that Cassetti in the Murder on the Orient Express is very much American, while being a leader of a kidnapping/ransom gang.
Cassetti also presents as a "deserter" of the Bloodfiend Family. Strong inner structure is implied, which is also quite important in crime families. Supplying information from wikipedia, Don is the title of second highest level in the Mafia hierarchy, surpassed only by the Godfather, boss of all bosses. Ergo, in this situation, the Bloodfiend Prime, whose identity is unknown.
Don being named the Second Kindred would make sense in this type of hierarchy. She doesn´t have to be the second bloodfiend ever, but is of second generation, direct descendant of Bloodfiend Prime. This could introduce an interesting connundrum if the Bloodfiend Prime is big bad of canto 7 and can´t be killed without permanently erasing Don from existence.
I will not theorize on the actual plot of the canto, I´d rather wait for the actual story. One thing I do find fun is that despite Dante being the Manager, and thus Don´s superior, she refers to him as Manager Esquire. Which is notable, as it is title one rank directly below Knight.
So, maybe Don isn´t unaware of her Bloodfiend identity but keeps the pretend game up just because she doesn´t want to confront her true nature head on and would prefer to maladaptively roleplay her humansona (or possibly her pre-bloodfiend-self ?)
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Loveless - (15)
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Pairing: Namor x Shuri
Word count: 1800
Warnings: none
Chapter 15
He was effortless in what he did. He had been born for it, for handling issues and solving them but recently he was often caught in a dilemma, his plan for world domination seemed flimsy and structured out of anger. His hair was a mess, he couldn’t bother and fuss over how he looked, that even with the strength of the hulk, overbearing work was still tiring. He had not been sleeping well, tainted with disturbing dreams of his people dying where he just stands there, watching. He entered the elevator, pulling himself together to stand straighter, he dragged his fingers over his tired eyes before pushing back his hair into place.
He had been slotted to meet the Talokan youth and view their accomplishments. The doors opened and the lab came into view, shrouded in the sound of tinkering metal, moving tools and hushed discussions. The kids worked away in their designated tables their attention turning to him as he entered the room. He could have come here later in the day but then he knew he would bump into her during those hours, which was what he was trying to avoid. He was close enough to admitting his confusion to her by the river. All of this was difficult to navigate as is. In addition to that, she was a connundrum on her own, one he didn’t know how to solve. Was he doing this for her? In the hopes she would see him differently or was it his own change of heart? He did not know but he knew for sure, the princess had been tasked to meet with the council at this time. The lab, her cove, will be free of her and he will be free of the painful tug in his heart.
The kids ran towards him, excitement brimming in their eyes. He stood taller, he was here for them. Their joy touched him, a smile grew on his face as he greeted them. One got a hold of his hand, leading him to her table first eager to show what she had made. His long strides easy competing with their small quick feet. They were doing so well, for having never been to the surface world, they had begun to run just as better as they could swim. He had time to kill, in fact being around them was much easier than having to be around a demanding court of royals and politicians. So he took a seat, watching the kids show him their models and innovations.
Another girl brought forth pieces she couldn’t fix. Namor loved it, the feeling of puzzle pieces in his hand so he could put them back together, to restore it to what it once was. Just like having a colour palette in front of him with the freedom to create. He picked up the screwdriver on the table. The kids circled him as he arranged the pieces together. He engrossed himself in the work, his mind forgetting about all the trouble that was brewing outside, he felt a tug on his cape but he was almost done putting together this marvelous wind up doll. “I just need another gear.”, he secured a bolt. “This one?”, he heard her. His hands froze. His eyes whipped up, caught in this moment, a soft smile on her lips, he wanted to disappear.
“Princess.”, he was stunned. Soft giggles resounded around him. “We were trying to tell you, Kulkulkan.”, they told him. He took the metal piece she offered. Placing the final piece together, he bolted it tight. Finishing it up, he wound the toy, a little whale that began to swim as it glowed from within. The details on it etched in green and blue combined with gold and purple. A mix of their worlds. He gave it back to the child. He could not stay here any longer. His plan foiled again. But just as much as he wanted to leave, he wanted to linger. He caught her gaze, he could never put back the pieces he saw in her, never restore their relationship to what it once could have been and yet he stood there. He watched as the girl ran to her and presented her creation as a gift. She accepted it, but her eyes found him.
They gave, without a limit. He gave whatever he had, for his people, for her community. And this quality was the very thing he was trying to protect. They knew no limit or end to their goodness that they had to be vile in order to keep it safe. He was about to tell her something the other day, confusion and defeat displayed on his face. She wanted to know what it was. Why he ran away. He was turning to leave, the tip of his finger trailing the edge of the table like an hourglass with falling sand. She had to let him leave, but before she could resolve herself to draw to a conclusion, she reached out. “Don’t you want to see the rest?”, she asked, the children ecstatic.
Don’t ask. His mind begged and yet his feet dragged. But she did, now he could never say no. He could never say no to her. He turned like a boat that caught wind in its sails, his tiredness vanishing as he drew nearer. “I would love to.”, he moved around the other projects, impressed by their creations, their little minds putting together devices that helped Talokans and Wakandans. This was what he wanted, to establish a connection that would benefit both worlds. But as he caught her moving closer, he became rooted to his spot. Nervous all of sudden like a school boy. He had never felt this way before.
This was the perfect setting. She could nudge him to see the issue with Riri’s creation. The fatigue was getting to her, her sleep disrupted by W’Kabi’s presence. Having a sense of constant danger around her filled with uncertainty. She got closer to where he stood, his mannerisms had been different since the day by the river. He would avert his gaze, looked like he felt uncomfortable around her. “If I were to take this object.”, she picked up a mechanism on the table assembled by a young Talokan. “and use it for my own cruel means.”, she turned to him, his eyes fixed on her. “Who would you punish?”, he shifted his weight. “Me or her?”, she asked.
He grew quite. The point of her question solid enough to understand what it was about. But the way she had phrased it, got under his skin. Will he hurt her? If he was faced with the need to do so. For his people. For his history. The painful tug in his heart began to prick with the sense of guilt. Condemning him for his selfishness, that no matter the endless opportunities he could get, he might be the one to die by her hands but never the opposite. It haunted him, his rage as he shoved the spear, thinking only of his people as he got close to her. Blinding his vision, mixed with his own hurt, but it faded after he stepped away and he saw it all. The shiver in his hand, his feet tumbling to let him fall, her, hurt by his hands. He stepped away, holding his hands behind his back to hide the tremor in them. He needed air, he had been haunted enough. For five hundred years he's been haunted. Now, it was excruciating.
She was surprised, to see him evade the question. Because it only proved her insight right. That he had been avoiding her. “This is about the scientist.”, he caught her train of thought. “Yes.”, she edged closer, he stepped away. The children being silent spectators to this. She waited for his response, he turned to her, his mind had been made up. She wanted him to see it, the holes in that plan of his. The countless lives he would subject to pain because of his recklessness. “She was taken advantage off.”, he said slowly. She stood still. The need for a fight now redundant. The same ease with which they first met. “I thought you would be at the council meeting.”, he said softly as he dismissed the kids. So it was true. He knew of her whereabouts so he did not have to cross paths with her. The room around her spun. She held on to the edge of the table to steady herself.
He could have followed the last child out, but his mind, his eyes, they were always drawn to her. So he turned to see her, to capture her in his mind's eye till he got to meet her next but instead he observed as she looked exhausted. Her eyes closed, trying to hold on. He knew how it felt. He rushed to her side. “Princess.”, the concern evident in his voice. She held up her hand as a sign, to give her a minute. He pulled back his hand, one that would have held her elbow to hold her steady or hold her close. “I’m fine.”, she told him as she moved to put away the tools on the table. But the wrench slipped from her hand, he was quick to move, catching it before it hit the ground. She swayed and he held her by her elbows. The contact setting his skin on fire. “Princess.”, he said softly. “I’m – she began but he shook his head, leading her to a seat. He looked at her desk, littered with items, she had been spending a lot of time here. She had been hiding away. “Why didn’t you attend the meeting?”, he asked, she looked away. The exhaustion etched across her face making it difficult for her to lie.
He had her in a corner. He knew why she didn’t go. He knew she was hiding her. Any answer she was going to give him will only prove to him that she was evading her duties, failing to perform to the standards he was setting, unable to show up for her people like he was. So she decided to go with the truth. “W’Kabi is urging for a decision, for him to represent Wakanda in meetings with the world outside.”, she told him. The pressure that he was exerting on her and M’Baku to pass the rule. She didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of sitting in the seat her mother once sat. “He is urging for a war?”, he asked her and she tensed up. She didn’t respond to him. Her eyes focused on the floor.
“I was wrong about the scientist.”, he told her, his question before would have caused for her trust to be threatened again. He sat next to her. “Upon introspection, I’ve come to realize I might be wrong about many things.”, he said quietly, like his confession could rock the world. He had to hold it all together. To be this persona, this ruler who backed down from nothing, who lost nothing. But deep down behind the façade he was a boy who had lost everything, now sitting here as a man trying to do the right thing. He could never break, his cousin, his army, his people, would see it as a sign of weakness. A sign that he was incapable. But with her. He could admit his little secrets. “Sometimes I don’t know what I’m doing.”, her brown eyes caught his. “Or what I need to do.”, he leaned away from her.
She was surprised. When he interacted with her, he was human. No sound of his flapping wings or show of his immense strength. His mask slipped and walls came down, knowing well that she could use his sorrow any way she pleased but yet it didn’t stop him. From telling her his mother’s story, his fears and his weaknesses. As much as she was trying to lead like him, he was learning to confide like her. “I haven’t slept properly in days.”, he moved to grab the bottle of water on the table. “And you should take care of yourself.”, he placed it in her hand. He had another meeting set, but as he watched her stay on her own in this empty lab. He hesitated. An idea coming to life in his mind. “There is something I want to show you.”, he told her, her tired eyes landed on him, filled with confusion. “Tell your king you are going to meet the Talokan court.”, he instructed her and left the room.
Fishboy will make sure you remain hydrated 😌
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thebadtimewolf · 1 year
do yall know any genuine rose tyler stans that are actually upset about how s1 rose was treated as an equal AND a love interest but as soon as s2-s4 rose was treated more as a equal BECAUSE of her being pideonholed as only a 'i can do things too! see!' archetype of love interests that it took two other characters to be treated as an actual equal? like why did ten thru donna said that he needs an equal and that what the dr needs an equal??
rose was already an equal in season 1. its established bts that rose was an equal to ninth doctor? but now why didn't that sentiment continued on with ten? what happened?
like martha is treated like an actual equal because the dr in the past have always hated themselves, reflected back at them, but still shared the joy and comradarie during a joint adventure with said version of self. like even the time lord victorious two parter book - 8 was flirting and 10 flirted back but at the end of the day - both of em can carry themselves without the arrival of the other, leaving the eyerolling and mild disgust or disinterest aspect to ninth dr when he shared a room with them. like the dr not wanting to "date" martha even though he literally in text trying real hard to pull the wool in both ur qnd his own eyes is essentially him trying not to fuck himself.
donna is - in an almost wish-fufilled in what the dr missed from the master - considered an equal preestablished since season 3 guest appeared and fully in season 4. shes seen as a pea in the pod like the dr master rani and romana - keeping up with that specific lot of em without going thru the 'but im better than you' alien egoist rhetoric that the time lords fall to in times of upper handedness. she can manipulate she talk fast she tech-savvy yet people-grounded BUT she makes sure the respect isnt temporary and doesnt lord it over people because everyone is great and without that person, the whole system can fall apart.
because so far, it doesnt feel that way. like are yall not mad that tenth doctor gave rose up?
after seasons of build up and getting shot and everything? the funky alien eldritch being in a mask of an earth lookin boy that had a chance to man up and show feelings when the opportunity is very in your face given to him to do so in a space where he could do so and — he just gave her up? all that moping and whining and when given what he wanted, he just went: no. here. i need an equal and i have donna so im giving you what i TEN think you want as an equal in me and thats him. BUT NINEROSE ARE EQUALS SHE NEVER SAID SHE WANTED HIM HUMAN BUT RATHER HIMSELF AS HE IS.
its like fridging rose but worse. in s2-4 you made her in memory of someone else that ALWAYS treated her as an equal instead of actually continuing on with that with the next face. death wouldve been more forgiving and thats not a great thing to come to a conclusion to. The one that really treated you as both a love interest AND equal is dead, and now you're married to the discarded imitation of the one that only typecasted you as a love interest.
tentoo should be mad abt this too but this aint about him, this is about yall and the rose tyler connundrum.
i wouldve settled for her having the hand - settling for the hand if that hand turned into ninth doctor (like full on christopher eccleston doing donna impression everything) instead of what we got - which was dust. it made more sense that way. because then the dialogue narrative - the doctor's excuse - wouldve been more well recieved. Does it need saying would have more weight if Eccleston played a NineToo whispered i love you because you know it was well meant. Genuine. Its coming from someone that always treated you as an equal and also getting that i love you and not just - oh the human i love. i miss them not because i treated them on equal terms, its strictly because i only love them - no equality at all
like yeah chris wasnt going to return but hes a movie actor - hes used to green screen. he couldve sent a video message in a leather jacket and let it be done. like we couldve had nine saying i love you to rose on doomsday like do you get what im trying to say like. like tooth and claw if it was nine and rose both wouldve been like 'oh look at that a werewolf transformation!' And not what. we got. LIKE DO YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN
#tv: doctor who#c: rose tyler#c: ninth doctor#c: tenth doctor#{no because im tagging because i want genuine responses and not ANON HATE I WANT ACTUAL DEPH ANALYSIS}#{i dont think i have a tentoo tag. if i did i forgot}#{but i ship the dr with everybody including every TARDIS i see}#{but like i dont ship 10rose or 8rose. like those should be n' stay as platonic SO GLAD 8ROSE IS CANONICALLY PLATONIC thats drdonna LOVE IT}#{like 10martha is more appealing because that man flirted outwardly to her in front of a class and main hospital chief}#{meanwhile 10rose got deleted waste.of.time hand holding seasons 'we had to cut for time' professional sayin IT WAS A WASTE OF TIME}#{THEY CHOSE DUST INSTEAD OF THE FOOD NINE GAVE US FOR FREE WITH LATER 98% DISCOUNTS}#{so yeah but um yeah}#{but like yknow make a comprehensive argument: also goal here non poc ppl TRY NOT TO BE RACIST IN YOUR WORDS}#{i know how easily tempted you are as soon as you see martha and ten in the same sentence let alone the same post: check yo self}#{like 'oh rtd might bring to rose' he might kill her and its feeling and more like hes going to just to appease tories}#{because billie is VERY MUCH not a tory aka conservative so yeah do YOU see why i dont rose back but the moment}#{like he killed off 9 and that was probably due to him being antiroyalist so i IM RIGHTFULLY WORRIED FOR OUR GURL}#{IF she returns as rose tyler. if she returns as the interface THE MOMENT AS SHE IS WELLKNOWN FOR i wont have anythin to worry abt}#{as well as bts conditions but LIKE👀 the worry is there the worry is prevalent present and here}#{she need to come back with tentoo and mia in tow: linked arms handcuffed to each other SOMETHING THAT CALMS ME}#{i dunno who they'll cast for mia i dont care BUT MIA BETTER BE IN TOW WITH HER ON SCREEN IF IS MISS ROSE COME BACK}#{its to calm me.}
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purplerakath · 1 month
I've been working on my Sam joins Cobra Kai fic in the background this week, I'm making good progress. I plan to post the whole book 1 (season 1) fic when all chapters are done, rather than updating over a period of time. I might do it chapter by chapter as I edit (but I want to know how many chapters/where I'm going before I start posting).
Book 1 will go faster than Books 2 and 3 (Seasons 2 and 3 respectively) because of the knock on effect of canon changes (Book 1 ends differently from Season 1 of the series, which means Book 2 is wildly different from Season 2, and so on).
Still, I have a connundrum to solve, so I'll make it a poll here (feel free to comment thoughts as to what you want to see).
Book 1 is mostly a divide between Sam and her Dad over her choices, while Daniel isn't a villain in any way, he is the major antagonist. Sam is as much an asshole Cobra as any of the S1-S2 Cobras are. So for the ending/Book II.
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zwoelffarben · 2 years
Highlights from today's DnD session.
It got brought up this session because of new players are entering candlekeep that last session I submitted as my entrence fee to candlekeep a manuscript of My Immortal which in universe Duonee penn'd himself (no harry potter isn't canon: my immortal is an original work in this universe).
I've adopted the York-Jacob school of Orc-lore where you just... say inane shit and slow paint an incoherent picture of the culture you came from.
It's against Duonee's peoples' beliefs to wear helmets (might generalize to headwear of any variety).
It's customary when asking to purchase something to ask for, not the seller's finest wares but their third finest wares; "Angler, I've need of your third finest net."
Duonee is aware of the difference between WIS and INT and calls it "the Fruit Salad Connundrum." His people are aware of tomatos or a similar fruit.
Dounee comes from a culture that at least in part shepherds "tiny sheep, you know, the itty bitty ones." They use fishing nets as one of their means of wrangling the sheep.
Orcs have very good ears and noses. I've not likened them to dogs yet, but bet I'm gonna.
The Linda is a title given to whomever runs a place. Not the person in charge of making decisions, but the person who makes those decisions actually manifest. (He has decided that the reference librarian is candlekeeps The Linda).
I made a kungfu panda reference with, "stairs, my greatest enemy." When the DM said to be mindful of the second floor because the ceiling are quite low, while looking at me because I mentioned earlier that Duonee's kinda tall, I then immediatly riffed myself with, "ceilings my second greatest enemy."
I'm currently of my own free will rolling evens-odds each time I pass the second floor to determine if it I bonk my head..
He's also an abnormally big eater. The mess hall of candlekeep has charcuterie boards set up as a your self style buffet. Duonee heard free food, picked up a whole ass charcuterie board as a plate and filled it up futher with two bowl of soup. He went back for a second board.
Sleepy Leo, a student who was nodding off in repair workshop, was woken up by a wombo combo static zap from echo and Duonee sneaking up next to him and loudly strumming his lute (which he's steel plated so it can also function as a mace). Duonee has developed an immediate platonic crush on Leo.
Duonee's developing a catchphrase of, "ugh, civilians." We'll see if it sticks.
Overhearing a conversation about stealling a book, Duonee casts his net and captures one of the book theives which he then slings over his shoulder and carries down the stairs, presenting it to the reference desk librarian. When asked what the hell he's doing, he says simply, "Book Theif." This results in a back and forth where he insists on his version of events, despite the person in the net being an estemed professor of the keep.
The reference librarian calls in someone with authority to deal with this, who then reveals himself to be in cohoots with the person Duonee had netted. Combat ensues. At the end of combat he simply says, "book theives," presenting them to the reference librarian. The session then wrapped.
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fratboykate · 4 years
Have you ever pegged a man?
No. Sadly.
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sweetgoldensyrup · 2 years
oh ho ho ho, tis the autism me lads
can't do homework, but studies two years worth of lessons in two weeks? tick!
no, i cant move, i can HEAR. MY. BONES. GRIND. its *shudders*
no mum, but you said we're going out and i did tell you that i dont want to but i though we were going the entire day and we're supposed to go in twenty minutes and you cancelled??? i know i didn't want to go, but i will sulk anyways, call me in two hours when ive slept this bone deep ache off, okay?
literally wtf is hunger? how does one just know when to eat?What do you mean you don't psychoanalyse your belly gargles to see if the tummy worms need sustenance?
Bestfriend: *runs fingers through my hair Me who hasn't showered in a week and doesn't want them to get greasy fingers but it feels so good and i dont want it to stop: is this....A MORAL CONNUNDRUM??
Classmate: soo i thought of helping kids with special needs, for my college application. i don't know how i can keep my cool tho. its...pretty tough yeah? Me, quite ready to rip them a new aresehole: mmm hmm...
neither my mind nor my mouth has an off button and its driving me to the brink. The worst thing is, they're in a who-is-the-loudest competition, so, im sorry person-i-just-met, you will have to sit through this info dump
*either sleeps for 2 or 12 hours* there is no in-between, and you wake up tired either way
what's a past perfect tense?? idk idc, but here's a 150k fanfic i wrote last week. its not that good, but it has dialogue like "the stars would wither away and die before i stop loving you" so its kinda okay
I can time jump, no, no for reals, istg (*cough* dissociation *cough*)
Fanfic: features the cutest fluff Me: *AGGRESSIVE FLAPPING*
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magnetothehedgehog · 3 years
Dimension’s Ridge Announcement!
Hi everyone, With all the rise in Sonic media and the great releases coming up, such as The New sonic game in 2022,the sonic movie 2, sonic prime, and literally anything Idw has been releasing including their new side series “Imposter syndrome”, I am challenged to up my game and release information on my long running project in the works. Especially Since sonic prime and Idw is literally gonna blow out all the spoilers before I do if I don't start releasing stuff first. Since its been happening constantly, I gotta be a step ahead.
So, without further ado, I introduce you to the World of Dimension's Ridge.
Dimensions Ridge is My personal Alternate Universe that seeks to combine all aspects of sonic media. In fact, its super similar to the upcoming Sonic prime, archie and Idw Comics in this regard, with it possibly being a bit more ambitious, or at least equally as ambitious as Idw.
The Series will follow a number of favorite canon and non canon characters alike, but will also their universal counterparts and alternate universe selves.
The Main overarching plot line is that a Existence level Threat is putting everything in jepoardy. This Creature Known as an Existence Eater spreads its influence to a planet by releasing its minions into it, then after enough time, it comes to absorb the planet, thus erasing it from existence entirely, as if it had never been there in the first place. This has been happening for quite a while, until a few people caught onto it. They began leaving messages and warnings to others in a attempt to save them.
Being an existence level threat, this will take the combined effort of every Version of Sonic,Tails,Sally, Eggman and everyone else if they want anything to be left in the multi-verse. This Story is about how they all come together to do just that.
However that is the main plot. The story follows many minor or sub plotlines and stories that all connect and weave into this ultimate narrative. For Stories featuring Sonic and friends, Stories start off in the classic area and work their way into the modern area as the characters develop and mature, so we get to see and live their journey alongside them. For older characters and parents, I wanted them to have a  more staple involvement in the series, even if only at the beginning. Their Adventures as the World slowly slips into chaos can be read in War on Mobius.
While there are Prequels to the beginning of the story, such as the “Rift War.”, the main storylines that kicks off all the other starts is one of my current productions “War on Mobius.”This follows the economical and political collapse following the Recent End of The Rift War and begins the Egg Empire's rise to Power.I would like to mention that The Egg Empire Now consists of the collective versions of Eggman all working together as a family. Egg Fam for short. But we have Great additions such as boom eggman, Ova Eggman, Aosth Eggman, Satam Eggman, Russian Eggman,Eggette, and a few custom additions such as Omelette and Scramble.
Things That happen in War on Mobius will be seen effecting or influencing the states of things in my Classic Era Story “Classic adventures.” and others ones such as “The Freedom Fighters.”
Alongside canon appearances of less known or scrapped characters and designs, such as Tiara and Honey the Cat, Readers can expect appearances of my own characters, both as counterparts to main characters, and also as people who drive the story forward and show interesting and dynamic opinions of their changing world. A few Such ones would be “Tribal Ties” Focusing on the Tribes of Echidnas, Bayblonians and Pangolins Tribes, all of which play a part not only in Mobius history, but also will play a vital part in its future.
After Classic adventures, comes one of my long running claims to fame and a personal favorite of mine from my early script writing days. Zone Runners. This takes place after the Events of Classic adventures and as the world has been influenced by the political unrest in War on Mobius. It follows the Group of People on the East Side of the World as they try to fight back against the Egg Empire, Newly risen Oscillators Group, and The Very lack of Sonic and Freedom Fighter there. This series will also begin unraveling some of the mysteries behind the existence eater and the ultimate narrative. Originally this concept came from the Fleetway comics, and ever since I've been completely inspired to incorporate this into my own series. If anyone was ever on Sonic Amino, they might have seen me post things related to it back in the day.
I also wish to be a more character focused series as a whole, one who focuses on the people collectively as opposed to just Sonic himself. I want it to as if each character us actually a main character and can save the day, and that the day is only won because everyone has done their part, whether powerful or powerless.
To that End, I have many characters stories intertwine, or lead to one another. Some characters will have branching off stories, while others will be closely intertwined, and always interact with each other, regardless of who the story is currently focusing on.
A few I'd like to notable mention is, Shadow's Ark, Silvers Sanctuary, and Heir of Sol. Focusing on the characters Shadow, Silver, And Blaze Respectively.
While I have a lot of other Titles for the stories respectively, I'd just to touch on a few more before I close.
Worlds collide finally answers the question in sonic media about two planets and the dimensional connundrum of sonic rush and sonic 06. While also bringing together multiple characters who were on their own paths, for the collected purpose of setting up how everyone will be needed much later.
Dimension Forces is, a reimagined Version of Sonic Forces, including a whole new team of villains to take on the heroes from our prior stories. I call them: Forever Force. The Main Three Hitters Being the Villains Infinite, Eternity, And Enigma. In this Story we'll get to see Whispers team in action, and also get to see new stories involving Gadget and His Brother Widget, and a host of other rising heroes soldiers and returning cast members.
I also had this Idea that the wisps were able to use their abilities on their own, except in smaller weaker versions then when they had a mobians help.Thus you could call in drill air strikes and other things to help you in battle, and the flew alongside you rather than in containers. I had these idea way long ago, but what do you know Idw beat me to the punch again in rise of the wisps. However I would just like to say before they do it too, that I had the idea of the wisps combining their powers, as if anyone played Sonic simulator, you would know you can actually combine wisp powers. If its the same type, its twice as strong with a bonus effect. If its different, you can combine the strengths of two different powers. Think how eggman used cube with laser in the boss nega wisp armor.
Speaking of Sonic Simulator! Thats another Story I have plans for. Following alongside the events of Sonic colors, Sonic simulator follows the group of hedgehogs abducted from Mobius and sent to eggman's interstellar amusement park as part of an organic experiment to take out sonic. Suggested by The Leader of the Oscillators, These hedgehogs will now have to work together to prove their worth to Eggman and as worthy adversaries of Sonic! But what of their past memories? What will happen if they remember? And if they do, can they escape? Find out! Also its follow up story leads to sonic lost world.
I'd also like to talk about the Idw Verse Mini series I have been working on! Getting Art from the Talented CatRage and getting to voice my Ideas to My Friends as well as My sister, I present my own Miniseries! Mimic's misadventures!
This story takes place between  the events of Idw's Bad guys, and follows mimic's operations and struggles as he tries to complete his missions, and deal with people of similar caliber to himself. Will this mercenary manipulate his way easily out of another situation? Or has the Octopus finally met the one group who will send him back to the ocean? Find out!
Currently, this miniseries has 5 canon issues and one undecided.
1.Ghost Of The North.
2.Into the Spiders Nest
3.Hunt is on
4.Jaws of a Predator
5.Belly of the Beast
undecided: 6.Seaside Escapade.
Currently I am writing the script for Part 1 of Ghost of the North and hope to finish up the Audio drama reading for it soon.
So this is all the stuff I've had in production for the past few years! Along with my co writer Pinky heart.
Please, Please! Reblog or retweet this. It would mean the world to me. Also please! Ask as many questions as you'd like. I'll answer as many as I can, and would love to hear everyone's thoughts and opinions, as well as questions and inquires involving the series.
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See, I was told if a character reminds a lot of people of their abusers, like Edward Cullen, then you should listen and think about what the narrative is saying. Look at most villain discourse and it's usually about white men like Loki or Kylo. And if a big trait of theirs is "manipulation", a word already with connotations of "abuser"? Then of course people will learn to see their abusers in them.
(I can't really tell if this ask is connected to the second one, but I think they aren't, so I'm going to just respond seperately, okay? Feel free to clarify yourself if needed.)
Alright, so.
There are actually quite a few characters who remind me of my abusers or remind me of specific experiences of abuse.
it's also always really notable to me that people pull out the "Edward Cullen/Kylo Ren/Loki /but that one shitty white dude!'" card every time this subject comes up, as if the people criticizing this shit aren't speaking in a much wider scope about characters who are female, POC, and/or LGBT, disabled, etc., as if the people who are fans of these kinds of characters aren't themselves often marginalized members of the community. Like, these popular white dudes (and their fans) are absolutely not the ones who get thrown under the bus the hardest, but people always seem to prop them up as a wholesale justification for this nonsense, always seem to sprinkle their names into conversations about totally different characters...and honestly? It's starting to really reek of bullshit to me. The more people pull that the more it feels like they are literally just utilizing them as convenient strawmen; a last resort/to save face/to claim a "not like other girls" badge.
Not that I think you intended any of this anon, I think you're talking about this because it's what you've absorbed from being aroun it, and you wanted to speak about that, so I get it. I don't blame you specifically for this problem.
(Also, Loki is now confirmed to be non-binary, he's not only ever male. He's a member of the LGBT community. But I digress... )
All that said I have a more important perspective to offer. Here's a connundrum for you:
Since my life and my trauma was directly impacted by being related to a terrifying violent serial criminal, how am I supposed to feel about the Hannibal fandom?
Should I be angry at them? Should I hate Hannibal/SOTL?
Should I assume that the Hannibal fandom condones the violence that occured in my family's life?
Have they personally transgressed against me in some way for enjoying and shipping Hannibal Lecter?
Do I now have the ultimate right to condemn and shame them?
The answer, anon, is no to all of the above.
Now, personally, I think Hannibal is a fun character, and he doesn't actually remind me of the monster in my life. They are very different individuals, one is very real and one is highly stylized fiction that resembles no real person that I can think of. But if I DID see a resemblance, I would have every right to that experience of the character. I would have every right to talk about it in my space.
But setting that aside, by the logic of the "rules" tumblr gave you above, my experience should definately count right? Somebody who is impacted by the most extreme form of violent criminal should count in the "who gets to dictate what this piece of fiction means" narrative, right?
The thing is, my experience of certain characters has NOTHING to do with other people's experience of a character. I absolutely have no right to demand anything of anybody, especially not to dictate to them what the right way to think and feel about art is.
My experience may be valuable, my voice may be valuable. I may have things to say that will feel relevant and compelling to others when I interperet a piece of fiction. But that is a vastly different thing than what tumblr/twitter means when they bring this up. Tumblr/twitter wants you to believe that there is a heirarchy on the truth when it comes to critical analysis, and that the most reactionary and bad-faith opinions deserve the loudest platform, and the most cowed obedience from others.
I fundamentally disagree.
Fictional characters, like Loki for example, can contain multitudes. Loki reminds me of my own experiences of abuse as the victim and not the abuser. That serial criminal I spoke about was my father. Loki's trauma stemming from the experience of having a "monster" as a father, of internalizing that horror? Of not being able to connect with his new emotionally abusive father, and the rest of his family? That was the first time I'd ever really seen something that fit my experience in that way.
But for someone else, Loki is going to remind them of their abuser. He's going to remind them of a toxic manipulator in their life.
And honestly, BOTH experiences are valid. BOTH experiences deserve a voice. But NEITHER of them wins anyone the right to be an domineering, controlling asshole to other people about it. NEITHER have the right to hurt and shame other people over it.
Art is fucking subjective, and it's time kids on social media actually fully absorbed that concept and what it means. It's time that they put down the ideological rhetoric for a while and just allowed themselves and other people to be fucking human.
If somebody who's literally related to a monster on par with someone like Hannibal can tell you that (the general you, not you specifically anon), then maybe it's time to re-evaluate your priorities, and time to assess just how beholden you feel to the emotionally toxic demands of strangers online.
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danteinthedevildom · 3 years
Ngl I’ve been thinkin over the brother’s fears stuff from the most recent (?) lessons (bc I’m a dirty cheat and saw spoilers so ofc I went and looked up as much shit as I could) and like,
Ok shovin thots under the cut bc it got long oop. Also bc spoilers but y’know.
1 - Lucifer thinkin the “light” (which is ofc God lbr) was his fear despite not fearin it at all is p. weird. Like there was no hesitation, no fear. He just looked at it and went “ew it’s you never thot I’d see you again” and killed it. So clearly that’s NOT his actual fear. Def. Simeon’s I think, like he says a lil later.
So either Lucifer knew it was Simeon’s and “claimed” it to save Simeon’s feelins or smthn or he legit figured it was his fear bc the only thing he could think to be scared of is the guy who threw him out. 
Which like. Is such a fuckin non-answer re: his actual fear (tho he did say once goin back to the Celestial Realm was his “greatest fear” or smthn so maybe that’s still true so they didn’t figure that bringin it up again’d be that fun), but is interestin bc it says a lot abt how he sees God. 
Like. He got beat and kicked out and had his sister (almost) killed, but he’s still got 0 goddamn fear of his dad. Literal creator of everything God with a capital G don’t scare him. I figure bc he already did the worst thing he could’a done, and he survived that, so what else’s there to fear?
Tho it bein Simeon’s fear is... hm. Def. makes it sound like Simeon’s fearin seein God again. Either bc that’s just smthn any angel’d fear - maybe they only see God one-on-one if they’ve done smthn wrong so that’d be like seein your headteacher pop up outta nowhere, knowin he only comes outta the teacher’s room when you done fucked up - or bc he’s hidin smthn that makes seein God a really Bad Thing. Guilt or worries over some kinda sin? 
I mean duh. He’s in love with MC. That ain’t a hidden thing anymore. He’s kissed MC plenty times and I think even said the L-word once or twice. That’s def. grounds to get murderised (as we know, RIP Lilith). 
Also hella interestin in a metaphorical sense tho. Like, God’s a light. Simeon’s scared of somethin comin to light. Da-dum-tss, but what a hella cool way of showin that it’s a (technical) secret that’s got him all wound up.
2 - Mammon and Levi both fearin demon-form Lucifer is... understandable, but also kinda sad. Like, legit sad, not “wow ur so sad lol”. 
Levi’s way of sayin it makes sense tho. Lucifer only goes full demon form when he’s hella pissed, or outta control. He’s so damn powerful he don’t need to go into that form often, bc he can handle p. much anythin without it - plus he’s just got a p. good control on himself, so no accidental demon-form slips.
Unless ofc he’s so fuckin angry that it just leaps out. We’ve seen it. He gets murderous, and boom - form’s out. Or, situation’s so damn dire it’s got him on edge, and boom - form’s out. Him bein in demon form’s never good.
But him bein in demon form and after them is even worse.
Makes me wonder tho. If it’d just been angry Lucifer, why’d Levi specify it as his demon form’s anger? He gets angry at them hella often, and Mams esp. is strung up p. much daily, so clearly they’re not scared of him bein angry at them. 
It’s him bein angry at them while enraged. So either they’ve both pissed him off before bad enough that he’s gone full demon form, and whatever happened then was so fuckin terrifyin they’ve never recovered from it, 
Or they know that demon form Lucifer is scary shit, and even tho he’s not gone for them like that before, it’s smthn they’re terrified of in principle. Like, you’ve seen your dad mad on the phone before, and he’s never yelled at you like that, but you know he’s capable of it and that’s terrifyin as shit bc what if you do smthn that pisses him off enough to yell at you like that?
A lil part of me leans towards the latter bc tho they were scared it wasn’t smthn Levi said as tho it’d happened. More like smthn he’s hypothetically scared of. Plus idk what times Lucifer’d be so pissed he goes full rage at them? His demon form’s only really come out when the family’s in danger. Even shit like Lotan bein summoned don’t usually end in a demon form Lucifer (I’m p. sure anyway).
3 - Ok so like who was surprised by this. Asmo’s beauty is p. integral to who he is. He’s nothin if he’s not beautiful, and that’s what I think scares him. Not the bein ugly, but that bein ugly means he’s not Asmo.
Means he can’t get the attention he needs, can’t be loved by ppl, won’t get all the adoration and affection - he won’t be popular. And Asmo hella needs to be reassured that he’s pretty and loved. It’s who he is and what his identity is based on. 
Plus we’ve seen I’m p. sure a couple scenes where he’s been a lil worried/nervous abt if MC likes him for him. Beyond the beauty. He legit don’t think there’s anythin worth lovin if he’s not pretty, so ofc him bein ugly’s gonna be his biggest fear. Bc who’s gonna love him then. 
4 - Also smthn no-one’s gonna be surprised by. It’s his whole sense of identity. That’s not gonna go away for him overnight, y’know? The fact that it was angel Lucifer, tho - not just, like, normal Lucifer - was a p. cool touch.
That’s his roots. Not Lucifer the demon - Lucifer the angel. That’s what he’s based on. Smthn he never was but was always part of. 
He’s legit just the Lil Hal-Dirk connundrum which jfc that’s showin my fandoms huh. Is smthn that comes from smthn else its own unique person, or is it just a copy that’s always gonna get drawn back to what it was? How can it be original when everythin it is came from smthn else? 
That’s a hell of an identity crisis. Even bein Wrath and bein p. physically different and even likin different shit’s not enough to stop that feelin of ig imposter syndrome? Or of just bein a fragment of smthn else. Esp. when you know everyone else’s their own damn being. No one can understand where he’s comin from bc his “birth” was totally unique. He’s not just, like, Lucifer’s son or whatever - he’s legit a part of Lucifer’s emotions that just got plopped out one day. 
(Except ofc he’s not bc Lucifer knew he was different and felt him like a different presence for a while before the Fall but Satan’s got his memories and that’s kinda like bein someone anyway, ain’t it?)
So yeah, not surprisin, but also? I rlly hope he gets confident in who he is one day. Legit the idea that he’s still sittin there goin “who am I?” just hurts. 
5 - This bitch got trauma. Lbr it was either gonna be Belphie or it was gonna be Lilith and we all knew that was comin. Beel’s still not over the death of Lilith and his “role” in it (bc survivor’s guilt is a bitch and he’s still thinkin “not being able to save two ppl in two different places at the same time” is a sin), so losin anyone else is gonna hurt him.
But bein the reason he lost them? Oh that’s gonna hurt him even more. Esp. with the blame he’s still puttin on himself. It’s one thing to be like the passive cause that someone died but bein the active cause? Even by accident? Poor Beel. 
I don’t think anythin could’a been worse for him. That ain’t just a fear, that’s outright smthn he’s still strugglin with PTSD over. Like hell no shit he almost/did break down over it, that’s just shovin a trigger right in his face. 
6 - Bein alone, bein abandoned, not bein able to find anyone in pure darkness. That’s... damn. Either that’s lingerin trauma from bein locked up in the attic, knowin that no one was gonna find him or could hear him (which, fuck, how much did he try’n call for his brothers to come get him only to realise no one was gonna come?), or smthn set up that fear before the attic and the attic just made it hells of worse.
Like that wasn’t just “bein in a room apart from ppl”, it was outright “not knowin where anyone is, or seein/hearin/feelin them”. Total sensory deprivation. 
Oh. His worst fear’s not feelin anythin. That’s. Y’all. 
Idk how to end this now I’m just big hurty thinkin abt the last two jfc. No wonder Belphie’s always wantin to be asleep next to smthn. “He sleeps better with someone there” no sir you just hella fear sleepin bc your sin’s legit exactly what you’re terrified of and havin smthn there’s the best way to fix it. 
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
Hey. So, I have no one to say this, so I will just vent in here.
For some context: I have strict parents. Like, REALLY strict. Also, they are the kind of parents that think: I'm the parent, I can yell at you, you know nothing about stress or working, you should be grateful (they remind me that quite often), my beliefs are the correct ones, etc (you get the point)
So, here is the issue: My sister went to a party yesterday when she got out of work (She does that sometimes) and messaged at like 10 p.m saying her friends were planing to go to [x] beach and told me she wanted to go, I told her she couldn’t convince our parents with effort, but she said she was planing on going without asking for permition, but knew they were going to be mad and could kicked her out of the house, and that if that happened, she wouldnt see me in a long time and she didn't want that, but she also really wanted to go. I told her like: I dont think they will kick you out, but they will be hella mad.
In a nutshell, she told me she would see and keep me posted. Well, at 1 a.m my father yelled to my mom:Your daughter is going to [x] beach! and thats where the drama started. (we are two states away from that beach) There was telling, messages, crying, etc.
At night my mother came to me asking me what I thought, but here is the thing. I can have an opinion as long as that opinion is the same as them, if its not, I end up scolded.
Another thing: I undestand my parents worry and their anger, but at the same time i undestand my sister. I undestand both and that sucks. It sucks that can empathize with both and that I'm in the middle of the fight.
My sister has keep me posted like: I'm already here, I'm with [x] person, I'm doing this, what are you doing? Etc
My mother, uncle, cousin and sister had all asked me how I feel and I just dont want to answer: I dont know what I feel, I dont know what to think, and at the same time i do.
I feel that my sister didnt consider the consequences of her actions towards my parents and they dont consider that she, at the end of the day, needs freedom cause she has spent lots of time denying it. They have asked me if I'm angry at her and I'm not. I'm not cause i undestand her and I love her.
They dont undestand how much I love my sister and how much she has helped me. She has helped me accept my sexuallity, helped me at school, helped me hiding many things I did, etc. They dont undestand that
But I know my sister. I'm not blind. She is sometimes stupid, she is reckless, she is rude sometimes, and she is not empathic towards my parents.
And I can see my parents point. They are parents. They get worried, they feel betrayed, they dont have her anymore, and their conection is breaking, yesterday was just the day things exploded, but they have been in bad terms for a long time.
I'm in the middle of it. My parents dont undestand how much it affects me, my sister just apologised for getting me into this. I just cant with this and I have no one to vent. I also dont want to be the reason my sister stay somewhere she doesnt like anymore
I dont want to be "On one side" but my parents pressure me into it, and by denying myself it would basically mean turning my back for them
My mother told me yesterday: You are the only reason I'm still here, the only reason I keep doing this. No offence, but that is hell of a presure to put on me. Everytime she says that I just remember a quote from Aristotles and Dante: "Don't say that mom. I'm going to let you down one day"
I will let them down. I know. Wheather it would be my sexuallity, my plans, my future, etc. I know I will, cause I'm not going to let my life be decided by them, and for them that is being ungrateful
I see the pain in my parents, the pain in my sister. I hate that the people I love the most in the world don't love each other. Not anymore. This may seem exagerating, but both sides told me the same.
I'm in the middle of this. I hate it. I love them both. And I cant do anything for them. I can only watch.
SORRY, I didnt planed this to be long. I just wanted someone to know :)
Thanks 💙
Hello, my love.
Thank you for telling me. Now someone knows. Someone heard you. I hope it made things slightly less heavier.
I know you just wanted to talk and let it out. So, I am going to tell you what to do. I only hope that you find your way out of this connundrum. It can be terribly stressful to be stuck between your parents and siblings. You can feel so helpless and useless when you are just the spectator of all that is going down. It can do horrible things for your anxiety.
I would suggest that you do talk to your sister when you can and establish some boundaries. It always, always helps to establish boundaries - especially with people who are close to us. I can see how much you love her and feel grateful for her support, but doesn't mean you are not allowed to have limitations for your love and support.
Having boundaries and respecting your space and mental health does not mean you don't love someone unconditionally.
So, talk to your sister about her actions implicate you and how it is difficult for you to deal with the consequences. I'm sure if the two of you talk, you can find a way to exercise your freedom without causing harm to one and another.
Sending you all my love and then some more 💙
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rwbyvein · 3 years
Firen Lhain: Chapter 706: The Great Beasts:  Part III/III
The eight sat in the back of the bullhead as they flew back to the tower. "Alright," Jaune said, "Before anyone asks, I think we're all going to want to shower when we get home. What time is it?" he asked.
"Just after 16 hundred!" Taj shouted from the front.
"Then let's say," Jaune continued, "we'll meet at 18 hundred to talk about it over dinner."
"That's a LOOOONG shower." Nora stated.
"Nora." Ren admonished.
"Hm?" she asked.
"They might be otherwise occupied during that time."
"Meaning?" Nora asked, until it occured to her, "OH!" She then let out a nervous laugh.
Jaune then looked between his wives, "In the interest of fairness, I won't talk about it until then."
"What are we going to do in the meantime?" Ruby asked.
"'Shower'" Nora said with airquotes.
"Am I missing something?" Ruby asked, and Yang pulled her in for a hug.
"You'll see, sis." Yang whispered.
* * *
Jaune walked in the office to put the paper down and then walked back out. "I can trust everyone to not go in there?"
"Even Weiss?" Ruby asked.
"If she wants to get spanked." Jaune replied.
"A connundrum." Weiss said contemplatively.
"Uh-huh?" Yang asked, pulling off her top, "Enough of this." She then reached behind her back to undo her bra. She did it so vigourously that her breasts bounced around delectably as she pulled them off. "I can't be the only one looking forward do this after a day in the woods."
"Looking forward to what?" Ruby asked.
Yang then slipped off her short skirt before hooking her fingers into the panties, "Maybe we can make the tower shake again."
"No." Jaune said. "I'm a little tired, so we'll have to make this quick."
"An hour and half is quick?" Blake asked.
"For us, it seems." Weiss replied as she slipped out of her dress.
* * *
Jaune slowly hobbled down the stairs, RWBY moving passed him. They were all moving at a relaxed pace, but Jaune was just moving so much slower.
* * *
Everyone stood around the large table, now with centrepieces. They made it more lovely, but also harder to actually see people on the other side.
"LEADER!" Nora shouted as Jaune walked up to the table, and he had to look beside the centrepiece to see her, giving her a weak smile.
"So," Yang asked, "what the hell happened?!"
"I am curious." Weiss said, and Blake gave her a curious look, "Extremely curious."
"What was that?!" Ruby asked.
Jaune raised his hand, causing everyone to quiet up. He breathed in deeply, and it gave him enough energy to stand up properly. "So, the Black Hart is the King of the Woods, and I'm apparently an Earl."
"Why did you ask to be an Earl?" Blake asked with non-judgemental curiosity.
"That," Jaune voiced, "was actually Ren's idea."
"Way to go, Renny." Nora said as she loudly slapped him on the back.
"Okay?.." Yang asked him.
"He was asking for a number of specific allowances." Ren simply stated, "I turned it into a more general grant. I also felt that if we were the stewards of the Woods, then he would be more willing to accept our pressence."
"Okay?" Ruby whined, "but, i mean?.."
"The Black Hart was created by the Brother of Light." Jaune simply stated.
"I'm curious?," Weiss asked, "why no one has encountered him before?"
"It's kind of simple." Jaune stated.
"Kind of?" Weiss asked.
"He doesn't know what we are." Jaune voiced.
"He described us as between Humans and beasts." Ren added.
"He expels Humans from the woods." Jaune stated.
"But?," Nora asked, "the castle?"
"Someone had to come here?" Yang asked.
"They always had trouble." Blake stated, "I wasn't sure what to make about it. A black beast causing problems. I assumed it was a Grimm."
"But?," Yang asked, "I mean, before it was a castle, it was used for cows, wasn't it?"
"When they had sheep," Blake stated, "they were never attacked in the woods. But, they were harried into leaving. The Humans always came and went with the animals, as a form of protection."
"But, it was used, right?" Ruby asked.
"On and off." Blake stated. "They moved in an out a number of times. In the end, the isolation was too much for them, and just gave up."
"So?," Ruby asked, "they WEREN'T living here?"
"By the time of the Great War, the castle was abandoned." Weiss replied, and Blake nodded. Blake then looked at Jaune.
"Now, the big question, is what did you get out of him?"
"Freedom of the woods," Jaune stated, "the right to hunt and forage. The right to sustainable forestry."
"And?," Weiss asked, "the first thing you did when you saw a great black beast was to ask for the right to... forage?.."
"He?," Jaune asked, "talked to us."
"That's it?" Weiss asked, "He talked to us?"
"He didn't have a Grimm mask." Jaune said, "As I said, hang back until we find out what it can do."
"What the fuck was that?" Yang asked.
"hm?" Jaune asked.
"You?," Weiss intejected, "equated feeling out an opponent's modus operandi with... talking to someone who looked like a Grimm?"
"He didn't have the mask," Jaune said, "skull?, whatever."
"And so?," Weiss asked, and momentarily paused to collect her thoughts, "your first insticts were to talk to the mayhap-a-Grimm?"
"What if it attacked?" Yang asked.
"I'm quite durable." Jaune stated.
"That's your answer?" Yang asked.
"He knew where we were." Jaune stated. "If I didn't come forward, there's a good chance he would have attacked us."
"So?," Yang asked, "he would have attacked us anyways?"
"Why did it have to be you?" Ruby asked.
"Because?," Jaune asked, "I wear armour? I have a shield? My primary fighting style is extremely close range? The rest of you are good at swooping in at the last moment and saving me?"
"He makes," Blake said, "several, good points."
"Unfortunately," Weiss stated, "he does."
"It doesn't mean I have to like it." Yang stated.
"No," Weiss fretted, "it does not."
"So?," Ruby asked, "Jaune did something crazy, and it worked out? I do that all the time."
"And it never ceases to surprise," Weiss stated, "and unnerve."
"My point is we should be happy." Ruby emphatically stated, "Jaune did something amazing."
"At that," Weiss voiced, "there is no doubt."
"Not that any of us doubted he would." Aurora stated. "Now that the big reveal is out of the way, I have prepared a meal for our hungry Huntsmen and Huntresses."
"And me?" Taj asked.
"But of course." Aurora stated.
"What about you?" Nora asked, and Aurora smiled brightly in reply. "Once I'm sure the rest of you are satisfied."
"We kind of already took care of that." Yang stated.
"We sapped what little energy he had left." Weiss quipped, and Yang just eyed her.
"Was that?.." Yang asked her.
"Perhaps?" Weiss said with a grin.
"The question?," Blake asked, "is what we do with it?"
"Jaune's spunk?" Yang asked, causing Weiss to cough.
"Perhaps a little too rich for her blood." Aurora interjected.
"It is blue." Blake stated, and Weiss started flushing light blue.
"Well," Ruby added, "the obvious answer is show Ironwood."
"That's obvious?," Weiss asked her, "is it?"
"No, I like it." Yang stated.
"And the sisters agree." Blake stated, "Either the world is going to come to an end, or they are right."
"Damn straight." Yang said, "I mean, uh?, darn."
"What was that?" Weiss asked, and Yang looked about nervously, before looking her back in her eyes.
"It's just, now that I'm certified as a adult," Yang added, "I figured I would start acting like it."
"Like what we did in the bathroom!" Ruby exclaimed.
"Well, no." Yang said, "Okay, I mean, well, yeah, obviously, and I don't intend to stop, but I mean, like, not swearing, and not being such a hothead and whatnot."
"Being a hothead is one of the most amazing things about you." Jaune said to her, causing Blake to eagerly nod.
"You can count on us to cool you off." Blake said to her.
"We so pledge." Weiss added.
"Really?," Yang asked, "I mean, I'm always getting us in trouble."
"Not as much as Ruby or Nora." Blake stated.
"You know it!" Nora shouted, and Ruby looked about nervously.
"Just count on us," Weiss warmly said to her, "to be there for you."
* * *
Note: It always bothered me about how they talked about the gods creating before Humans and Grimm, but this never gets brought up in the story.
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kaelinaloveslomaris · 4 years
for the fanfic ask game: 9, 13, 27, 30 :D
9. What are your favorite fanfics?
Gosh there’s so many. I also have so many fic rec lists up here, so I’d recommend scrolling through my “fic rec” tag because I can’t list all of them, so here’s five.
First shout always goes to Where Our Intrepid Hero Doesn’t Get Away by @littlesparklight . This is the fic that got me started writing my own.
The Love Thy Enemy series by @threadsketchier
Violence in the Library by @radioactivepeasant
Family Finds A Way by @heartsofstars
Likability Connundrum series by @mokulule
13. What is your planning process?
It varies greatly from fic to fic. For Allegiance, I have a spreadsheet with major plot points sorted on it, following a plot graph with inciting incident, rising action, etc. For one shots, I kinda just... write and see where the characters take me.
27. Do you take requests?
I have in the past, but I’m not currently. My ability to write is a little scattered right now, so I don’t want a bunch of requests sitting there that I end up not being able to fill. And also my writing muse right now is entirely for FFXV.
30. What writing software do you use?
Mostly Google Docs. I used to write on Microsoft Word, but considering I do more writing on my phone or my iPad lately, it was getting inconvenient to not be able to access the same document on more than one device, so I switched.
Send me a number!
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