#Danny Temple fanart
ronnyraygun · 1 year
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@spookyprime was thinkin’ up a storm about how to reincorporate Danny into canon and she came up with him leading the Kobra Kult and pretending to be evil but secretly telling Tim their plans so he can knock the cult members around a bit so they don’t try anything stupid again for a while.
The context for this specifically is that post-failsafe Tim probably needs a stress reliever. 😭
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jon-withnoh · 6 months
Helloo first of all i love your fanfic "Nie wirst du mir ganz gehoren" (i may have done some fanart of it) and i did the poll betting thingie thing and at first I didn't have any idea for a drabble but after reading the last chapter I think I need some fluff. And some angst. But yea now I have an idea. Just Mrs Danvers being tired and brushing Rebecca's hair. Because she's tired she drop a pin and have to bow because of that her face is at the level of Rebecca's knee. First flush then Rebecca put Mrs Danvers head on her lap and proceed to brush her hair ? I don't know if it's good but I like the idea of Rebecca brushing Mrs Danvers hair !
Anyway love your writing, I am quite exited for the next chapter (forget everytime that I've already left a kudo) 🙏
“Today was a success, wouldn’t you say, Danny?” Rebecca’s eyes were closed. She sat very still on the chair in front of her vanity, allowing Danny to pull pin after pin from her hair. Her cheeks were flushed from the sun. A small, satisfied smile played around the corners of her mouth. 
“A great success, madam,” Danny said. 
They had planned the garden party together, honing each detail until the whole thing was as close to perfection as a party could be. Raspberry ices served in airy tents, a string quartet, footmen moving about the crowd with cold drinks. The lawns had been dotted with the genteel and well-to-do. Ladies with lace parasols, gentlemen sipping champagne. The gardens had rung with laughter and Rebecca had been in the middle of it all, a shining beautiful hostess. 
Danny had kept in the background as always. She had hurried back and forth between the house and the servants’ tent, watching over the procedings. Now and then she had envied the ladies in their light gowns, but her envy had faded whenever Rebecca had caught her eye and smiled. The prospect of tending to a happy Rebecca — of having her all to herself once Mr de Winter had gone to bed — had been enough to make her shrug off the heat and her querulous maids. 
“You did very well today.” 
“Thank you, madam.” 
As she continued to undo her careful work from the morning, Danny found herself wishing that Rebecca had not praised her just yet. It had not been a conscious concern, the nagging worry that something might have escaped her, that Rebecca might be dissatisfied, but now that it was gone, Danny began to feel the strain of the day. There was a dull pain in her lower back and another, sharper pain near her temples. Her hands stilled on Rebecca’s hair. 
“Is anything the matter?” Rebecca’s eyes were still closed. 
As Danny made to reply, one of Rebecca’s hairpins slipped from her hand and landed on the floor with a clink. Danny bent down to pick it up, but the movement was too fast. It sent her off balance, her head spinning. She dropped to her knees, hoping to pass off the movement as deliberate. The world around her was out of focus, the floorboards grainy and washed out. She could not see the pin. Her hand moved aimlessly across the floor. A moment later her head made contact with something soft, warm. Rebecca’s thigh. 
“Danny?” There was concern in Rebecca’s voice now.
Danny tried to lift her head, to make a reply, but it was impossible. Even the smallest movement sent the world spinning around her. 
“Danny?” Rebecca’s hand on her hair, then on her forehead, the gentle pressure of her fingers. “You’ve had too much sun. Are you dizzy?”
Danny made a noise of assent. 
“You should have listened to me when I told you to take a break. Frith and the maids would have managed perfectly well without you.”
“Frith—” Danny broke off. She had meant to say that Frith had had his hands full with the footmen, but the words would not come. A wave of nausea rose from her stomach. Danny closed her mouth. 
“Never mind all that now,” Rebecca said. “We have to get you off the floor and upstairs to bed. Do you want me to call for the doctor? Don’t look at me like that. Sunstroke’s no laughing matter. Well, we’ll try and get you to bed first and if it gets any worse, I will call.”
It took several minutes until Danny was able to lift her head. Rebecca knelt on the floor next to her, steadying her despite Danny’s feeble protest. With Rebecca’s arm around her waist, she was able to stand up. She managed to take a few steps towards the door before she had to pause, leaning against Rebecca’s bed for support. 
They made their way out into the corridor and up the servants’ stairs into the attic. It took much longer than usual. Danny’s steps were uncertain. The house was still rotating around her, swimming in and out of focus. 
The whitewashed attic lay in silence. The rest of the staff had gone to bed hours ago while she had sat up with Rebecca, first in the morning room and then in the west wing. They had gone over every detail of the party, as was Rebecca’s habit. There was no hope of persuading her to go to sleep before she had drawn her résumé of the day. 
With clumsy fingers, Danny unlocked the door to her room. “Thank you for helping me upstairs, madam. I’m sure I’ll be alright if I just rest for a few moments. I’ll come back down to help you with your hair.”
“Nonesense,” Rebecca said at once. “I’ll manage on my own. Are you sure you don’t need a doctor?”
“I’m sure. Good night, madam.” 
“Good night.” 
Danny went over to the bed with slow, careful steps and turned on the lamp on her bedside table. Then she sat in the chair by the vanity. Even the low light of the lamp made her dizzy. Her hands shook as she reached for the pins in her hair. 
“This is ridiculous.” 
Danny flinched. She turned in her chair to see that Rebecca was still standing in the doorway, watching her. A moment later, the door was closed and Rebecca stood behind her, hands on her shoulders. 
“Madam,” Danny whispered. “There’s no need…”
“We shan’t speak about it,” Rebecca said. “No one need ever know.”
Danny’s hands dropped into her lap. Rebecca’s hands took their place, pulling the pins out of her hair until it unraveled, heavy and warm. Danny closed her eyes. Rebecca’s hands were gentle, not as clumsy as Danny might have suspected. Rebecca did not allow the brush to catch in her hair, nor did she grow impatient. When Danny’s hair finally fell down her back in one long braid, Rebecca’s hands found their way back to Danny’s shoulders. 
“Is there anything else you need?” she asked.
“No, nothing.” 
Rebecca hesitated, her hands still resting on Danny’s shoulders. Eventually, Danny felt her step closer. She closed her eyes as Rebecca bent down and kissed the top of her head. 
“Good night.” A few light steps, the click of the door closing and Rebecca was gone. 
“Good night, madam,” Danny whispered.
Here you go! I hope you enjoyed it :)
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quotesbus · 2 years
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How Daredevil Will Connect With MCU, New Villains, And Soft Reboot
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es05l2k5sl · 3 years
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Some long overdue Defenders doodles
reblogs appreciated
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parkranger · 4 years
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Mmmm have some primeval fanart rewathing the series always makes me wanna draw it as well as some shipping :3
There’s Abby and Conner in the top left(ship it pfft)
Danny and Becker in the top right kinda ship it pfft
Lester in the bottom left
And Tom and Steven in the bottom right (ship these two a lot :0
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yavannah · 4 years
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Part 8, Anaconda
Westridge sat in his field waiting for what was to come and guessed that what those men were planning for them would certainly not be anything pleasant. He looked at the environment silently and frowned as it looked as if something had moved in the middle of the long grass. Something big, dark and oblong. He didn't know if he should have been warned others, but when he looked again at where he had seen the movement, there was nothing anymore but tall hay, shrubs and flowers, and some boulders.
“Sanders and Jones you and that savage, and young Mr. Cale are coming to the temple, Adams, you’re going to watch Mr. Westridge and if he tries anything, well, you know for sure what you should do,” Carl shared his command.
“Sure,” Adams replied, glaring brutally at Westridge. He would surely know what to do and a little more while the others were elsewhere.
Westridge was silent, but could easily read on the man's face that he was guaranteed to take the opportunity and carry out his revenge. And it wouldn’t be any pleasant experience either, he thought and swallowed.
Carl, Sanders headed to the temple, Jones dragging Bira and Alejandro with him, Adams staying to watch Westridge sitting on the ground, hands behind his back.
Eventually, the five disappeared completely from view and only the two of them were open. Adams looked at Wesridge like a beast looking at his prey before his final blow. The man got up and began to step towards his victim.
Westridge followed the man's movements and knew he wouldn't be able to do anything tied up. But what seriously got him into terror was not Adams, but some all-too-familiar dark big reptile behind Adams. He remembered all too well that triangular head, the yellow eyes, and the bifurcated tongue that felt the air.
“You should be afraid,” Adams said with a brutal grin and stepped closer to Wesridge, who tried to retreat in the power of escape, but with his hands tied behind his back, it was very difficult. Eventually, he stumbled on his back and could only stare at Adams and the giant snake behind the man preparing to strike. A horrified fearful squeal escaped his mouth.
Breathing hard, he turned awkwardly to his stomach, from which he tried to scratch his feet, and thus could not see what was happening behind him. He heard the terribly frightened Scream and turned to look. Adams stared at the snake for a moment and then began to run away from the open in horror, his hands fluttering to the side as if the man had taken off. But the snake was much faster and quickly caught the man. 
Westridge could only watch in horror as the snake wrapped around its prey, tighter and tighter. He knew from his own experience how it felt, and really didn’t want to experience it again. The compressive force that caused the blood vessels to bang in the ears and blocked breathing and caused the bones to crumble and eventually rupture. And that pain, he didn’t even want to remember it, it was way too horrible.
His heart went wild, he tried to get up and soon it worked. Still tied behind his back, he began to run toward the building and almost stumbled on his way to Adams' backpack, which had been left in the grass. But luckily he managed to stay on his feet and he kept running until he got inside the building. He ran still forward until the floor of his pool betrayed and he fell into some narrow space with his feet above.
The other leg twisted badly under him and he felt how the bones, as well as the ankle, twisted painfully, causing him to growl in pain. In it he lay, on a cold damp floor in a small narrow space from which there seemed to be no escape except from above. Or at least he didn't tell in the dark if there was any kind of doorway in the room.
He tried to turn to a better position, but each movement caused the pain to flash in the injured leg. So he then just decided to land in his field until he figured out what to do.
There he was, you know, how long until he heard someone moving upstairs. Despite the pain, he forced himself to twist into a slightly better position and looked up. He expected to have seen the light of day, but no, only deep darkness was visible from above. That someone was still moving upstairs, but because it was very dark, he didn’t tell who or what was moving there.
Westridge did not dare to shout, fearing that those men would be there. He was still trying to listen and then he heard the woman's voice and right after the light of a flashlight appeared, which seemed to be moving here and there.
“Help!” Westridge shouted desperately, thinking the person upstairs wasn’t men, but apparently Terri, Cale, and Danny had somehow gotten free and had been following them here.
The voices seemed to fade away as he shouted again. It took a moment and another until the sounds returned and someone noticed this deep pit, now pointing down with his lamp.
“Westridge!” Came an astonished voice, but it was hard for Westridge to see who it was, as the light from the flashlight dazzled his eyes.
“Down here,” Westridge shouted and gasped in pain, “I fell and I think my leg was broken,” he said.
"Is there any way you can get out of there?" Terri asked.
“No,” Westridge said now in a slightly quieter voice, the forces seemed to fade, “my hands are still tied,” he added and tried to look up again. This time he saw Terri peeking gently at the pit.
“Wait a minute, we’ll help you get out of there,” Terri said.
“Thank you,” Westridge shouted in pain and then everything went dark.
Upstairs, Terri tried to stare down and saw that Wesridge was lying motionless, no longer answering her cries.
“Dad,” Bushika shouted, but got no response and began to be seriously worried, “no ... is he,” he began, looking miserably at Terri.
"I don’t think so. He’s just lost consciousness, ”Terri said, trying to reassure Bushika, who seemed anxious and certainly for a reason,“ we would need a rope to get down there without breaking our limbs, ”she continued.
“Wait a minute,” Danny said and began digging into his own backpack, which he had longingly grabbed with him. There were now drinks confiscated from Adams' backpack, as well as some dry food, first aid supplies, and a rope. He handed the rope to Terri and dug up the first aid kit, “take this too, you may need it,” he remarked.
“Let’s lift him up here first, it can be hard to see down there,” Terri replied.
“All right, I’ll put you down,” Danny promised and tied the other end of the rope around himself, hoping the rope would be long enough to reach the bottom of the pit. The gap itself did not seem very deep, fortunately, otherwise Westridge might have died, even though he still did not look very good.
Terri nodded and tied the other end of the rope to his waistband and began to ache downward, with Cale guarding and Danny giving the rope more as Terri descended.
Eventually Terri got to the bottom. She lit it with a flashlight and found that there would have been access from there, but of course it was of no use to Westridge in the present state, let alone that he had been conscious. For the foot looked really bad. The ankle was at a strange angle, as was the lower leg and both were badly blue-red variegated and already slightly swollen.
Terri cut the rope around Westridge's wrists and threw the rags away. Nasty red abrasions had been left on the wrists, as the rope had been quite tight.
To be continued...
Again so sorry if there is any mistakes or typos in the text. And so sorry that that snake looks so awfully stupid. Of course, I would have been very happy to download better looking snakes into my game if only there were any available, but at least I haven’t found more than two different (and not so good) ones yet. Oh, and a couple of accessory versions, which in turn are so small that they can't, even with good will, be called a giant snake. Of course, if someone wants and bother to make a little better snakes, preferably of course in different positions and suitable poses for the Sims, on the subject, then I would be more than happy. :)
Oh and huge thanks to cc makers and pose makers. As well to mr Hyde too. :)
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arthurconan-doyle · 7 years
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Marvel’s Colleen, Claire and Iron Fist.
x - PROGRESS GIF - hover
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vindicatedvirgil · 4 years
amanda’s sanders sides binge reactions, episodes ten-sixteen
losing my motivation — making some changes
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home maintenance is not a joke
i don’t know, LOGIC
the game is on
all business
no you can’t play with us
i’ve been waiting for this day to wear it
he found a dollar
touching up some eyeshadow
what are these grounds
are they coffee grounds
you’re not welcome
elementary my dear daddy
how do the sides borrow money from each other i’m confused
sir sing-a-lot
i am a knight thank you very much
oh no how could you do it i trusted you
what’s going on? something good
feelings. the bane of my existence
weird mushy vision you mean my entire catalog of fanfic writing
well who should have done that *cue intense music*
am i in a paradoxical loop
calm down time
that was dark even for me
yes go to the library
logan’s name reveal
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Q+A time
laughy cry-y emoji
pouty mcspecs
i really need to up my roman giving nicknames game
his anxiety is heightened VIRGIL IS TALLEST SIDE CONFIRMED
so does roman have a fairy godmother
bippity boppity boo yah
i’m not okay
i promise
but also i am the walrus
wait that needs to be on my patton playlist brb
virgil likes tumblr hence he likes us
i need four cookies
and i will sit on a surface that is not meant to be sat on
patton doesn’t always screw stuff up
i also like podcasts
virgil’s compliments are great what are you talking about
who is texting logan (my guess is orange)
who is texting roman (my guess is remus)
winnie the pooh~
logan tries singing to all star
and virgil just goes “yeahhhh”
i know big words
relevant with yesterday’s skirt photo
what is a ship?
virgil definitely knows because he’s on tumblr
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thomas has a rat in his hair confirmed (it’s remus)
virgil is the first in this one too
sometimes i just gotta be me-an
hide under the covers until the sun goes away
chemically imbalanced romance
we’re donezo
never fear your creativity is here
thomas’ happiness is roman’s mission
you shackle your creativity
remus says something very similar
brainstorming extravaganza
patton why were you not wearing your pants
is this why princey spit yogurt at me yesterday
i’m always serious. clearly. i wear a necktie.
roman wears the pants-
they are a family btw
lol time limits
do those exist in current episodes
aggressive bouts of beat poetry
nb royalty aka me
*nods like virgil*
capita? like the cogitating cap?
patton would love untitled goat game
you tried you failed let’s go to sleep
logan you can’t just call virgil a defeatist
virgil’s face
and he just sinks out without saying anything
am so soft for the boy
roman name reveal!
hey roman
you’re my hero
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time for my favorite debate, much better than any political debates
analogical time
this could have been a logan centric video if virgil didn’t pop up
we get it, you don’t want me here, but i’m here
i want you here
virgil please be in the video tomorrow
i too call upon very specific facts to feel secure
how bruised is roman
cardigan-clad clod aka me
same, cream based broths upset my tummy unless i take lactaid
wait logan can’t be objective?
haagen daaz dispersion
bad imaginary
vocab word!
a debate *snap*
i wanna be the supreme dark overlord of negative commerce
please help me *screams in agony*
me me big boy
too much pressure, nooo
do they groan in disgust about the butterflies in his tummy because they feel that way about each other or-
this is better than any political debate
TBD = totally believable dude
when did they vote on logan’s proficiency plan i wanna see this
of course it’s not a straight answer no one in this video is straight-
the first FALSEHOOD
did he just hiss at me
i’m right, you’re wrong, shut up
that’s a try guys reference
this is stupid he’s stupid i’m out
your mom misses you
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visual puns are great
no virgil you’re not alone
same patton, i’m always confused
surly temple is one of my favorite nicknames
word association games return
don’t you dare turn breakfast food into a negative metaphor
was this really a necessary visual
voltron shirt *hits joan*
me watching sanders sides late into the night
great odin’s eyepatch!
well then it’s just 5am and you need to go to bed
keep it up so we get to see virgil more thanks
i’ve dreamed of this moment
anatomically, thomas is fine
what is the gosh-darn-ding-dang point
so mean to patton
darude sanderstorm
i want to bounce in a bouncy castle
i want to join a book club with joan and thomas
*gasp* not the necktie
you are the man. you look like the man. i fight the man. i want to fight you now.
janus also fights the man so-
you stole my look
is no one going to acknowledge that he just dabbed
logan asks for patton’s help when they can’t figure out what’s wrong
danny devito reference
mind palace!
star thingies
poor virgil and his eyes
for reference eeyore has always been my favorite disney character
and virgil is my fave
see any connections there
patton name reveal!
growing older is scary but being a kid was also scary because i didn’t know what was going on with my identity
patton understands virgil so well. cries. maybe the asides will fix their relationship
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listen buddy don’t blame us just because your mind is so empty
that was definitely roman
i didn’t know you made jokes like that
why don’t we talk more?
uh oh, feelings
more sentimental than on avalanche
it is flippin sweet man
with you i’m always home-
additional affirmation
whaddup anxiety
if virgil is upset when thomas isn’t near his friends then isolation really has to be messing with him
joan!logan is amazing
terrence!patton though
he/him pronouns all around~
another danny devito reference
okay but talyn!virgil is the best
breaking the fourth wall? 
single column?
aw patton loves thomas
hehe butt
“we are not actually your friends”
i love libraries
a man of many talyn’s
also i didn’t make as many comments on this one because it’s 11pm and i’m starting to get a bit sleepy
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ronnyraygun · 1 year
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I miss them. :(((
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daniellaux429 · 5 years
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Drawgust 26 - A Steven Spielberg Tribute by me!
Here's my Drawgust drawing for today. This drawing is a recreation of one of my Sketchpad of Things Danny Loves drawings (exclusive to Instagram only), which is a piece of fanart that pays tribute to film director Steven Spielberg. He's definitely one of my favorite directors in the film industry, as he's directed so many beloved classics & has a great sense of how to create "movie magic". So, I drew Mr. Spielberg sitting in a director's chair alongside characters from some of his movies: E.T. the alien from E.T.: the Extra-Terrestrial, Indiana Jones from the Indiana Jones film series (Raiders of the Lost Ark, Temple of Doom, The Last Crusade, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull), Oskar Schindler from Schindler's List, one of the velociraptors from Jurassic Park, & Art3mis from Ready Player One. Enjoy!
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@thesandwich-savedme & myself have decided to host a Kastle College fanfic group effort AU! 
What does this mean? 
It means, that we’ll be offering college events for a ‘verse’ type of situation for ya’ll to claim and write. We’ll give you character specifics for this universe (which I’ll have typed up here.) that you can reference. (We’ll be including most everyone from the Marvel Netflix series so you can write them!)
What are the rules?
It’s simple, message me @nxtyourfirstrodeo if you’d like a specific event/fic you want to write & I’ll add you to that. Just write it! It’s first come first serve though, if you’d like to attempt to do a joint effort with the person who got first dibs, you’re welcome to do that. Otherwise, pick something else! You can write smut or fluff. It’s up to you. You’re also welcome to do something angsty, but we figured Kastle is angsty in canon so fluff would be more fun in an AU setting. ;-)
Where do I post updates of it? 
You can post it both here & on A03. The special tag we’re going to give it is: U Never Lie To Me. Get it? U as in.... University? We’re so clever. ;-) So you can post anything on the series to that tag. Hell, make fanart or something if you’re inspired. I’m sure we’d all love it! 
@thesandwich-savedme will update more/new events you can claim as she comes up with them so keep an eye on this post, I’ll reblog it as often as I remember! There might be more added depending on the interest of this! :-) 
Setting: Columbia University 
The Characters:
Karen Page: Sophomore. Journalism major. Works for the school paper, Overachiever. Matt Murdock’s ex. Jessica Jones’ roommate. Probably in too many clubs on campus.
Frank Castle: Junior. ROTC. Tight End for the Columbia University football team. (Nickname is The Punisher) Undecided major. Loves dogs and coffee.  Has a dog named Max. (Who may or may not have been swiped from & been a rival teams mascot...) Plays guitar and sings but literally no one knows about that. 
Matt Murdock: Junior. Pre-law. Karen’s ex. Elektra’s new boyfriend. Foggy’s best friend. Doesn’t like Frank Castle. Has ‘spidey senses’, according to Foggy, despite being blind. Is in (or founded, it’s unclear) the Parkour club on campus.
Foggy Nelson: Junior. Pre-law. Matt’s best friend. Karen’s friend. Marci’s boyfriend. Kills it on the dance floor. National Honor Society. Obsessed with the Drama department. 
Elektra Natchios: Junior. International Affairs major. Diplomats daughter. Filthy Rich. Member of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. Bitchy and ambitious. #HeadBitchInCharge. 
Marci Stahl: Junior. Pre-law. Not super rich, but well off family. Member of Alpha Chi Omega sorority. Foggy’s girlfriend since Freshman year. Takes sorority rivalry with KAT seriously. (Aka nemesis to Elektra) Also in the National Honor Society. 
Claire Temple: Senior. Pre-med. #SoDone with these kids and their shit. Mother Hen. Patches up too many people when she should be sleeping or studying. Science tutor for extra cash. Pretends she’s not into Luke Cage. (But totally is)
Luke Cage: Junior. Humanities major. Defensive end for the Columbia University football team. Close friends with Frank. Super into Claire and hits on her a lot. 
Jessica Jones: Sophomore. Photography major. Karen’s roommate. Pretends she hates her, but secretly cares about her. Best friend to Trish Walker. Goes to all the campus parties for the free booze. Life motto: ‘Messy hair. Don’t care’ and owns a coffee mug with that on it unironically. Baggy sweatshirt connoisseur. 
Trish Walker: Sophomore. Mass Communications major. Best friend to Jessica Jones. Works at the University radio station. Member of Alpha Chi Omega sorority. (Much to Elektra’s dismay) Is on Elektra’s ‘shit list’ because of that. 
Danny Rand: Junior. Business major. Richer than Elektra. It’s debatable if he ever even attends classes. Is that weird kid who does meditation and yoga on the lawn a lot. Everyone mocks him until they need his help getting their stress levels down during finals. Dresses like a hippie a lot. Hacky sack enthusiast. Voice of zen and calmness.
Colleen Wing: Junior. Business major. Too nice. Probably helps everyone else before doing anything for herself. Danny’s high school sweetheart. Founded and runs the Women’s Self-Defense club on campus. Don’t hurt any of her friends or she’ll hunt you down. Is nice till you piss her off. Lacrosse team. (Postion Defender) 
The Fics/Events: 
Your URL will be added next to the event you want to claim. :-)
First meeting 
Karen interviews Frank for the school paper 
Karen turns a study session into stalking Frank of FB (or visa versa)
Frank and Karen Beer Pong at Frat Party
Frank and Max
Frank’s Pre-game rituals
Frank carries a drunk Karen home (or visa versa)
Girl’s Night/Boy’s Night
Parent’s Weekend 
Multi Chapters:
Rush Week
The Frat Party- @nxtyourfirstrodeo
The first ‘real’ date
Halloween!- @thesandwich-savedme
Road Trip/ School Sponsored Trip 
Spring Break
Finals Week 
Summer Break! 
Chronology of fics: (meaning, the order they should hopefully get posted in. No rush on multi chapters though of course.)
First Meeting 
Rush Week 
Stalking on FB 
Beer Pong 
Frat Party 
First Real Date 
Frank and Max 
Pre-game rituals
Karen carries Frank home/visa versa 
Christmas Break 
Girl’s Night/Boy’s Night 
Spring Break 
Parent’s Weekend 
School Sponsored/Road Trip 
Finals Week 
Summer Break! 
Any other questions or comments, ask me or @thesandwich-savedme! (Banner made by moi!)
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ronnyraygun · 1 year
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Some Birdsnake…for tha soul…
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ronnyraygun · 1 year
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Hey! I like you! Have some Old and New Danny (ft. Tim and Ryan) doodles!
[More Under Cut]
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Some Danny and Ryan rough ideas.
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Rougher sketches of Danny.
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Lmao. Just a funny haha.
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And then some Witcher AU based stuffs.
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ronnyraygun · 1 year
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When the Witcher(Tim) you both care about is so so sooooo fucking stupid.
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daredevilexchange · 3 years
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Do you like Daredevil (this event is team Red compatible!), The Defenders, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist and/or the Punisher, in their comics or TV (or, in some cases, cinema!) versions?
Then, get ready for the new DDE event!!
Jan 3 to Jan 9, get ready for a FANWEEK!
One set of prompts per day (extra tips: see below, under the cut!)
Monday 3: Free Prompts 1 (or here) and/or The City Tuesday 4: Free Prompts 2 (or here) and/or The Season Wednesday 5: Free Prompts 3 (or here) and/or The People Thursday 6: Free Prompts 4 (or here) and/or The Mood Friday 7: Free Prompts 5 (or here) and/or The Tools Saturday 8: The Fights Sunday 9: Free Prompt / Amnesty Day !
What types of fanwork? Here’s what you can do: Gifsets, Fanfic, Fanmix, Fanvid, Graphics / Fanart, podfic ( @daredevil-podfic-community ) ...
Where to post? Tumblr, AO3 (Exchange collection name: dde2022NY / DDE 2022 NY Fanweek)… if you’re posting elsewhere let us know so we can share the links here too!
AO3 can’t host video or graphics, but you can still put them up on the Archive as long as they’re already publicly online somewhere else like Instagram, DeviantArt, Discord, YouTube, etc. Get in touch if you have questions about posting on AO3!
Posting guidelines are here (the link will only open in a separate browser tab, NOT the app) or here, please take the time to read them! You will find more important information there. If you do not have an AO3 account and want one, please get in touch with the blog.
Aaaand... if you create something for all seven days, you can grab a Badge of Honour ;-)
**Spread the word!**
Banner by @wellofhavoc !
[ID: "A movie theater full of various characters from the Marvel Netflix series in a dark theater, every character colored in various shades of blue except for the defenders, who are bathed in orange where they sit in the middle. Along their cups and drinks is written "DDE 2022 NY Fan Week"" - Row One: Dinah Madani, Betsy Beatty, Melvin "The Gladiator" Potter, Bobby Fish - Row Two: Jeri Hogarth, Malcolm Ducasse, Patricia "Hellcat" Walker, Elektra Natchios, Misty Knight - Row Three: Coleen Wing, Danny "Iron Fist" Rand, Jessica "Jewel" Jones, Matt "Daredevil" Murdock, Luke "Powerman" Cage, Claire Temple - Row Four: Brett Mahoney, Foggy Nelson, Karen Page, Frank Castle, Turk Barrett. End ID]
And finally, Prompts tips: see under the cut for some ideas!
1/ The City Roofs / rooftops, sewers, Josie’s Bar, Luke’s bar, The City in relation to the characters - how the heroes are perceived, etc, Shelter (yes, it can be a dog shelter), Window, The river, Home, Courtroom, Dojo, Columbia, Gym / Fogwell’s, St Agnes, The church, Jess’ Alias Investigations office, The subway, Liminal spaces: bus stops, subway stations, doorways, alley entrances, taxi, Bridges...
2/ The Season First signs of spring - snowdrops etc, Snow, Snowpeople, Huddling for warmth, Snow storm, Sledding, Ice/Icicles, Frozen Hudson, Making snow angels, Snowball fight, Snowed in (at the office? the courthouse?), Storm knocked out the power (possibly trapped somewhere like an elevator?) (could be high wind so also works for other hemispheres), NYE party, office party, New beginnings, Somebody gets Matt a SAD light (... not that his is seasonal)...
3/ The People Our Heroes, Defenders team bonding, Supporting characters (Melvin, Betsy, Brett, etc), Kingpin, We The People, Homeless, Visiting people (+those no longer with them)...
4/ The Mood Always get back up, Dumpster party, Protectiveness, Faith (not necessarily in a religious sense), Heart, That feeling after the holidays where you're relieved it's over but also maybe a little let down (I am a ray of sunshine) (is there a word for this?)...
5/ The Tools Secret Identity, Mask, Suit (legal, clothes, costume…), Weapon, Camera, Batons, Hoodie, Guns, Cane, glass(es), Journalism / news...
6/ The Fights D-list Villains (ex: Stilt-Man) (it’s ALWAYS Stiltman) :D (could be the frog dude) (Mr. Fear if we’re feeling special), Stitches, Ninjas, Sword / katana, Blood, Boxing Dragon, Between friends...
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daredevilexchange · 2 years
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The first DDE fanweek was fantabulous ! The AO3 collection is here, and all the content is here !
You can also peruse by prompt: The City The Season The People The Mood The Tools The Fights Extra Prompts taken from the leftover prompts from previous exchanges, free prompts. You can also peruse by type! Oon top of the classic fanart (including gifsets) and fanfiction, we now have podfics !
[ID: “A movie theater full of various characters from the Marvel Netflix series in a dark theater, every character colored in various shades of blue except for the defenders, who are bathed in orange where they sit in the middle. Along their cups and drinks is written "DDE 2022 NY Fan Week”“ - Row One: Dinah Madani, Betsy Beatty, Melvin "The Gladiator” Potter, Bobby Fish - Row Two: Jeri Hogarth, Malcolm Ducasse, Patricia “Hellcat” Walker, Elektra Natchios, Misty Knight - Row Three: Coleen Wing, Danny “Iron Fist” Rand, Jessica “Jewel” Jones, Matt “Daredevil” Murdock, Luke “Powerman” Cage, Claire Temple - Row Four: Brett Mahoney, Foggy Nelson, Karen Page, Frank Castle, Turk Barrett. End ID]
Big thanks to @wellofhavoc​ for the banner, and to Iithril for the Photoshop Magic (your admin’s efforts were, uh, well, um ;-)
Under the cut, the BADGES - for participation, AND for the EXTRA participants (6 and more works, posted together or separately)!
A Matt Badge!
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A Jess Badge!
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A Danny Badge!
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A Luke Badge!
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A Frank Badge!
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And now for the Extra Badges, for those of you who have created at least 6 different pieces collages, chapters, fics, art, etc - and they don’t have to be all posted separately either!
An EXTRA Matt Badge!
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An EXTRA Jess Badge!
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An EXTRA Danny Badge!
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An EXTRA Luke Badge!
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An EXTRA Frank Badge!
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