#Dama Dresses
skirtmag · 4 months
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cathalbravecog · 3 months
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the twins being twins
(and cassie debut..? her design may change but I've been stuck on her for a year and I finally have a result im fairly happy with ^^)
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radioactivepeasant · 6 months
Snippets: Free Day Thursday
Ok, part 2!
Part One Here
(Warning for brief violence)
"Okay!" Daxter snapped, flinging a piece of a lever to the ground in disgust, "That is the last time I ever, ever, touch any more stupid Precursor crap!"
Jak would have responded, but he couldn't tear his eyes away from the strange place they had fallen into. Hard stone covered the ground in even, flat surfaces, like walking paths made of one solid piece. They matched the gray of drab huts built four or five levels high -- fortresses? -- with equally flat tops and windows covered in a thin, reflective material of some kind. Everything smelled like rotting garbage and the exhaust fumes of his zoomer! What kind of dead ruin was this?
A ruin, perhaps, but hardly a dead one.
Zoomers in bright colors and sleek shapes darted back and forth overhead, mesmerizing the small boy. There were more people on them than he'd ever seen in his life! People walked along the streets in crowds! Was this what Uncle called "city"? It was so much bigger than the villages! And if he stood on the tips of his toes, Jak could see more structures that were even taller!
"There he is!" a harsh voice rang out.
A group of -- were they people? They were covered in armor with goggles that reminded Jak of the giant Precursor robot -- marched towards him, carrying strange weapons. The long, thin things reminded him of the Yellow Sage's blunderbuss. Some forgotten instinct told him that these things were deadly, and never to be played with.
Why were they coming towards him? Had he done something wrong?
Oh no! The broken pieces of the Rift vehicle must have hurt someone!
"Move in!"
In mere seconds, the red warriors had completely surrounded them. Part of Jak wanted to fight, but if they were just protecting their city from what probably looked like an attack, maybe it would be better to stay calm. Jak didn't want to find out what those weapons could do at such close range. But as the circle closed around him, Jak looked up into the face of their leader, and his stomach turned.
This wasn't a misunderstanding. These people were looking for trouble. The tattooed man smirking down at him had the same unreasonable gleam in his eye as Gol Acheron. He didn’t want to talk. He was going to hurt them whether or not they gave him a reason.
Jak took a step back without thinking as his pulse began to thunder in his ears.
What does he want? I didn't do anything to him! Why is he looking at us like that?!
"Step away from the animal!" barked a soldier.
Whoever they were, they understood that Jak was more powerful with Daxter supplementing his attacks. But Jak had never seen these people in his life!
Had he?
The boy cast a frantic look down at Daxter as a soldier began to move towards him.
Run! Run, Daxter!
With a shriek, the ottsel dodged the armored hand and dove between the man's legs.
"GO GO GO!" he screeched, darting off down a side street.
But Jak couldn't follow. The men crowded closer, fencing him in as their sneering leader snapped, "Forget the rat! The Baron wants him!"
Me? Why?! What's a Baron?!
A cruel smile twisted the leader's face as he signaled the man beside Jak.
"We've been waiting for you," he cooed.
Something slammed into the side of Jak's head, dropping him like a stone. Lights danced behind his eyes, and he couldn't think past the pain. Why? Why were they doing this? Were they friends of the Acherons? Rough hands grabbed him by the arms and dragged him to his feet, ignoring his soft whimper. He had to escape. Had to find Daxter. Somehow Jak knew that if he let these people take him, he might never see his friends again.
His throat pulsed and spasmed, but he couldn't force the sound past the lock in his mouth, couldn't cry out for help. Someone! Please, please stop them! Precursors! Somebody!
Somebody answered.
There was an awful, wet sound. Claws through cloth, and flesh, and the horrible, high screams that always followed.
Jak knew that sound. When the Lurkers attacked village outskirts and Samos sent him to clean up the mess, he'd learned what it sounded like when someone was being ripped apart.
His head was swimming, but Jak forced himself to look up. Through leaking eyes he caught the blurry figure of a...a someone, covered in armor. Their head -- or maybe a helmet? Hopefully a helmet -- looked like the skull of the monsters that had flown out of the Rift Gate, complete with the shining yellow thing on the forehead. They were attacking the leader man, the one who hadn't been wearing as much armor as the others.
It seemed the leader wasn't accustomed to close quarters fighting.
He screeched again as the newcomer raked long claws down his face, then bodily lifted him. With a grunt that sounded more human than monster, the creature flung its victim into the soldiers surrounding Jak just as they raised their weapons. There were three flashes of light at once, then panicked shouting and more screaming. The eco that shot out of their weapons had hit their leader as he was thrown, by the sounds of the yelling. "Commander Errol" continued to scream like he was dying. He probably was.
Abruptly the two men holding his arms let go. Still disoriented, Jak staggered and fell to his hands and knees. More yellow eco blasts roared over his head, adding to the ringing in his ears, and the stench of blood grew stronger. Maybe he could crawl out of the way, escape down the side street Daxter took. Maybe-
The creature shot out a red hand and caught Jak by the wrist, pulling him to his feet so quickly his head spun and his stomach lurched. He tried to pull free, but the monster's grip tightened.
"Can you run?"
A man's voice. Was it a creature? Or was this more armor?
Jak wobbled and groaned, and the man-thing seemed to take that as an answer. Without another word, he ducked down to sweep Jak's legs off the ground. He bundled him close to his blood-spattered breastplate and began to run. The jarring of boots against stone did nothing to allay the pounding in Jak’s head, radiating from where the red soldier had hit him. What on earth was happening to him?!
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"Hold on tight, Jak. Going to get a little tricky here," his rescuer said.
Wait. He knew Jak's name? How did he know Jak's name?! Did he know one of the sages? Maybe the Yellow Sage, since he seemed like some kind of wild man. If he knew the sages, he'd know how to get back to Sandover! Jak struggled to make a sound the man would recognize as a word or question. Grownups never understood signs, why would this one be different?
"Wait, Jak. We're not safe yet," said the man sternly.
Jak stilled. Whoever this was, he didn't sound like the kind of person you ignored.
Streets flew by as the man ran down alleys and around more corners than he could count. Then his steps slowed. There was something metallic and green -- one of those unusual zoomers that had been flying around, wide enough for two people -- sitting unattended. The man made an exclamation of triumph and hurried over to it. He deposited Jak into one of the seats with a surprising gentleness, fastening two strange belts over his chest with a click.
"That commander's access pass will get us into the agricultural sector," his rescuer said, as if that meant anything to him, "then we'll be out of the city and into the forest. Just stay close to me, no matter what, understand?"
Jak stared at his mask with wide eyes and didn't answer. The man sighed, rattling behind the skull.
"I know. I know you don't recognize me, little one."
Strange, he sounded kind of sad.
"I promise, I'll explain what's going on when we're in the forest. Now: hold onto something."
The wide zoomer, it turned out, was a lot faster than his a-grav zoomer back home. It could hover a lot higher, too. If Jak's head didn't still ache, he would have been a lot more interested in the vehicle. But as it stood, he was pretty sure he was going to throw up. Was this how Daxter felt when they were running around?
Nah. Daxter was one of the toughest people Jak knew. He could roundhouse kick a Lurker in the face and flip back onto Jak’s shoulder without even getting dizzy!
Wait! Daxter!
Frantically, Jak waved his hands as the zoomer careened through and around other drivers, scraping paint more than once. Even though he didn't expect an answer, he signed, "Go back! Go back, my friend is back there!"
Predictably, the man did not go back. But to Jak’s surprise, he did answer.
"We're not going back," he grunted, throwing the craft into a climb that left the engine straining. "That plaza will be swarming with guards now."
Then, a little gentler, he added, "Don't worry so much about Daxter. He's a smart boy, he knows how to keep himself safe until someone comes for him."
Not only did this person know who Jak was, he knew Daxter?
A smart boy. He called Daxter a smart boy.
No one had ever said anything that nice about his best friend before. Especially not adults. Jak had never understood why everyone but Ollie and Mrs. Perch seemed to hate Daxter so much, but it had always frightened him. If they hated a kid who never did anything to them, that meant Jak was on a tightrope every day to keep them from deciding to hate him, too.
But the scary man who grabbed him, he knew Daxter's name. He didn't call him a rat or an animal, he called him a boy! He called him smart! Jak’s previous fear began to melt away. Anyone who talked about his best friend like that had to be a nice person, right? And he was a fun driver, too! Too bad Jak's stomach was trying to crawl up his throat at the moment.
After a tense few seconds, the zoomer leveled out and shot past a fancy fountain, over the heads of people in nicer clothes than what Jak had seen before. A few shook their fists and complained as they flew past. Slate gray paths gave way to the first green he'd seen since first getting into the Rift craft. A long, narrow expanse of grass held several plots of unusually large produce. The plots were being tended by exhausted looking people in much dirtier clothes than the people by the fountain. They didn't even glance up when the zoomer sped by.
They pulled to a stop at a high, forbidding wall. The door shaped vaguely like a skull only added to the sense of foreboding around it, as if it was a warning. A quick glance around revealed that the wall extended as far as Jak could see, so high that nothing was visible beyond it. How could these people stand it? It must be like living at the bottom of a silo!
Jak was snapped from his thoughts by the man yanking the strap things off him with a click and pulling him out of the zoomer. It took him a moment to get his feet under him, but at least he didn't feel like he was going to tip over.
"Hurry," said the man tersely. Almost as if he wasn't thinking about it, he reached down and took hold of Jak's hand. He tugged Jak after him and walked swiftly towards the door.
"Not a little kid!" Jak protested with his free hand as best as he could.
Although, he had a feeling his rescuer could argue to the contrary, considering Jak barely stood as high as the man's ribcage.
"Now leaving Haven City," said a woman's voice above their heads as the door rolled shut behind them. Jak looked around for a talk-box, but couldn't tell where the lady was speaking from. "Haven", eh? Didn't seem like much of a Haven to Jak.
A second door opened in front of them, and a weight lifted off of Jak's shoulders.
Trees, ancient and massive, sprawled across hills and around a creek running placidly down to a lake. Nature didn't care about soldiers and cities and people hurting each other. Nature kept growing and being born and dying and being reborn in an eternal cycle of eco. It was a relief to see none of those entombing walls before them. Strange though, Jak didn't see any signs of wildlife. One bird chirruped several trees away, but everything else was eerily quiet.
The armored man lifted an oddly shaped talk-box to his ear and turned away from Jak.
"Satellite One, this is Lighthouse. We're clear."
"Copy that, Lighthouse. Wait, who's "we"?"
"Oh. Jak. The kid Praxis was trying to ambush?"
"Kid?! Wait, you didn't tell me you were going to grab someone's kid!"
"Don't worry about it," the man said casually, "Focus on the mission."
The person calling themselves Satellite One was quiet for a second, then relented. "...right. I'll...I'll bring him home, Damas. I swear it."
"If anyone can, it's you." The man -- Day-maz? Is that what Satellite called him? -- put the talk box away and took in a deep breath through his nose. Then he pivoted to kneel in front of Jak.
"Alright, let's have a look at you."
He unlatched the mask or helmet and slid it off, revealing a human face beneath a hood. He pushed it off and shook his ears free with a grumble.
"Bah. This disguise is a necessary evil but I can't say I'll be sad to see it go."
The clawed gloves followed, and then rough brown fingers lifted Jak's chin carefully, checking for injuries.
"Look up? Good. Pupils...ah, mmhm. Jak, can you tell me if you feel dizzy or nauseous right now?"
Thin, almost invisible eyebrows rose over violet eyes. "Yes you can tell me, or yes you feel dizzy?"
"Yeah, that one." Jak frowned. "There's no birds."
The Day-mas man released Jak's face and clicked his tongue. "Well, you may have a mild concussion, little one."
Jak's ears drooped a few seconds after the words caught up to him. Aw man! But those take forever to go away without eco!
The thought of avoiding running and climbing for a few weeks was torture!
"There's a green eco vent a couple miles into the woods if we keep going northwest. For a slight brain injury you really need a full vent, but I can give you a little now to make walking easier."
The man pulled off more of the scaly armor and searched around a belt full of pouches before coming up with a tube of some kind of paste.
"Hold still."
Eco in paste?! How did he get it into a jelly?! It sat cold on Jak’s skin, numbing the place the guard had slammed his weapon into. Jak shivered as his mind cleared a bit. With the adrenaline beginning to wear off, he was starting to notice the cold. He'd need to find some yellow eco to raise his core temperature. Absentminded, he signed a thanks to the man and looked around.
"Who are you?" he asked, then belatedly remembered to add, "How do you know me and Daxter?"
With a weird, sad, smile, the man sat back on his heels. "My name is Damas," he said quietly, and then spelled it with his hand.
"You sign?!"
Jak thought adults just weren't capable of understanding signs!
"Yes," Damas signed back, "It's very common where I come from. Come, we need to get you more eco. Explanations can wait until you are fully healed."
He stood and held out a hand.
"I'm not a baby!" Jak complained, but he took the offered hand anyway.
Damas chuckled warmly. "No, you're not a baby. But you are quite small, compared to me. I wouldn't want you to get lost out here in the unknown. You never know what you'll run into out here in the woods."
"No birds," Jak commented again, frowning into bushes and trees as he was tugged along.
Entirely too cheerfully, Damas answered, "No, no birds. You're keeping track of your surroundings, good! There are predators nearby that have scared them off."
"Wha?!" Jak yelped, looking around again.
Damas squeezed his hand and began to make his way along the creek. "You don't need to worry about them, alright? I won't let anything hurt you, I promise."
Jak made a skeptical sound, but squeezed back and let himself be guided deeper into the woods, and further away from the world he'd left behind.
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a-secretkey · 8 months
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icebreakingantlers · 7 months
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cainrizquez-blog · 2 years
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wgm-beautiful-world · 2 years
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Ladies in red
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crimsonbubble · 1 year
More on florist reader
Yeah she’s a florist, but she subconsciously dresses in the cutest florals ever. She’s all about the sun dresses, the shoes, the pretty blouses that Miguel secretly adores.
But get this, she surprises him by wearing floral print lingerie on occasion. Like omg imagine…👀
cw. suggestive/borderline nsfw, afab florist!reader, flower shop au, lingerie, poorly translated spanish *not proofread, just pure brainrot
[my second attempt at writing this and it turned out so much better than the first 💀💀] I also made a tag for this au bc I wanna make this a small series on my acc 🫶🫶
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Miguel was never one to invest time in flowers but he would acknowledge them
that was until you came into his life
he loves walking into your shop to see you fiddling with flowers
his heart thumped in his chest as you made stunning bouquets
you looked so at ease, blending in beautifully among the flowers
your 'work' clothes consistently of flowy blouses and skirts, pins, ribbons, headbands, and clips of all sorts
you looked like the prettiest flower in a field of them, at least that's how Miguel sees it
nonetheless, you always manage to bring home some sort of gift for him and Gabriella
you've made Miguel bookmarks which he won't admit that he absolutely adores and uses every day
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gifting Gabi with a flower crown and some pressed flower stickers
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anyways I think that's enough rambling 💀
now just imagine this
Miguel works a bit later than usual, he comes home tired
just wanting to have some quiet time with you
you'll say "hey, I got you some flowers."
and he'll turn around expecting yet another bouquet of flowers
only to be met with the sight of his gorgeous florist girlfriend in a stunning powder blue lace floral lingerie set
he feels the air get sucked out of his lungs, his work pants suddenly feeling too tight around his crotch
"bueno, hola a ti también, pequeña dama." [well hello to you too, little lady.]
"¿Todo esto por mí, nena?" [all this for me, baby?]
he'll loosen his tie and unbutton his collar as he tracks your movements
walking up to him with a light sway of your hips, peeking up at him with lidded eyes
the smell of flowers, soil and your perfume still linger on your skin, wafting around him in an aura that makes him feel hot
"you work so hard. déjame ayudarte a relajarte, guapo." [let me help you relax, handsome.]
letting your hand slowly palm over the tent in his pants
"me mimas demasiado, bonito pétalo." [you spoil me too much, pretty petal.]
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[ID: a piece of digital art depicting Luz, Willow, Amity and Vee from the owl house at Luz's quinceñera. The piece takes place outside the owl house at night with the characters all dancing. Willow's dress is blue with yellow and pink flowers as decoration. Luz's outfit is based on the good witch azura with a white and purple colour scheme. Amity wears a pink dress shirt and a dark blue skirt with transparent fabric both on the skirt and acting as the sleeves. Vee wears a yellow dress with white trim on the bottom. Light glyphs float in the air, the dancefloor lights the scene from below, and Hooty extends across the background. End ID]
on today's episode of "pieces I put way too much work into realistically!". Since it's unlikely we'll get a quinceñera for Luz at this stage of the show, I wanted to draw a cute scene of it, which slowly turned into posing and lighting practice
(Small disclaimer: I'm not a part of a culture that does quinceñeras! I hope that there's no glaringly inaccurate details here. As far as I know there isn't hard and fast rules for the dresses or dance floor? so hopefully everything here is plausible. Feel free to let me know if there's any egregious errors here. There's some doodles under the cut that are slightly more detailed, so same goes for those)
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[ID: black and white digital doodles of owl house characters at Luz's quinceñera. The first doodle shows luz, Gus, Hunter and king, and is labeled "Gus, king & hunter = chambelands". The next shows willow, Vee, and Lilith with Luz and is labeled "Lilith, Willow and Vee = damas". There's a doodle of amity where's she's labeled "escort". There's a small full body doodle of Luz in a suit labeled "she gets a costume change!". The last doodle is Luz and hunter dancing together, labeled "Luz + hunter sibling dance". The background is purple. End ID]
#the owl house#toh#luz noceda#EDIT: I FORGOT THE FUCKING TAGS#willow park#amity blight#vee noceda#sigh. i won't tag anyone under the cut#lumity#okay that's good#feel like the id might not be up to scratch? if anyone has any suggestions I'll edit it!#same if the small text proves inaccessible#i know some screen readers pick it up and others don't but that no matter what it's hard for visually impaired people to read#if it proves troublesome i won't do it again#anyway in case you're wondering where eda is (bc realistically she should be here)- i like to think she'd get her own role in the ceremony?#not sure where though because I'm not sure which roles are/can be performed by family vs family friends vs a priest/professional#and thus i don't know what would be fitting for eda#i also know that father/daughter dances are traditional at quinceñeras and I've seen a few suggestions for who luz might dance with#since obviously her father's passed away#while the idea of dell (as her surrogate grampa) or one of her friends dads filling in is sweet#part of me thinks luz would go very non traditional and dance with eda? as a parent figure alternate to her mother?#i don't know if that's like. totally out of whack for a quinceñera/where the line between non-traditional and inaccurate is#since the tradition has obviously evolved a lot over the years and I'm just an outside observer#if anyone has hcs or suggestions feel free to let me know#(tho you'd probably prefer to discuss them with fans who have a bit more knowledge on the subject/are actually latino)#i should do more reading on this I'm just swamped rn (I. should really do some research for art class soon)#uhh i think that's everything i had to add??? yeah m#just reiterating the disclaimer uptop. please tell me if I've been silly or insensitive i do not want to be either
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skirtmag · 2 years
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mote-historie · 10 months
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George Barbier, Costumes Parisiens, Manteau de velours blanc brodé de perles; Robe de damas blanc – Souliers roses (Coat of white velvet embroidered with pearls; White damask dress – Pink shoes). Journal des Dames et des Modes, October 10, 1913.
Illustration with a design for a white damask gown embroidered with pearls and a white velvet coat, part of the 50th issue of the "Journal des dames et des modes", published in Paris on October 10, 1913. The illustration features a woman wearing a long, white gown with a long, narrow skirt with train and featuring a scrolling pattern created with embroidered pearls, under a white velvet coat with fur on the sleeves and neck. She wears a long pearl necklace, long, blue earrings, and pink, pointed shoes. Her light brown hair is tied back, and her face is made up with light blue eyeshadows, pink blush, and pink rouge. Behind her is an Oriental landscape pattern with trees, water, boats, men and women, executed with blue, green, brown, and purple over a black ground. (x)
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pyr0x10n · 10 months
vaquero kyle 😍 (the reader forced him to dress like that, bro was not having it)
The main 4 are at a qunice (do wtv you want with this bit)
After awhile reader gets horny and stupid and takes Kyle to the bathroom to do 'stuff' :3
bc he looks SOSO good in his outfit
I have a really bad thing for shit like this idk why
Nah because he’s be so done when you ask him to dress like that 💀
Mi Vaquero<3
Genre: Fluff + Smut
Synopsis: Vaquero Kyle‼️‼️ y horny reader obvi 😝
Kyle Broflovski x f!reader
“I cant believe i actually did this..” Kyle sighed, frustrated. “It’s fun! And plus, you get to see part of my culture!” You laughed. “Why did they have to tag along, AND WHY IS KENNY IN A DRESS!?” He pointed at Kenny, who was checking himself out in a dress. “ “Él solo es parte de las damas!” “Huh?” “Nothing.” You smiled innocently. “Damn I look hot.” Kenny grinned.
“Anyways, who’s this quinceañera for anyways?” Kyle asked, as the cumbia started playing. “Oh, just my cousin.” You said, looking for your phone in your purse.
“Oh, okay. Well, what’s going to happen?” Kyle asked. “You’ll see, just, follow my lead. The boys can find their way around.” You giggled, and Kyle started to get a little nervous.
“What if I ruin it all!? What if I accidentally spill something? What if I ruin the- I don’t know!” He was starting to panic, and you brought your lips to his. “You’ll be fine, hun. I promise.” You smiled at him.
“BUT IM JEWISH-!” “KYLE JUST TRUST ME.” “HOW!???” “JUST THIS ONCE BABY!?” “Fine.” “Yay.” “….” “…”
“Prima!” You heard a voice yell. “Ah, there’s the girl.” You smiled at the girl who was now fifteen. Kyle just watched behind as you two talked about things.
“Oh, my mom’s calling me.” She said, and then waved, walking away.
“That’s your cousin?” Kyle asked. “Yep, the one and only.” You sighed.
“Well, c’mon, we gotta go out! The boys already went out, so we should too!” You said and grabbed Kyle’s hand, running out of the dressing room and out into the area.
“Oh shit- (Y/n) calm down!!” He said, slightly panicked. “Shh, c’mon, dance with me, vaquero!” You said, now having both of his hands in yours. He was now calming down, as you two danced to the cumbia romántica.
(Murder me, but I have no idea what else to write, sooo…)
You guys have been here for only a few hours,
Yet you were so unbelievably horny.
Just because of Kyle rocking that outfit. He had you blushing without even knowing.
“Hey Kyle..” you mumbled, tugging on his belt.
“Hm? Yeah, baby? What’s up?”
“Can you bring me to the room really quick.. it’s really hot..” you asked.
“Uh, sure?” He knew what was going on, he’s just teasing.
You grabbed his hand and let him to the gust bedroom, when the door closed, he locked it and you immediately laid your head on his chest, sighing.
“Kyle I need you..”
Kyle laughed at your neediness, as you started taking his belt off. He pulled you into a kiss, and you felt yourself getting wetter and more pathetic by the second.
You need him.
You pulled away and took his pants down, slowly due to the lightheaded feeling you had. He connected his lips to your neck, kissing the exposed area. You lowly moaned but he covered your mouth.
“You don’t want your family hearing your sounds, right angel?” He asked as you got on top of him and shook your head. “No..” “then shut your pretty mouth, would you baby?” He commanded, and you nodded. You just needed him in you.
You put your panties to the side and aligned yourself with him, and slowly brought yourself down to his dick. He pulled you in a kiss to muffle out your moans.
It took some time, but you finally got used to his size and started riding him.
Man we’re you in for a looooong ride ;)
Necesito ayuda 😨
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silas-222 · 7 months
Give Me One More Chance
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When I wake up, the darkness before dawn holds its breath 
I can't find the words that the silence corners me
I wonder if this is the last time 
(Lord, give me one more chance) 
Twirling in the large black quinceañera dress with my main chambelán, we laughed loudly. The song, 'Once Upon A Dream' from the Maleficent Disney movie, coming to an end which had myself being held up as I laid on my friends. Acting as if I were sleeping in their arms. 
As the music cut off, I stood up and hugged my friends tightly, sending them off to the main table before going over to my father. "Papi!" I smiled and hugged him tightly. "Thank you papi.." I said softly and looked up at him. 
"Mija you're welcome.. but go enjoy yourself, go eat, then thank everyone for coming." My father, Miguel, instructed me. I nodded and went to the main table, sitting in a large chair with my damas and chambeláns on either side of me. 
"Girl let me fix your crown." My best friend, Naylah, said, reaching up and fixing my large crown. Giggling and thanking her. 
The damas wore black short dresses that suited all of their body types. An off the shoulder, sweetheart neckline, a small bow on the front and a lace up back. They all looked beautiful. Their hair was done in whichever way made them feel comfortable. 
The chambelans wore black on black with a soft purple bow tie. They all had gold chains that I gifted them. My main chambelán, Miles, was dressed more as a vaquero, the black hat ontop of his head made him stand out more. 
I noticed one of my cousins walking up to the table, making me stand up and run over to her. "You made it!" I squealed. "Of course niñita, anyways, here." She handed me a small bag. "Open it now, it matches your dress." I nodded, opening the bag and seeing a pearl white Vivienne Westwood choker. 
"No!" I gasped and looked at her, "yes! Go ask your dad to put it on." I nodded then ran over to my dad. 
"Papi, mira! Reyna gave it to me!" I squealed and giggled, "help me please..?" My father nodded, making me turn around and move my back length hair. 
He carefully put the choker on and adjusted it before letting me turn back around as he teared up. "Y/n... you're getting so big mi mija but know I'll always be your father regardless." I teared up and nodded, hugging him tightly. "I love you niña fresca.." I laughed softly. "I love you too papi.."
***Time skip like two hours.***
"Alright everybody! ¡Atención a todos aquí!" The DJ spoke up, a microphone held up to his mouth, "it's time for the father daughter dance! Y/n.. Miguel! Vamos!!" 
I stood up from my seat with Miles helping me down, walking me over to the dance floor as I heard the song my dad picked out beginning to start. 'Amor Eterno' the version sung by the wonderful Rocío Dúrcal. 
My father grabbed my hand, smiling tearfully, "papi ¡Dijiste que no podía llorar!" I teased him, tearing up myself. "Así es, no puedes, pero yo puedo." He said as he held me close. 
"Ay mija.. what happened to not growing up? You broke your promise niñita.." he said as tears started falling down his face. "I miss when you would climb into my bed and cry about thunder storms, and when you would cry over Miles taking your Barbies." I rolled my eyes playfully, feeling a couple tears falling down my face. "But I could not be more proud of you, my beautiful baby girl. I loved you from the second your mother-" we both rolled our eyes at the word, my mother wasn't the best. "Regardless, the second your mother told me she was pregnant, I knew and prayed to god you were a girl. I wanted a daughter more than anything. I loved you the second you entered this world and I'll love you till the second I leave it." 
I sobbed softly, putting my head in his chest. Ignoring the shiver that was sent down my spine.
Ignoring the figure in the doorway…
Ignoring my cousins yells to move…
The song barely reaching the middle before a loud crash happened, a pang of fear ran through my body. My fathers body tensing as he fell to his knees, grabbing his stomach. "Papi!" I screamed, watching as my fathers suit slowly became tainted with red. 
'Tarde o temprano estaré contigo.. Para seguir amándonos..' 
I screamed and fell to the floor with him in my arms, Miles, the rest of our friends, family members looking around and not knowing what to do. "Papi! Stay awake please.. papi por favor, you have to stay awake." I said as tears streamed down my face and onto his. 
The song continued to play, the lyrics haunting my mind as everything sped past me. "Daddy please stay awake.. I-I need you still, you have to stay with me okay?" I sobbed, holding onto his hand as he cupped my face. "Y/n... im so proud of you..." 
I shook my head. "Okay I know but you can tell me once you're alright, you can tell me anything you want." I told him, "mija.. I need you to be the best you can.. take care of people and yourself... my beautiful baby girl.. I love you so much.. remember that please baby.." I nodded and sobbed louder, the expensive makeup streaming down my face as Miles crouched behind me.
The EMTS rushing past the group and removing him, "no! No please! I-I need to stay with him!" I screamed through my tears. Being held back by Miles, his parents and Naylah. "Let go of me! Papi! Please!" I sobbed.
The haunting voice of Rocío continued to sing as this happened. "Yo he sufrido tanto por tu ausencia..
Desde ese día hasta hoy no soy feliz, Y aunque tengo tranquila mi conciencia... Sé que pude haber yo hecho más por ti.. Oscura soledad estoy viviendo..La misma soledad de tu sepulcro.. Tú eres el amor del cual yo tengo. El más triste recuerdo de Acapulco. Cómo quisiera, ay Que tú vivieras." 
I sobbed as I watched the EMT's wrapped my fathers body in a black bag, finally ripping away from the Morales' and Naylah as I ran over to him. "You lied.. you broke your promise! Papi please." I sobbed, opening the bag and cupping his face, praying it was a joke, a very very sick joke to be played. 
"Que tus ojitos jamás se hubieran.. Cerrado nunca y estar mirándolos.. Amor eterno.. E inolvidable." 
I screamed in anguish as I fell to the floor, the EMT's backing away and letting my cry. Holding onto his hand as I forced it to cup my face. "¡Papi, por favor, me lo prometiste! Prometes que te quedarías... Dios por qué ... por qué ahora.. ¿Por qué nosotros..?!" I sobbed loudly, my throat hurting.
"Tarde o temprano estaré contigo... Para seguir amándonos.. Amor eterno.. Eterno.. Amor eterno, oh.. Eterno...Ah-ah-ah-ah."
I continued to sob before I was picked up by my tio Gabriel. "Shh mija.." he whispered as I watched as the EMT's slowly and carefully wrapped up my fathers body. Clutching my tio's blazer and sobbing loudly, "papi..." I screamed again, feeling Miles and Naylah come up as they hugged me.
The song coming to an end as did my vision, curling up in Miles's lap as I was held by the trio, sobbing loudly till my throat became horse. 
***two weeks later***
I sat in the church chapel. Dressed in a black off the shoulder maxi dress that Naylah dressed me in, she styled my hair simply, only curling/straightening it. 
I leaned on her shoulder, watching as different people went up to his mahogany red casket, paying their respects before looking at me with pity, I watched as miles put a picture of him, Naylah and i when we were six, dressed up for a Halloween and surrounding my father who was dressed as a vampire. 
Miles spoke to his mom, she nodded then he walked over to me. He kissed my head and grabbed my other hand, sitting between two people who cared for me deeply. 
After two hours of people talking about my father, I stood up, the chapel going dead silent. Watching as I walked up to the podium. "Hi.. I'm y/n O'Hara, his only daughter. My father passed at my quinces, his last words to me were for me to be the best I could be, protect people and myself.. I-I don't know what he meant by that.. I probably never will.." I spoke softly, tearing up as I looked at the huge crowd of people. 
"My dad enjoyed watching random tv shows with me, taking me and my best friends to concerts, spoiling me, cooking, and his job. He took pictures of everything. Like I'm pretty sure if I look around our house there's a random picture of a bird or even a random picture of Miles and I on our trampoline in the back yard..." I chuckled softly. 
"He never looked for praises, He was never one to boast, He just went on quietly working For the ones he loved the most. His dreams were seldom spoken, His wants were very few. And most of the time his worries went unspoken too. He was there... firm foundation through all our storms of life. A sturdy hand to hold on to in times of stress and strife.
A true friend we could turn to when times were good or had one of our greatest blessings.. The man that I called Dad." I sniffed, feeling the tears fall down my face. 
I looked at the casket, walking up to it and looking down. Seeing his sleeping figure as I started breaking down again. "I-I need you papi... please.. it's not funny anymore.." I told him. Shaking his heavy body. "Come on.. wake up.." I whispered. 
Miles and Naylah looked at each other as they stood up, "papi please! I need you! You can't leave me!" I sobbed more, hearing the whispers from the people behind me. "Y-you can't! You promised you'd stay.. you promised you'd live to be 200, you can't leave!" I yelled as I fell to my knees. Clutching the casket tightly. 
"Y/n..." Naylah spoke as miles wrapped his arms around me. "Come on baby.." Miles whispered and picked me up, my sobs echoing throughout the church. Holding onto miles the same way a child was. "Papi!" I wailed, miles leading me to a more private area in the church. 
Miles sat me on the floor as he and Naylah kneeled infront of me, "I-I can't, Nai.. I need him. I need my dad.." I cried to my friend, she nodded and hugged me tightly. "I know y/n.. I know.." she coo'd. Miles' hand in my hair, petting it softly in attempts to calm me down. 
'God.. give me one more chance... please..'
Every time I look back, I can't find the answer
I wonder if this is the last time 
(Lord, give me one more chance) 
do you want to do something
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babylonbirdmeat · 2 months
Everyone needs to buy my fucking art so I can do a full wardrobe conversion to the most insane yard666sale shit I can get my hands on thankies
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meitoscringe · 9 months
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Venezuela traditional clothes!!
(read below for extra information)
Here's a small simplified guide to Venezuelan traditional clothing
1- Region de los llanos: the first set of clothes (left to right) are known as the face of Venezuela but technically they originate from the "Region de los llanos".
The first 2 outfits are called liqui liqui, they're the national outfit of Venezuela and can be worn both by men and women.
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traditionally they're very simple and light colored but nowadays they come in many different forms. The other 2 dresses have no name but are known as "falda llanera" or "traje típico de joropo" and are used to dance!
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They can be any color and often have flower patterns on them.
2- Region capital: this is the region were the capital is situated. The men here wear liqui liquis or simple outfits (like the one I drew).
The women's clothing is named "Dama antoñona", there's different versions of this costume but they're all rather European looking
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Historically they used to be worn by high ranking rich women but nowadays they're more of a carnival thing
Region Zuliana: once again, the men wear rather simple looking clothes or a version of the liqui liqui. The women wear "mantas guajiras"
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Originally the manta guajira was only the Wayuu peoples's traditional wear, a native American group found in the guajira (land shared between Colombia and Venezuela), but with time the clothing started being worn by the zulians as well.
4- Region andina: this region is the coldest in Venezuela. Men wear a sort of poncho called "Ruana" the women's clothes have no name.
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The dress that I drew in the middle is sometimes used to dance, here's an example
I've mainly seen it worn by kids tho xd
A few extra things:
-There's more regions but this 4 are the most important ones/the ones that inspired the rest. The Last 2 clothes are an example
-although I gave all the Chibis cowboy hats, we have multiple different types. Those are the most popular ones but if you need a reference for hats feel free to ask lol
-i didn't draw shoes. We do have traditional shoes but I was too tired to draw them. Once again if anyone needs a reference for them ask
-this one is kinda of a no duh, but majority of this clothes aren't worn every day and are only used for patriotism, dances or festivals.
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cainrizquez-blog · 2 years
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