#Damn it looks amazing!! OwO
keets-writing-corner · 4 months
Love how Lucifer just manhandles Adam during their 'fight' despite everyone else getting their asses kicked. Plus him effortlessly destroying him when Charlie's in danger is really sweet.
gawd me too anon me too
that was everything me to me. like everything. It was built up so well too
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we spent the whole season building up alastor as this massive powerhouse, eldritch, nobody messes with him. Only one who tried picking a fight with him (Vox) got utterly humiliated and everyone else was clearly outclassed. Except for Lucifer where Alastor merely just went with annoying instead of power challenging. Like we got vibes okay yeah makes sense that the King of Hell isn't intimidated by anyone, even if it's alastor, but Alastor got TWO wtf moments in Dad Beat Dad one with Husk and one with defending the hotel
other than that, it was pretty much, nobody messes with him cuz he will mess you up
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and he fights Adam evenly sorta for a bit before Adam pulls out the "I'm an angel which is stronger than any demon" card and alastor gets his ass handed to him.
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Like what a way to set up how strong ADAM is, having him beat Alastor. And then no one else in the hotel is as strong as Alastor was, so everyone's struggling. Charlie at least gets one good hit in but her inexperience kicks her in the ass and then Lucifer just shows up and
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like hot DAMN that was just one hit! He broke Adam's mask, the force was enough to send him FLYING across the roof top, and bounce so hard against the billboard he BROKE THE SKYLIGHT
That was just a "HANDS OFF MY BABY" warning too, like LOOK at that face, that's not a "fight me" face it's a "if you touch my baby again, I will screw you so bad your bones will need therapy and you never recover"
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Lucifer not even .2 seconds later, just upon seeing Charlie
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and then yeah, Lucifer was NOT taking the fight with Adam serious at all, like the dude was taunting him, mocking him, dodging all of his attacks, just shapeshifting like Adam was a joke LIKE LOOK AT THIS
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Lucifer isn't even scared, he's just "oh there's a wall there"
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His FACE IM DYING he's legit like "wowwww you just tried shoving me into a wall? really? didn't have any other ideas? Soooooo original of you. I will mock you now"
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rewatching rn for the screenshots, he's legit just shapeshifting for the fun of it. 70% of the time nothing has happened, he's just dodging adam and shapeshifting while doing it, like he doesn't need to be doing that this is 100% mockery.
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And then the iconic
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like omgggg this is soooo satisfying and amazing to watch. Like the set up of Adam being powerful was great, and then we just get this absolute trolling from Lucifer cuz he really doesn't care about Adam
And listen the trolling is great and all, but when Adam makes the mistake of not heeding Lucifer's warning of messing with his baby, and then does it a second time
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RIP Adam just getting one shot-ed like that but hnnnnnggggg we got to see Lucifer fully pissed and it was GREAT
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And somehow my favorite part wasn't even watching Lucifer go absolute ham on Adam, it was that even at his absolute most rage fueled moment, snarling like a beast where he was going to and fully intended on making good on his threat about messing with his baby
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just one shoulder touch from Charlie and he's immediately chill. Like it's instantaneous, like how much do you love someone to be able to be absolutely livid, about to incinerate someone levels of rage only to immediately be "o oki! No more violence!" the second that person touches you???
Ugh I love them so much! Like everything about that fight, but especially how Lucifer can just go from absolutely the most dangerous person in one second and then OWO SOFT the next just by looking at Charlie
oops this post got long... IMSORRYYYYY other than "More than Anything" and the phonecall with charlie this is one of the scenes I replay the most, I love them so much
Characters going absolutely feral over loved ones is just aasdfadffalklkmafdjalsg 👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
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isagrimorie · 1 month
[initial reactions]Star Trek Discovery 5x07 - Erigah
Again, another solid episode with good pacing and with an ensemble showing that’s been really great.
I love the whole negotiations thing between Federation/Starfleet and the Breen — this is what modern Trek is missing, the political negotiations and stand offs and I’m glad to see it again. One of the things I do love about this though is how Civilian ambassador/representative of the Federation is involved.
This was something that was missing in the negotiations between the Dominion and Starfleet. I love Sisko but he’s Starfleet, and speaking for the entire Federation didn’t feel right— it was very Stargate SG teams spoke for the whole of Earth thing that always bothered me.
T’rina also proved why Vulcans are formidable diplomats and that they’re not pushovers — the trick with the translation and precise translation was really Great. Especially after I finished watching Shogun where translation and precision of language was everything.
I love how Rayner’s background played into it and how that history helped with the current negotiation. Kelleruns are from the Gamma Quadrant, it makes sense why the Breen would be expanding in their direction.
Also, the Breen using Borg Green and black is really distracting to me, who is a fan of the Borg.
I love Michael’s instincts about this, it makes sense she thinks there’s more to this Erigah with L’ak. Everyone’s so shook about the Breen arriving that they’re going with their first instincts but Michael’s gamble almost worked… if not for these meddling kids.
So, I just gotta say this okay?
I recognize that L’ak’s fate is really tragic but also — oh boy, Moll, your man was a Fail Boy. He hurt himself because he fell on his own knife — all Michael did was watch in disbelief as he fell on his own knife.
And then the next thing he did was over dosed himself trying to help Moll get away, all for nothing because it just ended up killing him.
Like — Dude. My man. You are not made for this adventurous life.
I guess that’s why you’re dead. Amazing.
L’ak lived as he died, a Boy Fail.
Jett Reno remains cool but also baffling because is she, or is she not the Chief Engineer? Because B’Elanna and Geordie and even Scotty do go along their respective ships fixing things along but we also see them delegate and order around teams. And we haven’t really seen Reno do that yet.
On the other hand, SEVEN OF LIMES. LMAO. Seven would get a kick out of that —- or maybe she won’t. It’s so funny how Seven went from someone who can’t hold liquor, to someone with some sort of functional alcoholism, to getting a drink named after her. Our girl has Gone Through a Journey and survived 400 years.
Up next, BAD LANDS! And we’re finally going to see the Badlands the way the writers envisioned them. I hope we get to see what Deep Space Nine looks like!
Again, it’s a damned shame this is the last season for Discovery because they really found their pacing and their wheelhouse — 50 episodes in as most Trek shows have found their footing.
Nhaan! I missed Nhaan and her hardline security mentality that was missing on Discovery.
Unfortunately, her security officers still let Moll go, fortunately Moll didn’t go far.
I hope we get to see more of Nhaan. Also, are Owo, Detmer and Rhys not really here? I hope they appear soon.
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
Dont you find it hilarious (sad, depressing hilarious, not haha funny hilarious) that Vivs endgame was Stolitz, that was the ship the made front and center, but as soon as the show started, it just didn't really work, expecally with the concept of "Higher class demon holds something over lower class demons head that prevents him for doing his job, and they only way he lets him have it is by trading sexual favors."
But then, within one episode, we meet another character that instantly has more chemistry with the main character. Their interactions are amazing, their personalities match, they're on the same social class, and their relationships even fit the supposed theme of "Eat the rich." That Viv is going for.
But instead of exploring this or relooking at how she can improve the cannon relationship or even just adding a bit more shipping fuel for the fans, what does she do?
She buckles down harder on the current cannon ship as it is. She destroys her own character to make him so comically bad that everything that was previously appealing about him is gone. She pushes for her Canon ship to happen even harder and, in turn, only makes it worse. She turns the one half of the ship into a sniveling OWO soft boy who can do nothing wrong despite holding his supposed love intrests job over his head, and she makes the lower class character the bad guy for not wanting to be with him because he's treated as a glorified fuck toy and feels trapped within their relationship. She makes merchandise of the two in which on character looks terrified and uncomfortable when the other is around.
I'm not saying BlitzStrike should have been made cannon. I'm saying, why didn't Viv take what was good about BlitzStrike and put it into Stolitz. She didn't have to ruin Striker. She didn't have to Blitz the one in the wrong with the relationship. She didn't have to make Stolas innocent of everything and have him never change his views. But she did. Because she couldn't bare the thought that what she thought was an amazing ship might be flawed in a really bad way, and that there was another ship that had better interactions from the beginning. I don't think BlitzStrike is directly in charge of how Stolitz is now, but I defiently think it had a hand in it.
And that's why, regardless if what Viv does to Striker, BlitzStrike will ALWAYS be my favorite Helluva Boss ship
Yours and mine both, Anon. Vivzie can turn Striker into a Team Rocket character with visible stink lines all she wants, but nothing will take back that disgusting full moon deal scene, and nothing will take back the way Striker made Blitzo smile in a way Stolas has still never made him smile as of this writing. Blitzo found his damn soul mate at that festival and it sure as Hell wasn't the guy Blitzo imagines pulling him in on the end of a golden chain.
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xamaxenta · 11 months
Keep forgetting to ask about it, but this week you've mentioned Marco's phoenix in a very predatory sense. Where the mythical bird is cruel and uses the false flames and gentle, healing aura to trick prey into getting close. Which is a delightful take on what's usually an owo fire bird that sings so beautifully the sun itself fell in love (thus giving the Phoenix the fire that rebirths it, at least according so some versions of the mythos that I personally love, cause in those versions the Phoenix was a very dull looking bird before with only song to compliment it... Which if you know anything about birds says that it was likely a female before--hmmm interesting ideas are interesting)
But anyway! Onto the topic! It made me wonder if, in this context, the Phoenix even has like, a mating drive or if it's all possessive and the mating but comes from the human bits. Which meeeaaaannnss that the Phoenix might just eat some prey by setting itself on fire to consume it completely which, I mean, if you think esoteric sounding sex is cool opens up a whole new world where Ace single handedly satisfies the the hunting drive of the Phoenix and Marco's libido while teasing the hunger part of the Phoenix in a very intriguing cycle.
You tend to view the animalistic phoenix as possessive so a pretty morsel it can play at consuming while uh... Consuming in a much different way, would be very attractive as a potential mate. (Which, I mean, I'm not pretending like I, too, don't find it a very sexy idea)
RIP their bed tho, they might have to take it somewhere less flammable. Maybe on a beach and end up in a smooth glass nest from the heat of the flames. If not straight up in the heart of a forest fire, idk, it's VERY dangerous to be near them if they decided to go at it like this tho.
Lol, Ace asking for wild forest fire phoenix sex by gathering bundles of incense like myrrh and dropping them in Marco's lap with a massive grin. He's such a damn menace istg lmao
Im speechless idk what to say, everyone has such amazing ideas and thoughts about the phoenix and im really happy my posts about it being so much more ferocious and uncanny were so inspiring
This particular part is the part i fuck with the most
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Like its really romantic too that Ace does fulfill all of the Phoenixs needs both physically mentally spiritually and stuff because hes fire itself and ive always loved the whole feeding and taking and being greedy during an intimate act like sex and stuff (its the monster fucker in me im sorry)
Needing to connect intimately that isnt so flammable is such a comedic concept too like they had to trial and error and god idk which is more beautiful, Ace laying in a kaleidoscope of beach glass that theyve made together, haloed by shards of light and prisms
Or within the heart of a forest fire wild, beautiful, dangerous and free both options would fully have the Phoenix and Marco committing their heart to Ace 🥰
Ace may be afraid initially but after realising theyre not here to devour him like THAT he opens up more to the phoenix (to its delight)
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cwarscars · 9 months
🤩 Who is someone in your rpc that you admire?
Unconventional munday asks!
🤩 Who is someone in your rpc that you admire?
(( aside from yourself? owo. whose positivity and passion is ALWAYS inspiring? well, i'm gonna limit myself to listing a few people here because if i list everyone, i will be here ALL day -
@midgarwhispers | amazing plots, mature & down to earth discussion, incredible writing, interesting muse, great GREAT dynamics, lovely ooc chat. i have so much admiration for this sweet lil carbuncle ( i say lil, she a giant ) - i've just had so many fun discussions and plots this year with her & ooc-wise, i cannot stress how kind & lovely she is. i just - urgh - 10/10 - massively recommend.
@stingslikeabee | when wont i waffle on about mari and how much i love her? you want mature, well-written content? you want an interesting oc who can squeeze into any kind of universe? you want a down-to-earth, interesting & intelligent mun with whom you can chatter everything from adult chat to films & culture? mari's a legend. i will forever simp.
@cloudvii | anything sayj touches turns to gold, honestly. not to say cloud wasn't already gold but - look - i admire sayj's passion and interest in their muses. their headcanons are in depth and powerful, but they're never without reason. like - they always make sense & make you do a double take and a little 'ahhhh!' when you read them because they're so interesting & in tune with the character. i just really adore what sayj does with the characters that they pick up. and their respect / appreciation for og? *mwah*.
@phoenix-flamed | hot damn, vonny. where do i even begin? i didn't follow vonny until fairly recently-ish. i jumped on them on my sylv blog and was barely there so HAD to grab em with heid and i just- the rpc should consider itself blessed to have such a wonderful write & a wonderful person in their midst. vonny's elwin is so incredibly weaved that i would read a book about him written by them; i always admire someone who picks up a side-character but someone who then gives that side character a well-crafted story, interesting headcanons and pushes it all with infectious enthusiasm and passion? sign me the F up. like, GODDAMN. and as a person? vonny is so incredibly sweet, someone i'd love to bug more honestly because wow. & on a personal note, someone who did something recently for me that really helped me in a great & personal way. i just - <3 - so much love and respect in my soul for this one.
@svnsworn | light is somebody who if you say to me 'recommend a user', im gonna recommend her. she jumps to the forefront of my mind like a lil froggy. i always mess up when trying to run multis but she makes it look EASY. the AMOUNT of times that light has told me a headcanon about a character and i've gone 'holy shit! of course!' she has that knack for spotting those details, and then expanding on them. and no matter who she chooses - from leon to luna - she injects this love & insight into them that they truly deserve. she's really incredible and there isn't a day i wouldn't recommend her. and as a person? light is always lovely. like, alwAYS.
i look at them and i see original final fantasy vii. i see a love and passion for the media that has spanned years. i see these unique insights into characters / ocs & i just admire them a lot. i see them as being like, the people that all ffvii rpers should look up to and aspire to be. i just admire them a lot & love seeing them on my dash.
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quietbluejay · 1 month
Bluejay Reads Warhammer Samples 1
Because I need something to do to take a break from packing. So I'm going to put my sample impressions of books I haven't read (yet) here.
First up, Ashes of Prospero, The Solar War, The Lost and the Damned, Slaves to Darkness
description of daemon magnus is. something.
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he's blue badabee badaba
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but is he on the boulevard of broken dreams his wings are "ornamental and dramatic" well the imperium does one (1) thing right they use metric
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Our hero squelches his way along
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he's got a pet raven and he named it nightwing that's so cute wait your door handles have the ouroborous on them? that's kind of….thousand sons of you
you know what, good on the space wolves for having a nicely decorated space
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must be a huge pain to keep clean though
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honestly this is a pretty sweet setup
khayon 🤝 njal have a fun animal familiar and not sleeping due to nightmares caused by the space wolves/thousand sons invading their planet okay done the sample sadly the wacky body sharing antics did not begin definitely getting the vibe that this guy is more of a fantasy writer
New sample time back over to horus era oh it's emperor shenanigans again
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so, i heard some concerning stuff about French's writing for the Horus Heresy but this seems good
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yeah yeah the corpse on the throne foreshadowing, we've all seen it
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amazing you just summed up the over-theme
oh hi Mersadie, been a while Mersadie is now imprisoned
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she seems um. surprisingly mentally well for someone who has been in solitary confinement for seven years oh, nvm, she's having hallucinations
man poor Mersadie, gets solitary confinement for the crime of…being one of the only two surviving remembrancers for the Sons of Horus okay so you know how i said sometimes you can hear what the author was listening to as they wrote? im breathing in the chemicals well, it's Sound of Silence here owo jaghatai is here ew malcador is here
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sexy lamp horus strikes again also, as always, French is great at mood-setting
i don't think this is necessarily bad writing, but tbh as always i am deeply uninterested in space battle play by plays so i am leaning against adding this book to the to-read pile OH NO NOT AGAIN THE HUMAN TALLOW CANDLES STRUCK WHEN I LEAST EXPECTED THEM as if summoned by the human tallow candles, blorbo shows up ahriman!!
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i did not expect abaddon to quote poetry anyways yeah i don't think this is necessarily a bad book, but it doesn't seem like one I'm interested in
another sample oh hey it's Guy Haley! oh this is the one where abaddon mutes angron on zoom and it starts the day before valentines day. lol
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if i had a nickel for every primarch described as "uncompromising and severe" i'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but it makes me disinclined to like dorn
sanguinius i guess gets left as the dumb blond where the other two get characterization notes yeah. haley definitely improved by the time he got to writing plague wars this is better written than Valedor but not as good as Dark Imperium
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im ngl he feels more norse than the space wolves lmao huh you know i feel like this is one of the least-horny descriptions of a woman stripping i've run across so glad it's not McNeill writing this
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dorn: yeah uh, actually, i kind of really need to know this stuff since i'm the general in charge of fighting against it
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looks at current situation looks at malcador yeahhhhh im gonna have to side with dorn on this one
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man kinda wish horus' attempt to assassinate malcador had worked also jaghatai continues to be best boi jaghatai: he should have trusted us more malcador: look what happened with the bit he did trust you with im rolling my eyes so hard
dorn: okay but like HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO FIGHT DAEMONS HUH malcador: don't worry about it, i got it yeah uh this explains so much also dorn isn't making too bad an impression on me
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you know, i feel like there should have been some more reflection from lion
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in his book, i mean hm okay, i might actually read this one at some point also, Vulkan's been alive for months and malcador is only telling them now behold! the man largely responsible for turning the imperium into what it was
still feeling like crap time for ANOTHER sample this is not grabbing me oh it's Malcador AGAIN oh it's flashback with pre-sexy lamp horus
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This is supposed to be the Horus Heresy so why is he just a sexy evil lamp in most of them
aaaargh! human fat candle again! checks writer name JOHN FRENCH MUST BE STOPPED HE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS okay our chaos priest word bearer dude wanders around naked
blorbo spotted!
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i think it would have been extremely funny if the mournival had weekend-at-bernies'd wounded horus i'd read that or better yet if russ had actually managed to kill him and they used his dead body
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fatalflw · 2 months
Damn your tiny nipples are amazing. They'd look even better pierced.
owo i never thought about that,, i do have one new piercing though :p
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Omgggg I can’t choose AAAAAHHHH mmmmmmMMMMMMM bruh mmmm I have been into jongho recently so maybe him but fuck imma have blue balls for a Yeo crazy gf x chill bf content ;-; jonGHO PLEASEEE omg but like omgomgomg i would love it if like he took courage and confessed? The shy ones with confidence fucking GET ME cuz just cuz someone is quiet doesn’t mean they’re unconfident! Dude omfg I KNOW FOR A FACT cuz I have had lots of introverted friends (apparently I am an introvert magnet despite being a chaotic extrovert) and OH BUDDY they are kinky and wild. I sometimes feel like: damn and I AM CALLED CRAZY 😂😂. You know what kind of chaotic bitch I am? I am the type that teases and embarrasses specially shy people cuz their reactions are so cute! Ofc I don’t overdo it but I am willing to embarrass myself to get my friends to laugh or embarrass them. Their blushing faces are so cute and their small giggles! OwO one time I slut dropped in the. Idle of a mall and omfg it was HILARIOUS 💀😂🥴
but yeah anyways jongho with crazy extroverted y/n plez confession or flirting or idk make it SUPPER FLUFFY (just like my thighs ;3)
-🧍‍♀️ anon
Omg, you tell the most amazing stories hahah. My INFP brain is way too tired to put this many emoji's but I love your enthusiasm for my work.
'Ahhh, let me be the one to give you the first bite' Jongho smiled as he wrapped his plastic spoon around the ice-cream and grabbed a little bit before gesturing for you to open your mouth.
The two of you were alone on a date and even though you were the crazy, weirdo friend, there was just something about being with Jongho that made you feel shy.
You opened your mouth and tasted the ice-cream, it was chocolate and so fluffy.
'Mmmm, that's so good' You commented, grabbing the spoon and planning to do the same to him.
'Wait' Jongho told you, grabbing the napkin and reaching forward to wipe near your lip.
'You had some ice-cream near your mouth' you chuckled awkwardly at how intimate the situation was, blush reddening your cheeks.
'Look at you, all shy around me.' Jongho teased slightly, his gummy smile on show.
'I'm not shy, I'm just nervous' you tried to excuse yourself.
Jongho reached forward and tucked a hair behind your ear.
'I like you being shy, it's only a part of you that I can get to see'.
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otakebi-cam-wao · 7 months
Produce 101 Japan The Girls ep 5 - by a harowota in real time
this time written on my phone!
Part 1: Elimination????
i spoiled me w friends cuz i started to follow the eliminated trainees on insta and twitter as they started to appear and post but forgot anyways
group introduccions are always nice specially with funny/cute poses and or phrases or gimmicks, or whatever
Kassa took out her Anju chara there
Omg Ao Haru posing as アオハル
i want to talk bout the style changes
i got the same reaction to Shizuku's blonde hair, Kaela
Kaela is kinda troll, love that energy lol (i should stop talking bout the trainers and the MC of the whole show)
okay, let's start the beheadings?
Part 2: Dance Battle
i go for Nakasone cuz she's so mother but Yumeki is even a year younger than me
still Nakasone mother
oh so it depends of the year nice nice
let's see if i can recognize some (spoiled one)
2021? idk this one... ohhh the pd101 japan season 2
they're so happy
1985!!! no one thought they'd know Dacing Hero eat me up... okay
so cool Sakura (no gyaru)
2000!!!! RENAI REVOLUTION 21 OFC!!!!!!
Kassa didn't ran but danced from the class A side (my harowota hear is a bit dissapointed specially cuz Kokoro told her to go together and didn't)
Honoka and Rino? went to dance it
Nakasone proud somehow?
2010... heavy rotation ofc
Rimika did what i hoped Kassa did with rr21, ofc she knows it lol
almost everyone went running (good song and I don't like akb48, .... complex emotions with the video)
2020 ohhh.... it's kpop, i dunno, but it says wannabe
ohhh yumeki did the choreo
2023.... leap high was obvious lol
the ones who couldn't fit in the dance floor on their sides dancing ofc
now real battle by class, and genre (cute, sexy, wild)
they'll win sneakers!!!!
cute first
Sakura C class, Kagura F, Mana D, Rinon B, Yuuki A; wow Rinon mixed a bit of sexy i guess, cute Sakura... Mana cute but :/
Sexy now
Sae D, Honoka C, WOW NONOKA FROM F CLASS (awwww camera on baby Hina surprised, too much sexy for this baby to see(?)), Wow Moe B and Miu A they know for sure
okay i saw, Tsukushi (A), Ranka (F), Keiko (B) quickly
Keiko is wild indeed
now Ayano from C WOW
this is just time for the dancers of each class
Aruha nice!!!
nice Ranka
They're all so good, i go for Keiko or Aruha
mood Nakasone, OH MY GOD
B class!!! Dance queen Keiko!
the random leap high jump was amazing
awww Keiko's "minna aishiteru" after they thanked her
Part 3: ok now elimination? or well rankings
i know the one i was worrying bout got into the saved ones
oh 49th Mana (can't like her :c but let's go "grandma"), 48th Kanno Miyu, i shouldn't say these tbh... so I won't
iiiiiigh! Ranka got saved :/ she has Nomura Minami looks but her vibes throw me off a bit, good for her tho (I'm a supporter of everyone in some way)
okay, so i really clap clap Uchiyama Rin cuz of getting a bad throat and pulling such vocals
a twin (Mikoto) is in!!!! is the other twin (Kotone) in as well?
ahhh nice Yurara!!!! (I'm saying each position anyways somehow)
YESSSSSS THE OTHER INTP GIRL I LIKE (lower than how i like her but yes!!) HARUKA!!!! so cute and looks so ADHD (but shy) creature on the stage of the ones who passed!!!
words from some top 49 to 41 okay okay
lol Uchiyama, you're not allow to go back home soon...
cutie Yurara!!!!!
ok 40 to 31...
where's Kotone
Fujimoto Ayaka is the hard time seifuku no manequin team leader... right? ah yes deserved 36 with all that
... i don't like Rimika, idky but she passed
YOSHIDA HANA 33 DESERVED (obsessed with her "narcissistic my god i love it" from their love dive performance)
Husky voice 32?! MOMOKA YES!!! YES!!!! YES!!! (btw weird but interesting hair styling)
Miyu 31, she was such a nice neesan for her group, deserved
awwwww Ayaka u gonna make me cry, "pien" as S. Miu said in the mbti lab
a take bout an eliminated girl i remember
Ameri deserved better (cuz we can't vote overseas, and she knows it, liked a comment where she was told it was unfair to have eng subs but no overseas votes)
Part 4: social experiment in Korea?
the girls helping an small baby girl
ok, bby had to walk to them to talk, then they became nice nice nee-san
high queen knows korean, ofc; 3 minutes?
Jueri sensed it was a prank before the dokkiri daiseko paper was shown, nice
oh they know Korean cuz dramas lol
i feel like Ayaka might be the quick one to act?...
oh it was Rino
they started to play w bby
all got pranked and no one thought was the bby the prank
oh so Nana wants to be a teacher, she might react quicker, Tsuzumi will make her laugh i have the feeling
Nana immediately took her hand
all yelling to ask for her mom
ohhh an unrelated person got in so run for the prank paper
they're so noisy and are looking for the cameras lol!!!!
Miss Japan
so Mana decided to talk to staff while Chiharu takes care of her talking and playing
they decide to look for the mother nice
5 minutes looking around awwww Serina? pick her up to not get her tired
lol the prank paper
they laugh
so worried cuz bad at korean
Part 5: more ranking
30 to 21 ok
29 the gyaru!!!! nice
SAKATA KOTONE!!!!!!!!! 28!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!! MY F TO B GIRL!!!!! and good leader
Hina bby 25 she became the little chick already, she broke her egg shell
Kitazume Sakura 22, she was really cute, and powerful, deserved!
YUI 21!!!!! YES YES, LEADER NICE NEESAN, NICE VOCALS.... also the way she was holding hands with Koto waiting who would be 21st, CUTE
20 to 12 ohhhh a longer one
Joa 20, deserved, tho I don't like her enough, VERY VERY DESERVED!
Kokona chubby cheeks 19, surprised me on performance nice nice
idk if I'd vote for Tsukushi (18) to get higher, probs cuz mic incident
OWO RINON 17 amazing, I'm amazed, really deserved
Mena 16 is so deserved, she's so idol bright, she has that thing that makes you oshi her (not my oshi)
taking advantage of Kitazato Rio 15 to say... her new hairstyle makes me think a bit of Nishida Shiori from BEYOOOOONDS on her face
Keiko 12, yes you see her and you smile, she's so funny and amazing deserved
Mena talking so idol bright! so cute! so oshi-able
I'm so proud of bby Nagomi, wanna hug her
I'm at 1hr 19 minutes?! wow one hour more to watch yet
Part 6: members choose tops
top 3 personality
so 3 chose Honoka, she's funny the few things I've seen, i agree, she's ENFP, right? expected, she's top 3
Kokoro top 2 cuz nice nee-san and someone who listens, nice
top 1 is???? Moe ohhhhh, dunno what to say i think I haven't feel like I've focused a bity bit on her
top 2 beauties?
top 2 S. Miu i can see that very well, no comments tbf
yes Miu, as an eye lover(?) you have very beautiful eyes
lol she cringed at herself after that scene thingy
ohhh top 2 was a tie, makes sense
Sasaki Kokona, i agree she's captivating even if I don't want to look at her lol
okay top 1....!!!!
goddess vibe?!
Nano, yeah i agree, like damn girl is beautiful and captivating
she doesn't want to do the line thingy
the profile pics tho for Nano and Miu... not helping
Part 7: final rank?
so the 11 fitting the debut group?
yes the top 11
wait i know this, well I'm supposed to (i know top 1 tho)
Aita Rin top 11 was surprising (i have her in my top 11) so deserved as leader, hard worker, soul strength, team mindset, all, wanna hug her cuz i feel PROUD of her
Koto 10 is so amazing! so wow, no words just WOW feelings
AYANEEEEEEEEEEEE 9!!!!! I LOVE HER, SHE'S (with Momona) MY TOP 1!!!! my INTP tism creature looking songtress with huge off stage on stage gap girly!!!! YESSSSSS (her talking is so 🥹)
Nano 8 nice nice sleepy but nice beautiful nee-san
Sasaki Kokona 7 again captivating aura, no wonder she got so many votes
cute, she says she doesn't think is good enough for that rank
Tsuzumi 6 makes me so ajsjjsjsjshsj :D she's so cute energetic full of emotion bby and good performer... awwww she got so emotional towards AoHaru, so cute bby bright smile bby
Suzu 5 nice, she has a something i can see but don't get to my top 11
cute, just cute, no comments
i forgot the top 4-2 order, i know the ones there
Kaela hurry up!!!!
ofc Ran, Miu, Kokoro and Momona fight the 1st place (I know :D who has it) WHICH WAS THE ORDER!!!!
4 is?! Miu okay okay, so then... Ran, Kokoro Kassa, right?
Miu get out of my top cuz... idk... but maybe she was evily edited... so it feels like she's a diva (as some friends said) i want to think is all due to this edit, and being ISTP cold
Ran 3 right, i liked her a lot and a friends is doing propaganda for her
cute girl, amazing, like her low voice, she seems funny but not so WOW funny
so now is Kokoro, I just know that already
but nice that rebloom where fighting the top 1, starting with their idol performance
plus both (mainly Momona cuz time, i mean since she was 13 in angerme and 12 in hello pro kenshuusei, she has like 8 years experience!) are pros
"Kokoro-chan aishiteimasu" (not in shipping way) beautiful
i want what these two have
such strong friendship
so well, Momona 1, Kokoro 2, already knew that
they're like so proud of each other!!!!! mainly Kokoro of Momona
it feels so amazing to see Kassa going up those stairs to the 1st place seat!!!!
ok top 50 is missing, who got the cut position?!
4 fighting the place 50
oofff this is hard to see
Karen, Aruha, Shion and Misaki
i want them all (yes, i forgot who didn't got there that i follow on insta)
i think Shion didn't
how low was Jueri btw? (liked her voice)
ok 50th is?!
i wanted Aruha...
but it's okay
oh god, i feel so sad for the ones who didn't make it, i hope some angencies contact them soon
they all deserved to pass
wow, Jueri got 92nd going down 15 places
third INTP girly Tabuchi Miu got 86th (tbh, i didn't saw her a lot, but sad cuz INTP too)
AMELI 79? i swear if overseas have voted she would have made it to top 50
the Moron Anon (joke joke, her name is Moro Anon, such a weird name) 74th... sad cuz she surprised me at the group battle
Iyota Hana 71... ok
you're not telling me Fuka didn't make it cuz of a 10 places gap?! ... pien
Part 8: coments random cuz didn't pay attention to the thingy with songs at the end
Kassas short hair is beautiful, i wonder if she donated her hair again...
sadly they cant sns cuz rules... so we won't know... not yet
expecting what we'll see next week... or on thursday, deppending if I can't handle the need to watch...
I'm wondering why they can't change a bit more the twins' look, it's so hard to tell them apart
someone said one have thicker and other thinner bangs and I'm like "HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU KNOW THAT"
is sadder that whole groups got eliminated...
they became such good friends apparently
now i wonder what will happen if one twin is eliminated later
oh that's all...
there was a lot
well, eliminated B class girls at least get new sneakers
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
good little girl but it's a full song by Kade McCuen
bad little boy but it's a full song by Kade McCuen
Bad Romance Halestorm cover (You Know Gilbirda's fic? On Jazz hiring Jason??? To kill her parents?? THISSSSSSSSSSS)
Don't You Dare (Make Me Fall In Love With You) Cover by Happy Birthday Mr. Basket (JUST. SCARED AND RELUCTANT JASON OKAY?!?????!!!!!!)
j's lullaby (darlin' i'd wait for you) by Delaney Bailey (SOFT JASON and also latching onto the idea of Jason calling Jazz 'Darling' OwO)
Signal Dreams (Remastered) by Small Crush
Speechless by Dan + Shay (IMAGINE A WEDDING)
Beautiful Crazy by Luke Combs (JASON BEING A SIMP)
Locked Away cover by Kurt Hugo Schneider, Sam Tsui and Kirsten Collins (JASON AND JAZZ, VULNERABILITY AND FLAWS)
Only Us (Dear Evan Hansen) Laura Dreyfuss and Ben Platt (BECAUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
DHJSEJRELLWJEJE AAAAAAA!!! Dude these are AMAZING song choices. I haven’t heard of a single one of these songs till now and each one is perfect.
I need self control so lemme just yoink the bad romance cover onto my anger management playlist >:)
Damn now I gotta relisten and rethink the songs I put in my playlist cause most are simply vibes. These are just spot on. Like I have Uptown Girl by Billy Joel and She’s An Angel by They Might Be Giants. Those are solely “I like the song and I thinK it works” songs.
This tho? This is a work of right here.
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victoria1676 · 2 years
If only you knew the amount of fun i had making this:
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Ive been having so much fun drawing xinyan from the imposter au with the few details you discribe her with along with a little imagination for her design if you don't mind but i would also like to make a note that i was using a body sketch i found so sorry if it doesn't look like my art style i was just trying to make the body and style match i was going for match so ya that's that lol but also i believe i didn't get her tone right since i just got a pic of her full design and used her color palette to draw this so sorry if she looks to light I'm willing to redraw it since the pic of her that i used had bright lighting and ya that's a few things i wanted to say about the drawing and I hope you don't mind the little headcannons i made, tho I'm really more interested in how you veiw xinyan since she had a bit of time to show up but didn't really do much but warn aether with the letter and just dipped out and went of somewhere so I'm really excited for what you have in store for her and the rest once you finish the next chapter lol so I'll be waiting while drawing the few characters design for the future lol but feel free to state how you personally feel about this drawing since in enjoy any feed back or small stuff you'd would like to add anyway see ya lol.
(I'm slowly working on fishel since she's pretty difficult so send help)
-Anon Crow ✌️🙂
Heyo sorry i didnt see this yestersay i was busy trying to get Kazuha and finally got him! Plus a new sword for Kaeya that is now my second 5 star weapon XD Bless my friend who wished on my account 😭😭😭 The fact i also had a dream of actually getting Kazuha after thinking i couldnt get him and the DREAM WAS REAL YASSS!
Ahem- Back to the ask you sent with a fanart and can I say Im still half alseep since i just woke up but damn i didnt expect you drew Xinyan and she looks pretty cool! OwO
I did say in my story around Prologue 2 that Xinyan had her hair down since i feel like she wouldnt stick to her usual hairstyle after what happened which you guys can read it here in prologue 2 XD but i also mentioned Xinyan got her entire arm off including her elbow OwO
Still though im impressed with your design on her and she really looks amazing! You did amazing Anon Crow!! UwU tbh all i can say is positive words and if you want to redraw it you can since it is your drawing after all OwO i can understand as a fellow artists we arent satisfied what we draw so over all i am okay with your drawing but its your opinion if you want to re-draw or not XD
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thousand autumns donghua, episode 16~
HERE WE GO FRIENDS IT'S THE LAST EPISODE OF SEASON 1 i am both excited and sad ;A; so let's DO THIS 💪😤 we are at the border!!! idk which one, but we are at A border, and shen qiao is here to kick ass and go :) RIGHT SO in the previous episode, shen qiao killed a man called kunye and it was really hot. this kunye also warned shen qiao that yan wushi is in MORTAL PERIL!! so he's come to the rescue, even tho yan wushi BETRAYED him lol BAI RONG IS HERE!!! HI SWEETIE!!! she's so sweet, warning shen qiao that he doesn't need to help the man who treated him like rubbish but he insists!! he is polite but FIRM!! and he says that bai rong is better than her sect peeps, which is TRUE hulan gu?? somethinggggg valley??? idk lol ok we're here at hulan gu. idk where it is but it looks pretty cool!! sweet masonry bro. looks great!! AH DUAN WENYANG IS HERE TOO he searches for the scary monk--who STILL has yet to say emítuó fó‎, and i'm super sad about it ._. nice outfit mr monk, ur looking good!! OH NOES THE BEIMU WARRIORS SHALL MARCH SOUTH!!! toward the central plains and-- YOINK THE OLD MAN APPEARS!! HE STEALS THE SPECIAL RING and angers the monk lol monk: yws i am a nice man but u are pushing me past my limits OH SHIT NOW THEY ARE ALL FIGHTING TWO AGAINST ONE AND YAN WUSHI IS DESTROYING THEM god these fight scenes are incredible, i love them so much ;A; COME ON LAO YAN DON'T SCREW IT UP oh my goddddd they're so cool OH NOES YAN WUSHI IS WOUNDED THE OLD MAN TOOK A SWORD TO THE TIT NOOOOOOO NOT HIS TIDDIES oh look shen qiao is here 😊 yan wushi: damn!! that idiot almost took off my nipple!!! OH BIG JGY'S BACK!!! i wish he would treat his instruments more carefully ;A; do u know how much work went into crafting that. do u even care. big jgy get ur priorities straight OH MY GOD HE SCRAPED THE STRINGS SIDEWAYS WHAT AN AWFUL SOUND!! 😫 OUCH OH IT'S it's yu ai??? i forgot what he looked like lmao, he's the one who almost de-nippled the old man ok this is hardly sportsmanlike this is like four dudes against one, it's not fair at all OH NOOO DOnN'T YOINK OUT THE SWORD!! IT WAS KEEPING UR BLOOD IN!!! YAN WUSHI U DUMBASS oh shit he MAD. BIIIIG MAD damn wow ok he's a fucking badass motherfucker 💪😤 never seen anything like it!! GET EM KING lol they all are running after him like it's a game of rugby aww poor old man hobbling away…..oh hey weird beard man is back as well!!! and he shoved yan wushi down the stairs. is this big jgy's revenge??? lmao beard man celebrated a bit too early did he??? DON'T LOOK AWAY FROM UR QUARRY U IDIOT wait why am i helping him, i don't care for him at all LMAO YWS POKED HIM IN THE FOREHEAD 🤣 OWO WHAT THIS??? WHO ARRIVES LIKE A GENTLE BREEZE IN THE NIGHT??? WHO IS SO DAINTY AND DELICATE AND BEAUTIFUL LIKE HAITANG BLOSSOMS ON THE WIND???? IT IS HE!!! IT IS SHEN QIAO!!!!!!!! he's so cool omg ;A; ok yu ai u NEED to stop calling ur shixiong 'a-qiao' that is. SO disrespectful. u lil bitch >:V 'a-qiao a-qiao' go fuck urself yu ai >:( OH SHIT SHEN QIAO JUST RENOUNCED THEIR RELATIONSHIP AND SAID THAT YU AI DOESN'T DESERVE TO BE THEIR SHIZUN'S DISCIPLE!!!!! OHHHH SHIIIIIITTTTTT OH MY GOOOODDDDD SHEN QIAO U ARE. THE MOST AMAZING PERSON LOOK AT HIMMM HE'S BARELY EVEN FUCKING TRYING YU AI CAN'T EVEN BEGIN TO COMPARE SORRY I'M YELLING SO MUCH BUT THIS IS HONESTLY SO AWESOME :DDD HAAAAA!!!! SHEN QIAO BROKE YU AI'S SWORD BROKE HIS FUCKING SWORD IN HALFFFFF HAAAA GOT EMMMMMM SHEN QIAO MARRY ME SHEN QIAO PLS MARRY ME AT ONCE he knows who he IS. he knows what he can DO. i am. SO IMPRESSED. SO PROUD. I LOVE HIM. SO MUCH ;A; yan wushi: lol why didn't u kill that dumbass?? shen qiao: ….shut up :) oh uh yu ai and beard man left, big jgy and dwy and the monk are still here tho duan wenyang: 'yan wushi give me the golden flower fingering!!' << actual subtitle in this donghua. AMAZING. HAAA SHEN QIAO WHACKED HIM AND DUAN WENYANG MADE THE FUNNIEST SOUND like 'AAAAAAAAAAA' omg i've replayed it like four times already it's so fucking funny
shen qiao: u run ahead, i'll follow in a bit :) yan wushi: ……am i having an emotion lol stupid monk thinks he beat shen qiao?? ok sure giant glowy hand vs giant glowy sword, who will win???!!! oh crap big jgy's helping the monk!!! …..bUT NOW YAN WUSHI IS TRYING TO HELP SHEN QIAO??!?!?! NO WAIT DON'T USE ALL OF UR EVIL SPIRIT!!! OLD MAN WHAT ARE U DOING omg are they just gonna die together??? that's so romantic ;A; 💔💔💔 PFFT he hit the ground real hard, it was a bit funny, sorry 🤣 yan wushi: *doing his best impression of a corpse shen qiao: …fuck :( i'm sad now :( AWWWWW HE'S TAKING THE OLD MAN AWAY WITH HIM IS HE LITERALLY FUCKING DEAD??!?!?! he walks very competently for a dead man awww flashbacks of their memories~ their uhhhh happy???? times together??? like shen qiao dying and yan wushi yelling at the forest!! i assume they didn't feel the need to show the wild passionate sex they had in the inn bc we already know about it lol WHY IS IT TRYING TO MAKE ME SAD 😭 I KNOW HE'S PROBABLY FINE BC THE BOOK IS LONGER THAN THIS SO. SO I'M NOT SCARED OR WORRIED. AT ALL. IT'S FINE. I'M FINE ;A; god the theme music is gorgeous btw i don't think i've mentioned how much i love it, it's so poignant and sweet ;A; and as we all know, birb LOVES a poignant tune, yes i do yes i do 😌👌 OH now they're by the river!! it's a good place to die :D AND it's where that other dude died last time!! :D OOH HIS FINGIE!!! IT TWITCHED I SAW IT duan wenyang is so sad!!! his shidi kunye is like super dead ;A; oh boy shifu's mad at him lmao. AAAAA AND THAT'S IT THAT'S IIIIIIITTTTT UNTIL THEY MAKE THE NEXT SEASONNNN AAAAAAAAAA ;A;
my thoughts overall???
EXCELLENT DONGHUA. really lovely animation!!! sometimes the models themselves were a bit odd or stiff, but the actual MOTIONS were smooth and pleasing to the eye!!! the music was GREAT, really well done!! and i love shen qiao and yan wushi and bai rong and shiwu!!! i LOVED IT!!!! 💚💚💚 9/10, WOULD DEFINITELY RECOMMEND!!! they lost one point for not having a SINGLE emítuó fó‎ however smh 😔 thanks for joining me on this lil journey~ hope u've had fun as well!! 😊
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List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. learn to know your mutuals and followers.(ू•‧̫•ू⑅)♡
owo yes indeeed!
1. The transformers fandom, every au and piece of fanart i find is all amazing as hell and y'all are so fun. I affectionately call g1 the toy selling cold war propaganda show, but it sparked honestly the best fandom I've ever been in by far
2. Paleontology. It's an underrated subject and often nothing like what you see in the movies ^w^, there's billions of years worth of lives in those rocks
3. Minecraft. Yes, ik ik it's ~minecraft~ but I've loved it since it first came out and my damn childhood is those mod showcases and it's amazing to see all the modding community has made over the years
4. Fancontent in general! It's always so fucking amazing to look at something and go wow i love this so much it makes me want to make stuff!
5. Thissss one's probably the most serious and doesn't fit in with the rest, but tbh my therapist. She was the first person to truly listen to me in a long time and we've made a /lot/ of progress over the last yearish
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crimes-self-ships · 3 years
anyway the current mood is
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#would you believe this this about the mystery character i’ve mentioned being in denial over#listen i think a lot of things are just adding together but i’m Emotional#like i was looking at other stuff his actor has done so i could either use it as inspo for headcanons/looking at images of him in outfits he#normally doesn’t wear so i can imagine him in Normal Clothes n stuff#and the actor played robert in a production of company and like. i’ve never seen company#i just know it as ‘that musical being alive is from’ and i hadn’t even heard being alive fully#that was until a few minutes ago where i found a recording of him singing so i could be like ‘owo what’s his singing voice like’#and like... i can get emotional over fictional media but i don’t cry at it. i‘ve only cried at one fictional thing in my life.#but oh boy i got damn near close there. i don’t even know the context of the song or anything it just fuckin hit me#and like maybe it’s because it relates to the potential f/o character and i’m emotionally attached to that one#or maybe it’s because his performance was fucking amazing and i’d never fully heard it so i was surprised it lived up to the hype#or maybe it’s because it’s late at night and i get more emotional at night#honestly it’s most likely because the song is really relatable and is in fact one of the main reasons i selfship in the first place#like dear god that song was so relatable it hurt#but i think the other reasons contributed#but sad boy shit aside. i now know my potential f/o has a good singing voice#he doesn’t have the vibe of someone who would ever sing but yknow#the more you know!#rich asshole my beloved 🤎📚🍷#a crimes original
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youtubersarelife23 · 5 years
Our boi is modeling!
Do you mind if I make it...
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axe-of-ender-moved · 3 years
My take on the Red Banquet:
[/rp] Oh man.
The scenery and build? Amazing. The entire area was so pretty and really set the mood well. The planned mechanisms for the lava and the TNT? Genius. It was so satisfying to see the lava just fall down the walls... man. I wonder if Ranboo (if it was him? I believe it was him) was there not only for lore purposes, but to activate the TNT/lava mechanisms?
Before the actual banquet, with the cast gathering outside and looking at each other's outfits-- aah serotonin!!! It gives me "waiting for prom to start" vibes :]
After everyone gave their speeches (Ponk's had me laughing, I love that he's still salty) and Bad finished his speech with a "haha bestie get ready to die!! owo", man that was satisfying as the lava rolled down and everyone realized what he had just said. His acting- heck, everyone's acting was just awesome, they've all grown so much. Fundy's terror was infectious and very realistic for his character, someone who isn't too involved with the Egg and served more as a bystander.
Foolish giving himself up for Eret... that scene hit. I sense a lot of angst coming from them. I love them both, I hope we see more from the immortal duo.
Hannah's betrayal was badass. I honestly didn't see it coming, and dang I love how she did it.
Technoblade coming in with the Hound Army is controversial, but I personally loved it. It was so cool to see him team up with Quackity-- and it shows how desperate Quackity was, that he teamed up with his (former?) enemy to stop the Eggpire temporarily.
And Purpled? Damn we all are loving those 5 lines of dialogue. He really came in with a purple suit and slayed. I hope that we get Purpled and Hannah PVP, whether it's against each other or someone else.
Bad questioning if he was doing the right thing with that monologue at the end of his stream was wonderful. He's such a sympathetic "villain", his lore is only going to get better.
Puffy's guilt from failing to protect Foolish and killing Antfrost was cool too. Not as cool as Bad's, but I do like seeing her hero complex getting tested.
I feel like the ending was a little anticlimactic, though. Quackity coming in with Techno and Purpled? I love it. I do wish it went out with a bang (literally or figuratively) but I see how the result works with lore!
I am glad though that not all storylines have overlapped yet (for example: Kinoko Kingdom, Ranboo, Tommy's deal with Dream and the prison, etc) with Eggpire lore. I find it interesting that George was present; he was invited last minute, apparently, and is very clearly out of the loop as he hadn't dressed up in the slightest and has no ties with the Eggpire. I'm sure there's a lore reason for it, and I'm curious as to what it may be.
In all, I personally loved how the Red Banquet went. Can't wait for more Eggpire lore :]
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