puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 223
Clockwork is Chronos and Kronos. He is time, sometimes split into many aspects but one all the same. Normally it’s not an issue, as at the end of any of the aspects they simply return to him, as the main body. It’s almost like a hivemind, though not quite that either. Honestly he’s not been able to explain it to anyone else, as it’s such an entwined thing with his being. 
Once again, normally there is no issue with it. However, instincts can bleed over, which apparently er, happened at some point. He’ll have to apologize to his aspect’s children for the misunderstanding when he gets the chance. 
He might have forgotten while dealing with other things, meaning he never explained it to that timeline’s children. Oh well, he’s sure nothing will come from it- he’s quite busy caring for his little ghostling who is turning out to be just like him, albeit with Space instead of Time, after all…
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trappednyourheart · 13 days
A spin of time (In the Multiverse) part 1
The infinite realms- A afterlife of the dead, a kingdom of the most powerful mortals, ghosts and forgotten gods live of time's home.
And this particular realm, fourteen year old boy Danny had created a paradox.
Creating different versions of himself existing in one plane, like literally
Well Danny didn't mean it to happen, summer vacation was literally boredom, Sam is out of Amity because of a distant family far away invited the Manson's out on a family reunion- even tucker's dad bought tickets to a competition or something so the whole family including tucker had to go.
So he's left alone in the house, only thing accompanying him is Cujo, which he was doing so hard to hide away from his parent's invention's.
The past 30 minutes was a blur, the only memory he could remember, was visiting Frostbite and enjoying the cold with Cujo playing fetch...
Now he's in a room with possibly his other alternative universe versions of himself, an adult version calling himself Red Hood (his name was Jason, so he won't mix up calling him Danny, unlike Dan)
The Second was some kind of camp counselor, maybe much older than Jay, he was blond, Danny never pictured himself Blond, well Dash kinda fitted the blond jock thing anyway, well his name was Luke castellan but there this weird vibes on him, but he was nice like an older brother he was a camp counselor for a camp name half blood?.
And the last was tall, black?or was it purple? And it can teleport to anything, sometimes like some kind of game character, it can pull a dirt and make it a block, and it doesn't like having eye contact ( well Danny respects it if this version of himself is uncomfortable) but clockwork said this version of himself or his kind was an Enderman, so Danny just calls him Ender.
Clockwork warn him about another batch of different versions of himself with kinds of personalities...and some might not be as kind as this three, so they had to act fast to fix this and put them back on there respectful places of the multiverse but for now, he's enjoying his vacation!( With a paradox)
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ghostwithpants · 1 month
Ghost Of A Titan
This is a DPxPJO story idea I’ve been playing around with, I will eventually turn this into an actual fic but until then feel free to continue yourselves!
Anyway. I love me some ghost!dad Clockwork and I thought it would result in some very interesting in dynamics the PJO universe, so go crazy with it! ;)
You can’t just kill Time itself, cut it into tiny bits and cast the remains into Tartarus and not expect that to backfire spectacularly.
So when the Olympian Gods had to do just that, there was two paths for what would happen next:
Option one, with the killing of Time, time itself would stop existing. Which was never anybody’s favourite idea, since that meant that everything else would also become Stopped.
And then there was option two, upon Time’s death and during the fracturing of its soul, Time could refuse to let go. Could refuse so strongly that while the rest of Time lay dead and scattered in the underworld, part of Time’s soul would break away to form a ghost, one of ancient power and with the singleminded goal of keeping the timelines flowing as they should.
Fortunately, Time went with the second option.
The Olympians, forced to yield to this compromise least even they would Stop, allowed Clockwork to exist but enforced harsh restrictions on the new Ghost of Time. Unable to leave his lair in the Infinite Realms, Clockwork was only allowed to watch, to exist, so time may flow as it was meant to and nothing else.
And to guarantee that this was enforced Zeus, in all his infinite wisdom, created the imbecilic Observants to quite literally “keep an eye on him”.
If they weren’t so obnoxious, Clockwork might have found some humour in that. Instead, his new overseers continuous ignorance of what was actually required to keep the timelines flowing made his own job increasingly difficult and frustrating. But for the sake of the timelines, Clockwork made do with what he had, he stayed in his tower, he didn’t interfere with mortals and he only watch to ensure the timelines safety.
But inevitably, timeline threatening events began to happen in the mortal realms and he was still not allowed to interfere, so Clockwork had to get creative about getting other ghosts who stumbled on his lair to fix it for him, without either the gods or their obnoxious little spies noticing.
However you would be surprised how often these sort of events arose and while the Gods were free to meddle how they pleased (and had heroes and demi-gods to meddle on their behalf where they were forbidden) Clockwork was not allowed to even talk to those that didn’t find his lair themselves and choose to enter. Which was making it incredibly difficult to fix these catastrophic incidents.
Clockwork endured this for eons, for time is both different in the Infinite Realms and different for Clockwork himself. He likes to consider himself slow to anger but even he was getting frustrated.
He was also very lonely.
The observants, the wretched things, were constantly looming over his shoulder and, even worse, trying to throw their weight around outside his tower and doing their own meddling in the greater Infinite Realms itself.
Clockwork was definitely reaching his limit, he was-
… he was witnessing a very interesting anomaly.
The creation of a Half-Ghost, the first of its kind. In any stream or realm.
So Clockwork watches with great interest as Plasmius was forged. Watches as a portal was ripped open with Vladimir Masters on the mortal side and a nameless blob ghost on the otherside, the blob ghost was ripped to shreds immediately and forced to bond with Master’s body and soul, stopping the same thing from happing to Vladimir. The resulting creation was crude, haphazard and deeply unstable at first… But it did work.
It worked and the cogs in Clockwork’s mind and core began turning rapidly.
He could see that with a stronger ghost on the otherside, strong enough to not be obliterated and even able to guide the process of the Forging…. He could see exactly where every misshapen mistake could be turned into a symbiotic artwork, how life and death could be balanced on a knifes edge to create a being that could effortlessly walk both worlds.
How he could have the one thing he thought he’d never have since his own making: something that was a part of him, but free from the restrictions he suffered. Someone to share existence with, a Child!
Clockwork was not what the Titan of Time had been, he had never had the opportunity to create anything that could even be remotely similar to a familiar bond. The Ghost of Time wanted that nearly more then his own Obsession.
And when he saw there would be another, a boy, who would go through the same process but would be obliterated because there was no ghost on the otherside to power the Forging.
He couldn’t resist.
Clockwork didn’t need to be able see into all of time to know he wouldn’t be able to keep this a secret for very long. But if he was oh so careful, there was a small chance that the boy, Daniel, would have enough time to develop and maybe survive the Godly fallout that would follow Clockwork’s actions.
There was an even slimmer chance that Daniel would thrive and be happy. Be grateful that Clockwork saved him.
There were a lot of other, much worse, chances however. Filled with so much pain and suffering and death.
But still the Ghost of Time couldn’t resist that slim chance of happiness. Drawn like a moth to a flame, Clockwork slipped from his tower and slid through time and space to arrive, just in time, to be that oh so necessary ghost on the otherside of his new son’s Forging.
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this-is-z-art-blog · 4 months
Tumblr media
[ID: digital drawing of Sam Manson, Danny Fenton, and Tucker Foley leaning against each other, all three smiling widely, wearing orange Camp Half-Blood t shirts and necklaces with one bead each in blue, green, and yellow. Sam has one arm around Danny, hand on Tucker's shoulder, and is wearing a black and green plaid skirt, black boots, and a black star of david choker necklace. Her other arm is raised high, with a glowing green vine twining around her hand, down her arm, and weaving through her boot laces to wrap around her opposite ankle. Danny is wearing jean shorts and red sneakers. He has one arm around Tucker's waist, and the other cupped in front of him, a swirling, glowing curl of icy blue wind hovering above his palm. Tucker is wearing green cargo shorts, tan converse, and a backwards red ballcap. He has one hand forming a finger gun to frame his smile, and the other around Danny's shoulders. At his heels are small pairs of glowing yellow wings.]
@crossoverdanuary Day 3: Percy Jackson AU
Collab with @jus-a-lil-mouse, who came up with their godly heritages! Sam is a grandchild of Demeter, Danny a son of Boreas, and Tucker a son of Hermes
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Danny always wanted a pet of some sort, but with the way his parents were he knew no regular pet would survive them. He thought he would have to wait until he moved out. Then he became a halfta. Turns out regular animals outside of Amity Park hated him, the animals inside Amity Park were either indifferent or at least tolerated him due to their exposure to ectoplasm. He didn't think he would ever find pet, then Cujo came into his life.
Danny was so happy that Cujo liked him and thought of him as his master. Danny made sure to read up on being a responsible dog owner. One of the things he read was dogs were happier and healthier if they were socialized with other dogs. Now this was a problem because even if the other dogs in Amity liked Cujo, they were to fragile for him to really play with. One day as Danny is complaining to Clockwork about not being able to find any dogs that could take to playing with Cujo. Clockwork mentions he remembers his eldest son, getting a 3 headed dog named Spot that would be on par with Cujo and wouldn't get hurt and also could use some socializing. Danny asks where he can find said dog, Clockwork points Danny towards the Greek Underworld. Danny starts having random doggy playdates with Spot and Cujo. Both dogs are happier for it.
In the first PJO book Percy needs to go to the underworld, it would be funny if this happens around a time Danny is visiting with Cujo.
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ghostiiiee · 2 years
Because Floral suggested I do this- Have some Fic recs!!!
The Apprentice of Thanatos: DP/PJO https://archiveofourown.org/works/29169744/chapters/71614422
Ghost in the NYC: DP/Marvel https://archiveofourown.org/series/2045206
The ColdHands Project: DP/Rise of the Guardians (2012) https://archiveofourown.org/series/1364842
Uncle John: DP/John Constinie  https://archiveofourown.org/works/33598900
Wattson Wraith: DP https://archiveofourown.org/works/26186578/chapters/63723802
Ectoplasmic Educational Employment: DP https://archiveofourown.org/works/33500500/chapters/83231269
Spooky Monochrome Vigilantes Gotta Stick Together: DP/Venom https://archiveofourown.org/works/32941786/chapters/81756826
Something’s Wrong With Danny Fenton Vol. 1: DP https://archiveofourown.org/works/33428749/chapters/83039059
To Breathe: DP https://archiveofourown.org/works/28947537/chapters/71029983
College Shenanigans: DP https://archiveofourown.org/series/2231343
Fangs or No Fangs: DP https://archiveofourown.org/works/30890915
Furry Paws and Achy Jaws: DP https://archiveofourown.org/works/31449242
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 239
Y'know what I think would be hilarious for a DP and PJO crossover? Percy & co finally getting to Kronos, straight up ready for anything after they pass through magic and portal of green and-
There's the smell of cookies. Freshly baked cookies, a warm oven, something about it reminding them of home in this strange place of floating gears and ticking clocks.
And there's a long, serpentine tail twisting through the gears, twisting up and down and across in a size that could hides yet reveals just how large this entity is. There's power soaking into every inch of this place, every centimeter nearly sending lightning up their legs with each step.
The ticking is getting stronger, a distant gonging of the hour echoing through a place that should feel cold and empty like the ringing of bells in the end of times.
And suddenly there's a kid- a teen like them, human yet not- with a cookie half in their mouth and hair flickering like the cosmos as they peer down from above them with a frown, eyes brighter than the sun yet darker than the moon.
"Oh great, what did my half-siblings do this Time?"
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trappednyourheart · 2 months
I can't fudging find that one post “Oracle Danny”💀 now am legit crying cause I can't find it😭😭
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Danny is having a rough time at home and with summer coming up he won't have school to escape to to get a break from his parents. Pandora and Clockwork conspire to get Danny sent to Camp Halfblood. Clockwork has fliers put into the Fenton's mail about a camp that helps trouble youth by working on their strawberry farm. Because of Danny's being Phantom he has missed school and his grades have drop making Maddie and Jack think this camp sounds like a good idea to help sort Danny out. Que the Fenton GAV smashing into the sign for Delphi Strawberry Services as the Fenton's drop Danny off at camp. Nobody knows what to think of this.
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