inkwellphotograph · 6 months
some Japanese dark academia things
I love seeing people talk about living the dark academia subculture within their culture, so here are a few traditional Japanese things that give me the same sense of pride and devotion as being dark academic.
(It goes without saying, this is for all Japanese people, including nikkeijin, hāfu/daburu/mikusu, and everyone else!)
⚘ The elegance of calligraphy. The feeling of the ink under your brush, watching the smoothness of it.
⚘ Kimono and yukata. The heaviness and comfort of a kimono, and the lightness of a yukata. As a man, I also feel a deep sense of honour on the rare occasions I wear a hakama.
⚘ Gardens, with streams of clear water and dark stones underfoot. Watching the kaede leaves turn orange with the seasons.
⚘ Ink and pencil smudged across your hands, especially if you're right-handed (and growing up sympathetic for left-handed people because of this)
⚘ The beauty of Japanese names. Each character considered for its meaning, pieced together like a puzzle to create something new.
⚘ Shrines and temples. Historic architecture nestled within gardens and forests. Musing over the ancient prayers, celebrations, and contemplations that occurred along the same steps you're walking on, however long ago.
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askvectorprime · 3 months
Dear Vector Prime, have you ever had a Headmaster partner?
Dear Aegis Agent,
I have indeed. Allow me to continue my tale of the ultimate Titan Masters, and I promise your curiosity will be satisfied.
While Arcee was tracking down the Titan Master hidden on Caminus, a separate mission was being carried out on the colony world of Biosfera—known to the locals as Eukaris. Grotusque, Twinferno and Repugnus journeyed there to find another Titan Master, this one believed to grant incredible fireblast. The Monsterbots were not Optimus Prime’s first choice for the mission, as he worried their bellicose disposition would create conflict with the native population—but with the so-called jungle planet having no roads to speak of, only Autobots with bestial alt-modes would be able to handle the terrain.
As Biosfera had been largely insulated from the Autobot-Decepticon conflict, the Monsterbots expected its inhabitants to be pushovers, who would do little to impede or expedite their search one way or the other. Instead, they arrived to find the planet on the brink of all-out war between the four major tribes. Something was terribly wrong: the kinds of weapons being amassed were beyond even those used by Cybertronians in their raw destructive potential. Still, the Monsterbots decided the brewing tensions were none of their business, and decided to focus on searching for the Titan Master.
It was at that point that I was forced to intervene. I materialized in their midst, which proved to be something of a miscalculation: they were taken by surprise, and turned on me immediately. Naturally, I am no lightweight, but I must admit the three of them had me on the ropes. I forced a time-out, separating us from physical spacetime, to allow us to communicate without violence. Once they were prepared to listen, I told them what I had seen.
In the future, Biosfera is an irradiated wasteland. Algorithmic engines crawl over the ash, feeding carbonized trees into immense furnaces, liquid metal pouring from foundries to coat the planet, constructing some kind of superstructure… to uncertain ends. The few survivors of the global devastation have shed the last vestiges of their organic biology, becoming purely robotic lifeforms in order to weather the potent radiation.
The Monsterbots refused to believe me without proof, and so I removed my head, Safeguard. Repugnus briefly swapped Dastard for Safeguard, and saw in his memory banks what we had witnessed of that apocalyptic future. Begrudgingly, the Monsterbots agreed to help us, and we separated, each to visit one of the four tribes.
High in the mountain eyries of the Cloud Walkers, Grotusque and Fengul discovered that they had forged a partnership with the Decepticon Fangry, who had given them a powerful attack jet. At the same time, Twinferno and Daburu found the Scale Walkers to be strategizing with Krok, who had armed them with an unstoppable armored tank. So too were the Wave Walkers consulting with the crab-like Squeezeplay, and as I discovered, the Fur Walkers had welcomed amongst them the ferocious Horri-Bull. It was obvious to us that the Decepticons had completely infiltrated the planet’s tribes, and were deliberately stirring conflict between them. Unfortunately, stirring conflict was the Monsterbots’ specialty, and they each started fights with the Decepticons on sight, leading to them quickly being ousted from the other tribes. Safeguard and I had the most luck, managing to convince the chieftain of the Fur Walkers that they were better off without the “guidance” of Cybertronians—though unfortunately, this included ourselves.
We regrouped, and the Monsterbots decided to resume their search for the mythical Titan Master hidden on the planet. I hoped that in the course of our hunt, we would stumble across a centralized base of operations for the Decepticons, which might produce the evidence we needed to sway the tribes. As it turned out, we were being followed: one of Twinferno’s heads spotted a bird flying overhead, and recognised it not as one of the Cloud Walkers, but as the Decepticon Wingspan. Twinferno almost flew up to take out the snooping Decepticon, but I was able to convince him to hold. We waited until nightfall, and when Wingspan left to make his report, we quietly followed.
He led us to a foreboding tower of steel, a weapons factory hidden in a barren valley. Inside, ensconced within the topmost chamber, we found the true mastermind behind the hostilities: the lost Titan Master, Scorponok. Once, he had commanded one of the Titans of myth, but he had been usurped by the alien Lord Zarak. Driven to madness by this defeat, he had begun traveling the galaxy in search of new evolutionary pathways. On this remote and primeval colony, he found them: and now, his machinations had brought him to the precipice of his return to power. In the fallout, once the biomechanical natives evolved into a purely mechanical existence to survive the nuclear winter that followed, he would use a planetwide relay to reach out and upload his consciousness simultaneously into thousands of bodies—becoming a gestalt lifeform on a scale that would surpass even the Titans.
Well, we certainly weren’t going to stand around and wait for that to happen! The Monsterbots made short work of Wingspan and Horri-Bull, but Scorponok was far from finished: he recalled the jet and the tank from the tribes, and they joined together to form the almighty Overlord. One Titan Master formed his head, while another plugged into his chest, right alongside Scorponok himself—giving the combined giant three times the power.
As it happened, deploying Overlord turned out to be a miscalculation: unbeknownst to us all, skillful trackers from the four tribes had followed us to Scorponok’s lair, and when they saw that the Cloud Walkers’ and Scale Walkers’ new weapons were in fact one and the same, they finally had proof that they’d been deceived. They raced back to their homes, to urge their leaders to begin peace talks. Unable to take down Overlord, we beat a hasty retreat, and he split into his individual components once more to menace the tribes.
Unfortunately, the nuclear submarine Scorponok had built for the Wave Walkers remained in play—and once he gave the command, it launched its payload, sending a dozen missiles up into the atmosphere. Converting to starship mode, I flew after them, and began an arduous process to disarm the bombs. First, I froze the missiles in time, halting their trajectories but maintaining their velocity relative to the planet’s rotation in space. Then, with a boost of power from Safeguard, I isolated each individual warhead, accelerating time to allow billions of years to pass in what was, from our perspective, mere cycles. During that time, the fissile material experienced many half-lives’ worth of radioactive decay… until finally, the payloads were rendered inert. Although I had saved the planet from nuclear fallout, the missiles still had enough raw explosive power to cause untold destruction—and I was powerless to stop them. The radiation from the warheads needed to go somewhere—and although spread over a short period, it was still a strong enough burst of gamma rays to cause a chain reaction, unleashing an electromagnetic pulse which knocked me offline and sent me plummeting into the ocean.
The rest, I heard after-the-fact, once the Wave Walkers dredged me up and brought me to shore. The Fur Walkers and Scale Walkers united, ambushing Overlord’s tank half, while the Monsterbots waylaid the jet—just long enough for the Cloud Walkers to intercept and destroy the missiles in midair, before they reached their targets.
As for Scorponok, he was able to slip away in the confusion. The Monsterbots were frustrated to have failed their mission, but after seeing the sheer destructive potential of his fireblast, they knew it was for the best that Cybertron would have to do without his power. They resolved that when Scorponok next appeared, they would be ready and waiting to settle the score.
Back on Cybertron, the situation had gone from bad to worse: Powerhouse’s seismic forces disturbed Trypticon from his hibernation, and he awoke very hungry indeed. After consuming several Titan Masters, including Powerhouse, and gaining their abilities, Trypticon lay waste to the Autobot defenses, felling Fortress Maximus. Just in time, Iron Apex arrived from Caminus, merging with Magnus Prime to form Omega Prime, who was able to drive the beast back to the Praetorus Wharf.
During the battle, I had been impressed by the bravery of Metalhawk, and so before returning to the Realm of the Primes, I entrusted with him the power of my spark—much as my father, Primus, had done long ago to create the Titan Masters in the first place.
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friedfriedchicken · 1 year
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aoitakumi8148 · 1 year
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"Will you die with me?"
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pikahlua · 1 year
MHA Chapter 403 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 なんのためえにぃうーまれて nan no tamee nii uumarete What are you born for and
book cover あんぱんまん anpanman Anpanman
2 なぁにをしぃてえいきるのかぁ naani wo shiitee ikiru no kaa what are you going to do? (Note: The above lines are the opening lyrics to the Anpanman theme song.)
tagilne オールマイト幼き日の記憶ーー オールマイトおさなきひのきおくーー OORU MAITO osanaki hi no kioku-- All Might's childhood memories--
C (copyright) やなせたかし Yanase Takashi Takashi Yanase
3 思い返せば おもいかえせば omoi kaeseba If I think back,
4 誰もが通る道にあったモノだ だれもがとおるみちにあったモノだ dare mo ga tooru michi ni atta MONO da it's something that was on the path everyone walks.
5-6 原点と呼ぶにはあまりに柔らかな記憶 オリジンとよぶにはあまりにやわらかなきおく ORIJIN (kanji: genten) to yobu ni wa amari ni yawaraka na kioku A memory too soft to call my origin.
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1 私がした事といえば わたしがしたことといえば watashi ga shita koto to ieba If we're talking about what I did,
2 ふとその道を振り返っただけだ ふとそのみちをふりかえっただけだ futo sono michi wo furikaetta dake da I only happened to look back down that path.
3-4 それがとても大事なものに見えただけだ それがとてもだいじなものにみえただけだ sore ga totemo totemo daiji na mono ni mieta dake da [What was there]* just looked like it was very important. (*Note: Literally the word here is just "that.")
tagline No.403 The End of An Era, And---- 時代の終わり、そして  堀越耕平 ナンバー403 ジ エンド オブ アン イアラ、 アンド---- じだいのおわり、そして----  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 403 JI ENDO OBU AN IARA, ANDO---- jidai no owari, soshite----   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 403 The End of An Era, And----  Kouhei Horikoshi
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1 だから dakara That's why.
2 英雄らしく えいゆうらしく eiyuu rashiku "Like a hero."
3 キュウ…ン KYUU...N (Note: This is a sound effect for the drills destroying the gauntlet.)
4 死に方を選べると? しにかたをえらべると? shinikata wo eraberu to? "Choosing how to die?"
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1 やっと yatto "Finally"
2 出し切ったな! だしきったな! dashikitta na! "got that out!"
3 「凝血」 「ぎょうけつ」 「gyouketsu」 Bloodcurdle
4-5 手負いのヒーローの恐さは散々教わった ておいのヒーローのこわさはさんざんおそわった teoi no HIIROO no kowasa wa sanzan osowatta "I've learned well how terrifying an injured hero is."
6 君には何も果たさせはしない きみにはなにもはたさせはしない kimi ni wa nani mo hatasase wa shinai "I won't let you execute anything." (Note: He means he won't let All Might do anything like a trick or a plan to fight back.)
7 その表情を待ってた そのカオをまってた sono KAO (kanji: hyoujou) wo matteta "I was waiting for that face [expression]."
8-9 君が最も嫌がる時だ きみがもっともいやがるときだ kimi ga motto mo iyagaru toki da "The moment you can't stand the most."
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1 ジェントル‼︎ JENTORU!! "Gentle!!"
2 ああ‼︎雄英は安定した‼︎ ああ‼︎ゆうえいはあんていした‼︎ aa!! yuuei wa antei shita!! "Ah!! UA has stabilized!!"
3 行くぞ!行ってやる いくぞ!いってやる ikuzo! itte yaru "Let's go! I'll go for it."
4 わあああ‼︎ waaaa!! "Waaaah!!"
5 撮るのを止めるな! とるのをやめるな! toru no wo yameruna! "Don't stop taking video!"
6 ぐぅ!!! guu!!! "Ggh!!!"
7 雄英に吸われて狙いがズレたか… ゆうえいにすわれてねらいがズレたか… yuuei ni suwarete nerai ga ZUREta ka... "Perhaps my aim was off because it got absorbed by UA..."
8 まァいい…善性に抑えられていろ飛田 まァいい…ぜんせいにおさえられていろとびた maA ii...zensei ni osaerarete iro Tobita "Well, it's fine... Stay restrained there by your good nature, Tobita." (Note: He means basically "Get stuck holding up UA because you have a soft heart.")
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1 レーザー一斉照射用意‼︎ レーザーいっせいしょうしゃようい‼︎ REEZAA issei shousha youi!! "Ready for simultaneous laser fire!!"
2 オールマイトに当たっちまう‼︎ オールマイトにあたっちまう‼︎ OORU MAITO ni atacchimau!! "[But] I'll hit All Might!!"
3 彼は かれは kare wa "He"
4 スターの憧れだ! スターのあこがれだ! SUTAA no akogare da! "is Star's aspiration!"
5 スターと共に弔を追い詰めたXー66ーー…! スターとともにとむらをおいつめたエックスーダブルシックスーー…! SUTAA to tomo ni Tomura wo oitsumeta EKKUSU-DABURU SHIKKUSU--...! "The X-66s that cornered Tomura together with Star--...!"
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2 スターは不在だろ スターはふざいだろ SUTAA wa fuzai daro "Star is absent, you know."
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1 あやばい a yabai "Ah, crap."
2 え e "Eh?"
3 オールマイト逝くっ オールマイトいくっ OORU MAITO iku "All Might will die,"
4 オールマイト逝く! オールマイトいく! OORU MAITO iku! "All Might will die!"
5 うん終わり うんおわり un owari "Yeah, it's over."
6-7 そんな…ダメだって! sonna...DAME datte! "Something like this...is hopeless!"
8 オールマイトが OORU MAITO ga "All Might is..."
9 わしゃ…昔たすけられたんじゃ… わしゃ…むかしたすけられたんじゃ… washa...mukashi tasukeraretanja... "I...was saved by him a long time ago..."
10 どんな姿であれ…彼の死は どんなすがたであれ…かれのしは donna sugata de are...kare no shi wa "No matter what form he takes...his death"
11 おじさまっ ojisama "Uncle."
12 俊典… としのり… Toshinori... "Toshinori..."
13 時代の節目になる じだいのふしめになる jidai no fushime ni naru "will be the turning point of the era."
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1 嫌だ いやだ iya da It can't be.
2 嫌だ--- いやだ--- iya da--- It can't be---
3 ---誰か--- ---だれか--- ---dare ka--- ---someone---
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1 No.403 ナンバー403 NANBAA 403 No. 403
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1 The End of An Era, ジ エンド オブ アン イアラ、 JI ENDO OBU AN IARA, The End of An Era,
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1 And------ アンド------ ANDO------ And------
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1 The Beginning ザ ビギニング ZA BIGININGU The Beginning
tagline 想いは今一つにーー‼︎ おもいはいまひとつにーー‼︎ omoi wa ima hitotsu ni--!! Their feelings* now [become] one--!! (*Note: This word has MANY meanings: "heart, mind, thoughts, feelings, desires, wishes, hopes, etc.")
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09lover · 8 months
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shoganai daburu nanda……….
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rainy-day-wizard · 8 months
QSMP Members in Japanese script!!
Soooo i saw some people doing the qsmp members names in other scripts and thought i'd join in :] i know how to read Japanese script (exept kanji ;-;) because i studied Japanese for a few years- be warned i forgot a lot of what i learned and my memory is pretty basic so this will definitely be very flawed im sure but i thought it'd be fun anyway!! bc i haven't touched japanese in a WHILE
i'll try not to infodump about the japanese writing system so i'll just say that these will be in katakana which is used to write foreign words!
English speakers
Badboyhalo- バヅゥボィイハロ (Badu-boii-hal/ro) yeahhh thats a tough one... but it's probably the closest i'll get ;-;
DanTDM- ダンテデエム (Dan-tede-emu) or just ダン
FitMC- フィットエムスィイ (Fitto-emu-sii) or just フィット
Foolish- フリイシゥ (Furiishu) no notes F♥️G
IronMouse- アイロンマオス (Airon-maosu)
Jaiden- ジャイデン (Jaiden)
Nihachu- ニハチュ (Nihachu) or ニッキー
Philza- フィイウザ (Fiuza) or フィイルザ (Filuza)
Slimecicle- スライムスィイクル (Sulaimu-siikuru) this took way too long, curse you charlie slimecicle
TinaKitten- ティイナキッテン (Tiina-kitten) or just ティイナ (Tiina)
Tubbo- トゥウッボオ (Tubboo)
WilburSoot- ウィルバアスウト (Wirubaa-suuto) or just ウィルバア (Wirubaa)
Spanish speakers
Carre- カアレイ(Kaarei) Short and sweet B)
Elmariana- エルマリアナ (Eru-mariana)
German- ヘルマン (Heruman)
Lenay- レネイ (Lenei)
Luzu- ルーズ (Luuzu) plus a bonus Arin! エリン (Erin)
Maximus- マクスィムス (Makusimusu) or マクソ (Makuso)
MissaSinfonia- ミッサスィフォンニア (Missa-sifonnia)
Polispol- ポウイスポウ (Pou-isu-pou) or maybe ポルイスポル (Polu-isu-polu)? the first is more phonetically accurate
Quackity- クアキティイ (Kuakitii) or just クアキティ (Kuakitii)
Rivers- リベエレス (Riv(b)eeresu) or リベエリス (Riv(b)eerisu)
Roier- ロイエエル (Roieeru)
Rubius- ルウビエス (Ruubiesu)
Spreen- スップリン (Suppurin)
Vegetta- デヘエタ (V(b)eheeta) *
Willyrex- ウィリレクス (Wiri-rekusu)
Portuguese speakers
Bagi- バアジイ (Baajii) pretty easy and accurate
Cellbit- セルビット (Selubitto) or if you wanna keep the "tch" sound at the end セルビッチ (Selubicchi) lmaoo
Felps- フェレプス (Felepusu) it doesn't really sound right but it's the best i could think of
Mike- マィク (Maiku) more english pronunciation or マィキ (Maiki) more like "mikey"/ the ptbr pronunciation
Pactw- パクティイダブル (Paku-tii-daburu) or just パク (Paku)
French speakers
AntoineDaniel-アントアンダンイエル (Antoan-danielu)
AyPierre- アピエエル (Apieeru)
Baghera Jones- バゲラアジョンス (Bagera-jyonsu)
Etoiles- エトアア (Etoaa)
Kameto- カメト (Kameto) Incredibly simple it's just kameto
And our latest member 악어/Acau- アカウ
*Japanese doesn't have its own "V" sound so instead it's usually written with a character for the "B" sound even though most people still pronounce it like a "V"
I apologize in advance for any errors that i for sure made, my japanese is VERY rusty >_< If anyone of you is more proficient in japanese, feel free to point out any mistakes you see and i will try to fix it!!
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mayimkjs · 2 months
MeMe and Double's Title Wordplay
Taken from the FOOL's MATE research doc
2 “Me”s referring to Mikoto and John. 
MeMe could be translated as “ミミ” or “Mi Mi” which can mean “3 Mikotos”. This plays into the Trikoto theory. 
One of the definitions of meme are “an element of a culture or system of behavior passed from one individual to another by imitation or other non-genetic means.”
Daburu (ダブル) is how the W is sometimes mispronounced in Japanese. Double yoU.
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oboetemasuka · 11 months
Musical analysis: Double
It's here! First disjoint entry in the series! Since it has been a while, I might have forgotten my own rules in labeling.
Key: A minor, A Major Range: F3-A4
Form analysis: (The biggest challenge was figuring out what to do with all the Cs)
A - Verse 1, part 1 ("tsukare mata kyo mo junbi...")
B - Verse 1, part 2 ("nozonde...")
C1 - Prechorus ("tada yume o mite itanda yo...") I could argue that it's part of the chorus too, since they have similar melodies.
C2 - Chorus ("na ore ga sukutta hazudarou...")
A' - Verse 2, part 1 (similar to verse 1, but with a different background instrumental)
D - Verse 2, part 2 (the phone call)
C1' - Prechorus ("wakara na noni...")
C'' - Outro ("oboete nandayo / shoganai daburu nanda")
Form: (inst) A B C1 C2 (inst) A' D C1' C2 C2 C''
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manicr · 2 years
Sniktfam names
Since I know it's a hot debate (though I usually avoid those) I'm gonna just make a statement on what I'm doing to avoid an upset inbox or quarrels in the tags.
James "Logan" Howlett/Wolverine: I call either Logan or Wolverine depending on if I'm thinking of him in his hero role or not. Writers use Logan, and we didn't know about the James part for ages.
Laura Kinney/Howlett/X-23/Wolverine: I use Laura or depending on when it was set Wolverine (since she took up her mantle) or X-23. The name X-23 was denounced in her current form but If I'm talking about teen or child Laura then that was her moniker. For tagging purposes I will try to fit as many of the names in for spread of content.
Laura Kinney from the Vault has now taken the name Talon. I'll use Talon or vault/old Laura for her.
Gabrielle "Gabby" Kinney/Howlett/Scout/Honeybadger: I use Gabby. I frankly do not like the name Scout, so I use Gabby.
Akihiro/Daken/Fang: (Note: Akihiro has not claimed a surname.) I use Akihiro or depending on when it was set Fang (since he took up the name) or Daken. The name Daken was denounced in his current form as of 2022/2023, but If I'm talking about before then, or setting it earlier in the timeline, I will use Daken. For tagging purposes I will try to fit as many of the names in for spread of content.
Using old code names, even when they are insulting, is to place it in a time-frame. These aren't real people, their names serve a narrative purpose.
Using X-23 in the earlier runs showed that Laura did not yet see herself as something else than what the Facility made her. It was a narrative device to show that she struggled with identity, purpose and growth. There was narrative satisfaction and momentum when she DID change her code-name to Wolverine. It was a cathartic to let go of the old name, it showed her forward momentum.
The issue is the same with Akihiro using Daken and then letting it go. Daken was the identity he used when he was a tool under Romulus, and those that came after, it was the name he used to embrace the hurt others caused rather than to redefine himself. Daken (Mongrel/Mutt) is him denigrating himself yet also reclaiming it. Narratively, it also serves as his villain code-name. It shows him being what others thought of him: you think I'm bad, I'll show you bad. Him being given the title and taking up Fang for acts of heroism are again a point of narrative satisfaction. Name change to symbolize growth.
Then one can have the discussion of how bad in taste Daniel Way, Steve Dillon and Marjorie Liu (who early stepped in to define the character) were in picking Daken for a biracial character as a narrative device of identity and later growth. Most fans are happy with him no longer carrying a code-name that is that implicit insult, and are satisfied with one that reflects his heroic status.
Real world note: biracial and mixed people in Japan are very discriminated against, but the term daken (駄犬 kana reading だけん) is not used as a slur: it literally means mongrel/cur and refers to real dogs. Rather Hāfu (ハーフ, "half"); the slightly more positive Daburu (ダブル, lit. double); the slur Konketsuji (混血児, lit. mixed-blood child) are used, among other more specific terms.
It is as such a very IRL influenced choice to have his heritage as a point of narrative conflict and a code-name that reflects that conflict; and they did avoid the IRL slurs for a person who would have been in that situation IRL, making up their own word i.e. daken, which of course, might in practice be used but is not THE slur related to hafu.
I'm very aware and have been personally affected by the IRL issue of racial/national slurs (I was considered a hurri and literally beaten for it), but fiction does not follow the same rules. Its point is to create narrative conflict and then resolve it; both Laura and Akihiro's stories re: names have followed this. Narratives have the right to write about the uncomfortable, scary and traumatizing since those are a part of human experience; muting those voices mute the stories of those who have suffered.
As an additional note: I will not police or care what others use. For me, personally, these are narrative devices. Feel free to disagree. But I won't go into deep discussion on it either.
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To Naegiri: I dare you two to sing W-B-X Boiled Extreme from Kamen Rider W(Double).
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♪ W-B-X! Futari no body and soul! (Hoka ni nai sa only! Tsumari ainori) Hitotsu ni W-B-X! Saikou no paatonaa, Deau toki (Deau toki) Kiseki okoru (so we can make it!) Daburu wo sagase! (W-B-X crime and the city) ♪
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capulated-canthea · 2 years
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maikafukua · 7 days
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Rette and Daburu !!!
"The hypnosis from the Future"
(MVDZ content)
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kaeotic · 1 year
there’s a lovin’ tide
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