#ryan temple art
ronnyraygun · 1 year
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Hey! I like you! Have some Old and New Danny (ft. Tim and Ryan) doodles!
[More Under Cut]
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Some Danny and Ryan rough ideas.
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Rougher sketches of Danny.
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Lmao. Just a funny haha.
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And then some Witcher AU based stuffs.
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elizabethwydevilles · 3 months
Padme, during RotS development
One thing to understand is that for the first several months of pre-production, George Lucas is still writing the script (pre-production started roughly around late April of 2002, with the first draft of the script finished in late January 2003. To quote Paul Duncan: 'before the script was written, the design team were given the freedom to imagine possible scenarios', and Rick McCallum: 'usually no one would go off and spend millions of dollars without understanding what the very foundation of the film they're making is, but we break that very rule of film production'.
Sources for this post are The Art of Revenge of the Sith by J. W. Rinzler (2005), The Making of Revenge of the Sith by J. W. Rinzler (2005) and The Star Wars Archives, 1999-2005 by Paul Duncan (2020).
It's also going to be a long ass post, so see under the cut.
June 7-21 2002(?): Ryan Church painted a battle scene: 'What if a bunch of bad guys were attacking Padme and the clones who were trying to get back to their ship?'
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August 2002: While revieving costume designs, GLucas indicated that Padme will need senatorial, casual and action wear.
October 12th, 2002: 'For the first time, it is rumoured that Padmé might die in this film. She might be seen last on Alderaan.'
October 25th-31st, 2002: In response to GLucas requesting a new locale for a Padme and Anakin 'love scene', Erik Tiemens designed several Naboo sceneries. Upon viewing them, GLucas moved the scene to Coruscant; some design elements are used for Kashyyyk.
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October, 2002: Iain McCaig designed costumes for Padme. Note the bird of prey.
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October 2002: While designing the world of Kashyyyk, Erik Tiemens painted a scene of Padme walking with wookies. (Note: Image is a cropped version of the full art work)
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November 1st-8th, 2002: Iain McCaig: 'George said there might be a scene where Padme's doubled over in agony and Yoda is there unable to help her'.
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November 22nd, 2022: Erik Tiemens designed a set of new locations for Padme and Anakin 'love scene' on Coruscant.
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December 19th, 2002: Erik Tiemens: 'I was brainstorming with Iain [McCaig] and he thought that Padme might have a dagger in her hand'.
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December 20th, 2002: Derek Thompson illustrated his idea of having Vader find Padme and the children, who are being protected by Jedi.
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January 31st 2003: GLucas delivered the first rough draft to his producer Rick McCallum. The outline given in the book is brief, but Padme's basic storyline in the 55 page script appears no different. However, Anakin's nightmare about Padme features her consumed by flames, and Padme goes to Mustafar with her handmaidens and Captain Typho - who are gunned down by clones on arrival.
February 6th, 2003: Erik Tiemens designed a piece of concept art for Padme's funeral procession.
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April 12th/13th 2003: GLucas presented the first official draft of the movie script. It's 111 pages long. Padmé and her entourage are still attacked on their arrival on Mustafar, but this time by droids whom Anakin defeats. In regards to Padme's death, Palpatine tells Vader that a Jedi murdered her.
May 5th, 2003: Iain McCaig's designed Padme's funeral outfit.
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May 24th, 2003: Erik Tiemens illustrated Padme and Anakin's farewell before he leaves for Mustafar.
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May 29th, 2003: Erik Tiemens illustrated Padme watching the Jedi temple burn.
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June 13th 2003: GLucas presented the second official draft of the movie script. It's 135 pages long. Anakin's nightmare of Padmé is changed from her being consumed by flames, to her dying in childbirth. There is now a scene where Palpatine suggests to Anakin that Obi-Wan is meeting with Padmé secretly. In regards to Padme's actual death, Palpatine tells Vader that he [Vader] murdered her, just as in the movie. Just like the finished movie, it is noted that Padme dies of a broken heart. Padme's final smile at Leia is noted to be the smile that Leia remembers in RotJ.
June 26th, 2003: The fourth draft of the script is completed, consisting of 129 pages. Padme is no longer accompanied to Mustafar by Typho and her handmaidens.
June 30th, 2003: Principal photography begins.
July 2nd, 2003: First Padme scenes are shot, both located in her apartment (Her and Obi-Wan discussing Anakin, and Padme with the other senators).
July 3rd, 2003: Revised script for the scene in which Obi-Wan tells Padme he knows about her and Anakin.
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August 12th, 2003: Last day of principal shooting for Natalie Portman.
September 17th, 2003: Principal shooting finishes.
December 21st, 2003: Iain McCaig designed a practical costume for Padme.
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March 9th, 2004: All but the last ('thunderous applause') of Padme's political scenes have now been cut from the final film.
August 23rd - September 3rd 2004: Reshoots
August 23rd, 2004: Additional scene scripted for reshoot the following day.
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January 31st, 2005: One last day of filming for Natalie Portman and Hayden Christensen.
Script excerpt (unknown date)
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Art (unsure dates)
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Padme's apartment layout and colours
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cellythefloshie · 1 year
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IMAGINE: Being Jon Cooper's Daughter and Dating Sidney Crosby Celly’s 300 Follower Appreciation
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NOTE: mentions of the pandemic/lockdowns.
when you have been invited to join your father at the 2019 NHL Awards in Vegas you had merely been excited to experience the city with the greatest nightlife in America
but it also left you nervous
you hadn’t attended an event of such scale before
there were players from all over the league who were nominated
all of the NHL’s elite to be honoured
and it left you surrounded by stars
as you walked the red carpet with your father you couldn’t help but feel a little star-struck when you caught sight of Ryan O'Reilly with the Stanley Cup
and you couldn’t help but be a little tongue-tied when you found yourself in an awkward conversation with generational talent Conner McDavid and his girlfriend as you went looking for a drink
but the overwhelming feeling was but at ease when you found familiar faces
Nikita Kucherov, Andrei Vasilevskiy and Victor Hedman had all been nominated along with your father for awards that year
seeing them all brought you instant relief
the team was like a second family to you 
having them all there together put you at ease 
making you a little too comfortable
it left you cheering a little too loud for Andrei as he took the stage to accept the Vezina Trophy
and louder again when Nikita accepted the Hart trophy to add to his already impressively earned Ted Lindsey and Art Ross Awards
you were standing right up out of your seat
your hands sore from the applause when you felt a pair of eyes on you
scanning the room casually from where you stood your eyes were quick to find Sidney Crosby who was all too shameless about his stare
he wore a coy smile
one that only grew as he realized you had spotted him
not once did he look away until the crowd had begun to calm and his attention returned to the stage
settling back into your seat he remained on your mind the rest of the night
and you could feel his eyes on you on occasion
you didn’t need to look his way to know it was him that was staring
you didn’t know why he would be staring
but the fact that he was left your mind to wander with curiosity
Sidney was older, very handsome, and undoubtedly the greatest player of his generation
and that night he only had eyes for you
or at the very least it seemed that way 
and it became all too clear at the after party
you should have been disappointed that your father had lost the Jakc Adams to Bary Trotz
but you had your father’s sportsmanship
you would always respect those who were victorious even when it meant taking a loss
and so you mingled at the after-party offering your congratulations to those who had taken a trophy or two home that night
you enjoyed a drink or two
and the finger food that was served
it was when you were out mingling
and your father was distracted by an enthralling conversation with Ben Bishop that Sidney approached you
he was nothing but respectable
not even touching you when the media came by taking some candid shots of you both in casual conversation before asking for a photo together
it was just when you thought you had gotten ahead of yourself in thinking that Sidney Crosby might have - at the very least - been interested in you
because the conversation was much too respectable and intelligent to be fueled by attraction
that he surprised you by asking to get away from the party
you were taken back by how forward he was about it
but you didn’t decline
it only took a moment for you to make an excuse 
you slipped away for only a moment to feed the excuse to your father who gave you a quick hug and a kiss on your temple
then you snuck out of the party with the Pittsburgh Penguins Captain
he was nothing but a gentleman as you took to the city together
finding a place to eat a real meal together 
and enjoying some of the nightlife before ending up back in his hotel room
you were sure it was going to be a one-night stand
because you didn’t leave him your number when you snuck out of his room at an ungodly hour and back to your own
and you didn’t hear from him again for weeks
not that you had given him many ways to reach you 
but somehow he had managed to get ahold of your phone number
you didn’t believe it was him at first
he was very much out of your league
older, and could get any woman he wanted with ease
plus, it was just a number on the screen after all
but when he texted you the ungodly things he had done to you in that Vegas hotel room you knew it was him
and not only was it him, but he also wanted to see you again
when you had hooked up with him you didn’t even think it was a possibility 
and yet you were making plans to see him again during the summer
A secret meet-up or two during trips that you claimed were girl’s trips were spent on private all-inclusive resorts where Sidney got to know you better than anyone
but then the hockey season came
his time was focused on his team in Pittsburgh while you were in Tampa
and you were ready to accept that it was just a crazy summer romance that only the two of you knew about
but by some chance, your paths crossed in New Jersey
you were on a work trip
and he was set to play the Devils
you convinced your colleagues to go to the game
and by the end of the night, you were in his bed
and suddenly the season was halted
put on pause as a pandemic consumed the world
and you were stuck in Jersey
flight cancellations left you grounded, unable to return to Florida without having to get a rental car and make the drive
before you could make the arrangements to get the car your company had already agreed to work from home
and you were suddenly not needed in Tampa beyond your parents insisting that you return home
but instead, you were faced with another option you hadn’t even considered could be a possibility
Sidney offered his home in Pittsburgh to you
it was a grand home, with only him to occupy and with no one knowing how long it would all last he wasn’t going into it without company
and you couldn’t stay no
at first, you had to make excuses
telling your mother and father that you were still with your coworker in a place you were able to rent in Newerk
but in reality, you were in Crosby’s home playing house
you worked from his office while he worked out in the gym
the two of you cooked your meals together 
and you kept yourself with busy with Netflix and your antics in the bedroom
but soon the secrecy was becoming too much
and your relationship with Sidney was becoming more than just killing time when he let the first “i think I’ve fallen in love with you slip”
you knew you had to tell your dad but you were worried about just how he was going to take it
telling him over a zoom call just didn’t seem right
yet that’s how it was done
and your dad was furious
not solely at the fact that you had been “dating” a hockey player
because he had always warned you to stay away from dating them
but that you had kept it a secret from him
and while your relationship with Sidney was long-lasting
your father still was never very approving of him
And neither was the team
fast forward to March 3, 2022
you returned home to Tampa to watch the Pittsburgh vs Tampa game
and you had an announcement to make over dinner before the game
Sidney had proposed
your parents couldn’t have been happier
but the Tampa Players were less than enthused
maybe it was the timing of it all
but they were all very protective of you
you were like a little sister to them and you deserved the world
they didn’t doubt that Sidney was going to be able to give that to you
but that didn’t mean they weren’t going to give him a hard time as you would forever have a roster of 22 - and alumni of big and little brothers to look out for you
when it came to game time Tampa found itself in familiar turmoils 
they went down 2-0 early in the first
and by the end of the second period, things were heated
a scrum broke out in front of the net with Cirelli going after Sidney only to face Rust instead
no one got to mess with the Captain
and when penalties were handed out and the Bolts took an extra penalty the overprotective nature of your father mixed with his passion for the game and there was no controlling him 
he was yelling so loud that the whole arena could hear it, and the officials weren’t having it
and your father was ejected from the game before it could reach its halfway point
leaving your seat you moved through the halls of Amalie and found your father alone in the locker room
he was still pretty red in the face but calmer now
you couldn’t help but feel a little responsible for his outburst as you moved to sit on the bench beside him and wrapped him in your arms
he welcomed your embrace
his cheek coming to rest against your hair
and it was there holding you that he apologized
for the outburst and for how he has been throughout your relationship with Sidney
always supportive but not always approving
because you were his daughter 
he was always going to be skeptical of a man’s intentions with you
and the engagement left him relieved but saddened
you weren’t his baby girl anymore
you were all grown up
and he couldn’t be more excited to walk you down the aisle
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burnwater13 · 10 days
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Concept Art by Ryan Church depicting Moff Gideon standing on top of his crashed Tie Fighter, while holding the Darksaber on Nevarro. Image from The Mandalorian, Season 1, Episode 8, Redemption. Calendar by DateWorks.
Grogu hadn’t even met Moff Gideon and he was already tired of him. Tired of his attitude. Tired of his cruelty. Tired of his thoughtlessness. Tired of his very existence. Grogu couldn’t think of a more selfish, mean-spirited, abusive, liar. Which was saying a lot because Grogu had met Chancellor Palpatine when he visited the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and the tour took him through one of the classrooms where the younglings were getting ready for a lesson on galactic history. 
Grogu remembered seeing his eyes glitter and flash red for just an instant. He told Master Unduli, but since he had no proof other than what his eyes had seen, the Master simply told him that she would keep an eye on the Chancellor during his visit. Sadly, nothing had come of that. He used to think that if he had done something more, perhaps he could have prevented the calamity of Palpatine’s reign. 
Master Beq had assured him, when they discussed the matter during their escape from Coruscant, that many among the Jedi, knights and masters alike, who had spent far more time with the disguised Sith Lord, had failed to even notice as much as Grogu had in a split second and those who had, still did nothing meaningful. That was the insidious power of the dark side. 
Grogu was not about to make that mistake a second time. Moff Gideon was just as clearly of a Sith heritage as Palpatine had been. Okay, he couldn’t use the Force. Yet. That’s right. Yet. The Force connected every living thing. For the time being, Moff Gideon was a living being. That meant that the Force connected to him and he might eventually understand it well enough to put it use. Based on what had happened to the Client and all those stormtroopers, it was pretty clear, the use he put it to was not going to be a good one. 
That was the problem though. How do you defeat an enemy that you know will go to any lengths to get what they want? That have no moral or ethical limitations at all?  It had taken a whole rebellion to be rid of Chancellor Palpatine and that had only been accomplished when there were still a few Jedi on hand to help. Even with that, people like Moff Gideon had managed to escape punishment. Who knew how many others like him still terrorized planets that thought the Empire had fallen? 
Grogu suspected it was more than a few. Just like the Sith, these people were adept at blending into their surroundings until they were safe; their networks of spies and informants keeping them up to date on everything that was happening around the galaxy, or at least the section they had cared about. Making deals with cut throats and not caring about double crossing them whenever necessary. If he thought about them for too long it just made him sad and tired and frustrated. 
It was at those moments he would remember something Master Yoda used to tell the younglings. ‘Sorrow, the opposite of joy, is not. Two may be true at once.’ Grogu knew that was important to remember. Many things could be true at the same time. Grogu could be frustrated and tired, but he was also motivated to prevent harm to his friends and he had a lot of friends. He could focus on more than one thing and accomplish his goals without losing balance. He just had to trust himself. And his friends.
Yes, Moff Gideon may be trying very hard to kidnap Grogu, but just because he wanted that didn't mean he would succeed. Greedy people wanted everything, but they never achieved that. It may motivate them, but it didn’t satisfy them. Nothing did. They weren’t whole and they never would be. They didn’t have friends to help them. They had accomplices and that just wasn’t the same. 
In the meantime, Grogu needed to have a long discussion with his protector, the Mandalorian, about the provisions on board the Razor Crest. It seemed like the bounty hunter enjoyed ration packs and broth. Grogu enjoyed the broth, but really found ration packs to be akin to eating modeling materials. Yes, they were technically nutritious, and they smelled okay, more or less, but they were the wrong shape, the wrong color, and the wrong texture. They had no crunchy bones and an utter lack of unexpected sweetness. They were boring and predictable. In many ways they were the Sith of food. He got sick just thinking about them. 
Then he started to laugh. He suddenly had the image of Moff Gideon being handed a ration pack. Looking at it. Studying it like a scientific specimen and then calling a stormtrooper over with just a crook of his finger. 
“What, pray tell, is this? As it certainly isn’t food. Food has shape. It has substance. It has palatability.  It entices. It refreshes. It fulfills basic needs. What else do you have that isn’t this?”
That stormtrooper looks over to his comrades and discovers that they have all abandoned their posts. It’s up to him. The stormtrooper is practically fainting he’s so worried about being the only target for the Moff’s wrath.
“Liquid rations, sir?” 
“Liquid rations?! Liquid rations!”
Moff Gideon is incensed by the mere thought of the suggestion. Then he picks up a piece of something from the ration pack and takes a bite. 
“It needs salt.”
“Of course, sir!,” and the stormtrooper runs away. 
Grogu giggled again. Things could be worse depending on your expectations and even the greedy have to make do. That, at least, was satisfying. For now. 
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Cover Art | The Dark Becomes Her by Judy I. Lin
Judy I. Lin, #1 New York Times bestselling author of A Magic Steeped in Poison, ventures into horror with Rick Riordan Presents in this a sinister tale of the supernatural, sisterhood, and the shadows that rule our darkest desires. Perfect for fans of Ryan La Sala and Trang Thanh Tran.
Ruby Chen has always played the part of the dutiful eldest daughter: excelling in school; excelling in piano lessons; excelling at keeping her younger sister, Tina, focused on extracurriculars meant to impress college admissions officers.
But when a ghost from the spirit world attacks Ruby in the middle of Vancouver’s Chinatown neighborhood, her life is plunged into a darkness that no amount of duty can free her from. Overnight, Ruby’s sister seems to change. There are strange noises coming from her bedroom at all hours; and the once sweet, funny Tina has been replaced by something dark and unnatural.
As Ruby races to save her sister from demonic possession, she is thrown into an ancient battle over the gateway to the underworld. On one side, an evil traveling temple known for making dark wishes come true has returned to Chinatown after many years—intent on breaking down the gateway and unleashing the evil within. On the other side, the guardians who must stop them.
And in order to survive, Ruby must not only face the horror taking over her community, but must also confront the horror within herself.
Artwork by Zipcy
Release date | Oct 1, 2024 Storygraph
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avatarrecom · 11 months
On Today's Episode
Chapter 1
Kidnapped without a home masterlist
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Two weeks to go. Two more weeks and then Leona will be released from the hell that is high school. It's Leona's last year before she goes to college to get her art degree. Leona sighs and sits down on one of the many benches in the school canteen. In an hour Spider will be done with his lessons and they can go from one hell to another. Searching through her backpack, Leona pulls out her math books and notebooks. Mathematics is not exactly her strongest subject, but unfortunately she still needs it to graduate.
After a while she hears someone sneer, "wassup freak?" Leona sighs and rubs her temple, as if her headache wasn't bad enough already. "What do you want, Ryan?" she asks, irritated. He plops down on the couch opposite you. “Are your parents coming to the graduation ceremony?” he asks with a grin. "And I don't mean the people who are now stuck with you and your brother, but your real parents." Ryan's idiotic followers laugh like they've never heard anything funny before. "You know, your dead parents. There will probably be a lot of police present to prevent your psychopath father from killing even more people."
Leona smiles sickeningly sweetly. “Ryan, baby,” she pouts, “I want you to gather those few remaining brain cells and work with me here, okay? I don't care what you have to say. Goodbye.” Ryan glares at you and stands up abruptly. "Come on, we're just wasting time on this loser." Leona gives him a loving middle finger before he walks out of the canteen and chuckles when she sees his angry look.
Then Spider walks into the cafeteria, Ryan rams his shoulder into Spider. Luckily, Ryan doesn't notice Spider sarcastically bowing to him before cheerfully giving him two middle fingers. Leona chuckles at her brother and packs her things. She puts her arm around Spider's shoulders and with their skateboards under the arm, the two Socorro siblings walk out of the school.
The sky was already turning a beautiful orange and pink when Leona and Spider skated home, playing their favorite music on the speaker. The two wisely decide not to go through the woods, who knows what kind of people are walking around in the woods, waiting to kidnap two teenagers. Instead, they take the 30-minute longer detour. Leona and Spider skate away chatting about their day and how Leona is dreading having to take her exams.
Leona spreads her arms and smiles as she feels the setting sun on her face. The Socorro siblings may not have parents, but they have each other. It's Leona and Spider against the world and that's enough for them.
Spider quickly turns off the music when they get to the McCoskers' house. The McCoskers' house, not theirs, it never was their home and it never will be their home. Nash McCosker hates music and hates Leona and Spider even more. He only agreed to take the two into his home because of the now empty bank account that was left to Leona and Spider and the monthly check he receives from the government.
Nash spent the minimum amount of money on Leona and Spider, the rest went on alcohol, unnecessary shit, vacations and, not that Mary McCosker knows, on one prostitute after another. Nash was a first class bastard, Mary wasn't too bad. She'd be even better if she grew some balls and dumped Nash's ass, but unfortunately she hasn't grown those balls yet.
The second Leona turned 14, the legal age to have a job in America, Nash forced her to get a job and pay for her own food and other necessities. Not that he did that before. The money that should have gone to her college, and to Spider's, had mysteriously disappeared.
The two enter the house warily. They never know what state they'll find Nash in. To their surprise, the house was empty. The two look at each other with a frown. Leona walks to the kitchen and throws her backpack on the counter. That's when she sees a note on the counter.
Dear Esperanza and Miles, Nash and I are away for the weekend on a romantic getaway to Las Vegas. I'm sorry you didn't know this, it was an incredibly sweet surprise from Nash. He has some things to do for work, but I'm sure I'll have fun there on my own! We'll be back home on Monday. Nash still says that you two have to pay for your own food, since you both have jobs, but I left some money in the drawer so you can buy some treats. Be kind to each other and please make sure the house doesn't burn down.
See you Monday!
“Las Vegas?” Leona snorts. "Isn't that where Nash's favorite prostitute lives?" Spider shakes his head pityingly, "Poor Mary, she honestly doesn't realize what an asshole Nash is." Leona shrugs, "not really our problem." She takes out her phone, "Shall we order pizza?" Spider grins, "only if I can have the Hawaiian." Leona growls, "pineapple doesn't belong on pizza!" She rolls her eyes, "what's next, kiwi on a pizza?!"
Against her better conscience, she still orders the Hawaiian for Spider and the pepperoni for herself.
“You know what I think?” Spider asks with a grin. Leona raises an eyebrow, "luckily I can't read your thoughts, I don't want to know what's going on in that head of yours." She pushes her brother's head away with her finger, "what do you think?" “I think,” Spider begins, “that Mary left some money because she's afraid you'll burn the house down if you try to cook.” Leona sticks out her tongue and playfully hits Spider on the head. "I don't know what you're talking about, I'm a decent cook." “You burn water,” Spider deadpans.
After the pizza is delivered, Spider and Leona flop on the couch, pizza box in one hand, fighting over the remote with the other. Leona eventually wins and puts on The Originals. "Oh come on, that cringe vampire series again?!" Spider exclaims. “I need my daily dose of sexy Mikaelsons or I'll go into withdrawal,” Leona claims dramatically.
Spider sighs, but turns his attention to the TV, just as Haley walks down the aisle to marry Jackson. "What the hell are you doing girl, why the fuck would you marry that swamp guy when you literally can have Elijah," Leona mutters. "Seriously," Spider deadpans, "This is like the tenth time you've watched this, it's not going to suddenly change just because you want it to." Leona smiles and dramatically puts her hand over her heart, "I can always hope." she says, before going back to swooning over Elijah.
Neither of them notice the soft creak of the wood of the veranda, or the soft click and whoosh of the front door opening.
Suddenly a hand covers Leona's mouth. She tries to break free, but is abruptly pulled back. Leona instinctively bites the hand over her mouth. She is released with a shout. When Leona looks around in panic, she sees that Spider is also being held by someone with a hood and cloth covering the bottom of his face. Her attacker is dressed the same and it is impossible to see a face.
Leona tries to reach Spider before his attacker can pull him out the door. "Let him go!" she shouts, before kicking the attacker in the groin. The attacker growls and falls to his knees, releasing Spider. Leona pushes Spider in front of her, towards the open front door to try to escape.
Leona vaguely hears a soft whoosh, before her leg feels like it's being hit by a huge rock falling from a great height. She picks whatever it is from her leg and sees that it is a tranquilizer dart. Leona curses colorfully and runs out the door. She doesn't get far down the street. Dizziness hits her like a truck, causing her to stagger on her feet.
She vaguely sees Spider stop running and turn to her. Then everything is black.
Leona doesn't know how much time has passed when she wakes up. It is pitch dark, something Leona has a huge fear of, and it feels like a narrow space. She feels a rumbling beneath her and realizes she is in the trunk of a car.
"HELP!" she shouts desperately, pounding her fists on the interior, but no one hears her over the deafening bass music coming from the car's speakers.
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scotianostra · 11 months
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Happy Birthday the lovely Scottish actress Sharon Rooney who was born 22nd October 1988 in Glasgow.
Sharon Rooney is one of the most in demand actresses from Scotland, she attended Knightswood Primary and secondary Schools and was brought up in the Temple area of Glasgow, she left school at 16 to pursue a career in acting, but it all started for her 13 years before, as a determined young lady, aged just 3 she set her sights on becoming an actress after a visit to see the pantomime Cinderella in her hometown of Glasgow. She was even being noticed back then, when an elderly lady in the audience commented “Look at her, she’s in her element” Sharon danced away to the songs in the aisle of the theatre! From then on she want to be Ella Mint thinking, I am, you’re right I’m Ella Mint!”
It must have been a daunting and exciting time when Sharon enrolled on a 3-year performing arts course followed by a degree in drama at Hull University. But I am sure a lass from Glesga took it in her stride. She graduated with a BA Hons in Acting, her early appearances were with Harry Hill and in the Tony Roper play The Steamie.
Rooney began performing stand-up comedy, and toured with a play in various schools across Britain. She also starred in the play Direct Devitt: Mammy, a comedy drama production with an all female Scottish cast which ran at the Edinburgh Festival in 2011.
Sharon started picking up roles on TV in film, her first was the TV movie, Two Doors Down in 2013 as Sophie, she reprised the part in 2016 when it returned as a sitcom. Miss Rooney then got her breakthrough part, the lead role as Rachel “ Rae” Earl in the E4 teen comedy-drama My Mad Fat Diary, it ran for 3 seasons. The series received critical acclaim, particularly for its accurate and honest portrayal of mental illness and Sharon Rooney’s performance. The Guardian’s Sam Wollaston heaped praise on oor Sharon saying “Sharon Rooney’s performance in the lead is natural, effortless and utterly believable; she should win something for it”
And win she did! Picking up a gong at The British Academy Scotland Awards, in 2015, it was third time lucky, having previously been nominated the two years before. Other nominations included Royal Television Society for best actress and the Broadcasting Press Guild for Breakthrough act. Sharon nails the accent in the show so perfect that people found it hard to believe she was from Scotland, people on twitter used to tell her that her Glasgow accent was rubbish!
Sharon was ready to give up her dream of being an actress and take up nursing before My Mad Fat Diary, Appearances in Sherlock and another TV movie, Kerry were crammed in-between My Mad Fat Diary as well as a part in the excellent Peter Mullen film Hector along with Ewan Stewart, Gina McKee and Keith Allen.
I love Sharon’s attitude, of her weight she says;
“Even if I wasn’t fat, and I was smaller, people would then say they don’t like my hair. You will never please everybody. You need to please yourself and as long as you are happy, it doesn’t matter. You will never be perfect or what everyone wants you to be. Someone will always find a fault.”
Being a Glaswegian lassie I doubt if she will get much hassle from anyone!
Back to her career and I must shamelessly admit I have not seen her in the film The Electrical Life of Louis Wain as yet, but as I said at the beginning of the post, she is a busy woman, her TV roles continue to pour in, quality shows like Deep Heat, The Teacher and The Control Room have called on her for roles and she is super excited about a film that she has recently just finished shooting with Hollywood stars Ryan Gosling, Margot Robbie and Will Farrell, Barbie will be out next year. Sharon said in a recent interview with Go Radio presenters Grado and Crofty
"I've just finished Barbie! I've spent so long keeping it a secret that I feel like I'm not allowed to say that but I am allowed to say that!”
Miss Rooney has just appeared in the biggest Hollywood film of the year, Barbie. Sharon said it was is her most empowering role yet.Sharon plays 'Lawyer Barbie' in the rose-hued Barbie blockbuster. Next up for thehigh flying lass is a TV series called Nightsleeper, which co-stars a strong Scottish cast including James Cosmo, Sharon Small, Alex Ferns and Katey Leung. Described as a real-time drama, the series is set on a sleeper train travelling to London from Glasgow in Scotland. Two people who have not previously met before must work together to try to save the lives of the passenger.
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lgbthequarry · 2 years
Sooo... the Hacketteers in the ATLA universe?
So for Max I feel like he'd be an airbender. His care-free, go with the flow attitude screams young airbender personalities. His family moves to the fire nation to work for the fire lord when he was a kid and thats when he meets Laura.
Laura is the princess of the fire nation. A fire bender with a knack for lightning-bending. She learned how to do it at a pretty young age, but after accidentally electrocuting Max when they were kids she swore she'd only use it when necessary. She hates her father's tyranny and eventually runs away with Max to start a rebellion in the earth kingdom (and later they join the avatar crew to save the world).
Nick is definitely an airbender. Joyful and open, maybe a bit more shy than some of his fellow benders, but he's more thoughtful and wise for his age. Also Nick deserves a sky-bison bestfriend like Appa and when he joins the group he and his buddy become the best means of travel.
Abi would be a waterbender. Very passive and timid in nature, but a force to be reckoned with when she has to be. She likes to use her bending to make large art pieces and ice sculptures. She becomes bestfriends with Ryan when he moves to the southern water tribe and helps him look after his little sister.
Emma is 100% from the fire nation, but she's a non-bender. I picture her in Ty Lee's shoes: being a street/circus performer, master of Chi blocking, wild and performative, but still strong and able to hold her own. She ran away from her overbearing parents to join a traveling act when she was a teen and eventually joins the earth kingdom rebellion when she meets Max.
Jacob is an earthbender and he gives me major Bolin vibes. Him and Kaitlyn grew up together as orphans in the earth kingdom and looked after each other like siblings. He discovers his powers after her but develops the ability to lava bend much later in life. They meet the rest of the crew after Dylan gets his ass in trouble with the local earth kingdom gang and they have to save him.
Kaitlyn is also an earthbender but she's really good at metal bending so that's all she really does. She and Jacob lost their parents when they were young and they ended up just sticking together. (Kaitlyn likes to joke its cuz she couldn't get rid of him, but inside she cares alot about him). When they join the group she becomes the defacto "mom" and acts as the secondary leader.
Dylan is an earth kingdom refugee who fled to the northern air temple with others when war broke out. He's a genius inventor and has used his knowledge and skills to make life more bearable for him and his people, even invented a new hand for himself since he lost his as a child. He discovers that the last avatar may still be alive and sets out to find him, eventually succeeding.
Ryan is obviously that Avatar. Born as a waterbender he soon discovers he's the next avatar. But when he fears for his sister's safety and as war breaks out, he runs away with his baby sister to the southern water tribe where he hides his identity and tries to live a "normal" life. Until a certain squirrely-headed inventor boy comes along.
I could probably keep going but this is already too long lol
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Black Femme Character Dependency Dark Skin Directory: R
R: The Characters
Rachel Marron |  Rae Sloane |  Raina Temple | Raina Thorpe | Raquel Francis | Reba McClane | Rebecca James | Renee Atwood | Renie Watson | Rhonda Kazembe | Ripa the Reaper | Riri Williams | Roberta Tubbs | Robin Sterling | Roni Evers | Rosaleen Daise | Rosaline Capulet | Rose Crane | Rose Granger Weasley | Rose Schwartz | Rose Walker | Rosemary |  Rosie | Rosie Rev | Rosie Carver | Ruby Baptiste | Ruby Patterson | Rudy Huxtable | Rue The Hunger Games: Adding her since she’s SUPPOSED to be dark brown, and sometimes, I luck out and find art that IS dark brown. But, expect a lot of this tag to be the movie version | Rue Jelani Akintola | Ryan Wilder
R: The Entertainers
Raigan Harris |  Rashida Renée | Reagan Gomez |  Regina King |  Regina Van Helvert |  Renee Elise Goldsberry |  Retta |  Riele Downs |  Ronke Adekoluejo |  Rose Jackson | Ruth (IAmBabeRuth/BabeRuthTV) |  Rutina Wesley |  Ryan Destiny
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astrovian · 2 years
Interview with Richard Armitage for The Telegraph (30/10/22)
Transcript under cut
If anyone had asked Richard Armitage 10 years ago whether he’d ever thought about writing a book, he’d have laughed. “I’d have said, ‘I’m not clever enough’,” he tells me. “I always feel a bit of an underdog when it comes to intellectual pursuits. I didn’t graduate from Oxbridge, like so many of my peers at Lamda [the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art].”
Yet here he is, the author of an atmospheric, icily tense audio-thriller, Geneva, about a Nobel prize-winning neuroscientist, Sarah, who is slowly losing her memory. The story, released earlier this month on the online audiobook and podcast service Audible as an “Audible Original”, takes in dementia, Big Pharma and biotech; Armitage narrates alongside Nicola Walker, his voice as soothing as melted chocolate.
“Audible asked me if I wanted to write something,” he explains. “I’ve narrated quite a few books for them and I think they checked the algorithm and realised I score quite highly with crime thrillers. They’ve seen I have an audience.”
Armitage, 51, says this in a self-effacing way. He’s been a fixture on the small screen since 2004, when he emerged as the brooding mill-owner John Thornton in the BBC’s adaptation of Elizabeth Gaskell’s North & South, delighting a generation of (let’s face it) female viewers. He has worked with exhausting regularity since then, notching up credits as the imperious dwarf king Thorin Oakenshield in The Hobbit film trilogy; inscrutable MI5 spy Lucas in the TV series Spooks; the deliciously villainous Sir Guy of Gisborne in the BBC’s Robin Hood; and the special-forces hard-man John Porter in Chris Ryan’s Strike Back. Most recently, he starred in two Netflix adaptations of the Harlan Coben novels The Stranger and Stay Close.
He is a consistently reliable screen presence: he often plays macho heroes with an interesting, sensitive side and was particularly excellent on stage as tormented visionary Astrov in Ian Rickson’s 2020 West End revival of Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya. But with grey hair now at his temples, Armitage is wary of taking all this for granted. Hence the branching into other mediums: he’s developing a TV show (which he can’t yet discuss) and, of course, there’s the new book.
“I don’t want to retire when I get to 60, but I don’t necessarily want to still be an actor-for-hire, either,” he says. “It’s quite a whimsical position to be in: one day you’re flavour of the month; next day, no one wants you.
“You can’t force your own relevance. As far as I’m concerned, I’ve never been relevant, I’ve just been lucky. I’m easy to work with, but I don’t think I’ve ever been hot.”
Some might disagree. Still, I don’t think I have ever met an actor who has such a complicated relationship with his own career. Armitage is a curious mix of self-deprecating, pragmatic and quietly anguished. He approaches each role with the dedication of a scholar, penning preparatory biographies for his character and immersing himself in research (he famously endured waterboarding to prepare for his spy character undergoing the torture in Spooks).
Yet he worries he is sometimes cast because of his looks. “A couple of times I’ve been hired for something and I go, ‘Oh, I thought I was here because of my brain, but actually it’s because you want totty on screen. I’ve done all this character analysis and you just want me to take my shirt off.’ People talk about the power of the male gaze. But the female gaze is just as interesting to talk about. It’s a marketing tool like any other.”
One wonders whether Armitage is actually perfectly happy taking his shirt off. He says he told himself that when he got to 50, from that point onwards, he’d keep his clothes on – but he’s at it again in Damage, Netflix’s forthcoming remake of the 1992 steamy thriller featuring Jeremy Irons and Juliette Binoche, in which he stars opposite Peaky Blinders’s Charlie Murphy.
Still, he says that it took him a while to understand why directors would cast him in a particular type of role. “For long stretches of my career, I would take what I was offered. Yet I wouldn’t understand why I was being asked to inflict violence all the time. Why am I firing guns and throwing punches? Why am I not playing gentle, fragile, broken little people?
“But then you watch yourself and you think, ‘Well, I’m pretty tall. And I seem to have this hyper-masculine energy that I was unaware of.’ Then I realised that was quite useful, because maybe the hard shell of a man often harbours a more fragile person that I could occasionally reveal. Because the world doesn’t really allow men to be fragile.”
Armitage grew up in a working-class family in Leicester and only attended the performing arts boarding school Pattison College thanks to a local-authority grant. He worked first in musical theatre, including stints in 42nd Street and Cats, before taking a three-year course at Lamda then joining the Royal Shakespeare Company. He has always worked hard, an ethic he puts down to both an insecurity about money (linked to his roots) and a gnawing anxiety about his ability.
He admits that the character of Daniel in Geneva – Sarah’s husband and also a scientist – contains a fair bit of himself. “Daniel’s wife has all the glory. He has to accept that he’s pretty average. I relate to that. I know there are people out there who are far better at all this than I am, and I feel my only forte is that I have the discipline to put my head down and work. I’ve always felt like this – in dance, music and acting. I’ve never had that natural, God-given genius, for instance, but when I was younger I knew I could become a fairly average cello player if I worked hard enough.”
Armitage came out at the age of 19, although it’s not something he’s talked about much. “It’s not a big deal. It’s not very interesting. I suppose if I were to stop being hired because of it, that would be something else. But we’ve moved on since those days, haven’t we?”
He genially bats away further questions about his personal life. “When I was younger, the actors I found the most intriguing, such as Gary Oldman, were the ones I knew the least about. I’ve always wanted to be that type of actor; I’ve never wanted to get in my own way. Otherwise it’s a bit like painting a picture then standing in front of it waving your hands.”
These days, he spends half the year in New York: he was advised to move to the US after The Hobbit to expand his career, but couldn’t stomach Los Angeles, so settled for the Big Apple instead. “Although I can’t say living there has brought me any extra work.” That professional angst never goes away. “In fact, it gets worse as I get older.”
He is aware of the absurdities of his profession. “I look at award ceremonies and premieres, in which we’re all swanning around in $400 suits, most of them borrowed, drinking champagne, and I think, ‘What is this illusion we’re all peddling? I’m from a working-class background: I should be on the other side of the barrier!’ ”
Then he laughs. “I say all this, but I’ll probably be seen at yet another film premiere next week.”
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figueroths · 2 years
Artists self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five arts/sets/edits/gifs that you've done, then pass on to at least five other people. Time to shine and spread some self-love and appreciation 💖
ik it says five but pls understand and respect that i am incapable of making such decisions <3 and also know that I am abt to start tedtalking <3 i am not sorry for any of this <3
this maleficent set - maleficent (2014) makes me feel insane like true love being familial, parental in fact !! uwuwuwuwu is top tier and anyway I love these gifs individually and how they pair!
this aquamera set - I love love love aquamera, and this is so vibrant and fun! using the fish font style on the fish man line was inspired i'm such a hottie for that! an early mistake in blending mode led to the first gif being so fucking extra and mwah tbh good call to just run with it. also just remembering I specifically told @khazadkeit to send me that prompt lmfao brave of them, after all the essays I've written in their dms, to invite in even more rot ryan i am kissing u on the shoulder tenderly
this ginny baker set - someone called this "visually intense" in a way that felt like 15% derogatory so i'm gonna snatch that phrasing and make it 100% affectionate. like there's a lot happening, and it's so rewarding to look at these gifs now and find little layered surprises in the blending or layout or typography! 😌
this nabrielise set - listen I am so deep in the rot on tbsatdh that my body has adapted to it and I need that rot to breathe and function. it's a v simple, v pretty, v tender set and I love it
this made for love set - my most slept on set for a most slept on series. typography? sexy! colors? sexy! blending? sexy! simmer + hazel green? 📢 SEXY!
this first kill set - i misquoted in a tiny way that gets deeply on my nerves but I just think theo and talia have one of the most compelling relationships on the show and I really love the flow of this set. sometimes u make smth and one or more gifs are a little off the vibe but this one's 10/10 start to finish 💅🏽
honorable mentions <3 yes <3 i'm that annoying <3 still no apologies <3
the first gif in this san junipero set is so perfect I wanna get back on whatever I was on when I made that
this whole nick miller set I snapped! just sat down and made that in a few hours, learning how to do stuff as ideas occurred to me like oh? beyond my abilities? ok I will simply expand my abilities then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ignore the rest but the last gif in this mad max: fury road set might actually be the best blending I've ever done I'm counting 4 shots in there plus triple layers on the big guy
light of my life penny robinson!! idk this just sparks joy but also I'm obsessed with the hand(/claw?) at her temple in the first gif
more robinsons! this time judy & john beloveds. fuckdjsklfidng typography is my passion 😐 but anyway the second gif is so dear to me. that episode is so dear to me really and how they let each other go in totally different ways but how teaching her independence is key to his survival later when he's dependent on her abilities it's emo hours 🥺💗
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burnwater13 · 7 months
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Concept art by Ryan Church. The Mandalorian and another fighter take on an AT-ST on the planet Sorgan. The Mandalorian, Season 1, Episode 4, Sanctuary.
“Grogu! Come on, buddy! It’s time to go!”, Din Djarin called out as he walked through the small cabin, looking for his apprentice. 
It was clear that Grogu wasn’t ready to go anywhere. His silver ‘ball’, which was really one of the knobs from the Razor Crest was still sitting in his hammock, as was the toy rancor that Boba Fett had given him the last time they were on Tatooine. The Mandalorian was surprised because he knew that Grogu was looking forward to going back to Sorgan.
Grogu had been bugging him practically non-stop over that wretched AT-ST and what it was doing on that peaceful planet since they had first seen it. Pointing out that they had both been very busy since that day did nothing to appease the former Jedi youngling. Grogu had made it plain that they had a duty to return to Sorgan and explore the planet and make sure no other Imperial junk had found it’s way there. What if there was another cloning lab? Or a secret base? Or a Sith temple? For a person who generally refused to speak Gal Basic, Grogu had found a way to make sure that Din Djarin understood his concerns. 
The Mandalorian’s counter argument had been that if the Imps had an active base on Sorgan they wouldn’t have let the Klatooinians capture the AT-ST to begin with. While Grogu grudgingly accepted that, it was clear that he thought it would be appropriate for them to confirm that condition and not just hope that’s how things might have gone. 
He had a point. Although Din Djarin didn’t believe that they’d find an active base, they could still find an old one. Or an abandoned or even hidden transport ship. They could find other Imperial detritus that could create problem for those farmers. He didn’t want that any more than Grogu had. 
Which begged the question, where the heck was Grogu? He’d wanted to make this trip and now he’d gone missing. Well, not missing, but he wasn’t in the cabin. And he didn’t have his favorite stuff, so where would he go? It had been a while since the Mandalorian had turned his bounty hunter’s mind back on and now was a perfect time to do that. 
Grogu liked to collect data, evaluate maps and star charts, and he liked to consult with people who were not his dad over them all. One deep sigh later and the Mandalorian was striding out to the N-1. Grogu was very likely talking to R5. He had a real affinity for droids and mechs and they seemed to like him right back. 
But, to his surprise, Grogu was not talking the sensors off of R5. The droid was puttering around the ship and performing minor maintenance tasks. At least the mech hadn’t decided to field strip the port engine control system. That would have slowed them down significantly, like it had the last time it happened. Now R5 consulted with the bounty hunter about all pop-up and preventative maintenance so they weren’t delayed in meeting with Captain Teva again.
He asked R5 if he’d seen Grogu and the mech nodded it’s body in the affirmative. That was good. Where did he go? The mech seemed to shrug. When did R5 last see Grogu? R5 beeped at him and the Mandalorian sighed. Apparently Grogu had been trotting toward Nevarro City an hour or so ago. Dank Farrik. 
A few minutes later, as he was grabbing his flight pack and checking the status of his personal weapons, the Mandalorian heard a knock at the door. 
Din Djarin yanked the door open and practically tore it off its hinges. 
He found himself looking IG-11-M in the optical sensors, while Grogu stood behind the Marshal.  
“Din Djarin. Apprentice Grogu has brought to my attention that equipment installed by the former Imperium may be present on the arboreal planet of Sorgan. As a duly authorized Marshal of Nevarro City I have notified the High Magistrates office of the condition and asked for direction in how to manage the request for assistance that Apprentice Grogu had made. It is my duty to notify you that this request is number two thousand one hundred and twenty forth request for assistance being evaluated by the High Magistrate’s office. It may take some time to evaluate Apprentice Grogu’s request.”
“Dank Farrik. Grogu, I told you we were leaving for Sorgan today to perform that evaluation. IG-11, you may cancel my apprentice’s request. It is not necessary.”
The Mandalorian was both annoyed and proud of Grogu. No, he didn’t want Greef Karga dealing with potential problems on Sorgan. He had enough to do on Nevarro.  But, Grogu had shown real initiative in trying to obtain assistance from their friend.
Grogu chirped at him and then ducked around the droid and jumped up to give his mentor a hug. 
“Very well. I will be tracking your progress and will re-initiate the request if you fail to report back in a timely manner, as your apprentice requested as part of his application.”
“Grogu requested that?”  Din Djarin couldn’t believe what he was hearing. 
“Affirmative. He reported that sometimes he needed to use both beskar and a lightsaber to accomplish his goal. I presume you understand his meaning, as it is not recorded in my data structures.”
“Yes. I know what he means.  Thank you, Marshal. Grogu, I suggest you pack your bag and make sure you wear your beskar. As I recall you don’t currently have access to a lightsaber.”
The Mandalorian watched IG-11-M set off toward Nevarro City while Grogu zipped into the cabin and went right to his room. Din Djarin closed the door to the cabin and walked towards his own room when he heard another knock at the door. He wondered if IG-11-M had forgotten something, but that didn’t seem likely.
He opened the door and exclaimed, “Dank Farrik!”
“Is that some sort of Mandalorian greeting? Grogu contacted me and I came here as soon as I could.” Luke Skywalker replied, looking confused. 
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girafeduvexin · 2 years
Revisiting Bioshock because I'm (still) making my tabletop rpg of Rapture and I'm still amazed how jewish Bioshock is and honestly wondering how you can really interact with this universe without understanding its roots.
The way Andrew Ryan leads people under the sea (especially the way it's described in Bioshock 2), as a prophet, a retelling of Moses, only to be beaten by another Moses allegory, his son, cutting the sea in half to descend into Rapture, killing the Pharaoh and his plagued city.
One of the first sentence you read in the game is "In what country is there a place for people like me ?", a question many Jews asked themselves many times.
Tenenbaum's backstory, maybe clumsy but deeply jewish because it's the story of an imperfect survivor, a jewish woman who lacked empathy, who became an instrument of oppression after being oppressed and while it's shocking, it's... not unrealistic and her decision to save the little sisters is more powerful because it's fueled by her own experience.
They're jewish, they're cruel, they suffered. Jewish literature, jewish art, in my opinion, tends to depict morally grey characters, complicated stories, from Proust to Philip Roth.
As Daniel Kahn sing, in a song which could be an anthem for Rapture :
"Just ask a gentle German for a history review. She'll tell you how they marked us with numerical tattoos.
They made us into ashes, hair and lamps and soap and glue.
And no, it wasn't something that I personally knew,
But they taught me all about it in my Temple Sunday School.
And I guess it kind of left me with some hang ups and taboos.
How can we wear the mantle of the martyred ghetto Jews?
We turned our backs on everything that brought our people through.
And did it really work to try to make a new Hebrew?
With the enemies we slew, the hatred grew and grew.
But the thing you hate in others is the thing you hate in you.
Now exile will return like deja vu.
And where it all went wrong nobody knew.
And we will all have to learn it anew;
Not only as a victim, but a perpetrator, too...
So learn to be a Jew, learn to be a Jew.
Learn to be a Post-Israeli Jew
A Jew a Jew, the problem isn't new.
You must be a Jew among the Jews."
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konmarkimageswords · 1 year
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In Arte Arcana Death 105 awesome artists share their visions of death, mortality, memento mori, Hades, skull & bones, graveyards, and related subjects. 
Featured artists:
Adam Chiodo, Agustin S. Lobos, Alan Lathwell, Alcides Burn, Alejandro Blasi, Alejandro Colucci, Alex Eckman-Lawn, Andrej Bartulović, Andrzej Kuziola, Angelo Roccagli, Ardha Lepa, Artur Szolc, Augusto Peixoto, Bahrull Marta, Benjamin A Vierling, Björn Gooßes, Blacksshark, Cadence Bennett, Caleb Dickenson, Camille Alquier, Camille Murgue, Candice Angélini, Christina Dressel, Christine Moren, Christophe Prades, Cláudio "Bharaduur" Moreira, Cyril Lawniczak, Daniel Bollans, Daniel Francisco, Daniel Valencia, Danielle Masek, David Berbel, Dávid Busai, David Ocampo, Declan Tiger, Devil-M, Devinez, Dis-Art Design Hans, Douglas Alvarenga, Drowned Orange, Galen Baudhuin, Gavin Sodo, Geert Kroes, George Martzoukos, George Patsouras, GodLikeIkons, Alexey Sivitsky, Heather Rose, Heidi Tailleferr, Ikosidio, Theopisti Tiftikoglou, Isabel Maria Gonzalez, Jamie Christ, Jan Maly, Jesus Lhysta, John Paul Whetzel, Josh Beamish, Kacper Gilka, Ken Coleman, Ken Jeremiassen, Ken Miller, Kon Markogiannis, Kornel Kwieciński, Le Nevralgie Costanti, Leon Bakalarz, Ludovic Robin, Márcio Blasphemator, Michael Peter Stokes, Michele Sanguin, Mike Redman, Mothmeister, Nestor Avalos, Nethern Temple Designs, Oswaldo Castillo, Parjo Surodilogo, Paul McCarroll, Paul Thureau, Paula Golemo, Rheblys, Roberto Toderico, Ruslan Stanchula, Ryan Clark, Sam Hayles, Scott Shellhamer, Sebastian Jerke, Shuel Duo, Simon Bossert, Sludgework Megan Umpleby, Steve Knerem, The Iron Parasite, Thomas Ewerhard, Timbul Cahyono, Timo Wuerz, Truly Lost, Violence Artwork Nanda Dika, Vladimir Smerdulak Chebakov, Vladislav Cadaversky, Waclaw Traier, Yannick Bouchard, Yuriy Skorohod.
A4 Portrait 210mm x 297mm (11.7inch x 8.3inch) Hardback  Silk laminated dust jacket Over 232 pages 150gsm silk paper Limited to 1000
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scotianostra · 2 years
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Happy Birthday the lovely Scottish actress Sharon Rooney who was born 22nd October 1988 in Glasgow.
Sharon Rooney is one of the most in demand actresses from Scotland, she attended  Knightswood Primary and secondary Schools and was brought up in the Temple area of Glasgow, she  left school at 16 to pursue a career in acting, but it all started for her 13 years before, as a  determined young lady, aged just 3 she set her sights on becoming an actress after a visit to see the pantomime Cinderella in her hometown of Glasgow. She was even being noticed back then, when an elderly lady in the audience commented “Look at her, she’s in her element” Sharon danced away to the songs in the aisle of the theatre! From then on she want to be Ella Mint thinking, I am, you’re right I’m Ella Mint!”
It must have been a daunting and exciting time when Sharon enrolled on a 3-year performing arts course followed by a degree in drama at Hull University. But I am sure a lass from Glesga took it in her stride. She graduated with a BA Hons in Acting, her early appearances were with Harry Hill and in the Tony Roper play The Steamie.
Rooney began performing stand-up comedy, and toured with a play in various schools across Britain. She also starred in the play Direct Devitt: Mammy, a comedy drama production with an all female Scottish cast which ran at the Edinburgh Festival in 2011.
Sharon started picking up roles on TV in film, her first was the TV movie, Two Doors Down in 2013 as Sophie, she reprised the part in 2016 when it returned as a sitcom. Miss Rooney then got her breakthrough part, the lead role as Rachel “ Rae” Earl in the E4 teen comedy-drama  My Mad Fat Diary, it ran for 3 seasons. The series received critical acclaim, particularly for its accurate and honest portrayal of mental illness and Sharon Rooney’s performance.  The Guardian’s Sam Wollaston heaped praise on oor Sharon saying  “Sharon Rooney’s performance in the lead is natural, effortless and utterly believable; she should win something for it”
And win she did!  Picking up a gong at The British Academy Scotland Awards, in 2015, it was third time lucky, having previously been nominated the two years  before. Other nominations included  Royal Television Society for best actress and the Broadcasting Press Guild for Breakthrough act. Sharon nails the accent in the show so perfect that people found it hard to believe she was from Scotland, people on twitter used to tell her that her Glasgow accent was rubbish!
Sharon was ready to give up her dream of being an actress and take up nursing before  My Mad Fat Diary, Appearances in Sherlock and another TV movie, Kerry were crammed in-between  My Mad Fat Diary as well as a part in the excellent Peter Mullen film Hector along with Ewan Stewart, Gina McKee and Keith Allen.
I love Sharon’s attitude, of her weight she says;
“Even if I wasn’t fat, and I was smaller, people would then say they don’t like my hair. You will never please everybody. You need to please yourself and as long as you are happy, it doesn’t matter. You will never be perfect or what everyone wants you to be. Someone will always find a fault.”
Being a Glaswegian lassie I doubt if she will get much hassle from anyone!
Back to her career and I must shamelessly admit I have not seen her in the film The Electrical Life of Louis Wain as yet, but as I said at the beginning of the post, she is a busy woman, her TV roles continue to pour in, quality shows like Deep Heat, The Teacher and The Control Room have called on her for roles and she is super excited about a film that she has recently just finished shooting with Hollywood stars  Ryan Gosling, Margot Robbie and Will Farrell, Barbie will be out next year. Sharon said in a recent interview with  Go Radio presenters Grado and Crofty 
"I've just finished Barbie! I've spent so long keeping it a secret that I feel like I'm not allowed to say that but I am allowed to say that!”
Miss Rooney has another project on the go at the moment, so no slowing down, at the moment though, like she had done with Barbie, she is sworn to secrecy until it is announced!. 
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weclassybouquetfun · 1 year
We're in Emmys season and we are also in the final season of TED LASSO and I can not discern whether the cast is stomping for their final season or for Emmy consideration. Surely a bit from column A and column B.
Well, they have until June 26 to get 'er done (shout out to Larry the Cable Guy). Apple TV+ is touting their mustachioed prize pony TED LASSO out for special events.
May 1st they kick off Apple TV+'s THINK APPLE TV+ FYC installation with a fan event. The event features a panel moderated by their pal Yvette Nicole Brown (Community). Expected to be there are Jason Sudeikis, Brendan Hunt, Brett Goldstein, Juno Temple, Phil Dunster, Jeremy Swift, Kola Bokinni, Cristo Fernández, Billy Harris and James Lance.
There will also be a trivia game hosted by comedian Ryan Budds and will feature Charlie Hiscock (Will), Stephen Manas (Richard) and Moe Jeudy-Lamour (Thierry/Van Damme).
Kola will be back there the next day as part of a panel hosted by Essence Magazine alongside SHRINKING's Jessica Williams.
Saturday will be a panel about Costume and Production Design to TED LASSO's production and art designer Paul Cripps will be there with Costumer Jacky Levy.
Cast your eyes to the end of May, specifically May 30th, where the cast and creatives of the show will be celebrating the finale with the Paley Center for Media at the Motion Picture Academy of Arts and Sciences Theater.
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As the announcement says, "Participants are subject to change." Standard language, but it really came home to people when NONE of the cast members listed for the YELLOWSTONE PaleyFest panel attended.
They weren't filming, others said the cast were sitting out in solidarity with Kevin Costner who is in a contract dispute with creator Taylor Sheridan. I don't know what happened with all of that, but Wes Bentley and Gil Birmingham did attend Deadline Contenders weeks later.
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Brett was on hand for the SHRINKING panel.
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*I finally got my TED LASSO biscuits that day. It was a good day.
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