#acts very similar ones just much less medicated
yoonyia · 5 months
I need to draw Lau and lutangalo sitting on the floor peeling oranges and just roasting eachother, first being passive aggressive then it evolving into a screamfest
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kupidachillea · 5 months
What Yandere I think Ancient Greek mythology boys would be.
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TW⚠️ General Yandere behaviour, biting, manipulative behaviour, clingy behaviour…mentions of self harm (not reader). Read at your own risk⚠️
🏺- I feel like if Achilles was a yandere he’d be more akin to the typical yandere. Jealous, possessive…almost like a land mine
🏺- He’s protective of you and wants your attention…only your attention. I think that speaks for itself about how this relationship would go.
🏺- He’s not overly touchy, but in public.,he has this weird thing about ‘laying claim’ to what’s his and making everyone know it..even if it embarrasses you…he’ll caress you thigh openly in public among other…things… he also tends to squeeze you into his chest and he has a thing for biting- and boy does it hurt..if you don’t stop him at times..you’ll be bleeding by the end of it
🏺- If you’re at home- he wants you in his arms. You’re sitting on the sofa? He’ll put you in his lap. You’re lying in bed? He’ll jump on top of you. And he’s heavy- so good luck getting him off of you.
🏺- despite his concerning behaviour..he truly does care about you..in his mind..you’re the only one that matters. He wants you to be with him for as long as possible..and don’t even think about trying to break up with him..he’ll find you.
🌿- Patroclus would be one of those yanderes that aren’t openly a yandere..he’s more docile and less explosive. Though- he still has those red flags.
🌿- He’s a manipulator. Especially if you’re a sensitive and emotional individual- he’ll exploit that. Gaslighting you at times and telling you “I know what’s best for you, darling”. Yeah..not really the best part of this relationship.
🌿- He’s more touchy than Achilles. He loves to have his face nuzzled into your neck whenever he can..breathing in your scent as he holds you in his arms. Letting out a content sigh as he kisses your lips tenderly..but don’t let that tenderness fool you..he’s still got a few screws loose.
🌿- He’s the type of yandere to act calm whenever someone is trying to hit on you in public..usually it’s when you’re not around is when he finds that person and either beats them half to death or worse..he use to be a medic and warrior..he knows more than one way to put people through pain. Though It’d have to be very bad for him to immediately clock to that mode.
🌿- He knows you’ll never leave him..how pathetic of you to try.,you keep running back to his arms anyway even if you do. He’ll break you as many times as he needs to have you in his arms..he’s patient.. and once you do come back..either in tears for just looking like a sad puppy..he’ll pamper you and stroke your hair as he kisses you lips and whispers how much he loves you.
🛡️- This is a bit tricky..He’s like…an enthusiastic yandere..that’s how I describe it. He has limits on how far he’ll go..but that doesn’t mean he won’t do certain things.
🛡️- He’s not explosive like Achilles and he’s not a big manipulator like Patroclus. He’s a bit chill. He’s the one that is similar to being docile but at the same time his yandere tendencies will seep out.
🛡️- He actually warns you what will happen if you do A, B, and C. Because he doesn’t want to hurt you in any way..he just wants to have a loving relationship with you without any casualties. Occasionally he’ll get mad..but he’ll never take it out on you..never. Though..a few chains here and there can’t hurt..right?
🛡️- He loves to be with you..he’ll check on you at work.. on the street at home..any time really. He’s just trying to look out for you and makes his hit list anyway
🛡️- So far you’ve never had a problem with him..he’s not very overbearing..he’s smart in how he does things..you’ll never know what he does when you’re asleep..you’ve never considered leaving him..and he’d like to keep it that way..he wants to shower you with words of praise and devotion,
🎼- Orpheus is what I’d call a clingy yandere. When he first met you..it took him awhile to fall for you but when he did and you both got together it was a done deal for him.
🎼- He’s so clingy..he doesn’t like to be anywhere without some physical touch involved. After losing his first love- he won’t lose you. He’ll never lose you..he’ll make sure of it.
🎼- He peppers your face with kisses in public that it makes even married couples jealous..dear lord. His words are sweet and filled with honey.
🎼- Sometimes he wishes he had the power to hypnotise you with his voice..so he could make sure that you’d stay with him forever..but I guess locking you inside will have to do..trapping you under his body as he cuddles you will have to be enough.. chaining you to the bed as you both sleep together is what he has to settle for…such effort.
🎼- Once when you tried to leave him, he literally got down on his knees and begged you to the point of tears to not leave him..he said how he couldn’t live without out you and how he’ll harm himself if you do leave him…you fell for his trap and stayed with him..having pity on this poor man. Perfect..he likes it when you break and ignore your better judgement for him.
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10thmusemoon · 15 days
saw your omega yqy post and i must know, if yqy and sj had another baby after shen yuan (after they officially get together and openly COMMUNICATE about their feelings) how would that go? how would sj feel about it knowing that yqy loves him? how would yqy feel knowing (or at least suspecting) that sj is actually looking forward to their second child?
CW: omegaverse, jiuqi, 97
Despite a breeding kink definitely being present I don’t think SJ would want another kid! But that’s not how omegaverse goes so of course there would be another!
There was so much trepidation with the first child, so naturally he’s anxious at the beginning. Jealousy and hunger are such an integral part of who Shen Jiu that he is that he puts himself in a box of how he should feel, how he expects himself to act like he did the first time around. It was such a resentful and miserable time for him that he’s not looking forward to it at all.
SJ is so used to planning for the worst that the good always blindsides him.
A stable relationship means that this time around he doesn’t have to restrain himself at all. SJ can scent yqy as he wishes and bury his face in the sect leader’s neck for hours, getting drunk off the smell of a happy pregnant omega knowing “I did this, qi-ge is this happy because of Me.”
He can enjoy the changes this causes in yqy this time around instead of thinking it’s a parasite changing him into something unfamiliar.
There was a very real fear in yqy that SJ wouldn’t want anything to do with them after Shen yuan was born that just isn’t an issue this time around. Yqy would have been overly independent the first time around, partly because of not wanting to bother SJ but mostly because that’s who he is. When he tries to pull the same shit this time around SJ gets to gleefully bully yqy into resting and being spoiled. For once yqy can’t ignore him to stay up and finish more paperwork because SJ will immediately weaponize the baby’s health against him.
(SJ becomes a menace on Qian Cao peak and MQF morns the time when he knew less about his shixiongs sex life and they used to avoid medical care)
The pregnancy sex is filthy, but more body worship than degradation happening for once. (We’re not talking about the lactation kink but it’s real.) SJ looks at YQY flushed and full, pressed against a nest of the softest most expensive materials available and thinks, “I won. This is mine, mine, mine.”
Pride and smug satisfaction define the second pregnancy.
This is the life Shen Jiu was owed, all the years of hell were for this. Everyone that ever looked down on him was wrong, they would all eventually die with their aspirations on their tongues while Shen Jiu lives as a powerful immortal with a spoiled Qi-ge on his arms.
(The barefoot and pregnant omega fantasy is strong this time around and if only yqy could just stop giving a shit about the sect for two seconds to make it a reality!!)
YQY is over the moon with all this, similar to Shen Jiu there’s less restraint going on and he allows himself the full range of emotions. On more than one occasion he finds himself tearing up with a silent joy that sends SJ into panicked spirals that typically end with a flustered “we could have had this earlier if you weren’t an idiot about things!!”
Not only that but also with jealousy, he isn’t just a thing that belongs to SJ (though he is!) this time around but also someone that has just as much a claim to his beautiful husband. There is a certain smugness to his status a a powerful pregnant omega with an ethereal husband when they have meetings with outsiders. Also he fully milks (lol) his rights as an omega to have his alpha come everywhere (lol x2) with him “for his safety.”
(If YQY wasn’t the sect leader they surely would have been thrown out for public indecency.)
If with Shen Yuan SJ had been a reluctant father with his first pet, then with baby 2 he is suddenly the obnoxious show dog owner that thinks he’s better than you.
The difference is that Shen Yuan was Qi-ge’s baby, and the goodness of him was because of that association, it was the saving grace from the poison he would inherit from SJ.
Baby two is his, they’re all his, because it’s what Shen Jiu deserves. They are his victory and his pride and he radiates condescension for his superior family that he built.
(YQY is so into this baby 3 might be a given)
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syunkissisfaking · 2 months
This person is faking D.I.D, and more. and its time we actually talk about it. ( As someone with DIAGNOSED D.I.D. )
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CW ; faking disorders, lying, swearing, antiship debates, harassment, mentions of serial killers (as example), mentions of abuse and trauma (unspecified),
DISCLAIMER ; I am aware this will cause a lot of attention if seen by a lot of people in the D.I.D community. a lot of fakers tend to have similar "aspects" to syunkiss, so I expect hate. as well as a lot of syunkiss fans who will run to their defence (for some reason) this is to spread awareness. This entire post is based on SCIENTIFIC FACTS and my OWN EVIDENCE. i am medically diagnosed and have been for 7 years now.
OTHER BLOGS OF NOTE ; @/idonoiyo @/duckduckgoose-exe @/rab1darachn1d (also faking)
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syunkiss is a popular blog, being seen in many areas of the bungou stray dogs fandom. and for some reason, barely anybody seems to actually acknowledge the fact they've been faking D.I.D, or OSDD. whatever they "claim" to have. this is proof of them and their lies.
i don't know how this hasn't been brought up before. it is so obvious that they are faking it and yet everybody seems to nod and agree. the same goes for their circle of friends, by seeing how they have acted for a while. they would be faking too.
I am speaking as an actual system. I have a right to speak about this subject. it is bad for our community and it leaves a bad impression. they do not know the struggles we have to face. let's get into it.
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something common among people with types of D.I.D (using it as an umbrella label) is huge amounts of amnesia. most people are not aware that they may be switching or even know who they are.
it is almost physically impossible that you would know to sign off with a emoji every time you have switched alters. much less switch entire blogs, or even know who is speaking.
your alters are not you, some of them would not even remember you had a tumblr account to stay active on. let alone to add an emoji or any types of sign off in general. a lot of the time me and my alters dont even know where we are, let alone able to go on tumblr and answer asks constantly.
an example of this (not to villanise the concept of people with D.I.D) is that many serial killers have some type of D.I.D, some of them are not aware of the people they might have killed at all. because they have amnesia. this is how it works.
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I had managed to save the userbox before they had deleted it.
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this is just... what? that is now how fictives or any types of alter are formed. fictives/introjects/factives are valid, we have one in our system. however this is not how they are formed at all. D.I.D is caused by trauma, it is not something that can cause you to split into another alter by daydreaming.
D.I.D is developed (begins developing) at a very young age as a result of intense amounts of trauma, both physical and mental. (it is not from something as small as your parents grounding you or hitting you once. it has to be intense amounts of trauma.) and signs only typically show when you are in adulthood.
there is cases of it showing in younger people, but the trauma is usually extremely worse, and the chance of this happening is very low. there would have to be life threatening levels of abuse at the ages of 5 to 10. and still the youngest it can be confirmed is at 17. this is a scientific fact.
this userbox shows ignorance. if you are going to fake a disorder, do some research at least. or talk to people who actually have the disorder. it was so confidently said im in shock nobody picked up on it.
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this one is going to get me a lot of hate. I know that. however it has to be said.
they claim to be a fictive heavy system, but the chances of fictives being present in systems at all is a very unlikely chance. they usually form after some connection with trauma towards that franchise, related or indirectly related.
having so many fictives from bungou stray dogs is extremely unlikely. it is difficult to house 3 normal alters in one body, but this person is claiming to have so many and all of them are from bungou stray dogs somehow. this is a very obvious sign they are lying. this does not happen. it is even more unlikely they will have every single period of a single character as fictives too.
if they just wanted to roleplay they can. but faking D.I.D for this is damaging to my community.
I am mentioning littles here so I do not have to make a new category for it. it typically develop from dissociation caused by prolonged early childhood trauma. having a fictive who also happens to be a little is so unlikely. if it is age regression, then okay. but syunkiss described it as a little alter.
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this is a little difficult to explain. but I will do my best.
headspaces do not exist. there is something similar, but that is just your subconscious. you cannot have your alters interact in your headspace like it is a minecraft world.
switching alters works like a timeskip, this is because of the memory gaps and amnesia. this is not fully targeted at syunkiss, but mostly at their friends.
you cannot see what is happening in the "headspace", that is just not possible. switching alters is like sleeping in minecraft, you just wake up whenever you switch back with no memory of what happened between the dates.
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this is a short section, but it needs to be addressed. syunkiss claims to not go out and harass proshippers or people he disagrees with, and he just "blocks them"
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that is their pinned post. that is what it says about them being an anti.
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that is them going out of their way to harass somebody else in their inbox.
no, syunkiss it wasn't them who even sent the asks. it was one of my friends who also encouraged me to speak up and make this post. you are contradicting yourself.
I am not a proshipper, I am quite anti. but that does not make it okay.
tdlr ; syunkiss is lying about D.I.D, not even doing research before doing it and he is going against his own word and harassing people.
thank you for reading. my askbox is open if anyone wants any extra questions. i may add to this in the future if more shows up.
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whenever talk about level of autism (1/2/3) and support need labels (low/mid/high), see bunch people say how they don’t like levels because can’t be described by single number or single word, and how if someone want know what they need help with, just ask, disabled people know their needs!
by all means, allowed feel this way for self! this post not way say you must like autism levels or support need labels for self.
and yes! ableism & infantization like assume all disabled people not able know self, so it sensitive topic for many, and true that many disabled people do know own self & needs & disability & limits.
but do notice pattern: often, people who say this, more likely comparatively less language & communication struggle, comparatively less intellectual & cognitive struggle, and able be somewhat independent—people who can know and explain their needs in timely manner—which become problem when they go beyond talk about self and try speak for all autistic (or I/DD, or disabled) people. become problem when say “levels/support needs labels useless and gloss over details and ableist, just ask disabled people themselves we can answer for self.”
(human experience complex. no one number/word/phrase/label can perfectly explain all experience. this include levels, support needs, but also diagnoses like autism.)
here only some! reasons why some autistic people cannot explain struggle & what need help with, why need quick short easy remember word like autism level & support needs labels & severity (but other I/DD may feel similar, but wide and am not entire know don’t want generalize. people with dementia and similar may also feel similar) :
1. cannot communicate all
autism impact social communication ability. may not able explain all complex need and how exactly help. may not have language and word for all. may only able say few words. may only able know few words. may not have functional communication. may not have any word communication.
2. cognitive struggle, cannot remember all, cannot understand all
may be too often confused or overwhelm or brain not clear to explain. may not able know what specific need help with, just “need help.” maybe not remember all thing need help with. may not remember need explain. may not able understand need help. may not understand need explain need help.
3. too much, or take too long explain, too private for random internet, but need something
“level 3” “high support need” may not tell you what exactly need, but definitely tell you “will need a LOT more help than most people, need especially watch out for.” because “autism” not specific enough.
mid/high support need, level 2/3, moderate/severe, often struggle with so much and need help on so much, even if able perfect communicate & cognitive, actual explain can take very long, even hours or more and only touch basic. many half joke about name what don’t need help with faster.
during time sensitive emergencies, or “you don’t need all my medical info but you need know” situations, or “no time/space need be short & sweet summary” situations: ambulance, medical ID, lanyard, ER, quick medical intake paperwork, be/about be called police on, be see as suspicious / act “weird.” all no time/space/ability say anything more than few words.
even outside that. it personal medical info. some don’t want name all. for some, say all bring out many emotions and trauma, like embarrassed or ashamed or hopeless.
why do you say autistic instead list all autism symptoms everytime? same reason why many people use & need autism levels and support needs labels.
4. specific for so called “outdated” autism severity: not all able change language. not all want change language. not everywhere have levels. for some, severity most accurate describe how autism symptoms impact.
so, no, not all autistic people, not all disabled people able know & explain self! not all able answer for self! some may only able use quick summary words like autism levels & support needs & severity, some none at all. some need others help explain, some need lanyard or other visual ID for everyone see explanation because we autism visible and everyone already see.
remember us
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bitter-panacea · 3 months
Goultard's "reincarnations"
In the World of Twelve, we know of many different characters who have reincarnations. Whether they have 9 lives and keep their memories with every reincarnation like ecaflip's sons, or whether they are immortal but lose their memories at every rebirth like most eliatropes and dragons of the council.
Goultard is sort of an anomaly. Although he calls this process "reincarnation", there is no rebirth involved.
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Goultard : We were friends in one of my reincarnations, and i remember i had a lot of fun with you.
We know Goultard has died before. Probably many times. But (as far as i'm aware) we only know of two specific times. One in the Dofus manga and one in Wakfu.
When goultard dies, his body simply... stays dead, until it has the time to regenerate. Goultard uses a specific word to speak of this regeneration : "recompose" himself. As in the opposite of "decompose", "putting himself back together". And he can apparently also absorb things inside him during this process???
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Goultard : I must have accidentally absorbed you when I recomposed myself
In volume 5, we see Goultard die, or more accurately, we see Vald die, since at this time Vald is the one controlling the body that they share.
Vald was at the wrong place at the wrong time, got caught in a scheme that didn't concern him, and paid the price anyway. He was drugged, and his body cut in two at the waist.
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Vald : No... Not... like this... I can't die... like... this...
Shortly after, the body has come back together, and Goultard makes his first appearance.
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Goultard : Unfortunately for you, the plan wasn't perfect! / Homar's minion : What? Who the hell are you? / Goultard : My name is Goultard, little maggot, behold my darkness...
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Goultard : ... For it is the last thing you will ever see.
I have SO MUCH to say about the way Gou's introduced in the manga but that's for another post.
Note : Goultard later "survives" similar or worse injuries. Since Vlad and Vald are said to be less powerful than Gou, i think we can imagine they're also less resistent to injuries than he is. He gets brutally impaled on the Cornu's fist in volume 17, but stays conscious and keeps trying to fight even with a giant hole in his abdomen.
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Cornu Mollu : I have to admit you're taking a long time to die, it commands respect.
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Just look at him teehee :)
Not dying means his body has a harder time regenerating by itself, and he requires medical attention to recover. (Arty needs it too they both got demolished in that fight)
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Eni : Don't act like a child, the eniripsa suppository is the best way for you to get your strength back!
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Eni : Didn't need to make a big deal out of it (slaps his ass)
Didn't need to include that, i just wanted to.
In Wakfu s01e22 Rubilax, we learn that Goultard is dead when Tristepin visits his tomb and starts to talk about what his life has been like since they parted ways.
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I assume Goultard dying was the very reason they parted ways and Tristepin started adventuring on hiw own.
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We have no clue what killed Goultard or for how much time he's been dead. But Tristepin is still young, and i dont think he's been on his own (with Rubi) for very long. I'd say two years at MOST.
But Goultard wakes up and says, although he was dead, he's not anymore, so really, there's no reason to worry or even ask. And they never mention it again after that.
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I've seen multiple people say Goultard faked his death. I would tell them to rewatch the episode because this really does not look fake to me.
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Goultard coming back from the dead exactly at the moment tristepin needed him is not a coincidence, to me it shows that goultard's "reincarnation" is at least partly a conscious decision. He could have simply stayed dead but decided otherwise.
In the Dofus manga special-issue Les Shushus de Rushu, while he is enchained and imprisoned, we can see that Goultard can sleep for years on end, entering a sort of hibernation/meditation.
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Kiki : When are you going to wake up and take care of your wives? / Azra : You've been sleeping for years, it's time to get up! Wake up Goultard!
I think him dying is similar to this. To him, choosing to stay dead instead of regenerating and waking up is like staying in bed and oversleeping.
In volume 27, Goultard himself implies he doesn't know if he can die permanently.
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Goultard : First of all, nobody knocked me out.... We don't even know if that's possible.
When he's dead, does his spirit go where all other spirits go when they die? No way to know. But my guess would be to say no. Since he laughed hearing Tristepin's stories, it means even dead he's somewhat conscious of what's going on around him. Maybe like a ghost?
Is he, in a way, like a walking corpse, already dead but kept alive by magic? This feels kind of puella magi madoka magica to me, but I obviously can't explain what i mean without majorly spoiling puella magi madoka magica.
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paranoidginger · 6 months
The Offensive team just narrowly won during the poll, so here you all go!
In my alternate universe, the Blu mercenaries are clones of the Red mercs, they are, however, their own people with their own flaws and personalities, although they are still similar to their Red counterparts. No clone is a perfect replica, of course!
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First off we have Scout! Dubbed "Jacob" he usually goes by Jake with the other mercenaries on his team.
He tries his best to act tough and cool, when in reality, he's much more of a goofy idiot who tries his best to be less annoying than his original counterpart.
Medic is constantly bugging him to wear sunscreen, and Engineer is trying his best to teach Jake some more practical skills and basic reading.
Jake has very strong ADHD, and he has a very hard time focusing on things without some sort of movement and fidgeting.
He has a very strong platonic relationship with Pyro, even if they do freak him out sometimes. Even if he can't understand them, he likes spending time hanging out with them, staring at cherry red coals while a fire burns is a good way for him to let his mind rest.
He is a pretty good artist, and has a sketchbook that he keeps in his room.
His relationship with Soldier is a bit complicated. He likes him as a part of the team, but his sheer idiocy combined with brute strength makes him slightly terrifying to the scrawny and somewhat frail scout.
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Soldier, known as June, is outgoing and reckless. Other than being suspicious of potential spies, he is significantly less paranoid than his Red counterpart.
He is the least intelligent on the team, but still manages to come up with half decent ideas, despite the fact that the large majority of his ideas are absolute nonsense.
He is incredibly friendly with anyone who isn't a spy, and it isn't uncommon to receive spine-crushingly tight bear hugs from him if he really does like you. Unfortunately, he likes everyone in his team except for Spy. This usually leads to him accidentally hurting his weaker teammates. Scout especially.
He still occasionally meets with the Red Demoman in secret after managing to talk it out after being bribed to fight one another.
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A masked mystery, Pyro is entirely mute, and instead communicates through basic sign language, although their hands are usually occupied by matches and lighters.
They will sometimes seek out candles to give to their teammates as gifts.
They seem to have a bit more of a grasp on the fact that they are hurting people on the battlefield, but try to make up for it with presents and surprisingly good cooking.
They like sitting and watching fires with Scout, and tend to favor him over Soldier, especially with the amount of gifts they give him.
Here is what I have about each of the Blu Offensive Team! I will expand more on my lore and all of that good stuff once I have all of the individual characters posted! Poll coming soon to decide which trio is coming up next!
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diazsdimples · 7 months
Writing Patterns!
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Tagged by @exhuastedpigeon @wikiangela @cal-daisies-and-briars @rainbow-nerdss @tizniz @puppyboybuckley @spotsandsocks @thekristen999 @hippolotamus and @aroeddiediaz thank you loves!
Starting from most to least recent.
You've got me whipped (Explicit, 10.8k)
It had only been a matter of time, Eddie reflects, before Buck did something really stupid. He’s heard all about the days of Buck 1.0, where Buck was very much act first, think later, and Hen had given him a thorough retelling of how Buck had scaled a crane after Eddie had been shot, imminent sniper threat be damned, but this is the first time he’s seen Buck go completely, well, Buck, and put himself into an insane amount of danger.
In a drought I'll give you water (Explicit, 8.2k)
Eddie’s hanging out the washing when he notices it. Just for the record, it’s not like he regularly inspects Buck’s underwear, thank you very much, but he’d felt something tacky on the inside of the flimsy fabric when he’d been about to peg it up, and had investigated like any sane person would do.
Kilty Pleasures (Explicit, 8k)
When Eddie had suggested that he and Buck attend a Scottish festival he’d seen advertised, he hadn’t really expected Buck to take him up on the offer, much less turn up at home two days later with two kilts and a shit eating grin.
With you I'm home (Teen, 20.6k) - WIP
“Daddy.” “Hmmm, go t’ sleep, Aid.” “Daddy, up!” “Five more minutes.” “Up now, Daddy!”
Play me like a fiddle (Explicit, 34k) MY BELOVED MUSICIAN FIC
Eddie Diaz likes to think he is a strong man. Physically and mentally.
Buck's Baby (By Accident) (General, 119k)
Buck had just gotten off a long 24-hour shift and was finally relaxing on his couch, beer in hand and TV set to a station that showed crappy reality shows. The shift had been taxing, with the alarm going off all night for various medical calls and then a five-alarm fire that had taken a few hours to get under control. Bobby’s dinner had cheered him up a little and had gotten him through the drive home, but he’d been relieved to finally pull up in the parking lot of his apartment building. Buck had the next 3 days off and planned to spend those days doing as little as possible. He’d organised to meet Eddie and Christopher at the zoo the next day, but the meeting had been organised for late enough in the afternoon that he could sleep in. Hen was going on a brief holiday with Karen for their anniversary and Chimney had made it clear that he and Maddie were not to be disturbed as they were trying for a baby and apparently Maddie was in her fertile time. Buck screwed up his nose as he remembered how thrilled his brother-in-law had seemed at the idea of a weekend of sex with his sister. It was not something he needed to think of right now.
Fucking Finally (Finally Fucking) (Explicit, 3.9k)
The car ride to the hotel felt much longer than it was, mostly because Eddie was fighting the urge to shove his hands down Buck’s pants that second. It was clear Buck was fighting similar urges as he fidgeted in the passenger seat, glancing over at Eddie and biting his lip every so often. When they pulled into the parking lot, Eddie quickly grabbed an overnight back he’d stashed in the back seat.
Burning with Need (Explicit, 3.8k)
The hot July sun was beating down on Buck’s bare back as him and Eddie hiked through Franklin Canyon Park, enjoying one of the few days off that aligned for them. It was a weekday, so Christopher was at school and, being bored and childless, the two men had decided that a hike was exactly the right activity to pass the time. They’d driven through Beverly Hills to get to the bottom of the trails, wistfully staring at the lavish homes and comparing notes on what they’d buy for their family if they had that much money. Eddie, it seemed, went for the more understated homes, generally single story with a large backyard, whereas Buck was of the mind of the more rooms the better, picking out large sprawling mansions that Eddie claimed would be an absolute nightmare to clean.
In sickness and in health (General, 3.7k)
When Eddie woke up with a pounding headache and a nose full of snot, he knew he was fucked. He wasn’t generally one to get sick, something he put down to his immune system constantly getting small doses of exposure to viruses between his job and parenting an elementary-school aged child, but when he did fall ill, he fell hard. He blearily creaked open an eyelid, squinting as the morning light filled his room, and fumbled with his phone to switch off his alarm. Flopping against his pillows, Eddie let out a load groan which quickly transformed into a hacking cough. Deep down he knew there was no way he was going to manage to get to work that day but he pulled back the covers and pushed himself off the bed regardless. He barely got two steps before the room spun sickeningly and he had to grasp his dresser to keep himself upright. With a sigh, Eddie accepted defeat and dragged himself back to bed, pulling up Bobby’s number as he settled back against the pillows, wiping his nose with the back of his hand as he did so.
Your Hands on my Body (Explicit, 1.9k)
Buck stood under the cold blast of the shower in Eddie’s bathroom, willing his erection to subside. It was the first morning in 3 weeks of staying with his friend that he’d woken up with morning wood, all because of a dream he’d had about Eddie. Buck wasn’t usually one to have sexy dreams about his friends and this one had him unusually hot and bothered. He could feel his heartbeat pulsing in his groin as his erection jutted proudly out from his body. When he first got into the shower, Buck had had full intentions of drowning himself with cold water and willing his erection away, but it looked as though that wasn’t going to happen. It almost seemed that the more he tried to ignore it, the harder he got. He tried firmly to not think of Eddie but all he could see in his mind’s eye was Eddie in the ocean, water dripping from his torso, his swimming trucks delicately cradling his package in a way that made Buck’s mouth water.
My writing style has changed SO MUCH. I have 2 eras, the before Buck's Baby era and the after Buck's Baby era and I really learned how to 1. be more concise and 2. where the enter button on my keyboard was adkjhashkdj. Recently I've been going for short starting sentences it seems.
Tagging some mutuals if you want to do it!
@theotherbuckley @daffi-990 @watchyourbuck @disasterbuckdiaz @bucksbackwardcap @fortheloveofbuddie @jesuisici33 @steadfastsaturnsrings @wildlife4life @evanbegins @slightlyobsessedwitheverything @spagheddiediaz @kitteneddiediaz @elvensorceress @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @smilingbuckley @actuallyitsellie @epicbuddieficrecs @sunflowerdiaiz
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mwolf0epsilon · 1 year
I had a bit of an idea for a post-Umbara fic where things turned out a little different (Hardcase survives, Dogma remains with the 501st, the Citadel happened different and Echo got blown up but was rescued) that focuses specifically on battalion dynamics and how things can become unbalanced if you have too many people with similar personalities living in a confined space. I'm not currently in a place writing-wise where I can write this fic myself, so I thought I might as well just drop the prompt here in case anyone would like to have a go.
After Umbara Dogma finds himself having even more trouble getting along with the vode of the 501st, than before the whole fiasco with Krell. Despite having taken the fall for Rex and even having been pardoned by the Jedi for justifiably slaying Krell (and thus being saved from decommissioning), most of the battalion still find him nothing more than a stiff nuisance that should be avoided (or even shunned at times due to his role on Umbara).
And, while the core members of the 501st have been trying to include him more and are being much more patient with him, they still do on occasion get annoyed with Dogma's stubborn nature and tend to ditch him whenever he becomes "too much for them".
It's on one of these nights where Dogma unintentionally annoys Jesse and Fives during an outing to 79's, that Dogma overhears them talking to a couple of other troopers about how they wished he was a little less troublesome to get along with. To be precise, they mumble about how they wished Dogma was a little more like Tup who's much easier and more fun to get along with, and who's never breathing down their necks over being proper soldiers.
Disheartened, Dogma leaves 79's and tries to find something to keep himself busy with, so as to distract himself from the reality that his brothers find him so bothersome that they wish he was someone else entirely. He ends up in the medbay with the intention to help the medics do some work, but instead finds a still recovering Hardcase awake in his cot.
The two end up talking and, after noticing that Dogma is a little out of it, Hardcase manages to get his kih'vod to speak his mind about whatever is bothering him. And as soon as he hears what Fives and Jesse said (likely after a couple of drinks), Hardcase becomes rightfully angry about it. Being somewhat different from his peers himself, he is not about to tolerate this kind of disrespect towards a younger vod, and decides right there and then that he's going to help Dogma teach the 501st a lesson or two...
The very next morning during early meal, everyone gets a bit of a shock when Dogma shows up sans his very recognizable tattoo (which has been meticulously covered over by makeup that Hardcase may or may have not asked Ahsoka to get for him for this very special prank), hair loose rather than slicked back in the way he likes and his posture much more relaxed. Overall Dogma is just not acting like his usual self at all, and it's very glaringly noticeable.
When asked about it he shrugs and says he has no clue what they're on about, which Hardcase plays along with and even jokes about his vode having memory issues, because Dogma's always just been like this. The others assume the two are up to something and that eventually Dogma will grow tired of whatever charade this is, and go back to being his usual rigid and rule-abiding self.
Except, this goes on for several days with no sign of stopping. Not only that but everyone notices that without Dogma's usual reminders and meticulousness when doing assignments, things seem a little more disorganized than before...
Inventory reports are sloppy and hastily done rather than everything being properly accounted for, the barracks are a mess on inspection day because no one bothered to keep track of the date, things are being misplaced left and right and no one can remember where they left their stuff, some of the vode even oversleep and end up getting in trouble because Dogma didn't feel the need to wake them up on time because "that's not his job".
It becomes very clear that without someone who's as attentive and conscious of the 501st's daily routine like Dogma is, the ever chaotic battalion has some trouble functioning on a more personal level. Which is exactly the lesson Hardcase is trying to teach everyone. And if Dogma gets to maybe have a little fun at everyone else's expense for a change? Well that's a bonus!
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omg that demon!reader prompt.. big brain moment. which mercs would comfort their s/o when captured? like they cant help but sweep them up in their arms n stuff
This is so soft I love this.(yandere mercs)
Tw: Yandere, kidnapping, possessiveness, unhealthy relationships, unwanted affection (not nsfw), gaslighting (brief), attachment issues.
Demoman: Most likely, if you’ve driven Tavish to the point he needs to grab nab you you’re pretty reckless. Otherwise he wouldn't have tried to grab you. Anyway, Tav would make a whole deal out of hit, just happy to have you out of harms way and into his arms. He’d be suffocating for a week at the least, it’s enough to tell you how long Tavs been bleeping tabs on you. And enough to clue you in to just how much care he’s taken in makin y’all’s new house perfect for the two of you. He’s very much one to want to rush you into comfort, though sometimes at the expense of sanity. 10/10
Engineer: Oh boy, dell can tell you’re anxious and that it’s already not looking good for him. He loves you. And he knows he loves you, he knows it’s unhealthy. But the slightest bit of his delusional side is that you’re overreacting to the whole, ‘being captured thing.’ He can even get close to you no more without you trying to push him away so how’s he going to comfort you. If you’d let him he’d come and sit down with you quietly. Like a husband trying to coax his spouse out of a breakdown. Except that’s not what this is is it? He realizes that, and he’d comfort you if you let him but you’re not so what’s he gonna do exactly? 2/10
Heavy: Very calming from the start, like Tavish in a way. The way he captures you is less like capture and more like- “Wow this is a horrible natural disaster, might as well make it count.” Just- stretch it out. He claims that things are getting worse outside, and keeps you in. To quell his own anxiety he holds you close. He tries to tell you stories to keep you sane, and insists on staying at your side the entire time. He’s very lovable, and even more protective. Very silly, and always tries to comfort you. Although he downplays some of your fear because he truly believes he can protect you from anything. His attempts are good but there’s too much gaslighting for things to settle to a reasonable degree. 7/10
Medic: He doesn’t try, it just kind of happens. No matter what it WILL happen, he WILL capture you and that will be that. He cares about you a great deal, he should have you with him! And that translates to how he cares for you as well, he makes sure you’re not hurt throughout the whole thing. His banter also makes it seem more like moving in with a good friend rather than being abducted. His house is jarring and surprisingly cold, but his demeanor makes up for anything he lacks. Not to mention the swarm of kisses you’ll get if you don’t try and escape post capture. 8/10 surprisingly good!
Pyro: You wouldn’t realize until he told you straight up in which case it would get VERY eerie. A lot of what Pyro did prior was similar and one could assume based off that, that it was just how he acted but no. He’s pleasantly surprised you aren’t put off. When he tells you that and you realize you are HE panics. He’s no better at calming you down. Or comforting you. Rocking you back and forth before getting up to check the locks again. He’s a mess and he tries to hide it. 1/10, surprisingly BAD.
Scout: His moms the one that’s gotta do it. Her constant presence is a saving grace. Scout is supporting his Ma, so his capture isn’t traditional like the others. It’s more like a relationship entrapment, and he doesn't realize he’s doing wrong. So his Ma gives you advice, and food. Like- a lot of food, since she can see you’re shakin up over something. Her jokes are light hearted, and she helps you see where Scout's heart comes from. She doesn’t justify her son's actions, but she’s been in this predicament before and all she can suggest is to wait it out. Scout: 0 Ma: 10/10
Sniper: I am conflicted on this, where else would he focus but also- why would he try. Snipers an unhealthy mix of hyper aware and delusional at all times. Really he debated on nabbing you until he just pulled you off the road with a well placed dart. So justifyibly you’re shaky and awkward… but he’s always anxious, shaky, and awkward. (High off shrooms too maybe but that’s besides the point.) He thinks it’s cute to a degree and and offers to walk with you if that’ll clear your mind. But he then gets worried and dismisses the idea. He makes a couple of attempts that lead to him not finishing the job. In the end he just settles on popcorn and a film in silence. The attempt is there. 5/10
Soldier: I’m going off premarriage here. He will fuck you up more, between the shouting and the likely bombastic way he captures you, you’d be damned if you didn’t leave the scenario with no new phobias. When you finally settle down a bit, (as in stop hiding from him) you would be surprised with how patient he is. It’s unexpected but he’ll wait for what he wants if he truly cares. He’ll wait until you let him hug you then just curl up around you and say the cheesiest things just above a whisper. He also is a human pillow with a heater setting so that could help too! 7/10.
Spy: Like sniper he makes an honest attempt. Past relationships didn’t like his possessiveness but then again there wasn’t really a way to keep his Fling safe. Spy falls hard and fast, which is concerning given his position, but it’s always with people unconcerned with his expertise. You- you are the one that he can keep an eye on. He already has all the things you could need. A little area to calm yourself, but that’s not to say he wouldn’t struggle and try to get you to give him affection without him earning it. Seems like a charmer but ultimately can’t deal with himself or admit that you might just- not like him. 5.5/10
Hope you enjoyed!
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sailormoonsailorstars · 2 months
Hello tumblr :3 I have some thoughts for both the Sailor Moon / TBHK-JSHK fandoms and the OSDDID community.
For clarification I am a host of a dx’d DID system. Traumagenic.
tw for like… idk ranting, abuse mentions, and things along those lines!
I have felt since system discovery that the take of “this character trope, this character in media is not accurate representation therefore this is bad and you supporting it is bad and you are bad” is kind of … stupid?
For one, everyone experiences dissociation or plurality differently. Saying people cannot enjoy Touko Fukawa & Syo as a system because it’s bad rep is weird. Saying people cannot headcanon Izuru and Hajime as a system is also weird. Personally, it’s none of your business what people find comfort in especially if they are a system or plural.
Anyways, I’m starting off with this because I think people forget that you do not have to literally interpret things like possession, mind control, or illness in media as those things. I think you can see those things as symbolism for being a system if you want.
Case 1: Hotaru Tomoe (& Sailor Saturn with Mistress 9)
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In Sailor Moon- no matter which adaptation you consume Hotaru Tomoe is clearly shown to be separate from Saturn and Mistress/Messiah all while residing in the same body. In order to access herself as Saturn she has to literally meet her and be reawakened. This is a really similar experience to my system discovery and I think other systems might see it too! Mistress 9 is one of the stereotypes that people would disagree with since in canon she is a demon possessing Hotaru- but even that I feel like could be interpreted differently.
Saturn is protective of Hotaru and her friends. Hotaru is sweet, and kind. She is there most of the time. And mistress 9 could be interpreted as a persecutor. I’ve always seen Hotaru in this light.
And for anyone that wants to go by the DSM: Hotaru has severe childhood trauma. She lost her mother in a fire/explosion that she was apart of. Her and her father were possessed by demons- her father was straight up neglectful and abusive medically. And his “partner” Kaori was abusive towards Hotaru.
Case 2: Aoi Akane (and her “fake” personality.)
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This one is less implied, more of a headcanon but- Aoi has outright said she puts up a front for people around her. The Aoi people know vs. The Aoi that she is are completely different. On top of this, when Hakubo (No.6) gives her that potion she acts completely different than either side of that spectrum.
And again for DSM truthers: I’m not sure how much of this is canon to the main timeline but Aoi has a neglectful and shitty dad in general. It’s never out right stated that she’s been abused but I would think she is. On top of that, she’s extremely popular and has to live up to the standards that people put for her… which she can’t ever reach because they’ll always get higher and higher.
Case 3: Mei Shijima (and Shijima San of The Art Room)
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This one has always grinded my gears tbh.
Mei and Shijima are shown to be two separate people from the start. Shijima being Mei’s own creation to cope with what is most likely cancer / terminal illness and the fact that despite her passion she is going to die soon.
But people get upset or confused when it’s posted that they are separate characters? And get even more upset about shipping them together. Like, I don’t know how to tell singlets this but inner system dating is not unusual. They also hardly look the same which seems to be most peoples problems. They don’t have the same hair color or eye color and also just all around are physically and emotionally different.
Shijima is extremely protective over Mei and became very very upset when people made rumors spinning Mei’s illness related death into Mei hurting herself over her parents.
I think they’re a beautiful representation of plurality. Mei forgives Shijima for persecuting her, because she knew Shijima was just trying to keep what Mei actually stood by while she was alive there.
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Anyways I’m sorry this became a super long info dump. TL;DR let systems or any plural person have their headcanons. They are not hurting anyone. And also keep an open mind to things in media! Hotaru’s character is very special to me but I often don’t talk about her being a system to others because the sailor moon fandom is very very tricky. Especially the millennial side of it.
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alpaca-clouds · 11 months
Being Pro-Sex Work
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I wanna talk about sex positivity a bit this week - and I am going to start by talking about one of the more visible issues in regards of sex negativity. And that is the topic of sex work.
Now, I talked about this before, but: I live in Germany. Over here we have decided to more or less fully legalize sex work. So, while regulated through some special government agencies, sex work is allowed to happen here. This covers pretty much all forms of sex work. So prostitution, other sex services and - of course - also all sorts of porn. Aka the one form of sex work that is legal in most places.
But of course there are a lot of "concerned people" in Germany, who want to ban it or at least do a Nordic Model (a ban on buying sex) to "protect women" and who in generally ignore the voices of actual sex workers, often then trying to make it about sex trafficking (which, just to make sure we are on the same place, is obviously illegal in Germany). The argument often goes like this: "But when prostitution is legal, it is easier to hide sex trafficking." And as it so often is with conservatives: They are very much immune to any and all studies that show the opposite, evn though it is frankly quite logical.
See, if you criminalize sex work, the police and other agencies taking care of this are busy processing just normal sex workers, clogging up the system, that they might not even get around to find those sex trafficking rings.
Not to mention that you will in the end harm the sex workers - yes, even with the Nordic Model, that ends up making it harder for sex workers to find housing and access certain medical services.
Another big argument people, who are Anti-Sex Work, will bring is that women are - if not physically, then economically forced into sex work. Now, there is a thing to be said, that it is always about just women. Sure, women make up most sex workers - but not all sex workers. But this argument also betrays another thing: This idea that sex somehow has to be this pure, almost holy act.
Why is "women forced into sex work" worse, than "women forced into some other job they do not want"? Like, how is it worse than having to work as a cleaner or maintanance worker? Or as a fast food worker? Because I have talked to quite a few sex workers, who ended up in the job for economical reason, and most could have had some of those jobs - but they decided that in that regard was "the lesser evil".
And, let's face it: If you are so worried about those women forced into sex work out of economical reasons... then instead of campaigning to band the one kind of work that saves them from homelessness and the like, you should campaign for UBI and similar measures. Because yes, once you have some tools in place that allows people to be somewhat save from poverty, then, yes... Those who work a job like this, will do so because they want.
And if someone wants to do sex work - but you do not like it. Well, guess what, buddy. Then it is a you-problem.
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bambiraptorx · 1 year
Okay, my long overdue infodump about yokai medicine/painkillers is here. Just as a heads up, there will be discussion of and reference to a variety of drugs, drug use, and addiction.
There are three main forms of treatment used to deal with pain: pharmaceutical drugs similar or identical to the ones used by humans, potions, and spells. For now, I'll focus on pharmaceutical type medications.
So, to begin, I do need to address the fact that the yokai population has an immense level of biodiversity, from skeletons to insects to dragons. This means that the use of medicine is probably incredibly complicated, as a given substance can has wildly different effects on different species--not to mention that even within a species a compound can have different results (see: stimulants and how they have drastically different effects for people with ADHD than for neurotypicals).
Add to that the fact that we also see a large variety of sizes for different yokai, from Exploding Frankie (maybe a foot tall) to the colossal building-sized creatures we see walking around int he first episode of the show, and you've got a very complex problem. (Size is relevant in figuring out dosages because drugs often have different effects at different doses, but also because larger people tend to need more to have an effect in the first place. A dose that would kill a mouse probably wouldn't kill a 6 foot tall man, for example, but depending on the exact drug it might still mess him up a lot.)
This means that it would be very difficult to, if not impossible, to properly categorize a chemical based on its effects. Sure, they know Adderall works as a stimulant and opiates are painkillers for humans, but how does that translate to a slime yokai who doesn't even have a nervous system? How do you effectively (and ethically) figure that out when the population of slime yokai is extremely limited? In all honesty, you probably don't.
(As a side note, it's fairly important that for the drugs humans use, they go through large amounts of animals trials before ever being tested on people to a) make sure the drug actually has the effect it's meant to, b) figure out what potential side effects might crop up, and c) find out what a lethal dose is. That's because we can reasonably compare the reactions of animals to what we might see in a human body. For large amounts of the yokai population, that comparison probably does not work.)
So yokai can, in dire circumstances, use substances that humans would (as painkillers, sedatives, etc) but it would be very difficult to know what dosages are safe for a given species, if any are. This would also mean that the Hidden City probably has a very different approach to drug education: less "ooh these drugs are evil and you'll get addicted immediately if you ever try them" and more "just because meth acts as a stimulant for humans doesn't mean it can't kill you at half the dose it takes them to even get an effect so be fucking careful".
I would imagine that drug regulation works very differently in the Hidden City out of necessity. After all, you can't even reliably say what effects a given chemical has, let alone recommend a dose for people to use. In a lot of cases, the best that the HC can do is probably enforce purity standards and proper labeling of products so that at the very least, people know what chemical they're actually getting and how much of it.
Which of course means that their legal system is entirely different when it comes to drug related crimes, because the use/possession of drugs is something that cannot effectively be criminalized when a pill that would cause an overdose in one person would act as a mild cough suppressant in another. (That and the whole idea behind making drugs illegal in the first place is to prevent addiction by making access harder, which... is a bit of a weird premise in the first place? but that's a whole other rant. Yes, use declines somewhat when the drug is made illegal, but it also makes it much harder for addicts to get the treatment they need when drug use is criminalized.)
Given the length of this post I think I'll cut it off here and edit with links when I get the other topics covered lmao.
Part 2 Part 3
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rotationalsymmetry · 5 months
More serious response to last post:
boundaries aren't a multi tool. They are not an appropriate response to all problems. What they are useful for are situations of "if I don't get x/do keep getting y, I am going to want less closeness with this person or group."
In situations where you want a thing but not getting it would not be that big a deal, generally it's best to just ask for what you want. Actually, even in situations where it would be a big deal, just asking is often the best first step. There are some things that make people more likely to say yes to a request; one thing that can make it less likely is insisting the other person owes it to you if they do not see things that way. People like to see themselves as generous and reasonable and will often do a thing they perceive as voluntary when they would dig their heels in if they perceived it as forced. This pairs badly with the psychological need many people have to not ask for things unless they think they are entitled to them.
I think the approach of "boundaries are a thing you do" is mildly to extremely helpful most of the time, and harmful in a minority of circumstances. As an edge case: assault (physical or sexual) is a boundary violation. It's also not something the victim can reliably prevent by their own behaviors. Other examples include someone else reading your mail, a health professional breaking confidence about your medical information, a friend outing you as queer, or an ex distributing revenge porn.
Also, sometimes people cannot get less closeness, eg due to being a child, having to stay with a partner or roommate for financial reasons, having to interact with an ex for shared custody reasons, being in a prison or being in an institution against your will, etc.
But there really are a lot of situations where the "it's up to you to enforce your boundaries" is effective. And I'm partial to it, because there was one specific time where an ex tried to force me to act a particular way that, in retrospect, was a violation of my boundaries. And that doesn't mean his weren't valid, just, we couldn't keep being as close as we had been. (He wanted me to shut up about a new partner -- not just keep it to relevant information, but not talk about him at all. I was unwilling to act as though one of my relationships did not exist. And it did very much leave me worried that my ex only stayed friends because he was hoping we'd get back together. And this was complicated because a substantial chunk of my social circle were people I only saw when my ex was present, so not mentioning my partner around him meant not mentioning my partner to a substantial part of my social network.)
The "boundaries" framework is at odds with the way most of us were raised (much like how "people get to choose their gender" is at odds with how most of us were raised) -- most of us got some sort of "there's a set of social rules everyone should follow, what any individual person wants is more or less irrelevant." So people new to using the concept tend to be really bad at it at first.
Oh also... people use the word "boundaries" in different ways. I think it's best to have the attitude that it's just one of those words that has multiple similar meanings, and if it's not obvious from context you might have to ask.
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archie-the-menace · 4 months
June Lore Challenge: Day 10
Today’s prompt is about Assimilation: a period of time where Fantasian languages and cultures were demonized and destroyed by humans. But first, a few disclaimers:
-This is all a work of fiction. A fictional planet with a fictional history involving fictional people.
-My fantasy species are not intended to be read as representations of specific races. Species is not an allegory for race and is completely separate from race or ethnic group. Any species can also be any race, ethnicity, or religion.
-I do NOT condone cultural destruction or colonialism.
I’m kinda just going to do an overview since this is pretty dark history, but it’s really important to understand the issues that the people of Obscoria face in the modern era.
Assimilation of the Elvish People
While many elves decided to cut content with humans when things started to get messy, others remained among humans. These elves that stayed behind eventually adopted human values and ideas in fear that their livelihoods would be destroyed otherwise. Humanity was becoming increasingly hostile towards elvish communities, leaving many elvish folk with less opportunities and freedoms. Utopian Elves managed to preserve their original cultures in closed off communities, many of which did not welcome assimilated elves. In modern day however, utopias are open to all Elvish people as a safe haven and a place to learn old elvish cultures. Assimilated Elves and Utopian Elves have incredibly drastic differences in their cultures, with some Utopias feeling completely alien while Assimilated Elves may be completely similar to humans. Elves are still incredibly diverse and in many areas their culture is entirely intact. Elves enjoy practically the same freedoms now as humans so often will help advocate for other nonhumans.
Demonization of the Teuflin People
If they weren’t outcasted, Teuflin were demonized and witch hunted. Particularly in the western region, Teuflin were considered to be devils since they resembled depictions of devils in old religions. Many Teuflin were either killed or converted to human religions (which humans claimed was “purifying” them). Teuflin were blamed for plagues and droughts and practically any inconvenience. Teuflin managed to survive, though most were assimilated.
In the modern era, lots of research is being done to learn more about the culture Teuflin had before assimilation and medical research is beginning to include Teuflin bodies as well as human ones. It should be noted however that while Elves generally can get through life fine, Teuflin lack a lot of accommodations for their anatomy especially since technology evolved to be very human-centric. The “A Seat for Everyone Act” passed by the Obscorian world government now requires proper seating be available in public space for Teuflin, but much more progress must be made before human cities are totally friendly towards Teuflin.
During the war, entire Teuflin villages were destroyed and very little reparations have been given to restore them, making Teuflin communities rare. Because of this, Teuflin have strong instant connections with others of their species and feel more comfortable in each other’s presence. Teuflin are still misunderstood and the myth that they’re devils is still around, though ultimately Obscoria is moving towards a more accepting future especially in larger cities.
Other Nonhumans
Obscoria is home to many other nonhuman sapients such as bird-folk and lizard-folk which struggle similarly to the Teuflin due to the lack of accessibility in the human-centered world. Most of these people struggle in the modern world simply because its structure is unfriendly to their bodies and way of life. Foxes for example find themselves living part-time as humans in some areas as their natural environment is constantly endangered or destroyed. Monkey-folk have lost hundreds of acres of forest to make way for farming, leading them to turn to more mischievous means of survival such as stealing. Ultimately, everyone is simply trying to live their lives.
I’m kind of expecting this post to be controversial but please be polite in the comments. I’m a young writer so if you have any advice for changing this please let me know.
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plasmasimagination · 9 months
hi!!! congratulations on your milestone ♡ i was wondering if i could get a matchup for genshin impact and honkai star rail?
if possible, i would like to be matched up with a male for genshin, but a female or male for star rail is fine!
my mbti is ifsp and my zodiac is leo! i'm introverted but i love socializing w/ people and i'm definitely a yapper 😭... i talk a lot to people i'm close w/ and usually type in all caps cuz im always hype like dat... i'm also vv optimistic ♡
i'm also the funniest person i know & i think i'm the clown of my friend group... sometimes i say really stupid things and i'm really reckless + impulsive
i have dark brown hair that reaches my chest and i have blonde highlights! i'm 5'0, my skin is on the paler side, and i'm on the thinner side! my aesthetic is soft & pastel and i love, love the color pink!! i think i'm really feminine & i love feminine things
i do sports and i love biology & healthcare! i also love drawing and writing & usually spend my free time doing one or the other... i'm really creative & i like anything related to art (music, literature, etc.) i wld love to be in the medical field & give others hope during tough times!! ♡
i don't really fall in love nowadays (i only like fictional charas lmao) because i'm young and i don't rlly the people my age :( i feel like they're really immature and that's okay!! ik everyone grows at their own pace, but for now, they're js not for me!
i want someone who understands me and who i can be comfortable w. i also want someone who i know isn't with me for the sake of being with me, but because they actually like me for me.
in theory, i really love the "i hate everyone but you" trope, but realistically ik it's toxic AFF and that's not the energy i want irl... but i do want someone who makes it noticable js how much they like me :( im a sucker for eyes and i love the thought of someone looking at me w/ a fond, soft expression that they don't share w/ anyone else makes me really giddy... i want it to be known that i am loved (although subtly) and i want to feel special ♡♡
i'd prefer someone who is kind of a tsundere and someone who isn't really into pda bc i don't like pda myself... also my love language is quality time! i'd rather be loved in private than in public, but things like hand holding is fine :))
anyway thank you so much for doing these matchups and feel free to ignore this one if you have too much on your plate!! you are so deserving of 300, almost 400 followers now, and you are so incredible ♡♡ thank you, again and again!
SWEETIE! HAI!! (∩˃ω˂∩)
Your matchup, go!
Okay okay I know what I might say "but alhaitham won't make me feel loved..."
he might not be vocal with it but he loves you and shows it
He will always keep an eye on you, and sometimes just doze off while looking at you over his book
He prefers to spend time at home, with either cuddling you or just sitting together and doing something, since he's not really into PDA he prefers to keep his love to you for the inside
His love languages are quality time and acts of service
Expect a lot of small things done for you
For example you fell asleep while reading a book, he will put a bookmark on the chapter and cover you in a blanket
Tho all that aside, he does act annoyed with your jokes sometimes but in reality he's very fond of them
After you Tell a joke or such he'll just sit there silently, but you could swear a smile is creeping on his smile.
Similar to alhaitham but very different
Different from alhaitham, she's more calm and less tense
She enjoys your company a lot, and appreciates your optimistic view of the world
Also she likes the fact that you're so experienced in healthcare, she might even provide you with some good situations where you can try it out, if you want ofcourse
Because of her status I'd like to think she doesn't enjoy PDA at all, but what she does enjoy is private time with you, where she can just be herself and show her gratitude to you
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