blackypanther9 · 1 year
How the whole Madness started… - Dad!William x Son!Reader
Yes, I made a prequel to "Dad...? - Dad!William x Son!Reader". Still Inspired by the Glitched Attraction. I wanted to give you more background story about the Reader and what he went through.
WARNING!: Blood&Gore, Reader is Dexter, mentions of deaths, Reader has anxieties, Reader is auditory hypersensitive (He panics by loud noises), cursing, sadness AND MORE ! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!!
What many may not know was that Dexter was an adopted child. He was adopted as he was only 3 months of age in the Orphanage and even though he knew he wasn’t related to anyone by blood, he saw them as his own Family. Michael was the only one who didn’t really like him and that probably never changed.
It was the 30th of August 1983, a few days before Evan’s Birthday, which was the 5th of October. Dexter was still in school, learning Spanish and handcraft, while Michael was already out of school and was supposed to watch Evan and Lizzy, while their Father, William Afton, talked with Henry about something important, concerning the Funtime Animatronics at Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rentals.
William didn’t favor any of his kids, he loved them all equally. But he had to admit that he saw a very bright future for Dexter. The boy was helping in the house wherever he could and he took so many extra lessons to learn a lot, that he was barely home. He was an excellent student too, with all these extra lessons, William thought that Dexter would never get homework done, but he mostly already finished them in school or got a few days longer from his teachers.
He got the best grades and the only thing he was not so good in was sport. William wasn’t mad about it that he had a four in sport. Not everyone can be good in everything and not everyone is fit for sport.
Michael was also a very clever boy, but he never shows it. He brought a lot of F’s home and the only good grades he got was in History and sport. Elizabeth was still in Kindergarten and Evan was very good and clever in his classes in school. The only thing that made William angry was that Evan got bullied a lot, mostly from Michael himself.
As William was done chatting with Henry, he came back and only saw Evan and Michael, but not Lizzy.
“Where is Elizabeth, Mike ?”, William asked.
Evan looked traumatized, while Michael shrugged his shoulders.
“She said she needs to pee, so I let her go to the Bathroom.”
Evan didn’t say anything.
“Then we will wait.”, William said.
And so…they waited. They waited 30 minutes and William promised to collect Dexter in 15 minutes. Something was wrong and so William went to the Bathroom for girls and looked around, even called her name…she never replied. He panicked and ran to Michael.
“Elizabeth isn’t there. Help me search her.”, he told his Son and Mike instantly searched with him.
They couldn’t find her and William was 2 hours too late to get Dexter from school. Henry made a missing report in the building and William drove off with Evan and Mike to get Dexter.
Dexter sat on the sidewalk of the school, scared that his Father forgot about him. Until he saw the purple car. He got up, but instantly saw that Lizzy was missing. He put his schoolbag into the trunk of the car and then sat next to his Father in the car.
“Where is Lizzy ?”, he asked.
“She went missing in Circus Baby’s entertainment and Rentals.”, he informed him.
Dexter froze up in shock.
“What ?”, he asked softly.
“You heard me, Son… We will drive to the Police now and report her missing.”
Dexter put on the safety belt and then they drove off. He knew something was wrong with Evan, but he blamed it on his Nightmares and his lack of sleep.
After the report was done, they waited for another 24 hours, because they can only search a person when they went missing for 48 hours… Stupid ass law but who fucking cares ? In two days they could be dead already, but hey…
All they found the next day was Elizabeth’s bow. Nothing else.
William started to be a bit more distant from his kids since then and then the Birthday of Evan came. Dexter begged Michael to tell Father about it so he can actually get Mark’s Family sued, but he refused in fear of what might happen if he would tell his Father. So they did the prank, Mark forced them into.
It was the 5th of October 1983…Evan’s Birthday…
“MARK STOP IT ! FREDBEAR IS NOT SAFE FOR THAT !”, Dexter yelled as he was about to shove Evan’s head into the Animatronic’s mouth.
Mark stuck out his tongue and ignored the warning. Not even 10 seconds later Fredbear bit down and everyone was screaming in horror as Evan’s head started bleeding. Michael screamed his little Brother’s name and shoved Mark and the others out of his way, pulling him out of Fredbear’s mouth.
Mark and the others ran away and Dexter was paralyzed in utter horror. He stared at the bloody mouth of Fredbear and his head was empty, trying to process everything, while William ran over and called an ambulance and held his Son close.
“Father it was an accident, I swear ! I didn’t mean to hurt him ! We were forced to and I had no other choice ! I’m sorry !”, Michael cried out.
William pulled him into a hug, while he cried.
“It’s alright. You didn’t know this could happen.”
But that didn’t mean that William won’t punish Michael for that later, with a lot of housework, grounding and forcing him to be better in school. A very fit punishment if you asked him. And just then they both snapped their heads up and looked wildly around until they saw Dexter. Dexter was standing there, staring at the bloody mouth and screaming bloody murder.
It all caught up to his brain and now he was in a full blown panic attack. No one noticed that Springbonnie moved, until he was right next to Dexter and tried to comfort him with a hug, which Dexter instantly replied with. He held onto Springbonnie tightly and hid his face in his fur, crying and shaking.
While William thought someone was in the suit, Dexter knew better. He after all spent a lot of time with his favorite Character.
Dexter was six years of age and was all alone in the Arcade room, playing a game. He was sad. Michael didn’t want to play with him, his Father had no time for him and he had no friends to play and talk with. All he had was watching Fredbear and Springbonnie and the Arcade Games.
“H-hello there l-little boy…”, a voice greeted shyly.
Dexter stopped playing and turned around, facing his favorite Character, Springbonnie.
“Hey Springbonnie. I didn’t know you can roam around freely.”, the boy said with a saddened voice.
The bunny’s ears perked up and he looked at the child almost worried.
“Why are y-you so s-sad ?”
“Just don’t have anyone to play with… My Brother doesn’t like me all that much, my Father is busy and I have no friends.”
Springbonnie looked at the boy saddened and went into a thinking mode. Then he looked at Dexter again shyly.
“W-well, if you want…I will be your friend.”, the Animatronic offered.
Dexter perked up at that and looked at the golden bunny with slight hope.
“Really ?”
“Y-yeah ! W-we can sneak into the Parts and Service and spend time together ! I can also bring games with me !”
Dexter got a big smile on his face and ran up to the bunny, tackling him into a hug.
“Thank you Springbonnie ! How about tomorrow ? Father will soon go home with us…”
“S-sure ! We will meet there in my breaks.”
Dexter smiled brightly and then heard his Father calling him and his Brother.
“I have to go. See you tomorrow !”
With that he waved the bunny Goodbye and rushed off.
The next day they met in Parts and Service and played a few board games. Most of the time Springbonnie won and Dexter had to learn that it is a part of his programming. He wasn’t mad about it either. He was just happy to have a friend.
“Say…who is in the suit of yours ?”, Dexter asked.
“Huh ?”
“Oh come on, Springbonnie. I know that you can’t act and talk like a human. You are just machines that got programmed to say and do certain things. A human has to be in there to act so much like a human.”
“There is no one in my suit though. Only Mister Afton can enter me and he is in his office.”, Springbonnie answered.
“Prove it to me. Open your mouth.”
Springbonnie clicked the two springlocks on the sides of his head and then opened it and Dexter was in utter shock. There truly was no one inside the suit. The bunny closed the locks again and looked at Dexter.
“I don’t know why I am so different… But now I know why Fredbear is so different from me.”
“Wait…Fred is not like you ?”
“No… He is unresponsive and only does what he is programmed to do.”
“Damn, must be hard to not have a friend then…”
“I have you as a friend now.”
Dexter smiled and then hugged Springbonnie.
“Yes you do.”, Dexter replied.
The Animatronic hugged back.
They met more often and Dexter even got taught by Springbonnie how to fix or even replace his voice box, without getting his hands springlocked. It took a few tries, but he got the hang of it and with that secretly helped his Dad to get home earlier than usually.
Dexter gave up telling his Father that Springbonnie has a very human like AI and is very much ALIVE, because his Father didn’t believe him anyways.
End of Flashback…
After all these accidents happened, there were children reported missing and Charlie Emily was found dead near William’s and Henry’s new Pizzeria, called Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza. She was dead in a back alley.
One day William came home, covered in someone’s blood and Dexter waited for his Father, worried sick that he may have gotten hurt. He almost screamed when he saw his Father’s clothes covered in blood. But something clicked instantly.
“All the times you came home late…you killed the kids that went missing. Didn’t you ?”, he asked.
William froze up and turned to the couch and spotted Dexter.
“Uhmm…no ?”
“You are terrible in lying, Father.”
William started to sweat and break down.
“I can’t control this. I am going insane and this is the only coping mechanism I have !”
Dexter got up and stared his Father in the eyes.
“You forget you still have two other kids to take care of. Stop thinking so much about Lizzy and Ev and think about us, who still walk the earth. If you get jailed for that, we won’t be able to survive on our own, Papa.”
William looked up at his Son.
“You…aren’t scared of me ?”, he asked.
“Would you hurt us ?”, Dexter asked him back.
“No ! Never !”
“Then I don’t see the problem. I am worried about your safety. You need to stop now or you will be found out one day, Father. One slip up and you are done for.”
And so it stayed by only 1 murdered child and 5 missing ones, Dexter found a girlfriend and graduated from school, instantly asking for a job in programming things. Everything went well for many months. But…then in Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza went Night guards missing or even were found dead, stuffed into suits. One night William left, trying to investigate and fix the issue, but… never returned home that night. And to add it all up to their depressing lives, Evan died two days after William’s disappearance from a heart attack.
Dexter got the house and Mike the factory ‘Afton Robotics’. While Mike still went to school, Dexter paid the bills and everything else to keep them alive. He and his Brother lived together even after Mike had a possible Girlfriend after he graduated.
Then Dexter met up with his own Girlfriend and she broke his heart that night and he came running to Mike.
“MICHAEL !”, he yelled sobbing as he was in the house.
He instantly came running down the stairs and rushed over to Dexter.
“What happened ?! Did the date not go well ?”
“She broke up with me ! She was just after my Father and his money, now that he is gone, she doesn’t want to do anything with me !”
“Then she didn’t deserve you.”
“I H-hate women !”, he cried into his Brother’s chest.
He had to buy Dexter a lot of ice cream and had to comfort him for a few days, until Dexter processed everything correctly.
They continued to live together for many years. Then Michael got a job as a Night guard at Freddy’s, which worried Dexter, but he didn’t stop his Brother. If he wanted to do this then he won’t stop him.
Michael told him that he wants to try and redeem himself. He heard Dexter and William talk that night and he wanted to help and find out what happened and where his Father went off to.
They soon found out that the Animatronics were haunted and still were, even though someone told Mike that someone destroyed them one night a while back. The very night where their Father disappeared.
What Michael never told Dexter was that he found a safe room and in there was Springbonnie with a decaying corpse inside it. He didn’t want Dexter to have a panic attack and think that whoever died in that suit WAS necessarily William Afton.
Then Michael went from Location to Location. He went from Freddy’s to Junior’s then to Circus Baby’s. Dexter was there too, trying to get the Funtimes up and running. Why you may ask ? Well Mike was told from Dexter that he lost his current job, because the workers and bosses didn’t like him and then started to note every small thing down they had against him.
But as Dexter was working on Circus Baby he made a scarring discovery. He found Elizabeth, their sister’s dead body, mangles, inside the Animatronic. He instantly went to Michael and he forbade Dexter to ever enter the facility again, claiming that she might possess CB and he doesn’t know if she could be aggressive, so he will burn the place down. Which he did at some point…
A few months passed and Dexter kept asking Michael to use Afton Robotics so he can also make profit. No one else would give him a job and he was desperate, but Michael refused, in fear Dexter will create more killing Animatronics.
He got killed in Circus Baby’s, before he set fire to that place, and decided to abandon Dexter, thinking it was for the best, because he was a rotting corpse and could have scarred Dexter even further for life, then he went to Fazbear’s Frights that was just newly built. He never knew that Dexter was there once too and looked around. He broke in though, because he wasn’t open at the time.
What Mike never considered though, was that Dexter most possibly would lose his shit over him and disappearing like that. Dexter sat most of the times on the floor in his room, swinging back and forth, holding his head in his hands and falling into dark thoughts.
‘What did I do wrong ?!’ ‘Did Mike hate me that much to just leave me here ?!’ ‘What did I do ?!’ ‘Why does he hate me so much ?!’ ‘What have I ever done to him ?!’ ‘Wasn’t I good enough ?!’ ‘Haven’t I given enough ?!’ ‘Is he at least alright ?!’ ‘Did he find Dad ?!’ ‘Why did he leave me ?!’ ‘I’m sorry ! Please come back !’ ‘….I wish I was dead and would never come back…’
Dexter stopped eating regularly and only ate once a week and soon only once a month. He threw himself into a full on, sleepless search for his Father.
One day, Dexter received a letter from Michael. He opened it and read it.
“Hello Dexter,
I’m sorry that I left you all alone, but I had my reasons. Tonight, I won’t be anymore, so Afton Robotics belongs to you. Please don’t make any killing Animatronics, I took so good care of them that they will be wiped out by the time I die and you can have a fresh start over with Fazbear Entertainment… I lived the whole time with Uncle Henry and he helped me in everything I did so far. I sadly found no trace of Father. We both opened a restaurant called Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza Place, to lure the last remaining killing Animatronics in and to destroy them. Please don’t come for me and please do not intervene. We will be fine. This is my last mission that I have to accomplish. I need to ask something else of you though and I’m sorry that I kept this from you… I have a Son. His name is Gregory Bill Afton. He almost looks like Evan. Please find him and take him in for me. His Mother kicked him out one night as I was checking on them and I don’t want him to live any longer on the streets than necessary. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I’m sorry I couldn’t find Father. I’m sorry that I am doing this to you. And most of all I am sorry that you have to face the world now all on your own, without any of us to be by your side. I hope you can forgive me one day.
I love you and take care,
Micheal Afton.”
Dexter stared at the letter after he read through it and then broke down crying again.
‘What fucking reason could you possibly have had to abandon me ?! You knew I was struggling just as much as you ! You knew that I was mentally and emotionally very unstable alone !’
Dexter sobbed and sniffed for hours until he found his voice again.
“Fuck you Michael Afton… You fucking Bitch…”
Dexter turned on the TV and around midnight came on the news that Michael’s place burned down and there were no survivors. There were two burned bodies and one burned body in an Animatronic suit.
Dexter cried the whole fucking night, knowing Mike was gone. He had no one now.
The next day he started to design new Animatronic designs, a whole new place and called it ‘The Mega Pizzaplex’. He gave everything to Fazbear Entertainment and they instantly started to work on the place and a video game at the same time.
Dexter wanted to stay anonymous and even made an anonymous bank account. He got a lot of money, but he never told anyone, nor did he want to be inside the Pizzaplex. He made the Animatronics, made cleaning bots, staff bots and even security bots. And he didn’t make them so he doesn’t have to deal with annoying, super expensive employees, no, he made them for better security.
Robots are NOT humans and they are NOT going to kill a child if they function properly. Dexter designed all Staff bots and Animatronics with facial recognition scanners and the Animatronics even got something called a safe mode. The safe mode is activated at all time, throughout daytime and nighttime, but it will be deactivating if they see a highly dangerous criminal.
They are not programmed to kill when the safe mode is deactivated, but they are programmed to hunt down the criminal and capture him until the police collects them. Dexter coded his Machines very well too. A hacker would have a hard time to get in undetected.
Everything was safe. But he didn’t know that an Anomaly was inside the very game Fazbear Entertainment created. The VR game ‘Help Wanted’. He knew what the game was supposed to do, that it was supposed to cover up all the bad things that happened in the locations and an Indie Game designer decided to make Horror games out of them so future generations also know about some of the things that happened there years ago, which by the way, also was hired by Fazbear Entertainment.
Dexter didn’t care for it. At least the Pizzaplex would have a chance then. He put a lot of effort and ideas into the Pizzaplex and in the end it was the biggest Freddy’s location that ever existed. He quickly became a billionaire, but he never told anyone.
While he did all of this, he was also searching for Gregory, but he couldn’t find him anywhere. He looked into every dark alley he knew existed, but there was no trace of him. He hoped when the Pizzaplex was finished, Gregory would find shelter in there and all Dexter had to do was pick him up and get him home. If Gregory was really Mike’s Son, then he is most possibly just as smart as his Father and will go into the Pizzaplex to survive.
After all, it was warm in there, dry, safe and it had a lot of food and water.
Dexter was still hell – bent to find his Father and he never stopped looking. He made a friend a while back, called Alex Cruser.
Fazbear Entertainment, after the VR game didn’t really get published, nor worked the way they hoped it would, created another big Location. It was an escape room game with at least always 4 to 5 Animatronics from every Location that existed once.
The first room, was the starter room and nothing happened. You just saw the Original Freddy band perform and Foxy gave you a flashlight. Then the real shit started.
Alex went there to investigate, in request of Dexter to find out what was going on and an employee let something slip about an escape room Freddy’s location. Fazbear Entertainment asked Dexter for Endoskeletons and something he recreated a while ago, just better than before, Illusion discs. He programmed them to look, sound and even smell like the previous real Animatronics.
So in short…All the Endoskeletons were just that, Endos with an illusion disk slapped on them. With that the Endos looked like the previous Animatronics, sounded like them too and smelled just as horrid.
Dexter didn’t know any of this. He was told that they plan to make a museum in the Pizzaplex and needed some things he could make.
Dexter wasn’t allowed to program more though and that made him suspicious. So he asked Alex to investigate a bit and tell him what he saw.
But instead this message came one night…
“DUDEE !!!” “JUST LEFT THE NEW FAZBEAR ATTRACTION !” “My friend, take everything and come here. You have to see this !”
Then the Location was sent. Thankfully, because Dexter had no clue where it was.
“Just sent you the Location. Go. Tonight.”
‘This doesn’t sound like Alex at all… Did…something happen to him ?’
Dexter grabbed his backpack, made it empty, stuffed some stones into it and then left for the Location. As he arrived two of his staff bots were there. One told him of all the things that could happen and they won’t be responsible for any of the things mentioned that could happen. Then he had to pay and give his belongings to the other one.
‘Fuck this shit. I fricking knew it…’
He gave them his backpack and then he was allowed to go. And with that he went through the door and was greeted by the TIP Manager. It briefly explained what it did and what he had to do. Then he pressed okay and continued to the first room, which was just a waiting/Introduction room with the original band performing.
‘Why would they even mention possible brutal deaths and that they won’t be responsible for it ? I think Mike didn’t get rid of everything that likes to kill people…’
He pressed a button and Foxy held out a flashlight for Dexter. As soon as he took it, there was confetti flying around and Foxy laughed, before disappearing. Dexter looked around and groaned as he saw the button above the vent.
“Really now ? Why a vent ? It looks very tight…”
He pressed the button and waited until the vent was open, then he crawled through it and into the first room that could most possibly end him.
‘Evan’s bedroom… I remember that he always talked about his nightmares and drew them very often per my request… Did anyone find his drawings ?’
The TIP Manager arrived and told Dexter that something will appear in the window and he has to close the curtains to make it go away, that Nightmarionne will come out of the hole above the bed and he then has to hide in the Freddy Springlock suit behind him, that he already spotted and that he needs to complete the puzzle that is in the room and to get out of the room before his time was out.
‘Okay then…let’s go.’
Dexter pressed okay and then the shit started. He looked at the window, then at Nightmare Balloon boy and then he ran to the puzzle and turned a few of the pieces into right place.
Soon he heard a sound and looked only to see tentacles, he ran to the suit and put it on, not long later the Marionette came out of the hole and Dexter held his breath in shock. That thing was terrifying for a 7 year old.
‘Fuck, Evan I’m so sorry I never believed you…’
As quick as it was there it left again and Dexter got out of the suit, only to spot Balloon boy twitching. Dexter panicked and hurried to get the suit off and shone his light at him, making him go still again.
‘They don’t tell you everything ! Assholes !’
“How do you stop your Nightmares from getting you, Evan ?”, Dexter asked.
“They hate light. I shine my flashlight at them. Then the small Freddies go away and Plushtrap and the nightmare Balloon boy stop as soon as I flash them. The others work different… I have to listen for their breathing and close the doors and closet if I hear them, otherwise I can shine my light into the halls.”, Evan explained.
Dexter smiled as he remembered that.
‘Thank you, Ev…This just saved my life…’
Dexter rushed back to the puzzle and turned other pieces into right places, then he looked at the window and yelped. Nightmare Fredbear was right there. Dexter quickly closed the curtains and held them close until he heard a sound that sounded close to a ‘Whoosh’, then he opened them again and Fredbear was gone. Then he flashed Nightmare BB and hid quickly in the suit, because Marionne was also on its way.
As it was gone again he ran back to the puzzle and turned the last few pieces quickly.
‘Now I need to find the last piece… Probably in the chest, so I need to look for two keys…’
Dexter flashed Nightmare BB and then opened the drawers, finding the two keys and unlocked the chest. Then he looked at the window and saw Fredbear there again, he quickly closed the curtains until the sound came again, then he flashed Nightmare BB again and hid in the suit because Marionne came back.
As it was gone again, he grabbed the puzzle piece and put it in and turned it into the right position too. Then the thing clicked and the poster fell down, showing a code. Dexter looked down further and was in confusion.
‘A red button ? What does this one do ?’, he questioned himself and pressed it.
Nothing happened sadly.
Dexter looked at the bed side table and rushed to open it and found a safe. Before he could punch in the code, there was a new sound and Dexter looked around wildly, spotting a small Freddy. He quickly flashed it and it disappeared, then he flashed Nightmare BB and hid in the suit again.
As the Marionette was gone he got back out and checked the window, nothing so far, so he ran to the safe, punched in the code quickly and opened the safe, he found a hammer and he took it, looking at the closet.
‘Well then… I guess I will have to open that…’
He looked again and flashed Nightmare BB and then closed the curtains to avoid Fredbear getting him. Then he ran to the boarded up closet and tore out the nails. He opened the closet and then suddenly heard another new sound, with flashing lights. He turned around, coming face to face with Nightmare Bonnie. He ran for the steel door, that slowly opened and he quickly rolled underneath it so it won’t get him.
The steel door fell shut and Dexter saw that he was in a room in between. He decided to take a small break. But then he spotted something.
‘What is this…?’
He crawled to the open vent and took out the piece of paper that was in there.
“Utah News
Fazbear’s open again ! The abandoned place of Freddy’s reopened as a horror escape room !”
‘So I was right… This was once a Location of a Freddy Pizzeria…’
Dexter looked at the wall he slid down on to sit down and saw that the next Location was Freddy Junior’s.
‘The toys… Great…’
After a while he went into the next room and the TIP Manager told him to hide in lockers and that not all are open, while Toy Chica is patrolling around, to watch the Music box of Freddy and to not over wind it and to complete the puzzles before someone gets him.
‘Well shit…’
Dexter took a look around and tried which lockers are open and which not. He spotted vent openings too and a keypad with weird symbols on it. After he took a look at all of this he felt ready, took a deep breath and started his level.
He heard Toy Chica already walk around, so he went to the other side and started to look for the code. He got out his pen and a piece of paper and drew the symbols then he wrote the numbers down that he spotted for the symbols.
‘Six Symbols for six numbers..’
Dexter soon noticed that Toy Chica always changed her route. So he had to hurry around. Then he heard banging over his head and he quickly his in a locker, praying he did the right thing. Not even a second later Mangle came out of the vent.
‘Fuck…I fricking knew it….’
Soon it also disappeared and Dexter got out and searched for the 4th symbol.
After a few seconds he found the fourth and fifth symbol and then ran to the keypad and punched in the code. Then he ran for the lockers and hid in there until the room was opened. Which took ages…
As soon as the coast was clear and the room was open, he left the locker and ran into the room. He saw the next issue. As soon as he turned on the power, he will need gears to get the power for something… Maybe the door. He flipped all the switches and turned on the power.
The Music box started and Dexter was running out of the room and searched for the gears. He found 2 before he had to hide from Mangle again. As soon as it was gone he continued his search for the third one and then he quickly wound up Freddy and continued. He had to find five of them after all.
Soon enough he found the last two and then ran to Freddy, wound him up and then put the gears in their respective places. After he put the last gear in the power for a switch was getting charged. He hid in the locker inside the room and waited.
‘Come on…CoMe On…COME ON !’, he thought impatiently.
After a while the switch had 100% power and Dexter flipped it. Then he searched for a red button and found two of them. He pressed them and then he ran for the exit door. Toy Chica spotted him, but Dexter slid underneath the steel door before she could get him and the door fell shut.
Dexter panted and fell back against the wall, panting heavily and his heart almost leaving his chest.
‘I’m supposed to be over 30 years old, but fuck… I’m glad I am stuck in a 19 year old’s body…’
He laid on the floor, trying to catch his breath.
“Fuck… I wish you were with me right now Mike…”, Dexter said softly.
After a while he sat up and sighed.
“I bet you would already know what is going on… I have no idea what all of this means besides that someone still plans to murder people…”
He banged his head against the wall and looked at the ceiling. After a while he looked around and spotted another open vent. He took out the piece of paper.
“MISSING ! Alfred C. Jons”
And a lot of descriptions how he looked.
“Isn’t he one from the Mental Health Center ? Fuck…Mike I wish you were here and tell me what all this means… I don’t like where all this is going…”
Then he looked at the bottom of the piece of paper.
“Yep he was one from the Mental Health Center…”
He sighed and moved to the third room. Again the TIP Manager came down and Dexter instantly went to reading.
‘Use the cams near your office to see who is coming… So more than just Springtrap is here ? Okay… Fuck me. …Use the lever to turn the systems on and off… Use levers near doors to close them…When they are at 0% they open on their own… Well shit… Don’t look at hallucinations…don’t leave office he will attack you… Complete the puzzles before something gets me…Well fuck me…’
Dexter looked around the room and then saw a small steel door blocking something from his view and the vent underneath.
‘For what do I have to turn the power off ? Only when something is INSIDE the office you usually have to turn everything off… At least that was in Circus Baby’s for a while…’
“Father ?”
“Yes, Dexter ?”
“Why do you always turn the power off when an Animatronic enters the office ?”
“Because they don’t see you then if it’s dark and you hide somewhere. With that you can save power. There is a vent that leads right in here and you can’t block it either. So we need to make the room dark when it happens.”, William explained.
“I know. We need to seal that thing and then I can give the Animatronics advanced eyes.”
“Ah… Can I help you tonight ?”
“YAY !”
William chuckled.
‘Wait…vent !’
Dexter looked up and he saw a huge opening.
Then he looked around and the only place to hide was under the table.
“Great. Fan – fucking – tastic ! So I have to deal with phantoms, Springtrap AND an unknown Animatronic ?! YAY !”, Dexter yelled with sarcasm.
Then he spotted the keypad and a locked chest.
Then Dexter laid down on the floor and started to weep softly.
‘I know nothing about the other Animatronic ! How do you beat it ?! I don’t want to be choked to death ! The first time was bad enough and I somehow am still alive, just not aging bodily. How did Spring even manage that ?!’
Suddenly Dexter’s head snapped up in realization.
“Uncle Henry ?”
“Yes, Dexter ?”
“Why do you not close the doors on all Animatronics ?”
“Because some of them can break them down easily and get inside.”
‘What if the other Animatronic needs to come in, check the office and then leave and can’t spot me ? Man this will be hide and seek…’
Then he started the whole thing and saw two Animatronics. Springtrap and a Freddy Animatronic.
He left the Cam on them while he searched for the code for the keypad. He found it under the table and he quickly punched the code into the keypad. With that he was verified to look at the vent map and he got a Fazcoin. He looked at the Arcade and put it in.
Then a game started and Dexter first off ran back to the monitors and saw them still in place. He nodded and then ran back to the Arcade Game and talked with, who he assumed, was Fredbear. Then he talked with a red crocodile and a female Balloon Boy.
He heard something, so he left the game and checked on the monitors, only to see that the Bear was ready to run to the office from the right. Dexter quickly crawled under the table and pressed himself against the right side. He heard fast footsteps and soon saw light. He held his breath until the Bear turned and left.
As soon as Dexter didn’t hear it anymore he got out and checked for Springtrap. He was on the left but he wasn’t ready to go for the office yet. He ran back to the Arcade and talked with a funny colored fox. They all wanted something and Dexter could only get the balloons.
He heard the vent and he checked the cams. Vent five… Dexter ran to the vent map and saw that it led to his office. He turned off all the systems and crawled under the table. Soon Springtrap appeared from the vent inside the office and looked around, then he left. Dexter waited until it was quiet and then he ran and turned the power back on. They were both in the middle again and Dexter quickly got back to work.
This was very extreme and it took Dexter a while until he was where he needed to be…apparently.
The system warned of overheating and a fire going to break lose, which Dexter really didn’t wanna stay here for. He met the bunny man. And here it was that scared Dexter.
“Springbonnie ?”
Whoever was inside him…whoever may have died inside him…he knew he was once human, he wanted out and he was not a part of this game. He aggressively said let me out and then there was Springtrap, trying to tear off the head, a dead body inside it and loud screams. It creeped Dexter out and he started to have tears in his eyes. (He has that reaction, because he is sensitive to loud noises and that screaming is hella loud)
“M-Mikey…help me…”
That was why the suit looked familiar with the structures in Frights. This was originally Springbonnie. But…it must have been a replica… William said he scraped Springbonnie after the bite. Maybe a prototype was found in Fredbear’s and the person put it on had died ?
The system said that there is not much time left until the fire. A lot of coding rolled and Dexter hoped to find the combination in that blasted game. He closed the doors in case Springtrap wanted to visit him and waited.
Soon there was the combination and he had to put it into order. He did so quickly and punched in the numbers in the small chest. He got a key and he ran to the keypad and put the key inside. With that the safety doors opened and the vent did too…slowly.
There was an explosion which made Dexter flinch and slightly tear up. There was fire everywhere, but Dexter quickly crawled through the vent as soon as it was open. Springtrap followed him quickly, making him panic and as soon as he was outside, he pressed the button for the vent to seal and it cut Springtrap’s head off, just…it was an Endoskeleton’s head that suddenly laid there.
‘That’s what they use the illusion discs for ? They told me they will use them in the Pizzaplex and make a small museum of all the past Animatronics…’
Now Dexter was really suspicious and he knew SOMETHING bad was going on.
‘I HAVE to continue…’
And with that he moved to Circus Baby’s…
He saw Baby without her limbs and he snarled.
“Because of you fucking bitch my sister is dead. Do I really have to fix your sorry ass ?”
Dexter felt very stressed out, but can you blame him ? He needs to survive all these endoskeletons that Fazbear Entertainment programmed to kill people, without Dexter’s knowledge. He is practically responsible for this partly, even though he had no clue about this.
He took a deep breath and entered the room. The TIP Manager came out and gave him information.
‘Tesla coils…run for 5 seconds and need to recharge for 10… Fuck me, I have to time my enemy… Blue button for light, red for shock…gun…? Are they out of their fucking mind ? Father said multiple times that it will damage the hardware severely and they would need to be fixed constantly…fuck had Mike to do that ? …Use it for no reason too often he will attack before the gun is ready… Ah shiet… Use blue button to activate Bon Bon and control Freddy… Use it too often for no reason Freddy will get pissed… Well Funtime Freddy was always the Animatronic with anger issues…And order parts, if one is broken return it and order a new one… Fuse the parts after connecting them to the Animatronic. Fucking knew it, I have to fix this Biatch…And that’s it. Alright let us start this Freakshow…’
Dexter pressed start and the nightmare began with the monitors telling him to find a CPU…BABY’S CPU.
‘CPU input… Must be in one of the drawers…’
Dexter opened the drawers and found the chip, then he shoved it into the monitor and he could start working.
‘Let me think again… Dad said there is an alarm and I just need to listen… Sometimes it was false though… On which Robot was that again ?’
Dexter was thinking hard, while he ordered the parts already and connected them to Circus Baby.
“Freddy was always silent… I remember that from my one shift with Father… He repaired the systems and I had to look out and he was so silent that I was too afraid to blink. Then I had to activate Bon Bon to get him back to his place… That will be here just the same then…”
He heard Music.
He ran to the left and saw Ballora coming for him. He pressed the shock buttons and the Tesla coils activated shocking her. She screeched and then crawled away like a spider.
“Oh fuck me… Dad what monstrosity did you make ?”
Then he rushed to the monitor and started with the head. While he did that he kept thinking.
‘Ballora I can hear… Only leaves…’
“Dad ? Why are there strange noises coming from the speakers ?”
“It’s the alarm system for Funtime Foxy, if they malfunction. With that we can turn them off in time and restart their system.”
Dexter smacked his forehead.
“I am fucking stupid to forget that…”
He was done fusing the head and went to the legs. Suddenly there was a sound and Dexter rushed to Foxy’s stage and looked. It was malfunctioning and Dexter waited until the lights are off, then activated the shock gun and checked on Freddy.
‘He is not there anymore !’
He pressed the button and saw Freddy’s eyes turn green near the door. Dexter took a deep breath and rushed back to fuse the legs.
Dexter was almost done. He just needed a little bit of the right arm and then everything would be fused together. He ran back from Foxy’s stage and tripped.
“OW ! FUCK ME !”
Dexter was about to get up, but saw a red button in the dark. He pressed it and then got up and quickly finished the arm.
Through the speakers was he informed that the Animatronics were deactivated for better transport and that Dexter was supposed to go through the right door in the right hallway. So he did as he was told.
He was in another hallway and there were two normal doors and one steel door that would lead him further.
‘Maybe one of these doors are open now because of the button ?’
 Dexter tried the first one, nope. But the second one did open and there was a newspaper. He took it and read it.
Unidentified woman wearing a costume stole an old man’s dead body”
‘What the fuck…?’
He dropped the newspaper and stared at it in horror.
“Why is this shit here and why would someone do that ?”
He shook his head and moved on. As soon as he saw the Elevator he gulped, hating that he has to go in there…
‘I remember the time Father said someone died in that fucking thing, because the metal fan blades on top of the elevator broke loose and they still turned while it fell into the elevator, cutting the guy in half… I can’t imagine how fast they turned and how sharp the edges of the blades were…’
He hesitantly stepped into the elevator and pressed the button to go down.
“Now that I think about it…what even is scoop mode ?”
Suddenly the elevator stopped and red light appeared. Dexter started to worry. Then he heard giggles and he looked up, seeing Minireenas above the fan blades. They stared at him and continued to laugh.
‘What are they doing here ? Shouldn’t they be with Ballora ?’
Soon enough they disappeared, but just out of sight, not from the elevator. They started to destroy it partly.
“HEY ! HEY STOP ! DON’T DO THAT !”, Dexter yelled in a panic.
Then the elevator lost its grip and Dexter started to fall down with it.
“PAPAAA !”, Dexter yelled in utter fear, gripping onto anything that stabilized him.
He still had his legs in the air and soon he realized it was stupid to hold onto something, instead to protect his head. So he wrapped his arms in front of his head and waited in his total panic. This time he was truly terrified and even shared a few tears. Was this the end ?
 The whole elevator crashed down and through an area that probably wasn’t a part of the attraction. Dexter laid in the elevator, passed out, but not dead yet. He was still breathing.
After 20 minutes he woke up and had a massive headache.
“Oww… Where am I now…?”
He slowly got up and looked around.
“Definitely not somewhere where I am supposed to be…”
He then looked at himself and touched over his whole torso.
‘No pain and I am still fully functioning… But I fell from meters above and that pretty fast… Springbonnie…what exactly did you do to me when I was close to dying that day…?’
He pushed that thought into the back of his head.
‘No time to question that. I need to move forward and find a way out of here… Springy is gone anyways, there is no point in questioning someone who is long gone…’
He moved to a door that was in front of him and to his surprise it opened. It was a storage closet. He spotted something on a little stepladder, he picked it up and his eyes bulged out as he read the name of the missing man.
‘Alfred Calvin Jones ! The Mental Health Center employee that was reported missing in that one piece of paper ! He talked with…Vanessa Addison Martins…? Isn’t she the new Security Guard in the Pizzaplex ?’
He read through the whole notes and it unsettled him slightly.
‘This girl actually sounds a bit mental… Not gonna lie…’
He put the file back down and then saw the big opening behind him.
“Another vent… Yay, because the other vents were all so assuring…”, Dexter said with sarcasm dripping off his tongue.
But he continued further.
It took him a lot of turns and some time until he finally got out.
“Bitch FINALLY !”, Dexter yelled when he was in another room and out of the vents.
He looked to his left and saw a room, shielded with bullet proof glass.
“What the…?”
In the small room were all the Funtime Animatronics, Dexter just had to face.
Then he spotted the door across the hallway and he made his way there, but froze up and turned around as he heard noises coming from the small room. Dexter yelped as he saw a big Animatronic endoskeleton. It had no casing on itself, it was just wires and eyeballs.
“Holy fuck…”
The robot stood up and stared at Dexter, then he punched the glass, getting it to crack.
“SHIIIIIIIT ! NOPE ! I’M OUT BIATCH !”, Dexter screamed and ran for the door, slamming it shut behind him and it locked itself on its own.
Dexter panted. Then he pulled out his Flashlight, to see more in the dark room only to realize that it was broken.
“Seriously ?! Why ?! Just fucking why ?!”
Dexter threw the flashlight on the floor in frustration and then slid down the door that locked itself. He was at a loss of what to do now. There was no TIP Manager, so he has no clues what that thing was nor how to beat it. He knows that it will be his next opponent. But it was not part of the attraction…
“Okay… Deep breaths and think… All the parts of the Funtimes were there with that thing… So maybe it’s a mishmash of all of them ? That means it has advanced eyes of Foxy, very good hearing from Ballora, a sense of feel where you are at all times from Freddy and probably the jumpscare of Baby… I hope I am right, otherwise I came so far for fucking nothing and I disappointed my Father and my Brother…”
With that he got up and started to blindly feel around the area. Soon enough he touched something and he grabbed it. There was a crank on it and he wound it up, it made a lot of noise and it gave light. Dexter looked around and saw a solar pallet. He held his flashlight on there and a door to his right opened.
‘Here goes nothing…’
With that he left his little room and into a…
‘Oh fuck no… A warehouse of all things right now ?! Shit !’
Dexter took off and ran almost into the middle and then hid there for a bit, hearing metal footsteps. He held his breath and had the flashlight under his dark shirt to hide the light. He looked underneath the shelves and saw its feet move further to the back. Dexter got up and ran for it to the other end of the warehouse.
He spotted a door and a note there with something that wants your ID Keycard.
Someone named John has one in the lower drawers on his desk.
‘Great now I need to find a desk too…’
He heard footsteps again and ran to his left for the hills. But…he spotted the Animatronic still many feet away, even though it just sounded like that thing was very close.
‘What the hell is wrong with me…?’
Dexter spotted a purple key and he picked it up and stuffed it into one of his pockets, then he continued his search for John’s desk.
It was hard to avoid the Animatronic while searching for the damn desk, but Dexter made it and found it. Though he sadly had to find a crowbar. He found one near John’s and he broke open the drawer, taking out the keycard. Then he sneaked his way back to the door and opened it.
Behind that door, was the generator and a door with a purple glowing lock. Dexter pulled out the key and unlocked the door, only to find a lab behind it.
‘What the fuck…?’
Dexter closed the door softly and then looked around. He saw a lot of equipment but also a drawing with numbers on them.
‘Steps… Get people to this location…get them…killed ?...get something out of them and into bottles, put bottles into…a machine…’
He continued to look around and spotted a covered dead body in a glass case.
‘Holy shit… Is that maybe Alfred…?’
Then he looked behind himself and spotted the continuation of the…plan ?
‘What…am I looking at…? So in these bottles is data that they will use to CLONE a human being, but in reality it’s an Animatronic and then….what ? Send someone else in there and do the same again…? Who the hell is doing this ?!’
Then he saw a tape and took it. He inserted it into the VHS tape player and the TV showed Dexter horrific things that scarred him.
“Heh..heh…heh…Mikey…you missed one fucker to kill… Even though I am not at all that surprised nor concerned… This furry ain’t in the Pizzaplex, nor near me, so I am not worried for now…”, he mumbled under his breath.
Then he left the room and saw that the monitors with the fuses were active.
‘Alright there are only three. I ran around this fucking warehouse so many times that I know everything right now…’
He looked closely.
‘Okay, I need to find the right fuse in there AND I need to look which cable leads to where to set it in right…’
And that Dexter did. After he finished the last one he heard a door opening and he rushed for it. He saw two ladders and he glared at them.
‘I HATE ladders…’
Then he climbed them up and soon was out of the warehouse and inside the last location that was a part of the attraction.
“Mike’s Pizzeria…”
The TIP Manager appeared in the small entrance to the room, where a rotten rabbit Animatronic sat in a chair.
“Not gonna lie he looks like shit…”
Then he read the instructions.
‘Vent light, use to flash them out, got it. Use monitor to defend from danger…I will need to look at that later what my options even are there…complete puzzles blah blah blah… okay let us start this shit.’
And then it started.
Dexter looked at the screen that showed the defense options and activated REPEL. He jumped as a loud sound appeared from behind him.
“Oh shit…”
He turned it off and used the CALL system, which started inside the room the robot sat in.
“Ah fuck…”
And lastly he used the door that closed off the room the bunny robot sat in.
“Understood. Ima drop that door when he comes, right. Comes to chew on my ass…”
Then he opened the door again and ran inside the room, he spottes a paper on the desk and he read it.
‘Scraptrap on chair…Molten Freddy in vents…Scrapbaby behind… Nice, I know their names now…’
With that Dexter continued his, hopefully, last stage to freedom and he can go home.
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FNAF movie Vanessa and Michael Afton fight their Dads
15K notes · View notes
doks-aux · 10 months
The idea of William Afton genuinely loving his children is so much more interesting to me than the alternative, not just because it's more tragic and makes his motivations make more sense, but also because it's fucking hilarious.
You are about to be obliterated from this Earth by a six-foot-something zombie rabbit, and your last moments are spent terrified and deeply confused as he shows you pictures of his kids in a blood-stained wallet: a clearly haunted bear costume, a limitlessly unnerving chrome clown doll, and what looks like Grimace's corpse left to shrivel in the sun.
8K notes · View notes
corvidcall · 7 months
"heres how mike schmidt could actually be an afton-"
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"heres how mike schmidt could actually be an emily-"
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4K notes · View notes
whateveryousaycappy · 6 months
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They’re Nessa’s favorite.
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beanzbeanz001 · 4 months
Evolution of Micheal’s friend group (even tho it’s sorta mark focused whatever)
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1K notes · View notes
metamatronic · 5 months
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*checks notes* Cassie’s dad is a good dad because I said so.
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5ftboy · 7 months
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"...I appreciate that you're trying to be on my side." "I am on your side."
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crunchchute · 4 months
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Out of the pit
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honkygay · 7 months
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had to draw from ref for the first two to get a feel for their faces before i just went absolutely fucking ham and BAM. OLD MAN YAOI. FEAST YER EYES.
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blackypanther9 · 1 year
Dad…? – Dad!William x Son!Reader
So, I got inspired by the FNaF fan game called "The Glitched Attraction" and I thought I could write a small Oneshot. I am not back sadly, my motivation is low and I have been gone for a while now, but as I promised I will post drafts and small things I still have not published. This is an Au of mine where Gregory ain't a robot but is related to the Afton Family. I know about the Theories and all, but I just wanted to make it a bit more wholesome. Please don't kill meh. Q-Q
Dexter is Reader
Dexter got a message about a challenging game. So far he made it, but he doubted that is friend texted him. Alex, his best bud, wrote him about this FNaF attraction thing. There were 7 stages and they all were kinda like an escape room game.
Dexter only gave it a try, because he hoped to find his long missing Father. With his Brother, Michael, gone…he was the only one to find his Father. Michael died in the Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza Place location, his own restaurant, because it was light on fire. He didn’t make it out in time… Just like Uncle Henry Emily.
Dexter wants his Dad back… Since he was gone, Dexter’s life went downhill. His Girlfriend left him, admitting that she just wanted into his Dad’s pants for money, he had a cat that his Father gifted him that died unexpectedly, Evan didn’t make it through his Coma and died, the house he inherited is getting very expensive, Dexter just recently lost his job too and now Michael is…gone too.
Mike had more luck then Dexter, which Dexter was jealous about. Mike had a child. Sadly Dexter found out that his Girlfriend threw the boy out and he couldn’t find him anywhere, otherwise he would have taken care of his Nephew…
Dexter felt like a failure since his Father went missing.
He ran out of the room from Michael’s Pizzeria replica.
“Scraptrap still sits there…good.”, Dexter murmured and rushed outside.
He had REPEL on the whole time to keep Scrapbaby away from him. He heard the vents and he quickly ran to the right one and pulled the lever multiple times to flash Molten Freddy. After he left, Dexter ran back inside and put the last 2 pieces of the flyer together. He let Helpy look over it and after he cheered another door opened and he quickly grabbed the chain cutter and ran like the Devil was chasing him.
He quickly cut the chains on the doors and then pushed them open. Then he ran for it and soon reached 2 doors to an underneath location. He opened them and climbed down the latter.
“What is this…?”
Dexter followed the walls and looked if any door opened, but nope…that was until the last one at the end of the hall. It opened and a beeping filled his ears. He went inside the room and looked around.
‘What the hell is this…?’
Dexter looked to his right and saw a big container looking thing standing there.
‘Is this a Lab ?’
He went over to the Computer and turned off the beeping that was caused because of Human Motion. Then he read 3 things…
‘Blueprints…Bin and…rem.dco…What is that ?’
He clicked on the rem.doc and read it.
“A body…Remnant…The fuck…?”, he whispered confused.
Then he remembered the terrifying Video from the tape that he found in the secret lab in the Warehouse and the instructions on the white boards.
He clicked it off and then read the Blueprints, which shocked him. Then the Human Motion turned on again. Dexter stepped away from the Computer, someone grabbed the back of his head and he turned around. He saw a white bunny mascot with red eyes and it swung a Baseball bat at his head.
He groaned and fell down, dazed.
It grabbed him and then started to drag him. After he came to, he saw an Endo Skeleton and on the other side he saw the Charging Station he read about. He saw a bunny looking Animatronic in there. Then the Rabbit appeared in his face again with a knife.
It prepared everything to take his life, until the rabbit let out a screech and pointed at itself and then at Dexter. The white Bunny left Dexter be and then filled the Charging Station with red smoke.
‘Is that Remnant ?’
Then the doors opened and out stepped the Rabbit, chuckling darkly. It had a dead body with itself and Dexter gulped, then took a closer look at the Animatronic and he gasped.
He shakily stood up.
“Springbonnie ?”, Dexter asked and pointed at the broken Animatronic.
It stopped and stared at him. It cooked its head and nodded.
“But…how…? Father said he destroyed you since the bite… WAIT ! Do you perhaps know where Dad is ?”, Dexter asked.
It only cooked its head further.
“You know… your Creator ? William Afton ? Do you know where he is ? I have been searching him for years now… Michael wouldn’t help me find him and now he is dead. I am the only one remaining…”
The Animatronic stared at Dexter with wide eyes and its head was straightened again.
“Dext..er ?”, it asked.
“Yes ! It’s me. Father missed out on a lot since he was gone… Who even was the unfortunate fellow in the suit ?”
The white Rabbit looked at the broken one.
“Boss ?”, it said.
Dexter looked at the white rabbit.
“So cool ! You are a female ?! Wow ! It is so rare to meet a female being a killer. Most of them scream like babies and run. It is so cool meeting woman that aren’t like such pussies.”
“You’re not scared ?”, she asked.
“Scared ? Nope. Dad was a Murderer too. He swore he would never hurt me and Mike though. At least he did murder after Evan was bit by Fredbear and in the hospital…He went totally insane after that. Michael never forgave himself for that accident. That was why he tried to undo what Father did, setting every soul free and then go down with the ship himself. But…I guess he forgot about this guy there. Still sad that he never had time to help me search Father…”
“Your Father was William Afton ?”
Dexter nodded then pointed at the broken Rabbit.
“Yes and he always told me that Springbonnie will know where Dad is. It was hard to recognize him, but the mask says it all with the structure. I thought Dad got rid of him, which was saddening to me… I loved Springy…”
“Springy ?”
“I called him that for short. You know before the bite, Springbonnie always walked around and entertained kids, without being in Costume mode. He was so good programmed by Dad that he almost had his own consciousness and we always talked and hung out when we could. He liked my Nickname for him.”, Dexter said smiling.
Then he frowned.
“He was my only friend…”
“William never was inside him when you talked with him ?”
Dexter chuckled.
“I knew when he was in there and when he wasn’t. Springy acted very funny when Dad was inside him. Sure he gave Springbonnie his voice, but Springy acted way cooler without Dad inside him. There was always a huge difference when Dad wore him.”
“Did he know ?”
“Nope… Well actually he did, but in the past he tried to tell me that I was just imagining it. But even after I was 10 years old he still acted like he had his own mind, so yeah… I think Springy actually had his own consciousness at some point.”
Then he turned to the broken rabbit again and smiled a sad smile.
“Sometimes he even told me that he would do anything just to see the outside world for once. It is sad that someone possesses him now, but I hope his tracker still works so I can find out where Father is.”
The broken rabbit went to Dexter’s direction and stopped as he was right in front on him.
“It’s….meeee.”, he said.
Dexter cooked his head in confusion.
“Eeeehhh ? I know that you are Springbonnie…”
“He means that he is William Afton.”, the white bunny said.
Dexter’s eyes widened and his head snapped to the white bunny.
The bunny giggled while the broken one didn’t look amused.
“Well, as soon as he went missing he was dead and inside Springbonnie, which turned into Springtrap at some point and then into Scraptrap. Now his name is Burntrap.”
Dexter stared at the bunny.
“Wait…so you weren’t kidding ? That is Dad in there ?”
She nodded.
Dexter slapped his hand over his mouth and then looked back at Burntrap.
“Holy shit….Dad…I’m so sorry. If I would have known sooner I would have taken you home when I visited Fazbear’s Fright that day ! I didn’t know ! I swear ! I didn’t recognize you at all ! But…wait…Mike…Did he know ?!”
Burntrap nodded.
“Why…why didn’t he TELL me ?! He knew I was looking for you !”
“Him and Mr. Emily planned to send him to hell, because he killed the Missing Children and Charlie Emily.”
Dexter started to sob and looked away.
Burntrap opened his arms and came closer to Dexter, intending to hug him, but Dexter backed away alarmed, with wide eyes. That hurt William.
“Don’t come any closer ! I am crying, what were you thinking ?! You could set off the Springlocks again !”, Dexter scolded him sobbing and sniffling.
“They won’t. I made sure of it.”, the white bunny said.
“Are you sure, Lady ?”
“It’s Vanny and yes. I am sure.”
With that he came closer to Burntrap and hugged him tightly. He hugged his Son back and Dexter balled his eyes out right then and there. Burntrap looked at Vanny.
“Illusion…..disk….please…”, he got out.
She nodded and rushed off to get him one.
“Your Voice Box is utter shit.”, Dexter said lightly.
Dexter sighed and parted from Burntrap. He sniffled and wiped away his tears. He then looked at his chest and saw the Voice box. He instantly saw the problem.
“The red wire is loose and the blue one is slightly snapped… I can fix it for you. Also the black cable and the yellow one are switched into the wrong places.”
He nodded and then Dexter started to fumble on it. He stuck the red one fully into the voice box. Then he got out some cable tape from his right pocket and fixed the blue one and made sure it is inside the voice box properly and then he switched the black and yellow cable around and stuck them into their right places.
His hands were oily as he pulled them out, but he couldn’t give two shits. He smiled at his Dad.
“Done. Try to talk now !”
“I am surprised that you know how to fix a Voice box…Thank you, Son.”, Burntrap said.
“You have no idea how many times I secretly worked on Springy behind your back. He guided me with his voice box the first 3 times and then when it was really broken I knew instantly how to fix it or even replace it. I always helped and wanted you to have less stress at work to deal with. I saw how much sleep you lost and how little you ate. I was worried sick and Springy’s voice box bugged out and broke a lot. So I helped !”
Burntrap stared at Dexter in surprise.
“You are right. I never knew you even worked on him at all. Thank you again then… I always thought Henry did the fixing, because I knew that Springbonnie broke down a lot. It was suspicious that it suddenly was supposed to have stopped.”
Dexter smirked and then Vanny came back with an illusion disk. Burntrap took it and put it on himself. It activated and suddenly Burntrap was looking like William Afton.
He had chocolate brown hair, white eyes, black dress shoes and pants and a purple jacket on. His hair was middle long and done in a low pony tail. He smiled at Dexter.
“I am so glad I at least found you now.”, Dexter said, but there was sadness in it.
William grew concerned.
“What happened, Son ?”
“Well…After you were missing…everything went down… My Girlfriend admitted that she just wanted to get into your pants and left, Michael’s friends blamed Mike for the prank even though it was Mark’s idea and they left him all alone, Mike became depressed and saw it his mission to set everyone free that possessed an Animatronic to redeem himself for accidently hurting Evan, Evan died 2 days after you went missing he died of a heart attack, after 4 months of you being gone…Tiger died all of a sudden, the house you made me inherit was suddenly getting very difficult to hold, because I got fired from my job for no reason all of a sudden and then Mike died… There wasn’t anything good that happened since you left, to make me feel a little bit different than just grief and self hate…”
William’s eyes were wide in utter shock at all these news.
“Michael never had time for me, so I suffered in silence and alone. No one to turn to. And then…I was in Circus Baby’s Entertainment and Rental and repaired Baby, thinking maybe I can use your Animatronics to make money to keep the house and property…and I found Elizabeth inside it, rotten, mangled corpse. I told Mike and he burned the whole place down, claiming that Lizzy possessed CB most possibly… So there went my idea with the other way of getting income.”
William’s eyes held a lot of shock and sympathy.
“I tried to ask Mike if I can use Afton Robotics, which he inherited from you, to make my own Animatronics, but he said no and I couldn’t sway his mind either… I was too qualified for most jobs, which was why no one wanted me and for other jobs I was too under qualified. So I am stuck. Mike had more luck than me in Family though… He has a Son…but his Girlfriend kicked him out and I can’t find the boy… I wanted to take him under my wing. Sure I am very poor right now, but he is still Family. But I can’t find him. Fazbear Entertainment opened a new location, called The Mega Pizzaplex… Maybe there I can find the boy.”
“What’s his name ?”, William asked.
“Gregory Bill Afton.”
“Bill is one of my nicknames…”
“He loved you just as much as I did. I am not sure if he burned you to punish you or if he tried to set you free, but he still named the boy like this. And he said he doesn’t regret it.”
William sighed and then looked at Vanny.
“We have an Underground tunnel that leads to the Pizzaplex. Let us go and search for Gregory.”
Dexter smiled brightly and hugged his Father tighter.
“Thank you, Dad !”
“Always, Son.”
With that they made their way to the Pizzaplex underground.
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Michael Afton teaches Vanessa the first rule of FNAF
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send-me-a-puffalope · 7 months
thinking about how the toys in Vanessa’s room are probably William Afton’s trophy case
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2K notes · View notes
hensel-x · 1 year
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daddy’s daughter family buisness the usual 
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soft-cryptids · 1 year
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They are just so father & daughter, your honor. 
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measuringbliss · 2 years
People are acting so weird and possessive of Markiplier for the whole OnlyFans situation. He's an adult. He's an adult who's been a celebrity for years. He knows people thirst on him. That's why he had this idea in the first place. He's not some naive kid you must protect. He's not some innocent soul that the evil sluts of Tumblr and Twitter will corrupt. He knows the Internet, he knows his fans and he knows his job.
He's an adult and he can make his own choices.
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