#Daniel Atlas Imagine
hermionegalathynius · 9 months
Found Family (4/?)
So I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of positive reactions this story is getting. I just want to say thank you to everyone who takes the time to like or reblog or comment my work because it means the world to me.
Fandom: Now You See Me
Pairing: Danny Atlas x Reader
Warnings: Some swearing — read at your own discretion.
Part 3
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  “Hello New York!” Danny exclaimed, stepping forward and greeting the crowd. They screamed. 
  “Thank you so much! Hey, it’s great to be back! And have you met our newest Horsemen, the May sisters! Y/n and Lula!”
  The audience cheered louder and you and Lula waved, bright smiles on both your faces. Danny grinned back at you with a wink. 
  “Feels good right?”
  You nodded, “Yep.”
  “Pretty good,” Lula said, walking across the stage, “Pretty good.”
  Danny turned back to the audience and started to calm them, “Thank you, thank you.”
  The cheering quietened.
  “Um, okay. We want to talk to you about your privacy. What does your privacy mean to you?”
  “Because apparently to Owen Case, it means absolutely nothing,” Merritt continued.
  The audience looked around nervously. Your smile widened as you moved to stand next to Danny.
  “No actually, Merritt, it means less than absolutely nothing,” you said before addressing the audience, “You see, Owen’s mocked your privacy. He’s scorned it.”
  Danny nodded, running a discreet hand down your back and loosening the tension in your shoulders. You tried not to blush in front of an audience of people. 
  “Right,” he continued, “and we’re not just talking about the things that you already agreed to when you signed probably without reading the terms and conditions of Octas 1 through 7.”
  “So,” Lula began, “Before we start the show, we had Owen agree to a few terms of our own.”
  You grinned at her, proud of her for reaching this dream. She looked so comfortable up there, talking to the audience. You were glad to be able to do it with her, too.
  “So everything that he had once considered private…” Lula trailed off.
  Your heart dropped to your stomach as her mic cut out. One glance at Danny told you he understood and he quickly walked over to Lula.
  “Yeah, everything that he once considered private is now…” his mic cut off too.
  “Shit,” you whispered, not bothering to mind your language as you assumed yours had cut off too. 
  The screen behind you flashed and white noise filled the theatre. People screamed. 
  “Oh my,” a computer-generated voice echoed through the room, “As the Horsemen like to say, magic is about controlling perception.”
  You gazed up at the shifting face that appeared on the screen. Someone grabbed your arm gently and you turned to see Danny. 
 “Y/n!” He exclaimed, “Are you alright?”
  You swallowed, fear piercing through you, “I… yeah. Yeah I’m okay. What’s going on, Danny?”
  He shook his head, “I don’t know.”
  “You see them as the champions of the truth,” the voice continued, “but are they? Or is that just another one of their illusions?”
  “Shit shit shit,” Merritt was saying as he and Lula joined you and Danny in the middle of the stage, “Where’s Dylan?”
  “And Jack?” Lula added. 
  “So since they clearly love secrets, let’s reveal some of theirs.”
  “Danny, everyone, get off the stage,” Dylan’s voice crackled through the coms, “Jack, go with them. I’ll see you at the meet up point.”
  Danny’s hand moved down your arm and gripped yours. You squeezed his fingers in response.
  “Let’s go,” he said, pulling you off the stage behind him. 
  The four of you began running, the voice echoing behind you clear as day. 
  “Do you recall the death of Jack Wilder? What if I told you he’s not just alive, but he’s actually right here.”
  Jack’s alarmed face under his security cap was displayed on a screen you passed as you ran out of the backstage area.
  “Dammit,” you heard Danny mutter. His hand was still firmly clasped around yours. Normally you would be bothered by the tightness, but adrenalin was coursing through your veins and you were just that desperate not to lose track of him in this chaos. 
  “And do you know who else is here? The FBI. Let’s let them in, shall we? And now for the big reveal…”
  “Where’s the door to the roof?” Danny called to Jack as the younger man joined the group running to the meeting point. 
  “Take the next left then up the stairs,” Jack said. 
  “There’s a fifth Horseman, and he’s the biggest criminal of them all. FBI agent Dylan Rhodes.”
  The five of you punched through the door to the roof. 
  “How the hell could this happen? I thought Dylan had everything under control!” Merritt yelled.
  “Yeah. Apparently he didn’t,” Danny said, quietly frustrated in the way you knew he could get.
  Merritt whirled on the illusionist, and something in his expression told you Danny wouldn’t like what he was about to say. 
  “Maybe you’re the leak, Dan. Where’ve you been sneaking off to?” Merritt demanded. 
  Danny let go of your hand and advanced on the mentalist, “Don’t you dare for a second insinuate that I had anything to do with this!”
  “I’m not insinuating, that’s your-“ Merritt began to retort, but Jack cut in. 
  “Let’s get to the truck, come on!”
  You all ran to the black tube. Danny nudged you in front of him, and you jumped in. 
  Gritting your teeth against the roller-coster sensation in your gut, you crossed your arms over your chest and noted with some curiosity the pulsing sound coming from the gaps in the tube. 
  You could also hear Jack sliding ahead of you and Danny behind you. After a moment you also heard Merritt screaming further back. 
  Then, with a thud you tumbled into a laundry basket. 
  “Wha…” you breathed, getting a split second to gaze around at your surroundings before Danny slammed into you. 
  “Oof,” he said, “Sorry. You okay?”
  You winced, “Yeah. A little bruised, but I’ve had worse. You?”
  He nodded as Lula and Merritt tumbled into the basket next to you, “Yeah. What the hell is going on?”
  “Wasn’t there supposed to be a truck?” Merritt asked, clambering out of the basket. The rest of you followed his lead. Asian people in white aprons started yelling at you, shoving you through a crowded, steamy kitchen.
  “Wait,” Danny said in between being shoved by Chinese chefs, “did you mis-run the tube?”
  “No, I put it in the truck, I know I did!” Jack exclaimed, bumping into you while trying to dodge an oncoming tray. 
  “We’re really not in the truck right now,” you said, stumbling into Danny who reached back and grabbed your hand, the sensation becoming familiar to you.
  “Somebody must have moved the tube,” Merritt said, as you all moved through a set of doors into what looked like a restaurant, “Were we above a Chinese restaurant?”
  “I’m moving, relax!” Lula yelled at the man who was shoving her out of the kitchen. 
  “Okay, why are we here?” you demanded.
  “Why am I frickin’ starving?” Lula asked, staring at the Chinese food everywhere.
  “Yeah, I’m weirdly starving too,” Jack mused.
  At their words your own stomach growled, responding to the smell of noodles and stir fry surrounding you.
  Merritt moved towards the door, popping his head outside. 
  “Something’s very wrong,” you told Danny softly.
  He nodded, brows furrowed, “Yeah, I agree.”
  “At least,” Lula began as Merritt returned, “And I know this isn’t much consolation, but apparently we’re now surrounded by Chinese food. Right?”
  “Guys…” Merritt said and you all turned to look at him, “I think where we are right now, they don’t refer to it as ‘Chinese food’. It’s just called… food.”
  “Shit,” you muttered.
  “Wait, what are you saying?” Danny asked, “How is this possible?”
  A high pitched giggle directed all of your attention to the man with a perm sitting at the table nearest you, facing away with a menu held up in front of his face. 
  “I believe in your particular parlance, the word is ‘magic’.”
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heliads · 1 year
now you see me daniel atlas x reader where reader kinda volunteered to be a prop in a trick but atlas becomes super shy and stutters? I love me some shy men
loving your 'i love me some shy men.' speak on that anon
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Honestly, you never really thought you’d swing this. It’s one thing to talk about the Four Horsemen, sure, it’s all anyone wants to do these days, but it’s something else entirely to actually make it to one of their shows. Tickets sell out within minutes, it’s practically inhuman. 
You’ve heard rumors that the Horsemen control who gets seats at their show to make their tricks work better, which makes your presence here even more exciting. Somewhere, somehow, you were meant to be at this very show. You were intended to head over to the venue with your giggling friends, you were supposed to sit in your exact chair, and above all, you were divinely ordained to watch pure spectacle unfold before your eyes tonight. 
Maybe magic and fate aren’t that far off after all. The Four Horsemen have evidently decided to take your future into their hands tonight. It’s something fascinating, to be sure, a sort of excitement that makes your stomach spin with anticipation as you find your aisle with mounting thrill. 
Truth be told, it didn’t feel real until you were walking into the performance hall. Like, yeah, you somehow managed to get your tickets, and you’ll absolutely be holding on to your paper stub until the day you die, but it wasn’t certain. Not until you were sitting down, looking with wide eyes at the stage and seats around you like you’ll be able to spot the answer to all the tricks just by keeping your gaze strong and discerning. Maybe something would happen to pull everything away just before it started.
Goodness knows you’ve been extra careful as of late, just in case. No legs will be broken, no ankles twisted, and the chance of you losing your ticket was small but terrifying. You’ve been checking transportation schedules hours in advance, just in case, and you were fully prepared to call an Uber if something really didn’t work out.
It all went your way, though, and now you’re watching the lights dim around you. This is it, then. The show of shows, what you’ve been waiting for for ages and is now finally yours. They’re saying that the Four Horsemen are going to be the pinnacle of live entertainment for this decade at least, and when the quartet of magicians appear on the stage out of nowhere, you’re inclined to believe them. This is something altogether different than anything you’ve ever experienced before.
The show starts off like most of the Horsemen’s performances do– according to the articles you’ve had the chance to read, at least. They’ll do a few tricks, get the crowd excited, then they’ll start looking to the audience and that’s when things get really interesting. Jack Wilder does a few card tricks, Henley appears and disappears out of seemingly thin air, and then it’s Daniel Atlas’ time to go, and you lean forward slightly in your seat.
You know he’ll be interesting, that’s for sure. Of all of the performers that make up the Four Horsemen, Daniel is the only one that you’d heard of before. You’ve Googled his tricks before, watched grainy videos people took of his street shows before he joined the three other magicians and finally made it big. You’ve never been able to figure out how he did anything, not that you were looking all that closely at his hands.
No, you were, admittedly, a little more interested in the bright blue eyes flashing whenever someone fell for his tricks, the swoop of russet hair he kept irritably combing back. You’re not going to go so far as to say it was a celebrity crush, but. You know cute when you see it.
Sure enough, once Henley finishes off her performance to the thunderous applause of the audience, Atlas claps once to get everyone’s attention back on him, then announces that he’ll actually be needing a volunteer from the audience for his next trick.
One of your friends elbows you in the side. “You should totally raise your hand.”
“Really?” You ask.
“Absolutely!” She laughs. “I mean, this is your one chance to get him to notice you, right?”
You roll your eyes, but grin and do as suggested. After all, getting the chance to go up on that stage and actually have Daniel Atlas look you in the eyes would be nothing short of extraordinary. So, knowing there’s no chance he’ll actually look out and see your hand among the scores of other waving palms in this crowded room, you raise your arm, just because you can.
It’s ridiculous, the odds of actually getting picked for something like this. Hundreds of people all practically dragging each other down just for the possibility of one of the Horsemen seeing them, and you think you’ll be the one they see as opposed to anyone, anyone else.
The Four Horsemen thrive on ridiculous chances, though. Impossibility is their best habit. Somehow, Merritt McKinney turns directly at you and points.
“You,” he says, “Come up here. Yeah, you, the one I’m looking at.”
You rise slowly, as if in a dream, and, when no one stops you, walk up to the stage. It feels insane to be taking the stairs and then stepping up onto the raised platform, looking around at all the people staring back at you. Merritt heads over with a grin, whispering in your ear that he hopes stage fright isn’t an issue with you. When you shake your head, he gestures for you to walk over to Daniel, who’s waiting with an outstretched hand.
You take it with a smile. “Thanks for having me.”
“Yeah,” he says a little quickly, “yeah, thanks for coming. Really.”
He doesn’t say anything else for a moment or two, not even about his trick. Merritt coughs pointedly behind him. “Would you like to ask the lovely young lady her name?”
Daniel’s eyes widen and he straightens up in a hurry. “Yes, yes. Sorry about that. What is your name?”
“I’m Y/N,” you tell him, “Y/N L/N.”
The crowd roars its approval, but Daniel doesn’t seem to notice them for a second. Funny, for someone who’s been performing for massive audiences this long, it’s like he’s almost forgotten what it is that he’s there to do.
Merritt walks behind you, mumbling something to you about how he always picks pretty girls for these sorts of things because it makes Atlas lose his mind. You laugh at that, and if you weren’t sure that Daniel wasn’t hopeless for you before, he’s absolutely gone now. Jack has to come up and tap his shoulder before he remembers to carry on with the introduction for the trick.
Your volunteer opportunity is actually pretty exciting, as if you’d expect anything less. Daniel invites you to step into a glass case just a few inches taller than you, then shatters the entire thing to smithereens to the shock of the audience, all with you locked inside. You’re fine, of course, and step out of a cloud of blue smoke to the delight of the onlookers just a few minutes later after Daniel gets everyone to chant the necessary ‘magic words’ as loudly as they can.
Daniel takes your hand again the second you’re back in sight, raising it to the sky as if you’ve won a boxing round. “Can we hear it for Y/N L/N, our disappearing girl?”
Under the cover of the cheers, he turns to you, whispers something so you’re the only one who can hear. “Meet me after the show? Please?”
When you nod, he smiles like a schoolboy, and it takes the combined efforts of Merritt and Jack to get him to focus on the script for their performance, even after you’ve walked off stage and settled back in your seat once more.
Your friends are cheering when you get back to your place. “Did you see Atlas?” One of your friends laughs, “He was totally smitten. Like, totally. He couldn’t stop staring at you.”
You stare at her incredulously. “Really? I mean, I thought so, but I wasn’t sure. It was probably just a part of the performance, though.”
“No way,” your friend says derisively, “I’ve never seen someone more head over heels. You can’t fake something like that, not even if you’re a world famous magician.”
Your friend is right, as it turns out. Once the Four Horsemen disappear from sight to the tumultuous applause, you and your friends head out to the lobby, all eagerly discussing the magic you’d just seen before your very eyes. As you’re about to leave, though, you spot someone waiting in the shadows, near the backstage entrance. Daniel Atlas, just as promised.
You tell your friends to go on without you, ignoring their knowing looks when you start heading Daniel’s way. His eyes light up again when he sees you heading over.
“I was hoping you’d wait around,” he admits when you’re close enough to hear him over the chatter of the departing audience.
“Well, I promised, didn’t I?” You say lightly.
He smiles bashfully. “I wanted to apologize for being so, uh, distracted during the show. See, Merritt likes to play this joke on me by trying to find people who’ll pull my focus, and it’s never affected me like this before, not before you, but–”
You just laugh. “Don’t worry about it, honestly. He kind of told me as much back on stage.”
“Really?” Daniel asks, somewhat horrified.
“It’s fine,” you tell him, “Honestly, I’m going to take it as a compliment. Not every girl gets to say that one of the Four Horsemen thought they were pretty, right?”
“No other girls,” Daniel says on impulse. “Really, it was– it was just you. Promise.”
You smile. “Does that mean I’m special, Daniel Atlas?”
“Very. Special enough to give me your number, maybe?” He asks hopefully.
“I’d say so,” you grin.
Daniel hands over his phone and you input your name and number. He pockets it with a relieved laugh, and is just about to head away when you realize that you don’t have his number. 
When you point this out to him, Daniel just smiles. “Actually, I think you do.”
Someone calls his name in earnest now, and he has to head away with copious apologies. When you go to check your phone, you realize that a piece of paper has been stuck in your pocket without your knowledge. When you pull it out, it’s a business card for a coffee shop down the block. A date and time has been scrawled on it, with messy handwriting asking if you’d be so kind as to meet him again. As promised, Daniel’s phone number is at the bottom, next to a carefully drawn heart.
You smile to yourself as you tuck the card back inside your pocket. Looks like you’ve got some excitement in your life after all. The only thing it took was one bit of magic.
now you see me tag list: @mayfieldss
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pastanest · 9 months
Danny x gn!reader
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Dating Danny Atlas Would Include
- first of all, you’re either his assistant or his assistant is viewed as a piece of furniture bc he has no interest in them if they aren’t you, period
- he’s the PINNACLE of asshole-to-everyone-except-you, but he’s still cocky as hell and we love him for it next question
- has a soft spot for you that he’ll only acknowledge in front of others in the form of soft smiles in response to things you say that he’d usually quip at someone else for
- this man will not hesitate to wake you at 3am to show you a new trick
- like a kid on Christmas morning except neurodivergent
- is very affectionate in private, but in front of others he restricts himself to gestures of affection that solely show you’re his (hand on the small of your back, your thigh, holding yours, etc)
- possessive with a capital P
- prone to jealousy but not in a fragile way, more like “oh this guy really thinks he can take you from me? watch me make him disappear” bc as soon as Danny gets a deck of cards out, you’re basically on all fours sorry, too much?
- LOVES showing off to you more than anyone else
- bc you’re his but also bc you give him the best reactions of pure glee every time
- has to learn how to show interest in your favorite things that aren’t already his, like shows he wouldn’t usually watch
- it’s funny actually bc if any of the Horsemen are like “hey Danny do you wanna watch-“ he’ll just look at them like 🤨 but if YOU ask?? he’s got a list of questions and he’s already agreed. what actors do you know are in it. why do you want to watch it. what about it appeals to you. where can we stream it. what’s the runtime. how soon can we watch it.
- you are his exception to every occasion on which he’d usually prioritize himself over anything else
- LOVES surprising you
- oh something new is coming out and you can’t wait to buy it?? preordered.
- oh a new movie is- he’s already bought two tickets.
- and your birthday??? omg. extravagant is actually his middle name so if you think Danny wont pull out EVERY mf trick in the book for you, you’re sorely mistaken
- it’d be perfectly tailored to your tastes too - if you don’t like parties, there won’t be one bc he’ll find another elaborate means of celebrating you like a super fancy restaurant or being serenaded by a band on a riverboat or some bs, but if you do like parties you can expect the biggest one and it only gets bigger every year
- LOVES trying to teach you card tricks and finds it so endearing when you just can’t hack it and get frustrated with yourself, he’s so patient when it comes to you, all like “not quite, baby, try it like this”
- which reminds me, he talks you through it
- sorry
- obviously knows your body like the back of his hand I mean have you seen him?? man THRIVES on mastering things but he’ll only objectify you if you want him to iykyk
- to the surprise of many, he’s an old-school gentleman with incredible manners in actual romance
- opening doors for you, standing up whenever you enter a room, asks for consent half a million times until you eventually tell him he doesn’t need to ask every time he wants to kiss you and he’s like thank god bc if these fools heard me-
- worships the ground you walk on
- adores everything you say and do
- will just look at you and give this sighing smile or smirk sometimes and you’re like “???” and he just says some cheesy bs that only his arrogant ass could pull off like “I think you just might be the magic I’ve been searching for”
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How the NYSM2 men would react to your kidnapping...
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Daniel Atlas
Daniel would be the first to take action to rescue Y/n.
He would use his charm and connections to gather information on her whereabouts and devise a plan to get her back.
He would be determined and focused, putting all his energy into finding and rescuing Y/n.
Daniel would be extremely protective of Y/n, especially after her kidnapping.
He would take it upon himself to make sure that she is safe and would go to great lengths to keep her out of harm's way.
Daniel is a strategic thinker and would use his skills in planning and execution to come up with a plan to rescue Y/n.
He would carefully consider all options and weigh the risks and benefits of each one before taking action.
Daniel has a natural charisma that would make him an effective leader in a crisis situation.
He would be able to inspire and motivate his team to take action and would be able to think on his feet to adapt to changing circumstances.
As a master illusionist, Daniel has a talent for thinking outside the box and coming up with creative solutions to problems.
He would use his skills in misdirection and sleight of hand to distract the
Despite his confident exterior, Daniel can be emotionally vulnerable at times.
Y/n's kidnapping would bring out a more vulnerable side to him, and he would rely on the support of his team to get through the ordeal.
He would also be more open with Y/n about his feelings towards her, which may surprise her given his usual suave and confident demeanor.
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Jack Wilder
Jack would be the most visibly upset and angry by Y/n's kidnapping.
He would be laser-focused on finding her and would stop at nothing to bring her back safely.
He would be willing to take extreme risks and use his skills in sleight of hand and pickpocketing to get any information that might help in the rescue.
Jack is a master thief and pickpocket, so he would blame himself for not being able to prevent Y/n's kidnapping.
He would be wracked with guilt and would feel responsible for her safety.
Jack is known for his daring and risky moves, and he would not hesitate to take dangerous actions to rescue Y/n.
He would be willing to break into high-security locations, confront dangerous criminals, and even put himself in harm's way to save her
Jack is a highly skilled and resourceful thief, and he would use all his talents to track down Y/n's kidnappers.
He would follow every lead, use his contacts in the criminal underworld, and even use his skills in illusion and misdirection to uncover information and rescue Y/n.
Underneath his tough exterior, Jack is a sensitive and emotional person.
He would be devastated by Y/n's kidnapping and would struggle to keep his emotions in check.
He would seek comfort and support from the other members of the Four Horsemen, and would be willing to let his guard down and show his vulnerability around them.
Jack has a strong sense of loyalty and would feel a deep connection to Y/n, especially since they have worked together as part of the Four Horsemen.
He would be fiercely protective of her and would stop at nothing to ensure her safety, even if it meant putting his own life on the line.
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Merritt Mckinney
Merritt would be devastated by Y/n's kidnapping, but he would remain calm and level-headed in order to help with the rescue mission.
He would use his skills in hypnosis to gather information from people involved in the kidnapping and to aid in the rescue efforts.
Merritt would blame himself for Y/n's kidnapping, even if he had no direct involvement in it.
He would feel guilty that he couldn't use his hypnosis skills to prevent it from happening.
Merritt would use his powers of hypnosis to try to gain information about Y/n's kidnappers.
He would use his knowledge of psychology to get into the minds of the kidnappers and figure out their motives and weaknesses.
Merritt would be the most compassionate and empathetic of the group towards Y/n.
He would be able to connect with her on a deeper emotional level and understand what she might be going through.
Merritt would be the voice of reason in the group, encouraging the others to stay focused and calm during the rescue mission.
He would remind them that their actions could have consequences and to think before they act.
Merritt would also be the most creative in terms of coming up with ideas to rescue Y/n.
He would use his knowledge of hypnosis and psychology to devise unique plans that the others might not have thought of.
Overall, Merritt's skills in hypnosis and psychology would make him a valuable asset in the group's efforts to rescue Y/n.
He would be both compassionate and creative in his approach, and would be a calming influence on the others during a high-stress situation.
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Dylan Rhodes/Shrike
Dylan would be extremely determined to rescue Y/n, but he would also be pragmatic and calculated in his approach.
He would use his position as an FBI agent to gather information and coordinate with law enforcement to ensure a safe and successful rescue operation.
Dylan would feel personally responsible for Y/n's safety, as he had recruited her to be a member of the Four Horsemen.
He would be deeply troubled by her kidnapping and would take it as a failure on his part to protect her.
Dylan would be methodical in his approach to the rescue mission, carefully analysing every detail and potential lead.
He would work closely with law enforcement to gather information and coordinate the rescue operation.
Despite his professionalism, Dylan would be emotionally invested in the mission to rescue Y/n.
He would be willing to take risks and make difficult decisions in order to bring her back safely.
Dylan's loyalty to Y/n would be unwavering, even in the face of danger.
He would be willing to put himself in harm's way to ensure her safety and would not hesitate to confront the kidnappers directly if necessary.
As the leader of the Four Horsemen, Dylan would take responsibility for the actions of his team and would work tirelessly to ensure that Y/n is rescued without any harm coming to her.
He would be determined to right the wrongs committed against her and ensure that justice is served.
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Walter Mabry
Walter would initially be indifferent to Y/n's kidnapping, but he would eventually become involved when he realizes that his own interests are at stake.
He would use his wealth and connections to gather information on Y/n's whereabouts, but his actions would be motivated more by self-interest than concern for her safety.
As a wealthy businessman with a history of shady dealings, he is not unused to dangerous situations and would likely prioritize his own interests over Y/n's safety.
However, as he becomes more involved in the search for Y/n, Walter would start to become more invested in her fate.
His self-interest may evolve into a desire to protect Y/n, as he sees her as a valuable asset that he wants to keep under his control.
Walter would use his connections in the criminal underworld to gather information about Y/n's kidnappers and would likely try to negotiate with them for her release.
However, his involvement in the situation may also put Y/n in greater danger, as his actions could draw attention from other powerful and dangerous people.
Ultimately, Walter's motivations for rescuing Y/n would remain murky. It is unclear whether he genuinely cares about her or if he is simply trying to protect his own interests.
His actions would likely be complex and multi-layered, with his true intentions remaining unclear until the very end.
If Y/n were to be rescued, Walter's reaction would depend on whether he succeeded in protecting his interests.
He may be genuinely relieved and grateful, or he may view her rescue as simply a business transaction that he was able to successfully negotiate.
Regardless, he would likely remain a complicated and ambiguous figure in Y/n's life.
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jb3islife · 1 year
Love is Like a Playing Card (J. Daniel Atlas) Chapter XXI
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After Lula left, Sutton looked over at Danny, still engrossed in his thoughts as he sat on the chair. She walked towards him, crouching down in front of him. Sutton placed a hand over his phone. Danny looked up at her, his eyes showing his confusion. His lips parted to speak, but he was unable to.
“Just… let me do this, okay?” Sutton told him. Danny nodded, unsure of what she was about to do. Sutton sucked in a breath. She moved to her knees, making herself taller and eye level with Danny. Slowly, she scooted herself closer to him, her hands on his knees for support, afraid that she may pass out from her rapid heartbeats. Sutton sucked in another breath, moving her hands to Danny’s cheeks. She looked into Danny’s eyes, searching for an answer of some kind, whether she should or shouldn’t do this. With all the confidence she had, Sutton kissed Danny, their lips quickly finding their missed places, like two puzzle pieces.
Danny sat in shock for a moment. Once he finally realized what was happening, he pushed himself off the chair, sitting on his knees in front of Sutton. Danny’s arms wrapped around Sutton’s waist, drawing her as close to him as possible, missing the feeling of his body next to hers. Sutton’s body molded into his, her arms snaking around his neck.
After what felt like only meer seconds, Sutton pulled away from Danny. He stared at her, confusion, shock, and utter disappointment from the loss of her lips evident on his face. Sutton shimmied herself out of Danny’s arms, standing up. “Goodnight, Danny,” she smiled.
Sutton turned, heading toward one of the two bedrooms left, leaving Danny to his own thoughts. She put three fingers to her lips, smiling at the moment the two shared. Happiness tingled throughout her body from Danny’s touch.
Danny ran a hand over his face. He found himself laughing at the event that had just occurred. He shook his head, feeling his heart beating fast. Sutton just showed Danny how much she missed him, and how much she still wanted to be with him. She poured her heart and soul into one kiss, and it was everything Danny needed at that moment. It was everything he needed to become the man Sutton knew he truly was.
The next morning, Sutton awoke to the sounds of others talking outside her room. She rubbed her eyes, groggily standing and walking out of the room.
“Shit!” she shouted as she bumped into someone.
“Good morning to you, too,” Danny smiled as he held Sutton’s elbow to support her.
Sutton smiled. “Seems like yesterday I was tripping over you to get to the bathroom.”
Danny chuckled. “Yeah. I wouldn’t trade those bruises for anything in the world.”
The two stood there for a moment, grins plastered on their faces. Danny brushed a few strands of hair out of Sutton’s face. “I always loved your bedhead.”
Sutton involuntarily leaned into Danny’s touch, his thumb absentmindedly grazing her cheek. “I always loved your morning voice.”
“Alright, who wants pancakes?” Merritt announced.
Danny and Sutton turned to see a large stack of pancakes on the counter, Jack and Lula already scarfing down their helpings. The two smiled at each other, walking over to join the group.
“Since when did I lose my cooking job to you, Merritt?” Sutton asked as Merritt poured her a glass of orange juice.
“Since I realized Jack and I couldn’t survive on your meals alone anymore,” Merritt answered. “And, well, those late night calls to you helped, too,” he winked.
Sutton giggled as Danny said, “Ah, yes, the “Merritt emergencies.” How could I have forgotten?”
“Hey, some of us weren’t blessed enough to move in with Sutton,” Jack retorted with a mouth full of pancake. Lula hit him, telling him to not talk with food in his mouth.
“Yeah, she’s pretty amazing,” Danny murmured, just loud enough for Sutton to hear. She smiled at Danny as he patted her bare leg in the shorts Walter “generously” supplied.
As the five of them ate, Danny looked over at Sutton. She pushed the last few bits of pancake around her plate, obviously becoming full. She elbowed Jack, telling him to finish it off, which he happily did. Sutton sipped her orange juice, scrolling through her phone. Danny smiled to himself, realizing that now was the perfect time to tell the others what had been happening and to show her he is trying to get better.
“So,” Danny said, pushing his plate away from him, “there’s something I need to tell you guys.” Sutton locked her phone as the others looked at him. Jack was still engrossed in his food, so Sutton slapped his hand to listen to Danny. Danny glanced at Sutton who looked at him in confusion. “I have been in contact with someone. Someone I believe to be The Eye.”
Merritt and Lula shouted as Jack murmured, “I already knew that,” and shoved another bite in his mouth. “I arranged for them to pick up the stick from us once we have it.”
“How could you not tell us that?” Lula questioned Danny.
Danny sighed. “I’ve been in contact with them for a while now. I’m not proud of it, okay? I thought I was doing what was right for the team. You know, taking charge, getting us out of hiding.”
“Controlling the situation,” Merritt scoffed, “as usual.”
“Guys, just listen to him,” Sutton pleaded, “please.” Jack and Merritt glanced at one another, nodding in silent agreement as they always did at Sutton’s request.
“I agreed to meet with them a few weeks ago, back in New York. I only did it because we,” he looked at Jack and Merritt, “agreed that we were only letting Dylan lead us on for another month, then we were done. We were taking matters into our own hands, remember?” Jack and Merritt sighed, recalling the conversation the three had without Sutton, but her being their soul focus. “I-I was afraid Sutton was going to leave me, leave us, next, if I didn’t do something.” He glanced at Sutton, her smile showing him how proud she was to hear him tell the truth. “So, when I got a message from The Eye, I took the chance. I wanted to help us. I did it for the team, I promise.”
The Horsemen sat in silence for a moment. “So, why didn’t you tell us, you know, when you got the first message?” Jack asked.
Danny sighed heavily. “I don’t know, honestly. All I could think to do was talk to these people, save us, save our sanity.”
“While I hate that you did this on your own, I do respect it,” Merritt told him, receiving surprised looks from everyone. “Sometimes, Atlas isn’t always the asshole we all know he is. Sometimes, he’s a little more like Sutton.” Merritt smiled at his young partner as she mouthed, “thank you.” Merritt nodded.
“So, these are definitely the same people you plan on giving the stick to, right?” Lula asked.
Danny nodded. “Definitely. They’re going to help us stay out of jail.”
“Thank God because this pretty face wouldn’t last a day in the slammer!” Lula exclaimed, pointing at Jack.
The others laughed. Sutton grabbed Danny’s hand, pulling herself toward him. “I’m proud of you,” she whispered, their fingers entwining like they once did.
Danny smiled, staring down at their hands. “That kiss last night,” he whispered, making Sutton bite her lip to hold back a smile, “it made me realize that I needed to tell them. I need to learn to trust them with everything that’s going on. I’m not in this alone.”
Sutton smiled. “You never were,” she reminded him, kissing his cheek.
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mangolemonjuice · 7 months
Dude I didn’t realize Daniel Dae Kim was in LOST
Headcanon: Ozai is a famous actor, starred on a show then has two kids, maybe Zuko becomes a famous singer, K-pop singer, not sure.
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jessefandomunited · 9 months
Imagine that Atlas chooses you to be a volunteer in the horseman's return performance.
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metamorphesque · 1 year
hi! I hope it's okay to ask this but I was wondering if you have any poems about quiet, simple love or the kind of love that is soft and gentle and transcends time, not because it's out of this world or needs big gestures or is about star crossed lovers, but because it's safe, and it's about two people who find happiness and pleasure in the small things, dancing in the kitchen, shopping together, cooking together? Im not sure how to explain it, i tried to paint an imagine, maybe it helps. Thank you so much ♥️
Having a Coke with You by Frank O'Hara
For Keeps by Joy Harjo
Mountain Dew Commercial Disguised as a Love Poem by Matthew Olzmann
The Orange by Wendy Cope
Our Beautiful Life When It’s Filled with Shrieks by Christopher Citro
On Loving by Forough Farrokhzad
Yours by Daniel Hoffman
Atlas by U.A. Fanthorpe
Camomile Tea by Katherine Mansfield
Always For The First Time by Andre Breton
You Are the Penultimate Love of My Life. by Rebecca Hazelton
To Be In Love Poem by Gwendolyn Brooks
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atla-genderbender · 7 months
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ATLA Gender Bender: "Urson" and Ozai
As I started drawing this, I realized that I have no idea what the robes of a Fire Lord's husband look like. So I drew him wearing the cloak that Ursa wears when she is banished. 
I intended for his hairstyle to look plain. Without his guan, it looks like a hairstyle that a commoner would wear. This is meant to symbolize how every aspect of his life is controlled within the palace walls, under the thumb of his domineering wife. I think that, if the genders were reversed, Ozai would still be very controlling and oppressive toward her husband to make sure that he does not outshine her in any way.
These are just my headcanons, but I think female Ozai would not enjoy being a mother, and would be devoid of maternal love towards her children. When her firstborn child "Zuka" is born, she is totally negligent. "Ilah" takes on a maternal role instead, and "Urson" is the source of warm parental love. But when her second child "Azulon" is born, she dotes on him more. This is not out of a genuine love for her child, but to inspire jealousy in her firstborn child, who she holds contempt for. Moreover, I think she might favor "Azulon" from a young age as a means of separating a son from his father. She would be a terrible wife and mother who controls every aspect of her family's lives.
I have been imagining Daniel Dae Kim as the voice of "Urson".
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nickeverdeen · 10 months
All requests
All requests I have will be written here along with those that I deleted ‘cause I was uncomfortable with them or had no idea how to do them and whenever a new one comes I’ll write it down here so you’d know if I got your request or not and whenever the request will be posted it will be off the list
So shortly colors rules:
Red - deleted
Orange - on hold
Green - accepted and probably done just waiting to be posted
In my drafts:
Hp, thg, pjo match-up (match-up - requested) [completed]
Ellie Williams NSFW alphabet (alphabet, smut - requested) [completed]
Meet the author (masterlist - not requested) [completed]
Jealousy Takes The Wheel | Hazel Callahan x jealous!fem!reader (smut - not requested) [completed]
Songwriting Buddies? (Info/poll - not requested) [completed]
Dark!ISTP playlist (spotify - not requested) [not completed yet]
Undeniable Tension | WLW Nameless character x fem!reader (smut - not requested) [not completed yet]
(Haven’r figured out the title yet) | Joel Miller x PCOS!fem!reader (platonic) (imagine - requested) [not completed yet]
Thg, tmr, tua match-up (match-up - not requested) [not completed yet]
Treech x capital mentor!reader (hcs - requested) [not completed yet]
Atla, tlok, arcane, hp (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Arcane, pjo, spiderverse, marvel match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
More Than a Threat | Ellie Williams x fem!reader (imagine - not requested) [not completed yet]
Closer Than Words | Hazel Callahan x fem!reader (imagine - not requested) [not completed yet]
Midnight Vigil | Ellie Williams x fem!reader (imagine - not requested) [not completed yet]
Fem!pirate x princess (enemies to lovers) playlist (playlist - not requested) [not completed yet]
Mcu match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Tua match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Arcane match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Hobie Brown x adopted little sister!reader (hcs - requested) [not completed yet]
TUA match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
When the Storm Hits | Kit Tanthalos x epileptic fem!reader (imagine - not requested) [not completed yet]
Silent Understanding | Elora Danan x gn!reader (imagine - not requested) [not completed yet]
TLOU match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Rough Riders | Ellie Williams x gn!reader (platonic) (imagine - not requested) [not completed yet]
Edge of Love | Fem!nameless character x fem!reader (imagine - not requested) [not completed yet]
Daniels, Zussman hcs (hcs - not requested) [not completed yet]
Sparrow!Ben Hargreeves yandere alphabet (alphabet - requested) [not completed yet]
Ambessa with daughter!reader (hcs - requested) [not completed yet]
Mom Korra hcs (hcs - requested) [not completed yet]
TLOU1/2 match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Bartender fem!reader x Striper!Luther Hargreeves dating hcs (hcs - requested) [not completed yet]
Arcane, ATLA, TLOK match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
TLOU2, Arcane, PJO match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
MCU, PJO match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
TUA match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Arcane, TLOU match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
TUA, MCU, Star Wars match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Red Daniels with a chubby fem!reader (hcs - requested) [not completed yet]
Platonic and romantic Arcane match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Ekko x scary!introverted!GN!reader (hcs - requested) [not completed yet]
Harry Potter, Divergent, Hunger Games, the Ballad of Snakes, Songbirds and Spiderman match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Freeheld masterlist (masterlist - not requested) [not completed yet]
Arcane match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Ink and Iron | Stacie Andree x younger sister!reader (imagine - not requested) [not completed yet]
Unspoken Truths | Katniss Everdeen x NPD gn!reader (imagine - not requested) [not completed yet]
Caitlyn x socially struggling fem!reader (hcs - requested) [not completed yet]
Harry Potter match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Arcane match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Romantic Arcane, TLOU match-up (match-up, smut - requested) [not completed yet]
Short Nerd!Ellie Williams hcs (hcs - not requested) [not completed yet]
Caitlyn x reader who loves to sing (hcs - requested) [not completed yet]
Fred and George having crush on younger muggleborn Slytherin girl (hcs - requested) [not completed yet]
Thg match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Kit Tanthalos (Star Wars) poll (poll - not requested) [not completed yet]
Lila Pitts yandere alphabet (alphabet - requested) [not completed yet]
On hold:
Tomb Raider masterlist (not requested - gonna post it when I’ll play the game done)
Shameless masterlist (not requested - gonna post it when I’ll finish watching it)
The Abyss Surrounds us + The Edge of The Abyss masterlists (not requested - gonna post it when I’ll find pictures for the characters)
School bus graveyard masterlist (not requested - gonna post it when I finish it)
The Good Doctor masterlist (not requested - gonna post it when I’ll watch it done)
Pirates of the Caribbean masterlist (masterlist - gonna post it when I’ll rewatch it)
She-ra masterlist (masterlist - gonna post it when I’ll watch it done)
Victor Cato x victor reader soulmate au with the red string (imagine - requested)
Amity reacting to her partner being a sweet tooth (hcs - requested); reason = I don’t do The Owl House, sorry
Georgie Cooper x black reader (hcs -requested) = I don’t write for Young Sheldon
Korra eating out older fem!reader (smut - requested) = Reader is older
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hermionegalathynius · 5 months
Found Family (5/?)
I cannot tell you all how much your support of my writing means to me. I’m so sorry this took so long. If I’m being honest, the next part might take even longer (just because I’m busy with college exams and uni applications… the stress levels are REAL high right now) but I want you to know I love reading your comments and I smile every time someone reacts to my posts. Anyway, here we go!
Fandom: Now You See Me
Pairing: Daniel Atlas x Reader
Warnings: some swearing, read at your own discretion.
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  “Can’t we all — just once — stay in the same place for more than a few weeks at a time?” you sighed, climbing in the back of the car with Merritt and Danny. 
  “I agree that that would be nice, but currently we have no control over where we go and when. Literally, considering we entered the tube in New York and were spat out in Macau,” Danny said, letting you rest your head on his shoulder tiredly. 
  “It’s all about blind spots,” Merritt’s brother said once the car began moving through the streets of Macau, “When you’re staring straight at something and not see it. Why? Blind spots! We learnt that together, didn’t we, bro?”
  Merritt grunted, staring blankly at the floor. You nudged his foot with yours gently, trying to comfort him. He flashed a small, grateful smile. 
  “Did he tell you that we were partners, once?” Chase continued, “No? I didn’t think so. The ‘Mini-McKinneys’.”
  “Cool,” Lula said flatly.
  “And then one day, we were 12, and Virginia von Welsheim had a very nice party down the street. I had a little tum-tum, couldn’t go. Mer-Bear did it on his own and got a taste of the solo thing, and uh… and kicked me to the curb.”
  “Oh god,” Danny muttered. You nudged him in the side for insensitivity. 
  Merritt sighed, “Chase, you win! I concede. Just tell me how you did it.”
  Chase grinned, “Delivery came to your door about a month ago… a little za?”
  “Za?” Danny asked.
  “Pizza,” Merritt told him, then addressing his brother, “Huh?”
  “Yeah, so what he did, my little womb-mate, is he downloaded all of your private information and my employer had all he needed.”
  You could feel Danny glaring at Merritt for accusing him of being the leak. You rolled your eyes at his ability to hold a grudge. 
  “Thanks,” Danny said to Merritt sarcastically, then turning to Chase, “How did you know how to find him?”
  “That’s a very good question, Atlas,” Chase said, miming locking his mouth closed and throwing away the key. 
  “Okay,” Danny said, frustration bleeding from his tone. 
  “Danny, I swear to god, don’t make Merritt feel worse about this than he already does,” you whispered so only he could hear. 
  “He’s a hypocrite, Y/n,” Danny hissed.
  You just took your head off his shoulder and shifted away from him, too angry to care about how tired you were in that moment. Why couldn’t he just let it go? 
  The car pulled in to what looked like a casino and stopped at the front door. The Horsemen got out, flanked by more armed guards. 
  “Just follow the guards, they’ll take you to my boss,” Chase said with a grin, “Been fun playing this cat-and-mouse with you, broski. Meow.”
  Merritt rubbed his eyes with his middle fingers. You found a grim sort of satisfaction in that. 
  “Have fun at the Sands,” Chase called as the car pulled away again and you were escorted into the casino. 
  “I am so, so, so sorry,” Merritt said to Danny. You watched wearily from behind them, hoping Danny swallowed his pride for once. 
  “Yeah, you should be.” Of course not. “Don’t ever accuse me of betraying us again, okay?”
  You scoffed, quickening your steps to walk past him and get him out of your eyesight. Unfortunately, the guards led you to an elevator where you were forced to stand in the back and watch as Danny walked in and caught your eye, cocking his head at your glare, and resting his hand against the wall. Your heart thumped loudly at the sight, adding to your frustration. God dammit, he was not allowed to look that good when you were angry with him!
  “Do you guys ever think that the Eye is watching this?” Lula asked next to you, breaking the sullen silence, “You know, that maybe this is even what they want? And at the exact right moment they’re going to swoop in, and we’ll be like, ‘Yes! Thank God you’re here! Thank God! Just in the nick of time, Eye!’ And then we’ll just celebrate, and it was all worth it in the end?”
  Silence. You swallowed, still gazing at Danny. 
  “I don’t even really think that either, so… It’s cool.”
  The elevator door pinged, and opened up behind you. Some sort of rock music blared as the five of you turned around. A man stood in front of huge, floor-length windows looking out on Macau. His leg jerked in time with the music as he flicked a playing card back and forth between his hands. 
  You were shoved out of the elevator by the guards as the man turned around and exclaimed, “Ah! Ta-da! So happy to be working with you! Please, come in, come in!”
  The guards shoved you further, and you winced as one of them elbowed you in the ribs, a soft huff leaving your mouth. 
  “Hey! Hands off her, buddy,” Danny said, stepping between you and the guard. You swallowed down the warmth blooming in your chest at his words, desperately trying to cling to the anger you had held for him just moments earlier. It was a pointless exercise, but damn you if you didn’t try. 
  “Wait, sorry, how are you working with us?” he asked, still standing in front of you which forced you to peer at the stranger over his shoulder. 
  “Oh, well, as much as a magician who pulls a rabbit from a hat is working with that rabbit,” the man explained, pulling on a pair of very expensive looking slippers and walking over his koi-pond floor, “We'll be working together. Yes. Allow me to introduce myself.”
  “Yeah, you’re Walter Mabry,” you stated, stepping out from behind Danny. 
  “You died a year ago,” Jack clarified. 
  “Yes!” Mabry exclaimed, “An idea I got from you, Mr Wilder! Fake your death and the world puts its guard down.”
  You glanced at Lula who stood to your left — she seemed just as overwhelmed as you felt. 
  “I’m able to control quite a few companies, including my old partner Owen’s, as a consortium of so-called anonymous shareholders,” Mabry continued. 
  “And that violates how many SEC laws?” Lula asked. 
  “I believe it breaks all of them,” Mabry answered casually. 
  “All of them,” Lula repeated dryly.
  How could everything have gone so wrong, you thought, dread curling in your gut. This man was obviously unstable, and had no qualms with breaking laws and risking going to jail. Who knew what he was really capable of when pushed?
  “You see, you all want an audience. Need one, desperately. It’s quite sad really,” he directed this at Danny who’s jaw twitched in irritation. You gripped his wrist gently, silently begging him to keep his cool, “I, on the other hand, want the opposite of that. I just want to be, and I am, one hundred percent off the grid. You know why?”
  “Yeah, because the grid is for actual human beings,” Danny quipped, making you grip his wrist tighter. He sent an apologetic glance your way, twisting his hand to grab yours. 
  Mabry was infuriated for a total of zero point five seconds before giving Danny a chillingly calm smile, “No, because in a world of total surveillance, the only true freedom lies in not being seen. You can’t control the grid from within the grid. Follow me.”
  He began walking off. When you didn’t follow him he repeated, “Follow me!”
  “Okay, alright.”
  The guards pushed you forward and the five of you followed Mabry as he spoke. 
  “You pulled a hat out of a rabbit,” he said, turning to Lula, “That was very colourful.”
  She sighed, “Almost eight and a half years ago, so, no need to bring that up.”
  You yourself winced at the memory. Mabry was wrong, there had been an abundance of one colour in particular — red. 
  Mabry grinned and instead turned to Danny, “We can’t all be held accountable for our adolescent personas, can we, Magicolio?”
  Your eyes widened and you whirled on Danny who’s jaw ticked in irritation, “Magicolio… that was fifteen years ago.”
  Oh, you were definitely going to use this. It was gold. 
  “Don’t get me wrong,” Mabry continued, very obviously enjoying his main character moment, “Like you, and many others I suppose, who were not getting any sex in high school, I dabbled with it.” Merritt pointed at Danny who shook his head. “But, uh, unlike you, I was able to transition upward towards actual magic.”
  He gestured to the side where there stood what looked like a giant, shiny server, “Science, you may have heard it called. So would you like to know, my friends, just how I got you here?”
  “We know how you did it,” you stated, having figured that out on the ride here. 
  “No you don’t,” Mabry said sharply. 
  “Yeah, you stole our files from the show,” Merritt drawled, “then obviously hypnotised us.”
  “No, seriously, stop.”
  “The strobe was a combo of binaural beats, as well as…”
  “I said stop!” Mabry yelled, grabbing the sides of Merritt’s neck. The mentalist looked down at the shorter man, a little disturbed. Danny gripped your hand tighter, “You might not be having fun, but I am.”
  “You have an unusual way of showing it,” Merritt mused.
  Mabry ignored his comment and stepped back, clapping his hands together and grinning excitedly,” So... How did I do it? Easy. You see, magicians like to control other people's perceptions. In your heightened state of agitation, you saw the simplest cues — Black tube, roof — and your minds filled in the rest.”
  “Shit,” you muttered, mentally kicking yourself for not keeping your head during the chaos.
  “But the tube you meant to go down was 20 feet to your right,” Mabry finished smugly, “Go on, sit down. There's no one
standing in your way.”
  “Don’t mind if I do,” Merritt quipped, settling onto the couch. 
  With slight caution, you followed his lead, Danny plopping down next to you. To your dismay, Mabry squeezed in between you and Lula.
  “Anyway, once in the tube, yes you’re right. Blah blah blah, the strobe contained UV letters pulsing the word ‘sleep’, and this combined with the sound put you into an instant alpha pattern.”
  The image of the flashing lights in the tube resurfaced in your mind’s eye and you tried not to wince at the reality of it. You had been tricked. All of you. Dylan too, probably. Not to mention you were now at the mercy of this clearly unhinged not-dead billionaire with a god complex. 
  “And from then on,” Mabry continued, “it really was just fun, and I can assure you, you don’t know what happened.”
  With that he clicked the remote and a power point was displayed on the screen in front of you. The opening slide was black with the words ‘Our trip to Macau’ in white typing. The next slide cleared everything up. 
  “That’s really creepy,” You stated, cautiously eyeing the photograph of your unconscious self lying with your head in Danny’s lap as he leaned on Mabry who was giving the camera the finger. 
  “Really, really creepy,” Lula agreed.
  “That’s not cool,” you said, shaking your head. 
  “Yep, easy stuff, magic, if you put your mind to it,” Mabry said cheerfully. You wanted to claw his eyes out. This urge was heightened when the next photo showed draped over Mabry’s lap, your head resting on his shoulder. 
  Danny tensed next to you.
  “Alright, that’s enough,” he interjected, “So why are we here then? You know, besides you getting to show off how adorably clever you are?” 
  “Well to start with, the man you stole from last year. Turns out I had invested a lot of money in some of his companies so a lot of what you stole, was in fact mine.” Mabry said, his cheerful tone completely at odds with the accusation.
  “It’s a small world,” you muttered, rolling your eyes. It figured this lunatic was after money. Or revenge. Either was enough to satisfy people like him.
  “Good news is, it’s very easy for you to pay me back! I just need your… skills.”
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heliads · 1 year
Now You See Me Masterlist
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Daniel Atlas
Someone in the Crowd - Based on this request: "daniel atlas x reader where reader volunteered to be a prop in a trick but atlas becomes super shy and stutters?" Imagine
Jack Wilder Masterlist
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pastanest · 9 months
Danny x gn&British!reader
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Danny Atlas x British Reader
- this man will act like he’s above finding an accent attractive until he meets you
- and then his cards are on the table pun intended
- bc he suddenly realizes that the dry British sense of humor massively appeals to him
- the first time you call him “smarmy” he all but fumbles his deck fr
- rarely asks you to translate your British slang and pretends to know exactly what you mean but the second you’re not looking he’s googling on his phone “what is a tosspot”
- LOVES the way your face scrunches up in absolute disgust when he repeats some British slang back to you but makes no effort to sound less American when he does
- particularly when using the word “banter” bc, as you so rightly put it, “there is no need to use such a hard r at the end of that word”
- LOVES listening to you retell stories that he’s told you or tales of funny things that happened to you together, in group settings with others bc the way you retell things with your additional British commentary has him struggling to hide an adoring smirk
- surprises you with random British things sometimes just to see how you’ll react
- bought you a mixed box of British sweets once and when you found parma violets in the bottom, you flipped your lid you decide whether that’s good or bad in this context but if you actually like sweets that taste like perfume…
- LOVES to take the piss out of the way you pronounce American things “wrong” despite the fact he is very well educated on the fact the language he speaks derives from yours, he just likes winding you up
- doesn’t understand the hype around fish and chips until you take him to a proper fish and chip shop and it’s like a religious experience for him
“I should move here. We should move here, I think. And we need to be within 5 miles of this exact fish and chip store.”
“Yes, sorry, shop. I need to be able to walk here. At least once a week. Maybe more. I’ll book myself as an entertainer here and perhaps they’ll give me this stuff for free.”
“If I earn enough money from shows here, I could even buy this exact fish and chip shop. And rehire everyone who already works here to ensure everything tastes exactly the same. Except under my name. Atlas Fish And Chips.”
“Danny, you can’t just-“
“J. Daniel Atlas, masterful illusionist and fish and chip shop owner. That’s history. I’m going to make it history.”
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adamwatchesmovies · 7 months
Now You See Me 2 (2016)
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I’m sure the cast of Now You See Me - well, everyone but Isla Fisher, who bowed out of this sequel (actually, she was too pregnant to film, but I'd like to think she saw the first movie and said "Nope!") - were excited when a follow-up was greenlit. Writer Ed Solomon? He must’ve been sweating bullets. Now You See Me 2 is so convoluted it hardly makes any sense.
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18 months after framing Thaddeus Bradley (Morgan Freeman), ruining Arthur Tressler (Michael Caine) and escaping the FBI, “Danny” Atlas (Jesse Eisenberg), Merrit McKinney (Woody Harrelson) and Jack Wilder (Dave Franco) are fugitives waiting to see what Dylan Rhodes (Mark Ruffalo), their leader and connection to the mysterious organization known as “The Eye” will ask of them next. Joined by Lula May (Lizzy Caplan), they're asked to expose corrupt tech CEO Owen Case (Ben Lamb). When their mission goes wrong, the Four Horsemen are strongarmed into stealing a data chip by criminal mastermind Walter Mabry (Daniel Radcliffe).
Now You See Me is a film that crumbles upon a second-watch, or even a first if you have a keen eye. On the sponge-like foundation, we’re now attempting to build another film. Jack Wilder faked his death. He, and everyone else, ditched their world-renowned personas as magicians to partake in some vendetta they had no association with. Their lives are essentially over, so what's next? No wonder they're thrilled about joining “The Eye”, a niche secret society that recruits stage magicians to combat crime. I bet they've got a long lineup of applicants with those restrictions.
Anyway, the plot kicks off when the Horsemen meet Walter Mabry. He wants them to steal a microchip that’s the size, weight and consistency of a playing card. If there was anyone in the world that could manipulate an object that size while being frisked by guards, it’s them… and that’s exactly the problem.
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As a picture featuring magicians, Now You See Me 2 has the same issues as the first: the tricks aren’t being performed live so there’s no wonder in them whatsoever. You know any screw-ups have been edited out or erased via computer. None of it is the least bit impressive. Like before, there’s no shocking reveal about sorcery and real-life incantations. The whole thing is nothing but a series of tricks - tricks people in this film should be able to see right through if the movie didn't constantly cheat.
If we look at Now You See Me 2 as a heist film, it also fails. Primarily because the “big score” is tossed in the middle of the movie and goes off so easily it’ll make you roll your eyes. This microchip they have to steal is passed from one person to the next over and over, and so effortlessly no human being alive, not with a million years of practicing could do it. The Horsemen? They hardly break a sweat. The key to any good heist film is that no single person is good at everything. The pickpocket can’t do the demolition. The demolition artist can’t drive the car the way the getaway driver can, etc. You might not be able to picture yourself as Danny Ocean, but you might recognize a bit of yourself in Frank Catton. You might not be Ethan Hunt… but you could imagine being chosen as Benji Dunn. Who are you in Now You See Me 2? You’re not even the bumbling FBI agent.
The film is edited in a way that makes actions nonsensical and character motivations just as puzzling. The Horsemen are insufferable so you don’t care whether they succeed or fail and all wind up with their heads on pikes. In theory, you might’ve gotten slightly attached to Lizzy Caplan - who is a great addition to the cast - but there’s so much going with the random storylines that eventually tie together (unsatisfyingly) that there’s no time to flesh out any of the characters. They’re just pieces moving in a Rube Goldberg machine that’s merely over-complicated instead of being over-complicated and entertaining/hilarious. Director Jon M. Chu cast Woody Harrelson in two roles and still leaves the audience feeling like he didn’t do anything in the entire movie.
Now You See Me 2 is a living contradiction. It lacks any innovation, which should make it predictable… but it leaves so much money on the table it'll bamboozle you more than once. It’s dull to watch but fascinating to talk about and dissect. With his association with the Harry Potter franchise, Daniel Radcliffe proves to be an inspired bit of casting but he’s awful because he isn’t the least bit intimidating. The movie makes no sense but goes to great lengths to assure us that none of what we saw was sponsored by sorcery and witch’s cauldrons. It’s a great heist film for people who are kind of dumb. (January 28, 2022)
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friendshipgirl · 8 months
Pinky, Brain, and Daniel in Body Rockers ( Mighty B Spoof )
( it was Friday and the Animaniacs cast were on a field trip )
Cast: Peanut butter in a Cup!
We sing this chant
To wake us up!
Bang! Bang! Choo Choo Train!
Come on Pinky
Do your thang!
Pinky: I can’t!
Cast: Why not!?
Pinky: I just can’t!
Cast: Why not!?
Pinky: My back is aching
The sun's too bright
My hips are shaking from left to right
Cast: To the left To the right
To the left To the right
Left right! Left right!
Left right left right
Left right left right!
Nora: ( whistles to silence them ) Quiet Animaniacs! When we arrive at the Discovertorium, I want everyone to stay together, so buddy up.
Daniel: Oh! I call Brain and Pinky! I know you all want them but, you know, you snooze, you loose.
Pinky: And what did I win? Poit.
Brain: ( sighs )
( soon, they arrived at the Discovertorium )
Daniel: Water: Check! Cheese bites: Check! Headlamp: Check! Medical records: Check! Long copy of Atlas Shrugged: Check! Buddies: Check! That’s everything! Come on boys, science awaits!
( they enter in as Pinky drinks his water bottle. Inside, they were greeted by the tour guide )
Mr. Starlight: Good morning Cell Clusters! As we’ll discover today, that’s exactly what we are. I’m you’re tour guide, Mr. Starlight, but you can call me Starry, everyone does.
Nora: I’m Nora Rita Norrita, the CEO of WB. And certified Patty Pay Cosmetics Representatives. Call me when you’re done with this... whole look.
Mr. Starlight: Oh... Well, I hope everyone's ready to get their hands dirty, because today, we are going to explore the stinky messy wiener that’s the Human Body! Let’s dig in!
( the cast follows Mr. Starlight )
Cora: Did you hear that Bucktooth, she called you stinky.
Pinky: She also said wonder.
( they enter a exhibit where a film starts )
Announcer: In the future, doctors will be able to shrink down to the size of a vitamin, and repair your body from the inside.
Pinky: Poit... uh... Dan?
Daniel: Not now, Pinky. We’re looking at the future.
Announcer: If you think that’s wild, just imagine what a year like 2030 will bring.
( Pinky pulls on Daniel's jacket to get his attention )
Daniel: Pinky, please! I’m deep in my learning zone!
Pinky: But I gotta... tinkle!
( Daniel looked surprised before turning to Nora )
Daniel: Uh, Nora? Can I have a second? I think Pinky needs the—
Nora: ( whistles a bit ) Quiet! We are in a museum!
Pinky: Daniel, Brain I have to go right now! RIGHT NOW!
Brain: Pinky, calm down. Let’s just find a bathroom ourselves.
Daniel: I hear ya. When a mouse has to pee, a mouse has to pee!
( Daniel then imagines himself as a superhero )
Daniel: Pinky! Brain! Facilities! Starboard!
( the mouse fights his way through the rest of the cast before busting a door, but then next one knocks them back and reality comes back. They tumbled into a storage room screaming and crash into a box of moths. Daniel removed the sign off his face and they tumble on an electric ball and poom off before riding down a dinosaur fossil and into a elevator. They went up and when they reached the top, they slipped and slide across the wet floor. They slip into the aircon system and were immediately blown away into the vent. After some turns and twists, the three mice bounce on something soft and then onto the ground. After groaning in pain and getting up, they looked around )
Pinky: Uh oh. Someone forgot to flush.
Daniel: This isn’t a bathroom, this is... a human brain!
Pinky: ( gasps ) But I can’t pee in someone’s brain!
Brain: Okay, calm down boys. Thinking, thinking, Brain, processing, piecing together, okay! I know what happened! As foretold by the exhibit, we’ve been zapped to the size of raisins, and— and now we’re trapped inside someone’s head!
Pinky: Trapped!? Oh, no, no-no-no, no-no-no, no-no-no!
Daniel: Wait a minute, Brain, think you meant was we’re stuck.
Pinky: EGAD! Stuck! Forever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever and—!?
( Pinky calms down but nervously )
Brain: Okay, don’t worry. I know there is a number of exits in the human body. The right eye, the left eye, the left nostril, the left nostril, both ears, and the mouth.
Pinky: What about the b—?
Brain: ( silences Pinky ) Uh, dah-dah-dah-dah, no-no-no, we’re not going there! ( grabs Pinky and Daniel's hands and heads some way ) Let’s find the nose, and get out of here!
( back with the group, they were looking at a huge robotic man )
Mr. Starlight: And who is this hunky fellow? Let’s look at the name tag. Why it’s Jumbo Jim! A perfect plaster replica of the human body. Now we all know what the outside of the human body looks like, but Jumbo Jim allows us to take a plunge into the inside! Did you know, the average human swallows 29 gallons of mucus a year?
Nora: ( gagging ) Ugh! I don’t know a single person who does that! Disgusting!
Mr. Starlight: ( chuckles ) Let’s talk about breathing. ( breaths in and then out in Nora's face ) The involuntary actions that powers all of our other actions. Observe. ( presses a button )
( back with the mice, they found the nostrils )
Daniel: Look! There’s a way out!
( they jump out but were pulled back in screaming )
Dot: Eh... Rhino Nasty. I wonder where my boyfriend is. ( Puts on cotton candy lipbalm )
( the mice struggled to hold on to nose hairs )
Brain: Daniel! Pinky! Don’t let go of those nose hairs! Hold on!
Daniel: I can’t! It’s smelling me too hard!
( The nose hairs snap and they were sent flying into the lungs )
Mr. Starlight: And that’s where coughing comes in. It is the plan B of the Respiratory System. ( presses another button )
( the robot coughs and the winds inside loose control )
Daniel: Hold on! ( lassos Pinky and Brain before they were sucked into something )
Mr. Starlight: And now it’s time for our fantastic journey to begin. ( the mouth opens and sticks out the tongue ) We'll enter the body like most things through the mouth.
( everyone crosses the tongue, with Yakko gagging with every step. Cut to the group in red blood cell carts, cheering )
Mr. Starlight: Before we can take a while ride on a Red Blood Cell Rollercoster, we have to alert the engine of the body, the heart. Ready?
( the ride powers down for a bit. Mr. Starlight bangs on it and it takes off, but slowly, much to everyone's disappointment. They didn’t notice the mice floating through the veins past them )
Mr. Starlight: Woah, hold on to your hats everyone!
Katie KaBoom: Who wears hats anymore? Ugh...
( the mice scream as they enter the heart and bounce all around uncontrollably )
Brain: HEAD FOR THAT HOLE! ( grabs Pinky and Daniel and jumps through the next vein )
( cut back to the group )
Mr. Starlight: Isn’t this exciting? We are speeding along down this vein just like red blood cells collecting and distributing oxygen to the body!
Slappy: Whatever, I’m gonna catch up on my reading. ( takes a book out of her purse and reads ) Chapter 5: The Big Day.
( meanwhile with the mice, they scream as they tumbled into the hand. After getting up all dizzy, rain is the first to notice
Brain: ( gasps ) Let’s see. Radius, ulna, metacarpals, phalanges...
Pinky: TOILET!
Brain: We’re in the hand! There’s no way out! ( throws a lighting rope down to them ) Grab on boys, we’re gonna have to climb all they way back to the head! ( climbs up )
( later, the mice were walking down a pipe )
Pinky: I can’t hold it all the way to the head! Poit!
Daniel: Think positive Pinkadoodle. You are an Animaniac. Picture yourself as a butterfly with beautiful wings, flying over a river of obstacles, letting all your fear flow out of you.
Pinky: ( cringes ) Don’t say 'flow'. Troz.
( back with the troop )
Mr. Starlight: When we get sick, it means a foreign bacteria or virus has invaded our bodies, just like bill collectors or guys in suits telling you to pay your taxes for Salazar. We attack them and we throw them out!
( everyone stares at him )
Slappy: Hm. Surprise, surprise. Wakko's Wish made the hippie not like paying taxes.
Mr. Starlight: ( pulls a lever and white balloons blow forward ) Here we see the body’s bodyguards white blood cells fighting off foreign bacteria. Go get ‘me white blood cells!
( back with the mice, Brain was getting tired )
Brain: Whew... must... rest... ( sits down ) Just for a minute... ( takes a few breaths ) Go on boys... go on without me... save your bladder Pinky...
Pinky: Poit! Come on Brain, don’t give up now! I’m starving and we ate all the cheese!
Daniel: Wha...!? Pinky, don’t you need the bathroom!?
Pinky: I do! It’s making me hungry!
Daniel: Pinky, that doesn’t make any sense.
Pinky: But it’s making me hungry, we didn’t pack lunch, and it took longer than I thought!
Daniel: Quit yelling at me like I did something wrong! It’s not my fault we’re in a body!
( Brain sighs in annoyance as the two mice bickered at each. Suddenly, the balloons hit and trip them. Daniel karate kicks though his way )
Mr. Starlight: Look at these white blood cells, united together to fight of the government... I mean disease! The immune system shows no mercy!
Nora: Couldn’t we focus in n something a little less violent? Like... blinking.
( meanwhile with the mice, they were walking down when they scream and fall into the chest and onto the ribs )
Pinky: ( wiggles ) I’m gonna burst!
Daniel: Pinky, no! These ribs weren’t made for dancing!
( the rib they were on collapses and the mice scream and fall into the pit of the belly )
Brain: ( muffles )
Daniel: You’re telling me. This belly could use a spit shine.
( the mice sink in and land inside of the belly. The troupe is out of the body and back outside )
Mr. Starlight: Food is the fuel of the body and the stomach is where it gets digested. What kind of food should we feed this body today, anyone?
Wakko: Food!
Yakko: He said what kind of food, dummy.
Cora: Sushi.
Mr. Starlight: I heard chili! Chili it is!
( He presses a button and the robot swallows down chili. The stomach gets full and it corners the screaming mice )
Brain: Boys, this could be it! And I just want to say that I’m sorry I lied that time about riding a baby elephant!
Daniel: I forgive you, Brain! I don’t really have drawings and stories of Dot belly dancing stashed away in my playroom in the basement!
Pinky: ( as they get washed away ) NO, YOU DO! I'VE SEEN THEM!
Mr. Starlight: But sometimes when the body is thrown out of whack, we get indigestion. So what do we do? We add a base to a acid to neutralize it. We take an antacid! Get it? An antacid! ( laughs and presses a button )
( meanwhile inside, Pinky was eating all the chili when suddenly, a antacid drops and lands in the ocean of chili, causing it to foam )
Mr. Starlight: Then, this lovely mixture can be drained into the intestines. ( presses another button )
Brain: OH NO!
( they were suddenly drained and began to rush down the intestines, screaming )
Mr. Starlight: The intestines span miles and miles ultimately connecting to—
Nora: A dead end! Nothing more! Just like a cul-de-sac!
Mr. Starlight: Oh, on the contrary, waste has to leave our bodies somehow, which brings me to another hot topic: Gas!
( Nora moans and faints. Inside, the mice burst out a plug and land on the ground. They then hear rumbling )
Pinky: NARF! Oh no! This is the big one!
( the chili bursts out and the mice scream and run for their lives. Brain lighting lassos to a hook and they all hold on for dear life )
Brain: I really didn’t want to go out like this! Hold on boys!
( cut to outside )
Mr. Starlight: And that is the beauty of the human body!
( a door to the rear opens and the mice and chili shot out )
Dot: CHILI!!!
( the chili sprays all over everyone )
Mr. Starlight: Oh, wasn’t that moving?
Minerva: Oh, my hair, my dress, my shoes... ( groans )
Nora: ( angrily ) The Discovertorium is going to receive a dry cleaning bill! And a very strong letter!
( the mice on the other hand recovered )
Brain: We made it!
Daniel: Wow, I didn’t even feel the unshrinking! The— The deshrinking, the biggening! How about you Pinks?
Pinky: ( spits out chili ) I got bigger but the pee stayed small! I don't have to pee anymore. Narf!
Cora: ( groans ) Gross me out! You three make me ill!
Daniel: ( gasps ) You’re sick? I can fix you! Watch this!
( Daniel shoves himself into Cora's mouth, getting stuck in the process, ending our story )
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jessefandomunited · 10 months
What cologne would this fictional man wear
This was made during my 40 minute lunch break at Sephora so I'm sure there are better matches, if you want I can try it again some time
Nathan young
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spice bomb infrared-he likes that it stays on long and looks like a grande . It also pretty much axe body spray which I'm sure reminds him of his youth 😂😂
Daniel atlas
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sauvage elixir -just a hot guy scent , woody and fresh he just thinks it compleats his hot guy persona. I just know he'd love women complimenting him on it
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allure homme sport- he loves the citrine smell it reminds him of simpler times when the world wasn't collapsed though Tallahassee gives him a rough time when he wears it because he claims it smells too girly but he still wears it
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One of my favorites! angle share killian- imagine like a bakery that has the best cinnamon rolls, that is what this smells like. And I feel like this boy wants nothing more than to smell anything other than dead bodies and blood. He wants people to comment on how good he smells and he would for sure turn heads with this
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