#Das is bad with feelings™
kurohaai · 2 years
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I love like a smoking gun
Ripped a shot, then I hid and run from the scene
You sick of your life, I don't lie
The ones we need.
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14dayswithyou · 4 months
Meowdy Saint! ^^ lolol hello hello o/ hope you are doing good!!
So this masterpiece of a game has been invading my mind with ZERO chill lately which directly translated to me coming up with a TON of questions orz I really didn't realize how many I ended up compiling lol
If you don't feel like answering this many please feel absolutely free to ignore this ask or only answer the ones you like the most, the last thing I want is for you to feel overwhelmed! ^^
-do Rendacted's memories remain intact when he resets the day or do his wipe too with everyone else's? Also is there an in-universe answer for why he has these glitchy powers or is he just Built Different™?
-if angel made it VERY clear that they would be mad asf and prolly even start hating and leave Ren/[REDACTED] if he were to hurt their friends(or killing people bc this man needs to chill fr), would he listen to them? Bc I know that if he touches Violet, Elanor, Kiara or god forbid Moth I'm personally deleting his kneecaps 🥰
-since it seems to me that Ren/[REDACTED] is only kinda meh at cooking I was wondering if he actually made the not burnt pancakes in day 3 or if he had some store bought ones that he passed off as his own lol
-does he know how to give massages? :00
-during day 1, how did Ren come up with a book on the local flora?? It seems like such a random topic to pick when put on the spot without already having a genuine interest in it lmao
-if I understood correctly Maple should be Jae's dog right?? Did you have a specific breed or age in mind when creating her? I got curious because in my head she automatically popped up as a young australian shepherd to match with Jae's hyperactive dumbass energy lol❀⸜(˶´ ˘ `˶)⸝❀
-staying on the dog topic lol, in day 1 when angel gets up from the couch to get Ren the inflatable mattress(iirc) and he follows right behind them i immediately thought he acted like a puppy lmao. So would he mind being called 'puppy' as a pet name?
(I am not sure if this⬇️ questions falls under character deaths, if it does I really apologize and absolutely feel free to ignore it ^^)
-from an ask from last year it seems [REDACTED] would ultimately kill angel if there was ultimately not way to enter in their life?? Gotta say I was very taken aback by this, would this still be the case after a year of building more to his character? (Ok I went back to check the ask again but I can't for the life of me find it anymore maybe I dreamt it up idk😭😭 im really sorry if that is the case jdkslajdl)
-uuhh I know there is already a lot in this ask(im seriously sorry orz), but I was wondering if we will eventually get an SFW alphabet for Ren/[REDACTED] for the folks who don't care about the nasty 👉👈
-THIS IS THE LAST THING I PROMISE 👹 will there be a guide to get all the endings? I'm not sure if there is one already and in that case I missed it 100%
Also I find it ironic how the fandom is trying to find out every single aspect of Ren/[REDACTED]'s character the same way he must do with angel lmao
ALRIGHT THATS ALL IM SO SORRY FOR ASKING SO MUCH THE REN BRAINROT HOURS ARE SO REAL IM LOSING BRAINCELLS orz Remember to take care of yourself drink water and take breaks!! ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
(Also sorry if some phrases don't make sense, english isn't my first language as I am 🤌 lolol)
✦゜ANSWERED: Under da cut because this got long >:3
-do Rendacted's memories remain intact when he resets the day or do his wipe too with everyone else's? Also is there an in-universe answer for why he has these glitchy powers or is he just Built Different™? Ren's memories remain intact!! I mean... He remembers each time you get a bad end and sometimes says something different... >:3 There is also an in-universe reason as to why he has his abilities — I won't spoil anything, but his real name (along with River's and one other character) have a reeeeally big tell. But what this tell is is for me to know and you to find out >:3
-if angel made it VERY clear that they would be mad asf and prolly even start hating and leave Ren/[REDACTED] if he were to hurt their friends(or killing people bc this man needs to chill fr), would he listen to them? Bc I know that if he touches Violet, Elanor, Kiara or god forbid Moth I'm personally deleting his kneecaps 🥰 Ren (and by extension [REDACTED]) knows not to harm anyone if he knows you won't like it — and even then — he won't actively show that murderous side of him in the first place. To Angel, Ren is just a timid, normal guy.
-since it seems to me that Ren/[REDACTED] is only kinda meh at cooking I was wondering if he actually made the not burnt pancakes in day 3 or if he had some store bought ones that he passed off as his own lol Ren is actually good at cooking, he's just a bit out of touch since he doesn't normally cook for himself! It's normally microwave meals or takeout for him... ^^; And yes, Ren did burn and burn the pancakes in Day 3 — he was distracted by something on his phone :3
Bonus cut Day 3 content: I took out the scene where Ren started to profusely apologise for burning the pancake because he often had to cook when he was younger. Given the dynamic of his family and the environment he grew up in, Ren didn't have much room to make mistakes ;n; I cut this scene out because I felt bad ksgskd So y'all get to have flustered, happy Ren instead!!
-does he know how to give massages? :00 If that was one of Angel's interests or desires, then sure!! ^^
-during day 1, how did Ren come up with a book on the local flora?? It seems like such a random topic to pick when put on the spot without already having a genuine interest in it lmao Someone else likes flora too, and it sure would be funny if Ren (eventually) starts to mimic certain traits and interests of the person you have the highest affinity/relationship points with in order to make himself look more appealing… >:3c
-if I understood correctly Maple should be Jae's dog right?? Did you have a specific breed or age in mind when creating her? I got curious because in my head she automatically popped up as a young australian shepherd to match with Jae's hyperactive dumbass energy lol❀⸜(˶´ ˘ `˶)⸝❀ It was mentioned in Jae's lore post (I'll link it here once I find it), but Maple is a Labrador! (Leon would be Jae's Australian Shepherd hehe) In my mind, Maple is only 2 or 3 years old, but that wouldn't really fit the official timeframe... ^^; Jae adopted Maple during high school so he wouldn't feel lonely at home, and it's been over 6+ years since then.... hgdshjg
-staying on the dog topic lol, in day 1 when angel gets up from the couch to get Ren the inflatable mattress(iirc) and he follows right behind them i immediately thought he acted like a puppy lmao. So would he mind being called 'puppy' as a pet name? Angel affectionately calls Ren a puppy during the scene in Day 1 where they meet up after work, so that nickname definitely could work!
-from an ask from last year it seems [REDACTED] would ultimately kill angel if there was ultimately not way to enter in their life?? Gotta say I was very taken aback by this, would this still be the case after a year of building more to his character? (Ok I went back to check the ask again but I can't for the life of me find it anymore maybe I dreamt it up idk😭😭 im really sorry if that is the case jdkslajdl) aaa I think you might be mistaking that ask for something else? ;v; [REDACTED] would NEVER harm Angel in any capacity, and they're a very patient person. Even if it took decades for Angel to fall in love with him, they'll wait.
-uuhh I know there is already a lot in this ask(im seriously sorry orz), but I was wondering if we will eventually get an SFW alphabet for Ren/[REDACTED] for the folks who don't care about the nasty 👉👈 You're fine!! And I'm open to doing that! I'll add it to my list hehe
-THIS IS THE LAST THING I PROMISE 👹 will there be a guide to get all the endings? I'm not sure if there is one already and in that case I missed it 100% I've shared a spreadsheet that lists all the available choices, the points you earn from each of them, and the endings you can get — however it's only available on Discord and I don't really want to share it outside of the server and potentially put it in the hands of minors. Sorry!!
Also I find it ironic how the fandom is trying to find out every single aspect of Ren/[REDACTED]'s character the same way he must do with angel lmao Hehe >:3 There's a loooot of lore that won't ever be mentioned in the game (since it doesn't seem fitting/I don't see a reason to), so I'm happy to provide it here!
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ohnoitstbskyen · 3 months
you say the new DA game had a disastrous first trailer - i don’t keep up with AAA game news that much, what was so bad about it?
i swear i’d google it but it’s unusable these days especially for opinions sorry
Basically, the reveal trailer took a very sorta Marvel-esque (a lot of people compared it to Guardians of the Galaxy) movie trailer tone focusing a lot on "wow look how cool all these badass cool characters are doing cool things ha ha ha jokes and mild self-aware irony!"
Which, to longtime dedicated Dragon Age players, was not quite the tone they were expecting for a game about the Dreadwolf tearing open the veil between worlds in his sorrowful but selfish obsession with a dead civilization. People were expecting the buildup to a dramatic final showdown with Solas, so the tone of the trailer felt entirely out of step with the game that had been built up in the community's imagination over the last many years.
Which, y'know, again, it really looks like BioWare is trying to pitch this game to John Gamer™, so it's neither a surprise nor necessarily a bad move to market it more broadly, but in combination with BioWare firing multiple incredibly key developers responsible for creating the Dragon Age series, industry rumors that Dreadwolf had been in development as a Game As A Service game for a long time, and the new aesthetic which pulls more towards a mainstream stylized fantasy aesthetic and away from the high camp of something like Inquisition... it basically just made a lot of people absolutely terrified that their favourite game series was about to get Anthem'd.
It was a huge overreaction from a lot of people with a lot of anxiety and fear about Dreadwolf being bungled and a lot of feelings bound up in getting a satisfying resolution to the Solas storyline.
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himluv · 4 months
DA: The Veilguard Predictions/Theories, pt. 3
Okay, last one, I promise. And this one is, uhhhhhh, real strong on the tinfoil. Bear with me.
Read part 1 here :)
Read part 2 here :)
3. DA:D’s Real Big Bad™
Okay, this is probably my most outrageous and unsubstantiated theory - but it’s also the one I’m most excited for. Buckle up, kids, because I think The Architect is back! 
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So, when Bioware released the Dragon Age Day 2023 Thedas Calls trailer, Mark Darrah mentioned in the corresponding blog post that there was more to the trailer than just location reveals, “for those who listen closely.” Well, lemme tell you, I listened real close over and over again until something struck me.
“All the world will soon share the peace and comfort of my reign.” 
That voice… I know that voice, don't I? 
“I do not seek to rule my brethren. I only seek to release them from their chains.” 
The Architect told the Warden in Dragon Age: Awakening that it intended to use Grey Warden blood to return self-awareness and “freedom” to the Darkspawn, freeing them from their tethers to the Archdemons. 
But this was not The Architect’s first plan. No, its first plan was much, much worse. In The Calling, Maric, Duncan, Fiona and the other Grey Warden’s meet The Architect in the Deep Roads and learn that its plan is to spread the Blight over all of Thedas, thus ensuring a “lasting peace”. Nevermind that two-thirds of the population wouldn’t survive the process. **stares in solavellan**
A “lasting peace.”
“The peace and comfort of my reign.”
Now, sure, The Architect has stated that it doesn’t want to rule over its brethren, but that was in 9:31 Dragon. It’s been working on this plan since at least 9:10 Dragon (when The Calling takes place) and Dreadwolf is likely to take place somewhere around 9:52 Dragon. The Architect has had 40 years to scheme and experiment and come to the bitter realization that – if there is to be peace – it may have to rule after all. 
And I’m sure Corypheus’s rise and fall did not go unnoticed by The Architect. With Solas’s machinations putting a ticking clock on Thedas’s existence, perhaps The Architect feels the pressure to end the Blights once and for all, and bring its corrupted brand of “peace” to Thedas.
When you need to spread the Darkspawn taint in record time, what do you do? Oh, I don’t know. Maybe awaken two Archdemons simultaneously and unleash them upon the world? (as a treat?) After all, there can be no more Blights once all the Old Gods have been corrupted…
Which would directly pit The Architect against Solas AND the protagonists of DA:D. And, basically everyone, because no one wants a double Blight and/or to suffer a continent-wide Darkspawn plague.
So, yeah. That’s my super-duper tin-foil hat theory for Dreadwolf (now The Veilguard). Obviously, I could be completely wrong about everything. There’s so much lore in Dragon Age, and yet so little of that lore is unequivocally proven true. It’s all in-world texts that can be – and frequently are – wrong. So, even with exhaustive research and codex mining, there’s ALWAYS a chance that some fundamental piece of “evidence” turns out to just be… incorrect. 
In my opinion, that’s part of what makes this series so. effing. compelling. The whole world feels like an excavation, one where every interaction holds the potential for yet another clue. So, even if I am wrong, I can’t wait to learn the truth.
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alexgalaxyboo · 2 years
It all started with one thought. Hey I rlly wanna draw some sort of femme fatale esque Soap.
So I went to bother @hyperfixationwizard about it, as you do.
The initial idea was obviously that he's seducing Ghost but then I thought hey it'd also be really cool if he was seducing some other dude (which of course ended up being Graves) and Ghost was his like.. bodyguard I guess.
Cue a metric fuckton of pining and jealousy they're in denial about.
So—to set the scene. The 141 and co are some sort of secret spy group blah blah blah, tasked with gaining very important information from none other than the CEO of Shadow Corporations, who is none other than Philip Graves of course.
Soap and Ghost are leading the mission, with Soap intended to seduce Graves, earn his trust and then gain access into .. like the company's super secret database so they can find the info they need to expose them. Or something. The plot is still in progress (he says, meanwhile together with Hype they wrote approximately 6k words or so between the two of them).
The plan is simple, or at least it seems simple enough until Ghost starts finding himself very very jealous that Soap is flirting with Graves. Like how dare that asshole even LOOK in his direction. Not because he's in love with him or anything, absolutely not what are you on about.
Soap of course is no less interested in Ghost—big guy, mysterious and cool, nice voice, what is he missing, really—and maybe he is more friendly chatty and flirty than he claims he is with everyone. Even if he was, Ghost can't really tell because he's busy being down bad so it's fine.
And things go according to plan, y'know? Attend a gala here, go to some fancy meeting there, maybe a date for like.. golf or whatever stupid rich assholes do, I wouldn't know, but they're earning Graves' trust and that's all that matters.
And maybe somewhere in between all that, Soap and Ghost kind of have.. a Moment™ where Soap asks for help to put a necklace on and asks Ghost for help. There's something about the feeling of his bare fingertips (because he'd have to take his gloves off, no?) so faintly brushing against the skin on his back, something about the intimacy of literally baring his neck to Ghost (because he trusts him and it's quickly becoming clear he doesn't just trust Ghost to watch his back he trusts Simon) and somewhere between all of those some things they probably stay frozen there in front of the mirror for longer than they should've and longer than it should've been acceptable.
They do snap out of it though, with Soap meeting Ghost's gaze through the mirror and shooting him a wink before hurrying off pretending his cheeks weren't burning red.
Funnily enough, that same night or maybe a day or two later, when Graves presents Soap with a necklace as a gift and insists on helping him put it on himself, Ghost finds his blood boiling at the way his hands linger around Soap's neck, peering over his back to admire the pretty piece of jewelry and is about seconds away from murdering him on the spot—subtlety and diplomacy of the mission be damned.
(there's ,, more to it I guess but this post is getting very long so ,, feel free to ask anything and everything as always lmao)
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coyote-nebula · 2 months
A silly little ask from a silly little mutual~~☆
The opening scene of Tim in a Bottle is dialogue GOLD to me. Tim & Jason’s voices are on point, and all the little details feel so natural that they make it really come to life. How did you come up with the street names Tim and Jason reference, along with the Tasty Pastry business name and slogan? (Taste You Canoli Imagine™️ 😂)
Was this a ‘write down the first thing that comes to mind’ situation, or do you have a whole brainstorming process…? I guess my question is really about your writing process, and whether you’re a details first writer or a big picture first writer. (:
(I know this question is muddled, please take it as an excuse to ramble about your fic ♡ ♡ ♡)
Thank you! I feel like I'm doing one of those author interviews.
I've been party to so many "what street is this house on" conversations, and that informed their argument. It's like a dramatization of my confusion with respect to Jason's territory (is it really just Crime Alley/Park Row? Is it one road? How does he handle intersecting streets? Who decides the borders? are they submitted in writing somewhere? Is it based on vibes??). I (incorrectly) guessed at what the Bowery is named for (farms, not boughs 😂) and went with an arbor theme connecting both areas and ta-da: streets with tree names.
As for Pastry Tastry, Taste You Cannoli Imagine™, it's simple: I like puns, especially bad ones 😂I brainstormed the company name and slogan at work, where as soon as I thought of it I snuck across the building to giggle about it to a coworker, who took my self cleverness very patiently.
Also, and I'm sorry for explaining the joke, but it was so hilarious to me because the cannolis are not good. You really do have to imagine that taste, because you won't find it in the pastries.
I don't know what my writing process is. Trees are more readily apparent to me than forests, I know that. I had like two things I knew for sure when starting this fic, so I mostly improvised as I went (especially at the beginning, where there's less pressure to actually remember everything, lol. I'm being forced to plan the broad strokes carefully at the end). If there's lots of details, I'd say that's where my mind tends to go first!
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insertdisc5 · 2 years
Devlog #9: Play and Testing
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Hello everyone! Welcome to this month’s devlog!
If you just stumbled upon this, I am Adrienne, also known as insertdisc5! I’m the developer, writer, artist, main programmer, etc of the game. The game being In Stars and Time, which is the next and final game in the START AGAIN series, following START AGAIN: a prologue (available here!).  You can find out more about In Stars and Time here!!! 
Anyway, this month's devlog is gonna be about playtesting!
Playtesting!!! Has finally started!!! 
So a few weeks ago, I gave a code to the game to a few dozen friends, and they’re all slowly playing through it and giving me their feedback. Finally, a small sample of people (that are not me or QA) get to play Da Game…
To elaborate a bit more on QA vs Playtesting (at least for this game??? I don’t know if that’s how it is for other games???), my publisher Armor Games has a QA team whose job it is to play through the game and check for bugs! As a QA team member from Armor Games puts it, QA is about
1. Making sure the main path functions correctly (aka no soft/hard locks, no blockers, etc),
2. Attempting to check every interaction in every possible situation, and,
3. Confirming previously known issues that are stated as fixed are actually fixed, and that no new issues resulted from the fix!
What I’ve been doing for the past few months is wait patiently for the team to tell me “Adrienne, this thing happened and we’re not sure if it’s intended or a bug” and I go “it’s a bug” and I fix it and then the game is better. Know that their work is irreplaceable and SORELY needed. Thank you QA team, and thank you to QA teams everywhere.
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Playtesting is (again, for this game) me giving the beta to some trusted friends and telling them “what do you think? Is it good? Do you GET IT? Also you’re a Normal Gamer ™ and play like a Normal Gamer ™ and not like me (the dev, I made the game, I know the game so I won’t do anything “”weird””) or the QA team (who are trying to break the game so it can be fixed, so they play in very specific ways) so your experience is valuable please tell me everything you’re thinking plz”.
Having some people playtesting the game is very, very fun. I told them right away “If i had my way i would want to stand behind you really close and look into your brain to hear every single thought you have, but once every so often is fine <3” so I’ve gotten a lot of very excited livetweeting my way, which is. The Best Thing Ever. For me, the most important part of playtesting was figuring out if the story was good! Beyond “does the story make sense?”, I asked a few times “so, what are your theories Right Now”, to see if my crumbs of foreshadowing were leading them where I wanted to, or if it led them in completely the wrong direction (which is also fun teehee). Also yes I did get a lot of screaming already. Love it when my friends yell at me that the story made them feel something <3
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Having Normal Gamers ™ play the game means I also got some valuable feedback on some other important stuff, like: Does the game feel good to play? Are the battles too easy, too hard? Is there anything I can do to make the game better? Do you get what’s going on, or are you completely lost as to what you should do next? Thanks to them, I figured out where the game needed more explanations or tutorials, so hopefully this should make for a smoother experience!
Having a bunch of different eyes on the game was also VERY useful for typos and various writing mistakes. Did you know “discretely” and “discreetly” are two different words??? I learned that this week!!! Wow!!! And also did you know that I am bad at remembering the difference between East and West? I messed it up three times in the script!!! Oops!!! I’m bad at directions!!!
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Of course, with feedback comes not-positive feedback as well! I did get some feedback on a potentially upsetting scene- I didn’t warn for it enough, and a friend thought it was too sudden and shocking, and would’ve appreciated some warning. I left the scene in, but I made sure to warn for its contents before it happens, so players can avoid it entirely if they’d rather not see it! In Stars and Time deals with some heavy subjects, but I want to make sure players can skip some of it if they know it would upset them. As a note, we don’t have the content warnings written down yet, but we definitely will before the game comes out! They’ll be pretty similar to START AGAIN: a prologue’s.
Overall, I’m very glad I got over my apprehension and showed the game off a bit. I’m getting some extremely valuable feedback (negative AND positive!) that I wouldn’t have gotten elsewhere. Anyway, this just turned into a “hey if you’re making a game you should have people play it BEFORE it comes out. I know it’s scary. I know you’re afraid of showing people something you made. I know you’re afraid of The Feedback. But also it’s better to have The Feedback now from people you love and trust, rather than all at once from strangers. Please make people playtest your game” manifesto for small indie devs. This is also addressed to past me. I didn’t ask enough people to playtest my previous game before it came out and I missed some obvious bugs. PLEASE ASK YOUR FRIENDS TO PLAY YOUR GAME THEY’RE YOUR FRIENDS AND WANT TO PLAY YOUR FUN GAME
(In other non-playtesting news, I had an interview with Pocket Tactics if you wanna read it! It's good!!!)
That’s all I have to say for today! Let me know if you have any questions, or if there’s any aspect of the game development struggle you’d like me to talk about! See you next time!!!
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vonlipvig · 5 months
Rating the flags of Suzerainverse, based not on any existing vexillological principles, but purely on vibes™
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Agnolia: 3/10 this flag...makes me mad. i don't know why, it's not egregiously bad or anything, but there's just something about it that just grinds my fucking gears. like, i look at it and i'm instantly filled with the need to deny their sovereignty over helji island.
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Anrakan Isles: 8/10 this one is soooo pretty, i love it a lot (and it's one of the flags that won the community flag contest, a very deserved win!). the green is so lovely, and i love the pop of red, really gorgeous. good amount of detail without going overboard, very lovely.
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Arcasia: 6/10 of course arcasia has its stars and stripes. i don't know, it's definitely pretty, but i feel like it's a bit too tryhard. like, ok arcasia we fucking get it. but the color scheme is nice and it's certainly pleasant to look at, so i guess i'll allow it THIS TIME...
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Derdia: 3/10 look, i respect the aesthetic, but it's not for me. i don't like too much black in a flag, and i don't like text in a flag, so you can see how we're off to a bad start here, but the symbol is really pretty so i will definitely give them that. the little sword is cute too, they really said warrior culture, huh.
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Free Cities: 8/10 honestly? they kind of ate with this one, not gonna lie. it's not a simple flag by any means--i'm imagining the little kids going to school in the free cities crying trying to draw their flag--, but it's just really pretty. the green and yellow color combo looks so striking here, i love it (<-- remember this bit, it will be important later), and the symbol is absolutely gorgeous.
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Kyrute: 100/10 OH KYRUTE STOP IT THEY'RE ALREADY DEAD this is so cunty (sorry, KUNTY). i love this one so much, it's simple, elegant, interesting to look at, unique, they really cracked the code with it. it fits kyrute so well, too. amazing job, sweetie, no notes.
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Lespia: 7/10 i don't want to admit it, but it's rather pretty, you win this time lespia. again, not a big fan of text, but it's so small it doesn't even register as. the color scheme is very pleasant, i love the red flower and the abundance of yellow, even if it does look a bit too vatican-y. but this is fake europe, so who cares!
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Morella: 2.5/10 oh alma saltana my queen (sorry, comrade), i love you girl but your country's flag...it's just a lot. i know i said the green/yellow combo was nice, but this green with that yellow? and then the stripes with the very kiki stars...i don't know, it's not my fave i have to say.
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Pales: 7.5/10 respectfully? they also ate with this one, yup. the symbol? okay grand duchy of graphic design, slay! i think it's very pretty, very harmonious, the colors look good together, the logo is clear and definitely gives that royal vibe without being too over the top. i like it.
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Qinal: 7/10 oh they really said let's get CREATIVE with this shit, and surprisingly i kind of dig it quite a bit. the colors are so original and somehow work together very well. the form? inspired, honestly. cool symbolism too, honestly pretty good work. i don't know how i feel about the dark stripe, but it's a cool damn flag.
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Rizia: 6.5/10 our beloved kingdom, and a pretty solid flag to go with it! i'd say it channels its vibes very effectively. it's not my favorite color scheme, but cmon, they really said 'we want the 6 stars of st. wruhec, we want the crown, we want the bull, we want the shield with the leaves and all that royal shit', and it looks fucking good, so i'll support them.
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Rumburg: 6/10 listen, before the rumburgian spies get my ass, it's not bad, ok? it's totally fine, it works, it just scares me somehow. i look at it and immediately think 'rumburg' but i also feel an acute sense of dread. it is so ominous.
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Sordland: 1000000/10 BEST FUCKING FLAG IN THE WORLD BEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD A MORGNA WES CORE VECTERN SIS DA BITCHESSSSS. bias aside, this flag is SO pretty i love it so much it's so gorgeous. the maroon with the yellow? OH it's lovely. the symbol is tasteful and fits perfectly. god bless sordland i love you so much.
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United Contana: 6.5/10 simple, but it gets the point across, i'd say. pretty and effective, nothing more and definitely nothing less.
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Valgland: 5.5/10 it's fine, i guess? it's an odd color combo (say i, whose flag has the same color combo), but the addition of the pop of red with the star is pretty striking AND significant, so i'll definitely give them that. why do you even add text like that, guys, cmon.
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Wehlen: 7/10 ugh, you hate to see a bitch you despise thriving, i do like this flag. it just looks cool, they don't deserve to have a cool flag (well, no, smolak doesn't deserve it). i will say that it's a bit too much white space, but it still looks so cool.
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Yarktralis: 10/10 I LOVE THIS ONE SO MUCH TOO (another of the flag contest winners! great job!). it fits them so well and it's so visually stunning and OH i just love it a lot. gorgeous to look at, absolutely stunning.
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roboyomo · 4 months
GRABBING YUO. hai :] 1 + 6 + 8 +29 for th ask game !!
GETS GRABBED. hellooooo there pik!!! :D
"1. Have you ever picked up a habit from developing/writing one of your own characters? And if so, who and what?" ough,,, a tough one because my memory is quite bad,,, I think i never had that?? i really can't recall,,,ueeghheh :[ <- can't remember anything
"2. Are there any other preexisting characters that inspired an OC?" Well.
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you tell me. and by that i mean my 2016 obsession with bill cipher has DEFINITELY showed up in kenix. yea bill cipher is partially the reason that kenix is silly™ like this. and no i will not elaborate. As for other characters, I don't think that has happened? Most of them just. popped into existence on a random day and i let them
"8. Is there a certain song or playlist of songs you have that make you think of an OC/your story for them?" OUGHHHH. I HAVE QUITE THE AMOUNT SO BUCKLE UP.
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as for other beasts,,, this cover of brain revolution girl by maretu for amor. (THIS COVER HAS AN EDITED MV AND I THINK THERE ARE FLASHING LIGHTS SO BE CAREFUL). I KNOW I BARELY TALKED ABOUT HIM. BUT LISTEN
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i do prefer the eng translation of the song in the reol and ill.bell cover cc because i feel like the lyrics fit his anger a bit more there but still. this does just as well.
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and augh,,,, found footage by shikakuzakana for apollo. WARNING THAT THERE ARE FLASHING COLORS IN THE MV
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i don’t have a lot of songs which lyrics make me think of apollo only but this. this is one of the very few. i hold apollo very close to my heart
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you know what. The mind electric by miracle musical. for amor, apollo AND kenix. yes i think this part right here fits the three of them. i will not be elaborating further
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HEAT ABNORMAL BY IYOWA. AND SPECIFICALLY MIYASHITA YUU’S COVER OF IT. this with yaku from his peak insanity chapter. my poor little guy is going through it
and this might be it for the songs!! this reminds me of the amor playlist i made a year ago,,, should probably check up on that one
"29. Do any of your OCs have AU designs/stories?" WELL I DID TRY TO PUT THESE BEASTS INTO THE PMVERSE.
i had ideas of them as nuggets and also as limbus company sinners. for the nugget stuff i gave apollo da capo as his signature ego suit and weapon and feather of honor as the ego gift. amor was supposed to have the twilight ego gift + suit as well as the mimicry weapon (because shapeshifting beings!!). or maybe some mountain of smiling dead bodies stuff,,, yaku was supposed to have just full laetitia ego stuff and kenix,,,, never decided anything for him actually but honestly it might just be judgement bird ego gear for no reason, and azrael with possibly little red riding hooded mercenary ego gear? As for limbus stuff, i just see amor trying to kill kenix at every possible moment with dante having to rewind the clock. a lot. they are trying to kill each out here and apollo and yaku are just. there. we don't know where's azrael don't ask me where he is
YEA THIS WAS FUN THAMKYOUUU. and!!! i might actually draw them as lobcorp agents at some point i think it'd be fun to do :]
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sarkos · 5 months
One of the terrible things about a new Special Interest™ is inevitably running into Bad Takes, and I think I'm going to have to break this into chunks, since the last time I did longform writing I was also dealing with a stomach flu, so I was more incoherent than usual.
I watched a Youtube video, and I'm not about to become the kind of person who writes in comment sections. The two most egregious failings were that Chisato didn't get development and he took Majima seriously (That's going to have to be it's own post, so I don't go apeshit over the "Indirect kiss" interpretation.)
I don't have a big gripe, there was some good information (I hadn't heard the "unfilmable" version ended with them drowning the bad guys in a pool of blood, which while METAL isn't going to get a Sanrio crossover like the broadcast version.) The guy has the other brand of brainworms, but some of my most cherished screencaps are from 4chan Toonami liveblogs where anons are talking about loving LycoReco, so insert that "I love this thing"/"Worst guy you ever met " cartoon I usually reserve for gunpla discussions.
I think part of it is not getting "Takina as transfer student" which I got after watching PMMM (Yes, I watched it due to the Homura/Takina post, but that's a photoset in drafts). Chisato is an established character, and we're introduced to her legend and lore (heck we only hear about her dog from a picture) while we're introduced with Takina and see her evolve, in comparison, we unlock Chisato lore, but we see her change in response to Takina .
We're introduced to her having already rejecting assassination for pacifism, having literally built a Coffeeshop AU for herself, and already having accepted her own death (like an actual Stoic) and dedicating herself to being remembered fondly by people she's helped. In a way, we see parts of this in flashback, but it's still there for sequels and Gaiden stories. If we see Chisato go to living her own life AND Takina taking back her agency from DA the story feels used up.
Which isn't to say by not having an "arc" Chisato doesn't change. We see her close the Coffee shop once she gets an actual estimate of how long she's got to live, which again I see people confused by. Given how much we see Chisato lied to, even with her best interests, like Mika's heartwrenching confession scene, she likely hasn't been given an actual life expectancy. It was genuinely horrifying to learn the Lycoris service lasts until 18 from Mika and Yoshi's conversation that that was when her heart would probably give out, and then find out she's 17 during the series. (Which makes Yoshi's plan of attack take place when he knows all the more disgusting).
But she realizes she doesn't have much time left she stops playing a waitress to get her affairs in order, like her "dying wish" to get Takina reinstated in DA she's taken care of (as much as DA can care). Likewise, she violates her code against killing twice, using live conventional ammo to save Takina, and again to throw herself and Majima off the tower while she's disabled and he threatens Takina.
Admittedly, I feel like I'm rehashing my gripe about the RLM Predator video where I complain a lot of people haven't been in a deadly situation, so seeing a depiction of someone in those situations doesn't read right to them, but I've engaged in the least American of Pastimes, contemplating my own mortality and deciding whether my sense of morality is worth my own life or someone else's. So I feel like it's a mug's game to say character development only occurs in an arc just as much as the people who see everything in TV Tropes lists.
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ivylouvre · 2 years
taylor swift sings i associate with casey and alex / calex
i have many headcanons for both of them and their relationship and maybe this doesn't make sense but it makes sense to me!
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enchanted: i think they definitely met before ghost (6x16) maybe at a DA office party or something and casey had a mayor crush on alex (s2-5) and during that period she tries to convince herself she just admires alex but when they actually talk on ghost she is like "omg i do have a crush"obviously she doesn't say anything, but after that she just wonders if alex likes her (in a friendly way) and she spends an embarrassing amount of time overthinking their interaction because she wants alex to think she's a good ADA (and maybe she wants alex to think she's pretty)
delicate: casey s13.
gold rush: casey wrote this song about alex actually. i made a very specific scenario where casey went out for drinks and she's a little too drunk, when she gets home she listens to this song and cries because life is too complicated to be with alex :)
just look at the lyrics
"eyes like sinking ships on waters i almost jump in"
"i see me padding across your wooden floors with my eagles t-shirt hanging from the door at dinner parties i call you at on your contrarian shit"
"my mind turns your life into folklore i can't dare to dream about you anymore"
"and the coastal town we never found will never see a love as pure as it cause it fades into the gray of my day-old tea cause it will never be"
anti-hero: this song screams casey novak, do i need to elaborate?
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the archer: it's HER song. especially
"who could ever leave me darling, but who could stay"
i think alex is very confident when it comes to her job but her love life is a mess™ and at times she kinda gives up on love because she says she doesn't have the time but actually she's just scared. just listen to the song and think about alex and each line just makes sense
champagne problems: i think alex has commitment issues, and i think she's had previous relationships she ended because they were getting 'too serious'
long story short: this song is literally alex talking to casey after a night out and it's late, they don't have to work the next day and they're just hanging in their living room and she just talks and casey listens
"and i fell from the pedestal right down the rabit hole, long story short, it was a bad time, pushed from the precipice clung to the nearest lips, long story short, it was the wrong guy"
"no more keepin scores now i just keep you warm"
treacherous: oh no alex is falling in love with casey!! but she might just let if happen
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peace: they sing this song to each other, it's true!
"i never had the courage of my convictions as long as danger is near and it's just around the corner darling cause it lives in me, no, i could never give you peace"
"all these people think love's for show but i would die for you in secret "
"would it be enough if I can never give you peace?"
they become friends first.
both have traumas. both think no one could understand what they've been through. but they get the other like they've known her for ages, the trust each other and they do know what they've gone through. they're just there for each other and that's enough
sweet nothing: peace.
daylight: they're so in love and they sing this song to each other (tbh they sing every love song ever looking into each other's eyes they're down bad)
"threw out are cloaks and our daggers because it's morning now, it's brighter now "
i do think alex feels the need to scream this song because i'm a firm believer that casey fell first but alex fell harder
paris: literally them after making their relationship public, they don't care anymore about what people say they're just happy
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aquariumgirls · 1 year
i find the idea of chaotic menacing genius kids hilarious. the fucking Genius Built Superbabies™ are just. so much. their iqs combined breach 250 and the autism level is off the charts. they have plans for world domination only stopped by their wonderful saint of an aunt (raph) who is so, so tired and constantly trying to get mikey leo and april to STOP ENABLING THEM PLEASE,,,,anyways. theyve tried to eat computer parts as babies. they speak 8 languages each, and are impressively fluent in japanese, indonesian, spanish and even have their own conlang. (conglang? idr how 2 spell it.)
idk i just find genius kids so sillay like wdym youre 5 and smarter than me....the audacity...also kids saying shit like "i wove quantum physics :3" or "im going to wule da world w an iwon fist :]" is hilarious. im imagining catbugs voice when i type that btw. ily catbug sorey i got distacted ANYWAYS. absolute terrors. but they are soooo niceys as well bc imo kendra stops doing The Villain Thing after the kraang and donnie is so sweet and niceys under the layers of Mysterious Aloof Bad Boy Image™ and dry humor. sorey im insane im that person who reads kidfics and sobs like a baby because of Maternal Feelings despite having no kids and bekng a teenagwr
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devizakura · 1 year
Do you have a ship song for dariya x Kazuha?
Actually yes, and it's an original one too!
Also, I have a Dariya playlist ordered chronologically that covers all her Canon Events™ (is that how the cool kids say it these days?), some of which pertain to the ship in one way or another.
1. Numb little bug - represents the starting point of Dasha's arc. Having lost her beloved mother and stuck in an abusive Snezhnayan household, she's grown numb and is slowly slipping into depression.
2. Could have been me - this is THE Dasha song. Her "I want" anthem. She yearns to not feel numb. To not be stuck in her horrible situation. To be alive and feel as such. And after receiving a Vision granted by that one last glimmer of hope inside her, she takes matters into her own hands and leaves, promising herself to only stop once she finds her place. Unlike most other songs which would need to be changed a little or are more symbolically representative, this one can be taken word by word.
3. La Seine - this is the one song that is ENTIRELY symbolic. It just fits her vibe and represents her stopping by Fontaine for a bit.
4. Téir abhaile 'riú - this song represents the period between Fontaine and meeting Kazuha on Liyuean waters. It's an internal battle between her curiosity and will towards a better life and those inner voices (whom I always envision as dark scribbled lines behind her, sometimes taking somewhat humanoid shapes and grabbing, pulling on her, not letting her go) taunting her, saying "go home, you'll never find your place elsewhere". I like to imagine her strutting the wilderness and then Liyue harbor to the first two verses, then arriving by the shore and joyfully sprinting on water (an ability she has) as far as she can in the instrumental break between verse 2 and 3, only to be struck by lighting and rescued by Beidou by the end of that break. 4th verse specifically has me envision her sitting in the ship's recovery bed with Kazuha by her side, and suddenly the voices are no longer mean, their representation no longer dark and tangled, but turning into a glowing line flowing around them. She's found her home.
5. World's Smallest Violin - represents the recovery period during which Kazuha and Dasha have bonded by talking about their lives, both having a lot of trauma going on and yet both kind of undermining the importance of their own pain because "they've dealt with it" or "others have it worse". While the lyrics don't apply literally, I like to think Dasha sings the first verse while in the recovery room, telling Kazuha about her mom disappearing and presumably being dead, while Kazuha sings the second after having taken her to the crow's nest (after she's recovered enough to move), telling her about the burden of his family's broken legacy that he doesn't like to admit still weighs on him despite trying to be free, as well as the fact that despite being treated well on The Alcor, he can feel that he's still an outcast, no one understanding his eccentric ways, of course making light of it so Dasha doesn't feel bad for him. "Somewhere in the universe, somewhere someone's got it worse" is Dasha's line, while "wish that made it easier, wish I didn't feel the hurt" is Kazuha's (boy acts like "it's all in the past" but if the previous summer event is anything to go by, for a long time he very much represses those emotions rather than process them). The last chorus, if it were an animation, presents a reimagined scene of the time Dasha sees Kazuha drinking. The pause shows Dasha's "heart drop" moment, then as the music picks up the pace, she's running off, pushing past people in a daze, but Kazuha notices and runs after her to make sure she's okay. The last beat has her turn around after he's grabbed her hand, and that leads to their deepest conversation yet, about Dasha's family's alcohol problem and how much it ended up affecting her.
6. La Da Dee - represents (mostly symbolically) both their early relationship and how they miss each other during their break after Kazuha's returned to Inazuma to help the resistance. The first verse represents Dasha's side more while the second represents Kazuha's.
7. Shooting Star - this song reflects the rest of their relationship after they're reunited. There have been bad times but now they're facing any challenge together and looking towards a bright future
Sorry for the word vomit, haha. Hope you enjoy all those!
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dodomingo · 8 months
15 Quastions! c:
Tagged by @sharkboypussy for ask game :o And I tag @dragonboypaws @red-jaw329 @tolbachik @kingfinfat @schr0dingus @the-timeline-owner to answer if they'd like, as well as any other followers or mutuals :o
(Answers and Blank question template under read more!)
1) Are you named after anyone? When I went by Zia, I actually had named myself after Zia from Bastion, but misremembered the pronunciation (mine - Zei uh like sigh/ Bastion - Zee uh like bee) But now I just go by Sydney, just pulled from my OC's name sdlkjf
2) When was the last time you cried? Basically anytime I listen to game OSTs 😭 Whether it's really strong orchestrated ones like Monster Hunter, or emotionally charged ones like Undertale (OG + Yellow), and any other Strong music to me sdfkjs (For specific examples, Roar of the Jungle Dragon, UTY Remedy+Retribution, Battle Against a True Hero, ORDER, Bazelgeuse theme(s), Ceadeus & Alatreon MH3U)
3) Do you have kids? Nope, maybe someday, but probably not
4) What sports have you played? I haven't played proper sports in probably a decade or two, outside of gym class genuinely don't think I've played sports since 4th grade But of just physical games, maybe ultimate frisbee back at the end of high school
5) Do you use sarcasm? I like to, but also try not to, since my sarcasm gets pretty negative, even for sarcasm's sake >_>
6) First thing you notice about someone? Not sure.... maybe voice, or
7) Eye color? Hazel! Genuinely could not remember so had to look at my license >_>
8) Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings, there's already enough scary things/bad endings out there
9) Any talents? I'm above average at video games c: And also have an avg. typing speed of 80-100wpm (Typeracer says 120WPM but I feel that's different from casual typing speed I think sdlfkj)
10) Where were you born? Da "Gateway to the West" City™
11) Hobbies? Video games and singing........ and, that's about it
12) Any pets? A pit-lab mix iirc and two cats!!
13) Height? 5'6"-ish, whatever Average height is basically sldkfjsd
14) Favorite school subject? Hmmmmmm it changed a lot for me, but over the years it was Reading, History, and Math I really loved writing, and was always complimented on my essay and other writing skills way back when sdlkfjsd History was a really fun subject, and one of my favorite teachers I ever had did history (and then Science the next two years I ended up having her for) And like the logic and puzzle-solving of math, but I also had the WORST teacher for most of my advanced math-learning years 😩
15) Dream job? Voice acting I think.......... It was a huge childhood dream of mine to get into voice acting, but didn't have many connections or knowledge on how to go about it 😔
(And here's the questions without my answers below them for ones who need copy-paste c:) 1) Are you named after anyone?
2) When was the last time you cried?
3) Do you have kids?
4) What sports have you played?
5) Do you use sarcasm?
6) First thing you notice about someone?
7) Eye color?
8) Scary movies or happy endings?
9) Any talents?
10) Where were you born?
11) Hobbies?
12) Any pets?
13) Height?
14) Favorite school subject?
15) Dream job?
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gaymer-hag-stan · 1 year
Thoughts on the Semi Final 1 rehearsals roundup
1. Norway 🇳🇴 - I like the staging more than her national finals but I don't like the outfit, at all. I also think she looks so much prettier with her hair down and I also don't like her serious™ vibe as much. She looked so much happier and energetic in her national final. Her vocals are very much on point though and although it may feel like I'm going at her too hard, I still very much like Queen of Kings, I just feel like any momentum she has when she won her national final is slowly dying down.
2. Malta 🇲🇹 - I genuinely really like this song and I don't know why most of Europe seems to not?? They are really fun and energetic on stage and I feel like their staging is also very good so I hope they get a miracle qualification. This would be a sure qualifier if it was on semi 2, which is such a shame. I'm so mad I can't vote for this semi to attempt to save them 🤣
3. Serbia 🇷🇸 - Nothing more to add to my original critic. He's very much bringing it.
4. Latvia 🇱🇻 - I like that, I feel like they have a lot of energy for such a "static" song but it doesn't come off weird or out place. I don't think they'll make it but I still appreciate their efforts.
5. Portugal 🇵🇹 - Okay, I wasn't as convinced as some of y'all were about Mimicat. I like the song, it's an okay song, nothing groundbreaking, but I wasn't sold on her performances, either in Festival da Cançao (am I spelling this right?) or the preparties. Well now I am 😂 she really is shining on that stage. Definitely my biggest surprise and now I feel like she's definitely going through to the Final!
6. Ireland 🇮🇪 - I mean it's okay. I like the song and there is some effort being put on the staging but yeah I think Ireland is officially going for the longest streak of non qualifications, if they haven't already owned that shit lol. I do need to talk about that golden catsuit that's giving us a lot of bulge and chest and arms and ass. Why 😂 normally I wouldn't complain... If it was worn for a different performance. I don't see sexiness fitting in a song about unity and acceptance 🤣 I mean ok maybe he's not doing it on purpose, he just has a nice body but then maybe not wear an outfit so tight, I mean literally everybody was talking about his dick after the first pics and the snippet dropped the other day, he must have seen those comments 🤣
7. Croatia 🇭🇷 - Okay, they sound a lot better than previous performances and they look outrageous. That's it. They're definitely going through but I feel like they might tank a bit more than people expect in the final. Still, they know how to put on a damn show
8. Switzerland 🇨🇭 - I like the song and I think it'll pass but I can't help but feel it's taking up a spot in the finals (Malta'sspecifically) it's not a bad song obviously but it's not super exciting either. I do appreciate Switzerland staging their ballad better this year after last year's disaster! This is what I mean "taking up space" and I feel like Switzerland is about to do it again after taking Albania out of the final last year only to get ZERO televote points in the end. Although last year it was the juries' fault so if it happens again this year then it will be your fault 🤣
9. Israel 🇮🇱 - I feel like Noa might end up doing even better than expected in the final. She is of course definitely qualifying. There's way too much kicking in the dance break so at first glance it looks a bit overdone but the more I think about it, if she's supposed to be a unicorn then Kung Fu horse-kicking kind of fits 🤣 overall, I'm not sure if this will be a Chanel level dance break, but she manages to "fix" her song's worst part. The song itself is extremely weak, both music and lyrics-wise, but she makes it work. She's easily the most gorgeous contestant this year, along with Brunette but she's not just a pretty face, she has charisma and stage presence and, unlike Alessandra, I actually enjoy her looking angry and fierce on stage, it somehow works better. The Unicorn hand sign is still cringe cringe though, this is the one part of her choreography that looks juvenile so far.
10. Moldova 🇲🇩 - Pasha knows how to work a stage alright! And they've done a great staging overall this year too. The costumes in particular are amazing. The pagan vibes are possibly even stronger than Fulenn's last year (I will never forget it's massacre!) but the staging, admittedly, looks a lot more cohesive, even with a lot more outrageous stuff going on on stage.
11. Sweden 🇸🇪 - Okaaay... I'm gonna say something I've been feeling ever since Melodifestivalen and have now confirmed with the new setup. Loreen's staging is goofy as fuck. She looks amazing herself, but the whole led sandwich thing is very goofy and now that it's smaller it looks even worse and her choreography of basically just flexing her nails north, south, east and west is... Goofy 🤣 I've seen a lot of people saying that the song itself is nothing special and that it only works thanks to the staging but tell me honestly, would that staging work if it wasn't Loreen? Would it get as much hype? Would it be projected to win the whole thing? I think not. She's obviously still gonna do well but, honestly, I'm not so sure about a win anymore.
12. Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 - They look so wholesome so it's hard for me to say anything bad about them but this staging is so lazy. I hope they at least have fun performing.
13. Czechia 🇨🇿 - I've been through a whole JOURNEY with Czechia this year. When it was first announced at their finals I was like yeah no. But in the last few months of listening to the song I absolutely fell in love with it. Then I got a bit scared by their previous rehearsal previews because I felt like it looked too simplistic but the GIRLS HAVE BROUGHT ITT. Theirs was the most satisfying to watch out of my favourites' because they just reassured me that they're gonna slay.
14. Netherlands 🇳🇱 - No girlies this is boring. Sorry. I appreciate that they're also trying to make their ballad feel less static and more interesting on stage with the spinning platform and all, but I feel like their vocals are not that great. They sound a bit like that song wasn't tailored to their own vocal capabilities and now they're trying to play catch up with whoever was supposed to sing it. I also thought their solo camera angles were off? Like Dion's closeup is much further than Mia's who's literally right in front of the camera and not centered properly too like 😬 I really like their outfits though, Mia's in particular. A few bonus points for that, but I don't think they'll make it. If only one of the slow songs is going in then I think Remo Forrer has both them and Sudden Lights outmatched.
15. Finland 🇫🇮 - I mean yeah, that still looks great. The box, Käärijä's performance, even the dances, for those few seconds we saw them when they burst out of their box had those perfectly crazy expressions. Europe is gonna eat him up, and I don't think this is just internet hype, which happens very often; some acts are hyped to death online and then they flop because their apparent fans never bothered to vote. This is not the case here. He's a showman.
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hime-memes · 2 years
                         • Into The Spider Verse Soundtrack Starters • 
I was re-watching this movie the other night & remembered how good the soundtrack was. Here we are today, with a set of lyric starters ! Enjoy ! 
                   - Click the Song Titles to be redirected to a youtube™ video of them. –       As always: These have been modified for cohesive and sensical use for the general RPC. Feel free to change anything within these that you see fit to make it work for the receiver’s muse !     Recommended For: Any Muses/Plots/Timelines.
Trigger Warnings For: Violence & some mild language
‘ Elevate ‘ “ I had to get out all alone. “  " I’ll figure it out on my own. “ “ I know what I really want now. “ “ ... And now I see clear in HD ! “ “ I ain't got time to waste. “ “ They wanna fight ? I'm just gon' let 'em hate. “ “ You better choose a side -- ! “ “ You gotta choose a side ! “  “ You better do what's right, or you’re gonna lose the fight ! “ “ This is my arena ! “ “ I'm the black widow with a bad stinger -- “  “ I'll make you scream like a bad singer. “ “ I'm everything that you wanna be, plus more ! “ “ ... Since there's no heroes anymore ... “ “ Who’s the bad man that a man gotta bash on ? “ “ They will slander me -- I just plan to be somethin' powerful for my family. “ “ I tried to balance life and my sanity. “ “ How can I possibly act right ? “ “ I know you heard 'bout my last fight ! “ “ ‘ Cause I win, over and over again ! “ “ Fightin' my demons; I'm nice for a reason. “ “ My strength and my honor is trusted by children. “ “ I'm ready and willing to fight all these villains ... “ “ No chaos or killings -- my style is so brilliant ! “  “ I may have lost the battle, but I will not lose the war ! “  “ And, I did everything that I did on my own. “ “ Better talk to me nice; better watch your tone ! “  ‘ Way Up ‘ “ I went from boy to a man. “  “ My opposition had to stand down. “ “ ... And I had to make a perfect plan. “ “ I had to fight for the city. “ “ I had to fight for the people ! “ “ You gotta do what all leaders do ... “ “ Everyone here ? We believe in you ! “ “ We know you can be a hero, 'cause we’ve seen you do it ! “ “ Now, there's no villains allowed. “ “ The competition was lethal ! “ “ Honestly, it's no biggie. “ “ I had to do what all leaders do. “ ‘ Familia ‘ “ Father, father, unforgivable -- “ “ This is my house; you made it personal. “ “ It's always trouble when they go too far -- “ “ Nobody mention my familia. “ “ Father, father, could you bless his soul ? “ “ He’s talking crazy, I may lose control ! “ “ La lealtad vale más que el dinero ! “ // “ Loyalty is worth more than money ! “  “ Y yo me vo' a morir leal y nunca como un traicionero ... “ // “ And I'm going to die loyal and never as a treacherous ... “ “ Yo hasta doy la vida por mi familia ! “ // “ I’ll even give my life for my family ! “ “ ... Y que en paz descansen los que se mueren de envidia ... “ // “ ... And may those who die of envy, rest in peace ... “ “ Y en la familia no se falla, pero si te traicionan ... “ // “ and in the family you don't fail, but if they betray you ... “ “ No les das la espalda, tú lo ayuda' y perdona'. “ // “ You don't turn your back on them, you help him, ' and forgive '. “ La familia primero. ” // “ Family First. “ “ No lo compra el dinero ! “ // “ Money don't buy it ! “ “ Real hasta la muerte -- ! “ // “ Real until death ! “ “ Yo nunca vo' a traicionarte ... “ // “ I will never betray you ... “ “ Y si tú te cae yo mismo vo' a levantarte. “ // “ And if you fall ? I myself will get up ... “ ” Nobody pop off; nobody get murked ! “ “ Nobody scream, it'll prolly get worse ... “ “ Now I'm the curse -- this is my terse. “ “ Before I kill 'em, Imma torture them first ! “ " You about to need a prayer from a preacher. “ “ Eye of the tiger, faster than a cheetah -- ! “ “ Hop out the spider, then it's hasta la vista ! “ “ Now you’re a dead man for real. “ ‘ Hide ‘ ” Need a drink ? “ “ Really think I found my home -- Shorty make me feel at home. “ “ She made me leave the thrills at home & I'm fine with it ... “ “ She really made me lose control. “ “ Imma let my love unfold. “ “ We're just two lost souls, but we're fine with it. “ “ There's love at my front door ... short notice ! “ “ You're not like the same girls, I notice. “ “ Think I met my soul mate, and yeah -- I know it. “  “ When it gets dark outside; In you I confide. “ “ You help me face my demons. “ “ I won't hide ... “ “ Girls like you are hard to find ! “  “ I hope you don't mind, If I give you the time of your life ! “  “ Life is not the same -- “ “ Now that you're here ? I want nothing to change ! “  “ You pick me up when I'm down, look - I need you around. “ “ You’ve seen me through my darkest times ... “ “ You brought meaning to my life ! “ “ All because of you, I do right. “ “ Because of you, I have a purpose ! “ “ I fight for the world, because you're worth it. “ ‘ Scared of the Dark ‘ ” I'm not scared of the dark. “ “ No, I'm not afraid of the fall ... “ “ I'm not scared, not at all !  “  “ Why would a star ever be afraid of the dark ? “  “ I ain't never scared & I ain't never horrified. “ “ I just looked down at my Rolex, it said it's the darkest times. “ “ I ain't never terrified, I ain't never petrified. “  “ You know I see dead people, I just tell 'em, ‘ Get a life ‘ ! " “ Let me testify. “ “ I have never testified. “ “  I'm married to my pride. “  “ I got eyes like marbles; if I cry -- they sparkle ! “ “ You know I can read your mind like I'm the author. “ “ Take a deep sigh, it’s a sayōnara, I ain't afraid to die ... “ ” Okay, put my heart to the side. “ “ In my feelings, hey - let's ride. “ “ ‘ That’s my baby ! ‘, Boy, you crazy ! “  “ If only you count the tears I've cried ... “ “ A million times, I swear I've died ! “ “ I'm trying, but it's still not right -- “ ‘ Memories ‘ “ My memories came back in the form of someone else. “ “ I know this feelin', yes, I know this very well ! “  “ Why won't you love me now ? “ “ It's gon' take some gettin' used to. “ “ You feel the pain when it hits you. “ “ Don't you ever let them fool you ! “ “ ' Cause I know, that you know, that it ain't true. “ “ I learned the hard way about trust ... about us. “ “ We're not so stable anymore. “ “ What's left if I give you my all ? “ “ You stepped over me like a sidewalk. “ “ That's your loss ! “  “ You self-destruct and I watch. “ “ I can't deal with ya. “ “ I finally had enough. “
‘ Home ‘ “ I'm at war with their enforcement. “ “ Tryna fight for what's right and got sidetracked ... “ “ Where is your mind at ? ... ( Never mind that ! ) “  “ I stay with my brethren & pay for protection. “ “ I'm doing what's right and not askin' no questions. “ " I'm ready and waitin' for my day of salvation. “ “ I’m right where I belong now. “ “ They're looking for saviors. “ “ I'm looking for safety. “ “ I'm never gon' beg or plead. “ “ Say it out loud: Are you ready for war ? “ ‘ Start a Riot ‘ ” Who in here tryna start a riot ? “ “ That ain't no flyin' saucer ... “ “ You better just fix your posture ! “ “ And every hero needs his theme song, so -- “ “ You ain't got a chance, boy ... “ “ I thrown in everything but the kitchen sink ! “ “ I try to be friendly in the neighborhood. “ “ ... And here you come, all bargin' in ! “ “ ... All ugly like a brown fur cardigan ... “  “ I'm comin' through with my crew to make 'em pay ! “  “ I don't need no super suit, I'm feelin' brave ! “  “ Don't be a hero -- turn around & walk away ... “  “ Every day is like a sticky situation, when evil's lookin' for a chance ... “   “ We got the power in our hands ! “  ‘ Invincible ‘ “ I wanna feel like I can't come down ! “  “ I got a dream so I can't stop now. “  “ I gotta stop feeling invisible -- and start feeling invincible ! “  “ The hardest thing is believing in your dreams ... “  “ I feel like a stranger to myself, and sometimes that feels dangerous. “ “ ... But, I'll bet you'll see me for who I truly am. “  “ Some days I look in mirrors, and I wonder who's that man ... “  ” When your fear's near, you don't wanna get closer ! “  ‘ Let Go ‘  ” Sometimes I don't really know myself. “ “ Devil’s on my back, pray for me -- I need help. “ “ An angel’s in the front tryna guide my steps. “  “ Who do you call when you need some help ? “ “ Who do you call when you by yourself ? “ “ Who do you call when you feel down low ? “ “ I just wanna scream -- I just wanna explode ! “  “ I got a devil on my left & a angel on my right. “ “ I'm just tryna live my life; You know I'm just hangin' in the fight. “  “ Violence in the streets: I just wanna calm the beast ! “  “ All these problems I'm just fightin' with myself are enemies. “  “ I'm looking for my happiness now. “ ‘ Sunflower ‘ ” Needless to say; I keep her in check ! “  “ Callin' it quits now ? Baby, I'm a wreck ... “  “ Crash at my place -- Baby, you're a wreck. “ “ Someone took a big ‘ L ‘; Don't know how that felt ! “  “ Lookin' at you sideways, party on tilt ... “  “ Some things you just can't refuse. “ “ She wanna ride me like a cruise & I'm not tryna lose ! “ “ ... Then, you're left in the dust. “  “ I think your love would be too much. “  “ You don't make it easy -- no. “ “ Wish I could be there for you ! “  “ Every time I'm walkin' out, I can hear you tellin' me to turn around ... “ “ Fightin' for my trust & you won't back down ... “ “ Even if we gotta risk it all right now ? “ “ I know you're scared of the unknown & you don't wanna be alone ... “ “ I know I always come and go ... but, it's out of my control. “ ‘ What’s Up Danger ‘ ” Two-thousand surroundin' us. “  “ You’d travel two-thousand kilometers to hang out with us ?! “  “ What's up, danger ? “ “ Ayy, gettin' old; they doubted us ! ( Makes it that more marvelous. ) “ “' Cause I like high chances that I might lose. “ “ I'm insane, but on my toes -- I could keep the world balanced on my nose. “ “ I had a slumber party wit' all my foes. “  “ Now, I wear 'em like a badge of honor on all my clothes. “ “ If I'm crazy, I'm on my own. “ “ If I'm waitin', it's on my throne. “ “ If I sound lazy; just ignore my tone ! “ “ Mama was always askin', ‘ Where did I go wrong ’ ?! " “ I like it when trouble brews, I won't dare change ! “ “ I like it when there's turbulence on my airplanes. “  “ I like it when I sense things that I can't see yet ... “ ‘ Save the Day ‘ “ I pull up and save the day. “  “ How could I forget ? “  “ It takes some courage to bet. “ “ That must be why you’re in debt. “ “ You take the bait and get caught in the net ! “  “ Evil will never prevail, suckers ! “  “ What is real will never fail to prosper. “ “ All of these people sayin' that they want the treasure ? “ “ Careful of the wishes you make up on your blessings. “ “ Because the devil in you is plottin' against you ... “ “ ... And you'll find that your worst enemy is within you. “ “ It's me & my friends & I know that they got me ! “ “ Got no fear in my heart 'cause I know that I'm brave. “ “ Never gave up, kept my head in the game ! “ “ If you ever get lost, then I'll come back and find you ! “ “ On a bad day, a villain can't defeat me -- “ “ Everybody gotta fear when there's combat. “
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