Guys look I made a new Warriors OC MAP part! :D
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bramblewhisker · 2 months
On a sperate note, putting both of them in the same sentence made me think about a DarkBreeze ship.
Daddy issues unite and all that. Dark has the manipulation to string breeze right along. We can murder our dads together
And the opposite, CrowOne.
The two most miserable assholes are in the same clan. Misery loves company
One calls Crow into his den over Crow doing something stupid, and it turns into a "Who-fucked-up-their-own-life-while-it-also-was-totally-not-their-own-fault" off and it ends with the getting the cat equivalent of drunk and real intimate
I've had this ask sitting for a bit and all I can think of is a sitcom where Dark/Breeze and Crow/One have to share an apartment or something. Two deadbeat dads and their emotionally stunted sons in a pair of the worst relationships you've ever seen, under the same roof.
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kombatclan · 4 years
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“That was not me!” Icestar cried.
Scorpionstar refused to listen.
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shadowwolfsky · 6 years
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I forgot to post this like a week ago but!! It’s my SkyClan med cat bab, Darkbreeze!!! 
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silentshadowbl0g · 7 years
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Darkbreeze, warrior of Mistclan
Darkbreeze isnt much of a social or friendly cat, but he’s very loyal and respectful to others. He looked up a lot to his sister Onyxheart and followed her passion and beliefs. Sadly, he can;t seem to make a decision for himself and often follows the crowd, but he means no harm.
His sister is Onyxheart
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sytheofabloodmoon · 2 years
SickleClan Moon 62
Checking in: Daisyfur is curious about the other clans, Cinderstar is feeling nervous, Sandcry is spending a considerable amount of grooming, Nightpounce is thinking about kits(I bet they do want more kits), Webtail is reinforcing the camp with brambles, Rowanpelt is gathering cobwebs, Fire is sharing her wisdom, Jasper is telling scary stories to the younger cats, Hopebounce regrets not eating the bird on the freshkill pile earlier, Olivebranch is having a good day, Noodle is giving advice to younger cats, Hopewhisker is feeling sassy today, Thunderstem is dreaming about being leader, Moth is feeling quite lazy, Timberheather wants to be chosen as the new deputy, Juniperseed is rethinking her life choices, Darkbreeze tries to set a good example for younger cats, even though she’s one of the youngest in the clan, Lightspeck also tries to set a good example for younger cats, Ladybugpelt is feeling sassy today, Bisonfrost heard a rumor about Hopebounce and Pichisong is talking to herself
Patrols: Cinderstar, Nightpounce and Timberheather go on patrol which quickly devolves into ghost stories leaving everyone on edge. Despite that they have a successful patrol. Pichisong, Sandcry and Ladybugpelt go on patrol and Pichisong is feeling nervous about it. Ladybugpelt and Sandcry comfort her. Webtail, Thunderstem and Olivebranch go on patrol and catch the scent of a hare. They catch the hare. When the other warriors went on patrol the game skipped a bit and I didn’t see what happened. Somebody was nervous about something but that’s all I got.
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threadmonster · 3 years
Bungo Stray (Warrior) Cats
This is dedicated to @seawarrenmess, thank you for your interest XD I only did the Detective Agency and Port Mafia (at least for now) because turns out there are a lot of characters! Some were difficult so definitely feel free to give feedback and suggestions! This applies to anyone! Any idea for clan names?
Armed Detective Agency: - Fukuzawa - Silverstar - leader (he was formerly known as Silver Wolf in canon) - Kunikida - Scatteredleaf - deputy (this was a hard one I've used the etymology from the fandom wikia on a lot of these but i dunno how correct that is) - Yasona - Clearpetal - medicine cat (the etymology and she likes flowers) - Ranpo - Swiftriver (etymology, he is swift at thinking) - Dazai - Darkbreeze - he left the Port Mafia for reasons unknown (soukoku translation is Twin Dark on the wikia. I will be taking alternate suggestions for this one) - Junichiro - Clearmist (illusions are not clear? this is either clever or stupid) - Kenji - Rain - he was a rouge who hung out around a farm until it caught fire (this is referencing his ability name) - Atsushi - Tigerheart - abandoned kittypet who took a clan name (...he is a tiger i dunno what to tell you, I'm very creative) - Kyouka - Snow - she was also an abandoned kittypet, she was chased out of Port Mafia territory (Demon Snow, like I said I'm very creative)
Port Mafia: - Mori - Briarstar - leader (etymology, I tried) - Chuuya - Shadowsong - deputy? (the whole dark/black thing, his chanting for corruption comes from a stanza of Sheep Song, according to the wikia trivia. I like this one) - Kyouyou - Goldenleaf - medicine cat? (her ability + etymology) - Akutagawa - Shadetalon (i had trouble with this one but I imagine he would have real sharp claws) - Higuchi - Hollowstep (she is devoted to Akutagawa? so without that she is hollow?? this is a total stretch, please help) - Hirotsu - Fallenwillow (Ability + etymology) - Gin - Silverstream (etymology again. there's a canon cat with this name but I like it so whatever.) - Tachihara - Snowrise (ability + etymology. this was also difficult)
(i don’t know why that tag isn’t working, i literally copy + pasted the name but tumblr says no.)
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bookclubtime · 4 years
Warrior Cats Foxclaw’s Fight P1
Leader: Lionstar- Golden tom with mane-like fur around his neck.
Deputy: Poppyspots- Small rosey she-cat with darker flecks.
Apprentice, Marigoldpaw
Medicine cat(s): Stonefern- Gray tabby tom with green eyes.
Warriors (Toms and she-cats without kits):
Jaggedclaw-Large calico tom with a sideways claw and amber eyes.
Apprentice, Brightpaw
Ravengaze- Old black tom with yellow eyes.
Sunmask- Beautiful dark brown she-cat with tan flecks on her back, a ginger tail and mask.
Whitepelt- White tom with a gray head and paw, amber eyes.
Birdstripe- Yellow tom with a dark brown stripe, black ears, and blue eyes.
Thrushsong- Brown tom with yellow eyes.
Dappleface- Dappled brown she-cat with blue eyes.
Kestrelflight- Gray, white, and red dappled she-cat with amber eyes.
Brightpaw- Light gray tom with darker patches and pale blue eyes.
Marigoldpaw- Small golden she-cat with green eyes and dark brown ears, tail.
Oakfur- Fluffy brown she-cat with green eyes.
Mistclaw- Rosey she-cat with red back legs and bushy red tail, blue-green eyes.
Dovesplash- Light gray-and-white she-cat with green eyes.
Rainburr- Dark gray tabby with amber eyes.
Rosefur- Solid rosey she-cat with pale green eyes and long fur.
Leader: Shimmerstar- Gray she-cat with a striped tail and blue eyes.
Deputy: Larkwing- Lithe brown tom with amber eyes and large orange ears.
Medicine cat(s): Sagenose- Olive she-cat with a golden splashed nose.
Apprentice, Waterpaw
Troutspots- Tan tom with brown ears and a trout-like stripe down his back.
Apprentice, Minnowpaw
Blueripple- Blue-gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes.
Beaverfur- White and brown tabby patched tom with yellow eyes.
Twigheart- Tan tabby tom with green eyes and dark brown paws, ears, and back stripe.
Rivershine- Gray and white tabby she-cat.
Apprentice, Waterpaw
Ivyfoot- Dappled gray tom with green eyes.
Mudshine- Light tan-and-brown tom with green eyes.
Minnowpaw- Dappled gray tom with darker patches, an orange front leg, and green/amber eyes.
Lilypaw- Small dappled orange she-cat with dark blue eyes.
Waterpaw- Solid gray tom with amber eyes.
Brightfeather- Orange and brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes.
Cindy- White, short furred she-cat with pale green eyes.
Flamefur- Dappled red tom with bright blue eyes.
Leader: Lakestar- Gray tabby tom with amber eyes.
Deputy: Ivyspeck- Lithe dark tabby she-cat with olive green eyes.
Medicine cat(s): Brindlepelt- Tortoiseshell she-cat with yellow eyes.
Apprentice, Dovefall
Darkmist- Huge thin-furred black and gray tom..
Apprentice, Scorchpaw
Spottyback- Handsome gray tom with darker flecks.
Apprentice, Shadowpaw
Coldshade- White and gray dappled tom.
Sparrowflight- Black tom with a twisted tail.
Frogleap- Long-legged brown she-cat.
Barkstripe- A white tom with brown stripes, amber eyes, covered in scars.
Rowanwhisker- Russet colored she-cat.
Dovefall- Light gray tom with darker patches and pale blue eyes.
Scorchpaw- Small red tom with white chest, paws, and mask, green eyes.
Shadowpaw- A dark gray tom with a light gray face and yellow eyes.
Ashflower- Gray dappled she-cat.
Leader: Nightstar- Battle-scarred black she-cat.
Deputy: Specklefur- Brown she-cat with tan flecks.
Medicine cat(s): Heatherheart- Gray she-cat with a tan tail, ears, paws, and chest.
Apprentice, Rabbitpaw
Windstorm- Solid gray tom with green eyes.
Apprentice, Mintpaw
Spottyback- Gray tom with darker flecks on his back and amber eyes.
Harerunner- Brown tom with a lighter chest and ears, small darker stripes along his body.
Mudwhisker- Yellow-brown tom.
Grassgorse- Lithe brown tabby she-cat.
Darkbreeze- Aggressive brown tom.
Mintpaw- Black tom with a white mint-shaped crest on his head.
Rabbitpaw- Black and white tom with yellow eyes.
Flameshine- Orange tabby she-cat with a white chest and paws.
Dewfeather- Gray-blue she-cat with blue eyes and a stripe down her back.
Shrewtail- Skinny brown tom.
Stonetail- Tan she-cat with a gray tail and ears.
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night-the-beloved · 4 years
Warrior cats oc's yehaaa, names are subject to change, these oc's were made for a discord rp
1. LionSong
2. CloudyFur
3. DarkBreeze (?)
4. OwlFlight
5. RainFall (?)
6. LemonGaze (?)
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jayfrost-designs · 5 years
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After designing Tornear, I felt like designing his son, Leaftail. He never had a huge part in my stories, but he did die defending Darkbreeze and Nightfern as kits, so I've always had a bit of a soft spot for him. Plus, he just featured in my recent Ten Percent Challenge, so he's a bit more on my mind than usual. So here is his design. ^^
On his wiki page, Leaftail is described as a lithe tom with very glossy fur. He's definitely got his dad lithe build, and though his fur isn't terribly long, it is glossy. He's got a bit more muscle than his dad, courtesy of his mom, and I imagine he's a bit shorter than his lanky dad. He's got some scars, but not a ton, since he didn't have quite as long as life as his parents.
For his pattern, he's described as a very dark ginger tabby with amber eyes. He's a lynx point tabby like his dad, with giner colors from his mom, though much darker and more reddish than hers. He's not terribly dark throughout most of his pelt, but he has very dark ginger points, so I'm counting that as dark ginger. :P He has his mom's shade of amber eyes.
Overall, I'm pretty happy with how this turned out, especially the running pose. :D
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Submitted by: jayie-the-hufflepuff
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This is my OC Darkbreeze. She is a small, lithe dark gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes. She has the dark pelt of her father, and the tabby coat, blue eyes, and somewhat larger ears of her mother.
Darkbreeze is the daughter of Heathertail and Breezepelt. In my fanfiction, Breezepelt was exiled from WindClan after the battle against the Dark Forest, so Darkbreeze and her sister were raised solely by their mother, Heathertail.
Despite her dark name, and the sometimes moody disposition of her parents, Darkbreeze is one of the most endlessly friendly and cheerful cats you could ever hope to meet. She loves her Clan, she loves her family and friends, she loves living wild and chasing hares over the moorland and the scent of heather carried on the breeze. Not all of her Clanmates appreciate that she makes friends so easily outside of her own Clan, or that her best friend is a ThunderClan warrior, but Darkbreeze knows where her loyalties lie, and she’s just happy having a Clan she loves and friends she adores.
Darkbreeze features as a character in the main series books of Echoes of the War, and makes her first appearance in Faded Boundaries, found here: https://www.deviantart.com/jayie-the-hufflepuff/gallery/38405975/EOTW-Faded-Boundaries
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jayietheriverwarrior · 2 months
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Here's the next and (for now) last of the blank minis I painted, this time it's absolute best sunshine girl Darkbreeze! For those who don't know, she's an important secondary character in my post-OOTS AU fanfic series, Echoes of the War, which you can start reading here.
I'm really happy with how she turned out. :D As before, I painted her with acrylic paints, then used a spray to lock everything in and protect her from dust and the paint getting chipped off. I had to mix a lot more white into her paint than I thought I would to make her look lighter than Silentstorm while still keeping her a dark gray, but I think the end result works really well.
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Evil! Lionblaze
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(( Sorry in advance for the excessively long post and points, this au includes two arcs of detailed story ))
- Lionpaw, first of all, doesn't stop training with Tigerstar. Ever. Spurred by bitterness towards the contempt from his waking mentor, Ashfur, and the need to live up to his leader grandpa and deputy father, Lionpaw strives to be the ideal warrior, even by training in the dark forest. He's so blinded by his need for validation and ambition that he began to kill in the dark forest, without even considering the lives he'd destroyed. He thought it wasn't real, and the cats he murdered would wake up all fine and dandy.
- He becomes "evil" slowly, his ill will towards the clans and the cats in them sprouting from the that that he never received the validation he so desired, but from who it counted. No matter how powerful he grew, no matter his invincibility, Ashfur seemed to hate him, and Brambleclaw didn't seem to care. On top of this, Tigerstar planted an idea in Lionclaw's (he was named after his adoptive father, as kind of a joke family name) head when he revealed his power to his "grandpa". The idea was that Lionclaw could conquer the clans, show those that didn't appreciate him properly that he deserved their admiration because he was so powerful and important. Show the likes of Ashfur and Brambleclaw that he deserved their love.
- Lionclaw becomes sort of a living legend among dark forest cats and trainees (some of whom started probably more around his age as opposed to Ivypool's), holding as much power and respect as the likes of Tigerstar and Mapleshade, because of the uses of his power in that environment, his closeness to Tigerstar, and being one of the first still-living trainees. He even commands the respect of the asshat known as Breezepelt, and the half-brothers grow close, with a bond forged by similar motivations and a friendly rivalry. They were practically joined at the hip during their nighttime training sessions, and even the revelation of Lionclaw's parentage changed nothing in their relationship. If anything, it brought them closer and gave more meaning to their brotherly bond.
- Lionclaw who kills Ashfur instead of Hollyleaf, driven to the bloody crime by the pain and rage he felt over his mentor, the cat that was supposed to act like a third parent and a gentle, supportive figure in his life, hated him so. Even despised him to the point of trying to murder him. When Lionclaw told his birth mother and littermates, he proudly and almost in a scary tone of voice justified it as "paying the favor forward, only this time I wasn't afraid to get my paws bloody"
- At the following gathering, Lionclaw made the grand, dramatic announcement that shook his family and the clans to the core, but it wasn't the same one that his sister had made in the main series. He announced that he had killed his own mentor, that he had been training with Tigerstar and co., and when he commanded the crowd's attention once more, he revealed the prophecy, and his power. He challenged the clans as a whole, if any one cat or group could defeat him in battle, he wouldn't take over the clans and kill every cat that didn't fall into line. The gathering descended into chaos, and Lionclaw was barreled off the tree he'd made the announcement from and was promptly jumped by cats that thought they could overpower him. Among the cats he fought and wound up killing were all leaders and deputies, Tigerheart, Tawnypelt, and, in the end, he even killed Hollyleaf. These murders weremore spread out, with Lionclaw killing Brambleclaw and Hollyleaf back in ThunderClan. They didn't have the heart to attack him right away at the gathering, so he put them out of their misery.
- Many cats left at the urging of cats who had run ahead, like the elders, medicine cats, and some of the more morally grounded warriors. Pregnant queens (so not Daisy or Ferncloud) didn't have the time, stamina, or generally felt unable to run away, and when Lionclaw returned they were kept as prisoners so they had kits. Cinderheart was forcibly dragged back and made to become Lionclaw's mate, Jayfeather was taken prisoner as Lionclaw didn't want to lose his brother after killing his foster father and littermate, and any cats that hasn't run, they were either taken prisoner or forced to pledge their loyalty, Darktail style.
- During his takeover of his WindClan, Breezepelt joined forces with Lionclaw, becoming like his "deputy". Many cats that didn't know about their bond were baffled and a little scared by this, and rightfully so. The two of them combined commited worse at atrocities than any combination of previous villainous leaders.
- Lionclaw, after having been forsaken by a terrified StarClan, gained leader lives from Dark Forest and took the name Darklion. The Dark Forest became the kind of replacement StarClan after it's revealed that Darklion had gained these lives, but instead of being respected and beloved, they earn their respect through fear. They even chase StarClan out of their hunting grounds one night, thanks to the help of their trainees and Darklion. (Note: Breezepelt is also named Darkbreeze, but without the lives. He just had to command more respect because of his authority over the WindClan + RiverClan territories)
That's just the Power of Three arc
- The Omen of the Stars arc starts off right away with and introduction to Darklion's expansionism, and the aftermath of him taking over ShadowClan. He already had WindClan, and RiverClan was the last clan that had gone unattacked. Dovekit and Ivykit are like fresh eyes and an introduction to how miserable, violent, and terrifying clan life is. Ivykit seems to be thriving in the environment, in some ways, but Dovekit is constantly stressed and anxious. She's too soft and kind to bear living in the very same camp as Darklion.
- There's a leader Darklion assigned in each area of the new LionClan - Darklion in ThunderClan + ShadowClan and Darkbreeze in WindClan + eventually RiverClan. The two sections are unified and as harmonious as they could be, but most cats kept to the territory of their birth clans and the apprentices are the only ones that truly feel open and happy to casually traverse the old clan borders.
- Darklion winds up having his kits with Cinderpelt Much earlier, against her will of course, and she's confined to the nursery throughout nearly the entire series. The first litter are named Tigerkit (Fernsong), Maplekit (Sorrelstripe), and Hawkkit (Hollytuft)
-Suspicious of both Dovepaw and Ivypaw, Darklion apprentices Ivypaw to himself and Dovepaw to Darkbreeze, effectively shunting her off to WindClan and getting her away from him. Darklion is the one who first convinces Ivypaw to go to the Dark Forest and train there, and he winds up training her waking and sleeping. Ivypaw thinks this is great, and brags about how only special warriors like her get to train where she was. In this arc, she's the special one, the golden child. Training with the evil cats is a privilege, and their stories are told as tragic and heroic tales because Darklion wouldn't have them otherwise. Dovepaw is the one that believes StarClan is good, she's the one with the big heart and the strong moral compass, and therefore she must be the evil one.
- Darkbeeze eventually reports to Darklion that he figured out that Dovepaw has powers and she is the third prophecy cat. Darklion panics and immediately and permanently banishes her to Darkbreeze's territory, as opposed to before, where she could still visit her parents and sister from time to time, if she got the chance to slip away from her intensive training. Darklion continually tells Ivypaw that her sister is terrible and evil, like the cats they must kill to keep their clan safe and happy. Dovepaw is the enemy. Dovepaw is evil and wrong.
- Dovepaw, in WindClan, is starved and tortured by Darkbreeze and her younger clanmates, causing her to become weak and resentful, but unable to fight back. Nobody would help her because of a belief that StarClan were the evil cats and they gave her the power, or out of sheer terror at the prospect of angering Darkbreeze. The cats knew full well that if they helped a cat like Dovepaw, they'd be held prisoner, or even killed.
- One night, as she lay in bed, Dovepaw heard the plots for her own execution. On that full moon, all the clans, even RiverClan, having been taken over, gathered on the island. The prisoners in particular were made to watch as an example was made of a poor, defenceless apprentices. The cats were forced to watch as Darklion stripped Dovepaw's name from her, not even leaving her as Dove, but a nameless, faceless enemy that none could or should sympathise with. Ivyfang, having earned her name, brutally tortured and murdered her own littermate following that. It was disturbing, the delight and joy Ivyfang found in murdering for own sister. Cats like Whitewing, Birchfall, Cloudtail, and Brightheart had special front row seats, even closer than the prisoners. The victim's blood even splashed onto them, and Darklion reveled in their discomfort.
- Jayfeather has been silent for most of the arc, but that had been the last straw for him. On the new moon after Dovepaw's brutal murder, Jayfeather escaped his brother. Only one cat had been guarding him, so the blind cat slipped out under the cover of the new moon. He eventually found his way to the others who had fled, updated them on the situation, and had tearful reunions with the ragtag group of escaped cats. He spent time in recovery from being starved and abused, but was soon back on his feet and plotting against his own brother without fear or regret.
- Near the end of the arc, the dark forest manifests itself in the physical realm, beefing up the authority of Darklion and Darkbreeze and preparing all cats to kill their old clanmates if they were to attack. Tigerstar encouraged Darklion to tour around his territories and torture, blackmail, or kill any cats that didn't present unwavering loyalty. He followed their advice, and eventually the only cats left either believed in Darklion or were too terrified not to obey his power. The only disloyal cats that were spared were pregnant or nursing queens, but they were seprated from their kits at the earliest possible moment, and not allowed to talk to them without a loyal cat to moniter the conversation and make sure the queens weren't speaking ill of any dark forest cats, or planting the wrong ideals in their kits' minds.
- The climactic final battle the PO3 and OTS arcs build up to come from a conflict with the clan cats and the dark forest fighting against the cats that had previously fled and StarClan. Many good cats are slaughtered mercilessly, but it all comes crashing down when Leafpool, Squirrelflight, and Jayfeather work together to drown Darklion in a great "this is revenge for all the cats we loved and you killed" moment. Breezepelt dies not soon after, killed by his own father after running away from Darklion's corpse in a panic. As the news was spread around tbd battlefield, everything came to a standstill. The cats that had been scared into commiting immediately abandoned ship, turning to their attackers and begging for their lives, explaining that they'd been coerced. They were quickly accepted back, and all that has truly believed in Darklion perished in the battle of the aftermath. This unfortunately includes cats like Ivyfang, and all of Darklion's kits.
- This is the end of the Warriors series. As the book and our childhoods come to a conclusion, the living cats are bedraggled, injured, and exhausted, exchanging glances and questioning what to do next as the bloody evening fades into a moonless night, and the book series draws to a close
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kombatclan · 4 years
9 Lives So Far
As Warriors fans know, all fit leaders are presented with nine lives, and that is no exception to the Kombat Clans. However, no leader is denied a life giving ceremony, thus even the most heartless of cats will gain all nine. Below is a list of all known rulers from each Clan and the lives they were granted.
Thunderstar (EarthClan): Justice, Protection, Strength, Perseverance, Nobility, Courage, Wisdom, Loyalty, Compassion
Arcstar (EdenClan): Family, Truth, Wisdom, Fate, Honor, Bravery, Loyalty, Strength, Power
Jumpstar (EdenClan): Compassion, Reality, Family, Justice, Pride, Destiny, Love, Swiftness, Logic
Sharkstar (ClayClan): Strength, Power, Rage, Pride, Control, Exploration, Endurance, Unity, Intelligence
Shrikestar (ClayClan/EdenClan): Revival, Peace, Fearlessness, Hope, Compassion, Energy, Loyalty, Certainty, Faith
Jaguarstar (ClayClan): Intelligence, Wisdom, Vision, Revival, Pride, Nobility, Strength, Defense, Judgement 
Azurestar (ClayClan/As of MK11, subject to change): Wisdom, Honesty, Family, Love, Resistance, Hope, Rage, Peace, Undefined Past
Scorpionstar (SharpClan): Passion, Loyalty, Decisiveness, Family, Inner Fire, Control, Pride, Perseverance, Love
The Elder Icestar/Darkbreeze (ChillClan): Judgement, Power, Freedom, Mentoring, Instincts, Faith, Decisiveness, Comfort in Darkness, Pride
Icestar (ChillClan): Faith, Hope, Mercy, Strength, Judgement, Trust, Loyalty, Nobility, Honor, Swiftness
The Elder Gods are placed as the Clan Founders in this AU, and thus may not line up the same as the game’s canon. They’re subject to change. Tigerstar was not granted his 9, however, as SharpClan was not recognized as a real Clan until after his death, proving them worthy.
Cicadastar (ClayClan): Malice, Rage, Intelligence, Power, Sorrow, Comfort in Darkness, Manipulation, Mimicry, Loyalty
Crowstar (EarthClan): Purity, Listening, Growth, Light, Peace, Harmony, Energy, Revival, Loyalty
Chillstar (ChillClan): Ruthlessness, Power, Strength, Survival, Mentoring, Passion, Thriving, Inner Fire, Persuasiveness
Edenstar (EdenClan): Nurturing, Protection, Resistance, Growth, Quickness, Faith, Intelligence, Trust, Fate
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8-bitadventures · 6 years
Tales of Jemmora: The Kraken's Wake, Ep1-2
Tales of Jemmora: The Kraken’s Wake, Ep1-2
  The BackStreet Sharks and company continue their fight against the Darkbreeze to reclaim the pillaged goods.
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sytheofabloodmoon · 2 years
SickleClan Moon 61
Year 6 is starting. I forgot to take a picture of Pichipaw last moon but she’s earned her warrior name of Pichisong.
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Also Ladybugpelt earned a scar fighting a dog.
Checking in: Daisyfur is counting poppy seeds, Cinderstar is feeling content, Sandcry is heading to dirtplace, Nightpounce is watching over the non-existent kits(Maybe they want more kits?), Webtail is fighting with Noodle(I wonder what that’s about), Rowanpelt is relaxing in camp, Fire is daydreaming, Jasper is relaxing in camp, Hopebounce is complaining about being cold, Olivebranch is feeling gloomy, Noodle is curious about the other clans(Oh, Webtail is probably doubting Noodle’s loyalty because of her curiosity about the other clans), Hopewhisker is visiting the medicine den, Thunderstem is looking around camp, Moth found a trinket that used to belong to Barkpaw, Timberheather wants to go on a hunting patrol, Juniperseed hopes for a message from StarClan soon, Darkbreeze is guarding the camp entrance, Lightspeck is looking around camp, Ladybugpelt is spending a considerable amount of time grooming, Bisonfrost is heading to dirtplace and Pichisong is feeling gloomy
Patrols: Pichisong goes on her solo patrol and comes across the scent of a fox. The mother fox fights to defend her cubs and Pichisong is left with a scar. Cinderstar, Timberheather and Lightspeck go on patrol and Timberheather and Lightspeck end up having an argument which Cinderstar manages to skillfully smooth over. Nightpounce, Ladybugpelt and Bisonfrost go on patrol and notice new leaves and flowers growing. Hunting is plentiful as new prey is born. Olivebranch, Darkbreeze and Hopewhisker go on patrol and don’t find anything useful. It was still a fun outing and they learned a lot. Sandcry, Thunderstem and Webtail go on patrol and Thunderstem and Webtail start doubting Sandcry’s ability as deputy. Sandcry preforms well and quells doubt.
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