#Daniel and Janet
theiravshade · 1 year
Listen, if Daniel Jackson and Janet Fraiser were nowhere on the radar of the Stargate writers and their actors just decided conspiratorially to play their scenes like they liked each other, there is hope for your ship, my friend.
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samueltanders · 5 months
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nkp1981 · 7 months
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Doctor Who Stars Attended The Premiere Of "The Star Beast", 2023
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p-taryn-dactyl · 2 years
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look what i made
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mumblelard · 1 month
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i suppose you're all wondering why i've gathered you here today or happy friday imaginary constructs
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holly-mckenzie · 5 months
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Dennis Rebrov & Janet Daniels in THE LAZARUS PROJECT|S02E08 directed by Sean Spencer
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Janet : ok, we have a box. and we're going to put everything we love in said box.
jack : I put Daniel in the box.
daniel : wait what
Janet : you can't put Daniel in the box.
sam : can I put Daniel in the box?
Janet : no!
teal'c : I am putting Daniel Jackson in the proverbial box.
daniel : guys-
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browsethestacks · 7 months
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Avengers Inc. #03 (2023)
Art by Daniel Acuña, Marc Aspinall, Ron Sala And Rickie Yagawa
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theiravshade · 10 months
For the fanfic writer ask: 🥺
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
I'm glad you picked this because it helped me articulate something I hadn't consciously realized. Watching Stargate and reading/writing fanfiction has been a great writer's workshop for me for emotional scenes, not just for Stargate or fanfiction.
Often there's an emotionally charged tension between people when they are trying to be strong, don't know what to say, are afraid to break down, etc. It happens a lot between Sam and Jack, but it's not always sexual tension. Sometimes it's a feeling of "This is hard and I don't know how to feel or what you will think but I want to trust you or show you I care."
We often can't articulate those feelings while emotional, so we say something more subtle or we don't say anything at all. Maybe it's a look. Maybe it's tears. Maybe it's a joke. Maybe it's anger. And sometimes the tension breaks because a character reaches out to offer a word or embrace. And sometimes that doesn't happen and someone goes unnoticed. It happens between all of the other characters, as well.
For example, when Teal'c resigns to Hammond to go save SG1, tears streaming down his stoic face. When Daniel goes through withdrawal in Need and Jack finds and embraces him. When Sam is barely holding it together in Paradise Lost and hides in the locker room until Teal'c finds her. How Hammond barely holds back tears watching the documentary. How Janet exhaustedly tries to cure Cassie and Daniel reaches for her and offers help. When everyone is trying to tell Jack how they feel in The Lost City. Whenever one of them is missing or presumed dead. So, I really get in those feels when I write my characters reaching that point of having had to be strong for too long. Because I have been there and know what that feels like. We all do. And I try to write it authentically.
Thank you for asking!
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lihiominaa · 2 years
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STARGATE SG-1 S04E05 • Divide and Conquer
and this
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nkp1981 · 8 months
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Old friends, reunited. Landing 1st November on BBC iPlayer is "Tales Of The TARDIS", the latest original series coming to the Whoniverse!
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frostysfrenzy · 4 months
God I love lifeboat. So much.
Daniel comes back, he's been back and slowly regaining memories for weeks. Then he just comes back again seemingly amnesiac and anxious. Janet instantly jumping in to ease the fear. And then not taking any shit from the many non Daniels. And how she's so gentle with the pleasant ones. I love her.
Both Teryl and Shanks absolutely killed it. And shoutout to Shanks for coming back to sg1 we wouldn't have got this had he not returned. Thank you sir
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badstargateimagines · 8 months
Vala Deserved Better and This is My Proposal For How I Would Give Her Better
Here are all the things that I think Vala and I would do if they ever let her breach fucking containment. Jesus H. Christ let the woman LIVE!!! Shout out to @judgeverse and all the other fine folks in the discord for giving me this powerful vision
Go to the club 
Obvious but apparently too much for the writers to handle 
We would go with like 40 dollars between us and we would find a man to buy us drinks for the night and then give him a fake snap/number at the end of the night 
She would finally experience the experience of the bathroom at a club and I think she would find it extremely healing 
We would close that bitch and then go and get kebab before we called an uber to get us home 
Pre Drinks 
This would happen before the club obv but I think pre is a VITAL component to the experience while also being nearly entirely separate 
All the SGC girlies chilling doing their makeup 
We are all chilling on the floor of a living room using what using whatever mirrors we have close to us sharing big pile of makeup  
Our brushes are filthy and Janet is low-key lecturing us about the dangers of sharing eye shadow and having dirty makeup brushes 
Her's are also dirty 
We have a Spotify jam going that absolutely shreds 
We started out w a playlist but then we all wanted to show Vala some tracks so we needed to collaborate. 
I show her Meghan Thee Stallion so when she comes on at the club she knows what to do 
Janet shows her all the Y2K bangers 
Sam just goes fucking crazy on the queue and puts everything from midwest emo to sea shanties on there 
Shots obvs 
Cam and Daniel keep texting the gc to ask when we're leaving for the club and we keep saying we're leaving soon 
We brief Vala on club/bar safety so she doesn't go missing or perish or something 
Watching movies but specifically the Barbie movie 
I think she would find it very healing 
She starts calling men Kens 
A week later I find her watching TikTok edits under the 'close your eyes and feel' sound and we watch them together and cry 
I gather mine and my mom's old Barbies and we play with them because there is no age-limit on Barbie!!! 
I get distracted and go over the bonkers plotlines I used to give my Barbies back in the day. 
I also show her other movies that altered my brain chemistry 
The Breakfast Club 
Mean Girls 
Legally Blonde 
Pretty in Pink 
Ferris Bueller's Day Off 
Freaky Friday (2003) 
Hairspray (2007) 
Going for drives in a total shitbox while blasting music 
She needs to experience driving around aimlessly for an hour and then ending up having a life-changing conversation in a random parking lot 
Girlhood (TM) 
Going to the mall  
Sometimes you need to show aliens capitalism in action 
I have to physically drag her out of bath and body works before she gets swindled into paying full price for a candle like a rube 
I explain to her that she just has to wait a couple weeks for candles to go on a like 6 for the price of 2 sale or something and that I will tell her when it's happening 
She is baffled by this revelation but listens to me because of my credentials (used to work at a mall and have a spending addiction) 
We also buy a new outfit and then go to Sephora to get our makeup done to go w the new fit and also so I can show her my roots 
She will also experience The Mall Pretzel  
I would do my best to create the ultimate sleepover vibes 
I'm talking we buy brand new fuzzy PJs, I string up christmas lights, every snack we could ever want, the entire living room is transformed into a comfy cozy area with everything we could ever need close to us 
Trashy reality show playing on autoplay on the TV at a low volume so we can still talk and listen to music but also hear Kris Jenner saying out of pocket shit to her children 
I would also give the experience of playing Nintendogs with your bestie 
Maybe even a powerpoint night??  
Putting tinder on the big screen and roasting men together 
Playing the Sims and collaborating on the most ridiculous sims and houses to ever exist 
Go Karting 
Let this woman at the wheel immediately!!! 
We could kick ass and then get a lifetime ban from the track 
These 10-year-olds aren't ready for us!!! 
Lighting section at Home Depot 
We would spend so many hours there just pretending we were furnishing a mansion with unlimited money 
Saying: "Omg this should be in the Sims" to each other 
The IKEA cafeteria my beloved 
The only thing we buy is a Djungelskog each 
Racing the carts in the warehouse part 
A crucial yet forbidden part of the experience 
She would love karaoke 
No further points your honour 
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cinematicjourney · 1 year
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The Woman in Black (2012) | dir. Jane Goldman
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scifimedic · 19 days
Best whumpy thing you saw/read/etc. from the last 4 months?
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Stargate SG-1 Season 7, Episode 6 Lifeboat
This is so visceral because there’s not much to it. Only Daniel and Janet in a room while Daniel (and friends) hysterically cry, get confused, yell, throw things, seek comfort and cry out for help.
And this is the last time we see Janet doing what she does best- supporting and fighting for her people. Although she’s never had to fight for a patient’s literal right to their body before, that doesn’t seem to faze her as she does it with elegance, logic, and eventually fury.
I’d want Janet to be my doctor.
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Heroes is the best damn episode of Stargate.
The political intrigue, Hammond as the proud papa who just wants to protect his people, emotional AF, the complete heel faced turn of not only this episode but the characters.
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emotional AF, 😭😭 Janet just dies suddenly out of freaking nowhere it's completely unexpected but oh so devastating, Jack almost dies and scares the absolute shit out of Samantha Carter. Everyone dealing with the death of Janet in their own particular way.
the complete heel face turn of not only the episode but the characters. Because let's talk about that. The episode starts off as some rather annoying reporter trying to get a scoop. It starts off relatively light and comedic. Then delves into emotional, political and at the heart of it, what it says about sacrifice and the importance of freedom of the press. 🙆🏻‍♀️ The very best of Stargate episodes deal with ethical quandaries like this.
So interesting seeing how each of SG1 deals with their interviews which ultimately feel utterly in character for every single one of them.
Jack and Teal'c both have no time for this kind of bullshit. Teal'c just decides to sit down because he's ordered to but, boy that doesn't mean he'll actually answer the questions. 😆 Jack just deals with it by avoiding it until Hammond (or maybe Daniel 🤷🏻‍♀️) ultimately change his mind.
Daniel fucks with Bregman something good. "Why are you running?" "I just wanted to see if you would follow me." 🤣🤣🤣 Gotta love Daniel for doing it and then proceeding to mess with Bregman the entire time. Even when he's answering the questions he's being deliberately obtuse.
Sam is the only one open to the interview and she's awkward AF on camera. 😆 I think the assumption is that because Sam is beautiful and smart they think that means she's going to be instantly great on camera. One of my favorite things about Sam is that she's kinda socially awkward. Because Sam is such a super woman already it makes her feel more realistic as a character. And really explains how a version of Sam could be as awkward as Mobius Sam.
Even though I saw this show years after it ended (I'm a relatively new fan). I was still scared that Jack had died even though I knew he was going to be a guest in the later seasons of the show.
Sam getting hugs from Teal'c and Jack. 🥺 Both of these scenes are equally heartfelt. Sam must have been so conflicted about how she felt, sadness over Janet dying and relief over Jack not dying.
I really thought it was the right call for Sam to list the names of the people that Janet saved and how that's who she was and what her legacy is all about.
While I thought it was a great idea to end the episode with Jack finally sitting down to that interview. As a wonderful heel face turn/full circle kind of moment. I was utterly disappointed that we didn't actually get to see his interview. Because the entire episode leads us up to this moment only for us to not actually see it. 🤨 But that's a small nitpick in an otherwise amazing episode.
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