#Daily Portions
Daily Portions
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by Joseph Philpot
Devotional for March 6th
"You have delivered my soul from death." - Psalms 56:13
You may have been delivered from death, as much as David was, but not so fully in the assurance of the deliverance. God may have quickened your soul into life divine; he may have communicated his grace to your heart, and yet you have many doubts and fears whether it be a real work of grace upon your soul. It is not every child of God who has been delivered from death by regenerating grace, who can use the words with the confidence expressed here --"You have delivered my soul from death."But I will show you when he can. When God is pleased to bless him with a sense of his pardoning love; when Jesus is revealed to his heart, and manifested with power to his soul; when the blood of sprinkling is applied to purge his conscience from guilt, filth, and dead works, to serve the living God; when the Spirit of adoption is given, and he is enabled to cry,"Abba, Father;"when he can"read his title clear to mansions in the skies"by the witness of the Holy Spirit in his breast that he is a child of God; when he feels the presence of God, and a sweet flowing forth of love and affection to his heavenly Father -- at such favored seasons as these, he can say in the sweet confidence of faith,"You have delivered my soul from death."
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moonlightmarvey · 1 year
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hey guys its me again
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dailypearldoodles · 1 year
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Day 447
smol porl!
I've been slowly switching to larger and larger laptops over the years but I've been using the same drawing tablet for like five years now lmao
My drawing tablet is now quite small compared to my new computer. And it really doesn't like it XD
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grumpyoldsnake · 1 year
One of these days. One of these days, I will figure out what the hell makes the tipping point beyond which either a) there’s socialization that I feel insulated from and kind of numb about and too tired to pursue, or b) socialization where the very notion of so much as expressing one (1) internal thought or emotion suffuses my whole body with adrenaline and blaring Nope instincts.
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kindlythevoid · 5 months
Help, y'all, I've run out of multimedia art to do for Dracula Daily.
We've met three (3) of, like, a bajillion characters. And, because I'm ridiculous, I've decided to do a different form for each of them that I can. Right now I have:
Instagram - Jonathan
Web Weave - Mina
Web Weave (letter formatting) - Lucy
Other considerations I have are Moodboard and Perhaps Blackout Poetry (oh lordie I shudder just thinking of trying to accomplish that), but I need to know if I'm missing anything.
Please reblog with your swiftest carrier pigeons any suggestions you have that would be easy and/or fun to do with the usage of Pinterest and/or Canva.
Thank you. <3
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scattered-winter · 16 days
its wild just realizing how much people have done and experienced and how prepared they are for what's to come when i am . very much not . lmao
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o-wise-corvid · 9 months
Dathomir Daily
Thal’mālin (Soulskin)
- The ceremony where a young Zabrak is granted their tattoos, which are called the same thing.
- The process is in no way painful and is instead one of deep meaning and togetherness with their family.
- Traditionally, Nightbrothers have gathered mushling pods mixed with bone dust from their first hunt for their ceremonies and Nightsisters have acquired a piece of the Sleeper for theirs. Other clans have their own special ingredient that is unique only to their clan. This leads to tattoos varying in appearance such as in color, pattern, thickness, motifs, etc.
- A chalice is prepared, whether this be a permanent structure that is big enough to hold a person or one constructed, like a tub. This is filled with water and then the ink mixture is slowly stirred in.
- At the point when the water begins to glow a green or sometimes cyan hue, it is ready for the person to step in and be submerged.
- Most are dressed only so far as to preserve basic modesty so that the waters may reach all of their skin. Some forgo even that.
- When submerged, a parent usually holds the hand of the person, who is usually a juvenile. Their arm is partially submerged and it will be changed to show that their child reached this stage in their life, as this is important for them too, to have raised a child to survive their trial.
- Patterns begin to become more solid and clear on the skin with time; these will subtly change over the course of the person’s life to reflect milestones and important moments. Emotions and additions to family. Losses. But the basic pattern will remain the same. Tattoos among Nightbrothers are usually black or a deeper shade of their own skin color, but Nightsisters have traditionally sported more minimalist tattoos in purple, black, blue and even gold.
- In the total dark, these tattoos are bioluminescent and usually glow the color of a person’s eyes. Though they can change color and brightness to indicate mood. This is also unique to the individual.
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Tag list: @alexeithegoat @thesitharts @crc-jedi-knight-serushna @hotshot9 @smoooothbrain @gran-maul-seizure @foreverchangingfandomsao3 @herbalinz-of-yesteryear @justalittletomato @stardustbee @storm89 @id-rather-be-a-druid @ohboi @and-claudia @eloquentmoon @dukeoftheblackstar @lune-de-miel-au-paradis
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hollyhomburg · 10 months
I see all these army’s promising that they’re gonna do good things like get jacked and go to school when they’re gone and my god all I can do is Litterally not kms.
I will get to see them again when this is all over and I will wave my army bomb so hard and they’ll see it. Just one little light makes the world brighter. I will I will- I promise.
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louisdotmp3 · 10 months
lately my coworkers & my boss who do not have customer service portions of their job come down and watch me talk to some folks who are just passing by my window on the street and just want to chat about whatever is on their mind and they're like good god i could never do that/i don't know how you do that. and number one okay pay me more then. number two obviously it's not for everyone but my daily life has really been improved by having many small interactions and conversations with the same people every week. and i see these people outside of work too because we all frequent the same spots downtown! i know i'm just describing basic community but truly transformative to me after the isolation of the lethal combo of grad school & covid
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kirby-the-gorb · 2 years
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Daily Portions
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by Joseph Philpot
Devotional for January 25th
"For those who are after the flesh mind the things of the flesh; but those who are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit." - Romans 8:5
None but those who are partakers of a heavenly birth feel heavenly realities to be their choice element, holy things their sweetest meditation, and the solemn worship of God their supreme delight. Look at this mark as a touchstone of divine life; for to be spiritually-minded a man must be spiritual, and to be spiritual he must have received the Spirit and been made a partaker of that"kingdom of God which is righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit" (Romans 14:17). Have you never found in reading the Scriptures a sweet peace distill over your soul, as the glorious promises came forth one after another as the stars in the evening sky, each one brighter and clearer, and you felt a blessed persuasion of your interest in them? When at the throne of grace, favored with liberty of spirit and access to your heavenly Friend, have you never felt the peace of God to drop into your heart, and like oil upon the waves, to allay every rising of rebellion within? Have you never found, in conversing with the saints of God, a sweet flowing of heart to heart and soul to soul, and felt that such conversation left behind a blessed fragrance upon your spirit? Have you never in the house of prayer had your heart and affections drawn up to the things of God; and as you sat and heard Christ, his Person and work, his grace and glory set forth, faith was drawn out to believe, hope to cast forth its anchor, and love and affection to flow, so that you experienced a spirituality of mind, a heavenly calm, and a holy peace that touched every spring of your soul, and watered it as the river that went out of Eden to water the garden?
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hollis-exe · 9 months
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as im doing my new layout in the wake of the poll results i figured i'd poast my old layout with the old pngtubers i made for myself and some of my friends. sadly the plugin i used to align my chat with that screen is no longer free, so i just. i skewed it.
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“Hatton participated in government action to enforce the laws against recusants, seminary priests and so on. Many examples can be found in the records of the Privy Council, which dealt with such matters in often minute detail. Few of these cases show him acting alone: more normally, he worked with one or more other senior officials. In January 1585, for example, he was part of a commission for banishing Jesuits and seminaries, but so were all privy councillors and others. (..)
A particularly sensitive aspect of this work was proceeding against priests, since targets were liable to be executed rather than merely admonished or fined. Many of the records for Hatton’s role in enforcing the laws against priests date from the mid-​1580s, perhaps as a result of the heightened state of alarm during that period, perhaps because he felt the need to prove his loyalty at a time when his associates were implicated in affairs such as the Somerville and Babington plots. In 1585, Hatton and Walsingham were involved in moves against two foreign-​trained priests, Allen Chapman and John Pettyt, in Cambridgeshire. The following year there are several records of his role in the imprisonment of priests. Again, it is difficult to be certain, but it seems likely that if there was any part of the repression of Catholics in which he participated wholeheartedly, it was proceeding against foreign-​trained priests.
When Hatton was appointed Lord Chancellor he was potentially in a position to moderate the legal system’s rigour towards Catholics systematically, especially as his influence was at its height at this time. Yet he seems to have followed Andrew Perne’s advice that he should decide cases ‘without anie respect of ... profession, protestant papiste or puritante [sic]’. This was in fact a period of intense repression of priests (not, of course, initiated by Hatton personally), something that was probably inevitable given the plots and the war against Spain. 1588 was an exceptionally busy year in this regard.
There are also records of Hatton’s role in dealing with lay Catholic figures: on the one hand, acting with Walsingham to release from house arrest John Talbot, one of Hugh Hall’s patrons; on the other, taking part with Lord Chancellor Bromley, Burghley, Leicester, Lord Howard and Sir Francis Knollys in an interrogation of Richard Shelley about the 1585 Catholic petition.
Nor was Hatton completely uninvolved with profiting from recusancy fines. There is no sign that he did so personally, but he supported Philip Sidney in his attempt to benefit from fines. Not long after Hatton’s death, Sir William Hatton received a grant of a recusancy fine of £20 plus some of the Queen’s interest in some seized lands from the Lancashire recusant Nicholas Langford.
This is not to say, however, that the laws were implemented without fear or favour against all Catholics. As noted here, they were executed most firmly against priests, especially seminaries and Jesuits. Obstinate and prominent lay recusants, especially those with links to the aforementioned clergy, were the next most targeted group. Ordinary lay Catholics, especially those who made some token effort to conform, were often left largely in peace. Therefore for someone like Hatton, participation in action against priests was by no means incompatible with sympathy towards many Catholics. This is underlined by considering whether Hatton objected to prosecuting, for example, the Babington plotters. Clearly the fact that they were Catholic could not excuse an attempt to murder the Queen. A similar recognition that Jesuits and seminaries were in effect serving the Pope and the King of Spain (and often acknowledged as such) helps explain Hatton’s position; he probably shared little of the worldview of such men.
Hatton played a particularly important role in high-profile trials of Catholics, alongside other councillors and judges. He took part in the interrogation and trial of Catholics such as Edmund Campion. As we have seen, he was a judge at the trial of the Arden-​Somerville conspirators in 1583.
He was the lead judge in the trial of William Shelley, who was sentenced to death for treason connected with the Throckmorton plot. In 1585, Hatton unfolded the details of the ‘Parry plot’ to the Commons (laying much of the blame on Jesuits), and he was a judge at William Parry’s trial.
In 1586, Hatton was also closely involved in unravelling the Babington Plot in which, as we have seen, several of his followers were involved. According to one paper, Elizabeth herself gave him some sort of overall charge of the search for the fugitive conspirators, who sought to escape after the first arrests were made; this entailed watches and searches around London and its environs, the river and the Inns of Court. Most intriguingly, Hatton was ‘to sende [messages] to all the Papistes as to Sir Tho: Tressam Sir William Catesbye &c uppon payne of their Allegeance if any thinge by them be had seene or discovered they forthwith signifie the same to him or els to receive noe favour as they have from her Matie’. In this case, Hatton was being used as a line of communication with (hopefully) loyal Catholics.”
Neil Younger, Religion and politics in Elizabethan England: The life of Sir Christopher Hatton
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Said that Dracula was the least Interesting character in Dracula and received the counter that Arthur is the least interesting.
This seems true at first because Arthur just stands around handing out money and little permission slips to the others but then you remember that his best friends are a Cowboy and a slightly mad Scientist and you start asking questions about how exactly they became best friends/lovers.
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dreamlogic · 2 years
#shit chat#disordered eating cw#how to. politely ask my housemate to stop fucking telling me about her diet progress#she's trying to lose weight cause she's a musician & her band is traveling to this big thing at the end of the month#by doing really strict by-weight portion control and it does NOT seem healthy#she's trying to get back to her 'italy weight' and like. girl. u went to italy in high school 10 years ago & biked everywhere for a month#if you are at that same weight a decade later without exercise by simply making yourself eat less food there is a problem!#that is not aspirational that's horrifying!!! no u don't look hot in your gig outfit from 2013 you look disproportionately skinny!#so i gotta sit her down at some point and be like listen. ur an adult ur gonna do what you do#& i know ur industry puts insane pressure on women to look a certain way on stage.#but as someone with a history of disordered eating i will not cheer you on and support your 'progress'#and quite honestly it makes me uncomfortable to even talk about it and see your stupid little diet scale on the kitchen counter every day!!#i strongly associate weight loss with poor health for a number of reasons#and firmly believe that weight gain is cool and sexy and that everyone should be less afraid of being actually!!!#it was a struggle w/ dysmorphia for a while but putting on some chub is one of the best things i've been able to do for my body as an adult#i love my squishy tummy and hearing you obsess about having a perfectly flat (ie concave) abdomen daily is deeply saddening!!!#bleh. it's hard. i feel like i should gently intervene but also i do not want to get involved bc it's more than i can handle rn#*less afraid of being fat actually
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butmakeitgayblog · 7 months
Oh dont get me wrong, an ugly man and a handsome man are basically twins when it comes to a treatment of a woman (sometimes the ugly one is even worse like the audacity when you already look like that lmao). But it’s like if we do get with a good looking one it’s automatically too good to be true and we’re just waiting for the other shoe to drop . So as sad as it is, we always settle for less.
This actually made me sad. And I don't mean that in a sarcastic or condescending way, I mean genuinely. Because it just tells me so many women don't value what they're worth (not that I'm immune, don't get me wrong.) But on top of that internal insecurity, y'all gotta deal with men 😅
Cuz like
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Like,,, even the hairy little mole men don't know they're ugly 😩
I just... idk I guess this is part of what I don't understand about heterosexual attraction. I know y'all can't help it (I'm sorry for talking about this like you guys have an incurable disease I don't mean to I just don't know how else to phrase it 😅) but sheesh. If the guy doesn't have a great personality then dating down just seems so pointless idk idk
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