#Dad!Steve Rogers
crazyunsexycool · 3 days
Now we know that Steve is a giant softie.
Imagine Honey being heavily pregnant with bee and she is not comfortable at all. Hence she gets a pregnancy pillow to help her sleep better.
Who knew that steeb would get jealous of a non living object like a pillow!!
He's so jealous of this pillow! How can his girl feel more comfortable with this stupid pillow and not him?! Offcourse he's the best cuddler! He'd be all grumpy because he's not able to cuddle Honey because of this pillow!
Hahahahaha!! Poor Steve. He finally got his girl and now some pillow is taking his place.
Pregnancy Pillow
Warning: pregnancy talk.
A/N: also I know I said I’d call Sugar from MLL Mrs. B but it feels so formal to use it all the time and I remembered that Steve calls her Magnet and I think ppl calling her Mags would make more sense than Mrs. B so Mags is Sugar lolol
Steve walked in to his shared home with you after a long day of work. He was excited to wash the day away and spend the evening with you. Without much thought Steve walked into the living room where he knew he’d find you. Since you had started your second trimester, every day without fail, you’d take a nap. It was a running joke between the two of you that the couch had been laced with a sleep aid because every that sat there would eventually get sleepy.
Just what he thought, Steve found you on the comfy couch but this time he noticed the huge pillow you were surrounded by. You looked so comfortable in that moment but Steve frowned slightly at the thought that he couldn’t sit and place your head on his lap. Still Steve leaned over the back of the couch and pressed a kiss to your temple before heading to take a shower.
When he came back down you were in the kitchen drinking some water. You smiled at Steve as he got closer and placed a hand on your growing belly.
“Hi honey, how was your day?” He says before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“Good and uneventful. How was your training?”
“Good, same as always with the new trainees. They want to impress me and go overboard.” Steve grabs some water for himself. “How was your nap? You looked comfortable.”
You smile and sigh.
“It was amazing. Mags got me the pregnancy pillow and it’s so comfortable. I love it.”
“That was nice of her.”
“Yeah, I can’t wait to use it in bed. I bet I’ll sleep even better with it.”
“Excuse me, what?” Steve looked genuinely horrified at the thought of that pillow in your shared bed. “That thing isn’t going in our bed.”
You immediately pout and cross your arms over your chest.
“Why not? It’s comfortable.”
“Well you have me. Don’t you want to cuddle anymore?” It was Steve’s turn to pout.
You move around to stand in front of Steve and you grab both his hands. “My darling you know I love to cuddle up with you but I haven’t been sleeping that well. I just need the extra support.”
Steve groans but accepts that your comfort is more important than some cuddles. You get up on your toes and kiss his cheek before leaving to place your new pillow on your bed.
For weeks Steve had to watch you get comfortable with that damn pillow. Bucky had told him that it was the best and worst thing ever invented. Steve could only agree. While he was more than happy for you to get a more comfortable sleep, he hated being separated from you.
You on the other hand couldn’t stop giggling at the hatred Steve had toward an inanimate object. He would glare at the pillow every chance he could. And you’re sure that if he could, Steve would burn that pillow just so that he never had to see it again.
It wasn’t until Steve had come back injured from a mission that he finally understood the comfort of the stupid pillow. Steve woke up from a nap after being discharged from the medbay and he was surprised when he found himself wrapped up with the pillow.
“You seem comfortable.” You giggle as you enter your room.
Steve tried to push the pillow away but it was too late. You'd already seen him and now he knew that you would never let him live it down. He tried to move to help you get into bed but with how hurt he was he could only sit by and watch you wiggle your way into a comfortable position.
"C'mere." You open your arms and Steve settles in next to you.
His hand immediately lands on your swollen belly and he sighs happily while you play with his hair.
"How are you feeling?"
"Better, now that I get you to myself."
"You've have me to yourself all the time." You say with a smile.
"Not with that monstrosity in the way."
You laugh again. "The baby will be here faster than you think and soon that pillow will be gone from our bed. Just hold on a little longer."
"I'm burning it after Bee is born."
You huff a laugh. "You can't burn it."
"Why not?"
"Well," you feel flustered just at the thought. "What if we have more kids? I'm going to need it again."
Steve pulls back to get a better look at you. His eyes are soft and full of love.
"You want to have more kids?"
"Yes, maybe. Only if you do too."
Steve gives you a lopsided grin and rests his head against your chest. "I guess the pillow stays."
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 6 months
Milk and Cookies » Steve Rogers/Captain America
December 5th
Pairings: Husband/Dad!Steve Rogers x Wife/Mom!Reader with son James
Summary: Steve’s and Y/N’s 4 year old son can’t sleep so Steve lets him snack on milk and cookies.
Warnings: Fluff, language, nothing but cuteness, hugs and kisses, cuddling, nicknames for son (buddy, sweetie), pet names for Y/N (sweetheart)
Written on my phone so sorry if there’s any mistakes or typos.
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators.
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“Daddy!” Steve hears a little voice.
“Daddy!” He hears again with a small hand tapping his arm.
Steve’s eyes open to see his and your 4 year old son James standing on his side of the bed. He checked the time on his phone which displayed 1:32am.
“What’s wrong, buddy? Why aren’t you in bed?” Steve asks, rubbing his eyes.
“Can’t sleep.” James says with a pout.
“You can’t sleep?” He says.
“No.” James nodded his head.
“I have an idea.” Steve says, getting out of bed.
Steve picked up James and quietly went downstairs so him and James didn’t wake you up. Steve sat James on the counter and rummaged through the cabinets causing James to furrow his eyebrows in confusion.
“What you doing, daddy?” James asks.
“Looking for the cookies.” He says.
“Cookies?” James asks, tilting his head slightly.
“Yes. Cookies.” Steve says.
When Steve found the cookies, he put them on the counter next to James and grabbed two cups and the milk from the fridge.
“Your grandma did this when I was your age when I couldn’t sleep.” Steve says as he poured milk in the cups.
“Your mommy did let you eat milk and cookies past your bedtime?” James asks.
“Sometimes.” He says with a smile.
Steve grabbed a couple of cookies, giving one to James. James took it from his daddy and dipped it in the milk and took a bite of it.
“Daddy, who was I named after?” James asks curiously.
“You were named after uncle Bucky. Daddy’s best friend.” Steve tells him.
“I thought his name was Bucky?” He asks confused.
“It is. His middle name is Buchanan, but he goes by Bucky.” Steve explains.
“Oh ok.” James eats the rest of his cookie. “Can I watch cartoons?” He asks.
“Normally I would say no, but yes you can. Don’t tell mommy.” He says.
“No tell mommy.” James says.
Steve cleaned up the little mess of cookie crumbs on the counter and put the cookies away. He picked James up off the counter and walked to the living room and sat down on the couch with him in his arms.
“What do you want to watch?” Steve asks, turning on the TV.
“SpongeBob!” James says excitedly, clapping his hands.
“Why SpongeBob?” He asks.
“Uncle Peter lets me watch it at his house and he’s funny!” He tells his daddy.
Steve chuckled at his son’s cuteness and put SpongeBob on. It didn’t take long for James to fall asleep. Steve noticed and grabbed a blanket from the other side of the couch. He carefully laid down with James on his chest and covered the both of them up. He wrapped his arms around him protectively and kissed the top of his head. Steve fell asleep soon after.
When morning came, you rolled over to wrap your arm around your husband only to find out that he wasn’t in bed. You got out of bed and went to James’s bedroom, thinking Steve was in there, but he wasn’t. You began to panic. You quickly went downstairs, but heard the sound of the TV coming from the living room. You went to the living room to see James playing with some of his toys on the floor and Steve sleeping on the couch which made you feel relieved. James looked up and smiled.
“Good morning, mommy!” James smiles.
“Good morning, sweetie!” You bent down to kiss his forehead.
“Daddy sleeping.” He says in almost a whisper.
“I see that.” You say.
You sat down on the couch and leaned down to give Steve a kiss on his cheek making him smile. He opened his eyes to see you sitting next to him. Steve sat up and gave you a sweet kiss on your lips.
“Do you want to explain why you were in bed when I woke up?” You asked your husband.
“James couldn’t sleep last night.” Steve says.
“Daddy let me eat milk and cookies and let me watch cartoons, but you’re not supposed to know!” James chimes in.
“Oh really?” You say, looking at your husband.
“I thought it would help him sleep.” He says.
“I did go back to sleeps!” James says.
“Well that’s good. What do you want for breakfast?” You asked.
“Pancakes!” James says with excitement.
“Alright. You two stay here and I’ll make breakfast.” You say, standing up and went to the kitchen.
“Thank you!” James and Steve say at the same time.
“You’re welcome!” You say back.
-Bucky’s Doll
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moonlit-imagines · 2 months
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requested by anonymous
“Hold it, hold it.” Your father said as he saw you walk past him in slightly revealing attire, only so that a glimpse of your stomach was shown when you lifted your arms, really. “What was that?” He pointed at your midriff.
“Huh?” You said in confusion before it clicked in your head and you’re eyes noticibly widened. “What do…you mean? Is there something on my shirt?” You looked down and brushed your hands down your stomach.
“Just show me.” Steve sighed and your shoulders dropped in defeat, pulling your shirt just over your belly button. “When did you get a piercing? How did you even pay for that?” He questioned, looking back up at you in disbelief.
“I got it done on a day you were out on a mission, my friend payed for it.” You admitted and poked it a bit. “It healed good, though. And it’s kind of cute, I like it. Don’t you?” You asked your father.
“I am glad your happy with it.” Steve plainly responded. “Just run it by me before you put any more holes in your skin. That includes tattoos, too.”
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @johnmurphyisqueer // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @summersimmerus // @scarthefangirl // @bad4amficideas // @sheridans-dynamos // @simsrecs // @prettysbliss // @skdkdkckfk // @simp-legend // @wild-rose-35 // @nekoannie-chan // @evilcr0ne // @v0idl1nq // @ruvaakke // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @amirahiddleston // @beth-gallagher22 // @brutal-out-here // @rqmanoff // @elenavampire21 // @mymelodymia // @pheonixfire777 // @deanzboyfriend //
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holylulusworld · 19 days
Heavenly creature - Unbreakable Bonds (6)
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Summary: A stranger saves you from an unfriendly encounter. Is he a knight in shiny armor?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Princess Shuri
Warnings: heavy angst, language, hurt & comfort, clingy/possessive reader, fluff, dad!Steve
A/N: I usually do not describe my reader’s appearance/race. In this case I had to make an exception as it’s important for the storyline.
Divider by @firefly-graphics​
<< Part 5
Heavenly Creature masterlist
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“Soldier, are we done for today?” You hopefully look at Bucky when he walks inside the examination room. Your face falls seeing Steve by his side. “Please?”
“We are almost done for today,” Steve softly says. “Our friend will run a few more tests, okay.”
You reluctantly nod. 
“They mean no harm,” Bucky adds. You visibly relax at his words. “How about we have lunch together? All of us.” He holds out his hand and forces a smile on his face.
“Yes,” you grab his hand and smile widely. “Can we have dessert too? I miss ice cream. I haven’t had some in ages.”
“Why?” Steve asks. “Ice cream is great.”
“They said it’s bad and…” You suck in a breath. The words just slipped out of your mouth before you could stop them. “Sugar is bad…feelings too…”
“Doll,” Bucky wraps his arms around you when you start to cry. “Hey, you can eat as much ice cream as you want to.”
“What if I can’t heal you because I ate sugar? What if you die?” You fist Bucky’s shirt. “I can’t risk losing you. It will be all my fault if you can’t be healed.”
Steve chokes out a sob. He witnessed Hydra’s cruelty more than once. But your broken voice telling them all the things Hydra planted in your young mind when you were a child, is unbearable to him.
“They won’t know, Y/N,” Steve tries once again to get your attention. “Bucky is healthy and strong. If he gets hurt, we can help him at the medic bay. We have doctors, and I can donate blood for him too. I’m a super-soldier, remember?”
“You can?” You lift your head and sniffle. “Is your blood as good as mine? Maybe it’s not as good…”
“Y/N, I’m your father. We share the same blood,” Steve holds back another sob when you reluctantly let go of Bucky to step toward him. “I’m a universal donor too.”
“Oh!” Your smile widens and you grasp Steve’s hand. “You can save my soldier too! Wonderful!”
Steve holds back a sigh. Your whole world seems to revolve around his friend. Since they broke the barrier you built in your mind to protect yourself from remembering your past, you lost interest in anything but Bucky. 
“We should eat now,” Steve murmurs, afraid to scare you off if he speaks any louder. “What do you like?”
“Pasta and ice cream,” you dreamily say. “Maybe we can have chocolate too, and pudding. I love pudding.”
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“Hmm…tastes great,” you shovel the pasta in your mouth, ignoring people staring at you and the super-soldiers at your table. “What?” You cock a brow. “It’s good.”
“You should slow down,” Steve whispers, afraid to draw too much attention toward your table. “There is more than enough.”
“It’s delicious and I don’t want you to steal my food,” you pout at Steve before you look at Bucky. “Why don’t you eat, soldier? You need food to stay strong and healthy.”
“I’m good,” Bucky barely touched the food in front of him. On your way to the restaurant, you talked non-stop about your past, and all the things your so-called parents forbid you. Like playing with your dolls or spending time with other kids.
You nod but worry Bucky might be sick. “Are you sick? Do you need me to help you?” You slip off the chair to press the back of your hand to Bucky’s forehead. “No temperature. That’s good. You’re not having a fever then.”
“Y/N,” Steve gets up from his chair to stop you from examining Bucky. “Please eat your food. Bucky is not sick. You need the food more than him.”
Steve pulls the chair for you, nodding at his friend. “You need to eat something too, Buck. We don’t want Y/N to worry about you. Give her what she needs…”
“I’ll eat, doll,” Bucky lifts the spoon to his mouth. “See. No reason to worry about me all the time.”
You shyly glance at your plate. There is chaos in your mind. A part of you wants to be close to Bucky, and make sure he’s safe. And the little part that’s left of the shy librarian is screaming bloody murder and begs you to run for the hills if you get the chance to do so.
So far, you don’t know which part of your personality will win the war going on inside of you. You’d love it to be the part wanting to be close to Bucky. Because without him, who are you?
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Steve shows you around the apartment they prepared at the Avengers’ tower for you. You follow him, barely sparing the furniture and decoration a glance.
“We got most of your things, some books too. If you need anything else, please let me know,” he hopefully looks at you, waiting for your response.
“That’s very kind of you, and Mr. Stark but—” you chew on your lower lip, afraid to anger the super-soldier. “Can I not stay with my soldier?”
“Y/N,” he sighs. “I know something tells you that you must stay close to Bucky, but it’s best if you stay here for a while. You need to time on your own, and to sort your thoughts.”
“I want—” you shake your head. “I need to stay close. Please don’t leave me here all alone with my thoughts. Please.” You grab Steve’s hand, tugging hard. “Please Dad…don’t leave me alone with them…”
“With whom?” he softly asks. “Y/N?”
“The ghosts of my past,” you whimper. “I can hear them in my head now. Mom. Dad. My aunt. The doctors. The men with the guns,” you sniffle. “They are screaming at me. If I’m close to the soldier, they are gone.”
“Oh, Y/N,” Steve wraps you in a hug. “I don’t know if it’s a good idea. Bucky hates himself for kidnapping and hurting you. He blames himself for forcing you to remember your past.”
“I hated my life before the soldier found me again. Nightmares and flashbacks aren’t new to me. I just didn’t know why the voices followed me around. At least now I know that I’m not crazy.
“If you want me to, I’ll ask Bucky if it’s okay that you stay with him for tonight.”
Steve wishes you’d seek his closeness. You’re a grown woman, still, Steve feels like he’s holding a newborn child in his arms. Not days ago, he believed he’d never get the chance to become a father, and now he’s holding his child in his arms.  
“We will ask him together. Okay. Don’t worry. Bucky is a good man and will not send you away. Get a few things and I’ll be waiting outside for you.”
Steve steps away to leave the room. He’s still torn between protecting you from his best friend and being happy that you trust Bucky enough to feel safe close to him.
“You’d have been a much better dad,” you murmur as Steve grabs the door handle. “Now I know why they never told me about you.”
“I wish I knew about you, Y/N. I’d have come to your aid and saved you and Bucky.”
“I know.”
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“No programming and no manipulation?” Tony huffs. “That’s impossible. It’s like she’s programmed to follow Barnes like a puppy.”
Shuri shakes her head. “You don’t understand. In a way, she got manipulated by Hydra. But – the part of Y/N seeking White Wolf’s closeness is the part that remembers his kindness in times of need. I talked to her for hours and ran all the tests. It’s her, nothing more and nothing less.”
“I don’t—” Tony shakes his head. “How’s that possible?”
“Her vulnerable soul and broken mind tried to find a way to bear all the pain and treatment. Somehow, a bond between these tortured souls formed so many years ago. And I think it’s unbreakable…”
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“Sold-“ you stop yourself from pouncing on Bucky. You nervously shuffle from one foot to the other, waiting for Bucky to tell you to get closer. “Bucky.”
“Hi,” Bucky offers a weak smile. “How are you?”
“I…” Dropping your gaze you shrug. “I don’t know, to be honest. I remember everything now. Hydra. You. My parents, who weren’t my parents. My time as a librarian. The soldier protecting me.”
“I remember you now too,” he slowly steps closer and holds out his hand. “Back then I made a promise to you. Do you remember?”
“Yes,” you nod and smile. “You said that no one will ever hurt me again. That you’ll save me and get me away from the bad people.”
“I will keep that promise from now on. I failed you in the past,” he takes your hand to gently hold it, “I won’t fail this time...”
The End...?
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neonovember · 2 months
Request: Sam Wilson x younger, platonic! reader
Plot: Reader relaxing around Sam’s place in Louisiana-Bucky can be in it, reader’s relationship with him would be platonic or familial.
Louisiana Sun
steve, sam, bucky x platonic!daughter!reader, generous nods (i practically wrote a whole confession) to sarahbucky
things; dad!steve rogers moments, over protective steve, reader makes some risky decisions, bucky and same are basically your uncles, bucky is in love with sarah and louisiana by extension, 
w/c; 4k (reader had to do a lot of convincing to let steve believe she wont get kidnapped in the presence of two soldiers)
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You’ve never felt love like you did in Louisiana. 
The sun baked grass, the humid winds kissing your shoulder. The vibrancy of colour and life that explodes on the streets, and in the caring waves of neighbours. 
You taste home whenever Steve drives you up to Sam’s rickety gate, slamming the car door open to his objection and running through the winding bend of grass and willow trees. You can't wait for Steve to pull into Sam’s drive way, the bleached wooden porch calls to you in a way you can’t ignore.
So you find it exceptionally painful whenever Steve is swarmed with so much work he can’t make the drive up. And there was no way Steve would even let you take a plane ride by yourself, he says it’s cause he’d be too afraid but you think it’s because you help with the dishes.
It’s Friday evening at the Rogers, a night of pizza and Noir crime films you both adore. It’s spring break, and you've spent every waking hour with Steve cooped up at home. You don't mind it, it has made up for a lot of the father daughter time missed between missions. But god you can’t come back to school and say you spend the holidays with Captain America again.
“So..Sam called” You murmur, fainting nonchalance whilst you watch his every expression out of the corner of your eye. Gene Tirney’s whiskey voice blares from the TV screen in front of you.
“Uhm?” Steve replies with his mouth full.
“Yeah, he was wondering when I’d come down again to see ‘em. Bucky’s spending some time there too, helping out with the boat and Sarah” You reply, stretching your arms out in front of you.
“And what did you say” Steve replies after wiping away the smudges of sauce from his chin, eyes widening
“I said I’ll have to check with Corporal Rogers first” You tease
“Hey, I’m not anywhere near..”
“Dad we haven’t left this house in weeks, I’m not going to go another week locked in here” You reply
“I let you go places..remember Monday?”
“When you asked me to buy your cream of mushroom from the Bodega?!” You shriek, eyes boggling.
“Yes..?” Steve replies unsure, eyebrows furrowing
“That was a chore. For your own benefit by the way, I mean who in their right mind likes cream of mushroom?” You reply
“Ay, I’m not going to let you disrespect my taste in food for the second time today” Steve replies
“Oh please, I barely said anything about your choice of onions as a pizza topping-
“My pizza topping?? I was reconsidering dinner when you wanted pineapples. Fruit should not belong on pizza, there are rules. When I was your age we had-”
“To boil everything or else we’d get tetanus and die” You moan, rolling your eyes 
“No..when I was your age I don't think pineapples even made it to New York yet” Steve murmurs, hand on his chin as if to truly consider it.
“Are you sure you're my father?” You reply, and are met with a soft cushion flying towards you.
“Work’s just been a lot lately kid. And I miss you too darn much to let you leave my sight. You know how I am, I see kids go missin’ everyday. Don’t know what I’d do if that happened to you cause I was reckless”
“You aren't getting sick of my face?”
“You’re not being reckless Dad, I’m going to be with Sam for gods sake, and Bucky too! In Louisiana of all places! They probably mug you with bugnes as pistols” You giggle
“Don’t joke about that"
“Oh come on! You both were on a team for like eighty years, you don't trust them?”
“Of course I trust them, they’re your designated ‘if i get in a freak accident they take over’ people.
“Hey! Don’t joke about that” You quip
“I just like knowing you're near” Steve replies after chuckling
“I could just stay for a weekend! I’ll be back before you know it. Swear” You plead.
“You say that now..” Steve cocks his eyebrows, part of him knew you'd stay six months there if you could
You put on your best heartbroken pouted face whilst Steve goes through the motions of being finally convinced. His eyebrows furrow, his hand coming up to scratch at his golden locs as he considers it.
His shoulders slump, and before he can even say a gruntled “Fine..” You’re cheering, getting up to twirl around the lamp lit living room. Steve chuckles at your antics, eyes glinting with light at the sight of you jumping in happiness.
He knew he’d say yes in the end. You're his little girl, he can’t ever say no to you.
“Whilst you're up, switch out Laura for somethin’ else. We still got a checklist to get through”
“Isn’t it getting close to your bed time, senior citizen?” You giggle, reaching for the box of recorded movie tapes under the bookshelf dresser.
“Age ain't going to stop me from showing you what good cinema is” Steve barks, reaching for his glass of water gingerly.
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You’re half through the Maltese Falcon, Sam Spade flickering his cigarette in flashes of black and white when Steve's phone rings.
He groans loudly, lying on his back with his legs stretched and laying on the coffee table with the bitten edges of pizza crust left over. The couch buzzes beneath your weight, somewhere deep within the crevices near spare change and ink pens it vibrates.
“You gonna get that old man?” You turn to Steve, mouth filled with cheesy saucy bread
“Easy now Rogers, and finish your mouthful” 
You roll your eyes as Steve searches under the blanket stretched across you both, a sound of triumph leaves his throat when he grasps the metallic slick edges.
“Rogers” Steve grunts into the phone
“Ah Fury…Mhmm..didn’t they have Clint on that?..Right..”
You raise your eyebrows at the conversation between Steve and Fury, Steve pinches the bridge of his nose as he plops his head back against the head of the couch.
“For three weeks? Fury, you know I got Y/N to take care of. It’s why I transferred out of the field, it isn’t ‘cause I like reading” Steve murmurs, eyes cutting to you
Your eyebrows widen at that, mouthing to ‘pass the phone’ to Steve who shakes his head at you. Growing impatient, and longing to see Sam, Bucky and Sarah you make a mental note to blame them for the scolding of a century as you reach and swipe the phone from Steve's lazy grip.
“Yeah, I don’t know Fury- HEY”
“This is Steve Rogers manager speaking, yes he can and will be there for the mission”
“Y/N” Fury replies, his voice lit with a hint of humour at your antics.
You wrestle to escape Steve's reflexes, luckily you're a teenage girl who wants something so you're obviously faster. You throw the same pillow Steve had thrown at you before in his face, running behind the couch with the phone tucked between your ear and shoulder, poking your tongue out at Steve.
“Hey Fury! How’s the wife and kids” You remark
“Who told you about my wife and kids”
“Oh Fury, think those confidential documents are safe from a certain Spider?”
“Goddamit Parker..” Fury mutters
You doge a flying pillow headed your way, Steve’s face growing red with frustration at you missing every hit. Super soldier my ass.
“Where’ll Steve be stationed?”
“Prague-wait, aren’t you twelve? I hate to say it but the soldiers right, you can’t just be left alone-”
“One word Fury. Louisiana, Beignets and a bird”
“That’s three words”
“Yeah well I ain't twelve but I didn’t correct you on that did I?”
“I’m an old man, Y/N” Fury replies gruffly
“I’m pretty sure you were in the hospital hallway at my birth..” You murmured
“How did you-?!” Fury replies
You're too busy skipping zig zag across the living room to escape the pieces of pizza, cushions and cd covers flying your way to hear him. You heard it once that it helps dodge bullets, and with the horsepower behind your own fathers arm, you think it matches.
“Makes sense anyways, there isn't a Wilson and Barnes without a Rogers nearby. You guys are like goddamn pack members” Fury replies “Let Steve know to be packed and ready by Sunday”
“Bye Fury” You giggle, swiping the red button before throwing the phone immediately at Steve who lunges for it.
Running to hide behind the first thing you see, you peek out from the forked leaves of a potted plant to see a very angry and very dishevelled Steve.
“Is now a good time to say I got a 90 on my science quiz?” You reply with a gulp
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You’re smart enough not to run out the car seat the second Sam’s house comes into view, despite the itchiness festering in your bones driving though Louisiana and not being able to finally set your feet down onto it.
Steve called Sam the next morning, and you had already packed a suitcase of clothes and necessities a few days prior. You always felt healed after every road trip, and tuning out blues and Leon Bridges whilst driving through the country felt like a respite in itself.
As Steve pulls into the dirt drive way, you see Sam perches on the deck waving towards you both. You squeeze your hands into fists until he switches the ignition off, and then you are too. The car door springs open and you're rushing into Sam’s arms, giggling as he twirls you around till you're dizzy and sick.
“You’re Father has been keeping you from us” Sam says, shooting an accusatory dagger towards Steve who has begun to unload your belongings.
“Hello to you too Sam” Steve shouts from behind the open boot with a gruff voice. 
Bucky’s booming voice makes its appearance before he does, rounding the corner of the back yard wiping grease off his hands onto a dirty old rag.
“If it isn’t Miss Rogers! Took ya long enough” He replies, pulling you into a tight protective hug whilst Steve sets your duffel bags on the porch edge.
Sam turns to Steve, pulling him into a hug as well, his hand slapping his back with a loud umph.
“Shame you couldn’t stay over here as well” Sam says
“Fury. Clint needs some help down in Nové Město” Steve says tiredly after embracing Bucky.
“When Duty calls” You reply 
“Steve answers” Bucky and Sam say in unison.
“It wasn’t me this time” Steve points at you accusingly “The drive up here made me start regretting it enough. Lay off will ya”
“It was okay? We’ve been getting some Black bear sightings along Wood Lake” Sam replies
“We were all right. At least I won’t have a nagging buzz in my ear the drive back” Steve teases,
“Hey!” You reply, playfully pushing his shoulder.
“Don’t worry Y/N, You’re ours now. You no longer have to face that tyrant” Bucky chirps, pulling his hair back into a bun.
“And this tyrant” Steve shifts, looking down at his watch “needs to start heading back” 
“Already? Can’t stay for lunch, Sarah’s making her seafood boil” Sam replies
Steve audibly groans, rocking on the balls of his feet as he shakes his head at the thought of missing out on Sarah Wilson's Louisiana renowned seafood.
“She is? Oh my god that better not be a lie Sam” You reply. Sarah’s cooking was like no other, you’ve been begging her to hurry up and make the next best selling cookbook.
“Yup, she's got me on shucking duty” Bucky says, feigning exasperation that held very thinly over the clear adoration Bucky had whenever he talked about Sarah.
You look towards Steve, and he raises his eyebrows as you both communicate silently. Bucky was head over heels in love with Sarah Wilson, it was getting annoying seeing them do this dance.
“Alright, time for goodbyes Kiddo” Steve replies after stifling the smirk that tugs at his mouth whilst he watches Bucky crane his neck at the sound of Sarah coming through the door.
“Steve Grant Rogers, you better not have thought of leaving without giving me a proper hello” Sarah calls, her dark coils pulled into a high bun that has begun to uncurl and frame her face.
“Tsk, Sarah. Of course I wouldn't leave before seeing the better Wilson.
“You got that right” Sarah chuckles, pulling Steve into a hug. Sam grumbles profanities under his breath as he rolls his eyes.
“Where are the boys?” 
“Staying with a friend, did ya'll know something about this ‘hoverboard’ mess that's going around?” Sarah questions, exhaustion clear in her tone from dealing with two children wanting something.
“Could probably call Tony and he’d just make one for you” Steve replies with a chuckle at Sarah’s tone.
“Great idea soldier. Knew you were gonna leave early so I packed you a little somethin’ for the road” Sarah smirks, passing the tote bag on her shoulder that even you could smell had something decadent wrapped in careful parchment.
“Sarah Wilson, the woman you are” Steve replies, grasping the bag gingerly with a sigh as he peers into the wrapped dish.
“Ya can say that again” Bucky mutters softly under his breath, his hand coming up to scratch at the nape of his neck as Sarah shifts her gaze to him.
“Okay, I’ll admit it I’m gonna miss you oldie” You say, rocking n your feet as the feeling of separation begins to settle.
“Com ‘ere kid” 
You quickly run into the open arms of Steve, blinking back tears as you lean your head on his broad shoulder. Rocking back and forth in his embrace Steve caresses your back tenderly.
“I’ll be back before you know it. We might even stay a bit longer when I do come back” Steve whispers in your ear.
You lift your head “Really? You mean that?” You whisper, as you meet his gaze, searching for any sign of a lie.
“When have I ever lied?”
“Well there was that one time you said you weren't scared of spiders..” You reply before Steve quickly cuts you off
“Okay that's enough”
You giggle, before Steve squeezes you in his arms. Shaking his head as you both part and he sets you back down.
“Never gets easier saying goodbye'' Steve replies, before moving to embrace Sam and Bucky, and placing a chaste kiss on Sarah's cheek before turning back to you.
“Now, call me before bed and in the morning, okay?” Steve replies, his tone morphing into an authoritarian lilt.
“Yep, and I'll text you some photos and videos throughout” You reply sweetly, as Steve nods along with unblinking eyes.
“What are you doing”
“I’m just taking a mental note of how you look exactly as I left you, and I will notice any piercings, hair changes and god forbid tattoos-”
“Okay, okay, just take a photo while you’re at it”
Steve shuffles on his feet, moving the back to his shoulder as he pulls out his phone
“Oh you aren’t actually-” You say, before the flash of Steve's camera cuts you off midway.
“Alright, I think I’m good to go” Steve replies, before nodding your playful punch on his shoulder.
You walk Steve to the car, hugging him goodbye again before Sam and Bucky exchange some information about something confidential, top secret, and definitely one you shouldn't listen in on.
But you do. 
And it’s boring anyway.
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The kitchen is bustling by mid afternoon, shells of craw fish and prawns scattered on the table counter and the dirty water of shelled oysters flowing down the edge of the grassy front lawn. 
The smells of cajun seasoning and buttered corn leaves you asking Sarah when it's done every five minutes till she’s banishing you from the kitchen and sending you off with a lemonade.
You move through the littered toys and figurines AJ and Cass had left in their clear hurry to spend the night at a friend's and push the screen door open with your hip. Careful to not spill your drink, you take a seat on one of the rocking chairs on the porch with a sigh.
The sounds of the nearby pier docked with ships and fisherman makes its way even down the rocky dirt roads of Sam’s place, easy against the chirps and rustles of shrikes up above the oak and willow trees around the house. 
You don't come to Louisiana to escape noise, life is all around you when you pay attention to it. New York is always awake, even at night- especially at night. Louisiana has a kind of hum that’s different, it feeds your soul.
Curling your feet underneath you, the screen door opens with a wack as Bucky stumbles onto the porch. The moisture of the beer drips down his fingers as he sits down on the adjacent chair to you.
“Sarah kick you out too?” You reply with a giggle as Bucky grumbles under his breath.
“I was just askin’ if we need to make this much food for four people..” Bucky replies, shaking his head with regret as he rests it on the back of the chair.
“Ooh rookie move mister” You reply teasingly, before Bucky cuts his eyes to you
“Oh and asking the equivalent of “are we there yet” is any better” Bucky banters, taking a swing of his beer before immediately grimacing.
“How’s you get Steve to agree to leave you for three weeks” Bucky starts, bringing his feet up to rest against the porch wooden fence.
“Oh I didn’t, Fury called and I just snatched the phone and told him he’d be there” You replied
“And you’re still breathing?!” Bucky replies incredulously
“I’m shocked by myself. But what about you?”
“Me? What about me?” Bucky replies with an eyebrow raised
“Are you staying in Louisiana indefinitely? Makes it a lot easier to convince Dad to move down here too” You continue
“I..I don't know. Maybe. Helping Sam out with the boat and everything has been good. Really good in fact.  The people here aren't afraid of me..or this” Bucky points to the vibranium compartments of his arm.
“I wasn’t, I knew they wouldn't be too” You muse, smiling as Bucky looks up at you.
“Thanks kid. Finally starting to feel normal again, part of the community now I suppose. It’s weird, even back in Brooklyn i never felt so..a part of something before”
“Can’t just up and leave ‘em like I would’ve before. Especially when Sam needs my help”
“And Sarah” You add, hiding the smile behind a nonchalant nod.
“Yeah..Sarah” Bucky adds, his eyes glazing over as he leans back, eyes shifting to the towering tree leaves that cover half the sky.
You watch him carefully, seeing the way his leg jitters a little at the mere mention of Sarah, how so in love he is with her and you can’t help yourself anymore.
“You love her, don't you?” You murmur, as Bucky quickly swings his head to look at you.
“Sarah?” You inquire, raising your eyebrows with a smirk.
“I see the way you look at her,  the way you both look at each other, and I’m here practically every summer break. Which is never”
Bucky’s face morphs from shock to realisation, sitting upright as he scratches at his dark overgrown hair.
“You think she looks at me? I mean, in that way?” Bucky asks after a pregnant pause, his voice quiet and filled with anxious shyness. He can’t even look at you, looking out into the rounding hills of the roads and houses ahead.
“I know she does. Let it be the teenage girl who can tell who is acting like two love sick high schoolers” You grin, as Bucky’s eyes twinkle, unable to hide the adoration and love about to burst through.
“Or let that Chef who came down from Chicago swept her off her feet..what was his name again?” You tease, wiggling your eyebrows as you take a sip of your melting lemonade.
“Easy now, Rogers” Bucky replies with a bark, jaw clenching at the thought of Sarah being with anyone else.
“Foods ready!” Sam calls out from the kitchen window and Bucky helps you up from your seat, tipping out the last of his drink onto the stepped on grass before you both make your way back inside.
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The thick book raised high above your face does little to block out the midday sun, you’re lying on the dock, the wooden planks warm underneath your shirt as the ends of your hair dip into the lake’s surface.
It’s a quiet hidden sort of mystical place, off the side of Sarah’s house where practically nobody but the Wilson's and by extension now you and Bucky now know about. Sarah divulged memories of spending new years here with the boys and their father years before, how it seemed likes their own little getaway.
The yellowed pages of Bucky’s first edition Hobbit flick between your fingers as you fly through the adventures of Bilbo and the fantastical realm of Erebor. You notice AJ and Cass’s squeals and laughter suddenly silent, and for the first time since you had laid down you sit upright looking across the grassy field.
The boy’s frisbee you had lost many games to earlier is dashed to the side, and as you wipe lazy exhaustion from your eyes to see Sam pull out a notebook and pen on the rug. Dusting off the dirt from the dock, you make your way through the grassy foxgloved trail towards him.
“Where did everyone go?” You question, throwing the book onto the soft cushioned floor.
“Bucky and Sarah had to take the boys home, AJ somehow ended up hurting himself on grass. And before you ask no I don’t know how” 
You giggle before plopping down on some cushions, stretching your arms out with a groan.
It’s easy to talk to Sam. About school, about New York, about life, everything.The unrelenting sun helps ease the discomfort of certain things sure, but Sam has always been your person.
“Whatcha doing?” You ask, looking at Sam scribble some things into the paper
“I like to write sometimes. Not for anyone else, just for myself. Can be about how I’m feeling some days, people I remember, hell even some poetry”
“I tried the whole journal taking thing, the counselor at school said it might be good since I don't have a “conventional family dynamic”. Psycho babble for, everyone you know and love have fought aliens in space and have the capability to take down a government. 
“I mean, there was that one time the Quinjet dropped you off at school” Sam chuckled
“That was one time! And that was because Tony hates traffic” You add, shaking your head at the embarrassment of disembarking from a 30 feet aircraft that works as a spaceship.
“But it must be hard, ya know? Having to share your dad with the rest of the world”.
“Hm? Sarah’s boys share you with them too”
“Yeah, but you know it's different. Parents are meant to be plain, they’re meant to live through us. Imprint all their expectations and dreams onto us”
“Well, maybe you should start seein’ things at what they ‘could’ be, instead of what they're meant to be. Sure, I don't have the kind of Dad that comes from the office at 5pm and has days off. But I get..this. You and Bucky, Sarah and a damn Asgardian King as my family. My Dad spent his whole life fighting, showed me what having immovable morals and good character makes of you. Wouldn’t trade it for the world, makes you feel a lot safer when there's an inbuilt super hero team on speed dial too”
“Damn you Rogers and your century wisdom. You spent a couple decades in the ice too?”
“Haha, don't group me with that icicle. 
Birds chirp and warm wind tussles the grass you lay on.
“Oh Louisiana"
“Nothing like it ey?”
“In the entire world. Get now why Steve never allowed me to stay longer than a week”
“Why’s that?” “Cause I'd never leave. I'd probably force him to retire and build a house with his bare hands across the road from you”.
Sam chuckles.
The sound of footsteps makes its way from the trail, and Bucky appears rounding the corner, his vibranium arm glinting in the sun.
“Do I hear the familiar crinkling of Guidry’s?” You shout out excitedly as Bucky raises the familiar peach coloured paper bag in the air
“Easy with the goods, Barnes” Sam calls out, before Bucky plops down next to you, ripping open the pastry bag to unveil the perfectly powdered beignets still warm.
“Told Elijah you had come down for a visit and he gave a little extra” Bucky says, before reaching for one of the pastries dusted in snow.
“Yeah…Steve was right” You reply, after groaning at the sweet and airy taste of the most perfect fluffy pastry you have ever tasted
“Bout what?” Sam and Bucky both say in unison mouths filled and faces covered in powdered sugar
“I’m never gonna leave” You giggle, wiping the sugar from your chin.
The sun makes its disembark down the coastline, as tunes of Etta Jones, Rockettes and Hozier murmur from Sam’s faded blue speaker. You fill your stomach on sugary beignets and sweet tea, leaving sticky fingerprints on card faces through hour long games of Euchre through the afternoon light.
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babyjakes · 7 months
forever and a day | 54. you didn't.
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summary | a story in which america’s favorite captain gives a new life and family to a five-year-old girl who has suffered well beyond her years at the hands of hydra.
characters | dad!steve rogers, girl/willa rogers (original character)
warnings | AU similar enough to OU to include spoilers to many Marvel movies (Age of Ultron and beyond). action and fight scenes with violence and killing. injuries/mild gore. mature themes related to and semi-graphic depictions of child abuse/neglect, past CSA and CSM, and their aftermath (emaciation, wounds, scarring, etc). medical abuse (including sterilization) and experimentation. ptsd/trauma symptoms in a child (developmental discrepancies, de-humanized behavior, detachment, extreme fears). medical treatment of CSM and other aftermath of abuse.trauma-informed therapeutic treatment of ECT. minor mentions of disordered eating. themes relating to abuse of power/authority and immoral interrogation tactics including SA (with brief depictions.) evil!Tony Stark.
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If the night at Bucky's had been an isolated incident, I wouldn't have thought much about it. Unfortunately, in the days that have followed, things have only seemed to get more and more difficult for Willa.
It started the following morning, when I woke up around 5:00am to find the little girl in the bed next to me, bawling her eyes out. I had quickly switched on the bedside lamp, checking her over to see what was the matter, and I found her to be in the grips of a seemingly hellish night terror. She had no mind channel open, no crimson glow, so there was no way for me to know what she was dreaming of. Immediately, I had gathered her in my arms, rocking and soothing her as best I could while simultaneously hoping to rouse her from her torturous sleep. But it was no use; she was far too deep in the nightmare to break free. She flailed and sobbed and sputtered incoherently for hours, and all I could do was hold her and watch. By the time 7:00am rolled around, she finally woke up, and at that point she was inconsolable.
I couldn't get anything out of her that entire morning. She had fought her way out of my arms and crawled deep under my blankets, and I simply had no heart to remove her. I tried coaxing her out with the promise of cuddles, breakfast, and even her favorite movie, but nothing worked. Eventually, I decided to leave her alone and let her determine when she felt safe to come out, but she ended up staying there for most of the day. When she did finally emerge, she was a puddle of tears, her eyes begging for comfort and reassurance. But at the same time, she wouldn't let me come anywhere near her. When bedtime came around again, I offered to let her sleep with me in my room for another night, and she surprised me greatly by agreeing to it.
Through the night, she had another horrific nightmare, one so terrifying that it sent her jumping out of the bed in fear when she awoke. As soon as she saw me waiting for her with the lamp on, a deeply concerned expression drawn on my face, she grew so afraid of being punished that she began hyperventilating, eventually passing out from her compromised airflow. In the agonizing process of her panic attack, she wet herself again, and it was at that point that I decided I needed to speak with Jenny.
"Did anything happen in the days leading up to her shift in behavior that might've been cause for such a regression?" the mild young lady asks as she sits across from me in the living room. Resting back against the soft cushions of the sofa, I pick apart the past week in my mind, ultimately unable to identify anything.
"No," I sigh with a shake of my head. "There were small incidents here and there, but that's always the way it's been with her. Nothing major happened, at least, not that I can think of." It's now later in the morning, and Jenny and I are wrapping up a last-minute session I requested while Willa plays in her room. The doctor started off speaking with the child herself, but after half an hour or so of not getting much response at all, she decided to come out and work with me instead.
"I see," Jenny notes, scribbling something down on her legal pad. Closing up her pen, she brings her eyes up to meet mine, a familiar sense of warmth and patience lingering in her gaze. "Steve, with everything that Willa's gone through, her road to recovery isn't going to be as smooth as any of us would like it to be." I nod, not sure where the doctor could be going with a statement like that. "And even though things seem like they're getting worse with her, this is actually a pattern that's seen quite frequently with survivors of abuse and trauma who've recently escaped. Willa's body and mind were suppressing a lot of emotions, a lot of fear during her captivity, and even at the tower due to the things Tony did; her system couldn't handle addressing these feelings, so it shut them out. Now that she's in a truly safe place, with a safe person who only loves her and takes care of her, those things are beginning to show themselves because it's safe for them to." A wave of relief washes over me as the woman finishes her explanation, and I let out a deep hum.
"So this... is normal?" I ask. She nods.
"It's a difficult part of the process, since it might seem to both of you like things are getting worse when they should be getting better, but it's really just a sign that her body and mind are ready to start doing some deeper repair."
"I see. That's..." my voice trails off as I bring a hand up to brush through my hair. "That's so good to hear," I finish honestly. "I was really worried that I had done something wrong, or was messing up in some way."
"I don't think you need to worry about that, Steve, not at all. You're doing a phenomenal job with Willa. She just adores you." A faint smile crosses my face as I think of the little girl, and how much love and care I hold for her in my heart as well. "As far as dealing with her new or returning behavior, I'd recommend allowing her to get it out, as much as you possibly can. A big part of her might just need to respond in the way her body originally wanted to. She might need to go through the act of being scared or crying or getting sick, since those were all responses that were made impossible for her up until now. In regards to the increased accidents, it's a very common indicator of sexual trauma in children. I know it's frustrating, but try to be as patient with her about it as you can."
"No, no- it's not even frustrating," I assure her quickly, meaning the words with all my heart. "Really, it's not. It's not a hassle when it happens, not at all; it just makes me so worried."
"I know it's alarming to see her regressing in that sense, but it's totally normal and shouldn't pose an issue permanently as long as she remains in a safe environment where she isn't violated sexually. We're just meeting her where she's at, if that makes sense, and where she's at might go forward or backward for a while before we really start making linear progress. I know you know this already, but Willa is in many ways somewhat younger than five still, at least internally. And that's okay. We just have to let her exist at whatever developmental age she's at."
"And you think- you're sure it's okay? That I'm kind of, well- I don't know, kind of 'babying' her, as Tony would say?" I ask, wanting to be sure the doctor still approves of my controversial approach. Jenny smiles, allowing me to relax even more with relief.
"Yes, that's completely acceptable. Actually, it's probably very therapeutic for her system to be allowed to have those critical early childhood experiences that she was deprived of for so long. Whatever helps her feel safe and secure, even if it's meant for younger kids, is completely fine."
"Good," I nod, feeling slightly more sure about myself as a parent from all of Jenny's encouragement. "I'm sorry she wasn't up to working with you today," I apologize again, "I told her you were coming and asked her to do her best to be open and honest, but... I don't know. At the same time, I don't have much heart to push her."
"It's completely fine," Jenny reassures me once more, shaking her head at my persistent apologizing. "Therapy isn't ever something that should be forced upon a child. She'll talk when she's ready." Glancing down at her notepad, she offers, "I was wondering, though, if maybe the three of us could wrap up the session together? I believe Willa's still playing by herself in her room, and a lot of times children can be demonstrative of what they're thinking or feeling through the ways that they play. Maybe we could sit in with her for a little bit, if you don't mind?"
"I don't mind at all," I tell her, earning a smile as she rises to her feet. 
"Alright, then," she says with a nod. "I'll let you lead the way."
Leading the woman back through the house, I stop just outside the child's half-open door, knocking a few times against the sturdy wood before pulling it the rest of the way open. Willa sits on the floor beside her bed, a few toys scattered around her as she holds a small wooden doll in her hands. Her big green eyes meet mine warily, and my heart sinks as she begins to tremble. "Hey sweetheart," I greet gently. For a moment, I remember that just a few days ago, she would beam every time I entered the room. Realizing that we're back to such a state of fear and uncertainty, a tinge of disappointment builds up inside of me. But then, I remember the doctor's words, and I'm able to remind myself that Willa's behavior is actually probably a good sign, in some weird way. "Things are starting to show themselves because it's safe for them to."
"Your daddy and I were wondering if we could sit and play with you for a little bit," the young lady's soothing voice overlaps her previous words running through my head. A look of skepticism forms on the little girl's face as she glances between the two of us, but thankfully after a few more moments, she nods. "Wonderful," Jenny says with a smile, and we enter in, both sitting a few feet back to give the child some space.
"What're you playing, Willa-bug?" I ask in a gentle tone, now able to get a better look at the toys she's taken out of her boxes. She has a bathtub and a sandbox from a dollhouse set, as well as Captain America and Ironman figurines, and the little brown-haired doll she's holding in her hand. The clothes are half torn off the doll, the hair messed and tangled. Big, frightened eyes look from the doll to me, and then back. "Who've you got there?"
"Willa," she says simply, holding up the doll that seems to represent herself. I nod.
"Is Willa getting dressed?" Jenny asks politely.
Swallowing hard, Willa shakes her head. "Off," she mumbles, removing the toy's purple dress and placing it on the floor. She then removes the doll's underwear as well, leaving it completely naked. Next, she reaches over and picks up the sandbox, opening up the cover. Almost urgently, she begins to dig, not stopping until she's created a little hole in the center. Then, she takes the Willa doll, placing it in the center of the hole. A lump forms in my throat as she buries the tiny pair of underpants with it, not paying any mind to the dress.
"Oh, you're... is Willa playing in the sand?" I ask, trying to understand the child's actions. Not giving a response, Willa simply continues with her scene, picking up the Ironman action figure and extending its arm. Clumsily, she begins using the plastic hand of the figurine to begin shuffling sand back over the doll that represents herself. "Willa, sweetie, what- what is Ironman doing?" I question carefully. 
Once the wooden doll and her underwear have disappeared completely beneath the sand, Willa extends the other arm of the superhero's body, making them now both stick out straight. With a concerning amount of force, she begins jabbing the hands into the sand, uncomfortable sounds of plastic and wood colliding as the man apparently attacks the girl. Glancing over at Jenny, I see that her brow is furrowed in concentration. All I can hope is that she's understanding what Willa's actions mean, because to be completely honest, I have no idea what to make of any of it. 
After several more moments of the violent motions, Willa finally stops, putting Ironman's arms back down and dropping him to the floor. Sifting through the sand, Willa pulls out the wooden doll, shaking her off slightly before finding her purple dress and redressing her. Turning back to the sandbox for a moment, she uses a single finger to re-bury the underpants, causing my brain to ache with questions and concerns. When satisfied with the way the piece of clothing is hidden, Willa picks up the bathtub, once again removing the doll's dress before placing her in the tub, coming to what seems to be a stopping point.
"Sweetheart?" I ask quietly, unable to even form my thoughts into a question.
"Can you tell us what you're doing, Willa?" Jenny fills in for me. "Willa's taking a bath now?" The little girl nods. "What about Daddy? He's with you when you take baths, right?" she continues, picking up Captain America off the floor and offering it to the child. To my surprise, Willa shakes her head, pushing the doll away. Jenny lets her. "No help from Daddy? Okay, that's okay, hun," the doctor says quickly, wanting to avoid upsetting the chidl. 
"What was... what happened in the sandbox, honey?" I ask, not sure if I should be asking so many questions but ultimately too worried to refrain from doing so. Willa flinches slightly at my question, her bottom lip quivering as she gives me nothing but silence in return. "Okay, it's okay, sweetheart," I coo soothingly, not wanting to push the subject too hard, "that's okay, you don't have to tell us."
"How about you keep playing, sweetie," Jenny suggests, "it's okay. You said Willa was in the bath?" The small girl nods, looking back down at her toys before pulling the doll out of the tub, redressing her in her purple gown. Then, the child surprises both me and the doctor by repeating the same exact process all over again, starting with digging out the underpants in the sandbox, putting them back on the doll, and then completely undressing it.
My brow creases in perplexion as I watch Willa 'play,' her motions almost seeming like a routine or ritual that her body knows by heart. She repeats the entire scene once, then twice, and by the point in which she's buried herself a third time with her underwear, preparing the Ironman doll to perform his assault, I finally speak again, causing the child to pause. "Willa," I breathe, my heart pounding faintly in my ears. "What are you doing?"
Her wary gaze rises to meet mine and she blinks, her arm beginning to tremble as she clutches the action figure tightly. 
"Could you explain it to us?" Jenny adds, her voice laced with concern. "What is Ironman doing to Willa?"
"Why is she buried with her underwear?" I ask, earning a glance of warning from the doctor. Sighing, I take a moment to breathe, not wanting to say anything I might regret. "What is- sweetheart," I murmur as I notice the poor thing's eyes filling with tears. "What is Tony doing to you?"
"Hurting me," she concedes, her voice barely loud enough to hear. Her big green eyes peer up at mine and beg for what she's too afraid to out loud: to not hurt her, myself, to not be angry with her for expressing her feelings with her toys.
"Okay, Willa-bug," I nod, not completely understanding but deciding that at the moment, I don't really need to. My biggest priority for now has to be showing Willa that she's safe and that she's not in trouble for what she's admitted. "What if- how about Daddy comes and helps you?" I offer hopefully, taking the Captain America figure from Jenny carefully and holding it up for the little girl to see. "How about Daddy comes and protects you?"
"N-no," Willa refuses, picking up her sandbox and holding it slightly closer to herself, almost in a protective manner.
"Why not, sweetheart? How about Daddy comes and- comes and makes Tony stop, stops him from hurting you," I try, reaching out with the figure and trying to place it in the sandbox with the other two characters. Unexpectedly, Willa jerks it away, bits of sand spilling out from the sides as a look of anger forms on the child's face, a look I've never seen before. "Willa, please-" I insist, extending a hand to take hold of the sandbox.
But to my complete surprise, instead of pulling back again or allowing me, Willa throws the entire thing at me, sand dumping all over my clothes as she snaps, "No. You don't. You didn't."
As the dust settles into my lap and I blink away the sand from my eyes, I'm met with the sight of Willa staring back at me, any indication of anger or frustration completely drained from her face. Her eyes are as wide as saucers as she gawks at me, as if she, herself, can't believe what she's done. And before I can say anything, before I can reassure her or even try to calm her fears, she's jolted up onto her feet, running right out of her bedroom door. 
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avengersfantasies · 9 months
Anymore - Chapter 7
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Summary: Bucky tells you to do whatever you need in order to move on from Steve.
What to expect: fluff, angst
Masterlist here
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There was an immediate change in your demeanor, and Bucky noticed it.
            “Babydoll?” he softly spoke – wanting to know what had been sent to you. “Is everything alright?” You sniffled and wiped the tears from your cheeks before handing him the phone. When he saw what had been sent to you, he grew furious. Without thinking, Bucky typed up and sent a response.
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When you realized what he had done, you glared at the super soldier.
            “What the fuck is wrong with you?” you scoffed – snatching your phone from him. “I already have one of you being an asshole…last thing I need is for both of you to be dicks.”
Bucky closed his eyes and covered his face with his hands. “I’m sorry,” he apologized. “Just can’t stand it when he hurts you.”
“Please don’t stoop to his level, Buck,” you pleaded with teary eyes.
He looked down and nodded. “It won’t happen again, babydoll.”
You absentmindedly nodded, and your hand made its way to your stomach – starting to rub the small baby bump. Bucky looked down and noticed this – watching your hand move back and forth slowly. The words were on the tip of his tongue, but he didn’t know if he should ask or not. He wanted so badly to make you feel like you weren’t alone in this situation, but he was afraid that you wouldn’t let him actually do it.
“C-Can I uh,” he began stuttering – hovering his hand over yours. “Would you-you mind if I—”
“Please,” you practically pleaded with tears in your eyes.
Bucky gently kissed your lips with his, and he carefully placed his hand on top of your small baby bump. His hand slowly and lovingly rubbed the little bump while your tongues danced. There was something about his touch that made you feel whole. The moment was something you never wanted to end, but unfortunately, the sound of a text message broke the two of you apart with a sigh.
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“Should we talk to him?” you asked Bucky softly – needing him to help guide you through this.
His metal hand rubbed your back. “I can’t tell you,” he answered with a trace of regret in his voice. “As much as I want to be with you and help you raise this little one…I can’t tell you what to do…I can only support your decisions.”
You looked to him with tear-filled eyes. “Would you?”
“Would I what?”
“Support my decisions?” you clarified. “No matter what?”
He nodded and rubbed your cheek with his thumb. “No matter what.”
You looked down and felt yourself forget how to speak. “W-Wou-Would you think I’m like…crazy or something if-if I felt that Steve and I needed a like…if we needed like one more time together?”
“As in…break-up sex?” You silently nodded – instantly feeling ashamed of yourself. “Is…that something you want?”
“I want you, Buck,” you sniffled.
The super soldier gently held your face in his hands. “Then you listen to me, babydoll,” he spoke softly – getting your eyes to look up at his. “You do what you need to so that you and I can move on with our life together, okay?”
“Even if that means Steve and I need to—”
“Yes,” he interrupted. “Even if that means you need one more time with him…do what you need to do, baby…I’m not going anywhere.”
Without saying anything, you pulled him to your lips and kissed him deeply. His hands held your hips, and the two of you swallowed each other’s moans – the feeling of your tongues inside each other’s mouths was a feeling neither of you wanted to ever let go of. Finally, though, you pulled away from him and nodded – your forehead against his. “I’ll do what I have to do.”
“I’ll see the two of you tomorrow,” Bucky smiled softly – planting a kiss on your belly.
You smiled and blushed hard. “Yes you will.”
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            You stood outside Steve’s room, too nervous to bring yourself to knock on the door. It was now or never though. You knew you needed to get this over with. You and Steve needed to come to an understanding and agree on the situation with the baby. Knowing that Bucky was supporting your decisions before you even made them gave you a burst of strength, and you knocked on the door gently. Steve must’ve been waiting because it took him mere seconds to open the door.
            “Hey beautiful,” he greeted you with a soft smile and stood to the side. “Come in.”
You didn’t respond, instead, you just nodded and walked into his room.
            “Steve,” you began – your hands picking at each other from nervousness. “We need to...figure this out.”
“I agree,” he sighed – leading you over to sit on his bed with him. It was quiet for a few moments while the two of you thought about what to say and where to start. “So…Bucky?”
You blushed and looked down. “Uh…yeah…Didn’t mean for you to hear.”
“It was hard not to,” he chuckled. “Seemed like you were enjoying yourself.”
“Steve,” you snapped – looking up at him. “Please don’t.”
“Don’t what?”
“Make this about Bucky,” you answered. “Steve…what is it going to take for us to move on from each other?”
He chuckled incredulously. “Well, you’re carrying our baby,” he reminded you. “Do we really need to move on from each other?”
“You said it yourself,” you reminded him. “We’re bad together.”
“It’s not just about us anymore,” he insisted. “There’s a baby involved…and I’ll be damned if I’m not gonna be there.”
“You can be there,” you told him. “I’m not saying you can’t.”
“But I’m supposed to be okay with you being with Bucky?” he scoffed. “So, what? Bucky’s gonna be our baby’s stepdad?”
“No one said that,” you argued back. “But I’m with him, and he’s with me.”
Steve chuckled. “So, now you’re a couple? Wow, you moved on quick.”
“You moved on before we even broke up.”
“And I ended that relationship,” he reminded you. “For you…for us.”
You tearfully looked into his blue eyes. “Bucky told me to do whatever I had to so we could move on,” you told him. “So, what is it gonna take for us to move on?”
Without a word, Steve pulled you to him and planted his lips to yours.
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terry-perry · 4 months
Loki: I’m truly honored that we’ve built such a bond!
Daisy: Aww!
Loki: You’re like the child that I wish that I had.
Steve: Uh, what?
Loki: I care for you just like a daughter I spawned.
Steve: Hold on now!
Loki: It’s a little funny, you can almost call me Dad!
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POV: Loki has been mentoring Daisy and uses this to tease Steve every now and then
Also yes I just binged all of Hazbin Hotel and it may or may not be my current obsession 😅
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crazyunsexycool · 5 months
A love as sweet as honey
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
A/N: this series is set in the My little love universe and after the events of that story. While you don’t have to read it there are characters from that fic that will definitely make an appearance or will be important parts of this fic!
Prologue Chapter 1
Extras: snack time • happy dance for bee• Bee’s-Steve’s Shield •Tiny Hands • FaceTime • slow dancing in the dark • pregnancy pillow
The friendship you had with Steve Rogers was odd. At least to you it was. Steve was well liked, social, kind, friendly and always there to lend a helping hand. You saw it in the way he cared for his best friends’ kids or how he looked after the team. On the other hand you weren’t too much of a people person. You preferred solitude, were easily annoyed by others and most people would describe you as a grump. Yet these differences didn’t stop the friendship from blossoming. It didn’t stop your attraction either.
That attraction combined with alcohol and loneliness lead to the one thing you never thought possible. A one night stand with Steve Rogers. You thought it would be one night and done but you were wrong. A few weeks later and a fainting spell later you get the news that you’re pregnant. The news turned your world upside down. You had to tell Steve but you weren’t sure what his reaction would be. More than that what will happen with the baby? Will you have to fight to stay in his or her life? What will Steve think of all of it? Does he even want kids?
Steve likes you. Even if you try and hide behind this wall of solitude you've built. He can see right through it. The trust issues, how you’ve been burned before. None of that stops his growing affection for you. So when you both get drunk and wake up naked, he’s slightly shocked but mostly glad it was you. Then you tell him the best news anyone could have ever given him. He was going to be a dad. Will you finally let that wall down and let him in? Will you finally stop pushing him away? What if this was just a ploy to create another super baby that can be used as a weapon?
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daddy day care// steve rogers
pairing: dad!steve rogers x reader, slight bucky barnes x reader (platonic)
summary: when bucky goes on a mission and it goes wrong causing him to become a 6 year old boy once again who better to look after him than his two best friends.
warnings: none currently
a/n: guess who's back! i'm finally writing again and im so happy! ive been so busy with college and work but as it's christmas i've had time to write. i am currently working on my first request and i'm so excited for you to read it but first have this fic!
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Y/N and Steve were sat in the living room watching TV when their four year old daughter, Sarah Jamie Rogers, came rushing into the room clutching one of her teddies and she had a silver princess crown on her head. 
“Daddy, when's uncle Bucky going to be back?” She asked.
“Either tonight or tomorrow princess,” Steve said.
“Ughh, okay” Sarah groaned
“Why baby what’s wrong” Y/N said to her daughter who was now pouting slightly.
“I need someone to play tea parties with” Sarah stated as if it was common knowledge.
“I can play with you princess all you have to do is ask” 
“No I don’t want to play with you, you don’t play it properly”
“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realise you could play tea parties wrong” Steve said jokingly, poking his daughters ribs causing her to giggle but then she stopped and wore a sad expression on her face once again. 
“You don’t wear the princess crown or the b-b-”Sarah stutters, looking to her mum for help. 
“Boa baby” Y/N said.
“Boa and without it it’s just not the same” Sarah said slightly whining. 
“Well, I’m sure when Buck gets back I’m sure he will want to play with you” Steve said, pressing a kiss on her forehead, “But until then why don’t me, you and mummy have a movie afternoon and I’ll go get some snacks and we can cuddle hmm?” 
“Yeeeaaahhh” Sarah yelled loudly, jumping onto the sofa elbowing Steve in his crotch causing him to grunt, standing up slowly and walking out the door. 
It had been two days since Bucky, Sam and Tony were due home from their mission and it was causing Steve and Y/N to worry none of them were answering their phones or had even contacted anyone in those two days.
“I’m worried they should have been back ages ago” Steve said pulling Y/N in closer rubbing his thumb up and down her arm absentmindedly.
“I know, if we don’t hear from them by tomorrow we will start to panic okay” Y/N said, pressing a kiss to his cheek. 
The next morning Steve and Y/N are awoken by loud banging on their bedroom door. Steve gets up and opens the door to see Sam stood panting.
“You’re back, what took so long,” Steve said, pulling Sam into a hug.
“Yeah um about that, we had a slight problem. Tony tried to fix it but without his tech he couldn’t so we had to come back”
“Why, what happened?” Y/N said standing next to Steve.
“It’s hard to explain, it’ll be easier to just show you” Sam said as he turned and rushed down the corridor. 
As Y/N and Steve entered the living room they saw Tony with his back to the two of them talking to Pepper who seemed slightly stressed but no Bucky in sight and that’s when Y/N heard it, the sound of tiny feet running across the floor and the sound of a small child's laughter. 
Y/N turned expecting to see Sarah except she saw a small brunette boy with bright blue eyes, Bucky.
“What the hell happened on that mission” 
“He may or may not have temporarily been captured by Hydra” Sam muttered 
“They have developed a new weapon, they used it on Bucky and when we found him he was a child” 
“So how do we fix this?” Steve asked as he watched Bucky jump onto the sofa giggling. 
“I’ll have to see what they actually did to him before I can reverse it, so it’s going to take a while,” Tony said.
“Okay, so what do we with him until then because he can’t be left alone, he’s a kid” Y/N said 
 “Well…” Tony said looking between Y/N and Steve, “I think it’s pretty clear who should look after him”
“I mean he isn’t wrong” Sam said “You two do actually have a kid that’s around the same age as Bucky”
“So does Tony” Y/N said
“Technically Morgan is older and I can’t look after him as well as try and reverse what they did all at the same time” 
“Maybe it would be good for us to look after him, he is your best friend and it will be good for Sarah to be around someone her age a bit more. We both know she misses Bucky” Y/N said as she turned to Steve.
“Okay, we will look after him” Steve said, pressing a kiss to her forehead. 
It had been three hours since Bucky returned and to say Y/N and Steve had their work cut out. Bucky was a ball of energy and with the serum it made it 20 times worse and when he was put in a room with Sarah and the two were wild. The two had always been close and when they were together they were always up to something and causing some sort of trouble and now they were the same age it was worse, mainly because Bucky now had the same energy levels as Sarah so he wasn’t getting tired as quickly so he could run around just as much as she could now. 
Y/N and Steve were laying on the sofa with her head resting on his lap as he rubbed her forehead slowly with his thumb. 
“Are you feeling okay? You don’t look so good” Steve said looking down at Y/N.
“Yeah just tired, they’ve just worn me out” 
“You sure, you’re not getting sick or anything are you?” 
“No, just tired. I think it’s cause I don’t have the serum but all three of you do” Y/N said, smiling up at Steve.
“Okay but if your tired go to sleep sweetheart”
“I’m okay, I just need to relax a little” Y/N said, although within twenty minutes she was fast asleep. 
It was the next morning and Y/N was standing in the kitchen making Bucky and Sarah breakfast whilst Steve was on a run, suddenly Y/N was hit by a wave of nausea. Holding back the urge to be sick when Sam came into the kitchen. Tony was slowly getting closer to solving what happened to Bucky and is working on something to bring Bucky back to how he should be.-=
“Can you keep an eye on the food and the kids please” Y/N asked Sam trying to talk quickly to get to the toilet quicker. 
“Yeah, you okay?” Sam asked with a concerned tone in his voice.
“Um maybe” Y/N said as she walked quickly to the toilet. 
She opened the door and kneeled in front of the toilet, shutting the door with her foot. 
“Hey, Y/N you okay?” 
Y/N recognised that voice from anywhere, Nat. Nat had become Y/N’s best friend, she was the reason her and Steve were together, for every big moment Nat was there. Her and Steve’s wedding, the proposal, Y/N finding out she was pregnant with Sarah, Sarah’s birth. It only made sense for her and Bucky to be Sarah’s godparents. 
Nat could hear her being sick and knew she hated it luckily she didn’t really have that problem with Sarah’s pregnancy. “Oh, Y/N.” Nat said, pulling her hair into a ponytail and tying it with the hairband she had on her wrist. “I know, just get it all out” She said, rubbing her back slowly. 
After a few minutes, Y/N sat up and leant against the wall next to Nat. “I think I might have food poisoning, I told Tony the chicken didn’t look cooked” Y/N said wiping her mouth with some tissue. 
“Babe, we all had the chicken and your the only one that’s ill” Nat said, that’s when it hit Y/N.
Her period was a few days late. She felt sick. Her hormones have been slightly out of whack but she assumed it was having another child around causing her to be slightly more reactive. But now that she thinks about the symptoms as a group she realises she felt the same around 5 years ago. When she found out she was pregnant with Sarah. 
Y/N jumped up and rushed to the bathroom that was connected to her and Steve’s bedroom with Nat following behind her. She could hear Nat calling her name but the adrenaline currently rushing through her veins. She rushed over to the sink and dropped to her knees and began rummaging through the cupboard. As she reached into the back corner that was when she felt the box. She opened the box and pulled out the white package. 
It had been 3 minutes and Nat was sat on the bathroom with Y/N. Y/N reached over to the white stick that rested near her feet. She picked it up and flipped it over. 
Tears filled Y/N’s eyes as she felt Nat pull her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around Nat. Y/N wasn’t even sure how to feel, she felt overwhelmed. Would Steve be happy? How is Sarah going to react? And then there’s Bucky. Y/N is currently looking after two children and it’s hard work. Would she cope with three?
“Hey, look at me. It’s all going to be okay” Nat said as she wiped the tears off Y/N’s cheek with her thumb. Nat could tell that Y/N was overwhelmed. It happened when she found out she was pregnant with Sarah. Her mind just goes into overdrive thinking about all the possible outcomes, some good but some bad. 
The door opened causing Y/N and Nat to look towards it and saw Steve. 
“Hey, what's going on in here? It looks slightly dodgy. Should I be concerned?” Steve said as he walked into the bathroom leaning against the wall opposite the girls. 
“You should always be concerned rogers, you wife is sexy”
“Oh really Romanoff? I haven’t noticed” Steve said as he leant down to press a kiss onto Y/N’s lips, using his index finger to tilt her chin up. That’s when Steve noticed the white stick laying on the floor. 
“Y/N?” Steve said with a questioning tone in his voice “Is this what I think it is?” Y/N nodded quickly. Steve had never been so happy, his smile grew and he placed another kiss on her lips. Nat knew they needed a moment alone so she left and went to spend time with Sarah. 
He had always wanted a family pre-serum but after he came out of the ice he lost the desire. He couldn’t see himself having children with or marrying anyone other than Peggy. That was until he met Y/N. She changed him for the better and everyone around him noticed it, especially Bucky. When he came back from Wakanda he was finally ready to meet the girl his best friend wouldn’t shut up about and to say all three were nervous would be an understatement. Steve wasn’t sure what he would do if the two most important people in his life would get on but he couldn’t have been any further from the truth. The two immediately got on like a house on fire, if anything they got on two well. It was common for the two to pick on Steve. Especially once Sarah was born. It was Y/N’s idea to give Sarah the middle name Jamie in honour of Bucky. He saved Steve’s life multiple times and for that naming her child after him was the least Y/N could do. 
It had been a week since the pair found out they would be welcoming another life into the world. They were both laying in bed with Sarah in between them with Steve subtly rubbing Y/N’s stomach when they heard a knock at the door. Sarah immediately jumped up and opened the door. 
“Hey uncle Tony”
“Hey kiddo, where’s your parents?” Tony said, shocked slightly by the small person that opened the door.
“What do you need Tony?”  Steve said, standing behind Sarah with Y/N next to him. 
“I’ve done it, I can bring him back” Tony said, being careful what he said not knowing how much Sarah knew about the Bucky situation. 
“Are you sure?” Y/N asked, “It won’t hurt him will it?”
“Well I mean it might a little bit but it won’t cause any more damage to him” Tony said as Sarah ran off and grabbed her doll that was laying on the floor.
“That’s great, when can you do it?”
“Now. Where is he?” 
“Uh, terrorising Peter with Sam” 
“Okay let’s go save the kid and sort out that issue” Tony said as three of them leave with Sarah following behind, although she notices Nat and immediately runs to her. 
When they entered Tony’s lab Y/N was holding Bucky in her arms. Tony walked over to the two with a vial with a clear liquid in and handed it to Y/N. She placed Bucky on the floor and Bucky turned to look up at Steve.
“Stevie” Bucky said causing Steve to bend down onto one knee to be at Bucky’s eye level.
“Yeah buddy”
“I don’t want to drink the nasty liquid”
“I know but if you want to be back to yourself then you need to”
“What if I like being small? I don’t want to be big” Bucky exclaimed causing Steve to chuckle. “And Sarah will be sad she told me she likes me being little cause we can play all day” 
“I know but Sarah will have a new friend in about 8 months so she will be okay” Steve said quietly ruffling Bucky’s hair. Bucky looked slightly confused at first but then realised what they meant, Y/N was pregnant. 
“Hey, Bucky. I know you are feeling scared but I promise we would never do anything to hurt you, it will just be a little uncomfortable. We just need to get the old Bucky back” Tony said, kneeling next to Steve. The two had a complicated relationship and it took a while but eventually the two managed to put aside all the drama and tension  and are now civil. 
Bucky took the vial into his hand and poured it down his throat. He felt the liquid run through his body causing him to grunt.
Steve and Y/N walked into the living room where Nat and Peter were sat on the floor playing with Sarah. 
“Hey, there’s our little princess. Are you having fun?” Steve said as he picked Sarah up who came crashing into him.
“Yeah, we were playing princesses”
“I can tell” Y/N said looking at Peter who had a crown on his head and a tutu. 
“UNCLE BUCKY” Sarah screamed, wriggling out of Steve’s grip and colliding into Bucky’s legs. 
“Hey munchkin” Bucky said as he scooped up Sarah. 
“How are you big again” Sarah asked squeezing Bucky’s cheeks together
“Uncle Tony helped me out so now we can play again”
“But I liked when you were small, we could play more” Sarah said whining slightly.
“I know munchkin but we can still play, I will always play with you. You know that” Bucky said, pressing a kiss on her forehead.
Y/N looked over to Steve after seeing Sarah’s putty lip she felt guilty. She knew it was the hormones but there was one thing she knew would cheer up Sarah.
“Yeah baby” He said, wrapping an arm over her shoulders, looking down slightly at her.
“I think we should tell her” 
“You sure?”
“Yeah plus she will probably get suspicious soon” 
“Hey, it’s up to you. If you think we should tell her then we’ll tell her” Steve said pressing a kiss onto Y/N’s lips.
“Sarah, baby come here for me please”   
Bucky placed Sarah on the floor and she skipped over to her parents who were now sat on the sofa. 
“Hey princess”
“Hi mumma” Sarah says as she is placed between the two of them.
“We have something to tell you” Steve said 
“What is it?”
“You know how Peter is Morgan’s big brother?” 
“Yeah uncle Tony adopted him”
“Yeah exactly so how would you feel if you were to be a big sister in about 8 months” Y/N said, studying Sarah’s reaction which was a very confused one. 
“Mumma has a baby in her tummy” Steve said causing Sarah’s jaw to drop.
“A baby? How did it get there?” Sarah asked Y/N
“We will explain it when you are older princess” Y/N said chuckling as she kissed Sarah on the forehead. 
Sarah looked down at Y/N’s stomach for a few seconds and then lent in closer to it placing a kiss on her mum’s belly. 
“I love you baby”
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joelsgreys · 2 years
Names (Steve Rogers x Female!Reader)
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Summary: You and Steve name your twin babies and you choose two very special, meaningful names.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Female Reader
Warnings: Just to be safe I am going to say this is slightly AU, please do not come after me Marvel gatekeepers. Also, it is Dad!Steve. Need I say more than that?
Length: 567 words
A/N: Okay, last Steve fic I had sitting in my drafts, I promise! Just felt like writing something cute and really fluffy today because my mental health went into the bin this weekend.
“I can’t believe they’re actually here,” Steve murmured softly. 
He gazed down lovingly into the sweet little face of his tiny, newborn daughter.
From the moment she’d entered the world, he refused to let her out of his arms.
“I can’t believe it either,” You agreed, letting out a sigh of content. Your son, who had arrived not too long after his sister, was sleeping soundly on your chest. You lifted your hand and very delicately brushed your fingertips through his tufts of soft, dark blonde hair. Although you were told that they weren’t identical twins, both babies shared the same, dark blonde haired trait. You looked forward to discovering what other traits your children would share—although Steve had expressed on more than one occasion that he wanted them to look like you, you secretly hoped that they would take more after him instead. You smiled at the thought of your two babies inheriting his cerulean blue eyes. “They’re perfect, Steve. They’re both absolutely perfect.”
Steve leaned down and gave you a gentle kiss.
“I love you,” he whispered, his lips lingering against yours. 
Your heart had never felt so incredibly warm and full. “I love you too.”
As he kissed you again, the door to your delivery ward opened, startling you.
“I’m sorry to interrupt,” a female nurse apologized as she walked into your ward.
“It’s quite alright,” Steve assured her, drawing himself back up to full height. 
“Are we going to be discharged from the facility soon?” You asked her, eagerly. 
She nodded, holding up the data pad in her hand. “Yes, but first, we need to get some more information to finish filling out birth records for the babies.” 
You and Steve glanced at each other. 
“Names,” You realized with a gasp. “Steve, we haven’t given them names yet!”
He frowned, glancing at the nurse. “I’m sorry, could we have some more time?”
The nurse chuckled. “Not to worry, Captain. I’ll be back in a bit.”
Steve sat down on the bed beside you as she disappeared from your ward.
His movement caused your baby girl to fuss, but he effortlessly soothed her with  a gentle rocking of his strong arms and a few loving words. “It’s alright,” he cooed, “I’ve got you, my little girl. It’s alright, Papa’s got you.”
Your heart swelled with pure joy. 
There was never a doubt in your mind that Steve would be an amazing father.
“So,” You broke the lingering silence. “Do you have any names in mind?”
He seemed to hesitate for a moment. “Well, I have an idea for our daughter.”
“What is it?”
“Sarah,” You repeated the name and smiled. Naming the baby after his mother seemed like the perfect idea. “I like it, Steve. I love it, actually.”
Steve seemed slightly surprised by your positive reaction. “Really? You do?”
“Of course. It’s a beautiful and classic name.”
“Okay. And what about for our boy?”
You lightly touched your son’s back as you quietly thought it over in your mind.
It didn’t take long before you realized that your choice was the obvious one.
“We should name him after you,” You decided, confidently. “Grant.”
Steve’s blue eyes instantly filled with pride. “Are you sure?”
“Absolutely,” You nodded, grinning. “I think Grant suits our son very well.”
“It’s settled then.” Steve’s grin matched your own. “Welcome to the world, Sarah and Grant Rogers.”
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I'm Coming for You
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Here's my Sunday Fic, not part of my Whumptember list! I hope you enjoy it! --Anna
Warnings: Kidnapping, Pregnant Reader, some minor injuries, discussion of child exploitation (non-sexual), Protective Dad Steve (It's a warning.) I hope that covers everything.
Word count: 1459
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Steve was sure he had never gone faster on his motorcycle than he was right now. He ignored every light, weaving through the congested traffic at breakneck speeds, desperate to get home. The trip was a relatively short one but to Steve, it was taking far too long. As he finally pulled into the driveway of your shared home he took a deep breath, feeling a small sense of relief. The warm glow of light pouring from the bay window, the sound of a record playing, even the scent of a pie that you had made. All things that made him feel at home and safe. However, that moment of relief was short-lived. He noticed the doormat was kicked to the side, and the door handle was badly damaged, barely still attached. He ran inside and saw the absolute wreckage of the home the two of you had made together. The music was a 40’s album that you absolutely adored and it was turned up far too loud and was skipping in an unusual spot of the song. Dining room chairs were turned over and one was smashed to pieces. Rugs were bunched up, and lamps and hung pictures were both lying on the ground. Steve’s heart began to race again and he yelled out your name over and over. “Baby, please!” He had run upstairs, looking for any sign that you might still be here, checking every room over and stopping at the one closed door and taking a breath before looking in it. The nursery sat just as pristine as it had when he had left. The mirrored cribs with their soft cloud mobiles gently spinning above them. You had both just finished the room last weekend, Bucky and Sam coming over and it taking all three men hours to get the cribs put together. In the middle of the floor sat a folded piece of paper with his name on it. He shakily picked it up and opened it. Finding a phone number on it, he immediately called it. The line rang twice and then picked up. It was silent for a moment before he heard a rustle and heard a shaky breath.
“H-Hello?” You asked into the phone, tears streaming down your face.
“Oh my god, Baby! Are you okay? Please be okay.” He felt a tear stream down his face from fear, anger, and relief that you were alive.
“Steve!” You sobbed out. “I’m so sorry, Steve. I tried. I fought as hard as I could but it was so risky. I couldn’t risk it.”
“I know, baby. I know you did. You did so good.”
“I tried Steve. He threatened us. I couldn’t risk it. I’m so sorry.” You kept saying sorry over and over, sobbing over the phone.
“Baby, None of that matters right now. You did the right thing. Baby please, are you okay? Are you hurt?”
“N-not really. Just some cuts and bruises. My lip is bleeding and I think I broke my wrist. But I’m okay. We’re okay.” You paused for a moment, looking at the woman holding the phone to your ear. “I- I’m scared…”
“I know, baby. I know you are. But I’m gonna find you and bring you home, I promise. You just have to be strong for me, okay. I love you so much, sweetheart. I promise. I’m coming.”
“Steve!” He heard a loud rustling and struggle before he heard you yelling out his name in screams. Rage filled his entire body as he did everything he could to keep from crushing his phone in his hand. He heard the front door downstairs slam open and would have gone into full fight mode if he hadn’t heard Bucky yell out his name and then rush upstairs. The phone line picked back up with the woman on the other end having an accent that he couldn’t quite place, something eastern European. 
“It’s nice to finally speak to you, Captain. I’ve been dying to do so since you came out of the ice. I have heard so much about you for years but to finally speak to you directly, it’s like a dream come true. I know that you may not know my name but you know who I am. Zola kept me hidden and taught me well.”
“Hydra is dead. It has been for years. Why continue to fight a lost battle?”
“Oh I have no lost love for Hydra. I never was a true believer. They were a convenient stepping stone to something far greater. Idealism is great for some, but not me. I saw the flaws in the Winter Soldier program when no one else did. Giving the serum to grown adults and then trying to assert control over them? That will always lead to rebellion. But taking children, born with that serum in their veins, and raising them to do your will? Molding them from the beginning to be the perfect weapon? Perfection. There will be people who will pay hand over fist for their services. I thank you, Captain, for giving me such a wonderful gift.”
“Let me make one thing clear.” Steve’s whole body shook with rage and Bucky listened to the conversation one sided. “You will never touch my children. You may have Y/N but you won’t for long. And you will regret the day you ever laid a hand on her. I will find you and when I do, I will choke the life out of you and I will smile while I do so.”
The woman let out a dark laugh. “You expect me to believe that Captain America, the golden boy, is going to kill me, a woman, in cold blood?”
Steve let out a dark chuckle and smiled. It was so cold looking that it even made Bucky step back a half step. “You must not know me as well as you think you do. I’m no golden boy.  I lied and cheated my way into the military. I disobeyed direct orders and stole government property to rescue a friend. I was prepared to commit suicide to save the lives of people I have never met. I defied and took down the worlds largest intelligence organization with the help of only three other people. I ignored the orders of every nation on this planet to protect my brother and had to go on the run for two years after nearly killing someone I had called my friend. I traveled through time and space and fought against the strongest forces in the universe to keep those I love safe. I have fought more and lost more than you can even imagine and if you think for one second that I won’t kill anyone who threatens the safety of my wife and unborn children than you are more stupid than I thought. You are going to regret ever touching her. I may look like a golden boy but I was forged in battle and blood and I will take back what is mine.”
He hung up the phone and turned on the tracking app that linked to the locket you had insisted upon. He had been so worried when you had started dating that something like this would happen. That someone would find out about you and take you to get to him. So you had Tony fashion a special locket that held a photo of the two of you. Discreetly hidden in that necklace was a tracker and health monitor. He had found himself using it often, just giving him peace of mind on missions. He would pull up the app and see you little blue dot at home, sleeping in your shared bedroom. The heart pulsing with the rhythm of your heartbeat. Right now, your heartbeat was elevated but strong as it zeroed in on your location. He held the phone up to Bucky, who was on the phone with Sam, sharing the address that you were being held at.
“It’s gonna be okay pal. We’re gonna get them back.”
Steve’s nerves settled into an eerie calm. “I know. But listen, this woman… I’m going to kill her. I know that may seem-“
“No.” Bucky shook his head and Steve thought he was going to have to argue with him about this. “I understand Steve. And I’m with you till the end of the line. No matter what. Now let’s go get your girl.”
They had made their way back to their bikes and were kicking them into gear.
“I’m coming baby. I’ll be there soon.”
And with that he raced towards your location. Knowing that he was willing to do anything and everything to keep you and his children safe.
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coltrainbat · 2 years
A fluff where Steve Rogers and his wife reader dropping off their daughter or son to college for the first time. The two cried on how much their child has grown up
Off to College
A/N: Wait.. why am I crying 😭 This is, in my opinion, one of my best fluffs yet. Stop cutting onions guys!
WARNING: Tissues on hand needed.
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“She’s too young.” Steve’s hands gripped the steering wheel, eyes focused straight ahead.
  “She’s 18 Steve. That’s the average American age to go off to college.” You replied to your husband. 
“You know I’m right here and can hear you guys, right? Like, theres no soundproofing between the back and the front seats.” Your daughter Sarah pulled out an air pod from her ear, jumping into the conversation.
“Well as I was saying, I don’t care I still think you should of stayed back a year at home.” Steve retorted, looking in the rear-view mirror at his little girl who now resembled that of a young woman about to go off to college.
“May I remind you, DAD, that at 18 you were joining the army to go fight in the second world war. Whereas I’m simply moving across the state.”
“In many ways my daughter going off to college and war are the same thing to me.”
You turned behind you and shared a puzzled look with your daughter. While she mostly resembled you, she had Steve’s piercing blue eyes. 
“How so?” You egged on your husband to elaborate.
“I’m scared shitless about both of them.” He let out a loud sigh.
“Dad… its fine!”
“Repeat to me the rules.”
“Omg not this again.” You put your forehead into your palm, dreading to listen to this speech for the 50th times.
“Dadddd” Sarah whined in the backseat
“So, help me God I will turn this car around, unless you repeat to me the rules, Sarah Mae Rogers.” He turned his head to the backseat, giving her his classic “I’m not playing around” eyes. 
“No drinking. No drugs. No “philandering” with the opposite sex…is that even word?”
“It is.” You and your husband said in unison
“No staying out past 1 and in the case of a national emergency inclusive of war, alien invasion, terrorist attack; extra-terrestrial...
“And domestic... don’t forget that!” He interjected
“…and domestic I am to find immediate shelter, call you to give you my location and wait until the ship arrives to take me to the safe house.” She groaned finishing the spiel.
“Good.” Steve smiled, satisfied with her memorisation of his rules.
You gave your daughter a sympathetic smile, knowing while some rules may get broken you had raised a smart, young woman with her wits about her. 
It’s not that Steve didn’t trust his daughter who he had trained in hand-to-hand combat since the age of 3, it’s just that he knew the world was scary. Sending his only daughter off alone, miles away from home terrified him. He wouldn’t be there to protect his little girl anymore. 
You exited the car to the chaos of move in day at the popular university. Steve insisted he take all the boxes up in one trip. All stacked high above him, he didn’t break a sweat carrying them up the 5 flights of stairs towards her dorm. 
Your daughter bowed her head in embarrassment as she walked 10 steps behind her father, watching as people stopped and stared at the superhero, whispers filled the halls as he gave kind nods to everyone who he walked past. 
You came up beside her,
“Mom everyone is staring why didn’t he just wait in the car!”
“Well neither of us were going to carry the boxes, besides your father is a respected man, he saved humanity that’s nothing to be embarrassed about!”  
“Yeah, I get it but he’s still embarrassing!”
You wrapped your arm around your daughter’s shoulder.
“You know he’s just as nervous as you are right?”
“Why would he be nervous? He’s not the one who has to be known as Captain America’s daughter!”
“No, he doesn’t.” You sighed stopping her in the hall and pulling her off to the side. 
“Do you remember when you were five and you really wanted to jump off the roof into the pool?”
“And we said no but you climbed up the ladder anyways and being five you miscalculated the distance between the ledge and the pool.”
“Who caught you before you hit the ground?”
“Right and when you were 10 and you fell over your bike, breaking your arm… who was the first person who came to your aid and took you to the hospital?
“Exactly and when aliens invaded earth 3 years ago what was the first thing your dad did before going to headquarters?”
“He came to school and picked me up.”
“What’s your point?”
“My point is from the moment you were in my belly your dad has spent every moment of his life trying to protect you from the world. He realises he’s not going to be right by side anymore… and he’s scared. Scared of losing you.”
“He’s not going to lose my mom, I’m an adult now I’m fully capable of taking care of myself.” 
“I know that, and he knows that. But it doesn’t matter how old or big or strong you get he is always going to care about you. It will always be his number priority to keep you safe and that’s not going to change anytime soon.” You brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear.
Your daughter looked down, biting her lip. 
“Come on let’s go unpack.”
You walked her into her dorm. 
You got to work setting up her room. She put up fairy lights on the wall, while you fluffed the pillows on her bed. Steve assembled all her little bits of furniture.
As a final touch, Steve pulled out a framed photo. Sarah in the middle, between both of your arms. She was only 3 in it, a big smile between her chubby cheeks, her arm up in superhero pose, dressed in her mini captain America shirt. It was his favourite family photo and lived on his bedside table. He looked at it a little, wiping a tear from his eye before he placed it on her bedside table.
“Alright you’re all set! We are going to head out now sweetheart you need anything else?” You chirped.
“Nope, I’m good. Thanks for helping guys.”
You gave your daughter, your final hugs and kisses and exited the room down the hall. 
She studied her room, satisfied with her interior decorating skills. Then suddenly, she noticed the photo that appeared had on her bedside table. She picked it up and held it in her hands. Suddenly, she felt the tears well up in her eyes.
“Wait!” She ran down the hall, just catching you both before you went down the stairs. 
You both looked back to see your daughter running towards you. With a thud she landed against her father’s chest. Wrapping her arms around his waist in a hug. Instantly, Steve hugged her back, pulling her tightly towards him. 
“I love you dad.” She whispered against his chest. 
Steve’s head fell to the top of his little… now big girl’s head. His hand encompassing her head. Kissing her forehead tenderly. “I love you too kiddo. Be safe.”
“I will.” Tears welled up in your eyes watching their embrace. She pulled out of the hug, gesturing towards you. 
“I love you mom.” “I love you too baby.” All 3 of you huddled together in an embrace. Both parents wanting to hold onto their daughter for a little longer. 
You all pulled out and said your now final goodbye. Brushing away tears. 
You held your husband’s hand as you exited the college dorm building.
“She’s too old for me now babe.”
“She’s never going to be too old for her daddy.”
He pulled you into his arm, kissing your forehead. 
Sarah was going to be just fine. And besides, she’ll be home in 2 weeks anyways to get you to do her laundry. 
TAGS: @royalwriteroftheuniverse (girl you're gonna wanna see this!)
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babyjakes · 1 year
forever and a day | 53. accident.
〈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 〉
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summary | a story in which america’s favorite captain gives a new life and family to a five-year-old girl who has suffered well beyond her years at the hands of hydra.
characters | dad!steve rogers, girl/willa rogers (original character)
warnings | AU similar enough to OU to include spoilers to many Marvel movies (Age of Ultron and beyond). action and fight scenes with violence and killing. injuries/mild gore. mature themes related to and semi-graphic depictions of child abuse/neglect, past CSA and CSM, and their aftermath (emaciation, wounds, scarring, etc). medical abuse (including sterilization) and experimentation. ptsd/trauma symptoms in a child (developmental discrepancies, de-humanized behavior, detachment, extreme fears). medical treatment of CSM and other aftermath of abuse.trauma-informed therapeutic treatment of ECT. minor mentions of disordered eating. themes relating to abuse of power/authority and immoral interrogation tactics including SA (with brief depictions.) evil!Tony Stark.
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The sound of the doorbell ringing in the middle of the night rouses me from my usual restless slumber. Grunting as I twist from my side to my back on my mattress, I stare at the ceiling as my mind takes several moments to adjust to being awake again. Who the hell could that be? I think to myself, my heart beginning to pound lightly in my chest as anxiety builds in my throat. I don't know who would come knocking at an hour like this, but given my past, I'm heavily inclined to be skeptical.
Forcing myself up to a sitting position, I glance over at the red numbers of my alarm clock glowing faintly in the dark. 2:49am. What on earth?
Dragging myself out of bed, I switch on my bedside lamp, fumbling around on the ground to find an overshirt and throwing it on over my pajamas before walking slowly out of the room. I make my way up to the front of the apartment slowly, putting on as few lights as possible for myself in an attempt to minimize the amount that can be detected from outside. By the time I reach the front door, my whole body is shaking. Cursing the fact that I have no peephole or window to see out easily, I clear my throat, asking firmly through the thick wood, "Who's there?"
Almost too quiet to detect, a muffled voice responds, "Bucky? I-it's Willa. C-can I-... c-can you-... sorry, sorry for b-bothering you." Realizing who it is, my entire body relaxes as I let out a sigh of relief. I immediately undo the locks and open up the door to find the poor thing shivering out in nothing but her light blue teddy bear pajama shirt and undies, carrying a mess of bedsheets at her feet. Her cheeks are bright red and stained with tears, her big green eyes glancing up shamefully towards me.
"Willa- hi," I murmur, a bit stumped by her appearance. "Hi sweetheart, are you alright? What're you doing up so late, hmm?" I ask, ushering her in the door. Closing it behind her and kneeling down to her level, I look over her once more. Noticing that her underwear are soaked through, with her matching pajama pants balled up along with the mess of sheets, the dots start connecting in my head; she probably had an accident in her sleep. I still don't know, though, how or why she ended up at my door.
"'m sorry. D-did I wake you up? 'm so sorry," she mumbles, her head hanging lamely as she sniffles.
"It's okay, bunny. Don't worry about it," I tell her gently, unsure of what to do or say. "Are you okay, sweetie? What're you doing here? Does Steve know where you are?" At the man's name, the girl flinches slightly, shaking her head.
"'m sorry. Tried t-to do it by m'self but c-couldn't reach," she rambles as a few more tears make their way down her flushed cheeks. "Please don't tell D-Daddy. He'll be s-so mad."
"What do you mean, doll? Couldn't reach what?" I ask, leaning my face in a bit closer and raising my brow sympathetically at her.
Keeping her gaze on the floor, she whimpers, "Th-the machine, to wash m-my sheets. W-wet them... while I was s-sleeping. H-had a nigh'mare. Don't beat me, please. Please don't." More tears drip down her nose and onto the floor as she quivers, my heart breaking at her pleas.
"No sweetie, I won't beat you. You're alright, doll," I soothe warmly, reaching out to rub her back lightly. Jumping, she sniffles as she eyes my arm warily, clearly not trusting my gentle touch. "It's okay to have accidents, Willa. No one's gonna hurt you for it; I certainly won't. You need help cleaning up your sheets?" I ask. She nods defeatedly. "Okay. We can wash them in my machine, okay? Your pajama pants, too, and your undies. And we can get you cleaned up too, kiddo. How does that sound?" I offer.
"Y-yes please," she agrees quietly. Giving her a smile, I carefully take the contents of her hands from her.
"Alright missy, follow me," I tell her as I rise to my feet, walking back through the apartment to the washer and dryer, which are tucked in a closet by the bathroom. Willa trails behind me silently with her head still lowered, a stray tear still making its way down her face every once and a while.
Opening up the folding closet doors, I load what the child gave me into the top machine before crouching down again at her height, asking softly, "Could I get you a big t-shirt to wear while we wash your clothes? That way you can still keep covered up," I offer, not wanting to ask her to give up the underwear until she has something else to cover herself with. Receiving a nod, I stand again, going into one of the baskets of clean clothes I've yet to put away from my last cycle that sits in the closet beside the stacked machines.
"Here, how about this," I try, pulling out an old maroon shirt that seems like it'll fit her somewhat like a dress. She nods as I hand it to her, suggesting, "How about I cover my eyes and turn around while you get changed. Is that okay?" I ask carefully, not wanting to cross the little girl's boundaries. She nods warily as I give her a comforting smile, covering my eyes as promised with both of my hands and turning around.
I can hear quite shuffling as the child gets changed. After a few moments, she tells me, "'m done."
"Okay bug," I hum as I turn back around and uncover my eyes, taking her soiled clothes off the ground and loading them with the rest in the machine. Measuring out some detergent and popping it in the washer as well, I hit the button to start the cycle, the cheery chimes of the machine sounding as the water begins whirring inside. Turning back to the little girl, I crouch down again to her height, my heart aching as she winces slightly. "If you want, you can use my bathtub to get cleaned up. I don't have baby wipes, but I can give you a washcloth and some soap and you can use the tub's faucet. Does that sound alright?" She nods silently as her wide eyes gaze into mine, seeming relieved that she'll be allowed to do it on her own.
"Alright bunny, this way," I tell her as I rise back up to a standing position, guiding her over and into the bathroom. Switching the light on, I make my way over to the tub and get the water running, making sure it's a comfortable temperature for her before stepping back over to the cabinet under the sink and pulling her out a clean washcloth. Willa stands sheepishly in the doorway, watching my every move as I prepare the things for her, grabbing a big fluffy towel and setting it down right outside the tub. "Here's the soap I have; it's some really nice hand-made stuff I got at the market," I tell her as I place the bar down on the edge of the tub along with the cloth. "Okay sweetheart, how about I go back out into the living room and let you get cleaned up, and you can come join me when you're done," I propose.
"N-no beating?" she mumbles quietly, still frightened that she might be punished for her mistake.
"No babydoll, no beating," I promise her. "You did a good job, coming and asking for help," I add, remembering something Steve had told me about her therapy and exposure work. While it would've made a lot more sense for her to seek out Steve instead of me, the fact that she asked anyone at all is progress. "Willa, can I ask you a question?" I ask slowly, not wanting to overwhelm her or make her fears escalate. Her eyes widen slightly, but she nods. "Honey, why didn't-... why didn't you ask Steve?" I question softly. "If you're worried that I might beat you, too, then... what difference did it make?"
Her gaze falls to the floor as she trembles in the doorway, swallowing hard before revealing her answer. "D-don't... don't want Daddy to beat m-me," she whispers. "P-pounded that guy's face in... h-he could hurt me really b-bad." My heart breaks at her revelations, but they make sense, so I nod. She does have a point. While I was mutilated to be a super soldier like Steve, it's no secret that he's the stronger of the two of us. If Willa's train of thought was that either way she would be beaten, and she was just trying to avoid as much damage as possible, her choice makes sense.
"Little dove," I breathe sadly, not even sure where to begin. "Sweetie, Steve would never hurt you; he'd never beat you. He loves you so much, so, so much, and he'd never do something like that," I tell her, but I know that her worries are deeply engraved in her brain, and that it'll take a lot more time and experience than just simple words to put them at ease. "Everyone has accidents, honey. Everyone does when they're little, especially when they've gone through as many scary things as you have," I reason. "Steve knows that; he would never be angry with you for it. He'd do the same thing I'm doing, help you clean up and wash the sheets. That's all," I coo, wishing I could prove it to her. "Bunny, you're always welcome to come to me for help. I'll always do my best to help you. But Steve wants to help you too, Willa. That's what he's there for; that's what Daddy's are for."
Willa sniffles and I sigh, deciding that at this point it's probably wisest to just let the poor thing get clean before pursuing any further discussion on the matter. "Here, I'll let you wash up," I tell her as I step past her out into the hallway, closing the door over behind me before heading back out into the living room.
As I continue to listen to the water run faintly from the bathroom, I pull my phone out from my pocket, unlocking it and pulling up Steve's contact. As much as I hate going against Willa's wishes, I think the smartest thing to do would be to have him come down here and address the situation as soon as possible. Besides, I don't want him to wake up and find her missing; that would scare the shit out of him. Letting out a deep sigh, I hit his number, a call popping up and ringing only a few times before there's an answer.
"Buck?" Steve's sleepy voice calls.
"Hey pal," I greet lowly, taking a seat on the couch. "You're probably gonna wanna throw on some shoes and come down here."
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"She what?" I exclaim as I throw on a sweatshirt, making my way quickly through the apartment to the front door to slip on my shoes.
"Yeah, she showed up in nothing but her pajama shirt and underwear, carrying all her sheets at her feet. Said she had a bad dream," he explains.
"Oh god," I breathe, brushing my hair back anxiously as I make my way out the front door, being sure to lock it behind me. "I'm so sorry, Buck. I had no idea she would do something like this. I should've guessed something might-"
"No, no, it's okay, Steve," he tells me quickly. "Really, it's no trouble. I'm glad she felt safe enough to come to me about it. It's good that she came to someone, anyone."
"You said she was begging not to be beaten?" I repeat what he had said, making my way across the porch to the stairs.
"Yeah. She's still pretty worried that she's going to be punished for stuff like this. I told her that neither of us would ever do that, of course, but it's just gonna take time," he replies.
"Yeah- we're working on it with her therapist, but I think you're right," I agree as I make my way down to Bucky's apartment. "I'm outside," I let him know.
The front door to the home opens up before me, and I switch my phone off, shoving it in my pocket as my friend lets me in. Closing the door behind me, he offers me a sad smile. "Hey, punk," he mutters, patting me lightly on the shoulder.
"Hey, thanks again for everything," I say sincerely, still feeling incredibly guilty for all the trouble he's gone through for the little girl.
"No problem, pal," he waves it off as I step into the apartment, hearing water running back from what I'm guessing is the bathroom. "She's getting herself cleaned off right now. I have her sheets and clothes in the washer, and she's got a big t-shirt of mine to wear in the meantime."
"Okay. Thanks Buck," I thank him again. "Does she know you called me?"
"Uhh... no," he admits, scratching the back of his neck nervously. "She begged me not to tell you, but I figured it would be better for you to come and get the situation addressed." I nod, thankful for his decision. Hearing the water shutting off, Buck looks behind him before turning back to me, suggesting, "Maybe we should meet her at the bathroom, so she doesn't try to run back through the house or anything."
"Sounds good to me," I agree, doing my best to mentally prepare myself for whatever kind of reaction the little girl might have to my arrival.
"I'm gonna let her know you're here, and then I'll let you take over," he decides as he leads me back to the closed bathroom door. The light from inside peeks out from under the wood as faint shuffling can be heard from the other side. "I don't wanna overwhelm her with both of us in a small space like that, so I'll just let you handle it," he tells me, earning a nod.
Turning and knocking gently against the door, Bucky calls, "Hey Willa? You doin' okay in there?"
"A-a'most done," she calls back, the shakiness of her voice causing my heart to break. The whole situation in general is incredibly saddening. While I think Bucky is right in that it's an improvement for her to have sought out any help at all, it still makes me feel unbelievably guilty that she's so scared of me, apparently even more scared than she is of Buck. "O-okay," she says.
"Alright," Bucky says opening up the door slightly. From where I'm standing, I can't quite be seen yet by the child. "Sweetheart, while you were getting cleaned up, I had to call Steve and let him know what was going on," he tells her slowly. Though I can't see her, I can just picture her beginning to dissolve into a mess of anxiety. Soft whimpers can be heard from inside the room, making my heart tighten in my chest. "Shhh bunny. it's okay. He's not angry, not at all. He's just happy you're here and safe," he murmurs soothingly, stepping aside and motioning for me to join him.
Taking a deep breath, I shift over into the doorway; the sight before me breaks my heart. Willa stands trembling on the bath mat in one of Bucky's old t-shirts, her eyes overflowing with tears as a look of pure terror and betrayal makes its way onto her face. She flinches back at the sight of me, bumping up against the wall behind her and letting out a frightened sound as she realizes she's trapped. "I'll let you two have some time alone," Bucky sighs as he steps away, heading back into one of the rooms at the back of the apartment and closing the door.
"Willa-bug," I coo, keeping my voice as soft and low as possible. The poor child's knees begin to wobble underneath her as she stares at me, her bottom lip trembling in fear. Stepping a bit inside the bathroom, I bend my knees in hopes of coming off as unintimidating as I can, though my efforts seem to do little in helping the girl relax. "Hey sweetheart- it's okay, Willa. You're not in trouble. I'm not here to hurt you," I tell her softly.
The little girl's chest rises and falls erratically as tears continue pouring down her cheeks, a soft whimper rising in her throat before she opens her mouth, barely able to make any sound at all. "P-... p-p-..." she tries, her eyes widening in fear as she struggles to speak. "P-please," she finally manages, adding, "'m sorry, 'm so s-sorry. Didn't m-mean to. D-don't beat me, please don't beat me."
"Willa, Willa, shhh," I soothe, inching myself a tiny bit closer to her as she shakes feverishly against the wall. "Shhh, sweetheart- I'm not gonna beat you, doll. No beating," I tell her reassuringly as I bend down onto my knees before her, causing her to jump again. "I know you didn't mean to, sweetie. I know. It's okay, doll. You're not in trouble. Bucky said you had a nightmare?"
She nods, swallowing down her sobs as I soften my expression for her, murmuring, "Oh honey, that's alright. You couldn't help it that you had a scary dream." The look in her eyes tells me that she's skeptical of my words, but I continue, "It's okay, accidents happen. You're still little, sweetie. No one's mad at you. And you did a good job, you asked someone for help. That was really brave of you, darlin'. I'm so proud of you."
Willa's eyes widen at my words, and she asks, "P-p'oud of me?"
Despite her confusion, I just nod, explaining, "Yeah baby, you were really scared, but you came to Bucky for help anyway. You didn't do it all by yourself. That was good, Willa. You did such a good job." The child blinks, still appearing perplexed at my words. "Next time, it would be good if you could come to me," I add. "I know you were scared that you were going to be beaten, and that you would rather be hurt by Bucky than me. But no one's gonna beat you here, Willa. Never. I'll never hurt you or punish you, no matter what you do."
Willa's eyes gaze warily into mine and I open up my arms for her, earning a soft flinch. "Here sweetheart, you want a hug?" I offer, wanting nothing more than to wrap her up safely in my embrace. A pitiful look of longing forms on her face as she takes in my position, letting out a quiet whine of want. "It's okay doll, Daddy won't hurt you. Just wanna hold you."
And to my surprise, despite all the fear lingering in her big green eyes, Willa slowly steps forward, her face tucking itself away into my chest as I wrap her up softly and lift her off the floor. Carefully, I rise to a standing position, holding her safely against me as her tears begin to soak through my sweatshirt. "Hey- shhh," I soothe, rubbing her back tenderly as I sway her gently from side to side. "You're okay, Willa-bug. I've got you, it's okay."
"N-no beating, please no beating," she begs quietly.
"No beating," I repeat back to her, "no beating, baby. Just soft. Just safe." For several minutes, the little girl continues to cry silently into the damp fabric of my sweatshirt as I keep rocking her, offering quiet shushes every now and then in hopes of soothing her fears. Eventually, her breaths start to even out, and it occurs to me that she must be exhausted after all the night's events.
"You tired, sweetheart?" I ask, stroking down her hair gently as she shifts weakly against me, her head completely limp on my chest. She nods silently and I stroke her hair again, telling her, "That's okay, honey. It's pretty late, and you've had quite the night. I'm gonna thank Buck again and let him know we'll come get the sheets in the morning, but you can close your eyes if you want to, okay? I'll hold onto you," I soothe.
"H-have to sleep in th-the cold?" she whimpers, catching me slightly off guard.
"In the cold? What do you mean, baby?" I ask as I head out of the bathroom, shutting off the light behind me.
"N-no sheets, n-no blankies," she pouts.
"Oh," I say with a slight chuckle, now understanding. "No baby, of course not. You can sleep with me in my bed. How does that sound?"
"Daddy's bed," she hums lovingly, her thumb having made its way up into her little mouth. "Big. Lots'a blankies"
"That's right," I agree, "big bed, soo many blankies, baby. Plenty of room for both of us. And that way, if you have another scary dream, Daddy'll be right there to make it all better," I add.
"All better," she mumbles sleepily into her thumb, her eyelids fluttering as they fall shut.
"All better, sweetheart," I coo, rubbing her back lovingly as she falls asleep right in my arms.
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avengersfantasies · 9 months
Anymore - Chapter 6
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Summary: You and Bucky make love for the first time.
What to expect: fluff, angst, smut
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Bucky immediately took you into his arms and held you close.
            “It’s alright, babydoll,” he comforted you – his arms feeling like a safe haven.
            “I’m sorry,” you sniffled – wiping your eyes. “I’m just being stupid.”
Bucky held your face gently in his hands. “No, you’re not,” he softly argued. “You’re being human, sweetheart.”
Your eyes looked into his beautiful blue ones. “I do want you, Bucky,” you whispered. “I’m just…scared.”
He smiled softly. “I know, darling.”
“Make me forget about him,” you told Bucky, the desire for him taking back over. “Make me think of your name.”
Bucky chuckled. “I plan on it.” Bucky’s lips were back on yours, and you took the lead – laying back down and spreading your legs for the soldier. “Are you sure?” he asked before going back down in between your legs and resuming his feast.
You nodded. “Yes, Buck…please just…make me forget him.”
“You know,” Bucky began to speak seductively as he kissed the insides of your thighs, “you weren’t the only one thinking about the two of us together.” His confession made you blush hard. He must’ve noticed because he began to chuckle against your cunt. “Every time I was with her, I thought of you.” You moaned at his confession – your hands making their way to your breasts so that you could play with them. “Keep doin’ that, baby,” he encouraged you before his lips were back on your clit. You bucked at the feeling – grinding against him for more friction. “Gonna have you screamin’ my name, doll.” His words sounded like a promise, and you hoped he’d uphold it. “Make you feel better than anyone else ever could.” One of your hands played with your nipples while the other trailed to his hair – pulling it so that he’d eat you out deeper. You didn’t try to silence your moans this time. You let him hear how good he was making you feel.
“Say my name, baby girl,” he growled against your cunt. “Let everyone know that I’m the one making you scream out in pleasure.”
You arched your back – your head going back and your hips grinding against him more. “Buc-Buc,” you continued to stammer out. He slipped two fingers into you – curling them perfectly and hitting that spot deep inside…his devouring of your clit never stopping. This move had you gasping. “Bucky!” you moaned out loudly – pulling his hair harder and coming. You felt yourself squirt on his tongue – a new feeling that you hadn’t felt with anyone else. “Fuck! Bucky!” you moaned out again as your body shook with pleasure – looking down and watching the soldier in between your legs lick up everything you had to give. He worked you through your orgasm until you had come back down. Bucky hovered over you and pressed his lips to yours – letting you taste yourself on his tongue. You could tell that he was going to start sliding himself inside of you, but you stopped him – your hand on his chest as you guided him to lay on his back. “My turn, Sergeant.”
“Oh fuck,” he chuckled – closing his eyes when your hand wrapped around his large cock. You began stroking him before making your way in between his legs and wrapping your lips around the head. His cock twitched at the feeling of your warm mouth sucking him. He let out a sinful moan as you started to bob your head up and down on his length. You coaxed his metal hand into your hair, and he obliged with a chuckle. “The metal one, huh?”
You took him out of your mouth with an audible pop and looked up at him. “I may have always had a kink for it.”
He smiled, and you went back to bobbing your head – taking him all the way in so that his head was touching the back of your throat. As he got closer, he took control of the speed – using your mouth as he needed. His hips worked in tandem with your head, and you moaned once you started to taste him coming down your throat. You knew then that you were addicted to his taste, and you never wanted him to stop. You were so wrapped up in drinking from him, that it took you a second to realize that he was moaning out your name as well – causing your entire body to blush. There was no way to keep this little relationship a secret.
“Lay back,” he panted – taking you off his cock and sitting up. You did as he said and lay back – spreading your legs wide for him. He stroked himself and played with your clit with his metal thumb. You closed your eyes to take in the feeling of the soldier touching you, but they shot open when you felt him begin to enter your aching core.
“Fuck,” you moaned softly – looking up into his beautiful blue eyes. His movements were slow – not wanting to hurt you in anyway.
“You’re so tight,” Bucky moaned – leaning down and taking a nipple into his mouth. He continued to slide in slowly – giving you time to adjust.
“All for you, Sergeant,” you spoke – biting your bottom lip and scratching your nails down his back. The feeling of him stretching and filling you was a feeling you never wanted to get used to. You hoped with all hope that having sex with him the many times you intended to didn’t keep you stretched to his size.
He looked down and watched his cock enter your cunt – guiding your hand to his length so you could feel it slide in. You were already clenching him, and he was only halfway in. You bucked your hips towards him – needing for him to fill you completely. With a chuckle, he did as you wanted and slid in the rest of the way – pulling a delicious sounding gasp from your lips.
“Goddamn, babydoll,” he moaned against your neck. Your breathing was heavy as he started to move slowly. “Tell me what you want.”
You moaned and grabbed onto his shoulders. “You, Sergeant.”
“That’s my girl,” he smiled before speeding up. Each time he thrusted in, he hit your g-spot perfectly. “Fuck…it’s like I was made for this pussy,” he claimed. His dirty words turned you on more than you thought was possible. “So fucking perfect for my cock.”
You threw your head back and moaned at his words. “My pussy was made for you, Sergeant,” you managed to say through heaving breathing. “Fills me completely.”
His lips began kissing your neck, and his metal hand slowly wrapped itself around it. Bucky watched your expression for any signs of discomfort, but he was encouraged when he noticed his action turned you on even more. “Such a dirty girl,” he chuckled. “Bet you always thought about this hand wrapped around your throat when you were with him, hm?” You could only nod in response – your eyes closed from the sheer pleasure. “God, I thought about this so much when I was with her,” he continued. “If you think I’m letting you go, you can think again.”
His thrusts grew harder and faster. The soldier had you gasping for air – fucking the breath out of your lungs each time he thrusted. Your body began to squirm underneath him, but he held your hips down while he continued his pounding. The room filled with the sounds of moaning, dirty talk, wet skin slapping against each other, and the smell of pure sex.
You let out a loud gasp. “Bucky,” you moaned loudly. The sound of his name coming from your mouth spurred him on.
“Say it again,” he ordered – his lips ghosting above yours. “Do it.”
“Bucky,” you moaned again a little louder. He sped up even more and hit your g-spot harder – needing to feel you come undone around him.
“Come on my cock, babydoll,” he demanded. “Let me feel you milk me.”
Those words had you coming undone in seconds – clenching his cock as hard as you could and feeling him explode inside you. His lips were on yours, and the two of you were back to exploring the other’s mouth while you rode out your highs – moaning loud enough for anyone on the same floor to hear. He emptied himself completely into you, and you unashamedly took it all – milking his cock for each drop. When he softened, he lay beside you before getting two wet rags and cleaning the both of you up.
The two of you lay there in the afterglow of your orgasms. You lay your head on his chest, and his left arm gently rubbed your back. You planted little kisses on his jawline over his beard – making the super soldier smile widely and chuckle.
He turned onto his side so that he could look at you. “You’re amazing, you know that?” his words were soft and full of adoration. “You deserve the world…I just hope I can give it to you…that you’ll let me try.”
You nodded tearfully. “You deserve it too.” You started to nuzzle against his chest when you heard your phone chime with a text message. Without thinking, you reached over and grabbed it off the nightstand – opening it up and seeing the message that had just been sent to you.
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terry-perry · 1 year
If theres no one in the house but asgardian reader and steve they might cuddle or fondue and lets say a certain brother in law caught them and is horrified and steve sheilds his wife with himself and a blanket
Notes of smut, but nothing too graphic
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They were definitely taking advantage of the situation. The minute they landed on New Asgard, Val offered someone to watch the girls for them so they could settle down in their home. They could not thank her enough, especially because it's been months since they were intimate. With work and the babies, their energy was placed somewhere else.
Y/N giggled as Steve pushed her down on the bed. He laughed along with her as he crawled over her to kiss her some more.
"I've missed you," she breathed out as she began to disrobe him.
"I've missed you too," he uttered back, helping her out by stripping himself of his shirt while she undid his pants.
They see each other practically every day, but they haven't felt close in a while, more on autopilot than anything else. No one was going to stop them from having control. They finished removing their clothes and were back on the bed in their desired positions. Their kisses grew deeper and more passionate, and his grip on her tightened as she gasped underneath him.
"Hey guys, I heard you were here and -- OH HEL!"
They pulled away upon hearing Thor's booming voice. Steve was quick to shield Y/N's naked body and thankfully Thor was trying his hardest to look anywhere else before shutting the door and taking off.
"If it's not the kids, it's my idiot brothers,"
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