#Daisuke's on there quite a lot
dnangelic · 23 days
I gotta wooork but I just gotta say even though dark’s the one who ends up on the receiving end of being called an emo more than daisuke daisuke’s the one with more emo spirit
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zenopic · 1 year
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\\\ D.N Angel \\\
Who remembers this show? (っ´ω`c)♡
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asanjou · 7 days
Top 5 Wettest Riders
I wasn't sure if you meant as a personality trait or like physically in the water a lot so I just went with my heart and put the first five guys I thought of
5. Miyuki Tezuka/Raia (Ryuki)
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This is actually a weird one for the list because he isn't really pathetic in the way a lot of my other wet boys are but he does have a distant miserable look in his eyes and if I saw a picture of him drenched in the rain looking into the distance contemplatively it would feel correct somehow
4. Daiji Igarashi/Live (Revice)
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Aw Daiji.... There's a whole stretch of Revice where if the scene cut to him lying face down in a puddle it wouldn't have felt out of place. I want to say his life sucks but I think he's just having some pretty normal struggles with his self worth and identity and the tokusatsu bullshit happening in the background isn't helping. I have faith that she'll figure it out though
3. Shun Kageyama/Punchhopper (Kabuto)
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I was actually going to put Daisuke for Kabuto because Drake is an aquatic form but then he appeared in the related images and I had to switch it.... It's just L after L for this sad wet boy. In a more beautiful life him and Yaguruma are sitting in the manager's office of a Hot Topic after being caught shoplifting tin can badges
2. Ryoutarou Nogami/Den-O (Den-O)
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One of the saddest wettest cardboard box boys in the whole entire world. He's doing his best to stay smiling despite it all but the universe has never had it out for anyone quite like Ryochan
1. Sakuya Tachibana/Garren (Blade)
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YOU KNEW IT WOULDN'T BE ANYONE ELSE!! It was actually close between him and Ryoutarou but Tachibana won out on account of he kind of got himself into a lot of the situations he ended up in instead of being cursed by god, and also he spends a good amount of the show actually physically wet through means of ancient seaweed baths, falling off cliffs, etc
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Gay turtle
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japaneseadventures · 4 months
Tsuda Kenjiro - Nichiyoubi no Hatsumimi Gaku 2024.03.10
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Highlights/Anecdotes of this episode:
Tsudaken tries to do the narration for his own guest appearance and dies of embarrassment
He blanked out and forgot his lines when he tried to act for the first time in a long while
Clips of his many major and minor TV drama appearances over the years were shown
His role in The Last Man made him trend worldwide on Twitter
Tsuda shared why he started acting and voice acting
He went on a 1-week holiday trip to Prague and got recognized by overseas Jujutsu Kaisen fans 5 times.
Nakajima Kento talked about how he admired Kaiba Seto from Yu-Gi-Oh. He told Tsuda about it when they worked together. On Kento's birthday, Tsuda sent him a personalized voice message, saying one of the most famous lines in Yu-Gi-Oh.
Tsuda played Inui Sadaharu in Prince of Tennis (PoT) and it changed his life dramatically. PoT was at the forefront of the "ikemen" boom at the time, and he could finally quit doing part-time jobs.
Kazama Shunsuke, who voice acted as the main character for Yu-Gi-Oh, talks about how close the two of them were in that series even though they were playing as each other's rivals. They were both newbies to the voice acting industry with no other jobs at the time, so they hung out a lot as they waited for their call time.
Kazama is particularly smug at being aware of Tsuda's charm a lot earlier than most people, and he wants everybody to know that, lol
Tsuda shares how the cast and staff from the TV drama Saiai are really passionate about the drama. Same goes from the staff of Jujutsu Kaisen.
Namikawa Daisuke shares some anecdotes about Tsuda. Sometimes tsuda texts him about eating out together, but then leaves him on read when Namikawa asks when he's free.
Tsuda talks about his latest movie, where he plays as a villain for the first time.
Tsudaken talks about his kids (!!) His daughter in particular is a bit eccentric, just like Tsuda (That's Tsuda and the TV Show host's words not mine lol)
A more detailed summary of the episode under the read more:
On his TV drama/ Movie Discography:
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Tsuda talked about experience acting in the hit TV drama Saiai. On his first day filming, he forgot his lines. It's been 12 years since he last played as a recurring character in a TV show, and for his first scene, he had to do a long presentation in front of 30 people. All he could think was that there were a lot of people, and then his mind went blank.
Some notable TV drama appearances of Tsuda:
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- Played as a host in Ikebukuro West Gate Park (2000) in his 20s for 21 seconds - A guy hitting on the main character (Inoue Mao) in Hana Yori Dango in his 30s (2005) for 30 seconds ("Ooh, I got more screentime") - A doctor in Jin (2009) for 24 seconds ("Aww, I had less screentime lol.").
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In 2023, he trended worldwide on X/Twitter as an actor for his impactful scene in the drama The Last Man. When Tsuda turned up in the second episode, his acting was a popular topic on social media.
He adlibbed in the last scene of Last Man. Came up with 30 versions for that scene, and settled on "Shintaro, are you hungry?" Figured a parent would be worrying about whether his kid is feeling hungry, cold or hot.
On his acting:
Originally was aiming to be an actor, not a voice actor.
When he started acting, he was able to let all his dark emotions out using the lines he had to act out. These were feelings such as "hating people", and "hate towards society". It was the first outlet he found for those feelings, and he found that very fun. He was able to bring out his real self when he acted. Because of that experience, he couldn't give up acting.
Unfortunately, money was tight at the time and his electricity and gas would get cut off. It even came to a point when even his water would get cut off. He kept on failing in auditions, so even if he's been practicing on his acting, he didn't really have a chance to show it to others.
For him, the most painful thing about it all was that he was an absolute nobody. He had no proof that he's actually alive. But he overcame that difficulty because he was obstinate-- He believes that this is where his strength lies. He keeps doing things until he's satisfied with it.
On his voice acting career:
Voice acting was what gave him an opportunity to link with the world of expressing himself.
Says Nanami Kento is a wonderful role to play. That Jujutsu Kaisen's influence is amazing.
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During the New Year's holidays, he went on a holiday trip abroad. While he was sightseeing, a foreigner would call out, "Mr. Tsuda?" He said yes, all the while taken aback since he was in Prague. They asked for a photo and a signature. In the one week that he stayed there, it happened 5 times.
When he asked them how they knew him, everyone answered Jujutsu Kaisen. "Nanami, Nanami." He really didn't expect it to be so popular abroad. It made him feel the power of Japanese anime.
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While he was struggling with acting, he was invited to an audition for voice acting and he accepted the invitation with no hesitation. At age 25, he debuted as a voice actor for the anime H2.
At age 29 was his fateful encounter with the series Yu-gi-oh Duel Monsters (2000) where he played Kaiba Seto.
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Nakajima Kento says his idol in life is Kaiba Seto. It was also thanks to Tsuda's acting that Kento admired Kaiba, and he told Tsuda exactly that when Tsuda did the narration for Kento's movie show. On Kento's 27th birthday, he got a voice message from Tsuda, saying "It's 27-year-old Nakajima Kento's turn! Draw!!" Kento was ecstatic. He thinks Tsuda is really cool.
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A year after Yu-Gi-oh, he played Inui Sadaharu from Prince of Tennis. The Ikemen (Hot Guys) boom was rising at the time, and Prince of Tennis was at the forefront of this trend. It changed his life dramatically. He was finally able to quit doing part-time jobs. At around 31 years old. He always felt like he was walking a fine line, so it was a relief to have a stable livelihood.
Anecdotes from Kazama Shunsuke, voice actor of Yugi Moto from Yu-Gi-Oh
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Both Tsuda and Kazama Shunsuke, who played the main character of Yu-gi-oh, were newbies at voice acting when they did Yu-gi-oh. Tsuda was still new to voice acting at the time, while Kazama had never done it before. Although they were playing as each other's rivals, they became close since they were both newbies.
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They both didn't have any other work to do, so they had a lot of time on their hands. Kazama would contact Tsuda and ask if he came to work early, and Tsuda would reply, "I'm free right now so I'm lurking nearby." And they'd have tea together. We'd talk about what we could do to be good at voice acting like other VAs.
Kazama talked about how worried he was about Tsuda. When he laughs, Tsuda does it in 3 levels of increasing laughter. At times, he'd even do 5 levels, since the animation would also have 5 different clips as the power of his laughter increases. The 3rd level would be his usual laughter, so Kazama thought Tsuda's blood vessels would burst going beyond that lol
Kazama says he's super happy that Tsuda got to have a lot of regular acting and voice acting jobs. But Kazama just wants people to know that he's been aware of Tsuda's charm for more than 20 years now. A lot earlier than most people have lmao.
On what went on behind of the scenes of a popular scene in JJK:
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Says there's a particular scene that highlights Nanami. He wondered how he'd do it, since that scene was originally in the manga. The producer told him what the mangaka said was Nanami's feelings during that scene, but Tsuda and the staff are free to play it out as they like. The director also told Tsuda to do it the way Tsuda thinks it should be acted. Leave no regrets. Like in the making of the drama Saiai, Tsuda feels that hit series like Jujutsu Kaisen are made with a lot of love from the staff, and this love is reflected in the tiny details. He believes that viewers could really tell from that.
Anecdotes from Namikawa Daisuke, who he's voice acted with in a number of works
Namikawa Daisuke says Tsuda's acting method is something unique to Tsuda. It can't be learned.
Namikawa describes Tsuda as a sloth with a nice voice. Tsuda: LOL. Say something nicer!
Tsuda would just contact him whenever, going, "I want to eat soon."
Namikawa: I'm not your mom!! When I text back, "When are you available?" He doesn't reply. He probably isn't feeling up to it right then. Staff: How long do you have to wait for a reply? Namikawa: At the latest, he leaves me on read.
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In his latest movie My Home Hero, it is Tsuda's first time playing a villain. Said he had fun doing it. He was asked to make the character very quirky, which really pleased him as an actor. Sasaki Kuranosuke would make pleased faces due to the littlest things Tsuda would do, and it really pleases Tsuda in return.
On his family
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Tsuda has 2 kids, a daughter in middle school and a son in grade school. It was his first time talking about his children in a show. Says no one ever asked, so he never had an opportunity to talk about it.
During holidays, Tsuda never answer work calls from his manager. He wants his day offs to be dedicated to playing with his children.
Wakako-san was just fangirling over Tsuda this whole episode lol "Ah, so cute!"
Tsuda talks about how his children won't speak with him if they haven't seen each other for a long period of time, and it makes him feel lonely.
His kids watch anime, and some of them are ones he's in. When he mentions this to his children, they're like, "I know." But they never try to talk to him about it. Tsuda: Why??
His kids love Detective Conan, and Tsuda actually is in the latest movie. (The host, Hayashi Osamu, uses this opportunity to flex and share that he's appeared in a Conon work before too LOL)
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Tsuda says his daughter is a bit eccentric like him. When he asked her what she'd like for her birthday, she asked for a biwa (musical instrument), leaving him very baffled. In the previous years, she asked for a pocket watch, ship in a bottle, kemari (ball from a sport back in ancient Japan) Tsuda: Huh…
Tsuda says that now that the borders between countries are dissolving thanks to the internet and social media, he wants them to strengthen their identity as a Japanese person who lived in Japan by attending lessons for Nohgaku (a traditional style of Japanese theater).
Says experiencing something is also remembering what's tough. How there's a disparity with your imagination and experience. For example, we all know that getting scalded is hot. But actually getting scalded is hotter than you would have imagined.
Tsuda talked about he wasn't an elite. If anything, acting may be the thing he's worst at. But he believes life has consolation matches. (Meaning, even if you fail once doesn't mean you're completely out of the running) Being an early bloomer isn't everything.
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elementroar · 6 months
I thought the reason ABA wants Paracelsus to be human is because she’s based their whole relationship on what she’s learned through osmosis about romance and humanity? So like, she wants to be husband and wife specifically because of societal expectations, and wants him to be human to fit into that image even more?
I would say she did base her ideas on how to 'act human' from prolly books and things around Frasco in her 10 year isolation. We dunno what books she was reading in Frasco, other than apparently a lot of books containing idioms and things that she never quite remembers right (this is based on her random quotes back in XX/ACCENT CORE). She was also obsessed with laws, so I think that's how she view society really - through the words of law dictating behavior. And that included the idea of men and women, married couples etc. etc.
Her GG World Xrd entry implies she immediately fell in love with Paracelsus, decided they were married, and the natural next step in her reasoning is that he needs to have an artificial body like her to as you say, fit the image/idea of what they should be in her head.
Honestly, I think Daisuke kinda wants to move away from this being her sole focus for years in STRIVE, hence why no one brings it up during the conversations between all characters in any route in the arcade mode, other than when ABA falls back to that plan and drags a protesting Paracelsus away off-screen.
I think it's kinda resolved in her conversation with Elphelt, where she admits she understands what 'love' means academically, but she doesn't know what it really means to be in love. So it kinda applies to her singleminded plan to put Paracelsus into a human body? Like the 'why' of it is not even clear to her, and her getting better is her finally let go of that obsessive plan.
Also since Paracelsus is revealed to be able to shapeshift into whatever she wants, or what he wants for that matter, that means there's a natural way Paracelsus can get a human body now. With consent from both parties. I personally think that may actually be where the story is headed, plus if Para learns to shift between any form he wants, then ArcSys won't have to worry about how A.B.A. remains playable in future games! Para just turns back into an axe-key when needed (or she swings him around in human form lol).
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koralinewrites · 1 month
I saw a post on your main account that you listened to DAYLIGHT! If you don't mind, could you let me know what you think of it?
Okay so, just to preface this, I’ve ONLY ever listened to Laito’s audios, so his is all I’m gonna be talking about. Obviously there’s gonna be a few spoilers- I personally REALLY loved his tracks. I know there are people who don’t like it because of the storyline and such, but I don’t really care about all that. I loved it for two things. 1) It shows off Laito’s thought processes and what goes through his head and 2) Daisuke Hirakawa’s performance was amazing.
I LOVE angst. I love reading it, writing it, everything. And this has a lot of angst. I mean, the one person who he’s fallen in love with is dying, and there’s quite literally nothing he can do. I think Track 4 was the one that actually got me to cry at the end, when he’s having a mental breakdown. We get to learn more about how he views himself. He doesn’t think of himself as someone who should HAVE these feelings. He’s Laito Sakamaki: a vampire who lies and manipulates his way through life (basically a direct quote, btw). He doesn’t know what to do about these feelings. Lust and pleasure was all predictable, it was second nature. But when someone he genuinely cared for showed up? He had no idea. And then to pile onto these confusing feelings, that same person was going to die. And he couldn’t do a thing. His default was to get rid of the root of the problem, aka you.
This is where I got kinda confused , because a similar thing was happening in More Blood but he didn’t want to kill Yui because he loved her. The way I understood it was he’d rather be the one to kill you than to see you die slowly and painfully without him being able to do anything. Plus, if he was the one to try to kill you, you’d probably resent him and it’d make his life easier. You wouldn’t be nice to him anymore. It’d be something normal, predictable. Something he’s used to, because, let’s face it, he doesn’t know how to handle genuine compassion. But then you don’t. You don’t hate him for trying to murder you- in fact, you welcome it. And this confuses him. You’re not supposed to act like this, it just makes his job harder. Why aren’t you doing anything the way it’s supposed to be done? The way he’s used to. And so, he thinks it’s a problem with him. So he turns that knife on himself, and it takes you getting hurt for him to realize that getting rid of himself wouldn’t accomplish anything either.
Also, as I said before, Daisuke Hirakawa’s performance is AMAZING in this. I’m obsessed with, I can’t remember if it’s Track 3 or 4, but the scene where you’re in the school infirmary and have a coughing fit. He obviously freaks out and his voice deepens in worry. But then. When he leaves, he puts on that happy mask. His voice lightens, and it’s back to that higher-pitched sound it was originally. And that made me want to SMACK him. Like, sir- STOP. Stop hiding behind that mask, it’s obvious you’re worried. Come on.
When Laito’s thinking to himself, when he has that mental breakdown in Track 4, the way his voice shakes and deepens and how he yells and curses and punches a wall and just- AUGHHH. This man. He so obviously cares, but he doesn’t know what to do with all of these feelings he’s never had to deal with before. I just…. God.
Sorry if this isn’t exactly what you wanted. If you can’t tell, I’ve had this rant in my head for a WHILE. He just makes me so ILL. Please, people, send in more Laito related asks, I have so many thoughts-
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1000sunnygo · 10 months
The Three Captain's Interview (2021) Part 2: Mayumi Tanaka as Luffy & Namikawa Daisuke as Kidd - Translated
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The ask I received got deleted, I'm sorry! 😩
I've decided not to half-ass it, here's the remaining part of the interview with Namikawa san and Mayumi san's answers.
👒 : Tanaka Mayumi (Luffy)
🌷 : Namikawa Daisuke (Captain Kidd)
+ Kamiya Hiroshi as Law (already translated, check here)
Q. How did you feel when you got the role?
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👒: I was mostly indifferent, as the work (the manga) itself was unknown to me back then. In retrospect, I think it was for the best. I mean, if you know it's a deeply beloved work, you'd feel greedy, won't you? That's why I passed the audition without feeling nervous. Looking back now, maybe it matched Luffy's freedom.
🌷: I remember vividly. Among the eleven rookies with more than 100 million bounty, Kidd's was the highest. I had a clear image of the voice that would express Kidd's powerful appearance, but I couldn't imagine myself playing the role of Kidd. So, I didn't know how to do the voice. I kept thinking about it while recording. I still have a hard time doing Kidd's voice, but it was even harder back then than it is now.
Q. Did you have any specific thoughts or feelings while playing in One Piece?
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👒: In One Piece, there is the unshakable pillar called 'Eiichiro Oda' , but it's not enough to rely on him. I want people to think, "Wow, One Piece really is amazing" when - including myself, all the individual creators' imagination, music, scenarios, and everything else come together! We'd like to continue to create moments in anime that surpass the original manga.
🌷: Many One piece fans would say it's "fire" when expressing their opinions. Thinking about what makes them feel fired up, I can clearly see it in the scripts. The lines of a good scene are spread over several cuts. I feel that the timing; or rather, the process of speech delivery is given a high importance. So, in pursuit of an impact on the audience, when the scripts says "haah?" I myself try to stretch it with "HA~aah??" - to make everyone feel even more fired up.
[T/N: The Japanese word used was "hot", while "fire" expresses a different type of feeling, I think it works as a closer substitute.]
Q. Impression of the character you're currently playing?
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👒: Someone who accepts his weakness, says "I can't" when he can't do something and then relies on his friends, and never wavers from the freedom of doing so.
🌷: He's surprisingly kind and considerate of his crew mates. He'd often say "Let's go!" and bring along some of them, but that's not because he's afraid. I interpret it as saying, "I'll protect y'all no matter what, so let's enjoy the thrill of going ahead together!"
Q. Thoughts on Mayumi Tanaka's Luffy?
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🌷: Unwavering...isn't he? The story moves on, but the same old Luffy is always there. Regardless of the state you're in while watching anime, you can always relax and enjoy One piece. I think this is where Mayumi san's Luffy comes off as an undisputed champion. It's quite difficult to keep things the same for decades, so I have deep respect for it.
Q. Thoughts on Daisuke Namikawa's Kidd and Hiroshi Kamiya's Law?
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👒: Some voice actors separate their personal lives from work, but those two are as transparent as I am! It doesn't have to do with their roles, but that makes it comfortable to work with them, so I enjoy it a lot.
🌷: Law looks cool, but he has his passionate sides; he has the calm aura, but he also becomes emotional. You need to incorporate a variety of elements to express those subtle ups and down in a Law-like manner, so I think it's an incredibly difficult role. That's why I think Kamiya kun puts a lot of thoughts and efforts in his performance.
That said, I can't help but feel a storm of jealousy regarding their rankings in the worldwide popularity poll (laughs). Law was in top 5, and Kid was 23rd. Even though they don't have the same screentime frequency, they were introduced at the same time, yet the difference was so big... Like, I understand Law's charm, but it was frustrating!
Q. Do you think it's possible to win against Kaidou?
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👒: Of course, it's possible. But the absolute winner has to be Tesshô Genda (Kaido's voice actor). I don't think I can compete with that deep voice.. Well, I'd win though (laughs)
🌷: I want to believe that Kidd wouldn't lose his heart over his defeats. He doesn't intend to be beaten by anyone.
(T/N: Fun fact, Mayumi Tanaka doesn't read the manga. She only learns the manga's events when she reads her script. Sanji's actor Hiroaki Hirata does the same, and he admitted that he doesn't know much of the parts of story where sanji is absent.)
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ochako-deserves-better · 10 months
Relationship Headcanons: Kacchako (SFW)
Ochako confesses first, by accident, right before graduation. Bakugo doesn't say anything until she tries to backpedal.
Before confessing, Bakugo would prepare a lot of Ochako's favorite foods "by coincidence" when it was his turn to cook for the group. She never caught on that it was intentional, much to his dismay.
Izuku knew about their mutual feelings before anyone else, because they both admitted it to him during different vent sessions.
Their first kiss happens just after patrol together. Bakugo had been acting strange during patrol, so Uraraka approaches him as he's removing his gauntlets to check in with him. Once she's close enough, he pulls her close and kisses her, explaining after the fact that he wanted to do that earlier in the day, but knew his gauntlets would get in the way.
Bakugo rarely (if ever) initiates any kind of physical affection in public, but secretly loves when Ochako holds his hand or hugs him where paparazzi can see.
Once he warms up to physical affection in general, Bakugo loves casual touches. Specifically, he loves rustling Ochako's hair as he passes, or resting his hand at the small of her back when they stand together.
Both Bakugo's and Ochako's hero agencies try to keep their relationship secret, at first. Bakugo blows up (literally) on a sidekick for flirting with "his girl," so they're forced to publicize the relationship for the sake of public safety.
Their relationship is actually extremely well-received by the public and "Dynaravity" merch sales padded their hero salaries quite nicely.
Mitsuki Bakugo absolutely adores Ochako and constantly tells her that she's too good for her son. At one point, she suggested that Ochako would be better off with Izuku...which went about as well as expected.
Ochako's parents were a little slow to come around to them being romantically involved, but Ochako's mother melted when she walked in to the family room to find Ochako asleep in Bakugo's arms on the sofa. Ochako's mother tells everyone she can about the pure adoration in Katsuki's eyes, much to his horror.
Bakugo proposes to Uraraka two years into their relationship, at the Sports Festival at UA after jokingly asking her if she wanted a rematch. Unfortunately for the students, the celebratory uproar this caused postponed the competition for three hours. (Aizawa lectured them about wasting his time, but embraced them immediately afterward)
Bakugo and Ochako both wanted Izuku to be their best man/man of honor. Izuku became an officiate so he could stand in the middle. Ochako's maid of honor ends up being Tsuyu, with Bakugo's best man being Kirishima.
They end up having two children, two years apart.
Daisuke (大輔) Bakugo- Male. Sandy blonde hair (like Ochako's dad) that grows in all directions with round, mahogany colored eyes . Insanely bright, and very helpful. A bit of a people pleaser. Quirk: Trigger-Switch: Producing nitroglycerin sweat from his hands, Daisuke leaves explosive handprints on anything he touches. When he claps his hands together, the resulting spark ignites the marks at once within a 30 ft radius (this extends to a greater radius as he matures). The more he touches an object, the greater the explosion. Prolonged use results in blisters/burns on his hands, causing him pain.
Hanabi (華火) Bakugo- Female. Chocolate brown hair, worn in twintails as a child, which evolves into tight French braids as a teen. Angular burgundy eyes. Ambitious, a little rambunctious. Has her dad's temper but is better at controlling it. Quirk: Sparks Fly: Hanabi can create floating balls of nitroglycerin sweat which she can propel toward enemies. Her preferred method of attack is combining the sweat into a large glowing orb, bright enough to stun enemies (similar to Bakugo's Stun Grenade), before peppering her enemies in tiny explosions. As her Quirk requires a lot of sweat production, Hanabi is at high risk of dehydration on the field. Overuse of her Quirk leads to dizziness, and in extremes, may cause her to lose consciousness.
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DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.5 Sakamaki Laito Animate Tokuten CD
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Original title: DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol. 5 逆巻ライト アニメイト 各巻購入特典ドラ
Source: Diabolik Lovers Para-Selene Vol. 5 Animate Tokuten CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Hirakawa Daisuke 
Translator’s note: Bowling master Laito kind of threw me for a loop, but it also makes sense? Like he strikes me as the type of guy who would be unexpected skilled at a bunch of random things. In general, I’ve been really enjoying these ‘date scenario’ CDs. They actually did a good job making every one of them unique and choosing fun locations for each boy. I know the chances of us getting another DL anime are really slim, but if they do decide to make one, I really hope it’s not a season 3 based on DF or LE but a bunch of OVAs instead based on the drama CDs.
“...What’s this? There’s quite a lot of people here despite it being so late at night. I guess bowling is pretty popular. I thought I’d be able to do all sorts of fun things with my Bitch-chan, such a shame! ーー Ah! Our lane is over here. Ah! Check out the monitor over there! It actually displays our names as ‘Laito’ and ‘Bitch’! I love your name. It really stands out amongst the others! I would have loved to be able to input ‘Bitch-chan’ instead, honestly. I felt pretty bummed when they told me that I could only input up to five characters. Right, Bitch-chan?”
You frown. 
“...? You’ve been quiet this whole time. What’s wrong? Did you want me to add the ‘-chan’ as well?”
You shake your head.
“Then what’s the matter?”
You complain about him wanting to come here. 
“Eeh~? Is it really that strange? Even I feel like playing a game of bowling every now and then. There’s no ulterior motive behind it!”
You squint your eyes. 
“Oh dear. You’re still suspicious of me? ...Fine. I’ll fess up the truth. ーー We actually gave here today because I wanted to do you a favor.”
You tilt your head to the side.
“Mmh. We’re usually active at night, so most places where high schoolers like to hang out are closed by that hour, no? So we’re limited in the things we can do, right? Well, you might be fine with that, but you’re still a blossoming high school girl, so I figured that you might fantasize about the kind of cute dates depicted in shoujo manga and such. ーー I thought it wouldn’t hurt to go on a typical high schoolers’ date for once, so I started looking around for places which are open 24/7, which brings us here today. How’s that? Do you understand now?”
You nod.
“Nfu~ I’m glad. With that misunderstanding lifted...Now that we’re here anyway, why don’t we get started? I’m up first, aren’t I? Let me think...Which ball should I pick? ーー Ah. This one will do.”
“It has the same color as your hair. I’ll throw it as hard as I can, imagining its your head instead~”
You protest.
“Nfu~ Oh come on, you may say that, but I know you’re happy deep down! You love to get pushed around by me, don’t you? ...Ah! When it’s your turn, why don’t you pick a ball in the same color as my hair? I don’t dislike the idea of being at your mercy either~”
You refuse. 
“Geez...You’d be able to get so much more of of life if you just enjoy it as one of many fetishes. You’re so easily embarrassed. Fine. ...I’ll throw the ball, okay?”
Laito faces towards the lane.
“Let me think...I’m supposed to throw it leaning down...or from up top? 
You seem surprised he has never bowled before. 
“Eh!? Bitch-chan...Do you really think I’ve come to this sorta place before? Today’s obviously my first bowling experience!”
“But don’t worry! Experience isn’t what matters...It’s all about chemistry...!”
Laito throws his ball.
*Clatter clatter*
“Huh? I knocked all of them over. Is this what you’d call a ‘strike’?”
You seem very impressed.
“...Nfu~ I got praised~ Anyway, is this really so amazing?”
You nod.
“Heeh...I wonder if I am a natural at bowling? Control is key, so it might be the perfect game some someone who is very technique-minded such as myself. In that case, I’m quite curious what you are capable of, Bitch-chan~”
You frown.
“Now, now, no need to be so modest. Show me what you’re made of. Go give it a shot! ...Nfu~ I’m very much looking forward to this.”
You walk towards the lane.
“Break a leg, Bitch-chan~! Throw it with everything you’ve got!” 
You throw the ball. 
*Thud thud* 
“Nfu~ Ah-ahー I guess the excitement ended up being her downfall. What a shame. ...They call this a ‘gutter’, don’t they? I can’t believe you didn’t even manage to knock over one of them. ...Ah, come on. One more try, no?”
You try once more.
“Ahー You really suck at this, don’t you?”
You seem disappointed.
“No need to be so sad. My strike might have been just a fluke. I’ll go next, so watch me, okay?”
Laito walks up to the lane again. 
“Aah~ I guess it wasn’t just beginner’s luck! I might have a knack for bowling after all! ...In that case, Bitch-chan, why don’t you come over here with your ball?”
You pick up your ball and approach him.
“Okay! Let’s practice how to hold the ball!”
“Geez, no need to be so surprised. We came here to treat you to a good time today, so I’ll teach you very gently~ Come on, hold the ball.”
“Hmー That won’t do.”
*Rustle rustle*
“You need to stretch your arm a little more.”
You try to scoot away from him, asking why he is touching you.
“What are you saying? I’m fixing your posture! I think I proved earlier that my bowling skills far exceed yours, so don’t you think it’s in your best interest to take my advice?” 
You frown.
“I mean, it’d be kind of difficult to tell you what to do without clinging to you like this, is it? I’m positive that it’d be so much easier to teach you good posture through direct touch!”
“Come on, lean back against me and stand straight.”
“Don’t move! You want to be able to throw the ball properly don’t you?”
You tell him to move away. 
“How mean, telling me to back off! I’m only trying to show my good heart by teaching you! I mean, if you lose this duel against me, you’ll get punished, remember?”
You seem surprised by that. 
“I mean, duh? Didn’t I tell you? All games have some kind of punishment game attached to it, don’t they? You have to expect those kind of things! By the way, now that you’ve already thrown once, you’re part of the game, so there’s no backing out~”
You ask him if he would punish you right here in public.
“Fufu~ Why would you ask that? ーー I get it. You’re curious about what this punishment would entail, aren’t you~? Were you perhaps hoping that I’d suck your blood~?”
You deny it.
“Nfu~ No point in trying to deny it~ I bet you imagined my fangs sinking deeply into your fair nape, didn’t you? Aah~ I suppose I have no other choice. That wasn’t the plan, but I’ll live up to your expectations and make the punishment something deliciously painful~ Please look forward to this punishment...which will turn both your body and soul to putty~”
You try to make a run for it.
*Rustle rustle* 
“Ahaha~ Oh come on, hold up! I told you that there’s no way out, didn’t you? You better behave...or I’ll do it right here, right now.”
You immediately stop resisting. 
“Nfu~ Good girl. Besides, there’s only a 50% chance that you’ll get punished, so just remember that you could always win and try to make the best out of it!”
You sigh in defeat.
“Well then, let’s continue your lesson. Now, where’s your spine?”
“Nfu~ Found it~ Mm~
*Rustle rustle* 
“What are you saying? I’m helping you straighten your back! By tracing my fingers across your spine like this...See? You pushed out your chest which improved your stance! Try to hold this proper posture, okay?”
You ask him if he knows what hte proper posture for bowling is.
“Eh? No idea! How am I supposed to know what is the ‘right posture’ for bowling when I’m still a newbie at the game myself.”
You ask him what he has been teaching you then. 
“You’re just so terrible at this, I’ve just been giving you random points and then it was up to you whether or not you’d take my words for granted. ...Anyway, ahaha~ They’re really hard to miss when you’re standing looking straight ahead like that.”
You tilt your head to side.
“Over here. These bite marks on・your・neck~”
You squeak.
“They’re the proof of the love we share with each other every night~ It’s too bad you can’t really see them unless you move this close. I promise I’ll make them stand out even more by biting you nice and hard when we get back home, so rest assured~”
You complain. 
“You’re adorable when you pretend to dislike something. However, no losing on purpose because you want to get bitten ,okay?”
You insist that you would never do that. 
“I wonder~? You’re a naughty girl who seduces other by feigning discomfort. You want me to completely overpower you, run away with the victory and inflict pain upon you as a result, don’t you? And then you’d try to play innocent by saying ‘Oh I don’t actually want this, but it can’t be helped because I lost the game~', won’t you? ...Sure. Two can play that game. I like that sort of thing as well after all. I’ll make sure to slowly drive you into a corner...and then tease the living hell out・of・you~”
Your cheeks grow hot.
“Oh? What’s wrong? ...Nfu~ You’re flustered, aren’t you? Oh come, you are so shy~ ...Anyway, let’s get this game going! Try throwing the ball following my tips from earlier.”
You nod and throw the ball. 
“Wow~ You actually knocked them all over! I’m shocked!” 
You rejoice.
“Nfu~ Congratulations, Bitch-chan. Judging from your sheer excitement, could it be that this is the first time you’ve ever hit a strike?”
You nod.
“Mmh, mmh~ I’m happy for you! In that case, why don’t we end on a positive note and wrap up the match right here? It’s obvious you’ll lose after all.”
You protest.
“I mean, even if continue to bowl one strike after the other now, you already threw a gutter once, so you have no chance at getting ahead of me.There’s no way I’d give away the win now.”
You shake your head. 
“Ah~ We can keep going until I have a slip-up if you want, but in return, your punishment will get more and more severe, the longer the game lasts. I believe you’d be much better off admitting defeat right now and simply heading home with me. 
I’m fine with either scenario. We’re here on a date today for you after all. You can choose whether you want to call it a day right now and quickly get your punishment, or if you’d rather have me tend to you thoroughly after I’ve messed with you a little longer.”
You call him out on being unreasonable. 
“Nfu~ Exactly. I might be messed up. But you love this crazy guy, don’t you? In which case, you have no other choice but to play along with me and slowly become insane as well.”
You sigh.
“Fufu~ Since you sighed in defeat, does that mean you’ve made your choice?”
You choose to go home. 
“Nfu~ Sure. As you wish. Well then...Shall we head home, Bitch-chan~? I’ll treat you to plenty of the good stuff which you love oh-so much~”
ーー THE END ーー
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dailydemonspotlight · 10 days
I found out that you came back, so I wanted to request an interesting demon Yatsufusa, who I believe is a demon in literature than myth.
Yatsufusa - Day 109 (Request)
Race: Holy
Arcana: Hanged Man
Alignment: Light-Law
September 12th, 2024
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The epic novel 'Nansō Satomi Hakkenden' is one of, if not the longest pieces of literature ever written in Japanese. Spanning 98 chapters and 106 booklets, the saga is an intense and winding read going over 8 separate people and how their stories each intersect, discovering their true origins and uniting together in Nansō. Among the many characters spanning the work's thousands of pages, however, one in particular caught the eye of ATLUS, it seems; a major character in the first act of the story, and one who is intrinsically connected to each of the 8 main characters- Yatsufusa.
The overall plot of Nansō Satomi Hakkenden is far too complicated to get into in this series, and I don't have the next few years to kill reading it, but it doesn't really matter for our purposes. Unfortunately, it's very hard for me to get a concrete English translation of the work, as I'm a broke high schooler who wretches at the prospect of spending over 10 dollars on something, so most of my knowledge and research about Yatsufusa is based primarily on summaries and analyses about the work. What we're focused on is the first act of the story, though, in which Yatsufusa makes his appearance, being the hound of Lord Yoshizane, and one to whom he offers his daughter's hand in marriage (seemingly in jest) if the dog could slay his enemy, Lord Anzai.
Surprisingly, the dog returns with the head of Anzai, and the lord begrudgingly offers his daughter's hand in marriage, to which the dog and her elope to a small cave. Naturally, neither of them really want to actually be married to each other- the dog likely did it just out of loyalty, and the young princess, named Fuse, doesn't want to be married to, y'know, a dog, but a curse sets in from years prior- a curse given to the Satomi lineage, the one that Fuse was part of, that the once noble and loyal heritage would become as depraved as dogs. However, Yatsufusa had formed quite the moral compass, and while the curse had set in and... well, they bore children (though seemingly not physically? It was just an aspect of the curse, so thank god no bestiality is involved. Still weird, though), said children were not born naturally and were instead given life as listless spirits, each of them seeming to represent different virtues of Confucianism belief.
The children were then set to possess separate beads, each of which being inscribed with said virtues, which are actually the eight beads surrounding Yatsufusa in his SMT design. Unfortunately, later down the line, the two were killed by one Daisuke, another major character in the story to my knowledge, who intended to shoot down Yatsufusa to free Fuse, though ended up killing them both. After the dog's death, the eight beads inscribed with each of the children's souls are scattered throughout Japan, and the story begins for real. Yeah, this was a prologue. You see what I mean by winding, right? I'll cut this short here so this doesn't become a straight up retelling of a summary, but despite being a somewhat minor character, this dog plays a major role in one of the most formative works in Japanese history.
In terms of design, in SMT, Yatsufusa is a rather simple case- a lot of the pieces of his design, such as the bell and the inscribed kanji on his head, each seem to be connected to separate aspects of the story, which I find to be a really nice touch. Of course, the primary focus outside of the dog itself, the beads, are each inscribed with the virtues in the design, though there's not much else to talk about. Still, it is a pretty damn good design, and one layered with symbolism. A really nice showing for this strange being originating from literature above all else.
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seventeenlovesthree · 4 months
Digi Dynamic Shipping Game
Send me two names among the following 12 and I’ll write a short analysis post about them:
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Taichi Yagami | Yamato Ishida | Sora Takenouchi | Koushirou Izumi | Mimi Tachikawa | Jyou Kidou | Takeru Takaishi | Hikari Yagami | Daisuke Motomiya | Miyako Inoue | Iori Hida | Ken Ichijouji
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Whether canon provides input on them or not.
Boy, do I love to refer back to "Butterfly" and how it basically framed Taichi as the male main character and Sora as the female main character throughout. One might argue that this is a combination that has been occurring in quite a lot of anime - particularly kids and Shounen related - back in the 90s and early 2000s, so... Asking whether or not canon provides input on them is like asking if water is wet. They've known each other since elementary school, have been in the same class ever since (and will continue to be classmates until graduation) and even attended the same football club for a while. They start the series as "almost telepathically connected" football club duo (basically a novel quote right here), adventurous and hands-on plot drivers, the courageous leader and the tomboyish but caring voice of reason right by his side. You instantly get the impression that they are familiar and close with each other and it's a theme that continues throughout the entire first season; not only because they consistently jump into action and call out, care for and protect each other, but because they, their bond, their loyalty and development are basically responsible for the fact that the kids get through everything alive in the end.
Trying to describe the extent and depth of their relationship would probably end with me writing a whole novel, so I will try to keep this brief, because... You know them. Similarly to Taito, Koumi and Takari, Taiora has been a staple in the shipping scene ever since the conception of Digimon Adventure back in 1999 - and for good reason. As mentioned, there used to be - and still is - a trope to pair up the main boy and main girl with one another and this case is no exception, considering how well they play off of each other, supporting and saving each other time and time again. Digimon Adventure is a special series though - a series whose creators intended to break through tropes and stereotypes, turning those on the head whenever possible. So while Taichi's and Sora's bond may be so significant that the idea of them ending up together seems inherently plausible - this is not how their story ends.
The tomboy, who struggles with her sense of femininity and identity, cannot deal with her best friend gifting her a hairclip - and while they seem thoroughly devoted to and on each other's minds, they develop in different directions. There is a theme of miscommunication between them as they grow older, little quarrels here and there - but at the same time, there is still an incredible sense of mutual fondness and protectiveness that, despite a growing physical distance, never completely vanishes. "If you love someone, let them go", is a quote that may come to mind when you take a look at the screenshot above and are aware of its context. Whether that kind of love was romantic or platonic at this point? We may never know.
This is the story of two close long-term friends, who were not meant to be together - wrong time, wrong place.
... Which doesn't mean that there isn't a potential "right time", right...?
Whether I think why and how they’d work.
What I mentioned above seems to be somewhat cryptic and what I'm about to outline may or may not break canon to a certain degree, but HEAR ME OUT.
While this headcanon is, for now, nothing more than a headcanon, but I am a big supporter of @dutchforstrangers' interpretation of the epilogue, leading to the idea that Yamato and Sora might not remain together/married. This post is not meant to be Sorato slander in any way and I will not go into detail here as to why I think this is a valid headcanon - just know that there are a few subtext aspects in regards to their behavioural patterns and body languages that leave room for speculation. And that's all there is to it: SPECULATION!
The point I am trying to make here is, once again, that Taichi and Sora may not have been ready to be in a relationship early in life - because they first had to come to terms with themselves, their real dreams, aspirations and needs. They had to become comfortable with themselves (particularly after the loss of their Digimon partners) to bridge the (physical and emotional) distance that had festered between them through the years. Because if you think about it, due to their underlying insecurities, they both chose the same approach in their early twenties: Isolating themselves from the rest of their friend group. And I feel like they both have to come to the conclusion first that this is a state that could never bring them long-lasting happiness. They're both social beings that shrivel when they're left alone for too long. (They may also need the encouragement of their friends - particularly Mimi, Koushirou and Hikari - to get there though.)
So it may take a while, weeks, months, maybe even years, to reconcile, step by step. Rekindling their bond, making up their minds about their true passions and career paths, rediscovering old and finding new hobbies and similarities along the way; whether it's about their shared love for their friends, football, adventurous and sporty activities, probably therapy???, whatever it may be... Until they'd reunite with their partners and, with a gleeful but weary smile on their faces, realize that they just had to grow up to this point to eventually find each other as well.
Whether I’d prefer them as platonic or romantic ship.
In case the way I've been talking about them hasn't made it obvious yet - I do love Taiora a lot. While I hadn't started actively shipping Digimon characters until I started watching Tamers, I always had an incredible soft spot for them and up to this day, Taichi and Sora are my second favourite choice for each other. You could say that, in every possible universe in which Taich doesn't end up with Koushirou, he WOULD end up with Sora if I had anything to say. It's also no secret that Taikoura is my absolute favourite OT3 and I really think they COULD work out beautifully together. In the end, both romantic and platonic Taiora is absolutely beautiful to me - especially because it brought some very special, wonderful people into my life. Long story short: As long as their closeness persists in any way, shape or form, I'll be happy.
I also still maintain that the reboot timeline could potentially go there, but I will not get my hopes up... Yet.
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dnangelic · 10 months
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i dont usually bother taking abt ship stuff bc for the most part i never have strong opinions abt any of it but poor risa has gotten sm hate over the entirety of the series even tho i like her chara (by itself) n the way it developed. her in argentine arc was like her shining defining moment for me n i understand her purpose as someone, if not the love interest, who changes and sincerely loves dark for dark, the first and only to choose 'him' over his host even after learning that he wasn't human. i just cant ship it cause im a do-not-separate-them, they're-always-each-other person when it comes to dark n dai and risa had rejected daisuke from the start. so. yknow. yknow? no matter how much she loves dark the way she's always telling / asking him to be just hers and 'only' hers doesn't work out, esp when in baku arc that sort of sentiment was literally actively hurting daisuke by its inversed 'you don't need daisuke. why can't you only be dark, and just dark?' message. the thing about dark is that even if he never admits it, he also belongs utterly to daisuke, just as daisuke belongs nigh utterly to him. he can't properly fall into a healthy love with someone who only loves back half of himself either.
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spacerhapsody · 1 month
It has recently come to light that my deepest, darkest (Digimon) fandom secret is that I didn’t always ship Taito, and @hazelestelle was kind/curious enough to ask the following question in that shipping ask game:
18. A ship you never thought you would ship but do.
Buckle up, kids, because it’s time for a (long) trip down memory lane.
The year is 2002, and after about a year of exploring the internet via small guestbooks and messaging boards, someone finally pointed me towards the central German anime site. And while I think I had seen a couple of people publishing their own stories online and had written one or two myself, I hadn’t realized before that the concept of fanfic was a whole thing, let alone how much of it there was out there.
I also didn’t know yet that you could properly ship things that aren’t canon. Back then, I thought Yamto and Sora were really cute together (probably I mostly thought Yamato was the coolest person ever and was using Sora to heavily project onto), and apparently so did other people, because I easily found and read quite a few stories about them.
Now what you have to remember is that tags or any kind of useful sorting system just wasn’t a thing back then, which is how I ended up with a sliiightly different story, but I didn’t know that yet.
The fic was labeled with all kinds of warning – but I had absolutely no idea what any of those words meant. I’d only just discovered that Taichi and Yamato were Tai and Matt’s Japanese/actual names and just figured “Taito” and “Yamachi” were other (nick)names for them, and since it was popular to just throw random Japanese words into your fic at the time, and half of the time people didn't even use them right, I didn’t bother to look up what “Shounen-Ai” and “Yaoi” meant.
So I had no idea what I was getting into when I started reading, and after a couple of chapters I might have found it a bit weird that Sora was so little in it, but apparently I’ve also always enjoyed a good slow-burn, so I kept on reading. I don’t even remember when I realized that there was something going on between Yamato and Taichi, but I do remember that I was fascinated, and that I couldn’t stop reading, especially once it became obvious/something actually happened between them.  
(Why do I care so much about queer people, says queer person years before she figures out she’s queer herself, etc.)
Anyways, the story was long (and my internet time limited), so it took days, if not weeks of surreal summer evenings until I was done, but I read the whole thing.
And for whatever reason… I took this as my sign to start shipping Daisuke and Ken (and a variety of DBZ characters). XD
I’ve absolutely no idea why that was what I took away from the whole thing, it’s not even that I disliked the ship (yet), I always kind of understood why people were shipping them, maybe it was simply because Digimon 02 was much more present in my mind than the first season at the time?
But then I started looking for Daisuke/Ken stories (again, without a lot of help from the websites themselves), and it was an absolute nightmare.
You simply couldn’t find anything that didn’t have Yamato/Taichi as the main ship instead, that didn’t feature them as the reason Daisuke and Ken were figuring themselves out, or didn’t have them as the “older, wiser” couple at least one of them went to for advice, and I was steadily growing more and more annoyed by them.
And it was like this for years. I think it got even worse (Adventure, and thus Yamato/Taichi, has always been more popular than any of the 02 characters, and even more so after they lost their momentum).
They just were everywhere, in every goddamn fic, no matter what other pairing you were actually looking for. I was once reading some football RPS, and when the guys in that story were listening to the radio, the host mentioned someone had called in and asked to play the previous song, from Yamato to Taichi (or the other way round) – you can’t even make that shit up.
At this point they just annoyed me so much that I made a point of not shipping them, and I think I’d also reached a point where I was a bit tired of the whole “they’re rivals/always beating each other up, so they obviously are in love” trope.
I also discovered Taichi/Koushiro (which I still think is an amazing ship that at least the German fandom has always been completely sleeping on), so I had even more reason to not ship Yamato/Taichi.
And I honestly think it would always have been this way, but then tri. happened. And hit me with full force. Because they were older, and somewhat calmer/less aggressive around each other, but still very much themselves, and most of all so blatantly obvious.
I was still in denial during most of part 1, but I already knew when Mimi shoved them into a Ferris wheel cabin and declared the group had brought them together that I was fighting a losing battle, and by part 2 with the entire onsen visit and the bickering afterwards, it was over.
Look. I get it. They’re really it. They work so well together, there’s so much there, they’re the blueprint for so many anime ships, they give me way too many feelings. (Help.)
I still don’t really ship them pre!tri., though. Partly probably because of my history with the ship, but also because I like their dynamic so much better now, and because I simply like the idea of people getting together later in life, or at the very least after they’ve at least finished high school.
TL;DR: I never, ever thought I’d fall into Taito hell, and yet here I am, in the year 2k24, absolutely obsessed with them once again. Thank you, Digimon, you’re the gift that keeps on giving.
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val-badgal · 1 month
I yap about Happy Chaos’ Arcade Mode
I played against some of the AI and most of his arcade mode to see some unique interactions, and I’m gonna ramble about them here.
For starters, I fucking hate stage 9 Nagoriyuki. I beat up to stage 8 in Happy Chaos’ arcade mode because I heard he drops some interesting lore bombs, and we’ll get to those in a sec, but JESUS FUCK is stage 9 hard. I beat stage Nago 8 by cheesing with pauses and throws, and it took about 20 attempts. Naturally, I lost all faith in living when I learned that stage 9 was the same thing except Nago started with blood rage (I quit after 5 attempts). How about that lore though, eh? Well, Happy Chaos basically goes on a whole exposition after beating I-No a second time that “Demi-humans” (Nago and Slayer) basically transcend their universe and can travel to ALTERNATE UNIVERSES and basically just dumb themselves down for everyone else to look like they’re not breaking reality. They don’t have “IDs” in the backyard, either, which is how they’re able to travel through universes since they’re basically not a part of the rest of existence. The existence of AUs in Guilty Gear is an interesting one, and I’m curious if it’s how they’re going to justify Lucy from Cyberpunk crossing over when she’s released. Maybe it’ll even play into the next game? I mean, at the end of Strive’s story mode, Sol loses his gear powers, Ky gives up the throne, and Axl gets his girlfriend back. The three main characters of Guilty Gear’s basically all finish their arcs, and it makes me wonder if they pull something in the next game where it’s like “this is Sol Badguy from another universe where he keeps his powers!” so they can still have the same main cast as the other games. It’d be kinda stupid if they did, and I think Daisuke probably wouldn’t do something so cliche and lazy for his main characters, but it’s an interesting possibility to discuss.
Happy Chaos mentions Bedman in the same exposition, saying that he also managed to negate having an “ID” in the backyard. He says “Bedman”, not “Romeo”, which is probably just to make things easier to understand for the majority of the audience who doesn’t know Xrd Bedman’s real name, but it still got me thinking about what it could be in reference to.
It could be Bedman’s dream world. Bedman says right before he dies that he could always make the Absolute World on his own, but my guess with this new information is that his access to both the Absolute World and Dream World are actually existing worlds, and him “creating” the Absolute World just brings him to an alternate universe that already existed with the properties that would let him revive the people he’s killed, save Delilah, etc.
Him negating the “ID” system could be why the character of ‘Bedman?’ exists. Somehow, when Bedman died, he didn’t actually die, but rather figured out a way to reincarnate in the bed itself due to his lack of an ‘ID’ that would allow him to cheat the system. Then again, I’m pretty sure Bed’s Strive theme is about him going to the afterlife, so this one is really just me being hopeful since Xrd Bedman is my favorite fighting game character.
After I gave up on Stage 9 Nago, I googled the ending cutscene to see what other lore there might be. There’s not a lot, but it’s kind of exciting what’s there. Happy Chaos basically tells Nago why he’s returning to the world, which is to protect it from destroying itself from its self-destructive nature. This almost implies that Chaos is willing to play the hero if needed for humanity’s survival, which is a possibility that’s also very in character with how Chaos acts.
I recently discovered that Sin and Chaos also have unique dialogue when fighting each other, and while one of the exchanges are a cute little interaction about sugar water and milpico, the other one frames Sin as the “hero” of the metaphorical show Chaos is always talking about, which would make sense since the upcoming anime is starring him and now that Sol and Ky both stepped down Sin being the next protagonist makes a lot of sense. Considering that there’s hints of both Sin and Chaos being protagonists in the next game and they already have unique interactions with each other, maybe we’ll see them working together in the future? I’m very excited for the future of Guilty Gear lore, lol.
Anyway. I’ll suppress my autism and shut up now, and maybe go draw Sin and Chaos hanging out drinking each other’s favorite beverages while I’m at it. Thanks for reading and I apologize if this makes no sense. I’m happy to clarify my theories in the comments <3
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ashhearthelpsaa · 5 months
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Below the cut will be a list of some of my favorite Japanese names. I like to write a lot of original characters that are based in different animes, so I thought this would be useful to have. These will be placed under a read more, as this post got quite long. There are 70 feminine names, 75 masculine names, and 31 gender neutral names. Please like or reblog this post if you found it useful. Thank you. :)
Feminine Names.
Ami. / Aimi.
Emica. / Emika.
Hatsue. / Hatsu.
Kanna. / Kana.
Masculine Names.
Ryo. / Ryu. / Ryou. / Ryuu.
Gender Neutral Names.
Ren. / Rin.
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hexpea · 21 days
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Ch. 16 - HibiscusHibiscus come in a wide array of colors, each with their own meaning. Pink Hibiscus stands for friendship and all different kinds of love -- not just romantic. ⚠️NSFW BELOW⚠️
The reception hall continued to buzz with conversation, clinking glasses, and the soft melodies of the ongoing celebration. Naoya, his scowl etched firmly in place, could be seen at the back of the hall engaged in a heated argument with his father, Naobito. The tension between them was could be seen by the grimaces on their faces, their voices just barely carrying over the air, punctuated by their occasional sharp gestures.
Across the room, you sat with Daisuke at his table, attempting to maintain composure amidst the ongoing chaos. Other guests chatted, laughed, and danced, seemingly oblivious to the drama unfolding around them. Daisuke, ever the observer, maintained a composed demeanor, occasionally offering polite smiles to acquaintances.
He gently handed you a small gift, a delicate bag adorned with white and gold. He leaned in with a sly grin, "a little something to spice up your honeymoon," he remarked, mischief glinting in his eyes.
You arched an eyebrow at the gift, your suspicion rising. You accepted it cautiously. Unwrapping the tissue paper, you revealed the contents within, and your expression quickly shifted from curiosity to disbelief. Your heart sank at what you'd found -- a crystalline powder in a vial, strychnine, the very same substance that had ended Naohiro's life. 
Your gaze shot up to meet Daisuke's. "This isn't funny," you declared sharply, your voice low and your eyes filled with shock. Hastily, you shoved it back into the small bag, giving Daisuke an incredulous look. 
Daisuke chuckled, seemingly unfazed by her disturbed reaction. "Oh, but I assure you, my dear niece, I find it quite amusing," he replied, his tone icy and calculated. "They're brothers. It's only fitting."
Your stomach churned with unease as you realized the implications of his gift. He believed you'd been the one to fulfill the duty by eliminating Naohiro, but that was far from the truth. Now, he was providing you with the means to carry out the same fate for Naoya. The haunting memories of Naohiro's demise flooded back.
Unable to contain the emotions any longer, a single tear escaped your eye and trickled down your cheek. The memories were too much to handle. You took a shaky breath, your voice barely above a whisper, "I can't, Uncle...not like this."
Daisuke observed you with a calculated gaze, the hint of a frown marring his otherwise composed features. He leaned in, his tone softened, "Y/N, I understand it's difficult for you. You loved Naohiro, and I know you were trying to build a life with him despite your father's orders. But you must keep in mind the greater purpose, the duty you carry as part of this family."
You wiped away the stray tear, your voice strained with sadness and frustration. "It's too soon...I can't do this right after Naohiro's death. It's too much."
Daisuke's eyes softened further with a glimmer of sympathy, and he reached out to pat your hand gently. "I know, Y/N, I know," he murmured. "But you have to stay focused on your mission. There are targets your father expects you to eliminate, and dwelling on the past won't help you achieve our goals."
"I just need more time, Uncle," you pleaded, your eyes locking with his. "I promise, I'll carry out the mission, but I need some time. In more ways than one."
He sighed, torn between his role as your mentor and the genuine concern he held for you as a family member. "Y/N, I want you to succeed, and I know you've been through a lot. But time is a luxury we can't afford."
As you absorbed his words, your mind raced to find a compromise. "Give me just a little more time, Uncle. I'll make sure it's discreet, and no one will suspect a thing."
He gave another exasperated sigh and nodded, conceding to your plea with a stern expression. "Fine, but don't test your father's patience too much. We have a plan, and you need to stick to it. You've proven your skills before, Y/N. Remind everyone what you're capable of."
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Meanwhile, Naoya and his father continued their heated argument at the back of the reception hall. Naoya's frustration simmered from the announcement of the honeymoon, his disdain for the arranged marriage and his suspicions of your intentions bubbled to the surface once again.
"This Maldives bullshit is just another ploy, isn't it?" Naoya spat out, his voice dripping with contempt as he glared at his father who leaned against the open bar. "Y/N's probably planning to kill me and dump my body in the ocean or some shit."
Naobito shook his head, his expression a mixture of exasperation and amusement. "You're overreacting, Naoya," he retorted, his tone dismissive. "Your paranoia is getting out of hand."
But Naoya refused to back down, "am I, though?" He challenged with bitterness. "You know damn well what she did to Naohiro. She's just waiting for the right moment to finish the job."
Naobito's patience wore thin as he glared at his son, his cold demeanor cutting through like a knife. "How many times do I have to tell you to shut your goddamned mouth?!" He snapped. "Y/N had nothing to do with Naohiro's death, you arrogant little prick."
Naoya scoffed, rolling his eyes in disbelief. "Oh, please," he retorted, heavy on the sarcasm. "You expect me to believe she's innocent? That she didn't have a hand in Naohiro's death?"
Naobito's jaw clenched in frustration. "I'm telling you, Naoya, stop talking about things you know nothing about," he warned, his voice low and menacing as he sized up his own son. "Your wife is not our enemy, no matter how much you want to believe it."
But Naoya's stubbornness knew no bounds as he sneered down at his father, his arrogance overshadowing any semblance of reason. "I'll believe it when I see it," he spat out. "Until then, I'll be keeping one eye open around that conniving bitch."
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As the reception came to a close, you and Naoya found yourselves back at the Kamo estate, the tension between you still lingering in the air like a heavy fog. The silence between you was deafening as you both retreated to your shared room. Naoya, his movements slightly unsteady from the alcohol he'd consumed earlier, began to prepare his futon without a word, his back turned to you as he fumbled with the blankets. Meanwhile, you struggled to remove the white dress you'd worn for the reception, the fabric clinging to your skin like a second layer.
With a frustrated sigh, you attempted to reach the zipper at the back of the dress, your arms straining as you contorted awkwardly in an attempt to reach it. "Damn it," you muttered under your breath, your fingertips grazing the fabric as you tried in vain to pull it down. 
Naoya glanced over his shoulder, his gaze lingering on you for a moment before he reluctantly stepped closer. "Need some help?" He grumbled, his tone begrudging as he approached.
You nodded, grateful for the assistance despite the tension between you. "Yeah, that would be great," you replied, your voice soft as you held back a sigh of relief. 
As Naoya reached for the zipper, his fingers brushed against your skin, sending a shiver down your spine at the unexpected contact. His touch was surprisingly gentle, his movements slow and deliberate as he worked to unzip the dress.
"Thanks," you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper as you felt the zipper finally come loose. 
Naoya stepped back, his gaze flickering away as he cleared his throat awkwardly. "No problem," he muttered, his words slightly slurred as his mind went to the first time he'd helped you with a zipper. "Just...don't expect me to be your personal dresser all the time."
Despite his gruff demeanor, there was a hint of tenderness in his actions that caught you off guard. For a moment, the walls between you seemed to soften, allowing a glimpse of the vulnerability beneath Naoya's tough exterior. As you both got ready for bed in the quiet of the room, a heavy silence settled between you, broken only by the sound of your breathing. 
Finally, unable to bear the silence any longer, Naoya spoke up, his voice low and tinged with frustration. "You need to start talking, Y/N," he muttered, tightly crossing his arms as he looked down at you sitting cross-legged on your own futon. "I want to know what the hell is going on."
You met his gaze, your eyes locked with his as you searched for the right words. "I know," you replied softly, your voice tinged with regret. "And I promise to tell you everything, but not now. It's...complicated."
Naoya scoffed, a bitter laugh escaping his lips as he shook his head in disbelief. "Complicated? Try fucking impossible," he retorted, his frustration bubbling to the surface. "You knew about the poison, didn't you? You've been hiding something from me this whole time." 
You swallowed hard, the guilt weighing heavily on your conscience as you struggled to find the words to explain. "I...wanted to protect you," you admitted truthfully as you looked away, unable to meet his gaze. "I'm sorry..." you looked down at your hands resting in your lap. You tensed your fists in preparation for whatever abuse you were about to endure at his hands.
Naoya's expression softened slightly at your admission, a flicker of understanding in his eyes as he joined you on his own futon. "I don't need your apologies, Y/N," he muttered, his tone gruffly as he crossed his arms over his chest again upon sitting down. "I need the truth."
You had expected him to lash out at you, but when he didn't you swallowed hard and began to explain your father's power plays. You described your father's plans to strengthen your clan by weakening the Zenin and Gojo clans. You even told him about your sister who had infiltrated the Gojo clan and had made even more progress than you in the past seven years (and surprisingly so without any suspicion). As you explained, Naoya's initial anger simmered but it was replaced by a chilling calmness as he listened intently to your words 
"So, Daddy wants you to play the power game, huh?" Naoya muttered, his voice laced with bitter sarcasm. "And you're just his little pawn in all of this?"
You winced at his tone but pressed on, your voice barely above a whisper as you recounted the details you'd learned from your father's conversations. "Yes," you admitted, your heart heavy with guilt. "He sees his daughters as tools to further his legacy, even if it means sacrificing our happiness and safety. Ever since Noritoshi was born, we've been disposable. I just...never really wanted to admit that to myself."
Naoya scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief. "And you're okay with being used like that?" He snapped, his words dripping with disdain. "Pathetic."
You flinched at his harsh words but you knew you deserved his contempt, at least this one time. "No, I'm not okay with it," you confessed, your voice trembling with emotion. "But what choice do I have? This is the life we were born into, Naoya. We're trapped in this cycle of violence and manipulation."
Naoya's contemptuous gaze bore into you as the revelation hung in the air like a heavy fog. "Well, well, well," he sneered, a cruel grin playing on his lips. "I guess now you're gonna tell me you weren't the one who offed my brother...again? What a damn surprise."
Your silent tears didn't deter Naoya's mockery. Instead, you giggled through the heartache, shaking your head. "Killing him? Oh, Naoya, you overestimate me," you replied sorrowfully. "Naohiro and I were trying for a baby when the accident happened. Killing him was the farthest thing from my mind, even with my father's orders."
Naoya's smug frustration faltered for a moment, a blush creeping onto his face at the unexpected revelation, his heart skipping a beat. He stumbled over his words, "trying for a... What the hell?" He muttered, caught off guard by the unexpected glimpse into a more vulnerable side of your relationship with his brother.
You continued, your voice breaking the silence like a fragile melody. "It was an accident, Naoya. A cursed spirit with the ability to mimic...we were on a group mission when it happened. My father assigned me to kill him, but I couldn't. I love Naohiro too much," you confessed. Present tense.
"So you took the blame?" Naoya spat out, disbelief and something more tainting his tone. "You, the girl who's all Daddy's loyal puppet, couldn't carry out a damn order?"
You rolled your eyes and swallowed back your tears. You knew Naoya couldn't care less about his brother's death, at least not when he knew there was a weakness of yours he could make fun of. You nodded in response to his hypothetical question of an insult, your gaze never leaving his. "Yes, Naoya. I couldn't do it. I couldn't harm the man I loved," you explained with a trembling voice. "So, I took the responsibility to keep my family quiet. Your father, however, knows that Hiro's death was an accident. I've been living with the guilt and you've no idea how much it haunts me. My mother may be a Fujiwara, but I hardly care to live up to the name."
Naoya's eyes narrowed as he studied you, his expression unreadable for a moment before a smirk played at the corners of his lips. "So, what? You're telling me you're just some lovesick puppy who got caught up in Daddy's little game?" He taunted before repeating himself. "Pathetic."
You clenched your fists, your nails digging into your palms as you fought to control your rising anger. "You can call me whatever you want, Naoya," you spat out, your voice trembling with fury. "But I won't let you belittle what I had with Naohiro. It was real, and it meant everything to me. No matter what happened with my father, I never wanted to kill my husband."
Naoya scoffed, rolling his eyes in disbelief. "Yeah, sure it did," he retorted, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Because nothing says 'I love you' quite like lying about being a cold-blooded curse user. You might not've killed him, but you still killed others to benefit your weak, little clan."
You gritted your teeth, struggling to contain the overwhelming urge to lash out at him. "You don't know anything, Naoya. About me. About my sisters. Even your own brother," you growled, your voice low and menacing. "You don't know what it's like to love someone with every fiber of your being, only to have them ripped away from you without any say in the matter and without the sympathy of those you hold dear."
Naoya's eyes began to redden ever-so slightly with tears he'd been holding back for far too long. The warmth at the corner's of his eyes felt foreign, his mind struggling to stay focused on his rage toward your defiance. Veins popped in his neck as he struggled to contain the storm of emotions raging within him. With a sudden burst of aggression, he darted towards you, pinning you against your futon with a forceful grip. His glare was intense, filled with raw anger that sent a shiver down your spine. "You don't know shit about what I've been through," he spat out, his voice laced with venom. "You have no idea who I've lost."
Startled by his sudden aggression, you met his gaze with defiance. "And you think you're the only one who's suffered?" You shot back in an defiant, icy tone. "You've been nothing but a pampered little boy your whole life, Naoya."
His lips curled into a snarl at your words, his frustration boiling over as he growled in response. "You want Zenin offspring so bad?" He sneered, his tone dripping with disdain. "Fine, I'll give them to you."
You opened your mouth to protest but he was too quick, his lips forcefully crashed against yours. You initially pushed back, attempting to resist the overpowering surge of sensations that threatened to engulf you. But his grip tightened, his fingers digging into your skin as he kissed you with a savage hunger.
"Fuck..." he muttered against your lips, his voice thick with desire. "You're mine, Y/N. Don't fight it..."
You gasped, a mix of shock and arousal coursing through you as his words washed over you like a wave. His touch was rough and demanding, his hands leaving marks on your skin as he tore away the layers of fabric that separated you. The sound of fabric ripping filled the air as he discarded the silk nightgown you'd put on, his movements aggressive and relentless. He growled with satisfaction as he bared your skin to his hungry gaze, his eyes filled with a recognizable primal hunger that sent a shiver down your spine. His body loomed over yours as he kept you pinned beneath him. You could feel the hardness of his erection pressing against your thigh, a potent reminder of his desire, a feeling you didn't mind one bit.
"I'll fucking fill you up, Y/N," he snarled, his voice dripping with possessiveness as his teeth grazed your jugular, giving little nips against your fragile flesh. The black tips of his hair tickled your cheeks as he paid careful attention to one of your most sensitive areas. "I'll give you what Naohiro couldn't -- a baby of your own."
His words sent a jolt of both fear and excitement coursing through you, the conflicting emotions swirling within you as he continued to ravage you with a ruthless passion. The haze of arousal had your mind racing with so many different thoughts, almost too frozen to push him away, not that you found yourself even wanting to for some strange reason. 
His fingers trailed down your body, leaving a trail of fire in their wake, lighting up your own desire. With a cruel smirk, he traced the curve of your hip, his touch possessive and demanding. "You like that, huh?" He taunted, his voice low and dangerous. "You're soaking for me, aren't you?"
As Naoya's fingers finally brushed against your wet folds, a sharp gasp escaped your lips, your body betraying you with its response to his touch. You hated how he could elicit such a reaction from you, how he could make you ache with desire despite everything that had transpired between you two over the past few months.
"Fuck," he muttered again, his voice low and husky as he felt your warm, slick arousal coating his fingers. "You're dripping... Y/N..." He groaned as he curled his fingers further into you. "You're so...ready for me..."
You clenched your teeth, trying to suppress the moan that threatened to escape as his fingers slipped inside you easily, the sensation both familiar and intoxicating. "Naoya, please," you manged to choke out, your voice strained with a mixture of desire and protest. "This isn't right. We can't keep doing this..."
But he ignored your feeble protest, his touch relentless as he continued to explore your depths with a possessive determination. "You're mine, Y/N," he growled, his breath hot against your skin as he trailed kisses along your neck. "And I'm going to make sure you know it."
As he removed his fingers from you, he smirked at the glistening evidence of your desire coating his digits. With deliberate slowness, he brings them to his lips, his tongue flicking out to taste your essence, a taste he'd come to love. His eyes never left yours, holding your gaze captive as he savored the flavor of your arousal."Mmm...you taste so fucking good, Y/N," he remarked, his voice low and husky with desire. "I want more of you, want to taste every inch of your sweet cunt...my...wife."
His words sent a shiver of both anticipation and apprehension down your spine, your breath catching in your throat as he asserted his dominance over you. With a predatory gleam in his eyes, he positioned himself between your legs, crouching over you like a hungry predator ready to devour his prey. His hands delicately traced along the side of your thighs until he pulled you upward, tossing your knees over his shoulders as if they were nothing. He sat on his knees and licked his lips, holding your gaze with a cold and hungry look of his own.
As he lowered his head, his hot breath fanned over your sensitive skin, sending tingles of anticipation racing through your body. With a sudden insistent pressure, he parted your folds with his tongue, delving into your depths with a relentless hunger. His tongue explored every inch of you, tracing intricate patterns over your sensitive flesh as he sought to drive you wild with desire. His movements were deliberate and calculated, each stroke of his tongue designed to elicit the maximum response from you. He alternated between long, slow licks and quick, teasing flicks, his lips and tongue working in perfect harmony to send waves of pleasure coursing through you. He found your most sensitive spots with unerring accuracy, teasing and tormenting you until you were writhing beneath him, your moans filling the air like a symphony of ecstasy. His hands gripped your hips with bruising force, holding you in place as he continued his relentless assault on your senses, ignoring the discomfort of your neck being scrunched in such a position.
As your arousal reached its peak, your hands gripping the sheets of your futon, Naoya redoubled his efforts, his tongue delving deeper and deeper into your core as he sought to push you over the edge. He savored the taste of you, the feel of you writhing beneath him, as he drove you closer and closer to the brink of ecstasy. He tasted a trifecta as his tongue gave you an expertly crafted appetizer of pleasure, something sweet, something salty, and something indescribable yet uniquely you. With a final, agonizingly slow stroke of his tongue, he pushed you over the edge, your body convulsing in pleasure as you tumbled into the abyss of release. He drank in the sight of you, his own desire burning hotter with each of your desperate cries of pleasure.
But even as you came undone beneath him, Naoya's own need remained unfulfilled, his arousal throbbing painfully against the confines of his clothing. With a growl of frustration, he pulled away from you, letting your hips hit your futon as he wiped the mix of spit and your juices from his chin. You could see the fire in his eyes almost immediately, even when your own eyes were fogged over with release.
"You're ready for me now, Y/N," he growled, his voice rough with desire. "You're gonna take my fucking seed this time..." He smirked as he sat up and pulled his shirt over his head. "I'm not gonna' hold back."
As he removed his shirt, revealing his toned physique, you couldn't help but feel a mixture of fear and lust wash over you. It was the first time you'd been sober in this situation, allowing your rational mind to process the gravity of the moment. You wanted to refuse, to deny him the satisfaction of claiming you as his own, but the intense desire coursing through your veins mixed with the desire to rebel against your father kept you silent. He pulled his cock free from the hole in his boxers and lined himself up with your entrance. With a sudden, forceful thrust, he slammed into you with his trademark aggression, causing you to gasp in both pain and pleasure.
"Fuck, Y/N," he grunted, his voice rough as he buried himself deep inside you. "You're always so fucking tight..."
You bit your lip to stifle a moan, your nails digging into his back as he continued to pound into you with relentless intensity. Each thrust sent shockwaves of pleasure coursing through you. As he continued to thrust into you with that primal fervor, his lips left a trail of hot, open-mouthed kisses along the curve of your neck. With each kiss, his teeth grazed your skin. You could feel the sting of his bites mingling with the heat of his passion, marking you as his own in the most primal of ways. But it wasn't just his lips that left their mark on you. His hands, rough and calloused from years of training, roamed over your body with a possessive urgency. Taking turns between touching you and propping himself up, those very hands left bruises in their wake, darkening your skin with the force of his grip as he claimed you again and again with each movement of his hips and each strained grunt that left his throat.
He paused and pulled back to sit on his knees, leaving you wide-eyed and wanting as he stared down at you. You gave a small squeak as his hands darted out with strength and precision, flipping you over onto your hands and knees. You could feel the heat radiating off his body as he positioned himself behind you, his hand gripping your hips with bruising force. With a swift, powerful motion, he thrust into you once more, eliciting a sharp cry of pleasure from your lips.
"You want my baby, Y/N? You want me to fill you up until you're overflowing with my cum?" He taunted you between moans of his own as he pounded into you mercilessly. The tone of his voice was a bit shaky, whiny even, a bit wanting of his own yet still so cruel and dominating.
You could only nod in response, your words and mind lost in a haze of ecstasy as he continued to ravage you with an intensity that bordered on savage. But he wasn't content to let you simply enjoy the pleasure he was giving you. No, he wanted to leave his mark on you in more ways than one. With a cruel smirk, he raised his hand and brought it down on your ass, the sound of the impact echoing through the room.
"Fuck!" You gasped, the sting of his hand against your skin sending a jolt of pleasure coursing through you. "Harder, Naoya, please..."
Naoya obliged, his hand coming down on your ass again and again with increasing force. Each smack sent ripples of pleasure coursing through you, mingling with the heat of his thrusts to create a symphony of ecstasy that threatened to drive you to the brink of madness. You couldn't see it but with each raise of his hand, your ass was quickly turning from it's usual skin tone to pink, then red, and slowly purple.
"Take it, Y/N," he snarled, "take every fucking inch of me."
His hand ran down your back, exerting pressure to force your face down onto the pillow, your ass rising into the air, exposed and vulnerable to his desires. His words dripped with a twisted form of admiration as he commented on your beauty, singling out the intimate parts of your body that you could hardly hear in such a haze of pleasure. Each thrust drove your face further into the pillow, your face turning just as red as your ass from the pressure of his movements.
"You're fucking stunning, Y/N," he growled, his voice laced with a cruel edge. "And this tight little asshole of yours? Fuck... It's driving me wild."
His thumb pressed against your puckered opening, the sensation sending a shiver of pleasure down your spine. You cried out even louder than you already were as he applied gentle pressure, then gasped between those strangled cries as he spat onto it, using his saliva as lubrication as his thumb slipped inside you. The intrusion was unexpected but undeniably pleasurable, adding a new layer of sensation to the overwhelming ecstasy coursing through your veins.
"Shit...you feel incredible," he grunts with a husky tone, "so fucking tight around my thumb, Y/N."
You moaned at the sensation, your body trembling with pleasure as he continued to tease and torment you. The feeling was almost too much, your moans transitioning to something with tiny hints of pain. But Naoya was quick to reassure you, his voice softening as he coaxed you on.
"That's it, baby," he murmured, his tone filled with admiration as he continued to thrust against your ass, the feeling of his thumb adding to the mixture as he moved it in and out of your sweet, little hole. "You're taking it so well, just like a good little slut."
Your heart pounded in your chest at his words, a surge of arousal coursing through you as he praised you. But it wasn't just his words that drove you wild, it was the way he fucked you relentlessly, his movements becoming more urgent as he sought to drive you over the edge a second time.
As you cried out in pleasure, Naoya's smirk widened, relishing in the sounds of your ecstasy. "That's it, Y/N," he growled, his voice low and gravelly. "You're fucking close, aren't you? You're gonna cum all over my cock like the slut that you are."
Your breath hitched at his words, the intensity of his desire fueling your own. "Yes, Naoya," you moaned, your voice breathless with need. "I'm so close...please, don't stop..."
His grin widened, his eyes darkening with lust as he heard your desperate plea. With a swift motion, he flipped you onto your back, his hands gripping your legs and tossing them back over his shoulders. "You want it deep, don't you, Y/N?" He taunted, his voice dripping with arrogance. "You want my cum buried so fucking deep inside you, you'll feel it for days."
You whimpered in response, your body arching instinctively towards his as he positioned himself between your legs once more. "Yes, Naoya," you gasped, your voice barely above a whisper. "I need it...give it to me..."
Naoya's grin turned predatory as he thrust into you with renewed fervor, his hips driving against yours with a relentless urgency. "You're mine, Y/N," he snarled. "Mine to fuck, to breed, to own."
You cried out in pleasure as he pounded into you, each thrust pushing you closer and closer to the edge of oblivion. His words echoed in your mind, igniting a primal need within you as you surrendered yourself to him completely."Fuck, Naoya," you moaned, your voice filled with longing. "I'm yours...take me..."
Naoya's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as he heard your desperate plea, his own arousal reaching its peak as he felt your walls clenching around him. "That's it, Y/N," he grunted with triumph. "Cum for me, baby. Show me how much you need me."
As your climax approached, a tidal wave of pleasure crashed over you, washing away any lingering doubts or reservations, rational or not. Your body convulsed with ecstasy, your muscles tensing as wave after wave of orgasm pulsed through your veins. You cried out his name, your voice raw with desire as you surrendered yourself to the overwhelming sensation. Naoya felt his own release approaching with relentless force. With a guttural cry, he buried himself deep within you, his hips thrusting against yours with urgency as he spilled his seed into you with reckless abandon. He could feel your walls clenching around him, milking him for every drop of his essence as he filled you with his hot, sticky semen.
As the last tremors of pleasure faded away, Naoya collapsed on top of you, his body trembling with exhaustion as he struggled to catch his breath. He pressed his lips against yours in a desperate kiss, tasting the mingling flavors of your passion as he poured his heart and soul into the embrace.
But you, sober and clear-headed in the aftermath of your shared climax, pushed him away. "Okay, enough," you muttered, your voice tinged with frustration as you struggled to make sense of what had just happened. "We can stop pretending now."
Naoya's expression faltered for a moment, a blush creeping onto his cheeks as he cleared his throat awkwardly. "Right, of course," he mumbled, his tone defensive as he retreated into his usual facade of arrogance and cruelty.
Despite his attempts to distance himself, he couldn't shake the lingering feeling of vulnerability that had gripped him in the heat of the moment. As he muttered about helping you buy contraceptive in the morning, a subtle hint of regret crept into his voice, betraying the depth of his conflicted emotions. But he quickly masked it with a sneer, retreating into the safety of his familiar persona as he prepared to return to Tokyo.
Dates: June 23, 2018 - Y/N confesses the truth of her father's schemes to Naoya. But in his rage and confusion, Naoya crosses a line.
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